#got this from the crk wiki
mikurulucky · 8 months
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Here. Have a sleepy Cotton Cookie uwu
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raetreaderarts · 1 year
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I’m sorry his smile is just SO adorable, I LOVE old men with awkward smiles.
[reference pictures under read more]
LOOK at how CUTE HE IS!!!! I will never get enough of him I SWEAR. I got these from his crk wiki gallery, I HIGHLY recommend you check it out cause there is SO MUCH art of him and Walnut just being a father and daughter, it’s absolutely heartwarming. Okay I’ve rambled long enough so I’ll end it here.
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mushroom-madness · 1 year
🍄 Round 1: Match 27 🍄
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🍄 Vote for your Favorite Fungi! 🍄
Descriptions Below ⬇️
Poison Mushroom Cookie
“Silly little creature. Canonically uses they/them pronouns which is so based of them. Very squishable. 10/10 do not eat them” - Submission 9
“- canonically non-binary
- high off their own mushrooms (or, as they call them, their "shroomies")
- look at the photo of them that i provided!!! they look so happy 🤗
- they were part of the band that the main villains of the game formed for the bts crossover (that story's a bit too long to bother relaying here though)
- they're the only character in older-but-less-popular other game in the series cookie run ovenbreak to have legitimate voiced dialogue and not just sound effects (in crob, not crk)
- as someone who has been in the cookie run hellhole almost nonstop since september 2021, i feel obligated to add someone from there here.” - Submission 82
“Theyre such a silly lil guy!!! Just dont eat the mushrooms they give you theyre poisonous BUT THEYRE SO CUTE!! Just wants to make friends. Added bonus that theyre one of a handful of canonically enby characters/user of they/them pronouns in the game, but im also at least 90% sure that theyre autism coded bc they dont really get social cues. Love them. Theyre just a cute lil mushroom-lookin guy!!” - Submission 158
Cookie Run: Kingdom Wiki
Cookie Run Ovenbreak Wiki
“He's a little guy, he's lost, he's got a leaf to glide with, what more does one need for true love?” - Submission 211
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No Wiki Available
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starkid256 · 10 months
can i rant about how bad 2023 is for me rq?
ok so in the first couple of months of 2023 i was doing great. new year new me amiright. i was chillin on the crk wiki n shit and i wasnt doing very well in school but what can you do the us education system is flawed and nothing can fix it. i made a contest for people to draw strawberry crepe cuz that was the rage and all. once the deadline hit, i was ready to make the prizes.
i hit the biggest fucking roadblock in my life.
i just got hit with the worst burnout and depression i have ever had in my life. it took 11-12 days to write something with 1k words. this depression is still there. it pains me to even attempt to draw or write or anything. whatever, depression like this is very common. eventually, i moved on from the crk wiki and went to comic studio.
oh. comic studio. where do i begin?
to start off, if you dont already know, comic studio is a website to share comics. shocker i know. i met some friends on here from there. some of my moots i met from cs. and yet, it was the worst thing that ever happened to me. there was drama left and right, mainly centering some specific sensitive users that ive blocked on here, there were people sending death threats and threatening to kill themselves every day. and i desperately told them that their lives had value. all of this drama and suicide baiting was absolutely murdering my mental health in cold blood, so when i broke my kindle screen, i had an episode where i nearly killed myself. no one saw. not anyone irl, not anyone online except for a friend who didnt take it seriously. i didnt really draw too much attention to it anyways. btw, all of this was happening while my dad ran off with my now stepmom and was dumb enough to put himself into a mentally abusive relationship. my mom, who i live with, hates those two so much. also my stepmom is queerphobic and has internalized conservativity.
i got tumblr as soon as i got my first phone, near the start of june. i love tumblr with all my heart, but it fucking murders your mental health nearly just as bad as cs. i mean, what do you expect from a website that makes you think that all the problems of the world are your fault? i have met great people here, but it still fucking sucks.
the real nail in the coffin was when a user on comic studio (who i have now blocked on tumblr) made a half baked shitty "callout post" on me. i will say, i did do something wrong that i apologized for afterwards, but everything else was past drama that they brought up even though i had already apologized for all of it. i apologized, and decided that i should leave comic studio. and so i did. keep in mind that all of this has been happening while my main family (which means excluding my dad and step mom) lives paycheck to paycheck.
now flash forward to the present. im on my phone for 14 hours a day on average laying on the couch scrolling through tumblr and watching youtube and playing roblox wishing i was dead. i have no one to blame for this behavior but myself. i would hope that the rest of 2023 is ok, but i already know i will have a horrible rest of the year. yeah this was a rly big rant. ily guys and i hope your 2023 was better than mine.
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sound-traveller · 8 months
HI SNOWY!!! I literally saw one of your posts gaining traction and rbed it so I could come say hi to you!!! I hope you're doing okay!! 🫂💖✨️ (also you're so good at writing imagines/positivity posts??? 🥹✨️✨️✨️)
I came to send you some f/o ask game stuff too, hehe!!! How about 🎁, 📸 and 🔎 for your Cookie f/os - or just anyone ya want!!
( @verykissablepixels )
oh god im so sorry this got buried in notifs but hihihi reffie!! feel free to come into my askbox or dms whenever you like :3
I DIDNT THINK TJAT WOULD EVEN BREAK DOUBLE DIGITS I DIDNT KNOW SO MANY PEOPLE WOULD FINDIT byt tytytyty!!! ill write more stuff sometimes since ppl like it a lot
ANYWAYS!! COOKIE F/O STUFF COMING RIGHT UP!!! >w< doing the detective and the thief as a treat bc i can't choose between them rn
Almond- gave me Junior Sleuth Ted as a gift!! he also helped me make my detective outfit :3
Roguefort- they once left a jewel at my house that was probably stolen from some poor rich guy. it was really nice of them! but dad insisted that we give it back to whoever it came from anyways
Almond- I have a couple of teddy bears that remind me of both him and my assistant!! I actually don't have a lot of items related to him but i will sometimes wear my jackets as a cape to copy him if that means anything
Roguefort- There's a jar of shiny rocks and gems that I have in my room! I like shiny things like them... of course it's not as refined as jewelry or anything but maybe they'll have some interest in it!
i found this on almond's crk wiki page and lost it (perfect for this since it has the both of them in it!!)
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roguefort is a little rat and they 100% would have probably done this at one pointsHBJSNDKDJD
poor dad... they probably have debates over who would be a more suitable parent (or if the thief is even a suitable parent in the first place)
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polyboros · 3 years
i dont know the cookie runs but i went on the wiki and randomized it to give u guys to talk about, so: purple yam cookie, strawberry cookie, soda cookie, melon bun cookie? if you have thoughts abt any of those !!
for the other guys i don't know them very well but i do love them (esp soda cookie my beloved surfer guy soda cookie) BUT STRAWBERRY COOKIE'S REALLY BELOVED. all the crk protags besides chili pepper are definitely teens-age to me (besides custard cookie iii who is like eight at MOST). she makes a wish every time the clock hits 11:11 and she gets sad when she misses it. wizard cookie makes weed jokes all the fucking time because he tries to be cool but he's like 13 and strawberry is in a CONSTANT state of either giggling or side-eying him with no small measure of second-hand embarrassment. usually the latter. i think she's only recently realized she likes girls a lot and while chili pepper is not the worst lesbian role model a 14 yr old could have she is DEFINITELY not the best. but what is being gay if not (checks hand) learning how to steal shit and get out of handcuffs. she's still learning how to love herself and put herself out there a little more but i think she's also learning how to be content with being comfortable fading into the background. the fact that she's a defense cookie--she loves her friends! a lot i think. and wants to see them safe. i was very very glad when i got enough cookies to remove her from the party though; kids should be kids and not fighting cakehounds
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