#got7 professor!au
missgineaus · 2 years
markson au where mark accidentally sits in one of jackson's classes and jackson mistakes him as a student but mark is actually the head of a department lmao
but picture this prof tuan sitting in prof wang's class:
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original twitter post | originally posted 29 march 2019
9 notes · View notes
k-femdove · 2 years
『Masterlist !』
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key:: 🪐 = smut, 🌥️ = fluff, 🌒 = angst 
Mark Lee
Welcome to Miami Series 🌥️| Ongoing | pt 1
Mark Lee’s your new roommate. You guys party. Feelings develop.
Huang Renjun
First love series 🌥️ | Ongoing | prologue, day 1
Soulmate au but it’s first loves instead. You know who your first love will be, but he doesn’t.
Qian Kun
Teach Me 🪐 | First in the university series?
TA Kun comes to your house to tutor you. slight omegaverse
Lee Taeyong
Ruin Me 🪐 | second in the uni series
Seducing your professor Taeyong in his office
Han Jisung
Detention 🪐
You’re stuck in detention with Jisung. You can guess what happens next.
Park Jinyoung
Something New 🪐
Pegging Jinyoung out the window
23 notes · View notes
inyournightmares97 · 6 years
The Passionate Discourse
Part of the Thirsty Days of September series, a collaboration with @ijustwantacue. Find her version here!
A difference of opinion leads to a healthy debate between you and the sexy Professor Mark Tuan… and just maybe, a little something more.
Word Count: 7k+
Warnings: A little steamy but no smut, also some strong opinions on feminism and other sensitive subjects. The opinions stated by the reader or Mark are not necessarily my own so don’t attack me for them, I just took up two extreme viewpoints. 
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This was possibly the most pathetic excuse for a party you’d ever seen.
Then again, your mother had organized the whole event and a large majority of the invitees were busybody women in their late fifties from her new book club. You had been worried that your mother would be sad and lonely after her recent divorce, but she had taken on life as a single woman with fresh vigor by joining a new book club and becoming quite popular among the elderly and retired in your community. You’d never seen her pick up a single book throughout your childhood yet now she met up every Saturday with a group of similarly lonely women to discuss the likes of Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte.
Oh, well. As long as she was happy you had nothing to complain about. You wished that she wouldn’t invite her friends over here on weekends and pressure you to serve them tea and buy those cute little finger foods while they told you that you looked exactly like your mother and commented on how you were still unmarried.
It was demeaning, really. You were a fully-grown adult woman and you didn’t need to be subjected to this infantile treatment.
“Darling!” your mother came over to you and grasped your arm firmly as she pulled you aside. You had been trying half-heartedly to explain to a group of older women what you did for a living. With their dangerously limited knowledge they had somehow wrongly concluded that you were a doctor and you didn’t care quite enough to correct them. You were rescued from hearing about Mrs. Lee’s backache when your mother pulled you away. “Darling, I must have a word with you. Do you remember I mentioned Mrs. Tuan the other day?”
You blinked. “You might have. I can’t remember.”
“Well, she is one of my very dearest friends,” you mother explained, although it was much more likely that they’d just met a few times at the book club. “She’ll be coming down here to join the party and she messaged me to let me know that her son is dropping her off. Now I know that you don’t really like me to recommend you to my friend’s sons because it hasn’t gone very well in the past-“
You glared at your mother. “Not very well? The last man had been divorced twice already and he was one of those!”
Your mother frowned. “One of those what?”
You folded your arms across your chest and hissed. “Those anti-vaccine movement supporters! He told me right to my face that he would never let his children get vaccinated because vaccines were a conspiracy created by the medical community to make money! Do you know insulting it is as a biomedical scientist to be told right to your face that your entire life’s research is a cheap scam? Was I supposed to date that disgusting man?”
Your mother sighed. “Yes, all right. I see how he wasn’t right for you. For your information, it’s very difficult to find men who can live up to your absurdly high intellectual standards. But Mrs. Tuan’s son is different. I think you might actually like him. He’s a Professor! Isn’t that exciting?”
“Not particularly.”
Your mother frowned and her grip on your arm tightened. She lowered her voice to make sure that nobody else at the party was listening to you. “Now listen. You’re not getting any younger and it’s hard for women like you who are so constantly focused on their careers to find men willing to put up with them. Mark Tuan is a perfectly lovely man. He’s never been married or divorced, he’s a Professor at a rather prestigious university and judging by the summer holiday pictures that his mother showed me last week, he’s also extremely handsome. At least give him a chance?”
You sighed. “Yes, fine.”
“Thank you, darling. I knew you wouldn’t disappoint your mother. It’s been so lonely since the divorce, you know, and I at least want you to find some happiness and not end up like me.”
You resisted the urge to roll your eyes. Reading too much Jane Austen was turning your mother into one of those typical, overdramatic mothers from the Regency era whose sole aim in life was to marry off her daughters. You opened your mouth to tell her that maybe she should remember what century she was in, when the doorbell suddenly rang. Your mother jumped up with an enormous smile on her face.
“That must be Mrs. Tuan! Come with me, darling, let’s go greet them together….”
You followed your mother to the door reluctantly. It was indeed Mrs. Tuan; you smiled and greeted the older woman pleasantly before allowing your gaze to turn to her son standing just a little bit behind her. You froze for a moment while you looked at the man.
Well, well, well. Mark Tuan was handsome indeed.
Your heart did a little leap when he smiled at you, his gorgeous lips spreading into a rather boyish but still extremely attractive smile. Mark was wearing a dark blazer and the round spectacles on his face made him look intelligent and mature despite his young age. Your mouth went dry as he held out a hand to you. His handshake was firm and his skin warm. You couldn’t help but look down at the large hand grasping yours. You’d always liked a man’s hands. Mark’s were smooth yet strong.
“Mark Tuan,” he introduced himself in a soft and deep voice. You looked up into a pair of chocolate brown eyes that seemed innocent, yet briefly flickered up and down your body as they drank you in. You forgot how to speak for a moment so your mother grasped your arm and smiled for you.
“It’s such a pleasure to meet you, Mark. Won’t you come in and join us?”
Mark hesitated and as he exchanged glances with you, you saw a mild hint of panic in his eyes. He clearly didn’t want to be trapped into discussing Wuthering Heights with his mother’s friends. You decided in that split instant that you were rather attracted to this Mark person and that if you were going to be stuck at this stupid party anyway, you would much rather be stuck with him.
“Actually, I had just come to drop my Mother off. I wasn’t planning to stay-“
You gave him one of your most welcoming smiles. Mark was surely handsome, but you knew how to handle yourself around handsome men. “But you must come in for at least one cup of tea! The book club meeting doesn’t start for another twenty minutes and I’m sure that everyone would love to meet you in the meantime. We’ve heard so much about you, Professor Tuan.”
Mark blinked at you in surprise. “Well, um-“
“Come dear, have some tea with us!” his mother insisted, grabbing him by the arm and pulling him inside. You noticed that both of your mothers exchanged a rather mischievous glance and realized that they had probably been planning this for a long time. Honestly; were they running a book club or a matchmaking ring for their children? Either way, the longer you looked at Mark, the more you decided that perhaps your mother hadn’t made such a terrible choice after all.
You followed them into the dining room where all the women almost literally pounced upon Mark at once. You had to admit that in that dark coat and with his naturally charming smile he looked like a hero straight out of a Jane Austen adaptation. You left the older women to badger him with questions and compliments while you slipped into the kitchen. For once, you weren’t the center of attention and the moment’s respite was a relief. You turned the coffee machine on and listened to the chattering drifting in from the dining room half-heartedly. If he survived the crowd of women and lived to tell the tale, you decided that you would give Mark a chance.
He was definitely a treat for the eyes, after all.
About fifteen minutes later, Mark entered the kitchen by himself. He was straightening his jacket and you noticed that he seemed a little bit flustered. He adjusted his glasses on his face and gave you a small, slightly embarrassed smile that made your knees feel weak. Damn. It should be criminal to have such a gorgeous smile.
“Hi,” he greeted you shyly.
You smiled at him. “Survived the wolves, did you?”
“Yes, they’re finally starting their book club discussion now,” Mark replied, shoving his hands into his pockets. You leaned back and noticed that despite being slender, he looked extremely athletic. The jacket buttons were certainly straining over his chest. He leaned against the counter. “I’m informed that it’s Sense and Sensibility they’re discussing today, although there seems to be very little of either to go around in that group.”
You giggled. He had an interesting way of speaking. Perhaps he taught Literature, or something along those lines. How interesting and poetic. You heard the coffee machine behind you ding and gestured towards it. “Can I offer you some coffee? They’re only serving tea out there today. Apparently it’s in keeping with the Jane Austen theme but neither I nor my mother have ever made tea so I’m sure it tasted disgusting.”
Mark grinned. “The little tea cakes were all right.”
“Oh, those were store-bought.”
“Good decision.”
You turned to grab mugs as you poured generous amount of coffee into them. It smelled heavenly and Mark stepped closer to you in order to peek at the delicious beverage. He pointed out your extremely fancy coffee-maker with a smile. “That looks like the sort of machine you would find in an actual coffee shop. A little bit much for a normal household, isn’t it?”
You shrugged as you added milk into the heavenly brew. It became a lovely dark color and you made a little white swirl on the top. “I love coffee. I bought it as a gift for my mother but I think we both know that it was really for me. Sugar?”
“Yes, please,” Mark replied eagerly. You turned to him and noticed that he still had that handsome, boyish smile on his face. He took the coffee mug that you offered him and took a small sip. You couldn’t help but watch as his tongue darted out to lick his lips gently. God, did this man have any idea how attractive he was? Mark noticed you staring at him and his mouth twisted into a small smirk but he said nothing. “This is delicious. Thank goodness I can finally get the taste of that tea out of my mouth.”
“You’re welcome,” you told him.
Mark nodded and took another sip of the coffee before placing the mug on the counter. He was still leaning against it with his arms folded across his chest and you noticed that his chocolate-colored eyes were looking you up and down gently. His gaze sent a shiver down your spine, even though his eyes didn’t linger at any one place for too long. Well. At least he knows how to keep it classy. You found yourself subconsciously straightening your shoulders so that your chest looked nicer.
“So,” Mark began casually. “Do you live here with your mother, then? I don’t see any other reason why you would spend your weekend doing something like this.”
“Unfortunately, yes. I moved back here after my mother’s divorce was finalized because I thought that she might be lonely. I had no idea that she’d suddenly developed a more active social life than my own,” you said with a small laugh. You leaned against the counter and smiled. “I don’t think I could get this many friends to come over to my house at once. I’m always working.”
Mark blinked. “Oh? And what do you do?”
“I’m a scientist. I specialize in biomedical research and I work for the Medical Research Council,” you explained. Mark’s eyes widened and you could tell from his expression that he was impressed. You gave him a small, teasing smirk “But before you ask, I’m not a doctor and no, I don’t know why you’ve been feeling a little warmer than usual these days. My best guess is either menopause or global warming.”
Mark nodded. “That’s very impressive. Don’t worry, I won’t ask you to diagnose my health problems. Although I wonder if there’s anything you can do about this one constant headache I’ve been suffering. It gets significantly worse when I’m in the same room as the women from my mother’s book club, you see…”
You could tell from the mischievous smile that spread across his face that he was joking. You laughed and rolled your eyes at him. Handsome, intelligent and funny. You wondered if this man could get any more perfect. This was the first time that you’d ever felt so attracted to someone that you were meeting for the first time and from the way Mark’s eyes never moved away from yours either, he was equally attracted to you. You bit your lip and smiled at him.
“So, Professor Mark. Let me guess what it is you teach,” you told him with a flirtatious smile.
Mark took a sip of his coffee and shrugged. “Go ahead.”
“Your comment about Sense and Sensibility was rather interesting. At first I thought you might teach something like literature, but then I realized that the comment was a little superficial. It’s not likely to come from somebody who’s actually read the book and knows that the title is referring to foolish young love and not gossiping old women. So I’m guess your field of study has nothing to do with Literature or Poetry or anything like that.”
“You’re partly right,” Mark told you with an amused smile. “I’m not a Literature professor but I have read Sense and Sensibility. So that leaves your conclusion accurate while your analysis is rather lacking.”
You tapped your cheek with a finger as you scanned him. What did this mysterious man teach? It was difficult to tell just by looking at his face. Mark merely pushed his glasses further up his nose and looked at you calmly while you stared at him. You finally snapped your fingers and pointed at him. “Okay. If you read something like Sense and Sensibility, then you must be a rather sensitive and romantic person. I’m getting some sort of artsy vibes from you. And you have a lovely voice. Do you by any chance teach some sort of music?”
Mark laughed his gorgeous laugh and shook his head. “No, you’re going in the wrong direction. Thank you for the compliment about my voice, though. I’ve never heard anyone say that before.”
You flushed. “It just has a rather nice, deep tone to it.”
Mark simply smirked. “Well, you’d better stop getting distracted by it because you’re losing whatever little game we’re playing. Music and Literature? Is that all you can think of?”
You frowned. “Give me a hint.”
He rubbed his chin thoughtfully for a moment. Then he smiled and straightened up a little bit. “Okay. But this is a pretty obvious hint. You know how I said earlier that I read Sense and Sensibility? Well, I did read it from an academic perspective. So make what you will with that.”
A little lightbulb went off in your head and you beamed. “Ah! History, then!”
“No, not History.”
Your lower lip jutted out into a small pout at the slightly triumphant expression on his face. You honestly couldn’t think of anything and you wondered what you could possibly be missing. You sighed and raised an eyebrow at Mark. “Why one earth would you read Sense and Sensibility from an academic perspective if you’re not looking either at the literature or at the historical aspect? What other angle could a Jane Austen novel about a pair of sisters looking for love possibly have?”
“Are you giving up that easily?” he teased as you felt your cheeks warm. You hadn’t intended to make yourself look like an idiot but Mark seemed extremely amused. “I thought scientists were always on an endless quest for answers about the universe?”
You rolled your eyes. “You’re definitely not a scientist if you believe that.”
Mark nodded. “That’s correct.”
“Well then, please tell me. What does the mysterious Mark Tuan actually teach and what academic angle could he possibly have found in a classic romance tale such as Sense and Sensibility? I’m just dying to know.”
“Let me give you a few more hints because you’re almost there,” Mark explained. “Sense and Sensibility was written by a woman. The main protagonists are all women and it talks about the lives of women. So therefore I must be studying….?”
You blinked at him. “Women?” you asked, confused. You stared at Mark for a few more moments until the puzzle clicked in your mind. “Wait… you can’t be referring to feminism?”
“Close enough. I teach Gender Studies.”
You couldn’t help it; a slightly derisive snort escaped your mouth. He couldn’t possibly be serious? You searched Mark’s dark eyes for any sign that he was joking and concluded that he looked perfectly serious. You had to cover your mouth in order to hold back the amused chuckle that was pushing past your lips. You had never heard anything more ridiculous in your life. Why on earth would a handsome, intelligent man like Mark Tuan choose to study something as frivolous as Gender Studies?
Mark raised an eyebrow. “Is something funny?”
“Yes!” you blurted out. You knew you were being extremely rude but you had never been one to hold back whatever you wanted to say. “I mean, why would you choose to become a Professor in something like Gender Studies? You can’t mean to say that you actually did a bachelor’s degree and then a masters and then a doctorate, all those years of study… on something as useless and commonplace as gender?”
The smile had dropped from Mark’s face. There was a slightly serious, more intense look in his eyes and his voice sounded a little hard. “I’m sensing some condescension in your tone.”
“You’re sensing right!”
“I take it you don’t approve, then.”
“It seems like a complete waste of time to me,” you replied with a challenging stare. “I mean, I’m assuming you talk about things like feminism and you argue over whether this gender is more oppressed or that gender is more oppressed or… oh wait! There’s no gender at all! It’s a social construct that has been imposed on us without any scientific backing, and the world is a better place because we’ve somehow all decided that. It’s a waste of time. It’s like arguing over whether jam tastes better on toast or butter. It doesn’t make the slightest bit of difference to anyone or really impact anything.”
Mark bit the inside of his cheek and looked down at you. You could see that his eyes had darkened and his arms coolly folded across his chest. “So if I’m hearing correctly, you think my field of study is… pointless? Or that arguing about feminism or gender-based discrimination is useless?”
You stared back at him, unblinking. “Isn’t it?”
“You don’t believe that women are oppressed?” he demanded.
You sighed and rubbed your temples. “Look. I agree that there are orthodox countries and parts of the world where women are locked up indoors and denied education and the basic freedom to move around and killed if they have sex before marriage. It’s terrible. It really is. I agree that social reformists are extremely important in places like that. But you’re not in one of those countries. Why on earth would educated and developed people like us still sit and whine about gender discrimination in the First World? We’re not locked up. We have access to resources. Everybody agrees that women should be allowed to be educated-“
Mark sighed and shook his head. “You can’t really believe that gender-based discrimination is restricted to orthodox, backward countries where they murder women for having sex.”
“I do, actually,” you replied with a frown. “Look. Feminism was relevant when, for example, women weren’t allowed to vote. It’s not relevant now. Now people who have all the resources and the money and the time in the world are just wasting their time conducting research about useless things like gender when they could be spending their efforts doing something more productive.”
Mark scoffed. “Like what? Biomedical research?”
“Yes, actually. I’ll have you know that my field of research saves lives.”
“Do you really think that a woman would be able to work in STEM fields like biomedicine if it wasn’t for the work of so many feminists before you? Scientific research is a male-dominated field. It always has been. Not only is it dominated by men in numbers but the inherent structures and the demands of the field are such that men are preferred for the work-“
You scoffed. “Don’t tell me about my own field. Do you think I’m an idiot? I’m a woman who’s been working in biomedical research for over five years and I know perfectly well that gender studies is just an excuse for women who don’t want to put in the hard work it takes in order to study and be successful in such a highly demanding field. Women like that just want things handed to them because they don’t want to struggle. So they like to blame the system.”
“And you don’t think they struggle more than men do?” Mark demanded.
You laughed. You couldn’t believe the nonsense that this man was speaking. “Why on earth would women struggle more than men? It’s exactly the same work! I’m sorry to break it to you, Professor Tuan but there are an absurdly large number of women who sit and study about why there are so few women in STEM fields while none of them actually have the courage or the intelligence to enter into a STEM field themselves… I have nothing to say to women like that, and I don’t think a man like you should be encouraging them to waste their time.”
“You’re unbelievable,” Mark said with a soft chuckle. He didn’t even look angry anymore. He just looked bewildered. “How can a woman like you be so blind to the institutional problems and everyday sexism of STEM fields?”
“Maybe because I’m not looking for excuses to slack off.”
Mark pushed himself away from the edge of the counter and stepped closer to you. You felt your heartbeat thud as he stepped closer, his dark eyes piercing into yours as he approached.
“Okay,” he said in a soft, low voice. “Let’s assume for a moment that you’re right. That my research is a complete waste of time and that women like you don’t need feminism. Let’s assume that the only reason so many women fail to be successful in STEM fields is because they don’t want to put in the hard work. Can you seriously tell me, on a basic level, that men and women are entirely equal in society?” he demanded. The smile had disappeared from his face and he was moving closer to you every moment. “Are you telling me that you are capable of doing every single thing a man is doing?”
Your heartbeat raced as you felt the kitchen counter pressing into your back. Mark didn’t stop moving. He was standing inches away from you and his face was leaning down closer to yours. You could see his dark eyes staring down at you and the perfect angles of his gorgeous face. You tried not to blush and maintained eye contact with him despite the blood rushing to your face.
“Yes,” you replied. “I believe that I am just as capable as a man. And a study trying to convince me that I’m weaker or that the world is unfair and that I need someone’s help is a waste of everyone’s time.”
Mark’s hands moved to both sides of your waist and he gripped the kitchen counter behind you. You were trapped in between his arms while his head dipped down to level with yours. “So,” he said as he lowered his voice to a whisper. “You’re telling me that if I decided to take you, right here and right now on this kitchen counter just to satisfy my carnal urges then you would be able to fight me off?” Mark’s breath was warm on your face and his tongue darted out to lick his lips. “You wouldn’t feel a little bit… powerless? Like it was an unfair fight?”
You couldn’t help but smirk as you leaned closer to him. “I think the question you should be asking,” you whispered in a sultry voice. “Is why I would want to fight something like that at all?”
Mark chuckled. The deep rumble in his chest sent shivers down your spine as one of his hands left to the kitchen counter to gently caress your waist. His hand splayed out on your side, a feather-light touch that was possessive and yet left you craving more. “I should have seen that coming,” he admitted with a small smile as he bit his lip. “You really haven’t been able to take your eyes off me from the moment I entered this house.”
You felt your cheeks flush. “And you’re not attracted to me?” you demanded.
Mark raised an eyebrow. “I didn’t say that. You’re an extremely attractive woman.”
“But you think my views are stupid, is that it?” you demanded. Mark’s eyes were fixed on your lips and you felt a surge of confidence. Gender studies professor or not, the lustful part of your mind had taken over the logical portion and you decided that you wanted this man. Nobody had ever made your heart race like this before. Your body was physically craving him. “I suppose our opinions don’t really coincide, do they?”
“No, they don’t,” Mark whispered. “And that is a little bit of a problem.”
“I have a simple solution.”
“Yes. We stop talking.”
Mark looked down at the twinkle in your eyes before smirking. “For once, I think I agree with your idea.”
You leaned up and kissed him, your lips colliding together in a furious clash. Mark pressed you against the counter harshly while he devoured your lips and molded your bodies together. Your head spun in a cloud of lust. Mark’s tongue slid into your mouth and his hands cupped your ass. Within moments, he had lifted you up by the thighs and set you on the counter without once breaking your kiss. You moaned as he pulled away from you to breathe for a moment.
“Fuck,” you whispered.
He let out a soft, boyish chuckle. “Enjoying yourself?”
“Good,” he growled before kissing you again. You let your hands slide into his dark hair as his palms gripped your thighs tightly. You melted against him while he nipped at your lips and smiled into your kiss. Mark kept teasing you and you had to thread your fingers into his hair tightly to keep his lips connected to yours. He didn’t seem to mind at all. Your forehead kept hitting his glasses and you let out a soft whine before reaching up to rip his glasses off his face.
“You don’t really need those, do you?” you teased as you kissed him again. Mark let out a low moan that made your stomach twist. You tossed the glasses onto the counter and whimpered as he sank his teeth into your lower lip softly. It was getting harder to stay quiet and Mark’s hands had started to move higher up and were beginning to slide under your shirt. He pulled away from you and pecked your lips softly.
“You’re getting too loud, sweetheart,” he whispered with a smirk. “Is there anywhere more private that we could continue, uh, not talking?”
You gasped as Mark’s cold hands trailed up the bare skin of your torso.
“Fuck. Fuck, okay, let’s go upstairs. Through the back door.”
“Lead the way.”
Mark Tuan was an amazing lover.
Admittedly, things got a little clumsy and awkward after you’d both fucked in your bedroom. Neither of you could entirely forget that your mothers were right downstairs, discussing a classic romance novel and probably hoping that the two of you would fall in love at first sight, get married and have children. Mark had looked a little embarrassed while he gathered up his clothes. He gave you a sheepish smile and pointed out that he should head back downstairs before your mothers noticed.
That had been your opportunity to say something. Let’s exchange numbers, you could have said. Or do you want to have coffee sometime? Mark had paused in your doorway and looked at you for a few moments, giving you the opportunity to say that this wasn’t a one-time thing. But you simply couldn’t do it. Despite how extremely attracted you were to Mark and even though it was the first time you’d ever slept with a man that you’d just met, you knew deep down that it wouldn’t work.
If I can’t respect what he does, then how can I ever respect him?
So you merely nodded and smiled, letting him walk out of your room and out of your life. Your mother looked heartbroken when you told her that things with Mark hadn’t worked out. But she knew better than to pressure you, and so you simply moved on with your life and convinced yourself that you hadn’t let go of an amazing man.
(A few days later)
You entered the office building and headed straight for the break-room. You were early and you planned to have a cup of coffee before a meeting with your boss. Some of your coworkers were sitting and having a quick breakfast so you smiled at them in greeting.
“Hey guys. Have a nice weekend?” you asked the pair of guys sitting and munching on toast.
“It was all right. You’re at work pretty early today!” Youngjae greeted you with a friendly smile. He was one of the brightest and happiest guys that you worked with, and one of the few that never seemed to differentiate you as a woman. He offered you some toast and shrugged when you refused. “Going to get cracking early on Monday morning, huh?”
You shook your head. “Hardly. I have a meeting with Dr. Lee today, I’d applied to be a part of his research group on antibody research and I’m going to find out whether I made the cut. It’s a five-year project and I’ve been focusing on antibodies recently, so it would be amazing to finally be a part of some solid, useful research instead of all this medical testing nonsense they make us do.”
Youngjae blinked at you. “…Oh.”
“Is something wrong?” you wondered.
“It’s just… um, I don’t know how to tell you this. But I heard that all the positions on that research team were filled. I think the last slot went to Park Jinyoung.”
You stared in shock. “What? Park Jinyoung? But I have at least three years more experience than him and I don’t think he’s ever done any specific research on antibodies before. I thought his specialty was stem cell research? Why on earth would Dr. Lee choose him over me?”
Youngjae looked embarrassed. “I don’t know. Maybe you should ask Dr. Lee.”
You nodded, setting down your coffee mug and storming over to your boss’ office. It was at least fifteen minutes before your scheduled meeting with him but you weren’t going to wait around in order to hear about whether you’d been rejected. You knocked loudly on the door and were told to come in. You put on your sweetest smile as you faced the older man who sat behind his desk.
“Dr. Lee! I hope I’m not disturbing you. I was hoping we could talk about my research?”
The man blinked at you through his glasses. “Of course! Come in, come in. I know you applied to be a part of my special research team and I’m sure you’ve heard already but I had to give the position to Park Jinyoung. I hope you understand that I had to take into account the stability of the project and the limited funds we have.”
You bit your lip as you sat down in front of him. “I… don’t exactly understand, to be perfectly frank, sir. I have at least three years more experience than him. There’s nothing wrong with my work records here and I already have specific research experience in the field of antibodies. Why has he been preferred for the position over me? If there’s something lacking in my performance then I’d like to know.”
Dr. Lee shook his head. “Certainly not! We’ve had consistently excellent performance from you. It was merely a strategic decision.”
“Well, I’d like to know what the strategy you applied was.”
The older man cleared his throat and for the first time, you noticed that he looked a little uncomfortable. You had no idea what was wrong. You’d been working for him for almost four years now and he had always been perfectly pleasant and seemed to appreciate your work. Why wouldn’t he want you on his research team? Dr. Lee placed his hands on his desk and gave you a gentle smile.
“All right, dear. I know you’re one of those people who considers the progress of science to be much more important than individual goals so I’ll be perfectly honest with you. This is a five-year project and I have to get a lot of research done in a very limited budget. I need to be assured that everyone on the team is entirely dedicated to the project and we don’t fall behind schedule.”
You felt hurt. “And you don’t think I have that level of dedication-“
“I’m sure you do. But this is a five-year project and you’re a woman in your mid-twenties. I have to consider… I mean, if you suddenly chose to go on maternity leave for a few months… well, that could be enough to derail the entire progress of the project. I had to choose Jinyoung to be safe.”
You stared at the man, unable to believe what he was telling you. Did he just deny you a position on the research team that you’d been aiming for year merely because there was a chance you could choose to get pregnant? You had never heard anything more absurd. You gritted your teeth and tried not to lose your temper. It wasn’t Dr. Lee’s fault, he was just doing what was best for his research team.
“Dr. Lee, I’m not even married-“
“But you could get married soon, if you chose. And so many women choose to become single mothers through donated sperm these days. As I said, I need a guaranteed five years of dedication.”
You felt helpless. How could this be happening? You weren’t pregnant and you hadn’t gotten married so how could he deny you the position due to something so flimsy? You felt a surge of desperation and leaned forward. “Dr. Lee, you know that I’ve been focusing all my efforts towards contributing to your work in the hopes that I would be able to be a part of this research. It’s one of my life’s dreams, and getting married or having children is entirely secondary to me. I would be willing to sign a legal statement waiving my right to maternity leave or any such benefit if that was what it would take…”
Dr. Lee merely gave you a sympathetic smile. “You know I can’t ask you to do that. Such a document would have no value, it’s entirely illegal to ask a woman to do give up her right to maternity leave.”
You felt a burst of anger flare inside of you. “It’s also illegal to deny a woman a position solely on the basis of her sex. We live in the twenty-first century, in case you’d forgotten.”
“I expected better from you. I thought you would understand that the consistent pursuit of science and saving lives comes before any individual person’s interests-“
You scoffed, glaring at the old man sitting in front of you. You had always thought he was sweet, kind and brilliant but it suddenly struck you what selfish creatures men really were. How dare he deny you a position that should have rightfully been yours? How dare he accuse you of not being loyal to science? You had dedicated your entire life to the cause until now and they still didn’t trust you to hold out for another five years? Would Dr. Lee have hesitated to hire Park Jinyoung if he wanted to have a baby?
“Does it really?” you asked with a sweet smile, as you stood up. “Well. We’ll see how your noble pursuits hold out in court, shall we?”
Professor Mark Tuan was sitting in his office and preparing for his lecture the next day, when he heard a sharp rap on his office door. It was regular office hours. Plenty of students walked in around this time, hoping to discuss the reading material or get help on their research papers so he merely pushed his glasses higher up his nose and called out.
“Come in!”
The last thing he expected to see was you.
You entered his office, looking as beautiful as ever despite the slightly embarrassed smile on your face. Mark felt his heart skip a beat. He hadn’t expected to see you again. If the disagreement you’d had over feminism wasn’t a deal-breaker, then the awkward goodbye after sex certainly had been. Mark had felt angry with himself after he left your house. Sleeping with you had been amazing, but he wondered whether, if he had held on for a little while longer, he could have gotten to know you better. Something about you still intrigued him.
“Hi,” he greeted you, unable to hold back a bewildered smile as he saw you hesitate in the doorway. “Wow, I certainly didn’t expect to see you today. What are you doing here?”
You bit your lip as you stared at him. This was so humiliating. “Uh…”
“Why don’t you sit down?”
You sat down awkwardly, wondering how to go about this whole thing. It seemed a little silly to be talking to a man whose life’s work you had dismissed and ridiculed just a few days ago. But Mark seemed genuinely glad to see you and deep down, you knew that he wasn’t holding a grudge over your previous conversation. “Sorry to come to your workplace like this,” you apologized softly. “It’s just that we never exchanged numbers that day and I didn’t want to get my Mom involved so I thought I’d just come to the university and ask about your office hours.”
Mark nodded, his eyes twinkling. “Well, it’s nice to see you again.”
You bit your lip. “You too.”
“Is there something you wanted to say to me in particular?”
You took a deep breath but it was difficult to speak. The events of this morning were still fresh in your mind and you couldn’t get over it. It had taken you years to get your dream job and you had just walked out on your boss and risked everything in a moment’s rage. But the rage was still burning inside of you. Mark seemed to notice the pain in your eyes because he walked around the desk and stood beside you, placing a hand on your shoulder. “Hey. Are you doing all right?”
You shook your head, finding it difficult to speak. “I… um. I quit my job today. Well, not exactly. I didn’t hand in a resignation or anything I just threatened to sue my boss and stormed out of the office, so…” you choked out. Your shoulders trembled and to your surprise, Mark gently pulled you up and wrapped his arms around you. You let yourself relax into his warm embrace. His touch felt amazing; not like the electric sexual tension you’d felt before, but a soft and comforting feeling that you needed.
“It’s okay,” he whispered gently, his deep voice relaxing you. “Take a deep breath and talk about it.”
“You were right. He denied me a position on a 5-year research team because there’s a chance I might get pregnant and want to take maternity leave during that time. That asshole. I thought Dr. Lee was a good person and I thought that he really valued my work because he always seemed to treat me as an equal with all the other male employees but- but the moment my gender posed the slightest inconvenience to him, he…”
Mark’s hand stroked your back comfortingly. “I’m sorry that happened to you.”
You blinked back your tears and looked up at him. “You’re probably thinking that I deserved it, right?”
He chuckled and one of his hands reached up to cup your face gently. Mark’s dark brown eyes were looking down at you with a hint of kindness as well as sympathy. “I won’t lie, there are probably things you could have done if you’d been a bit more prepared and accepted that this was something that could happen to you,” he said lightly but his tone change once he saw your face crumple. “But, no. Nobody deserves this.”
You closed your eyes. “What am I going to do?”
Mark looked down at you and before you could react, he leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead. You were surprised at his sweetness as he stepped back and gave you his charming, handsome smile. “We are going to go and get a cup of coffee while you tell me exactly what happened and then we decide whether to sue this bastard in court or write an anonymous article shaming him before the entire academic community.”
You giggled. “I like both of these options.”
Mark grabbed his coat and put it on before reaching out to squeeze your hand comfortingly. “Thank you for coming to me about this,” he said softly. “I was worried I’d never see you again and I was starting to regret walking out of your room without saying anything that day.”
You bit your lip. “What would you have said?”
Mark stepped forward until he was standing inches away from you and he leaned down to whisper into your ear softly. “I would have told you that you are the most beautiful and sexy woman I’d ever met, and I wouldn’t mind arguing with you every single day of my life if at least half of our arguments ended the way ours did.”
You shuddered as his lips brushed your ear and you gave him a teasing smirk. “You haven’t seen the worst of me yet. I can be extremely stubborn about my views. What are your opinions on multilateral free trade at the international level?”
“Isn’t free trade a good thing?”
You leaned back and smirked. “Excellent. Let’s discuss that in detail, shall we?”
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shortlikeelric · 6 years
Does anyone know of any (reader x member) teacher x student au's that aren't just smutt? 💘
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bibinnieposts · 2 years
♡ strawberry shortcake
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ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ faves ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ
♡ [svt yjh] accidental confession + ‘why won’t you  let me braid your hair?’
♡ [svt yjh] sleepy
♡ [svt yjh] chicken run
♡ [svt yjh] for now
♡ [svt yjh] bewitched
♡ [svt yjh] just one
♡ [svt hjs] golden hour
♡ [svt wjh] coworker au! jun
♡ [svt ksy] snapshoot
♡ [svt jww] professor prompt
♡ [svt kmg] with mingyu
♡ [svt kmg] sugar and you
♡ [svt kmg] new rules
♡ [svt xmh] better with you
♡ [svt bsk] its a little complicated
♡ [svt bsk] springtime smiles
♡ [svt bsk] boyfriend habits
♡ [svt chs] sympathy subtraction
♡ [svt chs] say you love me (i love you)
♡ [svt chs] chopsticks
♡ [svt chs] his laugh is a symphony
♡ [svt chs] idiots to lovers + ‘idiots. they are all idiots.‘
♡ [svt chs] bf headcanons
♡ [svt lc] scored!
♡ [txt cyj] how to fall back in love with yeonjun
♡ [txt cbg] the color red
♡ [enha sjy] your name
♡ [txt kth] shortcake
♡ [txt hk] penguin
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ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ GOT7 ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ
♡ mark tuan
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ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ ENHYPEN ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ
♡ members
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ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ SEVENTEEN ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ
♡ hiphop unit
♡ performance unit
♡ vocal unit
♡ imagines + headcanons
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ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ TOMORROW X TOGETHER ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ
♡ members
♡ imagines + headcanons
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ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ others / unspecified ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ
♡ boyfriend things: the beautiful mundane, mundanely romantic [nct, bts, svt]
♡ boyfriend things: irreplaceable [nct, bts, svt]
♡ boyfriend things: up close love [nct, bts, svt]
♡ boyfriend things: grocery shopping is a love language [nct, bts, svt]
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ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ disclaimer ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ
> i dont own any of these works posted and reblogged in this blog. as i am in no way a writer, this blog is mainly for fic recs and reblogs. please do not repost, translate or republish any of these creators' work, even if you give credit, unless you got approval from the creator/s themselves. as such, all works are credited to their respective creators.
> ©bibinnieposts ~ 2022  
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hoshalicious · 3 years
daisy’s old masterlist
do not repost, translate, or claim my work as yours.
KEY: [x] = fake text
[x] bad pick-up lines.
friends-to-lovers!au - bulleted. seungcheol | wonwoo | mingyu | vernon
[x] accidental confessions to performance unit.
[x] daily boyfriend texts.
[x] accidental confessions to vocal unit.
[x] bad pick-up lines.
[x] accidental confessions to hip-hop unit.
[x] daily boyfriend texts.
soulmate!au - bulleted. in which you think in your soulmate’s voice.
sedated touch - 0.41k. he comforted you after a bad day of work by building blanket forts and watching movies.
soulmate!au - bulleted. your previous soulmate has passed away and his did too.
[x] college!au - fake text series. he helps you learn chinese, but he didn’t know this one secret from you. two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | ten | eleven | twelve |
soul reader - 1.04k. he knew why you were crying when he was surrounded by a group of girls.
forever - 0.57k. your days with him after marriage.
cuddling with jihoon - bulleted.
evil eye - 0.48k (hiatus). you and jihoon had a heated conversation during jun’s birthday party.
when he secretly finds out his s/o can sing really well - reaction.
drunk and tipsy - series (hiatus). you found a boy the next morning laying on your bed right beside you, thinking you were his girlfriend.
soulmate!au - bulleted. in which the first thing your soulmate says to you is on your wrist.
soulmate!au - bulleted. in which you can’t see color until you meet your soulmate.
you reading them a love poem - reaction.
passive-aggressive ‘fuck you’ - florist!au. 1k. you’re angry at your professor when she gave you a zero for writing your test in blue ink rather than black. hongjoong helps you pick flowers with negative meanings so you can give the flowers to your professor to make up your grade.
[x] - you cancel your date due to your depression. trigger warning.
[x] - you accidentally confess to them
seeker and seeking - 0.38k. you like receiving a lot of attention from mark, but he doesn’t give you any.
attitude - 0.38k. he gave you an attitude after he assumed you like jackson. you gave him an attitude for being flirty with his makeup artist.
[x] - you want to cuddle with them.
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moccahobi · 3 years
Hearding Raccons
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Member: Mark (Got7) x Reader
Summary:  Years after the raccoons initially joined the human society, many raccoons lead human lives. Their tired composure common in the ever moving society. Y/n, a shy and hard working raccoon working as a research assistant to fund her way though college, finds herself face to face with a inexperienced and scared raccoon desperate for time as a raccoon. Can she help him?(edited)
genre: fluf, light angst, Strangers to Lovers, Shifter AU, Pompoko AU
warnings: none really
wc: 3.1k
a/n: this is part of a collaboration! A Studio Ghibli Collaboration! If you want to find them as more come out, follow the tag #ghiblicollab2021! Many amazing fics are in the works!
You sighed, downing your third energy drink of the day as you stared at the abysmal organization of the data on this excel sheet. Whoever had collected it clearly put little to no forethought into how one might use it for data analysis and graphing. If you didn’t know any better, you would have thought that one of the researcher’s pets had typed in this excel sheet. 
Of course, that was why Dr. Long, the mousy professor with shoulder length hair and a well groomed mustache who always wore a colorful suit you worked for, sent it over to you. You had to organize it and prepare the tables and graphs for them and their students. Dr. Long had already chewed out their students for being so lazy with the sheet and if it wasn’t for the pending deadline looming over the research, Dr. Long promised you their students would have fixed the sheet. 
Knowing that though didn’t prepare you for the horror that stared at you through your computer screen. There was no way in hell you’d be able to reorganize this document without looking at the original write up. 
You were sharing the study room with a few underclassmen who were loudly studying for an upcoming exam who looked at you anxiously from where they sat in the school of science’s study lounge as you huffed tiredly and started angrily typing an email to Dr. Long. Despite how angrily you were typing, your email was professional and friendly. 
Dr. Long was the only reason you had a research assistant job, and so far it was a relatively coosh job. Dr. Long was super accommodating. Sure they didn’t know your chronic fatigue was due to being a raccoon, but they let you work from home and make up sessions if neededYou were beyond thankful for how nice the job was.
While writing the email, you vaguely noticed most of the students leaving the lounge but it wasn't until you looked up after sending your email that you noticed no one was in the room. It was almost completely silent aside from your computer whirring away. 
Then you heard the telltale sound of claws clicking against the linoleum floor. 
There was a raccoon in the room with you. Immediately you got up, a gasp leaving your mouth as it rounded the corner and made eye contact with you.
It took a while for you to find your voice but when you did, you immediately launched into quietly telling them off, your eyes shifting to the door in case anyone was near, "You idiot! How do you know humans won't see you?!"
The raccoon stood up on its back legs, "They said they'd be at least ten minutes! Besides," they crossed their arms defensively, "I was tired and…"
They trailed off, eyes darting around anxiously. 
Suddenly, it clicked. They were one of the underclassmen. They likely came from a predominantly raccoon region and weren't as skilled at staying in their human form for long periods of time. 
There were more and more schools in predominantly raccoon and fox regions where students had time and places they could shift, but there weren’t many colleges or universities. It was hard to find  them when it’s only been a generation or two since raccoons started integrating and most of those areas were very rural. On top of that, most raccoons who did teach only had undergraduate degrees. There wasn’t one raccoon you knew of who was a professor at a college or university. If you managed to get into grad school, you’d be the first in your clan to get a masters and hopefully the first to get a PhD.
You anxiously eyed the door, your body feeling jittery and anxious the longer you didn’t see anyone. 
You sighed, “In the future, don’t shift in a public space. Do you share a dorm with anyone?”
They nodded, eyes nervously shifting around the room.
“Are they people you can shift around? Do they give you alone time in the dorm?” 
They shook their head, now avoiding eye contact. 
Getting up slowly, you grabbed your keys, “I can’t offer this often... but there is a research assistant office that no one has asked to use today. As long as no one is working there at the moment, I can tell them that I need it to be empty for me to focus for a few hours.” 
You saw their body relax as you spoke and you were struck with how much they reminded you of when you had first needed to keep your human form up for long periods of time. It was when you were a kit, your parents having lived in a predominantly human city since before you were born and wanted to make sure you had early training to help you keep your form up. 
Almost everyday, you’d come home crying about how tiring it was and how sore you felt and your dad would cradle you softly and help you relax. He’d draw warm baths for you and the rest of your litter and sing to you as the four of you played around. Hiding in human society was hard and even now there were days where you’d come home from a particularly hard day, turn back into a raccoon, draw yourself a bath (in your kitchen sink because you didn’t have a human sized bath), and just stare outside until the water got cold and your tired body felt ever so slightly better. You had the luck of living in your own apartment and before that, your parents lived close enough that you could take a weekend trip to them if you really needed to. This raccoon was in a dorm with a human who barely left it seemed and clearly wasn’t used to being in their human form for so long. 
What did his parents teach him to help him adjust to long periods of time as a human?
“But before we leave to go, either turn into something small that I can put in my pocket or turn back into a human.”
They sighed and it looked like they were about to cry from how tired they were. Nonetheless, they nodded and with a puff of smoke, you were greeted with a lean and tall man. His face was scrunched up in worry and stress, his straight brows furrowed together and cute lips pressed together tightly.
He was hot.
You were struck by how handsome he was. Soft black hair, strong nose, nice body… he knew how to dress too.
You shook your head.
You weren’t meant to ogle at him! 
Stealing a deep breath, you spoke slowly, “Follow me. The room is only like a 3 minute walk down the hall. Can you handle that in your human form?”
He nodded solemnly and you quickly grabbed your keychain and left the study room, barely sparing a glance back to make sure that he was following. The two of you walked quickly down the hall and the closer you got to the room, the more relief you felt. It was late on a Friday night and most students would want to be anywhere other than deel in the science department’s bowels and you hadn’t seen anyone yet.
The office was empty, save for a few beta fish that another professor was going to use in a lab, and after making sure that he had an alarm set to go off in an hour, you left the office and locked the door (he could still unlock it from the inside but it’d prevent anyone from barging in). Even though you wanted to stay and talk to the raccoon, you had left all your stuff in the study room and still had a lot more work that could be done tonight so you rushed back to the study room. 
Besides, they’d probably want to be alone.
When you made it back, stress and worry was still touting over you as you tried to do some work. It has been a while since you’d helped younger raccoons settle into having to use their human form more and all the tension that you’d left behind when you stopped had come flooding back. Sure, you still participated in your university’s raccoon meetings but you no longer volunteered to help new students. 
Why hadn’t this raccoon asked for help from one of the mentors at those meetings?
Sure the meetings were kept fairly quiet so that no humans tried to tag along but they were whispered about a lot.
Eventually, his friends returned with some food, all smiles and chatter as they settled in. They’d brought pizza and the savory smell of it was wafting through the room. It made you realize your own hunger but you wouldn’t get food any time soon. 
You had food at home (even though it wasn’t pizza). 
The friends didn’t seem to register the raccoon missing until a whole 30 minutes after they returned.
They kept on asking where a “Mark” was and you were pretty positive that the raccoon you’d helped was the only person in their group who wasn’t there at the moment. You tried to not listen to their conversations too much (although it was an easy way to procrastinate). Mark would return soon and he could make up an excuse for his friends and all would be good. As they started to talk about their professors, you put your earbuds in and chose some random lo-fi playlist to drown them out. 
You had work that you should be doing.
An hour later, you noticed Mark return, his shoulders hunched over as if trying to make himself look as small as possible. He shyly slid into a seat with his friends as a deep blush rose on his face when they all started asking questions. You looked away as soon as you saw him settle into his seat, intent to not be nosey. 
You were taken out of your focus once again only 5 minutes by someone waving a room temperature slice of pepperoni pizza in your face. You looked up slowly only to meet the sweet and soft smile of Mark.
“Thank you for showing me where the science department’s library is…” 
I really appreciated it.” He slid into the seat in front of you as you took the slice of pizza, eating it slowly as he spoke. 
“It was a pleasure. Happy to help a fellow student in need.” 
He nodded, “Could we possibly exchange phone numbers in case I need more help? I expect I’ll be good… but just in case?” 
Your eyebrows shot up in surprise. So this is why he came over. 
It made sense. Clearly Mark hadn’t met other raccoons otherwise he would probably have a mentor to help with adjusting and he out likely need more places that he is able to shift in to avoid a risky situation like what happened today. 
“Of course!” You smiled, unlocking your phone and opening the contacts app before passing it over to him.
Mark slowly entered his number before calling himself and passing your phone back to you, “Thank you. I’ll call you soon!”
True to his word, Mark called the next day and you were able to get him in contact with another raccoon who was actually up for helping more new raccoons. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to help Mark but you didn’t have time to answer questions or help the man as much as he needed. 
That being said, you often found yourself gravitating to him during meetings and parties in the woods. The two of you would dance together around the fires, celebrating together in a series of chirps and chitters. Others would be around and talking as well and soon enough, Mark knew every other raccoon on campus (at times it was almost painful to you how social he could be), but around the smokeless fires, it often felt like you two were in your own world. 
Soon enough, the two of you started meeting a few times a week for breakfast. At first all you could talk about was how different life was in his old home (and occasionally academic stuff). You quickly learned that he was only two years younger than you despite being a first year, having taken two years off after graduating high school to save money and give back to his colony. He was a teacher's assistant and was the adult present for students during the hour they got to rest as raccoons (which also explained why he had so much trouble being in his human form for so long). That being said, the more you met up, the more diverse your topics became and the closer you got. 
Your human friends had started making jokes about him liking you romantically after they passed the two of you one morning and your raccoon friends started to joke with you more as they saw the playful interactions between Mark and you during meetings. Their jokes made you blush and balk with embarrassment before you scolded them. Neither of them joked about a possible crush in front of Mark thankfully but they did have an effect on you. They made you shy during your breakfast meets with Mark and after catching the smug eyes of your friends during parties. All his soft touches and sweet gestures felt like more despite the rational side of your brain telling you that they were simply friendly.
It was totally friendly for him to get you a 27k won set of stationery. 
Just as it was completely friendly for you to pay for his new skateboard while you two were out shopping. 
That being said, the more your friends pushed this idea, the worse your own crush became. He was an amazing raccoon. Hard working. Similar goals. Smart. Funny. Hard working. He was amazing. 
All those thoughts aside (or maybe because of said thoughts), you took three deep breaths, hoping to collect yourself. You were meeting Mark at the library and even though it was an inopportune time, you planned on confessing to him. Your crush was getting out of hand and at this point you felt that just getting it out and having Mark turn you down would be the best way to go about it. Either he liked you back and you two could date or he didn’t and you could finally put this crush to rest.
It was why you’d decided that you’d confess to him soon… and by soon, you meant that you asked him to meet at a secluded part of the library to “study”. Normally the two of you would share jokes and get carried away by conversations and end up not studying, but today, you planned to confess. 
Anxiety was running through you like a white water current when you finally entered. Time felt like it was moving at half its normal speed as you made your way to the back of the library where Mark would inevitably be. Your heart was beating too fast and your clothes suddenly felt too rough and tight around you. 
Mark was right in front of you. His head bent down to look at his phone (most likely scrolling through memes). He’d yet to notice you. You could just turn around. Text him that you couldn’t make it today. Or go up to him and study together like you proposed initially. 
But you didn’t want to let this fester. 
Which was why you found yourself an hour into your “study” session forcing a laugh out at the sixth hilarious joke Mark cracked. He’d been cracking more jokes, soft eyes silently questioning you and your awkwardness. Despite the attempts to tell him (most of them ended before you opened your mouth), your confession felt like a plastic object stuck in your throat. No attempt to swallow it or cough it out had worked so far and it was cutting you up. There was no way Mark couldn’t see the conflict that was warring inside you, even if he didn't know what was causing it. 
You coughed awkwardly, “I… um… I am going to get some coffee from the cafe here… do you want anything? My treat.” 
“Oh. I’ll just have a black decaf coffee.”
With a soft nod, you wordlessly left, stopping by the bathroom to collect your thoughts before going to the cafe. Your coffees were ready too soon and before you felt mentally ready, you were walking back to Mark. All too soon he came into view. He was biting his lip anxiously as he fiddled with his paper until he looked up and saw you. You struggled to continue walking towards him as he smiled softly at you and it felt like the floor was being pulled out from under you. 
You have to do this soon. 
This crush was going to eat you alive. 
“I have something I want to tell you.” You said as you slowly slid into the seat across from him, handing his coffee to him as you did. 
“Oh?” He asked, looking up with a curious glimmer in his eyes and a worried crease in his brow. 
Fuck. This was hard.
“I’ve been meaning to tell you this all during our session…” He nodded slowly and you took an unsteady breath in, “I like you… and not like… like in a friendly way-- I mean, I do, but I mean like as in a romantic like. And I know you probably don’t feel the same way but--”
“Y/n. I like you too.” 
“Wait-- really?”
“Yes. In fact, I liked you after you helped me with the research lab space.” 
A soft blushed bloomed on your face, “Good to know. I thought you were hot then.”
“I mean… I am hot so clearly you have good eyes.” 
A soft silence settled between the two of you before Mark gently took up your hand, “Thank you for telling me. Were you nervous about telling?”
You nodded.
“Are you nervous about anything else?”
“I mean… normal life stuff… but that was what I was so on edge for today.”
“I am glad. I was worried about you.”
You looked down, guilt bubbling at that admission, “I am sorry for worrying you.”
“I was worried because I care about you,” He gently rubbed your hand, “But if you do want to make it up to me, how about a date tomorrow at noon?”
You laughed and nodded, “I think I can do that.”
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Jackson ✧ Love/Hate
✧ Got7 Jackson x reader ✧ words: ~1.7k ✧ genre: fluff, enemies to lovers, college AU ✧ prompt: “Look, you’re blushing!” (from this blog)
Desc.: You’ve been in love with Jackson for a long time. However, you never managed to be quite honest about it with him. So would it change anything if you unexpectedly ran into him again after a long time…?
moved from @saltys-writings​
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It’s Wednesday afternoon. That’s not important in any way here, but it’s Wednesday. Or maybe it is important after all, because if it was any other day, maybe you wouldn’t have run into him here, in your university library, after your classes for the day are over and the sun is slowly setting, casting orange light through the windows and onto the dark wooden floor. You curse your professor for making you get so many books in order to be able to do your homework for that week, but what you curse even more is the amount of heavy books already in your hands and that the last book you need is on the top shelf that you’re currently longingly gazing up to. You’re just too short to reach it.
Deciding it might be smarter to at least put down the rest of the books first, before you try to search for a ladder or a chair to make yourself taller, you walk away and approach the counters next to the exit. That is when someone calls out to you and you look to your right, coming to an abrupt halt when you realize your ears didn’t betray you.
“Jackson? What are you doing here?” you ask, seeing his confident face as he comes over to you.
“Should I help you with that?” He reaches for the bunch of heavy books in your hands, but you turn away from him so he can’t take them. “No…?” he guesses, surprise written in his expression. “Do you still hate me?” he adds, making sure to put a weird emphasis on the word ‘hate’, as if he was mocking you.
“I absolutely do,” you answer without looking him in the eyes.
“Oh?” He lets out a surprised noise. “Doesn’t seem like it to me though?”
“Shut up, I need to hurry or the book I need will be gone,” you scoff back.
“But you’re already holding a lot of them…?” he argues. Well, he does have a point, but you still need one more. Feeling rather frustrated by his presence slowing you down, you walk away and wish him a good day. However, he holds you back by the shoulder, and the sudden touch makes your heart rate speed up. When you spin around on your heels to glare at him, he backs off a step or two.
“Let me help you,” he says. “You’re faster if I do than if you have to put your books aside and then go back to get the last one.” He has a point again, especially seeing the queue of students in front of the only staffed counter, and you’re boiling inside, but the genuinely friendly expression in his eyes leads your heart to skip a beat and for a second your thoughts all stop.
“Fine,” you say. It didn’t come out with as much spite as you wanted it to though. Without another word, and with your chin held up high, you start walking in the direction you came from, having Jackson follow you suit.
“You’re cute when you’re flustered like that,” he remarks.
“Flustered?!” you hiss back. “I’m not flustered??” You are, in fact, very flustered. Jackson lets out a soft laugh next to you.
“Is it because you love me?” he dares to push you further, and as much as you would love to get angry at him for it, hearing those words from him makes your whole body feel weak in an instant and you’re forced to dedicate all your focus on not dropping the books you’re holding.
“I-I don’t??” you retort, not failing to catch the playful grin that appeared on his lips.
“You absolutely are,” Jackson insists as you arrive in the right row of books. “Look, you’re blushing!”
“Shut up!” you almost yell, but remind yourself not to be loud in a library, while your cheeks and ears are unmistakably heating up. “Make yourself useful here if you really badly wanna help me out…” you say and point in the general direction of the book you need with your chin. “It’s the dark blue one,” you inform him. He looks up at the top row of books, his arms crossed.
“I’m afraid we have a problem,” he announces, his eyebrows deeply furrowed. You look over to the guy, about to yell at him for not hurrying up as your arms are slowly but steadily killing you. “I hate to admit it but… I can’t reach that either.” You sigh and thrust the books at him, and you watch him as he almost doesn’t manage to grab them in time.
“Wait here,” you order as you leave for a moment to borrow a chair from somewhere and then place it right under where you need to reach. You climb the chair, feeling Jackson’s eyes resting on your figure. “What?” you bark at him.
“Nothing,” he responds. “Just making sure you don’t fall.”
“By watching me?”
“Yes.” You shake your head and try to pull the book you need out of the shelf, but it’s stuck in between the other books, and as your angry body puts more force behind the act than necessary, you suddenly feel yourself tumbling backwards. As your foot tries to balance your weight, all it finds is the unsafe edge of the stool and without a sound you fall. You close your eyes, expecting to hit the hard floor behind you, but instead you hear the noise of several books falling down instead, and you securely land in the arms of none other than Jackson Wang.
“I told you I’d make sure you won’t fall,” he says in a scolding tone, still holding you while you try to recover from the shock. But suddenly being so close to him brings its own set of problems.
“But I did fall!” is all you can force yourself to say.
“And I caught you so you wouldn’t get hurt,” he adds and helps you stand. “Are you okay?” You dare to look at his face, finding a pair of worried eyes resting on you.
“I-I think I am…” you stutter and then tear your gaze away from him, bringing your attention to the book in your hand and then the ones scattered all around you. “Let’s pick this up first,” you say, and when you attempt to take a step away from him, he keeps his hold on you and pulls you closer instead.
“Say it.” You raise your eyebrows at his words.
“Say what…?”
“How you feel about me.” You blush again and look away.
“How would I feel about you…?” you try to talk yourself out of it, but Jackson pushes you against the shelf behind you, your shoulders hitting the wood uncomfortably.
“Just tell me already, okay?” he urges you on. “Do you think it’s fun for me to watch you act like you’re in love with me one second, and then like you hate me the next?” His voice is calm, in contrary to the things he says and the emotions that must hide behind his words.
“I… don’t know what you mean.” A sigh is his answer.
“It hurts, okay?” he admits. “It hurts to have you here in front of me but I still have no clue if I’m allowed to reach you. It’s been like this for way too long now…” Something in the words he says moves a part deep inside of you, a part that’s apparently out of your control, because again your heartbeat goes crazy and your palms turn sweaty and your knees weak. You dare to have another look at his face, and this time you can clearly see all his feelings on display. Your throat becomes dry from seeing him like this, so desperate for an answer even he doesn’t believe he will get.
“Please, say something,” he begs. “Tell me anything.”
“Anything?” you ask.
“Yes, anything.”
You hesitate for a second. It’s not like you don’t understand his words. You can feel the gap between him and you too, and maybe if you’re completely honest with yourself you’ve been waiting for him to close it, so that maybe you could finally speak truthfully about your feelings for him. However, now that he passed the baton on to you, asking you to take that final step, you feel fear. You’re suddenly hesitant to make that step. He softly calls out your name, as if to nudge you on to speak, and the sound of his voice tears you out of your daze.
“If there’s anything I want you to know, then… it’s that I don’t hate you.” Jackson lets out the breath he’s been holding. However, his shoulders remain tense. That’s until you let the book you’re holding slip from your hand to the chair next to you, and you put your arms around his neck. Nobody would see you here, at the back of the library, and nobody would pass by for the next few seconds… right?
“I’m not always good at expressing my feelings with words, but…” You feel your heartbeat pulsating throughout your whole body now, and when your gaze finds his lips, you watch them part just a little bit. As if that was a starting sign for you, you get on tiptoes and press a kiss against them. Jackson immediately puts a hand into the small of your back and pulls you close until your upper bodies touch, allowing him to deepen the kiss, and just like you can feel him pouring all his emotions and love for you into it, you naturally do the same for him.
You’re out of breath when you forcibly part to breathe, and for a while you just stand there, having him hold you in his embrace.
“I’ve been waiting for this so long…” he whispers. “I knew this day would come at some point.”
Some time passes like that, and as you start to become more aware of your surroundings again, you step apart and start picking up the scattered books. Just before returning to the counter so you could actually lend them out, you call out to Jackson from behind.
“Uhm…” you stammer, and he turns around.
“What is it, Y/N?”
“I just… w-wanted to say that I…” you take a deep breath and close your eyes, “love you.” You hear a laugh coming from him, and then feel him put his free arm around you, while pressing a kiss to your temple.
“I love you too.”
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kpopimaginings · 4 years
Professor Park - Jinyoung AU (NSFW)
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A/N: An AU where Jinyoung is readers theatre professor, and they rather like each other. A concept provided by @iwanttodie20​ so I really hope you like what I’ve done with it.
You'd like to say you had no idea how you'd ended up in your theatre professor's office with your clothes discarded and him between your legs, but really you were surprised it had taken this long. The sexual tension had been there since the first day you'd walked into the drama studio and seen him stood in front of the class.
He was undeniably attractive, and newly qualified, meaning the age gap was insignificant, letting you justify your feelings in your head. His eyes always seemed to come to rest on you, even when you were working in your small group away from him.
You'd noticed quickly that he was much more physical and hands on when directing you than he was with the other students. Once on a theatre trip you found yourself sat next to him and at one point his hand came to rest on your thigh. Neither of you reacted or even acknowledged the action but you were very aware that you heart skipped a beat at the contact.
During today's class you were trying your best to direct any romantic or even slightly suggestive dialogue towards your professor. You only hoped it was subtle enough that your fellow actors wouldn't notice.
As the bell rang, Professor Park thanked you all for your hard work.
"But I don't want to see anyone still using a script next time," he added, before calling to you. "Y/n, could you come and see me please."
And that was how you found yourself in your current position, perched on the edge of his desk, his head between your thighs bringing you closer and closer to orgasm. Your grip on the desk either side of you tightened as your breathing became erratic.
Just as you were on the edge of bliss, he pulled away.
The whine you let out would have embarrassed you if you were more aware of anything besides the throbbing between your legs.
"I know you didn't think I'd let you come that easily," Professor Park smirked as he stood, removing his belt. "You're here because you knowingly did wrong today. Not only were you breaking the fourth wall," he undid his trousers, "And refusing to interact with your fellow actors," his slid his trousers down his thighs, "You have been flirting with your professor."
He finally freed himself from his underwear as he sat back on his chair, beckoning for you to come towards him. You did as he requested without a second thought and he reached out to grab your waist, before spinning you round so your back was to him. He then pulled you gently down onto his length, holding you still and whispering in your ear.
"If you're a good girl, and you make me come, I'll let you come too. I think that sounds fair, don't you?"
"Yes, sir," you said, as if it was a reflex.
He then released his grip on you, allowing you to move freely on him. Your eagerness to reach the orgasm he had previously denied you spurred your movements on as your hips writhed against his. Your hands were on the arms of the chair, grounding you and giving you more leverage to move. As you settled into a rhythm you heard Jinyoung moan behind you as his hips began to move, thrusting up into you as you began to clench around him.
He sat up then, his clothed chest flush against your back, his arms wrapping around you. One stayed round your waist keeping you close, while the other snaked lower.
"Come with me," he whispered in your ear as fingers began to work at you.
Your head fell back against his shoulder as your breath came out in pants. He continued to moan, muffling them slightly on your shoulder as his movements had you whimpering as you came together.
He slumped back into the chair, his arms now both wrapped around your middle.
"I can't tell you how long I've wanted to do that," he told you, his voice breathy as he recovered from his orgasm.
"I've wanted that since the day I first saw you," you chuckled slightly.
He began pressing soft kisses along your shoulder.
"As long as you don't tell anyone," he spoke, "I don't see why we can't do it more."
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limjaeseven · 3 years
wip folder tag
rules: post the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. then let people send asks with the title that most intrigues/interests them and you’ll post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it!
tagged by @cheriebeom
tagging: @triheartedhero @yutasgalaxy @erotikkook @naturalogre (sorry for all the tags I promise this is the last one :/)
2jae top!youngjae
CEO Lim just for dae (@birbdae), most likely lemon just because
focus (jus2)
junrie being cuties because why not (onlyoneof)
more lemon for dae, top!bam (markbam)
professor Lim for noons (@cheriebeom) cause that's what she picked
Jaebam top!bam
Jinbam hanahaki au
Yugbam Life is Strange au
GOT7 Navy au
JJP Mafia au
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wingsofkpop · 4 years
Hiraeth - I.VIII: These Paths We Walk
pairing(s): Hybrid!Im Jaebeom x Reader, Witch!Mark Tuan x Reader, Werewolf!Jackson Wang x Reader, Vampire!Park Jinyoung x Reader, Supernatural!Got7 x Reader
genre: Supernatural!AU, Dark Magic!AU, heavy Angst, light Fluff, eventual Smut
warnings: Mature language, mentions of death and murder, violence, gore and blood, some satanic themes, etc. 
word count: 7,1k
synopsis: How far are you willing to go to find out the truth about Moon Dye Bay?…
chapter directory
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Necromancy is a form of spiritual divination in which the executioner acts in the summoning of and communication with the lost souls of the dead. Its origins date back to the ancient Greeks, as the word necromancy is composed of Greek terms νεκρός (nekrós), "dead," and μαντεία (manteía), "divination." During the European Middle Ages, necromancy grew to be associated with black magic by traditional witches. As a result, its practice became strictly forbidden due to its disruption in the balance of nature. History recalls only one powerful witch ever held the ability to raise the dead at will—
“Still doing research for that special project?” Your mind snaps back to reality at the sudden inquiry. Tearing your gaze from the textbook, you look up to find none other than your favorite student in front of your desk. Hyunjin offers his usual crooked smile at your newfound attention and raises a questioning eyebrow. 
You can’t help but roll your eyes before answering, “You know the point of a study period is to—I don’t know—study? Preferably by yourself?”
He snickers. “I have a question that requires your extensive mastery in the literary arts, Ms. (L/N).”
“I’m sure you do.” You release a heavy sigh, not bothering to voice your annoyance at the use of your surname. Instead, you deliver Hyunjin a shake of your head before gesturing his continuance with a wave of your hand.
“I’m a little confused by the ending of The Grapes of Wrath,” Hyunjin pauses, “okay—a lot confused. I mean, why would Rose of Sharon breastfeed a stranger she literally just met? It’s weird…” 
You chuckle at his scrunched expression. “You’re right. It is pretty weird.” 
“So why’d she do it?” 
“Well, Rose of Sharon knew the stranger was starving to death,” You begin, leaning back in your chair to better hold Hyunjin’s gaze, “so you could say she wanted to give him a second chance.” 
“But why? She doesn’t even know him.” 
“Maybe not, but if you had the ability to save another person’s life—be it a stranger—wouldn’t you?” 
“But even after all her and her family went through, I don’t understand how she was able to find it in herself to do that. Especially after the loss of her baby.” 
“Humanity is a complicated, yet beautiful force, Hyunjin.” You hum gently, “Even among all the cruelty, hatred and hopelessness, it still manages to find a way to prevail—that ending is proof that against all odds, humanity will always win.”  
“I never thought about it like that…” Hyunjin shakes his head in disbelief, “Thanks, (Y/N)...” 
“It’s what I do, kiddo.” 
While the student grows silent to scribble down his realizations, you take the time to skim over your own notes—or lack-there-of, that is. 
After Youngjae agreed, albeit rather reluctantly, to assist you in your mission to return Jackson Wang to the land of the living, you spent the past few days cornering the bookstore and mausoleum’s supply of resources about raising the dead. But just your luck, every text thus far has proven to be less than helpful. According to the siphoner, necromancy is one of the more rare magical arts that is only practiced by specialized, powerful witches, which, unfortunately, also means there is limited access to such information. Neither you nor Youngjae have been able to find a spell or ritual that can guarantee Jackson’s resurrection without some kind of dire consequence. 
Who knew magic could be so complicated? 
“You know, you’ve been out for the past week…” You lift your head to meet Hyunjin’s gaze once again. “Is… Is everything okay? I don’t mean to pry, but it’s just so unlike you to miss any classes…” 
The typical university student probably wouldn’t give a damn about a missing professor, much less an absent TA. Hyunjin’s visual apparent concern spreads warmth throughout your chest—you are powerless to hold back the small smile that stretches across your lips. 
“A couple of my roommate’s friends disappeared out of the blue last week, so I just needed a few days to help her out.” You raise a playful eyebrow, “Don’t tell me you missed me?” 
“What? No way.” Hyunjin scoffs, “Though I did have to use Sparknotes for the past few reading assignments and barely passed Wednesday's quiz—” You burst into laughter, reeling your companion into the same fit only seconds later. After a brief moment, Hyunjin manages to collect his composure and finish, “—I am glad everything is okay… and that you’re back.” 
You nod with a smile. “I appreciate that.”
Aside from the daily meetings with Youngjae and nightly cry-piles with Sana, the past few days have proven to be quite uneventful. Jackson has not appeared in your bedroom since that first night, and true to your word, you haven’t told Mark about your quest for his revival. God knows what kind of Hell would break loose if that were to happen. You also haven’t visited the Prime residence since the day you caught Jaebeom with his drop dead—mind the pun—gorgeous vampire conquest. You’ve been meaning to call Jinyoung, but between your hours pilfering through useless research texts, comforting your distraught roommate and attempting to track down your M.I.A. best friend, you haven’t quite found the time. 
And though you’d never admit it to anyone, you needed some time alone—to think.
A rather obnoxious bout of laughter tears you from your thoughts, which is quickly followed by a scold from Professor Park. In an attempt to find the source, you peer past Hyunjin’s form and the sea of other students to the very back of the classroom where a group of young girls are utilizing the period as social hour. Amongst the familiar faces sits a pretty female student you don’t quite recognize, having never encountered her around campus before.
And although you can barely see her, something about her demeanor seems… off. 
“Hyunjin? Who’s that girl back there?” 
Hyunjin turns to examine the subject of interest before returning with a shrug, “According to my sister, she’s some exchange student from Taiwan. I haven’t met her, but I think Yeji said her name is Tzuyu.”
“And she transferred here this week?” 
He shakes his head. “Actually, today is the first day anyone has seen her.”
You go to inquire further, but the booming call of Professor Park announcing the end of class beats you to it. Hyunjin bids you one final thank you and a goodbye before sprinting off to meet his friends at the classroom exit. It is not until him, Professor Park and the remainder of the students are long out the door do you return to your research. However, the moment you manage to relocate your place, a sugary-sweet voice commands your attention once again:
“If I could bother you for a moment, Ms. (L/N), I need your help…” 
“Of course.” You mask your annoyance with as genuine a smile as you can muster and turn your gaze to the student. “What can I do for…” Your smile immediately falters at the sight of the young woman from earlier in front of your desk—only in this instance, you can definitely recognize her… 
It’s none other than Miss Aphrodisiac herself from the Project Estate. 
She offers a radiant smile, but the feature seems less than friendly. 
“Hello again, (Y/N). I don’t believe we properly met during our last meeting… I’m Tzuyu.” 
“Yeah, um, I-I wasn’t expecting to see you in my class…” You chuckle nervously, cautiously sliding your notes inside your book before closing the cover. “What… What are you doing here exactly?” 
“With how much the student body rants and raves about their newest teaching assistant, how could I pass up the opportunity to see you in action?” Tzuyu elegantly takes a seat on the edge of your desk before running her fingers through her flawless, auburn locks. Something about the dexterity of her fingers sends goosebumps budding across your skin. “Plus, it’s not everyday I meet one of Jaebeom’s… human companions.” 
“It’s not like that.” You insist, “Jaebeom and I barely know each other—”
“Ah. Right.” She giggles, “You’re close with the other brother. My mistake.” 
You bite your tongue, holding back the snide comment that would likely lead to the dismembering of your head from your body. Instead, you swallow what little remains of your pride, rise from your seat and ask stiffly, “You said you needed help with something?...” 
“You’ve read Macbeth, haven’t you?” Filled with both anxiety and confusion, you watch as Tzuyu takes a pencil from the container of writing tools perched on the surface of your desk. She twirls the utensil between delicate fingertips, gazing at it as if it is the most interesting object on the planet. You don’t need your gut to remind you something is most definitely off with her behavior.
“There’s this one piece of advice that Lady Macbeth tells her husband before he goes off to commit murder: ‘Your hand, your tongue: look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under ‘t’... ” She pauses, “Tell me, Ms. (L/N)... What exactly could that mean?” 
Your blood runs cold when she fixes her dark gaze on you. No longer interested in the pencil. 
You bite the inside of your cheek, attempting to ground the frantic beating of your heart before it literally leaps from your chest and into the palms of your company. Out of instinct, you chance a quick glance at the door—you may not have a mug, but a nine-hundred page, hardcover book to the face might make a pretty good distraction. 
“Hm, I suppose you’re more of an expert with prose.” Tzuyu says, lowering the pencil into her lap before hopping to her own feet. “Let’s try a bit of Frankenstein then…” 
She begins to stalk toward you, her eyes still locked onto yours like a vice. Your body immediately shuffles backward, attempting to keep as much distance between yours forms as possible. You only get so far—your back meeting the surface of the wall behind you as Tzuyu centers herself a few mere inches away. You can feel her crisp breath on your face as she murmurs:  
“‘I have love in me the likes of which you can scarcely imagine and rage the likes of which you would not believe. If I cannot satisfy the one, then I will indulge the other’...” 
“What are you—” 
Before you can finish your thought, a searing pain paints your vision white. The agony spreads through your veins like wildfire, stealing every ounce of oxygen from your lungs and rendering your knees weak. With a trembling hand, you’re able to save your form from buckling completely to the floor—but not before catching a glimpse of the same pencil impaled in the side of your waist. 
“Poetry is much more tasteful, in my opinion.” Tzuyu sighs, licking the blood from her nails as she backs away. You want to say something—scream and call her a plethora of less than appropriate names—but your mind is literal mush between the shock and the excruciating pain. You collapse to the floor with a breathy gasp, cupping your bleeding side with your opposite hand.
The vampire saunters toward the exit. Just as she makes it to the doorway, she whirls around to throw one final innocent smile in your direction: “Do us both a favor and stay away from Jaebeom… I wouldn’t want to scar that pretty face.” 
With that, she’s completely gone. If it weren’t for the pencil in your midriff and the blood seeping through your clothes, you would have thought you’d dreamt up the entire encounter. 
“Shit…” You gasp, attempting to dislodge the wood from your flesh. It doesn’t budge, deeply embedded between what you assume to be your ribcage. A pained wheeze spills from your throat as you reach for your bag, paying little mind to the bloodied prints your fingers leave in the fabric. After numerous attempts and anguished movements, you manage to fish your cell phone from its pocket. Crimson smears across the screen as you pull up the first contact you can think of. 
You really should have taken the rest of the week off.
 ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾
From his perch behind a tree, Jinyoung silently stalks the movement of a burly stag as it parades across the forest floor. The creature, unknowing of the predator that hunts from a far, approaches a wild berry bush and begins to feast off its bearings—unknowing that its end is fast approaching. 
Jinyoung usually does not like to draw out these moments and would have killed the deer by now. Whether it is due to the absence of his physical strength or the tornado of thoughts tearing through his mind, he simply cannot bring himself to end the animal’s life just yet. There’s something so pure about watching the stag go about its existence, he realizes—he must allow its innocence to prevail a little while longer.
It’s been days since his recovery from the huntress’s attack, but he can still sense the weakness lingering in his bones. While Jaebeom’s blood chased away the fever of the wolf venom, it was not enough to regenerate his body to its full power. If he were to do so, he would need human blood… but that can never happen again. Not in this lifetime.
Animal blood keeps him mobile, and that is more than enough.  
A loud snap of breaking branches returns Jinyoung to reality in time to watch the stag tear off into the trees. He makes no move to chase after it, not desiring to waste his strength. After one final glance to his escaped meal, Jinyoung turns and greets the approaching figure with a tight frown:
“I already told you, hyung. I have no interest in accompanying you on a hunt into town.” 
“You know, it would be a hell of a lot easier than tracking down food out here…” Jaebeom snickers, “Not to mention, one human equals a dozen squirrels.” 
“And as I said, I much prefer the squirrels.” Jinyoung meets Jaebeom’s gaze with a heavy sigh, “I am perfectly fine, hyung.” 
“You’re a shitty liar.” Jaebeom shakes his head. “You need human blood.” 
“What I need is to find a new fare.” Jinyoung pushes off of his perch to traipse deeper into the forest, but the appearance of a hand on his shoulders halts his pace. He allows Jaebeom to maneuver his form back against the trunk of a tree, welcoming the slight relief the support brings to his muscles. He makes sure to keep his expression blank to mask his instability. But like always, Jaebeom sees straight through him. 
“You’re weak, Jinyoung…” 
“Nothing a nice rabbit can’t fix.”
Jaebeom purses his lips. “You can’t deny it forever. At least try a blood bag—”
“Why did you give me your blood?” Jinyoung interrupts his companion’s lecture, peering at Jaebeom with unwavering, unblinking eyes. “I thought you wished to punish me?”
“I was going to—I mean, I wanted to…” Jinyoung watches Jaebeom very carefully, noting the frivolous nature of his typically cocky features and hidden message behind his gaze. If he knew any better, Jinyoung would actually believe there to be some shred of humanity left behind those dark irises. 
“But you couldn’t.” He finishes.
“Don’t think it means you’re off the hook for working with Tuan.” Jaebeom huffs while taking a few paces backward. Jinyoung opens his mouth to respond, but the hybrid’s hushed murmur emerges instead, “(Y/N) came by last week… to see you.” 
Jinyoung holds back a smile. “Did she now?... I suppose you told her about your change of heart then.” 
Jaebeom remains silent. 
“Jaebeom-hyung…” Jinyoung’s eyes flutter shut as an audible exhale blows past his lips, “You need to tell her.” 
“It won’t change anything.” Jaebeom says with a frown, “She made it very clear that she already hates me.” 
“(Y/N) is much different than others, hyung—” 
“What do I care anyway?” The hybrid tsks, his sullen expression transitioning into one of indifference. “She can hate me as much as she wants. I don’t give a shit.” 
“Hyung, please—”   
The shrill ring of a cell phone introduces a bout of silence. Jinyoung has never been so annoyed by modern technology since now, grabbing his phone with a less than pleased sigh. He eyes Jaebeom while lifting the device to his ear, wordlessly communicating that the conversation is far from over.
“Jinyoung?... H-Hey, it’s me.” 
“(Y/N)?” Jinyoung’s annoyance completely dissipates at the sound of your quivering voice. He notices how Jaebeom also reacts to your audible presence through the stiffening of his broad shoulders. He shakes it off as unease from your previous encounter and focuses back onto you, “Are… you alright? You seem a bit stressed.” 
“Yeah, you can c-call it that…” Your inhale picks up over the line, and Jinyoung cannot help but grow concerned by its unusual heaviness. “You are not going to believe the shitty day I’ve had.” 
“What happened?” 
“Well, the barista at my campus cafe accidentally made my usual decaf, my boss is seeking revenge for my time off through hundreds of ungraded essays… and I was stabbed… with a pencil.” 
Jinyoung’s eyebrows furrow. “I apologize, but I don’t think I understand…” 
“Long story short, Jaebeom’s scary, yet incredibly sexy girlfriend paid me a visit and literally stabbed me with a fucking pencil—” Your explanation cuts out into a yelp, which is followed by an array of stuttered curses, “And it—shit—hurts like hell.” 
“I’m on my way right now” Jinyoung, heart racing and head spinning, forces himself to his feet and hurries back toward the manor—Jaebeom hightailing close behind, having picked up the entire conversation. 
Before Jinyoung can inquire more about your condition, Jaebeom snatches the phone from his grasp and lifts it to his own, “Where did she stab you?” 
“Jaebeom?... My-My side… The pencil is wedged between my ribs, I can’t get it out…” 
“Don’t worry about removing it. Just try to control the bleeding as best you can.” Jaebeom explains, “Jinyoung and I will be there soon.” 
“Wait! Why are you—” Your voice cuts out as Jaebeom ends the call. Jinyoung notices the whiteness of the hybrid’s knuckles as he silently returns his phone. If it were any other situation, Jinyoung would have brought up their chat from earlier, but your wellbeing is on the line.  He delivers his companion a dark glare. To his surprise though, Jaebeom’s expression mirrors that of pure, unadulterated anger. 
Jinyoung pinches the bridge of his nose before releasing a sigh, “Do I even wish to know why your mistress attacked (Y/N)?” 
“I’d like to know too,” Jaebeom scoffs, running a hand through his jet black locks, “considering I told her that (Y/N) was off limits.” 
“You find out then.” Jinyoung hisses, “Or I will deal with her myself, and I won’t be as kind.” 
“Oh, trust me.” Jinyoung can practically sense the murderous lust spilling from Jaebeom’s pitch black irises—far from the light of humanity. “Kindness is the last thing on my list right now, Jinyoungie.”  
 ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾
“—and then she just acts all innocent! As if she did absolutely nothing wrong! I mean, what kind of self-serving, sadistic bitch does she think she is—Mark? Are you there?” 
“Huh?” Mark flutters his eyes open at the sound of his name. He blinks at his surroundings in confusion, still dazed from his abrupt wake-up call, before remembering his phone and the person currently speaking on the line: 
“Mark? Don’t tell me I put you to sleep?” 
“Nope, nope. I’m here.” Mark replies hurriedly, wiping the remnants of his nap from his eyes. “Luna’s a complete and total bitch, I got you.” 
Lia sighs, “Yuna, Mark. Not Luna.” 
With a silent yawn, he lifts his arms over his head and expels the kinks from his shoulders. Once his muscles are taunt and stretched, Mark releases a heavy exhale and murmurs, “I’m sorry, Lia. It’s just… been a long week.” 
“I get it, Mark.” She hums softly, “But I wish you wouldn’t stress so much about this. Minho made his choice, and there’s nothing you can do about it.” 
“I don’t believe that.” Mark rises from his chair before pacing across the room to the mausoleum’s lone window. He pulls the curtain aside, peering out at the vacant hills of the graveyard. “If he would just talk to me, then I’m sure we could figure something out.” 
Hundreds of phone calls later, and he still hasn’t spoken with Minho since the night he claimed to be leaving the coven. No one has. Not even Jisung. And Mark can’t figure out what’s bothering him more: the fact that Minho won’t pick up his phone, or that you have been purposely avoiding him for the last week. 
He’s trying to give both you and the young witch time—truly—but Mark can’t help but feel as if something is off. 
“Minho needs to figure out what he wants himself.” He forces himself away from the window, receding across the room to lean against the lectern as Lia goes on, “You can’t be there to hold his hand every time he goes through one of his moods. It’s not good for him or for you.” 
“What am I supposed to do then?” 
“Nothing, Mark. You do nothing.” 
Mark shakes his head, “You know I can’t do that.” 
“Just give Minho some more time to get it together.” Lia says, “He’ll come around eventually.” 
“I hope so.” Mark goes to grab his coffee mug from a nearby table, but accidentally knocks his elbow against the corner of the lectern. A mass of papers and books slide from its surface, crashing to the floor in a rather vocal descent. He releases a quiet curse, tucking his phone against his shoulder before lowering to the floor to begin tidying the mess. 
…How long does he have to wait until you come around?  
Lia continues to speak as he gathers the escaped pages, “Have you talked to Yugyeom lately? I heard that one of their wolves just up and disappeared.” 
“Yeah. That kid, Changbin.” He says, “Gyeom thinks he probably took off after our fight with the huntress. Remind you of someone?” 
“In this town? A lot of someones.” 
Mark goes to respond, but the title of a particular document clears the thoughts from his mind. Pushing aside a couple other pages, he grabs the flimsy packet before raising it into better view. At first, Mark is confused, unsure why this type of reference would be out and about. But as he surveys the other fallen objects, his confusion gradually shifts to realization… 
Then rage. 
He doesn’t bother to look up as the door opens, nor does he spare the puzzled newcomer a glance. Still clutching the document, Mark rises to his feet and takes the phone from his shoulder with his free hand. He pays his companion no mind as he quietly murmurs: 
“Do you mind if I call you later?” 
“Not at all. Just try to think about what I said.” 
Mark bids a final farewell to Lia before disconnecting the line. He takes a moment to drag a hand down his face before turning to a wide-eyed Youngjae. As soon as Mark raises the document into view, his expression immediately shifts to a panic. 
“So…” Mark tilts his head with a tight frown, “You want to explain why the hell you’re looking up resurrection spells?...” 
Youngjae shakes his head, “Hyung—”
“Explanation, Youngjae.” Mark watches the siphoner’s face shift through a rainbow of emotions. From terror, to anxiety, to dread, before finally settling on guilt. Keeping his gaze to the floor, Youngjae eventually delivers a shrug and whispers: 
“...To try to bring Jackson back.” 
Mark’s heart practically splits open. 
He stares at the younger witch with incredulous eyes. “Are you fucking stupid, Youngjae!?”  
“It looks bad, I know—” Youngjae hurries forward to stand in front of Mark and lifts his hand in good faith, “—but I’ve been doing a lot of research and experimenting with a couple spells and I really think that we can—”
“You aren’t thinking shit.” Mark spits, rounding toward the siphoner until their noses are a mere inch apart. “We don’t screw around with necromancy, Youngjae… It’s dark magic.” 
“We just have to find the right spell! (Y/N) and I are searching—” 
“(Y/N)? What does (Y/N) have to do with this?” 
Youngjae immediately closes his mouth, his eyes growing glassy in the evening light. 
It takes a second for the puzzle pieces to fit together—your inquiries about Jackson, Youngjae’s daily trips to the bookstore, your evasion—but once the realization hits, Mark feels his entire body go numb. 
Youngjae rushes forward to grab Mark’s arm, “Hyung, I’m so, so sorry! (Y/N) thought it would be better not to tell you, so I just—” 
Mark shrugs his hand away, refusing to meet Youngjae’s pleading gaze. “Get out.” 
“Just let me explain—”
“Get the fuck out!” A loud crash echoes throughout the mausoleum as Mark flings his mug across the room, causing the object to meet the opposite wall before shattering to a million tiny pieces. Youngjae doesn’t persist, grabbing his bag and beelining straight out the door. Mark pushes the sounds of the younger’s sobs from his mind as he goes, unable to see past the anger boiling inside his body. But even against all the rage, a sense of sadness remains at the forefront of his mind. 
His best friend betrayed him—again.
 ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾
“You find and take care of (Y/N).” Jaebeom commands, slamming his car door shut with a little more force than necessary. Then again, he can’t seem to bring himself to care above the red-hot fury coursing through his veins like venom. He ignores the curious stares of a nearby group of female students and proceeds to move around the car, “I’ll catch up with you later.” 
“And where exactly are you going?” Jaebeom bites back a glare as Jinyoung halts his movements. His entire body thrums, as if physically yearning for vengeance, but he masks his temper with a sharp inhale and a promise to release his frustrations out later. 
He nods at his companion, “I’m going to do what I should have done before.” 
Jinyoung merely stares at him for a moment, and Jaebeom can only hope he can’t see past the bloodlust in his gaze. Fortunately, Jinyoung doesn’t question him further. He releases Jaebeom’s shoulder and delivers one final nod before turning in the direction of what both can only assume is your classroom. Jaebeom allows himself a moment to watch Jinyoung—his noble brother—sprint off to save the day—to save you. Again. 
Jaebeom swallows the bitterness accumulating in his chest and heads in his own direction. It won’t be hard to track her. He can already smell her Chanel perfume—she’s close by, he realizes. 
She wants him to find her. 
Sure enough, Jaebeom recognizes her silken auburn hair and Louis Vuitton coat beside a towering oak tree, staring down at her phone. He doesn’t bother to check if those students are still watching him and speeds over to his target’s perch. Even when he’s a mere few inches away, she continues to mindlessly scroll through her phone. Jaebeom’s anger grows when he notices the amused smirk etched across her pink lips. 
“It’s about time you showed up.” Tzuyu says, “You know how much I hate to wait.” 
“Give me one good reason not to rip your fucking head off right now.”
“Not even a ‘hello’?” 
Jaebeom growls, “You think this is a game?”
“Perhaps.” She raises her calm gaze to his own before offering a sultry smile. “Beautiful evening, isn’t it?” 
Her flirtations only add fuel to the outrage raging through his body. He speeds forward again, snatches her wrists and slams her smaller figure against the trunk of the tree behind them. Tzuyu winces at his aggressive movements, but Jaebeom feels no sympathy. Your trembling voice and pained breathing echoes in his ears like a siren, tempting him closer to the point of no return. 
It would be so easy to plunge his hand into her chest, to squeeze her heart until it's nothing but bloody ash. Or maybe he should tear her limbs off one by one, make her suffer until she’s begging him to end her—
“You really do care about her, don’t you?” Jaebeom awakens from his imaginary rampage at the question. Her usual smirk is no longer along her face, but instead replaced with a thoughtful frown. 
He growls, pressing her wrists further into the bark of the tree. “I told you to stay away from her. You said you wouldn’t touch her.” 
“I never thought I’d see the day the big, bad hybrid, Im Jaebeom falls for a human.” 
“Shut the fuck up.” His tone is quiet—murderous. “I’ll kill you.” 
“No. You won’t.” 
“Yes. I will.” 
“No, Jaebeom.” She shakes her head with a sigh, “If you kill me, (Y/N) will never forgive you.” 
As if she had taken a red hot iron and plunged it through his heart, Jaebeom lets go of the vampire and stumbles backward. He barely catches himself before he collapses to the ground, and even then, his legs feel like they’ll give out at any moment. 
Tzuyu, still leaning against the tree, tilts her head with a hum, “She’s a good one, Beom. I feel it… that aura that carries around her.” 
“Stop it—” 
“And it’s because she’s good that she’ll never belong to you.” She murmurs, “But you already know that… don’t you?” 
“You’re fucking sick.” Jaebeom hisses. 
To his surprise, Tzuyu’s expression softens. “I’m sorry, Jaebeom.” 
There’s too many emotions swirling through his mind. He can’t think—can’t breathe. His chest feels like it’s caving in on itself, and his hands won’t stop shaking. He can’t get your face out of his head—your beautiful eyes looking at him with such betrayal and hatred. It hurts. It hurts so much. Why won’t his hands stop fucking shaking? It’s too much. It’s all too much—
He can’t help it… He has to turn it off. 
A switch flips inside of his soul, immediately locking out every ounce of pain. His lungs inhale each new breath smoothly, and his limbs remain as still as a cat. With a clear head, Jaebeom returns his eyes to Tzuyu, who is still gazing at him with such tenderness and understanding. For a moment, the warmth of her gaze reminds him of you. 
Tzuyu cautiously takes a step forward, “Jaebeom…?” 
“You’re right.” He nods, “I’m not gonna kill you.”
“What are you—ah!” Her inquiry elevates into a scream as Jaebeom whirls forward and sinks his teeth into her shoulder. His fangs plunge through the fabric of her expensive coat before piercing deep into her flesh. She attempts to struggle, but he is stronger… and the damage has already been done.   
He pulls away, licking the blood from his lips as Tzuyu collapses to the ground. She clutches her wounded shoulder, staring up at him with eyes of betrayal, confusion and fright. 
“You… You bit me.” 
Jaebeom smirks, “I suggest you spend the next day or so wisely… it’s going to be your last.” 
Tzuyu’s expression turns rabid. She scrambles to her feet before sneering at the hybrid, “The sooner you learn to accept your fate, Jaebeom, the sooner you’ll find peace—” 
“Meh. Fate’s overrated.” 
“Just remember this—” The vampire growls, “—after you turned me, you murdered the love of my life… at least I had the kindness to keep yours alive.” 
He snickers, turning to leave. However, just before he takes a step, Jaebeom throws one final comment over his shoulder, “Thanks for all the sex.” 
With that, Jaebeom smirks to himself and saunters off into the glow of the setting sun. 
☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾
Jinyoung rushes down the hallway, careful not to speed for fear of running into a professor or student working after hours. The fragrance of your blood builds with each step, and he can’t help but grow more concerned with that knowledge. At the very least, he can still hear the faint beating of your heart. 
He follows the scent past a couple corners and down another long corridor to a massive, dim lecture room. Fearing the worst, Jinyoung quickly steps through the doorway before immediately spotting your incapacitated form through the darkness propped up against the opposite wall. He doesn’t hesitate to speed across the room and kneel in front of you. You’re unconscious, he realizes, but breathing—that’s enough to lift the heavy weight from his chest. 
“(Y/N)?” He calls gently, lifting his hands to cradle your face in his palms. “Come back to me, my dear… Please.” 
“Jinyoung?...” He’s never been more grateful to hear the sound of his name until now. Your eyes flutter open and dart around the area before drowsily settling on Jinyoung. The vampire in question breathes a sigh of relief, caressing the apple of your cheek with his thumb. 
“There you are.” He murmurs, “How do you feel?” 
“Like I was stabbed…” You raise an eyebrow before peering down at the pencil protruding from your abdomen, “Well, would you look at that.” 
Jinyoung holds back a smile at your sarcasm, appreciating that even wounded, you still manage to bear your usual fiery charm. His own eyes turn down to the object jabbed within your waist. He carefully analyzes the damage, determining the best possible solution to its extraction. As you said on the call, the pencil itself is trapped inside your ribcage. Jinyoung will have to be careful not to accidentally fracture your bones. 
He bites the inside of his cheek before returning his attention back to you. “I need to remove it, but it’s going to be painful. Very painful.” 
You roll your eyes, “It will also hurt a lot less when it’s out. I can handle it.” 
“I know you can.” 
Jinyoung keeps his gaze connected to yours as he wraps his fingers around the wood of the pencil, taking extra care not to brush against the swollen skin of the lesion. Your expression remains fatigued, yet indifferent during his preparation. He waits for your nod before he continues. 
In order to prevent as much further damage and to make it as painless as possible, Jinyoung removes the pencil as quickly as he can. Your furrowed brow and teary eyes slice at his soul, but he doesn’t stop until the object is completely taken out. Once it's free, Jinyoung tosses the pencil into a nearby trash can, pulls the sweater from his body and utilizes the garment to cover your slightly bleeding wound. He ignores the crimson of your blood staining his fingers, instead lifting his clean arm to his mouth before biting down. 
“What… are you doing?” 
“My blood will heal you.” Jinyoung answers, offering forth his bloody wrist. “It’s how I saved you after your assault in the alleyway.” 
“If I die with your blood in my system, won’t I become a vampire?” 
“You aren’t going to die.” 
You shake your head, pushing away his wrist. “Thanks for the offer, but I’d rather not risk anything.” 
“At least allow me to bring you to the hospital then.” He insists, “You’ve lost quite enough blood for one day.” 
Jinyoung curses at the mischievous smirk that spreads along your lips. “You have got to stop saving my life.” 
“Stop putting yourself in danger, and there would be no need for me to.” 
“Last I checked, I had no idea Vampire Victoria Secret was gonna show up and stab me with a fucking writing utensil.” You snort, gesturing over to your desk, “Grab my stuff before we go, please.” 
Just as you requested, Jinyoung goes about gathering your laptop and assorted belongings before sliding them into your bag. One book, however, catches his attention. For a moment, he pauses to stare at the title, then flips open the cover. His mouth runs dry when he discovers numerous pages of notes in your handwriting. 
Jinyoung closes the book before turning back to you, who is struggling to climb to your feet. He moves to help you, stabilizing your body against the wall while asking, “Why are you researching necromancy?” 
“It’s a long story.” You inhale deeply, “But to keep it short… Youngjae and I are going to try to resurrect Jackson Wang.”
At the mention of the alpha werewolf, Jinyoung’s muscles grow stiff. He stares at your face, attempting to read the stars in your dreary irises. After what seems like a long moment of silence, he eventually speaks, albeit quietly, “You understand resurrecting someone from the dead is no simple task… Why would you even attempt such a thing?” 
Your expression softens. “Because Jackson didn’t deserve to die, Jinyoung. The pack lost their leader—Mark lost his best friend.” 
“Resurrection is a dangerous craft, (Y/N).”
“Not if we find the right spell.” You argue, throwing your bag over your shoulder with a sharp inhale. “I know it sounds bat-shit crazy, but I have to try, Jinyoung. For Jackson and for Mark.”
Jinyoung inhales a heavy gust, before releasing an even heavier breath. He curses himself at being so affected by the hope in your eyes. Your determination is too alluring—you are too alluring. 
“I have a collection of grimoires kept by a coven of Dutch witches who specialized in necromancy back in the 15th century.” He finally says, “I will gift them to you as long as you grant me one request.”
Your eyes immediately brighten. “Of course. What do you need me to do?” 
Jinyoung grabs your hands. “I want you to forgive my brother.” 
“After you left, Jaebeom fed me his blood.” He explains, “He cured the werewolf venom, so I wouldn’t have to suffer.”
Your face first contorts to confusion, then to Jinyoung’s surprise, guilt. “He didn’t tell me…” 
“As I told you, Jaebeom has a good heart.” His lips upturn into a sad smile, “He just… has difficulty revealing that side of himself to others.” 
With that, Jinyoung carefully gathers your body into his arms. He manages to cover your soiled clothes with your jacket before heading for the door. 
“It is your choice. I will give you the grimoires no matter what you decide.” 
Jinyoung’s heart leaps when your head collapses against his chest, right over where his heart proceeds to race. Judging by your silence, he expects your mind to have descended into unconsciousness once more, but is pleasantly surprised when your slurred voice reaches his ears, “Hey, Jinyoung?” 
“Thanks for saving me. Again.” 
Jinyoung smiles, “It was my pleasure, (Y/N).”
☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾
“Such a fucking idiot!...” Youngjae hisses, stomping his way past gravestones and monuments through the light of the setting sun. Usually, he would stop to appreciate such a beautiful moment in nature, but his mind is too preoccupied with thoughts of remorse and anger. 
Youngjae knew better than to keep something like this from Mark. His heart immediately drops when he thinks back to the older witch’s furious outburst—Youngjae hasn’t seen him that angry in a long time. Not since Jackson was alive.
He shakes the thought from mind. He should have never agreed to your idea in the first place. Jackson Wang is dead. And he can’t be brought back. End of story. 
A faint murmur of voices awakens Youngjae from his self-loathing. He hadn’t realized how deep he has traveled into the forest until now, so deep that he’s very close to the shore of the bay. His curiosity expands when he notices a strange light emitting from behind a group of closely placed trees. Against his better judgement, Youngjae decides to investigate. 
The nearer he approaches the site, the louder the voices grow. With a closer view, Youngjae can barely make out two figures conversing in front of a large bonfire. Due to the shadows of tree cover, he can’t recognize their faces, but something about their voices seems familiar to him… 
“You’re sure this is going to work?” 
“I’ve been planning this for years. There’s no way it won’t.” 
“Doesn’t this spell need a crazy amount of power?” 
“There will be a blood moon tomorrow night.” Youngjae watches as one of the figures retreats to the opposite side of the fire. If he is a bit closer, he might be able to catch a glimpse of his face. “I will have more than enough power to complete the transformation.” 
“And it won’t kill me? The transformation?” 
“You sound like you’re having second thoughts…” 
“I’m not!” The second figure insists, “The Primes deserve to pay for what they’ve done.” 
“And pay they will.” Youngjae’s blood runs cold as he finally gains sight of one of the figures. “The Primes and Mark Tuan.” 
“Holy shit—” Youngjae moves to make a mad dash back through the forest, but just as he takes a step backwards, his foot catches a large divot in the earth. He crashes to the ground with a faint yelp, cursing the new ache in his ankle. Panic skyrockets through his veins at the sound of approaching footsteps. Even against the slight pain, Youngjae manages to force himself to his feet, ready to make a break for it, but a broad chest halts his movements. 
Youngjae’s heart stops when he meets the gaze of Changbin, the temperamental omega from the werewolf pack. 
He smirks, “Your mother ever tell you it’s rude to eavesdrop?” 
Youngjae hisses, “Screw you.” 
Changbin remains unbothered. “What should we do with him?” 
“Well… we can’t have him warning anyone of our plans.” Minho comes into view, wearing a similar smirk to that of the werewolf. “And besides, he might turn out to be pretty useful to us.” 
“Why are you doing this!?” Youngjae demands as Changbin shoves him back to the ground. “Are you that desperate for revenge that you’d actually kill Mark-hyung!?” 
Minho shakes his head, “I’m not gonna kill him. That special gift is reserved for the Primes.” He chuckles, before lifting his shoulders in a shrug. “I’m just gonna take back what I rightfully deserve…” 
Youngjae sneers at the witch, “You’re a fucking traitor! A sick, selfish—” 
The siphoner immediately grows silent when Changbin lands a harsh hit against his cheek. At the heavy impact, Youngjae goes flying to the earth and doesn’t rise again. 
Changbin glances at Minho, “You sure about all this?” 
Minho only smirks. 
“I’m dead sure.”
53 notes · View notes
7wanderingpaws · 4 years
7wanderingpaws masterlist
(⁂ updated: 2021/11/28 ⁂) 
The goal is to make a space where a few ideas and images and feelings may be so arranged that a reader will want to linger awhile among them, rather than to flee.  - Janet Malcolm
I AM A PROUD MEMBER OF:  ⭐ Got7 Creators,   ⭐ Exo Writers Net,   ⭐ SuperM Writers Net ⭐ BBH-NET!
You can find me on AFF too! 
⭐  - favourite
✔    - completed
G O T 7 (full masterlist, last updated 2019/01/13)
- - - Exo Baekhyun x OC (only) - - -
Simply, Yours⭐ (✔)
Story's masterlist  💥
Always, Yours: Three Plus One! Edition (ongoing)
Story's masterlist 💥 (sequel to Simply, Yours) 
He Loves Love ⭐ (✔) - short fic
Genre: solo singer AU (no Exo) Warning: cocky, flirty, playful, fluffy Baekhyun Plot: It seems falling in love on first sight is something you do not believe, but Baekhyun, the music sensation, very much does so. Especially after meeting you
CHAPTERS: Drabble (read first) - 1. part  2. part , 3. part -final
Burn Your Bridges (✔) 
Story's mini masterlist  💥
Captain Bucheon (ongoing)
(sequel to Burn Your Bridges)
Story's mini masterlist 💥
Mess We Made (M) (✔) - short fic
Pairing: Baekhyun x reader Genre: arranged marriage au (not bbh), doctor AU, highschool AU (first chapter only), university AU, smut, ANGST Plot: You were willing to put the both of you through suffering without realizing you might hurt Baekhyun’s feelings in the process. Even though he was yours, you were never his. And he would not stand in the way anymore.  PARTS: First -- Second -- Third -- Fourth (final)
1. - doctor AU 
2. idol AU (the night before his enlistment)
Drabbles / One-shots
He Loves Love - solo singer AU drabble (no Exo)  ⭐
The Art of Shakiness (oneshot) - doctor AU  ⭐
Summer Rain ☔ (long drabble) - university AU
Quit Your Life (M) (oneshot) - bodyguard AU, badboy AU   ⭐ 
all the good ones are taken (drabble) - music professor AU, father AU
lets have some gentle fun (M) (oneshot) - CEO!AU, club worker AU
The Law of Attraction (one shot) - teacherxstudent AU, part one, part two (M), bonus part (M)
Blue Moon (drabble) - bodyguard AU, imperial guard AU
Murder to the Mind (one shot) - college AU, basketball player AU, playboy AU
360 notes · View notes
im-whatchamccallit · 4 years
Risking It//Mark Tuan (Got7)
Part 2|Masterlist|Rules
Request: YAY I’M SO EXCITED THAT YOU’RE BACK!! I hope you’ve been well (: I’ve missed you and your writing! May I request a college boyfriend Mark Tuan story! You can write it about whatever you want I just love the idea of Mark as a college boyfriend he gives me those vibes. Please make it fluffy and smutty if you’re feeling adventurous ;) Hahaha thank you so much! Have a wonderful day 😁😁😁
Pairing: Mark Tuan x Reader
Genre: College! AU, fluff but mostly smut (sorry, the hoe in me took over)
Warnings: sexual content (oral sex, fingering, mentions of overstimulation), kinda poorly written because I’m scatterbrained and couldn’t find a perfect concept lol
Words: 3.9k
You bit your bottom lip as you tried to focus on what your professor was saying, writing notes from the words she spoke in fear it’d be on a future pop quiz, but you couldn’t focus with the pair of eyes boring into you. You were trying to ignore Mark but he refused to look away, wanting you to look at him as he sat by idly at your teacher’s desk.
You weren’t sure what to expect when Mark was announced as the TA for your class, but you didn’t expect him to be, well, himself. You figured he’d try to be professional and fair, giving everyone equal amounts of attention and help whenever necessary, instead he’d always find his way to you, cracking jokes and even flirting. You were doing extremely well in this course, not needing the extra help which upset him a bit, so during times when he couldn’t talk to you up close, or text you in case your teacher saw, he’d stare, hoping to have a silent conversation with you to ease his clingy nature. But you weren’t catching on, his lips threatening to form a pout as he looked away.
“Mark.” His head snapped upwards as your professor called him, his body standing as he waited for her instructions.
“Can you hand out the graded test please? They’re on the corner of my desk.” He nodded, mentally cheering as he prepared himself to speak to you for the first time today.
Despite your professor speaking, you tuned her out, watching Mark anxiously as he went to each person, congratulating those that did well and telling others they can retake the test another day to salvage their grades. You were nervous. You weren’t as confident in this test as you were others and the idea of getting anything less than a 100 made you want to cry. You couldn’t even find ease in the way Mark was approaching you, the smile on his face might be because you did well or because he just wanted your attention, your mind screaming for it to be the former.
Mark gently handed you the booklet like test, your eyes immediately landing on the 98 that sat on the top of the front page, the pressured feeling in your chest not leaving even as an audible sigh left your lips while his hand rested on your head, causing your eyes to meet his.
“Good job.” You couldn’t help but give a small smile, finally giving him what he’s been wanting to see all day.
“Professor Ahn,” One girl, Yeeun, spoke up, everyone’s attention falling to her as she stood.
“Considering your TA is the one who graded the test, and is also (Y/n)’s boyfriend, don’t you think there’s a bit of bias on his part?”
The way she looked over at the both of you as if she had won some battle didn’t sit right with you, your eyes narrowing into a glare while Mark only smirked, continuing passing out the test as your professor sighed heavily.
“Ms. Shin, Mr. Tuan made me aware of his relationship with Ms. (Y/L/N) the day he arrived, which is why I personally grade all her test myself. In other words, the score (Y/n) received is not only valid but the only one to reach over 90% in this class, so I suggest you focus on your own grades instead of worrying about those two.” Mark wanted to laugh at the way she sat down in such a defeated state, scowling at the 73 on the paper as if it were a nuisance.
Professor Ahn repeated Mark’s words, reminding everyone that retakes would happen for the next two days during her free periods and after school before officially dismissing everyone, your body moving a bit slower than everyone else so you were left behind, Professor Ahn heading into her personal office just behind her desk while you approached Mark, his face in a cute pout.
“You didn’t look at me today.”
“I was nervous.” You responded, reaching to cup his face before bringing him into a soft kiss, pulling away before he could take it any further.
“What’s your next class?” He asked, reaching for your hand to lead you out of the room.
“I’m actually done for the day. And, I know you’re free too, so I figured we could just hang out.” The look you gave was hinting to something that could only spell trouble, yet he was hoping it was exactly what he was thinking, his lips forming a smirk as he stepped closer to you.
“Alright, and just where are we heading exactly?”
“I’ll give you a hint; we’ll be at my place, in my room, on a desk.” He didn’t waste a second dragging you down the busy halls, that hint more than clear for him to understand.
Yet he didn’t understand. Well, it was more like you tricked him.
By ‘on a desk’, he was hoping for something with you laid out beneath him with a lot less clothing involved and more x-rated touching. Instead, you were still in the baby pink high waist skirt and white sweater you wore for class earlier, the once seemingly normal and innocent outfit driving him crazy now, the only touching he received were pokes to the temple of his head whenever he read a question from your graded test unenthusiastically, obviously bummed by how the situation turned out. To think not scoring a perfect 100 would bother you so much that you’d make him study with you until you were ready to retake the test.
“Come on, the faster we do this, the faster I can learn what I got wrong.”
“(Y/n), you don’t need to retake the test. You have the highest score of your class, professor Ahn said so.”
“Yeah but what if someone retakes it and does better than me?”
Mark sighed, knowing how stubborn you were when it came to your grades, but he didn’t like the competitive side of you that came with it. He admired your persistence, but watching you drive yourself crazy over something so miniscule was heartbreaking, like when your calculus 3 teacher refused to let you retake his quiz and you couldn’t do anything but cry for days because that was your hardest class and you knew you could do better. But how could he force you out of a habit that he admittedly fell in love with? It was a complete contradiction.
“(Y/n),” you shifted your gaze from the notes and test in front of you to look at him.
“What are three cyanobacterial species?” Your eyes wandered from him, so many words crossed your mind, trying to find the right answers to the sudden question.
“Nostoc commune, nostoc punctiforme, and nodularia spumigena… I think.” You said slowly, watching Mark pull the packet open and flip to the third page, showing you the exact question he asked, an ‘X’ right next to your answer.
“The reason you didn’t get a perfect score is because you missed this one question. You didn’t get it right because you’re always freaking out. But now that you know the answer, and know that you always panic at the idea of not doing well; do you think it’s wise to retake the test and aim for a 100, only to possibly freak out again and end up with the same score or worse?”
You wanted to argue with his logic but it was reasonable, and he was right. You were freaking out for nothing and were honestly surprised you hadn’t dropped dead from all the stress you had, wanting to laugh at how ridiculous you’d been. Mark noticed you staring off into space, probably still scolding yourself like you always do. He didn’t mean to kill your confidence, but what else could he do to make you snap out of your “no mistakes allowed” tunnel vision?
“Baby,” He called, your eyes finding him once more, noticing his arms open and waiting for you to settle into his lap, which you did without hesitation, his hands cupping your face so you couldn’t look away.
“I know you’re smart, and that you could get a perfect score if you tried harder, but you can’t always push yourself like this. It’s okay to not be the best and, sometimes, you’ll learn there are people out there that are the best of the best and you can’t compare.” He said, your lips curling upwards as you released a giggle.
“That was such a backhand compliment.” His laughter mixed with your own, hands easing from your face into your hair.
“Yeah, I could’ve worded that better, but you need to relax. Stressing yourself out won’t make you perfect. Okay?”
You rolled your eyes, feeling a little disparaged but knowing he meant well, truly worried for you and rightfully so. You were a hard ass, you knew that and just couldn’t help it. Maybe that’s why you loved Mark, he was responsible yet relaxed. He had it all figured out and, even when he didn’t, he was nonchalant until he did. It was one of the traits you wish you could take from him and have for yourself.
“Okay, then show me what I should do to relax.” You said, a smirk similar to the one you gave earlier on your lips, his finger darting out to poke you in the center of your forehead, a stern look on his face.
“I should just leave and make you take a nap for tricking me into studying with you. But I have manners, so get on the bed.”
You eagerly climbed out of his lap and followed his orders, removing your top on your way there, not wanting to waste any more time. As you watched him approach you with his eyes taking you in hungrily, you couldn’t help but think of the position you were in.
He’d be busy for the next two days helping students from Professor Ahn’s four classes retake their test. Her other three classes held 60 or so students, a little over double the amount of your class, and the likelihood of everyone from the other classes failing was damn near impossible, but her course was hard so it’s a good possibility almost half the class would want a retake, and thinking of potential students from your own class doing the same, that’d mean Mark and Professor Ahn would have roughly 110 test to grade by the end of the two days. Even if they split the grading load in half, Mark would be busy days later helping her while simultaneously maintaining his own grades, meaning the two day period you thought nothing of would really be four to five days of barely being together, so you were going to bask in this moment.
“(Y/n/n),” Mark called, gaining your attention.
Your eyes darted towards him and noticed he was between your legs, face close to your heat that was now exposed as he tossed your panties away not too long ago, your skirt bunched around your waist as he patiently waited for you to answer, hoping you weren’t uncomfortable and suddenly having second thoughts.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, sorry. I just realized it’ll be a few days before we can be like this again.” You admitted, unconsciously placing your hand in his hair and stroking it softly. It was still pretty soft despite bleaching and dying it so many times.
“Think about it this way,” He started, placing a small kiss to your inner thigh, your teeth sinking into your bottom lip as you tried to resist the urge to close them, his lips ticking your skin as he continued moving closer to your core.
“Everything I do today is a precursor for the next time I come over.”
You wanted to make a snide remark to keep your banter going, but the way his lips finally connected with your folds made your head spin, any thoughts you had were gone as the foreign yet very familiar and dearly missed pleasure hit you. You can’t remember the last time Mark went down on you, your schedules leaving the both of you available for only quickies in unoccupied classrooms just to make it to your next class on time. But taking the time to go slow and actually savor the pleasure was making the experience a million times better, any memory you had of his tongue being buried within you was replaced with this moment, his tongue taking it’s time to taste you as if you were the best meal in the world.
“Mark,” You breathed out, his head moving back just slightly so his tongue was visible, your eyes locked on the way he teasingly flicked it around your opening while staring straight at you, expertly dragging the pink muscle up to your clit before covering it completely with his lips sucking harshly so that you cried out.
He knew exactly what he was doing and what buttons to push, taking two fingers and rubbing them along your slit to lubricate them before easily sliding them inside, your body nearly jumping away at the feeling. He felt you contract around him, surprised that you might already be so close considering he just started, but that only encouraged him more, his mind running with the thoughts of exactly how long he could make this last and how cute you’d be once you were completely spent from him actions.
You were gripping onto Mark’s hair desperately as your other hand held onto your pillow for dear life, your back arching at the familiar motions of his fingers, simultaneously thrusting into you while drumming against your g-spot, sending small waves of gratification through you. Those little jolts were enough to distract you from Mark moving up your body, kissing from your belly button to your bra cladded breast, his free hand slipping beneath it easily to toy with your nipples, already so hard despite the fact he had only begun stimulating them.
You struggled to crack your eyes open, looking at the man above you as a breathy whine interrupted your seemingly endless moans. His eyes were concentrating on each contorted muscle of your face before finding your eyes, smiling softly at you as if he wasn’t pinching and rubbing at your breast while using his fingers to scissor your pussy. Any words you wanted to say came out almost like squeaks, your hands speaking for you as they moved to his chest, slowly trailing down until they reached the slowly growing, but clearly there, bulge in his black jeans.
He watched in amusement as you impatiently undid his pants, tapping his thumb on your clit to watch you freeze momentarily in an attempt to regain your composure. He was like a sadist but the humane kind. Mark couldn’t help the groan he let out once your hand slipped into his boxers, wasting no time stroking his member at the same pace his fingers moved into you, his eyes squeezing shut as his face dipped into your neck, teeth sinking into your shoulder to control himself from going any further. The juices you let out were making such lewd sounds, and the harder his thumb rubbed against the sensitive nerves just above your entrance, the more your hips rolled into his hands and your walls tightened around him, actual words finally leaving you as you let out a soft ‘please’. It was all becoming too much for him, but he didn’t want to give in just yet.
“Mark,” You called out to him again, his head finally lifting to look at your face. Even though your eyes could barely stay open, your lips trembling as you whimpered pathetically and your breathing labored, you looked amazing.
“What’s wrong?” He asked gently, slowly bringing his fingers to a stop to allow you to speak, the bubble of pleasure you felt fading away.
“I want more. Please.” You continued to pump his cock from inside his briefs, the urge to fuck himself into your hand hard to ignore as your thumb played with the beads of precum leaking from his tip, your hand working faster knowing he was so close to giving you what you wanted.
Instead, he reached between your bodies to grab your wrist, reluctantly pulling it away from his throbbing and needy member and bringing it up to examine it, precum visibly sticking to your thumb and palm.
“I’ll give you everything you want, but you have to be patient.” He warned you, reaching for the hand resting on his chest to bring them above your head, holding them in place so that he could get back to his main objective.
You wanted to scream as he began to move his fingers again, not starting off slow like he usually would but going knuckles deep, his thumb now finding a good pace on your clit as well. It was clear he was trying to get you off first. It wasn’t uncommon for him to let you get your release before him, but this felt different, weird even. He was rough but precise, your g-spot being hit no matter how deep and fast his appendages plunged into you. And the pressure on your clit wasn’t helping either, only making the strange feeling increase.
Your back arched as you moaned loudly, unsure if your roommate was even home but you couldn’t care less about that now, your legs kicking against the bed as if you wanted to escape the way his hand was fucking you but so curious where this feeling was leading and just how good it’d feel. Mark’s cock twitched at the sight of you, every time your hips lifted from the bed he’d see a wet spot forming from the juices dripping from your cunt and his hand, making it obvious that you came already but he wanted to see you orgasm, knowing you were close as you incoherently cried out, begging for him as your thighs clenched together in an attempt to slow him down even though you didn’t want him to stop.
“Look at me.” He said in a soft voice yet stern enough to remind you it was a demand.
You shyly faced him, vision hazy as you focused on his features. You felt his hand leave your wrist before creeping down to comb through your hair, easing to the back of your head and pulling you into him, bringing your lips to his to capture every sound you made. If it wasn’t the way his hand continued to assault your core as it convulsed violently, or the way his teeth nipped at your bottom lip in the middle of your heated make out session, or even the way he pulled away to speak filthy words to you to encourage your release, the thin line of self-control and submission you were walking was gone, your body falling fast and hard into the latter.
Mark’s fingers dug into your scalp to hold you in place, a few moans escaping his throat as you clenched around his digits, pleasured cries falling into his mouth as you no longer focused on your kiss. Your lower half jerked almost painfully, his fingers slowly moving into you to draw out your release, his face pulling away as he felt a bead of your orgasm rolling down his fingers and palm and onto his wrist, the once small wet spot now a puddle beneath your body, your fluids leaving the room and sheets a distinctly sweet smell.
You shut your eyes in relief as Mark finally pulled his hand away, trying to catch your breath as he moved from the bed. You could feel the stickiness on you, your thighs closing to keep the cool air from hitting your sensitive core, the sound of your skin pulling from the sheets making you cringe. No wonder it felt so weird, you squirted for the first time ever and, now, your mattress was ruined. You were contemplating if you should just rest now in your own filthy release or properly clean everything, not having time to form an answer as Mark climbed above you, instantly connecting his lips to the shell of your ear and your neck. You turned to look at him, noticing his pants and boxers were off, his rock hard dick on display between your bodies.
“W-wait, I don’t think I can do that again.” You admitted, your face hot at the thought of being overstimulated, Mark’s gaze meeting yours. His eyes were so dark and clouded, your core unwillingly pulsating again with arousal despite your words.
“If you need me to stop, I’ll stop. I did promise to give you whatever you want earlier.”
The room fell silent as he waited for your answer, your eyes looking away in embarrassment as you opened your legs for him, cursing yourself for being so needy despite what happened only a few seconds ago. Mark smirked and placed a gentle kiss to your cheek, easing his body forward until he was poking at your entrance, preparing to thrust into you but not before he spoke in a definite tone.
“I’m going to make sure you’re too tired to think about the retest and, if I even see you going to take it, we’ll do this all over again.”
And it was a promise. You knew Mark never bluffed, especially when it came to sexual rewards and punishments, so you could do nothing but take those words to heart. Although the next day, after dragging your sore body from the soaked bed you both were too exhausted to flip, and getting ready as normal, you crept your way towards Professor Ahn’s class.
It was her second free period of the day and currently Mark’s accounting class, meaning there would be fewer students there for the retest and he would be out of sight and out of mind. You slowly crept into her classroom, looking to the twelve or so students working silently, Professor Ahn nowhere to be found.
You knew she’d never leave a class unsupervised during a test, so she was most likely watching from her office to see who would or wouldn’t cheat. She was clever that way so it only made sense.
You eagerly headed to the door, knocking gently before hearing an uninterested ‘enter’.
“Sorry for disturbing you Professor Ahn, but I was hoping I could do the retest to-“ You froze.
Professor Ahn and Mark’s eyes left the test and answer sheets around them to stare at you. During her first free period, over sixty students came, leaving your professor overwhelmed at how much grading she’d have to do if she waited until the last minute, her first instinct was to call her TA in for help which he easily accepted, knowing that missing one class wouldn’t hurt him. So the two sat in the once comfortable silence, grading roughly thirty test each. You thought you had it all figured out but didn’t plan for a random setback like this, and neither did Mark, his eyes boring into yours despite you trying to avoid his gaze.
“You were planning to do the retest, (Y/n)?” Professor Ahn spoke up, dropping her red pen and searching for a clean copy of the test from the folder next to her, your eyes widening as you frantically shook your head.
“No! No, it was nothing. I’m sorry for stopping by like this.” You said, preparing to leave but the call of your name from an eerily calm source made you stop, an inaudible whimper leaving you as you turned back to your boyfriend, a seemingly sweet but truly sinister smile on his lips.
“I’ll see you tonight, okay?”
You were fucked, pun intended.
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allyreads · 5 years
fic recommendations
this is a list of few of my favourite fics, check my reblogs for even more fics !!
author recommendations here
search the members’ initials to see what i recommend that isn’t on this list!! (kth for kim taehyung, ick for im changkyun, etc.)
fandoms i read: bts, svt, mx, exo, got7 and nct (so far)
1. this is not a complete list, i’ll keep adding to it.
2. majority of these contain or are smut
3. very angsty so be careful of your heart
far from home - @red-exo
a light-hearted read that doesn’t use the most complex of vocabulary yet is able to make me feeeeeel all sort ways. although based on a simple concept, the story will definitely hike JB up your bias list!!
the noisy neighbours - @chickenkooks
i want desire (a series) - @taexual
who doesn’t love a good mafia AU! series
currents - @yeoldontknow
one of the most powerful fanfictions ive ever read. all the revelations at the end…i can’t find any other words to describe how powerful it was.
systems of touch - @yeoldontknow
fuelled by love and sexual tension, this story portrays a rather professional side of jung hoseok and a reader through an artistic storyline.
oceans of gold - @junqkook
always had a soft spot for greek mythology (as mentioned below in yoongi’s) the myth of apollo and hyacinth were incorporated perfectly into this fic i’m obsessed.
policeofficer!jungkook - @nothingatallspecialinanyway
inspired by the music video, it’s a simple and hot piece of writing that portrays the AU!possible sexy side of jeon jungkook
oblivion - @softlyjiminie
demon!AU’s are just the best. this has angst too UGH I LOVE.
young wolf - @junqkook
for game of thrones fanatics ;)
forever and a night - @gukyi
a heartbreaking yet lovely werewolf!JK fic
not quite lovers - @junqkook
a hot ass fic, as expected from yara. in this fic the reader is the CEO rather than the guy. it was a refreshing change of perspective
rottenfolk - @junqkook
faerie jk is rotten alright
after dark - @seokoloqy
the sea & the storm - @jamaisjoons
P E R F E C T I O N honestly. so well written and so well thought out and the concept isn’t like any other im so in love
the turing test - @fortunexkookie
there are so many kook stories that i adore and this is one of them that i read so far. it’s another multi-chapter android!jungkoo; and recommend this story so much it’s so carefully crafted.
the monogamy monologues - @kpopfanfictrash
comedy gold, honestly. it’s so funny and so romantic and an amazing late-night read where you get lost in jungkook’s eyes through the form of words. 
rattled - @taehyungforreal
i know the series just started but i can’t help but fall for single dad!JK and i can’t wait to see how the series progresses
legacy - @mintjoonlep
intro: for her - @jamaisjoons
upgrade - @gukgalore
sorry tae, but i think yoongi has won here in this one
1. hello paradise my name is
2. mint
3. aidoneus, my love - @seokoloqy
i’m a sucker for greek mythology so it’s natural that this whole hades!AU series has got to be one of my favourite yoongi fics
heart haunting - @jamaisjoons
the morning after - @softlyjiminie
i just realised i didn’t list any tae fics when i first created this, but i found one!! this is a short, poetic angst / smut written in a genre i can never ever get bored of: the powerful, lingering feelings for an ex lover
1-800-music-street - @httpjeon
buzzed - @ junqkook
warm - @ httpjeon
i’m seeing a pattern in these fics...roommate!taehyung. there’s something so simple and sweet about this concept. gives me hope that love (and sex) can be exciting even in a domestic setting.
everythingoes - @jamaisjoons
so. fucking. good. OH MY GOD. this fic shook me to the core. unrequited love! angst! new found love! all my fucking favourites i love this fic pls go read it i don’t care if it’s 24k words and it’s 3am just go read it ok thanks bye.
taboo - @jhspetitegf
professor!taehyung oops
lovebug - @ httpjeon
rockin’ the coffin - @ junqkook
HOT DAMN (it’s all i can say tbfh)
casual clothes - @httpjeon
faded love - @jamaisjoons
my all time fave genre: angst on divorcées / exes who still love each other. this piece was written to perfection. *chef’s kiss*
bloom - @ jamaisjoons
similar to seungcheol’s fic (listed below), this is also about the hanahaki disease and unrequited love. (my favourite!) i sound like a sadist but i promise i’m not
eternal orbit - @interludemoonchild
stumbled across this and spent hours reading this series. every single second was worth it. i love the development of character and relationships between each of them. can’t wait for the next few chapters.
mine - @whereisten
demon!ten is seriously what i live for. such a hot, sexy fic i loved it. can’t really say much because you’ve got to read it to truly understand just how one demon can really rid you of your sanity.
lovestruck!lucas - @warmau
nothing like us - @ohh-baekhyun
enough - @kpopfanfictrash
a heart-clenching, emotional angst that potrayed the falling out of and falling back in love perfectly. alongside that came sensual smut to emphasise the connection AU!baekhyun had with the reader. it’s a lovely piece, everyone should check it out.
behave - @elle-lowriting
dom!baekhyun is just… wow. who knew a five letter, authoratative word could have such an effect. i know, me neither. catch a glimpse of baek’s dominance with this fic!!
light - @writing-exo-things
an extremely creative take on fanfictions, created based off exo’s latest demonic-esque concept. intriguing storylines such as this are then well planned out such as this one right here ^ i really recommend reading a few of her/his works. here’s the masterlist for the whole x-ėxø series. it’s a wonderful concept.
mister - @angstyexo
i hate you - @soobadnoonecanstopher
similar to far from home (JB’s fic), this piece is based on a rather common idea. this one was an enemies to lovers AU. it’s fun to read a tension-filled relationship that is soon resolved by unexpected ways. in short, this was a blithe and beguiling story.
saudade - @fairyyeols​
a slightly heartbreaking but lovely mixture of angst and fluff
the dress - @thotantics
black tie - @yeoldontknow
my universe - @sehunniiie
the etymology of us - @8bityeol
bodyguard - @optimizche
automatic - @exosmutxoxo
( i can’t find the link for this :((( )
reunited wrongly - @causekpop
heaven - @fairyyeols
ashes - @taexual
i knew i had to add this to the list right away after reading it. overall, this is a piece that portrays angst and a deteriorating relationship perfectly.
heat - @guccisvt
if u enjoy werewolf!AU’s and hot sexual tension like i weirdly do, this fic is for you. a little lengthy, but worth every word.
but he didn’t - @pasteluji
i clearly have a thing for angst these days but this fic really crushed my heart. managed to portray everything so well: the situation itself and the perspective of BOTH characters I LOVE IT
what you can’t have - @guccisvt
unrequited love with a twist
monsta x:
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pars-ley · 4 years
Milestone Madness
I passed a milestone recently, one I never thought I'd reach. I'm honestly so appreciative and grateful for each and every one of you who follow me and show me the love, with your likes, comments, re-blogs and sweet messages I receive. Thank you so much! 
So I've decided to do a drabble game to celebrate!
You can choose;
One member only.
Up to two prompts.
One au/troupe.
Send me an ask stating which choices you'd like and I shall write it. The choices are between BTS and GOT7 members only.
1. Where did you learn how to do that?
2. You want more? I'll give you more, baby.
3. I can't take it anymore, I need you. Right here. Right now.
4. Don't make me beg.
5. You can't say something like that and expect me to just go home.
6. I need you so badly, i want to tear my own hair out.
7. You're the only one i need, in this life and the next.
8. I have an entire forest growing inside of me and you've carved your name on every tree.
9. I love you, okay, like stupid, moronic, ridiculous love.
10. You make me want to be a better man.
11. For goodness sake, i want you to be my wife and have my children one day!
12. Me and you, always. I promise.
13. You can't even say the words I'm so desperate to hear from you, can you?
14. Was he better, for you? How was it? Worth it?
15. I want you to be mine but I know I can't have you,  so let's just call it quits. 
16. I know I can be a lot but please, don't leave me. I'll be better.
17. I can't, you're someone else's girl.
18. You said this was forever! Or was that a lie too?
Vampire au
Fairy tale au
Comedy au
Werewolf au
Western au
Workplace au
Superhero au
Royalty au
Idol au
Fake dating au
Enemies to lovers au
Professor au
8 notes · View notes
myglogic · 5 years
Happiness (Jackson Wang x Reader)
Tumblr media
Pairing: Jackson Wang (GOT7) x Reader
Genre: Fluff, enemies to lovers (kinda), fake dating AU
Word count: 4,3k
Summary: When your family’s yearly gathering was coming up, you didn’t want to go really. Not wanting to end up going alone again, you happen to tell your parents that Jackson is your boyfriend. The problem was that Jackson didn’t really like you. Oh, well.
You were happy with your life. Anyone hearing this sentence would think different things. Think about things that make you happy. Some people might say it’s their family, their friends or even their pets. Others might say even trivial things such as ice cream or just a sunny day. For some people, true happiness means a perfect life. A great family, a job you loved and someone in your life who loved you more than anything in this world.
Your life was far from that perfect world. But that didn’t mean that you weren’t happy. You really were. You were a regular university student who studied arts. Something that your family didn’t really approve of. They wanted you to study something sophisticated like your sister, Yuna, who was two semesters away from becoming a doctor. Your family was wealthy but after hearing your plans to go after your dream to have an art gallery with art from all around the world, they decided to not pay for your tuition for college.
It didn’t matter to you. You said that it was fine. Your mother was a bit more accepting than your father but they weren’t really proud of telling their friends about you. They preferred to talk about your future doctor sister and gloated about it.
Remember the perfect life that was mentioned earlier on? Perfect family, perfect boyfriend and all that. Your sister did have that (even though you thought that her boyfriend was kind of a douche). You didn’t have a boyfriend or a degree that could make you rich. You didn’t want to cut your family off though. You still went to the annual family gatherings they arranged every year. It was a pain in the ass, honestly. Everyone judged you for what you were doing with your life. But you didn’t care about their opinions. You were still a part of this family.
You could say that you were kind of the black sheep in the family. But at least you were doing something that you loved. Your university was a few hours away from home, so you weren’t always reminded of the fact that you were a disappointment to the family. Your friends in university did not judge you. No one really did. There were a few exceptions but doesn’t every university have those kinds of people?
You also were close to graduating. You mainly focused on arts in your studies but you also took a few courses about business strategies. If you wanted to become successful, business sure helped with that. You were pretty confident when it came to mathematics and numbers so the course was really easy for you. You took it with business majors and even they were confused. How could an art major be so smart? Their words, not yours.
Jackson Wang was the best in all of his courses. He was smart, handsome and bound to be an amazing businessman, taking after his father. He was the heir to his father’s company and he wanted to do a perfect job when he took over. He studied for all of his exams like crazy and aced every single one of them. But then you happened. An art major who took a business class just because you felt like it. Jackson didn’t usually have any competition in his classes but in this class, you seemed to be a natural in. The professor liked you and he didn’t understand why.
In every test, you were better or as good as him. It annoyed him. He made sure you knew that. You were always trying to stay positive but Jackson made it hard for you to do so. You knew about his reputation, the rich heir of the Wang Empire. Everyone knew him and his goals. His future was written for him by his dad.
Your family was, as earlier mentioned, wealthy too but not like his family. He could even buy this university if he wanted to. You heard that he wasn’t that stuck up as a person. Apparently, he was a really nice person towards everyone and he was fun to be around. He wasn’t only popular because of his money. It was really confusing because seemed to hate you for some reason. 
He liked to tease and make fun of you. You tried not to really think about it too much. You honestly had more important things to think about than stupid Jackson Wang. Your mind was completely somewhere else. This year’s family gathering was soon and you were already preparing yourself for some huge headaches. Another year of your family telling you that you should at least find a boyfriend. You were tired of this. You sometimes wished that you had a boyfriend just to shut them up.
Why were they even so interested in your love life? A reason for that was for sure your sister. Since she had everything your parents wanted, they expected you to have that too. They gave up on convincing you to change your major but they at least wanted a good boyfriend for you.
You liked seeing your family but you didn’t want to hear the same things over and over again for the next 10 years.
You were on campus. It was a sunny day and you sat down on the grass and breathed in the fresh wind. Then you noticed two people sitting down a few meters away from you. Jackson and Jinyoung. The two of them were best friends and studied the same thing. Jinyoung was a chill guy but Jackson was kind of an asshole. Not kind of. He was an asshole for sure.
“Yo, Y/N. What are you doing here all alone? Where are your friends? Do you even have friends?”, Jackson said and laughed.
Jinyoung laughed along. “Stop it, Jackson.”
You rolled your eyes. “Ha. Ha. So funny, Jackson. Didn’t hear that one before!”
Just for your information, you did have friends!
Suddenly your phone rang. “Hello?”, you said after picking up. You noticed that Jinyoung got up and walked in the direction of the cafeteria. So, you sat there, alone with Jackson.
“Hello, dear!”, you heard your mother’s voice from the other side of the line. “You know our family gathering is this weekend, right? I’m expecting you to come!”, she said in a cheery tone.
She was always so enthusiastic about these gatherings, you didn’t even understand why. “Yeah, I will be coming.”
You then heard your sister’s voice in the background. “Are you coming alone again? Alex will come again this year, maybe you should bring your boyfriend.”, she said and laughed. “Oh, I forgot you don’t have one!”
You were mad. You hated her sometimes. She was such a bitch when it came to showing her perfect life off. “What do you know, huh?”, you said in an angry voice. You felt Jackson’s eyes on you, clearly hearing your conversation.
“What? Are you bringing someone with you this time?”, you could hear her smirking.
“Yuna, will you stop now? It doesn’t matter if she brings someone, even though it would be nice! Just bring yourself, dear.”, your mum interrupted you.
“What if I am bringing someone?”, you said, slightly panicking. You didn’t even know what you were saying. You did not have someone to bring with you!
“Oh, really?”, your mother said in a surprised tone. “Do you have I boyfriend?”, she asked you in an excited voice.
“What?”, Yuna said, clearly annoyed.
Don’t say it, don’t say it, don’t fucking say it! “Yes. I am bringing my boyfriend…”, you looked around full of panic and found Jackson, again staring at you. “Jackson!”, you said and Jackson jumped a little in surprise, looking at you with a confused expression. “Yeah, my boyfriend, Jackson! I’ll see you on Saturday, bye!”, you quickly hung up.
You said Jackson! Out of all people. You looked at him in horror as he got up and sat next to you. “Did I hear that right? I am your boyfriend now?”, he said, still confused. “Why the hell did you say that? Do you want to get popular or something? Are you spreading lies?”
You rolled your eyes. “Don’t flatter yourself. Why would I tell everyone that we’re dating? I panicked, okay and you were the first guy I saw.”, you then sighed.
“Okay, will you explain the situation to me then? Because it involves me, I think I deserve to know why you said that.”
You sighed again and looked down, a little embarrassed. “My family has this yearly family gathering. We meet, talk, have fun and catch up. My sister has this annoying boyfriend and she is about to be a doctor. She’s the daughter my parents always wanted. I study arts as you know and it’s not something to be proud of and every year I go alone.”, you now looked at him, still feeling hot from embarrassment. “They kind of accepted the fact that I won’t be a doctor or something like that. But I didn’t want to listen to them talking shit about me for not having a boyfriend again. My sister made fun of me on the phone and I panicked and said your name.”
Jackson didn’t know what to say. He thought his family was thoughtless but yours seemed to be worse.
“I’m sorry. I will call them and say that it was a joke.”, you said and gave him a little forced smile.
“Your family really does that? Every year?”, he asked you curiously.
“They make fun of me, every. Fucking. Year.”, you rolled your eyes. “But I’m sorry about that.”
“No! You know what? It’s next weekend, right? I will help you… If you help me!”, he quickly said, waiting for a response.
“What could I possibly help you with?”, you said, with a confused expression.
He smirked. “Fail the next test in our business class. It boosts my ego.”
“What? Why?”, you didn’t know why he wanted that.
“Well, I am usually the best in all of my classes. I cannot have an art major take my spot.”, he smirked again. “…Or you could at least tell me what your secret is?”
You laughed a little. “There literally is no secret. My brain just understands business things, I guess?”
Jackson sighed. “Why didn’t you choose a business major then?”
You looked up to the clear, blue sky. “Everyone asks me that. I just enjoy drawing, painting. Everything that lets me be creative. I dream to open a gallery someday. Maybe you can visit my gallery one day. I know it might not be that easy…but I will at least try.”, you said and smiled.
You looked way more approachable when you were smiling, thought Jackson. “You’re doing something that a lot of people are afraid to do. You’re following your dream. You should be proud of that.”
He didn’t even know why he said that. Why was he so nice to you? Maybe he pitied you, for having such a horrible family. Your life didn’t seem as easy as his life was. From a young age on, Jackson always knew that he would take over his father’s company. It’s like there was no other thing. He never thought about doing something else. Seeing you made him think about that more.
You were in your own little world but you still were realistic. You didn’t care about other people’s opinions. That’s what made you interesting to Jackson.
“You know what? Okay, I guess I can fail that test if it makes you happy. Will you pretend to be my boyfriend next weekend, please?”, you asked Jackson and gave him a sweet smile.
He cracked a smile too. “Okay. I will be your boyfriend. I will be a great one too!”
You held your hand towards him. “Deal?”
Jackson smirked. “Couples don’t shake hands.”, he said and put his arm around you.
“Wow, you really have no boundaries, huh?”, you said and laughed.
“We need to plan our relationship though. It has to be believable… My parents would like you anyway. You have money and a good family name. These are the only things that matter to them.”, you speak out the sad reality.
“Okay, let’s do this!”
So, you did.
According to your plan, you have dated for 7 months until Jackson finally asked you to be his girlfriend on your 4th date. You met in your business class, which was technically not a lie and he was immediately interested in you. He kissed you on your 3rd date and after that everything went smoothly. You just hoped that the story was believable. He was ready to meet your family. You warned him about every single one of your family members. You had some cousins that were after men all the time. Jackson had to stay away from them, even though it might be hard for him. You noticed that he was very affectionate and touchy.
He thought that it was a good idea to go on a fake date before, just to see how far you could go as a couple. You told him that hand-holding and hugs were fine. If it were up to him, he would’ve kissed you the whole time. He told you that he thinks that kissing was way more believable.
You said no. At least not when it wasn’t necessary.
He surely did not shy away to touch you. You went to an indoor ice rink for your fake date. He held your hand, helped you up and he even held you close when you were about to fall.
You noticed that your cheeks were getting redder every second. You blamed it on the cold air. Let’s be real, you were a total noob on the ice. He had amazing balance and looked very good on the ice.
“Jackson, will you stop doing those cool tricks? I feel like a loser next to you!”, you said and laughed when he nearly fell on his face.
“Guess my attempt to impress you failed, huh?”, he said and skated close to you and grabbed you by your hips, softly. You noticed some girls looking at you two with jealousy in their eyes. They probably thought that your ‘boyfriend’ was very cute.
Your breath hitched for a second. “Uh, yeah!”, you said, too quickly. “You don’t need to impress me, though!”, you assured him.
“I want to!”, he smiled and then took your hand. “I am your boyfriend, after all!”
“Fake boyfriend.”, you corrected him. “You don’t need to do that much.”
“Yeah. Right.”, he said. You swear you saw his smile falter. Maybe it was your imagination.
The second fake date was just an evening in Jackson’s apartment. He had rented a very luxurious apartment close to campus since his father was rich as hell. Why would he live in normal student dorms? You didn’t feel uncomfortable though. Jackson opened a movie on Netflix. You didn’t really concentrate on the movie.
“It must be a shitty feeling… to be the next heir to a huge company, right? Well… I mean the people judge you pretty quickly.”, you said and pulled the blanket Jackson gave you close to your body.
“I got used to it. They think that I do nothing. But I’m working towards my degree. My father didn’t just hand me the company. I’m working on business strategies and ways to be a good CEO.”
After getting to know him better you admired how he handled judgment. You were, in a way, really similar. You never thought that you would ever say that. He handled judgment different than you. He was judged for being ‘spoiled’, a ‘rich kid’. You did think that of him too. But he works harder than anyone else for his dream. You didn’t listen to anyone either and did what you thought was right and so did he. “You are really inspiring, Jackson. Never change and always follow your dreams, okay?”, you smiled at him and put your head on his shoulder.
Jackson tensed up a little but then slowly put his arm around you. “We both should do that and prove everyone else wrong.”, he whispered.
You slowly dozed off on Jackson’s shoulder. “Mmm, yeah, that sounds good.” Before you knew it, you were asleep.
Jackson noticed and put the blanket over properly. He slowly pressed a kiss on the top of your head. “Good night, Y/N…”, he whispered before closing his eyes too.
Before you knew it, the dreaded weekend arrived. You felt closer to Jackson after accidentally spending the night at his place. It wasn’t that awkward anymore but there was still a certain tension from Jackson’s side. You didn’t really know why.
You got out of Jackson’s fancy car. You walked up to him. “Wait, let me-“, you walked closer to him and fixed his tie. “Aren’t you handsome?”, you grinned at him. “Are you ready to meet them?”
Jackson smiled at you and took your hand. “Yeah. Let’s do this.”
His hand felt warm in yours and you became conscious of how your heartbeat quickened. You shouldn’t feel this. It’s not like you were dating for real.
Your mom opened the door, full of excitement. “Y/N, dear!”, she said and hugged you tightly. “And you must be Jackson! Welcome to the family.”, she hugged him as well. “Come in!”
You introduced Jackson to everyone (even your annoying cousins). Everyone was very positively surprised that he was your boyfriend. More like, they asked themselves how Jackson would date someone like you. It was clear that he was more popular than you were in your own family. Your sister seemed to be very annoyed. Alex, like the douchebag he was, didn’t even sit next to her. He was too busy talking to important people on the phone. He was a lawyer, that was the reason your family never said anything about him.
Jackson on the hand was by your side, the whole night. He held you close to him and always spoke highly of you. His touchiness seemed to be helpful for once. You liked the feeling of his arm around your hip. He made you feel protected and special.
Now that your parents’ interest was for Jackson, your sister was frustrated. You didn’t give her any attention. You just enjoyed the time with your family. For once no one said anything about you.
Until now. “So, Jackson, why would a guy like you date an artist like Y/N?”, one of your annoying cousins asked him. With an artist, she actually meant loser.
“What’s wrong with being an artist?”, Jackson said and looked at her. “I like her the way she is.”
“It just… doesn’t seem to fit for a man of your caliber.”, she added. “How long were you dating again?”
“5 months.”, Jackson said at the same time you said, “7 months.”
Why did Jackson mix it up now? Was he nervous?
“I meant for 7 months. Time passes quickly when you spend it with the woman you love.”, he said and gave you a genuine look that made your heart skip a beat. At the same time, you wished that this was real.
You heard a few “aww’s”. Your sister didn’t seem to believe anything. She seemed to be skeptical of every single thing you said.
“And you know what? Y/N is doing something she loves. I support her no matter what, as long as she’s happy.”, he added with confidence in his voice. You looked at him with gratefulness in your eyes. You couldn’t be happier to have him by your side right now.
After dinner, you and Yuna helped with the dishes. As you washed the dishes, she dried them. “So, how did you arrange this? The relationship is totally fake, isn’t it?”, she said while smirking.
You rolled your eyes. “Are you jealous that my boyfriend actually gives me attention?”, you said in a monotone voice.
“I will expose you. I didn’t think that you were this desperate to lie, just to get validation from mom and dad.”, she fired back.
“Shut up.”, you said quietly.
“I said, SHUT UP!”, you said louder. “You don’t even know what’s going on in my life. Who are you to tell me that my relationship is fake?”, you washed and dried your hands. “You are telling me that I am trying to get validation? What about you, huh? You didn’t even want to become a doctor and you are dating an asshole just because he is a lawyer! So much for validation, huh?”, you finally said and leaving your sister speechless.
Before she could answer, you walked out of the kitchen to the garden, just to run into Jackson. “Hey, I heard some things… Are you okay?”
You took a deep breath. “I just told Yuna what I think of her. I should do that more often. Thank you for worrying, I’m fine.”, you said and put your hand on his cheek. “You have been nothing but kind to me. I don’t even know why you’re doing all of this.”
Jackson looked in your eyes. “I don’t know either. I guess I just like to see you smile. I’m here to make sure that you never lose that smile of yours. Never doubt yourself. You are better than all of these people in that house. You stayed true to yourself.”
You smiled even more. “Thank you.”, you whispered.
“Don’t. Don’t thank me for this. It should be self-evident. You know what? I don’t even want you to fail that test.”, he grinned.
“Good, I wasn’t planning on failing anyway.”, you laughed.
Jackson knew that he loved your smile but he liked your laugh more. “You’re a cheater.”, he laughed too. 
Then there was a comfortable silence. You turned to Jackson.
What you did then, felt right. You didn’t even know how it happened. It’s like there was a force that pulled you two together. You put your hands on his cheeks and pulled him close to you. Then your lips met with an incredible force. It was like you were aching to feel his lips on yours. His lips felt soft and he was an amazing kisser for sure.
He then pulled you closer by wrapping his arms around your hips. It felt like your heart was going to stop any minute. Jackson knew what he was doing.
For the first time in forever, Jackson felt like this towards a woman. It was supposed to be fake but it sure as hell didn’t feel like it. His last few relationships didn’t even feel like this. As you stopped kissing, he looked at you with an expression that said: What now?
“I don’t think this was for show…”, you said with a quiet voice.
“I like you.”, Jackson finally confessed. “I like you a lot and it honestly scares me a little.”, he said in a shaky voice. He did it. He told you.
Your eyes started tearing up. “Sorry…”, you wiped the tears away. Oh no…, Jackson thought.
“I like you too, Jackson… It wasn’t only scary to you.”, you said and took his hand. “Why don’t we try this out? And if it doesn’t work out… that’s fine too. But I cannot pretend like nothing happened after that kiss. I want more of those!”, you said with a huge smile on your face.
Jackson grinned. “I can give you as many as you want!”, he smiled at you and gave you another kiss.
After that family gathering, you brought Jackson to the next ones as well. Yuna told you that she broke up with Alex. You talked it out. She confessed that she was jealous of you, not because of Jackson, but because of the fact that you were brave enough to follow your dreams in a family like yours. You handled the judgment and heard shit all those years but you simply did not care. She admired that about you. 2 years later, she found another boyfriend who later became her husband. He wasn’t rich, he was just a normal office worker with an average salary. But she loved him more than anything in this world. Just like you loved Jackson.
On campus, a lot of people were surprised that you and Jackson were dating. People got used to it quickly and your fake relationship became a real one. You never regretted kissing him that night.  
6 years later
“Jackson!”, you shouted. “Please help me hang this up, this piece is super heavy!”
“Of course, baby!”, he quickly walked to your side and you hung up a painting that you have bought from an artist in Italy.
You might ask yourselves now what happened in these six years? Well, you did struggle after graduating to find a job at first. Jackson still supported you. You decided to travel the world for a year with Jackson. You met a lot of amazing people along the way and you found a lot of inspiration. You painted a lot and met different artists as well. That led to the day you opened your own gallery. You cried a little when you finally opened the gallery. You bought a lot of paintings for your gallery and now it is a modern art gallery that had a decent number of visitors every day.
“That painting looks great.”, Jackson said and looked at it with an impressed expression.
“Yeah, I got it from Massimo in Italy! He finally sold it to me.”, you said proudly and turned to your, now, fiance. 
Jackson gave you a long kiss. “You deserve all of this...”
4 years after you and Jackson became a couple, Jackson’s father stepped down as the CEO of the Wang Empire. Jackson was more than ready to become the new CEO. He came with a fresh mind and had plans for the company. He made more profit in two years than his father made in 4 years. He was awarded with numerous prices for his innovations as a CEO. Sometimes you wondered how you were so lucky to find a man like that. It must have been some kind of destiny. If you didn’t say his name out of panic that day, this would have never happened. Your family was good for something for once.
He asked you to marry him 2 years later and your wedding was soon. It felt like a dream but it wasn’t. What once was a dream for you became a reality. 
Oh, by the way. After opening your own gallery, you never heard any negative comments about your job ever again at the yearly family gathering. Thank god you never gave up.
And suddenly, that perfect life you have described earlier was your life.
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