#professor mark tuan
missgineaus · 2 years
markson au where mark accidentally sits in one of jackson's classes and jackson mistakes him as a student but mark is actually the head of a department lmao
but picture this prof tuan sitting in prof wang's class:
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original twitter post | originally posted 29 march 2019
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thuhqs · 2 years
quais são os mwfc para personagens mais velhos (algo do tipo 1994 para baixo)?
Nessa tag de mwf você pode encontrar algumas sugestões para faceclaims femininas, tem para mais velhas e mais novas.
Já nessa de mwm, você pode encontrar sugestões de faceclaims masculinos. Tem para professores e alguns posts com faceclaims mais novos e mais velhos.
Se ainda precisar de mais sugestões, corre aqui de novo!
Mas vamos reforçar aqui alguns faceclaims que gostaríamos de ver.
Fem: Sunmi, Hyuna, Seulgi (Red Velvet), Moonbyul, Solar (Mamamoo), Seola (WJSN), Bomi, Chorong, Naeun (Apink), Hani, LE, Solji (EXID), Krystal Jung, Minah, Hyeri, Sojin, Yura (Girls' Day), Dasom, Soyou (SISTAR), Hyejeong (AOA).
Masc: Dawn, Hongseok (Pentagon), Minhyuk (BTOB), Jackson Wang, Jinyoung, Mark Tuan (GOT7), Junhee (ACE), Jooheon, Kihyun, Hyungwon (Monsta X), Wonho, Taemin (Shinee), Mino (Winner), Jinhwan (Ikon).
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0 notes
mountphoenixrp · 2 years
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We have a new citizen in Mount Phoenix:
                         Junyi Qiao, who is also known as Nathan,                                    a 29 year old son of Ao Guang.           He is a host at Sakura Lounge and an escort at Babylon.
FC NAME/GROUP: Mark Tuan | GOT7/Soloist CHARACTER NAME: Qiao Junyi | 乔俊逸 | Nathan Qiao DATE OF BIRTH: 4 September 1993 PLACE OF BIRTH: Los Angeles, California, USA OCCUPATION: Host at Sakura Lounge | Escort at Babylon HEIGHT: 184CM | 6FT WEIGHT: 68KG | 150LBS DEFINING FEATURES:
Silver-blue eyes
Various tattoos
outline of a broken heart on his inner lip
butterfly on his leg
Various piercings
Middle tongue piercing
Both earlobes (Two on the left and one on the right)
PERSONALITY: Always appears to be careless and unbothered by people’s opinions, which also shows in the way he dresses himself at times. All he truly cares for are his reputation and his own opinion. He had stopped letting other’s views of him affect him after what he had gone through. Gifted with good looks, he’s learned to use it for his for his own gain and amusement being a charmer and a serial heartbreaker. He’s allergic to commitment, so be careful and protect your heart whenever you’re involved with him, or not. He can treat you like royalty and the apple of his eye one day, and completely disregard of your existence the next. He’s a flirt by nature, and always strives to be on people’s good side, especially at the initial meeting.
HISTORY: Qiao Junyi was born to a promising professor in Tsing Hua University in Los Angeles while she was on vacation. They had traveled back to Hsinchu, Taiwan not long after he was born. She was an amazing professor and was widely adored by her department, so they were quite supportive of her and her choices despite being a single mother. After finding out that she could not be with the father of her child, it was easy to formulate facts about an anonymous donor and IVF. She was quite lucky with her support system because society doesn’t quite agree that a single mother would be able to raise a child properly, so she made it her goal to prove them wrong.
Of course, it wasn’t easy to raise a child on your own, especially when you have a day job, and it’s not like she can just bring him to lectures all the time. She would bring him from time to time on the request of her students because they had adored the baby so, so much.
It was rough because on days that he would be fussy, the weather would grow to be so unpredictable. Good thing, she was able to calm him down most days and the storm would clear up quickly. Some students had started calling him their little weather predictor whenever this happened because they had noticed that when he wasn’t being fussy at all, the weather would be exactly as it was forecasted, but when he was, there would be some rain when it’s supposed to be sunny, or if it was already raining, it would pour heavier than forecasted.
This became more controlled as he grew up and became less sporadic given that his emotions are less unpredictable than when he was still a baby. Although, extreme emotions from him still affects it to a degree like when he’s extremely excited or upset.
Junyi’s mother was quick to tell him about the repercussions of his abilities at a young age, wanting him to understand that he was different from the other kids, but he will have to adapt so that he can will be able to live a normal life.
He’s been doing well keeping this information to himself, and actually had lived a somewhat normal life growing up, until one day, a group of bullies decided to pick on him about how he doesn’t have a father. Almost immediately, what seemed to be a clear sky a couple of minutes ago had been filled with storm clouds. There were no storms in the forecast, but one just seemed to form out of nowhere in their city. Confusion sparked up, but it’s not the first time that the forecasts were wrong, so it wasn’t something that bothered everyone.
By the end of the day, he was lethargic and very much tired that he had quickly fallen asleep as soon as he was seated in his mother’s car on their way home, which miraculously also cleared the sky. His mother could sense that this immediate change in weather seemed to be connected to her child, and so as soon as they were home, she asked him what was wrong. Junyi was quick to tell his mother about what had happened, and this had only caused him to be visibly upset the more he talked about it. His mother listened to him intently while also watching how the weather had changed outside due to his emotions turning for the worse.
It’s then that she had decided it would be a good idea to tell him more about why she had said she was different from other kids. She explains to him that his father just couldn’t be around them because he was not like them. She then pointed out the window and showed him how the weather had changed with his mood, and then she explained how his father was Ao Guang, the deity that she’s been telling him stories about growing up. Of course, for a child, this was something wonderful to hear and something to brag about, but his mother made sure that he promised to keep it as a secret because she didn’t want him to get made fun of for making stories up when he’s unable to bring his father as proof with him. He was still understanding enough to agree to this, and again, he trusted his mother because he knows she only wanted the best for him as she tells him all the time.
From then on, he had learned to control his emotions better, albeit he was still unable to use his powers at will. It was still a start, especially since the bullies soon grew tired of not getting any type of reaction for him. This went on through his high school years, and this brought on some attention to him because not only was he so calm every time he dealt with bullies, he was also growing more handsome by the day. He gained popularity earlier on and by the time that he was a junior, girls had found themselves fawning over him which he didn’t mind, and in fact, enjoyed the attention he got.
Junyi then starts trying to hone his powers with trial and error on his own without his mother knowing because he knew she’d stop him if she found out he was messing with his abilities. He remembered that when he was younger, his emotions would be able to indicate how intense the weather he would bring upon the area, so that was another part of it. During this time, he found someone that was more than willing to help him learn to control his powers better. Little did they know how he was going to use them.
By the time his senior year came around, he didn’t really turn into a bully himself, and instead, he almost became someone that they didn’t want to mess with because as soon as he was involved, it was almost like they were living in a movie of some sort with the storms somehow hitting them as soon as he had started talking or when he was furious with someone. His peers thought of him as some sort of hero for chasing the other mean kids away, but really? He just enjoyed the praises and the attention he got from them despite how exhausted he would be by the end of the day or using up so much of his energy to conjure up the storms. The stronger they were, the more energy he expends by being the conduit of the storm.
When he was in college, he didn’t have to work so hard about his reputation anymore. His mother was a professor in the same university, he graduated with honors from high school, and a lot of his friends and schoolmates were also going to Tsing Hua University. Word spread like wildfire about him, but he would act humble in public about it, telling them he’s only trying to do the right thing.
During his sophomore year, he was offered an opportunity to study in the United States, which he eagerly took up. It would mean a better resume when he graduated and came back to Taiwan, so why not? Besides, he also has US citizenship due to jus soli which made it much easier for him.
While he was in the United States, he went by the name Nathan Qiao, which his mother also agreed to. She said that it did fit him, so he went with it. She was also supportive of his choice to spread his wings and try new things.
Nathan didn’t change his ways despite being in a completely different country. He remained the flirt that he was and used his looks to his advantage. He still worked hard in his classes to not worry his mother, but his vices only expanded while he was in the United States. What started as being a notorious flirt, ended up in one night stands, from frat parties to frequenting clubs over the weekends. He had learned how to manipulate small amounts of water back then, which he had used to lure people with, pretending as if it was just a magic trick. People seem to fall for it rather easily, which turned it into his biggest M.O.
After graduating from college, he bid the United States farewell, and returned to Taiwan to start off his career. He was able to get a stable job in a biotechnology firm right after graduating with distinctions from University of California - Berkeley. He had also moved to his own apartment with his mother’s initial help, which he was more than happy to pay back once he was able to.
A couple of years in the industry had burnt him out. It’s becoming harder for him to actually stick to his routine, but instead of switching careers, he decided to return to his vices, which gave him excitement in his life. Partying over the weekends slowly became part of his life, and sometimes he’d even go out during the weekdays when he’s had a long day and would sometimes stay out and spend the night with other people when he felt like it.
Doing all of that, he had met some people who had introduced him into the lifestyle of selling his time and attention to people who craved them. It was an easy way to earn some more money on the side, and on top of that, something he actually had fun doing. That was when he met someone that he had shown his abilities to and introduced him to the existence of Mount Phoenix, a place where people like him resided. With a newly formed curiosity, he planned to uproot his life and move to the said island.
The spontaneity of his plans worried his mother, but she had heard of the island and had even learned of Mount Phoenix from a letter that she had received a while back. She hadn’t talked to Nathan about it because he seemed to be enjoying his life as it was, but with the comfort of having some idea about the island, she decided to give him her full support. He was an adult on top of that, so what can she really do?
With his mother’s blessing, he handed in his resignation to the biotechnology firm and bid farewell to his clientele. Perhaps moving to Mount Phoenix could fill the boredom that harbored in his life sitting in a lab from eight in the morning until four in the afternoon.
Storm Conjuration - He can conjure up storms for brief periods of time, and the severity of the storm can be affected by his current mood; although the more severe the storm is, the more energy he will expend in the process of conjuring the storm
Minor Water Manipulation - He’s able to manipulate a water into certain shapes and state, which also pulls energy from him
Reptilian Tongue - He’s able to communicate with reptiles and he can also control them if he so desires
“Tum Tum Time” - Lovingly named by his wonderful mother who he quotes: “I used to let you have some tummy time when you were a baby, and I would hear a few thunder rumbles from the lightning it induces! It even happens when I rub your tummy, so I tried not to do it so much, but during bath time, it was inevitable! The sun would be out and the skies would be clear and you’d still somehow get a lightning out there or two!”
STRENGTHS: intelligent, adaptable, open-minded, flirtatious WEAKNESSES: cruel, selfish, greedy, callous, calculative
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inyournightmares97 · 6 years
The Passionate Discourse
Part of the Thirsty Days of September series, a collaboration with @ijustwantacue. Find her version here!
A difference of opinion leads to a healthy debate between you and the sexy Professor Mark Tuan… and just maybe, a little something more.
Word Count: 7k+
Warnings: A little steamy but no smut, also some strong opinions on feminism and other sensitive subjects. The opinions stated by the reader or Mark are not necessarily my own so don’t attack me for them, I just took up two extreme viewpoints. 
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This was possibly the most pathetic excuse for a party you’d ever seen.
Then again, your mother had organized the whole event and a large majority of the invitees were busybody women in their late fifties from her new book club. You had been worried that your mother would be sad and lonely after her recent divorce, but she had taken on life as a single woman with fresh vigor by joining a new book club and becoming quite popular among the elderly and retired in your community. You’d never seen her pick up a single book throughout your childhood yet now she met up every Saturday with a group of similarly lonely women to discuss the likes of Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte.
Oh, well. As long as she was happy you had nothing to complain about. You wished that she wouldn’t invite her friends over here on weekends and pressure you to serve them tea and buy those cute little finger foods while they told you that you looked exactly like your mother and commented on how you were still unmarried.
It was demeaning, really. You were a fully-grown adult woman and you didn’t need to be subjected to this infantile treatment.
“Darling!” your mother came over to you and grasped your arm firmly as she pulled you aside. You had been trying half-heartedly to explain to a group of older women what you did for a living. With their dangerously limited knowledge they had somehow wrongly concluded that you were a doctor and you didn’t care quite enough to correct them. You were rescued from hearing about Mrs. Lee’s backache when your mother pulled you away. “Darling, I must have a word with you. Do you remember I mentioned Mrs. Tuan the other day?”
You blinked. “You might have. I can’t remember.”
“Well, she is one of my very dearest friends,” you mother explained, although it was much more likely that they’d just met a few times at the book club. “She’ll be coming down here to join the party and she messaged me to let me know that her son is dropping her off. Now I know that you don’t really like me to recommend you to my friend’s sons because it hasn’t gone very well in the past-“
You glared at your mother. “Not very well? The last man had been divorced twice already and he was one of those!”
Your mother frowned. “One of those what?”
You folded your arms across your chest and hissed. “Those anti-vaccine movement supporters! He told me right to my face that he would never let his children get vaccinated because vaccines were a conspiracy created by the medical community to make money! Do you know insulting it is as a biomedical scientist to be told right to your face that your entire life’s research is a cheap scam? Was I supposed to date that disgusting man?”
Your mother sighed. “Yes, all right. I see how he wasn’t right for you. For your information, it’s very difficult to find men who can live up to your absurdly high intellectual standards. But Mrs. Tuan’s son is different. I think you might actually like him. He’s a Professor! Isn’t that exciting?”
“Not particularly.”
Your mother frowned and her grip on your arm tightened. She lowered her voice to make sure that nobody else at the party was listening to you. “Now listen. You’re not getting any younger and it’s hard for women like you who are so constantly focused on their careers to find men willing to put up with them. Mark Tuan is a perfectly lovely man. He’s never been married or divorced, he’s a Professor at a rather prestigious university and judging by the summer holiday pictures that his mother showed me last week, he’s also extremely handsome. At least give him a chance?”
You sighed. “Yes, fine.”
“Thank you, darling. I knew you wouldn’t disappoint your mother. It’s been so lonely since the divorce, you know, and I at least want you to find some happiness and not end up like me.”
You resisted the urge to roll your eyes. Reading too much Jane Austen was turning your mother into one of those typical, overdramatic mothers from the Regency era whose sole aim in life was to marry off her daughters. You opened your mouth to tell her that maybe she should remember what century she was in, when the doorbell suddenly rang. Your mother jumped up with an enormous smile on her face.
“That must be Mrs. Tuan! Come with me, darling, let’s go greet them together….”
You followed your mother to the door reluctantly. It was indeed Mrs. Tuan; you smiled and greeted the older woman pleasantly before allowing your gaze to turn to her son standing just a little bit behind her. You froze for a moment while you looked at the man.
Well, well, well. Mark Tuan was handsome indeed.
Your heart did a little leap when he smiled at you, his gorgeous lips spreading into a rather boyish but still extremely attractive smile. Mark was wearing a dark blazer and the round spectacles on his face made him look intelligent and mature despite his young age. Your mouth went dry as he held out a hand to you. His handshake was firm and his skin warm. You couldn’t help but look down at the large hand grasping yours. You’d always liked a man’s hands. Mark’s were smooth yet strong.
“Mark Tuan,” he introduced himself in a soft and deep voice. You looked up into a pair of chocolate brown eyes that seemed innocent, yet briefly flickered up and down your body as they drank you in. You forgot how to speak for a moment so your mother grasped your arm and smiled for you.
“It’s such a pleasure to meet you, Mark. Won’t you come in and join us?”
Mark hesitated and as he exchanged glances with you, you saw a mild hint of panic in his eyes. He clearly didn’t want to be trapped into discussing Wuthering Heights with his mother’s friends. You decided in that split instant that you were rather attracted to this Mark person and that if you were going to be stuck at this stupid party anyway, you would much rather be stuck with him.
“Actually, I had just come to drop my Mother off. I wasn’t planning to stay-“
You gave him one of your most welcoming smiles. Mark was surely handsome, but you knew how to handle yourself around handsome men. “But you must come in for at least one cup of tea! The book club meeting doesn’t start for another twenty minutes and I’m sure that everyone would love to meet you in the meantime. We’ve heard so much about you, Professor Tuan.”
Mark blinked at you in surprise. “Well, um-“
“Come dear, have some tea with us!” his mother insisted, grabbing him by the arm and pulling him inside. You noticed that both of your mothers exchanged a rather mischievous glance and realized that they had probably been planning this for a long time. Honestly; were they running a book club or a matchmaking ring for their children? Either way, the longer you looked at Mark, the more you decided that perhaps your mother hadn’t made such a terrible choice after all.
You followed them into the dining room where all the women almost literally pounced upon Mark at once. You had to admit that in that dark coat and with his naturally charming smile he looked like a hero straight out of a Jane Austen adaptation. You left the older women to badger him with questions and compliments while you slipped into the kitchen. For once, you weren’t the center of attention and the moment’s respite was a relief. You turned the coffee machine on and listened to the chattering drifting in from the dining room half-heartedly. If he survived the crowd of women and lived to tell the tale, you decided that you would give Mark a chance.
He was definitely a treat for the eyes, after all.
About fifteen minutes later, Mark entered the kitchen by himself. He was straightening his jacket and you noticed that he seemed a little bit flustered. He adjusted his glasses on his face and gave you a small, slightly embarrassed smile that made your knees feel weak. Damn. It should be criminal to have such a gorgeous smile.
“Hi,” he greeted you shyly.
You smiled at him. “Survived the wolves, did you?”
“Yes, they’re finally starting their book club discussion now,” Mark replied, shoving his hands into his pockets. You leaned back and noticed that despite being slender, he looked extremely athletic. The jacket buttons were certainly straining over his chest. He leaned against the counter. “I’m informed that it’s Sense and Sensibility they’re discussing today, although there seems to be very little of either to go around in that group.”
You giggled. He had an interesting way of speaking. Perhaps he taught Literature, or something along those lines. How interesting and poetic. You heard the coffee machine behind you ding and gestured towards it. “Can I offer you some coffee? They’re only serving tea out there today. Apparently it’s in keeping with the Jane Austen theme but neither I nor my mother have ever made tea so I’m sure it tasted disgusting.”
Mark grinned. “The little tea cakes were all right.”
“Oh, those were store-bought.”
“Good decision.”
You turned to grab mugs as you poured generous amount of coffee into them. It smelled heavenly and Mark stepped closer to you in order to peek at the delicious beverage. He pointed out your extremely fancy coffee-maker with a smile. “That looks like the sort of machine you would find in an actual coffee shop. A little bit much for a normal household, isn’t it?”
You shrugged as you added milk into the heavenly brew. It became a lovely dark color and you made a little white swirl on the top. “I love coffee. I bought it as a gift for my mother but I think we both know that it was really for me. Sugar?”
“Yes, please,” Mark replied eagerly. You turned to him and noticed that he still had that handsome, boyish smile on his face. He took the coffee mug that you offered him and took a small sip. You couldn’t help but watch as his tongue darted out to lick his lips gently. God, did this man have any idea how attractive he was? Mark noticed you staring at him and his mouth twisted into a small smirk but he said nothing. “This is delicious. Thank goodness I can finally get the taste of that tea out of my mouth.”
“You’re welcome,” you told him.
Mark nodded and took another sip of the coffee before placing the mug on the counter. He was still leaning against it with his arms folded across his chest and you noticed that his chocolate-colored eyes were looking you up and down gently. His gaze sent a shiver down your spine, even though his eyes didn’t linger at any one place for too long. Well. At least he knows how to keep it classy. You found yourself subconsciously straightening your shoulders so that your chest looked nicer.
“So,” Mark began casually. “Do you live here with your mother, then? I don’t see any other reason why you would spend your weekend doing something like this.”
“Unfortunately, yes. I moved back here after my mother’s divorce was finalized because I thought that she might be lonely. I had no idea that she’d suddenly developed a more active social life than my own,” you said with a small laugh. You leaned against the counter and smiled. “I don’t think I could get this many friends to come over to my house at once. I’m always working.”
Mark blinked. “Oh? And what do you do?”
“I’m a scientist. I specialize in biomedical research and I work for the Medical Research Council,” you explained. Mark’s eyes widened and you could tell from his expression that he was impressed. You gave him a small, teasing smirk “But before you ask, I’m not a doctor and no, I don’t know why you’ve been feeling a little warmer than usual these days. My best guess is either menopause or global warming.”
Mark nodded. “That’s very impressive. Don’t worry, I won’t ask you to diagnose my health problems. Although I wonder if there’s anything you can do about this one constant headache I’ve been suffering. It gets significantly worse when I’m in the same room as the women from my mother’s book club, you see…”
You could tell from the mischievous smile that spread across his face that he was joking. You laughed and rolled your eyes at him. Handsome, intelligent and funny. You wondered if this man could get any more perfect. This was the first time that you’d ever felt so attracted to someone that you were meeting for the first time and from the way Mark’s eyes never moved away from yours either, he was equally attracted to you. You bit your lip and smiled at him.
“So, Professor Mark. Let me guess what it is you teach,” you told him with a flirtatious smile.
Mark took a sip of his coffee and shrugged. “Go ahead.”
“Your comment about Sense and Sensibility was rather interesting. At first I thought you might teach something like literature, but then I realized that the comment was a little superficial. It’s not likely to come from somebody who’s actually read the book and knows that the title is referring to foolish young love and not gossiping old women. So I’m guess your field of study has nothing to do with Literature or Poetry or anything like that.”
“You’re partly right,” Mark told you with an amused smile. “I’m not a Literature professor but I have read Sense and Sensibility. So that leaves your conclusion accurate while your analysis is rather lacking.”
You tapped your cheek with a finger as you scanned him. What did this mysterious man teach? It was difficult to tell just by looking at his face. Mark merely pushed his glasses further up his nose and looked at you calmly while you stared at him. You finally snapped your fingers and pointed at him. “Okay. If you read something like Sense and Sensibility, then you must be a rather sensitive and romantic person. I’m getting some sort of artsy vibes from you. And you have a lovely voice. Do you by any chance teach some sort of music?”
Mark laughed his gorgeous laugh and shook his head. “No, you’re going in the wrong direction. Thank you for the compliment about my voice, though. I’ve never heard anyone say that before.”
You flushed. “It just has a rather nice, deep tone to it.”
Mark simply smirked. “Well, you’d better stop getting distracted by it because you’re losing whatever little game we’re playing. Music and Literature? Is that all you can think of?”
You frowned. “Give me a hint.”
He rubbed his chin thoughtfully for a moment. Then he smiled and straightened up a little bit. “Okay. But this is a pretty obvious hint. You know how I said earlier that I read Sense and Sensibility? Well, I did read it from an academic perspective. So make what you will with that.”
A little lightbulb went off in your head and you beamed. “Ah! History, then!”
“No, not History.”
Your lower lip jutted out into a small pout at the slightly triumphant expression on his face. You honestly couldn’t think of anything and you wondered what you could possibly be missing. You sighed and raised an eyebrow at Mark. “Why one earth would you read Sense and Sensibility from an academic perspective if you’re not looking either at the literature or at the historical aspect? What other angle could a Jane Austen novel about a pair of sisters looking for love possibly have?”
“Are you giving up that easily?” he teased as you felt your cheeks warm. You hadn’t intended to make yourself look like an idiot but Mark seemed extremely amused. “I thought scientists were always on an endless quest for answers about the universe?”
You rolled your eyes. “You’re definitely not a scientist if you believe that.”
Mark nodded. “That’s correct.”
“Well then, please tell me. What does the mysterious Mark Tuan actually teach and what academic angle could he possibly have found in a classic romance tale such as Sense and Sensibility? I’m just dying to know.”
“Let me give you a few more hints because you’re almost there,” Mark explained. “Sense and Sensibility was written by a woman. The main protagonists are all women and it talks about the lives of women. So therefore I must be studying….?”
You blinked at him. “Women?” you asked, confused. You stared at Mark for a few more moments until the puzzle clicked in your mind. “Wait… you can’t be referring to feminism?”
“Close enough. I teach Gender Studies.”
You couldn’t help it; a slightly derisive snort escaped your mouth. He couldn’t possibly be serious? You searched Mark’s dark eyes for any sign that he was joking and concluded that he looked perfectly serious. You had to cover your mouth in order to hold back the amused chuckle that was pushing past your lips. You had never heard anything more ridiculous in your life. Why on earth would a handsome, intelligent man like Mark Tuan choose to study something as frivolous as Gender Studies?
Mark raised an eyebrow. “Is something funny?”
“Yes!” you blurted out. You knew you were being extremely rude but you had never been one to hold back whatever you wanted to say. “I mean, why would you choose to become a Professor in something like Gender Studies? You can’t mean to say that you actually did a bachelor’s degree and then a masters and then a doctorate, all those years of study… on something as useless and commonplace as gender?”
The smile had dropped from Mark’s face. There was a slightly serious, more intense look in his eyes and his voice sounded a little hard. “I’m sensing some condescension in your tone.”
“You’re sensing right!”
“I take it you don’t approve, then.”
“It seems like a complete waste of time to me,” you replied with a challenging stare. “I mean, I’m assuming you talk about things like feminism and you argue over whether this gender is more oppressed or that gender is more oppressed or… oh wait! There’s no gender at all! It’s a social construct that has been imposed on us without any scientific backing, and the world is a better place because we’ve somehow all decided that. It’s a waste of time. It’s like arguing over whether jam tastes better on toast or butter. It doesn’t make the slightest bit of difference to anyone or really impact anything.”
Mark bit the inside of his cheek and looked down at you. You could see that his eyes had darkened and his arms coolly folded across his chest. “So if I’m hearing correctly, you think my field of study is… pointless? Or that arguing about feminism or gender-based discrimination is useless?”
You stared back at him, unblinking. “Isn’t it?”
“You don’t believe that women are oppressed?” he demanded.
You sighed and rubbed your temples. “Look. I agree that there are orthodox countries and parts of the world where women are locked up indoors and denied education and the basic freedom to move around and killed if they have sex before marriage. It’s terrible. It really is. I agree that social reformists are extremely important in places like that. But you’re not in one of those countries. Why on earth would educated and developed people like us still sit and whine about gender discrimination in the First World? We’re not locked up. We have access to resources. Everybody agrees that women should be allowed to be educated-“
Mark sighed and shook his head. “You can’t really believe that gender-based discrimination is restricted to orthodox, backward countries where they murder women for having sex.”
“I do, actually,” you replied with a frown. “Look. Feminism was relevant when, for example, women weren’t allowed to vote. It’s not relevant now. Now people who have all the resources and the money and the time in the world are just wasting their time conducting research about useless things like gender when they could be spending their efforts doing something more productive.”
Mark scoffed. “Like what? Biomedical research?”
“Yes, actually. I’ll have you know that my field of research saves lives.”
“Do you really think that a woman would be able to work in STEM fields like biomedicine if it wasn’t for the work of so many feminists before you? Scientific research is a male-dominated field. It always has been. Not only is it dominated by men in numbers but the inherent structures and the demands of the field are such that men are preferred for the work-“
You scoffed. “Don’t tell me about my own field. Do you think I’m an idiot? I’m a woman who’s been working in biomedical research for over five years and I know perfectly well that gender studies is just an excuse for women who don’t want to put in the hard work it takes in order to study and be successful in such a highly demanding field. Women like that just want things handed to them because they don’t want to struggle. So they like to blame the system.”
“And you don’t think they struggle more than men do?” Mark demanded.
You laughed. You couldn’t believe the nonsense that this man was speaking. “Why on earth would women struggle more than men? It’s exactly the same work! I’m sorry to break it to you, Professor Tuan but there are an absurdly large number of women who sit and study about why there are so few women in STEM fields while none of them actually have the courage or the intelligence to enter into a STEM field themselves… I have nothing to say to women like that, and I don’t think a man like you should be encouraging them to waste their time.”
“You’re unbelievable,” Mark said with a soft chuckle. He didn’t even look angry anymore. He just looked bewildered. “How can a woman like you be so blind to the institutional problems and everyday sexism of STEM fields?”
“Maybe because I’m not looking for excuses to slack off.”
Mark pushed himself away from the edge of the counter and stepped closer to you. You felt your heartbeat thud as he stepped closer, his dark eyes piercing into yours as he approached.
“Okay,” he said in a soft, low voice. “Let’s assume for a moment that you’re right. That my research is a complete waste of time and that women like you don’t need feminism. Let’s assume that the only reason so many women fail to be successful in STEM fields is because they don’t want to put in the hard work. Can you seriously tell me, on a basic level, that men and women are entirely equal in society?” he demanded. The smile had disappeared from his face and he was moving closer to you every moment. “Are you telling me that you are capable of doing every single thing a man is doing?”
Your heartbeat raced as you felt the kitchen counter pressing into your back. Mark didn’t stop moving. He was standing inches away from you and his face was leaning down closer to yours. You could see his dark eyes staring down at you and the perfect angles of his gorgeous face. You tried not to blush and maintained eye contact with him despite the blood rushing to your face.
“Yes,” you replied. “I believe that I am just as capable as a man. And a study trying to convince me that I’m weaker or that the world is unfair and that I need someone’s help is a waste of everyone’s time.”
Mark’s hands moved to both sides of your waist and he gripped the kitchen counter behind you. You were trapped in between his arms while his head dipped down to level with yours. “So,” he said as he lowered his voice to a whisper. “You’re telling me that if I decided to take you, right here and right now on this kitchen counter just to satisfy my carnal urges then you would be able to fight me off?” Mark’s breath was warm on your face and his tongue darted out to lick his lips. “You wouldn’t feel a little bit… powerless? Like it was an unfair fight?”
You couldn’t help but smirk as you leaned closer to him. “I think the question you should be asking,” you whispered in a sultry voice. “Is why I would want to fight something like that at all?”
Mark chuckled. The deep rumble in his chest sent shivers down your spine as one of his hands left to the kitchen counter to gently caress your waist. His hand splayed out on your side, a feather-light touch that was possessive and yet left you craving more. “I should have seen that coming,” he admitted with a small smile as he bit his lip. “You really haven’t been able to take your eyes off me from the moment I entered this house.”
You felt your cheeks flush. “And you’re not attracted to me?” you demanded.
Mark raised an eyebrow. “I didn’t say that. You’re an extremely attractive woman.”
“But you think my views are stupid, is that it?” you demanded. Mark’s eyes were fixed on your lips and you felt a surge of confidence. Gender studies professor or not, the lustful part of your mind had taken over the logical portion and you decided that you wanted this man. Nobody had ever made your heart race like this before. Your body was physically craving him. “I suppose our opinions don’t really coincide, do they?”
“No, they don’t,” Mark whispered. “And that is a little bit of a problem.”
“I have a simple solution.”
“Yes. We stop talking.”
Mark looked down at the twinkle in your eyes before smirking. “For once, I think I agree with your idea.”
You leaned up and kissed him, your lips colliding together in a furious clash. Mark pressed you against the counter harshly while he devoured your lips and molded your bodies together. Your head spun in a cloud of lust. Mark’s tongue slid into your mouth and his hands cupped your ass. Within moments, he had lifted you up by the thighs and set you on the counter without once breaking your kiss. You moaned as he pulled away from you to breathe for a moment.
“Fuck,” you whispered.
He let out a soft, boyish chuckle. “Enjoying yourself?”
“Good,” he growled before kissing you again. You let your hands slide into his dark hair as his palms gripped your thighs tightly. You melted against him while he nipped at your lips and smiled into your kiss. Mark kept teasing you and you had to thread your fingers into his hair tightly to keep his lips connected to yours. He didn’t seem to mind at all. Your forehead kept hitting his glasses and you let out a soft whine before reaching up to rip his glasses off his face.
“You don’t really need those, do you?” you teased as you kissed him again. Mark let out a low moan that made your stomach twist. You tossed the glasses onto the counter and whimpered as he sank his teeth into your lower lip softly. It was getting harder to stay quiet and Mark’s hands had started to move higher up and were beginning to slide under your shirt. He pulled away from you and pecked your lips softly.
“You’re getting too loud, sweetheart,” he whispered with a smirk. “Is there anywhere more private that we could continue, uh, not talking?”
You gasped as Mark’s cold hands trailed up the bare skin of your torso.
“Fuck. Fuck, okay, let’s go upstairs. Through the back door.”
“Lead the way.”
Mark Tuan was an amazing lover.
Admittedly, things got a little clumsy and awkward after you’d both fucked in your bedroom. Neither of you could entirely forget that your mothers were right downstairs, discussing a classic romance novel and probably hoping that the two of you would fall in love at first sight, get married and have children. Mark had looked a little embarrassed while he gathered up his clothes. He gave you a sheepish smile and pointed out that he should head back downstairs before your mothers noticed.
That had been your opportunity to say something. Let’s exchange numbers, you could have said. Or do you want to have coffee sometime? Mark had paused in your doorway and looked at you for a few moments, giving you the opportunity to say that this wasn’t a one-time thing. But you simply couldn’t do it. Despite how extremely attracted you were to Mark and even though it was the first time you’d ever slept with a man that you’d just met, you knew deep down that it wouldn’t work.
If I can’t respect what he does, then how can I ever respect him?
So you merely nodded and smiled, letting him walk out of your room and out of your life. Your mother looked heartbroken when you told her that things with Mark hadn’t worked out. But she knew better than to pressure you, and so you simply moved on with your life and convinced yourself that you hadn’t let go of an amazing man.
(A few days later)
You entered the office building and headed straight for the break-room. You were early and you planned to have a cup of coffee before a meeting with your boss. Some of your coworkers were sitting and having a quick breakfast so you smiled at them in greeting.
“Hey guys. Have a nice weekend?” you asked the pair of guys sitting and munching on toast.
“It was all right. You’re at work pretty early today!” Youngjae greeted you with a friendly smile. He was one of the brightest and happiest guys that you worked with, and one of the few that never seemed to differentiate you as a woman. He offered you some toast and shrugged when you refused. “Going to get cracking early on Monday morning, huh?”
You shook your head. “Hardly. I have a meeting with Dr. Lee today, I’d applied to be a part of his research group on antibody research and I’m going to find out whether I made the cut. It’s a five-year project and I’ve been focusing on antibodies recently, so it would be amazing to finally be a part of some solid, useful research instead of all this medical testing nonsense they make us do.”
Youngjae blinked at you. “…Oh.”
“Is something wrong?” you wondered.
“It’s just… um, I don’t know how to tell you this. But I heard that all the positions on that research team were filled. I think the last slot went to Park Jinyoung.”
You stared in shock. “What? Park Jinyoung? But I have at least three years more experience than him and I don’t think he’s ever done any specific research on antibodies before. I thought his specialty was stem cell research? Why on earth would Dr. Lee choose him over me?”
Youngjae looked embarrassed. “I don’t know. Maybe you should ask Dr. Lee.”
You nodded, setting down your coffee mug and storming over to your boss’ office. It was at least fifteen minutes before your scheduled meeting with him but you weren’t going to wait around in order to hear about whether you’d been rejected. You knocked loudly on the door and were told to come in. You put on your sweetest smile as you faced the older man who sat behind his desk.
“Dr. Lee! I hope I’m not disturbing you. I was hoping we could talk about my research?”
The man blinked at you through his glasses. “Of course! Come in, come in. I know you applied to be a part of my special research team and I’m sure you’ve heard already but I had to give the position to Park Jinyoung. I hope you understand that I had to take into account the stability of the project and the limited funds we have.”
You bit your lip as you sat down in front of him. “I… don’t exactly understand, to be perfectly frank, sir. I have at least three years more experience than him. There’s nothing wrong with my work records here and I already have specific research experience in the field of antibodies. Why has he been preferred for the position over me? If there’s something lacking in my performance then I’d like to know.”
Dr. Lee shook his head. “Certainly not! We’ve had consistently excellent performance from you. It was merely a strategic decision.”
“Well, I’d like to know what the strategy you applied was.”
The older man cleared his throat and for the first time, you noticed that he looked a little uncomfortable. You had no idea what was wrong. You’d been working for him for almost four years now and he had always been perfectly pleasant and seemed to appreciate your work. Why wouldn’t he want you on his research team? Dr. Lee placed his hands on his desk and gave you a gentle smile.
“All right, dear. I know you’re one of those people who considers the progress of science to be much more important than individual goals so I’ll be perfectly honest with you. This is a five-year project and I have to get a lot of research done in a very limited budget. I need to be assured that everyone on the team is entirely dedicated to the project and we don’t fall behind schedule.”
You felt hurt. “And you don’t think I have that level of dedication-“
“I’m sure you do. But this is a five-year project and you’re a woman in your mid-twenties. I have to consider… I mean, if you suddenly chose to go on maternity leave for a few months… well, that could be enough to derail the entire progress of the project. I had to choose Jinyoung to be safe.”
You stared at the man, unable to believe what he was telling you. Did he just deny you a position on the research team that you’d been aiming for year merely because there was a chance you could choose to get pregnant? You had never heard anything more absurd. You gritted your teeth and tried not to lose your temper. It wasn’t Dr. Lee’s fault, he was just doing what was best for his research team.
“Dr. Lee, I’m not even married-“
“But you could get married soon, if you chose. And so many women choose to become single mothers through donated sperm these days. As I said, I need a guaranteed five years of dedication.”
You felt helpless. How could this be happening? You weren’t pregnant and you hadn’t gotten married so how could he deny you the position due to something so flimsy? You felt a surge of desperation and leaned forward. “Dr. Lee, you know that I’ve been focusing all my efforts towards contributing to your work in the hopes that I would be able to be a part of this research. It’s one of my life’s dreams, and getting married or having children is entirely secondary to me. I would be willing to sign a legal statement waiving my right to maternity leave or any such benefit if that was what it would take…”
Dr. Lee merely gave you a sympathetic smile. “You know I can’t ask you to do that. Such a document would have no value, it’s entirely illegal to ask a woman to do give up her right to maternity leave.”
You felt a burst of anger flare inside of you. “It’s also illegal to deny a woman a position solely on the basis of her sex. We live in the twenty-first century, in case you’d forgotten.”
“I expected better from you. I thought you would understand that the consistent pursuit of science and saving lives comes before any individual person’s interests-“
You scoffed, glaring at the old man sitting in front of you. You had always thought he was sweet, kind and brilliant but it suddenly struck you what selfish creatures men really were. How dare he deny you a position that should have rightfully been yours? How dare he accuse you of not being loyal to science? You had dedicated your entire life to the cause until now and they still didn’t trust you to hold out for another five years? Would Dr. Lee have hesitated to hire Park Jinyoung if he wanted to have a baby?
“Does it really?” you asked with a sweet smile, as you stood up. “Well. We’ll see how your noble pursuits hold out in court, shall we?”
Professor Mark Tuan was sitting in his office and preparing for his lecture the next day, when he heard a sharp rap on his office door. It was regular office hours. Plenty of students walked in around this time, hoping to discuss the reading material or get help on their research papers so he merely pushed his glasses higher up his nose and called out.
“Come in!”
The last thing he expected to see was you.
You entered his office, looking as beautiful as ever despite the slightly embarrassed smile on your face. Mark felt his heart skip a beat. He hadn’t expected to see you again. If the disagreement you’d had over feminism wasn’t a deal-breaker, then the awkward goodbye after sex certainly had been. Mark had felt angry with himself after he left your house. Sleeping with you had been amazing, but he wondered whether, if he had held on for a little while longer, he could have gotten to know you better. Something about you still intrigued him.
“Hi,” he greeted you, unable to hold back a bewildered smile as he saw you hesitate in the doorway. “Wow, I certainly didn’t expect to see you today. What are you doing here?”
You bit your lip as you stared at him. This was so humiliating. “Uh…”
“Why don’t you sit down?”
You sat down awkwardly, wondering how to go about this whole thing. It seemed a little silly to be talking to a man whose life’s work you had dismissed and ridiculed just a few days ago. But Mark seemed genuinely glad to see you and deep down, you knew that he wasn’t holding a grudge over your previous conversation. “Sorry to come to your workplace like this,” you apologized softly. “It’s just that we never exchanged numbers that day and I didn’t want to get my Mom involved so I thought I’d just come to the university and ask about your office hours.”
Mark nodded, his eyes twinkling. “Well, it’s nice to see you again.”
You bit your lip. “You too.”
“Is there something you wanted to say to me in particular?”
You took a deep breath but it was difficult to speak. The events of this morning were still fresh in your mind and you couldn’t get over it. It had taken you years to get your dream job and you had just walked out on your boss and risked everything in a moment’s rage. But the rage was still burning inside of you. Mark seemed to notice the pain in your eyes because he walked around the desk and stood beside you, placing a hand on your shoulder. “Hey. Are you doing all right?”
You shook your head, finding it difficult to speak. “I… um. I quit my job today. Well, not exactly. I didn’t hand in a resignation or anything I just threatened to sue my boss and stormed out of the office, so…” you choked out. Your shoulders trembled and to your surprise, Mark gently pulled you up and wrapped his arms around you. You let yourself relax into his warm embrace. His touch felt amazing; not like the electric sexual tension you’d felt before, but a soft and comforting feeling that you needed.
“It’s okay,” he whispered gently, his deep voice relaxing you. “Take a deep breath and talk about it.”
“You were right. He denied me a position on a 5-year research team because there’s a chance I might get pregnant and want to take maternity leave during that time. That asshole. I thought Dr. Lee was a good person and I thought that he really valued my work because he always seemed to treat me as an equal with all the other male employees but- but the moment my gender posed the slightest inconvenience to him, he…”
Mark’s hand stroked your back comfortingly. “I’m sorry that happened to you.”
You blinked back your tears and looked up at him. “You’re probably thinking that I deserved it, right?”
He chuckled and one of his hands reached up to cup your face gently. Mark’s dark brown eyes were looking down at you with a hint of kindness as well as sympathy. “I won’t lie, there are probably things you could have done if you’d been a bit more prepared and accepted that this was something that could happen to you,” he said lightly but his tone change once he saw your face crumple. “But, no. Nobody deserves this.”
You closed your eyes. “What am I going to do?”
Mark looked down at you and before you could react, he leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead. You were surprised at his sweetness as he stepped back and gave you his charming, handsome smile. “We are going to go and get a cup of coffee while you tell me exactly what happened and then we decide whether to sue this bastard in court or write an anonymous article shaming him before the entire academic community.”
You giggled. “I like both of these options.”
Mark grabbed his coat and put it on before reaching out to squeeze your hand comfortingly. “Thank you for coming to me about this,” he said softly. “I was worried I’d never see you again and I was starting to regret walking out of your room without saying anything that day.”
You bit your lip. “What would you have said?”
Mark stepped forward until he was standing inches away from you and he leaned down to whisper into your ear softly. “I would have told you that you are the most beautiful and sexy woman I’d ever met, and I wouldn’t mind arguing with you every single day of my life if at least half of our arguments ended the way ours did.”
You shuddered as his lips brushed your ear and you gave him a teasing smirk. “You haven’t seen the worst of me yet. I can be extremely stubborn about my views. What are your opinions on multilateral free trade at the international level?”
“Isn’t free trade a good thing?”
You leaned back and smirked. “Excellent. Let’s discuss that in detail, shall we?”
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bibinnieposts · 2 years
♡ strawberry shortcake
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ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ faves ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ
♡ [svt yjh] accidental confession + ‘why won’t you  let me braid your hair?’
♡ [svt yjh] sleepy
♡ [svt yjh] chicken run
♡ [svt yjh] for now
♡ [svt yjh] bewitched
♡ [svt yjh] just one
♡ [svt hjs] golden hour
♡ [svt wjh] coworker au! jun
♡ [svt ksy] snapshoot
♡ [svt jww] professor prompt
♡ [svt kmg] with mingyu
♡ [svt kmg] sugar and you
♡ [svt kmg] new rules
♡ [svt xmh] better with you
♡ [svt bsk] its a little complicated
♡ [svt bsk] springtime smiles
♡ [svt bsk] boyfriend habits
♡ [svt chs] sympathy subtraction
♡ [svt chs] say you love me (i love you)
♡ [svt chs] chopsticks
♡ [svt chs] his laugh is a symphony
♡ [svt chs] idiots to lovers + ‘idiots. they are all idiots.‘
♡ [svt chs] bf headcanons
♡ [svt lc] scored!
♡ [txt cyj] how to fall back in love with yeonjun
♡ [txt cbg] the color red
♡ [enha sjy] your name
♡ [txt kth] shortcake
♡ [txt hk] penguin
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ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ GOT7 ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ
♡ mark tuan
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ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ ENHYPEN ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ
♡ members
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ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ SEVENTEEN ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ
♡ hiphop unit
♡ performance unit
♡ vocal unit
♡ imagines + headcanons
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ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ TOMORROW X TOGETHER ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ
♡ members
♡ imagines + headcanons
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ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ others / unspecified ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ
♡ boyfriend things: the beautiful mundane, mundanely romantic [nct, bts, svt]
♡ boyfriend things: irreplaceable [nct, bts, svt]
♡ boyfriend things: up close love [nct, bts, svt]
♡ boyfriend things: grocery shopping is a love language [nct, bts, svt]
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ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ disclaimer ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ
> i dont own any of these works posted and reblogged in this blog. as i am in no way a writer, this blog is mainly for fic recs and reblogs. please do not repost, translate or republish any of these creators' work, even if you give credit, unless you got approval from the creator/s themselves. as such, all works are credited to their respective creators.
> ©bibinnieposts ~ 2022  
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rainy-bangbeom · 3 years
I’m Here | Mark Tuan
pairing(s): Mark Tuan x Fem!Reader
genre: Fluff, Comfort, some Angst
warnings: Feelings of deep sadness 
word count: 514
synopsis: Mark comforts you after the worst week of your life.
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You don’t care what anyone says—this was officially the worst week ever lived… and that’s being kind. 
Classes are aggravating, props to your professors who wait until the last minute to assign work. Now on top of finals, you have to write three essays, finish reading a book you haven’t even started, and create a presentation out of the notes your lab partner never sent you. None of this would be a problem if you had the time to focus on school, which you don’t thanks to your boss. 
The woman is the cruelest, laziest, most selfish person you’ve ever encountered—and you’ve met a lot of cruel, selfish and lazy people throughout your years. You’re convinced she’s the Wicked Witch of the West at this point, knowing very well that you’re a full time university student and that working you overtime is literally putting your sanity at mercy. 
To top it all off, your landlord wants next month’s rent three weeks early, and while, normally, it wouldn’t be a problem, your car needs new brakes, tires and an oil change. Leave it to fate to screw your poor car over. 
…And you too. 
So here you are, drowning your sorrows in the wrinkled sheets of your bed. You can’t help but wish your body would just sink into the soft mattress, and disappear into an alternate dimension where the biggest stressor you have to face is choosing between chocolate or vanilla ice-cream. Seeing how the universe has been treating you lately though, it’d probably spit you out in some dimension where you’re the only human left on an abandoned, desolate earth. 
At least you wouldn’t have to deal with your female dog of a boss. 
“Babygirl?...” Your muffled cries immediately cease at the call of a familiar voice. Mustering up enough strength to lift yourself from your position, you discover your boyfriend standing in the doorway—more tears immediately spilling down your cheeks at the deep concern present within his honey-like gaze. 
Mark doesn’t say another word, only rushes forward to take you into his warm arms as you burst into a chaotic mess of sobs. He pushes your head flush against his chest, gently, yet firmly caressing up and down the surface of your trembling back. The comfort, though heartwarming, seems to increase the intensity of your crying to the point you begin to hyperventilate right there in his embrace. 
“It’s okay, baby.” Mark murmurs, the gentle tone of his voice sending hot electricity through your veins. It settles in the pit of your stomach, leaving a warm, fuzzy feeling in its midst. “Bad day?...”
You nod, unable to form a coherent response. You feel Mark’s chest rise with a sigh before he leans down to press a long, firm kiss against your forehead. 
“I’m so sorry… so, so sorry, my love.” 
You shake your head, leaning back with a mess of sputters. Mark quickly wipes the salty pearls from your cheeks before granting you a small smile then pulling you back into his heartfelt embrace. 
“I’m here, (Y/N)… I’m always here.” 
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My works are not to be reuploaded, modified, or translated anywhere besides this blog. If you see someone plagiarizing my work, please let me know right way. Otherwise, thank you for reading! Reblogs and feedback are always very much appreciated!
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hoshalicious · 3 years
daisy’s old masterlist
do not repost, translate, or claim my work as yours.
KEY: [x] = fake text
[x] bad pick-up lines.
friends-to-lovers!au - bulleted. seungcheol | wonwoo | mingyu | vernon
[x] accidental confessions to performance unit.
[x] daily boyfriend texts.
[x] accidental confessions to vocal unit.
[x] bad pick-up lines.
[x] accidental confessions to hip-hop unit.
[x] daily boyfriend texts.
soulmate!au - bulleted. in which you think in your soulmate’s voice.
sedated touch - 0.41k. he comforted you after a bad day of work by building blanket forts and watching movies.
soulmate!au - bulleted. your previous soulmate has passed away and his did too.
[x] college!au - fake text series. he helps you learn chinese, but he didn’t know this one secret from you. two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | ten | eleven | twelve |
soul reader - 1.04k. he knew why you were crying when he was surrounded by a group of girls.
forever - 0.57k. your days with him after marriage.
cuddling with jihoon - bulleted.
evil eye - 0.48k (hiatus). you and jihoon had a heated conversation during jun’s birthday party.
when he secretly finds out his s/o can sing really well - reaction.
drunk and tipsy - series (hiatus). you found a boy the next morning laying on your bed right beside you, thinking you were his girlfriend.
soulmate!au - bulleted. in which the first thing your soulmate says to you is on your wrist.
soulmate!au - bulleted. in which you can’t see color until you meet your soulmate.
you reading them a love poem - reaction.
passive-aggressive ‘fuck you’ - florist!au. 1k. you’re angry at your professor when she gave you a zero for writing your test in blue ink rather than black. hongjoong helps you pick flowers with negative meanings so you can give the flowers to your professor to make up your grade.
[x] - you cancel your date due to your depression. trigger warning.
[x] - you accidentally confess to them
seeker and seeking - 0.38k. you like receiving a lot of attention from mark, but he doesn’t give you any.
attitude - 0.38k. he gave you an attitude after he assumed you like jackson. you gave him an attitude for being flirty with his makeup artist.
[x] - you want to cuddle with them.
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capaimagines · 3 years
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mark tuan - heated
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Pairing: Mark Tuan x Reader | Genre: suggestive & slight smut | Warnings: mentions of hook ups, teasing, sexual innuendos, foreplay | WC: 1.3k
Request: School teacher mark X student getting a little heated in class
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When you had met Mark over your summer break, your summer had heated up almost immediately. There were many nights where you were wrapped up in his sheets, him pleasuring you until your eyes rolled to the back of your head and you were screaming his name. Straddling his waist and having him moan your name out. You had never expected to see him again; it was just a summer fling, a hook up from time to time, yet, it was unexpected. While you hated having to say goodbye as your semester started back up and classes had to be your main priority. You had exchanged contact information, hoping that maybe, just maybe next summer you’d be able to run into one another again.
Of course for you and many others, It was tradition to dress a little nicer on your first day of classes, mainly to make a name for yourself and quite possibly catch the attention of some cute boys. In your mind, you needed to look presentable and appear that you wanted to be there even if you’d rather be anywhere but. Your jeans hugged all your curves, your blouse unbuttoned at the top. It showed your cleavage, but only enough for one to imagine. It was the one time in the semester where you would do your hair and makeup, the winged eyeliner making your hazel eyes pop, the cherry red lipstick standing out. Had you gone a little overboard? Sure. You never knew who was going to walk through the door though.
Imagine your surprise as well as his when your summer fling walked into your afternoon class, announcing that he was your professor.
His eyes met yours and stayed on you for a minute longer before clearing his throat moving around the room again to begin his lesson. At first you were a little shocked, though it didn’t take you long before a smirk adored your lips as you got comfortable in your seat with your arms crossed. This was going to be one hell of a semester. One thing you made sure for certain was that no one, literally no one knew about your summer fling with Mark. You didn’t bring him around your friends or introduce him to your family because you hadn’t thought it was going to last any longer than the summer and quite frankly, you didn’t see anything more coming out of it because of your messy, complicated life. Though, dating him would have been nice also.
You leaned forward in your seat, making sure you adjusted your arms so it made your breasts could stand out a little more. You saw Mark’s eyes on you and his tongue jutted out to wet and run over his bottom lip. You only smiled at him as he continued on, doing his best to avoid looking at you for the rest of the class, though, it was a struggle.
It didn’t go well for him that’s for sure. Mark thought you were beautiful when you two had first met and if he had known that you would run into each other again, he would have made it official. It took every ounce of self-control for him to not bend you over his desk right there in front of everyone and let your sinful noises ring out around the room. To let everyone know just how much he was able to pleasure you. That it would only take seconds before he had you screaming his name and begging him to ruin you.
He knew you were trying to rile him up. The way you would subtly adjust your bust so that he could almost see down your shirt. Or how you would slowly place your finger in your mouth and slide it out, pretending you were thinking hard about something. He knew you were thinking hard, but not about your upcoming class work that was going to be due in a few days. Though, he was thinking hard too, but not about the difficulty of his first assessment to his students or remembering students' names.
As soon as he was allowed and it was ideal, Mark had ended classes and bid his goodbyes to his students before letting them know that there were no extra readings for tomorrow. As you were packing up your belongings, a little slower than intended too, Mark called out to you, “Miss L/N,” He said, dark eyes boring into yours, “Please come to my office when you can. There’s some things we have to go over,” You nodded, waiting for the other students to file out before you followed Mark down to his office.
Once you were inside his office, he closed the door and locked it almost instantly, pushing you flush against the wall, lips already trailing wet, messy kisses down your neck, “You’re such a fucking tease. You know that right?” He breathed, nipping at your skin.  
You let out a soft moan, pulling him closer to you as much as you could, “But I haven’t done anything, professor,” Your sultry voice rang out.
He pulled his lips away from your neck, body still flush against yours, his hardening erection pressed against your needy core as he narrowed his eyes at you, “No? So you hadn’t just happened to press your boobs against the desk and unbutton your shirt a little more? Or look at me like you're trying to imagine all the possible ways I could have you bent over a piece of furniture, moaning my name.” 
You did your best to suppress the small whimper, pretending to think about his words before smiling at him, “Had I known it was going to be you as my professor, I would have worn something a little more revealing as well as made a few questionable comments,” You teased.
Without saying a word, Mark picked you up, hands placed firmly on your thighs as he carried you over to the small couch in the corner of his office, sitting down with you on his lap, “I’m pretty sure this breaks like every teacher-student code in the book,” You said, already slipping his shirt off.  
His grip tightened on your waist as his lips captured yours in another passionate kiss that left you breathless, “Guess you’ll just have to keep your little mouth closed so we don’t get caught,” He teased, “Although, you can be pretty vocal kitten.”
You grinned widely, as a small gasp escaped your lips as he slipped your clothes off easily, trailing kisses down your body until he pushed you back against the couch and hovered over you before you felt his lips connect with your heated core. True to his words, it was hard for you to stay quiet as you let out a loud moan, gripping his hair tightly, letting the pleasure take over you.
Adding to Mark’s ego, it did only take you a few seconds to start moaning and whimpering out his name, lifting your hips and riding his face to gain more friction. His tongue mercilessly lapped your hardened bud, two of his long digits slipping into your wet core. You let out a sudden gasp as the feeling, one hand tightening your grip on his hair whilst the other clawed at his back.
He pulled back suddenly, clapping a hand over your mouth, “I told you to be quiet, kitten,” He snapped, hand staying against your mouth as he gave you a smirk before diving down and continuing to devour your needy core.
This was going to be a really interesting and scandalous semester.
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herwonderland7 · 2 years
Royal Family of Morian Kingdom
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“I will protect the kingdom till my last breath.”
name ― Aquilles Morian Nikolaus
species ― Titan God, Werewolf
titles(s)― King Morian
personality ― Considerate, Daring, Forgiving
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“I'm sorry.”
name ― Lim Jaebeom
species ― Wolf-Shifter, Alpha
titles(s)― Prince Jaebeom
personality ― Attentive, Dominating, Responsible
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“Look who's back.”
name ― Mark Tuan
species ― Wolf-Shifter, Beta/Warrior
titles(s)― Prince Mark
personality ― Attentive, Reserve, Supportive
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“I prefer to be single after seeing how Jaebeom's relationship is like.”
name ― Jackson Wang
species ― Wolf-Shifter, Delta/Warrior
titles(s)― Prince Jackson
personality ― Companionly, Fun-loving, Silly
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“Thank Wonderland you visit us. I'm getting a huge headache whenever we have to go back to work, which is the palace itself.”
name ― Park Jinyoung
species ― Wolf-Shifter, Beta
titles(s)― Prince Jinyoung
personality ― Caring, Empathetic, Possessive
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“Please, please, please teach him. I think I'm going crazy the more I chase after him.”
name ― Choi Youngjae
species ― Wolf-Shifter, Healer (Professor)
titles(s)― Prince Youngjae
personality ― Empathic, Observant, Optimistic
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“..Didn't know he grew up to be a rebel.. like his Dad...”
name ― Bambam
species ― Wolf-Shifter, Hunter
titles(s)― Prince Bambam
personality ― Charming, Sassy, Transparent
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“Give him some time, he is in the rebellious phase.”
name ― Kim Yugyeom
species ― Wolf-Shifter, Omega
titles(s)― Prince Yugyeom
personality ― Genuine, Loyal, Sentimental
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“..I'm disgusted to be related to you.”
name ― Lim Leon Juno
species ― Demigod
titles(s)― Jaebeom’s Hidden Son, Son of The Unfortunate Princess
personality ― Energetic, Individualistic, Observant
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“I'm happy, thanks to King Morian and Queen Aerina!”
name ― Iris Reiter
species ― Nymph
titles(s)― Head Gardener of Morian
personality ― Daring, Focused, Patient
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name ― Miriana Amabel
species ― Amazon
titles(s)― Head of Morian's Orphanage
personality ― Carefree, Daring, Friendly
KINGDOM OF MORIAN [mood board], characters : Morian Royal Family
KINGDOM OF AERINA [mood board], characters : Aerina Royal Family
KINGDOM OF ATHENIAN [mood board], characters : Athenian Royal Family
KINGDOM OF NEO [mood board], THE JUNGS [mood board], characters : Neo Royal Family - 127, DREAM, WAYV
KHIONEA, THE FALLEN ICE KINGDOM [mood board], characters
her wonderland : for infinity [the 3rd adventure]
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daemour · 3 years
GOT7 Hogwarts Headcanons
I had this thought while reading Harry Potter and now its accidentally a whole universe, If u want to hear more about these idiots' shenanigans at Hogwarts lmk :sanapray:
also idk how to format this so I'm sorry. italicised is like a third indent just so u know
Word Count: 2173
Warnings: None
Mark Tuan
7th year Hufflepuff. No question about it.
He doesn’t mind the stigma around his house because boi’s got a fiery temper, he single-handedly undoes the stereotype.
He spends one-third of his free time in the dorms, another third out by the lake, and another third in the kitchens.
It’s evenly split, and nothing can change it. (Except maybe a handsome Gryffindor who laughs with a wide mouth and has the cutest bunny smile)
Jack of all trades, master of like 4.
He gets ‘A’s and sometimes ‘P’s on his assignments but during exams and times it matters, he’ll get ‘E’s and ‘O’s.
His favourite subjects are Muggle Studies (because it’s an easy class for a muggle), Magical Theory (a surprise to everyone who knows him), Charms, and Transfiguration.
The teachers don’t usually call on him and he likes to sleep in class. It annoys some students that it seems he doesn’t do shit but still gets good grades.
He didn’t want to go to Hogwarts at first—his family had moved to London when he was ten and he wanted to go to Ilvermorny—but his mum had convinced him to give it a try.
He stayed there for the rest of his school years, even when his family moved back and gave him the option to transfer.
He was asked to be Head Boy but he was like “hell no too much responsibility”.
He’s such a fucking Quidditch lover lmao, closeted jock but it’s a not very well-hidden secret. Could rival Jackson in his love for the sport.
He plays Seeker on the Hufflepuff team and once was Captain but resigned. Particularly likes doing loops around Bludgers.
Mark was going to aim to play professionally but after a bad injury decided he would just play for fun and also resigned from the Team Captain position.
Wants to be a Curse-Breaker but hates Arithmancy. Powers through the subject anyway and passes with good grades.
Don’t tell anyone but Jinyoung tutored him endlessly for the final.
As soon as he graduated he moved back to America to be with his family.
7th year Ravenclaw Head Boy, half-blood.
His mum’s a witch, his dad’s a muggle. Bit of a nasty shock when he found out. (im sorry)
He likes to go up (read: sneak up under the pretence of Head Boy duties) to the Astronomy Tower in his free time for fun, even if he loathes the subject. The view is best there.
He takes way too many subjects and ends up dropping, like, half of them after midterms because he’s an overachiever.
Consistently gets ‘E’s and ‘O’s though, which is why professors don’t mind when he drops their classes.
Jaebeom especially likes Care of Magical Creatures, and Professor Neville is his favourite professor
He raises his hand all the time, even if he doesn’t know the answer because he just likes to seem cool and smart.
Though he’s Head Boy, he can be a little quick to anger. Since he met Youngjae, he’s mellowed out but sometimes Jaebeom can flare up. It’s why Mark was the first pick.
Jaebeom doesn’t really like Quidditch but will go to games to cheer on his best friends.
He used to be a beater but he fell off his broom and is salty.
He wants to be a professor (and Head of House but don’t tell Professor Flitwick)
When he graduated he cried
6th year Gryffindor half-blood
Honestly, he thought he was a squib until he was watching rugby and didn’t break a single bone falling off the bleachers accidentally.
His parents celebrated by buying him a Wiggentree
He named his tree Bob
Jackson is never found in one place for more than 30 minutes at a time. He wanders a lot. It causes people looking for him neverending grief.
Sometimes he’ll drag Mark along. Mark always complains but most everyone knows he doesn’t actually mind. Jackson remains oblivious.
BamBam and Yugyeom tag along a lot more often, and when they do teachers who encounter them will probably have a headache for the rest of the day.
Jackson excels in DADA. It’s his favourite subject as well, Herbology right under it. But he doesn’t like the current teacher, he had heard stories about the late Professor Lupin and just really wished Lupin was his professor.
Jinyoung has a theory it’s also because Jackson just loves wolves and Professor Wolf McWolfy Werewolf is a dream for Jackson. Jinyoung suffered from pink hair that day.
Jackson gets pretty good grades but sometimes he’ll get a ‘P’ or a ‘D’. He doesn’t mind it much, just works a bit harder next time. The only time he’s studied through an all-nighter was the time he almost failed DADA.
He was in the wizarding school for China but transferred to Hogwarts because of the Quidditch opportunities in London.
Speaking of Quidditch, Jackson lives and breathes the sport. He’s a jock. The jockiest jock of all. Mark finds it endearing.
Jackson actually is Captain and Chaser for the Gryffindor team. He has a self-proclaimed rivalry with the Slytherin Chaser but they actually go to Hogsmeade together a lot. Mark is not Jealous™
Jackson would 10/10 be an Auror….if his Potions grades didn’t suck ass. He just gets overeager adding the ingredients. Instead, he just vies to work in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement or as a Herbologist.
He once wrote to Mr Harry Potter and asked if he had to take potions to be an Auror. Harry replied very kindly but said that he should talk to Jackson’s Potions professor.
When he graduated he kissed Mark who visited to see his best friend graduate. Mark turned so red he almost cried.
Definitely followed Mark to America and became a Herbologist so that he could be with Mark wherever the older went.
Harry sent a very generous, anonymous wedding gift of a large box of chocolate frogs. Mark knows who it was but doesn’t tell Jackson in case he would explode on the spot.
I’m sorry this wasn’t supposed to be a Markson headcanon
6th Year Ravenclaw Prefect pureblood
Takes pride in his pureblood status but tries not to follow traditionalists’ values. Sometimes Jaebeom has to remind him when Jinyoung is crabby or sleepy.
No one really takes it to heart, though. Jinyoung means well.
Jinyoung is always found in the library or in the common room. He’s also been known to just talk to the knocker and Yugyeom will always make fun of him for it.
Once he made fun of Yugyeom back but accidentally prodded too meanly. Yugyeom cried and Jinyoung forever feels bad. Yugyeom forgot about the incident
Jinyoung loves History of Magic. Might be one of the only students in history who actually do.
People always ask him if they can borrow his notes. He only lets his 6 other friends.
Consistently gets ‘O’s. Rumoured to be the next Head Boy when Jaebeom graduates.
He doesn’t partake in most extracurriculars, and he would’ve avoided Quidditch like the plague if Jaebeom didn’t drag him along to matches once in a while.
He does love playing Wizarding Chess and wins every tournament. He let Yugyeom win just once when he was crying about exams. BamBam knows and hilariously doesn’t tell anyone. Yugyeom brags.
Jinyoung wanted to be Minister of Magic but doesn’t feel like getting into politics. He now wants to be a wizarding professor.
Once, Jinyoung went to Beauxbatons for an exchange program. He fell in love with the school and hopes to teach there.
Once he graduated, Jinyoung immediately started applying for jobs. BamBam called him a boring person. BamBam can’t seem to find his favourite pair of earrings.
Youngjae is a 5th year half-blood Slytherin. I do not accept submissions.
He was worried about being sorted into Slytherin at first because he was scared the dungeons would be cold. The Head Boy assured him the dungeons had a warming charm.
The dungeons did not have a warming charm, but Jaebeom used his status and convinced the Head of House to add one before Youngjae went down for the first time.
Youngjae is in the kitchens like half the time. The other half, he’s talking to Jaebeom about whatever interested him that day.
Jaebeom loves that time. Once, when Youngjae was in the Infirmary for a bit, Jaebeom visited him to tell Youngjae about HIS favourite parts of the day.
Youngjae loves Charms best but struggles in the subject. He actually performs best in Divination. Sad, he hates heights so going to Divination class is a nightmare.
Does not want to do any job with Divination because he thinks it’s a joke. Doesn’t say that to anyone though, because he doesn’t think it’s very nice.
Youngjae is perfectly happy with an ‘A’ in most subjects, though he does get ‘E’s a lot. Especially because the teachers find him very gifted even if he doesn’t really try.
Youngjae is perfectly content to watch Quidditch. He once tried commenting on it but he kept mixing up the rules. No one had the heart to tell him but he knew.
When he was younger, he wanted to be an Auror but he didn't quite like DADA. Working at St. Mungos is now his dream.
Youngjae almost slept through graduation, BamBam had to fetch him thirty minutes before his name was called.
4th year Slytherin muggle
Once he found out he could do magic he immediately wanted to know if he could make himself taller.
BamBam likes to spend time by the lake. He also likes to practice flying at the Quidditch pitch with Yugyeom cheering him on but he keeps falling off.
After a nasty fracture to his wrist, Yugyeom insists he doesn’t fly higher than 5 feet off the ground. The taller one will also constantly spot him.
BamBam pretends to be annoyed but secretly finds it cute.
For a while, BamBam used to hang out with Jackson because he had a crush on the 6th year boy, but when he found out Jackson named his Wiggentree Bob he changed his mind.
Charms is what BamBam loves and excels at. He could easily be one of the best wizards at it…
...that is if he studied harder. For someone in the House of “ambition” this boy practically kicked it out the window.
Okay, he does study, but not when he deems it unnecessary.
Still gets ‘O’s on it. Never anything under that. ‘E’s and ‘A’s for everything else. He used to get ‘P’s often but after his mum had a parent-teacher conference BamBam tried harder.
BamBam would love to play Quidditch.
Except he sucks.
He’s the commentator instead.
He wants a career in wandmaking OR to be a radio host. Don’t tell anyone but he somehow turned out to be an Unspeakable. Jinyoung finds that highly amusing.
When he graduated he fell into the Lake
4th year Hufflepuff pureblood
Doesn’t understand anything about being a muggle but tries his best. BamBam always makes fun of him.
Yugyeom just goes wherever BamBam or Jinyung goes. Once he fell asleep in the Library when sitting with Jinyoung and almost got detention for being late to class. Jinyoung saved his ass.
Jinyoung actually took the blame and the detention, but didn’t tell Yugyeom.
Yugyeom found out anyway and felt really bad. (BamBam told him as an avid supporter and vice president of the JinGyeom club) (Jackson is the president)
Yugyeom is average in all of his classes. He passes in most of them, yes, but struggles in others.
Jinyoung tutors him, but Yugyeom falls asleep a lot. Jinyoung hasn’t given up.
Yugyeom’s best subject is surprisingly Astronomy, always scraping an ‘E’ if he doesn’t study. Yugyeom says it’s because he used to go on his house’s roof to look at the stars.
His worst subject is definitely Transfiguration. He’s not that bad at History of Magic because his parents drilled Magical history into his brain when he was younger, as they take pride in their wizarding history.
He once had to get remedial sessions with the professor. That’s what Jinyoung had teased him mercilessly about until he cried.
Yugyeom is the youngest Quidditch Team Captain during 4th year. He loves the sport just as much as Jackson and Mark, though he wouldn’t pursue it professionally ever.
He plays Chaser and can stand in for Seeker. He was initially terrified of heights but after flying on a broomstick for the first time and Mark taught him how to do a flip, Yugyeom fell in love.
Jinyoung finds it really cool.
This is turning into a JinGyeom headcanon too im really sorry
Yugyeom wants to just travel the world. Honestly, he would be happy to just have a family and stay at home because he doesn’t know what he would want to do when he grows up.
He ends up being an astronomer
When Yugyeom graduates he falls asleep during the ceremony. BamBam had to wake him up too.
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jalapeno-princess · 4 years
Bad For You Chapter 1
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Fuckboy Mark Tuan X Reader
Genre: Angst, fluff (in future chapters), smut(maybe in a future chapter I’m still debating how I feel about that)
Word Count: 4.4K
Summary: Being a senior in college with less than two semesters in your entire educational career, you try your best not to get stuck in situations that will bring you any kind of stress. Unlike most of your classmates, you never searched for entertainment and fun in the college nightlife; partying, clubbing, getting drunk, high and hooking up with random strangers. You believed in working towards what will benefit you in the future. One day, your English professor gives you the opportunity of a lifetime; to pass his class without having to do anything at all. Most students would jump at his offer without hesitation. But what happens when what he’s asking of you just so happens to be the last thing you would ever find yourself wanting to do? Tutoring the same person you vowed never to get involved with? Mark Tuan was bad news and you’ve sworn to yourself that you wouldn’t interact with him under any circumstances. However, the offer is too good to refuse, but will it really be worth it in the end?
A/N: Hey guys! So this is the first chapter of my new series and I already have an idea of how I’m going to go about with this story I hope everything works out the way I want it to. I’m expecting to have about 5-6 chapters, but then again I never go through with what I plan. This first chapter is just an introduction as to how the main characters meet and so it might be kind of boring and more of a filler chapter but I’m sure the next one will be more interesting. Please enjoy!
Tick, tock, tick, tock.
The sound of a clock ticking during a very important exam that was worth more than half of your grade had to be one of the most annoying and infuriating noises in the entire world; you were sure of it. 
That damn clock on the wall mocked you—with each click, you could feel yourself getting closer and closer to the brink of insanity. Honestly, you wouldn’t be surprised if you were to scream out in frustration and cause every one of your classmates to turn and look at you as if you were a wild animal. You sure felt like one. 
It was as though every time the big hand moved, you’d forget one important piece of information that you studied multiple hours for in order to memorize. No matter how many all-nighters you pulled in the last week, all the notes that you took and repeatedly looked over—nothing seemed to be clicking. 
Your mind was drawing a blank and it was really upsetting you. Ever since you were a little girl, you ate, breathed and slept your education. All you ever wanted was to succeed and do well in school. 
It didn’t help that your parents put this immense pressure on you to succeed—being the youngest and only daughter out of four children led your parents in to expecting a lot more out of you than they did with your three older brothers. They were also extremely overprotective when it came to you. 
Your brothers could go out and do whatever it was that they wanted; attend all these college frat parties, go to numerous bars only to get drunk off their asses and have your parents go and pick them up, drive all around Los Angeles and even leaving your sunny state of California to travel around cities like Las Vegas, Chicago and even New York. Hell, you couldn’t even cross the street by yourself let alone do anything most people would consider fun and exciting. 
Everyone who knew of your existence considered you to be a goody two shoes; the teacher’s pet. You found fun in reading and watching documentaries about murderous affairs. Most people your age were constantly partying, getting drunk, high or both. You never understood why anyone would waste their time and money on unnecessary substances such as alcohol and drugs, but you were never one to judge. 
Every now and then, your professor would inform the class how much time everyone had left to complete the exam. To everyone’s dismay, the door was slammed open; all eyes turned towards the front of the room—curious about who just entered. As soon as your gaze landed on him, you rolled your eyes in irritation. 
“Professor Lee, I’m so sorry I’m late. I—“
“I don’t want to hear it Mr.Tuan, no excuses. You have less than twenty minutes to complete your exam. There’s no retakes, so instead of trying to get out of this one, I’d suggest you take out a pen, piece of paper and start writing.” 
The boy in question made his way towards where you were sitting and gave you a smirk before sitting right behind you. Anyone and everyone who knew Mark was well aware as to why he was tardy. His tousled hair and swollen lips gave it away; it didn’t take a genius to know exactly what he was up to. 
You couldn’t care less about what he did; you hardly even knew the guy, so whatever he would do in his free time didn’t matter to you. As you began to finish up on your last few questions, you felt a tap on your shoulder. 
“Pssst. Y/n.” 
Ignore him and he’ll leave you alone y/n. 
Every time Mark would try and get your attention, whether it was to borrow a pencil or to coerce you in to giving him the answers on one of your assignments, you’d find yourself groaning in frustration. It’s as though he got a rise out of getting under your skin. 
In the three months that you’ve had him in your English 345 class, you observed the fact that he never seemed to bother any of your other classmates except you. He had classmates sitting on either side of him, yet he never once spoke to them. 
You’ve known Mark since middle school; he was one year older than you and he lived down your road, but the two of you never really interacted with one another. You came from two different social groups; his group of friends were very well known throughout your entire campus. 
All seven members were apart of a sports team and they had to be the most attractive guys at your university. They were also notorious for being quite the players; none of them were in stable relationships. 
Mark and his friends were known to hook up with random girls whose names they’d never end up learning and none of them slept with the same person twice. That’s just who they were. 
Every Friday night, they’d throw a party at one of their apartments, one of the sorority houses or they’d rent out a hotel room. You made a pact with yourself to never get involved with any one of them. The last thing you needed was to get your heartbroken by an asshole who could give less of a shit about you. 
You refused to allow any one of his friends; Mark in particular, take advantage of your kind hearted and gentle personality. As much as you wish you could be a cold-hearted, selfish person; especially because so many people have done you wrong in the twenty-two years of your existence, you could never hurt anyone or do anyone wrong the way they would so easily do to you. It just never felt right. 
However, Mark Tuan was someone you wouldn’t care about hurting. He obviously didn’t care about anyone but himself and his atrocious group of friends; so you never allowed him to irritate you for longer than a few minutes. Luckily, he never took things further than a couple of snarky comments and throwing paper airplanes at you every now and then, but you could do without all of his childish antics. 
Sometimes, you wondered why he chose you of all people to pick on and disturb. Maybe it’s because you were one of the only people he’s known since childhood, or because everyone was well aware of your friendly and welcoming personality. You were also considered the teacher’s pet for most of your professors. 
A few of them; your biology, calculus—and even your English professor for this class had asked you to be their teacher’s assistant because they were confident they could trust in you to help them with their classes. Unfortunately, you had to decline. 
With having a full-time job and taking on five classes, there was so much on your plate already and you were afraid that you wouldn’t be able to give them the support and time they needed from their assistants. You had only three questions left to answer and you were more than happy to finally finish the test. 
The word exhausted wasn’t even enough to describe just how tired you were. You worked a ten hour shift yesterday because two of your co-workers called in sick and you didn’t have the courage to tell your boss that you were tired from pulling an all-nighter the day before. 
All you wanted to do was return back to your apartment and fall asleep for the rest of the week. The constant tap on your shoulder broke you out of your thoughts and for a second, you almost forgot that you were in the middle of an exam. A groan of disbelief was at the tip of your tongue; who did he think he was coming in to class just minutes before it ended, expecting you to help him because it was painfully obvious he had no idea what he was doing. 
“Y/n, what did you get for number 5? Hey—pssst—y/n—“ 
You continued to scribble down a few more sentences on the last question; wanting nothing more than to get out of the lecture hall but Mark adamantly had other plans. 
“Come on, please? I don’t know how to answer this—“
“Mark, this is an exam. I can’t help you—“
“Just this one time. I promise. I’m already doing bad in this class. I can’t afford to fail—“
“Well that’s not my problem Mark. You need to learn how to manage your priorities better—“
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean—“ 
Right as you were about to retaliate and make a comment about his fuckboy lifestyle, a new presence joined the two of you and you felt yourself tense up at his words. 
“Mr.Tuan, Miss y/l/n, is there a problem here?” 
You shook your head in disagreement and mentally cursed the older boy for putting you in this situation. Not once in your entire educational career have you ever been called out by one of your teachers for not doing what you were supposed to and that was because you never failed to accomplish whatever it was that you were expected to do. There was no way you would let Mark Tuan out of all people get in the way of the reputation you’ve worked so hard to maintain as one of the top students at your university.
“No problem here sir, I was just asking y/n to borrow an eraser.”
Absentmindedly, your eyes rolled to the back of your head at how easily the lie fell from his lips. This happened to be the first class you had him in, but you had a huge feeling he was like this whenever there was something he desired. Whether it was school related, or a way to soothe his carnal urges, Mark would do whatever in his power to get whatever or whoever it was that he wanted. 
It was adamant that he wasn’t going to do well on this test no matter how hard he tried. He didn’t strike you as someone who studied, nor did he seem like he cared about his education in the first place. None of his friends did. College was more about the night life experience; the alcohol, constant partying, drugs, sex—school was the last of any of their worries and you believed that one day, it would all come back to bite them all in the ass. 
“Hm, is that so? Well then, please return back to your exams and if you don’t mind staying back, I’d like to talk to the both of you about something.”
If looks could kill, Mark would be six feet underground with the glare you were now sending him. The universe was not on your side at all today. Not only did the coffee shop get your order wrong, but your botany professor assigned you a group project you weren’t at all excited for and now—you were in trouble for something that wasn’t even your fault. 
To both his and your surprise, you turned around and flipped Mark off. You hated the fact that his stupidity and ignorance was causing you to do all of these spiteful actions that you have never once done to anyone else. He was just that big of a narcissistic asshole and with the way he smirked at you, it was all the more evident that he was enjoying himself. 
Mark got in trouble many times in class—or so you’ve heard people talk about. Everyone talked about him; no matter who it was, every single student on your campus knew of him. Some had nothing but envy and respect towards him and others never understood what was so good about him that the boys wanted to be him and the girls wanted to be under him. 
You were one of the latter; other than his devastatingly handsome looks and how much of an amazing volleyball player he was, Mark didn’t have anything else going for him. He was the definition of a prick; he was cocky and treated people like shit. He also had a brain the size of a peanut which came as a shock seeing as how his younger brother Joey graduated over a year ago and had his bachelor’s degree in pharmaceutical engineering.
In fact, the entire Tuan family seemingly had great heads on their shoulders. Mark’s father owned one of the highest ranking tech companies in all of California. His mom and his oldest sister were realtors. You understood that his wealth and the success of his family were the only reasons why he wasn’t expelled from school. If it were anyone else, they would have been kicked out as soon as their g.p.a dropped below 2.0 like Mark’s was rumored to be. 
“Good going dickhead.” 
He cheekily winked at you before turning his attention back to his exam. You were going to make his life a living hell for what he put you through. Less than ten minutes later, your professor let the entire class know that time was up and one by one, your classmates began exiting the room. You could feel your blood pressure and anxiety levels rising at the thought of getting detention for Mark’s unintelligent disruption. 
As soon as the last person left, you began to come up with what you were going to tell your teacher. You were willing to admit the fact that Mark was trying to cheat and get some answers from you. It wasn’t as though anything bad would happen to him anyway. 
He’d get away with trying to get you to give him answers and maybe even torment you for throwing him under the bus. Oh God, what did you get yourself in to? Your professor sat on his desk as he motioned for the two of you to walk towards him. 
A soft sigh fell from his lips and you were sure you could pass out because of how nervous you were. Even if you knew you didn’t do anything wrong, you were still freaking out about the consequences that came with helping someone on a test. 
“Y/n, I just want to start off by saying you’re not in trouble. So, there’s nothing you need to worry about. However, it has come to my attention that you are looking towards getting an internship at the state capital. You’re majoring in law right? Well, I have a proposition for you, and I know—you might not like this and I’m sorry for asking you to do me such a huge favor like this. I’m sure you’re already busy as it is, but—“ He didn’t even have to ask just yet, you already had a feeling that his favor had to do with the remarkably inadequate boy on the right of you. 
“Could you tutor Mark for me? Well, not just for me. His professors sent me emails about what they can do to help him.” 
He turned over to Mark and released a soft sigh. You felt as though you were going to throw up. Tutor Mark? Seriously? You would rather rip out your eyelashes one by one. There was no way you would do such a thing. Sure, you were willing to stay after class and help your professors grade papers or you could come up with lesson plans in order to cut down the amount of work they had to do, but there was no way in hell you were going to do anything with or for Mark. 
“I don’t like talking negatively about students. I know you’re a smart kid Mark. I acknowledge the fact that you do try; you’re such a great writer, but you don’t put your heart or mind in to anything beneficial. There’s honestly nothing else I can say or do to get you to try harder. You have so much potential, but you fail to use any of it. You could go far in life Mark, but you choose paths that will bring you nothing but destruction. Don’t get me wrong, you’re still so young and I’m sure you want to live your life to the fullest. But sometimes, you need to give up any kind of toxicity that will only bring you down. Y/n—a few other professors and I are willing to write you multiple letters of recommendation and I’m going to give you an immediate A for this class. You don’t have to worry about any other exams or assignments. Most of your time will be taken up trying to help assist Mark. I still expect you to listen in on our lectures just so you can understand and learn the course material, but you don’t have to worry about studying for any tests. I trust that you would pass all of them nonetheless. I know, I shouldn’t be asking you to help another student and please don’t feel like you have to do this. But just know that I and all your other professors would be more than grateful if you do decide to go along with my offer. I’ll give you a week to think about it. You may go now.” 
All the blood in your body immediately began to rush to your head. Everything your professor explained to you went through one ear and out the other. You were being offered to pass the class with flying colors without having to worry about completing any assignments or taking quizzes—anyone in their right minds would willingly accept his proposition. It was the easiest A you could ever receive, yet in order to access it, you would have to go against everything you’ve set your mind to. 
All the pacts you’ve made with yourself regarding Mark or any of his inconsiderate group of friends, were you really going to allow yourself to get involved with someone notorious for manipulating and taking advantage of other individuals without a care in the world? Sure, you wouldn’t have to worry about one of your classes and you’d have more time to focus on your more difficult subjects, but it would be at the cost of your morals and beliefs. 
Mark Tuan was no good—even if it was only tutoring, you had a bad feeling in your gut that he would end up hurting you one way or another. You didn’t consider yourself to be the kind of girl Mark would mess around with or find attractive in any way, but then again—it didn’t matter what the person looked like or what their personality was like. 
Everyone was just another body added to his count of poor unfortunate souls who were tricked in to finding their way in to bed with him. Once your professor excused you, you practically ran out of the building. Knowing that you were his only option, you were well aware that Mark would probably look for you and try to coerce you in to accepting the offer. If that did end up happening, you would stand your ground. 
You weren’t afraid of Mark, nor did you consider him all that intimidating like everyone on campus did. He wasn’t going to get to you that easily, no matter how hard he would put in an effort to. Your professor gave you a week to think about it and there was nothing your school’s notorious bad boy could say or do to influence you to agree in helping him. As you were right about to unlock your car door, you heard feet running in the distance. It didn’t take a genius to know just who the footsteps belonged to. Hell, you picked up your pace in order to avoid him. 
“Y/n, wait!” 
If only you could continue your cold facade; there was a voice telling you to jump in your car and leave without giving him the time of day. You would just deal with him tomorrow. But  you knew being brash wasn’t in your nature—you could never be mean to anyone. Even people like Mark who obviously deserved it. 
There was no way you’d forgive yourself for showing him hostility; you’d only be sinking to his level. You released a frustrated groan—did he not even take a second to think about how much of an inconvenience he was right now? First, he bothered you during a very important exam, then he got you involved in catching the unwanted attention of your professor and now you’re being asked to tutor him. 
Mark Tuan was the devil in human form, he had to be. There was no other plausible explanation as to why he is the conniving asshole you’ve grown accustomed to interact with in the last few months. It’s as if he had vengeance against you. Why else would he include you in his toxic way of going through school? You turned around to face him and crossed your arms in irritation. Right after he caught up to you, he placed both hands on his knees as if he was trying to catch his breath. 
“What? Did you sprint here?”
“Obviously. I had a feeling there was a chance you’d want to talk to me about the deal our professor offered me, but I don’t have the energy to listen to you talk me in to doing so—“
“Come on y/n, you act like tutoring me is the worst thing on this entire earth—“
“Because it is. Look, I have a week to think about this okay? So if I were you, I’d watch how you act towards me and how you talk to me. Whether or not you graduate next spring is all on me. I’m going to warn you right now, nothing you can say or do will have an effect on my decision. If I decide to tutor you, it’s because I want to. Oh, and don’t think it’s because I don’t want to do work or tests. If anything, I would rather complete assignments and study for exams. The option he gave me isn’t an easy way out, so I don’t want you spreading bullshit lies about me just to make me look bad. If I say no, there’s no trying to get me to say yes. Am I clear?” 
This was the first time you’ve ever seen Mark look worried in the many years that you’ve known him for. Almost everyone in his life, teachers, professors, fellow classmates, his friends and even some of his family members—they willingly gave him whatever it was that he asked for. You never understood why; why was everyone so afraid of him? He wasn’t all that muscular or buff. In fact, you’d mentally call him a limp noodle whenever he’d get on your nerves because he was quite the skinny guy. 
But he’s always been like that. Mark was like a chihuahua; he was all bark and no bite. Maybe he used his family’s power and wealth against others, or maybe he would promise financial or social gain to make others succumb to his wishes. Whatever it was—you needed him to know that it wouldn’t work on you. It was obvious that no one has ever talked to Mark the way you currently were just by the way he looked at you in shock. 
You were a force to be reckoned with. If Mark considered you to be a soft spoken, quiet pushover, then boy—did he have something coming for him. He wasn’t wrong to think like that; you were a genuinely kind-hearted soul. However, that was to those who deserved it. Mark wasn’t on that list, nor would he ever make it there. Ever.
“Fine. Just—please think about it? No funny business, I promise. I just—I want to know. Be honest with me. Why do you hate me so much? What did I ever do to cause you so much anguish and distress? Is it something I said? Did? Whatever it is, I’m sorry. Sincerely. I’m not saying that in order to win brownie points or to get on your good side, I mean it. You are the only person on this entire campus who seems to take a disliking to me and I want you to know that I’m sorry.” 
As soon as the last word of apology fell from his lips, you could feel your throat getting choked up. You wanted to believe he was trying to come up with ways to make you feel bad for him; to get you to really think about helping him out. But there was no malice in his speech—his eyes looked so sincere. If he was lying, then damn—he deserved a fucking Oscar. 
Deep down in your heart though, you knew he was being serious. Why were you now feeling bad that you were vehemently treating him like the scum under your toes? Obviously, you weren’t going to grovel at his feet the way most of the girls at your university did—but that didn’t mean you couldn’t be civil with him. 
Mark hasn’t cared about his attendance or grade in this class since the beginning of the semester—so it really boggled your mind as to why he was trying to be involved in his education right now. That wasn’t your business to have knowledge of. You and Mark weren’t friends. You’d probably never ever be friends, so the reasoning for his sudden interest in putting his focus towards his education wasn’t your problem to deal with. 
You brought your vision to the ground; your converse seemed like the most interesting thing in the world at the moment. There was no way you could look at him, you were sure you’d give him your answer if you were to look at him and see how distraught he was from your hostility. You opened the back seat of your car and threw in your bag and your books before making your way to the front seat. 
Thankfully, Mark had a conscience and moved out of the way. He probably didn’t want to get even more so on your nerves and you appreciated his new timid nature. 
Mark Tuan had finally met his match. 
Once you pulled out of the stall, you rolled down your window and took in a deep breath—not sure if you were making the right decision as the words fell off your tongue; but it didn’t matter anymore. 
“Meet me tomorrow in the library at three. Don’t be late or you can forget about having me as a tutor. Oh, and I don’t hate you. But don’t think so highly of yourself, I don’t think all that highly of you either.” 
The soft smile that was now beaming on his face pulled on your heartstrings and soon you felt a warm sensation in your chest—wait. What? Oh God—no. No, no, no. What have you done? 
You just sold your soul to the devil.
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channiebbang · 4 years
fluttering hearts
synopsis: a cute first date along the night market and the bustling streets of Seoul. A little spark lightens up between laughs, blushing faces and fluttering stomachs.
characters: Mark, Jackson, Main Character
pairing: University Senior!Mark x Univeristy student!MainCharacter
genre: a shit load of fluff
word count: 2.7k
warnings: none
author’s note: this is by far one of my most fluff works lmaoo I'm sorry if there are any mistakes hehe
Y/n shivered as the chilly breeze caressed her bare arms. It wasn't a cold evening at all, the light wind felt nice, but she had been standing for some time now, and her sleeveless dress wasn't helping. She refrained from checking the time on her watch, having done that three times already in the last minute.
She thought at how she came to be in this situation. Dressed in a somewhat semi-fancy dress, a couple of steps away from a fancy restaurant.
Mark Tuan. Her university senior of three years. He was all everyone talked about, kind of like the "It boy", if you will. And for good reasons too. He was polite, soft spoken, gentle and a ball of positivity to be around. Everyone loved him. Professors, deans, students, everyone.
Girls drooled over him, boys admired him. He received confessions left and right from girls and the occasional boys. He had it all. Or so it seemed.
See, Mark may have been showered with attention on the outside, and to some extent he was grateful for all the nice words everyone said to him, but he didn't really feel a connection with anyone other than his few close friends.
In fact, the guy was careful who he talked with and what he said. He was a very reserved person and although he was very respectful he also liked being respected. He knew most of the people that tried to befriend him didn't do it because they actually wanted to be friends. It was either because his dad was rich or it was because being Mark Tuan's friend is benefitting. Words he had actually heard someone say. Or people wanted to date him because in the three years he had been in the university nobody had seen him with anyone that could've been labeled as his girlfriend. So the ladies wanted a piece of him. They wished.
So when he, not only showed interest in Y/n but asked her out everyone was stoked. Out of nowhere a junior had been asked out by Mark. Nobody ever saw the two together, nobody ever saw the two even talk. But once someone overheard Jackson asking one of Y/n friends for her number for Mark, the news spread like wildflower. And you bet your ass Mark didn't speak to Jackson for a solid day, no matter how many times Jackson whined that he was just trying to be a good wingman. In the end he gave in because, c'mon, it's Jackson Wang we're talking about, how could he stay mad at him when he was just trying to help out.
But it's not like Mark landed a date the first time he asked, no sir. In fact, y/n had ignored his dm's when he reached out on Instagram, not wanting to get involved with someone so much on the spotlight. She didn't like attention at all, she had two friends and she was happy to go unnoticed at university.
Of course she knew who Mark was and of course she found him breathtaking, I mean it's not like she was blind and lived under a rock. She knew of his more than good reputation but even then she didn't want to be involved with him in any way. She wanted to focus on her studies, thoroughly.
Because she had two great friends, it was obvious that they didn't agree with her decision and tried to persuade her countless times when she told them that Mark had slid into her dm's. She refused.
So a couple of days had passed when the two groups crossed each other in the hallway and of course y/n's lovely friends decided to greet Mark and his friends, lying later that it was just to show their respect to their senior.
Mark on the other hand was very glad because he had taken it upon himself to greet y/n separately, flashing one of his million dollar smile. She stared at him for a couple of seconds before she bowed her head and muttered a greeting.
When she went back to her shared apartment that night she had been doing homework, well tried to do her homework, because a certain Mark Tuan refused to leave her mind. She felt guilty about not replying to him. It had already been a couple of days but she felt bad because she feared she was being rude.
So, before she changed her mind, she took her phone and replied to his text. And that was how she spent more than three weeks texting with him. She had to admit, Mark was fun to talk to. In that short period of time he somehow managed to soften her up.
He had always a funny remark ready, always ready to help her with her studies, even when she refused thoroughly, worried that it would take away time from his own studies.
So there she was, she had finally accepted his request to go eat something. So she was clad in a soft lilac dress waiting for a certain senior to show up.
It was two minutes later when a car stopped on the side of the road, Mark quickly climbed out of the back of the car after muttering some instructions to the driver and walking to y/n.
Now, y/n knew about Mark's good looks, but this. This was straight up rude. He was dressed in a turtle neck and a long coat and he was breathtakingly gorgeous. So obviously, she gaped at him and totally missed his greeting. Mark chuckled, a wide grin spread on his lips as he waved a hand in front of her eyes. She blinked rapidly clearing her throat, blushing hard when he giggled at her flustered face.
"Hi," he greeted again, "Sorry, I'm late. There was an accident on the way and I had to take another street," he apologized, a mortified smile adorning his features. Y/n smiled shaking her head.
"That's okay, I wasn't waiting for long anyway," she assured him, Mark nodded before throwing a glance at the entrance of the restaurant. A slow blush creeped up his neck and tainted his ears a bright red. Y/n tilted her head sideways, concern written all over her face.
"Are you okay?" She asked, her fingertips lightly brushing over his elbow as he cleared his throat, eyes falling back on her. He found himself staring at her, only then noticing how pretty she looked in her dress and styled hair. He smiled fondly at the white sneakers on her feet, contrasting the rest of her outfit.
"Yup," the tall guy smiled, eyes crinkling, y/n found herself smiling too. She nodded.
"I think I'm way past my reservation time," Mark muttered in embarrassment, fingers scratching behind his ears as he gave y/n an awkward laugh. The blushing explained. Y/n looked at him amused.
"Oh," she mumbled looking back at the entrance of the restaurant before looking back at Mark, a smile on her face.
"How about some street food?" She whispered excited, Mark stared at her, mouth hanging open. Her eyes were sparkling, the widest grin he had ever seen on her graced her lips. She oozed of excitement and adrenaline. Maybe Mark stayed in that position for too long because Y/n's expression slowly fell.
"...or maybe not?" She said unsure, her statement sounding like a question. Was Mark uncomfortable with street food? Her eyes shifted at the high class fancy restaurant and she mentally face palmed. Of course he would be, look at where he wanted to bring you and think about what you offered, ugh.
She felt mortified. She shuffled on her feet, uncomfortable and embarassed to have his eyes on her. She cleared her throat and Mark seemed to come back alive.
"Yes," he breathed out, holy fuck, what was that? He thought. He felt like time had stopped for a couple of seconds too long. Y/n looked at him confused.
"What?" She muttered, eyes wide in confusion. Mark chuckled.
"Let's get street food, I know a market not too far from here. It's a bit crouded but it comes alive at night, let's go," the boy blabbed, before taking a hold of her wrist and starting to walk down the street. Y/n was left dumbfounded, she couldn't grasp onto what just happened.
She stared at Mark, trudging behind him. His long legs taking big strides to where she had to jog a bit to keep up, she didn't complain though. His hand had her wrist in a soft grasp, tight enough not to let her slip away but loose enough not to hurt her.
His dark hair bounced at every step he took, the big smile on his face lighting up his face and his surroundings in a mesmerizing way. Or was that just in her head? She didn't mind though.
Mark, right there, resembled more to an excited child opening up his birthday presents rather than the semi-serious senior she had sometimes seen on campus.
She seemed to come back to her senses when she noticed Mark had been standing on the side of the road, waiting for the streetlight to turn green. One hand in the pocket of his coat while the other still had her wrist in grasp. Mark turned to her and flashed a smile at her, automatically she sent one back.
"We're not too far from it, you'll love it," he assured her, slowly bouncing on his heels, excited.
"Do you go there often?" She asked, just as the light turned green.
"Yupp, usually I'm with Jackson and Yugyeom. Sometimes Jinyoung joins. Oh, and Jaebum too, he's the one who showed us this place," Mark explained, a fond smile on his face when talking about his friends. Y/n smiled up at him.
"You guys seem to be close," she pointed out. Mark sent her a huge grin. The proud look on his face mesmerizing.
"Uhhuh, we've stuck together since middle school," he nodded, "Although, Yugyeom joined us when we were in high school, he's the youngest but we met him in the playground we used to go to play basketball. He was freakishly tall for being so young, we thought he was our age until he started calling us hyung, then we found out he was like 3-4 years younger," Mark laughed, the sound so painfully adorable even y/n found herself chuckling and smiling at him.
"Oh! We're here. Stay close, it's crowded," Mark smiled at her as she nodded. They walked into the market, looking at the various stalls.
Mark, even though on the outside he looked completely fine, was dying on the inside. He had been holding on her wrist for a long time. Was it weird? Did she feel uncomfortable? Was it rude? Is he dumb? What the heck? All these thoughts were running wild in his mind. But nonetheless, he didn't particularly want to let go of her, so he didn't. Don't ask him where that courage boost came from because he didn't know.
He slowly let go of her hand and y/n would be lying if she didn't feel disappointed. What? Well sure, it's not like she wanted to go on a date with him at first but Mark had a way with people and she surely understood now why so many people liked him. Mark Tuan, despite his reputation and all the love he received from people, was a humble gem. He was ordinary, the kind of ordinary that makes you feel comfortable and at ease.
A blush crept up the duo's necks when Mark took a hold of y/n's hand. Mark stopped breathing for a second, testing the waters. Seeing if she'd pull back. But she didn't, and so he engulfed her hand in his. She looked the other way, hoping, wishing, she wasn't blushing too much.
"Hey," Mark whispered, tilting his head down to her height so that she could hear him.
"Huh?" She hummed, turning back around to look at him. Only her movement was a bit too fast, and before he could retreat to his previous height, her face was right in front of his. Her breath hitched in her throat, his features more clear, vivid, at the close proximity.
Mark straightened up, clearing his throat. He cursed under his breath, before taking a deep breath and turning to face her with a cheeky smile on his lips. He raised their clasped hands and shook it a bit.
"Hope you don't mind?" He giggled adorably, the sound making y/n forget about their previous awkwardness. She shook her head.
"I don't," she smiled at him.
The two walked along the stalls of the market, laughing and enjoying their time and food. They stopped at many stalls to try various things. Mark was glad that y/n wasn't one of those stuck up girls that didn't know how to enjoy this kind of places. The loud atmosphere, the tight and crowded street, the warm air, the strong smell of food. He was glad he could share this with someone that like him, didn't mind all those things.
Mark looked at the girl walking one step infront of him. She had tied her hair up with a clip, a couple of loose strands framing her face, her bag was hung across her chest so she had both of her arms free. His coat, too warm for the already hot air, was thrown over her bag. He had told her he could have just carried it on his arm but she insisted that he needed both of his hands to eat.
He looked at her as her eyes scanned over the stalls they walked past. Her eyes were shining with amazement, a wide smile lit up her face. In a way, he was glad he was late and his reservation got cancelled. He had a feeling they wouldn't have had this much fun if they had dined there.
Mark kept his eyes on the girl, it was happening again. As clichè as it sounds it felt as if time slowed down, all the noise around him seemed to fade away, everything sounded as if he was underwater, everything but her blurred out. It was as if he was looking at her through a camera lense and he had focused only on her, everything else just a meaningless background that he didn't particularly care about. All he could see was her.
Her beautiful smile, her shining eyes, the hair strands framing her face, her collarbones, the thin necklace adorning her neck. All he could focus on was her. He could hear his own heartbeat in his ears, he couldn't understand this feeling at all. But he didn't want it to end, he wanted to drown in this feeling, this emotion, he wanted it to always be like this. If he knew what the feeling of being drugged was, this was it.
If happiness and contentment had come his way, he didn't know, but he hoped. He really hoped this was it. He hoped that feeling of being full of something, feeling warm inside, that everyone talked about, that happiness that people associated with various things, he hoped he had finally found it. And fuck, if that was what happiness and contentment and being at home felt like, god, he wanted to feel like this everyday.
Y/n scolded herself mentally as Mark took her hand in his again. His eyes were focused somewhere else, his action seemed spontaneous and if it wasn't, y/n wouldn't know and she was okay with not knowing. She smiled as she too averted her eyes around herself.
She scolded herself for not answering Mark's dm earlier, she scolded herself for not going on a date earlier but then again, maybe that is exactly why this felt so good. Maybe letting things happen at their own pace was the right thing to do.
So she told herself not to ponder about what was already in the past too much, she told herself to enjoy her time with Mark now and for as long as she could.
She didn't know why and how Mark made her feel so comfortable and how she felt at ease around him. But she did and surprisingly that's all that she found important. She told herself not to overthink what was happening and to just let everything happen on its own.
Their laughter mixing with the loud chatter and laugh of the people around them as they enjoyed their silly banters and jokes. The chilly breeze didn't feel so cold anymore as y/n walked beside Mark, hand in hand, arms pressed against each other, as they talked about what to try next.
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yyparkq · 4 years
Tumblr media
([may-rah-kee] GREEK 
(n.) to do something with your soul. Creativity, or love; to put something of yourself into your work)
word count: 8,706
pairing: jaebeom x reader
a/n: part of got7 alive fest on twitter. you may also view this on ao3! :)
“Can I buy you a drink?” you offered enthusiastically as you slide beside the man who doesn’t pay any attention to the girl on his other side. The woman glared at your boldness and stomped away when her subject instantly tilted his head to your direction. Trying to hide your own thumping heart, you smiled at his incredulous expression.
After living as a hermit for a few years and squeezing all the creative juices out of your brains onto literary masterpieces, you finally decide to venture out again to your old world. When asked for a recommendation, your agent/best friend didn’t miss a beat telling you about the upcoming party being thrown by your common friends in college—an unusual bachelor party and bridal shower in one. Hearing all the possible details from her made it sound twice more interesting and fun. Before you even knew it, you were nodding your head in excitement and confirming your attendance at the upcoming event. The timing was perfect. You had your scheduled flight earlier on the day of the party, so you could go straight there. The thought of finally seeing your college friends after five years excited you, but above all, you were yearning to see one specific person you dearly missed—Lim Jaebeom.
You had been studying his profile—one you’d recognize anywhere—ever since you entered the party. It’s almost as if he never changed except for his seemingly wider shoulders and longer hair. You smiled at the thought of him still being so fond of casually donning the most basic clothes that otherwise fit the occasion. That, and yet he still managed to pull it off and stand out from the rest of the crowd. Like how he’s wearing a crisp white button-down shirt and slacks that looked way too stiff for a guy to wear at a party. His now long hair slightly unkempt and falling on one side of his cheek.
To say he was surprised is a huge understatement. The last thing he could have expected from Mark’s party is the presence of a woman who dropped him like a hot potato without a single word five years ago, now materializing in front of him and striking up a conversation as if it was yesterday. A tinge of betrayal crept into him as he realized his best friend didn’t bother giving him a heads up about your attendance. He could have prepared a more controlled reaction than a pair of wide eyes and mouth agape with astonishment. Pulling himself together, he looked back at you with a more reserved gaze.
Unconsciously, you bit your lip and broke the eye contact, feeling your cheeks warm but thankful for the dimness of the place at the same time. You never expected his gaze to still have the same overwhelming effect on you even after almost a decade of knowing him.
You cut the eye contact and turned your attention to the bartender in front of you instead, requesting for your usual drink to keep from further making a fool of yourself in front of Jaebeom.
“I’m sorry, I just wanted to try that phrase at least once,” you laughed after the bartender slides you your glass. “That was bad, wasn’t it?”
Jaebeom clicked his tongue and took a sip from the half-empty glass in his hand. His sheer annoyance was evident in the way he twisted his wrist and set down the glass abruptly on the counter. As if trying to say something, he looked at you and opened his mouth but was cut short when your friend Wheein screamed your name on the top of her lungs and made her way to your seat.
“Mark is looking for you!” she shouted after putting an arm on your shoulders in an attempt to sweep you to the direction where she came from. You rolled your eyes at her and stood firm in your seat, refusing to be dragged by her strong arms. She tilted her head in question before looking over to the guy seated beside you and instantly grasped the situation. “Oh,” she gasped softly when she recognized Jaebeom. “Look for Mark after you’re done here, he’s in one of the tables at the corner, making out with his bride. Seriously, doesn’t this completely defy the very reason for bachelor’s parties and bridal showers?” she added to which you only answer with a sarcastic smile and a nod. She looked back at the guy beside you and winked before disappearing back into the sea of dancing people.
Despite the blaring music at the party, you and Jaebeom sat in complete silence. Neither of you attempted to start an empty conversation. The situation reminded you of one of the hundred things you used to like about being with him—for you, words and silence both held equal meaning. Though, sometimes words can betray someone twice more than a short silence can.
Growing up, you witness your parents spend most of their downtime doing their individual hobbies while still being together at the same time. Your mom solving her crossword puzzles while your dad watches his favorite crime and murder documentaries on cable tv. The comfortable silence between them has always been a pleasant memory and has been an important factor in most of your relationships.
A walking paradox. That’s what you are. For someone who believes in the power of silence, you also find comfort in expressing yourself through words. Your eloquence never dimmed as you grew up. The delicious combination of you being able to speak your heart out and listen attentively to the other party at the same time built a character that everybody around you loved to be with.
As an only child of a wealthy family, you grew up getting all the love and attention you needed from your humble parents. You were a vivacious child who was ready to face everything and chase her own dreams, thanks to your family who would always tell you to go after whatever made you happy. And even if it turned out to be something that wasn’t for you in the end, at least you wouldn’t have to spend the rest of your life wondering how things could have been if only you tried when you had the chance to. So when you first laid your eyes on an unfamiliar guy sitting in one of your elective classes in college, you knew you were in for a long ride.
Jaebeom’s presence always demanded attention no matter which room he was in. When he sat in front of you for the first time in one of your boring classes after spring break, you are quick to notice the curious stares and discreet glances from your own classmates. Recognizing the possibility of the competition being high, you wasted no time trying to get to know him and introduced yourself right after your class ended.
“Ah, the attentive girl,” he said when you followed him to the hallway and made your existence be known to him.
You smiled brightly, glad that your efforts in answering the professor’s questions correctly during class left a good first impression on him. He offered you a small smile, one that hardly reached his eyes but still made your heart flutter for the very first time. You were expecting to learn his name in exchange but instead, he only walked past you.
At the party, Jaebeom briefly glanced at the approaching guy behind you and sighed.
“This is nuts! Y/N, you really are here! I thought Wheein was just fucking around when she said she brought your ass to our party!” Mark exclaimed, wrapping you in an enormous embrace and ruffling your hair in the process. “Where the hell have you been to? We didn’t hear a single word from you since college. Are you married yet?”
Your eyes rolled at his accusing tone and giggled, briefly glancing back at Jaebeom who was also waiting for your response. “I’m not answering that, Tuan.”
Mark slapped the other guy’s back and whispered something in his ear which he responded with a creased forehead and confused eyes back. Mark laughed and turned his attention to you, showing you the way to the bigger table where everyone else from your common circle had gathered. One last look at Jaebeom’s unamused expression and you let the former guy lead your body, unaware of the latter trailing behind you to join the table.
Five long years you spent living away from your family and friends, justifying the need importance of exercising your independence and trying to hone your skills and interests by taking a literary degree overseas. At some point, you did want to pursue a career in writing. It was your childhood dream, after all. But it wasn’t the only reason you endured half a decade away from the closest people of your life and stepped out of your comfort zone. The moment you decided you wanted to start again, you knew the main reason is to run away from the guy who repeatedly broke your heart. And now that you’re back, you are determined to show a different version of yourself to everyone. One that is no longer naive when it comes to love and to life. You’re fairly confident you’re more than ready to play your part in this new beginning.
Some say we don’t get to choose who we love, but you beg to differ. When you’re stubborn and you love to prove people wrong, it doesn’t come as a surprise when you have chosen to give your all to Lim Jaebeom the moment you laid your eyes on him. Chasing someone for years in this time and day should qualify for modern martyrdom. Jaebeom is one tough nut to crack especially when romantic relationships and commitments don’t exist in his world. That much is known to you but you did not give up, relentlessly bugging him every time you got a chance just to be together—even if it meant only hanging out as good friends. You were vocal with your intentions and your actions spoke so much to your words. Guys wanted to be Lim Jaebeom in a way a girl, as deemed perfect as you are, was always by his side supporting him in his endeavors.
All of your friends used to excessively warn you about Jaebeom being a bad idea, but you must have been blinded by your love that you failed to recognize the red flags that practically waved at you before.
How Jaebeom was able to turn you down twice could be considered a mystery unsolved for everyone, even for his own self. There is no doubt about your intelligence, you’re highly responsible and driven, you’re empathetic and humble and the majority loves to be around you. On top of that, your beauty fits the current societal standards that you don’t even have to try hard. Everyone sees no reason for any man to reject you except that you could be close to an epitome of perfection, setting the bar far too high for anyone.
Mark’s table was filled with laughter and yells from your friends when you reached it. Most of his guests were from the wealthiest families who have been specializing in throwing parties since college. Fortunately, the majority of your closest circle of friends managed to group themselves for that night when you joined them. Stories and questions about the time you spent away from everyone else rained on you. How you spent the last five years—stories about your campus life, your travels, the one of a kind experiences you had—were mostly shared that night. Somehow, Jaebeom was thankful for Mark’s presence for he knew he wouldn’t be able to hear so much from you if you were left alone with him.
Jaebeom and Mark took pride in your highly improved alcohol tolerance. Both expected you slurring on your words after a couple of cocktail drinks like you used to in college but there you were, looking as sober as you could as you briefly played poker with the other guests and even after downing innumerable glasses of cocktails and beers in the last four hours at the party.
Somehow you managed to genuinely enjoy the time at the party, playing games, dancing, and laughing with your friends, all the while thinking about the fact that Jaebeom had been talking to a girl he’s involved himself with—the last straw from five years ago.  It would have been a lie if you said you never played all the possible scenarios in your head to prepare yourself when you once again meet the two people who have caused you your heartache before.
It took Jaebeom a couple more hours before mustering the courage to actually strike a conversation with you. Just when you were about to call it a night and head back home did he find himself quicker on his heels. All you wanted at that moment was to go home, plop yourself into your bed, and sleep the night away—exhaustion finally dawning into you.
It almost drove him crazy when he realized that you almost left again that night without bidding him goodbye. He hated how you made it look so easy to leave him every time.
You stopped dead in your tracks after hearing Jaebeom shout your name.
He rushed to you and gently reached out for your arm, his cheeks and nose were burning and you’re not sure if it’s because of the liquor or the crisp night air of the nearing autumn season. “Y/N. Let’s talk,” he said.
The corners of your mouth slightly twitched upwards after clearly hearing his voice for the first time that night.
A talk would’ve been a nice idea if your mind was not so clouded with the thoughts and memories with him right now. You already promised yourself to not give in to his ill intentions. You could only hope to make sound and logical judgments for yourself this time especially when he seems to know so well when and how to talk you out to serve his best interest.
You opened your mouth for a second before shaking your head and looking briefly at the ground. “I can’t—I can’t talk, Jae,” you sighed, feeling the night air nip on your bare skin. “Not right now. I’m exhausted. Maybe next time?” you whispered weakly and your forehead creased when you felt a ringing inside your head. Why did you even think a night of partying after a five-hour flight was a good idea?
Jaebeom stared at you for a good minute and noticed your utter discomfort unrelated to his presence “Then just let me drive you home. You look like you’ll pass out any second from now.”
Even after all the years that passed, he’s still able to look right through you and read you like an open book—one that had bothered you the most before and the very reason that kept you from coming back. You knew you wouldn’t be fooling anyone if you said you’re over him, and yet you’re in this situation.
You could have just called Wheein to drop you off your apartment. But your head started getting heavy and the thought of heading back to the party to fetch her didn’t sound like a good idea; you’re certain she wouldn’t be able to check her phone right away if you call her.
As if reading your mind, he proceeded to tug on your arm and guide you to his car. “I’ll tell Mark to send your car tomorrow.”
You muttered a quick thanks and typed your new apartment’s address to his car’s navigation before helplessly falling asleep during the ride.
Jaebeom stared at your face for a while after parking in front of your building. He wanted so much to hold you close to him and feel your body against him again but he knew better than to chase you away for the second time. It had been so long since he saw you this close. And though he spent a number of times visiting you incognito, he couldn’t help but feel a much stronger sense of regret for all the things that he has done to hurt you.
The clicking sound of your seatbelts being unfastened pulled you from the slumber. Jaebeom’s face was inches away from yours and you had to push him away due to shock. The brief nap you had made you feel so much better, your head feeling much lighter.
“Thanks for the ride,” you muttered sheepishly and immediately turned to open your side of the door to get off his car.
He stayed inside his car until he saw you made your way up into the elevator and remained seated in the dark for at least half an hour more before leaving the building.
Maybe hate is not the opposite of love, but indifference. Even in both spectrums, you couldn’t quite put a finger where you stood in your relationship with Lim Jaebeom. He’s like an opaque glass, extremely unpredictable and distant. There might have been times when you thought he’s finally letting his guard down and you inside his invisible shell, but now you’re not sure if or any of those times were even real. Despite being erratic, you stayed by his side, continuously cheering him on with his major life decisions as an unwanted friend and supporter.
It was your last semester break in college—one that didn’t really look like a break since graduation requirements were starting to pile up in addition to your internships and remaining academic classes—when Jaebeom stopped explicitly flirting with girls and started to constantly hang around you. He had a knack of fooling other people to believe he liked them more than he truly did, and you were in no way an exception in one of his schemes then. He made you feel you were important to him, made you think that he actually loved you and you never dared question it for once, finally seeing the end of your own chase.
Your friends thought he was finally coming to his senses and was getting ready to establish a serious relationship with you. Despite your conflicting schedules, every night he’d wait for your shift and classes to end to simply grab dinner together and then drive you back home. Even after he dropped you off, he’d call you’ll talk about the most random things over the phone until you both fell asleep. On his lunch breaks, he’d occasionally text you the lamest jokes he’s learned. His efforts never failed to make you smile.
But his sweet gestures lasted only for almost half a year. Right when you’ve finally garnered the courage to formalize taking your relationship to the next level, he had decided to put a stop to the little game he thought was going on between you. You didn’t mind having to lead the relationship with him at all. Putting a label on your relationship seemed like the last step in accomplishing your goal, considering all your efforts in trying to make him fall in love with you. But the end doesn’t always justify the means. One thing you have learned the hard way. Relationships are supposed to be two-way. Both parties need to practice give and take. And throughout the course of loving Jaebeom, you failed to realize how you’ve excessively poured yourself to him that you almost left little to nothing for yourself.
After finding out that he had slept with one of your closest friends, the only thing you could think of was to run away. Away from everyone even for a short period of time. That was the last straw. If he happened to sleep around before showing you his gentle and caring side and promising you a future with him, you could easily will yourself to not get hurt. But how could he go around sleeping with another girl when he made it clear to you that he wanted you to stay in his life?
Desperate for an escape, you negotiated with your father to buy yourself time to heal and move on. When he gave you his blessing to move across the country and spend some time alone for a couple of years, you took it as an opportunity to run away.
With your love for literature, you decided to pursue a degree related to it. You spent most of your time traveling, looking for inspiration to start your piece. You traveled across countries, visiting the most romantic places on earth alone, casually reminiscing the relationship you had with Jaebeom and thinking of all the other possibilities that could have happened if only you knew better than to chase a guy away. If there was one thing you could be grateful for the most, despite your situation, it’s having a chance to prepare yourself to write your very first book. You’ve always pictured yourself publishing a novel in the science fiction/fantasy category. A couple of unfinished novels sat on your computer since high school, somehow you couldn’t find the will to finish any of them and end each story. Little did you know the first one you will author close to actual completion is inspired by your own encounter with the love of your life. You planned for an open-ended story, wanting to finish the novel but not brave enough to put an absolute end to the story yet.
Finally, it was time for you to keep your end of the bargain with your father. You needed to come back to assume a position in your family business. You thought five years was enough to get over Lim Jaebeom, but then it seemed as if you were always wrong when it comes to him.
Your new office was luxurious. It had an enormous space elegantly decorated with black and gold pieces of furniture and minimalist ornaments. The floor to ceiling glass windows was overlooking the bustling city and gave you a stunning view of the sunset. The secretary assigned to help you with your new role in the company looked a few years younger than you but was always quick to pick things up and anticipate your needs, which is exactly what you need for.
The idea of working with your family members never really pleased you, but you couldn’t go back on your word, not when your father had been constantly at your disposal, attending to most of your whims your whole life. You didn’t want to disappoint him in any way. With your attitude towards work, it had been easy for you to focus on the upcoming big projects you will soon be supervising for the company. You almost became the first and the last person to leave the building sooner than everybody expected. You didn’t mind spending hours of meeting with the board or the investors, presenting the most innovative projects.
A bouquet of flowers, which you paid almost no attention to, sat on the far end of your desk. You were rarely the kind of person who appreciated such notions until you noticed a small note—congratulating you on your first day—before going out of your office to attend a meeting. There was no implication of who the sender was but you already have an idea.
Every single day in the next two weeks, different kinds of flowers greeted you in the office. You had to tell your secretary to get rid of every single one of it after plucking out each note and stashing it in one of your desk drawers. At one point, your secretary asked if you’d rather have the lobby not accept the deliveries to save you both the effort in getting rid of it but you refused, not entirely sure why.
It’s Saturday morning but you decided to go to your office much earlier than you usually do, wanting to go over some reports that had bugged you all night. The sun had barely risen when you arrived, a steaming cup of coffee on your hand. You gripped the hot drink tightly when you noticed Jaebeom’s tall frame inside your office. Sometimes it just makes you question the security of the place, really.
“Ah, I find it easier to get rid of flowers than of a human,” you spat. “What are you doing here?”
Jaebeom turned around to watch your guarded expression as you circled around your desk and settled in your chair. He wondered how come you have changed so much. “You never spoke to me after that night.”
You scoffed. Did he really think you were back in the city to continue chasing a man? “I don’t think there’s anything we need to talk about, Mr. Lim,” you smiled tightly and briefly remembered yourself instigating a talk after Mark’s party. “Besides, you’re not the reason I came back.”
Jaebeom closed the distance between you two. “You’ve changed. A lot.”
You wanted to scream at his face but you knew better than to openly show your feelings around him again. Trying your best to act nonchalant, you tilted your head to the side. “Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t. It’s easier for you to assume that I have because this is not the Y/N you used to mess around with, right?” you said with a smile and stood up, planning to open the door and kick him out of your office. “I really hope you did change too, Beomie.”
It only took Jaebeom a couple of strides to stop you midstep. He turned you to face him and dipped his head slightly, lifting your chin in one swift motion to briefly press his lips on yours. His other hand lightly grazed your cheek. It was a light peck on the lips but it felt and tasted exactly how he did years ago. How you managed to preserve such memories of him surprised you.
You were stunned. Stunned by the fact that he kissed you ever so gently like you were a fragile little thing.
He paused and looked at you and you couldn’t stand another moment so close to him without his lips on yours. Soon, you started returning his kisses until you were both gasping for air. Just like that, the last five years you spent trying to move on from Jaebeom went down the drain.
“I fucking missed you,” he whispered and lightly kissed the sides of your mouth, arms circling around your waist. “So much.”
You tried so hard to not push him away as soon as those words left his mouth. For years you craved hearing it from him but why now? You were ready to go on with your life. Tears started to prick at the corner of your eyes. You never wanted to admit it to yourself but you missed him, too, dearly.
Only when you replied with nothing but a complete silence did Jaebeom stop his ministrations and took a good look at you. The conflict going on in your head evident on your face and he blanched.
“You selfish prick,” you muttered, blinking away the moisture in your eyes. “I don’t want to play your games anymore. I already spent number of years hating myself because of you. Please don’t make me feel that way again.”
Jaebeom pulled you in for a proper hug and shook his head lightly. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he cooed. “Let me make this right, please?” he begged. “Let’s have dinner later. I’ll pick you up, okay?” he searched your eyes for approval but you shook your head and peeled yourself away from him.
Fuck dinner.
The moment Jaebeom vanished from your office, you freely let your tears fall. All the walls you’d built around yourself for years came crumbling down all with just a fucking kiss. You let yourself weep for a few more minutes before pulling yourself together again and trying your best to focus on your work. It’s a good thing that all that happened on a Saturday morning when you barely had an employee around to see you on your most vulnerable state. After a few hours, you couldn’t seem to properly do what you intended to do that day so you just brought the papers you’re supposed to review, hoping you could finally take a look with a clear mind by the time you reach your apartment.
It was around 7 P.M. when your doorbell rang. Jaebeom’s face flashed on the little screen of your doorbell intercom. Did he take your response earlier as an approval to take you to a fucking dinner?
There is no way you will be going out with him again. And yet Jaebeom stood silently at the other side of the door for almost two hours. He couldn’t forget how soft you could get for other people—even for a cruel man like himself who didn’t deserve you. And you? How could you forget how stubborn he could be when he wants something?
You dressed in a simple white shirt and pants and put on a light coat before exiting your apartment. Jaebeom’s eyes lit up at the sound of the doors unlocking. He smiled despite you pulling an annoyed expression on him. You briefly argued about bringing your own cars to the diner. Insisting you should share a ride to the restaurant, Jaebeom ended up in your passenger seat.
The dinner went unexpectedly smooth and you appreciated how he tried to make the mood light. You started talking like old friends over dinner, reminiscing some of the most memorable experiences you shared from years ago yet careful to not touch sensitive topics that would otherwise ruin the evening.
The night ended with him insisting to drive back. He knew how you used to hate driving when it was dark due to your bad eyesight back in college. Though you already underwent LASIK surgery and found no problem driving now, somehow the unpleasant memory was still at the back of your mind whenever you got behind the wheel at night so you opted not to protest.
The short drive to your apartment had been filled with comfortable silence except for Jaebeom’s occasional snide remarks directed to other drivers on the road.
It was a spur of the moment decision when you invited him to your home for a cup of tea—something you used to both enjoy after a long day.
You knew very well where this was going but you didn’t care, too tired to worry about things that hadn’t happened yet. Once again you wanted to just yield with fate.
The first night with Jaebeom after five awfully long years was spent snuggling close to each other while watching a movie. The old Jaebeom you knew wouldn’t have stayed for the night unless you begged him to, but now it seemed the tables had completely turned as he practically begged you to allow him to stay with you, promising he’d keep his hands to himself.
“What’s the point of staying here, then?” you teased him.
He blushed at your words and muttered something inaudible before you both settled comfortably under your sheets, the movie playing in the background as you felt each other’s warm body.
Every weekday after work, you would grab dinner together—in restaurants, takeouts, sometimes you alternate making home-cooked meals. Weekends were spent still hanging out together. He’d often invite himself over your house and show up at your doorstep uninvited. Soon he learned your passcode but never really used it to let himself inside until you tried to ignore his calls and refuse to open the door for him.
He was like a piece of gum that’s hard to get rid of and you’d be lying if you said you had no idea what’s coming. 
Jaebeom and you both silently came to the conclusion of not wasting time playing stupid games anymore. Five years worth of time had just been wasted and you didn’t have the luxury of time chasing each other around instead of actually making up for the time that you lost.
Your current setup extended for two more months and you were starting to think that your history repeated itself. The situation felt all too familiar—constant hanging out, occasional making out sessions, endless arguments, and banter over the smallest of things. One thing that has changed though is how Jaebeom had become undeniably soft for you each time. He smiled and joked a lot around you and showered you with physical affection more every time he got the chance. At the back of your mind, you were thinking of the possibility of him doing all these little cute things just to get into your pants, but seeing him not even try his hardest to get it on with you makes you doubt yourself for even thinking about it. He could have jumped into bed with you and used your body for all he wanted but he never did, always asking for your consent even for a mere kiss on the lips every time. The way he would pause less than an inch away from your face before kissing you or the way he would hold you loose so you can easily get out of his grasp whenever he held you.
Wheein gave up trying to help you open your eyes and avoid making the same mistakes after the first month you constantly spent with Jaebeom. She knew you too well to try and waste energy to convince you that you were just gonna end up hurting yourself more this time. That and the fact that she hadn’t seen you this euphoric for the longest time. All she can do now was hope that your man was not stupid enough to let you go again.
The last two months had gone so smoothly. And you know sooner or later you would have to actually talk like real adults in a relationship. So far, Jaebeom still hadn’t made any move in identifying what kind of relationship you were having and you were afraid that you would fall more deeply in love with a guy who hadn’t changed one bit for you.
The following weekend, Jaebeom invited you over to his place. He entered an expensive neighborhood on the outskirts of town and pulled up to an elegant-looking residence. It had stunning glass walls and warm lights that illuminated the vicinity of the house.
You bit back your tongue to stop yourself from asking incredulous questions. You wanted so bad to ask him if he’s married. There’s no way he’s living in that house alone and without a family.
He opened your door and led you inside the house. It smelled so much of fresh sandalwood like his old apartment. You looked around the house and smiled at the grand piano that sat in the living room. You’d always pictured your kids with him taking after his musical talents.
You flinched when Jaebeom hugged you from behind. Instantly blushing at your own playful thoughts of building a family with him.
He chuckled and lightly took your hand, entwining your fingers together before grazing his lips against it. “Are you thinking about it?”
Your brows knit together. “About what?”
“The piano at your parents’ house?” he smiled. “We almost did it.”
Your eyes shut at the memory of making out with Jaebeom at one of the parties your cousin threw in your house. That was the first time you kissed Jaebeom and since then you never had enough of him. You took a deep breath and tried to focus on your agenda for tonight. You had to make sure you cleared things up between you two before cruising towards yet another possible road to heartbreak.
Sighing, you turned around and marched away from him but stopped when you saw the dinner he had prepared. He led you to the table and pulled out a chair for you. Your heart is throbbing so loud, you were worried he might be able to hear it.
Before you could even begin, he shushed you. “I know what you’re trying to say. We can talk about it later. Let’s eat first. Please?”
Did he know, really? Maybe he did but he just didn’t care. It’s not that impossible. Maybe he did not change at all. He was still the selfish bastard who only knew how to take from you and never gave even the smallest piece of himself in return.
You couldn’t stand to let the questions live in your mind rent-free. It should be now or never. If he were to say he didn’t want a relationship, then so be it. You weren’t looking for another reason to cry, you’ve had enough of that. I’m ready, you told yourself inside your head. Ready to face the worst again tonight.
“No. We have to talk about this now. Otherwise, we’ll go around in circles again. And I’m tired, Jaebeom.” It took you a great amount of willpower to display a straight face in front of him. “I don’t want to be with you anymore. The last few months have been great but that’s it. That’s all we could ever be. I don’t want to go any further.”
You’re a terrible liar.
“You say I’m selfish. And I know very well the game you are playing.” He reached for your hands but you stepped away. “But you can’t win, Y/N,” he said, confident in his own words. “Because you already want me. And you don’t stop chasing what you want until you get your hands on it.”
Maybe he was right. You were terrified thinking he did not change after all these years and yet you never realized you took little to no step in changing yourself when it came to him.
You shook your head, tears attempting to escape the corner of your eyes.
“I don’t want to be hurt again,” your voice trembled. “Every second I spend with you, I’m on my toes. Ready to protect myself from being hurt again. But—but right now, I want to make an exception. I will let myself be hurt again if it means I will finally be able to completely let you go.
“Please tell me you never really loved me. I might have been in love but I wasn’t that stupid. I swear we were almost there. I believed it. I believed every time. And yet you made it look so easy to turn your back at me. For years I have questioned my worth to be treated like that. Was I not enough?”
Jaebeom’s cheeks flushed. His eyes are burning.
“I wasn’t ready for you to leave me then!” he shouted as he walked away from you and collapsed onto the couch, his hands roughly brushing his face in an attempt to clear his thoughts. “Everyone I love does,” a short silence and then he got up again. “I didn’t want you to leave me then or now,” he whispered quietly.
You laughed and stood in front of him. “So you slept around after telling me you want me to stay in your life? You thought that would make me stay?”
“I never slept with anyone then.”
If not for the sincere gaze he held with you, you’d definitely think he’s lying. But Jaebeom rarely lied. He’s a cold-hearted asshole who hurt people with the truth, no matter how hard it was.
“Then why didn’t you tell me the truth?”
“At first I thought you got tired of me because I finally confessed to you. I thought you were done and that you were ready to leave me. I talked to your parents—”
“You talked to my parents?”
He nodded. “They told me you were moving across the country to get away from me. How could I stop you when your father almost wanted to kill me when he told me how you cried every night thinking your parents didn’t hear you?”
Jaebeom quietly stood up and faced you. He cupped your face and muttered “I’m sorry” repeatedly, kissing your tears as they continued to stream down your cheeks. “I love you so damn much. I will never forgive myself if I lose you again. Please trust me again. For the last time?”
He pulled you with him and settled back down to the couch. You stayed in his arms silently for the rest of the night.
The next morning, you woke up to the sound of your phone ringing. Your swollen eyes hurt the moment you tried to look for the loud device. How you ended up in one of the beds in an unfamiliar house after a night of crying is a question easily thrown out the window.
An arm tightened around your waist when you attempted to get up. You whipped your head at the man beside you. He was sporting a deep frown beneath his long strands that partially covered his face. His wide shoulders on full display as he slept shirtless.
Your heart thumped loudly at the sight of Lim Jaebeom’s face so early in the morning. You wanted to kiss him. But you still owed yourself time to think through everything before jumping on your feelings again, aiming for a sound and logical justification of your next actions hoping to save yourself from any regrets in the near future.
You asked for space. A clear space to do your thinking and evaluation of your current status with Jaebeom. He promised to give it to you but with a condition—he will get to talk to you even on the phone every morning. The hell was this man actually thinking? How were you supposed to do your thinking when he’s continuously trying to fill your system with himself? Knowing he wouldn’t back down from any argument, you never objected but never promised anything either.
Every morning, a husky voice greeted you on the other line. This continued for a week and a half until he can no longer bear not seeing you in flesh.
“Come on, we already let five years pass. That’s more than enough time of suffering for me, baby,” he told you when he barged in your office carrying a baked salmon takeout for lunch. He knew that kind of food will work its magic on you. And sure, it did. When he was available during lunch, he’d come by your office to grab a meal with you. He’d also wait for you to finish your work to drive you back home. A lot of times you had to ask your secretary to take your car home.
You wanted to take all the time that you needed to establish your relationship with him. But when your friend Wheein played cupid for the both of you and hoisted an incredibly hot guy as your suitor to serve as ‘threat’, Jaebeom wasted no second in claiming you as his girlfriend, despite the fact that you both have been definitely acting like one already. “Seriously, Y/N? Do you ever learn? You need the commitment to make this shit work! Let me do the work for you.” Wheein scolded you when you told him you’re not yet in a conventional “official relationship”.
Mark’s wedding came. The ceremony had been elegant and extremely intimate. A slight contradiction to his past relationship with his now-wife.
Throughout the ceremony, Jaebeom stared at you from the altar. He watched as your eyes shone with tears when the bride walked the aisle and the couple shared their handwritten vows. He watched as you tried to look away when he was caught intently staring at you from across the church, trying to shy away from the evident desire to be in the same shoes as the bride.
If he could, he would have given you the world. He was ready to give you anything you asked for just for you to be happy. Marriage, he thought, is something that never really crossed his mind until you came back. Considering all the shit he put you through, he wouldn’t be surprised if you turn him down at least once. Maybe he deserves it but he will never give up on you again.
Thoughts cloud his mind but Jaebeom managed to keep his hands on you the whole course of the afterparty when he wasn’t aiding the groom. You didn’t mind, noticing the clouded expression plastered on his face. He didn’t have any liquor so he should be just tired, you assume.
That night, you decided to sleep over at his apartment. Wanting to save your boyfriend some extra time from driving back and forth from your house to his. Plus, his building was relatively closer to the reception compared to yours. Fortunately, Jaebeom lit up at your decision, excited to spend another weekend with you.
As soon as the door to his apartment closed, his lips found yours. It took you a second before returning his frantic kisses, your head lightly bumping into the wooden door as he pressed his own body against yours. He kissed you as if his life depended on it. His hands skimmed your curves and bunched up a fistful of your gown to caress your thigh.
Desperately gasping for air, you pushed him. Jaebeom must have noticed your legs almost turning into a jelly so he hoisted your hips upward, your legs automatically straddling his as he walked into the bedroom while supporting your body with a hand on your ass.
The way he gently placed you on the bed almost shocked you, like you were somewhat made of glass that could be broken with the slightest pressure. He propped himself on one elbow and stared at your eyes. You can tell something’s bothering him.
“A penny for your thoughts?” you whispered as you lightly touched his face, worried.
He shook his head and nuzzled your head instead of answering. Silently, he continued to stroke your sides and thigh lightly.
You didn’t want to force him to tell you what was bothering him, so you exerted an effort to flip your positions, determined to help your boyfriend relax.
Straddling his waist, you perched on top of him and started kissing him passionately. Slowly, you undid each button of his shirt.
He moved to help you discard his shirt and then reached around you to unzip your dress. He pulled the garment over your head and threw it on the floor. Now you’re completely bare in front of him, except for your underwear.
“You’re gorgeous,” he whispered on your lips before kissing you again. The way you ground your hips on his crotch driving him mad.
You stopped him when he attempted to go south, remembering your desire to help him ease the tension.
Jaebeom looked at you with confusion when you captured both his wrists and pinned them on either side of him.
“Let me take care of you,” you said, kissing the corner of his lips. The look on his eyes was replaced with amusement. You took your time concentrating on his upper body first, alternately kissing and sucking on his neck down to his abs while your hands massaged his member through his pants.
Jaebeom bit his lip. The mere sight of you naked and working on his jeans, barely even touching him, is enough to make his cock twitch in his pants. Each second you spent teasing him by slowing your movements was pure torture.
He immediately lifted his hips to help you pull his pants enough to free his cock.
Your hands instantly held the swollen tip and spread the precum around his head. You barely even touched him and the fact that he was hard as a rock for you sent delicious heat to your core. Your hands went up and down his shaft a few times, applying just the right pressure you came to learn lately with him.
Jaebeom had his eyes closed, his bottom lip trapped between his teeth, trying his best not to moan.
Seeing Jaebeom unravel under your touch had become your addiction.
Your mouth soon replaced the greater portion where your hands used to touch a second earlier. And that was all it took for Jaebeom to finally moan loud, followed by a string of curses as his hips uncontrollably jerked at the warm feeling of your mouth. His hands found purchase on your hair. His moans motivated you to take him deeper down your throat in each thrust until you were almost gagging, eyes moist with tears.
He tried to keep himself from thrusting hard on your mouth when he noticed a tear escape your eye. “Shit. Baby, are you okay?”
You lightly shook your head and continued bobbing your head up and down his shaft until you could feel his cock twitch uncontrollably inside your mouth, signaling his release.
Jaebeom immediately pulled out and laid you on the bed, kissing you hard. He moved your panties to one side, dipping a finger to test your wetness. His other hand fondled your breast, twisting and pinching your nipples. You moaned to the kiss and arched your back, his ministrations throwing all of your senses into overdrive.
He peeled the last piece of clothing off of you and licked a strip between your folds before working his wet muscle inside your walls. You screamed and almost crushed his skull between your legs if not for his arms that massaged your mounds.
“Beom-ah,” you panted.
Jaebeom hummed in return, the vibrations causing your opening to clench around his tongue. He used his fingers to open you up and suck on your clit then proceeded to thrust fingers into your core.
You shook uncontrollably as the orgasm hit you and Jaebeom didn’t cease his fingers’ movements. He got back up and kissed your lips again. Aligning the tip of his cock to your opening.
“I love you, Y/N. I love you so fucking much. You drive me crazy.” he panted as he sheathed himself inside of you.
You wanted to say it back but your body was aching. After all the sex with your boyfriend, your core still doesn’t seem to have adjusted to his girth.
Jaebeom waited a few minutes before moving his hips, letting you adjust around him. He peppered kisses on your face and behind your ear. “Still so fucking tight.”
“I love you too, Lim Jaebeom,” you whispered and moved your hips after adjusting.
Jaebeom started thrusting, slow but hard. All the while he was intently looking at your face, contorted with pleasure. He kept saying he loves you and you kept ignoring it, unable to make out words in your current position.
“Y/N shit,” he breathed. “I love you so much. Please marry me and have kids with me.”
You opened your eyes to see the sincerity in his eyes. Fuck, he meant it.
Jaebeom slowed down his thrusts even if it hurt. “I love you so much. Please marry me, Y/N.”
Tears pricked the corner of your eyes at the sudden marriage proposal. Never in your whole life had you imagined someone proposing marriage in the middle of the sex. If it wasn’t Jaebeom, you would have laughed. But it was him asking you. The guy you loved the most in your life. And even if he turned out to be just joking, you very well knew that there was a part of yourself wishing he actually meant it.
“Are you serious?”
“I’d do it the normal way some other time, baby. But I’ve said what I’ve been thinking about lately.” He tucked some loose hair behind your ear as he looked down at you. “I want to be yours forever. If you’d let me, I would marry you in every place you like.”
The cock twitched inside of you twitched as if urging you for affirmation.
Jaebeom searched your eyes for an answer. Only when you nodded and muttered a barely audible ‘yes’ did he continued to move in and out of you.
124 notes · View notes
wingsofkpop · 4 years
Hiraeth - I.VIII: These Paths We Walk
pairing(s): Hybrid!Im Jaebeom x Reader, Witch!Mark Tuan x Reader, Werewolf!Jackson Wang x Reader, Vampire!Park Jinyoung x Reader, Supernatural!Got7 x Reader
genre: Supernatural!AU, Dark Magic!AU, heavy Angst, light Fluff, eventual Smut
warnings: Mature language, mentions of death and murder, violence, gore and blood, some satanic themes, etc. 
word count: 7,1k
synopsis: How far are you willing to go to find out the truth about Moon Dye Bay?…
chapter directory
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Necromancy is a form of spiritual divination in which the executioner acts in the summoning of and communication with the lost souls of the dead. Its origins date back to the ancient Greeks, as the word necromancy is composed of Greek terms νεκρός (nekrós), "dead," and μαντεία (manteía), "divination." During the European Middle Ages, necromancy grew to be associated with black magic by traditional witches. As a result, its practice became strictly forbidden due to its disruption in the balance of nature. History recalls only one powerful witch ever held the ability to raise the dead at will—
“Still doing research for that special project?” Your mind snaps back to reality at the sudden inquiry. Tearing your gaze from the textbook, you look up to find none other than your favorite student in front of your desk. Hyunjin offers his usual crooked smile at your newfound attention and raises a questioning eyebrow. 
You can’t help but roll your eyes before answering, “You know the point of a study period is to—I don’t know—study? Preferably by yourself?”
He snickers. “I have a question that requires your extensive mastery in the literary arts, Ms. (L/N).”
“I’m sure you do.” You release a heavy sigh, not bothering to voice your annoyance at the use of your surname. Instead, you deliver Hyunjin a shake of your head before gesturing his continuance with a wave of your hand.
“I’m a little confused by the ending of The Grapes of Wrath,” Hyunjin pauses, “okay—a lot confused. I mean, why would Rose of Sharon breastfeed a stranger she literally just met? It’s weird…” 
You chuckle at his scrunched expression. “You’re right. It is pretty weird.” 
“So why’d she do it?” 
“Well, Rose of Sharon knew the stranger was starving to death,” You begin, leaning back in your chair to better hold Hyunjin’s gaze, “so you could say she wanted to give him a second chance.” 
“But why? She doesn’t even know him.” 
“Maybe not, but if you had the ability to save another person’s life—be it a stranger—wouldn’t you?” 
“But even after all her and her family went through, I don’t understand how she was able to find it in herself to do that. Especially after the loss of her baby.” 
“Humanity is a complicated, yet beautiful force, Hyunjin.” You hum gently, “Even among all the cruelty, hatred and hopelessness, it still manages to find a way to prevail—that ending is proof that against all odds, humanity will always win.”  
“I never thought about it like that…” Hyunjin shakes his head in disbelief, “Thanks, (Y/N)...” 
“It’s what I do, kiddo.” 
While the student grows silent to scribble down his realizations, you take the time to skim over your own notes—or lack-there-of, that is. 
After Youngjae agreed, albeit rather reluctantly, to assist you in your mission to return Jackson Wang to the land of the living, you spent the past few days cornering the bookstore and mausoleum’s supply of resources about raising the dead. But just your luck, every text thus far has proven to be less than helpful. According to the siphoner, necromancy is one of the more rare magical arts that is only practiced by specialized, powerful witches, which, unfortunately, also means there is limited access to such information. Neither you nor Youngjae have been able to find a spell or ritual that can guarantee Jackson’s resurrection without some kind of dire consequence. 
Who knew magic could be so complicated? 
“You know, you’ve been out for the past week…” You lift your head to meet Hyunjin’s gaze once again. “Is… Is everything okay? I don’t mean to pry, but it’s just so unlike you to miss any classes…” 
The typical university student probably wouldn’t give a damn about a missing professor, much less an absent TA. Hyunjin’s visual apparent concern spreads warmth throughout your chest—you are powerless to hold back the small smile that stretches across your lips. 
“A couple of my roommate’s friends disappeared out of the blue last week, so I just needed a few days to help her out.” You raise a playful eyebrow, “Don’t tell me you missed me?” 
“What? No way.” Hyunjin scoffs, “Though I did have to use Sparknotes for the past few reading assignments and barely passed Wednesday's quiz—” You burst into laughter, reeling your companion into the same fit only seconds later. After a brief moment, Hyunjin manages to collect his composure and finish, “—I am glad everything is okay… and that you’re back.” 
You nod with a smile. “I appreciate that.”
Aside from the daily meetings with Youngjae and nightly cry-piles with Sana, the past few days have proven to be quite uneventful. Jackson has not appeared in your bedroom since that first night, and true to your word, you haven’t told Mark about your quest for his revival. God knows what kind of Hell would break loose if that were to happen. You also haven’t visited the Prime residence since the day you caught Jaebeom with his drop dead—mind the pun—gorgeous vampire conquest. You’ve been meaning to call Jinyoung, but between your hours pilfering through useless research texts, comforting your distraught roommate and attempting to track down your M.I.A. best friend, you haven’t quite found the time. 
And though you’d never admit it to anyone, you needed some time alone—to think.
A rather obnoxious bout of laughter tears you from your thoughts, which is quickly followed by a scold from Professor Park. In an attempt to find the source, you peer past Hyunjin’s form and the sea of other students to the very back of the classroom where a group of young girls are utilizing the period as social hour. Amongst the familiar faces sits a pretty female student you don’t quite recognize, having never encountered her around campus before.
And although you can barely see her, something about her demeanor seems… off. 
“Hyunjin? Who’s that girl back there?” 
Hyunjin turns to examine the subject of interest before returning with a shrug, “According to my sister, she’s some exchange student from Taiwan. I haven’t met her, but I think Yeji said her name is Tzuyu.”
“And she transferred here this week?” 
He shakes his head. “Actually, today is the first day anyone has seen her.”
You go to inquire further, but the booming call of Professor Park announcing the end of class beats you to it. Hyunjin bids you one final thank you and a goodbye before sprinting off to meet his friends at the classroom exit. It is not until him, Professor Park and the remainder of the students are long out the door do you return to your research. However, the moment you manage to relocate your place, a sugary-sweet voice commands your attention once again:
“If I could bother you for a moment, Ms. (L/N), I need your help…” 
“Of course.” You mask your annoyance with as genuine a smile as you can muster and turn your gaze to the student. “What can I do for…” Your smile immediately falters at the sight of the young woman from earlier in front of your desk—only in this instance, you can definitely recognize her… 
It’s none other than Miss Aphrodisiac herself from the Project Estate. 
She offers a radiant smile, but the feature seems less than friendly. 
“Hello again, (Y/N). I don’t believe we properly met during our last meeting… I’m Tzuyu.” 
“Yeah, um, I-I wasn’t expecting to see you in my class…” You chuckle nervously, cautiously sliding your notes inside your book before closing the cover. “What… What are you doing here exactly?” 
“With how much the student body rants and raves about their newest teaching assistant, how could I pass up the opportunity to see you in action?” Tzuyu elegantly takes a seat on the edge of your desk before running her fingers through her flawless, auburn locks. Something about the dexterity of her fingers sends goosebumps budding across your skin. “Plus, it’s not everyday I meet one of Jaebeom’s… human companions.” 
“It’s not like that.” You insist, “Jaebeom and I barely know each other—”
“Ah. Right.” She giggles, “You’re close with the other brother. My mistake.” 
You bite your tongue, holding back the snide comment that would likely lead to the dismembering of your head from your body. Instead, you swallow what little remains of your pride, rise from your seat and ask stiffly, “You said you needed help with something?...” 
“You’ve read Macbeth, haven’t you?” Filled with both anxiety and confusion, you watch as Tzuyu takes a pencil from the container of writing tools perched on the surface of your desk. She twirls the utensil between delicate fingertips, gazing at it as if it is the most interesting object on the planet. You don’t need your gut to remind you something is most definitely off with her behavior.
“There’s this one piece of advice that Lady Macbeth tells her husband before he goes off to commit murder: ‘Your hand, your tongue: look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under ‘t’... ” She pauses, “Tell me, Ms. (L/N)... What exactly could that mean?” 
Your blood runs cold when she fixes her dark gaze on you. No longer interested in the pencil. 
You bite the inside of your cheek, attempting to ground the frantic beating of your heart before it literally leaps from your chest and into the palms of your company. Out of instinct, you chance a quick glance at the door—you may not have a mug, but a nine-hundred page, hardcover book to the face might make a pretty good distraction. 
“Hm, I suppose you’re more of an expert with prose.” Tzuyu says, lowering the pencil into her lap before hopping to her own feet. “Let’s try a bit of Frankenstein then…” 
She begins to stalk toward you, her eyes still locked onto yours like a vice. Your body immediately shuffles backward, attempting to keep as much distance between yours forms as possible. You only get so far—your back meeting the surface of the wall behind you as Tzuyu centers herself a few mere inches away. You can feel her crisp breath on your face as she murmurs:  
“‘I have love in me the likes of which you can scarcely imagine and rage the likes of which you would not believe. If I cannot satisfy the one, then I will indulge the other’...” 
“What are you—” 
Before you can finish your thought, a searing pain paints your vision white. The agony spreads through your veins like wildfire, stealing every ounce of oxygen from your lungs and rendering your knees weak. With a trembling hand, you’re able to save your form from buckling completely to the floor—but not before catching a glimpse of the same pencil impaled in the side of your waist. 
“Poetry is much more tasteful, in my opinion.” Tzuyu sighs, licking the blood from her nails as she backs away. You want to say something—scream and call her a plethora of less than appropriate names—but your mind is literal mush between the shock and the excruciating pain. You collapse to the floor with a breathy gasp, cupping your bleeding side with your opposite hand.
The vampire saunters toward the exit. Just as she makes it to the doorway, she whirls around to throw one final innocent smile in your direction: “Do us both a favor and stay away from Jaebeom… I wouldn’t want to scar that pretty face.” 
With that, she’s completely gone. If it weren’t for the pencil in your midriff and the blood seeping through your clothes, you would have thought you’d dreamt up the entire encounter. 
“Shit…” You gasp, attempting to dislodge the wood from your flesh. It doesn’t budge, deeply embedded between what you assume to be your ribcage. A pained wheeze spills from your throat as you reach for your bag, paying little mind to the bloodied prints your fingers leave in the fabric. After numerous attempts and anguished movements, you manage to fish your cell phone from its pocket. Crimson smears across the screen as you pull up the first contact you can think of. 
You really should have taken the rest of the week off.
 ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾
From his perch behind a tree, Jinyoung silently stalks the movement of a burly stag as it parades across the forest floor. The creature, unknowing of the predator that hunts from a far, approaches a wild berry bush and begins to feast off its bearings—unknowing that its end is fast approaching. 
Jinyoung usually does not like to draw out these moments and would have killed the deer by now. Whether it is due to the absence of his physical strength or the tornado of thoughts tearing through his mind, he simply cannot bring himself to end the animal’s life just yet. There’s something so pure about watching the stag go about its existence, he realizes—he must allow its innocence to prevail a little while longer.
It’s been days since his recovery from the huntress’s attack, but he can still sense the weakness lingering in his bones. While Jaebeom’s blood chased away the fever of the wolf venom, it was not enough to regenerate his body to its full power. If he were to do so, he would need human blood… but that can never happen again. Not in this lifetime.
Animal blood keeps him mobile, and that is more than enough.  
A loud snap of breaking branches returns Jinyoung to reality in time to watch the stag tear off into the trees. He makes no move to chase after it, not desiring to waste his strength. After one final glance to his escaped meal, Jinyoung turns and greets the approaching figure with a tight frown:
“I already told you, hyung. I have no interest in accompanying you on a hunt into town.” 
“You know, it would be a hell of a lot easier than tracking down food out here…” Jaebeom snickers, “Not to mention, one human equals a dozen squirrels.” 
“And as I said, I much prefer the squirrels.” Jinyoung meets Jaebeom’s gaze with a heavy sigh, “I am perfectly fine, hyung.” 
“You’re a shitty liar.” Jaebeom shakes his head. “You need human blood.” 
“What I need is to find a new fare.” Jinyoung pushes off of his perch to traipse deeper into the forest, but the appearance of a hand on his shoulders halts his pace. He allows Jaebeom to maneuver his form back against the trunk of a tree, welcoming the slight relief the support brings to his muscles. He makes sure to keep his expression blank to mask his instability. But like always, Jaebeom sees straight through him. 
“You’re weak, Jinyoung…” 
“Nothing a nice rabbit can’t fix.”
Jaebeom purses his lips. “You can’t deny it forever. At least try a blood bag—”
“Why did you give me your blood?” Jinyoung interrupts his companion’s lecture, peering at Jaebeom with unwavering, unblinking eyes. “I thought you wished to punish me?”
“I was going to—I mean, I wanted to…” Jinyoung watches Jaebeom very carefully, noting the frivolous nature of his typically cocky features and hidden message behind his gaze. If he knew any better, Jinyoung would actually believe there to be some shred of humanity left behind those dark irises. 
“But you couldn’t.” He finishes.
“Don’t think it means you’re off the hook for working with Tuan.” Jaebeom huffs while taking a few paces backward. Jinyoung opens his mouth to respond, but the hybrid’s hushed murmur emerges instead, “(Y/N) came by last week… to see you.” 
Jinyoung holds back a smile. “Did she now?... I suppose you told her about your change of heart then.” 
Jaebeom remains silent. 
“Jaebeom-hyung…” Jinyoung’s eyes flutter shut as an audible exhale blows past his lips, “You need to tell her.” 
“It won’t change anything.” Jaebeom says with a frown, “She made it very clear that she already hates me.” 
“(Y/N) is much different than others, hyung—” 
“What do I care anyway?” The hybrid tsks, his sullen expression transitioning into one of indifference. “She can hate me as much as she wants. I don’t give a shit.” 
“Hyung, please—”   
The shrill ring of a cell phone introduces a bout of silence. Jinyoung has never been so annoyed by modern technology since now, grabbing his phone with a less than pleased sigh. He eyes Jaebeom while lifting the device to his ear, wordlessly communicating that the conversation is far from over.
“Jinyoung?... H-Hey, it’s me.” 
“(Y/N)?” Jinyoung’s annoyance completely dissipates at the sound of your quivering voice. He notices how Jaebeom also reacts to your audible presence through the stiffening of his broad shoulders. He shakes it off as unease from your previous encounter and focuses back onto you, “Are… you alright? You seem a bit stressed.” 
“Yeah, you can c-call it that…” Your inhale picks up over the line, and Jinyoung cannot help but grow concerned by its unusual heaviness. “You are not going to believe the shitty day I’ve had.” 
“What happened?” 
“Well, the barista at my campus cafe accidentally made my usual decaf, my boss is seeking revenge for my time off through hundreds of ungraded essays… and I was stabbed… with a pencil.” 
Jinyoung’s eyebrows furrow. “I apologize, but I don’t think I understand…” 
“Long story short, Jaebeom’s scary, yet incredibly sexy girlfriend paid me a visit and literally stabbed me with a fucking pencil—” Your explanation cuts out into a yelp, which is followed by an array of stuttered curses, “And it—shit—hurts like hell.” 
“I’m on my way right now” Jinyoung, heart racing and head spinning, forces himself to his feet and hurries back toward the manor—Jaebeom hightailing close behind, having picked up the entire conversation. 
Before Jinyoung can inquire more about your condition, Jaebeom snatches the phone from his grasp and lifts it to his own, “Where did she stab you?” 
“Jaebeom?... My-My side… The pencil is wedged between my ribs, I can’t get it out…” 
“Don’t worry about removing it. Just try to control the bleeding as best you can.” Jaebeom explains, “Jinyoung and I will be there soon.” 
“Wait! Why are you—” Your voice cuts out as Jaebeom ends the call. Jinyoung notices the whiteness of the hybrid’s knuckles as he silently returns his phone. If it were any other situation, Jinyoung would have brought up their chat from earlier, but your wellbeing is on the line.  He delivers his companion a dark glare. To his surprise though, Jaebeom’s expression mirrors that of pure, unadulterated anger. 
Jinyoung pinches the bridge of his nose before releasing a sigh, “Do I even wish to know why your mistress attacked (Y/N)?” 
“I’d like to know too,” Jaebeom scoffs, running a hand through his jet black locks, “considering I told her that (Y/N) was off limits.” 
“You find out then.” Jinyoung hisses, “Or I will deal with her myself, and I won’t be as kind.” 
“Oh, trust me.” Jinyoung can practically sense the murderous lust spilling from Jaebeom’s pitch black irises—far from the light of humanity. “Kindness is the last thing on my list right now, Jinyoungie.”  
 ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾
“—and then she just acts all innocent! As if she did absolutely nothing wrong! I mean, what kind of self-serving, sadistic bitch does she think she is—Mark? Are you there?” 
“Huh?” Mark flutters his eyes open at the sound of his name. He blinks at his surroundings in confusion, still dazed from his abrupt wake-up call, before remembering his phone and the person currently speaking on the line: 
“Mark? Don’t tell me I put you to sleep?” 
“Nope, nope. I’m here.” Mark replies hurriedly, wiping the remnants of his nap from his eyes. “Luna’s a complete and total bitch, I got you.” 
Lia sighs, “Yuna, Mark. Not Luna.” 
With a silent yawn, he lifts his arms over his head and expels the kinks from his shoulders. Once his muscles are taunt and stretched, Mark releases a heavy exhale and murmurs, “I’m sorry, Lia. It’s just… been a long week.” 
“I get it, Mark.” She hums softly, “But I wish you wouldn’t stress so much about this. Minho made his choice, and there’s nothing you can do about it.” 
“I don’t believe that.” Mark rises from his chair before pacing across the room to the mausoleum’s lone window. He pulls the curtain aside, peering out at the vacant hills of the graveyard. “If he would just talk to me, then I’m sure we could figure something out.” 
Hundreds of phone calls later, and he still hasn’t spoken with Minho since the night he claimed to be leaving the coven. No one has. Not even Jisung. And Mark can’t figure out what’s bothering him more: the fact that Minho won’t pick up his phone, or that you have been purposely avoiding him for the last week. 
He’s trying to give both you and the young witch time—truly—but Mark can’t help but feel as if something is off. 
“Minho needs to figure out what he wants himself.” He forces himself away from the window, receding across the room to lean against the lectern as Lia goes on, “You can’t be there to hold his hand every time he goes through one of his moods. It’s not good for him or for you.” 
“What am I supposed to do then?” 
“Nothing, Mark. You do nothing.” 
Mark shakes his head, “You know I can’t do that.” 
“Just give Minho some more time to get it together.” Lia says, “He’ll come around eventually.” 
“I hope so.” Mark goes to grab his coffee mug from a nearby table, but accidentally knocks his elbow against the corner of the lectern. A mass of papers and books slide from its surface, crashing to the floor in a rather vocal descent. He releases a quiet curse, tucking his phone against his shoulder before lowering to the floor to begin tidying the mess. 
…How long does he have to wait until you come around?  
Lia continues to speak as he gathers the escaped pages, “Have you talked to Yugyeom lately? I heard that one of their wolves just up and disappeared.” 
“Yeah. That kid, Changbin.” He says, “Gyeom thinks he probably took off after our fight with the huntress. Remind you of someone?” 
“In this town? A lot of someones.” 
Mark goes to respond, but the title of a particular document clears the thoughts from his mind. Pushing aside a couple other pages, he grabs the flimsy packet before raising it into better view. At first, Mark is confused, unsure why this type of reference would be out and about. But as he surveys the other fallen objects, his confusion gradually shifts to realization… 
Then rage. 
He doesn’t bother to look up as the door opens, nor does he spare the puzzled newcomer a glance. Still clutching the document, Mark rises to his feet and takes the phone from his shoulder with his free hand. He pays his companion no mind as he quietly murmurs: 
“Do you mind if I call you later?” 
“Not at all. Just try to think about what I said.” 
Mark bids a final farewell to Lia before disconnecting the line. He takes a moment to drag a hand down his face before turning to a wide-eyed Youngjae. As soon as Mark raises the document into view, his expression immediately shifts to a panic. 
“So…” Mark tilts his head with a tight frown, “You want to explain why the hell you’re looking up resurrection spells?...” 
Youngjae shakes his head, “Hyung—”
“Explanation, Youngjae.” Mark watches the siphoner’s face shift through a rainbow of emotions. From terror, to anxiety, to dread, before finally settling on guilt. Keeping his gaze to the floor, Youngjae eventually delivers a shrug and whispers: 
“...To try to bring Jackson back.” 
Mark’s heart practically splits open. 
He stares at the younger witch with incredulous eyes. “Are you fucking stupid, Youngjae!?”  
“It looks bad, I know—” Youngjae hurries forward to stand in front of Mark and lifts his hand in good faith, “—but I’ve been doing a lot of research and experimenting with a couple spells and I really think that we can—”
“You aren’t thinking shit.” Mark spits, rounding toward the siphoner until their noses are a mere inch apart. “We don’t screw around with necromancy, Youngjae… It’s dark magic.” 
“We just have to find the right spell! (Y/N) and I are searching—” 
“(Y/N)? What does (Y/N) have to do with this?” 
Youngjae immediately closes his mouth, his eyes growing glassy in the evening light. 
It takes a second for the puzzle pieces to fit together—your inquiries about Jackson, Youngjae’s daily trips to the bookstore, your evasion—but once the realization hits, Mark feels his entire body go numb. 
Youngjae rushes forward to grab Mark’s arm, “Hyung, I’m so, so sorry! (Y/N) thought it would be better not to tell you, so I just—” 
Mark shrugs his hand away, refusing to meet Youngjae’s pleading gaze. “Get out.” 
“Just let me explain—”
“Get the fuck out!” A loud crash echoes throughout the mausoleum as Mark flings his mug across the room, causing the object to meet the opposite wall before shattering to a million tiny pieces. Youngjae doesn’t persist, grabbing his bag and beelining straight out the door. Mark pushes the sounds of the younger’s sobs from his mind as he goes, unable to see past the anger boiling inside his body. But even against all the rage, a sense of sadness remains at the forefront of his mind. 
His best friend betrayed him—again.
 ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾
“You find and take care of (Y/N).” Jaebeom commands, slamming his car door shut with a little more force than necessary. Then again, he can’t seem to bring himself to care above the red-hot fury coursing through his veins like venom. He ignores the curious stares of a nearby group of female students and proceeds to move around the car, “I’ll catch up with you later.” 
“And where exactly are you going?” Jaebeom bites back a glare as Jinyoung halts his movements. His entire body thrums, as if physically yearning for vengeance, but he masks his temper with a sharp inhale and a promise to release his frustrations out later. 
He nods at his companion, “I’m going to do what I should have done before.” 
Jinyoung merely stares at him for a moment, and Jaebeom can only hope he can’t see past the bloodlust in his gaze. Fortunately, Jinyoung doesn’t question him further. He releases Jaebeom’s shoulder and delivers one final nod before turning in the direction of what both can only assume is your classroom. Jaebeom allows himself a moment to watch Jinyoung—his noble brother—sprint off to save the day—to save you. Again. 
Jaebeom swallows the bitterness accumulating in his chest and heads in his own direction. It won’t be hard to track her. He can already smell her Chanel perfume—she’s close by, he realizes. 
She wants him to find her. 
Sure enough, Jaebeom recognizes her silken auburn hair and Louis Vuitton coat beside a towering oak tree, staring down at her phone. He doesn’t bother to check if those students are still watching him and speeds over to his target’s perch. Even when he’s a mere few inches away, she continues to mindlessly scroll through her phone. Jaebeom’s anger grows when he notices the amused smirk etched across her pink lips. 
“It’s about time you showed up.” Tzuyu says, “You know how much I hate to wait.” 
“Give me one good reason not to rip your fucking head off right now.”
“Not even a ‘hello’?” 
Jaebeom growls, “You think this is a game?”
“Perhaps.” She raises her calm gaze to his own before offering a sultry smile. “Beautiful evening, isn’t it?” 
Her flirtations only add fuel to the outrage raging through his body. He speeds forward again, snatches her wrists and slams her smaller figure against the trunk of the tree behind them. Tzuyu winces at his aggressive movements, but Jaebeom feels no sympathy. Your trembling voice and pained breathing echoes in his ears like a siren, tempting him closer to the point of no return. 
It would be so easy to plunge his hand into her chest, to squeeze her heart until it's nothing but bloody ash. Or maybe he should tear her limbs off one by one, make her suffer until she’s begging him to end her—
“You really do care about her, don’t you?” Jaebeom awakens from his imaginary rampage at the question. Her usual smirk is no longer along her face, but instead replaced with a thoughtful frown. 
He growls, pressing her wrists further into the bark of the tree. “I told you to stay away from her. You said you wouldn’t touch her.” 
“I never thought I’d see the day the big, bad hybrid, Im Jaebeom falls for a human.” 
“Shut the fuck up.” His tone is quiet—murderous. “I’ll kill you.” 
“No. You won’t.” 
“Yes. I will.” 
“No, Jaebeom.” She shakes her head with a sigh, “If you kill me, (Y/N) will never forgive you.” 
As if she had taken a red hot iron and plunged it through his heart, Jaebeom lets go of the vampire and stumbles backward. He barely catches himself before he collapses to the ground, and even then, his legs feel like they’ll give out at any moment. 
Tzuyu, still leaning against the tree, tilts her head with a hum, “She’s a good one, Beom. I feel it… that aura that carries around her.” 
“Stop it—” 
“And it’s because she’s good that she’ll never belong to you.” She murmurs, “But you already know that… don’t you?” 
“You’re fucking sick.” Jaebeom hisses. 
To his surprise, Tzuyu’s expression softens. “I’m sorry, Jaebeom.” 
There’s too many emotions swirling through his mind. He can’t think—can’t breathe. His chest feels like it’s caving in on itself, and his hands won’t stop shaking. He can’t get your face out of his head—your beautiful eyes looking at him with such betrayal and hatred. It hurts. It hurts so much. Why won’t his hands stop fucking shaking? It’s too much. It’s all too much—
He can’t help it… He has to turn it off. 
A switch flips inside of his soul, immediately locking out every ounce of pain. His lungs inhale each new breath smoothly, and his limbs remain as still as a cat. With a clear head, Jaebeom returns his eyes to Tzuyu, who is still gazing at him with such tenderness and understanding. For a moment, the warmth of her gaze reminds him of you. 
Tzuyu cautiously takes a step forward, “Jaebeom…?” 
“You’re right.” He nods, “I’m not gonna kill you.”
“What are you—ah!” Her inquiry elevates into a scream as Jaebeom whirls forward and sinks his teeth into her shoulder. His fangs plunge through the fabric of her expensive coat before piercing deep into her flesh. She attempts to struggle, but he is stronger… and the damage has already been done.   
He pulls away, licking the blood from his lips as Tzuyu collapses to the ground. She clutches her wounded shoulder, staring up at him with eyes of betrayal, confusion and fright. 
“You… You bit me.” 
Jaebeom smirks, “I suggest you spend the next day or so wisely… it’s going to be your last.” 
Tzuyu’s expression turns rabid. She scrambles to her feet before sneering at the hybrid, “The sooner you learn to accept your fate, Jaebeom, the sooner you’ll find peace—” 
“Meh. Fate’s overrated.” 
“Just remember this—” The vampire growls, “—after you turned me, you murdered the love of my life… at least I had the kindness to keep yours alive.” 
He snickers, turning to leave. However, just before he takes a step, Jaebeom throws one final comment over his shoulder, “Thanks for all the sex.” 
With that, Jaebeom smirks to himself and saunters off into the glow of the setting sun. 
☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾
Jinyoung rushes down the hallway, careful not to speed for fear of running into a professor or student working after hours. The fragrance of your blood builds with each step, and he can’t help but grow more concerned with that knowledge. At the very least, he can still hear the faint beating of your heart. 
He follows the scent past a couple corners and down another long corridor to a massive, dim lecture room. Fearing the worst, Jinyoung quickly steps through the doorway before immediately spotting your incapacitated form through the darkness propped up against the opposite wall. He doesn’t hesitate to speed across the room and kneel in front of you. You’re unconscious, he realizes, but breathing—that’s enough to lift the heavy weight from his chest. 
“(Y/N)?” He calls gently, lifting his hands to cradle your face in his palms. “Come back to me, my dear… Please.” 
“Jinyoung?...” He’s never been more grateful to hear the sound of his name until now. Your eyes flutter open and dart around the area before drowsily settling on Jinyoung. The vampire in question breathes a sigh of relief, caressing the apple of your cheek with his thumb. 
“There you are.” He murmurs, “How do you feel?” 
“Like I was stabbed…” You raise an eyebrow before peering down at the pencil protruding from your abdomen, “Well, would you look at that.” 
Jinyoung holds back a smile at your sarcasm, appreciating that even wounded, you still manage to bear your usual fiery charm. His own eyes turn down to the object jabbed within your waist. He carefully analyzes the damage, determining the best possible solution to its extraction. As you said on the call, the pencil itself is trapped inside your ribcage. Jinyoung will have to be careful not to accidentally fracture your bones. 
He bites the inside of his cheek before returning his attention back to you. “I need to remove it, but it’s going to be painful. Very painful.” 
You roll your eyes, “It will also hurt a lot less when it’s out. I can handle it.” 
“I know you can.” 
Jinyoung keeps his gaze connected to yours as he wraps his fingers around the wood of the pencil, taking extra care not to brush against the swollen skin of the lesion. Your expression remains fatigued, yet indifferent during his preparation. He waits for your nod before he continues. 
In order to prevent as much further damage and to make it as painless as possible, Jinyoung removes the pencil as quickly as he can. Your furrowed brow and teary eyes slice at his soul, but he doesn’t stop until the object is completely taken out. Once it's free, Jinyoung tosses the pencil into a nearby trash can, pulls the sweater from his body and utilizes the garment to cover your slightly bleeding wound. He ignores the crimson of your blood staining his fingers, instead lifting his clean arm to his mouth before biting down. 
“What… are you doing?” 
“My blood will heal you.” Jinyoung answers, offering forth his bloody wrist. “It’s how I saved you after your assault in the alleyway.” 
“If I die with your blood in my system, won’t I become a vampire?” 
“You aren’t going to die.” 
You shake your head, pushing away his wrist. “Thanks for the offer, but I’d rather not risk anything.” 
“At least allow me to bring you to the hospital then.” He insists, “You’ve lost quite enough blood for one day.” 
Jinyoung curses at the mischievous smirk that spreads along your lips. “You have got to stop saving my life.” 
“Stop putting yourself in danger, and there would be no need for me to.” 
“Last I checked, I had no idea Vampire Victoria Secret was gonna show up and stab me with a fucking writing utensil.” You snort, gesturing over to your desk, “Grab my stuff before we go, please.” 
Just as you requested, Jinyoung goes about gathering your laptop and assorted belongings before sliding them into your bag. One book, however, catches his attention. For a moment, he pauses to stare at the title, then flips open the cover. His mouth runs dry when he discovers numerous pages of notes in your handwriting. 
Jinyoung closes the book before turning back to you, who is struggling to climb to your feet. He moves to help you, stabilizing your body against the wall while asking, “Why are you researching necromancy?” 
“It’s a long story.” You inhale deeply, “But to keep it short… Youngjae and I are going to try to resurrect Jackson Wang.”
At the mention of the alpha werewolf, Jinyoung’s muscles grow stiff. He stares at your face, attempting to read the stars in your dreary irises. After what seems like a long moment of silence, he eventually speaks, albeit quietly, “You understand resurrecting someone from the dead is no simple task… Why would you even attempt such a thing?” 
Your expression softens. “Because Jackson didn’t deserve to die, Jinyoung. The pack lost their leader—Mark lost his best friend.” 
“Resurrection is a dangerous craft, (Y/N).”
“Not if we find the right spell.” You argue, throwing your bag over your shoulder with a sharp inhale. “I know it sounds bat-shit crazy, but I have to try, Jinyoung. For Jackson and for Mark.”
Jinyoung inhales a heavy gust, before releasing an even heavier breath. He curses himself at being so affected by the hope in your eyes. Your determination is too alluring—you are too alluring. 
“I have a collection of grimoires kept by a coven of Dutch witches who specialized in necromancy back in the 15th century.” He finally says, “I will gift them to you as long as you grant me one request.”
Your eyes immediately brighten. “Of course. What do you need me to do?” 
Jinyoung grabs your hands. “I want you to forgive my brother.” 
“After you left, Jaebeom fed me his blood.” He explains, “He cured the werewolf venom, so I wouldn’t have to suffer.”
Your face first contorts to confusion, then to Jinyoung’s surprise, guilt. “He didn’t tell me…” 
“As I told you, Jaebeom has a good heart.” His lips upturn into a sad smile, “He just… has difficulty revealing that side of himself to others.” 
With that, Jinyoung carefully gathers your body into his arms. He manages to cover your soiled clothes with your jacket before heading for the door. 
“It is your choice. I will give you the grimoires no matter what you decide.” 
Jinyoung’s heart leaps when your head collapses against his chest, right over where his heart proceeds to race. Judging by your silence, he expects your mind to have descended into unconsciousness once more, but is pleasantly surprised when your slurred voice reaches his ears, “Hey, Jinyoung?” 
“Thanks for saving me. Again.” 
Jinyoung smiles, “It was my pleasure, (Y/N).”
☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☽ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾
“Such a fucking idiot!...” Youngjae hisses, stomping his way past gravestones and monuments through the light of the setting sun. Usually, he would stop to appreciate such a beautiful moment in nature, but his mind is too preoccupied with thoughts of remorse and anger. 
Youngjae knew better than to keep something like this from Mark. His heart immediately drops when he thinks back to the older witch’s furious outburst—Youngjae hasn’t seen him that angry in a long time. Not since Jackson was alive.
He shakes the thought from mind. He should have never agreed to your idea in the first place. Jackson Wang is dead. And he can’t be brought back. End of story. 
A faint murmur of voices awakens Youngjae from his self-loathing. He hadn’t realized how deep he has traveled into the forest until now, so deep that he’s very close to the shore of the bay. His curiosity expands when he notices a strange light emitting from behind a group of closely placed trees. Against his better judgement, Youngjae decides to investigate. 
The nearer he approaches the site, the louder the voices grow. With a closer view, Youngjae can barely make out two figures conversing in front of a large bonfire. Due to the shadows of tree cover, he can’t recognize their faces, but something about their voices seems familiar to him… 
“You’re sure this is going to work?” 
“I’ve been planning this for years. There’s no way it won’t.” 
“Doesn’t this spell need a crazy amount of power?” 
“There will be a blood moon tomorrow night.” Youngjae watches as one of the figures retreats to the opposite side of the fire. If he is a bit closer, he might be able to catch a glimpse of his face. “I will have more than enough power to complete the transformation.” 
“And it won’t kill me? The transformation?” 
“You sound like you’re having second thoughts…” 
“I’m not!” The second figure insists, “The Primes deserve to pay for what they’ve done.” 
“And pay they will.” Youngjae’s blood runs cold as he finally gains sight of one of the figures. “The Primes and Mark Tuan.” 
“Holy shit—” Youngjae moves to make a mad dash back through the forest, but just as he takes a step backwards, his foot catches a large divot in the earth. He crashes to the ground with a faint yelp, cursing the new ache in his ankle. Panic skyrockets through his veins at the sound of approaching footsteps. Even against the slight pain, Youngjae manages to force himself to his feet, ready to make a break for it, but a broad chest halts his movements. 
Youngjae’s heart stops when he meets the gaze of Changbin, the temperamental omega from the werewolf pack. 
He smirks, “Your mother ever tell you it’s rude to eavesdrop?” 
Youngjae hisses, “Screw you.” 
Changbin remains unbothered. “What should we do with him?” 
“Well… we can’t have him warning anyone of our plans.” Minho comes into view, wearing a similar smirk to that of the werewolf. “And besides, he might turn out to be pretty useful to us.” 
“Why are you doing this!?” Youngjae demands as Changbin shoves him back to the ground. “Are you that desperate for revenge that you’d actually kill Mark-hyung!?” 
Minho shakes his head, “I’m not gonna kill him. That special gift is reserved for the Primes.” He chuckles, before lifting his shoulders in a shrug. “I’m just gonna take back what I rightfully deserve…” 
Youngjae sneers at the witch, “You’re a fucking traitor! A sick, selfish—” 
The siphoner immediately grows silent when Changbin lands a harsh hit against his cheek. At the heavy impact, Youngjae goes flying to the earth and doesn’t rise again. 
Changbin glances at Minho, “You sure about all this?” 
Minho only smirks. 
“I’m dead sure.”
53 notes · View notes
mahouhqs · 3 years
Tumblr media
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⸢ ⠀ ⠀魔 法 処 𝗠𝗔𝗛𝗢𝗨𝗧𝗢𝗞𝗢𝗥𝗢 𝗦𝗖𝗛𝗢𝗢𝗟 𝗢𝗙 𝗠𝗔𝗚𝗜𝗖 ― RESERVED. [ 18 ] ― An Jaehyung, Model; Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor ― Cheng Xiao of WJSN; Chinese pureblood ( Skeleton Meng ) ― Choi San of Ateez ― Han Jihyun, Actress; Korean pureblood ― Hirai Momo of Twice; Japanese pureblood ― Jeon Jungkook of BTS; Korean pureblood ( Skeleton Mok ) ― Kimata Syoya of JO1, Animagus position ― Kim Minjeong, Winter of Aespa; Metamorphmagus position ― Kim Taehyung, V of BTS ( Skeleton Kwak; halfblood ) ― Lee Min-hyung, Mark of NCT ― Lee Yong Bok, Felix of Stray Kids ― Mark Tuan; Chinese pureblood ( Skeleton An ) ― Minatozaki Sana of Twice; Japanese pureblood (Skeleton Namigata) ― Park Chaeyoung, Rosé of Blackpink ― Park Sooyoung, Joy of Red Velvet; Korean Pureblood ― Sevdaliza; International pureblood, Ancient Studies Professor, Animagus position ― Shin Ryujin of Itzy; Uwabami position ― Song Minho of Winner; Alchemy Professor, Lycanthrope position ― Tao Tsuchiya, Actress; Japanese pureblood ( Skeleton Amatake ), Seer position ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀PUREBLOODS Korean: ( 3 / 4 ) Japanese: ( 3 / 4 ) Chinese: ( 2 / 4 ) ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀BEINGS Animagus ( 2 / 3 ) Metamorphmagus ( 1 / 1 ) Uwabami ( 1 / 2 ) Lycanthrope / Werewolf ( 1 / 1 ) Seer ( 1 / 1 )
4 notes · View notes
im-whatchamccallit · 4 years
Risking It//Mark Tuan (Got7)
Part 2|Masterlist|Rules
Request: YAY I’M SO EXCITED THAT YOU’RE BACK!! I hope you’ve been well (: I’ve missed you and your writing! May I request a college boyfriend Mark Tuan story! You can write it about whatever you want I just love the idea of Mark as a college boyfriend he gives me those vibes. Please make it fluffy and smutty if you’re feeling adventurous ;) Hahaha thank you so much! Have a wonderful day 😁😁😁
Pairing: Mark Tuan x Reader
Genre: College! AU, fluff but mostly smut (sorry, the hoe in me took over)
Warnings: sexual content (oral sex, fingering, mentions of overstimulation), kinda poorly written because I’m scatterbrained and couldn’t find a perfect concept lol
Words: 3.9k
You bit your bottom lip as you tried to focus on what your professor was saying, writing notes from the words she spoke in fear it’d be on a future pop quiz, but you couldn’t focus with the pair of eyes boring into you. You were trying to ignore Mark but he refused to look away, wanting you to look at him as he sat by idly at your teacher’s desk.
You weren’t sure what to expect when Mark was announced as the TA for your class, but you didn’t expect him to be, well, himself. You figured he’d try to be professional and fair, giving everyone equal amounts of attention and help whenever necessary, instead he’d always find his way to you, cracking jokes and even flirting. You were doing extremely well in this course, not needing the extra help which upset him a bit, so during times when he couldn’t talk to you up close, or text you in case your teacher saw, he’d stare, hoping to have a silent conversation with you to ease his clingy nature. But you weren’t catching on, his lips threatening to form a pout as he looked away.
“Mark.” His head snapped upwards as your professor called him, his body standing as he waited for her instructions.
“Can you hand out the graded test please? They’re on the corner of my desk.” He nodded, mentally cheering as he prepared himself to speak to you for the first time today.
Despite your professor speaking, you tuned her out, watching Mark anxiously as he went to each person, congratulating those that did well and telling others they can retake the test another day to salvage their grades. You were nervous. You weren’t as confident in this test as you were others and the idea of getting anything less than a 100 made you want to cry. You couldn’t even find ease in the way Mark was approaching you, the smile on his face might be because you did well or because he just wanted your attention, your mind screaming for it to be the former.
Mark gently handed you the booklet like test, your eyes immediately landing on the 98 that sat on the top of the front page, the pressured feeling in your chest not leaving even as an audible sigh left your lips while his hand rested on your head, causing your eyes to meet his.
“Good job.” You couldn’t help but give a small smile, finally giving him what he’s been wanting to see all day.
“Professor Ahn,” One girl, Yeeun, spoke up, everyone’s attention falling to her as she stood.
“Considering your TA is the one who graded the test, and is also (Y/n)’s boyfriend, don’t you think there’s a bit of bias on his part?”
The way she looked over at the both of you as if she had won some battle didn’t sit right with you, your eyes narrowing into a glare while Mark only smirked, continuing passing out the test as your professor sighed heavily.
“Ms. Shin, Mr. Tuan made me aware of his relationship with Ms. (Y/L/N) the day he arrived, which is why I personally grade all her test myself. In other words, the score (Y/n) received is not only valid but the only one to reach over 90% in this class, so I suggest you focus on your own grades instead of worrying about those two.” Mark wanted to laugh at the way she sat down in such a defeated state, scowling at the 73 on the paper as if it were a nuisance.
Professor Ahn repeated Mark’s words, reminding everyone that retakes would happen for the next two days during her free periods and after school before officially dismissing everyone, your body moving a bit slower than everyone else so you were left behind, Professor Ahn heading into her personal office just behind her desk while you approached Mark, his face in a cute pout.
“You didn’t look at me today.”
“I was nervous.” You responded, reaching to cup his face before bringing him into a soft kiss, pulling away before he could take it any further.
“What’s your next class?” He asked, reaching for your hand to lead you out of the room.
“I’m actually done for the day. And, I know you’re free too, so I figured we could just hang out.” The look you gave was hinting to something that could only spell trouble, yet he was hoping it was exactly what he was thinking, his lips forming a smirk as he stepped closer to you.
“Alright, and just where are we heading exactly?”
“I’ll give you a hint; we’ll be at my place, in my room, on a desk.” He didn’t waste a second dragging you down the busy halls, that hint more than clear for him to understand.
Yet he didn’t understand. Well, it was more like you tricked him.
By ‘on a desk’, he was hoping for something with you laid out beneath him with a lot less clothing involved and more x-rated touching. Instead, you were still in the baby pink high waist skirt and white sweater you wore for class earlier, the once seemingly normal and innocent outfit driving him crazy now, the only touching he received were pokes to the temple of his head whenever he read a question from your graded test unenthusiastically, obviously bummed by how the situation turned out. To think not scoring a perfect 100 would bother you so much that you’d make him study with you until you were ready to retake the test.
“Come on, the faster we do this, the faster I can learn what I got wrong.”
“(Y/n), you don’t need to retake the test. You have the highest score of your class, professor Ahn said so.”
“Yeah but what if someone retakes it and does better than me?”
Mark sighed, knowing how stubborn you were when it came to your grades, but he didn’t like the competitive side of you that came with it. He admired your persistence, but watching you drive yourself crazy over something so miniscule was heartbreaking, like when your calculus 3 teacher refused to let you retake his quiz and you couldn’t do anything but cry for days because that was your hardest class and you knew you could do better. But how could he force you out of a habit that he admittedly fell in love with? It was a complete contradiction.
“(Y/n),” you shifted your gaze from the notes and test in front of you to look at him.
“What are three cyanobacterial species?” Your eyes wandered from him, so many words crossed your mind, trying to find the right answers to the sudden question.
“Nostoc commune, nostoc punctiforme, and nodularia spumigena… I think.” You said slowly, watching Mark pull the packet open and flip to the third page, showing you the exact question he asked, an ‘X’ right next to your answer.
“The reason you didn’t get a perfect score is because you missed this one question. You didn’t get it right because you’re always freaking out. But now that you know the answer, and know that you always panic at the idea of not doing well; do you think it’s wise to retake the test and aim for a 100, only to possibly freak out again and end up with the same score or worse?”
You wanted to argue with his logic but it was reasonable, and he was right. You were freaking out for nothing and were honestly surprised you hadn’t dropped dead from all the stress you had, wanting to laugh at how ridiculous you’d been. Mark noticed you staring off into space, probably still scolding yourself like you always do. He didn’t mean to kill your confidence, but what else could he do to make you snap out of your “no mistakes allowed” tunnel vision?
“Baby,” He called, your eyes finding him once more, noticing his arms open and waiting for you to settle into his lap, which you did without hesitation, his hands cupping your face so you couldn’t look away.
“I know you’re smart, and that you could get a perfect score if you tried harder, but you can’t always push yourself like this. It’s okay to not be the best and, sometimes, you’ll learn there are people out there that are the best of the best and you can’t compare.” He said, your lips curling upwards as you released a giggle.
“That was such a backhand compliment.” His laughter mixed with your own, hands easing from your face into your hair.
“Yeah, I could’ve worded that better, but you need to relax. Stressing yourself out won’t make you perfect. Okay?”
You rolled your eyes, feeling a little disparaged but knowing he meant well, truly worried for you and rightfully so. You were a hard ass, you knew that and just couldn’t help it. Maybe that’s why you loved Mark, he was responsible yet relaxed. He had it all figured out and, even when he didn’t, he was nonchalant until he did. It was one of the traits you wish you could take from him and have for yourself.
“Okay, then show me what I should do to relax.” You said, a smirk similar to the one you gave earlier on your lips, his finger darting out to poke you in the center of your forehead, a stern look on his face.
“I should just leave and make you take a nap for tricking me into studying with you. But I have manners, so get on the bed.”
You eagerly climbed out of his lap and followed his orders, removing your top on your way there, not wanting to waste any more time. As you watched him approach you with his eyes taking you in hungrily, you couldn’t help but think of the position you were in.
He’d be busy for the next two days helping students from Professor Ahn’s four classes retake their test. Her other three classes held 60 or so students, a little over double the amount of your class, and the likelihood of everyone from the other classes failing was damn near impossible, but her course was hard so it’s a good possibility almost half the class would want a retake, and thinking of potential students from your own class doing the same, that’d mean Mark and Professor Ahn would have roughly 110 test to grade by the end of the two days. Even if they split the grading load in half, Mark would be busy days later helping her while simultaneously maintaining his own grades, meaning the two day period you thought nothing of would really be four to five days of barely being together, so you were going to bask in this moment.
“(Y/n/n),” Mark called, gaining your attention.
Your eyes darted towards him and noticed he was between your legs, face close to your heat that was now exposed as he tossed your panties away not too long ago, your skirt bunched around your waist as he patiently waited for you to answer, hoping you weren’t uncomfortable and suddenly having second thoughts.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, sorry. I just realized it’ll be a few days before we can be like this again.” You admitted, unconsciously placing your hand in his hair and stroking it softly. It was still pretty soft despite bleaching and dying it so many times.
“Think about it this way,” He started, placing a small kiss to your inner thigh, your teeth sinking into your bottom lip as you tried to resist the urge to close them, his lips ticking your skin as he continued moving closer to your core.
“Everything I do today is a precursor for the next time I come over.”
You wanted to make a snide remark to keep your banter going, but the way his lips finally connected with your folds made your head spin, any thoughts you had were gone as the foreign yet very familiar and dearly missed pleasure hit you. You can’t remember the last time Mark went down on you, your schedules leaving the both of you available for only quickies in unoccupied classrooms just to make it to your next class on time. But taking the time to go slow and actually savor the pleasure was making the experience a million times better, any memory you had of his tongue being buried within you was replaced with this moment, his tongue taking it’s time to taste you as if you were the best meal in the world.
“Mark,” You breathed out, his head moving back just slightly so his tongue was visible, your eyes locked on the way he teasingly flicked it around your opening while staring straight at you, expertly dragging the pink muscle up to your clit before covering it completely with his lips sucking harshly so that you cried out.
He knew exactly what he was doing and what buttons to push, taking two fingers and rubbing them along your slit to lubricate them before easily sliding them inside, your body nearly jumping away at the feeling. He felt you contract around him, surprised that you might already be so close considering he just started, but that only encouraged him more, his mind running with the thoughts of exactly how long he could make this last and how cute you’d be once you were completely spent from him actions.
You were gripping onto Mark’s hair desperately as your other hand held onto your pillow for dear life, your back arching at the familiar motions of his fingers, simultaneously thrusting into you while drumming against your g-spot, sending small waves of gratification through you. Those little jolts were enough to distract you from Mark moving up your body, kissing from your belly button to your bra cladded breast, his free hand slipping beneath it easily to toy with your nipples, already so hard despite the fact he had only begun stimulating them.
You struggled to crack your eyes open, looking at the man above you as a breathy whine interrupted your seemingly endless moans. His eyes were concentrating on each contorted muscle of your face before finding your eyes, smiling softly at you as if he wasn’t pinching and rubbing at your breast while using his fingers to scissor your pussy. Any words you wanted to say came out almost like squeaks, your hands speaking for you as they moved to his chest, slowly trailing down until they reached the slowly growing, but clearly there, bulge in his black jeans.
He watched in amusement as you impatiently undid his pants, tapping his thumb on your clit to watch you freeze momentarily in an attempt to regain your composure. He was like a sadist but the humane kind. Mark couldn’t help the groan he let out once your hand slipped into his boxers, wasting no time stroking his member at the same pace his fingers moved into you, his eyes squeezing shut as his face dipped into your neck, teeth sinking into your shoulder to control himself from going any further. The juices you let out were making such lewd sounds, and the harder his thumb rubbed against the sensitive nerves just above your entrance, the more your hips rolled into his hands and your walls tightened around him, actual words finally leaving you as you let out a soft ‘please’. It was all becoming too much for him, but he didn’t want to give in just yet.
“Mark,” You called out to him again, his head finally lifting to look at your face. Even though your eyes could barely stay open, your lips trembling as you whimpered pathetically and your breathing labored, you looked amazing.
“What’s wrong?” He asked gently, slowly bringing his fingers to a stop to allow you to speak, the bubble of pleasure you felt fading away.
“I want more. Please.” You continued to pump his cock from inside his briefs, the urge to fuck himself into your hand hard to ignore as your thumb played with the beads of precum leaking from his tip, your hand working faster knowing he was so close to giving you what you wanted.
Instead, he reached between your bodies to grab your wrist, reluctantly pulling it away from his throbbing and needy member and bringing it up to examine it, precum visibly sticking to your thumb and palm.
“I’ll give you everything you want, but you have to be patient.” He warned you, reaching for the hand resting on his chest to bring them above your head, holding them in place so that he could get back to his main objective.
You wanted to scream as he began to move his fingers again, not starting off slow like he usually would but going knuckles deep, his thumb now finding a good pace on your clit as well. It was clear he was trying to get you off first. It wasn’t uncommon for him to let you get your release before him, but this felt different, weird even. He was rough but precise, your g-spot being hit no matter how deep and fast his appendages plunged into you. And the pressure on your clit wasn’t helping either, only making the strange feeling increase.
Your back arched as you moaned loudly, unsure if your roommate was even home but you couldn’t care less about that now, your legs kicking against the bed as if you wanted to escape the way his hand was fucking you but so curious where this feeling was leading and just how good it’d feel. Mark’s cock twitched at the sight of you, every time your hips lifted from the bed he’d see a wet spot forming from the juices dripping from your cunt and his hand, making it obvious that you came already but he wanted to see you orgasm, knowing you were close as you incoherently cried out, begging for him as your thighs clenched together in an attempt to slow him down even though you didn’t want him to stop.
“Look at me.” He said in a soft voice yet stern enough to remind you it was a demand.
You shyly faced him, vision hazy as you focused on his features. You felt his hand leave your wrist before creeping down to comb through your hair, easing to the back of your head and pulling you into him, bringing your lips to his to capture every sound you made. If it wasn’t the way his hand continued to assault your core as it convulsed violently, or the way his teeth nipped at your bottom lip in the middle of your heated make out session, or even the way he pulled away to speak filthy words to you to encourage your release, the thin line of self-control and submission you were walking was gone, your body falling fast and hard into the latter.
Mark’s fingers dug into your scalp to hold you in place, a few moans escaping his throat as you clenched around his digits, pleasured cries falling into his mouth as you no longer focused on your kiss. Your lower half jerked almost painfully, his fingers slowly moving into you to draw out your release, his face pulling away as he felt a bead of your orgasm rolling down his fingers and palm and onto his wrist, the once small wet spot now a puddle beneath your body, your fluids leaving the room and sheets a distinctly sweet smell.
You shut your eyes in relief as Mark finally pulled his hand away, trying to catch your breath as he moved from the bed. You could feel the stickiness on you, your thighs closing to keep the cool air from hitting your sensitive core, the sound of your skin pulling from the sheets making you cringe. No wonder it felt so weird, you squirted for the first time ever and, now, your mattress was ruined. You were contemplating if you should just rest now in your own filthy release or properly clean everything, not having time to form an answer as Mark climbed above you, instantly connecting his lips to the shell of your ear and your neck. You turned to look at him, noticing his pants and boxers were off, his rock hard dick on display between your bodies.
“W-wait, I don’t think I can do that again.” You admitted, your face hot at the thought of being overstimulated, Mark’s gaze meeting yours. His eyes were so dark and clouded, your core unwillingly pulsating again with arousal despite your words.
“If you need me to stop, I’ll stop. I did promise to give you whatever you want earlier.”
The room fell silent as he waited for your answer, your eyes looking away in embarrassment as you opened your legs for him, cursing yourself for being so needy despite what happened only a few seconds ago. Mark smirked and placed a gentle kiss to your cheek, easing his body forward until he was poking at your entrance, preparing to thrust into you but not before he spoke in a definite tone.
“I’m going to make sure you’re too tired to think about the retest and, if I even see you going to take it, we’ll do this all over again.”
And it was a promise. You knew Mark never bluffed, especially when it came to sexual rewards and punishments, so you could do nothing but take those words to heart. Although the next day, after dragging your sore body from the soaked bed you both were too exhausted to flip, and getting ready as normal, you crept your way towards Professor Ahn’s class.
It was her second free period of the day and currently Mark’s accounting class, meaning there would be fewer students there for the retest and he would be out of sight and out of mind. You slowly crept into her classroom, looking to the twelve or so students working silently, Professor Ahn nowhere to be found.
You knew she’d never leave a class unsupervised during a test, so she was most likely watching from her office to see who would or wouldn’t cheat. She was clever that way so it only made sense.
You eagerly headed to the door, knocking gently before hearing an uninterested ‘enter’.
“Sorry for disturbing you Professor Ahn, but I was hoping I could do the retest to-“ You froze.
Professor Ahn and Mark’s eyes left the test and answer sheets around them to stare at you. During her first free period, over sixty students came, leaving your professor overwhelmed at how much grading she’d have to do if she waited until the last minute, her first instinct was to call her TA in for help which he easily accepted, knowing that missing one class wouldn’t hurt him. So the two sat in the once comfortable silence, grading roughly thirty test each. You thought you had it all figured out but didn’t plan for a random setback like this, and neither did Mark, his eyes boring into yours despite you trying to avoid his gaze.
“You were planning to do the retest, (Y/n)?” Professor Ahn spoke up, dropping her red pen and searching for a clean copy of the test from the folder next to her, your eyes widening as you frantically shook your head.
“No! No, it was nothing. I’m sorry for stopping by like this.” You said, preparing to leave but the call of your name from an eerily calm source made you stop, an inaudible whimper leaving you as you turned back to your boyfriend, a seemingly sweet but truly sinister smile on his lips.
“I’ll see you tonight, okay?”
You were fucked, pun intended.
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