#gotta sleep now 🏃‍♂️
goathag · 10 months
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You can't convince me that the July wasn't built on the remains of Rem's ship.
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ravenbloodshot · 8 months
Lol your gong yoo reading was spot on and I have intuited that as well for a long time now since I've been his fan! He's also super timid, it's a little bit of a smack in the face! 😂 It's like a boy who finds girls weird/scary and runs away from them LMAO! I always pick up with him that he's super avoidant, and NOT ASSERTIVE at all. Like he'll let the love of his life pass by and say oh it wasn't meant to be. It's like he waits for the universe to trick him. Idk I'm sure you get what I mean.
He literally reminds me of these:
"👉🏾👈🏾" *insert someone with pointed toes and a lowered chin* 🫣🥺🏃‍♂️💨😰
IDK WHY WOMEN FIND HIM SEXY.. he's totally adorable. An adorable hoe... he gives me plushie vibes, like a furry idk how to explain it... tortured artist? But willingly tortured? Like a guy who is attracted to red flags then blames his destiny? It's like he's open for anything but nothing at the same time. Istg I could see him getting leashed. Like he ain't dom daddy at all. As a matter of fact, he's probably shaking in his boots about that. Like someone who is helpless.. OMG!! A damsel in distress!!! That's what I was looking for lol. He a whole damsel in distress!! Gong yoo sounds intentionally hopeless LMAO. Like I know I'm a hoe but I'm really not I just act like one because life is hopeless and I want you to save me. Like he looks like he counterbalances his softness with living "life" on the edge but he ain't made for it. It's like he's looking for his manic pixie dominatrix to change his life, like if the universe sees I need help they'll help me. He needs to be mothered and nurtured but you gotta let him run away and come to you because you don't chase kids. Idk why people think he's hot, when I see him, I see an angsty teen that need the tit. Istg ima breastfeed him idgaf. 🤱 He prolly like mothering types but he generally looks quite subservient, like the type to really commit if he commits, like I know he wouldn't be cheating on me if he chose me lol. He'd be such a good little boy. Istg I wasn't the only feeling that. Like he knows what he "doesn't" want. It's almost as if he's a passenger in his own love life. He's a lil baby lol, that's why he like the wap too, he just like being in the womb. 🤣 Like he's the type to convince himself he a bad boy but he'd probably fall for pussy knowing damn well he shouldn't. I saw him sleeping before by the way... he sleep in a fetal position. 🤓 He's defo a cuddler. He need to be coddled and held but he would probably run away from you. He always looks afraid of something idk how to explain it. Like afraid of being owned but he really wanna 🤣 I'm curious wtf he experienced, are you able to see that or look into it?? I need to know of the feminine wiles he experienced? I bet he hides it though because societal expectations or whatever lol and people thinking he a man, he look like he wanna be spoiled and pampered, I honestly used to think he was closeted but I realised he's a total bottom and a lover of women. Like if you ask him why he a hoe he'd say he can't help it but he actually can. He's like the meme cinnamon roll and is actually a cinnamon role. Lemme stop but istg I know you feel what I'm talking about?? He'd be so hopeless. He's probably waiting for someone to take the reigns lol. He hella hypergamous but he's the fem? He's a total infp idgaf what anyone says and waiting for life to happen. He a tender ass man and btw.... he look like he likes the coco. Out of majority of k-celebs who would do more "appropriate" foreigners, he strikes me as liking the strong independent curvy types lol. Like the type to fetishise strong women but with him it ain't a fetish, I think he genuinely loves a strong mama type. He always looks like someone with so much love to give but he's afraid at the same time. Like he accidentally idealises people. Maybe that's what hurt him in the past lol? People being what he didn't think they were? He's perfect for any woman that wants a stay at home dad and a man who worships the ground she walks on. Like he cooks and cleans too, I've seen his vlogs. Girl he makes candles too, reads poetry, bakes and paints. Lemme stop ✋ He's literally the meme "mommy tell me what to do". Idk why women think he's hot, all I see is boy with big muscles that needs to be pet. Istg he believes in the one. Anyway lemme see myself out LOL. I love his energy though, I can turn his life around. 👅 He looks like he'd be a good boy if you tell him enough. 😂 btw I just re-read what I wrote because I was just channelling LOL and I'm cracking tf up!! These fans would hate my blog if I started it 💀🤣
— Lip Service Girl 💄
Oh my god girl 💀. I can't decide if I think your insane or brilliant
Either way, I agree on how you described him. He's very much giving water sign and the mommy energy fits his Venus in cancer. He's just a guy that finds love to be painful but also loves the pain that it brings.
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cloveroctobers · 2 years
The finale obviously inspired this via my previous post on this season. It’ll probably be my last shit talking post for S5 since it has provided me with nothing but headaches. LISTEN by no means am I a DJ or top notch editor I just thought of this idea and unfortunately nobody mashed these two tracks up for me—rightfully so! I had to take matters into my own hands and this shit was not as easy as I thought it would be. There’s completely different flows ofc with two different styles of music, what can you do? Do my best with what I got! 😉
I even tried to speed up Marina’s vocals at first but it was definitely giving Michael jackson and if I really wanted to be clowned I would have kept it that way. Yes I used the clean version to Meg’s, “plan b” right up to the end because S5 MC deserves to talk her shit! 👏🏽 I decided to put in the effort since I had the time tonight and will probably never do this again lmao so here it is off beat and all! MC’s — plan 2 be a heartbreaker 🥀 ☀️ (Meg Thee Stallion — Plan b x Marina (previously: & the diamonds) — How to be a heartbreaker
bobbymacs2: so yeah! This happened! I had the honor of being the first person from the love island franchise to hear @/mcs5 new track that she did for fun! I had no idea she had this talent. What we thinkin voyagers!?
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iamdanas5: Idek what to say about the lyrics but the beat is amazing! Why were you the first to hear it? Makes me wanna ride around in a drop top
• bobbymacs2: not surprised ur here first golden goddess! bts comes with its privileges! Also MC considers me a lad now. Glad u enjoyed it too! 👀
•. iamdanas5: what’s with the emoji?
•. bobbymacs2: u tell me…🏃‍♂️
•. iamdanas5: 🫤
itslulusloveisland: 🤭 I love it! Although unexpected…I Will be streaming 💛💕
•. bobbymacs2: MC’s been very unpredictable but stands in her truth. Gotta respect it! ✊🏽
arlofit: what kinda fuckery is this?
• bobbymacs2: chickens 🤷‍♂️
• arlofit: watch ur tongue
meerasweetisland: still a bit of a try hard I see.
• bobbymacs2: @/meerasweetisland Opp? 🧐
• meerasweetisland: @/bobbymacs2 what are you on about?
geezeralfie: this was a lot…certainly great but not sure this was the best choice. I’ll have to have a chat with MC soon about this 😅
•. meerasweetisland: @/geezeralfie for what it’s worth I hope she doesn’t bother with you either 🙂
•. geezeralfie: @/meerasweetisland I thought we were past this already? Hope you’re well, really Meera.
•. bobbymacs2: @/geezeralfie listen to Meera. Distance is there for a reason lad 👍🏾 !
•. geezeralfie: @/bobbymacs2 it also makes the heart grow fonder? We’re mates and we support each other. I will chat to see where MC’s head is at about all this…as soon as she’s not busy and picks up the phone 😬
•. bobbymacs2: @/geezeralfie whatever helps u sleep at nite!
eddieloveisland: I knew this was coming 😏! The universe told me so.
•. arlofit: shut it already will u?!
•. eddieloveisland: @/arlofit: that’s not quite nice. I’m not wrong! Are you upset that I was right about all of yous!?
•. eddieloveisland: have I been blocked?
•. bobbymacs2: ‘fraid so. You’ve got to work on that approach buddy! But C for effort!
sirjohnnys5: ☕️ is hot! Which line does everyone think is about me?
•. bobbymacs2: @/sirjohnnys5 “you’s a b-word?”
•. sirjohnnys5: @/bobbymacs2 excellent take! I was leaning towards the snitch line but that one works well too! I know exactly which lyrics are directed @/flightsuresh @/finntastic5 @/katatics
•. nicolasnics5: @/sirjohnnys5 luv this for us 🍿
•. sirjohnnys5: @/nicolasnics5 😉
•. arlofit: @/sirjohnnys5 @/nicolasnics5 you two are truly repulsive. You’re actually having a laugh about this…why? I see why the both of you will be lonely for awhile.
•. nicolasnics5: @/arlofit so that’s a no to coming round mine any time soon? Answer my DM’s queen!
•. arlofit: @/nicolasnics5 🖕🏾off not kindly.
finntastics: wow. I’m at a loss for words. I’m still hurt about how everything played out but this is just another dagger right to the heart. I’m aware things were not the easiest for MC but I just wish she would have communicated what she truly wanted if it wasn’t me in the end. Playing ‘round with my head but most importantly my heart was and is extremely wrong. I hope she heals that cold heart of hers soon and that we can all move forward.
•. bobbymacs2: @/finntastics5 firstly this was a bit of a reach. Not to say that you weren’t hurt during all of this…your feelings are valid certainly. Just don’t point the finger if you can’t take accountability for your actions too. People will react off YOUR actions. MC did. I originally thought you two could make it but watching the season again and getting to know MC better bts…I can see why it’s added up to all this. Why can’t you? Best of luck to you and Kat, lad.
•. finntastics5: @/bobbymacs5 with all due respect…I’m not sure what you’re chirping about? I loved MC since the first day we encountered but got easily distracted. I wanted things to work with kat but learned that we’re not meant to last. I tried to be loyal by taking everyone’s feelings (KAT, Alfie, & MC) instead of mine. I DEFENDED MC because I couldn’t stand her being hurt and painted as a bad person. I wont say that’s what she is now…I’m just confused she’s done me like this is all.
•. bobbymacs2: @/finntastics5 you’ll learn soon enough at the reunion if you choose to attend 👍🏾
flightsuresh: 😡 how bitter of her.
•. sirjohnnys5: @/flightsuresh “How you want a bitch that you don't deserve? I should have listened to my first mind, And told your ass "no" the first time. Tried to spare this—feelings, now he think he hurting mine.” It’s fitting for you, yeah?
•. flightsuresh: @/sirjohnnys5 quit spraffing
•. bobbymacs2: @/flightsuresh u win some u lose some 🤷
•. flightsuresh: @/bobbymacs2 I didn’t lose. I was chosen from the beginning. If it wasn’t for me, none of you would even be in her presence.
•. sirjohnnys5: @/flightsuresh and here I thought I had the biggest ego in the villa! Are you seeing this? @/nicolasnics5
•. nicolasnics5: I am @/sirjohnnys5 mates got to find himself a job and pull that stick outta his arse.
•. sirjohnnys5: @/nicolasnics5 I’m sure you can help him with that given your occupation, yeah?
•. flightsuresh: @/nicolasnics5 I’m a lawyer who’s positive that you and I are are nowhere near the same tax bracket. So why don’t you go back to…whatever it is that you do. Go touch grass before you think you can speak to me.
•. nicolasnics5: @/flightsuresh ah…you’re just as much as a arsehole as the rest of us. You’ve just got your ticket to hell too! I know how much you like storing objects away and never speaking on them. See you there🫡
katatics: I can’t believe I ever considered this person a friend! She’s done finnie and I the most wrong when we’ve been the best she’s ever had.
•. @/loveislandfan: now girl…shut that shit up.
•. @/lovdislandfan2: im sorry? Somebody roll the tapes for the delusional.
•. @/loveislandfan3: could have been much better to MC. You’ve got some real deep rooted issues and first you need to start working on that possessiveness,,, it’s not healthy boo
•. @/loveislandfan4: you’ve done nothing wrong! #justiceforkat I hope you and finnie get married soon!
•. iamdanas5: @/katatics let’s not start this over social media babes!
•. katatics: @/iamdanas5 SHE started it so I’m going to finish it! She’s done enough by embarrassing us in front of the world once but she won’t get a THIRD time. I promise you.
•. meerasweetisland: @/katatics I love you girlie. Can’t wait to see you shine like the star you are! Let’s get together soon? 🫶🏽
•. katatics: @/meerasweetisland well duh babes! My DMs are always open + you have my number just let me know & bring me some of your luscious shampoo 😘
•. arlofit: @/katatics @/meerasweetisland where’s my invite?
•. katatics: @/arlofit 💌!!! Teach me some moves in the ring soon?
•. MCs5: @/katatics that won’t help you. I’ll see you in a few months…oh and thanks for the stream 💋👅
•. iamdanas5: @/MCs5 🤭
iamdanas5: @/iamdanas5 @/MCs5 wait🫤
•. itsgabiland: @/iamdanas5 no you had it right the first time 🥶
wildpete: uh…what did I miss?
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teamhaeyoon · 3 months
[TRANS] 240616 — HAEYOON youmeOn Updates
All time is in KST unless otherwise stated
11:39 AM
+ 📸 (sent a photo)
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Texts in the photo
1:22 AM | Hello, thank you for coming here💗
T/N: This will be sent to you when you join her chatroom
+📸 (sent a photo)
1:23 AM | I'm going to sleep now! When the fan meetup ended, I went home and took a photo with Natto🤍
11:40 AM
I sent a photo and a message yesterday when no one has entered yet...
ㅎㅎㅎㅎ...I'll send it again
+ 📸 (sent a photo)
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11:41 AM ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I thought everyone had already entered in advance but it turns out that I had to start first for everyone to enter...
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ It's so funny that I sent a photo to a place no one can see
I didn't know that either so just in case, the fans who entered at dawn said they couldn't see the message sent earlier ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
So I realize that no one has seen it..ㅎㅎㅎㅎ
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋAckㅋㅋㅋㅋthis is interesting.. ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ
11:43 AM
That's right, I also can't see the messages you sent before that..🥹🥹
If you sent a message before, please send it again..haha those you sent before 12 am ㅎㅎ😂
11:44 AM
Anyway, I came here to send you unreleased photos
Those who came in early right now are such a lucky Lullet
Because those who will be joining after won't see what I sent🥲
11:45 AM
+ 6 📸 (sent photos)
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To lucky Lullets~💗
11:47 AM
+ 📸 (sent a photo)
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This is what I ate when (the fanmeet) ended yesterday
It looks delicious, right?!!! It is 😄
Anyway, I had so much fun yesterday
11:49 AM
The reason I (decided to) use youmeOn is
Although there is an IG Broadcast Channel, it feels so much like an announcement board and the questions are too public, so everyone seems to be getting shy
So I thought about if there was something that would allow us to communicate well?~~ I seized the great opportunity I got!!!
What do you think...? Is what I'm thinking correct?!
Aljalddakkkalsen?! (Note : A slang word and short for 알아서 잘 딱 깔끔하고 센스있게= Does well on their own in a neat and witty way)
What is this, Lullets are truly touched~💗
Its similar to fromm but different so its fun
11:54 AM
That's right, when you're having a hard time, you can send me a lot of letters here!! 💗
I can see the fans nicknames and profile photos...ㅎㅎ
Yupyup, I can see everything like kkt (kakaotalk)
Ha it was so fun yesterday, the time flew by
ㅋㅋ hururuk
Its also fun right now?
Glad to know that ㅎㅎ
11:58 AM
I was gonna take a good rest today but I'm gonna go work out because I feel guilty lying down not doing anything at all until 12 nn 🤣
Honestly... it's been quite a while since the last time I worked out but I have to do it today. I'll be eating too! I gotta get moving
12:00 NN
And also for the fans who couldn't go to the fan meetup yesterday!!
My song will be released in July🤍
It's not a self-written song but I did all my best singiiing it
So please give it a lot of interest🎉
Let's meet again in July as we listen to the song💗
I'll go work out now
My phone is getting hot now....🤣🤣
10:43 PM What are you doing? Everyone's going to work tomorrow, right? Recharge happily while listening to Happy Things!!! I'll also be working hard editing vlogs again from tomorrow ㅎㅎ A daily routine of eating and working hard editing🏃‍♂️ ㅎㅎㅎ Sleep well Let's cheer up tomorrow, too! 😙😆
0 notes
i-cant-sing · 3 years
Dabi on the phone with Hawks: Sorry, I’m breaking up-
Hawks: I’m pregnant
Dabi: I meant the phone reception
Hawks: sorry I panicked
Dabi, on the phone: alright, I'm ready to settle down-
Hawks, on his way to get to Dabi on the other side of the world: omw🏃‍♂️💨
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Hawks, slamming through the door: me too babe, I'm so glad you're ready to take our relationship to the next step🥰
Hawks: what? You said you were ready to settle down-
Dabi: I meant in bed. Ready to sleep and rest- Keigo wtf- did you leave Y/n home alone?
Hawks: oh.
Hawks: gotta go now. Please don't break up with me. Love you babe💖 *kisses Dabi before zooming back to home, Sonic music playing in the background*
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thedragonllama · 3 years
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A lil #cat #doodle I made with a brush I found in my collection... 🐈‍⬛ 👁 I’m trudging back into more #art posting and want to try and keep different skills sharp. SO as much as I love pixel art, I gotta bust out the #drawing #tablet and actually draw, and also make other types of stuff. 🖥✍️ 👀💢 This was fun and quick, and I need to be better about not falling into suck-cost holes. 🕳 🎨 🏃‍♂️ On the flip side, art is literally the only thing that makes any sense to me anymore, so I’ll try to keep making and posting it. 😵‍💫🤖🤷❓ …And now that I have been up all night stressed about all the things I don’t understand or accept, I should try to sleep. 😑 #digitalart #digitalartist #scary #creepy #illustration #brushes #cyclops #eye #cute #kitty #blackcat #evil #cursed #cartoon #ink #tabletdrawing #alien #mutant #catclops #oneeye #monster #horror #oneeyedcat #feline #sketch (at San Diego, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/Caw-o2yBRtt/?utm_medium=tumblr
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staysuki · 3 years
i noticed that too, your replies were continuously getting posted XD as much as i want to respond back immediately, sleeps been taking over me bc of tiredness 😭 we re all busy with our own lives now, i hope we get to talk to each other soon frequently as how we ve been before ! ill miss you and 🍕 sm too :”>
same, i did it for about 6 months continuously lmao i dont regret it tho, self time is nice. i finished a ton of animes and kdramas lol i even started one piece and still up to date until now ! and yeah its very tiring to explain HAHAHAHA i just told them “ah self time langs” and they understood immediately thankfully HAHAHAHA im rly rly talkative but if im not in the mood, i srsly dont want to socialise, v v draining 😔💔
im so excited to read EHALOJ ill prob start it later night once i finish at least one school requirement. look forward to a whole ass diary entry 😛
“ill be waiting for your messages always :)))” HAHAHAHAHAHAHA OKE BE NAPANGITI AKO sOBRA 😭😭😭
thank you too, really. you and 🍕 made my days fun and exciting ! i always look forward to your replies and 🍕’s asks 😎 after waking up, i immediately open tumblr hUHU
the recent asks felt so sad 😔 lets stay positive as much as possible ! uWu good luck to us
- bs
me when i’m replying to your asks: 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️gotta go fast🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️ but yeah, sleep is more important ofc 🙈. i also miss talking with you guys!! little life update: i’m finally fully vaxxed ♥️♥️♥️ had a lot of problems getting to this point but i’m glad i am now. my fam got pfizer 🥲. i barely had any side effects for me cuz (aside from being on the younger side) i’m a pretty big health nut :,) and i worked out/exercised immediately once i got the vax so my body weren’t fatigued.
and 6 months 👁👁 i also go for just as long but sometimes because of work i’m forced to go back online which sucks. whenever i take breaks, i always try to do smth productive like journal and whatnot :,)
yes i’m waiting for that review again 😤♥️ hopefully mas coherent this time JKJK
and yeah, i always get excited whenever i get asks 😭✨
#staypositive 🕺🗣✨ come back here 🍕
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