#governmental intercession
igate777 · 2 years
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tamamita · 11 months
how is isis different from hamas?
Gonna make it easy and comprehensible:
ISIS or DA'ISH is a transnational terror organization consisting of Iraqi Baathists, former Syrian rebels or moderates, recruited fighters from all over the world, former US captives in Iraq, and oppressed and disenfranchised Sunnis. Wahhabi in nature, ISIS subscribes to the literalist tradition of Islam, based on a strict adherence to Tawhid (Islamic monotheism), rejecting the concept of intercession and saint venerations, seeing them as an act of idolatry. Their religious verdicts are based on the literal interpretation of the Qur'an and Sunnah, rejecting metaphorical exegesis. They aim to establish a global caliphate, seeking to eliminate anyone who opposses it regardless of religious or ideological differences. They see their cause as a hastening of various Islamic end time prophecies in their interpretation of Islamic eschatology. Like many Salafis, they reject Taqlid, which is to conform to one of the four schools of thought in Sunni Islam. On top of that, they reject religious innovations (Bid'ah), which is the idea that anything introduced to the religion without any religious basis is heresy. Whether it be practical or theological, they deem any Muslim who engage in Bid'ah to be an apostate or heretic. They are notorious for their intolerance of non-Muslims and application of Takfirism (excommunication) on Muslims, whether Sunni or Shi'a. Christians had to pay the Jizya (poll tax) in their territories, while in other cases, they were murdered, expelled and had their churches destroyed or converted. They have no tolerance for Shi'a Muslims and will kill them on the spot (see: Speicher Massacre), and have often targeted them with IEDs or suicide bombers. Non-Muslims, like the Ezidis or Ahlul Haqq, were often subjected to execution whereas their women and children were either married away, converted or used as sex slaves. DAESH is not interested in national liberation, seeing it as a blasphemous innovation. DAESH does not consider Hamas to be Muslims due to struggle for national liberation which is supported by Iran and various Shi'i proxies.
Hamas is a political and military resistance group that consists of Palestinians. After the failures of the Oslo accord, Hamas broke away from PLO and formed their own political party. They either subscribe to the Shafi'i school of thought or some form of Ikhwani Salafism (Salafism as envisioned by the Muslim Brotherhood). They're a semi-governmental power in Gaza and are responsible for upholding the social and civil institutions, such as hospitals, schools and etc. Hamas' specific aim is localized and seeks to destroy the Zionist entity in order to form a one-state solution under an Islamic emirate or Islamic democracy. Their only enemy is Israel and any of its allies. As of the Hamas charter of 2017, they do not have an intolerance for non-Muslims or people of different religious and ideological comportments, as seen by them holding ties with both Shi'a and Socialist militias, such as Hezbollah and the PFLP/DFLP. Hamas is concerned with the national liberation of Palestine and the Palestinians. Being an entirely localized resistance group, they do not engage in global jihadism like ISIS nor do they carry out attacks internationally.
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usamazahid · 2 years
How do you see people engagement with politics on social media.
The one of the best ways of engagement with politics is social media. New political media are types of correspondence that work with the creation, scattering, and trade of political substance on stages and inside networks that oblige cooperation and joint effort. They have advanced quickly throughout the course of recent many years, and keep on creating in novel, in some cases unforeseen ways. New media have boundless ramifications for majority rule administration and political practices. They have drastically changed the manners by which government establishments work and political pioneers impart. They have changed the political media framework and re-imagined the job of writers. They have re-imagined how races are challenged, and the way that residents participate in governmental issues According to a study, During the 2017 UK General elections political videos and memes were viewed by more than 45 million peoples.
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The ascent of new media has confounded the political media framework. Old guard media comprising of laid out broad communications organizations that originate before the Web, like papers, public broadcasts, and TV news programs, coincide with new media that are the outgrowth of mechanical advancement. While traditional media keep up with somewhat stable configurations, the reiteration of new media, which incorporates sites, websites, video-sharing stages, computerized applications, and online entertainment, are consistently growing in imaginative ways. New media can hand-off data straightforwardly to people without the intercession of article or institutional guards, which are natural for inheritance structures. In this manner, new media have presented an expanded degree of unsteadiness and flightiness into the political correspondence process.
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In a perfect world, the media serve a few fundamental jobs in a vote-based society. Their basic role is to illuminate general society, giving residents the data expected to arrive at insightful conclusions about administration and strategy. The media go about as guard dogs checking government activities. They set the plan for public conversation of issues and give a discussion to political articulation. They additionally work with local area working by assisting individuals with tracking down normal causes, recognize metro gatherings, and work toward answers for cultural issues.
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Tulsi Gabbard's Striking Support of Donald Trump: Another Part in American Governmental issues
In a dazzling turn that has enthralled the country, previous Majority rule Representative Tulsi Gabbard has advocated Donald Trump for the 2024 official political decision. This startling support denotes a huge takeoff from her past political affiliations and features the steadily developing scene of American governmental issues.
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The Excursion of Tulsi Gabbard
From Representative to Dubious Figure
Tulsi Gabbard's political excursion has been everything except common. Chosen for Congress from Hawaii, she immediately acquired consideration for her whimsical perspectives and eagerness to shake things up. During her 2020 official run, Gabbard was a much needed refresher, frequently conflicting with the Popularity based foundation. Her authentic studies of party standards and her support for harmony over struggle resounded with numerous electors who felt frustrated.
Be that as it may, Gabbard's takeoff from the Leftist faction in 2022 was a crucial second. She communicated her conviction that the party had become overwhelmed by an "elitist secrecy of war hawks" and "woke" ideologues, provoking her to look for another political home. This excursion has driven her to support Trump, a move that many view as an extreme shift.
The Purposes for Her Help
A Call for Change in International strategy: Gabbard has been vocal about her interests with respect to the Biden organization's international strategy choices. She cautions that the U.S. is hazardously near atomic showdown and accepts that Trump's involvement with worldwide relations could control the nation back to a more steady way.
A One of a kind Military Viewpoint: As a veteran of the Public Gatekeeper, Gabbard carries an unmistakable perspective to conversations about military commitment. She contends that Trump's attention on discretion over military intercession is fundamental for guaranteeing public safety and cultivating worldwide harmony.
Solidarity Over Division: Gabbard has reliably upheld for solidarity among Americans, paying little mind to political alliance. She sees a culture of political retaliation that smothers open exchange and joint effort. Gabbard accepts that Trump's initiative could assist with crossing over these partitions and establish a more comprehensive world of politics.
Gabbard's Dynamic Job in Trump's Mission
Getting ready for the Discussion Standoff
Gabbard's contribution in Trump's mission goes past a simple underwriting. She is effectively participated in planning for the impending official discussion against VP Kamala Harris. Drawing from her own involvement with the 2020 discussions, where she broadly tested Harris on her record, Gabbard is ready to be a significant resource in molding Trump's reactions and approach.
A Developing Pattern of Cross-Party Supports
Gabbard isn't the only one in her amazing political turn. As of late, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., one more previous Majority rule competitor, suspended his mission to help Trump. This pattern mirrors a more extensive discontent among electors who feel distanced by conventional partisan principals, flagging a likely change in the political scene.
The Effect of Gabbard's Underwriting
Resounding with Disenthralled Electors
Gabbard's underwriting is probably going to reverberate with a portion of the electorate that feels neglected by current Majority rule initiative. Her enticement for both moderate and autonomous citizens could influence uncertain people in essential landmark states, possibly adjusting the elements of the impending political race.
Media Spotlight and Public Response
The media has rushed to highlight Gabbard's underwriting, outlining it as a urgent improvement in the 2024 political race cycle. Her progress from a Majority rule contender to an ally of Trump highlights the ease of political characters in the present America, starting conversations about the fate of party faithfulness.
Tulsi Gabbard's support of Donald Trump implies a surprising second in the story of the 2024 official race. Her exceptional foundation as a veteran and previous senator adds profundity to the continuous political discussion. As the political decision draws near, Gabbard's impact might assume a vital part in molding citizen discernments and results, testing the conventional limits of political connection.
Regularly Sought clarification on some things
For what reason did Tulsi Gabbard leave the Progressive faction?
Gabbard left the Progressive faction in 2022, refering to her conviction that it had become overwhelmed by an "elitist secrecy of militarists" and "woke" ideologues.
What are the principal purposes behind Gabbard's help of Trump?
Gabbard's underwriting depends on her interests about international strategy, her tactical foundation, and her longing for solidarity against political division.
How should Gabbard's support influence the 2024 political decision?
Gabbard's help could reverberate with embittered citizens and impact unsure electors in important milestone states, possibly moving the political race elements.
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wotr123 · 1 year
Revolutionizing Agriculture: NGO Contributions to Rural Farming Advancements
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Within the calm corners of provincial scenery, where areas are influenced by brilliant grains and the soil whispers stories of eras, a calm insurgency is taking place. This transformation, driven by non-governmental organizations (NGOs), is reshaping the way farming is practiced in these communities. Not limited to conventional strategies, rural agriculture is witnessing a transformative move, all much appreciated for the energetic endeavors of NGO working for rural development that are cultivating cutting-edge agrarian skills, advancing innovation selection, and championing sustainable cultivating strategies. This surprising advancement isn't around developing crops; it's approximately developing trust, making strides in vocations, and securing an economical future for rustic communities. 
Developing Present-day Skills 
NGOs have risen as catalysts of change, introducing an unused period of agrarian practices that go beyond the routine. These organizations get that grasping cutting-edge strategies isn't a fair choice but a need to combat challenges like climate change, exhausting assets, and developing populace requests. From presenting exactness cultivating to encouraging trim expansion, NGOs are preparing ranchers with the devices to adjust and flourish in an ever-changing environment. 
Grasping Innovation for Development 
Innovation, regularly seen as a domain of urban scenes, is presently finding its roots in rustic cultivation with the guidance of NGOs. These organizations like WOTR recognize the importance of innovation in optimizing rural forms, expanding productivity, and boosting yields. From giving access to climate figures by means of portable apps to empowering further checking of trim wellbeing, NGOs are bridging the hole between data and rural farmers, permitting them to form educated choices and explore vulnerabilities. 
Sustainable Cultivation for Generation
Supportability isn't just a buzzword; it's a reasoning that shapes the foundation of NGO working for rural development agrarian intercessions. These organizations understand that cultivating hones requires maintenance to guarantee that the fruit remains ripe for generations to come. NGOs are presenting eco-friendly cultivating strategies that diminish chemical inputs, advance natural cultivation, and execute water-efficient water system procedures. This all-encompassing approach not only shields the environment but also improves the resilience of country-cultivating communities. 
Providing Ways For Income Generation 
For rural communities intensely subordinated to horticulture, progressed trimester surrender isn't a boost to nourishment security; it's a key to financial strengthening. NGOs are working closely with ranchers to broaden their wage sources by presenting value-added items, agro-processing strategies, and advertising linkages. By extending past conventional crops and wandering into specialty markets, agriculturists can increase their earning potential and break the cycle of destitution. 
Upgrading Nourishment Security 
Nourishment security may be a principal right, and NGOs like WOTR are effectively working to guarantee that no one goes to bed hungry. Through activities that advance economical cultivation, give access to nutritious crops, and educate communities about almost-adjusted diets, NGOs are tending to the root causes of nourishment frailty. By upgrading neighborhood nourishment generation, lessening post-harvest misfortunes, and empowering community gardens, NGOs are building flexible nourishment frameworks that can weather challenges. 
A Thriving Future 
As tractors murmur and areas bear witness to the changing tides of advance, one thing gets to be clear: NGO working for rural development commitments to rustic cultivating headways are sowing the seeds of a thriving future. Through collaboration, instruction, and strengthening, these organizations are changing country communities from mere beneficiaries of help to dynamic members in their claim advancement. They are cultivating a sense of possession, ingraining pride in conventional information, and preparing agriculturists with the aptitudes required to explore cutting-edge challenges. 
Using Local Knowledge 
NGO working for rural development understand the significance of protecting conventional information that has been passed down through eras. These organizations work closely with nearby communities to recognize innate cultivating hones that are adjusted for maintainability and natural preservation. By integrating age-old intelligence with advanced methods, NGOs guarantee that the best of both universes come together to create strong cultivating frameworks. 
Training and Capacity Building 
Revolutionizing agribusiness requires preparing agriculturists with the abilities and information needed to execute present day practices effectively. NGOs conduct preparation sessions, workshops, and shows to teach ranchers approximately modern procedures, innovations, and methods. These activities enable agriculturists to make educated choices, troubleshoot challenges, and adjust quickly to changing circumstances. 
Making agricultural networks 
Collaboration is the foundation of rural change, and NGOs get the control of interfacing ranchers with each other. These organizations encourage the arrangement of agriculturist bunches, cooperatives, and systems where information, assets, and encounters can be shared. By cultivating a sense of community, NGOs empower ranchers to memorize each other's triumphs and challenges, driving collective development. 
Promotion for Policy Changes 
NGO working for rural development play a pivotal role in pushing for arrangements that support economical and comprehensive provincial cultivating skills. These organizations lock in with government bodies, policymakers, and partners to impact choices that influence rural advancement. By increasing the voices of rustic communities, NGOs contribute to the creation of an empowering environment that empowers ventures in farming and rural development. 
In conclusion, the role of NGO working for rural development in revolutionizing agriculture cannot be overstated. Their endeavors to introduce advanced skills, saddle innovation, advance supportability, engage the wage era, and upgrade nourishment security are making a swell impact that comes to distant past the areas. With every edit that flourishes, every gathering that's bountiful, and each country community that flourishes, the effect of NGOs is apparent. They are supporting not only crops but also dreams, goals, and a vision of a future where rural farming may be a foundation for advancement and thriving.
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andymargow51 · 4 years
Academy ABA
Having a youngster determined to have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) represents a scope of difficulties to families, huge numbers of which can be tended to through fitting intercession. An investigation of parental (n = 95) and proficient (n = 67) encounters was completed corresponding to two settings: (a) schools that gave serious mediations dependent on the study of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), and (b) non-escalated  Academy ABA-based home projects. Results show that guardians whose youngsters go to ABA-based schools were commonly more happy with their kid's instructive arrangement, checking systems, and level of staff preparing than guardians who were not offered ABA-based training in schools.
In this composition we endeavor to give a story history of the connection between applied conduct investigation and youth instruction by analyzing the strategies and examination that have cooperatively formed the two fields. Furthermore, given the quick movement at which youth instruction has changed over the most recent 25 years, we give a review of a suggested model for conveying youth training administrations, to outline its compatibility with the practices and standards of applied conduct investigation. Ultimately, we trust that this original copy might be utilized as a scaffold between the fields of youth instruction and applied conduct examination given their likenesses and shared reason, to improve the lives of all beneficiaries of their administrations.
The connection between the fields of applied conduct investigation  Academy ABA and instruction stretches out across decades with ongoing government strategy perceiving the advantages of this relationship and carrying core values of  Academy ABA to the bleeding edge of instructor duties. For instance, the 1997 reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) expected educators to evaluate elements of testing conduct (i.e., utilitarian conduct appraisals), and the 2004 reauthorization focused on that instructors utilize positive conduct mediations and supports to address the necessities of kids with handicaps.
For instructors of understudies without distinguished inabilities, IDEA 2006 allowed states to utilize Response to Intervention (RTI), a multi-layered critical thinking way to deal with address conduct across spaces while underscoring center standards of ABA, for example, (a) predictable developmental advancement checking, (b) information based dynamic, (c) guidance and counteraction, and (d) coordinating intercession force with understudy explicit requirements (Ardoin, Wagner, and Bangs, 2016; Barnett, Daly, Jones, and Lentz, 2004; Fuchs and Fuchs, 2006).
Furthermore, IDEA 2004 ordered that instructors use "research-based mediation, educational plan, and practices" (p. 2787). These approaches uphold a thought that exploration should direct practice in governmentally supported schools and study halls.
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cfijerusalem · 2 years
Praying for Governments
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"Therefore, first of all I urge that requests, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving be made on behalf of all people – for kings and all who are in authority – so we may live a peaceful and quiet life in all godliness and respectfulness” I Timothy 2:1-2 TLV.
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The headlines indicate that this is a time of political unrest. Government leaders are resigning and coalitions are dissolving, while political parties and nations are battling against one another. In scripture, Apostle Paul advised Timothy, leader of the Ephesus congregation, to offer prayers for everyone, especially for those in authority (1 Timothy 2:1-2). Paul wrote this letter to Timothy during a difficult time when Nero reigned as the Roman emperor, persecuting, and killing many followers of Yeshua. There was a definite need to pray for people in authority. This admonition to pray for government leaders is still vital today because prayer affects nations. II Chronicles 7:14 says, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”
Today Israel’s parliament, as well as many governments, are in dire need of our prayers. Between 2019 and 2021, Israel went through a series of inconclusive elections. Following last year’s election, Naftali Bennett and Yair Lapid created Israel’s most diverse coalition that included eight parties spanning the political spectrum from left, right, and center, including an independent Arab party. On June 20, 2022, Bennett and Lapid announced the ending of that coalition and plans for another election in November 2022. This announcement sends Israel to its fifth general election in less than four years to elect the members of the twenty-fifth Knesset. Yair Lapid now serves as interim Prime Minister and Foreign Minister until the new government is formed. 
Israel needs government leaders who walk in unity with God and one another for the good of the nation. “Can two people walk together without agreeing on the direction?” (Amos 3:3, NLT). When God established the nation of Israel, He gave principles for righteous living, statutes for honest governance, and foundational truths for worship. He even gave Moses and Joshua the boundaries of where Israel was to live. “God’s power has given us everything we need to lead a godly life. All of this has come to us because we know the God who chose us. He chose us because of his own glory and goodness” (2 Peter 1:3, NIRV). Who would know better than the Creator of Heaven and Earth how to manage government successfully?
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As Israelis approach another election, let us pray that they would not look to politicians or other nations for answers, but would discover more about the governmental purposes of the God of Israel.
May their frustration with repeated elections cause them to turn to God and seek Him for wisdom and revelation. We pray that government leaders would be like the biblical King Josiah in 2 Kings 22, who ‘rediscovered’ the Word of God and realized how far Israel had strayed from its principles. Josiah repented on behalf of the nation and dismantled practices that dishonored the Lord. God blessed King Josiah because he turned Israel back to Him. This is God’s desire for all nations.
Join us in Praying for Governments 
As you intercede for Israel, please echo those prayers for other countries, including yours.
Bless the Lord for his eternal love and faithfulness to Israel, the apple of His eye! “The Lord appeared to us [Israel] in the past, saying: ‘I have loved you with an everlasting love’“ (Jeremiah 31:3, NIV). “Thus says Adonai: ‘Only if heaven above can be measured and the foundations of the earth searched out beneath, then also I will cast off the offspring of Israel – for all they have done.’ It is a declaration of Adonai” (Jeremiah 31:36, TLV).
Pray for the people who will form the next Knesset. Ask God to turn their hearts and place wise advisors among them who will speak His strategies. “I will burn away your dross completely; I will remove all your impurities. I will restore your judges to what they once were and your advisers to their former state. Afterward, you will be called the Righteous City, a Faithful City” (Isaiah 1:25-26, HCSB).
Petition the Lord to overturn any plans made by the interim government that do not align with His will. “The Lord nullifies the plan of nations; He frustrates the plans of peoples. The plan of the Lord stands forever, the plans of His heart from generation to generation” (Psalms 33:10-11, NASB).
Intercede for the faithful ones God has placed in authority who serve as salt and light in the midst of dark situations. In many governments, righteous leaders are opposed and denigrated because of their unpopular stance. Pray for their protection and encouragement. “O Lord, how my enemies have increased! Many are rising up against me. But You, O Lord, are a shield for me, My glory [and my honor], and the One who lifts my head” (Psalm 3:1,3, AMP).
Dear Prayer Warriors
One of our faithful Israel Watch intercessors, Pamela Thomas, commented on world events, “So many things are changing around the world. It remains to be seen what is going to emerge. What excites me is that God is moving in unprecedented ways in the affairs of men. The enemy is not running this world regardless of how things may appear!” I agree with Pamela. God is continually at work fulfilling His word – sometimes He works behind the scenes. This reminds me of the song “Way Maker,” written by Osinachi Okoro (Sinach). The specific lyrics I am referring to say, “Even when I don’t see it, You’re [referring to God] working.” So don’t stop praying! Now is the time to contend in prayer, raising our shield of faith!
In His Service,
Linda D. McMurray
Wall of Prayer Supervisor
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Honor Them All
“And seek the peace of the city whither I have caused you to be carried away captives, and pray unto the LORD for it: for in the peace thereof shall ye have peace” (Jeremiah 29:7).
In this passage Jeremiah is exhorting the Israelites to pray for the city to which they have been carried away captive. Why would he do that? “. . . for in the peace thereof shall ye have peace”; it cannot be explained any clearer that!
Christian, this applies to us, not to the unsaved! I want to address a wrong I observe constantly on Social Media, and frequently hear out in public; and, I am ashamed to say, sometimes coming from my own mouth. What is this “wrong” – it is the reproachful manner in which we express our disfavor for our elected and non-elected officials. First, let me provide you the definition of “reproachful”. Webster’s 1828 dictionary defines it this way, “1. Expressing censure with contempt; scurrilous; opprobrious; as reproachful words. 2. Shameful; bringing or casting reproach; infamous; base; vile; as reproachful conduct; a reproachful life.” Let me ask you this; is “contempt” towards our officials a Christ like characteristic, one Christ would approve of? No! I myself have made very disparaging remarks about the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Diane Feinstein, Ted Cruz, President Obama, Marco Rubio, and many others, Republicans and Democrats alike; and yes, even President Trump when he was running in the 2016 Primaries. Guess what! I WAS IN THE WRONG! My attitude towards our leaders must be that which the Apostle Paul suggests (rather strongly I might add), to “Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; HONOUR TO WHOM HONOUR (Romans 13:7). And why exactly must we extend deference to our leaders? Because God’s word says to, “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. FOR THERE IS NO POWER BUT OF GOD: the powers that be are ORDAINED OF GOD” (Romans 13:1). Good, bad, or indifferent, these people are “ordained of God” and should be esteemed accordingly.
This does not mean we have to agree with their policies, lifestyles, moral attributes, their various ideologies, nor do we even have to like them (however, we must love them as does the Lord). For instance, the Democrat Party stands on a platform (their policies regarding various social, religious, and economic matters) which is antithetical to Christian doctrine. We should never, as Christians, align ourselves with political bodies or politicians who stand on such platforms, to do so is to declare war on our own moral directive (Bible) and our God. We are told “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? WHAT COMMUNION HATH LIGHT WITH DARKNESS? (II Corinthians 6:14). Folks, there is nothing darker than a document which declares a bodies support and provision for the slaughter of unwanted children; or which makes mockery of and defiles a holy union defined by God Himself as one that is to be exclusively between one man and one woman.
Even those politicians who have turned to darkness are to be shown respect by those of us who are wholly opposed to the policies to which they cling. Why? Because God’s word says, “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for ALL that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty” (I Timothy 2:1-2). We are to lift them up in prayer, intercede for them, and give thanks to God for them. We all, Christian and non-Christian, Republican and Democrat have a failing grade in this department. I have heard others say that this only applies when those ruling over us are good, Godly men and women; however, we must keep in mind who ruled over Israel when Paul and Timothy wrote their exhortations – it was the Romans! The Romans were not Godly by any stretch of the imagination.
In America we have been blessed by our founding fathers, and most significantly, by God with a governmental system which allows us every two to six years to remove Godless and ineffectual leaders and replace them with citizens we believe might rule more effectively, who have better judgement, and most significantly – who FEAR GOD. However, while those less notable individuals remain in power we must pray for and honor them whether or not we agree with their political ideologies.
We MUST obey this exhortation “for in the peace thereof shall [we] have peace”.
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schraubd · 7 years
Anyone Can Be "Not Racist" To Someone (With Bonus Right/Libertarian Intercession!)
After viciously beating an African-American man in an Iowa bar,  Randy Joe Metcalf was convicted of a federal hate crime and sentenced to 10 years in prison. In relevant part, the federal statute says that "[w]hoever . . . willfully causes bodily injury to any person . . . because of the actual or perceived race, color, religion, or national origin of any person . . . shall be imprisoned not more than 10 years, fined in accordance with this title, or both[.]" The evidence surrounding the "because of" race element of the crime against Metcalf was substantial (and -- fair warning -- quite graphic). During the night of the attack (and into the following day), witnesses heard or saw Metcalf:
Brag about burning crosses in front of an African-American family's home.
Tell the bar owner "I hate fucking niggers."
Show off a tattoo of a swastika to said bar owner and another bar patron while saying "that's what I'm about."
Call the friends of the African-American man whom he'd later attack "nigger lovers" and "nigger loving cunts."
Exclaim, in the course of attacking the man, "fucking nigger!" and "die nigger!"
Tell a friend the following day that "the nigger got what he had coming to him."
What was Metcalf's main factual defense at trial?
That he wasn't racist. And indeed, the man with the swastika tattoo who savagely beat a man while hurtling racial slurs called seven witnesses who were prepared to testify that he was in no way a racist.
Un(?)surprisingly, the jury didn't buy it, and voted to convict. And the Eighth Circuit just affirmed that conviction, so it looks like Metcalf will spending quite some time in prison.
That was all I initially planned to write. But while rereading the case for this post, I came across another interesting tidbit: Metcalf had some powerful right-wing/libertarian allies filing amicus briefs on his behalf. The Cato Institute, the Reason Institute, The Individual Rights Foundation (an arm of the David Horowitz Freedom Center), the Center for Equal Opportunity, and two right-wing appointees to the United States Civil Rights Commission (Gail Heriot and Peter Kirsanow) all interceded to argue that the relevant provision of the federal hate crimes statute is unconstitutional as in excess of Congress' enforcement power under the 13th Amendment (I've read all the briefs, though it seems only the Cato Institute's is publicly available).
Now to be clear, even repulsive White supremacists have rights, and I don't think it's an endorsement of White supremacy to file an amicus brief in a White supremacist's criminal case. But it is worth tracing the precise argument these groups felt so passionately about that they'd intercede on behalf of a guy like Randy Joe Metcalf. 
Part of their argument is that the 13th Amendment only permits barring so-called "badges and incidents" of slavery (such as being targeted for physical assault on basis on one's race) when it is necessary to prevent the literal reimposition of slavery. Since, amici argue, there is no realistic change of literal slavery reemerging, it is no longer (if it ever was?) necessary for the federal government to ban racially-motivated assaults in order to pursue the constitutional ends of abolishing slavery (if you think they've been emboldened by Shelby County, you're right).
The other half of the argument is that hate crimes prosecutions, in particular, are a dangerous tool to give to the federal government because they're more susceptible to public outrage and thus "double jeopardy" prosecutions. This is a highly revealing argument. The double jeopardy clause doesn't apply when the federal government prosecutes its own criminal law (even after a completed state prosecution covering the same incident). The amici argue that the federal law here exceeds Congress' constitutional authority; but if that's the case the double jeopardy complaint is superfluous -- the law's just unconstitutional in its own right. So what's the point of bringing up double jeopardy?
The point is one of policy, or more accurately, of worldview. The argument is that "hate crimes" are particularly likely to arouse public anger and legal response, and that therefore we're more likely to see zealous prosecution (up to and including using these federal laws to get a "second bite at the apple" in the event an initial state prosecution fails). In doing so, the Cato Institute and its cohort wish to evoke a particular vision of civil rights laws -- wherein they're mainly a tool of oppression and governmental overreach and so must be highly limited and closely watched. They present a world where the government can hardly resist the pleas of minority communities for justice in the case of racist crimes; where the main problem when it comes to race in our society is too much zealousness in protecting outgroups. Who will think of the poor White supremacist, reviled by all and protected by none (except, of course, a President who thinks some among his number are "good people")?
It was difficult to swallow this logic in 2013, when Shelby County was decided. In 2018, it would be laughable save for the fact that it appears to be virtually indestructible. Just as for some people there's no amount of evidence that could establish someone to be racist, for some organizations there's no amount of evidence that could establish racism as an actual, non-trivial problem in American society.
via The Debate Link http://ift.tt/2sfkFrm
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marilynprayerblog · 7 years
Apostolic Alignment Intercessors
Intercessors arise
God is Summon Intercessors to rise up into their full potential as prayer warriors.
8 Keys for the Intercessors
Matthew 16:17 --19
I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
Keys are used to lock or unlock doors. The specific doors Jesus has in mind in this passage are the doors to the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus is laying the foundation of His church (Ephesians 2:20).
As the plumb line is released, the Lord is calibrating eight areas of intercession that are keys to awakening. Those keys are to Awake, Arise, Alert, Align, release Authority, Kingdom aggressive, Appeal and Apostolic.
We must awaken to the reality of the condition that we are in and see ourselves not as the world or tradition sees, but as the Father sees. From understanding we will be able to discern our position in the kingdom and align our prayers effectively.
Intercessors and People of Prayer in order to Produce the results of your Prayer, we must be in Position in the Kingdom and in alignment with the heart of God.
We have had a lot of fervency and less effectual prayers in past seasons but that is changing. As we are awakened to the reality of our righteousness in Christ, then our prayers will avail much.
(Lots)Fervency means feeling of great warmth and intensity, passion, a strong feeling.
(Less)Effectual mean capable of producing a result.
Is. 52:1 Awake Awake! Put on your strength, O Zion; Put on your Beautiful Garments, O Jerusalem, the Holy City! For the uncircumcised and unclean shall no longer come to you.
Eph. 5:14, Awake, you who sleep, Arise from the dead, And Christ will give you light.
James 5:16 The effective fervent prayer of a righteous mean avails much.
God is Summon His Intercessors and People of Prayer to arise and Ascend unto the third heaven. He has made your feet like deer hinds to Stand in the High places.
Intercessors and People of Prayer we must Arise and bring Godly Influence to the seven Mountains of culture.
Kingdom Arise
Alert : Colossians 4:2 Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving.
Being Alert in the Spirit
The Lord is calling out to the prophets and intercessors to prepare for what is ahead in this next year and to work together in even more strategic ways. We are on high alert in the spirit because of the major shifts that are taking place both nationally and globally.
Ephesians 6:18 our high priest Jesus Christ, who is ever living to make intercession for us. We must align our head, hearts, and hands to the mind of Christ, heart of the Father, and the working of Holy Spirit (see Heb. 7:24-25).
Alignment with The Kingdom of Heaven Agenda.
Appeal: We must make our appeals in the highest court, the courtroom of heaven where we have and advocate with the Father. We must make our appeal to heaven for this nation (see Ezek. 22:30,1 John 2:1, Phil. 4:6).
We must take a stand in the spheres over which he has given us influence his kingdom becomes manifest in our lives in our communities and nations.
Apostolic: We must arise from our position of apathy and passivity and step into our apostolic and prophetic government. (Eph.2:20) (1Cor.12:28).
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igate777 · 5 months
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tauruslawyers33 · 4 years
Life Insurance Lawyers
Underneath you will discover a selection of important, arbitrary specifics concerning the court system
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An attorney is a person who practices law. Taking frequently abstract legal theories and applying them to every day circumstances is a foundational element of what attorneys do. The function of a law firm varies greatly throughout various legal jurisdictions
Becoming referred to as an attorney is contingent upon the local bar association according to specific state a man practices in. As a result, the meaning of the term law firm may differ from location to location. aviva insurance claims number
The laws domain of influence could be put into 2 domains. General public law has to do with federal government and the community, including laws regarding the constitution, administrative laws, and criminal law. Personal law deals with legal disputes involving people and/or corporations in areas which can include contracts, property, torts & delicts and industrial and commercial law.
Legal professionals believe that the court system reveals fundamentally ethical combined with immutable rules of human nature. The idea of “natural law” surfaced in ancient thought systems at once plus correlation with the concept of justice. http://www.agingcare.com/Articles/things-you-can-and-cant-do-with-poa-152673.htm
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Historic Egyptian law going back as far as 3,000 Before christ, took it’s source from the concept of Maat and categorized by custom, societal equal rights and equity.
Close to 1760 B . c ., the ancient king Hammurabi further expanded Babylonian court life insurance lawyers systems, by organizing and engraving it in stone. Hammurabi put numerous replications of his particular court system codes through the entire empire of Babylon for the entire population to see; this slowly became referred to as Codex Hammurabi.
Legal professionals are paid for their work in many ways. In individual law suits, they will work for an hourly payment as documented in a billable hour configuration,a contigent expense (commonly in scenarios related to accidental injuries), or a one time charge when the matter is easy. In general, almost all legal professionals hammer out a written expense arrangement beforehand and may even call for a non refundable amount at the start.
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The lastest scientific studies propose that when lawyers require a fixed price in lieu of charging by the hour, they work less effectively on account of customers and clientele get worse end results. In a lot of different countries you will find fee shifting agreements through which the loser has to repay the winning groups expenses; the United States Of America can a life insurance company deny a claim is the main exception to this policy, whereas subsequently, its law makers have created numerous exclusions on the so called “American Rule” of no price shifting.
Japan was the 1st country to start modifying its judicial system along traditional western lines, by integrating facets of the French, but predominantly the German Civil Codes.
State imposed regulations can be created by using a collective legislature or by using a singular council, bringing about statutes, by way of executive by decretums and policies, or set in place by judges via precedent, usually in normal court system jurisdictions.
Men can make lawfully binding legal contracts, including https://www.lassenlaw.com/contact-us1 negotiation documents that may possibly choose to settle for alternate intercession to the conventional courtroom process. The invention of laws themselves may very well be affected by, together with the civil liberties protected within.
The court system shapes governmental policies, finance, history and contemporary culture in several means and operates as a arbitrator of interactions with citizens.
Some people trained in law put their proficiencies to utilize outside of the legal domain
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Life Insurance Lawyer service area", "geoMidpoint": { "@type": "GeoCoordinates", "postalCode": "19102", "latitude": "39.9529792", "longitude": "-75.166205", "description": "Our office location can be found here.", "name": "Chris Lassen - Life Insurance Lawyer geo location" }, "geoRadius": "20000", "description": "Chris Lassen - Life Insurance Lawyer proudly serves the entire city of Philadelphia" }, "sameAs": [ "https://www.merchantcircle.com/the-lassen-law-firm-philadelphia-pa", "https://lawyers.law.cornell.edu/lawyechristian-k-lassen-1488534", "http://www.lifeinsuranceattorney.com/", "https://www.inc.com/profile/The-Lassen-Law-Firm", "https://twitter.com/lifelawyers", "https://thelassenlawfirmphilly.wordpress.com/", "https://jcampbl60.tumblr.com/", "https://goo.gl/maps/i8vYMwENufd8LuXp8", "https://www.lawyer.com/a/top-32-types-of-claims-an-insurance-lawyer-handles.html", "https://www.superpages.com/bp/philadelphia-pa/lassen-law-firm-L2252262147.htm", "https://local.yahoo.com/info-198720548-lassen-christhe-lassen-law-firm-philadelphia", "https://pview.findlaw.com/view/4969769_1", "https://www.martindale.com/organization/the-lassen-law-firm-300003799/", "https://thelassenlawfirmphilly.blogspot.com/", "https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-lassen-law-firm", "https://www.yellowpages.com/philadelphia-pa/mip/the-lassen-law-firm-460755073", "https://www.avvo.com/attorneys/19102-pa-christian-lassen-1580478.html", "https://foursquare.com/v/the-lassen-law-firm/4ce212ddeae02c0f7138b826", "https://lawyers.law.cornell.edu/lawyec-kierulff-lassen-1488534", "https://www.flickr.com/people/187271751@N08/", <a href="http://www.lifeinsuranceattorney.com/">AD&D law firms "https://www.pinterest.com/jcampbl60/", "https://www.martindale.com/attorney/christian-k-lassen-ii-1084563/", "https://www.facebook.com/TheLassenLawFirm/", "https://www.google.com/maps?cid=4986875381120232846", "https://www.hg.org/lawyechristian-lassen/155360", "https://lawyers.justia.com/lawyechristian-k-lassen-1488534", "https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/lassen-law-firm#section-overview", "https://www.chamberofcommerce.com/united-states/pennsylvania/philadelphia/taxation-law-attorneys/24143737-the-lassen-law-firm", "https://www.yelp.com/biz/the-lassen-law-firm-philadelphia", "https://thelassenlawfirmphilly.weebly.com/life-insurance-law", "https://sites.google.com/site/thelassenlawfirmphilly/", "https://www.hg.org/attorney/the-lassen-law-firm/60305", "https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-lassen-law-firm/", "https://www.lawyer.com/christian-lassen-pa.html", "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-lLd0Ue6sBPXm1T7_lxMkw", "https://www.instagram.com/jcampbl60/", "" ], "@id": "https://www.lassenlaw.com/"}
The prevailing manner of applying intercontinental law is simply help yourself, this is the reaction by countries to presumed breaches of world wide obligations by other states.
Public intercontinental legislative systems are generally made by itnl. institutions, like best life insurance lawyers the U . N . (that was made subsequent to the failure of the League of Nations to put a stop to World War 2).
In civil judicial systems, contract and tort belong to a broad area of agreements, while trusts law is processed under statutory programs or world wide rules.
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buggie-hagen · 5 years
Sermon for the Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost (9/22/19)
Primary Text | 1 Timothy 2:1-7
Dear People of God,
         We live in a country that has long prided itself on the separation of church and state. And for good reason, the founders escaped the tyranny of the Mother Country which required submission to the State and to the State-sponsored Church. The boundaries between the government and the church were so enmeshed that one could not tell the difference. It’s been an ongoing issue since at least year 313 with the conversion of Emperor Constantine. There are many problems that arise when we mix the church and state—one being no freedom of religion—where if one doesn’t practice the religion of the ruler good luck keeping your head on your shoulders. Though we have the separation of church and state I think we often are confused or don’t know what that means for us today. It seems we either want to return to a combined church and state, or we think must hold the church and state so far apart that it is blasphemous that the two ever work together.
         It’s been frequently said that it is not the place of the Church or of the pastor to endorse or critique government or the world of politics. And I will say I think it is important that I will never tell you who I vote for—because I believe faithful Christians can come to different faithful conclusions on how to act in the world—even if we may contradict each other. Nevertheless, the Scriptures bind me to have a thing to say about the world outside of the Church. Together let us consider the words of 1 Timothy and how the Lutheran Confessions provide us with insights to navigate between the spiritual and the secular worlds. Paul’s First Letter to Timothy states, “I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for everyone.” Pray for everyone? That’s a tall order. What does it mean to pray but to first admit we are in need of help and second to ask God to intervene? But Paul takes it a step further when he urges prayers “for kings and all who are in high positions.” In our day, that means to pray not for kings but for our elected officials in any position of the government. This can be a hard concept to grasp considering we all know corruption in politics is everywhere present. Some will recoil in disgust to think the command to pray for everyone includes those in governmental positions of authority. Perhaps the most controversial figure God wants us to pray for right now is the President of the United States Donald Trump. Whatever you may think of him as a person, it’s not his office or power that is inherently evil. Power is neutral. It’s how one uses their power that determines whether what one does is beneficial or harmful. And, the calling for us to pray for the government does not mean we must be happy with everything the government does, nor does it mean we must be silent and overlook when the government steps outside its boundaries and turns into a tool of tyranny. Praying for everyone, including rulers in the government, is consistent with Christ’s command to love our neighbor and to love our enemies.
         It is important to consider why we are commanded to pray for the government. The answer St. Paul says is, “that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and dignity.” Ah, so here’s the crux of the matter. As Christians we still live in the real world and live according to the rules of the land we live in. Therefore, we have a vested interest in the affairs of the world because it effects our ability to live out our faith. Namely, to live in all godliness and dignity. It matters to us as people of faith what the government does, and it matters to us as we seek to love our neighbor. When teaching on the Lord’s Prayer when it says “Give us today our daily bread,” the Large Catechism states, “Indeed, the greatest need of all is to pray for the civil authorities and the government, for it is chiefly through them that God provides us daily bread and all the comforts of this life” And it also says, “Although we have received from God all good things in abundance, we cannot retain any of them or enjoy them in security and happiness were God not to give us a stable, peaceful government. For where dissension, strife, and war prevail, there daily bread is already taken away.” We need fair laws and benevolent rulers if we are to live in peace and enjoy the comforts of life. Keep in mind, when we do perceive that our politicians are acting corruptly, we need heed our duty to pray for them the most. That’s why we pray for the government, and that’s why we pray for everyone—that all people may live in the dignity that God created them with. The Fifth Commandment, “You are not to murder” includes that we are to do everything in our power so the vulnerable don’t go cold, hungry, or need to cry out in humiliation. For the Lord surely hears their cries pierce through the clouds.
         What, then, is the difference between government’s power and the church’s power? Are they one and the same? No. Secular power, i.e., the government, has its own God-given mandate to protect the bodies and goods of its people. As individual citizens who live in the world, we are called to keep the government accountable. But that is not our unique calling as Christians. The Lutheran Confessions inform us the Church has a spiritual responsibility not shared by any other entity in the world— (and something I believe Episcopalians can resonate with). The Church, and by the Church I mean not only me as a pastor, but you as God’s holy and chosen people, are entrusted with the mysteries of God. We together are here as preachers of the good news of God in Jesus Christ and ministers of God’s grace. We have the mandate to preach the gospel, to forgive and retain sins, and to administer the sacraments. For the gospel is the power of God for salvation to everyone who has faith.
         Our reading from 1 Timothy continues by saying, “For there is one God; there is also one mediator between God and humankind, Christ Jesus, himself human, who gave himself a ransom for all.” So once again the playing field is made level, dear people of God. We have no claim of superiority over others. For Jesus gave himself a ransom for all that all may be saved. Which is why we pray for all people including our elected officials. It is also why at Christ’s table we share communion with all people. Our worthiness is not predicated on our ability to understand what communion is, nor is our worthiness based on our ability to live good lives. Grace is for those who need to be saved. Those who are truly worthy are those who know they are sinners and in need of God’s intervention. And through the Word and the sacraments God so willingly and graciously and abundantly restores our soul’s dignity. Here we have it, that through faith we know with certainty that God has not left us hanging, but in Christ has shown us every grace and mercy—not considering our faults against us. For Christ is a gracious and trustworthy mediator who speaks grace on our behalf. The glory and grace of God is the Church’s greatest gift to the world entrusted to each of us.
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drrus · 5 years
Prophetic Pondering's - A New Era
Looking Out My Window: Prophetic Pondering's - A New Era
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Photo courtesy of Pexels Let the new era begin! God released a brand new era on Pentecost Sunday 2019 as there was a definite shift in the spiritual atmosphere. It's been a couple weeks since I've written a Prophetic Pondering. A shift took place during Pentecost Sunday this year. With the shift, we've not only entered a new time and a season, but we've entered a new era in the Lord. On the first Day of Pentecost Christianity shifted into a new era of the presence and infilling of the Holy Spirit. Never before in human history had the Holy Spirit descended as he did on those gathered in the Upper Room. At that specific moment in time, the church was birthed to move in power. As He ascended into heaven, Jesus told His disciples they would be "clothed with power from on high" (Luke 24:49). Time & Season Vs. New Era A time and a season is quite different than a new era. Time passes and seasons change. In the natural as we move through four seasons, we also move through a calendar year. A new era is much more than the simple passage of time on a watch, or months on a calendar. A new era signifies not only change, but a change birthing a brand new season with characteristics never seen before. The dictionary defines the word era this way; A long and distinct period of history with a particular feature or characteristic. During Pentecost weekend this year we attended the Impact Conference at Sword of the Spirit Ministries in Buffalo, New York. During the course of the weekend the Lord stirred two distinct words in my spirit signifying the beginning of a New Era. A Seismic Shift - Friday Evening Service "For I am preparing a seismic shift not only in the atmosphere this day, but also a seismic shift in the natural. For soon and very soon a shift in the governmental structure of this city - Buffalo - (as well as other major cities in North America) - will snap into place. The snap will cause many to pop out of position and My chosen will in turn snap into a proper place of alignment." Later in the service Apostle Barbara Burkholder declared, "The time is now to awaken the seeds of greatness." Delay Has Been Broken - Sunday Morning Service The Lord declares, "Delay has been broken and I have shifted My people into a new era. I have brought My people to a place and a time in history like never before. For this day I am mingling a worship and a warfare sound that not only will be heard in heaven, but will also be heard on earth. "For I am not only mingling the sound in some bodies, but I am preparing to break down walls of religion. As the walls crumble and fall, I will in turn make way for a breaking down of walls among movements and streams. "I am breaking through on this day in a direct response to the prayers of the Saints that have gone before. The bowls of intercession stored up in heaven are at a tipping point. Watch and be amazed at what I plan to do on earth as the intercession bowls tip this day and release signs, wonders and miracles in your midst. Not only will they manifest in your presence, but they will go out beyond the four walls like never before. "Watch and be amazed at what I plan to do on earth. For My plan has been from the beginning, as it is on this day that they will 'know that I am God." Let the new era begin... Keep encouraged! Dr. Rus Read the full article
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lanterninthenight · 6 years
This time last month, I was in the Middle East with my little tribe, in an act of obedience I still couldn’t make 100% sense of. Everywhere I turned, there was something Heavenly spinning off and very few times did I have any sort of verbiage for what was going on… but it all made so much sense. I believe in the days since, He’s purified my language, shown me these experiences in Scripture, and taught me some of the deeper things on His heart. The road has far-extended the time I spent overseas, but Lord, what a beautiful journey it has been.
A few weeks prior to the trip, I was in Fredericksburg VA, burning for the nations and desiring His Name to be lifted as a signal over the Middle East. God had already overcome a financial miracle for us, made it blatantly obvious to us that He desired us to go, and placed us in a divine moment we will never forget.
As I sat in my rocking chair that night, pondering what the Lord had on His heart for the trip, I felt a deep burden overcome me— one that felt very similar to the way God has pushed me into the place of intercession over something His heart groans for, but this time more deep and intense than anything I’d ever felt. The only way I could explain it to Josh was that it felt like my kids were going to die… and I couldn’t make sense of it.. the full description of this burden wasn’t released to me yet… but I could tell it was the Lord. Needless to say, mama spent a lot of hours in the prayer closet praying for the burden. I could tell all of the details weren’t there, so I knew there was some type of mystery to what He was saying to me, but nonetheless, I chose “yes,” no matter what we faced when we got there, because I could already felt the Lord’s Movement all over it.
The night before we left, I encountered God in one of the most real ways I ever had up until that point. The church staff gathered to pray for us and I could feel the faith of the room being released as they prayed. One prophecy stood out to me over them all. A man laid his hand on me and told me the Lord saw my tears- that the burdens I carry are not a curse, but a blessing - that through a spirit of travail, God wants to show me the places of His heart very few go to - and he asked if he could release it in full measure. I agreed, and I don’t even know what happened afterwards other than the burden came back with the accompaniment of a deep sense of peace, I began to weep, and angelic ministry surrounded me. It was surely a divine moment, I had met with the Lord so sweetly, but there was still so much mystery.
I had no idea what the full picture looked like until night 8, when the prayer room exploded with a spirit of travail. If you don’t know anything about our trip, the Lord opened up 7 doors— 7 different locations— of indigenous believers surrounding Syria that desired teams of Christians to come and host worship and prayer for 50 hours - day and night - simultaneously - for a move of God in the region. Something similar to this happened on another occasion several years back and literal governmental changes, church plants, and salvation happened as a result. As each door opened up this time, the praying community at the church we attended saw the fulfillment of their personal and specific prayers to God, and we started to experience the fire and the call associated with it.
We had 5 specific prayer points to press into during the 50 hours, with the intention that we would all come into agreement together and ultimately, that Jesus would have His inheritance in Ancient Assyria. As we began to pray for these points, we started to experience God moving our prayer into a specific direction. Everyone kept coming back to Syria - to the greatest humanitarian injustice the world has ever seen, of course - but to very articulate and definitive degrees. God began to teach us how to pray. He was leading us to Scriptures about bloodstains being cleansed and canopies of glory. He told us about wrath and mercy. Some had visions of missiles dropping in Syria and angels and doves ascending and descending on each side protecting people from the effects of them. Some of us, including myself, felt a familiar burden placed on us again. I re-entered that place I’d felt so many times before our trip. Something about children dying. And as soon as it was placed on me again, a lady got on the mic and said “I believe there are people in this room that are carrying a burden, a spirit of travail, and you don’t know what it’s for, but God is saying it’s for this moment right now. Press in. ” And I heard, out of God’s groaning, “My children are dying in Syria— pray for them.” And I weeped until my hair was soaked with tears and my face was lying in a puddle on the floor. And I wasn’t the only one — even my 1 year old daughter laid hands on those experiencing deep travail, as an intercessor to the intercessors. The burden began to make sense to us all. I’d take weeks of unknowingly carrying it in the secret place - only able to pray about it in the Spirit - to be there when His mystery is revealed. Because in that crowded room, God showed me a place of His heart I’d never known before, and He did it so I could offer up true intercession for a people I’d never laid my eyes on. Because when I thought of them, I saw my babies— His babies. And they were dying. You see, It was on His heart to send angels and doves, and He had pre-positioned believers in 7 locations surrounding Syria like a ring of Fire, so that we could partner with Him in what He already wanted to do. So that we could stand in the gap. And as the spirit of travail began to settle, we could feel faith start rising in the room. The spontaneous songs being sang were shifting from groanings to victory and my 3-year-old-son, who was seemingly distracted, laid down his stuff, walked over to me, and said, so tenderly, “Mama, stop crying…” I said, “why, baby?” He said “they’re not dying anymore. Jesus got them.” And from the mouth of a babe, I saw intercession do the greatest work: pair with God’s heart, follow His leading, and raise incense before a Father Who makes governmental decisions surrounded by them.
Little did we know, (we were on complete media blackout,) that in the very moments our prayers started to blaze for Syria, missiles were being dropped in that country. And God was revealing to us His heart without any sort of outside influence other than His voice alone. Now, I don’t know what to think of everything politically, what was right or what was wrong, this or that, and from an honest place in my heart, I really don’t know if I desire to. I just know the voice of God prevails our agendas. That God’s mystery isn’t something to be afraid of. That He will use every willing vessel - children and elders alike. That Spiritual worship and the Word of God are the avenues by which we see Jesus and His heart rightly, and prayer is how we partner with Him in the greater work. That His yoke is easy and His burden is light. That He is powerful, that He is merciful, and that His love prevails every time. That it’s on His heart to win the nations - and it’s on ours to walk in that fulfillment.
“Now all glory to God, Who is able to accomplish exceedingly, abundantly more than we might ask, think, or even imagine according to His mighty power at work within us— to Him be the glory in the Church throughout all generations, forever and ever, Amen.” Ephesians 3:20-21
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nolimitsongrace · 4 years
July 4: Praying for Those in Authority
Praying for Those in AuthorityJuly 4, 2020
I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour…. — 1 Timothy 2:1-3
Even if we don’t like the way things are going in our government, we must obey the apostle Paul’s exhortation in First Timothy 2:1-3 to pray for our governmental leaders. Before you dismiss Paul’s instructions to pray for those in authority as too simplistic, remember that he lived at a time of grossly immoral governmental leadership and that he ultimately was martyred by Nero — the very “king” he asked people to pray for! In First Timothy 2:1-3, Paul declared, “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour….”
Paul gave us six prayer commands in these verses that God expects us to obey — regardless of who is calling the shots politically. In this passage of Scripture, he clearly defined guidelines for us to follow when we pray. Rather than rush to God with accusations, complaints, grumbling, protestations, and whining, we are to follow the positive approach in prayer Paul provided. He began by saying, “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications….”
*[If you started reading this from your email, begin reading here.]
1.  A Right Attitude
The word “supplications” is a translation of the Greek word deisis, which describes the attitude of one who beseeched a king. Access to a throne was a great privilege in the ancient world, so when an individual approached a king, he showed respect and gratitude for the privilege.
As Paul began to outline his instructions regarding how we should pray, he reminded us of the kind of attitude we ought to have when we draw near to God. Before we utter a single word in prayer, we must clearly understand in our hearts that we have been afforded a great privilege to access the throne room of God. Regardless of the thoughts swirling around in our minds or the complaints we may be harboring in our souls, we need to come into God’s presence with hearts of respect and gratitude. We certainly are not to enter His presence ready to unabashedly spew ugly, disrespectful, or slanderous words at Him as though it’s His fault that things aren’t going the way we wished they were going!
Therefore, the first thing we need to do when we prepare to pray for our government is get our attitudes right.
2.  A Prayer of Personal Consecration
As Paul continued, he wrote, “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers.…” The word “prayers” — the Greek word proseuche — literally means an exchange or a surrender and pictures a person who comes into the intimate presence of God to consecrate himself as a first matter of priority.
So Paul affirmed that our first responsibility as believers before we ever utter a request or a complaint regarding others — before we utter anything else at all — is to enter the presence of God and get our own attitudes and thoughts right before Him. Then with clear hearts we can receive His thoughts and know His ways in the place of prayer. When our own attitudes are corrected and realigned, it usually changes the way we pray concerning others, because our words reflect the Father’s heart instead of our own personal preference or opinions.
Everything must be surrendered to God and the power of His Spirit before anything else is spoken to Him in prayer.
3.  A Prayer of Intercession for Others
Once a believer has dealt with his own wrong attitudes and his need of consecration, Paul wrote what to do next. He said, “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions….”
The word “intercessions” is the Greek word huperentugchano, which means to appeal to God on behalf of someone else. Once you have dealt with your own attitude and consecrated yourself to the will of God, you are in a position to appeal to God about someone else.
Perhaps you sense the Holy Spirit’s leading to pray for someone who is unable to pray for himself, such as a novice believer who simply doesn’t know how to pray effectively, or for a government leader whose spiritual condition and unwise decisions are negatively affecting masses of people. In other words, you sense the Holy Spirit’s leading to assume an intercessory position and to focus your prayers toward a specific individual or situation. And if you have made sure your own heart is clear of clutter, you can pray for others in this way while remaining free from any selfish agenda or wrong attitude.
4.  A Prayer of Thankfulness
Paul continued in his list of prayer guidelines by saying, “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks….” According to this verse, you are also to give “thanks” while you are in God’s presence. This phrase “giving of thanks,” which is a form of the Greek word eucharistos, depicts an overflowing, grateful heart.
Let’s be honest — it’s difficult to be grateful and thankful when you are harboring a complaining attitude at the same time! God knows this. So He instructs you to allow thankfulness to flow from your heart, which will literally shift your “inner atmosphere” during your time of prayer.
So before you start griping about a political leader — or anyone else for that matter! — first take time to think of reasons you can be thankful regarding that person. This will change your tone and make you more effective in prayer. And rest assured — God will appreciate your change of attitude!
5.  A Prayer for Everyone
Paul continued, “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men….” The word “all” means we are not to show favoritism or to be picky about the people we pray for. Regardless of their spiritual status or political affiliation, we are to pray for “all men.” This is a good test, because if there is someone you think you can’t pray for, it probably indicates a problematic attitude inside you that needs to be consecrated to God. This is very important to understand, because your inability to pray for someone actually reveals a deep need for change in you.
6.  A Prayer for Governmental Officials
Next, Paul said that we must pray for “for kings.” If anyone needed prayer, it was the unsaved kings who possessed lofty positions of power and authority in the First Century AD! But Paul broadened the scope of this divine command by saying that we are to pray for all who are “in authority.” The word “authority” used here is huperarche and depicts prominent governmental officials. Ponder that for a moment. That means we are to pray for all prominent governmental officials — even those whom we don’t care for at all! Paul told us the reason for all this praying is “…that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior….”
Most believers in New Testament times had no option to vote, so they did what they could do and followed Paul’s six prayer commands. I’m sure if they had been given the right to vote, they would have rushed to the polling booths to cast their votes. But the only vote they could cast was in prayer — so they prayed! Since their governmental leaders were entrenched in power and there was nothing they could do to change it, these early believers took their role in prayer very seriously. And ultimately the power of those prayers brought about change far greater than any election day could ever produce!
Remember — our democratic system allows us to vote, and we must exercise this cherished right. But once the election is over, we have to face the fact that the men and women who have been placed in positions of power are there because of the democratic system that elected them. They represent the choice of the people who put them there. If we are unsatisfied with the outcome, our opportunity is coming again a few years down the road to change the situation. Yet even so, our greatest effectiveness will be found as we enter God’s presence in the authority of Jesus’ name and fulfill these six prayer commands given by the Holy Spirit to the Church through the apostle Paul!
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