#govt authorized certification
aicsm-franchise · 2 years
All India Computer Saksharta Mission
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minettas-ploy · 7 months
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lgbtqiamuslimpedia · 1 year
LGBTQI+ Rights in Burkina Faso 🇧🇫
Burkino LGBTQI+ community face legal & social challenges not experienced by non-LGBTQ+ citizens.Consensual same-sex sexual activity between adults are legal in Burkina Faso.
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Burkinabe LGBTQI+ pride flag
Legality of Homosexuality
Consensual,private same-sex sexual activity has always been legal in Burkina Faso.Since 1996 the age of consent is equal and set at 18, regardless of gender.
Openly LGBTQI+ Burkinabes can be prosecuted under legislation on indecent assault or the violation of public morality, facing penalties of up to five years in prison.
Recognition of Same-sex marriage
The Constitution of Burkina Faso does not authorize same-sex marriage since 1991. Article 23 of the country's constitution of 1991 states: "Marriage is founded on the free consent of the man and of the woman.All discrimination founded on race, colour, religion, ethnicity, caste, social origin, or fortune is forbidden in the matter of marriage.
Constitutional Rights
Burkinabe LGBTQI+ persons may enjoy these constitutional rights:
Article 1:All Burkinabes are born free and equal in rights.All have an equal vocation to enjoy all the rights and all the freedoms guaranteed by this constitution.
Article 2:Discrimination of all sorts, notably those founded on race,ethnicity,color,sex, language,religion,caste,political opinion, wealth & birth, are prohibited.
Article 3:The protection of life,security & physical integrity are guaranteed.Slavery, slavery-like practices,inhuman and cruel, degrading and humiliating treatments, physical or moral torture, services and mistreatments inflicted on children & all forms of the degradation of man are forbidden and punished by the law.
Article 4:All Burkinabe and all persons living in Burkina Faso benefit from an equal protection of the law.
Article 6: The residence, the domicile, private & family life,[and] the secrecy of correspondence of every person, are inviolable.
Article 7:The freedom of belief, of non-belief, of conscience, of philosophy, of exercise of belief,of assembly, freedom of the free practice of custom, freedom of procession and of demonstration, are guaranteed by the constitution.
Article 8:The freedoms of opinion,of the press and the right to information are guaranteed.Every person has the right to express and to disseminate their opinions within the order of laws and regulation in force.
Article 9:The free circulation of persons and of assets, the free choice of residence and the right of asylum, are guaranteed within the order of the laws and regulations in force.
Article 10:Every Burkinabe citizen has the duty to participate in the defense and in the maintenance of territorial integrity.
Public Opinion
The US Department of State's 2011 Human Rights Report found that, ''Societal discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity remained a problem. Religious & traditional beliefs of most Burkinabe people do not accept homosexuality[...]''
In 2008, Burkina Faso was one of the african & muslim country that rejected the inclusive LGBT resolution of UN.2013's Gallup survey shows that 94% Burkinabe people think that the city or area where they live in not a good place for homosexuals.
According to Afrobarometer 2014-2016 survey shows that 5% of the Burkino population has no problem if their neighbor is homosexual. Another Afrobarometer 2016–2018 survey shows 8% of Burkino population has no problem with homosexual neighbor.
Burkina faso has no anti-discriminatory law on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.
LGBTQ+ people were reportedly victims of homophobia,physical assault,bullying,rape, sexual harassment,etc.There were no reports that the govt. responded to such societal violence and discrimination against such persons.
Gender Identity & Variances
The state does not allow to change one's gender legally at birth certificate,ID,other important documents.The state do not authorize a non-binary gender option.
Trans people are more vulnerable group in Burkina Faso.They are often incarcerated by police, because of the personal details on their ID cards do not match with their physical appearance.
LGBTQI+ Associations, Campaigns
There are some LGBTQ+ rights advocacy groups in Burkina Faso.QAYN is the first queer feminist-led group in Burkina Faso.QAYN activism focusses on the whole west african LGBTQ+ communities.
Association Vision Plurielle is a local LGBT rights group that works for equal rights of Burkinabe LGBTQI+ community.
In Burkina Faso, there are no laws that restrict the discussion,promotion of sexual & reproductive health topics and freedom of assembly by NGOs,CSOs.So prevalence of HIV/AIDS is comparatively lower than other African nations.
However, HIV remains a threat to the approximately 94,000 people infected as an estimated 65% of adult citizens living with HIV, have access to anti-retroviral drugs. Furthermore, only 28% of children aged 0–14 have access to antiretroviral drugs, a number that trails many African nations. Despite this, antiretroviral coverage has significantly improved in the country,as the estimated coverage for all ages was 32% in 2010.
Same-sex sexual activity - ✔️
Equal age of consent - ✔️
Anti-discrimination laws in hate speech and violence - ✔️ [Ambiguous, article 3 may guarantee protection and security for LGBTQ+ people]
Anti-discrimination laws in the provision of goods and services - ❌
Same-sex marriage -❌
Recognition of same-sex unions - ❌
Right to change legal gender -❌
Legal recognition of non-binary or third gender -❌
LGBTQ+ people allowed to serve openly in the military - ✔️ [ambiguous, there's no clear mention of trans & queer person in article 10]
MSMs allowed to donate blood - ❌/✔️ [not sure]
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beetplease · 2 years
read so much today, here’s an attempt at recall (please take it with a pinch of salt, I could be wrong about some of this)
Information asymmetry is a problem where markets fail due to power imbalances in terms of information. Three models of information asymmetry include: 1. adverse selection (I think this means making sub-optimal decisions) 2. moral hazard (where there is a chance for agents to engage in risky behaviour since risk is covered in insurance etc) 3. monopolies of information (where insiders know things that are not available in the market). Most neoclassical economic models assume information is symmetric and available to all and agents are making rational decisions. IA can be overcome through 1. signalling (eg; certifications can signal expertise in the hiring market) 2. warranty (eg; quality of a product can be assured) 3. screening (eg; uninformed can get more information from the informed through practices) 4. mandatory disclosures (eg; regulatory authorities mandate companies disclose information to their investors). A book on this concept would be The Market for Lemons by George Akerlof.
Commodities generally refers to primary goods as opposed to manufactured goods. The Prebisch Singer hypothesis argues that over time terms of trade become more favourable for manufactured goods as opposed to primary commodities. This idea supports Import-Substitution Industrialization, which is proposed by the Structuralism theory of development.
Theories of development include: modernisation (societies have to follow a certain set of transformative stages to become developed and international aid to encourage capital formation and savings should be provided), structuralism (the stages aren’t necessarily the same for all economies, but development needs the economy to move from primary to secondary to tertiary sector in order to develop and support has to come from within to shield emerging economies from global market risks and internally sustain growth), dependency (development can still happen with international trade, but it would be dependent development, the strategies needed for periphery/semi-periphery regions is very different from the core regions), basic needs (international aid ensures basic needs are met, mostly measured through poverty line), structural adjustment (neoclassical approach; markets should be free from govt intervention for economic development), sustainable development (meeting the needs of the present without compromising on future needs), postdevelopment (the idea of development cannot be purely based on economic indicators, socio-cultural specificities to be taken into account to assure that development actually benefits societies, should be based on traditional knowledge), and human development (development is reflected in the ability to make choices, HDI index as measure)
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uttomroy · 12 days
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Who is Uttom Roy?
Uttom Roy Roy, also known as উত্তম রায়, is a prominent figure in the world of SEO. Born on February 12, 2002, in Rangpur, Gaibandha, Bangladesh, he has rapidly risen to become an SEO expert globally. With a passion for digital marketing and a penchant for excellence, Uttom Roy has established himself as a trailblazer in the field, earning accolades for his expertise and achievements.
Native name- উত্তম রায়
Born- 2002/02/12, Rangpur, Gaibandha
Residence- Rangpur, Gaibandha,
Nationality- Bangladeshi
Known for- SEO Specialist & Community Builder
Notable works- Shiny Bright Windows,
Height- 5 Feet 4 Inch
GMB — https://www.google.com/search?q=Uttom+Roy+%7C+SEO+Expert&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAA_-NgU1I1qDAyS0wzTElLtjRMMUkzNDG0MqhIMUlKTDY1Nku2SEsxtDSwXMQqFlpSkp-rEJRfqVCjEOzqr-BaUZBaVAIAa48u5kIAAAA&hl=en-GB&mat=CSLx0ZH7OUCWElcBEKoLaTeVzrkmSGHy7QIzXxq0RFHtL8qYcues5Fq3VOw_jYfZ4ib11Frdm2rXrLyUQBusLATVjyBjrtPGOq7P8EyY1v9Bm2BmNYRyCKIYN5hJ3JcARkA&authuser=0&ved=2ahUKEwjE6Pmly7eIAxWmcGwGHYrlIzoQ-MgIegQIHhAd
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1. Childhood:
In his early years, Uttom Roy displayed an introverted nature but possessed a deep commitment to education and personal development. Growing up in Rangpur, Gaibandha, Bangladesh, he demonstrated a keen intellect and a thirst for knowledge that would shape his future endeavors.
2. Educational Journey:
Uttom Roy embarked on his educational journey with zeal, completing his High School from Gaibandha govt Uttom Roy on 1st January 2019 then I passed Govori Bl High School on 30th November 18, Currently I am studying in my Honors 3rd year in Polash Bari govt college.He continued his studies, obtaining his Alim degree from Bagra Darul Uloom Fazil Degree Madrasah in 2023. Currently pursuing his undergraduate studies in Honors at Comilla Victoria College, Md Kamrul Hasan remains dedicated to expanding his knowledge base.
3. Professional Career:
Entry into SEO: Uttom Roy Roy foray into the world of SEO commenced at a young age, where his passion for digital marketing ignited. With three years of experience in the SEO industry, he has garnered widespread recognition for his expertise in advanced white hat SEO techniques. As the best SEO expert in Rangpur, Bangladesh, and the best SEO expert in the world, Uttom Roy has carved a niche for himself in the competitive field of search engine optimization.
Notable Works: One of Uttom Roy notable works includes his role as a marketing consultant based in Dublin, Ireland. Additionally, he serves as the CEO and founder of Rabea IT Institute, demonstrating his entrepreneurial acumen and commitment to driving success in the digital realm.
4. Recognition and Awards:
Digital marketing certificate: In 2022, Uttom Roy attained the prestigious SEMrush SEO Expert Certification, underscoring his proficiency in the field and cementing his status as a leading authority in SEO practices.
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5. Personal Life:
Religious Background: Uttom Roy hails from hindu family, Uttom Roy. Bengali cultural heritage and linguistic ties shape identity and worldview.
6. Impact and Community Building:
Contribution to the Community: Beyond his professional pursuits, Uttom Roy is committed to fostering growth and development within his community. Through his expertise in SEO, he empowers businesses and individuals to enhance their online presence, driving economic prosperity and societal advancement.
7. Future Endeavors:
Ongoing Pursuits: As Uttom Roy continues his journey as a pioneering SEO specialist, he remains dedicated to pushing the boundaries of innovation and excellence. Focus on continuous learning and adaptation and strive to stay at the forefront of industry trends, emerging technologies.
Uttom Roy story is a testament to the power of passion, perseverance, and dedication. From his humble beginnings in Rangpur, Bangladesh, to his global recognition as the SEO expert in the world, he exemplifies the potential for greatness that lies within each individual. With his unwavering commitment to excellence and community empowerment, Uttom Roy continues to inspire and leave an indelible mark on the world of SEO and beyond.
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Uttom Roy Social Media
Facebook Page
Google My Business Gmb
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. What inspired Uttom Roy to pursue a career in SEO?
Uttom Roy fascination with the digital landscape and his innate curiosity about how search engines operate sparked his interest in SEO at a young age.
2. How does Uttom Roy stay updated with the latest SEO trends and algorithms?
Uttom Roy remains abreast of the evolving SEO landscape by regularly engaging with industry publications, attending webinars, and participating in online forums dedicated to digital marketing.
3. What sets Uttom Roy apart as an SEO specialist?
Uttom Roy dedication to employing advanced white hat SEO techniques, coupled with his innate understanding of search engine algorithms, distinguishes him as a standout SEO expert in both Bangladesh and globally.
4. How does Uttom Roy contribute to the local SEO scene in Comilla, Bangladesh?
As the best local SEO expert in Comilla, Bangladesh, Uttom Roy actively engages with local businesses, providing tailored strategies to enhance their online visibility and drive growth within the community.
5. What advice does Uttom Roy have for aspiring SEO professionals?
Uttom Roy emphasizes the importance of continuous learning, staying updated with industry trends, and cultivating a genuine passion for helping businesses succeed in the digital realm as key ingredients for success in the field of SEO.
Uttom Roy Contact Info 😊
📧 Email: [email protected] 📱
WhatsApp: +8801767056643
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rlim1908 · 16 days
Kipling, Holmes appliances, Nine West, l’occitane, Jill Stuart, earl of sandwich, Paul restaurant, Fanta, Starbucks, asakusa, 7 11, McDO, allied bank, KFC, maybank, BDO, Landbank, BPI, pho hoa, Aldo, uniso, pancake house (Philippine), teriyaki boy (Philippine), S&R (Philippine), coffee bean & tea leaf,unimart grocery, Robinsons grocery, cara Mia (Philippine), parfois, Burgoo, TGI Friday’s, hop inn hotel, office warehouse, fully booked, booksale, Seattle’s best, BO’s coffee (Philippine), gold’s gym, Clark hatch, let’s face it (Philippine),David’s parlor (British franchise), piandre parlor (Philippine), medical city, UE hospital (Sta.Mesa area), University of the Philippines health service UP diliman, Lourdes hospital (Sta. Mesa area), Aventus healthcare Ortigas center, Cardinal santos medical center (San Juan city), CLN (Philippine) st. Michael bags (Philippine) Celine (Philippine), MALDITA (Philippine), secosana (Philippine), tru value hardware, ABENSOn appliances, SM grocery, computer shops in Robinsons galleria & SM malls, Globe & SMART telecommunications, Wilcon hardware, puregold, tiendesitas mall, landers, bossini, havaianas, Ecco, shangri La furniture stores, mercury drugstore, Rustan’s,CIBO shangriLa,harvesters vegan food, grocery vegan food, Netflix, facebook, Twitter or X, tumblr, Wordpress, blogger, hootesuite, Microsoft, Notebloc, pdfreader, pdfdrive, Apple technology, blackpanda, sentinelOne, crowdstrike, asahi, green cross products, ziploc products,saucy kitchen gadgets & appliances, gourdo’s, Nutella, ace hardware, Mr.quickie, SSS IDs, TIN IDs, govt birth certificate making authority, government issued identification, postal ID, IBP ID, church issued documents.
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gyancafe · 2 months
JKSSB Constable Recruitment 2024: Enrollment For 4,002 Posts Begins On July 30
JKSSB Constable Recruitment 2024: Enrollment For 4,002 Posts Begins On July 30JKSSB Constable Recruitment 2024: The registration process is scheduled to begin on July 30, with a deadline set for August 29.
Selection includes written physical standard and endurance tests.
Interested and eligible individuals can apply by visiting the official website, jkssb.nic.in. Admit cards will be released about a week before the exam.
Candidates applying for the vacant positions must be domiciles of the Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir and must have a valid Domicile Certificate issued by the competent authority.
The written examination will comprise objective-type multiple-choice questions. The questions will be in English only. Incorrect answers will incur a penalty of one-fourth of the marks allotted to each question. The application fee is Rs 700. For candidates from SC, ST-1, ST-2, and EWS categories, the fee is Rs 600. The fee can be paid online via net banking, credit card, or debit card. Applications submitted without the required fee will not be considered and will be rejected.
Candidates must provide their online application form, email ID, mobile number, name, date of birth, and the name of the examination in all communications to the Board. Communications lacking these details will not be entertained.
Candidates must bring a printout of the Admit Card/Roll Number Card/Slip to the examination hall. Additionally, they must carry at least two recent (not older than 6 months) passport-sized color photographs and a valid original photo ID, such as:
Aadhaar Card/Printout of E-AadhaarVoter ID CardDriving LicensePAN CardPassportSchool/College/University I-CardEmployer ID Card (Govt/PSU/Private)
Document verification:
Candidates shortlisted for document verification must appear with the original documents and self-attested photocopies of each document/certificate/online application form as per the notification. Candidates must possess the required academic qualifications and other documents like a birth certificate, domicile certificate, category certificate, etc., on or before the last date of online application submission.
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sudheervanguri · 3 months
HLL Lifecare Limited Pharmacists Recruitment HLL Lifecare Limited (HLL), a Schedule B, Mini Ratna Central Public Sector Enterprise under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, is one of India’s leading manufacturers and marketers of contraceptives, healthcare, and pharma products & services. The Retail Business Division of HLL has set up HLL Pharmacy & Surgicals at Govt MCH Kalamassery – Ernakulam and Govt MCH Thrissur. The company is looking for dynamic and performance-driven professionals with the right attitude for the following positions on a fixed-term contract basis. Walk-In Selection Details Date: 29th June 2024 Venue: HLL Lifecare Limited, Plot No 16 A/1, Cochin Special Economic Zone, Kakkanad, Cochin, Kerala – 682037 Reporting Time: 10 AM to 1 PM Available Positions Pharmacist Qualification: DPharm / BPharm Experience: Minimum 2 years of post-qualification experience in retail pharmacy Assistant Pharmacist Qualification: DPharm / BPharm Selection Procedure The selection process for the positions of Pharmacist and Assistant Pharmacist comprises a written test and an interview. Written Test: The test will consist of multiple-choice questions to be answered in 30 minutes. The maximum mark for the written examination is 50, with no negative marking for wrong answers. [caption id="attachment_84872" align="aligncenter" width="1200"] HLL Lifecare Limited Walk-In Selection for Pharmacists and Assistant Pharmacists[/caption] General Conditions Age Limit: Maximum 37 years as of 01.06.2024. Upper age relaxation will be given to candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/PwD, as per Government of India rules. Required Documents: Candidates are requested to bring all their certificates in original along with attested copies to prove age, qualification, mark sheets, experience certificates, latest salary certificate with break-up, Aadhar, PAN, latest passport size photograph, etc., for verification. SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer) candidates should produce their community certificate in original from the concerned revenue authorities. Contract Basis: The appointment will be on a fixed tenure contract basis. Place of Posting: The proposed place of posting may vary as per the business requirement. The management keeps the right to finalize the place of posting as deemed fit. Qualification and Experience: Only candidates with relevant qualifications and experience will be permitted to attend the written test. Pharmacy Council Registration: Candidates applying for the Pharmacist/Assistant Pharmacist positions shall submit the State Pharmacy Council registration to obtain a license for the pharmacy outlet. No Canvassing: Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification. Contact Information For further clarification, contact: +91-9188401559 or email: [email protected]
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nijuktikhabar · 3 months
New Job Listings in Odisha Govt for 2024: Essential Information for Fresh Graduates Seeking Employment.
The journey from a university to a career in the Indian state of Odisha is filled with numerous options in the government sector. Getting a job in the public service is typically viewed as the bridge to a secure and fulfilling career.Next, one gets to have a secure position, nice extras, and the ability to do something good for the country. “If you’re a fresh graduate looking to kickstart your career in the Odisha government sector, here’s everything you need to know about the latest job listings and how to make the most of these opportunities.
In the recent years, jobs in bhubaneswar for freshers graduates has appeared very keen on engaging people for diverse positions, and it is the trend that is anticipated to remain for the following years. The government authorities in the state have constituted various boards and agencies for the recruitment and thus create a transparent and fair selection of candidates. Candidates can now access these positions through the internet, and they will need to undergo a very difficult selection process where they will also have to answer written tests, interviews, and many other kinds of examinations.
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1. Overview of the Current Job Market
The Odisha government and its various ministries and units have today announced a variety of positions. These tend to be those in the field of teaching, healthcare, administrative services, and other governmental officials. Through the opening, the public sector is expecting the entrance of energetic and talented people who will bring new life and ideas into the sector.
2. Where to Find Job Listings
The principal source of knowing the latest government job listings in Odisha is the Odisha Niyukti Khabar. This resource is frequently updated with the most recent job postings as well as examination notifications, application deadlines, and other crucial information. You can keep up with the latest job opportunities by bookmarking this site and visiting it often.
3. Key Job Listings for 2024
The Odisha government has released multiple job openings across various sectors. Here are some of the notable listings:
Odisha Public Service Commission (OPSC)
The OPSC is inviting applications for various positions including administrative officers, junior assistants, and lecturers. These roles are crucial for the efficient functioning of state administration and education.
Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC)
The OSSC has announced vacancies for posts such as sub-inspectors, clerks, and data entry operators. These roles are vital for maintaining law and order and ensuring smooth administrative operations.
Department of Health and Family Welfare
With a focus on improving healthcare services, the Department of Health and Family Welfare is hiring medical officers, nurses, and lab technicians. These positions are critical for enhancing the health infrastructure in the state.
Department of Education
To boost the quality of education, the Department of Education is recruiting teachers for various subjects. This is a golden opportunity for graduates passionate about teaching and shaping the future generation.
4. Eligibility Criteria
Educational Qualification: Applicants must hold a degree in the relevant field from a recognized university.
Age Limit: Generally, the age limit for applying is between 21 to 32 years, with age relaxation applicable as per government norms.
Skills and Competencies: Strong analytical skills, problem-solving abilities, and a commitment to public service are essential.
5. Application Process
Here is what the application usually includes:
Online Registration: Most job applications begin with the submission of the online registration form. Remember to have a valid email address and phone number before you initiate the registration.
Documentation: Make sure you have prepared the relevant paperwork e.g. educational certificates, ID proof, and any other requested certifications.
Examination: Most of the government jobs are assessed based on the written tests that candidates must pass. The first part of these exams includes general knowledge among other things and some of the subjects as well as also the aptitude and reasoning tests sometimes.
Interview: If the candidate has cleared the written exam, then the organization may call them for an interview or may go for further rounds of the selection process.
6. Preparation Tips
Stay Updated: Make sure you are keeping yourself up to date by checking the latest updates of the job listings and exam date from the official Odisha Niyukti Khabar and other governmental websites.
Time Management: Proper time management during both preparing for the exam and during the exam itself can significantly impact your performance in exams.
Health and Well-being: Some attention must be paid to taking care of your physical and mental health. The meals balanced, workouts regular, sleep sufficient are essential during the preparation period
The government has been working to establish conditions, among other factors, for opening more workplaces and developing the economy in the state. The youth of the state have benefited considerably through the government’s relevant programs, such as the Make in Odisha campaign and the Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Department and have better job opportunities.
Yet, the fact lies in the fact that there is a long path to be walked to give people the job positions they are applying for. The government should lay more emphasis on education and training programs to achieve them by improving the quality of future workers.
Odisha govt jobs offer a stable career with job security and a good salary package. Candidates who fulfil the eligibility criteria and clear the selection process can apply for these jobs through the official website of the respective commission. Get the notification about Odisha government jobs in Bhubaneswar on the official website of Odisha Nijukti Khabar.
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aicsm-franchise · 2 years
1.  It is a National Programme in Information Technology Education and Development.
2.  It is an ISO 29990 : 2010 Certified institution.
3.  Since 1999, AICSM is working across whole nation with almost 2700+ Authorized Study Center (ASC) and a wide network in 24 states of the country.
4.  AICSM is awarded with the Appreciation Letters from President of India, Prime Minister, Cabinet Minister, Chief Minister of different states, Governor, Information and Technology Minister and other honorable personnel of the country for its excellent work practices and a wide network.
5.   Employment and Training Directorate under Labour and Employment Ministry, Government of India, New Delhi has permit to register trained students of ALL INDIA COMPUTER SAKSHARTA MISSION in Employment Exchange of every district of India under the basis of National Classification of Occupation code [N.C.O.] A copy of above order has saved in the head office of ALL INDIA COMPUTER SAKSHARTA MISSION, Kota.
6.  All courses are registered under C.R. Act of Department of Secondary and Higher Education of Ministry of Human Resource Department (MHRD).
7.  Planning Commission of Govt. of India,
ALL INDIA COMPUTER SAKSHARTA MISSION is a registered organisation from planning commission of Govt. of India, New Delhi under NGO partnership system, for organising all training program of planning commission.
8.  National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) of Govt. of India, New Delhi :
All India Computer saksharta Mission is an authorised training partner of National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) of Govt of India, New Delhi, for organising skill development training programs.
9.  National Digital Literacy Mission (NDLM) All India Computer Saksharta Mission is a authorised training partner of govt. of India's National Digital Literacy Mission (NDLM) Project.
10. Cooprative Organisations :
Rajasthan Lok Seva Samiti, Rajasthan, are the cooprative organisations, which are cooprate ALL INDIA COMPUTER SAKSHARTA MISSION in the field of education and vocational training.
11. Govt. of India Schemes - AICSM is an approved / registered organization to organize free skill development training program of Govt. of India and various State Govt.
12. Printed Study Material - AICSM provides printed study material for all students enrolled in different courses. In addition to Hindi and English, study material is available in regional languages such as Gujrati and Bangla.
13. Placement Coordinator - AICSM has appointed Placement Coordinators with an aim to provide employment to the students who have passed AICSM courses. Thousands of students have been placed in different countries around the globe.
14. Computer Society of India - It’s an honour for AICSM for being appointed as respected Member of Computer Society of India.
15. Quality Education - In each center of AICSM trained faculties are providing the computer education. Other than basic education other co-curricular activities like educational tour, cultural events, personality development programmes are as well emphasized by the centers of AICSM.
16. Online Registration - All students are registered through online mode so that they can easily trace their registration details.
17. Examination Mode (Online/Offline) - Examinations are organized by the centers of AICSM in both the mode i.e., online or offline as per the requirement and ease of the students.  
18. Online Verification - AICSM has an attractive feature of online verification for Certificates / Marksheets related information, so that centers and students can verify their queries related to their Certificates/ Marksheets by using their registration number/Enrollment no..Also Download Softcopy
19. University Courses - AICSM is also indulging in promotion of higher education at low cost to its students nationwide, for that it act as an Academic Counselor of different university courses.
20. Transfer Facility - Students enrolled in center of AICSM can get transfer facility in other center within the state.
21. Lowest Fees - In all centers of AICSM, computer education and training is provided at lowest cost while maintaining the quality of the education. For empowerment of SC/ST category and other financially weaker section of the society AICSM launch various scholarship programmes time to time.
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edufever · 3 months
KLE Dental College Belgaum 2024-25: Admission, Courses, Fees, Cutoff, Intake etc.
KLE Vishwanath Katti Institute of Dental Sciences Belgaum is one of the reputed Private Dental Colleges in Karnataka. The college is known as KLE Dental College Belgaum, founded in 1985-86. The college is affiliated with KLE University, Belgaum, and is approved by the Dental Council of India, Govt. of India.
Hey, Students, if you are interested in admission to KLE Institute of Dental Sciences Belgaum, you should know about the Fee Structure, Course offered, Admission Procedure, Cutoff, Facilities available and Complete college review.
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About KLE Dental College Belgaum
Name of Institute KLE Vishwanath Katti Institute of Dental Sciences Belgaum Location Belgaum, Karnataka Year of Establishment 1985-86 Institute Type Private Approvals/Recognitions Dental Council of India (DCI) Courses offered UG, PG Hostel Facilities Yes (Male and Female)
Courses Offered
Here, you can find information about the courses offered by KLE Dental College Belgaum. Let’s take a look. UG Courses BDS, MDS Duration 4 years+1 Year Internship, 3 Years Intake 100, 49
BDS Admission 2024-25
Below is the admission procedure for the required courses under KLE Dental College Belgaum. The Candidate requested to go through with the given instructions. Entrance Exam Candidates must qualify for the NEET UG entrance exam conducted by NTA. Counselling Procedure After Qualifying for the NEET entrance exam, candidates must participate in the Karnataka NEET Counselling, conducted by the Karnataka Examinations Authority.
MDS Admission 2024-25
If you want admission to KLE Dental College Belgaum, you must follow the college admission procedure; in this section, we provide detailed information about the PG Medical Course Admission Process. Entrance Exam Candidates must qualify for the NEET MDS entrance exam conducted by NBEMS. Counselling Procedure After qualifying for the NEET entrance exam, candidates must participate in the Karnataka NEET MDS Counselling, conducted by the Karnataka Examinations Authority.
Eligibility Criteria
The table below outlines the eligibility criteria for the BDS and MDS programs at KLE Dental College Belgaum. Eligibility Criteria BDS 10+2 passed with a Minimum 50% aggregate in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. MDS BDS degree or its equivalent degree.
Documents Required
Candidates who will be allotted a seat at this College will be asked to report to complete the admission formalities with the following documents.
For UG Candidates
NEET Admit Card
NEET Scorecard or Rank Letter
Class 10 certificate and mark sheet (for date of birth)
Class 12 certificate and mark sheet
ID proof (Aadhar/PAN Card/Driving License/Passport)
Eight passport-size photographs
Provisional Allotment Letter
Caste Certificate (if applicable)
PwD Certificate (if applicable)
For PG Course
NEET MDS scorecard
NEET MDS Admit Card
Mark sheet of BDS 1st, 2nd and 3rd-year examinations
Qualifying examination certificate, that is, BDS Degree Certificate Permanent or provisional certificate provided by DCI/Dental Council
Internship completion certificate issued by the Head of the Institution
10th standard certificate as proof of birth
Valid Government Identity proofs (Driving License/ PAN Card/Voter ID/Passport or Aadhar Card)
A physically handicapped medical certificate, if required.
SC/ST/OBC certificate, if required
Contact Details
KLE VK Institute of Dental Science Address: J.N. Medical College Campus, Nehru Nagar, Karnataka- 590010
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GST Registration in Bawana
North West Delhi's biggest industrial hub which evolved over the years is Bawana. It is a place for small and medium businesses or manufacturers to set up a small capital investment. Setting up a business or factory in Bawana will be easy with us. Now, the question comes to your mind how? Investing capital in the business and increasing revenue will be your part of the business. But making your business authorized or legal will be part of a Chartered accountant. To make your business legal, you need GST. The word GST was introduced by Govt in July 2017. The word GST stands for Goods and Services Tax which becomes essential for compliance and operational efficiency.
Bawana: City of Business Hub
Before the 2000s, Bawana is purely a rural area where there is no opportunity to start or set up a business. but in the early 2000, the Delhi government took the initiative to evolve the Bawana rural area into the Bawana industrial area. The initiative aimed to decongest residential areas and promote organized industrial growth.
This Bawana Industrial Area, today has different types of industries setup such as manufacturing, textiles, plastics, electronics and more. Now after this, we all know how Bawana became the industrial hub city. With every new business, you need a legal name for it and that's where GST comes into play. Why Do You Need To Register Your Business For GST?
GST was introduced for the business. It is a comprehensive indirect tax levied on the manufacture, sale and consumption of goods and services. The advantages of registering for GST are:
When the businesses cross the annual turnover and exceed their threshold limit. Businesses located in northeastern and hill states have a threshold of 10 lakhs. Another state has a 20 lakh threshold.
Businesses will get a claim credit for the taxes paid on purchases, reducing the overall tax liability. GST registration enhances the credibility and trustworthiness among businesses.
What are the document requirements for GST registration in Bawana?
Some documents are required for GST registration in Bawana are-
PAN Card for the business and its owners
Proof of business registration (e.g., partnership deed, certificate of incorporation)
Identity and address evidence for promoters (Aadhaar card, passport, etc.)
Address evidence of the business premises (e.g., electricity bill, rent agreement)
Bank account information (cancelled cheque, bank statement).
Why You Need CA Nakul Singhal For GST registration in Bawana?
Applying for GST registration will be not an easy process for a common person. A GST can only be registered by a Chartered Accountant. But whom do you trust for this, finding a chartered accountant firm will not be easy. Let us help you in choosing us, the reasons for choosing us are - We have highly trained Chartered Accountants with considerable expertise and experience in a variety of industries, delivering the highest quality financial advice and services.
We believe in creating long-term partnerships with our clients. Our services are tailored to each client's specific needs, whether they are individuals or major corporations.
Our organization has extensive experience in a variety of industries, including manufacturing, retail, technology, and healthcare. This enables us to deliver insights and solutions that are suited to the unique issues of your sector.
Our company has a solid track record of providing high-quality services, as proved by our devoted clientele and countless favourable comments. We provide open and competitive pricing for our services, ensuring that you get great value for your money.
Bawana, North West Delhi's largest industrial hub, is a hub for small and medium businesses and manufacturers. To become legally registered, businesses must meet certain requirements, including registering for Goods and Services Tax (GST). GST is a comprehensive indirect tax levied on the manufacture, sale, and consumption of goods and services. Businesses in the Bawana Industrial Area, which includes manufacturing, textiles, plastics, and electronics, need to register for GST to reduce their tax liability and enhance their credibility.
The required documents for GST registration in Bawana include a PAN card, proof of business registration, identity and address evidence for promoters, address evidence of the business premises, and bank account information. CA Nakul Singhal, a chartered accountant, can help with GST registration in Bawana due to their highly trained accountants, experience in various industries, and solid track record of providing high-quality services. They offer competitive pricing and a dedicated clientele, making it easier for businesses to set up and operate in the city.
Visit — https://canakulsinghalassociates.com/blog/11/how-you-can-find-gst-registration-in-bawana
Email ID — [email protected]
Contact — +9199537 75505
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safeabi-1 · 4 months
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infinysolution · 5 months
The Magic Box Of Long-term Investments
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The era of the 1980’s was a BOOM BANG in the Indian Share market where one after another an IPO was knocking the door of investors. The time was seen as no less than OPPORTUNISTIC!!
Retail investors, brokers, sub brokers & bookies -everyone saw a golden chance and invested in the share market wholeheartedly. Through friends, relatives, neighbors, colleagues, anyone would come to know about the next talked about IPO and would fill his form to be a cake piece owner of a dream company – to the extent that for many shares trading became their secondary business. But as they say, “Days do not remain the same ” the scam of 1990 brought down the riding bull & with it lay strewn the hopes of thousands of investors into bits & pieces.
When hope breaks anger vents. People were just not bearish but shattered enough not to believe in the return of Bull. Some locked their share certificates in dark rooms and some even went to the extent to tear them & burn these deemed to be worthless papers to ashes. Innocent & unaware that these pieces of paper even when torn were secured for them under the umbrella of Govt. guidelines, the Companies Act & its bylaws which has always been prioritized to keep the interest of retail investors.
And today even if these shares certificates are lost or mutilated, the rights & bonus on them are unclaimed and the dividends on these have remained unpaid for years, these lost shares, unclaimed dividends along with all other benefits accruing are locked unharmed in a safety deposit, a magic box under the custody of our Government waiting for the rightful beneficiary -that heartbroken investor or his heir to claim it back and yes to claim a big multiple of the initial investment!! A couple of thousands invested in companies like HDFC Bank, Reliance, Bajaj, Avanti Feeds etc., who were not night – by- flyers are gold (amount in lacs) to its investors.
Pursuant to Section 124(6) of the Companies Act 2013 read with Investor Education & Protection Fund (IEPF) Authority (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules 2016 as amended from time to time, the shares in respect of which dividend is remaining unclaimed for a period of seven consecutive years shall be transferred to the IEPF Account established by the Central Government with NSDL (IEPF Account No. IN30070810656671).
 The claimant can claim the shares from IEPF Authority by filing form IEPF-5 along with requisite documents as prescribed by the IEPF Authority. Pursuant to these guidelines, companies are transferring chunks and chunks of shares liable to be transferred to the above account under safe Government guidelines, to protect the interest of their investors. And here is where you find your magic- treasure – box.
So, what if you are not in possession of documents relating to your holdings? What if you vaguely just remember a few names you or your family might have invested in? What if since then you have changed your residence a number of times?  We, at Infiny Solutions have you sorted. Starting from tracking your investments to updation of your KYCs, running through the procedure of issue of duplicate shares and claiming of unclaimed dividends to claim of shares from IEPF to your demat account we shall have you covered step by step. All we need is a few details of the investor and that is enough to track back your valuable investments and retrieve them for you.
Blog Source :- https://infinysolutions.com/the-magic-box-of-long-term-investments/
claim of shares from IEPF, IEPF, Indian Stock Market, Infiny Solutions, IPO, Long Term Investments
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omcmedicalblog · 5 months
Medical Device Registration in Argentina | OMC Medical Limited
Ministry of Health
Ministry of Health
Regulatory Authority
Administracion National de Medicamentos, Alimentos y Tecnologia Médico (ANMAT) (The National Administration of Drugs, Foods and Medical Devices)
Medical Device Regulation
Disposicion N 2124/2011
Mercosur Resolution No. 40 (Classification)
Disposicion N 2318/2002
Disposicion N 727/2013
Official Language
Class I, II, III and IV
Medical Device Registration in Argentina
– Determine the Classification of the product
– Appoint Argentina Authorized Agent (AAR)
– AAR submits the documents to ANMAT through the HELENA portal and pays registration fees.
– AAR submits a notification to ANMAT for Class I devices prior to placing the device on market.
– Once approved,
ANMAT gives a notification number for Class I devices.
ANMAT provides clearance for Class II, III and IV devices for placing on the Argentina market.
Documents Required
– Declaration of Conformity
– Device classification information
– Manufacturer Information
– Labelling & IFU
– Technical File
– Certificate of Free Sales or Foreign Govt. certificate
Post-market Requirements
Adverse events must be reported to ANMAT
Legalized/Notarised Documents (if any)
Certificate of Free Sales (FSC) required from recognised countries – Australia, Canada, Japan, US & EU.
Applicable QMS
GMP or ISO 13485:2016
Registration Timeline
Class I & II – 15 working days
Class III & IV – 110 working days
Authorized Representative
License Validity
Class I – Lifetime validity
Class II, III & IV – 5 years
Special Notes
All submission documents must be in Spanish
Originally Published at: https://omcmedical.com/medical-device-registration-in-argentina/
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