#gradence rp
sunnflow3rshowers · 11 months
Rp Search
In this year of Our Lord 2023, Omegle has fallen. (RIP) So here I am, laying all of this out, desperate to find more rp partners. I am 27, so I am only really interested in rping with people that are 21+. I am interested in both fandom and OC rps, depending on the mood and all of that. I will list the fandoms I'm looking for, as well as who I play, and general themes. I am a third person, literate roleplay, I stick to 1-2 paragraphs, but the length can always fluctuate depending on the roleplay and my roleplay partners. When it comes to RPs, I like them light and soft. I also like them dark and heavy, with lots of Whump, Angst, and Hurt/Comfort, as well as some darker themes that would require trigger warnings, all of which will be discussed privately, of course.
I prefer MxM for fandom rps, although there are some small exceptions for specific ships. I"m more open to MxF and FxF, and other pairings with more OC rps. With most Fandom Rps, I am looking for Shipping Rps, aka a Merthur rp, Kylux Rp, etc
Fandom: Who I play
Teen wolf: Stiles Stilinski The Old Guard: Nicky Star Wars: Luke Skywalker, Armitage Hux Umbrella Academy: Klaus Stranger Things: Jonathan Byers, Steve Harrington The Hobbit: Bilbo Baggins The Witcher: Jaskier Kingsman: Eggsy Unwin ATLA: Sokka Our Flag Means Death: Lucius Spriggs Gotham: Oswald Cobblepot Merlin: Merlin Criminal Minds: Spencer Reid Hannibal: Will Graham Arcane: Viktor Spider-Man: Peter Parker (NOT MCU) GOT: Sansa (only paired with Sandor Clegane) The Eternals: Makkari (only paired with Druig) Detroit Become Human: Connor Good Omens: Aziraphale Agents of Shield: Fitz (as gay and not paired with Simmons) FAHC: Jack (fem) Yugioh: Joey Wheeler Person of Interest: Harold Finch Haikyuu: Suga, kenma X-men: Charles Xavier The Boys: Hughie White Collar: Neal The Goldfinch: Theo Hunter X Hunter: Kurapika, Shalnark Barry: No-ho Hank IT: Eddie Hawaii 5-0: Danny Daredevil (netflix): Foggy, James Wesley Fantastic Beasts: Credence Vikings: Athelstan OC Fandoms! Hit me up if you want to talk about rps in any of these. In these sorts of rps I am 110% down to double up if you play canon against my oc, all of which can be talked and discussed privately! Marvel Xmen GOT Star Wars Barry General Rps! I am a huge fan of brainstorming rps with general themes! Fantasy Horror Drama Sci-fi Cyberpunk Etc! Please please just reach out and I'm always going to be happy to brainstorm! If you made it this far, thank you so much! If you are interested, like this, leave a comment, send me a dm, or add me on discord @ sunnflow3rshowers !
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whoiscredencept2 · 10 months
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I have had a sudden epiphany.
We all know how very much I'm still obsessed with Gradence and now that this hell hole has given sideblogs more independence. Very much thinking of making a sideblog from here for them and digging through this blog for all the ideas and stuff I've created since I have long reclaimed this blog for rp.
I always think about them and always want to post about them but, of course, I didn't because the people that did follow me for that have long moved on and the new fellows are not here for that
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telepathicteacup · 5 years
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- He was a lighthouse keeper and I was a Prince from another world. We were never meant to meet, but our love saved our worlds. -
Gravebone Aquaman AU!
Finish the story with me, I am looking for a Percival Graves to write a lenghty, detailed roleplay!
♡ Contact me for more details! ♡
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imnotyour-boy · 7 years
Credence shudders, the cell has become cold again. And his shaved head and thin clothes offer little defense.
Someone has taken out the heating spells on the dungeon.
The sounds of shouting and explosions up on the stairs makes him stand.
"Hello!" He calls once everything goes quiet.
"Is someone there?! Please! Please it's cold! Anyone?!" He coughs, the frigid air harsh in his lungs.
He mentally prays that it's not the pale man playing tricks on him again to get him to obey.
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missabigailhobbs · 5 years
Hey so like... does anyone even RP anymore? Like, over email and stuff? I fuckin miss it lmao 
Hit me up for Umbrella Academy (Klive/Kliego mostly), Gradence, Kylux, Rovinsky, Hannigram...anything I post really??? I need to express my fe e l i n g s !!! I love trash, please let’s make hot garbage together 
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vehuhia-rp · 7 years
I need that RP
Gimme a 007/Q AU with Percival Graves as 007 and Newt or Credence as Q. Please. I need it. I wanna play an awkward, cute nerd that's a real badass deep down but doesn't know a single thing about human feelings behind his computers.
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Is anyone interested in gradence rp? I main Cre and I really miss my Graves lol
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I'm really sick of this person in the Gradence tag. I tried to be nice earlier but they keep replying like this and seriously, the prompt has NOTHING to do with the characters so why can't they just mutilate a het pairing into this boring mess and send it into that tag instead? /3a314a7af261f0b3
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gradence isn’t my cup of tea but i have no idea what this prompt is trying to do with the characters either anon. someone’s obviously just looking for a random het pairing for what i can only assume is a self-insert fantasy.
when will people learn that taking a gay ship and “gender-bending” one character is homophobic?
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Like for any kind of starter!
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oswaldkingofgotham · 7 years
RP Partner Search
Hi, I'm currently looking for an rp partner, preferably long term, but short term is good as well. I'm in many fandoms and I'll tag a few, but I have many so DM for some I may not have listed! Thanks!
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telepathicteacup · 6 years
Roleplay partner wanted!
I am looking for a long-term roleplay partner!
• I roleplay through this platform, email, Google hangout and kik!
• I answer frequently and when I am away or busy I will tell you!
• I will write lenghty, detailed replies and I am open to most ideas, AU and other. I also have many ideas of my own! Open to smut too!
☆ My current fandoms/ships are:
X-Men - Cherik (Charles and Erik) - Where I preferably play as Charles (Also any role with Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy is alright too! Like Frank or Mr.Tumnus for example)
Detroit become human - Hannor (Connor and Hank) - I preferably play as Connor.
Sikus - (Simon and Markus) I preferably play as Simon!
Venom/Eddie - Symbrock (prefers to play Venom)
Riverdale - Jughead and Archie (Jarchie) - (Prefers to be Jughead)
Fantastic beasts and where to find them - Gradence (Percival Graves and Credence ) - I preferably play Credence!
Teen wolf - Sterek (Derek and Stiles) I prefer being Stiles
Like vampire movies! I am a sucker for those (No pun intended heh!) And yes that also means twilight!
Please contact me and we can talk more! 😍
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Graves was sitting on his couch, already drunk and pouring himself another scotch. The months since he had been rescued from Grindelwalds prison had felt like eternity. He was recovering physically, however emotionally and psychologically he felt worse more then ever before. President Picqueys words were constantly bouncing around his mind.  “We had no choice Graves. The boy is dead.”  Those words had shattered him. It was far worse then anything Grindelwald had done to him. Credence had been on his mind constantly while he had been imprisoned. It was one of the things he had clung to, determined to survive to get back to him.  He had seen the memory from Picquery herself. Credence being torn apart by those Aurors, his Aurors as they followed Picqueys orders. Graves knew he would never be the same again.  The knock at the door had been so soft, Graves was sure he was hearing things. Who would come calling on him at this hour? Who ever came calling to see him? He took a sip of his scotch and frowned when the knock came again, louder and more insistent. Curiosity got the better of him so he stood shakily and made his way to the door. He held his wand, almost ready to an attack as he opened the door and gasped at the sight before him.  There stood Credence Barebone. Looking even smaller then usual. He was far too pale, his hair was longer was scraggly. His clothes were filthy and he had several cuts and scrapes where his skin was exposed to the elements. “Credence......” he breathed as their eyes met. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Graves let himself into his home, carrying his briefcase and a bag of pastry's from a bakery Credence loved. A small surprise for the boy who had been living with him for several months ago.  Hiding would be perhaps a more appropriate term. No one knew Credence had turned up on his doorstep that night. He knew Picquery would order the boys execution and while Graves knew he might be able to pull enough strings to keep Credence alive, the boy would go through hell in the meantime.  “Credence?” Graves called into the quite home, wondering where the boy was.  @imnotyour-boy
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imnotyour-boy · 6 years
Around My Little Finger|| with loveisforchildren-percivalgraves
Vanity is a sin. Credence knows this. He’s had it beaten into his back and hands.
He’s been told he’s ugly by not just Ma but Chastity as well, who has gotten worse and worse over time. More like Ma.
But... men’s tastes are quite different than Ma’s.
He pauses, fussing with his hair in a shop window as he waits for Mr. Graves to arrive. He knows the older man likes him. Wants him.
It’s obvious in the way he touched Credence’s face, or healed his injuries.
He heard the pop and whoosh in the alley nearby and hid his smile, looking away from the mirror as he waited for the older man to approach.
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whoiscredencept2 · 3 years
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Hello and welcome! I’m Aries, they/she, 21+ which also means this blog is 18+. Thank you. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
PSA: As of 7/29 I will be busy with work and may not be able to write very much (will probably still keep trying to tho).
Rp Memes
You may message me and ask for my discord!​
My multimuse is here
This is where you can find my Gradence side unrequitedfate​
​I will try my best to keep this up to date. 
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vehuhia-rp · 5 years
“Run away”, they say. “No one'll love you as you are”.
Credence knew leaving was the best choice he’d made. Nothing good could have come between Mr. Graves and him as things were. As long as he kept thinking about him as “Mr. Graves”, as long as Mr. Graves kept seeing him as a fragile thing needing protection, they couldn’t move forward.
They needed to be equal to be a couple. And they needed to forgive. To heal. Too much had been said, too much had been done. They’d hurt each other too badly.
It was actually Queenie who’d suggested the idea first. “Distance would do you both some good, Credence”, she’d said around a cup of tea, one evening.
Credence had refused it at first. He didn’t want to leave, didn’t want to give Mr. Graves the impression that he was running away. He wanted to stay at his side, to be nearby when Mr. Graves wanted to return.
In the end, though, Queenie had been right. He’d been too badly hurt. He needed to leave, to take some distance with it all.
So he’d packed his meagre belongings along with his broken heart, and he’d left with Mr. Newt, on the morning tide.
Without seeing Mr. Graves. Without saying goodbye.
It was better this way, he knew. If he’d talked to him, he wouldn’t have left. If he’d talked to him, he would’ve collapsed at his feet, for him to play with again.
No, it was better this way. That way, maybe he could start healing.
With time, he’d even started to hope to forget him. They’d offered each other nothing but pain. They weren’t good for each other.
At first, it had been hell. He’d spent his nights thinking of Mr. Graves and crying in his pillow, and his days running after some strange creature or another with Mr. Newt.
In the end, he’d grown too tired to do much else than to sleep, at night.
In the end, his days had been too busy for him to think about much else than Mr. Newt’s creatures.
In the end, he’d started to heal. Started to make friends with some of the inhabitants of the small italian village they’d stayed at. Started to grow extremely close to one of them, Elia. Started to date him.
It had been nearly six months later that Mr. Newt came to see him to tell him that they were going back to New York.
Credence hadn’t slept at all that night.
And now, while he was drinking tea in Queenie’s and Tina’s living room, listening to Mr. Newt tell them all about their adventure, he couldn’t help the way his thoughts kept going back to the house he knew nearby, to the man he’d promised himself to forget.
And despite it all, despite the months away and Elia’s arms, he couldn’t help the way his heart bled from being so close, and yet so far away from the man who’d once healed his heart, only to better break it.
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gravemagicks · 7 years
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