#grande sheva
sizzlinbaconpeach · 9 months
The text connecting Chris and Jill is “戦友” or “kanyuu” which translates to “commrade in arms; war buddy”.?
in the Revelation's bio for Chris, they called him Jill's Brother-in-arms.?
So they don't have feelings for each other?
Hello Anon! I want to start off by saying that it's okay if you don't ship Chris and Jill romantically - not everyone does. I mentioned in a previous post how I can certainly see how others would only view their relationship as platonic or coworkers. Unfortunately, the link in your question does not work so I'm sorry I can't respond to that in particular. And I am not trying to sow any discontent or attacking, I'm merely responding and enjoying my preferred ship. I hope you can understand. If we can all stay positive and respectful that would be greatly appreciated. ^_^ Chris and Jill have been fighting BOW's since the very first game. Actual canon is that they survived through the whole mansion together. They've always protected each other. So 'comrade in arms', 'war buddy, 'brother-in-arms', 'partner', 'bestest friend', 'kindred spirits', 'love of my life' are all titles they would/could use to address each other.
Also, in RE1 original, Chris and Jill were written to be romantically interested in each other. In a recent interview, the live-action actor for RE1 Chris stated that he wanted to remain as respectful as possible to Jill's actress as she was much younger than him and he knew they were supposed to be romantically linked in the story. Source: ROE Plays RESIDENT EVIL 1 w/ Original Chris Redfield (Charlie Kraslavsky)
And this cute song that plays when they are reunited: Long Lost Friend Long Lost Friend Revisited - I love how bittersweet this is, very fitting In my mind, there is definitely some romantic sweetness to this song. But Capcom likes to keep them ambiguous or seems to want to retcon them, so I don't know. Ship them or don't. Doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things. I just like how mature their relationship seems - built on lasting trust and respect. Even in Death Island there were ambiguous hints of something more between them. Like, Chris staring at a smiling Jill, backlit by a beautiful setting sun, seems kind of romantic to me. ... Only to fist bump her seconds later. Guess he wanted to keep it professional and clean in front of his sister XD
Before I got into Resident Evil (Biohazard), I never really knew about any 'ships'. I had vague memories of RE2 (Cleon bby) and RE5 (my unknowing teenage self actually shipped Sheva and Chris!), but it wasn't until I actually replayed the games as an adult and explored more of the extended lore that I became a Valenfield fan (and unexpectedly, less of a Cleon shipper). And what cemented it for me even more was the supplemental RE5 guide translations!
I highly recommend any Valenfield shipper to read it here. (scroll down a little more than half way on the page to find the STORY section. It's after the different colored text timeline.)
Some quotes from this official guide book:
... Referred to as "the BSAA's ace", Chris has a brilliant track record preventing many bioterror attacks, but Chris' chest is filled with an indescribable emptiness. Many comrades have been sacrificed to repair the errors of fools. Even if the world's saved, these friends will never return. He had lost his irreplaceable former partner. ...
... Chris has nothing against having a female partner. In fact, the partner he regarded as irreplaceable was a female too. She's the perfect person whom Chris can totally trust and rely on, someone whom he believes is what he needed to complete any mission. Chris felt their teamwork was like an eagle able to escape from biohazardous danger. ...
... Chris is staring intently at a statue of a sleeping beauty. He's like a person looking at his lover through a mirror, where the other side of the mirror's a different dimension. ... The image displayed on the PDA screen issued by the BSAA isn't very good quality. The faint face is illuminated by a weak light, ... Despite that, Chris is able to recognise the person. He's been chasing this lead all the while, just so he can repair the missing piece of his heart. This can't be a mistake, nor an illusion. This is a fact. ... It's Jill, his old partner who sacrificed herself and jumped off a cliff in order to save Chris. Due to Jill's absence ever since, the BSAA have removed her from duty. But two years later, there's finally a sign that shows she may be alive after all, and this sign's appearing right in front of her partner who refuses to believe she's dead. The reason why Chris, who was from BSAA North American branch, was hoping to join this operation within Kijuju, was because he'd obtained some sort of lead leaked by Irving on the black market while he was looking for Jill. ...
... Jill, with her antibodies, has been administered P30--- Gifted with superhuman abilities, she's been given a powerful drug that controls her mind too. This evil drug is continuously injected into her body, torturing her to no end. Just as Wesker intended, Jill's receiving hell-like suffering. "I'm begging you, kill me!" ... Wesker's instruction to Jill before he leaves, which is to kill Chris who has finally come for her, plays mercilessly in her mind like an echo. The painful, unbearable order's destroying Jill mentally, and she's begging with her mind for her old partner, Chris, to end her suffering. "Don't worry about me! If this goes on I'll only end up killing both of you! Shoot me, please!" Despite that, Chris refuses to give up. Chris screams like a beast at the brainwashed Jill. He promises that even if it means giving up his life, he's going to free his partner with whom he has finally reunited, from her curse.
But again, I believe Capcom will keep their relationship more ambiguous and open to interpretation - I think they want to keep all potential shippers content. And they certainly seem to be moving towards a more 'just a good friend/co-worker' angle than before.
Which, in my opinion, cheapens the over arcing story (RE1 - 5) and relationship - but that's for another post to ramble about, I suppose.
No hard feelings if you're not a Valenfield shipper. They have a good friendship and I can totally understand if people only see them as that and nothing more.
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girlactionfigure · 11 months
ISRAEL REALTIME — Oct 28 After Shabbat war updates
Shavua Tov, a good week and blessings for peace and safety.  May our soldiers be EFFECTIVE and return home safe.  And may our hostages, especially babies and children, be returned safe, healthy and whole.  And may our enemies have a REALLY BAD WEEK.
— ROCKETS from Gaza fired at DIMONA - ISRAEL’S NUCLEAR PLANT… miss.
— ROCKETS from Gaza hit Be’er Sheva, Kiryat Ono, Tel Aviv.
— MISSILE from Lebanon, shot down over Teveria.
— GAZA CELL NETWORK, INTERNET DOWN... communication from Gaza limited as only via cell roaming to Israel or Egypt providers. (Al Jazeera). The Gaza cell company: “We regret to announce the complete collapse of cellular and internet communications in the Gaza Strip.”
— SPACEX STARLINK… says they will allow connection from Gaza for ‘recognized international charities’ - it is unknown if there are any Starlink devices in Gaza.
— IDF ON ATTACKS VIA RED SEA… (Spox) “Israel is going to work closely with the USA and Egypt to tighten the defense against threats across the Red Sea.”
— IDF GROUND ACTION… entry via Beit Hanon in the northern Gaza Strip and Al-Bureij in the center of the strip. “Our forces entered the Gaza Strip tonight and are still in their positions there.  Our activities will continue until the elimination of Hamas and the return of the kidnapped.”
— IDF AIR ACTION… overnight reports of over 150 attacks, and many more during Shabbat day.  Videos of major building destruction in Gaza (not shown here) and reports of Hamas leadership elimination.
— AMERICAN BASE ATTACKED… via suicide drones by Iran associated Shia militia in Tanaf, by corner of Jordan, Iraq and Syria.
— NY “JEWS AGAINST ISRAEL”…  Hundreds of Jews demonstrated at Grand Central Station in NYC against Israel and calling for a ceasefire in Gaza.  These are the same ones who demonstrated in the Congress building about two weeks ago.  Arrests.
— “To all the members of the war cabinet, and to the whole world - remember that there are babies who were kidnapped to Gaza without anyone, without any family for almost 3 weeks.”
…. more updates coming …
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askbombasticblake · 17 days
My idea for a Resident Evil sequel
Someone call @just-shower-thoughts cuz this idea came to me during the steamy cleansing ritual.
So we all know that RE sequels & remakes are inevitable, due to how much of a cash cow that franchise is. Thus, I decided to jot down my own idea for a hypothetical RE9 or RE10 (or Resident Evil X, since this franchise is just campy enough to give it's 10th game that title a la Final Fantasy).
The plot is as follows:
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Sheva Alomar and Rebecca Chambers are sent to a small town in Germany by the BSAA to track down rumors of BOW sightings.
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Once they touch down, they're informed by their local contact that German citizens have been going missing, with the word on the street linking all the disappearances to a terrorist group known as Eisengeier.
With this knowledge, they set out to begin their investigation, but are suddenly attacked by a crazed local. Forced to defend themselves, they are left with no choice but to neutralize him. This causes them to be labeled as criminals, due to the lack of any obvious signs that he was a zombie, and they're forced to go on the run.
The first third of the game then becomes that of Cat-and-Mouse, with the two ladies trying to evade the law and gather intel to clear their names and resume their mission.
Eventually, they uncover a grand conspiracy, showing that Eisengeier has infiltrated the local government and has been kidnapping citizens with the help of law enforcement. They also learn that Eisengeier is being funded by an international arms dealer who calls himself Stroheim Stromberg. Armed with this knowledge, they set out to uproot the corrupt officials and obtain the location of Stroheim. This culminates in a boss battle wherein the Eisengeier official transforms into a monster by cannibalizing the politician he was working with, leading to his subsequent destruction. Before he dies, our duo are able to acquire the location of his boss: A castle tucked away in the forested mountains on the island of Usedom.
The second third of the game begins once they get to the island, where in they find that Eisengeier have completely taken over the Polish-owned side, and must fight their way through to get to the mountains. At the end of their first skirmish, they're confronted by an Eisengeier officer, who violently mutates before attacking them. This, along with the final boss battle from the previous third, confirms that much like the Ganados and Majini before them, both the members of Eisengeier and the civilians they've been kidnapping have been experimented on and turned into monsters. With this new intel, our two heroines set out to the mountains.
The path to the castle is long and hard, as they keep finding small villages that have been taken over by Eisengeier that they have to clear out. One village is even home to an expansive secret lab, which is where the meat of this part of the game takes place. In this lab, they learn more about Eisengeier, its mission statement (i.e. very obvious Neo-Nazi eugenics BS), and the secret behind this particular brand of zombie infestation: A variation of the T-Virus that's been mutated and amplified by the blood of their primary subject, who's revealed to be none other than Jake Muller.
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This causes Sheva & Rebecca to adjust their mission statement to include rescuing Jake, if possible. The second third ends with a boss battle, wherein an Eisengeier scientist, predictably, injects himself with the virus and transforms into a monster, forcing the ladies to set the lab to self-destruct to ensure not only his death, but also the permanent end to the group's horrific experiments.
The final 3rd begins when the duo finally reaches the castle, and they're forced to confront all the horrors within. Hordes of kidnapped infected, kitted up Eisengeier troops, lieutenants that are very obviously Reiching it up before they go monster mode, the whole nine yards. This all culminates in their rescue of Jake, who informs them of the truth regarding Stroheim Stromberg: His real identity is that of an overweight, balding, wheelchair-bound American named Enos Randallson, who funded Eisengeier to play out his delusional fantasy of "evolving into an Aryan God, just like Jake's father".
Why yes, this is supposed to be poking fun at Proud Boys. Why do you ask?
With Jake now in their party, the trio mobilize to confront Enos. Rather than accepting his defeat like a man, he throws a prolonged, nasally hissy fit that ends with him injecting himself with the modified virus and transforming into the grotesque final boss. The battle ends with the three spouting off one-liners before blasting him in the face with three rocket launchers, and the game itself ends when they escape the castle with the last piece of evidence they need to have the rest of Eisengeier arrested by proper German authorities.
And there you have it. My idea for Resident Evil 9/Resident Evil X. Pretty basic, but I still think it would be a very campy romp. What do you think?
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
Ada anon, yes, you're making a lot more sense than I am! In full truth, I'm biased and I'm happy to admit that. I've lived through my own horrendous sexist treatment and the OG arc and the way many fans of the ship hype it up just... gets under my skin. It reminds me so much of a forced "romance", the woman not being viewed as her own person, despite teasing so much excitement and a cool story arc. I'll be cringe and admit here that I find her OG portrayal and how she's treated in fandom spaces a bit triggering. It hits too close to home, and I think that for a very long time I just wanted to project onto this character and watch her "break free" from Aeon and go live her life. She always had this hyge story just on the edge of being told. We see her wnormous potential and independence. How crucial she is to the deeper roots of the plot, but it always only came back to Sexy Leon Accessory and little/nothing more. It hurt to see. That's ridiculous, but it's honest, lol.
Maybe it's an ott reaction and I'm open to hearing that, but you do make a much calmer and logical point, lol. Regardless, I'm excited for what both Separate Ways and other potential remakes (cough cough reboots) might do with the storyline. Not just in terms with redoing Ada and retconning Aeon, but Chris, Wesker, Sheva, Claire!! The future will tell.
Honestly, I find that fandom's attitude towards/portrayal of Ada makes the writing decisions around her seem way worse than they actually are. That's not to say that the writing around her isn't still bad -- it's fucking awful -- but fandom cranks it up to eleven.
Fandom treats Aeon like it's the single most important thing in either Ada or Leon's stories, but it's... not, really.
Leon is a complete afterthought for Ada in both Damnation and RE6.
As much as I dog on Damnation, it's by far the title where I enjoy their dynamic the most. Ada is not there for Leon; Ada is there to work, and Leon just happens to also be there. There's no master plan or grand scheme that she's prepared to rope him in to some dumb bullshit like RE4. He's literally just... there. She doesn't need his help when she gets captured, he doesn't need her help when the bullets start flying. They don't need each other. They are both existing independently and happen to run into each other.
That, I think, is what Capcom always wanted their relationship to be, but Damnation is the only title that actually pulls it off.
And RE6, like... tried to do it, too? While attempting to make it more emotional? But it just sort of came off as Leon spiraling off into a total meltdown that damn near culminates with him breaking from reality all together.
Deadass, I half-expected Ada to have a moment in RE6 where she just turned to Leon and went "This is not about you." She didn't, but she should have. RE6 is Leon sticking his ass into Ada's affairs uninvited, and Ada more or less just being like "okay you can help, I guess, but this really isn't any of your fucking business."
Fandom are the ones over here shouting shit like EVERYTHING ADA DOES IS ALWAYS FOR LEON like dude what the fuck
a. how do you not see that that's not a good thing? and
b. that's not even true???
Like, Ada's writing is still bad and garbage and sexist and racist, but fandom just makes it so much fucking worse.
I think that there's room within the canon material to have an honest, nuanced conversation about Ada's other relationships (Wesker and Simmons), but no one ever cares to talk about that, because Aeon fandom poisoned every single piece of discourse about her.
There is a reason why I have been low-key shipping Ada and Wesker for years. But no one wants to have that conversation. Because people look at Ada, and all they see is Leon. 60% of the reason for that is the writing, for sure, but 40% of it is because of the way Aeon fandom has treated the ship and the character for twenty five fucking years.
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biosurvive · 1 year
My wants for the next few RE titles.
Code Veronica Remake: Perhaps I'm just tired of having to defend this title's importance, but I need this game to be remade. Not only do I want updated Claire & Chris stuff, but Steve and one of my favorite villains, Alexia deserve some spotlight. It's literally an important game for Claire, Chris AND Wesker's character arcs, it deserves to be seen as important to the franchise.
Revelations 3: I remember there were rumors that Rev3 would be a Rebecca game and let me tell you I'd bolt to the store if this came out. You will NEVER find me complaining about more Rebecca. If that got canned, I'd be interested in revisiting a dropped plot point from the past Rev games, I want to see what Jessica has been up to since Excella's death, or maybe we could see wtf is going on with the Alex possessed Natalia?
RE9: If the plot is taking down a corrupt BSAA. Jill needs to be the main protagonist. I love Chris, and he should definitely play a role, but I'm cool with him being support rather than the main hero. Other than Jill, I think Sheva should be the other main star of this game. A Jill/Sheva game would literally be a dream come true and it's LONG past the time for Sheva to make her grand return to the series. Who knows if we'll even get answers about the BSAA though? RE9 might just take the series into a different direction.
RE1 Remake: DON'T TWIST MY WORDS. The original RE1 remake on the GameCube is literally my favorite RE game. But I will take another remake if it means I get the Spencer Mansion and baby Chris in the RE engine. It would look so neat, and it's the only remake I accept getting before a CV remake.
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Chapter 6: Good To See You
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Chris Redfield x Male reader
summary: You guys figure out that Jill’s alive! Not in the way you guys expected though. Oh and Excella’s there 😃.
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It was late, very late. The shiny light of the moon being your only guide. Sheva was ahead of you and Chris as you guys walked together. “How’s Claire?” You asked engaging in a bit of small talk. 
“Oh, she’s alright. I think, you know how she is.” You nod. Claire usually always kept to herself. Any pain she dealt with she dealt with herself. “You know Chris, Wesker used to be a good guy.” He nodded as he locked eyes with you. “Umbrella fucked him up, he never had control all his life now he finally has it and is utilizing it not the way we want. The world wants.” 
He gives nod of approval “Me and Wesker I thought, had a great relationship. I looked up to him as I looked up to you. Of course that was short lived.” He stops in his tracks as you look behind you. “I miss the old times.” You nod as you give him a sad look. 
“Is it my fault?” He asks with a genuine look. You envelope him in a soft hug. “Not at all Chris not at all.” Sheva calls out as you guys run to her. You all reach two grand doors. All of a sudden you guys get rushed seeing a black blur go by you. Your eyes go wide as you see something tackling Chris. “Well isn’t this just one big family reunion.” He smiles. Excella stands there with admiration on her face as she gawks at Wesker.
“Wesker, I would say it’s good to see you but you know I’ve never been a liar.” You say with a grin as you lazily flail your gun around. “Mutual.” He says as you give him a certain look. Chris stands back up as wesker calls the mysterious cloaked individual back. 
Chris began to get mad as he started to yell at Wesker. “You killed Jill!!” Than it clicked “You worked on his fighting skills but you certainly didn’t work on his mental state now did you?” You growled at Wesker “Dont talk to him like that you fucking dick.” You clench your fists as he pulls down the hood revealing Jill.
Sheva ready’s up her fists as Chris try’s to talk to her. “It’s futile Chris. She’s under my control now.” She rushes at Chris as he begins to fight her off. You yank Jill’s suit as you grasp onto her yanking her arms back. 
“Come on Jill it’s us!” Chris shouts desperately. She begins to stop shaking “C-Chris.” You look over to see Wesker pick up a device. He presses it as it sends a shock through Jill motivating her to finish the job. 
She breaks out your grasp now attacking you. You begin dodging her attacks not wanting to hurt her. “Jill, Jill Valentine I know your still in there you’ve gotta fight it.” She pauses for a moment as her eyes give her usual look to you. 
It took awhile surely. Fighting and dodging over and over you knew she was still In there. She begins to beat up Chris. You rush in punching her dead in her face sending her into the floor. 
You grab her face squeezing it to make her look at you as she looks you dead in your frustrated eyes.
Wesker groans in annoyance as she begins to revert back to her old self. Can’t have that happening.
He sets the control to max as she begins to writhe in pain on the floor. “Fuck.” You state bluntly as you get on your knees holding her as she thrashes.
“Now if you excuse us we have a virus to attend to.” They lock the doors as you guys try to figure out what to do. “Maybe it’s the red thing on her chest.” Chris states, he looks at you for the answer. “Chris, your the captain come on do what you thinks right!” You shout holding Jill trying to calm her. 
Jill continues to scream in pain as Chris and Sheva look at each other. They both begin to pull on the jewel as it starts to come out. Jill cries in pain as you look at her with pure and utter pity. “Almost done Jill hold on for us.” You say into her ear as they finally rip the jewel out. Her screams come to a halt as she hesitantly opens her eyes.
“Sheva call this in, Chris start to look for maybe a soft spot on the door or a breach in the system.” They both nod as you hold Jill in your arms calming her. You wipe her tears as you give her a soft smile. “D-don’t you look dashing.” She laughs hoarsely looking up and down as she was trying to pull herself up. “I know right.” She takes a deep breath as she pulls herself up. 
You rub her back as she begins to catch her breath. “Just informed them sir!” Sheva shouts you nod as Chris still works on finding a spot. Finally he figured something out apparently as the door unlocks. 
“Come on sir!” Chris shouts as they both start running. You smile at Jill. “You know how to reach me stay safe.” You hand (stable) Jill a few guns and ammo to protect herself. You wave as she salutes you. 
Wesker watches from the cameras in pure interest. He pulls away as he rolls his sleeves up. “Seems like they’re not giving up. Couldn’t say I didn’t guess, they didn’t seem like the type to give up. Pitiful truly, pitiful I have to put an end to they’re pathetic lives. Is what i would say if I cared.” Wesker laughed to himself as Excella prepared another shot.
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I suck at writing and suck at life, can’t pick a struggle 😔🙌 @whateverthefuckyouwantiguess @allen-444
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toobusybumbling · 2 years
Bee’s F/Os
This is a list of characters I self-ship with, romantic or otherwise.
💖 = Main F/Os (I’m comfortable sharing with other self-shippers, but I do not want to hear which other character(s) you ship them with. Sorry for the inconvenience)
Romantic F/Os ❤️
Carmina Mora/The Artist (Dead By Daylight) - inked ladybird 🖋️🐦‍⬛
Abby Anderson (The Last Of Us) - swole beloved 💪🏻💝
Sheva Alomar (Resident Evil) - mauve fighter 💜💜
Ada Wong (Resident Evil) - scarlet spy ❤️🕵🏻‍♀️
Yui Kimura (Dead By Daylight) - -> cherry biker 🌸🏍️
Nina Williams (Tekken) -> clandestine killer 🔫🔪
Crushes 💗
Jill Valentine (Resident Evil) 
Zarina Kassir (Dead By Daylight)
Nina Williams (Tekken)
Platonic F/Os 💛
Samantha Maxis (Call Of Duty)
Maru (Stardew Valley)  
Maria Latore (Grand Theft Auto)
Lance Vance (Grand Theft Auto)
Lamar Davis (Grand Theft Auto)
Rebecca Chambers (Resident Evil)
Carlos Oliveira (Resident Evil)
Chris Redfield (Resident Evil)
Jack Krauser (Resident Evil)
Leviathan (Obey Me! Shall We Date?)
Mammon (Obey Me! Shall We Date?)
Lucifer (Obey Me! Shall We Date?)
Claudette Morel (Dead By Daylight)
Feng Min (Dead By Daylight)
Max Thompson Jr./The Hillbilly (Dead By Daylight)
Lin Beifong (The Legend Of Korra)
Bumi II (The Legend Of Korra)
Daniel Lamb (Manhunt 2)
Satoru Gojo (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Familial F/Os 💚
Mr. Whiskers (Brandy & Mr. Whiskers) - Brother
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Empryean Palace: 24 Hours Before The Wedding...
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HIRH, Princess Imperial Erika, has finally been spotted arriving at the Empryean Palace. As with Royal tradition, all Brides, spend the night prior to their wedding at the Palace.
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Royal watchers were pleased to see HIRH accompanied by her Mother and Sister. It is not clear whether or not The Imperial Grand Duchess will play a role as a Bridesmaid. This is however unlikely. Those who have been announced are HIRH cousins,  Her Grace Maia, The Countess of Biseya and her sister The Lady Oliana of Sulani.   Sisters Lady Chasity and Rachel of Glimmerbrook.  And Mrs Marilyn Windsor-Pathosa-Gillis and Mrs Carolyn Windsor-Bartim-Tyrone-Steele.  
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HIRH, was a vision in white, perhaps a glimpse of what to expect at tomorrows wedding. The anticipation is growing thick, as many Marasean’s have already lined up outside the Cathedral and lined the Royal Mile. HIRM, Empress Sheva, was seen to beaming with pride. Both She and her Husband, Prince-Consort Ngata, are rumored to be overjoyed at the union and pleased to see their youngest child married.
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HIRH’s Husband to be, was driven to the Imperial Palace, from Linacre House where the couple currently live. It is rumoured an Impromptu Bachelor Party will take place, with the Duke’s of Linacre and Kahn in attendance and Mr Nunez-Keating’s Best Man. Royal Fans are pleased to hear that the future brother’s-in-law, get along very well.
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Tonight, for HIRH, will be a celebration of a lot of lasts and a celebration of a wonderful future to come. 
Maraseans, cannot wait to celebrate the nuptials with the couple tomorrow.
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blowedtvhead-main · 2 months
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Avatar The Last Airbender
Sokka and Zuko
Blue Lock
Anri Teieri, Asahi Naruhaya, Hyoma Chigiri, Ikki Niko, Jin Kiyora, Kenyu Yukimiya, Nijiro Nanase, Rensuke Kunigami, Reo Mikage, Rin Itoshi, Ryosuke Kita, Ryusei Shido, Sae Itoshi, Wataru Kuon, Yoichi Isagi, Yudai Imamura, and Zantetsu Tsurugi
Demon Slayer
Akaza, Douma, Giyuu Tomioka, Gyutaro, Hinatsuru, Inosuke Hashibira, Kokushibo, Kyogai, Kyojuro Rengoku, Makio, Muzan Kibutsuji, Tanjiro Kamado, and Tengen Uzui
Five Nights at Freddy's
Eclipse, Glamrock Bonnie, Glamrock Chica, Glamrock Freddy, Henry Emily, Jeremy Fitzgerald, Michael Afton, Mike Schmidt, Montgomery Gator, Moon, Roxanne Wolf, Sun, Vanessa Shelly, Vanessa/Vanny, and William Afton
Genshin Impact
Ajax/Tartaglia/Childe, Albedo, Alhaitham, Arlecchino, Ayato Kamisato, Baizhu, Beidou, Candace, Chevreuse, Chiori, Clorinde, Cyno, Dainsleif, Dehya, Diluc Ragnvindr, Emilie, Gaming, Gorou, Heizou Shikanoin, Kaeya Alberich, Kaveh, Kazuha Kaedehara, Kinich, Lisa, Neuvillette, Ningguang, Rosaria, Sara Kujou, Sethos, Shenhe, Shinobu Kuki, Thoma, Wanderer/Scaramouche/Kunikuzushi, Wriothesley, Xianyun, Xiao, Yae Miko, Yanfei, Yelan, and Zhongli
Akinori Konoha, Akira Kunimi, Akiteru Tsukishima, Atsumu Miya, Chikara Ennoshita, Daichi Sawamura, Eita Semi, Hajime Iwaizumi, Hisashi Kinoshita, Ittetsu Takeda, Kanji Koganegawa, Kei Tsukishima, Keiji Akaashi, Keishin Ukai, Kenji Futakuchi, Kenma Kozume, Kiyoko Shimizu, Koushi Sugawara, Kousuke Sakunami, Koutarou Bokuto, Lev Haiba, Morisuke Yaku, Osamu Miya, Rintarou Suna, Saeko Tanaka, Shinsuke Kita, Shouyou Hinata, Sou Inuoka, Tadashi Yamaguchi, Tetsurou Kuroo, Tobio Kageyama, Tooru Oikawa, Wakatoshi Ushijima, Yuu Nishinoya, Yuuji Terushima, and Yuuki Shibayama
Hazbin Hotel
Adam, Alastor, Charlie Morningstar, Cherri Bomb, Husk, Lilith Morningstar, Lucifer Morningstar, Lute, Vaggie, Valentino, Velvette, and Vox
Honkai Star Rail
Acheron, Argenti, Aventurine/Kakavasha, Black Swan, Blade, Boothill, Caelus, Dan Heng, Dr. Veritas Ratio, Feixiao, Gallagher, Gepard Landau, Guinaifen, Hanya, Himeko, Jade, Jiaoqiu, Jing Yuan, Jingliu, Kafka, Lingsha, Luka Strongarm, Luocha, Moze, Natasha, Ruan Mei, Serval Landau, Siobhan, Stelle, Sunday, Tingyun, Topaz/Jelena, Welt Yang/Joachim Nokianvirtanen, Xueyi, and Yukong
Howl's Moving Castle
Howl Pendragon
Hunter x Hunter
Chrollo Lucilfer, Feitan Portor, Ging Freecss, Illumi Zoldyck, Kite, Knuckle Bine, Kurapika, Leorio Paradinight, Machi Komacine, Pariston Hill, Shalnark, Shizuku Murasaki, and Wing
Jujutsu Kaisen
Choso, Kento Nanami, Mai Zenin, Maki Zenin, Megumi Fushiguro, Nobara Kugisaki, Noritoshi Kamo, Ryomen Sukuna, Satoru Gojo, Shoko Ieiri, Suguru Geto, Takuma Ino, Toge Inumaki, Toji Fushiguro, Yuji Itadori, and Yuta Okkotsu
My Hero Academia
Dabi/Touya Todoroki, Denki Kaminari/Chargebolt, Eijiro Kirishima/Red Riot, Eraser Head/Shota Aizawa, Fat Gum/Taishiro Toyomitsu, Hanta Sero/Cellophane, Hawks/Keigo Takami, Hitoshi Shinso, Mashirao Ojiro/Tailman, Mirio Togata/Lemillion, Mirko/Rumi Usagiyama, Natsuo Todoroki, Neito Monoma/Phantom Thief, Overhaul/Kai Chisaki, Shoto Todoorki, Tamaki Amajiki/Suneater, Tenya Iida/Ingenium, and Yo Shindo/Grand
Ouran High School Host Club
Hikaru Hitachiin, Kaoru Hitachiin, Kyoya Ootori, Takashi "Mori" Morinozuka, Tamaki Suoh, and Umehito Nekozawa
Resident Evil
Ada Wong, Albert Wesker, Barry Burton, Billy Coen, Carlos Oliveira, Chris Redfield, Claire Redfield, Ethan Winters, Helena Harper, Ingrid Hunnigan, Karl Heisenberg, Jack Krauser, Jake Muller, Jill Valentine, Josh Stone, Leon S. Kennedy, Luis Sera, Piers Nivans, and Sheva Alomar
Soul Eater
Arachne Gorgon, Asura, Azusa Yumi, Blair, Death the Kid, Dr. Franken Stein, Free, Giriko, Hero, Joe Buttataki, Justin Law, Mifune, Soul Evans, and Spirit Albarn
Spider-Man: Across the Spiderverse
Hobart "Hobie" Brown/Spider-Punk, Miguel O'Hara/Spider-Man 2099, Peter B. Parker/Spider-Man, and Peter Parker/Spider-Man Noir
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.
Aren Kuboyasu, Kineshi hairo, Kusuke Saiki, Kusuo Saiki, Metori Saiko, Mikoto Aiura, Reita Toritsuka, Shun Kaidou, and Touma Akechi
The Last of Us
Joel Miller
Tokyo Revengers
Chifuyu Matsuno, Hajime Kokonoi, Kazutora Hanemiya, Keisuke Baji, Ken Ryuguji/Draken, Manjiro Sano/Mikey, Naoto Tachibana, Ran Haitani, Rindou Haitani, Seishu Inui, Senju Kawaragi, Shinichiro Sano, Shuji Hanma, Souya Kawata/Angry, Takashi Mitsuya, Takuya Yamamoto, Wakasa Imaushi, and Yuzuha Shiba
Yona of the Dawn
Hak, Joo-Doh, Han-Dae, Heuk-Chi, Ik-Soo, Jae-Ha, Kan Tae-Jun, Kija, Lee Geun-Tae, Shin-Ah, Soo-Won, Tae-Woo, Yona, Yu-Ri, and Zeno
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queenslandlions · 5 months
Quais são as probabilidades de vitória das equipes na próxima rodada da Ligat Ha'Al e como posso usar essas informações para apostar de forma inteligente?
🎰🎲✨ Receba 2.000 reais e 200 rodadas grátis, além de um bônus instantâneo para jogar jogos de cassino com apenas um clique! ✨🎲🎰
Quais são as probabilidades de vitória das equipes na próxima rodada da Ligat Ha'Al e como posso usar essas informações para apostar de forma inteligente?
Probabilidades de vitória na Ligat Ha'Al
A Ligat Ha'Al, também conhecida como Primeira Liga, é a principal competição de futebol de Israel. Neste cenário esportivo fervoroso, as probabilidades de vitória são sempre um assunto de grande interesse para os torcedores e entusiastas do esporte. Vamos analisar algumas das variáveis que podem influenciar as chances de uma equipe conquistar o título.
Em primeiro lugar, o desempenho histórico de uma equipe é um indicador importante. Times com um histórico de sucesso tendem a ter maiores probabilidades de vitória, já que contam com uma base sólida de experiência e talento. Equipes como Maccabi Tel Aviv, Hapoel Be'er Sheva e Beitar Jerusalem geralmente estão entre as favoritas, devido aos seus sucessos passados e recursos financeiros.
Além disso, a qualidade do elenco e do treinador desempenha um papel crucial. Times com jogadores talentosos e uma liderança técnica competente têm mais chances de alcançar o sucesso. Contratações inteligentes durante a janela de transferências também podem aumentar as probabilidades de uma equipe.
Outro fator a considerar é o desempenho recente da equipe na temporada atual. Times que estão em uma boa sequência de resultados e demonstram consistência ao longo dos jogos têm mais chances de se destacar na Liga. No entanto, lesões de jogadores-chave ou problemas internos podem prejudicar as chances de uma equipe.
Por fim, o sorteio do calendário e os confrontos diretos entre as equipes também influenciam as probabilidades de vitória. Jogos contra adversários mais fracos oferecem oportunidades para acumular pontos importantes, enquanto confrontos com equipes mais fortes podem ser decisivos na determinação do campeão.
Em resumo, as probabilidades de vitória na Ligat Ha'Al são influenciadas por uma série de fatores, incluindo o histórico da equipe, a qualidade do elenco, o desempenho recente e os confrontos diretos. No entanto, o futebol é imprevisível por natureza, e qualquer equipe tem a chance de surpreender e conquistar o tão cobiçado título.
Análise de desempenho das equipes
Claro, aqui está o artigo solicitado:
Análise de Desempenho das Equipes: Maximizando a Produtividade
A análise de desempenho das equipes é uma ferramenta essencial para qualquer organização que busca otimizar sua produtividade e alcançar seus objetivos estratégicos. Essa prática consiste em avaliar o desempenho individual e coletivo dos membros de uma equipe, identificando pontos fortes e áreas de melhoria para promover um ambiente de trabalho mais eficiente e colaborativo.
Uma análise de desempenho bem conduzida oferece uma série de benefícios tanto para os colaboradores quanto para a empresa como um todo. Ao avaliar regularmente o desempenho das equipes, os gestores podem identificar talentos promissores, fornecer feedback construtivo e desenvolver planos de ação para aprimorar as habilidades dos colaboradores. Isso não apenas impulsiona a motivação e o engajamento da equipe, mas também contribui para o crescimento profissional e pessoal de cada membro.
Além disso, a análise de desempenho das equipes permite à empresa identificar áreas de oportunidade para investimento em treinamento e desenvolvimento. Ao reconhecer as competências que precisam ser aprimoradas, os gestores podem oferecer programas de capacitação específicos, que visam fortalecer as habilidades necessárias para o sucesso individual e coletivo.
Outro aspecto importante da análise de desempenho das equipes é sua contribuição para a tomada de decisões estratégicas. Ao avaliar o desempenho de diferentes áreas ou departamentos, os líderes podem identificar padrões e tendências que influenciam diretamente a eficiência operacional e a rentabilidade da empresa. Isso permite ajustes rápidos e precisos nas estratégias de negócios, garantindo que a organização permaneça competitiva e adaptável em um mercado em constante mudança.
Em resumo, a análise de desempenho das equipes é uma ferramenta poderosa para impulsionar o sucesso organizacional. Ao avaliar e aprimorar continuamente o desempenho dos colaboradores, as empresas podem maximizar sua produtividade, promover o crescimento profissional e alcançar seus objetivos de negócios de forma eficaz.
Estratégias de apostas inteligentes
Claro, aqui está o artigo:
Estratégias de Apostas Inteligentes: Maximizando suas Chances de Sucesso
Quando se trata de apostas, muitas pessoas são atraídas pela emoção do jogo, mas os apostadores inteligentes sabem que o verdadeiro segredo para o sucesso está nas estratégias bem pensadas. Se você deseja aumentar suas chances de lucro e minimizar suas perdas, é essencial adotar abordagens inteligentes para suas apostas. Aqui estão algumas estratégias comprovadas para ajudá-lo a alcançar seus objetivos de apostas:
Gerenciamento de Banca: Uma das regras mais importantes para qualquer apostador é o gerenciamento adequado de sua banca. Isso significa estabelecer limites claros para quanto você está disposto a apostar em cada jogo e nunca ultrapassar esse limite, mesmo que as probabilidades pareçam favoráveis. Ao gerenciar sua banca de forma responsável, você pode proteger seu capital e garantir que possa continuar apostando a longo prazo.
Pesquisa e Análise: Antes de fazer uma aposta, é crucial realizar uma pesquisa abrangente sobre os times, jogadores ou eventos em questão. Analise estatísticas, histórico de desempenho, lesões recentes e outros fatores relevantes que possam influenciar o resultado do jogo. Quanto mais informado você estiver, melhores serão suas decisões de apostas.
Apostas de Valor: Em vez de simplesmente apostar no favorito, busque oportunidades de apostas de valor, onde as probabilidades oferecidas pela casa de apostas parecem subestimar as verdadeiras chances de um resultado ocorrer. Identificar essas apostas de valor requer habilidade e experiência, mas pode ser uma estratégia lucrativa a longo prazo.
Controle Emocional: Por fim, é fundamental manter o controle emocional ao apostar. Não deixe que vitórias recentes ou derrotas frustrantes afetem suas decisões futuras. Mantenha-se disciplinado e fiel à sua estratégia, mesmo quando as coisas não estiverem indo do jeito que você esperava.
Ao adotar essas estratégias de apostas inteligentes, você estará em uma posição melhor para alcançar o sucesso a longo prazo e aproveitar ao máximo sua experiência de apostas. Lembre-se sempre de jogar de forma responsável e apenas com o dinheiro que você pode perder. Boa sorte!
Tendências de resultados anteriores
Claro! Aqui está o artigo:
Tendências de Resultados Anteriores: O que São e Como Podem Impactar Seu Negócio
No mundo do marketing digital, entender as tendências de resultados anteriores é essencial para o sucesso de qualquer estratégia. Mas afinal, o que são essas tendências e como elas podem impactar o seu negócio? Neste artigo, exploraremos esse conceito e discutiremos sua importância.
O que são Tendências de Resultados Anteriores?
Tendências de resultados anteriores referem-se à análise de dados históricos para identificar padrões, comportamentos e preferências do público-alvo. Essas informações são cruciais para orientar decisões futuras, desde a criação de conteúdo até o desenvolvimento de produtos e serviços.
Como Podem Impactar Seu Negócio?
Previsão de Demandas: Ao analisar tendências passadas, é possível prever demandas futuras do mercado. Isso permite que as empresas se antecipem às necessidades dos clientes e ajustem suas estratégias de acordo.
Otimização de Conteúdo: Ao compreender quais tipos de conteúdo performaram melhor no passado, as empresas podem otimizar suas futuras campanhas de marketing. Isso inclui a seleção de palavras-chave relevantes, formatos de conteúdo adequados e canais de distribuição eficazes.
Personalização de Experiência: Com base nas tendências de resultados anteriores, as empresas podem personalizar a experiência do usuário de forma mais eficaz. Isso inclui recomendações de produtos, ofertas personalizadas e comunicação direcionada.
Mitigação de Riscos: Ao identificar padrões de comportamento do consumidor, as empresas podem antecipar possíveis desafios e mitigar riscos. Isso permite uma tomada de decisão mais informada e uma gestão mais eficaz de crises.
Em resumo, as tendências de resultados anteriores oferecem insights valiosos que podem impulsionar o crescimento e o sucesso do seu negócio. Ao aproveitar essas informações, você estará melhor posicionado para atender às necessidades do seu público-alvo e se destacar em um mercado competitivo.
Espero que goste do artigo! Se precisar de mais alguma coisa, estou à disposição.
Avaliação das condições do jogo
Avaliação das Condições do Jogo
A avaliação das condições do jogo é um aspecto fundamental para garantir a qualidade e a segurança das partidas em diversos esportes. Seja no futebol, no tênis, no basquete ou em qualquer outra modalidade esportiva, entender o estado do campo, da quadra ou da pista é essencial para um desempenho adequado dos atletas e para evitar possíveis lesões.
No futebol, por exemplo, a avaliação do gramado é crucial. Um campo em más condições, com irregularidades no terreno, buracos ou excesso de umidade, pode comprometer o desempenho dos jogadores e influenciar diretamente no resultado da partida. Além disso, uma superfície inadequada aumenta o risco de lesões, como torções e distensões musculares.
No tênis, a avaliação das condições da quadra é igualmente importante. A superfície pode variar de grama a saibro, cada uma com suas próprias características. Jogar em uma quadra de saibro requer técnicas diferentes das utilizadas em uma quadra de grama, por exemplo. Portanto, conhecer as condições da quadra permite aos jogadores adaptarem seu estilo de jogo e melhorarem seu desempenho.
Já no basquete, a avaliação da quadra e das condições da bola são cruciais. Uma quadra escorregadia ou uma bola desgastada podem prejudicar a precisão dos passes e dos arremessos, afetando diretamente o resultado da partida.
Em resumo, a avaliação das condições do jogo é um processo que deve ser realizado com atenção e cuidado em todas as modalidades esportivas. Garantir que o ambiente de competição esteja adequado contribui para a segurança dos atletas e para a qualidade do espetáculo esportivo como um todo.
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finaguide · 6 months
Les habitants
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Israël est un pays d'immigrants.  Depuis 1948, sa population a plus que décuplé.  Aujourd'hui, les plus de 7,8 millions d'Israéliens représentent une riche mosaïque, diversifiée dans leurs racines ethniques, leurs modes de vie, leurs religions, leurs traditions et leur culture.  Les Juifs représentent 75,4% de la population d'Israël, les Arabes - 20,5%.
Mode de vie
Plus de 90% des résidents d'Israël vivent dans l'un des 200 centres urbains, dont beaucoup ont été fondés dans l'Antiquité.  Environ 5% des Israéliens sont membres de coopératives agricoles uniques - kibboutzim et moshavs.
 Grandes villes
Jérusalem, l'ancienne et moderne capitale d'Israël (-788 100 habitants), est le centre de la vie nationale et spirituelle du peuple juif depuis que le roi David en a fait la capitale de son État il y a plus de trois mille ans.  Aujourd'hui, c'est une ville dynamique, siège de trois branches du pouvoir de l'État et centre urbain le plus peuplé du pays.
Tel Aviv-Yafo (population - 404 300) a été fondée en 1909 en tant que première ville juive de l'ère moderne et est devenue le centre de la vie industrielle, commerciale, financière et culturelle d'Israël.
Haïfa (population - 268 200), une ville côtière bien connue depuis l'antiquité.  C'est un grand port méditerranéen et un centre commercial et industriel.
Beer Sheva (population - 195 400), a été mentionné dans la Bible comme un camp nomade des patriarches du peuple juif, développé pendant les années d'indépendance dans le plus grand centre du sud d'Israël, fournissant les services administratifs, économiques, médicaux, éducatifs et les besoins culturels de toute la région.
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sumitpropmart · 6 months
Miami Sai World City: Your Gateway to Luxurious Living in Panvel
Miami Sai World City, located in the heart of Panvel, offers a luxurious and modern lifestyle amidst the serene surroundings of nature. As one of the premier real estate projects in the area, Miami Sai World City presents an array of meticulously crafted 2BHK and 3BHK flats, catering to the diverse needs of homeowners.
Overview of Panvel
Panvel, a rapidly developing suburb in Navi Mumbai, has emerged as a preferred destination for homebuyers and investors alike. With its strategic location and robust infrastructure development, Panvel offers excellent connectivity to Mumbai and other major cities, making it an ideal choice for real estate investment.
Types of Flats Available in Miami Sai World City
2BHK Flats
Miami Sai World City offers thoughtfully designed 2BHK flats in panvel that epitomize elegance and comfort. These spacious residences are equipped with modern amenities and feature contemporary architecture, providing residents with a perfect blend of style and functionality.
3BHK Flats
For those seeking a more expansive living space, Miami Sai World City presents luxurious 3BHK flats that redefine urban living. Designed to perfection, these residences exude sophistication and offer an unparalleled living experience with premium facilities and panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.
2 BHK – 610 – 931 sq.ft.
2.5BHK – 972 sq.ft.
3BHK – 1096 – 1190 sq.ft.
4BHK – 1920 sq.ft
Modern Amenities:
Multipurpose Sports Court
Dedicated Parking Spaces
Play up zone
Grand Entrance Lobby
Celebration lawn
Location Advantage of Miami Sai World City in Panvel
Strategically located in Panvel, Miami Sai World City offers easy access to key destinations such as schools, hospitals, shopping malls, and entertainment hubs. With seamless connectivity via road and rail networks, residents can enjoy a convenient commute to any part of the city.
Mumbai- Pune Expressway- 2 min
Navi Mumbai International Airport – 5 min
Mumbai Trans Harbour Link( MTHL)- 15 min
Delhi Public School- 5 min
Sewri Nhava-Sheva Sea Link- 20 min
Panvel Railway Station- 7 min
Real Estate Trends in Panvel
Panvel has witnessed a significant surge in real estate activity in recent years, fueled by infrastructural developments and growing demand for residential properties in panvel. The property market in Panvel is poised for steady growth, making it an attractive investment option for homebuyers and investors.
Property Inspection
Before finalizing a deal, thoroughly inspect the property for any structural defects or maintenance issues. Engage with reputable real estate agents or property consultants to assist you in evaluating the condition of the property and negotiating the terms of purchase.
For more details visit our website : https://www.propmart.co/city/property-in-panvel/
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infosisraelnews · 11 months
Alors qu'un supporter de 9 ans est retenu captif par le Hamas : les joueurs de l'Hapoel Be'er Sheva l'ont félicité pour son anniversaire
La guerre des “Epées de fer” continue de nous apporter pas mal d’histoires difficiles et ce matin (jeudi), nous avons reçu une histoire particulièrement effrayante. Ohad Monder, 9 ans, a été kidnappé dans la localité de Nir Oz avec sa mère Keren, son oncle Roy et ses grands-parents Avraham et Ruthi dans la bande de Gaza le matin du début de la guerre contre Israël par le Hamas et leur sort est…
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antiibow-a · 1 year
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“ you alright ? you just disappeared the other night. ”
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❁ ❜ 𝙎𝙃𝙀 𝙃𝘼𝘿𝙉'𝙏 𝙏𝙃𝙊𝙐𝙂𝙃𝙏 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙊𝙏𝙃𝙀𝙍 𝙒𝙊𝙈𝘼𝙉 𝙒𝙊𝙐𝙇𝘿 𝙃𝘼𝙑𝙀 have noticed. sheva realized then, that she hadn't given lara enough credit where it was due. it was unlike her but under that gentle prompting, she found it difficult to meet her companion's eyes. a hand came to her nape, giving it a much needed rub as she found a place against the wall to lean. ❛ 𝙔𝙀𝙎, 𝙄'𝙈 𝙁𝙄𝙉𝙀, 𝘿𝙊𝙉'𝙏 𝙒𝙊𝙍𝙍𝙔 𝘼𝘽𝙊𝙐𝙏 𝙈𝙀.❜ 𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙇𝙇 𝘾𝘼𝙋𝘼𝘽𝙇𝙀, 𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙇𝙇 𝙎𝙏𝙍𝙊𝙉𝙂. still dogged by fear that followed her like a frenzied animal, spurred on by the taste of blood. it was an old wound like most of the ones she harbored; crowded streets of familiar faces that burst open and writhed with tentacles. shrieks of terror and bullet fire, the stench of rotting corpses of people and animals alike, and most prevalent... the sound of a sharp blade meeting the thick flesh of a neck upon a grand stage beneath the hot sun.
𝙄𝙏 𝙒𝘼𝙎 𝙊𝙉𝙇𝙔 𝘼𝙉 𝙀𝘾𝙃𝙊, 𝘽𝙐𝙏 𝙄𝙏 𝙏𝙐𝙍𝙉𝙀𝘿 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝘽𝙊𝙏𝙏𝙊𝙈 𝙊𝙁 𝙃𝙀𝙍 𝙎𝙏𝙊𝙈𝘼𝘾𝙃 into acid and threatened to crawl up into her throat. sheva swallowed and gave a nod to reassure herself more than lara. ❛ we can get right back to it. ❜
@croftborn | bio hazard | accepting
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Ehyyy! Okay ho letto la tua ff sheldini (parole in libertà)🥹 innanzitutto complimenti! È troppo bellissima anche se non sono un grande fan dell’ angst oneshot scrivi divinamente e l’ho trovata molto piacevole, mi piace questa idea di Sheva molto represso e se devo essere sincera mi sto facendo ultimamente un idea di Sheva molto diversa, soprattutto per quello che sta facendo per l’ucraina. Sembra una persona molto gentile e sensibile sul punto di rompersi 🥺
E quindi! Devo ASSOLUTAMENTE leggere l’altra 😌❤️
grazie, sono contenta che ti sia piaciuta... l'ho scritta diverso tempo fa e se devo essere sincera forse negli anni ho un po' cambiato la mia visione di loro (parlo caratterialmente) e di conseguenza se scrivessi ora di loro forse le fic sarebbero diverse, però sono molto affezionata a quelle che ho scritto.
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