MS Artania kommt Sonntag an das Kreuzfahrt Terminal Bremerhaven!
Am kommenden Sonntag den 03.Dezember macht das beliebte Kreuzfahrtschiff " MS Artania" bekannt von der ARD-Fernsehsendung " Verrückt nach Meer" wieder nach 50 tägiger Atlantik-Reise wieder am Kreuzfahrt Terminal in Bremerhaven fest.
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outcasting101 · 1 year
Day 6
Warning: Kidnapping, yandere, (implied) murder, blood, runaway
You were a time-traveler going back in the past to prevent ever encountering to ingo and emmet. It was the worst decision you ever make in your life.
You were great friends at first start, often meeting them around the library you tried to study in prep for university. Your favorite cafe you visit for a wholesome old grandlady, You favorite band they coincidently know. Oh, oh-no.
Anyway, here you are running away, thankfully the time machine shape of a hand watch with it side a bright violet gem; your friend who is no longer there, their bloodshot eye with their mouthing hanging slightly dripping blog long had dried since you first investigated them; joking gift you back from an antique store. Its design style in the Victorian era with a bright violet gem contrast with the gold accent and floral surrounding it.
You kept it as a lucky charm from your love for old item. You were corner at first but what luck played with you pressing the button at the exact time hit 12.
You were back again the day you moved into this region. Your flet weight leaves you opening up. It was that hand watch now withering away from the edges flowing by the air as you stand by the bridge suitcase on other hand. Light reflected the violet gem, you curcl tightly as you bring to you chest before crashing down in relief. Too tired to process the phenomenon going back in time
What will you do now, that you have second chance - a hand place on you shoudler as you whip you head around. no nonononononono - How were they here? This was NOT MEANT TO HAPPEND
Okay calm down, with a deep breath, you face them; rewinding chapter with more twist than you woudl have liked.
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momotyler · 1 year
The "nashville" overdrive: Odr-1, Tone City Nobleman, Aion Andromeda, etc etc
              the nobels odr1 started getting popular in Nashville around the same time that “nashville” hot chicken and bachelorette parties became popular.   But some Nashvillains actually like the odr1.   I wonder if, in and around Nashville, my history with the odr1 is that different from people in other cities?   My grandfather managed an all girl “rock” band in the ’60s and my grandlady was…
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rjalker · 2 years
just referred to Zapdos as a grandlady. no idea why.
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hajen14 · 3 years
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I can’t be the only one who wants to adopt the mini donkeys, right?
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esther-filly-blog · 5 years
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Iris Apfel ist 97, älteste Mode Ikone und Model der Welt, sie sagt: „Du hast nur eine Reise. Also solltest du sie nutzen. Sei ein seltener Vogel!“ Ich liebe sie, Oh Yeah 🤩 Iris Apfel is 97 and the oldest fashion icon and model of the world, she says "You only have one trip. So you should use them. Be a rare bird! I love her, Oh Yeah🤩 #irisapfel #grandlady #youarenevertoold #idol #beyourselfalways #freaky https://www.instagram.com/p/ByUvYSiiz3F/?igshid=ydvc61ue4ofh
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This is Chai, the lady of the house. She's our only nonrescue (ever)), and she's definitely a lady. She is quitectaljitive and loves to be adored. She has the most amazing eyes^.^ she's going to be nine this year! #chaicat #siamesecat #sealpoint #siamese_feature #grandlady #charmingasfuck #siamesesofinstagram #meezersofinstagram #meezer #blueeyedgirl #siamesebeauty
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hannahlysing · 3 years
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I climbed Mt Gingera again. It's so lovely up there, once you step past the ring of rocks at the summit you find yourself under these low alpine eucalypts, with the softest spongy grass. I could see the view this time. Scrambled up on top of the summit rock and saw all the way out to Kosciuszko where there is still snow in the high country. So called Australia doesn't have any young mountains, but these old grandladies are magnificent in their own right.... I have to get out to the high country at some point, clamber up Kosciuszko if I can.
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kaliko219 · 7 years
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OK,so I was in pain for a few days, but left work Sunday wit a smile and happy thoughts.. Monday I loss my wallet and it crushed a lil bit of me,cuz that money was for my #GrandLady Harley😞..Ok so it's Wednesday now, I'm 90% over it,but now have to get new bank card, plus I need a new ID,and every damn thing else,sheesh!!.. (And she still gonna want her #PawPatrol)😏,lawwd have mercy 😂😂😂😂..An she shall get it, ctfu, lmao, next wk tho😂😂..
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fabstylistika · 8 years
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ANOTHER STAR IN THE SKY #rip #adelebloemendaal #ripadele #ster #powerwoman #ladymillion #grandlady #photo #nocredit #foundonline (bij Verzorgingshuis Flesseman Nieuwmarkt)
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tyneoconnell · 8 years
@daniellismore & @tyneoconnell discuss #thegreatbritish #eccentric & #mariedemedici - her patronage of the #worldsfirst #operacomposer #JacobPeri whom composed the world's first opera ever to be performed (which remains) at her marriage to #HenryIV of France before the good & the great of Europe in 1600 - she spent her vast fortune in her generous patronage & was beloved by #artists of Europe who wrote much in praise of her during & after her death. In old age she lived in #stjamespalace until #Cromwell exiled her - #sirpeterlely wrote in his diary of the piteous sight of "this great woman who devoted her life to the arts" as he describes the scene of the 82 year old woman being carried up St James's St in a sedan chair as every #artist #poet & #eccentric came to say farewell. He writes of their tears & dramatic sight the multitude of devotees fell to their knees to honour this #grandlady of the arts the #dowagerqueen in her old age cast from a country in which she had spent a vast fortune on both individual artists & the building of #CoventGarden now penniless & frail & as he saw it : "treated so cruel" She died penniless in an artist's garret in Geneva soon after Read more: bit.ly/2kap8XA (at Royal Over-Seas League)
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toknow-thearabian · 6 years
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Grand Commandd
Beijing BHF x GA Mi Grandlady
Photo by Suzanne Sturgill
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catinaumeko49 · 4 years
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My Legacy is way Bigger, Braver, Intelligent, Humorous than I have been. This Lady my Lil Grandlady is My New Purpose. Because GOD lives We will Grind Harder. #blessed #loved JJ Our 👸🏽 https://www.instagram.com/p/CGgDSBzFdHr/?igshid=1rqb9zj9j5sh4
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thecreaminhiscoffee · 7 years
Headcanon #224:      v: there is no cure; that doesn’t mean we don’t fight write up.
Jessica Irving Rabbit was born the youngest daughter of two parents whose names she has forgotten because she prefers to believe they don’t truly exist.  She had two older sisters - Betty Irving Boop and Holli Irving Would - and all three were involved in certain illicit activities that gained their parents no small amount of money.  Jessica was groomed from birth to join, although she was young enough to sit in front of a TV and watch slapstick comedy cartoons while her sisters worked.
Betty escaped, briefly, and tried to get their grandmother, Eleanor, to step in.  They alerted the police, but because Betty disappeared (and they knew an attempt at something was likely to come), their parents cleaned everything up.  Holli was too afraid to say anything, and Jessica was young enough that she would not be believed, even if she could adequately put it into words.  The police backed off, but Eleanor did not.
When Eleanor believed she had enough information and enough potential sources, the police became involved again.  They checked her information, visited her sources, and found that she - and Betty, by extension - were quite right.  They planned a bust.
One of the informants squealed.
In a blind panic, Jessica’s parents killed her older sisters and attempted to kill her.  The police arrived in time to save her, and after time in the hospital to let her throat heal, Eleanor took her away to live with her.
Out of all this, Jessica determined that the reason she was allowed to live and her sisters weren’t is that, in truth, she was a Toon.  This mistaken belief fashioned itself further - her sisters were alive, they simply returned to their natural Toon form, and she could remember them best by watching their shows.
Eleanor tried to dissuade this belief.  This did not work.  She was told that as Jessica grew up, she would naturally begin to quit pretending these things were so and that, eventually, she would deal with her grief and what her parents did to her.  This was not true.  Jessica’s belief persisted, to the point that she would frequently point out an animal or person who she knew and describe them within terms of fiction, primarily cartoons but sometimes even show or movie characters who were not strictly animated.
Without intervention, things rarely get better.
They get worse.
It was in a group therapy session many years later that Jessica met Roger.
Roger Lloyd Wolf Rabbit was a stand-up comedian by trade with primarily slapstick jokes and a strong hint of a perverted streak.  He saw Jessica; he liked her; and he wanted her.  It was that simple.  When he found that she was looking for her Roger Rabbit and that his last name was wrong (and, further, that he wasn’t a rabbit), he explained, simply, that perhaps, if her sisters could change their shape, he had changed his to come find her.
She was smitten.
Eleanor did not like him, but Jessica was the happiest she had ever been.  She wasn’t going to try and take that away from her (although she did make very clear the threat she would be if Roger hurt her in any way.  She was much more a protector than by rights a little old grandlady should be.  Or, perhaps, that fits very well within the trope).
Jessica and Roger were married.
Jessica quit going to therapy of any sort.
In their second year of marriage, Jessica found out that she could not get pregnant - a side-effect of certain unfortunate circumstances beyond her control.  This did not affect her love for Roger; it simply made her less...less.  Not happy, but something else that she couldn’t quite name.  Not inferior, certainly.  Just some sort of not-quite-sadness that she could not figure out how to identify.
Roger decided, for their three year anniversary, that he would get her a rabbit - a real live rabbit - because if they were rabbits, then their child might be one, too.  He hoped, in this way, to make up for whatever the lack that she could not name was, to play into her delusions in a way that would help.
On his way to their house, he got in a car wreck.
Roger died.
The rabbit survived.
Because Jessica already had a firm belief that Toons could change their shape at will to become more human or more cartoon as needed, the next assumption is simple.  Just as before Jessica refused to deal with the death of her sisters and instead believed they’d simply changed form, it was easy enough to do this with Roger.  Only he had not completed his transformation, instead choosing to remain with her in the form of a rabbit.
Heaven help her if that rabbit should die.
Interactions within the verse assume the following:
Jessica suffers from severe delusional disorder.  She does not have hallucinations yet, although it is possible that she may grow to have auditory hallucinations of her husband’s voice (and when the rabbit dies, she will likely hallucinate him).
Jessica truly believes that Roger, her husband, is her pet rabbit.  This is different from her ;at the seams verse in that Roger is actually dead and is not a rabbit.  Her rabbit is just like any other normal rabbit.
Jessica is more optimistic in this verse because she ignores the validity of death.  Her friends and family likely all have a cartoon counterpart, so if you have an animated FC, that is likely who she will think your character is, even if they state that they are otherwise.  (Jessica Rabbit is by nature a meta character.  This extends into this verse as well.)
It is debatable with Eleanor or the rabbit will die first in this verse.
There is no Companion Bunny in this verse.  Although yes, it is better for a pet rabbit to have a companion, Jessica does not believe Roger is a rabbit.  Not really.  He’s her husband.  She’s his companion.  Why would she need another rabbit?  (This is starkly different from the ;at the seams verse where they were transformed and Jessica, noting that she must deal with new human complications in her own body, knows that she must also work with Roger’s new rabbit complications - thus, Companion Bunny.)
Jessica may or may not be trying to get Roger to change back, but she doesn’t believe she needs anyone else to do that for her.  She is not actively seeking anything to save him as in the ;at the seams verse because she believes the change is something he did instinctively as a sort of protection.
It is entirely possible that when the rabbit dies she will simply believe he has changed form again to become animated once more.  Then again, when Jessica dealt with the deaths of her sisters (and Roger, to some extent), she did not have to deal with the body.  The services were all closed casket, she did not see her sisters’ bodies after their deaths, and Roger was so unrecognizable after the car crash that she could easily assume that it wasn’t him.
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liuphrog · 6 years
Who would you let grab you? Janitor or the grandlady
Because granny would drown me 
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