#grandma gracey
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Some Poptropica motherly figures, cause it's Mother's Dayyyy
Which one is your favorite?
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snailtronic · 8 months
seeing as it is halloween, maybe a good time to bring up the cool fact my grandparents were good family friends with yale gracey and his family!! yale gracey did a good portion of the work on the illusions and special effects for the haunted mansion and mr. gracey the character was subsequently named after him!! i just think it’s super awesome that my grandma can tell me stories about them especially since im a haunted mansion fan myself, he was seriously such a cool guy and the haunted mansion definitely wouldn’t be the same without his contributions!!
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he painted that for my grandmother’s wedding gift!! :’)
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Fanmade Unikingdom Citizens
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I’m gonna introduce all of the supporting, minor, and background characters from Big Bright World, starting with my fanmade Unikingdom citizens.
I'll put short recaps for characters I've already introduced, like Pepper. She's my Unikitty persona, and she's wily, random, smart, and slightly spooky. She's smart enough to see right through a prank. Her family moved from the southern side of the Unikingdom to the northern side when she was 7. She would be about 11 or 12 in the show. In the Big Bright World series, which takes place about three years later, Pepper is 14 and a student at Sparklestone High School. Her favorite things to do are draw and write fanfiction. She also loves running and acting, explaining her involvement in the track and field team and the drama club. She finds it hard to sleep at night, and she's a bit sarcastic. She’d sound like me, and I would voice her.
Mabel is another citizen of the Unikingdom who moved there with her family from Botania. She is open-minded and a great listener, and she doesn't back away from going all out. She's determined to give others something to remember about her. She's very energetic, but it's hard for her to slow down. If she were in the show, she'd be about 11 years old. In Big Bright World, Mabel is a student at Central Unikingdom High School and a good friend of Unikitty's. She is a part of its marching band, and she's aiming to be drum major. She plays the piccolo and the clarinet. She sounds like Mabel from Minecraft: Story Mode, except she doesn’t have a Southern accent. 
Pheasala is a classmate of Hawkodile and Eagleator who loves to be loud. She trained with them and their class in the dojo, and she participates in their annual familial sports competitions. She likes to scream and shout a lot. She's often seen carrying around her megaphone. She's very spirited, and she cheers on the dojo family. She can fly, but she prefers not to. She sounds like Petra from MC:SM, but she’s much louder. 
Maya is smart, self-assured, and good at keeping focused on something. She's a friend of Pepper, Puppycorn and Ellie along with Annie and Ringo. Her favorite thing to learn about is math and feels confident in answering any problem she's able to. She is 10 years old. 
Annie is thoughtful and creative. She's also a great thinker, coming up with as many solutions as she can when she's faced with adversity. She also considers all opinions and outcomes. She likes to solve problems and mysteries and help others. She's 11 years old. 
Ringo loves to liven up the mood in a place with his tap dancing. He's charming, energetic, and very social. Once or twice, he's danced a duet with the tap dancing butterfly. He is 9 years old and a social butterfly. 
Val and Ribbon are a sister-and-brother pair of gift boxes who run a gift box shop. They also run a pawn shop and a storage facility. They spend most of their time running their store, and they're good at looking after their stuff.
Pepper's parents are named Beatrice and Calvin. Beatrice and Calvin can be protective of Pepper and her siblings, and they get quite heated up when it's time to do chores. But, they're generally relaxed people who let the kids do whatever they please. They're helpful as well. Her mom works as a photographer, and her dad works at a car wash.
The house that Pepper’s family lives in is owned by Pepper’s grandmother, Marie. She is, more specifically, Pepper’s maternal grandma. She looks after Will, Pepper and Gracey when Calvin and Beatrice aren’t home. She’s pretty sneaky and mischievous. Pepper’s grandfather has been dead for four years. 
Pepper’s older brother, William, prefers to be called Will. He used to playfully make fun of Pepper, but now, he’s laid-back and relaxed. He doesn’t mind if you want to borrow something from him. He tries to make sure that his little sisters don’t get into trouble. He’s a big fan of superhero movies, and he and Gracey try to get Pepper to watch them with them. Though Pepper’s a big fan of the H.I.V.E. Five, she’s not all that interested. 
Gracey is the youngest. While Pepper and Will are about 2-3 years apart, Gracey is about 4-5 years younger than Pepper. She’s super bouncy, and she tries her best to be a good kid. Gracey is taking dance classes, and Pepper and her family want to go to all of her recitals. She watches superhero movies with Will. 
The family’s pet chameleon, Ink, was a gift from Marie. Gracey likes to take him out of his terrarium and play with him. In fact, they take him out often since he gets the urge to run around. 
Now for the guys I haven't talked about yet! Rosa is a young axolotl girl who is sweet and soft-hearted. She wears her heart on her sleeve, and she does things at her own pace. She's trustworthy, honest and lost in thought at times. She likes to read and get lost in a good story. She's also super interested in dancing and choreography. She's very close friends with Mabel, and she considers her to be her best friend. Rosa says that Mabel's the reason she became so interested in choreography. In Big Bright World, she's part of the Central Unikingdom High color guard.
Bigbang is a sports commentator, announcer and master of ceremonies. They're outgoing and exuberant, and they live their life to the fullest. They really, really love their job, so they always get a little sad whenever a sports game they're commentating on wraps up. They'll be right with you if you need them. They're a combination of a megaphone and a speaker, so they can get loud. At home, though, they're pretty quiet, and that's because they've had to pay a ton to fix the glass on their windows. 
Princess Unear and Prince Pericorn are Unikitty and Puppycorn’s parents in the Big Bright World AU, and they were the rulers of the Unikingdom before her. Unear is a unicorn/corn hybrid, and she’s where Puppycorn gets his corn half from. Pericorn is a pink cat/unicorn hybrid like his daughter; lots of people in the royal family are, or else the castle wouldn’t be shaped the way it is. Pericorn is omni. He and Unear are both very positive towards everyone. They let Unikitty take over the kingdom when they knew she could take care of herself. They admire her efforts to make it a happier place, and they can’t wait to see what she does next. They love Puppycorn just as much; Unear lets him ride on her back. (By the way, the reason he’s a dog is because of a grandparent who is.) Unikitty and Puppycorn are still being taken care of by Richard, and their parents don’t live in the castle with them. After they stepped down from ruling the kingdom, they went to work for a cruise line.
Mabel’s parents are named Carmine and Meryl. Carmine Maples is a sharp-witted thinker who loves to soak up the sun. He’s adaptable, jolly, crafty, and good at working with a team. Meryl Maples is playful, sassy and not easily unnerved. She has a sense of grace when she moves. Mabel’s parents moved their family to the Unikingdom because they hoped they’d get lots of sunlight to nourish their leaves there. Carmine and Meryl are also a bi-for-pan couple. I think that Meryl would sound like Eda from The Owl House.
Millie Maples is Mabel’s older sister, and she’s about 3-4 years older than her. She is steadfast and right on her feet, plus super tender. Much like her dad, Millie likes to be outside. Her favorite pastimes are rafting and canoeing.
Scarlet Maples is her younger sister. She’s feisty, cheerful, and filled with willpower. Though she knows she can’t go near it, Scarlet isn’t scared of fire. She even likes to paint her face with it. 
Douglas Maples is the older one of Mabel’s younger brothers. He’s easily bothered and sensitive to most things. But, he’s super funny, and he wants to go out and show people what he’s made of. He likes to juggle. 
Max Maples is Mabel’s youngest brother and the youngest in the family. He can’t speak in sentences longer than two words yet, so he communicates mainly by saying a single word and pointing at something. 
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deadqueernoldor · 1 year
9 people you want to know better
I got tagged by @kanalaure @redbirdbluebird and @camille-lachenille Thanks for the tags loves and yay to me for looking at my notifications for once
Three Ships: I dont really ship romantically often, but if I had to choose, I'd say eowyn/faramir, caranthir/haleth, and elwing/earendil
Last Song: Gracey – what a waste
Currently Reading: the midnight library by Matt Haig (I've been in a mood™ lately lol)
Last Movie: with others? The land before time (first movie) with my cousin. By myself? Probably pirates of the Caribbean dead man's chest but it's been a while
Currently Watching: the great north (I'm a sucker for good!dad who doesnt traumatized his kids, ok?
Currently Consuming: toffifee (caramel, chocolate and hazelnut sweet) bc I've been craving sweet shit lately
Currently Craving: potato dumplings the way grandma makes with the roasted white bread croutons in the middle. But like. At room temp.
I'm late to the game and everyone I'd spontaneously tag already got tagged, so if you see this, feel free to do it! Pretend I tagged you, loves
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aplaceintime · 8 months
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Gracey said thank you so much Grandma and Grandpa TT for all these fun treats😉We love them!
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amandaklwrites · 4 years
Movie Review: The Haunted Mansion (2003)
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Genre: Family Fantasy/Adventure/Horror
Rating: 9/10
Movie Review: 
I LOVE THIS MOVIE. This movie was such an important part of my childhood, and then very much into adulthood as well. Mostly because of how much I love Disney, The Haunted Mansion ride in Disneyland, and my now deep love for creepy/haunted things.
Here’s a funny story. When this movie came out, I was about 7-8, and my mom and my grandma took me to see it in theaters. I remember being uncomfortable with the jump scares (sorry, but Ramsley’s ghost face attacking the kid at the beginning is mortifying and a good scare), as I was never a fan of horror, and still am not. But I remember being enchanted with Edward Gracey (okay, I was in love with him-- who isn’t?), and Jim and Sara, and the whole story. But the moment the zombie skeletons came after Jim and Megan, I lost my shit. I jumped into the floor of the movie theater, hiding and crying. This movie scarred me in some ways. 
I don’t remember when I started watching the movie again (probably preteens), but it is easily, hands down, one of my favorite films ever made. It has some good jokes, Eddie Murphy’s role is perfection, Marsha Thomason as both Sara and Elizabeth is magnificent (fun fact: Marsha Thomason is actually British, so her voice as Elizabeth is her “real” one, and she did a fantastic American accent!), Nathaniel Parker as Edward Gracey is still one of my top loves, and Terence Stamp as Ramsley is marvelously portrayed. Madame Leota is just as good as she is in the ride, the kids help drive the movie with their compassion, and all the ghost side characters just make the movie. I loved all the small nods to the ride (the wallpaper, the breathing door, the carriage with a dead horse, the crows, the graveyard, the dancing ghosts, etc), which made me nostalgic for the ride (which, fun fact: the last ride Walt Disney ever had some touch on-- Pirates was the last ride he had seen 99% completed-- before he died). It had a good flow of romance, comedy, darkness, scares/horror, and touched on realities of life. I loved that they told the tale of this creepy house and all its dark corners filled with ghosts, but at the heart of it, it was a love story. It was about a lost soul who had only wanted to find the love of his life. Who couldn’t understand that? 
But of course, the film has some flaws-- and it is mostly plot holes. I had watched this movie recently with my mom, about a week or so ago, and I noticed some problems with the storyline. For one major aspect to me, why would the consequences of one man hanging himself because his heart was broken set off an entire curse that would lock down the mansion and touch everyone inside? Why were they all trapped because of him? 
And let’s be honest: where the hell did a gypsy in a glass ball come from? 
There is other little things (like how did Ramsley create a storm and flood the roads?), but I think it’s one of those stories where you can ignore those things and still enjoy the overall story. The surface story (and secondary story-- thanks film classes!) are well done on their own. It’s not like these plot holes ruin the story, they are just there if you think hard about them. And I noticed them more this time, but I still enjoy the hell out of this movie. 
It’s just a really, really fun movie. The characters are wonderful, the story is great, the horror is a perfect vibe, and the connection to this beautiful ride that people have been enjoying since 1969 is fantastic. I know every time I watch this movie, it makes me cry, because I just love this movie, but it also makes me think of this ride that everyone loves. 
This movie is a love letter to The Haunted Mansion ride. 
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sorenmarie87 · 5 years
Wake up, it’s Christmas
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Day 25 - Wake up, it’s Christmas 
The Christmas Diaries masterlist /  The Christmas Diaries on ao3
Word Count -  1,233
Warnings -  Fluff all the way, even while Dean and the reader are in bed.  
A/N - Here it is <3  The last chapter~ Thank you for all of your support, reblogs, and comments for this series.  
“Grace, baby girl, wake up.”  She grumbled and buried herself deeper into the covers.  “We’ll have breakfast, and then open presents with grandma, grandpa, Aunt Harley, Uncle Sam, and Uncle Cas.”
“What about daddy?”  You heard her muffled voice through the blanket and chuckled.
“Daddy’s making us a huge breakfast.  There’s no way he would miss your special day.”  The top of her head poked out from the covers and you smiled,  “There’s my birthday girl!”
“Morning mama.”  Grace yawned as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes and tried to pat down her sleep tousled hair.  “Don’t you wish Grandpa August could be here with us?”
“Oh baby girl, that’s something I’ve wished for since he passed away but I know he’s up there watching over us.  He’d love you so much.”  You felt Grace crawl into your lap and hug your torso.
“It’ll be okay, mommy.” You blew a raspberry on her cheek and Grace squirmed free.  She put on her house slippers and stood at the door, waiting for you.  “I’m hungry, let's go!”
The kitchen was busy.  Grace practically rushed over go where your mom was sitting and crawled up into her lap.  “Happy birthday babygirl, and Merry Christmas.  Are you excited to open your presents?”
“Mhmm but mommy said I had to eat breakfast first.”
“Your momma would be right.”  She winked over at you as you wrapped your arms around Dean’s waist.  “Get a room!”
“You hush.”  You stuck your tongue out at your mom and then kissed Dean on the cheek.  “Merry Christmas baby.”
“I hope your hungry.  We got pancakes, eggs, loads of bacon, sausage, toast, biscuits and gravy and so much more.”
“Mom helped you didn’t she?”
“Said she woke up early and wanted to get a head start on cooking.  She has Gracey’s cake and a couple pies in one oven.”
After breakfast, your family spent the morning exchanging presents.  Your mom surprised Grace with her birthday cake, and as soon as all of you were done singing happy birthday, she blew out the candles.
“So Grace, what’d you wish for?”
"I can't tell you what I wished for daddy, it won't come true then!"
“It's been two years since he has proposed, so why hasn't Dean made Y/N his wife?”
“Cas, buddy, when have we had time to sit down and plan a wedding?  I’ll bet you twenty bucks Y/N doesn’t even have a dress.”  You flushed as the two of them looked over at you.  “See?”
“I don’t even know where to start to be honest.”  Gabe snorted from across the room.  “What?”
“Don’t all girls plan their dream wedding when they’re small?”
“You’re confusing me with Harley.  I never -”
“Don’t lie to your guardian angel, Y/N.  You planned everything.”  You face was still warm as Gabriel moved Grace from his lap, and stood up.  “Deep down, you always wanted to get married.  You never stopped believing in love even though your father, may he rest in peace, passed away.”  
“Okay, I get it.  I still don’t have a dress, and we have nothing here for a wedding.”  
“I got you girl.”  He winked and you rolled your eyes.  “You’re marrying a Winchester, so you’re wearing the perfect thing already.”  You looked down at your red and black plaid dress and boots that you were wearing and chuckled.  He was right actually.  
“I can marry the two of you, if you don’t want to wait.”  Harley spoke up and you looked over at Dean who was grinning widely.  
“You honestly want to do this today?”
“It’s either this or Vegas.”
“My mom would kill me if we eloped, you know that right?”  You quietly chuckled and then looked over at Bobby with misty eyes.  “Would you… would you walk me down the aisle?”
“I’d be honored to.”
“I love you dad, thank you.”  You wiped away the tears that were threatening to fall.  “All right people, I guess we're having a wedding today.  What do we need?”
“We can skype your grandparents and they can watch from wherever they are.  Other than that, we have all the guests we need right here.  Sam, will you be my best man?”  
“Of course.”
“I love you but I’m handing my maid of honor crown to the birthday girl.”
“What do you think sweetheart?  You wanna be mommy’s maid of honor?”
“Will I get wear to a pretty dress?”  
“The prettiest!  Go ask Uncle Gabe for help, he looks like he’s itching to do something.”  You winked at Gabe who snapped his fingers and Grace was in an outfit that closely matched yours.    The only difference was the white vest with colorful reindeer and the white necklace.
“This is the best birthday ever!”  Grace scrambled over to your mom and she tickled Grace’s side.  “Don’t you have to find all that stuff?”
“You know…”  
“I think she means the something borrowed, something blue, something old and something new.”
“Yeah!  That stuff…”  She removed one of her hair barrettes and pressed it into your hands.  “Here’s somethin’ blue.  What else is there again??”
“Something borrowed, something old and something new.”  
“Y/N, come here for a minute and let me fix your hair and makeup.”  Your mom and sister pulled you towards the bathroom so they could work.  
You huffed in protest.  “Fine.”
You never argued when Harley asked to style your hair.  She taught herself so much and you learned that if you were stressed, all anyone had to do was play with your hair for a bit.  You could feel her running the brush through your hair, so you closed your eyes for what felt like a few seconds.  It's not until you feel your mom place her hand on your shoulder that you jerked awake.  “Y/N, are you okay?”
“I’m fine… I think anyways.”  You felt something cool press against your forehead as your mom and sister continued working.  “Thanks Gabe.”
“Not a problem sweet cheeks.  I have a bouquet here wrapped in one of Samsquatch’s old flannel shirts.  Will that work for something?”
“Something borrowed.”  You and Harley replied in unison with a chuckle.
“I’m wearing the bracelet Dean got me for Christmas all those years ago, so that’s something old.”  You felt your mom move around you and when you looked down you were wearing a necklace with a snowflake shaped pendant.
“Your father wanted you to have this whenever you got married.”
“Don’t you dare cry, I just fixed your makeup.”
“Harley has one too, if that’s what you’re worried about.  Now,”  She handed you the bouquet with a proud smile on her face.  “Let’s get you married, shall we?”
“Mrs. Winchester, are you asleep?”  Dean asked as he kissed your shoulder.  He heard you mumble something but you made no effort to open your eyes.  “I can work with this.”  Dean chuckled to himself as his left arm tightened around your waist.  “You looked so beautiful today, and you blew me away with your vows.  I love you Y/N, and I can’t wait to spend our life together.  I hope that our next kid turns out amazing like Grace did.”
“Well, we have time to make sure that happens.”  
“It will happen again, right?”
“Of course, so Mr. Winchester, you wanna practice making another baby?”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
Forever Tags - @lovetusk @coffee-obsessed-writer@justballoonfishthings@mirajanefairytailmage @kazosa @wings-of-a-raven @docharleythegeekqueen@clockworkmorningglory@lefthologramdeer @idreamofplaid@buckyscrystalqueen @ellen-reincarnated1967 @ilovetaquitosmmmm@holyfuckloueh @super-fan-of-all-things @n3rdybird @sandlee44@babykalika2001
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kdensonsvad-gd · 3 years
ARTS 346 Post 3
For Inquiry 3, I created a greeting card brand “Greetings”. On the matrix, this inquiry would be along the lines of service design and human-centered design and then over to product. The greeting card industry has been on a decline and many places are moving to ecards and just simply texting. Physical cards can also be expensive and a hassle to go out and get, get a stamp and then go mail them out. They are always the last thing people need to grab on the way to a birthday party and often just plain forgotten. Most of the time they are cheesy pictures and not what you had wanted. U.S printed greeting card sales have slid nearly 13% over the past five sales according the data cited by the Wall Street Journal. Hallmark is changing up its methods and selling their cards within other stores leading franchise owners of stand alone stores, to close their doors. The owner of Papyrus, American Greetings and Carlton Card, which are 3 large greeting card retail sellers has also filed for bankruptcy and closing over 250 stores.Chain stores like CVS and Walmart have planned to cut space devoted to greeting cards as well. We all know how huge and overwhelming those isles can be. People have turned to making “Happy Birthday” Instagram stories, posts on Facebook from templates (HBD, Get Well Soon, etc.) and simply just sending text messages. The templates themselves are so impersonal and Instagram only has so many features to customize your stories. Sometimes my grandma will post Happy Birthdays or Happy Aniversary to people who don’t even have FB so how are there supposed to see it?What if there was a way to order a greeting card online, customize it with your handwriting and images and have it sent for you? My idea is to create an Etsy shop that would sell just that. You would be able to pick out designs that are trendy and updated with imagery/art or upload your own photo. Then you can write down your message on a blank piece of paper and upload that image to the notes when you checkout which the brand can scan and single out the text either with illustrator image trace or tracing paper. Your text will then be added to the card and sent straight to your recipient! When you go through Etsy (on the sellers side), there is an option to buy shipping labels for envelopes for the same price of a regular stamp so you can either factor that price into the cards and offer free shipping or have only .55 cent shipping. For my deliverables, instead of designing the app itself, I decided to design some of the cards that you could choose from since I did a UX/UI design last inquiry.There would be cards for every holiday and occasion, like these Valentines Day ones since that is around the corner. The branding for this shop would be something whimsical and playful to represent the playful aspects of the cards. I am not 100% set on the logo but I really like the greens and purples. The brand needed colors that were a bit less vibrant so they don’t distract from the card designs and also the logo would be stamped on the back of the card and altered to the colors of each card so the branding is pretty flexible as long as the logo remains the same. Like the brand Greetabl (a site where you can get a little box and have 1 or 2 goodies in it on top of a card), you can add things to your card order but only things that will fit in an envelope so that it keeps the shipping at .55 cents! For example, if you wanted to add a Starbucks gift card for a graduate or a visa gift card for you grandchild birthday you could do so. 
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This week was also our workshop with Badass Cross stich founder, Shannon Downey. She was such an awesome woman and so empowering. Her ideas were fresh and inspiring! The dedication she has for such beautiful cross stitching that takes such tedious amounts of time is amazing and the message is so important. Women are badasses and we are just as equal and she really knows how to light the fire inside people to get them thinking! For my cross stitch that we did along with her in class I chose one of her pre-made templates to focus on learning how to stitch but Gracey and Karen’s pieces were so fun and beautiful! 
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familiafandom14 · 7 years
Words: 3,448
Warning: Gang, Cursing, Depression (Throughout chapter or parts)
A/N: I have had this as a draft for Wattpad and Tumblr for so long. So I’m posting it. YAY. This might be horrible so I’m truly sorry if it sucks.
Besos x
Vocab: English to Greek
Grandma/Granny: γιαγιά (giagiá)
Chapter One
               Walking the hallway with a slow pace just tired out from yesterday being dragged to the hospital. Having to have pity from people that say they understand my situation when they don't know what I have to go through. Taking pills day by day turning into week by week then month by month, year by year. And for what so I can fucking die at the end? I hate it. I'm tired of it.
This damn hallway just gets longer and longer each time I look at my locker. Walking faster. I'm unnoticed in this school sometimes. Sometimes. Just sometimes. I don't talk to people because I have no interest in doing so. I'm not a rebel or some goody two shoes, I’m just average but I don't fight, drink, smoke. Nothing.
Getting closer to my locker and my breathing is heavy from walking to fast causing chest pains but I'll live. Slowly turning my combination. Right.14.Left 27. Right 0.
Putting a finger to open it. But it wouldn't budge so I hit it and… Boom.... I had fucking paint and glitter over me. I'm done. I'm not taking this shit anymore. I'm done. The patient fucking person that doesn't stand up for herself is so gone.
I had people laugh at me but I didn't care. Yeah laugh all you want, see y'all in hell.
I wiped my eyes to get a better view. I smiled slowly.
"Who did this?" I laughed gently. It took a couple of seconds for someone to raise their hand.
Gracey Barkin. She claims she loves god. How god will always be by her side. She'll always be forgiven. So sinning is her main job. She giggles like someone said to her the cutest pick line. She thinks I won't do nothing to her this time because I had never stood up to her.
I walk slowly to her a couple feet away from me. Everyone got quiet once I took my first step. I giggled mimicking her. My face was just a couple inches away from her.
"You know what? I’m tired of your shit Gracey."
"Oh my, the mute talks now."
"Ha ha. Good one. But yes the mute talks now because I'm done. And for fuck sakes I'm going to pull the I have cancer card. I'm done being humiliated by you and waiting to die from this fucking cancer. So while I still fucking breathe now, I’m going to live my life to the fullest. Until I fucking die."
I swing my fist at the locker to scare her. And I walk away to the entrance.
"I don’t need this shit anyways." I shout while rising my hands and flicking everyone off.
I got outside feeling overwhelmed with my actions. I was smiling like I was free but it was only the beginning. Until I hear jogging from behind me as the steps grew louder..
"Y-you really got c-cancer?" Someone said.
"Damn" Others joined in.
"Don't need pity right now. Gotta Cigarette? “I say plainly finally turning around.
Calum Hood.
Luke Hemmings.
Ashton Irwin.
Michael Clifford.
The school's bad boys, rumor has it that these guys are in a gang and the most feared and strongest gang in Australia. So basically you're typical bad boy rumor but I don't know it might not be true. But one thing is true that these guys are so gorgeous with their tattoos that lay perfectly around there big biceps and holy cow I feel like a dwarf around them. They would need to bend down to my level to talk to me or even get on their knees.
Calum pulled one out right from his flannel pocket.
"You smoke?"  He questioned me as I put the cigarette in my mouth. He got closer to me pulling a lighter out rising one hand to my cigarette to block the wind and lights it. I looked at him and he already had his eyes on me but I looked away to see the fellas behind him staring me down.
I inhaled a bit and tilted my head back and blew the smoke out my lips.
I just received funny looks from these guys like I was crazy. Like I was asking for a death wish. Which I was.
"Let’s buy you a new style?" Ash offered.
"Yeah because I'm to plain and dull." As I look down at my covered painted self.  
I inhale again and slowly blew out as the smoke rolled off my lips. This feeling is great.
"Come on. I'll drive." I said. Walking towards the school's parking lot and further behind it like a block away.
"Why so far?" Luke asked.
"Good exercise in the morning. And I don't trust my car with the other high schoolers."
I started to see my baby. I named my car baby. 1967 Chevy Impala in a nice black coat, yep I started to watch Supernatural when I was like 11 and I been obsessed with that car ever since. I convinced my dad to make it one of my wishes and I still have two more and TADA my baby.
"Hi Baby." I smile to him rubbing the door. Unlocking the door and opening it. I took off my shirt leaving me in a black sports bra. And I grabbed my bag from the back and grabbed my sweatpants. Taking my shorts off. It didn't faze me because I was already used to doctors and nurses seeing me semi-naked.
The guys still with their eyes not looking away.  
I adjusted the seat so it could go forward and three of them could sit back there.
"You getting in or stand there like a lamp?"  
"Uhm Yeah.... Shot gun!" Michael blurted out loud as the others groaned.
One by one.
Ashton right behind me, Luke in the middle and with his legs over the seat because his long legs wouldn't be able to fit in the small space that was given to the three tall and broad boys in the back.
Calum looking the most comfy out of all of them. With his head resting on Luke's shoulder. And then there is Michael and me with no leg problems. Michael with a smug look because he called "shot gun." I kept inhaling the cancer stick that I'm starting to love.
I looked back at the boys to see them playing thumb war like five year olds bored on the longest road trip ever. Looking forward focusing on the road ahead of me.
I was going the back way to my house which is bumpy and dusty but still the prettiest view and sometimes after school when it’s over I would pull over on the dirt road and cross the field with the sign that says No Trespassing. With my book, and I even have a tent, blankets, a pillow, and snacks in the back of my trunk and sometimes I would camp in the fields.
I looked to my right to see out the window but also looked at Michael but still saw a pretty view. It doesn't even have a sunset but the field made the day beautiful. I tapped Michael's left shoulder and he immediately looked at me with a curious face as to why I tapped him but instead of telling him I just pointed out to his window. He turned to his right and then did a noise that he knows why I told him to look which caught the poles in the back to look.
His face resembled a kitten which was equally as adorable. A kitten that was in awe. Just looking through the window with his green emerald eyes.
I don't understand why I'm admiring him like this. Get your shit together Marina you're going to die, I have no time for that love shit but it would be so hard because I'm with these four Aussie guys that are so attractive and so kind to me right now.
They had never been a problem for me, yeah of course I have never talked to them but I get the occasional smiles when I used to past them in the halls. They are your punk rock kids that were too sweet to kill a fly. For example I had accidently bumped into Michael one time in the library.
Aw Eleanor and Park is so cute. Maybe I should read Fangirl next. I thought while I was towards the library.
"Whatcha reading mute?" Gracey said as she pasted by me going to the cafeteria and me in the opposite direction while she bumped into my shoulder on purpose really hard. But I don’t focus in that bitch I bet if I had told her I have cancer she would be begging on her knees for forgiveness.
I walked in quietly in the library to see the librarian already looking at me with a smile while I had returned the gesture with a smile and a wave.
I kept on reading my book while looking down because I know how to get around the library probably blind folded and wouldn't have to worry about people because no one comes here during lunch. But I was so wrong until my book was knocked out of my hands and on to the ground.
"Oh shit I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking." The green hair boy with the pale skin hand picking up my book. I couldn't see his face. He finally stood up tall that I saw his face clearly now and him still not looking up to the victim that he almost knock over. He was looking at my book and spoke up again.
"This is a good book. I read it maybe like 4 times." He giggled and finally made eye contact. I smiled at him thinking he was a cute kid. Then he looked at me strangely as to why I'm not speaking back. See I'm called mute because I don't talk very much and if I do talk in school it comes out like whisper. I'll talk when it’s really needed.
"Are you the girl that Gracey torments?" He rolled his eyes at the name Gracey. I nod my head slowly and looking down.
"Hey don't look down, its okay you don't have to talk I'll live but I would love to hear your voice one day." He sent a smile to me and I tried to give him a decent smile back. I start to walk away and wave at him signaling that I was leaving early. He followed me shortly leaving early as well probably for lunch.
Leaving the doors of the library I looked up and saw three boys waiting and talking until of course I exit those damn doors. They looked at me as I walked away causing me to lower my head down. I heard the library doors open behind me knowing the cute kid with green hair exit too.
"Woah Mikey, what the hell took so long?" Someone said now knowing the cute kid's name is Michael or Mike. Either one.
"Shhhh, lower your voice. Also for your damn info Luke I was talking to her. Gracey's victim. She’s really cute and nice." I heard Mikey's whisper in a hush tone but failed horribly.
"The mute? She talked to you? And yeah she is cute." Again someone I don't know said. But they were causing me to blush so hard as I walked. I brought my hand to my lips as I was controlling my breathing from walking a little too fast. Finally Mikey spoke up.
"She didn’t speak to me but I know she is nice. But yeah she's cute, wait no she's not cute." He paused and took a breather in. I was now frowning because of what he said but I started to walk faster to never talk to him.
"She's Beautiful." He said in such a hush tone. I was now smiling like an idiot probably but I quickly walked away headed somewhere far so I can do a little happy dance. I walked to the nearest girl's bathroom. Finally I walked to a stall, and did a little happy dance because a boy said I was beautiful. You just have to understand I never get called beautiful, pretty, and cute and whatever goddamn adjective that makes a girl feel nice about her by a male species. Probably the only male is my father but that didn't count of course.
"Hey! Are you having a damn seizure?!" Someone shouted next to the stall next to me. I froze and stopped dancing just waiting for her to say something else.
"I-I'm fine, s-sorrry." I said nervous. This whole school thought I was a mute which I wasn’t. It’s only half true. I don't speak in school just when needed and outside of school is the total opposite.
~Flashback Ended ~
I would never forget that day at all it was one of my best days ever. After meeting Michael, really him just talking and me shaking my head yes and no, the boys would always smile at me when I would pass by them in the hallways. But I didn't understand why they smiled at me, like we don't know each other and really they barely smile at other people unless it's between them only. I wondered if Michael remembered that day like I did, probably not.
My train of thoughts was ended when Luke spoke up.
"Wow that’s beautiful. I got to admit uhh-" Luke said just waiting to see if I took the hint to tell him my name.
"Marina." I smiled in the rearview mirror, seeing his toothy pearl grin back at me. I got to admit these boys are panty droppers I think. I bet they have girls throwing themselves at them all the time. So yup they're panty droppers. Smirking at myself just thinking about this makes me laugh but I'm still smirking.
We were getting close to my house, which is basically in the woods and then we have a bit more property. Like it’s my house then the woods in the back, the woods is an acre and then we have our farm behind the woods. The family has four-wheelers and dirt bikes so it makes our lives easier.
I hit the gas catching about 90mph and the boys gripping to the seats and I even think they grabbed each other’s hands. I laugh to myself throwing my head back which caused the guys to yell because they were scared but the thing is that the road doesn't even curve. I finally pulled in the driveway.
"What the hell is your problem Marina you could have kill us!" Luke said raising his tone at me, more then he needed to. I just got out the car. I walked to my door while the others followed behind me.
"Luke I been drivng those roads since like I was 11.Also I didn't kill you did I? No jackass because you're right there. And your mom needs to teach you manners to not yell because if you are going to yell at me then go sit in the car and throw your tantrum in there. Okay. Don't raise your voice or I'll punch you." I said turning around to face him and once I looked at him, he stiffened. Nodding at me.
"Sorry." He scratched the back of his neck.
"Come on." once I opened the door and started to head to my bedroom I was stopped by my γιαγιά which is grandma in Greek.
"Do you skip Mar an the paint?" she asked in her Greek accent and the ignorant grammar/English. I answered with "Mhmmm and this bit- girl."  Γιαγιά raised her eyebrow and finally noticed the tall boys behind.
Γιαγιά got closer to my ear which I had to bend a bit for her.
"An the hunks behind you? Orgy?"
“γιαγιά! Oh my lord no I made friends today. Finally. And the hell do you know what an orgy is?" Finally, raising my eyebrow at her.
"Your brother’s robot device thingy!" She said strongly in my ear talking about the laptop.
"Omg, no γιαγιά. Stop I'm going to my room. And don't tell my dad I came early." I said and she walked away nodding. The boys snickered while walking to my room which is the basement and big.
"You know an orgy doesn't sound that bad now." Ashton said laughing and me snorting. They all looked at me smirking with Calum and Michael winking. I'm still dying of laughter.
"Yeah, sure with my virgin self." I snorted as I stood up to grab a towel. I walked towards my bathroom and closing the door behind me. I started to undress and looked at the mirror to see the lines where the paint stopped like a bad tan line. I felt weak and pathetic but I'm finally taking my stand.
A tear slipped but I knew good would come if I got to break free today. I stepped in the shower and turned the water on to just get hit with cold water turning warm to burning my back but I enjoy the feeling on my back that’s the only part I like it, scolding hot. Scrubbing the paint off, so hard off my body, like I was a reptile shedding its old skin.
Now thinking about random things that I do a lot in the shower like singing but I wouldn't dare to sing since I know I have company over. I wondered if they got bothered if I called them my friends. They would have told me right? Anyways I turned off the water letting the last bits of water fall on me. Taking my hand out to find the towel drying myself off and wrapping it around me and it barely wrapped around my right thigh. I stepped out to find the mirror fogged up. As I walked out to find the boys sleeping two on the floor and the other two on my bed. I walked over to my dresser and pulled out my undergarments. Walking over to my closet and grabbed an outfit. And turned to see the guys awake and sitting up facing me.
"You took long." Calum said rubbing his eyes.  
"Uh yeah I'm sorry the paint was hard to get off." I said and a blush started to creep up.
"You could have asked for help." Ashton giggles. And then Luke stood up and ran to the bathroom and I heard the door click. I walked over and jiggle the door and it wouldn't budge.
"I'm taking one for the team." Luke yelled from the other side of the door.
"You jackass I have to change. Get out!" I yell at him. The guys laughing to this scene.
"Don't look, I swear to god." I faced the wall. I let the towel hand around my hips as I put my bra on. Now, my underwear which was hard, not wanting the towel to drop ,because I was putting on a pair of cheekys. My shirt was the easiest but the pants was the worst part because I struggled to put them on, the towel had loosen up and fell to the ground I blushed so hard hoping they didn't see and pulled my pants as fast I could. I looked back at them to see them all on my bed looking on their phones.
None looking at me. Good.
"Lego." As I walked upstairs carefully looking to my left and right making sure my father wasn't home. I nodded my head towards the front door to the boys and quickly.
"Marina! Stop. Where were you?!"
"γιαγιά told me you were here."
"γιαγιά!" I scolded at her. She raised her hands and arm ups and walked away saying "I didn't do it. Lies."  
"The school called me earlier and told me to come. Told me what happened and even showed me from the school cameras. So Mar you're not in trouble. Wait why do you have boys over?"
"Okay dad nice talking to you. Thanks for being reasonable. Love ya. Bye." I ran to my car and the boys jumping in like kangaroos. Starting the engine and looking at my mirrors seeing my father running towards the car but I stepped on the gas and got out so fast and letting the window down to let it blow my hair.
"Oh, by the way nice underwear." Luke said beside me with his hand out the window and a smirk playing at his lips. The boys agreeing. These idiots.
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Cause she's a jerk
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Cause she's tired of those jerks
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aplaceintime · 2 years
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Look what Gracey got in the mail today from GGTT!! “Thank you so so much, Grandma & Grandpa TT! That was so sweet! I love this and you!”
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aplaceintime · 3 years
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Thanks, Grandma & Grandpa TT for the fun Fall package! I love it and you! Love, Gracey
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aplaceintime · 3 years
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After Gracey got home from work we searched for our hidden Easter baskets from Grandma & Grandpa TT and us! It took us a while to find them and we all needed hints to find them! It was fun! Thanks GGTT for the cute baskets with fun and delicious treats😊We especially liked the toy cars and Play-dough soap and of course the chocolates! 💛
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sorenmarie87 · 5 years
I thought you said Krampus doesn’t exist
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Day 19 - “If I hear one more Christmas song, I’m going to shoot myself.”
The Christmas Diaries masterlist /  The Christmas Diaries on ao3
Word Count - 769
Warnings -  One comment that Dean likes getting whipped by chains.  
A/N - This takes place around episode 3.8.  
You were still wide awake watching a movie when Grace suddenly appeared at the side of your bed.  “Mommy, I had a nightmare, can I sleep with you you?”
“Of course you can Gracey.”  You threw your blanket back as Grace crawled in beside you.  You paused what you were watching as Grace curled up beside you.“Wanna talk about what happened in your dream?”
“Not really.”  Just like Dean you thought to yourself and chuckled  as Grace looked up at you.
“Mommy, will you tell me the story about how you and dad met?”
There had been something strange happening to the residents of Ypsilanti, Michigan.  Your grandparents ran a diner in the area, so you took it upon yourself to go help out.  Trixie picked you up from the bus station and hugged you as soon as you stepped off of the bus.  “It’s so nice to see you dear.”  She looked behind you as if she was looking for someone else and you explained that your mom and sister were busy with another hunt.  
“Thanks grandma, how’s grandpa doing?”
“As ornery as ever.  He wants you to try out some of the things he’s developed for the diner.”  As if on cue, your stomach growled and she chuckled.  “Well, we better get you fed.”  
“I can’t wait.”
“There is one catch though, you have to eat in costume.”  You raised an eyebrow but just nodded in agreement.  You knew better than to argue.  
“Oh thank god, this diner isn’t playing Christmas music.”
“I’m serious, Sam.  If I hear one more Christmas song, I'm going to shoot myself.”  You had to hold your hand over your mouth to keep a laugh from escaping.  Even though they owned a Christmas themed diner, they wanted everything to be normal.  So your grandpa had a jukebox installed with a variety of music.  You were currently bobbing your head to the song that was playing.  
Dean was watching the back of your head carefully.  “Sam, please tell me your seeing the same thing I am.”
“Girl with horns in the booth in front of us, yes.  I was going to say something, but I didn’t want to be rude.”  
He gave his order to the waitress, and as she walked away, Dean excused himself.  He passed your booth and he paused before going into the bathroom.  You were currently eating some form of pie with a grin on your face.  You had a notebook open and would occasionally write something down.  He watched you for a second more and then Dean pulled out his phone and dialed Bobby’s number.  He waited until he was in the bathroom to connect the call.  “What do you want now?  I thought the case was wrapped up.”
“I thought you said Krampus didn’t exist.”  
“He doesn’t.” Dean opened the door a crack and managed to take a picture of you as you were sitting in your booth. He sent it to Bobby’s phone and there was silence for a couple of minutes. “That’s obviously a costume boy…”
“How do you know?”
“Is that diner run by an elderly couple?”
“Yes… how the hell do you know that?”
“They’re hunters, you idjit.  That girl is their granddaughter Y/N.”
“So did daddy ever introduce himself to you?”  
“Eventually he did.”  You chuckled as Grace flipped on her back.  
“I can’t believe daddy thought you were a demon.”  Grace asked with a quiet yawn.  .  
“To be fair, that costume was pretty convincing.”  You heard Dean from the doorway and Grace perked up.
“Welcome home daddy.”  Dean kissed Grace’s forehead and tucked her in.  He removed his boots, his flannel and his jeans, as he crawled in bed beside her.  “Mommy, so does Krampus actually exist?”
“I don’t actually know baby.”
“Bobby would tell you no and that your an idiot if you believing otherwise.”
“Well if he doesn’t exist, what’s he like?”  
“According to the lore, Krampus originated in Germany.  He’s sort of like the anti-Santa Claus.  Instead of leaving coal for all the naughty children, he would beat the kids with whips and chains, and then stuff them into the basket he carries on his back.”
"So if I'm bad mommy will beat me with chains and stuff me in a basket?"
"Dean, if you answer this incorrectly, I will f-udging kill you."
"Daddy run, mommy's gonna whip you with chains!"
"Daddy might like that a little too much."  You watched as Dean’s face shifted into an expression you’ve never seen before.  If Grace wasn’t in your bed, you knew you’d be in trouble.
Forever Tags - @lovetusk @coffee-obsessed-writer@justballoonfishthings@mirajanefairytailmage@kazosa@wings-of-a-raven@docharleythegeekqueen@clockworkmorningglory@lefthologramdeer@idreamofplaid@ilovetaquitosmmmm@buckyscrystalqueen@ellen-reincarnated1967@holyfuckloueh@disneymarina@n3rdybird@babykalika2001@super-fan-of-all-things @sandlee44
The Christmas Diaries Tags - @hobby27@smsmsm77@oogieboogieoman@sing4mejensen@were-not-the-losechesterss@negans-wife@eve05glee@darkhauntingmonsters-blog@officiallyrosiethorn@22sarah08@valkrhee@darkswanordie@camillex @secretmoonenemy @1dluver13xx @twogreeneyesandagoldenheart  @makaylalouisenewton @jules12345678910@superdeadlucille@katescar@edgaralllenpoop @pedernille @azul8484 @legendaryjudgeapricotflap   (There’s a couple of you that couldn’t be tagged!  I’m so sorry about that! )
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aplaceintime · 2 years
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Thanks, Grandma and Grandpa TT! That was so sweet of you! Gracey
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