#granny candydimples
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Made some sprite sheets for Confection Castle!
Made some tweaks to the designs for some characters or completely redesigned some (For example, Uncle Candiesworth is now a cough drop, Gumther is now jello, and Granny was redesigned to look the part of a CEO's assistant). Some characters are completely original that you might be seeing for the first time here, and maybe I will expand more on their purpose in the AU later. Gonna make a part 2 for more sprites soon when I can!
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And yes it's still canon that Teddy is transmasc.
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Welcome To Confection Castle! (AU)
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What in the World is Confection Castle? :
Confection Castle (formerly known as Candy/Candied Castle) is a role-swap AU of Pizza Tower, akin to the more well-known PT swap AU, Sugary Spire. Unlike Sugary Spire, Confection Castle only swaps the roles of the characters and not their personalities, with a few alterations. With the unchanged personalities of each character, this instead changes the mechanics, environment, and even story of Pizza Tower, with each character handling their swapped roles more differently than Sugary Spire's interpretation.
(This AU's concept was largely inspired by TS!Underswap. A reimagining and fangame of the Undertale AU, Underswap, which uses the same concept)
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The Story:
Teddy is faced with the consequences of his own actions after pulling one too many pranks against a castle that was bought out by a huge confection company, Candyboy Corporations. A company that steals the competition against smaller sweets business owners. Teddy's given a warning by the corporation CEO's assistant, Granny Candydimples, that the CEO will destroy his and many other confectionary's shops, forcing them to all work for his company. Thanks to the warning, Teddy and his confectionary allies team up to take down the Confection Castle and its evil schemes.
The Characters (may or not feature some slightly outdated art):
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Teddy Taffy (Theodore Taffy) - Noise in the Role of Peppino: A smug, witty, mostly down to earth, prankster who formerly premiered on the big screen before leaving it all to continue his family's legacy: making mouthwatering candy and sweets. He owns a quaint candy shop in a vaguely European town near a looming Confection Castle. He's obsessed with sugar and when he consumes a good amount of it, can become hyperactive and manic.
Suzy (Suzette) - Noisette in the Role of Gustavo: A kind-hearted, rule-following, and dorky dessert baker who owns a bakery/patisserie next to Teddy's candy shop. She's close friends with Teddy and secretly has a crush on him, which may or may not be obvious to everyone except Ted. Like Ted, her business was challenged by Candyboy Corporations, forcing her to rally against the castle with Teddy,
The Ingredipets - Role of the Toppins: Little creatures resembling confectionary ingredients that were kidnapped and enslaved by Candyboy Corp. to make the companies candy. Teddy and his allies will save each of them to defeat their competitor. Ingredipets may be different depending on the character being played.
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Captain Crackle (Peppino Ravioli) - Peppino in the Role of The Noise: Captain Crackle is a well-known cereal brand pirate captain mascot for the cereal of the same name. He's played by a worn-out has-been TV and opera celebrity Peppino Ravoli who does the bidding of Candyboy Corporations to make a living. He takes on three jobs: Captain Crackle, a Candyboy Corp. gift shop worker, and the Castle's TV News Anchor. He just wants to quit everything and live a peaceful life making pizza, his real dream.
Mr. Gus (Gustavo) - Gustavo in the Role of Noisette: Mr. Gus is Captain Crackle's pirate sidekick who serves as the comic relief character, always getting the short end of the stick and being kicked/thrown around the place for comedic effect. His actor, Gustavo, has a similar story to Peppino's, working for the castle, trying to sustain a living. He owns a secret soda tavern hidden from where his boss can find it.
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Mr. Lollygagger - Pizzahead in the Role of Mr. Stick: Teddy's accountant who both does and doesn't take his job seriously. He pulls many gags toward his patrons to get them to comply with his offers and tries to pose as a nice, patient, and understanding accountant who needs money in exchange for a good offer. Ted's annoyed by him, A LOT.
Sapphire - Snick in the Role of Brick: An adventurous, rule-breaking, and cocky rock candy Porcupine who loves to skate on his hoverboard at the speed of sound. He becomes friends with Suzy after pestering her rule-following morals and later helps her and Teddy's journey.
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Murray Muffinman - Pepperman in the Role of Gerome: An experimental artistic genius restrained to the role of maintaining the paint job of the castle. When he's on break he goes to his supply room to unleash his creativity through all sorts of mediums. He can be found all over the castle. He will reward his own art if he is helped to find his supply room.
Gumther Gumdrop - Vigilante in the Role of The Priest: Gumther is a farmer who grows sweet-tasting fruits that grant magical healing abilities. He sells his fruits in fruit stands all over the castle but it comes with a price.
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Butler Scotch - Gerome in the Role of Pepperman: Scotch is the butler of the Royal Candy Family, who were the original owners of the castle before signing an agreement with Candyboy Corp. Scotch is the first boss Teddy has to fight due to one of the Royal Candy's prince (originally intended to fight Ted) left Scotch to stand on guard as he goes out for lunch.
The Pope - The Priest in the Role of The Vigilante: The leader of the Caramelist religious group and overseer of the Basilicaramel Church. After Teddy destroys the church during one of the levels, The Pope seeks to cleanse Ted of his sins by fighting against him.
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Granny Candydimples - Granny Pizza in the Role of Pizzaface: The oldest member of the Royal Candy Family who was demoted and forced to the role of the CEO's assistant. She's kind-hearted and honest with no ill intent unlike her boss, going out of her way to disobey him sometimes.
Uncle Candiesworth - Pizzaface in the Role of Granny Pizza: The Uncle of the Royal Candy Family. He's one of the few family members who rebels against Candyboy Corporations and agrees to help Teddy and his friends destroy the castle. He's grumpy, bossy, and insults people constantly, but he has a good heart.
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The Teddy Doll - Role of Fake Peppino: A cursed doll resembling Teddy. It's been presumed to have been cursed with dark magic, cast on by a cult. It is unknown what the purpose of this doll was for. All we know is that you won't see it in the same place it was left at the second you turn your back towards it.
Cookie Blair - Role of Mort the Chicken: Oh boy! It's Cookie Blair from the hit 90's 3D point-and-click PC abandonware game Cookie's Bustle! Watch as she and Teddy travel across Cookie City as Ted tries to hide Cookie from the police trying to remove her entire existence for good. (To whom it may concern (looking at you), I am not profiting off this project, therefore not profiting off Cookie's Bustle. Please don't copyright strike me or this project.)
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Nezukira - Brick in the Role of Snick: Nezukira is the world-famous thunder rat character from the equally famous elemental critter collecting and fighting video game "Sackicritt". Nezukira is heavily merchandised with its adorable appearance; from plushes, socks, gummies, and cigars. Besides Nezukira, there are several other Sackicritts to obtain, with "Net Handlers" who accompany them.
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Jen Beam - Role of John Pillar: Jen is the older sister of Butler Scotch. She is the caretaker/ruler of all the levels in the castle, making sure that everything is in order and won't crumble to the floor. She guards the door to each "dimensional control room" that deactivates the levels in the castle. She will only let people pass if she is given gourmet candy with the finest ingredients.
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Candyboy - Role of Pizzaboy: Candyboy was the prime mascot and face of Candyboy Corporations. He's a happy-go-lucky, fun-loving, eccentric kid with all the childhood innocence packed into one. He loves candy and is very marketable. Despite Candyboy's innocent presence being long gone, he is still the face of the company.
The Candyman - Role of Pizzahead: The Candyman is the man behind the whole corporation, mostly know as the CEO. Not many have had the chance to meet The Candyman in person, but he's been said to be demanding, ruthless, and manipulative to get what he wants. He will do everything to gain the title of being the best confectionary business. If it exists, he wants it in his company.
And that's it for character introductions! I am planning on adding characters that will be entirely original in this AU like new friends that will accompany Ted, new bosses, and other characters that will build the world for this AU. Other stuff such as levels, music, and game mechanic ideas are in the works too. Lots of stuff is planned for this AU project!
If you want to make fan art for Confection Castle, go ahead! I love fan art! Just make sure to tag me if you post it. Other fan stuff like music is cool too!
Thanks for reading y'all.
(Also, I am not planning on making this an actual game as I have no experience with coding or stuff that is needed to actually make a game. But if anyone with experience with game design wants to make it happen...hit me up haha.)
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I made a Pizza Tower AU! : Candy Castle
So the jist of it is, it’s a Swap AU, based off of the hit fangame Sugary Spire, but Instead of swapping the personalities and roles of the characters, it just swaps the roles of the characters, keeping the personalities of the characters the same. This AU idea was inspired off of the Undertale AU TS!Underswap that does the same thing. Some swapped roles are based of Sugary Spire and some are just my idea.
In this AU, Peppino never went into war, (yes i know that McPig said it wasn’t canon but shhh), because of that, he never got his pizza business going. He instead became shrouded in debt, needing to work unfulfilling dead-end jobs to make ends meet, as his involvement as a war veteran actually paid the bills and the pizza shop he could have bought. Instead, Theodore/Teddy Gobbstopper (The Noise), a New Yorker stereotype, sugar-obsessed candy confectioner buys out the building that would’ve became Peppino’s Pizza Shop, now named “Teddy’s Candy”.
 A corporate candy company builds a nearby castle/factory across from Teddy’s candy shop. The money hungry boss of the company sends his mascot of the company, Granny Candydimples who warns Teddy that they’ll smash his candy shop with a comically large hammer if he doesn’t do anything about it. Teddy gives in, pops in a few butterscotch candies in his mouth and sugar rushes to the Candy Castle at Mach 4 speed. 
Some Tidbits of the Characters shown so far! : 
Teddy Gobbstopper - The Noise:
He gained his earnings as a TV show actor for half of his life. As a sugar-addicted maniac, he’s always been relying on candy to aid his needs at all times. His love for candy sparked his desires to become a candy maker and is the reason why he’s always on a never-ending sugar rush, annoying the hell out of people when he’s around others.  But because of rival corporations stealing his customers, he’s become in debt.
Suzy Sugarplum - Noisette :
She owns a separate candy shop of her own and is also affected by the rival candy corporation. Teddy and Suzy fell in love after meeting in the Candy Castle, although Teddy tries to hide these feelings. She later tames a hedgehog named Sock. She’s very optimistic and silly, but she means serious business when it comes to candy sales.
Mr. LollyStick - Pizzahead:
He’s Teddy’s landlord and accountant who always bugs him to pay his bills by acting overly annoying in a joyful type of way, popping out of absolutely nowhere and playing endless pranks if you don’t pay your taxes on time. While he doesn’t care about the money as much, he does want to make ends meet.
Captain Crackle - Peppino Spaghetti :
Full name, Peppino Ravioli Crackle, has been in debt for years, trying to work his way into finally fulfilling his lifelong dream of owning a Pizza Parlor. He’s been subjected to signing a painstaking lifelong contract of selling his likeness to be the mascot of a sugary cereal brand, Captain Crackle, a joyful, charming cereal pirate roaming the 7 milky seas. He even had to change his last name as part of the contract. He’s a short-tempered anxious mess, constantly wondering if he’ll make it out of debt and out of a job he hates. He seeks comfort and joy out of the little time he has out of work, making pizza and singing opera tunes in the kitchen.
Mr. Gus - Gustavo :
Like Peppino, Gus, full name Gustavo, also is in debt, hoping to also open a restaurant of his own. He’s Captain Crackle’s sidekick who does most of the work and he’s also a bunny themed mascot for his own cereal Chocklinz, where he always gets bullied by goblins who tell him “Chocklinz are for Goblins”. He secretly works on the side as a bartender at a hidden place called Gus’s Soda Tavern. 
Oh, and here’s the Swap Chart! :
The Noise <--> Peppino
Noisette <--> Gustavo
Pizzahead <--> Mr. Stick
Snick <--> Brick
Gerome the Janitor <--> Pepperman
The Priest <--> The Vigilante
The Fake Peppino counterpart would be a Fake Ted, but maybe instead of being like a mutant science experiment maybe it will be a weird rusty robot version of Teddy,
Granny Pizza (The pizza that guides you through the tutorial and stuff) <--> Pizzaface
Mort The Chicken from the hit game Mort The Chicken <--> Cookie Blair from the Copyright Hit game Cookie’s Bustle 
I’ll be making a Part 2 in the near future! Stay tuned fellas!
(Oh, and if you want to make fan art of my AU, please do! Just be sure to credit me as the creator of the AU and link my blog page!)
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