dragonshost · 4 years
“ S/He’s dead because of you. ” + grayjel
"She's dead because of you." The accusation was quiet, and Gray's eyes were downcast, but full of fire uncharacteristic to the ice mage. "Meredy told me what happened. About the note."
Jellal heaved a sigh, his eyes sliding closed. It was only a matter of time, he supposed, before Gray found out. For anyone who spent enough time around Jellal, Meredy was certain to spill some sort of long held secret about him or his feelings to that person. It was as unavoidable and inevitable as the sun setting at the end of the day.
"Answer me," Gray growled, advancing a step towards the other man.
Opening his eyes, Jellal stared back at Gray mildly. "You haven't asked a question," he pointed out.
"Don't," hissed the other man. "Don't pretend you don't know what this is about. Ultear. She's dead because of you." When Jellal remained silent, Gray accused, "Aren't you even going to respond?"
Jellal shrugged slightly. "I'm not sure what you expect me to say here, Gray."
"Deny it." Gray's voice trembled, as did his hand as it opened and clenched shut several times in anger with nowhere to go, no enemy to punch - only his boyfriend standing before him. "Say that it's a mistake. Say you didn't leave her behind when you couldn't find her. Defend yourself. Something. Anything."
The blue-haired man blinked slowly, almost languidly. "There's nothing to deny or defend. Ultear is dead. Has been for some time."
Gray swallowed thickly, raising his arm and bringing it down on Jellal's chest in the most half-hearted hit that Jellal had ever endured. "How could you?" he said, his voice starting to crack. Gray's fist lifted and collided with Jellal's chest again. "Why didn't you say anything until now?" A sob clogged his throat, and angry tears began to trail down his cheeks as he hit him again. "Didn't I..." Gray hiccupped, water trailing in earnest from his eyes. "Didn't I... deserve to know?"
Jellal shifted in place uncomfortably, and then awkwardly raised his arms to draw Gray further into his chest. Gray protested by smacking Jellal twice more. Then his palm flattened against Jellal's skin, and his other hand bunched up Jellal's shirt as he clung to it.
It wasn't like Jellal didn't want to answer, really it wasn't. Especially not with how distraught the news seemed to make Gray. The truth was that... he'd never really thought of her as dead before that moment. Oh sure, it had occurred to him as a possibility. But he'd brushed it aside, not wanting to dwell on the thought. Or on his own inaction. Meredy never brought it up, so it was easy to push aside.
And if he hadn't even been able to admit it to himself until just now, how could he have ever confessed it to Gray? Confess to the man that held his heart that he hadn't gone looking for his elder sister? That she had died, all alone? Without her daughter or friend by her side?
His fault.  It was always his fault, wasn’t it?  It was just a fact of life.
As Gray continued to sob into his chest, Jellal stroked his back. There wasn't much else he could offer right now.
Not when he felt like crying too.
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ravendavia · 5 years
Sketch my boi for a while
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sassyhazelowl · 7 years
really guys you sent me all those big 4 comics
but then grayjel, ervia and stingue come out and I gotta go in the tags myself like a tag-goer? the anna and ichiya one is nice too
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evilkitten3 · 8 years
"Orange is not your colour." GrayJel?
I’m FINALLY doing this! ^_^ Under the line ‘cause… well, it’s not NSFW, but…
“I beg your pardon?” Jellal turned around to look at the Ice Mage.
“Sorry,” Gray shrugged, not looking very sorry. “It just isn’t. Orange and blue don’t really mix.” Jellal blushed, and reached up to pull off the orange kitty ears.
“Millianna asked me to,” he said apologetically. “I–” Gray’s hand caught his before he could actually remove the ears from his head.
“Even if it’s not your color, you still look adorable in them,” he teased. “Maybe we should find you a blue pair.” Smirking, Gray spun his boyfriend around, pinned him to the bed, and leaned in. “Got a tail with that?” he asked, only half kidding. To his surprise, Jellal gave a tiny grin in response.
“I might,” he replied innocently. “But you’ll have to take off my pants to find out.”
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ravendavia · 6 years
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Band!AU Jellal :P
Any pairing that related would do.
But I think this will be a good Jelray AU :P
What do you think?
(This because I'm a fan of bands.)
P.s: this idea came out after I updated my Jerza fanfic few moments ago
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dragonshost · 7 years
grayjel + eye candy
Finally, the cookies were complete.  Hours of painstaking work and trial and errorhad produced what Juvia considered to be her masterpiece.  One bite from the sugary treat and a casualbrush of her skin against his, and Gray-sama was sure to fall deeply in lovewith Juvia courtesy of the heavy-duty love potion she’d poured into the batter.  It was a fool-proof plan this time, unlikeher previous attempt with a love potion. This time she’d gone to a morereputable seller, and had a method by which she could assure that she would bethe target of Gray-sama’s affections.
All she had to do was get these to the guild hall and offerGray one.
She was sure to succeed this time.
Juvia caught sight of her beloved from a distance, and wavedenthusiastically to catch his attention. When he didn’t seem to notice her, she huffed and stomped in hisdirection.  In her hand, she held thecookies wrapped up in a cute little bag. It would only take one to do the trick, but Juvia thought it would lookweird if she only placed one in the bag.
“Gray-sama!” she greeted him.  “Juvia made you cookies!”
Seated next to Gray, Erza turned and smiled at Juvia.  “That’s very thoughtful of you, Juvia!”
She blushed under the praise, and waved a little hello toJellal, who was sitting at the bar as well on Erza’s other side.  He was visiting, as he was wont to do afterhis official pardon came through.  Juviawas positive that he and Erza would announce that they were dating soon, whichwas great as it meant Erza was no longer a potential rival for Gray’saffections.
“Here you go, Gray-sama!” Juvia stated, extending the bag toGray.
Uncomfortable, he took the cookies from her.  “Thanks, Juvia.”  At least she didn’t put his face all overthese ones.
When she continued to stand there, staring expectantly athim, he asked, “Was there something else, Juvia?”
Before Juvia could respond, Erza smacked him lightly on thearm, sending sudden and deep fear coursing through Juvia’s entire body abouther plan.  “You’re supposed to try one,Gray!”
Touching someone before they eat the cookie doesn’t count,Juvia reminded her self internally. Aloud, she agreed with Erza, “Yes, please try one, Gray-sama!”
“Uh…” he quibbled.
Erza rolled her eyes. “Well if you don’t want one, we’ll take some.  Is that alright with you, Juvia?”
The water mage thought about it.  If Erza and Jellal had one, and then touchedeach other, then no harm no foul.  Thepair were already a couple, right?  Sothe potion wouldn’t work on them.  Juviahesitantly nodded.  “Juvia doesn’t mind.”
Beaming at her, Erza snatched the bag away from a protestingGray.  She unfurled it, and handed one toJellal before eating one herself. “Delicious!” she declared. “Juvia, you’ve really outdone yourself this time.”
“I agree,” Jellal added softly, with a kind look in hiseyes.  “These are very good.”
Gray eyed the pair of them warily, watching for any sign ofweird side effects.  After a minute, heconcluded that they were safe to eat, and took one himself.  “Yeah, these are really good, Juvia,” he toldher.  “Thanks for the cookies.”
Then, before Juvia could touch his hand and complete thelove potion, Gray reached for another cookie.
At the same time, Jellal reached for one as well.
Before Juvia could stop them, their hands brushed each otherand they froze in place, staring straight into each other’s eyes.
“Uh… Gray?” Jellal said, cheeks slightly reddening.  “Your clothes are missing.”
Gray flushed as well, jerking his hand back as if it hadbeen scalded.  He set about gathering hisdiscarded clothes, muttering an embarrassed apology.
Juvia let out a low wail at the sight, the two men obliviousto her despair.  This was not how it wassupposed to go!  She was supposed to beGray-sama’s forever, and now he would be Jellal’s eye candy!  Gray-sama was falling for the wrong bluehaired person!
Feeling a tap on her arm, she looked up into the concernedgaze of Erza.
“Hey, Juvia?” she asked. “Are you alright?”  Then suddenly,Erza froze as well, her pupils increasing to twice their former size.  “Uh… Juvia? Have your… have your eyes always been so… so blue?”  A rush of air leftErza’s lungs as she stared intensely at Juvia. “They match your hair.  They’re sobeautiful, I can’t believe I never noticed before.”
Juvia stared back at the redhead, comprehension dawning onher.
This was not the plan!
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ravendavia · 6 years
After quite some time (from previous blog obviously pfffttt)...
I will draw a row of Jelray fanarts
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But not this soon. Stay tuned.
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dragonshost · 8 years
Gray x Jellal!  I am just too much in love with this pairing.
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dragonshost · 8 years
Differences In Smut
I’ve noticed that, of the three pairings I have written smut for, the smut varies in tone quite a bit.
CoLu:  Aw yeah, this the good shit.  Loving and caring and hot and YES.
GrayJel:  Rougher, angstier, full of feels.
IchiElf:  Sin.  Complete, 100% horrible, horrible sin.
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