#graylu fluff week 2017
impracticaldemon · 8 years
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Graylu Fluff Fest 2017 ~ Fanfiction ~ Chapter 2
Prompt: Winter
by @impracticaldemon​ 
Words: ~ 3300   | Cover Art by @miss-zei by commission
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 [here]
Read on:  ff.net HERE | AO3 HERE
Summary: Gray and Lucy finally decided to go out, but they quickly discover that being lovers is more than just declaring that they’re in a relationship. [Chap.2: Gray has a surprising idea for getting away from all the people, but needs Lucy to trust him.]
[I] - Too Many People
"You guys are doing a lot better now, aren't you?" asked Mirajane rather smugly, the morning after Gray and Lucy's play date at the park.
Gray's cheeks reddened a little, and he ignored Mira in favour of his breakfast, leaving Lucy to grin at Fairy Tail's hostess, bartender and demon-mage.
"I'm not sure what you're talking about, Mira, but yes." Lucy composed her face into a suitably puzzled face, while Mirajane rolled her eyes at Lucy's nonsensical—but telling—response.
"Mira," said Lucy gravely, "you're my friend and you give great advice, but—"
"Okay, okay! Just let me know if either of you need any more food—or a room…"
The lovely, white-haired mage sauntered away snickering, and Lucy turned back to Gray a little anxiously. She knew he wasn't really one for big scenes. He surprised her with a crooked smile.
"It's okay, Luce. Thanks for getting Mirajane to lay off a bit, but I don't mind as much as it probably looks. I mean, at least she thinks we're good together, right?"
Lucy released an anxious breath that she hadn't realized she'd been holding. It was comforting to know that Gray was making a sincere effort to cope with the extra attention—and that he could even see an upside to it.
"Yeah. I shouldn't get so worried, I guess."
Gray's dark eyes met hers and he reached across the table to take her hand.
"I wish you wouldn't get so worried about how I'm going to react. I'm not going to suddenly change my mind about us you know—definitely not for a bit of embarrassment here or there."
"Right. Right, of course." Lucy didn't feel up to explaining that old reflexes—in this case from a long-past relationship—tended to die hard.
Just then, Erza came in with Natsu, who appeared to be trying to explain something to her.
"But I've been training super hard, I swear! I can help!"
"It's an S-class mission and you're not qualified." Erza's voice had the edge of somebody who had been saying the same thing for the past ten or fifteen minutes.
"I'll bet I am! It's not my fault that—"
Erza spun around suddenly and straight-armed Natsu in the chest. He staggered, but didn't go flying as he might have once.
"Okay, Natsu—"
"I can come!" Ever optimistic, Natsu rubbed his hands together in anticipation.
"No. But you can meet me outside in an hour, and if you can beat me then you can come."
"Yusssss!" Natsu had absolutely no fault to find with this, and seemed fully prepared to start something right away.
"I want my breakfast," said Erza firmly.
"Right, right. So I'll see you after break—"
"In an hour. Outisde. Behind the guildhall."
Giving up, Natsu looked around, saw his friends, and sat down with them.
"You should see this quest! I mean, we can totally do it—just a volcano that's acting up, and some kind of weird cult and a city in danger. We've handled that kind of thing tons of times."
"Once," commented Gray laconically. He had unobtrusively given Lucy's hand a last squeeze before letting go of it. Lucy had a feeling that he was actually least comfortable behaving as a couple around their own teammate. "And Erza had to save our butts."
"Okay, yeah, but that was ages ago!"
"Why not just pick a different quest?"
"All I have to do is beat Erza in an hour."
"Okay. Lucy and I will just look at the regular job board—you know the not-S-class-job-board —while you're getting ready for Erza to trash you again."
Natsu scowled.
"Look, Ice Princess—"
"Yeah, Charcoal Brain? You want to tell me how your one-hundred-and-seventeenth time is going to be different from all the others?"
"Well, it will!"
Gray opened his mouth for the obvious rejoinder, saw Lucy's look of chagrin, snapped his teeth shut and drained his coffee. She knew that they'd play the "yes it will—no it won't" game for a couple of minutes and then brawl. But he was supposed to be having breakfast with her, not fighting with Natsu.
"Would you like anything more, Luce?" He did his best to ask casually, as if he wasn't breaking years of Natsu-pummeling tradition.
"No, I'm good. But thanks, Gray." Her smile was like gold, he thought. To hell with fighting Natsu, maybe it was time to grow up.
The pink-haired mage looked surprised. "You offering to get me something?"
"Yep. Once-in-a-lifetime offer."
"Oh…. Well, if that's the case…"
Looking at Gray as if he'd suddenly turned into a frog or something, Natsu asked for food—of course—and Gray went to the bar to order. He wondered just how much his life was going to turn upside-down for Lucy. He watched Natsu and Lucy chat while he waited for the food. They were comfortable together, he thought. Would he ever be able to see them laughing and talking like that without getting that painful, internal dialogue about how he wasn't optimistic enough, cheerful enough, exciting enough? With a shake of his head, he carried the food back to the table, making a point of sitting next to Lucy, instead of across from her with Natsu.
"So you're planning to do some writing today?" he asked Lucy.
Natsu gave him another strange look and dove into his food.
"Yeah, I'm really hoping to get somewhere with it. The weather's kind of nasty, and we hadn't planned on going on a job—had we?"
"Only if we go without Erza, it looks like. Which is fine by me—might be good for us to stretch ourselves a bit, you know? Especially if"—he caught himself in time, and mentally subtracted "flame-brain" from the sentence—"Natsu figures we can do it."
The Fire Slayer was now staring at him open-mouthed, and Gray had to resist a strong desire to use his fist to make Natsu's jaws close. He was just trying to be mature. He felt his flush deepen as Lucy put a hand over her mouth as though to repress—or conceal—a laugh.
Natsu swallowed whatever he'd been chewing rather convulsively: "Uh, ice—uh, Gray—you feeling okay? 'Cause I can't remember the last time you called me Natsu and that's twice in ten minutes now."
"Do you prefer "flame-brain"? I don't mind using it, as long as we don't fight over it."
"What? No! I mean, no, of course I wouldn't prefer it! Geez Gray, what has gotten into you?" Natsu's face suddenly lightened and he set down his fork and sniffed the air. "Hey, wait a minute, are you two going out now or something?"
Lucy uttered a muffled cry of exasperation, and that helped Gray not to lunge at Natsu.
"Of course we are, you dork. We've been going out together for almost three weeks!"
"Huh, I hadn't noticed before."
Great. Just what I needed to hear. Gray tried to look around surreptitiously, but he shouldn't have bothered being careful. Everyone who was actually in the hall at this time of the morning—about half the guild, it seemed—was either staring openly or snickering quietly.
"Enjoy the food, I'm going to walk Lucy back to her place and then I'll be back to watch how badly Erza hurts you this time."
Natsu's mouth was full, but he rolled his eyes expressively. Gray helped Lucy up—not that she needed it, but since everyone was so interested he might as well get to hold her hand for a moment. On a more conciliatory note, he told Natsu:
"On the off-chance you win, I'll be standing by to go with you, how's that?"
"Okay. You'll come too, Lucy?"
Lucy nodded, still repressing a strong desire to giggle at Gray's attempts to deal with Natsu otherwise than with his fists and magic. It was honestly very sweet him; the truth was that her giggles were at least partly on account of nerves, because Natsu's comments together with Gray's behaviour had thrown her a bit. After spending so long thinking about going out together, had it really taken them almost three weeks to start to gel as a couple? And what exactly was it that Natsu had noticed? On second thought, she didn't want to think about that.
Gray and Lucy made their way out of the hall without looking at each other, but once they were outside in the crisp February air their joint sighs of relief caused them to exchange rather rueful smiles. Gray ran a hand through his hair in typical fashion for him when he was thinking or embarrassed, making half of it stand up on end.
"Er… I'm not quite sure what to say…"
"Oh well," Lucy said practically, rubbing gloved hands together, "nothing we can do about it now, right?"
"Yeah. So, you good with me coming back to see Natsu get smacked down again?"
"Yes, of course. I don't think everything has to change between us and our friends, you know."
"I know, it's just that I feel like you ought to have more of my attention than that pink-haired dork."
They started walking toward Lucy's place, and Lucy had to admit that it was nice to have somebody to walk with who was special in a different way than a friend. If nothing else, Gray made a point of blocking the wind, and steered her away from the canal and the worst patches of ice. They trudged up the stairs to Lucy's apartment, and Lucy let herself in.
Gray ran his hand through his hair again. Yesterday evening had been different—the afternoon out had felt special, and the sunset had been beautiful… Now it was just a grey late winter morning, with a few tiny snowflakes falling and a rather chilling wind—chilling for Lucy, anyway. Lucy looked up at him, hesitated, and then pulled him inside, so that the door latched behind him. It was a tremendous relief when she reached her arms up around his neck and kissed him, so that he could stop worrying about what to do. He had no hesitation at all in kissing her back; it was just knowing where to start that he still found tricky.
Surprisingly, to Gray at least, they had no difficulty in rekindling the feeling of the evening before, which had led to some very serious making out on Lucy's couch after dinner. Just thinking about it now, with his fingers in her hair, was making his body heat up … a lot. He finally caught his breath, trying to remember that he had to leave. Maybe it was just as well that the wind outside was so cold.
Instead of leaving, though, he heard himself voicing some of the thoughts he'd had the night before when he was walking home from Lucy's.
"I was wondering if you'd be willing to go on a vacation with me—out of town, I mean. It's totally okay if you're not comfortable with the idea or too busy here, or think we should get a couple of jobs done or whatever, but I wanted to ask."
Lucy was silent for a moment, still recovering from the last nerve-tingling kiss, which she could have sworn she'd felt right down her toes and in all the important places in between. Then she registered surprise.
"You mean—just the two of us?" Her deep brown eyes, which always showed everything she felt—laughter, anger, sadness, joy—reflected how taken aback she was by the suggestion. A vacation alone together, overnight or over a few nights, implied certain possibilities.
Gray knew that his cheeks were red, but he bit back the words of apology that had formed on his tongue the moment Lucy had hesitated. He didn't want to pressure her—at all—but he did want her to know what he wanted, which was mostly a chance to get away from the guild, from their teammates, from everyone who knew them and wanted to poke their noses into stuff that should be just between Lucy and him. He thought he'd better make that clear though.
"Yeah, just the two of us. We don't have to share a room, if you don't want to. We can take things totally slowly, that's not a problem. It's mostly to have some time to ourselves. Honestly, I can afford it right now, and I think you're caught up on your rent for once"—he smirked slightly at Lucy, trying to break the tension a little—"so you don't absolutely need a job in the next week or so, right?"
"That's true," Lucy agreed, her eyes now fixed on his face. He could hear a trace of doubt in her voice, but also interest. To his great relief, she didn't seem to be angry or think that he was being a complete jerk.
"I mean, I love being outside, I love the winter—and it's a lot shorter here than where I'm from—but I also think I could be happy just hanging out inside with you, too. It's dumb, but I like working on stuff while you write. It's comfortable. I know we just started going out, practically, but we've known each other for over two years now, right? I think—I hope you know—you can trust me."
He could see that Lucy was beginning to look more and more sold on the idea. He wasn't sure what had tipped the scales; she'd probably just needed to think about it a bit.
"So where would we go?" Lucy asked. She was still wearing her coat, but she'd unbuttoned it and taken off her gloves, and Gray was getting distracted again by her curves.
"There's a place about four or five hours northwest. We'd be able to take a carriage west along the main road to Crocus for most of it, and then it's just a short distance into the central mountains." Gray looked down. "Maybe it's a dumb idea. It's just a small town in a deep valley in the foothills but it's pretty. It's safer than the wild area north of Mount Hakobe and less expensive than the resorts closer to the rail line."
"And fewer people?" suggested Lucy with a twinkle in her eyes.
"Yeah…" admitted Gray. "Plus it backs right up against the mountains. But thinking about it—I don't know if you'd like it." Then he shrugged. "They've got a couple of nice chalets though, and I think the rooms are pretty cosy. Fireplaces, reading nooks, that kind of thing."
"You think?"
"Well, I only saw those places in passing. I was staying a little farther into the hills, not in town. Look—I've got to get going. Will you think about it?"
Lucy took a deep breath, and then smiled.
"I'll go. I think you're right about getting away for a while. As long as we stay in town in a decent place and not in some guy-shack in the woods."
"You will? I mean, that's great! And no problem—I swear, no guy-shacks. Is that even a word?"
"Well it should be if it isn't."
"So tomorrow? The day after?"
"Whenever you want," said Lucy recklessly. She usually liked to be organized about things, but she'd had to become a lot more adaptable when she'd joined Team Natsu. "Heck, we've gone on longer trips for jobs with almost no time to pack at all."
"So, you're going to come with me on vacation, just the two of us, to a place where it's colder and there's probably more than just a dusting of snow?"
"Yep. You obviously miss having a real winter, even if you can sort of make your own. Besides, this way you'll really owe me, right?"
Gray lifted her off her feet and grinned up at her. "You are the best."
"Thanks, but you're going to be late to see Natsu fight Erza."
"Fuck Natsu."
Lucy arched an eyebrow. "Oh?"
Gray crushed her in a tight hug and then set her down. "You know what I mean. Fine. I'll go pick up the pieces of Natsu's sorry carcase—again—and then I'll find out about a carriage, and then I'll be back. Don't change your mind."
"I won't. Promise." Lucy made a shooing gesture.
"Trust me?"
Their eyes met and Gray found himself holding his breath. Then Lucy nodded firmly:
[II] - Keep Me Warm
They were in the small town of Wisteria Hills by mid-afternoon the next day. The trip had been uneventful, if a little rough, but there was something to be said for not travelling with a motion-sick Natsu and a hyper-active Exceed. As Gray had predicted, it was a little colder and a lot snowier, but it was definitely pretty.
The chalet had offered them a choice of rooms on the second floor, and the owner had taken them around himself so that they could decide what they wanted. Gray was more than a little tense, since Lucy hadn't given him an answer on the question of one room or two, and she'd been pretty quiet on the second half of the trip down. Not unhappy, exactly, but thoughtful and less talkative than usual.
The second of the three rooms available was perfect. It had a big desk at a bow window for Lucy, a cosy bedroom area with a large four-poster bed, and a couch and two squashy chairs around a small but serviceable fireplace with split logs ready and waiting to be kindled. Lucy and Gray's eyes met behind the owner's back as he extolled the advantages of the room—really a suite, he pointed out, if you considered the extra space for the sitting area around the fireplace. Gray shrugged at Lucy: it was her call; he'd made that clear from the start.
Lucy leaned forward and tapped the owner politely on the shoulder. He turned immediately.
"Yes ma'am? Do you have any questions?"
"No. It's just what we're looking for, we'll take it."
Gray felt his heart thud against his ribs, and for close to a minute he could only hear the rushing of blood in his ears. He managed to catch the tail-end of Lucy's brief conversation with the owner:
"…well, we're not sure, but at least three days. Is there any problem?"
"None at all. Let's get your bags up here, shall we?" The hotelier had seen quite a lot after thirty years in the business, and a swift glance suggested to him that the young couple wouldn't mind a moment or two alone. "I'll go down and organize your keys and so on. I'll see you at the front desk, sir or ma'am, to arrange for the deposit?"
"Yes, I'll be right down," Gray replied, his eyes not leaving Lucy.
As soon as the door closed behind the man, Gray pulled Lucy close. "Thanks for giving me a chance," he said quietly into her ear. "I promise, you can trust me. But I'm really happy I can stay with you."
"Just make sure you keep me warm, Ice Prince."
"Not a problem, Lucy. You'll see."
Thank you for reading! If you have a moment, please leave a review or comment.  Notes and reblogs are very much appreciated.
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fyeahgrayluweek · 7 years
day 6: F R A G R A N C E
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“With the sweet fragrance that fills the air, let me give this to you... a heart for Miss Heartfilia~” << x o x o >>
HAPPY GRAYLU DAY, all! (´ ▽`).。o♡  
♥ GRAYLU WEEK 2017: September 1 - 7 ♥
prompts || ideas || rules || ask || submit
:: graylu family unite! ::
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fuckyeahgratsu · 6 years
Chapters: 12/12 Fandom: Fairy Tail Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Natsu Dragneel/Gray Fullbuster, Gray Fullbuster/Ultear Milkovich, Cana Alberona/Lucy Heartfilia, Lucy Heartfilia/Erza Scarlet Characters: Gray Fullbuster, Natsu Dragneel, Ultear Milkovich, Lucy Heartfilia, Cana Alberona, Erza Scarlet Additional Tags: Drabble Collection Summary:
Collection of oneshots for Fairy Tail, mostly from tumblr.
1. Gratsu, dragon mating season humor 2. GrayTear prompt, chance meeting 3. Gratsu fluff week 2016, Day 4 Scarf 4. Ultear, ch 476 extra scene 5. Lucana week 2016, oneshot 6. Gray and Lyon, post-Tartaros 7. Time travel during Eclipse (ice family gen) 8. Gray and Juvia, ch 499 humor omake 9. Femslash exchange 2016, Erlu Izetta AU 10. Graylu exchange 2016, princess and peasant 11. GrayTear week 2017, Day 2: the Future 12. GrayTear week 2017, Day 7: Ice
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eliz1369 · 7 years
Fic Writters Week - Small but Mighty
They may be short (or in some cases not so short) but one-shots can pack quite a punch of story and development.
As far as I’m concerned, @nalufever is the queen of short stories. Each and every one is unique and packed with love, laughter, and feeling. 
Fairy Tail:  A Girl Worth Fighting For - NaLu White Day Feathers and Scales - NaLu Angels and Demons AU Getting an Education - Jerza Modern College AU Mission: It’s a Bet - Nalu Nalu Week 2017 - Nalu Modern AU Officer Dragneel & Reporter Lucy Since Forever - Nalu Fluff week 2017
Though @impracticaldemon​‘s one-shots tend to become two or three-shots (a wonderful thing in my opinion. Who wouldn’t want more of her writing?) they are always a joy to read. 
Hakuoki: The Danger of a Man in Uniform - SaiChi  I Will Find You - KazaChi Twelfth Night - HijiChi Hell Hath No Fury Like an Oni Scorned - Always good for a laugh
Fairy Tail: That Scottish Play, or Beware the Bard - GrayLu and a dose of Shakespere Within The Law - NaLu Lawyer AU
@hakuyamazakisensei does an excellent job of capturing small slices of life that are laced with all manner of emotions; from small moments that leave you laughing, to encounters that seem to carry the weight of the world. 
November One-Shots: Hakuoki Style - I think that sums it up :)
@sabinasanfanfic can capture such a vast range of emotions and growth in such a neat little package. (plus her Tudor AU is to die for!)
Hakuoki: Cupcake Capers: Saitō's Shinsengumi Chef Shenanigans  The Hound and the Hare - KazaSen Tudor AU The Emperor’s New Clothes - KazaSen Sanctuary - HijiChi Swordplay - HijiChi
And so many many more!
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lockandk3yfiction · 7 years
do you have any favourite graylu fics? I have a need.
Is it sad that this one ask makes me feel like I’m important to the fandom again?
Okay, so on the top of my list right now is:
My Rude, Cocky, Handsome Boss by akari-chan
Summary: This is the journey of a girl named Lucy Heartfilia as she becomes the personal assistant of the famous actor, Gray Fullbuster. Gray x Lucy. AU.
Status: In-Progress
Last Updated: March 15, 2017
Another good one that has been recently updated is…
The Simple Life by Weirdo.Blabber (Generally, most stories they write are good reads.)
Summary: Running away from an arranged marriage with someone she doesn’t know, Lucy travels to another country for some peace and quiet alone. But ‘alone’ is not what she gets when she is greeted by a mysterious beauty who claims to be her guardian. Soon, she discovers her Sadist guardian is running away from things, himself. Will they find comfort or conflict with each other?
Status: In-Progress
Lats Updated: March 10, 2017
I also strongly suggest:
Going, Going, Gone by Weirdo.Blabber
Summary: A woman with a dying heart. A man with a dead life. One hundred items on a list. Will they be able to do it all before though she’s going… going… gone?
Status: In-Progress
Last Updated: January 17, 2016
Starstruck by Weirdo.Blabber
Summary: AU: (Multiple pairings, mainly GraLu) The newest band, Fairy Tail, was flying low. Gray was unmotivated. Natsu was a troublemaker and Gajeel was just rude. Thus, the management sends them to high school to learn a few things. A futile attempt? Or… ‘The start of something new?
Status: Complete
Remedy by Lady SVI
Summary: /GraLu/ Every time she gazed into those hypnotizing dark blue pools of his, she felt like she had a chance of escaping her fate.
Status: In-Progress
Last Updated: January 11, 2017
Just Your Best Friend by love-always-has-a-price
Note: The main airing in this story is Lyvia and does contain one-sided Gruvia but has equal amounts of Graylu.
Summary: Lyon has always loved Juvia, but never said a word. Reasons being, she is head over heels for his brother and they are best friends. So when he has to go to his brother’s school, it isn’t a joy. Then he meets his brother’s best friend, Lucy. Their meeting slowly turns into a promising friendship, which causes both their best friends’ to get a bit jealous. LyLu. Gruvia. Lyvia. GraLu
Status: In-Progress
Last Updated: April 4, 2016
And That’s How I Kissed Your Mother by FriendsForevaa
Summary: “And that’s how I kissed your mother for the first time,” I grin proudly, and close the diary; watch my kids clap as they awe at me. “How… how cool…” They retort, hands up in air.“ A GrayLu fic. High school AU
Status: Complete
Caught by karie2055
Summary: AU. 3 months. She had been working here for 3 months and there hadn’t been a single problem. So why was it that of all people to catch her at her part-time job, it had to be him…Gray Fullbuster. Two-shot. Written for GrayLu Fluff Fest.
Status: One-Shot
Freezing Cold by grayluki
Summary: A mission to the mountains proves to be more difficult than they thought, but at least something good came out of it. Graylu oneshot.
Status: One-Shot
Cool Enough by Kleia
Summary: “She does screw up and suck sometimes, but I’d do anything for her.” —AU Drabble, for GraLu Week 2015. Rated T for safety.
Status: One-Shot
Stealing Love by Lillyviolet
Summary: Gray is a famous soccer player of Magnolia West High School. Lucy is a new transfer student and is branded as a loner. What happens when Gray is dared to date her, only to break her heart. My first fanfiction. Rated T for Language.
Status: In-Progress
Updated: July 16, 2016
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graylu-angstweek · 8 years
Graylu Angst Week Prompts Are Here!!!!
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Hello, everybody! All official prompts have been chosen for the first ever Graylu Angst Week in 2017!
Excuse us for the delay, the admin had wanted to give ample time for participants to celebrate fluff fest before announcing this years prompts. 
Official Angst Prompts
Day One // May 6: Nightmare Day Two // May 7: Wounds Day Three // May 8: Stars Day Four // May 9: Fate Day Five // May 10: Guilt/Regret Day Six // May 11: Ice Day Seven // May 12: Unrequited Love
Bonus Days: May 5 & May 13
Bonus Prompts: Apology // Punishment // Lost
Official Rules and Guidelines
Please tag your works as “graylu angst week” or “graylu angst week 2017″ within the first five tags
Tag accordingly: Tag all and any NSFW, trigger warnings, etc.
Prompts are OPTIONAL. If you find inspiration in any other form, please feel free to base your submissions on that inspiration.
Late submissions will be accepted.
The submission box will be open and those who post their submissions elsewhere will be encouraged to submit their works here.
No repost, plagiarism or stolen work will be allowed.
Angst does not mean there are no happy endings:
Happy endings are optional but will be allowed and are encouraged.
Other genres (such as romance, fluff, etc.) will be allowed as long as there is some form of angst incorporated within the submission.
Signs of abuse will NOT be allowed:
We still love our characters and pairings.
No domestic abuse, child abuse, etc.
Post including signs of abuse will NOT be reblogged to the main blog.
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nonochuu · 8 years
graylu fanmix: YOUNG LOVE
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”Hold my hand, hold my heart..”
<< full playlist >>
This is my late submission for @graylu-fluff-fest 2017! ^^; as continuation from graylu week ‘16, so this fanmix has lots of kpop and k-indie and from upbeat to ballad (it will lead to the angst week ;p). Actually I wanted to make some fanfics using the prompt set but I need some time and muse for writing. Meanwhile enjoy this fanmix and happy listening! (´▽`)ノ♪            
1 ~ CNBLUE – LOVE GIRL [ boy ]
>> “My heart goes thump thump, when I look at you. I will always have you in my heart.”
2 ~ I.O.I – Very Very Very [ girl ]
>> “People say guys are all the same, do not to believe them when they say I love you. Because even before they really love, they just say the words.”
3 ~ Jimin (AOA) feat. Xiumin (EXO) – Call You Bae [ duet ]
>> “Sit closer, whatever it’s okay. You can’t hide it, I want to know more about you. I think it’s now, the atmosphere is good. It’s just the two of us, I want to kiss you.”
4 ~ FTISLAND – I Wish [ boy ]
>> “Even when I’m meeting someone else, I only see you. Even when I’m thinking about something else, I only see you. Even when I see someone else, I have no interest. Why am I acting this way, like a fool?”
5 ~ G.NA – Black & White [ girl ]
>> “Black and white Black and white. You and I are Black and White. I’m hot and you’re cool. It’s a mystery we’re a couple.”
6 ~ Yuju (GFRIEND) & Sunyoul (UP10TION) – Cherish [ duet ]
>> “Every morning when it becomes bright. My heart trembles at the dream of you last night. I can almost see it but I can’t, I don’t know. I want to know your heart.”
7 ~ K.will – Love Blossom [ boy ]
>> “Spring comes, into this street. Spring comes, into my heart. Don’t know why I am so excited, oh.”
8 ~ Apink – Cause You’re My Star [ girl ]
>>  “On this beautiful starry night. I can feel the dazzling you. Will you come to me like the shooting stars? Every day and night you’re my star.”
9 ~ AKMU – I Love You [ duet ]
>> “My eyes go to you automatically. It’s not even like the print on your clothes are eye-catching. Even when I’m doing something else all day. This person is quite alright.”
10 ~ BTS (방탄소년단) - Beautiful [Jung-kook,V, J-Hope,Ji-Min]  [ boy ]
>> “You’re beautiful. Don’t we look good together? I always imagine it like this, you be with me with me. You’re beautiful. What will we be like together? I always imagine it like this. You be with me with me.”
11 ~ JUNIEL – I Think I’m in Love [ girl ]
>> “Sunday morning, I smell the mocha coffee. As if I’m having a good dream, I start my day. Suddenly, my heart starts to flutter. Your short message wakes me up in the morning.”
12 ~ IU feat. Jang Yijeong (HISTORY) [ duet ]
>> “Each minute, each second is so sweet. What is this man? I can’t help but to fall in love. All day, my heart rides on that clock hand. Getting closer to you with each tick.”
13 ~ GOT7 – Forever Young [ boy ]
>> “Miss you I really miss you. If you’re still not bored of me, I’ll sing a song for you. Turn the radio o-o-on, turn the radio o-o-on.”
14 ~ MAMAMOO – LOVE [ girl ]
>> “My empty heart feels weird these days. Love. Even the moonlit night makes me feel complicated. You, you, you, if you still awake. What are you thinking? You, you, you, if you feel alone. Do you feel the same?”
15 ~ [STATION] Yesung x Seulgi – Darling U [ duet ]
>> “I wanna hear the words I love you. What’s so hard about it? I’m a bit slow but I want to save it. Don’t misunderstand, it’s not because I don’t like you.”
16 ~ Junggigo feat. Minwoo – Too Good [ boy ]
>> “It feels like I’m living in a dream every day. I’m still not used to this kind of life. When I’m with you, the stars twinkle during the day.”
17 ~ Secret – Starlight Moonlight [ girl ]
>> “I keep thinking about you, my heart trembles secretly. What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do? I’ve never felt like this before.”
18 ~ G.NA feat. Huh Gak – Same Thoughts [ duet ]
>> “I keep thinking about you, my heart trembles secretly. What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do? I’ve never felt like this before.”
19 ~ Yu Seung Woo feat. Louie of Geeks – You’re Beautiful [ boy ]
>> “Because you’re beautiful. Because that face is so beautiful. I couldn’t say what I planned to say. When you smile, the whole world stops.”
20 ~ GLAM – Give It 2 U [ girl ]
>> “My heart, I’ll give it to you. Only to you, wanna give it to you. Now I don’t even see other people.”
21 ~ Baek A Yeon feat. JB (GOT7) [ duet ]
>> “Should I just call you once? I just got curious about you. How are you doing these days? I wanna ask. There’s no other intention. I just keep thinking about you.”
22 ~ Brother Su – It Was You [ boy ]
>> “The one who dried my tearful eyes it was you. Could you be my darling? Now I’ll be the one who holds you.”
23 ~ Han SoA – My Heart Stolen You [ girl ]
>> “Saying I like you, saying I love you. It’s not enough to show you my heart- don’t you know? Saying you’re mine, saying I miss you. If only you’ll say those things to me.”
24 ~ Amber Liu feat. Eric Nam – I Just Wanna [ duet ]
>> “When I first walked in the room. I saw your face. Baby girl I was so amazed. I caught you smiling back at me. But I didn’t know what to say.”
25 ~ Jooyoung – Same As You [ boy ]
>> “Can I love you forever more. I just wanna love you.”
26 ~ Lucite Tokki – Dugeun Dugeun [ girl ]
>> “ba-bum-ba-bum ba-bum-ba-bump. Thinking of only you. Every day every day my heart is filled with exciting feelings.”
27 ~ Byul feat. Kwon Jung Yeol – So Cute [ duet ]
>> “If you think about it, we fit together so well. Now I know, you are perfect for me. You are my better half.”
28 ~ Eric Nam – Love Song [ boy ]
>> “One small guitar and the beautiful you, I don’t wish anything anymore.”
29 ~ Bolbbagan4 – Grumpy [ girl ]
>> “You fluttered your tangled hair and came to me. I melted a little, I dropped the ice cream. When people stare, how should I look at you. I’ve been running towards, your patient hands.”
30 ~ Clazziquai Project – Romeo ‘n Juliet [ duet ]
>> “The meaning of the feeling that comes upon me when you’re looking at me. And the scent I’ve left behind. For something else, there’s a different feeling. How when you’re eyes are still closed but you can still see everything. I wonder if your whole entire day was still beautiful without me.”
31 ~ GOT7 – Let Me [ boy ]
>> “Will you be by my side, by my side. Can I hold your hand? Don’t be shy.”
32 ~ Milk Tea – Mr. Chocolate, Ms. Orange [ girl ]
>> “I can see you from my room’s window, my heart is beating. Your bright smile, you and I are sweet, sweet, sweet.”
33 ~ Huh Gak x Zia – I Need You [ duet ]
>> “If I wait one more day, will I get an answer from you? Should I just confess to you? Please take one step toward me.”
34 ~ Crush – Beautiful [ boy ]
>> “It’s a beautiful life. I’ll stay by your side. It`s a beautiful life. I’ll stand right behind you, beautiful love. If I am with you under this sky.”
35 ~ G.NA – Would You Kiss Me? [ girl ]
>> “When did this begin, I guess the moment I first saw you. Every 1 minute 1 second, you keep coming onto mind. What are you doing…”
36 ~ Jungkook x Lady Jane – I’m in Love [ duet ]
>> “To be honest from our first meeting, saying I like you wasn’t an easy thing for me to do.”
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fyeahgrayluweek · 7 years
Author: ImpracticalDemon
Title: Too Cold to Hold, part 3
Pairing: Gray x Lucy
Prompt: Fragrance [GrayLu Week, Day 6]
Rated: M
Genre: Romance, Humor
Words: 19k+
Summary:  Lucy and Gray have finally decided to get together as a couple. They discover that there’s a bit more to being lovers than just saying the words
Standard Disclaimers Apply
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fyeahgrayluweek · 7 years
Author: ImpracticalDemon
Title: Too Cold to Hold, part 2
Pairing: Gray x Lucy
Prompt: Fragrance [GrayLu Week, Day 6]
Rated: T
Genre: Romance, Humor
Words: 13k+
Summary:  Lucy and Gray have finally decided to get together as a couple. They discover that there’s a bit more to being lovers than just saying the words
Standard Disclaimers Apply
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fyeahgrayluweek · 7 years
Author: ImpracticalDemon
Title: Too Cold to Hold, part 1
Pairing: Gray x Lucy
Prompt: Fragrance [GrayLu Week, Day 6]
Rated: T
Genre: Romance, Humor
Words: 13k+
Summary:  Lucy and Gray have finally decided to get together as a couple. They discover that there's a bit more to being lovers than just saying the words
Standard Disclaimers Apply
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fyeahgrayluweek · 7 years
Author: TheKingdomKeyblade
Title: GrayLu Week 2017, Fragrance
Pairing: Gray x Lucy
Prompt: Fragrance [GrayLu Week, Day 6]
Rated: T
Genre: Romance, Angst
Words: 9k+
Summary: It’s that time of the year… GrayLu one-shots.
Standard Disclaimers Apply
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fuckyeahgratsu · 6 years
Chapters: 12/12 Fandom: Fairy Tail Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Natsu Dragneel/Gray Fullbuster, Gray Fullbuster/Ultear Milkovich, Cana Alberona/Lucy Heartfilia, Lucy Heartfilia/Erza Scarlet Characters: Gray Fullbuster, Natsu Dragneel, Ultear Milkovich, Lucy Heartfilia, Cana Alberona, Erza Scarlet Additional Tags: Drabble Collection Summary:
Collection of oneshots for Fairy Tail, mostly from tumblr.
1. Gratsu, dragon mating season humor 2. GrayTear prompt, chance meeting 3. Gratsu fluff week 2016, Day 4 Scarf 4. Ultear, ch 476 extra scene 5. Lucana week 2016, oneshot 6. Gray and Lyon, post-Tartaros 7. Time travel during Eclipse (ice family gen) 8. Gray and Juvia, ch 499 humor omake 9. Femslash exchange 2016, Erlu Izetta AU 10. Graylu exchange 2016, princess and peasant 11. GrayTear week 2017, Day 2: the Future 12. GrayTear week 2017, Day 7: Ice
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impracticaldemon · 7 years
Graylu Week: Chapter 4 Too Cold to Hold, Part I
fanfiction by impracticaldemon Prompt:  Fragrance (written for Graylu Day, only 20 days late) Words: ~2600 | also on FFnet and AO3 under impracticaldemon
Summary:  Gray and Lucy are slowly but surely working out life as a couple. This story follows some of the prompts of Graylu Fluff Week (Feb 2017) and some of the prompts of Graylu Week (Sep 2017).  In Chapter 4, a romantic dinner in a snow-bound chalet-hotel becomes fraught with both conversational pitfalls and angry snow spirits.
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Author's Note: With apologies for the delay and hoping that you'll enjoy chapter 4 of this combined Graylu Fluff Week and Graylu Week story!  With particular thanks to @nonochuu for all of her support and gentle nudges. Thank you also to those who have commented, reblogged, bookmarked and just generally sent encouragement my way on FFnet, AO3 and tumblr. I'm grateful to all of my readers.
Chapter 4—Too Cold to Hold, Part I Prompt: Fragrance (for Graylu Day)
Gray had eventually put on pajama bottoms and a fitted t-shirt that was either midnight blue or black (whichever it was, Lucy had approved). Not that he had wanted to "get dressed," as he'd put it, but even he had felt that boxer shorts and nothing else probably wasn't appropriate attire in which to fetch their dinner. His girlfriend had forborne to comment that his loungewear might not be exactly what the kitchen staff had in mind either.
He returned with several dishes, ranging from steaming soup to dome-covered entrées to some kind of towering cake and cream and fruit concoction that was clearly a special dessert. The warm part of the meal was carefully balanced on two large trays, but the dessert—in all of its frothy, bedizened glory—was being held aloft by ice.
"They were pretty impressed with my carrying capacity," he commented, as Lucy took one of the trays so that he could negotiate the doorway. "Plus the way I could keep the dessert chilled."
"No kidding." Lucy was laying out their dinner on the low coffee table with rapid efficiency. She nodded approvingly at the dessert, which Gray left sitting on a table of ice in the window embrasure.
"Yeah, they offered me a job waitering, if wizarding didn't work out." His mouth quirked into a smile. "Don't worry, I told them that my carrying skills were okay, but that my patience for obnoxious customers wasn't the best."
Lucy pointed him to one cushion and took the other, folding her legs under her and sniffing appreciatively at the soup. "Itadakimasu," she murmured politely, word and action somehow coming naturally in this lovely room, with a fine meal in front of her. (1)
Gray looked surprised—the guildhall wasn't exactly famous for good manners with food, and he had fallen out of the habit a long time ago. And yet… dim memories of childhood—first with his parents and then Ur—resurfaced with surprising clarity, and he automatically copied Lucy. It was strange: in almost any other setting, or with any other person, he might have resented the formality—or at least the memories evoked—but here and with Lucy it was just right. His mind skittered over the thought that this is how one might behave in one's own home with one's own family.
"This is really good!" Lucy smiled at Gray with unfeigned pleasure. "Oh, and I was about to say—I'm quite sure that your waitering skills would be just fine if you weren't forced to wear a dress." Her smile turned a little roguish, as other scenes evidently replaced the dress episode in her mind's eye. "In fact, I'll bet you'd be quite an attraction in a butler's outfit—or maybe just the pants and a bow-tie?"
"Uh-huh." Gray reddened and suddenly felt a need to concentrate on his soup. When he looked up again, he saw Lucy looking at him quizzically, her own cheeks a little pink. "It's just kind of weird," he told her, "hearing that from you instead of, you know, Mira or Cana. Or Erza, when she's gotten way too into one of our jobs."
Lucy nodded. "I know what you mean. But for what it's worth, I have thought it before. And with Mira and Cana, it's mostly impersonal. Or at least it applies to everyone—guys, girls, whoever they need to dress up at any given moment. Or just for fun." She paused, and then added darkly: "Their fun, I mean."
Gray switched to his main course, smiling when Lucy glared momentarily into space. She was obviously contemplating past injuries. To be fair, Fairy Tail's loveliest and most notorious hostesses did seem to derive a bit too much pleasure out of interfering with the lives of others. Mind you, he wasn't going to complain about having seen Lucy in a variety of bikinis, bunny suits, and gowns—but he wasn't going to comment on it either. At least, not right this minute.
Loke probably would though… He quickly tried to get his mind off that train of thought. No sense in being jealous of Lucy's bond with the guy who just happened to be the leader of the celestial spirits of the Zodiac. Well—no point in dwelling on it, anyway. He and Loke would just have to reach an understanding about grabby hands not being okay. No problem.
"…Sorry Lucy!" Gray was startled to realize that there was frost crystallizing in the air above his hands. "Um…" He glanced down, relieved to see that he was still dressed. That meant he'd only been out of it for a couple of moments.
"I guess you've had to deal with the dynamic duo for even longer than I have—is that it?" Lucy's tone was completely sympathetic. She knew that Gray wasn't the best with being pushed into things, although he tended to be a team player.
Gray wavered between an easy lie and a complicated truth. "Kind of?"
Sympathy faded to concern. Lucy set down her chopsticks. She used chopsticks or metal cutlery with equal facility, and her familiarity with all sorts of food and customs periodically reminded her team-mates that her upbringing had been that of a pampered—if lonely—little girl. Gray recognized that his mind was going off on a tangent again.
"Okay, you'll have to explain 'kind of'," Lucy said firmly.
"I wasn't actually thinking about Cana and Mira just then, but it's true that I have had to deal with them for a long time. I mean… they're not much older than I am, so I've known them since we were all kids. Hard to believe now, right?"
Lucy regarded him thoughtfully. "Is this one of those 'better not to go there just now' moments? Or one those 'better get it over with' moments?"
Gray scrubbed at the back of his head as a substitute for stripping off his t-shirt. Although maybe Lucy wouldn't mind. He forced himself to talk. "You're very attractive, in a lot of ways, to a lot of people. It's one reason it took so long to tell you how I felt—feel."
"Okay…" Lucy frowned slightly at him. "So it's one of those 'figure out what I'm thinking because I'm too embarrassed to tell you' moments." She took a mouthful of food and chewed thoughtfully.
"Yeah, you're right. Pretty lame." Gray finished the rest of his entrée, barely managing to stay on the right side—that is, the polite side—of Natsu-speed.
"You always seemed much too indifferent—or too cool—to be really jealous of anyone," Lucy mused. "Except that I understand about Natsu."
Gray threw up his hands in surrender. "Fine, I was just thinking that I might want to have a chat with my buddy Loke." He shrugged. "And I have definitely had my moments of jealousy."
Lucy's face was unusually hard to read. Then she gave him an apologetic half-smile. "I guess there are just still… things… to talk about, right? Or to sort out, or something. I figured—the two of you have always been friends, you know?"
"I know. And being friends means that I know how he thinks."
"Yeah, I think most us of know that," said Lucy, a little dryly. "He's probably just as interested in you as he is in me. Not that I really know—I try not to, um, pry too much. I mean, he was seeing Aries—or so I thought—but…"
"Yeah, exactly. But…" Gray shook his head. "Honestly, it was just a stray thought. Loke's just a little too 'hands-on' for my taste."
"Or maybe it's the way he periodically makes passes at me?" Lucy inquired, appearing to relax now that she knew what was wrong. Her eyes were bright and cheerful again.
"Right, it could be that." Impulsively, Gray took Lucy's hand across the corner of the table. "And it's been such a pain, since I've been trying not to make passes at you."
"Oh? Didn't you mention something earlier about, um"—Lucy turned a little pink again, but persevered—"wanting to take me to bed? Are you saying that wasn't—"
"It was the hot chocolate talking."
Lucy rolled her eyes. "Talk about lame."
"Fine, pour me another glass of wine." The proprietor had insisted on tucking a bottle of red under Gray's arm to share with 'his lovely lady' over dinner.
"I don't think you like it much," the 'lovely lady' murmured, filling his empty glass as requested. He'd gulped the first glass rather quickly.
"I prefer beer to wine, but this isn't bad." Gray took a careful sip. "Besides, I figure we can each stand to broaden our horizons."
"Okay, but what idiot makes his non-beer-drinking friend try something called 'Hobgoblin'?"
Gray winced, but chuckled. "At least they were out of Guiness. That stuff will peel paint."
"And that's a selling point?"
"Heh, no—unless you're trying to be macho, or happen to like strong, dark beer. Which, just for the record, I do."
Lucy smiled sweetly at him. "You've finished your wine. Again."
"Oh." Two glasses of wine weren't really enough for a buzz, but nerves and repressed lust seemed to duplicate the overall feeling somehow. "So… dessert? If you're done your dinner? Apparently it's a house specialty."
Lucy's smile faded. "Gray…"
"… I don't want to rush anything. When we're joking around, when you're in my arms, anything seems possible. It's easier…"
"But bring a nice dinner and a bottle of wine into the picture and it isn't?" Lucy's hand tensed slightly under his. "Isn't it usually the other way around?"
"Probably. Or maybe that's the problem. I don't—I don't—want to be just some guy." Gray heard the note of uncertainty in his voice and hated it.
"You don't trust me."
"You don't trust me to say no. You're worried that I'll do something I'll regret later and that will mess things up."
"That's not it!"
"Really? We've known each other for over two years, and it took most of that time for you—for us—to risk even one date."
Suddenly Gray's attention was wrenched from the argument—or whatever it was—by a sharp, familiar scent. He let go of Lucy's hand and jumped up, eyes scanning the scene beyond the window.
"Gray? I'm sorry—"
"No… I mean, it's not you—there's something trying to get in, can't you smell it?"
Puzzled, but trying to believe that her boyfriend wasn't just trying to avoid a difficult conversation, Lucy walked over to stand beside Gray. She stiffened immediately, and shivered.
"It's cold here! And it smells of—of snow?"
"Yeah. I guess they managed to find—or make—a chink in the glass while we were busy earlier." Gray's fingers found Lucy's and squeezed reassuringly. "You can smell them too? The scent of snow at least? Not everyone can…"
"Sure. I've always been able to smell snow."
"Okay, ever hear of snow spirits?"
"No… not unless you mean Frosty and Sparky."
Gray shook his head. "This isn't Super Makaro and there isn't some villain trying to capture all the nice little snow spirits. Real snow spirits aren't cute and they aren't friendly. They aren't always unfriendly, according to what Ur taught me, but they, uh, really dislike ice mages. I've never seen them here before, but maybe I stirred them up when I was here last year—and then they noticed that I'd come back. I'm really sorry about this."
"Well, I told you that I wouldn't say no to fighting malevolent cold spirits," Lucy murmured.
"Yeah, but this is a vacation. Maybe you could just let me deal with them?" Gray was not overly-optimistic about what Lucy would think of this suggestion and he was right.
"Forget it. The couple that fights snow spirits together, stays together."
Her companion grinned a little crookedly. "It doesn't exactly scan well, but I'll take it." He bent down quickly and kissed her lips. It was a distinctly ardent, searching kiss for a guy who should be focussed on evil—or at least angry—supernatural beings.
"Distracted, much?" muttered Lucy.
"Oh yeah." Gray drew a deep breath. "And just so that we're clear: I do want to take you to bed, and take off those adorable pyjamas, and run my hands—and my mouth—over your whole body, and convince you that we're perfecttogether and the rest of the world can go to hell."
He could sense Lucy react to his words, could swear that he felt her temperature rise. Why was it easier to say such things at moments like this? Probably because he didn't have to face her and the danger made his words seems less real. Without even having to think about it, he used ice to create a seal on the window. Not the most effective against elemental cold beings, but as long as he got outside quickly at least he could avoid a battle—and damage—in here.
"I hate your timing, Gray. Just so that we're clear—you aren't fooling anyone." Moving with calm efficiency, Lucy picked up a leather case from a bedside table and pulled out a golden key. "Aries, I need your help." Her summoning rituals had gotten less formal over time…
There was a bright light, and then a sweet, curly-haired girl with small ram's horns appeared and bowed diffidently.
"Sumimasen," she murmured as usual; the celestial spirit connected to the Zodiac sign of the ram tended to apologize for anything and everything, or even nothing. She ducked her head and smiled shyly at Gray. She seemed to like him, for some reason—or at least he didn't alarm her as much as most.
"Aries do you notice—" Lucy suddenly looked intently at her celestial friend. "Is that snow in your fur?"
"Yes? It's very cold her. I smell elemental spirits—the freezing ones."
"Well, that saves explanations," Lucy muttered.
"See y' outside, Luce!" Gray had stepped back when Aries appeared, but now he stripped off his shirt—possibly accidentally—and hurried out of the room.
"Moron, why couldn't he just wait?" Lucy sighed. She'd given up a long time ago trying to hold any of her team-mates back from a confrontation.
"I believe that Gray-san wants to get the snow spirits away from the window so that it doesn't shatter and ruin your dessert. It's very pretty." Aries hesitated, and then added, "Are you going to get married?"
"What?! No! I mean—not right this moment! We've just started going out… Why are you asking, anyway?"
"Sumimasen! We're all curious and they—they made me promise to ask since you called me—I'm sorry!"
Lucy squeezed her eyes shut for a moment. At least they cared about her, right?
"Okay, sure. Anyway, do you think you could magic up some fluffy insulation for this window?"
"Oh yes, easily!"
Moments later, the big window was wreathed in fluffy pink clouds of… something. Whatever it was, the area near the window suddenly got much warmer and the scent of snow on a cold night vanished.
"Thank you!" Lucy called over her shoulder as she shoved her feet into boots and dragged her coat on over her pyjamas. She waved to Aries as she ran out the door to go looking for Gray. Hopefully she wouldn't get lost in the swirling snow.
(1) This is a normal good manners before a meal in Japan. The word is often accompanied by placing the palms together briefly as in prayer. The idiomatic meaning is "thank you for the meal". In more formal situations one might also bow slightly.
A/Note: Sorry for having to break this up! Chapter 5—Too Cold to Hold, Part II, will hopefully be out tomorrow evening! I'm just not very good at writing things as *short* as I intend them to be... Your comments, reviews, follows and faves are all much appreciated. :)
@shell-senji @eliz1369 @nalufever @miss-zei @sanguine-fairy @ftfanfics @fic-writer-appreciation @graylu-fanfictions @canadiangaap @gsut @sassyhazelowl @foreverfangirling74
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fyeahgrayluweek · 7 years
g r a y l u  w e e k
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Special thanks to Hime ❤  and Sei ☆.。.:*・゜  
Come and join us to celebrate the fifth annual event of GRAYLU WEEK!
One week celebration for our lovely pairing, Gray Fullbuster x Lucy Heartfilia from Fairy Tail. And here are the official prompt set:
Day 1: Grey
Day 2: Loud
Day 3: Ordinary
Day 4: Tremble
Day 5: Playground
Day 6: Fragrance*
specific genre: smut and/or fluff (❤️.❤️)
Day 7: Trace
Bonus day: “memorable moments” or “last day on earth”
Same with previous years, we will use *GRAYLU DAY as LOVE LOVE DAY also, so that’s why we only suggest those genres.
Well ah… can’t wait to see your fanworks! Have a lovely day!(*´▽`*)
:: graylu family unite! ::
♥ GRAYLU WEEK 2017: September 1 - 7 ♥
prompts || ideas || rules || ask || submit
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impracticaldemon · 7 years
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Writing update... (why? because it will help me focus)
Chapter 88 of Teachings of Demons ~ hoping for late tomorrow
Requests: [several text memes - some almost done] HijiChi (fluffy) SaiChi (ditto) Gajevy (and the clock pieces - so late it’s embarrassing) ... a couple of other awesome ideas that I want to write up if I could ONLY STOP WRITE MULTI-CHAPTERED STUFF and learn how to write proper drabbles [BIG SIGH]
Other: Halloween Exchange Fic (Fairy Tail) Nalu Fluff Week 2017 - DONE! (with several requests to continue - maybe later!) Graylu Week 2017 (got delayed, again - will return) (also with requests to continue - I’m so sorrry it’s coming I promise!) KazaSen Day:  September 20 (haven’t decided on contribution yet)
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fyeahgrayluweek · 7 years
~ GRAYLU WEEK 2017 ~
Hello Graylu family!!! ~
It’s this time of the year again! *badum tss* Let’s talk about GRAYLU WEEK! :p
So lacking of time, @nonochuu and I asked you to send ideas and decided that it was better to choose among your suggestions instead of making a poll!
So we chose some prompts and Nora had a really nice idea with the first letters of each prompt! Okay no more waiting, we’re proud to announce you the prompt set of GRAYLU WEEK 2017 !!
GRAYLU WEEK ‘17 (September 1st -> September 7th) - PROMPT SET:
Day 1: Grey
Day 2: Loud
Day 3: Ordinary
Day 4: Tremble
Day 5: Playground
Day 6: Fragrance*
Day 7: Trace
Bonus Day: “memorable moments” or “last day on earth”
* specific genre: smut and/or fluff (❤️.❤️)
As you can see, the first letters are G-L-O-T-P-F-T! And she found it could mean Gray & Lucy our OTP from Fairy Tail! I would never have guessed alone!
We hope you like the prompt set, and remind you that you can choose your own prompts if you don’t find any ideas with the official ones! Also don’t forget to check our blog to see the rules! A nicer post will come with the prompt plus a beautiful banner to decorate it ;D
Have a nice day, Graylu family ! ☆
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