#graylu fluff fest
impracticaldemon · 8 years
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Cover art by the lovely @miss-zei
Read on Fanfiction.net HERE
Prompt: Play Date
“So, I’ll see you tomorrow for breakfast at the guildhall?” Gray asked.
“Sure, sounds good,” Lucy answered, for the fifth morning in a row.  The exchange had become a nightly ritual, and Lucy couldn’t quite decide if that was a good thing or not.
Each of them had finally decided that enough was enough, so last month, in January, exactly eighteen days ago (although nobody was counting), each of them had managed to blurt out a shy but sincere confession to the other.  Of course, neither of them had been able to hear the other person, since they were talking at the same time, but eventually it had gotten sorted out. They had spent most of their free time together ever since, as if making up for lost time, and Lucy was surprised by how much happier and relaxed she felt just knowing that Gray was there for her and finally knew how she felt.
Although Gray wasn’t the most demonstrative boyfriend—at least, not in public—he was very considerate. Lucy felt genuinely cared for, which was wonderful.  For example, Gray made sure that Lucy got to walk on the smoothest part of the path when they were outside. If they were sitting with a big group of people, he would make sure that she had a comfortable seat and wasn’t perched precariously on the edge of a bench.  If they’d been placed at a table that had a chair with wobbly legs, Gray would fix the problem and take the wobbly chair just in case.
Unfortunately, Lucy was beginning to realize that there was something wrong.  They’d been going out together for less than three weeks, but something was missing.  Worse, she had a feeling that Gray felt the same way.  As embarrassing as it was, Lucy decided to seek expert advice.
“I’m—I just don’t understand.  It wasn’t like this when we were just friends and teammates. I can’t quite explain it, but it feels like we used to laugh more, you know?”
Mirajane nodded understandingly at Lucy.  Although Mira wasn’t really more than a couple of years older than most of the people she listened to, counseled, and occasionally pushed into relationships for their own good, she behaved as though she was everyone’s mother and most people simply went along with it.  Probably because it’s comforting, Lucy thought.
“You know,” said Mirajane in a considering tone, “you’re both an unusual combination of serious and playful. I suspect that this is just a case of honeymoon jitters.”
“Honeymoon?!  We’re not even engaged!” Lucy was almost too confused to blush, but not quite.  She felt her cheeks redden.  “Um, I mean, we’re just—you know—starting to get to know each other a bit better? Other than as just friends, I mean.” Lucy frowned for a moment.  “Although I don’t like the expression ‘just friends’, because friends are really important to me as well.”
Mirajane smiled fondly at the other woman.  Lucy had her flaws—they all did—but she truly embodied Fairy Tail’s most important precept: that the bonds of friendship were at the core of their strength.
“I tend to refer to the early days of any romantic relationship as the honeymoon phase.  I didn’t mean to startle you.”  There was a glint in Mirajane’s eye that suggested that she had already thought about Lucy and Gray’s wedding, honeymoon and possibly children, but she managed to keep most of that off her face, so Lucy let it slide.
“You’re going to have to explain what you mean, Mira,” Lucy said, trying to brace herself for whatever frank comments Fairy Tail’s hostess was about to make.
“Sure.  It’s not meant to be complicated.  I’ve noticed that most people get along well at the beginning of a relationship because both parties are trying hard to please the other person.  Eventually, that wears off a bit, and they start behaving more normally again, which means more arguments, usually, but also more…” Mirajane paused, searching for a word.  “… Well, more excitement, I guess, although that’s not quite it either.  It’s a quirk that humans have:  most of us don’t want to be handled with kid gloves all of the time. The trick is to find the right balance.”
Mirajane watched Lucy trace a design on the top of the bar with her finger.  Unlike others, the oldest Strauss sibling didn’t underestimate Lucy’s intelligence, so she thought that Lucy would probably figure out for herself what was going on, now that she’d been pointed in the right direction.
“I think,” said Lucy slowly, “what you’re saying is that we’re not being entirely ourselves with each other—we’re being careful and kind and that’s great, but we’re not doing any of the crazier things that we’ve done for so long as teammates.  And we’ve kind of lost that connection.  Or maybe misplaced it.”
“Is that a possibility?” Mirajane asked.
“Maybe,” said Lucy. “In which case we need to get out and have some fun—not exactly a date, more like a play date.”  She looked at Mirajane and suddenly giggled.  “Oh for the gods’ sake I sound like we’re five!”
Her confidant laughed. “Play like you’re five, if you must—not in here!—but remember that you’re adults and there are more, ah, adult ways to play once you’re done with being five.”
“Mira!  I don’t want to hear it, okay?  We’re working on that.”  Lucy’s blush deepened again.
“If you’re calling it work—“
“Enough!  Thank you!  I’m out of here!”
The playground was covered in a thin layer of snow.  It was deserted, other than by Lucy, who sat on one of the icy swings twirling absently first in one direction and then the other.  She was rapidly coming to the conclusion that this was a dumb idea. Maybe she’d taken the whole concept too literally and—
“Hey Luce!  Jeez you look cold…”  Suddenly Gray’s voice went from concerned to teasing.  “You need a push?  You don’t seem to be getting far.”
Lucy opened her mouth to respond and then gasped as strong arms pulled the swing a long way back—and higher than Gray could have reached without some ice magic—and then let go.  For a moment, she thought she was going to go shooting straight off the seat, but her gloved hands tightened around the thin chains holding up the swing and she only slid a little at the top of the arc.  The downward curve was fast enough to make her feel a slight swoop in her stomach.  Then she noticed the almost transparent webbing of ice keeping her somewhat more safely in place, closed her eyes, and enjoyed the ride.
Not too long afterwards, Gray brought the swing to a halt and Lucy all but toppled into his arms trying to stand up.  Her legs felt a bit rubbery but she was grinning.  Gray hesitated a moment, then smiled back.  He gave Lucy a quick kiss on the lips, and then rubbed his hands together and looked around.
“So, I have absolutely no idea what we doing in a kids’ playground, but since there aren’t any kids around, maybe we can jazz things up a little.”
“What do you have in mind?”
“Well, um, better swings and… a really good slide… and…”
Lucy stood and watched as Gray transformed the park around them.  He completely redid the swings, turned the slide into a fabulous twisting, curving dragon of ice and the industrial plastic playhouse-fort went from being dismal to awe-inspiring.  Eventually, Lucy had to tug on Gray’s arm to get his attention.
“This is awesome but what’s it for?”
He looked stymied for a moment, the turned a bit red.
“I thought, since you wanted to come here, it might as well have a bit more to it, you know?”
“The playhouse has towers! Gray, it’s amazing!  And I so want to try the slide.  But wasn’t that an awful lot of magic power?”
They gazed around at the park, which was now a glittering children’s fantasy out of ice, complete with—as Lucy had pointed out—a turreted castle.
Lucy shivered slightly. Gray didn’t look the least bit cold, but with all the ice, the park was now distinctly chilly.
“Oh, sor—“
“Don’t!” cried Lucy.  “Don’t apologize!  This is great—I’m fine, I’ll be fine.”
“Okay…  Um, as for the power, well I kind of needed to train anyway.” Gray’s mouth quirked back into a smile. “I, uh, haven’t been fighting Natsu so much lately, so it’s good to stretch a bit.”
“Yeah. I guess spending time with me is kind of getting in the way of—“
“No way, don’t say it! I really, really want to spend time with you.”
They looked at each other for a few moments.
“Slide?” asked Lucy, just as Grey was about to speak.  “Then try out the swings?”
The slide was just as amazing as it looked and wide enough to go down together.  Unfortunately, by Lucy’s third trip down she really was shivering.  Gray scooped her up, tucked his own coat around her over the too-light jacket that she’d worn, and fastened her scarf more firmly.  She laughed as she stood there with Gray doing up the too-big coat right to her chin.
“Seriously, Gray, I really do feel like a little kid with their mom putting on all the poofy extra layers!”
Gray gave her a cautious look then burst out laughing as well.
“To be honest, Lucy… do you remember the other me—I mean from Edolas?”
“That bad??!!”  Lucy tried to swat him on the arm, but it was fairly ineffective.  She had to admit, he looked very, very good standing there in the fairy-ice park wearing nothing but his favourite jeans and a close-fitting dark t-shirt.
“Okay, really, you just look super-cute in my coat.  I may have to loan it to you.”  He hugged her close, despite being out where anyone could see.  “Shall we tour the castle, princess?”
“In a minute.”
Lucy moved just enough so that she could look up at Gray.  She was good at reading, writing, and talking about things, but right now… She stretched up slightly onto her toes, wrapping her arms around Gray’s neck.  Happily, he took the hint, and their lips met in perfect accord.
“I’m jus’ tryin’t’get w’rrm,” Lucy told him, pressing herself as close as she could wearing two coats, one of them too obviously too big.
Gray responded by deepening the kiss and wrapping one arm tightly around Lucy so that she didn’t lose her balance. They stood like that for quite some time, lips parted but mouths locked together, tongues exploring, arms twined around each other.  Lucy felt surprisingly overheated despite the cold.
“Wow.”  Gray blinked down at Lucy.  “You’re really amazing.”
“I thought you already knew that,” she retorted.
“Well, now I know it more. Let’s try necking in the ice castle.”
Lucy blushed slightly but went willingly.  Thanks to Gray’s magic, they had no trouble reaching the small room at the top of the highest tower.  It wasn’t especially high, of course, but it was a little more private.  Lucy peered down at the playground, which was starting to attract attention. In a stern voice, Gray told Lucy that she should be admiring his handiwork, not staring out the window at random peasants.
“The random peasants are getting closer, my lord,” she replied deferentially.
“Well in that case, I suppose I’d best kiss the princess while I can.”
Rather unexpectedly, Gray deftly tugged the scarf away from Lucy’s neck and started pressing decidedly warm kisses along the skin between her left ear and shoulder.  Lucy shivered from something other than cold when the lowest kiss became more insistent, and Gray’s mouth and teeth started to leave a bruise at the point where her neck met her shoulder.
“Ummmmm… if you kiss the princess, won’t she turn into a frog or something?”  Lucy’s voice sounded oddly unfocussed, and she found herself standing very still, as if otherwise she might buckle at the knees.
“I like Frosch,” murmured Gray into her ear as he carefully replaced the scarf.
“Mmmm.  I could get a Frosch onesie made I suppose…”
“I’d like to see that.”
Lucy knew that they were exchanging nonsense, but she hadn’t felt this kind of fuzzy, aroused-but-relaxed warmth with Gray before.  She decided that she might try another play date in the future, if they ever started to overthink things again.  Sometimes, you just had to find a good ice castle to neck in.
All notes and reblogs are very much appreciated!
~ Impracticaldemon
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nonochuu · 8 years
graylu fanmix: YOUNG LOVE
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”Hold my hand, hold my heart..”
<< full playlist >>
This is my late submission for @graylu-fluff-fest 2017! ^^; as continuation from graylu week ‘16, so this fanmix has lots of kpop and k-indie and from upbeat to ballad (it will lead to the angst week ;p). Actually I wanted to make some fanfics using the prompt set but I need some time and muse for writing. Meanwhile enjoy this fanmix and happy listening! (´▽`)ノ♪            
1 ~ CNBLUE – LOVE GIRL [ boy ]
>> “My heart goes thump thump, when I look at you. I will always have you in my heart.”
2 ~ I.O.I – Very Very Very [ girl ]
>> “People say guys are all the same, do not to believe them when they say I love you. Because even before they really love, they just say the words.”
3 ~ Jimin (AOA) feat. Xiumin (EXO) – Call You Bae [ duet ]
>> “Sit closer, whatever it’s okay. You can’t hide it, I want to know more about you. I think it’s now, the atmosphere is good. It’s just the two of us, I want to kiss you.”
4 ~ FTISLAND – I Wish [ boy ]
>> “Even when I’m meeting someone else, I only see you. Even when I’m thinking about something else, I only see you. Even when I see someone else, I have no interest. Why am I acting this way, like a fool?”
5 ~ G.NA – Black & White [ girl ]
>> “Black and white Black and white. You and I are Black and White. I’m hot and you’re cool. It’s a mystery we’re a couple.”
6 ~ Yuju (GFRIEND) & Sunyoul (UP10TION) – Cherish [ duet ]
>> “Every morning when it becomes bright. My heart trembles at the dream of you last night. I can almost see it but I can’t, I don’t know. I want to know your heart.”
7 ~ K.will – Love Blossom [ boy ]
>> “Spring comes, into this street. Spring comes, into my heart. Don’t know why I am so excited, oh.”
8 ~ Apink – Cause You’re My Star [ girl ]
>>  “On this beautiful starry night. I can feel the dazzling you. Will you come to me like the shooting stars? Every day and night you’re my star.”
9 ~ AKMU – I Love You [ duet ]
>> “My eyes go to you automatically. It’s not even like the print on your clothes are eye-catching. Even when I’m doing something else all day. This person is quite alright.”
10 ~ BTS (방탄소년단) - Beautiful [Jung-kook,V, J-Hope,Ji-Min]  [ boy ]
>> “You’re beautiful. Don’t we look good together? I always imagine it like this, you be with me with me. You’re beautiful. What will we be like together? I always imagine it like this. You be with me with me.”
11 ~ JUNIEL – I Think I’m in Love [ girl ]
>> “Sunday morning, I smell the mocha coffee. As if I’m having a good dream, I start my day. Suddenly, my heart starts to flutter. Your short message wakes me up in the morning.”
12 ~ IU feat. Jang Yijeong (HISTORY) [ duet ]
>> “Each minute, each second is so sweet. What is this man? I can’t help but to fall in love. All day, my heart rides on that clock hand. Getting closer to you with each tick.”
13 ~ GOT7 – Forever Young [ boy ]
>> “Miss you I really miss you. If you’re still not bored of me, I’ll sing a song for you. Turn the radio o-o-on, turn the radio o-o-on.”
14 ~ MAMAMOO – LOVE [ girl ]
>> “My empty heart feels weird these days. Love. Even the moonlit night makes me feel complicated. You, you, you, if you still awake. What are you thinking? You, you, you, if you feel alone. Do you feel the same?”
15 ~ [STATION] Yesung x Seulgi – Darling U [ duet ]
>> “I wanna hear the words I love you. What’s so hard about it? I’m a bit slow but I want to save it. Don’t misunderstand, it’s not because I don’t like you.”
16 ~ Junggigo feat. Minwoo – Too Good [ boy ]
>> “It feels like I’m living in a dream every day. I’m still not used to this kind of life. When I’m with you, the stars twinkle during the day.”
17 ~ Secret – Starlight Moonlight [ girl ]
>> “I keep thinking about you, my heart trembles secretly. What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do? I’ve never felt like this before.”
18 ~ G.NA feat. Huh Gak – Same Thoughts [ duet ]
>> “I keep thinking about you, my heart trembles secretly. What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do? I’ve never felt like this before.”
19 ~ Yu Seung Woo feat. Louie of Geeks – You’re Beautiful [ boy ]
>> “Because you’re beautiful. Because that face is so beautiful. I couldn’t say what I planned to say. When you smile, the whole world stops.”
20 ~ GLAM – Give It 2 U [ girl ]
>> “My heart, I’ll give it to you. Only to you, wanna give it to you. Now I don’t even see other people.”
21 ~ Baek A Yeon feat. JB (GOT7) [ duet ]
>> “Should I just call you once? I just got curious about you. How are you doing these days? I wanna ask. There’s no other intention. I just keep thinking about you.”
22 ~ Brother Su – It Was You [ boy ]
>> “The one who dried my tearful eyes it was you. Could you be my darling? Now I’ll be the one who holds you.”
23 ~ Han SoA – My Heart Stolen You [ girl ]
>> “Saying I like you, saying I love you. It’s not enough to show you my heart- don’t you know? Saying you’re mine, saying I miss you. If only you’ll say those things to me.”
24 ~ Amber Liu feat. Eric Nam – I Just Wanna [ duet ]
>> “When I first walked in the room. I saw your face. Baby girl I was so amazed. I caught you smiling back at me. But I didn’t know what to say.”
25 ~ Jooyoung – Same As You [ boy ]
>> “Can I love you forever more. I just wanna love you.”
26 ~ Lucite Tokki – Dugeun Dugeun [ girl ]
>> “ba-bum-ba-bum ba-bum-ba-bump. Thinking of only you. Every day every day my heart is filled with exciting feelings.”
27 ~ Byul feat. Kwon Jung Yeol – So Cute [ duet ]
>> “If you think about it, we fit together so well. Now I know, you are perfect for me. You are my better half.”
28 ~ Eric Nam – Love Song [ boy ]
>> “One small guitar and the beautiful you, I don’t wish anything anymore.”
29 ~ Bolbbagan4 – Grumpy [ girl ]
>> “You fluttered your tangled hair and came to me. I melted a little, I dropped the ice cream. When people stare, how should I look at you. I’ve been running towards, your patient hands.”
30 ~ Clazziquai Project – Romeo ‘n Juliet [ duet ]
>> “The meaning of the feeling that comes upon me when you’re looking at me. And the scent I’ve left behind. For something else, there’s a different feeling. How when you’re eyes are still closed but you can still see everything. I wonder if your whole entire day was still beautiful without me.”
31 ~ GOT7 – Let Me [ boy ]
>> “Will you be by my side, by my side. Can I hold your hand? Don’t be shy.”
32 ~ Milk Tea – Mr. Chocolate, Ms. Orange [ girl ]
>> “I can see you from my room’s window, my heart is beating. Your bright smile, you and I are sweet, sweet, sweet.”
33 ~ Huh Gak x Zia – I Need You [ duet ]
>> “If I wait one more day, will I get an answer from you? Should I just confess to you? Please take one step toward me.”
34 ~ Crush – Beautiful [ boy ]
>> “It’s a beautiful life. I’ll stay by your side. It`s a beautiful life. I’ll stand right behind you, beautiful love. If I am with you under this sky.”
35 ~ G.NA – Would You Kiss Me? [ girl ]
>> “When did this begin, I guess the moment I first saw you. Every 1 minute 1 second, you keep coming onto mind. What are you doing…”
36 ~ Jungkook x Lady Jane – I’m in Love [ duet ]
>> “To be honest from our first meeting, saying I like you wasn’t an easy thing for me to do.”
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graylu-fluff-fest · 8 years
Prompts for 2017!
Before I announce the prompts for this year, I just want to apologize yet again for the lack of organization and activity you’ve seen from us this year. I know some of you might be sick of hearing this from us over and over again, but the truth is that we’ve been really busy. Every time I make progress on this blog, I’m given new things to do irl and my outside life will always be my first priority over tumblr. I really hope that next year, Mod Becca and I can get things more active around here. I also apologize for the lack of time you guys have to write, draw, etc compared to last year. I hope we can all make the best of what we have this year.
So, with that being said, here are the prompts for the 2017 Graylu fluff fest!
Day 1: Play Date
Day 2: Winter
Day 3: Piggyback 
Day 4: Warm and Fuzzy 
Day 5: Firework 
Day 6: A Walk in the Park 
Day 7: Double Date 
Bonus: Karaoke Night
Make sure one of your first 5 tags is “graylu fluff fest” or we won’t be able to see it.
Smut is allowed, but please make sure to tag the posts as “nsfw”. Also, any works that contain non-con, BDSM, abuse, etc. will not be accepted.
No brotp, please!
No reposting or plagiarism is allowed. All work submitted must be your own.
The prompt set is optional! We have provided you with some guidelines you may use, but you are allowed to use your own ideas as well.
Late submissions will be accepted, but please refrain from submitting early.
Remember to have fun and enjoy this wonderful ship! ^-^ (here is the link to the official rules/info page: http://graylu-fluff-fest.tumblr.com/rulesandinfo)
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lockandk3yfiction · 7 years
do you have any favourite graylu fics? I have a need.
Is it sad that this one ask makes me feel like I’m important to the fandom again?
Okay, so on the top of my list right now is:
My Rude, Cocky, Handsome Boss by akari-chan
Summary: This is the journey of a girl named Lucy Heartfilia as she becomes the personal assistant of the famous actor, Gray Fullbuster. Gray x Lucy. AU.
Status: In-Progress
Last Updated: March 15, 2017
Another good one that has been recently updated is…
The Simple Life by Weirdo.Blabber (Generally, most stories they write are good reads.)
Summary: Running away from an arranged marriage with someone she doesn’t know, Lucy travels to another country for some peace and quiet alone. But ‘alone’ is not what she gets when she is greeted by a mysterious beauty who claims to be her guardian. Soon, she discovers her Sadist guardian is running away from things, himself. Will they find comfort or conflict with each other?
Status: In-Progress
Lats Updated: March 10, 2017
I also strongly suggest:
Going, Going, Gone by Weirdo.Blabber
Summary: A woman with a dying heart. A man with a dead life. One hundred items on a list. Will they be able to do it all before though she’s going… going… gone?
Status: In-Progress
Last Updated: January 17, 2016
Starstruck by Weirdo.Blabber
Summary: AU: (Multiple pairings, mainly GraLu) The newest band, Fairy Tail, was flying low. Gray was unmotivated. Natsu was a troublemaker and Gajeel was just rude. Thus, the management sends them to high school to learn a few things. A futile attempt? Or… ‘The start of something new?
Status: Complete
Remedy by Lady SVI
Summary: /GraLu/ Every time she gazed into those hypnotizing dark blue pools of his, she felt like she had a chance of escaping her fate.
Status: In-Progress
Last Updated: January 11, 2017
Just Your Best Friend by love-always-has-a-price
Note: The main airing in this story is Lyvia and does contain one-sided Gruvia but has equal amounts of Graylu.
Summary: Lyon has always loved Juvia, but never said a word. Reasons being, she is head over heels for his brother and they are best friends. So when he has to go to his brother’s school, it isn’t a joy. Then he meets his brother’s best friend, Lucy. Their meeting slowly turns into a promising friendship, which causes both their best friends’ to get a bit jealous. LyLu. Gruvia. Lyvia. GraLu
Status: In-Progress
Last Updated: April 4, 2016
And That’s How I Kissed Your Mother by FriendsForevaa
Summary: “And that’s how I kissed your mother for the first time,” I grin proudly, and close the diary; watch my kids clap as they awe at me. “How… how cool…” They retort, hands up in air.“ A GrayLu fic. High school AU
Status: Complete
Caught by karie2055
Summary: AU. 3 months. She had been working here for 3 months and there hadn’t been a single problem. So why was it that of all people to catch her at her part-time job, it had to be him…Gray Fullbuster. Two-shot. Written for GrayLu Fluff Fest.
Status: One-Shot
Freezing Cold by grayluki
Summary: A mission to the mountains proves to be more difficult than they thought, but at least something good came out of it. Graylu oneshot.
Status: One-Shot
Cool Enough by Kleia
Summary: “She does screw up and suck sometimes, but I’d do anything for her.” —AU Drabble, for GraLu Week 2015. Rated T for safety.
Status: One-Shot
Stealing Love by Lillyviolet
Summary: Gray is a famous soccer player of Magnolia West High School. Lucy is a new transfer student and is branded as a loner. What happens when Gray is dared to date her, only to break her heart. My first fanfiction. Rated T for Language.
Status: In-Progress
Updated: July 16, 2016
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graylu-angstweek · 8 years
Graylu Angst Week Prompts Are Here!!!!
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Hello, everybody! All official prompts have been chosen for the first ever Graylu Angst Week in 2017!
Excuse us for the delay, the admin had wanted to give ample time for participants to celebrate fluff fest before announcing this years prompts. 
Official Angst Prompts
Day One // May 6: Nightmare Day Two // May 7: Wounds Day Three // May 8: Stars Day Four // May 9: Fate Day Five // May 10: Guilt/Regret Day Six // May 11: Ice Day Seven // May 12: Unrequited Love
Bonus Days: May 5 & May 13
Bonus Prompts: Apology // Punishment // Lost
Official Rules and Guidelines
Please tag your works as “graylu angst week” or “graylu angst week 2017″ within the first five tags
Tag accordingly: Tag all and any NSFW, trigger warnings, etc.
Prompts are OPTIONAL. If you find inspiration in any other form, please feel free to base your submissions on that inspiration.
Late submissions will be accepted.
The submission box will be open and those who post their submissions elsewhere will be encouraged to submit their works here.
No repost, plagiarism or stolen work will be allowed.
Angst does not mean there are no happy endings:
Happy endings are optional but will be allowed and are encouraged.
Other genres (such as romance, fluff, etc.) will be allowed as long as there is some form of angst incorporated within the submission.
Signs of abuse will NOT be allowed:
We still love our characters and pairings.
No domestic abuse, child abuse, etc.
Post including signs of abuse will NOT be reblogged to the main blog.
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graylu-fanfictions · 8 years
(ノ´∀`)ノ ♥ . . f e b r u a r y  d a y s ~
A friendly reminder that we will have GRAYLU FLUFF FEST this month, from 7 to 14th February! Go follow the blog if you haven’t and let’s enjoy the graylu goodness together! ;)
The blog: @graylu-fluff-fest
- graylu family unite! -
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kawaiianikii · 8 years
Tagged by: @irosesi
Thank You for tagging me ! :D ( I love these kind of things )
Rules: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better!
Lipstick or chapstick: Chapstick
Last song you listened to: Time to Say Goodbye 3:24 Jeff Williams & Casey Lee Williams Rwby, Vol. 2 (Original Soundtrack & Score) Soundtrack 
Top 3 shows: Okay so like real people shows? HAHAHAHA i don’t Watch real people other than news. - DBZ super - Fairy Tail - SAO
Top 3 characters: AHH I CANNOT CHOOSE SO I’LL just go with   - Lucy Heartfilia (fairy tail) - Natsu Dragneel (fairy tail) - Son-Goku (Dragon Ball Z)
Top 3 ships: 1. NaLu 2. Gruvia 3. Gralu (a Sin)
Okayyy  here are the people I tag!:
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blue-queen-kiko · 8 years
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Graylu Fluff Fest Bonus Day - Music
Here is the english version :] I don't know if I should translate it in Spanish too...
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reinariel · 9 years
This is my only contribution to Graylu Fluff Fest 2016, specifically Day 4 so I’m actually slightly late. Oops. It’s not much, just 500+ words, mostly pre-romance - first time writing them so I’m not sure if they’re in character.
Prompt: Books
Erza, Natsu and Happy has already waltzed into Lucy’s apartment through multiple other entrances when Gray slips in through the window as Lucy yells at them. When the blonde notices him, she yells at him too, but she is soon distracted by their brand of crazy.
Just as planned.
Gray tries not to grin as he saunters towards Lucy’s writing desk. Coming to Lucy’s with them is a good idea. It gives him time to look at the book Lucy has apparently been writing.
When that bit of gossip spread throughout the guild, Gray is taken aback. He knows Lucy is smart, but her writing a book is unexpected news.
What kind of book would Lucy write though?
That question drives him to satisfy his curiosity now, as he casually sits at her desk, rifling through drawers and books and stacks of paper.
By the time Lucy wrangles almost everyone out of her apartment to prepare for a job, turns around and catches sight of what Gray is reading so intently, Lucy marches up to him and grabs her first draft.
“Hey!“ Gray nearly rises from his seat. “I need to know what happened to Iris!” The embarrassed flush that steals across Lucy’s features only grows stronger with the dismay she witnesses flickering over the ice mage’s face.
“You don’t need to know,” Lucy huffs, looking torn as she denies herself a chance for feedback. “I promised Levy that she’d read my book first.”
“When it’s complete, right?” A grin tugs at the corners of Gray’s mouth as he offers, “But until then, I can read and comment on it.”
“No!” Lucy clutches the draft tighter to her chest. “It’s embarrassing. And why are you so interested in it anyway?”
Gray scratches his cheek. “Thought it’d be interesting to see what kind of book you’d write.”
There is a pause as Lucy waits for Gray to elaborate. When Gray fails to follow through, Lucy’s eye twitches as she set down her first draft and crosses her arms.
“Well?” Lucy says pointedly and Gray meets her eyes, confused. “What do you think of it?” Her own bluntness makes Lucy squirm, but she tries to hide it from Gray.
“It’s very…” Gray shrugs, at a loss for words. “…you.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Lucy directs an unimpressed stare at him.
“You know, like you. More than what it seems at first glance. Full of surprises. Looks like my kind of story.” Gray admits nonchalantly.
Did he just…?
Lucy stares at the change that slowly comes over Gray’s expression, trying very hard not to turn red. As red as Gray is now, when he realizes what exactly he has said to her face.
First at Fairy Tail, then Galuna Island, now this.
Gray stammers a little as he stands up straight, mind racing, clearly looking for exits. Lucy lets him go. Watches his tense back, his warm ears as Gray leaves from her window, the ever-present butterflies in her stomach flap their wings in a delighted chorus.
The next time they meet, they don’t bring it up. Not yet.
In the near future, when Gemini blurts out Gray’s opinion of her, Lucy is still surprised but perhaps not as surprised as she should have been.
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impracticaldemon · 8 years
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Graylu Fluff Fest 2017 ~ Fanfiction ~ Chapter 2
Prompt: Winter
by @impracticaldemon​ 
Words: ~ 3300   | Cover Art by @miss-zei by commission
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 [here]
Read on:  ff.net HERE | AO3 HERE
Summary: Gray and Lucy finally decided to go out, but they quickly discover that being lovers is more than just declaring that they’re in a relationship. [Chap.2: Gray has a surprising idea for getting away from all the people, but needs Lucy to trust him.]
[I] - Too Many People
"You guys are doing a lot better now, aren't you?" asked Mirajane rather smugly, the morning after Gray and Lucy's play date at the park.
Gray's cheeks reddened a little, and he ignored Mira in favour of his breakfast, leaving Lucy to grin at Fairy Tail's hostess, bartender and demon-mage.
"I'm not sure what you're talking about, Mira, but yes." Lucy composed her face into a suitably puzzled face, while Mirajane rolled her eyes at Lucy's nonsensical—but telling—response.
"Mira," said Lucy gravely, "you're my friend and you give great advice, but—"
"Okay, okay! Just let me know if either of you need any more food—or a room…"
The lovely, white-haired mage sauntered away snickering, and Lucy turned back to Gray a little anxiously. She knew he wasn't really one for big scenes. He surprised her with a crooked smile.
"It's okay, Luce. Thanks for getting Mirajane to lay off a bit, but I don't mind as much as it probably looks. I mean, at least she thinks we're good together, right?"
Lucy released an anxious breath that she hadn't realized she'd been holding. It was comforting to know that Gray was making a sincere effort to cope with the extra attention—and that he could even see an upside to it.
"Yeah. I shouldn't get so worried, I guess."
Gray's dark eyes met hers and he reached across the table to take her hand.
"I wish you wouldn't get so worried about how I'm going to react. I'm not going to suddenly change my mind about us you know—definitely not for a bit of embarrassment here or there."
"Right. Right, of course." Lucy didn't feel up to explaining that old reflexes—in this case from a long-past relationship—tended to die hard.
Just then, Erza came in with Natsu, who appeared to be trying to explain something to her.
"But I've been training super hard, I swear! I can help!"
"It's an S-class mission and you're not qualified." Erza's voice had the edge of somebody who had been saying the same thing for the past ten or fifteen minutes.
"I'll bet I am! It's not my fault that—"
Erza spun around suddenly and straight-armed Natsu in the chest. He staggered, but didn't go flying as he might have once.
"Okay, Natsu—"
"I can come!" Ever optimistic, Natsu rubbed his hands together in anticipation.
"No. But you can meet me outside in an hour, and if you can beat me then you can come."
"Yusssss!" Natsu had absolutely no fault to find with this, and seemed fully prepared to start something right away.
"I want my breakfast," said Erza firmly.
"Right, right. So I'll see you after break—"
"In an hour. Outisde. Behind the guildhall."
Giving up, Natsu looked around, saw his friends, and sat down with them.
"You should see this quest! I mean, we can totally do it—just a volcano that's acting up, and some kind of weird cult and a city in danger. We've handled that kind of thing tons of times."
"Once," commented Gray laconically. He had unobtrusively given Lucy's hand a last squeeze before letting go of it. Lucy had a feeling that he was actually least comfortable behaving as a couple around their own teammate. "And Erza had to save our butts."
"Okay, yeah, but that was ages ago!"
"Why not just pick a different quest?"
"All I have to do is beat Erza in an hour."
"Okay. Lucy and I will just look at the regular job board—you know the not-S-class-job-board —while you're getting ready for Erza to trash you again."
Natsu scowled.
"Look, Ice Princess—"
"Yeah, Charcoal Brain? You want to tell me how your one-hundred-and-seventeenth time is going to be different from all the others?"
"Well, it will!"
Gray opened his mouth for the obvious rejoinder, saw Lucy's look of chagrin, snapped his teeth shut and drained his coffee. She knew that they'd play the "yes it will—no it won't" game for a couple of minutes and then brawl. But he was supposed to be having breakfast with her, not fighting with Natsu.
"Would you like anything more, Luce?" He did his best to ask casually, as if he wasn't breaking years of Natsu-pummeling tradition.
"No, I'm good. But thanks, Gray." Her smile was like gold, he thought. To hell with fighting Natsu, maybe it was time to grow up.
The pink-haired mage looked surprised. "You offering to get me something?"
"Yep. Once-in-a-lifetime offer."
"Oh…. Well, if that's the case…"
Looking at Gray as if he'd suddenly turned into a frog or something, Natsu asked for food—of course—and Gray went to the bar to order. He wondered just how much his life was going to turn upside-down for Lucy. He watched Natsu and Lucy chat while he waited for the food. They were comfortable together, he thought. Would he ever be able to see them laughing and talking like that without getting that painful, internal dialogue about how he wasn't optimistic enough, cheerful enough, exciting enough? With a shake of his head, he carried the food back to the table, making a point of sitting next to Lucy, instead of across from her with Natsu.
"So you're planning to do some writing today?" he asked Lucy.
Natsu gave him another strange look and dove into his food.
"Yeah, I'm really hoping to get somewhere with it. The weather's kind of nasty, and we hadn't planned on going on a job—had we?"
"Only if we go without Erza, it looks like. Which is fine by me—might be good for us to stretch ourselves a bit, you know? Especially if"—he caught himself in time, and mentally subtracted "flame-brain" from the sentence—"Natsu figures we can do it."
The Fire Slayer was now staring at him open-mouthed, and Gray had to resist a strong desire to use his fist to make Natsu's jaws close. He was just trying to be mature. He felt his flush deepen as Lucy put a hand over her mouth as though to repress—or conceal—a laugh.
Natsu swallowed whatever he'd been chewing rather convulsively: "Uh, ice—uh, Gray—you feeling okay? 'Cause I can't remember the last time you called me Natsu and that's twice in ten minutes now."
"Do you prefer "flame-brain"? I don't mind using it, as long as we don't fight over it."
"What? No! I mean, no, of course I wouldn't prefer it! Geez Gray, what has gotten into you?" Natsu's face suddenly lightened and he set down his fork and sniffed the air. "Hey, wait a minute, are you two going out now or something?"
Lucy uttered a muffled cry of exasperation, and that helped Gray not to lunge at Natsu.
"Of course we are, you dork. We've been going out together for almost three weeks!"
"Huh, I hadn't noticed before."
Great. Just what I needed to hear. Gray tried to look around surreptitiously, but he shouldn't have bothered being careful. Everyone who was actually in the hall at this time of the morning—about half the guild, it seemed—was either staring openly or snickering quietly.
"Enjoy the food, I'm going to walk Lucy back to her place and then I'll be back to watch how badly Erza hurts you this time."
Natsu's mouth was full, but he rolled his eyes expressively. Gray helped Lucy up—not that she needed it, but since everyone was so interested he might as well get to hold her hand for a moment. On a more conciliatory note, he told Natsu:
"On the off-chance you win, I'll be standing by to go with you, how's that?"
"Okay. You'll come too, Lucy?"
Lucy nodded, still repressing a strong desire to giggle at Gray's attempts to deal with Natsu otherwise than with his fists and magic. It was honestly very sweet him; the truth was that her giggles were at least partly on account of nerves, because Natsu's comments together with Gray's behaviour had thrown her a bit. After spending so long thinking about going out together, had it really taken them almost three weeks to start to gel as a couple? And what exactly was it that Natsu had noticed? On second thought, she didn't want to think about that.
Gray and Lucy made their way out of the hall without looking at each other, but once they were outside in the crisp February air their joint sighs of relief caused them to exchange rather rueful smiles. Gray ran a hand through his hair in typical fashion for him when he was thinking or embarrassed, making half of it stand up on end.
"Er… I'm not quite sure what to say…"
"Oh well," Lucy said practically, rubbing gloved hands together, "nothing we can do about it now, right?"
"Yeah. So, you good with me coming back to see Natsu get smacked down again?"
"Yes, of course. I don't think everything has to change between us and our friends, you know."
"I know, it's just that I feel like you ought to have more of my attention than that pink-haired dork."
They started walking toward Lucy's place, and Lucy had to admit that it was nice to have somebody to walk with who was special in a different way than a friend. If nothing else, Gray made a point of blocking the wind, and steered her away from the canal and the worst patches of ice. They trudged up the stairs to Lucy's apartment, and Lucy let herself in.
Gray ran his hand through his hair again. Yesterday evening had been different—the afternoon out had felt special, and the sunset had been beautiful… Now it was just a grey late winter morning, with a few tiny snowflakes falling and a rather chilling wind—chilling for Lucy, anyway. Lucy looked up at him, hesitated, and then pulled him inside, so that the door latched behind him. It was a tremendous relief when she reached her arms up around his neck and kissed him, so that he could stop worrying about what to do. He had no hesitation at all in kissing her back; it was just knowing where to start that he still found tricky.
Surprisingly, to Gray at least, they had no difficulty in rekindling the feeling of the evening before, which had led to some very serious making out on Lucy's couch after dinner. Just thinking about it now, with his fingers in her hair, was making his body heat up … a lot. He finally caught his breath, trying to remember that he had to leave. Maybe it was just as well that the wind outside was so cold.
Instead of leaving, though, he heard himself voicing some of the thoughts he'd had the night before when he was walking home from Lucy's.
"I was wondering if you'd be willing to go on a vacation with me—out of town, I mean. It's totally okay if you're not comfortable with the idea or too busy here, or think we should get a couple of jobs done or whatever, but I wanted to ask."
Lucy was silent for a moment, still recovering from the last nerve-tingling kiss, which she could have sworn she'd felt right down her toes and in all the important places in between. Then she registered surprise.
"You mean—just the two of us?" Her deep brown eyes, which always showed everything she felt—laughter, anger, sadness, joy—reflected how taken aback she was by the suggestion. A vacation alone together, overnight or over a few nights, implied certain possibilities.
Gray knew that his cheeks were red, but he bit back the words of apology that had formed on his tongue the moment Lucy had hesitated. He didn't want to pressure her—at all—but he did want her to know what he wanted, which was mostly a chance to get away from the guild, from their teammates, from everyone who knew them and wanted to poke their noses into stuff that should be just between Lucy and him. He thought he'd better make that clear though.
"Yeah, just the two of us. We don't have to share a room, if you don't want to. We can take things totally slowly, that's not a problem. It's mostly to have some time to ourselves. Honestly, I can afford it right now, and I think you're caught up on your rent for once"—he smirked slightly at Lucy, trying to break the tension a little—"so you don't absolutely need a job in the next week or so, right?"
"That's true," Lucy agreed, her eyes now fixed on his face. He could hear a trace of doubt in her voice, but also interest. To his great relief, she didn't seem to be angry or think that he was being a complete jerk.
"I mean, I love being outside, I love the winter—and it's a lot shorter here than where I'm from—but I also think I could be happy just hanging out inside with you, too. It's dumb, but I like working on stuff while you write. It's comfortable. I know we just started going out, practically, but we've known each other for over two years now, right? I think—I hope you know—you can trust me."
He could see that Lucy was beginning to look more and more sold on the idea. He wasn't sure what had tipped the scales; she'd probably just needed to think about it a bit.
"So where would we go?" Lucy asked. She was still wearing her coat, but she'd unbuttoned it and taken off her gloves, and Gray was getting distracted again by her curves.
"There's a place about four or five hours northwest. We'd be able to take a carriage west along the main road to Crocus for most of it, and then it's just a short distance into the central mountains." Gray looked down. "Maybe it's a dumb idea. It's just a small town in a deep valley in the foothills but it's pretty. It's safer than the wild area north of Mount Hakobe and less expensive than the resorts closer to the rail line."
"And fewer people?" suggested Lucy with a twinkle in her eyes.
"Yeah…" admitted Gray. "Plus it backs right up against the mountains. But thinking about it—I don't know if you'd like it." Then he shrugged. "They've got a couple of nice chalets though, and I think the rooms are pretty cosy. Fireplaces, reading nooks, that kind of thing."
"You think?"
"Well, I only saw those places in passing. I was staying a little farther into the hills, not in town. Look—I've got to get going. Will you think about it?"
Lucy took a deep breath, and then smiled.
"I'll go. I think you're right about getting away for a while. As long as we stay in town in a decent place and not in some guy-shack in the woods."
"You will? I mean, that's great! And no problem—I swear, no guy-shacks. Is that even a word?"
"Well it should be if it isn't."
"So tomorrow? The day after?"
"Whenever you want," said Lucy recklessly. She usually liked to be organized about things, but she'd had to become a lot more adaptable when she'd joined Team Natsu. "Heck, we've gone on longer trips for jobs with almost no time to pack at all."
"So, you're going to come with me on vacation, just the two of us, to a place where it's colder and there's probably more than just a dusting of snow?"
"Yep. You obviously miss having a real winter, even if you can sort of make your own. Besides, this way you'll really owe me, right?"
Gray lifted her off her feet and grinned up at her. "You are the best."
"Thanks, but you're going to be late to see Natsu fight Erza."
"Fuck Natsu."
Lucy arched an eyebrow. "Oh?"
Gray crushed her in a tight hug and then set her down. "You know what I mean. Fine. I'll go pick up the pieces of Natsu's sorry carcase—again—and then I'll find out about a carriage, and then I'll be back. Don't change your mind."
"I won't. Promise." Lucy made a shooing gesture.
"Trust me?"
Their eyes met and Gray found himself holding his breath. Then Lucy nodded firmly:
[II] - Keep Me Warm
They were in the small town of Wisteria Hills by mid-afternoon the next day. The trip had been uneventful, if a little rough, but there was something to be said for not travelling with a motion-sick Natsu and a hyper-active Exceed. As Gray had predicted, it was a little colder and a lot snowier, but it was definitely pretty.
The chalet had offered them a choice of rooms on the second floor, and the owner had taken them around himself so that they could decide what they wanted. Gray was more than a little tense, since Lucy hadn't given him an answer on the question of one room or two, and she'd been pretty quiet on the second half of the trip down. Not unhappy, exactly, but thoughtful and less talkative than usual.
The second of the three rooms available was perfect. It had a big desk at a bow window for Lucy, a cosy bedroom area with a large four-poster bed, and a couch and two squashy chairs around a small but serviceable fireplace with split logs ready and waiting to be kindled. Lucy and Gray's eyes met behind the owner's back as he extolled the advantages of the room—really a suite, he pointed out, if you considered the extra space for the sitting area around the fireplace. Gray shrugged at Lucy: it was her call; he'd made that clear from the start.
Lucy leaned forward and tapped the owner politely on the shoulder. He turned immediately.
"Yes ma'am? Do you have any questions?"
"No. It's just what we're looking for, we'll take it."
Gray felt his heart thud against his ribs, and for close to a minute he could only hear the rushing of blood in his ears. He managed to catch the tail-end of Lucy's brief conversation with the owner:
"…well, we're not sure, but at least three days. Is there any problem?"
"None at all. Let's get your bags up here, shall we?" The hotelier had seen quite a lot after thirty years in the business, and a swift glance suggested to him that the young couple wouldn't mind a moment or two alone. "I'll go down and organize your keys and so on. I'll see you at the front desk, sir or ma'am, to arrange for the deposit?"
"Yes, I'll be right down," Gray replied, his eyes not leaving Lucy.
As soon as the door closed behind the man, Gray pulled Lucy close. "Thanks for giving me a chance," he said quietly into her ear. "I promise, you can trust me. But I'm really happy I can stay with you."
"Just make sure you keep me warm, Ice Prince."
"Not a problem, Lucy. You'll see."
Thank you for reading! If you have a moment, please leave a review or comment.  Notes and reblogs are very much appreciated.
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graylu-fluff-fest · 8 years
Day 1 ~ Playdate
playdate: a date and time set by parents for children to play together 
Day 1 is finally here! Today’s prompt is playdate. Feel free to interpret this in any way you want. If you wish, you don’t even have to follow the prompts! As long as it’s fluffy Graylu, we’ll love it :) 
Please keep the rules in mind when posting your works! Here are a couple reminders: 
Do not post anything related to a prompt that has not passed yet (ex. don’t submit day 3 things before day 3) 
Tag your submissions as either ‘graylu fluff fest’ or ‘graylu fluff fest 2017′ and make sure it is one of the first five tags, or else we won’t see it! 
Make sure all submissions are your own 
If you are on a website other than tumblr and come across something for this year’s fluff fest, please notify us and the mods will contact the writer/artist/etc. 
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lockandk3yfiction · 8 years
are you gonna participate in the graylu fluff fest this year? :0
Maybe not for all of the prompts, but I will definitely try to. I’m also going to come up with a piece to collaborate with @clerfait submission for the week.
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luvreyn · 9 years
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Bonus Day: Feb 14 (Music)
Date posted: Feb 14, 2016
Her forehead creased when she woke up in the middle of the night. So much for her beauty sleep.
She glanced at her side where the source of the noise was coming from, Natsu. Ugh! Why can’t Natsu just sleep without snoring so loudly! She’ll definitely make him pay later. Lucy kick him back to the guild maybe? Yeah, that sounds fitting.
She stood up, knowing that she wouldn’t be able to sleep for the rest of the night, a hand grabbed her ankle.
Is there some sort of creepy insect inside this cave? Preparing to shout, she was stopped by a voice.
"Where are you going, Lucy?"
She turned her attention to the now awake ice mage.
"Just going outside. I can’t sleep."
Gray glanced at Natsu. As if he already knew the reason why.
"Tsk. This is the reason why I hate sleeping next to flame brain." He then said.
Should she give some sort of answer to that?
"Sleep," Gray said as he removed his hand from her ankle. "Eh?!"
"Jeez, Lucy, just sleep." His tone left no room for argument.
Sighing, she lay down again. How can she sleep?
She almost had a heart attack when Gray trespassed on her personal space. What the heck does he think he’s doing?!
"This song helps me sleep when I can’t." Gray whispered as he put the other earplug on her ear.
She was about to complain but stopped when she heard a relaxing melody.
"Thank you, Gray."
"Tsk. There’s nothing to thank me for. Erza and Natsu would kill me if you faint due to lack of sleep." He said, avoiding her eyes. But he can’t hide the blush on his cheeks.
"Whatever. Thanks again. Just accept the gratitude."
Gray could only close his eyes I should thank you, dummy.
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graylu-fanfictions · 8 years
Tagged by:@nakama-natsu-dragneel
Thanks for tagging me, dear! :)
Rules: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better!
Lipstick or chapstick: Cherry flavored lip balm
Last song you listened to: BTS - Spring Day
Top 3 shows:
Running Man
Crayon Shinchan
Top 3 characters:
Aaaahh... I have so many!!! Okay let’s see... I’ll go with...
Seo Yuzuki
Gou Matsuoka
Momoi Satsuki
Top 3 ships:
Okayyy  here are the people I tag!:
@graylu-fluff-fest , @graylulovefest , @graylu-angstweek , @grayluu , @yamarygraylu , @impracticaldemon , @ahumanintraining ,  @thefucker-km , @starsnstorms ;p
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karie2055 · 9 years
AU. 3 months. She had been working here for 3 months and there hadn't been a single problem. So why was it that of all people to catch her at her part-time job, it had to be him...Gray Fullbuster. Two-shot. Written for GrayLu Fluff Fest.
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afterthegrey · 9 years
Disclaimer - I don't own FT -says lazily- 
2nd Chapter Of “And That’s How I Kissed Your Mother”
Genre - Romance, Comedy, Fluff, Family
Rating - K+
Proof-read by @nonochuu, thanks for doing such a great job! ^^
Note - This story is written from Gray’s POV
This is where most of my efforts went, and imo, the story gets better in this chapter (but hey, I won’t flaunt ha ha) Anyways, I hope you guys give this story one more chance even if you found the last chapter boring ‘cause I suffered, thanks ^^
Chapter II
And That's How I Kissed Her
- Jun 26th -
The library has been undergoing renovations for two days (means I haven't seen here since then) Somehow I feel restless. It's not as worse as the time she got sick, but still frustrating enough to make me feel empty— as if something important is missing from my routine.
So, after school, as I'm heaving this big, heavy sigh, I spot her. She's there, lying down on the slope of the school football field. The place is desolated (all the clubs are on break due to the incoming exam) I notice how defenseless she looks, as she has placed one hand underneath her head and the other on one of her sides- her stomach slightly exposed. She's smiling faintly, as if pleased by the cool breeze.
Being the opportunist I am, I trudge along the trail, reach her and lay down next to her- making as less noise as possible.
"The wind sure is nice." I say softly.
She's startled.
"Oh— Gray— You surprised me! When did you get here?" She says hurriedly, arching her neck.
"I saw you and thought, maybe I should join you. Or do you mind?" I gesture.
"Not at all! Feel free." She smiles.
"Thanks." I grin at her.
Somehow I've been smiling a lot around her lately. Maybe it's because of her words from the other day.
"It's been a while since we last saw each other..." She whispers.
I feel my heart leaping.
"Is it? Did you... miss me?" I say with my breathe at my hand.
She doesn't reply.
Seconds pass.
Minutes go by.
I'm starting to sweat now as a plethora of expectations and ideals clash in my mind. When it becomes too much to take, I turn up to look at her.
She's sleeping soundly.
I feel like an idiot.
oh well.
"This is a memory, too," I murmur.
The next moment I know, she's no longer next to me, and I turn gloomy at the sight of place where she laid a while ago— orange rays of the setting sun falling on it.
"I guess you can say, we slept together..."
A muffled chuckle is automatically let out at my poor (but intended) choice of words.
- Jun 29th -
My face turns sore, as I enter in the library. She's not in her seat.
"Maybe she's sick again..."
And then I recall the announcement from yesterday: something about the library staff being on leave till the exams are over.
"I was sleepy back then... Damn."
Now that I think, I do feel like someone shook me by my shoulder (albeit lightly) but I pretended to sleep, too tired to care. And then I shudder.
"It must have been her..." I mumble, pressing my knuckles against my lips.
The regret.
"Ah. Maybe she'll come study in the library," I reflect, and cling to this single thought.
So I wait.
The clock ticks.
And ticks.
But she doesn't come.
And I blame myself more, because, maybe, she really did have something to tell me yesterday. It must have been something important. I could totally imagine the look on her face, all sad and troubled...
"Argh- Why did I have to doze in the library? Why did I pull an all-nighter on some silly game? Damn me!" I curse myself.
"Maybe tomorrow... she'll come." I reassure, clinging on one last hope.
"Guess all I can do is wait, huh."
- July 3-
Just as I feared, she didn't come yesterday, and today, too. I don't have any way to keep in touch with her, I never asked for her phone number. Worse of all, our exam time periods are different with her starting two hours prior to mine. Even if I try to come earlier and (if luck's on my side) meet her through some sheer miracle, what after that? It'd be awkward, because of the already existing mishap between us. Better wait till the promised day to keep my chances up (even if it's hard to endure. But fate shines on those who wait patiently— I tell myself.)
Besides, my exam have started, so I've a lot on my plate. As a result, I'm not too depressed; at least that's why I show on my exterior.
My friends— the idiots tell me that I'm love sick, but I yell at them. I am conscious of it, but admitting it is a little... not my style.
Besides, it makes me seem clingy, and I fear a certain fire-idiot will call me lame (which I'm not for your kind information, he is) Above all, I'd rather avoid the trouble.
Avoid it while I still can.
- July 5 -
It's getting worse. My regret. My feelings. My expectations.
Regret because I didn't listen to her last time I saw her.
Feelings because, well, they are self-explanatory. I'm an idiot in heat, yeah.
Expectations because we made a promise (and I arrogantly believe that she has feelings for me)
I fear that she might change her feelings because I didn't hear her out. I know, this isn't a shojo manga, or a soap romcom, but the persisting thought irks me throughout the day.
"I just hope I see her soon..."
I sigh, and begin to tap my pencil repeatedly on my notes.
- July 7-
Finally. Last day of exams: the day every student dreams for. I selfishly believe not everyone has been going through what I do. As a result my happiness (on being released from what seemed like life-in-jail) is no ordinary either.
At this stage, I don't care about results. I mean, I'm sure I did well, but nah.
My heart palpitates as I think about the next day, I amble on the path leading to school gate. Without knowing, I'm grinning; or so I get told by Natsu as he collides into me (once again ) At this stage, I'm beginning to think he does it on purpose— that bastard.
"Say, ice princess-"
"Call me by name or I won't give a damn." I say, rubbing my forehead.
"Fine, " He snorts, "Gray..."
"That actually feels gross but oh well." I observe that he felt the same, or so I notice from his face which has turned blue with disgust.
"You've been pretty gloomy lately, but boy, do you look happy today..." He whistles, hands behind his head.
Just who was trying to fool if even it- I mean- Natsu read me? I tremble.
"Not really..."
"Hmmm, well, I don't care. Aw man, I'm looking forward to these holidays!" He hums, pacing up.
Wait. Did I just hear the word... holidays?
"What did ya say, flamebrain?"
"Hah, calling me that, you wanna fight or what?" He exlaims, readying his fists.
"Tell me what you meant by holidays first!"
"Tch, what's with you..." He pouts, as if he was looking forward to the brawl. How gross.
"We are getting four holidays till we get our results, idiot! You seriously don't know nothing." He narrows his eyes. "Well then, I'm off."
And then he leaves, while I die and turn into dust.
Great. More hours to count.
- July 9 -
It's only the second of my holidays, and I feel so done with everything. It's frustrating, and its nerve-wrecking. What is this- some kind of cliche phone romance novel? Why must I suffer?
Just when I finish eating my third cup of icecream, my mobile phone rings.
It's Erza, and she has invited- cough- threatened me to hang out with her and the other.
I can't sweat enough.
Well, this might be good, too.
"Maybe she's being considerate of me. "
My eyes soften at the thought, but I shook it off.
Oh how wrong I was.
"I'm back..." I say tiredly as I drag my feet in. My mom looks worried, and her worries are legit, because I look too worn out to stand.
"Hang out? More like, rob your friend in the name of kindness..." I mumble, plopping on my bed. Oh how soft it felt... for once.
Throughout the day, I was dragged along for shopping, and karaoke, and whatnot. Honestly, I wouldn't have minded so much, if others actually bothered paying even a damned cent's worth of money. Instead, I was force to pay for every. freaking. thing.
Lunch? Let Gray buy it. Drinks? Gray's the man. Bags? Let Gray carry them.
When asked why, I get the answer that apparently, they bothered to do this only for my gloomy self's sake, because otherwise their oh-so-busy schedules might get hijacked.
It's strange but I actually do feel better now. Maybe, I'm just too tired to care about anything. I just want to sleep. Maybe this is what they were aiming for? They definitely didn't do in the nicest way possible, though.
"Guess, they are just not honest..."
I say quietly, burying my head into the pillow.
"Like I was hiding stuff from them, about me being lovesick and all..."
At this thought, I turn stiff, but soon soften, smiling faintly. Resting my eyes, I take deep breathes. I definitely feel much lighter now.
"Honestly, what idiots."
- July 11-
The last two days of my holidays passed with relative ease. My anticipation was still there, but the thought that "my friends are worried for me" gave me an unknown strength. For that, I feel grateful (but gross. I'm sarcastic.)
What I'm feeling right now, though, is on whole another level. It's the much-awaited last day of our school term- oh how long I've waited for it. Frankly, I feel full of excitement, and energy, and delight and just about every positive emotion I know about.
"Finally... I'll see her..."
My chest feels heavy all of a sudden.
Crap. I am probably gonna die today.
I say as I begin to measure the beats of my heart.
In the class, we barely study- other than discussing our course for next term, all we do is joke around and enjoy. It's all supposed to be fun, yet I spent the entire day in agitation; rapidly tapping my feet, moving my neck around and spacing out. Once, Erza spots it me grinning absentmindedly and smiles playfully at me.
Another, Levy beams mischievously.
I turn red and feel like burying myself deep into the earth for showing such an uncool self to them. All I hear is, giggles in return.
As soon as the class finishes, I practically smash in all of my stationary and the books in the bag- desperate to make everything fit in. It's like everything has doubled in sizes.
Or maybe, it's just my feelings which have doubled. I cringe at that cheesy line, and feel my ears heat up.
I look around carefully, hoping no one is looking at me. I want to wait till everyone leaves the class. As everyone looks too excited to leave, it's the last day, after-all. I get restless.
One step forward and I already realize demonic stares on me. I prepare myself for the worst- only to be smiled a bunch at.
"Today's a big day, isn't it?" Levy chirps.
"I can sense my 'shipping senses' tingling!" Mira winks at me.
"Ohoho!" Cana does the drunk laugh.
"Good luck." Erza says thoughtfully.
"Take her in!" Gajeel remarks, only to get stared at by Levy and Erza- pretty much everyone.
Meanwhile, I just look dumbfounded. I look at Natsu, expecting him to say something, too; except he looks away.
The nerve!
"Awh... Well... Good luck..." He mumbles, rubbing his neck.
And I can't help but laugh heartily. It's too much to take. Everyone else surprised, too, at first; but join me in the laughter soon enough.
"Thanks... I guess."
I say after a while.
And then I look at the pinkette— the very personification of the word "awkward" He's making this weird face— I don't know if he's pouting or if he's angry, or just plain embarrassed.
I just chuckle at him, and just when I detect his anger meter rise ; I leave, laughing at his face.
Hah, feels great.
From my behind, I can feel everyone trying their best to hold down the pinkette, before he tries and claw at my face (not that I would let him)
Well, they owe me this much for the money I spent on them.
The moment I enter in the our sacred place (that is, the library) my heart begins to thump hard and fast. For some reason, I feel like if I don't slouch, it might leap out to my throat and emit out.
I look around desperately, searching for what I desired for so long— fearing that it might not be there today, too. An immeasurable amount of disappointment hits me when I don't find her in the chair; the very same place where I used to see her sit everyday an eternity ago. My heart aches, and I slump down my shoulder.
Just then, I hear a voice from behind.
It's her.
I go crazy for a minute.
still the very same. Neatly combed blonde hair, an earbud stuck in her left ear, and the chocolate brown eyes; the very same eyes I've looked deep into so many times.
I arch my eyebrow as I look at her, sighing with an immense relief. And that's when I realized I am feeling a very weird emotion. I don't know how to explain it, but I feel... fluttery and itchy. It's like what I feel is on top of my tongue, but I can't interpret it very well. All I know that I love her- love her- love her. That's all I can think. It's the weirdest I've ever felt.
And then I see her shaking her head excitedly at me, and I lose it. I'm grinning wide, as I jog to her. My heart is about to burst, I've never felt this amount of happiness. It's like, everything is colors and sunshine, and I'm bathing in all of it.
"To hell with pride!" I remark in my head.
"It's been a long time!" I utter with an unexpected amount of energy. I don't care if it is out of character for me, it feels only natural to say it now. All I know is that I really missed her and her company -and her smiles- and just about everything.
"I know right?!"
There's much vigor in her voice, the same as me. I can sense a sort of longing in her eyes, this makes me gulp whatever's coming up my throat.
"I thought you wouldn't come today... haha..."
I already feel nervous.
"Oh, I had to hand over the library keys. You know, It’s going to be summer break soon and all..”
She looks away for a moment.
"Besides what?" I speak out my mind restlessly.
My expectations reach their peak point.
I won't mind no matter what it is..."
At this, she just stares blankly at me.
I probably said something incredible again.
"Well, I thought you would be... here... so..." She mumbles.
"I-is that so..."
"... I missed you, too."
And my cheeks burn. I look at her, and hers are the same, if not even redder. She's wetting her lips with short intervals, as she nods lightly.
Seriously, it's bad news for my heart.
"D-do you wanna talk outside...?" She suggests, rubbing the back of one hand with the other.
And I die a little.
So, we take clumsy steps, trying to match each other's pace, but alas. We keep getting out of sync and it's just hard.
It looks like our feet are leading the way to the same place. Before we realize, we are standing at the very same pasture, the only place where we have had an outdoor memory.
"I guess, it only makes sense to come here." I state breathlessly and grin.
"Yeah, we slept together..."
She continues, voice dwindling, "Here..."
She's flustered, maybe she has realized that she has just uttered an improper innuendo.
The urge to hug her tightly gets stronger.
I decide to take the lead and suggest on sitting the very same patch of land, the one where there's a descend and the sunset is directly visible.
"Looks beautiful..." She says, and I search for the image of the sun in her orbs.
"It does..."
The timing is right, the mood is perfect, too. I need to ask her now. I need to know the answers to all my questions before the sun sinks into the far away horizon- before the chance slips by.
"Lucy... What did you want to say me on that day?"
She gives me a puzzled look.
"I mean, on the day we last met... I'm sorry I was sleepy— I had put an all-nighter..."
She lets out a titter, and takes off her earphone.
"Oh... It's okay!"
"I just wanted to say that I won't be coming for a while, because of exams..."
I awe at her.
".. That's it?"
"That's all."
She finishes, chortling.
All along, I searched for an answer, only to listen something so obvious. I feel dumb.
"Are you alright?"
She says with concern. I just nod it off.
There's still one more thing I need to ask her— more like, she needs to tell me. It's the promise we made.
"Hmm?" She says amusedly.
An inner brawl, as I whether I should say it not.
"You decided to throw away your pride, didn't you? Say it!" A voice echoes in side me and I feel courageous enough.
"The other day, you promised something... Can you tell me now...?"
A thousand emotions hidden behind a line. I wonder if she was able to even guess half of them.
But then I look at her and can't take my eyes off- What a face she was making. Beneath the remaining faint rays of the sunlight, she's there. Tucking her hair behind her ear as a mild breeze of air passes by, she parts her mouth; her cheeks hot-red and eyebrows knitted, she’s blinking lovingly at me.
I die more and more. I'm so in love.
"I... I feel a connection between us."
She finally says it.
She's sweating.
I'm already drenched.
"M... Me, too..."
I reply.
I'm surprised, because the moment passed much sooner than all of my imaginations combined— I expected it to be more slow, and heavy except it felt just as quick and light. I did feel heavy before saying it, but as I said it, my body turned light just as soon. It's like a huge weight is finally off my back, and I couldn't be relieved enough.
"D... does that answer everything...?"
She stutters, and turns her back on me, this time putting of her earbuds in. Obviously, she's being conscious of me, and of her own words.
As if I can resist that. I threw away my pride, and I blame it on her.
I take a deep breath, and pretty much yell,
"Not yet!"
And, she just looks at me, pressing her lips tight, wondering just what's gotten into me.
"Can I... kiss you?"
"Ah, just so you know, saying 'no' is not allowed..."
I say breathlessly. And then I widen my eyes at my own words, I have said something amazing again. I feel sadistic, and I've got no control over it.
"D-do whatever you want..."
She stutters, and ties her arms around her legs tightly.
And I simper at this, successfully regaining my desire to tease her (just like I did in the not so old days) Placing my one head on the inclined ground as I use it as a support to bring my face near her. I halt— our lips inches away.
She shuts her eyes tightly, and tightens her grip on her legs.
I can't, not when she's feeling so uncomfortable. But if I am that concerned about it, then why am I... grinning.
So I land a quick peck on her forehead, and back away; sticking my tongue out at her.
And that's when I see her break, she has started landing soft punches on my chest repeatedly.
"Idiotidiotidiot—" She chants.
I apologize to her (it takes more than just one time for her to let it go) She finally shows mercy on me.
And just as she does, and gives me this (cute-as-hell) vibrant smile, I feel a sudden desire to monopolize. My feelings have reached her, hers have reached me and I still can't believe. So I need a reason to believe.
"Sorry, I lied, after-all..."
So, I pull her in, grasp her back softly. As my dreams and reality mesh into one color, I abruptly land a quick peck on her lips. I back away, and look at her. It takes her a long while to comprehend this situation. The guilt hits me, but I'm too deep in to ask for forgiveness.
So I do what a real man would do in this sitation: I run away.
And that's the fastest I ever ran in my life.
"And kids, that's how me and your mother kissed for the first time. Romantic, huh?" I announce proudly to my twin daughter and son, having completely read the diary. They've persisted me long enough to read it to them, and I'm weak to their cute expressions, and all.
"So... so cool...!" They finally manage to retort, hands up in air.
"Ain't it—"
I pause on hearing footsteps.
"Like. I. said. Don't tell them such made-up stories!" My wife beams, nerve popped up as she kicks me in the chin. She calls it the "Lucy Kick" (and you don't want to underestimate its strength, trust me.)
"Ah babe, you still mad at me for that? All of it did happen when we were freshmen." I say straightforwardly to her, rubbing the spot which stinged.
"Shut up! Just like that, you stole my first kiss and..." She remarks.
I raise an eyebrow at this.
"I wasn't even ready... Yet you..."
I sweat. Sure doesn't feel like we've been married for ten years. She's still adorable, and I'm an idiot.
"I'm sorry..."
She looks up to me, surprised at my so-called-honesty.
"To make up for it, I can kiss you right now." I say with a straight face.
"Don't worry." I whisper, leaning in.
"You idiot... The kids are watching..." She mutters, pushing me away.
Slowly but surely, she's giving in. Nice.
"It'll be quick and nice."
And that's when the inevitable happens.
"Ohhh, that's just like a shojo manga!" My daughter exclaims, stars in her eyes.
Just one sentence, one harmless sentence, and my wife turns hotblooded and fiery. Meanwhile, I prepare for the incoming storm in advance.
"Shut up, Emily!"
And then, we both sees tears forming in the eyes of the precious little girl, as she falls on the ground and begins to bawl her eyes out; hiccuping in between. And that's when Lucy realizes how harsh her words sounded. I facepalm.
"That woman- She should get it already who sensitive and easily depressed Emily is... Honestly, she worries too much for others, just like her mother."
Before any of us steps ahead, our son; Shadow, quickly rushes to his sister's side. His eyebrows are knitted as he tries his utmost best to calm down the younger sibling.
"He's totally opposite of what his name suggests: so kind and bright. A little aloof and introverted, but that's cute, too. He's my son and I'm proud of him!"
While I'm busy admiring my two precious little dorks, my wife does everything in the world to calm down Emily— not that any of it actually works. I snicker at the sight.
"Seriously, these daughter and mother are actually more alike than they think. Then again, I can totally imagine them fighting even after, say, 20 years, or even 30 years..."
I chortle.
"I wonder how we would look at the age of fourty... I hope I still look cool and young." I sweatdrop at the thought.
Then, I look at the scene in front of me again, and burn it in my memory as I find myself stepping towards my family.
I squat on the floor, and begin to pat my daughter softly on the head. At this, she clings hard to my leg, hiccuping badly. Gradually, she begins to calm down. Slowly, she lets my leg go, still sniffing. My son shouts at me, saying how cool it is that I can calm down (unlike his mom) Lucy just pouts at this.
"Hey, now, don't sulk..."
"Hmph. She's only your daughter, and I'm not really jealous."
She says, crossing her arms, staring in a general direction.
And I prepare myself for another onslaught. Emily is sniffing hard again, as she cries out.
"M-mama, you idiot! Emily is both of yours yet you... yet you said all that! Emily hates mama now waha—"
And all hell breaks loose again. I spot my wife apologizing to her daughter over and over again, doing her utmost best.
"These two are unbelievable..."
Too tired to care, I begin to picture ourselves in our fifties again, and then I suddenly feel worries. How much will everything change? Will I still be in touch with my friends? Heck, will I be able to even walk without using some kind of support?
I come back to reality, because something unusual has happened. Lucy has managed to stop Emily from crying for the first time ever since her birth. It was always me who did that, but just now, she did on her own. I'm surprised. And then I see her smile heartily, as she hugs the two of them tight. And I can't help but think of the past— the library, the coziness and us two engaged in a rather cliche high school romance. What great days...
In that instant, I have a grand revelation. So grand that I'm smiling to myself.
So I do what a father often does in these kind of situations; I gather my family together around, and hold them tight.
"For now, let's live our lives to the fullest in the present..." I say softly.
"Just like we did back then."
"And just like, we'll from now on."
I spot my kids clapping with big, wide eyes, showering words of praise at me. I can't guess if they really got it, but oh well (they're still very dear to me) And then I look a bit higher— a very confused Lucy is staring right through my soul.
I let them go, wondering if I sounded awkward. And that she probably didn't get what I meant.
But then I notice her face softens. I awe at her, as she beams; this time initiating the family hug herself.
The four of us share a quiet laughter.
And I just think my feelings probably did reach her, after-all.
[The End]
Writer's Corner
It finally ended *stretches* 
I hope you guys liked it, and hopefully, this chapter really was better than the 1st one! Thanks for reading this long, long fic -pats-
Btw, the kids are both 8 years old. Emily is basically mini Lucy, she has twintails and dark brown eyes, just like her mom; except darker eyes and she has a beauty mark on her right cheek. As for Shadow, his hair is grey (unlike Gray's more blue-shade), eyes alike to his father and he looks like him, too ^^
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