bitter69uk · 1 month
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Got back to London on Tuesday 23 April but been too wiped out with jet lag and a cold to properly collate and post Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly Weekend 2024 pics yet. In the meantime, here is Louise and I on Day Two of VLV (Friday 19 April) at the fabulous Frankie’s Tiki Room (one of my most beloved bars of all time!) giving major “We’ve been watching you across the bar and would like to buy you a drink” vibes.
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One Piece Greaser AU
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What listening to the Grease soundtrack does to a mf.
I hate drawing vehicles but it was absolutely integral to this AU, so i caved. Side note: If any of you point out anything wrong with how i drew the vehicles I’ll stomp you to death with my large and beautiful horse hooves.
Some (low effort) Bonus Comics 👇
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If you get the franky comic reference, you get a cookie
This is basically what ive been working on for the entirety of last week (in addition to commissions). Im so proud of how it came out im so glad i can post it finally
I feel morally obligated to link greased lightning here, too
Im dancin my little toushie off rn
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punkclownfreak · 3 months
pink lady robin x greaser franky au send tweet
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cosmiischillin · 18 days
Twilight Town: The Frankenstein Twins
Sometimes I got to remember Frank and Len have been and always will be my favorites of the show and I think they’re the most popular aside from Misery and Ruby. I even drew a sketch of them from memory and now Twilight Town exists.
And since I have grouped both twins together. It’s gonna be a long one for the monster analysis. Especially since they’re based on a monster with a LOT of lore and background so let’s get started now
Why is the design part so damn long??
I always saw the twins with two different styles, especially in the Rock aesthetics. Frank would be the 50s-70s style of rock. The checkerboard and pomp hair definitely played a part there. It’s why he got jackets and more biker/greaser type style (growing up my mom used to do a happy Days musical). Len is the punk era of rock. Messy hair, flames, and just extra edge. His fashion was experimental and less clean as his brother. Aside from that I gave them different instruments. Frank has “Devil’s trophy” a golden bass and Len has “Tombstone” a tombstone styled guitar.
So when I was making the twins. The original concept had them still conjoined in adulthood. In fact most of my early sketches had them like that. They could only split apart with magic. I even had a storyline that they asked Jackie to do that and they would live non-conjoined for 24 hours. In the end, the decision would be that they would split as adults via surgery.
The choice of making them separate was the multiple struggles that would come once they’re adults. Relationships would be complicated, one sibling would have different ones compared to the other, and ultimately, they couldn’t blend in pretending to be a costume which I already made a post about, almost getting killed by humans.
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The Modern Prometheus
I think I got the idea that Frank and Len were Frankenstein monsters from talking with my friend who is also the co-creator for ENAF. Honestly there was a lot of details that would work for that concept. Frankenstein’s monster sometimes gets his names shortened to be just Frank or Frankie, different illterations had him green (on rare cases blue), and even the visibility of stitches (which took me 13 years to see). So once I had them be the sons of Frankenstein’s monster (which is actually Frank 1) and Bride of Frankenstein (who is named Eliza) I did as much research and story writing about the whole family as I could. It’s why they have white hair streaks, hate fire, covered in stitchesand are affected by electricity. They get shocked and burned just as much as misery sometimes lol.
With the idea that they can eat humans is simply the fact that they’re undead monsters, almost in similarity to zombies. They’re far more intelligent and controlling than them since they have active non decaying brains and creations are different. The two have a rule with Ruby that they can only kill and eat humans who harm or attack them so they don’t just go by eating them all the time.
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Background and Origins
There was a man named Victor Frankenstein. He lived nearby a monster sanction. Rather than react in fear, he was friendly to them which led to his exile from humanity. With no family to have, he created two monsters via science, Frank and Eliza Frankenstein. The couple were happy with Victor, even taking up careers in music becoming popular musicians with Victor’s support. (Oh and I have designed both parents. *yay*)
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At some point, Eliza had twins who were unfortunately born stillborn due to lack of vital body functions. Since this would be likely the only chance the monsters could reproduce, Victor sewn the twins together and reanimated them back to life. The twins would be named Frank and Len and would live most of their childhood with their family before moving to Twilight Town as teenagers with a growing band.
When they were 18, they decided to undergo a procedure done by Victor that would give them two complete bodies by using their dna to replicate their bodies. After that they were no longer conjoined but no matter it, they still prefer to be close.
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Next Up: Polyphemus
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callmegaith · 1 year
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Maximus: boss, asshole, narcissist, and a whole lot of unchecked anger. The only thing he loves more than himself is his bf, Frankie. Has mommy issues and struggles with the never-ending need to fill his life up with SOMETHING. Brody: runs a bowling alley as a cover up for his cartel business. Boss. Super chill. Likes to gamble and annoy Sarg who is his long time friend. Sarg: military man except he's not. Dickhead boss. He likes to scare children by taking out his fake eye. Very short. Don't ask him how the weather is down there. He gets very angy very fast. Franklin: musician who plays every instrument under the sun, hates cops, works at a garage, greaser. Max's boyfriend. Probably the only one with brains around here. Glester: underground boxer, just trying to survive, didn't wanna get roped into this gang business but Brody likes him so too bad. He didn't choose the thug life, Brody and Sarg chose it for him. Tinba: Hacker and criminal mastermind. They're the puppetmaster and the one that runs the show behind the curtain. Tinba is trans and no records of who they were before their transition exists. They're partially paralyzed and use what they refer to as THE SYSTEM (which is basically a mechanical spine shaped like a centipede) to be able to walk, although with the help of a walking cane. Big Guy: Tinba's bodyguard. Lost his arm a long time ago and felt a new sense of purpose after Tinba had created a cyberarm for him. Now he has sworn to protect the one that gave his life meaning.
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ouroboobos · 2 months
Why are greaser names so sexy to me. Freddie. Frankie. well i guess those are the only ones i can think of but i like them
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lonesomedotmp3 · 6 months
as dumb as the joke is I loveee harley joey and frankie... what if comical 50s greaser bullies said shit like "disconcerting" and wrote slam poetry...
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itsalsoconnor · 1 year
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Day 17 - Aaxel
I don't care what anyone says or how it's possible, but Aaxel HAS watched One Piece and IS obsessed with Franky.
I wanted to catch up on the days I missed by doing the other two, but I'm just not really feeling it honestly. But! You may still have the greaser (singular).
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borntobecheap · 26 days
IF I HAVE one regret in life, it's that I wasn't a Buddy Deaner. Sure, as a teenager I was a guest on this Baltimore show. I even won the twist contest with Mary Lou Raines (one of the queens of "The Buddy Deane Show") at a local country club.
But I was never a Deaner. Not a real one. Not one of the Committee members, the ones chosen to be on the show every day—the Baltimore version of the Mouseketeers, "the nicest kids in town," as they were billed. The guys who wore sport coats with belts in the back from Lee's of Broadway (ten percent discount for Committee members), pegged pants, pointy-toe shoes with the great buckles on the side and "drape" (greaser) haircuts that my parents would never allow. And the girl Deaners, God, "hair-hopppers" as we called them in my neighborhood, the ones with the Etta gowns, bouffant hairdos and cha-cha heels. These were the first role models I knew. The first stars I could identify with. Arguably the first TV celebrities in Baltimore.
I'm still a fan—a Deaner groupie. I even named some of the characters in my films after them. So you can't imagine how excited I was when I finally got a chance to interview these local legends twenty years later.
"The Buddy Deane Show" was a teenage dance party, on the air from 1957 to 1964. It was the top-rated local TV show in Baltimore and, for several years, the highest rated local TV program in the country. While the rest of the nation grew up on Dick Clark's "American Bandstand" (which was not even shown here because Channel I3 already had "Buddy Deane"), Baltimoreans, true to form, had their own eccentric version. Every rock 'n' roll star of the day (except Elvis) came to town to lip-sync and plug their records on the show: Buddy Holly, Bill Haley, Fats Domino, the Supremes, the Marvelettes, Annette Funicello, Frankie Avalon and Fabian, to name just a few.
You learned how to be a teenager from the show. Every day after school kids would run home, tune in and dance with the bedpost or refrigerator door as they watched. If you couldn't do the Buddy Deane Jitterbug (always identifiable by the girl's ever-so-subtle dip of her head each time she was twirled around), you were a social outcast. And because a new dance was introduced practically every week, you had to watch every day to keep up. It was maddening: the Mashed Potato, the Stroll, the Pony, the Waddle, the Locomotion, the Bug, the Handjive, the New Continental and, most important, the Madison, a complicated line dance that started here and later swept the country.
Although the show has been off the air for more than twenty years, a nearly fanatical cult of fans has managed to keep the memory alive. The producers of Diner wanted to include "Buddy Deane" footage in their film, but most of the shows were live and any tapes of this local period piece have been erased. Last spring five hundred people quickly snapped up the $23 tickets to the third Buddy Deane Reunion, held at a banquet hall in East Baltimore, to raise money for the Baltimore Burn Center. Buddy himself, the high priest, returned for the event. And more important, so did the Committee, still entering by a special door, still doing the dances from the period with utmost precision. I was totally star-struck and had as much fun that night as I did at the Cannes Film Festival. All on tacky Pulaski Highway.
IN THE BEGINNING there was Arlene. Arlene Kozak, Buddy's assistant and den mother to the Committee. Now a receptionist living in suburbia with her husband and two grown children, Arlene remains fiercely loyal, organizing the reunions and keeping notebooks filled with the updated addresses, married names and phone numbers of all "my kids."
She met Winston J. "Buddy" Deane in the fifties when she worked for a record wholesaler and he was the top-rated disc jockey on WITH — the only DJ in town who played rock 'n' roll for the kids. Joel Chaseman, also a DJ at WITH, became program manager of WJZ-TV when Westinghouse bought it in the mid-fifties. Chaseman had this idea for a dance party show, with Buddy as the disc jockey, and Buddy asked Arlene to go to work for him.
On the air "before Dick Clark debuted," the show "was a hit from the beginning," says Arlene today.
The Committee, initially recruited from local teen centers, was to act as hosts and dance with the guests. To be selected you had to bring a "character reference" letter from your pastor, priest or rabbi, qualify in a dance audition and show in an interview ("the Spotlight") that you had "personality." At first the Committee had a revolving membership, with no one serving longer than three months.
But something unforeseen happened: The home audience soon grew attached to some of these kids. So the rules were bent a little; the "big" ones, the ones with the fan mail, were allowed to stay.
And the whole concept of the Committee changed. The star system was born.
If you were a Buddy Deane Committee member, you were on TV six days a week for as many as three hours a day-enough media exposure to make Marshall McLuhan's head spin. The first big stars were Bobbi Burns and Freddy Oswinkle, according to Arlene, but "no matter how big anyone got, someone came along who was even bigger."
Joe Cash and Joan Teves became the show's first royalty.
Joanie, whose mother "wanted me to be a child star," hit the show in early 1957 at age thirteen (you had to be fourteen to be eligible, but many lied about their ages to qualify), followed a few months later by Joe, seventeen. Like many couples, Joe and Joan m* through the show and became "an item" for their fans. Many years later they married.
"I saw the show as a vehicle to make something of myself," remembers Joe. "I was aggressive. I wanted to get into the record business" —and years later he did.
Joe started working for Buddy as "teen assistant" and, along with Arlene, oversaw the Committee and enforced the strict rules.
You received demerits for almost anything: Chewing gum. Eating the refreshments (Ameche's Powerhouses, the premiere teenage hangout's forerunner of the Big Mac), which were for guests only.
Or dancing with other Committee members when you were supposed to be dancing with the guests (a very unpopular rule allowed this only every fourth dance). And if you dared to dance the obscene Bodie Green (the Dirty Boogie), you were immediately a goner.
"I got a little power-crazed," admits Joe. "I thought I was running the world, so they developed a Board, and the Committee began governing itself." Being elected to the Board became the ultimate status symbol. This Committee's committee, under the watchful eye of Arlene, chose new members, taught the dance steps and enforced the demerit system, which could result in suspension or expulsion.
Another royal Deaner couple who met on the air and later married was Gene Snyder and Linda Warehime. They are still referred to, good naturedly by some, as "the Ken and Barbie of the show." Gene, a member of "the first Committee, and I underline first," later became president of the Board. Linda reverently describes her Committee membership as "the best experience I ever had in my life." They later became members of the "Permanent Committee," the hall of fame that could come back to dance even after retiring. "That was our whole social life, being a Buddy Deaner," says Gene. "It was a family: Buddy was the father, Arlene was the mother."
Even today Gene and Linda are the quintessential Deaner couple, still socializing with many Committee members, very protective of the memory, and among the first to "lead a dance" at the emotion-packed reunions. "Once a Deaner, always a Deaner," as another so succinctly puts it.
The early "look" of the Committee was typically fifties. And although few will now admit to having been drapes, the hairstyles at first were DAs, Detroits and Waterfalls for the guys and ponytails and DAs for the girls, who wore full skirts with crinolins and three or four pairs of bobby socks. Joe remembers "a sport coat I bought for $s from somebody who got it when he got out of prison.
I was able after a while to afford some clothes from Lee's of Broad-way" (whose selection of belted coats and pegged pants made it the Saks Fifth Avenue of Deaners).
One of the first ponytail princesses was "Peanuts" (Sharon Goldman, debuting at fourteen in 1958, Forest Park High School Chicken Hop), who went on the show because Deaners were "folk heroes." She remembers Paul Anka singing "Put Your Head on My Shoulder" to her on camera as she did just that. She became so popular that she was written up in the nationwide Sixteen magazine.
"On the show you were either a drape or a square," explains Sharon. "I was a square. I guess Helen Crist was the first drapette: the DA, the ballet shoes, oogies [tulle scarves], eye shadow—eye-liner was big then—and pink lipstick."
Helen Crist. The best little jitterbugger in Baltimore. The first and maybe the biggest Buddy Deane queen of all. Debuting at a mere eleven years of age, taking three buses every day to get to the show, wearing that wonderful white DA (created by her hairdresser father) and causing the first real sensation. She was one of the chosen few who went to New York to learn how to demonstrate the Madison and was selected for the "exchange committee" that represented Baltimore's best on "American Bandstand." She was the only one of the biggies who refused to be on the Board ("They had power; a lot were disliked because of it").
Helen's fans flocked to see her at the Buddy Deane Record Hops (Committee members had to make such personal appearances and sign autographs). "I got all these letters from the Naval Academy," Helen remembers, "so I went there one day, and all the midshipmen were hanging out the windows. It was a real kick!" Her fame even brought an offer to join the circus. "This man approached me, telegrammed me, showed up at the show. He wanted me to go to a summer training session to be a trapeze artist. I wanted to go, but my parents wouldn't let me. I was really mad. I wanted to join the circus."
Two other ponytail princesses who went on to the Buddy Deane hall of fame were Evanne Robinson, the Committee member on the show the longest, and Kathy Schmink. Today they seem opposites.
Over lunch at the Thunderball Lounge, in East Baltimore, Kathy remembers, "I could never get used to signing autographs. Why?' I'd wonder." She wasn't even a fan of the show. "It was a fluke. My mother wanted me to go; she took me down to the tryouts. At first I was so shy I hid behind the Coke machines."
But Evanne "used to come right home and head for the TV. I had always studied dance, and I wanted to go on (the show]. I'm the biggest ham." Although she denies being conscious of the cam-era, she admits, "I did try to dance up front. I wasn't going to go on and not be seen." But even Evanne turned bashful on one show, when Buddy made a surprise announcement. "I was voted prettiest girl by this whole army base. I was so embarrassed. Buddy called me up before the cameras, and I wasn't dressed my best. The whole day on the show was devoted to me."
BEING A TEENAGE STAR in Baltimore had its drawbacks. "It was difficult with your peers," recalls Peanuts. "You weren't one of them anymore." Outsiders envied the fame, especially if they lost their steadies to Deaners, and many were put off by boys who loved to dance. "Everybody wanted to kick a Buddy Deaner's ass," says Gene, recalling thugs waiting to jump Deaners outside the studio.
"It was so painful. It was horrible," says Joe. "I used to get death threats on the show. I'd get letters saying, If you show up at this particular hop, you're gonna get your face pushed in?" And Evanne still shudders as she recalls, "Once I was in the cafeteria.
One girl yelled 'Buddy Deaner' and then threw her plate at me. My mother used to pick me up after school to make sure nobody hassled me."
The adoring fans could also be a hassle. "I must have had ten different phone numbers," says Helen, "and somehow it would get out. There were a lot of obscene phone calls."
And the rumors, God, the rumors. "They all thought all the girls were pregnant by Buddy Deane," remember several. "Once I was off the show for a while, and they said I had joined the nun-nery," says Helen, laughing. "It was even in the papers. It was hilarious."
Some of the rumors were fanned on purpose. Because "Buddy Deane's" competition was soap operas, the budding teenage romances were sometimes played up for the camera. "One time I was going with this guy, and he was dancing with this guest I didn't like," says Evanne. "Buddy noticed my eyes staring and said, 'Do the same eyes.' And the camera got it." Kathy went even further. "I was with this guy named Jeff. We faked a feud. I took off my steady ring and threw it down. We got more mail: 'Oh, please don't break up!' Somebody even sent us a miniature pair of boxing gloves. Then we made up on camera."
Romance was one thing; sex was another. Most Deaner girls wouldn't even "tongue-kiss," claims Arlene, remembering the ruckus caused by a Catholic priest when the Committee modeled strapless Etta gowns on TV. From then on, all bare shoulders were covered with a piece of net.
Other vices were likewise eschewed. If a guy had one beer, it was a big deal. Some do remember a handful of kids getting high on cough medicine. "Yeah, it was Cosenel," says Joe. "They would drive me nuts when they'd come in the door, and I'd say, 'Man, you're gone. You are out of here. You are history.' "
Although many parents and WJZ insisted that Committee members had to keep up their grades to stay on the show, the reality could be quite different. With the show beginning at 2:30 in some years, cutting out of school early was common.
"I'd hook and have to dance in the back so the teachers couldn't see me," says Helen. "I had to get up there on time. My heart would have broken in two if I couldn't have gone on." Finally Helen quit Mergenthaler (Mervo) trade school, at the height of her fame. "The school tried to throw me out before. I couldn't be bothered with education. I wanted to dance."
"We had a saying: "The show either makes you or breaks you,'" says Kathy. "Some kids on the show went a little nuts, with stars in their eyes; they thought they were going to go to Hollywood and be movie stars."
Yet Joe was a dropout when he went on the show and then, once famous, went back to finish. And according to Arlene, Buddy encouraged one popular Committee member (Buzzy Bennet) to teach himself to read so he could realize his dream of being a disc jockey. He eventually became one of the most respected programmers in the country and was even written up in Time magazine.
WITH THE 1960s came a whole new set of stars, some with names that seemed like gimmicks, but weren't: Concetta Comi, the popular sister team of Yetta and Gretta Kotik. And then there was teased hair, replacing the fifties drape with a Buddy Deane look that so pervaded Baltimore culture (especially in East and South Baltimore) that its effect is still seen in certain neighborhoods.
Some of the old Committee kept up with the times and made the transition with ease. Kathy switched to a great beehive that resembled a trash can sitting on top of her head ("I looked like I was taking off"). And Helen, Linda and Joanie all got out the rat-tail teasing combs.
Fran Nedeloff (debuting at fourteen in 1961, Mervo High School cha-cha) remembers the look: "Straight skirt to the knee, cardigan sweater buttoned up the back, cha-cha heels, lots of heavy black eyeliner, definitely Clearasil on the lips, white nail polish. We used to go stand in front of Read's Drugstore, and people would ask for our autograph."
Perhaps the highest bouffants of all belonged to the Committee member who was my personal favorite: Pixie (who died several years later from a drug overdose). "You could throw her down on the ground, and her hair would crack," recalls Gene. Pixie was barely five feet tall, but her hair sometimes added a good six to eight inches to her height.
But by far the most popular hairdo queen on "Buddy Deane" was a fourteen-year-old Pimlico Junior High School student named Mary Lou Raines. Mary Lou, the Annette Funicello of the show, was the talk of teenage Baltimore. Every week she had a different "do" —the Double Bubble, the Artichoke, the Airlift -each topped off by her special trademark, suggested by her mother, the bow.
"We really sprayed it," remembers Mary Lou today from her home in Pennsylvania. "The more hair spray, the better. After you sprayed it, you'd get toilet paper and blot it. Sometimes you'd wrap your hair at night. If you leaned on one side, the next day you'd just pick it out" into shape.
Mary Lou was the last of the Buddy Deane superstars, true hair-hopper royalty, the ultimate Committee member. "We have a tele-gram," Buddy would shout almost daily, "for Mary Lou to lead a dance," and the cameraman seemed to love her. "When that little red light came on, so did my smile," she says, laughing. At her appearances at the record hops, "kids would actually scream when you'd get out of the car: 'There's Mary Lou! Oh, my God, it's Evanne!' Autograph books, cameras, this is what they lived for. They sent cakes on my birthday. They'd stand outside my home. They just wanted to know if you were real. I was honored, touched by it all."
Mary Lou was aware that in some neighborhoods it was not cool to be a Buddy Deaner. "Oh sure, if you were Joe College (pre-preppie), you just didn't do 'The Deane Show.'" "Did you ever turn into a Joe College?" I ask innocently. "No!" she answers, with a conviction that gives me the chills.
But as more and more kids (even "Deane" fans) did turn Joe College, many of the Committee made the mistake of not keeping up with the times. Marie Fischer was the first "Joe" to become a Committee member-chosen simply because she was such a good dancer. As with the drapes and squares of the previous decade, she explains, "there were two classes of people then-Deaners and Joe College. The main thing was your hair was flat, the antithesis of Buddy Deane," she says, chuckling. "I was a misfit. Every day I'd come to the studio in knee-highs, and I'd have to take them off. You had to wear nylons. Before long I started getting lots of fan mail: I think you're neat. I'm Joe, too.' There was a change in the works."
Part of that change was the racial integration movement. "I had a lot of black friends at the time, so for me this was an awkward thing," says Marie. "To this day, I'm reluctant to tell some of my black friends I was on 'Buddy Deane' because they look at it as a terrible time."
Integration ended "The Buddy Deane Show." When the subject comes up today, most loyalists want to go off the record. But it went something like this: "Buddy Deane" was an exclusively white show. Once a month the show was all black; there was no black Committee. So the NAACP targeted the show for protests. Ironi-cally, "The Buddy Deane Show" introduced black music and artists into the lives of white Baltimore teenagers, many of whom learned to dance from black friends and listened to black radio. Buddy offered to have three or even four days a week all black, but that wasn't it. The protesters wanted the races to mix.
At frantic meetings of the Committee, many said, "My parents simply won't let me come if it's integrated," and WIZ realized it just couldn't be done. "It was the times," most remember. "This town just wasn't ready for that." There were threats and bomb scares; integrationists smuggled whites into the all-black shows to dance cheek to cheek on camera with blacks, and that was it. "The Buddy Deane Show" was over. Buddy wanted it to end happily, but WJZ angered Deaners when it tried to blame the ratings.
On the last day of the show, January 4, 1964, all the most popular Committee members through the years came back for one last appearance. "I remember it well," recalls Evanne. "Buddy said to me, 'Well, here's my little girl who's been with me the longest.' I hardly ever cried, but I just broke down on camera. I didn't mean to, because I never would have messed up the makeup."
IN 1985 THE COMMITTEE MEMBERs are for the most part happy and healthy, living in Baltimore, and still recognized on the street. "They kept their figures, look nice and are very kind people," says Marie from her lovely country home before taking off for the University of Maryland, where she attends law school.
Most are happily married with kids and maintain the same images they had on the show. "We are kind of like Ozzie and Harriet," says Gene Snyder as Linda nods in agreement. "I'm a typical middle-class housewife," says Peanuts, "Girl Scout leader, very active in my kid's school." Mary Lou is still a star. That she has an affluent life-style surprises no one on the Committee. In her home, near Allentown, Pennsylvania, she serves me a beautiful brunch, models her fur coats and poses with her Mercedes. "When I get depressed, I don't go to the psychiatrist; I go to the jeweler," she says.
Oddly enough, few of the Deaners I've talked to went on to show biz. Joe Cash has Jonas Cash Promotions ("my own promotional firm—we represent Warner Brothers, Columbia, Motown-eighty-five percent of the music you hear in this market")-and Active Industry Research (a "research firm-I'm chairman of the board"). Evanne and her brother run the John Brock Benson Dance Studios and have a line of dancers who appear at clubs all over the state. But most have settled down to a very straight life.
And none are bitter. Although the Committee was a valuable promotional tool for WJZ at the time, and belonging was a full-time job, no one (except teen assistants) was paid a penny. Even doing commercials was expected. Mary Lou laughs at the memory of doing a pimple medicine spot on camera. And who can forget those great ads for the plastic furniture slipcovers that opened with the kids jumping up and down on the sofa and a local announcer screaming, "Hey, kids! Get off that furniture!"? Or the Bob-a-Loop? Or Hartford Motor Coach Company? Or Snuggle Dolls? The Deaners didn't mind. As Marie puts it, "The rewards were so great emotionally that you didn't have to ask for a monetary award."
Many had difficulties dealing with the void when the show went off the air. Gene calls it "a big loss." "It was living in a fantasy world," says Helen, "and later on, growing up, it was a definite blow: reality." "I still have a whole box of fan mail," says Evanne. "If I'm ever depressed, sometimes I think, 'Well, this will make me feel better,' and I go down and dig in the box."
Holding onto the memories more than anyone is Arlene Kozak, who is by far the most loved by all the Committee members. (They gave her a diamond watch at the last reunion.) "Do you miss show biz?" I ask her. "Not show biz," Arlene answers, hesitating, "but the record biz, the people. Yes, I miss it very much. I don't think I'll ever get over missing it, if you want to know the truth."
Many of the Committee members' spouses faced an even bigger adjustment. In "mixed marriages" (with non-Deaners), many of the outsiders resented their spouses' pasts. "At twenty-one I married a professional football player," Helen remembers, "and he made me burn all the fan mail. I had trunks of it. He was mad because I was as popular as he was. He just didn't understand."
But some have dealt with the problems in good humor. When Mary Lou's husband gave me the long and complicated directions to their home on the phone, he ended with, "And there you will find, yes, Mary Lou Raines." He later confided that when he first started dating her, he had no idea of her early career. "Everywhere we went, people would say 'There's Mary Lou.' I wondered if she had just been released from the penitentiary."
THE BUDDY DEANE phenomenon is hardly dead. Each reunion (and a new one is in the works) seems bigger than the last. Deaners seem to come out of the woodwork, drawn by the memory of their stardom. Buddy returns on a pilgrimage from St. Charles, Arkansas, where he owns a hunting and fishing lodge and sometimes appears on TV, to spin the hits and announce multiplication dances, ladies® choice, or even, after a few drinks, the Limbo. Some of the really dedicated Committee members get tears in their eyes. Was it really twenty years ago? Could it be?
Why not do "The Deane Show" on Baltimore TV again? Just once. A special. The ultimate reunion. From all over the country, the Deaners could rise again, congregate at the bottom of Television Hill, and start Madison-ing their way ("You're looking good. A big strong line!") up the hill to that famous dance party set, the one that now houses a talk show. The "big garage-type door" they remember would open, and they'd all pile in, past George and "Mom," the Pinkerton guards who used to keep attendance, and crowd into Arlene's office to comb their hair, confide their problems and touch up their makeup. Buddy could take his seat beneath his famous Top 20 Board, and the tension would build. "Ten seconds to airtime. . . . three, two, one. Ladies and gentlemen. . . the nicest kids in town!"
John Waters (Crackpot: The Obsessions of John Waters, 1986)
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pit-of-maggots · 4 months
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Original muses 18+┃Multi-muse/ship companion blog to my 'main' RP hidey hole viciouslyfilthy's OCs & their story .┃Very semi-selective-ish .┃sporiadic activity . ┃Blog still under construction !
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Concetto Faunus. (High Priest of the cult 'Sons of Gluttony'. Greedy, selfish, posh, feral. Broodbeast fly-monstrosity, progenitor of the species 'Faunettes' & 'Reborn Faunettes'. Single, grouchy old man with a thousand monster worm-kids.)
Beatrice Maria-Antonietta AKA 'Beata Maria'. (High Priestess of the cult 'Sons of Gluttony'. Bitter, self-righteous, strict, vengeful. Blob-like eldritch monster known as a 'Dark Beast'. Worshipped as a demigod of sorts in both Barathrum's and Beelzebub's cult. Also a single grouchy old woman. Mom of 10 kids; her children are known as 'the Dark Ones')
Adam Pretorius. (Sole Priest & 'side' leader of the cult 'Gluttony's Haven'. Kind, deceitful, spineless and sadistic. Ex-fairy hunter. Happily married. Consort to his deity & vessel.)
Elizabeth Eveline 'Eve' Despereaux. (Sole Priestess & 'main' leader of the cult 'Gluttony's Haven'. Spoiled, unhinged, deceitful and evil. Unseelie fairy monstrosity. Happily married. Consort to her deity.)
Lurcher Barathrum. (Worshipped deity of the dæmonic cult 'Sons of Gluttony'. Laid-back, curious, gentle giant despite their terrifying appearence, happy-go-lucky.)
Beelzebub AKA 'Lord of the flies'/'Emperor of Gluttony'. (Worshipped deity of the dæmonic cult 'Gluttony's Haven'. Laid-back, generous, compared to the cult he has he's surprisingly kindhearted, perpetually sleepy & blissful.)
Princess, Frankie & Clemenza Faunus (2 grown-up Faunettes & 1 Reborn Faunette. Princess is a self-centered, feral bimbo, she's been spoiled-rotten by daddy ever since she was a maggot; Frankie is a greaser-punk extrovert. Despite also having grown up with a silver spoon in his mouth just like Princess, he is selfless, kind and loyal to friends; Clemenza is a naïve, kind but anxious woman. Fearful of people and fairies.)
Angelo, Benedetto & Annalisa 'Lisa' Maria-Antonietta (grown-up Dark Ones. Angelo is a Gluttony bishop who infiltrates Christian enviroments pretending to be a pastor to either lure other people into getting indoctrinated into his cult, or simply to hunt to feed himself. He is charismatic, calculative, sadistic and egotistical. Loses his temper easily when things don't go his way; Benedetto is Angelo's twin brother- an artist, an admired painter whom is often looked up to, though he doesn't enjoy revealing his face much- leaving his audience with curiosity. He too hunts to feed himself, although he does it in the form of seeking out devoted fans of his artwork and tricking them by offering them to come along alone with him to have the honor to get a 'first look' at his latest works in progress. He is short-tempered, serious, sometimes feral, also very egocentric & sadistic; Lisa is a labelled 'heretic' among the Antonietta family- an eccentric, kindhearted, nonconformist rockstar that performs and travels the world with her other band members and closest friends: a selkie, a werewolf and a witch. Often gets into arguments with her producer because he wants to completely change the theme of her band.)
Domenico Sansignor (beloved & devoted member of Sons of Gluttony cult. Faunus' favourite. Despite their sweet, kind and wholesome personality, beneath lies a full-on perverted monsterfucker, always in the mood for freaky situations.)
Rotgut. (1st eternal servant of the Summer Spirit, Sün. Embodiment of Lust.)
Dr. Kraus 'Freddy'. (5th eternal servant of the Summer Spirit, Sün. Embodiment of Wrath.)
Cornelius 'Versy'. (naga warlock & chef englishman, formerly fully human.)
Shai. (Author's interpretation of The Devil. Calm, kind, quiet, resentful, slightly bitter)
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mudhornchronicles · 3 years
dreamboat | greaser!frankie morales | part one
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pairing: francisco “catfish” morales x reader; greaser!frankie x reader
warnings: smoking, drinking, swearing, lewd comments, mentions of racism.
a/n: We got ourselves a series, ya’ll. I cannot wait until chapter 2. I present to you – Greaser!Frankie Morales
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You gently close the door as your mother leans over to wind down the passenger side window. “You will be fine, sweetheart. It is absolutely normal to feel nervous! It is your first day after all.”
You nod and feel your tied hair bound up and down. The white ribbon falls on your cheek and you push it back. “I understand, mother. It’s just different than my previous school, that’s all.”
“And they taught you how to be a lady, did they not? You are properly educated, unlike these individuals. Now smooth your skirt down before it wrinkles. First impression matter, correct? I will see you after school. I love you!”
You tell your mother you love her too as you smooth down your white full-circle skirt and adjust your two notebooks on your arm. You wave a goodbye to your mother and watch as she drives her 1953 pastel yellow Pontiac your father had gifted her for her birthday.
You turn and take a good look at your new school and you immediately feel out of place. The cream-colored cement building looks old, but the lawn looks taken care of. The sounds of revving engines and the smell of cigarette smoke abuse your ears and nose. You are most definitely not used to those aspects of the place. Your old school was strict about noises and smells. The only smell they wanted lingering the air was that of perfume and the sound of the girls talking about the school curriculum.
What you see here would give the mistresses a stroke. You see couples shoving their tongues down each other’s throats, students smoking on campus, hot rods racing up and down the streets, and the boys throwing such obscene comments. As you walk up the path towards the building’s entrance, your eyes fall upon a group of five boys whose comments make a chill run up your spine.
“Hey paper shakers,” one calls out. “Why don’t cha shake those pom poms over in this direction? I’ll give ya somethin’ good to cheer about!” The guys snicker to each-other as Benny jokingly thrusts at the cheerleaders. The group hollers at the cheerleaders as they shout insults at the boys and run into the school’s building. You notice that four of them continue to laugh and yell other comments at the athletes, but the fifth just looks around and appears to shy away from joining his friends.
Dressed in black jeans, a white tee, and a worn black leather jacket, Frankie tries to hide away from his brothers’ banter. He never understood why they talk to betties the way they do and then complain that they don’t have a doll around their arm. Pope seems to be the one who is a bit like him, but that’s only because he’s felt the uncomfortableness on the receiving of impudent comments. Being Latino in this town wasn’t the most welcoming while growing up. His family was always met with derogatory comments just because of their appearance. He never understood why people thought it was okay to jump his father every other night on his way back home from work. He never understood why his mother was always denied jobs because she had an accent. He never understood why he rarely had friendships that lasted because their parents said that they couldn’t hang out with the “brown boy.”
Once he grew up, he understood what the concept of racism was. When he met Santiago, or Pope as Frankie called him, he learned that Santiago’s family left his town because they were threatened and when they wouldn’t leave, their house was broken into. The pair soon became best friends and were able to fight off their bullies with each other’s help.
Frankie had never been one to initiate a fight, but he would be the one to end it. Benny was always the fighter. Whether it was his battle or not, he would always be up to throw the first punch. When they made it to freshman year, the boys decided it would be best to create a group of friends that they could lean on when times got tough and to their luck, they met the Miller brothers, Will and Benny, and Tom, also known as Redfly.
You took a deep breath and clutched your books to your chest. You slowly walked up the stairs and as you revert your eyes down to the floor as you tried not to bump into someone and walked past the group – that was until you heard “hey there doll face, where’d you come from?”
You look up to see a tall blonde, younger than the other blonde, snicker at himself and wink at you. You look around to make sure the comment was directed at you and the group laughs. “Yeah, I’m talkin’ to ya sweetheart. I’m guessin’ yousa newbie?” You widen your eyes and steadily nod.
One of the brunettes steps up to you, takes his toothpick out his mouth and replaces it with a cigarette. He takes a deep inhale and blows the smoke in your face. You wave you hand in front of your face and cough as he lets out a laugh. “You that chick that escaped Saint Catherine’s?”
You shrug and nod once more, but with a grimace etched on your face. He raises his cigarette back into his mouth and puts his hand out to you for a handshake – you reciprocate the handshake.
“The name’s Tom, but you, pretty lady, can call me Redfly. Those two over there is Benny and his brother Will. This one behind me,” he points towards one of the two other brunettes, “this one’s Santiago, but call him Pope. You’re familiar with those religious names, right?” This comment earns him an eye roll from you, but it also earns him a scoff from the final member of his little clique.
Tom turns around and looks at his friend. “You trynna say somethin’, ‘Fish?” The brunette smirks and shakes his head. Tom lets out a “hmph” and nods. “This one’s Frankie. We call him Catfish because he may seem like a kicked puppy dog, but the guy can fuck someone up if he really gotta.” You nod and look over to Frankie and find that he’s already looking at you.
You notice just how right Tom was when he described Frankie as a puppy dog. Frankie’s eyes are brown deep-set eyes are captivating. His lips are pink and plush – making you want to give him a big ol’ kiss. His rugged hair calls out to your hands to run your fingers through it. You suddenly lost the ability to speak, so you resulted in clumsily wave a hello, but resulting in your books falling to the ground.
You began to kneel over to pick them up, but a hand stopped you from doing so. Frankie bent over to pick up your things, dusted them off, and handed them to you. What you didn’t see was the boys smiling at seeing their brother be dumbstruck over a girl.
You took your books back with a shy thank you to Frankie and him saying “no problem.” He caught sight of your schedule you received in the mail the day prior and smiles to himself.
“I see you have World History first. Is it with Robinson? May I?” He puts his hand out for your schedule that is taped on the front of your notebook. You pass him your blue notebook and he starts to analyze your schedule. Once he’s satisfied, he gives you back your notebook. “I have classes near yours. I can walk you if you’d like?” Before you’re given the opportunity to answer, Frankie’s friends burst out into laughing fit so loud, the students passing by look over to see the cause of the sound – looking right back to where they were when they see who it was.
“Whatcha gonna do, ‘Fish?” Will teases, “gonna take the new girl on a grand tour of the school? She don’t look the type to give it up behind the bleachers, pal.” Frankie turns red and stutters his denial of the accusation. The boys laugh at him as he nervously tugs on his leather jacket.
“I’d love if you would, Frankie. I haven’t a clue where I’m going, and I really don’t want to get lost on my first day.”
“Yeah, sure. That’s cool.” Frankie nods and stuffs his hands in his pocket.
“Ya might wanna go now, ‘Fish. Princess here ain’t gonna wanna be late,” Tom teases. Tom nudges his head towards the other side of the building. “Let’s go Bandits. Teach’ aint gon’ misses us too much. We’ll see ya in a bit, Frankie.” The boys walk away with Pope and Will giving Frankie a pack on the back with a chuckle – leaving you and Frankie alone on the steps.
“Are they not going to class? It’s the first day and they’ll make a bad impression on their first period instructor.” You ask. You wonder why the boys wouldn’t go to their homeroom, especially being the first day of class.
“They’ll get there… eventually. We can go though. I don’t wanna make ya late or anythin’.” He gestures for you to start walking in front of him, but you won’t walk until knowing something first.
“Frankie, will you be going to homeroom? They said they would see you in bit. Are you just taking me to my classroom and skipping your first period?”
Frankie gets red and shakes his head furiously. “Nah, I ain’t those idiots. My parents would flip their shit if I had to retake a year.” You smile up at him and nod. You reach out to take his arm, as your old school taught you a gentleman should, and were shocked when Frankie pulled away as you touched his arm.
“Sorry, doll. Didn’t mean to scare ya.”
“I was just taking your arm, is all.” You cocked your head to the side. Every man you’d been escorted by has always given you their arm.
It was his turn to act confused. He knew exactly what you were doing and why, but he had a reputation to uphold and it wasn’t him being a gentleman. “What does that mean? Whatcha takin’ my arm for, doll?”
“Nevermind. Shall we?”
Frankie leads you into the crowded building. Students were running everywhere, and voices drowned the pair of you. He takes you to the second level of the building and leads you down the hall and taking a sharp left. You’re a bit lower than he is, but with each step, you start to really get a good luck at the back design on his jacket.
“What does Bandits mean?” Frankie turns around and by instinct, looks at the back of his jacket.
“It’s our group. Call ourselves The Bandits,” he says with “The Bandits” in air quotations.
You stifle a giggle, and he smiles showing of his dimple on his right cheek.
“Yeah, Pope came up with it. I just ran with it.”
“Do you steal?”
“Nah. Pope just thought it sounded cool. Redfly wanted the name “The Unarrestables,” but got arrested two weeks later for mailboxing 7 blocks.” You let out a loud laugh, covering your face with your notebooks, and Frankie looks over at you and smiles. He hasn’t been able to laugh the way he just did in a long time. As you share a funny story about your former mistress skirt being caught in a window, the two of share more laughs as you ultimately arrive at your homeroom’s door.
“Here we are. Room 249… World History with Lloyd Robinson. I’ll come back for you after class to take you to second period. That cool with ya?” You smile and nod. You’re a bit sad that you made it so soon, but quickly disappears when he mentions coming back for you.
“That sounds great, Catfish. Thank you very much.” He lets out a chuckle and nods at you.
“You can call me Frankie. I like the way you say it, doll.” Just as he starts to walk away, a voice makes him freeze in place and slowly turn back around.
“Mister Morales, will you not be joining us today or is your cigarette of much more importance?”
“Mister Robinson. How’s the new kid?” Frankie nervously scratches the back of his head.
“Frankie, get in this classroom or you’ll receive a failing grade starting now.” Mister Robinson gives you a warm smile in comparison to his frown towards Frankie and goes back into the classroom.
“Wait a minute. You have the same homeroom as I do? You said yours was near!”
He sighs and holds his hands up in surrender. “I guess I’ve been caught. We have the same classes, lucky you.”
“But this is AP World History.”
“Just because the guys I run with don’t give a shit, don’t mean I don’t either.”
You stand in front of him and cross your arms underneath your breasts – eyes narrowed and staring into his. “You are just full of surprises aren’t you, Frankie Morales.”
He looks deep into your eyes and smirks. He adjusts his jacket and runs a hand in his hair. He reaches for the handle and opens the door open for you. 
“Ladies first, doll.”
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lemonbitch00 · 3 years
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Fanservice giving to ya by Leslie, Harriet, and Aden
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bryan-damage · 2 years
“Hot Wire My Heart” b/w “Baby You’re So Repulsive”
Early San Francisco garage punk with Frankie Fix and Johnny Strike.
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kakyoinscheryblush · 2 years
Those Summer Nights [Jotaro Kujo x reader]
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Chapter five, Stay with me
Yesterday I didn’t even sleep a wink, the anxiety was getting to my head and I couldn’t stop thinking about how I told Tommy and my parents I work at the Grand Star Cinema… 
Well my plan was, to say the least, really stupid. 
I won’t do anything unless one of them brings it up. 
Which kind of made sense since they probably have forgotten about it? At least Tommy has (hopefully so). And my parents certainly are soaking everything he and his family are saying. 
For example, this morning dad was telling mom how he saw those hooligans greasers yesterday in town.
They never thought badly about anybody until Tommy and his family started to come to our house for dinners or tea parties. 
I wanted to say something, defend them. Which I did once, saying that they can’t say such things until they’ve met them, and I was met with a long lecture about how I must keep away from them because they'll corrupt me. 
Utter nonsense if you ask me…
And today at lunch break Lisa and Sheri were absent since they had to stay behind to help the chemistry professor. Which left me all alone sitting by myself….
I ate my food in silence on the round table, thankfully Tommy and his friends were nowhere in sight, but now I was feeling a little bored since I had nobody to talk to. 
I glanced up as I drank from my water bottle and looked around the huge backyard of the school. And then I spotted Jotaro and his friends sitting by the same oak tree and talking. I smiled a little but focused on my food again. 
After a few moments I felt a few eyes on me so I looked up and saw them looking at me and waving, well everyone except Jotaro who only nodded his head.
I slightly waved back and then I saw them get up and walk in my direction. 
“Hi, Y/n! How are you? Mind if we sit here?” Kakyoin greeted me as he motioned to the empty table and I nodded my head, “Yeah, of course.” I said as I motioned them to sit. Kakyoin smiled as he, Dean and Michael quickly sat themselves on the benches, leaving Jotaro to sit next to me. 
“So, Y/n, do you, you know, have any plans after you finish up at Frankie’s?” Michael asked and everyone glared at him and I slightly squinted my eyes at him.
“Really, Michael? Really? You’re going after Tommy’s girl? You want to get beat up?” Dean laughed as he slapped his shoulder. 
... I’m... Tommy’s... WHAT!?
“Hold the fuck up! What is that supposed to mean!?” I exclaimed, appalled at what HAD Dean said.
The dirty blonde guy looked at me with confusion on his face, “What? Did I say something wrong?” he asked and my eyes widened. 
I coughed a few times, just to come to my senses, “You said I’m ‘Tommy’s girl’ . What in the fuck is that supossed to mean? The only thing I have in common with that guy is that we’re neighbors.” I scoffed, the mere thought of him making my blood boil. 
Dean, along with everyone else at the table looked at each other with raised eyebrows, “...That’s very interesting … Then why did we hear him say that to his friends?” Michael asked and I shook my head quickly. 
“Look guys, I have no idea as to why he would say that. I don’t like him, not one bit. He pokes his nose where it doesn’t belong and he bad mouths people for no reason. I think that is enough for an explanation.” I said as I crossed my arms. 
“This makes no fucking sense, but we trust you more that that stuck up dickhead.” Kakyoin said and everyone nodded their heads which made me sigh in relief. I mean, for a little time I knew Tommy, he sure was a huge asshole and a liar. 
Jotaro rolled his eyes, “Great, can we now eat in peace? Talking about that idiot ruins my appetite.” he groaned and we all laughed as we continued to eat.
I still was a bit shaken about what happened a few minutes ago, but I decided not to think about it for now and enjoyed the company of my new friends. 
We actually had a lot in common! 
Michael’s family and Dean and Danny’s family moved from similar places like Dalevile into Winfield, but to the East side since they couldn’t afford to live in the West side.
But they didn’t see it as an disadvantage or something to be ashamed of (like Tommy makes it to be). 
And they all met when they started to work in the car repair shop, which led us to talk about cars. Now, I’m no expert so few things left me clueless… But they gladly explained them to me with a smile. 
“You know Jotaro, if I had a car like you, I’d drive everywhere with it.” Kakyoin laughed and everyone at the table agreed and Michael rolled his eyes jokingly, “Yeah! You never drive that baby out of the back of the shop! It’s always covered!” he said and I looked up to Jotaro with a raised eyebrow. 
“What kind of car do you have?” I asked him and he sighed, “It’s the ‘69 Chevrolet Camaro. My old man gifted it to me for my birthday last month. He drove all the way here with this giant ass car in a wooden box and shit and gave it to me. The model just came out so it wasn’t on sale at many places.” he said and I looked at him in awe. [car look reference https://imgur.com/a/xrGHehP ]
Gosh he has such a cool grandpa!
“Driving must feel like a dream in it!” I laughed and Jotaro nodded, “It does, but I had to stop certain somebodys from driving off secretly.” He glared at his three friends who only sweated and laughed awkwardly. 
“You can’t blame us, Jotaro!” Kakyoin sniggered and Michael and Dean laughed along. “Y/n, you also have a cool car! Just that you owe Jotaro five grand-” Michael joked and Kakyoin slapped him on the head, “ Hey! You’re ruining the moment… ” he whisper-yelled but loud enough so I could hear. 
I did sweat a bit out of nervousness at the mention of my debt to Jotaro, so I slightly glanced at him and he was luckily eating his food in peace and probably didn’t hear Michael’s comment. 
Kakyoin quickly changed the theme and we continued to eat and talk about other topics. After a few more minutes the bell rang and we all bid our goodbyes.
I headed to my classroom and saw Sheri and Lisa sitting on their table and sat on my spot next to them. 
“Y/n! You’re back in full tact!” Sheri laughed as Lisa was removing her lab coat. “That I am… I was having a decent lunch break with Jotaro and his friends.” I said and both of them looked at each other with a smirk. 
“Oh really? We didn’t know you were so close with them… Tommy might get jealous.” Lisa jokes and my face paled after hearing the last sentence.
“Good fucking God, not you two.” I fumed as I sat on my chair and crossed my arms. 
And of course , speak of the devil and he shall appear…
“Y/n! Hey! Glad to see you!” Tommy greeted me as he entered the classroom with the usual six girls trailing behind him.
I still hadn't learned their names… “Hi.” I replied dryly as I pulled out the books for the next class.
Tommy, evidently unsatisfied by the lack of response he got from me, placed his hands on my desk and chuckled.
“You know, since you are working at Grand Star Cinema I was thinking we could go check out the new Bond film that came out. And you’ll get familiar with your new workplace.” he said with a smug smirk. 
My mind went blank as I processed his words. I’m fucking screwed if I decline, and by the looks of his fangirls, they’re going to kill me if I say yes. 
‘Take this one for the team, Y/n!’ I cheered myself on weakly and slightly nodded my head. 
“...Sure. When does the movie start?” I ask him in a monotone voice. “It starts at exactly 11:00 p.m. That isn’t the problem for you?” Tommy said with a smile.
My shift at Frankie’s ended at 10:45 p.m. so it gave me much needed time to get to the cinema, but I’ll have to bring other clothes with me so I could change out of my waitress uniform. 
I nodded my head, “Alright, and what movie are we planning on watching?” I raised an eyebrow at him.
“We're going to watch On Her Majesty's Secret Service, you know the new Bond movie.” Tommy said with a proud voice. 
By the tone of his voice, he probably thinks he’s like James Bond…
“Okay, I’ll go.” I replied and focused back on my books. Tommy beamed as he glanced back at the ferocious pack of six girls and laughed, “Sorry, ladies. I’m taken for tonight.” he laughed and I shot my head up and squinted my eyes at him. 
Did he just ask me to go to the cinema so he could say he wouldn’t be able to go out with those girls? What an fucking asshole. If I could, I'd kick him where the sun doesn’t shine right now.
I looked at Sheri and Lisa with annoyed expressions and I saw their mouths open and eyes widened.
Damn, even they were left stunned. But they quickly shook their heads and as Lisa was about to say something, our math professor came in, signaling us all to calm down. 
*Time skip to the end of school*
After our classes were over, Sheri, Lisa and I ran to the bathroom so I could change into my waitress uniform. This seems like it will become a routine for us. 
“I still can’t believe you agreed to go with Tommy to the cinema…” Lisa mumbled out as they waited inside the bathroom.
“But I had no other choice! If I had declined, he was going to get suspicious or something!” I exclaimed as I quickly dressed down and put on my dark red waitress uniform. 
I dashed out and fixed my hair as I looked at myself in the mirror, “Alright, I have to get going now. I can’t be late.” I rushed  Sheri and Lisa out as I clutched my overstuffed school bag, since now I had my books, school clothes and books in it. 
“Y/n, if you need any help with that shitbag, call us from the payphone near the cinema, ok?” Sheri asked as she grabbed my arm and I nodded my head, “Don’t worry, I will. Now, goodbye!” I laughed as I dashed away from them  and to the entrance of the school 
The school cleared out pretty quickly so I could parade with my uniform around and nobody would see.
Once I got in my car I started to drive towards Frankie’s. I hope this shift ends quickly…
*3rd p.o.v, Y/n*
Y/n dashed inside the quite empty diner and ran to the counter where Susan was waiting for her. “Hello!” Y/n greeted the older lady as she caught up her breath. Susan smiled at the h/c haired girl as she was cleaning the glasses. 
“Well, hello to you too, doll. Why’re you in such a rush?” Susan asked with an raised eyebrow. Y/n picked up her silver tray, the little notepad and a pen and looked at her assigned booths. 
Jotaro and everyone else was already here, waiting for her to pick up their orders. “How long have they been waiting for me?” Y/n asked Susan and she looked up to look at them, “Don’t worry, they arrived a few minutes before you, but nothing to worry about.” she said as she cleaned the last glass. 
Y/n nodded her head and quickly speeded towards them. “Hi guys! You’ll have the usual I presume?” she asked and everyone nodded their heads.
“So, what's up-” Dean started but Y/n quickly rushed back to Susan to give the order back. 
“What’s up with her?” Danny asked and Michael, who was sitting next to him, glared at him, “What’s up with you? Isn’t it past your bedtime?” he sniggered, earring a death glare from Dean. 
“Jeez, I can’t even joke around here. Not my fault your brother decided to randomly go with us.” Michael said and Kakyoin shushed him, “Danny is right… something is up with her. Any guesses?” he asked and everyone looked at Jotaro.
He gave them a confused look. “What? I didn’t do anything.” he said and Dean raised an eyebrow at him, “You sure you aren’t mangling with her behind our backs?” He joked, making Jotaro choke on his spit. 
“The fuck? Why would you even think that?” Jotaro snapped back and Kakyoin patted his back, “You know, you getting all defensive like this isn’t helping your case.” he whispered and Jotaro who only fumed up more. 
“When we told you to talk to her… what did you say?” Kakyoin asked, much louder now. “Nothing special, she just offered to drive me to my house and we talked for a bit.” Jotaro said, not getting why everyone was smirking at each other. 
Michael nudged Dean as he sniggered, “Yeah, they sure had a hefty ‘talk’-” he commented and both of them covered their mouths with their hands, but it wasn’t helping since they began to turn red from how much they were trying to keep their laughter in. 
“Good grief, sometimes I think I should’ve run over you two with my car.” Jotaro groaned as a slight hint of pink covered his cheeks.
His mind went back to last night and he must admit, she wasn’t that bad of a person to talk to. 
Maybe, they could have more lunch breaks together…
He looked back and saw Y/n carrying the plates with their food on them and everyone’s eyes lit up. “Here you go-” Y/n said as she placed one plate at the time to everyone at the table. 
She immediately placed the bill on the table and politely smiled at them and walked away.
“Yup, somethings definitely up.” Danny said and everyone looked at him with raised eyebrows. 
“And since when were you a woman's expert? You’re fifteen!” Michael pointed his finger at Danny who only shrugged his shoulders, “The magician never reveals his secrets.” he said with a smirk as he continued to eat his food. 
Jotaro sighed, “I’m going to the toilet, don’t do anything stupid.” he said as he walked off. After he was gone, Kakyoin snapped his fingers, gaining the attention of the guys, “You know, maybe one of us should go and… check up on what she’s up to after her shift.” Kakyoin suggested and everyone gave him weird looks. 
“...And why would we do that?” Dean asked him and Kakyoin laughed, “Not us, dear Dean… Jotaro.” he smirked as he propped up his elbows on the table.
“Since when do you play the matchmaker, Kakyoin?”  Michael laughed and Kakyoin shrugged his shoulders. 
“Is it because you can’t get a girlfriend yourself?” Danny commented earning a slap on the head from Dean, “Good God, Danny! Why are you so rude?” he asked but Danny only smiled. 
“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that. But anyway, I, as Jotaro’s best friend, have a duty to find him a girlfriend since he can’t find one of his own. Which means I have to take some kind of precautions.” Kakyoin said and Michael’s eyes widened.
“You… You didn’t vandalize her car… did you? ” he asked quietly, surprised by what Kakyoin said. 
Kakyoin spit out his drink and violently shaked his head, “The fuck I did! I repair cars, not destroy them!” he exclaimed. Everyone nodded their heads, believing him. 
“Alright, let’s go back on track. We’ll say we have hours we need to ‘make up’ for the hours at the workshop so we can’t do that.
So, he will have to go there alone and if luck is on his side, he might see her.” Kakyoin explained and the guys agreed. 
“Can’t believe we’re actually doing this…” Michael muttered under his breath as he noticed Jotaro coming back from the bathroom.
“Took you long enough, Jotaro.” Dean said and Jotaro tossed and sat back next to Kakyoin. 
Jotaro only shrugged his shoulders, “Eh, I only went to smoke a cigarette. I need a break from you four.” he said as he ate some of his food.
Kakyoin signaled with his eyes to Jotaro and everyone quickly began to eat their food. 
After a few minutes everyone was done, “Hey! Jotaro, buddy! You know how we have those work hours we need to make up for at the workshop? Yeah, we kind of can’t come to see what’s up with Y/n… Do you mind doing that alone?” asked Kakyoin as he drank the last bit of his soda. 
“Who even said I was going to go-” Jotaro questioned his friends but they quickly pulled out their cash, slapped it on the table and began to run out the entrance, and since Danny couldn’t run the fastest, Dean grabbed him and put him under his arm and dashed out of the diner. 
“Good grief…” Jotaro groaned as he pulled out his own cash and put it on the table.
He glanced at Y/n who was now cleaning the glasses quickly as she kept glancing at the clock. 
‘These losers are up to something, and I know when to trust my gut feeling.’ Jotaro thought as he kept glancing at Y/n.
He planned to take a walk around the West side, even before his friends suggested he follow Y/n. 
‘Well, if I see her, I see her. And if I don’t, I don’t. Not like they’re going to know anyways.’ the dark haired greaser thought as he drank the rest of his soda.
After a few minutes Y/n ran to the bathroom and moments after she ran out with a new outfit. 
She was wearing a short checkered black and white skirt with a white short sleeved shirt with black flats. 
Jotaro’s eyes followed her as she walked out and he too got out of his seat and tucked out his leather jacket before he too headed out.
Y/n didn’t even notice him behind her as she rushed inside her car and drove off. 
He took out his cigarette and lit it up. ‘This is going to be a long walk…’ he thought as he puffed out the smoke of the cigarette.
He noticed her car disappear out of his sight as he continued to walk his way to the center of the town. 
After walking for twenty minutes, he arrived in the much more bustling and crowded West side. He was taller than many people here, so he had no problem getting the to move out of his way. 
As Jotaro was walking down the sidewalk he noticed Y/n’s dark blue car parked next to the sidewalk and a rather familiar white Ford Mustang parked ahead of it. [car look reference https://imgur.com/ZoO0sAf ]
‘What’s Tommy’s car doing here?’ Jotaro asked himself as he stopped next to a dark alleyway. He looked up and he was met with a horrendous sight of Tommy smiling at Y/n who looked like she wanted to be anywhere else right now. 
“Ready to go princess?” Tommy asked with a chuckle and Y/n hesitantly nodded, “Yeah, I almost died of excitement.” she said as Tommy dragged her in the cinema.
Jotaro’s staring was interrupted by a tap on his shoulder. 
He turned around and he was met with the sight of five guys with smirks on their faces. 
“Well, hello to you too Jotaro! I didn’t know you would show up here tonight!” the first guy said as he swept up his brown hair.
“The fuck you you want Luis?” Jotaro asked as he immediately recognised who these guys were. 
They were Tommy’s minions. They did whatever Tommy asked of them without a question. And Luis was Tommy’s trusted right hand while the others, who’s names Jotaro didn’t care to remember, just stayed next to them and listened to whatever orders they were told. 
“You know, Henry over here still has a broken rib since our last… encounter … let’s call it that. And since you’re here, we thought we could repay you for that.” Luis said as they began to walk towards Jotaro started to back walk into the long and dark alleyway. 
“I beat your asses up that time, what makes you think I won’t now?” Jotaro asked as his vision was filled with the darkness of the poorly lit ally. The only thing he saw was the exit and the outlines of Tommy’s friends. 
Luis chuckled, “That’s why Henry brough a little gift with him this time.” Luis said and Jotaro looked at Henry who pulled something from his pocket.
Jotaro looked down to his hand and saw a shiny pocket knife tightly clutched in his hand. 
“Well? Afraid yet Kujo? The streets are empty since most of the people went home, so don’t be afraid to give the best of you.” Luis cackled as they began to approach him and Jotaro narrowed his eyes. 
“Bring it on, shitface.” Jotaro sneered and Luis and the others laughed. He really should've gone home… 
*1st p.o.v, Y/n*
After we bought our popcorn and drinks, we headed to the auditorium number three where the new James Bond movie was.
It was quite empty, which was a good thing since it meant that I didn’t have anybody sitting next to me… except Tommy. 
After the movie began, he commented on every little detail.
“Heh, you know- Dad said he was going to buy me the same exact gun he has! I mean look at that Walther PPK! He said that he’s going to even buy me the same exact car like James has.” Tommy flaunted and I fought my urge to roll my eyes for the hundredth time.
‘Well, Tommy, if I had that gun, I would have shoten you to shut up…’  I thought as I nodded my head with a tight smile, “That’s great, Thomas. But can you quiet down? You’re distracting me.” I said and Tommy nodded his head as he scoffed, “Whatever…” he said as he loudly chewed on his popcorn. 
After some time, he nudged my shoulder, “You know, you could be my Bond girl.” Tommy said and my eyes widened in shock. 
‘This fucker really thinks he’s James Bond…’ I cringed as I ignored him. 
*Time skip to the end of the movie*
The credits finally rolled and I joyously jumped out of my seat, “Ah, I had a good time Tommy- I mean Thomas.” I quickly corrected myself. Tommy nodded his head and swept his dirty blonde hair up. 
“Me too! Did I say that dad plans me to buy-” “Yes, yes you did.” I interrupted him before he even had a chance to continue. He really ruined the whole franchise for me now… 
As we exited the cinema I saw my car thankfully in full tact. “Well Tommy, see you tomorrow.” I waved at him as he went to his car and winked at me. “See you tomorrow doll!” he exclaimed as he drove off. 
And magically, my headache was gone! Now I can finally go home and sleep…
*3rd p.o.v, Y/n*
Y/n began to walk towards her car and all of a sudden, the all so quiet walk to her car was interrupted by a series of groans and grunts coming from the dark alley. Y/n shot her head in the direction of the noises.
It was a dark and creepy alleyway. She looked around and noticed the street completely empty.
“Fuckig shit…” she muttered as she mustered up the courage and walked to the entrance of the alleyway, tightly gripping her car keys. She noticed a pair of legs sticking out behind the dumpster. 
“....Hello? Are you okay?” she shouted while cupping her hands around her mouth. Y/n approached the dumpster as cautiously as possible.
She watched every step she took as she started calculating all the ways this could end. 
Y/n felt like she was in one of those series where people found a poisonous snake and they called a professional to take care of it. But nobody called for her.
She decided to sign her own death contract, it seems. Her shoes echoed in the alleyway, probably alerting the person that someone was heading their way. 
As she slowly walked to the dumpster, she noticed the familiar features of certain somebody she knew…. 
No way  
No fucking way  
“Holly shit! What happened to you!?” Y/n exclaimed as she crouched down to his level and observed his face, as much as she could in the darkness of the alleyway.
Jotaro only grunted as he sat up more against a wall. 
“Nothing- I was just paid a visit.” he gouged up. “Jotaro, we need to get you to the hospital! Right fucking now!” Y/n shouted as she tried to get him up but he didn’t budge.
“Hell, I’m going there. I’ve faced much worse than a beating.” he groaned as he slowly got up. 
“Fine- But do you have your car with you here?” Y/n asked as she got up. “I don’t, but don’t worry, I can go home by foot.” Y/n ran in front of him as they exited the dark alleyway. 
He had a bruise one one cheek and a bleeding cut on his other cheek, a bleeding nose and red knuckles. 
“No ifs, ands or buts, Jotaro! I’m driving you home to get you fixed up.” Y/n said as she motioned to her car. Jotaro bit his slightly busted lip and slightly winced in pain.
“Fine. But let’s go quickly.” he said as they walked to her car as he looked around, Tommy’s friends nowhere in sight. 
“You can get in the back since I don’t think you’ll be comfortable in the driver’s seat.” Y/n said as she opened the doors for him and Jotaro quietly got in and laid on to the seats.
“Thankfully, I remember where you live, so you can close your eyes and I’ll tell you when we arrived.” Y/n said as she started her car and began driving out of the West side of Winfield. 
Jotaro stayed quiet the whole ride, thinking about Y/n kind act.
If this would have happened any other day, nobody would have helped him. People around here hold a giant disdain towards him and the people on the East side so they would probably call the police on him. 
But his thoughts stopped as he remembered his mom who was probably worried as to where he was… Shortly afterwards Y/n stopped in front of his house and noticed all the lights out. 
“Well, we're in luck since it seems that your parents are asleep.” Y/n said as she got out of the car and opened the back doors for Jotaro to get out.
He slowly got out and pulled out a house key out of his pocket. 
“Be quiet and stay here.” Jotaro said as he quietly unlocked the wooden doors and entered the quiet house.
He got in and saw the bedroom doors of his mom closed. “Okay, it’s safe, you can come in.” Jotaro said and Y/n quickly got in as she locked her car. 
She looked around the small house and smiled, it reminded her of the one she had back in Daleville.
But Y/n quickly shook her head and focused on Jotaro, “Okay and can you show me your bathroom?” she asked and Jotaro motioned her to follow him. 
They entered the small bathroom and Jotaro sat on the edge of the bathtub and groaned quietly. “You need help over there?” Y/n asked as she approached Jotaro, who slightly nodded. 
“Yeah, those fuckers beat the shit out of my arms and legs. Glad they didn’t do much to my face.” He said as Y/n grabbed one sleeve of his leather jacket and gently pulled it off and she did the same to the other sleeve. 
“Where is your first aid kit?” Y/n asked as placed the leather jacket on top of the closed toilet seat.
“In the bottom cabinet, under the sink.” Jotaro said and Y/n opened the cabinet and pulled out the kit. 
Y/n opened the kit and pulled out the half used bottle of rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball, “Well… you know this is going to sting.” the h/c haired girl said as she walked over to Jotaro and looked him in his eyes. 
Where does she even start? There's so much injury going on…
“Let’s start here…” she mumbled as she sat on the edge of the bathtub and motioned for Jotaro to lower his head.
And he did as he was motioned to, trusting Y/n’s medical abilities. 
She gently began to dab the bleeding wound with the soak up cotton ball.
“Just tell me when you want me to stop, okay?” Y/n asked and Jotro nodded his head. The pain did sting, but it was nothing new to him. 
After a few moments she noticed Jotaro looking at her with a raised eyebrow, “What is it?” she whispered to him.
“You’re pretty good at this… You have practice with cleaning wounds?” he muttered back. 
“Believe me I do… Geese and chickens can be super mean sometimes…” Y/n chuckled slightly as she patted down his lower lip, getting rid of the acces blood. “Makes sense…” Jotaro noted. 
She didn’t dare to look up into his eyes, since she was so close to him. But she must admit… he does have really beautiful ones…  
“Alright, here's your gause so you can wipe down the blood from your nose.” The e/c eyed girl said as she pulled out a medium white gauze from the kit that was in her lap. Jotaro took it and wiped the blood up. 
Y/n’s eyes focused on his red knuckles, “I'll wet up the other gauzes with cold water so we can wrap them around your knuckles.” she said as she got up and wet the both gauzes in cold water from the sink and put the kit on to the floor. 
“Okay, give me your right hand.” Y/n said and Jotaro gave her his hand, which was slightly bigger than hers.
She wrapped up the gauze around his knuckles and motioned for him to give her his left hand to which she did the same. 
“In the morning, you’re going to put an ice pack on your bruised cheek and knuckles, okay?” Y/n asked as she got up and went to close up the first aid kit and put it back in its place. 
Y/n walked up to the bathroom doors and glanced back at Jotaro, “Uh- I’ll get going now… See you tomorrow Jotaro.” but before she could walk out the door, Jotaro’s gauze wrapped hand grabbed her shoulder. 
“You can’t. It’s too dangerous.” Jotaro whispered as he made Y/n turn around to face him. “What do you mean, too dangerous? It’s like a twenty minute ride from there to my house.” Y/n said as she felt the wet gauze staining her white shirt. 
Jotaro sighed, “I know what I’m talking about. Here live some dangerous people, and I know that the best.” he said as he closed the bathroom doors behding Y/n, making her back hit the closed doors. 
“U-Uh… Okay then…” Y/n whispered nervously as she felt how close he was to her. “Follow me.” Jotaro said as he finally opened the doors and walked in the direction of his room. 
He motioned for Y/n to take a seat on his old bed as he turned on the lights, “I’m going to get you my mom's pajamas since I know she has a shit ton of them in her bedroom. Don’t snoop around though.” Jotaro warned Y/n who vigorously nodded her head. 
He walked out, leaving Y/n alone. Jotaro’s bed creaked at any sudden movements so she decided to sit still and observe the room.
It had two shelves on the wall next to the desk. There was a picture with what seemed to be his father, mother and him.
The next picture was him, his parents and grandparents all smiling under the giant christmas tree. In those pictures, he looked like he was ten years old.
Y/n looked at his bed which had one big pillow, two blankets and one small pillow that was put next to the wall. It looked like it barely fit one person in, so she slightly panicked.
She sometimes daydreamed about sleeping over at a guy's house, but not like this, after saving him and fixing up his wounds. 
Her stomach twisted at the thought of Jotaro laying next to her. And out of everyone, the universe chose that it was him.
After a few minutes he came in with what looked like a long sleeping gown with a flower pattern, classic mom pajamas. 
“Here you go, you can go to the bathroom to change… And I think that there's a spare toothbrush under the cabinet.” Jotaro said as he gave Y/n the sleeping gown and she speeded out of his room and into the bathroom. 
Y/n quickly got dressed up and neatly folded up her clothes. She found the spare toothbrush and quickly brushed her teeths.
She walked out with her clothes in her hands and tried to make as little sound as possible. 
The knee length gown did make her feel comfortable, but she reminded herself that it was not hers, but it was owned by Jotaro’s mother. 
She entered the room and when she did, she was met with a sight of Jotaro in a black tank top and dark blue pajama pants.
“I’m so sorry- I should’ve knocked first-” she blushed as she covered her eyes, thinking that Jotaro was interrupted by her mid dressing. 
“What do you mean? I’m done dressing.” He said as he crossed his arms. “Oh?” Y/n squeaked out as she peered over her hand and looked at his muscular arms.
“Well, if that’s the case…” she awkwardly chuckled as she gently closed the doors of his bedroom. 
“Alright, I can sleep on the floor, and since you’re injured you need to lay on something soft.” Y/n said as she began to sit down but Jotaro grabbed her upper arm and got her up.
“No, you aren’t sleeping on the damn floor, you’re sleeping in the bed. You will get huge back pain and probably a spider bite.” he said as he sat her down on the bed. 
Y/n gulped nervously, “A-Alright.” she muttered with a shaky voice. She scooted over to the wall and draped one blanket over herself.
Yeah, it might be the beginning of summer, but nothing felt better than laying under a blanket. 
Jotaro walked over to the light switch and turned off the lights. The room was now completely dark, except the glistening rays of moon seeping through the opened window.
Jotaro slowly walked to the bed and laid next to Y/n, making her scoot over the wall even more. 
“...Good night…” Jotaro whispered as he closed his eyes. “Good night, Jotaro.” Y/n whispered back as she tried to close her eyes and fall asleep too. She felt Jotaro’s warmth next to her and it felt a little comforting.
But after a few minutes it became a little suffocating. This guy was a walking heather! Y/n turned a little and fidgeted around until she found the right spot and tightly held the blanket to herself.
Her heart beat didn’t want to calm down, no matter if she tried to breathe steadily or imagine happy scenarios with Bucky.
Her mind always went back to Jotaro… Was her brain trying to tell her something?
But Y/n quickly shook her head as she stared at the white wall as her back was facing Jotaro’s. She once again tried to close her eyes and fall asleep, but her heart wasn’t having it. 
After a few minutes of calm breathing her quick beating heart steadied and she finally managed to fall asleep. 
She thought it was just nervousness… But was it really just that, or was it something… much deeper?
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everyfranky · 3 years
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*a entire bridge drops on them*
franky: well, time to fix my hair
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osakart · 5 years
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Summer loving had me a blast
Summer loving happened so fast
“Slightly Greased” AU bc I’m sure I haven’t gone through the whole movie (sober). Anyways, I’m alive but boy am I busy af
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