#great sund
bellysoupset · 6 months
Strep throat
Jonah was still sleep drunk as he stumbled into their living room, barely looking around as he went for the coffee machine. He didn't feel human until he was almost done with his first mug.
Once he was filling it up a second time, he finally noticed Leo was gone. Jonah frowned, cradling his mug and walking out of the kitchen area to peek at the balcony. No Leo there either.
No answer, except for JD's soft little steps in the hallway as he had attracted her attention. She rubbed herself against his ankles, meowing, and Jonah crouch down to pet her.
"Did you see Leo?" he asked, then opened a smile when she pressed her face to his instead of answering him in any form. He kissed her between her ears, scratching her under the chin, "okay, I'm gonna take that as a no..."
He filled up her bowl and then went to the bathroom to take a shower, wondering where Leo could be at such an early hour of the morning.
Jonah was busy combing the tangle teaser through his hair to make sure it was all lathered with conditioner, when the bathroom door opened. He rubbed a hand against the foggy glass and raised his eyebrows.
"Where were you?"
Leo shrugged, "gym," he answered quietly, stripping off his sweater and removing his socks, before his hands went to his pants. He finished stripping, entering the shower area.
Jonah let out a huff, "gym at 7 AM on a Sund-" but the rest of his words got swallowed by a kiss. Leo looped an arm around his neck, pulling them both under the hot water spray and Jonah let out a content noise, kissing him back.
"Fine," he sighed, cupping the back of his boyfriend's head and pulling back just enough to breathe, "fine, I guess."
Leo muffled a little giggle against his neck, planting a kiss there, fingers curling on Jonah's hair and pulling him back in. Jonah's hand dropped from his shoulders, down his naked back, then resting on his ass.
The blonde let out a chuckle, which quickly morphed into a cough and Jonah laughed, pulling back and tugging Leo out from under the water that was clearly drowning him.
"Sooo sexy," he teased, thumping gently on Leo's back, only for his boyfriend to let out a whimper and his hands dart up, cupping his throat.
"Urgh... hurts," he gasped and Jonah frowned, his good mood sliding off of him just as the hot water was.
"What's up with your voice?"
Leo didn't answer him, only kept coughing for another two minutes, his whole face turning red. In the meantime, Jon rinsed the conditioner off his hair and shut off the water, grabbing a big fluffy towel and draping it around his boyfriend's shoulders.
"Okay, out-" he forced Leo to move, pushing him to sit down on the closed toilet, "look up, it'll help."
Leo obeyed, looking up at the ceiling and coughing as Jonah fixed his posture and forced his arms up too, clearing his airways. He let out a heavy sigh once air started flowing normally, curling up, "sorry."
"Don't apologize. What's wrong with your voice?" Jonah rolled his eyes, wrapping a towel around his own hips and crouching down in front of him, "open up your mouth."
"Don't go all doctor on me-"
"Wagner, open up," Jonah glared at him, touching his throat. He cringed as he could feel that Leo's nodules were swollen, "I can tell you're sick already, so no point hiding it."
"I wasn't hiding," Leo scoffed, but opened up his mouth. Jonah hit the secondary light in the bathroom, then tilted his boyfriend's face so he could see better and let out a groan.
Leo's throat was red and swollen, dotted with little white points, "great, that's just great," Jonah sighed, pulling back, "that's a sore throat alright."
"Uhm," Leo whined, tugging on his towel, his hair lying limply around his face, "amazing."
"Yep," Jonah stood up straight and helping Leo up, pushing him towards the bedroom. He got dressed quickly, before rushing out of the room and returning with the first aid kit.
"Under your tongue," Jonah instructed, handing Leo the thermometer and the other man looked terribly annoyed as he obeyed.
37.5ºC, Leo stared at the thermometer, trying to remember if that meant a fever or not and coming to the conclusion he needed to buy his own thermometer. Jon took it from him, letting out a sigh, "not that bad. Tylenol and get under the blankets," he said very matter of fact and Leo groaned.
"I wanted to make out," he whined, causing Jon's frown to clear up in a soft smile.
"I'm sorry you're horny, but we're not doing anything while you're sick."
"Because you hate me," Leo whined and Jonah rolled his eyes at the theatrics.
"Yeah, sure," he smoothed the blonde's hair back, before focusing on finding the tylenol in the first aid kit, "take these."
Leo obeyed, pouting and rolling on his side, curling up under the blankets, "I'm bored, this sucks."
"I bet," Jonah shrugged, squeezing his arm, "get some rest."
Leo glared at him, his blue eyes dazed with fever, but didn't say anything. After nearly fifteen minutes of him huffing and puffing, getting interrupted by some horrible coughs, while Jon absently minded petted his hair, finally Leo seemed to fall in some uneasy sleep.
Jonah let out a sigh himself, leaning in to press a kiss to his overly warm forehead and getting up from the side of the bed.
With Leo asleep, Jon decided to catch up on the reading he never had the time to. He sprawled on the living room couch and a few moments later, JD let out an offended meow over being abandoned in the bedroom and jumped on the couch, curling up on his lap.
Jonah was sucked in by the book, so he didn't feel the hours passing. He only broke out of his trance, when his stomach growled loudly enough to spook JD and she pressed her pawls to his belly, starting to knead it.
Jon grinned, turning JD around and scratching her tummy, "I'm not a kitten, don't go kneading on my sweater you fur ball," he teased, "it's cashmere."
She meowed again, jumping from his lap and starting to speed across the living room, being hit with the zoomies. Jonah rolled his eyes fondly at her, getting up to fix himself some lunch.
While he waited for the frozen meal to heat up, he decided to check on Leo... And found an empty bed.
Jonah frowned, hunger forgotten, walking further into the room, "Leo?" he called, checking the opposite side of the bed in case his boyfriend was fallen on the ground.
Jon expected to find him in the bathroom, but he wasn't there either. He wasn't anywhere in the apartment.
"LEO?" Jonah called loudly, searching for his phone. It rang and rang and went straight to voicemail.
"For fuck's sake," Jonah groaned, walking to the front door and noticing Leo's car key were missing from the bowl. He simply couldn't believe the man had snuck out without him noticing.
However, as he got down to the parking lot and saw Leo's spot empty, Jonah was forced to deal with the fact this was a reality. He was going to strangle his boyfriend.
"Hello?" Lucas sounded all breathless and happy as he picked up the phone, which was a welcome change that Jon would have appreciated more if he wasn't going out of his mind with worry.
"Is he there?"
"Who? Leo?"
"Of course it's Leo!" Jonah snapped, walking to his own car, "he is, isn't he?"
"Sorry, Jon," Luke chuckled, "I'm not even home, Bell and I are about two hours out of town for some geeky cosplay thing-"
"It's not cosplay!" Bella yelled in the background and Jonah let out a groan.
"Nevermind, I gotta go."
"Wait, Jo-"
He hung up before Luke could try and snoop, getting in the car and slowly driving out of the garage. Jon kept his eyes open for Leo's car plate, scanning the streets.
It didn't help that a thin snow had started to fall.
"This fucking guy," he whispered darkly, hitting the steering wheel when driving back to the building, stomach squeezing with worry. Jonah was equal parts furious and concerned out of his mind.
He was sitting there, trying to come up with something, when his phone rang. Jonah picked it up without even looking at the screen, seething.
"Leo, when I get my hands-"
"Whoa!" Vince's voice interrupted him, a chuckle present in it, "that's a nasty tone to use with your boyfriend, man."
"Oh shut up," Jonah groaned, leaning forward and resting his forehead to the steering wheel, "why are you calling?"
"I got your boy on my couch," Vince said lightly and Jonah's shoulders dropped with relief, only for his brows to furrow.
"In Doveport!?" he exclaimed, "that's four- HOw-"
"No! Nononono, Wendy's couch. Remember you guys were supposed to come over for dinner?"
Jonah did not, in fact, remember that until that very moment. Still, it was only lunch time, there were hours before they were supposed to meet up.
"I think the kid's scrambled brain thought it was time already. He's got a raging fever," Vince sighed and Jonah's heart squeezed in worry. He started the car back up, driving out of the building once again.
"How is he?"
"Coughing up a lung every other ten minutes," Vince sounded worried, "really warm."
"I'm going over, I'll be right there... Thank you."
"No problem, dude," he could almost hear Vince shrugging.
True to what Vince had said, Leo didn't look so well. He was curled up on the couch, half sitting-half lying down, and there was a mixing bowl next to him. He was waxy pale, with sweat glistening on his forehead.
"Leo," Jonah sighed, barging in the room and completely missing on Vince, who was sitting on the coffee table and staring worriedly at the blonde, "what the fuck was going through your mind?"
"I was bored," Leo rasped, pathetically, curling up even more, "I don't feel well."
"Yeah, no shit?" Jon rolled his eyes, looking around the room and only then noticing Vince. It was almost funny that the first time he laid eyes on Vince in three weeks had to be like this.
The man raised his fingers in a seepish hand wave, "He's almost hitting 102," he said, gesturing to the termomether in his hand, "I don't know what to do. I was gonna call Wen-"
"Dooon't," Leo groaned, his head lolling and Jonah let out a scoff, sitting on the arm of the couch and pushing his sweaty hair away from his forehead.
"Where is she, anyway?"
"Yoga class," Vince shrugged, "Leo was lucky I was even here, I was supposed to have tagged along."
"Bloody hell," Jonah whispered at the frightening mental image of a super feverish Leo just lying in the cold hallway, "okay, help me here, baby. We're gonna cool you off-"
"Shower?" Vince guessed, springing up, while Leo shook his head vehemently.
"No- nosh-sh-" Before he could finish that sentence, he was hit with a coughing fit. Horrible, lung aching coughs, that caused him to whimper, hand darting to his throat as if he could help anything.
His pale face turned red and his coughs wet, then a burp slipped in the middle of one. A retch.
"Shit-" Jonah held him by the shoulder, to stop Leo from folding in half, but he was too distraught at the moment for any rational action beyond that.
"Here," Vince grabbed the mixing bowl, pushing it before Leo just in time for him cough up some bright yellow bile and a lot of water.
Leo let out a pained whimper, panting over the bowl, almost like he was about to cry and Jonah turned his face away from the bowl, but kept the other man pressed to his side, an arm around his shoulders.
"You're okay, baby, just take a breath through your mouth-"
"It hurts," he whined, rubbing his chest, "I don't think..." he let out another little burp and lunged forward, bringing up more vomit, this time out of real nausea, not just from the incessant coughing.
Leo groaned loudly, not bothering to straighten up, a line of spit hanging from his bottom lip and tears down his cheeks, "I don't feel good."
Most of the puke was just cloudy water and Leo had almost nothing in his belly, so it really didn't smell, but that didn't stop Jonah from bringing up a fist to his mouth to muffle a queasy burp, squeezing his eyes shut as he could feel his belly contracting with sympathy nausea.
"You done?" Vince asked and Jonah felt Leo jerk as he nodded weakly, then the mixing bowl was taken away and the blonde fully collapsed against Jonah, dirty face be damned.
He pressed his face to his boyfriend's chest, groaning, "Jon, do something..."
Jon's heart squeezed and the annoyance at his boyfriend running off melted away, shelved for another moment, as he turned so he could better hug Leo and rubbed his back in circles.
"We're going to bring that fever down and then get some meds in you, okay? You'll be sleeping this off in no time," he promised, helping Leo up from the couch and the other man groaned, slumping against him.
Jonah wrapped an arm around his waist, digging his foot down in order to hold him up, "Vin?"
"I gotcha, I gotcha-" Vince sped back to the living room, holding Leo by the opposite side, "c'mon, kiddo."
"Wendy'sssnever gonna let me live thissdown," Leo slurred, his head hanging, his voice even raspier and Jonah let out a snort, while following Vince's lead towards the only full bathroom.
"As long as you stay for dinner, she won't mind," Vince teased him, causing Jonah to let out a surprised chuckle and Leo to groan even louder, pressing his overly warm forehead to Jon's shoulder.
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mcytblrconfessions · 9 months
to that one anon who said that eretbur is what quackbur wishes it was:
why are we pinning them against each other like gladiators when we could have BOTH? why make hot girls fight hot girls? same thing, eretbur is great and quackbur is great, why not just sprinkle in a bit of poly and its a god damn sunde? lets let them settle this cat fight on the crafting table if you know what I mean.
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madisonmccoy · 2 months
Rykter cast featured in Bergens Tidende while filming season 3
translated below :)
New rumors are spreading: “Getting in the mood very quickly.”
The TV success from Bergen continues: “We had to think differently”.
The TV series from Bergen is finally starting again.
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Teo Tomczuk, Sisilja Garen, Martin Storebø Koh, and Alisah Süssmann also have central roles in the next season of \"Rykter\". Shown here on the sofa during a morning party in Telavåg.
By: Frank Johnson
Alice Bratshaug (photography)
Published: September 19, 2023
It is Friday morning in Telavåg. The seaside house at the water's edge is full of festive young people from 16 to 17 years old. The alcohol is on the table, the guys and girls are dancing, the atmosphere is both amorous and aggressive. Many adults are standing around, watching and filming.
Sexual identity
Suddenly, a fair haired man stands up, shouts “cut” - and everything calms down. Before the music is turned up.
“It's a bit weird to dance in the morning without music. But the crew is also moving, so we get into the mood very quickly”, says Teo Tomczuk (17) smiling when the camera is switched off.
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Sisilja Garen has makeup done for new party scenes.
“The adolescents in the scene are going to be at a party, so we play music between takes. Then they're on it right away”, adds director Andreas Milde.
The Bergen company “Mothership” is finally starting to film new seasons of the teen series "Rykter" for NRK. Most recently, students in tiende klasse (final year of lower secondary school) were followed on fictitious Vesterøy. Now the main characters have started videregående skole (upper secondary school).
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Photographer Christer Steffensen and part of the crew in filming for "Rykter".
Things that were hinted at in the last episode – drug problems, identity, taking responsibility – are all made clear.
“They have reached a new phase in their lives and will, among other things, explore sexual identity”, says photographer Christer Steffensen, who will also direct ten of the episodes.
Success in Italy
In addition, 30 ten-minute episodes will be recorded this time. These will be released in two parts on Norway’s national channel, probably in the first few months of 2024 (liars). The series creator is, the same as last time, Christoffer Ebbesen.
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Producer Linda Bolstad Strønen is keeping up with the recordings in Telavåg.
The budget is 22 million NOK. Producer Linda Bolstad Strønen admits that it has been tough to get funding after NRK, like most other channels, has reduced its budget. Despite the fact that each episode is seen by 200,000 in Norway alone.
Therefore, among other things, they had to go to the broadcaster Norddeutscher Rundfunk (NDR) in northern Germany. Production money from the West Norwegian Film Center and the Norwegian Film Institute, as well as support from the Media Fund Zefyr in Bergen, has also helped secure a new season.
“We had to think of an alternative, so it is a patchwork of contributors. The fact that "Rykter" was also picked up by the public broadcaster RAI in Italy, with great success, gives us good momentum”, says Bolstad.
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Alisah Süssmann from Fana goes to the dance department at Langhaugen upper secondary school.
The Nordic countries have aired the series. Now Mothership is betting even stronger internationally.
“It is a clear advantage that we have a finished season to show off.”
We are a "Rykter" (rumors) gang
Glesvær and Telavåg became important recording locations. This time Sund secondary school is the new base.
“The collaboration we have with the school there is incredibly important. They really show up”, says Bolstad.
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The atmosphere is good between recordings at the seaside house.
Many of the main actors are students themselves, so there has been a lot of planning with parents and schools to get the schedule in place.
“Last year we shot 30 episodes in one go. Now we record ten at a time and have a two-week break until the next few. It gives everyone some breathing room”, says Bolstad.
It has been a whole year since the actors last stood in front of the camera. The party scene comes along in episode six. Now there will be recording until the middle of January.
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Teo Tomczuk grew up in Solund municipality in Ytre Sogn, while Sisilja Garen comes from Øystese.
“I have missed the gang very much, both in front of and behind the camera”, admits Tomczuk, who plays Mathias.
“We are a "Rykter (rumors) gang" who both know each other well and try to keep in touch, but we live spread out. It's not often that everyone gets to meet up”, says Alisah Süssmann, Sara in the series.
We bring ourselves into the roles
They are happy that another season came. It gives them the opportunity to go deeper into the roles and explore new issues.
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The seaside house they use for filming is close to other buildings.
“I was a bit afraid that I wouldn't fully get into my character, Thea, but everything came back as soon as I got on set. The production crew wants it to be authentic, so we bring ourselves into the roles. We know the characters best”, says Sisilja Garen.
“From day one, I have heard from a friend of mine: "You are exactly like yourself. What you're doing is not acting". One day the director said we should screw with the script and just do what we wanted”, says Martin Storebø Koh, who plays Felix, and laughs.
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Martin Storebø Koh from Austevoll gets an even bigger role in the next season of “Rykter”.
“We have had a little part in the script’s process, and have adjusted when needed to make it even more believable”, adds Süssmann.
Followed home by young girls
And since the TV series has become a success, they are also becoming well-known again.
"I am followed home by young girls every day, they stand outside the door until my mother chases them away”, says Tomczuk and laughs. He also talks about emails from Italian fans.
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Director Andreas Milde and lighting master Poul Iversen during a break.
“I happened to be in Italy and got a login to RAI. It was very strange to see yourself dubbed. They kept my laugh, but used a different voice for me”, says Süssmann.
Director of the first episodes, Andreas Milde, thinks the target audience is getting older this season.
“Since the main characters in the series are getting older, the audience will probably be older as well. But we know that 13-14-year-olds like best to watch somewhat adult series.”
(y'all this is literally the last promotional thing i had saved to translate... NRK why are you not hyping people up about this show?!? 🤨)
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dxliqhted · 1 year
storytime: itto
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arataki itto x fem!reader, fluff.
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you pick up your tote once you place the books neatly into a pile, careful to not mkstreat them. itto watches your everymove, still not wrapping his mind around the concept that you volunteered to read, of all things.
"they're paying you to just read?" "to kids itto, yes."
he gives you a confused look, like he was trying to read you, "and you said your doing it—"
you sigh, "for fun. i like to read." you shrug and the guys mind looks blown, he even falls back on the couch for more effect. "you're so dramatic." you snicker, "you sure you don't wanna join? maybe you can find a book you like." you look down at him to see him smile lazily, "read? pfft..no thanks." he says cooly, you roll your eyes but a smile remains on your lips,
"okay...if you need me i'll be at the publishing house." you wave at him as you head towards the door, but you hear him quickly scramble behind you, "w-wait! what if you run into some monsters on your way?" he points out, you turn to face him again, lifting a brow, "its not that far i'm sure its avoidable." you assure but he clears his throat, "i don't wanna take any chances—! i could just escort you there...you know—to protect you!" he smiles, a light shade of blush blooming on his sunkissed cheeks, he lifts an arm to flex his muscles just to prove that he's suitable for the job.
"you won't take no for an answer." i inform—agreeing, he nods, his smile becoming larger and i can't hold mine back, "fine lets go then.." with a sigh you open the door hearing his victory laugh.
your seated amongst the kids behind the publishing house, telling a story about a lost baby bird searching for a new home. the kids all seem so invested, and so does your boyfriend apparently.
itto was pretending to be interested in a shelf of books that were about plant growing. while at first you believe he did find something he liked, his eyes were caught wandering a lot towards the group.
with every gasp the children made a plot twist followed ittos, to the point where you stopped and asked the kids, "should we invite mr. arataki to our storytime?"
"no. he keeps beating me at hide and seek. doesn't he know how to pretend?" one pouted, but a girl shook her head to his words, "your just a sore loser. i like itto! he helped me find my lost cat." she smiled sweetly,  "he pretended to be my personal driver!" "he taught me how to find really good lavender melon!" the others voiced and you felt your heart swell, you peered over at him again to see him eyeing the whispering group confused to what they were talking about.
"itto? do you want to join our storytime?" a boy turned to ask once the group reached a verdict, the oni look surprised, but he wasted no time playing coy, "well if you want me to…it'd be rude to say no..." he shrugged, before rushing over and plopping in an open space the kids made for him.
you shook your head with a smile as the kids (and itto) in unison looked up for more of your book,"okay, so then..." you keep telling the story, loving the way the kids and itto act in unison with their expressions. you think its cute how easily entertained he is for certain things.
gradually, the kids all shift and gather around itto. some laying against him, or propped over his head putting flowers on his horns unbeknownst to him.
"and soon the bird flied away, alone but greatful for his journey." you closed the book to be met with mixed emotions, ittos being the most vocal, "what? WHAT? THATS IT? IT'S SO SAD." he bursts nearly knocking over the kids above him, but the kids agree in unison, "it maybe sad but there's a lesson.." you remind, "lesson?" a girl asks,
"not everyone is someone you can trust." a honey femme voice says with a giggle after seeing everyone's reaction to her sudden presence. "sorry, did i scare you?" yae asks, "oh! yae, is it time?" you ask looking at the setting sun, the kids should head home before sundown so it might be time to end the story session,
yae nods with a sigh, "yes..as fun as this event might of been, it's time to go." the children "aw" with anguish before begrudgingly getting up and going to their parents.
all thats left is itto.
"[ name ] you don't understand how thankful i am for your volunteer work." yae says with a sweet smile, "and your oni's too.." she eyes itto who touches the flowers on his horns now realizing they were there. "bring him again next time. it's been good for the sales." she winks before strutting off,
"[ name ]?" itto calls, getting up from the cushioned  seat, "do you have any books at home?"
you smile, "i have a whole shelf in the living room itto." you tell him but he shakes his head, "no...what i meant was—can we read it together? like this,"
he's infront of you now, "please?"
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©dxliqhted ♡ please do not steal, modify, plagiarize or repost my works
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This day in history
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I'm in TARTU, ESTONIA! Overcoming the Enshittocene (TONIGHT, May 8, 6PM, Prima Vista Literary Festival keynote, University of Tartu Library, Struwe 1). AI, copyright and creative workers' labor rights (May 10, 8AM: Science Fiction Research Association talk, Institute of Foreign Languages and Cultures building, Lossi 3, lobby). A talk for hackers on seizing the means of computation (May 10, 3PM, University of Tartu Delta Centre, Narva 18, room 1037).
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#15yrsago New York Times webteam nukes the careers of many journalists https://web.archive.org/web/20090511024122/http://www.thomascrampton.com/newspapers/reporter-to-ny-times-publisher-you-erased-my-career/
#15yrsago It’s Useful to Have a Duck/It’s Useful to Have a Boy: great board-book tells the story from two points of view https://memex.craphound.com/2009/05/08/its-useful-to-have-a-duck-its-useful-to-have-a-boy-great-board-book-tells-the-story-from-two-points-of-view/
#10yrsago Fast food workers around the world to strike on May 15 http://america.aljazeera.com/articles/2014/5/7/fast-food-workersuniteactivistsannounceglobalprotest.html
#10yrsago Former NSA boss defends breaking computer security (in the name of national security) https://www.wired.com/2014/05/alexander-defends-use-of-zero-days/
#10yrsago Tor: network security for domestic abuse survivors https://web.archive.org/web/20140509221534/http://betaboston.com/news/2014/05/07/as-domestic-abuse-goes-digital-shelters-turn-to-counter-surveillance-with-tor/
#10yrsago The Oversight: conspiracies, magic, and the end of the world https://memex.craphound.com/2014/05/08/the-oversight-conspiracies-magic-and-the-end-of-the-world/
#10yrsago Charlie Stross on NSA network sabotage https://www.antipope.org/charlie/blog-static/2014/05/the-snowden-leaks-a-meta-narra.html
#10yrsago Peter “brokep” Sunde launches campaign for Finnish Pirate Party MEP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fModmx3U8HI
#5yrsago Test your understanding of evolutionary psychology with this rigorous quiz https://www.currentaffairs.org/2019/05/evolutionary-psychology-quiz
#5yrsago Why “collapse” (not “rot”) is the way to think about software problems https://hal.science/hal-02117588/document
#5yrsago Human Rights Watch reverse-engineered the app that the Chinese state uses to spy on people in Xinjiang https://www.hrw.org/video-photos/interactive/2019/05/02/china-how-mass-surveillance-works-xinjiang
#5yrsago Google will now delete your account activity on a rolling basis https://myactivity.google.com/activitycontrols/webandapp?view=item&otzr=1&pli=1
#5yrsago Charter’s new way to be terrible: no more prorated cancellations https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2019/05/charter-squeezes-more-money-out-of-internet-users-with-new-cancellation-policy/
#1yrago California to smash prison e-profiteers https://pluralistic.net/2023/05/08/captive-audience/#good-at-their-jobs
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girlsdads · 5 months
Hello! If you like to read, who's your favorite author of all time? What's your favourite book? If you don't like to read, can you recommend me a movie or a music album? :)
Hi anon! I’m really flattered that you thought to ask me for book recs 🥹 Hope you or someone finds this helpful!! 🫶
One of my favorite books of all time is actually a YA novel- A Certain Slant of Light by Laura Whitcomb. Love story with a ghostly twist. Changed my LIFE as a teen. Still holds up as an adult.
My fave from more recent years is The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah. Period drama, Great Depression era, Dust Bowl. Strong female characters. Made me SOB.
My favorite series right now is definitely A Court Of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Maas. These books are definitely hate them or love them. EYE personally love the world-building and storyline and hotsexy characters but what do I know 🙄 Would encourage haters to give em a chance.
Psychological Thrillers/Crime/Etc.
Behind Her Eyes by Sarah Pinborough. FUCKED ME UP. BLEW MY MIND.
Survive the Night and Lock Every Door, both by Riley Sager. Easy reads, lots of suspense.
And Then She Was Gone by Lisa Jewell. Storytelling at its finest!!!! Anything by Lisa Jewell is perfect.
The Crow Girl by Erik Axl Sund. Deeply chilling and so good. (cw sexual abuse of a minor)
Period Romance
Anything by Cat Sebastian. Most of her books are m/m but she’s got some variety. Tender bodice rippers. (Faves: The Soldier’s Scoundrel 😏, We Could Be So Good)
A Marvellous Light by Freya Marske. m/m. Fantastic Beasts vibes. Heart-achingly good.
Captive Prince trilogy by C S Pacat. The GOAT. m/m. (cw sexual abuse of minors, very dubious consent situations, sexual slavery)
The Perks of Loving a Wallflower by Erica Ridley. f/f. We love gay girlbosses in victorian era England.
Contemp. Romance
The Charm Offensive by Alison Cochrun. m/m. The Bachelor but give it a gay happy ending.
The Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang. m/f. “Practice sex.” Sizzling 🥵
Boyfriend Material by Alexis Hall. m/m. Fake relationship, grumpy/sunshine, all the tropes.
The Ex Talk by Rachel Lynn Solomon. m/f. Lots of banter, only one bed 😳
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maovovich · 2 months
Hello! :) I just saw your Roche and Iorveth fanart where they are hiding behind that bush, and I just wanted to say, I really like your colour choices and your style! It looks a little as if they are hiding in the very early hours of the morning, before the sund has risen and there will be rain later that day. Great work!!
Hi! Awww!! Thank you very much for this message, I am very pleased to read it! And you describe the impression of my art so well, wow, I really feel joy that you liked it so much. 💛 In fact, I'm still experimenting with my style and colors to figure out how I like to paint more.
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lovebvni · 5 months
Hello. My name is Madison and I go by she/her pronouns. If you have the energy and space, I would be very grateful to participate in an intuition reading.
Spirituality has been a big part of my life for 8 years now, far before I ever knew what shifting or manifesting was. I only began shifting two years ago. At first, shifting and manifesting was easy, but as I got deeper into social media it got more difficult and confusing and frustrating. I've been feeling like I've been in an energetic rut for over a year now (not just in shifting and manifesting but in life as a whole). I have not been able to shift, it has been very difficult for me to tap into my intuition, and my manifestation have been successful but few and far between.
I'd really appreciate any insight you can give on my situation, whether that be about manifesting, shifting, or my energetic situation in general.
It takes a lot for me to reach out for help, especially to someone I've never met, so I think this is a good first step.
With love and gratitude,
- Madison
Hi madison!! i’m so glad u reached out to someone!! this is a great first step to reach out!! i’m rlly proud of u for doing so. may the universe bless you for dragging yourself out of the mud!
i suppose your intuition is blocked because you’re stressed. you’re worried that things won’t work out. you’ve burnt yourself out. your mind and body are on different wavelengths. you need to balance and ground yourself.
you can do this by spending time in nature, arts, or anything else that you enjoy doing.
i keep seeing rainbows. i think that’s the connection here. you need to find your happiness after the rain, your rainbow.
“find yourself”
that’s all they’re saying u need to do. you’ll know what to do next — which is just go for it.
this song is so sad, but even though it’s hard, you may realize or find something you don’t want to. but you need to find it, and you’ll find it through expressing yourself.
i asked spirit if they have another song they want u to know, and they gave this one
i’ve never heard this song, but he’s singing about losing someone but appreciating what they had. even though it’s in the past, you can still move forward and be in the present.
acknowledge things are over, and let the old be in the past.
that’s all i have for u madison!! i pray all goes well and you’re blessed with everything u can wish for and more.
i’ve been in this same spot, and all i did was keep pushing, forever.
that’s why i’m here today, and that’s my personal advice to you.
keep moving forward, keep pushing forward. you got it.
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Trump Blasts Biden Over ‘J6 Grandma’ Rebecca Lavrenz Guilty Verdict.
FBI Orchestrated Jan 6 Riots ‘to Entrap MAGA Americans,’ Explains Congress’ Homeland Security Chief.
President Donald J. Trump has blasted the Biden regime on his Truth Social account over the case of 71-year-old grandmother and great-grandmother Rebecca Lavrenz, who was found guilty on four counts on Thursday after praying inside the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. Lavrenz faces three years in jail and up to $250,000 in fines.
“Rebecca Lavrez, also known as the ‘J6 Praying Grandma,’ has been unfairly targeted by Crooked Joe Biden’s DOJ, and now faces up to 1 YEAR in prison for peacefully walking around the Capitol, and praying for our Failing Nation on January 6th!” Trump wrote.
Lavrenz clarified on the War Room show on Friday that her lawyers believe she faces up to three years in jail, given the charges. Her sentencing is on August 12th, though she is expected to appeal the verdict.
“Rebecca is a 72-year-old Grandmother and Small Business Owner from Colorado, and now she is one of Joe Biden’s J6 HOSTAGES!!!” Trump added, concluding: “Crooked Joe Biden spends more time prosecuting Patriots like Rebecca, AND ME, than Violent Criminals, Thugs, Murderers, and ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS who are destroying our Country. THIS IS WHAT WE ARE UP AGAINST. MAGA2024!”
Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA), who chairs the Homeland Security Committee’s border subcommittee, is claiming Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents entrapped the U.S. Capitol rioters on January 6, 2021. The four-term Louisana Republican, speaking with the Implicit Bias podcast, said he reached his conclusion after conducting his own investigation into the matter.
According to Higgins, the protestors were incited to violence by “ghost buses” filled with FBI agent provocateurs. He added that when the House of Representatives finishes with the process of releasing the security tapes from that day, the federal prosecution of the January 6 rioters will fall apart,.
“The whole thing was a nefarious agenda to entrap MAGA Americans,” the Congressman said. He added: “The original seeds of riotous or illegal or occupation behavior amongst these groups were planted by the FBI-embedded agents in those groups.”
While there has been no conclusive evidence that the FBI instigated the January 6 riot, several law enforcement officials have admitted that federal agents were among the crowd on that day. The National Pulse reported in August of last year that former Capitol Hill Police Chief Steven Sund had told Tucker Carlson in an unaired Fox News interview that “there was a fair amount of law enforcement” in the January 6 crowd. Sund said in the days after the riot, he discovered that the FBI had at least 18 undercover agents in the crowd.
In May of last year, an FBI whistleblower told the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government that the bureau withheld further CCTV footage from the riot over fears of outing “undercover” agents present in the crowd. In January 2022, FBI Executive Assistant Director Jill Sanborn refused to deny the FBI’s involvement in the January 6 violence.
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rainbowdelicsunshine · 6 months
Currently thinking about Worldless so, SO much... so have some silly images of the protagonists (Edda and Aven)!
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Being of Light and Energy.... Or are they Living Sund and Stars?? Either way is really cool in my eyes!
Thank you very much for sending these in, I may not ever get into Wordless but it is very pretty!
I hope I see you here again and have a great day friend!!
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oil-bh · 1 year
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Bought some new books today and I’m really looking forward to reading them!
The Crow Girl by Erik Axl Sund is focused on crime and retribution from my understanding. TW for topics of abuse in this book, based off the synopsis I found.
The Right Stuff by Tom Wolfe is about post-war airplane development and NASA if I remember correctly! I believe it takes place post WW2.
Family Business by Anna Murdoch is set in the Great Depression about family business origin and drama, pinning the main character into choosing between politics and the family business.
Never victorious, never defeated by Taylor Caldwell spans the late 30s to early-mid 50s and focuses on family complications, drama, and politics focused on the railroad industry from what I remember reading in its synopsis.
I am very excited to read all of these!! I got them while thrifting and they’re all in amazing quality, and I got them as a great price as well.
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holobethyname · 2 years
Haechan is "The Perfect Idol"
This is not even the sunflower in me talking. He IS the perfect idol and I have a list of reasons why.
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🌿 Haechan as a singer:
has a world tour (in Hawaii) for choir when he was a kid
passed the Saturday audition at SM
an idol trainee for around 3 years
a naturally-gifted singer raised by musician parents and grew up with musical inspirations like Michael Jackson and Shinee
best rapper among his co-trainees
debuted in two units when he was 16
currently a main vocalist and a rapper in 3 active NCT units
commonly credited as a background vocal in most of their songs
dreams to be a singer-songwriter
has released 1 OST: Good Person (2022)
has released 2 out of 3 self-composed songs: Love Sign and NYCT
owns the greatest line distribution among all of NCT in their entire discography
one of the few, if not the only, counter-tenor in the entire Kpop industry
recognized as NCT's fingerprint main vocalist for his distinct vocal tone
praised left and right for his vocals, both by vocal coaches, singers, fellow idols, producers, and musical professionals in and out of SM
best for RnB but also works well with other genres of music
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🌿 Haechan as a dancer:
lead dancer but passing as a main dancer
professionally trained in ballet, jazz, sports dance, and contemporary dance
can do popping, locking, tutting, and krumping
known for his gracefulness, clean lines, stage presence, and facial expressions
perfectly balanced hiphop and ballet/jazz in his dance style
incorporated his technical training into his dance style really well
insane footwork
won a sports dance competition after training for a year
best in technique among all NCT members
impromptu dance is heavily influenced by Michael Jackson
has the most famcams with a million views among the Neos
excels in random play dance (was even assumed to have joined the group as a dancer)
easily learns choreography
good at memorizing even when he has three-groups worth of choreography to remember
choreographed his Love Sign dance break
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wit and sense: great at variety shows
does a great job emceeing (exhibit 1: Welcome, Sun & Moon)
has a radio show (Haechan Radio as SunD)
was part of the broadcast club in middle school and performed for his clubmates before he transferred to another school
he plays sports: basketball, volleyball, foot volleyball, soccer, badminton, pingpong
he can swim
was part of his middle school pingpong club
was supposed to go to a school specializing in soccer
one of the members who can cook well, drink well, and know where good restaurants are
plays a lot of video games
games, in general, and WINS
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notme-notyou · 1 year
God, it's a great feeling when you get a call from acompany you applied to and the person from hr literally says "the section leaders are really interested in you, when is the earliest you can come in for an interview?" In a tone that sunded more like, we gotta do the interview more as a formality, hell yes
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ifreakingloveroyals · 2 years
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Through the Years → Mette-Marit, Crown Princess of Norway (753/∞)
11 November 2022 | "Flammen" is the Norwegian Scout Association's brand new award for active scouts and young leaders who have shown a burning commitment and have made a great effort for the scouting cause. The award should be recognition and motivation to continue making a positive difference. The Crown Princess handed out the new award to the five winners. (Photo by Simen Sund/Det kongelige hoff)
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willowwhirll · 2 years
i'm good! i had auditions today and i dont know how whether it was good or not but i got told that i slayed. so. that's good. and i joined another dnd campaign with a half elf bard named 'sert'(short for insert name here) it's gonna be fun. i'm very excited.
your dnd sunds so fun i hope you hae a great time with it :D
HI PLATY !!!!! srry i fell asleep :pensive: school has been So tiring, BUT !!! had dnd today!! was super funnsies and fun !!! we rolled for if this old lady had a beard or not and she got a 18, and i almost started chasing after these direwolves sent by the bad guy because i thought they were sent by the gods to help me fight evil ^^ i love my charcater he is so fucking stupid, he is lawful good but thinks the bad guy is the good guy and he is obviously, not. ^-^ but yeah!!! how did aditions go !! whatd you audition for !! :DD ! im sure you slayed ^^ l and thats really cool!! love his name frsies what is his charcacter i love him also!! how was yor day!! :DD
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This day in history
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I'm coming to BURNING MAN! On TUESDAY (Aug 27) at 1PM, I'm giving a talk called "DISENSHITTIFY OR DIE!" at PALENQUE NORTE (7&E). On WEDNESDAY (Aug 28) at NOON, I'm doing a "Talking Caterpillar" Q&A at LIMINAL LABS (830&C).
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#10yrsago WWII’s VD posters: exciting nexus of propaganda, Mad Men, gender and design https://www.theparisreview.org/blog/2014/08/15/protect-yourself/
#10yrsago Great mistakes in English medieval architecture https://stainedglassattitudes.wordpress.com/2014/08/10/great-mistakes-in-english-medieval-architecture/
#10yrsago A prison visit with The Pirate Bay’s Peter “brokep” Sunde https://felixreda.eu/2014/08/prison-is-a-bit-like-copyright-peter-sunde/
#10yrsago Whatever Happened to the World of Tomorrow? https://memex.craphound.com/2014/08/18/whatever-happened-to-the-world-of-tomorrow/
#5yrsago A new biography reveals the Koch brothers’ very early role in creating organized climate denial https://www.newyorker.com/news/daily-comment/kochland-examines-how-the-koch-brothers-made-their-fortune-and-the-influence-it-bought
#1yrago "Open" "AI" isn't https://pluralistic.net/2023/08/18/openwashing/#you-keep-using-that-word-i-do-not-think-it-means-what-you-think-it-means
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