#grec àtic
Langblr Reactivation Challenge - Week 1 | Day 2
(link to the challenge post)
Write a list of goals you have for your target languages. Make both long term and short term goals. An overall goal could be to have the ability to talk with native speakers with ease and a smaller goal would be to finally learn that difficult grammar point that’s been plaguing you for ages. How will you achieve them?
Catalan: My kinda longterm goal is to achieve C2 certification next year, for which I need to work mainly on expanding my vocabulary, improving my redaction/discursive skills, and especially learn a lot of idioms, fixed expressions, and similar stuff. A more short term one is to read Biel Mesquida's El bell pais on els homes desitgen els homes. I guess I'll try and sign up for Orfeó Català de Mèxic's preparation classes, but they're so expensive hahah
Basque: As a long term goal I've decided to try and adopt Bizkaiera as my variety, after all it's my teacher's one and it's widely spoken (if not as much as Gipuzkoera). I don't know whether certification exams expect you to speak Batua; Catalan certificacion exams, or at least the ones from Institut Ramon Llull do expect you to speak in a standard variety, but seeing as Eusko Jaurlaritza doesn't do certification exams in my country this doesn't concern me at the moment. I'd just love to surprise my teacher one day by calling her and not only speaking Bizkaiera, but also calling her hi instead of zu. A more short term goal of mine is to actually fill every single page of the books I used while still in classes.
English: An indefinite (probably long term) goal I have with English is to finally get certified. I don't know whether to go for an IELTS or a certification from Cambridge (especially as the latter are permanent, so they don't need to be renewed), I'm still slowly saving for that, and I guess I'd like to also sign up to a preparation course and really polish it!
Attic Greek: As a long term goal I want to both redo the entire textbook I used before dropping out of Classical Studies and buy and do the next one (idk if there's a third one but I don't remember seeing one in that series). As a short term goal I want to get used to pronouncing it more like Historical Linguistics has reconstructed it so far (like arumnatzorkhang speaks it on the clock app).
Mandarin: I'll barely start a course next week, so I guess my short term goal is to just stick to it and not give it up like all the other poor languages I've just kinda left behind. Long term I'd rather wait and define once I actually start, but like I'm so excited!
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