My mother gifted me two things, like all of yours did to you: her love, and her language — Valencian. That's why I write, think, and love in Valencian.
Is the language that your mothers taught you superior to the language that my mother taught me? Does your language deserve more respect than mine? Then, why do you want everything that isn't Spanish to disappear? Why do you not respect us? Why are you still determined, since 300 years ago, to impose your language on us "by right law of conquest"?
Joan Baldoví in the Congress of Spain. 2024.
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It amazes me how some Catalan speakers are always arguing whether or not Catalan and Valencian are the same language or not while Basque speakers from the furthest points in EH can hardly understand each other but still consider they speak the same one
Kaixo anon!
Both Basque and Catalan are dialect continuums, much like Romance languages btw.
Languages know no frontiers, and they start showing differences inside their territories that may or may not coincide with politcal borders, ie, both Basque and Catalan are spoken in both sides of the Pyrenees (Spain and France). Catalan has a very much larger territory than Basque, but Basque has more dialects. There's no rule for this.
However, as usual, politicians like to use languages as a weapon, and they can have interest in seeing these continuums as something that unifies, or as something that differentiates. There are languages that are part of the Romance continuum that still aren't considered official (or they're considered dialects instead of languages) and are endangered, while other that are very very close - eg. Galician and Portuguese - are considered two completely different languages mainly because they lay in two different states.
So coming back to your message, if somebody defends that Valencià or Zuberera are different languages than Català or Bizkaiera, they're talking politics, not linguistics.
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disvain · 18 days
virgin "leftist" sant jordi poster with no catalan flags (la Senyera) vs chad catalanist Geronimo Stilton cover book
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furries stay winning yet again
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rustycottoncandy · 7 months
Love messing with languages. Like I can be speaking English and then començar a parlar en català per la cara, nomès per cambiar a castellano de golpe y porrazo and it's funny as fuck like te partes el culo con lo raro que se siente canviar de llengua constantment. Specially when you're talking con alguien que parla més d'una llengua també.
When I learn français je will reescribir this publicación mais avec some palabras francesas in medio també.
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*also known as català, valencià, Valencian
reblogs are extremely encouraged to increase sample size. regardless of what choice you picked, feel free to elaborate on your relationship with this language in the tags, and remember to be respectful and mindful when commenting!
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arf5506 · 8 months
Ballant sardanes...
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minglana · 1 year
Thais Villas, TV presenter from Fraga, talks about the linguistic discrimination she's had to face, in and outside Aragon.
Translation under the cut.
Jorge Pueyo: It says that you defend linguistic and patrimonial identities of the [Aragonese] Comunity
Thais Villas: I'm here as a form of activism, and because for me it's like magic to be able to speak fragatí on Aragonese television, which has never happened.
J: Have you ever encountered a situation of linguistic discrimination in Aragon?
T: Of course. My parents were in a cafeteria in Uesca and they were not served because they were speaking in Catalan to each other. Me, and my brother also, when we came to Zaragoza to have papers for Selectividad done: "Ma'am please speak to us in Christian"* and I told him: "I will speak "in Christian" when I have to talk to you, but if I'm talking with my friend from Fraga, she will think I'm crazy if I speak to her in Spanish." These little things happen, but they also happen when you're in Madrid and you speak in Catalan, they think that you're speaking ill of them.
J: That you're doing it to bother them.
T: To bother them, or.... Now, if you two start speaking in French to each other, I'm not going to think that you're speaking ill of me. But it does happen, yes. That's why it's so important, Jorge, what you are doing!
* "speaking in Christian" is an expression used by Spanish speakers in Spain. It is used when someone doesn't understand something and wants it explained another way. It is also very commonly used against people not speaking Spanish (minority and non-minority language speakers equally), since they cannot/refuse to understand what the others are speaking. It all comes down, as always, to linguistic discrimination.
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cecinestpasunlangblr · 6 months
Supongo que es hora de hacer una publicación aquí. Vaig a explicar per que volia fer un Tumblr, and I’m sure that we can get things going:
Salut Je suis nouveau ici. Je suis queer et j’ai envie de partager les langues, la linguistique et la grammaire avec quelqu’un qui veut y écouter. Sento-me confiante em Catalão, inglês do Inglaterra e Castelhano europeu. Queria saber mais de Francês, português e italiano… in futuro vorrei sapere più delle lingue che non sono de latine. Io so che hanno errori dentro questa pubblicazione ma spero che voi possiate aiutarmi con questa avventura. ^^
Lo que pongo con «me gusta» siempre será abierto porque podéis verlo because I’m a human being and like other things than language, who knows you might find something you like too.
Commençons avec les mots/ phrases que les gens queers disent par exemple les brésiliens disent « você é do vale? » qui signifie « êtes-vous de la vallée ? » littéralement mais quand une fille m’a dit ça je ne l’ai pas compris. Maintenant je comprend que ce signifie « êtes-vous gay ? ». Dites moi votre propres histoires. :)
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negreabsolut · 6 months
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En Salvador Dalí, n'Ernst Fuchs, i n'Arno Breker.
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useless-catalanfacts · 2 months
A day in the life of someone who posts on the internet in Catalan *cue dozens of Spanish people asking "what's wrong with your mouth", ordering him to speak in Spanish or "in Christian", saying he's rude for speaking in Catalan, calling him "polaco" (derogatory Spanish word to mean a Catalan person), calling the Catalan language a dialect, saying he is possessed because he's speaking Catalan, etc*
This is a video by Sergi Mas showing some of the comments he gets on YouTube. He makes videos about mountain biking that he posts on YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram. And the first comment he got on his first YouTube video was already someone telling him he should do it in Spanish.
Some days ago, another creator who posts his videos in Catalan (Joan Sendra, find him on Instagram and TikTok) answered to a Spanish person who was complaining that it's rude to speak Catalan/Valencian on the internet instead of Spanish because then there's people who don't understand you (as if everyone in the world spoke Spanish lmao). Joan, who is tired of getting this kind of comments so often, answered: there are already endless videos and things to watch on the internet in Spanish. In fact, if you look for [the topic he was talking about in the video that this guy commented] all the videos are in Spanish except for mine. And yet you had to come to me, the one in Valencian, and tell me that I can't make a video in my language and that I can only make it in yours. If you don't like it, it's so easy to find another one!
However, it's not a matter of actually being interested in what's being said in a language they don't speak. It's about the imposition of the language they consider superior (Spanish) and telling speakers of the languages whose land Spain had occupied that they are useless and should be ashamed of existing in public. Well, we aren't. Like Sergi's video, don't let the comments disturb your macarrons.
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One day I would to write an essay on how Spain systematically denying Basques, Canarians, Catalans and Galicians their identity and instead calling them "Spanish" and "Hispanic" is a form of imperialism (like... Franco literally attempted ethnic cleasing against non-Castilians, did we all forget this)
Kaixo anon!
Let's not forget, it's true. But it wasn't just Franco, it started way earlier, with the arrival of the Bourbon dinasty to Spain.
The amazigh languages of the Canary islands are thought to have been lost around the late 18th century, early 19th.
1768 SPAIN: New law passed that forces to teach solely in Spanish in Aragón and Catalunya; it was extended to the whole territory in 1780.
1772 SPAIN: Another law banned all merchants to have their bookkeeping in any language but Spanish.
1776 SPAIN: Printing books in Català and Euskara was prohibited.
1789 FRANCE: disappearance of every old regional law and language. Books not written in French were burnt and the use and teaching of any other language was punished.
1794 FRANCE: Education must be solely in French, any other language became prosecuted.
1801 SPAIN: all theater plays and songs in any other language but Spanish became banned. Also dancing to non-Spanish songs.
1803 SPAIN: it's documented the first report of physical punishment for speaking in Euskera at school.
1857 SPAIN: Spanish Grammar and Ortography became the only and mandatory text book at public schools.
1862 SPAIN: Using any language but Spanish in any public document was prohibited.
1867 SPAIN: another law banning theater plays in Català or Euskera.
1876 SPAIN: Basque old laws became banned. According to Madrid newspaper "El Imparcial": "Taking away their old laws isn't enough, we now have to take their language away."
1896 SPAIN: Speaking on the phone or sending telegraphs in Basque or Català became illegal.
1902 SPAIN: Any teacher that taught in Català or Euskera began to be punished.
1903 FRANCE: another law banning Euskera & Català in school.
1923 SPAIN: Euskera & Català became banned from official events.
1925 SPAIN: every textbook not written in Spanish were removed; teachers that didn't teach in Spanish were suspended from work without pay.
1930 SPAIN: Every local institution is forced to keep their visitor's book and registrations only in Spanish.
1937 SPAIN: Prohibition of speaking Basque and every sign of Basque culture, ie using Basque names, playing Basque instruments, wearing Basque colors. The punishments were from social humiliations to jail or execution. Same thing happened in Catalunya.
1938 SPAIN: Only Spanish names accepted. In church, masses just in Spanish, with a permission of only a 10 min. preach in Basque if nobody understood Spanish.
1939 SPAIN: Signs in Euskera & Català in hotels were removed.
1940 SPAIN: Signs in Euskera & Català in justice courts and shops were removed.
1940 SPAIN: Public workers forced to speak just in Spanish or face dismissal. Every movie - national or international - is forced to have its dialogues in Spanish.
1944 SPAIN: Euskera & Català again banned from public documents and even tombs.
1947 SPAIN: Euskera & Català banned from magazines.
1948 SPAIN: Again, Euskera & Català banned from schools.
1954 SPAIN: Euskera & Català banned from every radio station.
1964 SPAIN: It became illegal to feature Euskera & Català in records or advertising.
1978-2015 SPAIN & FRANCE: Still Euskera & Català are unregulated in France, and in Spain in places like Trebiñu.
[we didn't include galego because in the source we use it didn't and we're not completely sure it was included in all these laws, but we're 95% convinced it was too, so.. include it in your heads.]
The Spanish and French governments have tried SO SO SO hard during the last 300 years to erase us. Good thing is we're more stubborn and proud than them.
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l-ours · 28 days
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Et vull més del que sempre et dic ❤️
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deathbyoctopi · 10 months
Inching closer to the end!!! >w<
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El Presoner de Jinlintai
Translation of The Prisoner of Jinlintai by @fieri-sentio-et-excrucior
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giuliaisstudying · 1 year
My new hyperfixation is Duolingo Catalan...idk if it's a good thing or not. El mussol ho decidirà 🦉
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gargotaire · 2 years
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arf5506 · 2 months
The worst robbery of all times is that internationaly everybody calls the maestro Pau Casals by the spanish version of his name: Pablo. This is a shout out to any person of the world who might read this. Let's stop calling him Pablo Casals, he would have wanted to be known by his real name: Pau Casals!
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El pitjor robatori de tots temps és que internacionalment tothom anomeni al mestre Pau Casals amb la versió castellanitzada del seu nom: Pablo. Això és una crida a gent del mon que ho pugui llegir! Deixem d'anomenar-lo Pablo Casals, ell hagués volgut ser conegut pel seu nom de veritat: Pau Casals!
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