#green-banded broodsac
Round 2 Match 29
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Creatonotos gangis: "his mating glands have struck fear in the hearts of many australians"
Green-Banded Broodsac: "has no friends so it literally turns snails into disco zombies to feel like part of the gang"
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succulent-leaf · 8 months
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Wretched Sketches day 5 : mutilated vermin
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eggsandghost · 1 month
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guy who is just not having fun at any time
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gltzgghln · 3 months
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when my discord got hacked one of my coping mechanisms was rewatching videos about glitch pokemon and making more aliens inspired by them
teka is a country boy and anosi's first roommate. he lives with his uncle kju who owns a MASSIVE farm. teka is very enthusiastic about his uncle's farm and businesses and shares his harvests and cooking with those he meets, even if they don't like him (COUGH COUGH anosi). his magic is spraying a glitchy byssus from his head shell which he can use as a rope or a net. kju's magic is definitely mineral or flora-based
kulupu telo has some familiar looking foods but there are some. Phylogenic Distinctions... the cornlike algae ("lithomaize" or "pan kiwen") came from a group of algae with calcium in their cell walls, and the pomegranate and pepper came from a group of kelp that stores its spores in its sugary gas bladders
so pan kiwen always has a bit of a chalky crunch to the outside of its "kernels" but its flesh inside each is still soft and starchy. the flesh can be popped like earth corn--maybe the kernel flesh is heavy in spores that can fizz up? also the fruit kelp can be juiced, fermented, carbonated, and/or turned into an oil (oils r kept under the water in kulupu telo by the addition of heavier edible molecules, especially proteins)
worm eggs can be eaten stove cooked or raw. worms that just start to emerge from their cocoons are typically eaten cooked. the cold seep-looking worms r especially crunchy 8^) anemone flowers are also a delicacy cooked or raw
kju's kelp pomegranate soda is a staple at their farm and a must try in kulupu telo!
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feral-babe · 10 months
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Death is one of the most feared cards in a Tarot Deck, and it is very misunderstood.However, the real meaning within the Death card is one of the most positive in the whole deck. It symbolizes the end of a cycle or transformation, and signifies a profound and inevitable change - typically accompanied by the removal of the old to make way for the new. This card doesn't necessarily represent literal death, but rather the termination of something in one's life, leading to rebirth and renewal. The green-banded broodsac (Leucochloridium passeri) is a parasitic flatworm that infects the eyestalks of snails, altering the snail’s behavior in a transformative way that is quite symbolic of the Death card. The parasite's eggs develop inside the snail, and eventually, they need to be released to complete their life cycle. As the parasite matures, the infected snail's eyestalks become swollen and pulsate with vibrant colors, mimicking the appearance of caterpillars or worms. This manipulation makes the snail's eyestalks more noticeable and attractive to birds, the final host of the parasite. Just as the Death card represents a profound transformation and the shedding of the old to embrace the new, the L. passeri parasite enacts a radical change in the snail's behavior, effectively sacrificing its well-being for the propagation of the parasite. This process mirrors the idea of making way for new beginnings, even though it involves a seemingly destructive transformation. Overall, this duo reminds us that in order to grow and evolve, we must be willing to release old habits, thoughts, or situations that no longer serve us. Change is a constant, and it is through embracing it that we can navigate life's challenges more effectively. They encourage us to confront our fears and misconceptions about change and transformation, and to explore the intricate connections in the natural world, even when they might seem unsettling.
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basilisk2000 · 8 months
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angel design for para magica
shes a senior in highschool, french transfer student, and a fan favorite member of the theatre club. she loves to be in the spotlight and this is only heightened when she comes in contact with her parasite while eating a fancy birthday dinner. her weapon of choice is twin shotguns, she channels and fires a concentrated yet perfectly flashy beam of her magic through them
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arcticarthropod · 2 years
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I always thought these were worm but NO!
They look like this inside the snail
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big-bee-png · 2 years
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more creatures! they’re all from Favon
the first one is just the ‘‘default snail’‘ but infected with a version of a real-life snail parasite. apparently the wormy parts arent even separate, but connected parts of the same thing? something like that? i like the idea of the different ‘‘heads’‘ having different personalities that would argue about how to control the snail but i could probably do something more interesting with them than this... the second one is a hammerhead worm hiding in a snail shell! it could be an ambush predator using its acid the third one is a mite. a ‘‘bite mite’‘, even! they’d be a kind of ‘‘default enemy’‘. a weak basic predator that could be expanded upon more if needed
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weirdmarioenemies · 5 months
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Name: Swirlypod
Debut: Super Mario Bros. Wonder
YIPPEE YAHOO! A brand swirlin' new snail fresh for 2023! It has been quite a long time now since we've gotten a new Mario snail, and even since I've posted about one, since I covered all the snailiest Mario snails a while ago. But lookie here! Snaily snaily snail for me to see and for you to view!
Swirlypod is so delightful! To get this out of the way first, yes, its eyes are not on the ends of stalks. Yes, this is good and okay. Some snails are like that! Especially freshwater snails. And that's the kind of snail that this snail seems to be! While sometimes seen on land, it is also seen emerging from (poisonous) swamps. It can breathe that!
Swirlypod's face is just so, so precious. Its big, innocent, curious eyes experiencing the world in the way only a snail could! Its big ol' bulbous antennae, more bulbous than they have any right being, more like a nudibranch's than a normal snail's! And its mouth! I think that's its mouth? It's like three scrumbly tentacles ready to scrumble down some delicious fungus!
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Did you know that the salt marsh snail Littoraria irrorata is able to FARM fungus? They damage marsh grasses to create large wounds for fungus to grow in, and even use their own poop as fertilizer! Snails can FARM!
Yes, indeed, what a wonderful snail we have here! Thank you, Super Mario Bros. Wonder!
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...Hey! That shell comes right off! Now it's all Pod, with no Swirly! Does this mean Lime is The Impostor? I may have just asked you, but that was rhetorical. Don't ask me, because I don't know! Removable shells are a common ability for cartoon snails, and of course, the turtles of this world also have removable shells. I think it doesn't really mean much at all! Though, the idea of a "hermit slug" is very amusing. A snail who can't be bothered to grow its own shell. Maybe it wants to switch shells for different styles sometimes. A slow victim of fast fashion!
Wonder is one of those games where Koopa Troopas retreat into their shells when stomped, so Swirlypod is sort of a way to have Beach Koopa in the same game as the more standardly-behaving Koopa! Once it gets back on its foot, it will try to squirm back into a shell, if one is available. You can give it back! Just drop it down at your feet, and Swirlypod will have a home once more!
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Another thing that sets Swirlypods apart from Koopas is that they are sticky slimy and can slither up and down vertical surfaces! Just like in real life! They don't only climb on the left and right sides of surfaces, either. They can even go on the surface facing the screen! Not just anyone is allowed to do that!
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I am saving what may be the best tidbit for last! There is a good chance Swirlypod's bulbous antennae look familiar to you. That's because they look just like Leucochloridium paradoxum, the green-banded broodsac, everyone's favorite snail parasite! The flatworm that inhabits a snail's eyestalks, making them look more like caterpillars to get a bird to eat them so they can continue their life cycle! Swirlypod definitely isn't supposed to be like, ACTUALLY infected by this funny worm, but I think the resemblance is very much intentional, between the shape and coloring. And that is so awesome to see! This isn't even meant to be a scary snail or anything, but they represented a freaky parasite anyway!
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dsgustng · 3 months
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Someone at work gave my snail what appears to be green banded broodsacs on its eyes lol??
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Round 1 Match 60
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Green-Banded Broodsac: "has no friends so it literally turns snails into disco zombies to feel like part of the gang"
Schaefer's Anglerfish: "GUYS IT W A L K S"
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gothalite · 2 months
What’s the lore behind your operator/slenderman if you don’t mind me asking? :)
Guessing you’re basing them a bit off of Marble Hornets as well since ya mentioned it? Is any of the other slenderverse media involved? :)
[ for all things 'my slenderverse au' : @childrenofthefaceless ]
Hi!!! Thank you so so much for the ask!, Now There isnt many other Slenderverse inspos in my slenderman lore / design! But there is a few other things!!
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Marble hornets ( of course!), Cordyceps/clickers!, Puffballs/fungi in general! And Green-banded broodsacs!!!
Now for lore..
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Click on 'keep reading' for lore:
TLDR! This man is HUN-GRY!!!
[ ORIGINS ] Origins of my slenderman have been answered already! But in his lore the reason why he exists, functions and why he collects proxies is a bit different then the one i grew up with!
Ive been in the fandom for 14 years!! When i joined it was just a 'tall man adopts mentally ill serial killer child' kind of thing that i still hold dear, but here is my take! [ images explained ] 1. The slenderfungus origins as a mushroom that feeds on dead matter 2. The slenderfungus spreading as it grows, developing mycelium to consume bigger pray [deer ect.] 3. The bigger scale spread compared to original start area 4. The bigger need for food with growth
The reason Slenderman, or the operator, has / 'collects' proxies is for the simple use of gathering carcasses.
Originally he only needed one or two proxies for this, filling in gaps with animals he would catch. But as his territory and spread grew he needed more. And more. And more. People. So here we are, gathering dead things and using young adults as morbid food delivery guys.
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thecolourfulkingdom · 8 months
What are the bugs of Welcome Home
Let me make it clear, whatever they are they are not insects.
Look at what I have caught:
Why do some have floral pattern? Is it even a pattern? Are they part plants?
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2. Some have purple on them, which is already suspicious in itself. Are they related to time? Time is purple or only night time is?
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3. What's the deal with the eyes? These are not insect eyes at all. Who the hell painted this one below all over? Damn, as above so below indeed.
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4. I can live with the fact that some of they are fuzzy. But why? Are they fuzzy like bees or... like moss? Okay this one also has 8 legs. Why?
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5. What's with this walking rainbow? Looks pretty. Pretty poisonous, if you ask me. A pretty poisonous wig. Kinda reminds me of Puss Moth Caterpillar.
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6. Butterflies are know to be psychopomps in some cultures.
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7. Way too cute close up. Ever saw butterfly close up photo? That's what I mean.
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8. Frank and butterflies. He sure collects them. But pillbug is said to be his favourite. But pillbugs aren't bugs. It's a kind of terrestial isopod. Even more amusing.
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9. Now what the hell even is this thing? Strongly reminds me of a green-banded broodsac. Leucochloridium paradoxum, for those of you who are more scentifically inclined. So what's the deal with it? The pulsating, green broodsacs fill the eye stalks of the snail, and by doing so it attracts birds, who are its the primary host. In sort - it visually imitates caterpillars. Another name for such type of creature? Puppeteer parasite.
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To be fair, the last one worries me the most. Because Howdy also has striped antennae on this head. of course it can be a mere coinsendence...
Also let's talk about Sally.
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gltzgghln · 11 months
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jan lawa Wete (short broodsac, he/they) and jan lawa Kulakesa (tall flatworm, he/she/they) from kulupu telo. plus the design of their bedroom
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wtfearth123 · 10 months
This snail is dead and it's been taken over by a parasite controlling its motor functions & eye stalks, mimicking caterpillars. The parasitic worm wants the snail to be eaten by birds, in whose intestines it will reproduce. 🐌
The snail is infected by a parasitic flatworm called Leucochloridium paradoxum, also known as the green-banded broodsac. This parasite has a complex life cycle that involves two hosts: a land snail and a bird. The parasite’s eggs are released by the bird in its feces, which are then ingested by the snail. The eggs hatch into larvae called miracidia, which develop into a branching structure called a sporocyst inside the snail’s body.
Some of the branches of the sporocyst grow into long tubes that end in a swollen sac, which is called a broodsac. The broodsac occupies one or both of the snail’s eye stalks, where it pulsates and displays bright green and yellow bands. These colors and movements mimic the appearance of a caterpillar, which is a prey item for many birds. The parasite also alters the snail’s behavior, making it more likely to expose itself to sunlight and predators.
The parasite’s goal is to get the snail eaten by a bird, which is its primary host. When the bird consumes the broodsac, it releases hundreds of metacercariae, which are the infective stage of the parasite. The metacercariae travel to the bird’s cloaca, where they mature into adult worms and reproduce sexually. The cycle then repeats itself with the bird’s feces.
The parasite is very harmful to the snail, as it consumes its nutrients, damages its tissues, and reduces its chances of survival. The snail may not be dead yet, but it is essentially a zombie controlled by the parasite. The parasite is also a potential threat to human health, as it can cause skin irritation and allergic reactions if it penetrates human skin. I hope you learnt something new today. 😊🙏
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real-live-human · 6 months
_@V hey sorry i left your snail alone for a minute and uh. i think it ate some green banded broodsacs. real sorry about that
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