asparklethatisblue · 3 months
tagged by @erythriina thank you!
rules: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Let me see what I have, there’s not too many right now? Some of them aren’t WIPs, they’re “oh maybe”
A Lady for a Captain
Soulmark AU
Of the same kind
A delicate touch
Divorce scare Fitzier
3zun smut
Polar Bear King
Ok lets see who I haven’t seen tagged?
@formlessvoidbeast @greenekangaroo @heartoferebor @vandrawsing @werpiper @what-alchemy @madnessandsmiles
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livingmeatloaf · 3 months
Tagged by @greenekangaroo
🎶Last song I listened to: Together (Japanese Version) by Seventeen, which is the 'closer' song to a TTRPG I run
📺Currently watching: at this moment, I'm making my way through a Horror Video Essay playlist i stumbled into. It's interesting, and good research for some more horror-themed things I want to write.
🌶️Sweet/Savory/Spicy: savory! If I'm feeling snacky, i gravitate toward salty-savory followed by something sweet, but I'm more likely to find the savory satisfying
❤️Relationship Status: dating ✌️
🤩Current Obsessions: Takarazuka Revue and Scum Villain's Self-Saving System, though I'm also equally working on my MDZS fics and contemplating rereading the book
Tagging @breadandblankets @monroeknoxwrites @localizationed @yourownpersonalvampire @corduroyserpent @noswordinourlake plus anyone who wants to!
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the-invisible-queer · 4 months
John Lennon/Paul McCartney is mentioned
I have lost track of how many times I've reblogged that fucking post 🤣
I knew exactly what it was too when I saw the URL
Besties I've been reblogging Beatles content on this site since 2013
I've probably seen all the highlights
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modmad · 6 years
I need you to do a comic with gladstone and donald that covers the utter fucking insanity of the zettaflare spell like I need breath.
I’d consider it if my hands weren’t ridden with tendonitis and I took requests but you know zettaflare is. cool.
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dmonfoxfire · 5 years
Inquisitor meme 10-16!
I’ll dooo… Fenlath Lavellan (my “canon” inquisitor)
warrior, rogue, or mage?
Mage! He’s a Knight Enchanter with a wide range of single spells from other disciplines. (Ice spells and shapeshifting are his best after Knight-Enchanter)
how do they feel about the dalish?
His people, he loves and supports all of them.
how do they feel about the qun?
He’s so-so about the Qun. He’s not against it if it’s not against him.
how do they feel about the chantry?
He fucking hates it. Anyone with ties to the chantry, north or south, has to really work hard at gaining his trust/good opinion.
which demon is most frightening to them?
Desire demons or Pride demons, because he’s rather drowning in both. He’s not as ambitious as Era’falon (my warden) but he’s got his share of Chantry Sins.
did they choose the qun or the chargers in iron bull’s personal quest? why?
The Chargers, he believes in family, not societies.
when are they the happiest?
Oh man, probably when he’s with his brother and sister and Dorian. That would have been a first meeting to remember lol. The three of them are like phases of the moon, similar but distinct nonetheless. (Ash’adahl is his brother and Da’raka is his sister)
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@ketsie did some awesome art of him for me!
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legitimateluffy · 6 years
Okay I only barely keep up with One Piece but like has Jinbei OFFICIALLY joined the crew or
Yes he has
(spoilers ahead in case you don’t wanna see)
He officially cut ties with the Big Mom pirates and returned a sake cup to her, declaring that he wants to join the straw hats. Data books have also confirmed him to be a straw hat member. He’s just not currently on wano rn
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wafflelate · 6 years
Hm. Chouji requests. Okay, here's one: a face to face with that kid who said any team with chouji on it would lose, in the aftermath of Pein's invasion.
had to actually watch… some Naruto for this to like… see what Chōji got up to…. sorry in advance for anything i got wrong lmao
for once not exactly DoS compliant bc i don’t know if you’ve read it? everyone else who follows me will be alarmed and confused but yknow DoS is still in the timeskip so it would have been too much guesswork anyway.
did use some of SQ’s details tho, like naming that kid Youbirin and probably some other stuff idk
word count: 953
There had been streets. Alleyways. Parks and shops and training grounds and trash pickup and long shadows cast by eclectic architecture and it’s the silliest thing in the word, the most useless anxiety, but as Chouji slogs through the rubble — the mud and the dust and the wreckage of a whole village, the whole thing — he worries that the new village, when it’s built, will lose some of its Konoha-ness.
Will the buildings each look the same as the others? The same age, the same colors, the same timbers and siding and roofing? Will the streets be carefully planned, the alleys and balconies and courtyards arranged with aforethought? What if the kids have no good places to play ninja, with nooks to hide in and crannies to jump out of?
In particular Chouji thinks of this because the children will need places to play ninja, still, and he thinks about that play-pretend game from childhood because the medic coming towards him is Youbirin.
It had been Youbirin who had invited and then, ultimately, disinvited Chouji from the play-pretend games in the civilian neighborhood wedged between the Nara and Akimichi.
Chouji hasn’t seen Youbirin since the Academy — clearly because Youbirin had gone into the medical program. Chouji wonders if that was his first choice or if he’d failed his jōnin-sensei’s test… but that kind of thought is useless spite. Mean-spirited at a time when they really can’t afford anything but solidarity.
Youbirin looks exhausted like Chouji feels. Not just tired but a little numb.
Literally numb, even, in some areas: Chouji is here because after hours of moving debris, one of his fellow chūnin had noticed his hands bleeding sluggishly and sent him for medical attention. Chouji can’t even remember the chūnin’s name. Sotatsu, who works Main Gate sometimes and lost an embarrassing amount of money in a card game with Ino? Michio, from the Mission Desk? It should matter but it kind of doesn’t. Not at all.
Chouji holds his hands out. The palm of one is sliced open by rebar or something, from when he was using partial Multi-Size technique to grow his hands and arms big enough to hold up some of the larger pieces of rubble, letting his teammates dart in underneath and check for anything that could be scavenged or salvaged. It’s a nasty cut, but he hadn’t even noticed. His knuckles are rubbed raw.
Youbirin sighs, but doesn’t say anything. His hands light up with medical chakra and Chouji can feel it tingle and prickle along the cut and his knuckles, cleaning the wound before his flesh folds itself back together. Good as new.
“Do you have any other injuries?” asks Youbirin. “We’ve been instructed to save our chakra, so we’re not doing standard diagnostic checks unless absolutely necessary.”
He says this in the professional tone you’d speak to a stranger, but Chouji knows that Youbirin recognizes him, just like he recognizes Youbirin. They’ve both changed, but not very much. It feels like there should be more to say. A reconnection. A reconciliation. They are not strangers.
Youbirin had once gone out of his way to hurt Chouji, as publicly as possible. Youbirin had taken the game of ninja away from Chouji. That day, the sun bearing down on them and Youbirin’s scornful words… nothing in the village had looked the same once he was banned from the neighborhood games. Where, Chouji had wondered, might I be banned from next? And what was the real reason Youbirin had done it, since he’d sworn up and down the week before that Chouji played just fine, that it was just fun, that winning wasn’t the point?
That had been Youbirin, you know, kind in private and scathing in public. Maybe that’s still Youbirin.
“I’m good,” Chouji says. Chouji dredges up a smile. Not a good one, but it’s there, and he adds, “Thanks, Youbirin. Take care of yourself.”
“Ah,” Youbirin says, and now he looks… embarrassed. Shamefaced. “I was… I was hoping you wouldn’t…”
“It doesn’t matter,” Chouji says, with a wave of his hand, like he could really brush aside their history.
Youbirin is quiet, but unsettled. Chouji doesn’t want Sakura (or possibly Tsunade-sama) accusing him of sabotaging the medics if it leaves Youbirin so off-kilter, so it seems like he does have to say something.
Chouji says. “This feels like a good time to reflect, because everything is awful, but it’s better to worry about the future.” He keeps his voice low so that maybe no one else will hear. Not because he minds, but because he thinks Youbirin might.
And maybe Chouji is thinking about about what Kakashi-sensei had snapped at him just before the Deva Path had revealed itself to still be functional: Save the crying for later! he’d said. Reflect later!
But Youbirin doesn’t need the context. The blood on Kakashi-sensei’s face. Dad unmoving. The horrible clanking and squishing of the Deva Path coming back together from Kakashi-sensei’s Raikiri. The long recovery Dad is facing. That’s on Chouji’s mind, the incredible pressure of that moment and everything that followed afterwards, but Youbirin doesn’t need to know. Couldn’t possibly understand, because he isn’t even a field medic.
“I see,” says Youbirin. He nods. “You take care of yourself, too, Chouji.”
“We’ll take care of each other,” Chouji says, and leaves.
He puts Youbirin out of his mind the moment he steps outside and throws himself into his little worries, building the possible details of the new Konoha they’ll build up in his mind while he deals with what’s left of the old one. Shikamaru and his dad will work out all the big worries, anyway.
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variablejabberwocky · 6 years
yooo it just occurred to me to let you know that some of the stuff is actually up on my AO3 (same username) since I am a notorious tag flake. Not EVERYTHING is there, but like the Suna puppeteer one is there, the collected Hokage Chouji shorts are there, etc.
oh yeah i already googled your ao3 and bookmarked it for later :D
right now im in spaz mode so attention is split between your blog, a youtube vid, and my dash so commentary gonna slow a little until i get my second wind re: attention span
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kunoichi-ume · 7 years
okay so keeping in mind I only peripherally know anything about the Star Wars universe and this might have already been addressed, we know that twins genetically run in families and tend to skip a generation. So Anakin and Padme had fraternal twins. This begs a question. Is there, somewhere in the big wide Galaxy Far Far Away, a woman or man who bears a striking resemblance to Shmi?
I will keep that in mind, and while I am far from being fully educated in Star Wars I don’t think this is ever properly addressed. In fact I don’t think we ever were told anything about Shimi’s family other than her magical man-free pregnancy. 
I have never seen a fic or headcanon that addresses that question (though I will be honest I haven’t looked for much content centered around Anakin yet being as preoccupied as I am with Obi-Wan) but I love that idea. There are so many ways this could work out, and it could end up being even angstier for poor Anakin or a massive blessing to him. 
Do they meet under good circumstances? Are they on separate sides of the war? Is his aunt/uncle a slave like his mother? Are they aware of Shimi, or were they separated at birth? Do they reject the connection to Anakin, or do they welcome him into their family with open arms and hearts? Do they have a family of their own? Is there an entire Skywalker family living peacefully and safely away from all the bad in the universe for him to join? Or does he learn about them when their home has been razed to the ground by enemy troops and arrives in time to watch this last previously undiscovered bit of him family die the same way his mother did?
I could probably write for ages on this, I am feeling far more inspired to write this than I have anything in a long while and I debated for a while about just answering your question and writing a drabble of the first scenario that came to mind. I did both. 
Fun fact: this is the first bit of SW fanfiction I have ever posted anywhere. I feel like I am opening a floodgate....
It started out as a routine mission, make landfall on a planet possibly under separatist control, scout out some of the main city (specifically he was told to check out the large manor on the hillside that practically screamed that the owner was both wealthy and in charge) and report his findings. In the 12 or so years since Anakin left Tatooine this was not the first time he had encountered slaves in his travels. The horrific practice was far from being exclusive to the desert world of his childhood after all. He still carried his dream from back then, to help any slave he could and someday see that no one ever had their rights taken away like that. He thought being a Jedi was the key to that goal, but once the war broke out it had to be put on the back burner for more urgent matters.
Not that it made his, thankfully, few and far between encounters with slavery any easier.
He adjusted the hood over his head, for once taking Obi-Wan’s advice to keep his head down while he infiltrated the manor. While it stoked a long burning rage in his chest to see the multiple slaves, of varying ages and races, their tendency to be more demure and less confrontational than freely employed servants made it easier for him to slip in through their quarters unhindered. He was almost through to the main manor when he heard a voice that stopped him in his tracks, freezing the blood in his veins.
It wasn’t possible, he told himself. There was no way, logically he knew this but he was as always led by his emotions over logic and this time was no different. He turned away from the manor door, following the voice that continued to speak in the distance. He neared the open doorway where he could see several people gathered, listening to the woman speak. She had her back to him, but something struck him as hauntingly familiar in the way she stood, straight backed and head high despite her obvious status as a slave. Even if it was more ornate than others he had seen in the past, the metal collar around her neck could mean nothing else.
“Halê, I need you to take care of the upper left wing.” She spoke, her voice’s familiarity nagging at the edge of his mind in a frustrating manner. “Take Torsu and Rine with you. The Master is going to have guests the day after tomorrow and wants everything aired out and properly cleaned before they arrive.”
She continued giving out assignments, a tone of soft authority in her voice. She was obviously one of the “master’s” most trusted slaves if she was responsible for dispensing his orders to the others. It wasn’t until she had finished, the others in the room dispersing to carry out the duties she had given out, that she turned so he could see her face. 
If he thought her voice had surprised him, he was wholly unprepared for the face that now openly stared at him. Everything about her, from the curve of her jaw to the shade of her eyes was so intimately familiar he wasn’t sure how this could be possible.
How did this woman look exactly like his mother?
“You shouldn’t be here Sir,” she said, and Anakin was sure that if it were possible the lack of recognition in her voice, in her eyes, would kill him on the spot. “Are you one of the Master’s guests? Did you need something?”
He shook his head, having to swallow a lump in his throat before managing to croak out the question burning on his tongue.
“Who are you?”
“Perni'a Skywalker, at your service.” She replied with a proper formal bow.
And that was how Anakin Skywalker found out that twins ran in his family, that a woman almost perfectly identical to his mother existed in the galaxy, and while he never got the chance to save his mother from her enslavement doing it for his newfound aunt was a close second.
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asparklethatisblue · 5 years
#35! How does Eliana feel about the game? (and your Adaar if you want)
She thinks is really stupid and is bad for politics. It leads to all sort of crap, and while she isn’t from Orlais she can tell that Elves (and common folk) kind of suffer. It distracts and is annoying. However she does enjoy the gossip and intrigue, she can play it very well. She is not above getting involved for her own gain and she is good at it, both in getting what she wants and appearing as if she isn’t doing anything at all. She is a very well read and educated Elf, something strange and exotic as the Herald of Andraste. I think Eliana is very close to both Vivienne and Josephine, so she learned what she needs to kill people with kindness. 
Isk Adaar: 
Hates it, feels too big and uncomfortable. She isn’t very tall for a Qunari, but still tall enough. She stands out no matter what so she smiles and bears it. She tries to learn from Bull and Leliana for how to act. She can navigate the court enough for great approval, but she is very honest and blunt by natures, so Isk finds it difficult to be “on” all the time. She can play it superficially, but it exhausts her and she doesn’t like that humans are like that
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livingmeatloaf · 7 years
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Please enjoy this meme, which would not leave my mind until I made it. I dub it “My Fair Memedara.” Madara is quite perplexed at the new addition to his hand.
Based on the AU “My Fair Madara” by greenekangaroo and the Poe comic meme that is floating around the internet
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hamelin-born · 4 years
More Silmarillion Fanfic Recs
@elenothar @theperidotshade @greenekangaroo @urloth @sparklecryptid
Because I seem to have stumbled down the rabbit hole of Silmarillion Stories yet again.
(Most of the following have a Fingon/Maedhros pairing)
In Equal Measure, by Philosophizes (Trigger warnings for - well, All The Things in the Silmarillion; read the tags first) (hamelin’s note: This is long and heart wrenching and beautiful and currently ends on one hell of a fishhook, be warned!)
There's a balance to tragedy and eucatastrophe. Even Marred, Arda was made with goodwill and divine grace - there is love and mercy and forgiveness even for those that would not accept it, even for those who don't yet realize they need it.
So sometimes you get the second chance you didn't ask for.
Kidnap Grandads, by AdmirableMonsters (Trigger warnings: assisted suicide, PTSD. Seriously, read the tags first.) 
Maglor averts the Third Kinslaying.
Melkor carries it out instead.
Elwing wakes alone, re-embodied with scattered bits and pieces of her memories. She goes to search for her family.
hamelin’s note on the above: Irregardless of the tags, this features some truly hilarious-badass moments. Elwing is fully down to Shank A Vala, Nerdanel - Best Badass Mom/Grandmom - is right there with her, and Maglor has had enough of Maedhros’s Self Sacrificing Bullshit. 
here’s to the strongest fighter, here’s to the last survivor, by Dialux
Well, thinks Nerdanel. Well. It isn’t as if she has much faith in her own sons’ abilities to make decisions now, not after she spent a lifetime trying to instill independence in them and they all still followed their father into the teeth of ruin and grief.
[The fix-it fic where Nerdanel, Anairë and Eärwen sneak out of Aman to steal some Silmarils because wars don't always need to be won by armies.]
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awintersrose · 5 years
Sneak Peek Sunday (Untitled - KakuDan)
Tagged by @dimigex (thanks dear!), to share six sentences of a WIP... and I’ve revived this one recently.
He looks harmless enough at a glance. A disarming smile, glacier white hair and eyes the color of the most sacred cenote in Takigakure give him an appearance that is almost angelic, but the Kato are anything but that, and most of the shinobi world has forgotten this. Only those of advanced years and experience can remember a time before the Hidden Villages, when the most dangerous of clans were rooted out because they were simply too dangerous to be allowed to live. Then Konoha gave the last of them a home, stirring further contention among the smaller villages and those most at risk when the war drums beckoned and beckon still.
Common sense and the oldest superstitions clash within Kakuzu’s mind at the sight of the wounded young man. One false move and he might find himself possessed, doomed to rot from within at the touch of one of the deva-touched wraiths, these cursed beings in human skin. He should just cut the Kato’s throat and be done with it, but some lingering restraint holds him back.
I think that is seven sentences, but I felt like giving the complete paragraph - Not that anyone minds ;)
Tagging: @thatshipcat @writhingbeneathyou @jashinist-feminist @mouseymightymarvellous @captain-wereduck @greenekangaroo if you guys want... and any other writer if you feel so inclined <3
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dmonfoxfire · 7 years
greenekangaroo replied to your post: -wanders back into my corner of Naruto rarepair...
what’s the hell now?
>.> Itachi/Neji and Neji/Shikamaru and sometimes all three depending on the day
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krchov · 5 years
Another of these dash tagging games
I was tagged by @the-formerone (thanks~)
Rules: Describe yourself using only pictures you have saved to whatever device you’re blogging from and tag 10 other people to do it.
I'm tagging @panbeing @serpuns-a-lot @greenekangaroo @thecrystalmadness @tarakau @avi-iva @hejkalka @sparklingdali @voidcalled @14-lizards-in-a-trenchcoat
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stick-arms · 7 years
greenekangaroo replied to your photoset “My Bundae came with a spoon, and my Muse came with a friend, a Void...”
Where did u get those I need ten.
http://www.etsy.com/shops/armeleia I also need 10. (#seedarts will show you more examples) They do rare restocks of buns and borbs(I’ve been waiting since I discovered them this spring,) so follow @armeleia for the heads up. Plus their blog is nice to follow anyways! I’m looking forward to the next restock to hopefully snag a color-change Snooter(dragon) and I consider myself craaaaaaaaaazy lucky to have gotten a Muse this time around, since I don’t think they stock many anymore. The bundaes are new and seem super popular!
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