#greenjunipertree's blog
so…. I learned this jingle from Backyard Baseball 2006 (GBA) by ear and made a very short remix of it (that might still be a work in progress)
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bro really tried to send their scam copypasta to me twice
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REMINDER: someone who needs insulin to live would not be direct messaging/sending inbox asks to random users on the internet. This is likely a scam.
Watch out for messages like this in your dms and inbox, and be sure to report and block this user if they dm/send an ask to you.
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Throwback Thursday... on a Tuesday
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is the kiecinda ship platonic or romantic the reason why im asking this is because I don't wanna accidentally interpret the ship the wrong way 😭
it's alright! thank you for asking! I have been wanting to explain this ship for a bit, but I was a bit shy to do so for a while. lol
I see it mostly as a romantic ship (in an appropriate way for obvious reasons. duh.), even though they almost never interact. They interact briefly in the football 2002 intro, and are also on the same team in both the 2002 intro and the 2004 intro.
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They share quite a few catchphrases and stuff that I thought the ship would be a cute one to come up with. It is honestly hilarious just HOW MANY voice lines they share. And this short compilation I did doesn't even cover all of the lines/chatter that they share.
they would ofc also have a ton of platonic interactions btw. I feel like that's also extremely obvious.
so yeah
short answer: I portray it as a mostly romantic ship. The "Skinny and Fat" is a cute character/ship dynamic that I thought would be fun to explore with my portrayal of these two goofballs.
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(I literally typed this at 2 in the morning, so, if my short attention span remembers, I will probably come back and edit this if my explanation changes or something stupid like that. lmao)
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Hear me out, "both reached for the gun" FETCH! edit with the "gun" being the Season 5 trophy/PURRS mind control remote thing(I need to rewatch FETCH! somehow-)
Yeah I also need to rewatch Fetch!
It's a very silly show lol
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Watching @beanziesdad39's latest video rn.
There's so many gems in this video and omg I love Mo and Curt's dynamic lmao
Also here's a perfectly cut cheer lol
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Do you know of any Backyard Sports discord servers dedicated to fandom discussions (headcanons, ships, etc) as opposed to gameplay strategy?
Yeah I know of one off the top of my head. There's an rp server I'm in called Backyard Sports Tales. That one is mainly dedicated to fan lore. lol
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omg I legit need to get this off my head but I think it would be a GREAT IDEA if they made UNLOCKABLE PRO PLAYERS in the new BYS game (ex. Needing 10 wins, 50 strike outs, etc.) And instead of having older pros (obviously) we have newer pros BUT we also have the older ones make small cameos in the new game. Idk, I just thought this idea was pretty awesome sauce in my opinion :3
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omg that would be awesome sauce lol
after all, there are unlockable pro characters in BBL2005.
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If I had a quarter for every time a coach/youtuber scapegoated Jocinda for a team's failure or bad play, I would be richer than Jorge. /j
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Just a quick reminder to all of my followers to watch out for spam/scam bots and other weird fake accounts on this website. Their usernames will usually have scrambled messes of letters and numbers. These types of bots will also usually have absurd blogs or overly lewd posts. They will also usually send sketchy links in either dms or your inbox, so again be aware.
stay safe and cautious for stuff like this. One of the main reasons I made this is because I was reminded of stuff like this when a bot followed me (I blocked it btw).
These bots also come in other forms, but this is what I remember most about these types of bots from my own experience on this website.
This has been a heads up from GreenJuniperTree, and I hope y'all stay safe!
Thank you!
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IT'S MFING JO-PYRUS!!!! 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
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just found out tonight that "arod" unhyphened and spelled backwards is mfing "dora" 💀💀💀
I have reached peak backyard sports brainrot /hj
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If you keep clicking on the tape deck on the Backyard Sports website, it'll play snippets of the other kids' themes. Only Pablo has the whole song but this confirms the other kids are returning. Including Jocinda!
I really do hope they all return, including Jocinda. I will consider buying the games if they all return.
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I just wanna say thank you for feeding my just now recent hyperfixation
OMG You're welcome! :DDD I'm glad my art helped you hyperfixate! It means a lot to me! ^_^
I hope my future art continues to feed your hyperfixation lol
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Shit got really bad for Achmed after Amir died. /j
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got some good personality traits (but little to no context with em, add some if you want) for your backyard athletics au :]
Ricky: Passive Aggressive; while him seeming like a shy / nice outgoing person, he shows his hatred without calling it out. (ex. giving you the silent treatment or purposefully ignoring you)
(option: keep his old personality or change it for him to be an extrovert now)
Ernie: Rather him keeping his jokes tame, (ex. knock knock jokes) he goes overboard with them; for example, one of those traps where someone gets to leak someones personal life, and makes jokes about it.
(optional: Stephanie doesn't have a crush on him anymore in this AU and rather hates him)
unfortunately I can't come up with any ideas that relate to the crime making in this au the best I can do is this :]
OOoooo loving these ideas tbh
I could be able to implement them in the au :DDD
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