#gregory gatling
auburnlaughter · 5 months
Plant Company please and thank you!
Here you go. Thanks for the ask!
WIP Wednesday Game - Plant Company (original story)
"I think I would not hate it," he said honestly.
"You would … okay, so that means it's okay for us to plan something?" Gatling asked. At Sorenson's nod, he added, "So, um, any requests?"
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jefelen-presents · 2 years
“Guns of Eden” (2022)
Monday, December 12, 2022 (12:12) JEFELEN relished the opportunity to serve as Associate Producer on Author & Filmmaker Gregory Lamberson's action extravaganza, "Guns of Eden", which was produced by Digital Guerrilla Cinema™, in conjunction with Macrocosm Productions™.
When Megan, a Buffalo police officer who is suffering from the effects of post-traumatic stress disorder, agrees to go on a weekend camping trip with her partner, Jeremy, and his friends, Blake and Gabriella, little does she know what awaits them in the wilderness.  In a dark twist of fate, when Megan and Jeremy then bare witness a cold-blooded execution perpetrated by a rogue sheriff's department, the quartet finds themselves being mercilessly hunted by different factions of a murderous armed militia.  Relentlessly pursued, will any of them make it back to civilisation alive...?
Distribution is being overseen by Uncork'd Entertainment™.
Now available digitally to buy or rent through the following trusted content streaming platforms:
Prime Video Direct™: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B6B7QSZL
Verizon™: http://tv.verizon.com/.../guns-of-eden/VUBM0000000082559801
Vudu™: http://www.vudu.com/.../movies/details/Guns-of-Eden/2160565
Google Play™: http://play.google.com/store/movies/details?id=WLPO1on-0Cc.P
iTunes™: http://itunes.apple.com/movie/guns-of-eden/id1653194315
Apple TV™: http://tv.apple.com/movie/umc.cmc.59naod3jj4lul3bqnbnsogg08
YouTube™: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eyAs23P6GZI
Redbox™: http://www.redbox.com/ondemand-movies/guns-of-eden
Also available to purchase on physical DVD through
Other territories, platforms, and outlets to follow.
#GunsOfEden  #AgainstAllOdds  #SheWillSurvive  #AvailableNOW
Friday, December 30, 2022 (21:12) Well, I'd wager it's probably safe enough to post this now, given that the movie has been publicly available for a good two and a half weeks by this point...
For anyone who has yet to see "Guns of Eden", however, maybe hold off on giving this featurette a look for the time being, as it potentially includes spoiler material regarding some of the more effective visual moments... but a number of folks who >have< seen the movie have been asking HOW it was possible to achieve certain key effects on such a modest budget.  Producer and cinematographer, Chris Cosgrave, insightfully showcases the answer in his video, which reveals precisely the manner in which I was incidentally making movies of my own some two decades ago, no less -- indeed, the old ways remain the best ways!
Saturday, December 31, 2022 (22:22) And for that matter, interested people have gone on to remark, how did you manage to lay hands on a functioning M134 Minigun on such a tight budget?!!  Well, the truth there is delightfully unsophisticated:
That's right: some PVC piping, a camera tripod, some modular toy racetrack, and voilà -- a Gatling-style machine-driven automatic cannon, at your disposal!  Pretty ingenious stuff, if you ask me.
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Saturday, March 11, 2023 (11:11) 2023 UPDATE: exciting news comes today with the announcement that "Guns of Eden" is now available to stream for FREE on the Tubi™ content platform:
So, if you've been on the fence as to whether you'd actually want to pay to play, so to speak, now's your opportunity to see it without paying a thing (but please do consider buying yourself a DVD copy for prosperity if you enjoy the presentation).  #SupportIndependentCinema
Friday, November 3, 2023 (02:20) It's just been brought to my attention that Uncork'd Entertainment™ uploaded "Guns of Eden" to their proprietary 'Flix for Free' YouTube™ channel:
Reportedly, it's been available for some four months by this point, and in that time, has accrued an impressive 3,939,000 views -- the general response appears to be positive thus far, which is great!  See for yourself?
Wednesday, April 19, 2023 (22:22) The DVD options have increased, internationally speaking -- "Miss.ガンズ" (or "Miss Guns", for those not versed in the Japanese dialect) has been picked up by publisher アット エンタテインメント™ (At Entertainment™), who are licensing "Guns of Eden" in an all-new Japanese language dub (provided in Dolby™ Digital 2.0 Stereo), in conjunction with the original English dialogue track (in Dolby™ Surround 5.1), packaged with exclusive cover art rendered specifically for the Asian market:
Widely available throughout Japan, these R2 discs can be purchased through the following trusted 日本 retailers:
CDJAPAN™: http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/AAE-6228S
CDs Vinyl Japan™: http://www.cdsvinyljapan.com/products/4988166302915
TSUTAYA™: http://sp.shop.tsutaya.co.jp/dvd/product/4988166302915
TSUTAYA DISCAS™: http://movie-tsutaya.tsite.jp/netdvd/dvd/goodsDetail.do...
HMV™: http://www.hmv.co.jp/.../artis.../item_Guns-Of-Eden_13506123
YesAsia.com: http://www.yesasia.com/global/1118800286-0-0-0-en/info.html
Amazon.co.jp: http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B0BN277KBP
Among numerous others.  It also incidentally happens to be Mr. Lamberson's birthday, so why not mark the occasion by ordering a copy of his latest movie as an apposite gift... to yourself?  #サポートインディペンデントシネマ
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Tuesday, March 12, 2024 (11:11) 2024 UPDATE: I have since found this alternate YouTube™ rent or buy option:
Not actually sure how this differs from that previously referenced, mind you, but there you have it.  Conversely, Prime Video™ has the movie to stream also:
Meanwhile, sports subscription OTT platform, Tod™, play an unexpected host to this presentation now:
Give it a look, if you haven't already...!
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andremarshallwhite · 5 years
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I’ve been experimenting with a couple of new OCs lately, trying to get motivation back:
Tua (not entirely human?), a travelling weapons dealer with a friendly attitude but a past he doesn’t like to talk about. Travels alone except for his trusty pup, Winchester. Feel free to trade with him and maybe even have a drink with him, but he’ll get to talking about the crazy things he’s seen along his travels! Sometimes he gets excited and doesn’t shut up for a while lol good luck! Specializes in heavy weapons (specifically a gatling laser).
Imani, who, like Tua, is a travelling merchant, but rather than a weapons dealer, she’s a doctor. Making her way across the Wasteland, she tries and helps people where she can and eventually partners up with Curie to help out the General of the Minutemen rebuild the Commonwealth. Uses a Syringer rifle.
Gregory Weer, an ex Trapper that killed his entire group because he got tired of the superiority complexes and all of them turning to “Atom” and using that as an excuse for what they were doing. He made his way to the Commonwealth to see what the fuss was about and thinks it’s the perfect place to get some Jet, fuck, and kill a few sons o’ bitches. Main weapons are a machete and a lever action rifle.
Elina, a mercenary, dabbled with the idea of joining the Gunners but ultimately decided she worked better alone. Quick witted and sarcastic, she specializes in side arms and automatic weapons.
If anyone has any questions/wants to help me develop them, my inbox is open!
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daggerzine · 3 years
Julie Christensen- 11 From Kevin: Songs of Kevin Gordon (Wirebird Records)
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Wow, it’s amazing what information you can find out if you dig a little. I had only known of Julie Christensen as part of the excellent Divine Horsemen, a band she fronted with Flesh Eaters Chris D (and after several terrific records in the 80’s, the Divine Horsemen came back last years with the superb Hot Rise of an Ice Cream Phoenix, released on In the Red Records). Born and raised in Iowa, she spent time in Texas and then California (where the D.H. were birthed) and currently resides in New Mexico (she also had a stint as Leonard Cohen’s backing vocalist in the 90’s as well). Back to this record, Christensen fell in love with the songs of another Iowa native, that those of Nashville-based musician Kevin Gordon (who has a whole other history himself) and decided to do an album of his songs (Christensen and her band, Stone Cupid, had already done one of his songs on a record back in 2016). On this record Christensen has her Stone Cupid guitarists, Sergio Webb and Chris Tench, as well as Chris Benelli on drums and Gregory Boaz is on the bass and the band sounds fantastic. Opener “Find My Way” is a dense monster, taking all in its path while “Gloryland” is a gorgeous, dusty one. On the 8-plus minute “Hearts Not In It/ Down to the Well” Christensen gives a vocal performance for the ages and the stunning “Gatling Gun” is just about perfect. The best thing a tribute album like this can do it urge me to want to explore the artist in questions original material, which I now want to do. Great job, Julie and crew.  www.wirebirdprod.com   www.stonecupid.com
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batexamin · 7 years
Inventions and Discoveries for Banking & SSC CGL Exam
Scientific Inventions and Discoveries
  When you look at the question papers of SSC CHSL, SSC CGL, SSC MTS, IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk, IBPS SO, IPPB Sc. I, LIC AAO, etc. you may find a lot of questions related to Inventions and Discoveries. Questions based on Inventions and Discoveries form a part of the General Awareness section of many Govt. and Bank exams. Therefore, you need to be well prepared for the topic of  Famous People Who Made Scientific Discoveries for Banking & SSC CGL Exam. Moreover, if you are interested in taking any Online Mock Tests then you can click on the link to begin your preparation for any other Government Exams. Here’s a list of Top Inventions and Discoveries by Scientists - A to Z List for Banking & SSC CGL Exam. We have divided the entire list into Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computers, Space Science etc. You can also download this article as PDF for further reference.   Inventions/Discoveries Name of the Scientist/Person Adding Machine Pascal Aeroplane Wright brothers Air Brake George Westinghouse Air Pump Otto von Guericke Airship (rigid) G. Ferdinand Von Zeppelin Aniline Dyes Hoffman Antiseptic Surgery Lord Joseph Lister Arc Lamp C. F. Brush Archimedean Screw Archimedies Atom Neils Bohr Atomic Number Mosley Atomic Physics Enrico Fermi Atomic Structure Bohr and Rutherford Atomic Theory Dalton Automatic gearbox Hermann Fottinger Automobile Daimler Automobiles using gasoline Karl Benz Avogadro’s Hypothesis Avogadro Bacteriology Robert Koch Bacteriophage Max Delbruck Bakelite Leo H Baekeland Balloon Jacques and Joseph Montgolfier Ball-Point Pen John J. Loud Barometer Evangelista Torricelli Behaviorism B. F. Skinner Beri – Beri Eijkman Bicycle Kirkpatrick Macmillan Bicycle Tyre J.B. Dunlop Bifocal Lens Benjamin Franklin Binomial Nomenclature Carl Linnaeus Biogenetic Principle Ernst Haeckel Bismuth Valentine Blood Circulation Harvey Blood Groups Karl Landsteiner Bomb Edward Teller Boson S.N.Bose Boyle’s law Boyle Braille Louis Braille Breaking up the Nucleus of an atom Rutherford Calculating machine Pascal Camera George Eastman Carburetor Gottlieb Daimler Carburettor Gottlieb Daimler Cash register William Burroughs Cell Doctrine Rudolf Virchow Celluloid A.Parker Cement Joseph Aspdin Cenema A.L. and J.L. Lumiere Centrigrade scale A. Celsius Chemical Structure August Kekule Chemotherapy Paul Ehrlich Child Development Jean Piaget Chloroform James Harrison and James Young Simpson Cholera Bacillus Robert Koch Chromosomal Theory of Heredity Thomas Hunt Morgan Chronometer John Harrison Cine camera Friese-Greene Cinematograph Thomas Alva Edison Cinematography Thomas Alva Edison Circulation of the Blood William Harvey Classical Field Theory Michael Faraday Clock (machanical) Hsing and Ling-Tsan Clock (pendulum) C. Hugyens Coloured Photography Lippman Computer Charles Babbage Continental Drift Alfred Wegener Cosmic Rays R.A.Millikan Crescograph J.C.Bose Crystal Dynamics C.V.Raman Cyclotron Lawrence D.D.T. Dr.Paul Muller Deciphering the genetic code Dr.Hargobiad Khorana Deuterium (Heavy Water) H.C.Urey Diesel Engine Rudolf Diesel Diesel Oil Engine Rudolf Diesel Difference engine Charles Babbage Electrons J.J.Thomson Laws of Planetary Motion Kepler North Pole Robert Peary (1909) Solar System Copernicus (1540) South Pole Amundson (1912) Specific Gravity Archimedes West Indies Columbus (1492) Drinker’s Chamber of Iron Lung Dr.Philip Drinker Dynamical theory of Heat Lord Kelvin Dynamite Alfred B. Nobel Dynamo Michael Faraday Effect of Pressure on trough bodies Meghnad Saha Eightfold Way Murray Gell-Mann Electric Battery Alessandro Volta Electric Flat Iron H. W. Seeley Electric Furnace William Siemens Electric Generator Michael Faraday electric guitar Adolph Rickenbacker Electric iron H.W. Seeley Electric Lamp Thomas Alva Edison Electric Measurement Gauss Electric Motor (AC) Nikola Tesla Electric razor Jacob Schick Electrical Waves Heitz Electricity Faraday Electromagnet William Sturgeon Electromagnetic Field James Clerk Maxwell Electromagnetic Theory Maxwell Electron Joseph J. Thomson Electron Theory Bohr Electronic Computer Dr. Alan M. Turing Elevator Elisha G. Otis Energy of the Sun Hans Bethe Equal sign (=)? Robert Recorde Ethology Konrad Lorenz Eugenics Francis Galton Evolution Charles Darwin Evolution (theory) Charles Darwin Evolutionary Theory Ernst Mayr Fahrenheit Scale Fahrenheit Film & Photographic goods Kodak Film (with sound) Dr. Lee de Forest Foundations of Biology Jean Baptiste Lamarck Foundations of Mathematics Euclid Founding of Modern Physiology Claude Bernard Founding of Psychology Wilhelm Wundt Fountain Pen Lewis E. Waterman Fundamental Laws of Electric Attraction Coulomb Galvanometer Andre-Marie Ampere Gas lighting William Murdoch Gasoline engine Karl Benz Genetic Code Frederick Sanger Geometry Euclid Germ Theory of Disease Louis Pasteur Glider Sir George Caley Gramophone Thomas Alva Edison Gun powder Rogei Bacon Heavens William Herschel Heavy Hydrogen Urey Helicopter Broquett Heliocentric Universe Nicolaus Copernicus Helium Gas Lockyer Homoeopathy Hahnemann Hovercraft Christopher Cockerell Human Sexuality Alfred Kinsey Hydrogen Cavendish Hydrophobia Louis Pasteur I.Q. Test Alfred Binet In Number Theory Ramanujam Incandescent Bulb Edison Induction Coil Rohm Korff Induction of Electric Current Faraday Insulin F.Banting Intelligence test Binet Internal Combustion Engine Otto Jeans Levi Strauss Jet Engine Sir Frank Whittle Jet Propulsion Frank Whittle Kala-azar Fever U.N.Brahmachari Kaleidoscope David Brewster Laboratory Gas Burner Robert Wilhelm Von Bunsen Laughing Gas Priestley Law of Electrolysis Faraday Law of gases Gay Lussac Laws of Electrical Resistance Ohm Laws of Gravitation Newton Laws of Heredity Gregory Mandel Laws of Inheritance Gregor Mendel Laws of Motion Newton Laws of Multiple Proportion Dalton Laws of Natural Selections Darwin Life Boat Henry Great Head Lift E.G. Otis Lift (Elevators) Otis Lightning Conductor Benjamin Franklin Line of demarcation (ship) Plimsoll Linotype Mergenthaler Liquid Oxygen Dewar Locomotive Richard Trevithick Logarithmic Tables John Napier Logarithms John Napier Machine Gun Dr. Richard Gatling Malarial Parasite Ronald Ross Match (safety) J.E. Lurdstrom Mathematical Astro Physics Chandrasekhar Mathematical Genius Carl Gauss (Karl Friedrich Gauss) Mauve dye Perkin Measurement of Electrical Energy Joule, James Prescoft Mechanical Equivalent of Heat Joules Mercury Thermometer Fahrenheit Meson Hideki Yakawa Microphone Johann Phillip Reis, Alexander Graham Bell, Elisha Gray, Amos E. Dolbear, and Thomas Edison Microscopic Anatomy Marcello Malpighi Modern Anthropology Franz Boas Modern Astronomy Arthur Eddington Modern Computer John von Neumann Modern Geology Charles Lyell Modern Physiology William Bayliss Modern Synthesis Theodosius Dobzhansky Modern Telescope Edwin Hubble Molecular Biology Francis Crick Molecular Scattering of light in fluid Ramanathan Montessori Method Maria Montessori Motion of the Planets Johannes Kepler Motor Car (petrol) Karl Butler Movie Projector Thomas Alva Edison Neon Gas Ramsay, Travers Neon-lamp G. Claude Neurophysiology Charles Sherrington Neutron Chadwick New Anatomy Andreas Vesalius New Astronomy Tycho Brahe New Science Galileo Galilei Newtonian Mechanics Pierre Simon de Laplace Newtonian Revolution Isaac Newton Nuclear Fission Otto Hahn, Bohr and Fermi Nylon Dr. Wallace H. Carothers Nylon Plastic Carothers Organic Chemistry Emil Fischer Origin of Species Charles Darwin Oxygen Priestly Paints Shalimar Paper clip Johann Vaaler Parking meter Carlton Mcgee Penicillin Alexander Fleming Periodic Law Mendeleef Periodic Table of Elements Dmitri Mendeleev Pharmacology Gertrude Belle Elion Phonograph Edison Photograph Dauguerre Photography (paper) W.H. Fox Tablot Phototherapy N.R.Finsen Pneumatic Tyres John Boyd Dunlop Positive Electrons Anderson Power Loom Edmund Cartwright Powerloom Cartwright Principle for lever (S.P.Gravity) Archimedes Printing for the Blind Braille Printing Press Johannes Gutenberg Psycho-analysis Dr.Sigmund Freud Psychology of the Unconscious Sigmund Freud Quanta Max Planck Quantum Cosmology Stephen Hawking Quantum Electrodynamics Richard Feynman Quantum Mechanics Max Born Quantum Theory Werner Heisenberg Quantum Theory Max plank Raazor (safety) K.G. Gillete Rabies Vaccine Louis Pasteur Radar Dr. A.H. Taylor and L.C. Young Radio G. Marconi Radio transmitter Alexanderson Radioactive Dating Willard Libby Radioactivity Marie Curie Radio-activity of Uranium Henry Becquerel Radium Madame Curie Railway Engine Stephenson Raincoat Charles Macintosh Raman effect C.V.Raman Rare Gas Cavandish Rayon American Viscose Co. Razor (electric) Col. J. Schick Refrigerator James Harrison, Alexander Catlin Replacing human heart Christian Barnard Revolution in Chemistry Antoine Laurent Lavoisier Revolver Samuel Colt Rise of German Science Hermann von Helmholtz rubber (vulcanized) Charles Goodyear Rubber (waterproof) Charles Macintosh Safety lamp Sir Humphrey Davy Safety Pin William Hurst Safety Razor King C. Gillette Salk Vaccine Salk Saxophone Antoine Joseph Sax Scientific astronomy Hippalus Scientific Thinking Lucretius Scooter G. Bradshaw Seismograph Roberts Mallet Sewing Machine Thomas Saint Sextant Hadley Ship (steam) J.C. Perier Ship (turbine) Sir Charles Parsons Shorthand Sir Isaac Pitman Sociobiology Edward O. Wilson Soviet Genetics Trofim Lysenko Space flying Braun, Dr.Wernher Von Spectroscope Bunsen Spectroscopy Gustav Kirchhoff Spinning frame Sir Richard Arkwight Spinning jenny James Hargreaves Stainless Steel Harry Brearley Steam boat Fulton Steam Engine James Watt Steam engine (condenser) James Watt Steam engine (piston) Thomas Newcome Steam Turbine Parsons Steel Melting Process Bessemer Steel production Henry Bessemer Stethoscope Dr. William Stokes, Rene Laennec Stress Concept Hans Selye Structural Anthropology Claude Levi-Strauss Structure of DNA James Watson Structure of the Atom Ernest Rutherford Submarine David Bushnell Sulpha Drugs Domagk Superconductivity Heike Kamerlingh Symbiosis Theory Lynn Margulis Symbol (x)? William Oughtred T.N.T. llly Brandt Talkies Lee-de-Frost Tank Sir Ernest Swington Telegraph Samuel Morse Telegraphic Code Samuel Morse Telephone Sir Alexander Graham Bell Telescope Galileo Television Baird Television (mechanical) John Logie Baird Tempo of Evolution George Gaylord Simpson Terylene J. Whinfield and H. Dickson The long playing microgroove record Peter Goldmark Theory of conditioned reflex Pavlov Theory of Evolution Darwin Theory of Relativity Einstein Theory of the Atom John Dalton Thermodynamics Ludwig Boltzmann Thermometer Galileo Gallei Thermos Flasks Dewar Tractor J. Froelich Transformer Michael Faraday Transistor Bardeen, Shockley, Brattain Typewriter C. Sholes Uranium fusion Oho Hahn Uranus (Planet) Herschel William Vaccination Edward Jenner Valve of radio Sir J.A. Fleming Vitamins Hopkins and Funk Vitamin A Elmer V. McCollum and M. Davis Vitamin B Elmer V. McCollum Vitamin B1 Casimir Funk Vitamin B2 D. T. Smith, E. G. Hendrick Vitamin Niacin Conrad Elvehjem Vitamin Folic acid Lucy Wills Vitamin B6 Paul Gyorgy Vitamin C James Lind Vitamin D Edward Mellanby Vitamin E Herbert Evans and Katherine Bishop Vulcanised Rubber Charles Goodyear Washing Soda Lablanc Watch A.L. Breguet Waterproof Rubber Charles Macintosh Wave Mechanics Erwin Schrodinger Wave Theory of Light Christiaan Huygens Wave/Particle Duality Louis Victor de Broglie Wireless Communication Oliver Lodge Wireless Telegraphy Marcony World Wide Web and Hypertext Markup Language Tim Berners Lee X – Rays Roentgen X-ray Wilhelm Reontgen X-ray Crystallography Max von Laue zerox machine Chester Carlson Zip fastener W. L. Judson Zipper B. F. Goodrich   We hope that you have gained sufficient information about Inventions and Discoveries for Banking & SSC CGL Exams. If you know more about this topic that you think the article hasn’t included, then comment below.  Read the full article
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rjbdthepoet · 7 years
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NHCF;Gregory Swamp;Mike Warner;Shining Light;Wade&Company;Faithful Frets;Tony Turner;Travis Gatling;Movn' Fwd; HIllary Wallace; and Caravan will all be performing.  Come out and join us in the Elizabeth City, NC Waterfront Park.
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auburnlaughter · 6 months
Shaking things up this week and asking for Renegades Title Here please!
Thank you for the ask! Got some editing done on Renegades, and here are three new sentences for you from Plant Company.
WIP Wednesday Game - Plant Company (original story)
"He used to eat them though, didn't he?" Helen said. "It's not like he's always disliked them and just doesn't have the filters to deal with it, right?"
"They've gotta be reminding him of something that happened in that plant," Gatling said.
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auburnlaughter · 6 months
Renegades Title Here, please!
Not sure if you meant to send in two asks, but I took the opportunity to more editing and writing anyway. Here are three new sentences from Plant Company.
WIP Wednesday Game - Plant Company (original story)
Gatling looked down at his plate of fruit, chagrined.
"Gatling's right though," Helen said firmly, her voice shaking with anger as she stared down her parent. "Respecting my decision means that the time to offer advice, the time to question it, has passed. Now you can either support the decision I made, or you can drop the subject entirely."
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auburnlaughter · 6 months
Plant Company please and thank you :D
Thank you for the ask! Here are three sentences for you.
WIP Wednesday Game - Plant Company (original story)
"It's true, Helen, you know it's true," Mr. Grange protested. "You're whip smart, and we don't want you throwing your career away because your kind heart led you astray!"
"Sorenson is right there!" Gatling snapped.
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auburnlaughter · 7 months
More Plant Company please and thank you!
Absolutely! Thanks much for the ask.
WIP Wednesday Game - Plant Company (original story)
"Docking bay locked down and all outgoing flights on standby," Gatling reported in. "We're still checking the last few ships, but it doesn't look he's come through here, commander."
"Acknowledged, thank you, Gat."
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auburnlaughter · 11 months
Plant company for the WIP Wednesday? You're writing is really fun to read!
Aw, thank you! Your three sentences cross a scene change (hence the tilde), so thanks for getting me to the next scene!
WIP Wednesday Plant Company (original story)
It wasn't the answer Haskell wanted to hear, of course, but it was clear from the expression on his face that it was the answer he had expected. Never before had Dr. Anise been so sorry to live up to someone's expectations.
"Hello, cap-uh, sir," Gatling said, stumbling over the greeting as he and Stevens entered the room.
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auburnlaughter · 11 months
Plant Company for WIP Wednesday, please!
Thanks for the ask! Here are your sentences.
WIP Wednesday Plant Company (original story)
"Maybe they have figured out why it happened and they're just not telling us lowly peons," Gatling said, scrubbing angrily at his shirt.
"If they'd figured it out, there'd have to be some kind of new safety protocols put in place to make sure it didn't happen again," Stevens pointed out, leaning on one of the far counters so as not to interfere with Grange and Gatling's cooking. "We'd have heard about those. They couldn't just not tell us, otherwise the protocols wouldn't do much good."
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auburnlaughter · 7 months
WIP Wednesday: Plant Company
Thank you for the ask! As I was writing your sentences, I realized that I never actually planned out what Alta Station looks like and I'm 13 chapters into this story, which up until this point has taken place mainly *in* Alta Station.
WIP Wednesday Game-Plant Company (original story)
Allan's eyes widened as Gatling acknowledged over the comm.
"You really think he might try to leave the station?" she asked as she followed Haskell to the nearest exit and out into the third atrium.
Alta station was built as a series of specialized wings that extended from a set of three atria ringing the station's main reactor.
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auburnlaughter · 8 months
Some Plant Company for WIP Wednesday, please? ❤
Absolutely! Time for more Gatling being stubborn.
WIP Wednesday Plant Company (original story)
Gatling squared his shoulders, staring defiantly first at Stevens, then Allan and Haskell.
"If you're really determined, we can't really stop you," Haskell said with a rueful smile. "But I would caution you to take the time to think it through. Don't decide to do this on impulse, Gat."
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auburnlaughter · 8 months
Plant Company for WIP Wednesday!
Thank you for the ask! Here are your sentences.
WIP Wednesday Plant Company (original story)
"What if," he continued, much more subdued. "What if I want to, though? What if it's the kind of thing-if I didn't and the captain had to go to one of those places-I don't think, no, I fucking know that's not the kind of thing I'd be okay with."
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auburnlaughter · 8 months
Could you put some words into Plant Company for WIP Wednesday please?
Of course! Here are your words.
WIP Wednesday Plant Company (original story)
"Gat," Stevens said, hesitantly laying a hand on Gatling's shoulder. "I don't think this is the kind of thing to do, uh, impulsively."
"When have you ever known me to be-you know, don't answer that." Gatling deflated.
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