#grey's season 5
mwagneto · 5 months
please please please please god please lower the budget please i need everything to look like absolute shit again
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greykolla-art · 11 months
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I’m in my @beansprean era, what can I say?🍷🌹🖤
This is a continuation of the little comic I posted!
(They are SO hard to write in character! If I got a job writing for the show I’d walk into the goddamn ocean.)
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cajon-desastre · 2 months
Don’t walk in front of me… I may not follow Don’t walk behind me… I may not lead Walk beside me… just be my friend
Albert Camus
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x-mensirens · 5 months
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"It must be a bond we have."
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renegadesstuff · 2 months
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howtosingit · 4 months
One thing that is starting to feel inevitable is that the only way Fox will probably be able to make a deal for a 6th season is for the show to undergo more principal cast changes. I think Fox wants to keep LS and I think Rob Lowe wants to stay at Fox (he's their golden boy after all), so if Fox can lock in a deal, season 6 will definitely include Rob Lowe, but who else would be asked to stay? The departure of Sierra makes it pretty clear that Fox (and 20th Century) considers everyone else expendable to an extent and would be fine to continue the show without them. Fox has even talked for years about running this show with ever-changing casts, but which cast members would Fox fight to keep for longer outside of Lowe, and which ones would even be willing to return... and what kind of contract will they be willing to accept for it?
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lacallemojada · 1 year
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What happened? // You’re okay.
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canadianlucifer · 7 months
While I was reading Blue Exorcist I didn't fully register just how dark the Illuminati arc was, but watching it animated... holy shit.
I could not imagine going through what Izumo has and is going through. And being in the place of any of the other students? Dealing with unkillable regenerating zombies speaking to me in broken up bits saying they want to go home? Having so much pressure to do things most adults wouldn't be able to do? AT 15 YEARS OLD??
I feel like this is the turning point for the series bc it goes from "heehoo funny with epic fights and some character bonding" to "everyone you love is going to die if you don't fight right now. This world is bleak and horrifying under the thin veil we have created and the fate of it rests on your shoulders, all of you."
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columboscreens · 1 year
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rise-my-angel · 2 months
Maybe it's just because of how good the actors play it off, but I love the budding relationship of Missandei and Grey Worm in the show.
Two people who have never known anything but slavery, servitude, and cruelty their entire lives finding romantic interest in each other. Grey Worm especially who is at a massive disadvantage because he was mutilated so early in life he has been brain washed not to understand why it is a horrible thing, and Missandei who does not think that is something to overcome about liking him. But merely something they will work through together.
They are slowly built and early on are extremely awkward about it, but it's such a unique relationship for this series that I really like they went in that direction for the two of them.
Something soft and kind coming from two people who grew up knowing nothing but pain and suffering.
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hercynianforest · 2 months
I have a lot of criticism for Cl**derry that I need to vent, you can read it under the cut, if you like.
It's a toxic and abusive relationship. But it's presented to us as love.
By the latter I'm mostly referring to "The Frozen Ship", where their scenes were paralleled with Rayllum scenes, and portrayed in a very beautiful, romantic way (the music, camera, light, etc).
I don't understand why. It's obvious that Terry does all the work in the relationship, he basically takes turns at being Claudia's carer, parent, and counsellor. When did Claudia ever support Terry? Inquire how he feels? His needs? Talk about anything but herself and her problems? The whole time she acts like a child, who takes his presence for granted.
And no, her trauma doesn't make that okay. It's not just one time, not just when she is in crisis. It's the whole time. Also, she got hurt/traumatised trying to kill others, then killed someone, and never showed remorse for any of that. She repeats that she has to "do, what needs to be done/is necessary, no matter how vile or vicious". She's incapable of seeing the atrocity of her own actions.
And Terry never gets angry. He never voices any desires or needs, it's like he exists only for Claudia. Terry kills another elf to protect her, helps her to carry Viren for hours, builds a boat for her, is not frightened by her murder of Sir Sparklypuff or the fact that she sees animals as ingredients and continuously murders them. He makes a prosthetic for her, washes her, brushes her hair, counsels her, follows her wherever she goes. The relationship is about Claudia and Claudia alone.
And this is never portrayed as problematic, on the contrary - it's shown in a positive light, like some beautiful devotion.
It makes me angry, because I've been the victim of abusive relationships all my life and this kind of romanticising is harmful.
What conclusion will young viewers draw from this? That the only thing that matters in a relationship is that you give 100%, no matter if you get anything back or not? That it's okay if your partner/friend/relative never inquires about you and your emotions? That you shouldn't get compassion fatigue or shouldn't be shocked at their lack of ethics and cruel actions? That you shouldn't talk or want to talk about yourself? That it's still love even though you're not an equal in the reationship? That it's still love even though they take up all of the space and you have to make yourself small? That true love means one-sided sacrifice?
Fuck this. Even if they pull out some big surprise in s7, like a backstory in which Claudia saved his life pre-s4 or something like that - it doesn't change the toxidity of their relationship, it doesn't change what they've been showing us for three seasons.
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inamindfarfaraway · 1 year
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Claudia: “Poor Unfortunate Souls”
I admit, some of my actions have been awful
Dangerous and even downright vile
But at the root of each is love
To protect, push come to shove
Can you blame me for employing all my guile?
And I luckily know quite a lot of magic
Except it isn't luck, I always come prepared
I really hope you see the light
'Cause I'm fearsome in a fight
Even a dragon learned that it ought to be scared
Poor unfortunate souls
Their gifts, their charms
The world is full of wonders
That can help improve our lives
Surely that's worth a little harm
Those poor unfortunate souls
So cute, so sad
That their magic is so potent
Never know what you might need
It's just practical, not that bad
I've been hurt, abandoned, crossed
But I've sunk too high a cost
In blood and sweat and tears toward my goals
For love cannot be swayed
Even if the price is paid
In poor unfortunate souls
The impossible is possible, just tricky
My victory's no if, it is a when
I would give my arm and leg
I would make a child beg
But I'm never losing anyone again
Some might say that loss must be accepted
That there are things we simply can't decide
Though the sentiment is nice
I'm afraid it won't suffice
It's she who gives it all who turns the tide
Come on, you poor unfortunate souls!
Little king, clever sleuth
I know you have the information
And I'll squeeze it from your lungs
So make this quick - tell the truth!
You poor unfortunate souls
It's sad, but true
I just want to cross a bridge
It's not my fault this is the toll
If you help me save my family
I swear I'll leave you whole
Terry, how cool do I look right now?
Your girl is on a roll!
These poor unfortunate souls!
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x-mensirens · 4 months
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renegadesstuff · 7 months
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emotinalsupportturtle · 11 months
Loki really went "the laws of time are mine" didn't he
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*cue "timelord victorious"
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