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Bjorn the Fellhanded!!!
We are a miniature painting studio. If you need painting, converting, sculpting, assembling, LED lights - literally anything regarding the hobby, don’t hesitate - simply contact us via [email protected].
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onwesterlywinds · 3 years
PROMPT #4: Baleful
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Set roughly twenty-seven years before 2.0. Content warning for allusions to past events involving alcoholism, body horror, child abuse and sexual assault.
"No." Marco was whispering the word before he'd fully woken up, wielding it like a talisman as his mind shook off the last traces of his nightmare. "No. No. No. No."
Wulfric shifted at his back, and only then could Marco recall where he was: inside a worker's hutch in the abandoned mines, with a straw mattress beneath him and enough tripwire strung up around their hiding place to catch a ghost.
"Hey," came Wulfric's voice, still heavy with sleep. "Breathe."
Terse though it was, the command was simple enough to follow. He gulped down lungfuls of warm summer air until some semblance of peace returned to him. Wulfric, too, took quiet and regular breaths until Marco could not be sure he hadn't fallen back asleep until he spoke again.
"You alright?"
"Yeah," Marco said at once, before he'd truly given thought to the question. "Just another catacomb dream."
With a heavy sigh, Wulfric heaved himself up from the mattress. At first Marco's heart began to pound again, this time with the fear that Wulfric would leave for someplace less prone to interruption; then he pressed his waterskin into Marco's hand and settled back down beside him. Marco took a single sip gratefully, then set it aside.
"Might be like this for a few more nights," he said. He'd tried to make the statement come off as a matter of fact, something as informative as a shift in a tunnel nearby, but a note of apology crept in somewhere at the end. Wulfric would need more sleep than Marco had given him for the days ahead, once he left for Ala Ghiri to run cargo for the lord of the Marigold Sigil; neither of them knew what that cargo was to be, whether it would require of Wulfric his strength or just to be on his feet for all bells of the day. "It's... coming up on three years, you know."
Wulfric let out a sound halfway between a hum of acknowledgement and a groan of discomfort. "Right." He shifted his weight behind Marco, doubtless rolling over onto his back. "Don't worry about troubling me over the shouting, lad. But if there's anything you want to... well."
His words drifted off into the shadows, and he did not clarify his meaning, but Marco could intuit it from the time they’d spent together. He sat up along the edge of the mattress to roll out his shoulders, shifting here and there to avoid some sharp piece of straw that poked into the backside of his thigh. "Last letter I got from Ashley, he said he doesn't get nightmares anymore."
Wulfric snorted. "Lucky him."
His derision was palpable, and were they both any more removed from sleep, Marco told himself, he might have called Wulfric out on it. "He said he drives himself so hard while he's awake that it's all he can do to crawl back to his bunk at midnight. Knocks himself out until roll call."
"I knew the type," said Wulfric, in that tone he reserved for his memories of his time among the Queensglaive. "Got to be I preferred the ones who drank themselves into oblivion. At least then we had an idea of when they'd snap."
Marco shook his head to rid it of that horrifying possibility - the notion that Ashley of all people might harbor in him something so deeply unhinged. It was a thought he'd returned to more and more of late, having only recently forgiven himself for the violence he'd inflicted as a child on the man who had made his life a living hell. The Undercity was full of damaged people, people who could steal and harm and kill even when they knew better; perhaps what weighed on Marco most, nearly as much as the reality of what he'd seen in the catacombs, and what he'd heard from them for a year or more, was the prospect of the best man he'd ever known being broken by it forever.
He heaved in another shuddering breath, and held it for four, then eight, then twelve, then sixteen heartbeats before letting it all out in a rush of air. "It was fucking awful, Wulf," he said at last. He swallowed, his last-ditch effort to keep it all in. "Whole place stank like death, but it wasn't even from the bodies in the crypts. It was from him. His right hand was rotting off his arm. And he was holding her with it, like-" The images tore through his mind, just like in the dreams. Just like in the times when the earth itself would speak to him. "Had to get her out of there. I had to carry her out, once he was gone."
"By the stars," Wulfric whispered.
"Don't ask me," he interjected, though nothing in Wulfric's tone or the resonance in the air between them had indicated anything so malicious as curiosity. "Don't ask me to tell any more about Sigrid. It's no one's business but her own. I feel dirty just from thinking about it."
Wulfric nodded at once, then he too let out a heavy exhalation. "You were a boy, Marco. It wasn't fair to-"
"Élodie was a girl!" He did not know why he was shouting. "Élodie saw it all too, and she knew-" He could not complete that thought; he did not know what she knew, not really. "Do you know how much it took to see her again? I love her to death and still, for so long, whenever I looked at her I couldn't see anything but the look on her face when it all happened. And she hated Ashley after he left, hated him for leaving us. I don't know if she still gets nightmares, and I've never asked 'cause I can't bring this up to her again. I just know I'll ruin it all if I do."
At last, Wulfric gave a quiet word in his own northern tongue and wrapped his arms around Marco from behind. Only with that surety did Marco at last begin to weep, as if not of his own accord: slowly at first, and then with sobs that racked his entire body.
"You listen to me," said Wulfric. "What happened to you, and to Sigrid, was unfair. It was fucking obscene." He gave Marco a light shake, as if to reinforce the last two of his words. "And that includes the fact that you're the one left picking up the bloody pieces."
As much as Marco had heard it before, whether through his own instinct or from Sigrid herself or from whichever Heart-Seers he'd tried his best to avoid on his usual rounds, it was a relief to hear it from Wulfric. Still, he said nothing; he could only pant as though he'd had the wind knocked out of him, working through the dregs of his old grief.
"I'll cancel the Marigold job," Wulfric said.
"What? No, please don't-"
"I'm not going to let you run yourself ragged like Ashley while you deal with this alone."
The thought had not even occurred to Marco until Wulfric said it, but the fact that it made perfect sense to him was all he needed to concede. "Actually, there's something else I had in mind," he said. "Sali Monastery. That place I went to as a lad. Was going to pay them a visit, maybe help them with the cleaning and washing or something. Anything, just so I'm out of here."
Wulfric nodded. "That's good - a change of scenery, change of pace."
"And then I'll try to reach out to someone. Anyone."
"Reach out to Élodie," Wulfric insisted. "From what I know of her-" Marco hadn't known Wulfric knew her from anything other than their conversations - a fatal miscalculation anywhere else in the Undercity. "-she'll want to hear from you. And trust me, this isn't the sort of thing you'll want to let alone. Otherwise it'll grow, like-"
"Like a chasm." He couldn't remember who had said it to him first. Perhaps Hazal, or someone else who had looked after him once he'd left the quarry. "Yeah. I'll give it a try."
A silence settled over them again, but there would be no hope of sleep for him - nor, he suspected, for Wulfric - and he had no wish to take up some other task and chance his steps with the tripwire in the dark. When he laid back down, it was with the sole intention of watching Wulfric's back, to offer him no more and no less than what he would offer to any friend in the Undercity.
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After 3 additions and 2 purchases. I finally have my Skyclaw pack at a full 100% capacity. It’s been a long project as I added 5 members at a time and had to start with what my dad gave me. Each pic is every “wave” or addition of marines. And obviously, solo shots for the last five marines.
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pcsitivibee · 5 years
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thankfulness for a bundle of rpers : @drvidcraft @empirefire @saphirling @divinesouled @archtor @worldborne @polyphoniie / @songdreamt @brothaende @qadvyl @greyhunted !!!!!! i've got too many people i want to send love to and i don't want to clog inboxes but all of THEM are genuinely such AMAZING and TALENTED writers and equally amazing PEOPLE and going onto my dash everyday brings me SUCH joy !!!!
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clockwaysarts · 5 years
bisexual-nightmare replied to your photo “Working on a cross stitch pattern of a certain Bentley on fire. Pixel...”
Will you...will you make that pattern a thing we can buy from you because I would LOVE to be able to do it, it’s absolutely amazing (Or buy the actual cross stitch from you, honestly, I will just Throw Money at you because of this I promise)
Awww you’re far too kind! I bought some thread and am going to start working on it on a trip I’m taking. If all my color choices are sound I can certainly look into releasing it!
grandmistress-of-the-greyhunt reblogged your photo and added: “Working on a cross stitch pattern of a certain Bentley on fire. Pixel...”
Hnnng I’ve been meaning to get into cross stitching and between this and @shitpostsampler I’m definitely going to get into it
You definitely should try cross stitch! It’s actually really cheap to get started all in all! (If you go with a hoop though, go plastic, instead of wood for your own sanity and lack of splinters.)
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katy-l-wood · 5 years
grandmistress-of-the-greyhunt replied to your post “Hrrrrrrg. Executive Dysfunction is kicking my ass with my new job. I...”
I have the same issue and a few things that can help (some of the time, none of these are guaranteed bc ADHD) * Tell someone else you want to do the thing. Sometimes this can create an external pressure which will force you to do it, even if the person you told isn't forcing you * Set a timer for 5-10-15 minutes, whatever works best for you, and start the thing anyway with the timer being the "get out of jail free card" where you can absolutely stop when it goes off
See, that’s the problem. I’ve done all of this. I’ve done all my usual tricks and NONE OF THEM are working. IDK what it is about this job in particular (well, more specifically, this one aspect of this one job) but it’s just kicking my ass.
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mychampion · 5 years
@greyhunted​ from (x)
The raven hopped into the room, feathers fluffing out from the cold of the snow outside. How any one creature could withstand that, how people could live in such conditions was confusing, but he wasn't here for that. He was here for her. He was here for Vex'ahlia.
Vex'ahlia. Baroness of the third house of Whitestone, Lady and wife of Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III of Whitestone, mother of bears and the Champion of Pelor. Many people were saved by her and the group known as Vox Machina, though one of their ranks fell at the end; the term "fell" was cruel, however many still saw the loss of Vax'ildan as a fall. He did not return with the others after they defeated the Whispered One. He returned with his matron to complete the contract he made to save his sister's life. It was not a light sentence, but an understood one.
As the half-elf ran her fingers over the feathers, the raven gave a soft caw and leaned into the touch. It'd been a very long time since he'd felt the warmth of another.  He had been given a gift before he flew to the Material Plane, a double-edged gift from his Matron that allowed him a brief insight to the goings on for the time being. A cruel trick, as everything that would happen while here would fade again. Just as it had.
Time was growing short. He listened to her and hopped back towards the window, grabbing the handle with his beak and opening it back up to allow himself out. He turned with a hop, this time stamping his feet on the stone and let out another loud caw, but this time, a word hung in the air. 'stubby.'
The raven cawed again, stamping and said the word again. 'stubby. stubby. stubby.' Each hop, it directed each stamp at her and the bird flew around and out the window, hovering just outside with another word before making it's way towards the forest nearby.
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luxnosvocat · 5 years
PERCIVAL | starter for @greyhunted
“Vex, would you mind? I have something for you,” Percy said as soon as she appeared, folding both his hands behind his back and resisting the urge to run a hand through his hair. He didn’t know why he had all this nervous energy all of a sudden -- maybe he did, but he was very good at lying to himself, after all -- but it was true that downstairs on his workbench lay a delicately featured filigree brooch, silver winding around polished beads of wood from the forests they’d been traveling through and chips of whitestone he’d sanded down for decoration. 
It was very pretty, but it didn’t do anything, and maybe that was part of the nervousness -- there was very little of an excuse for the gift this time, no practical spin he could put on it. (Other than he always needed to do something with his hands and that every smile he received from her had become more and more precious to him nowadays.)
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mercysought · 5 years
My favorite muses of yours are Maxima and the Priestess! I've followed you on and off on various blogs for a while and I've loved seeing those two grow. They're two awesome ladies and they're badass in their own ways !!
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This is so nice sobs I am so glad to have you around to see the journey that I’ve been on both of them, thank you so much ♥️♥️
–nice things ( accepting ) from @greyhunted​
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commaless-a · 5 years
EEEEEH -- ( @greyhunted​ ) (x)
HER face SHIFTS -- it’s an expression of OFFENSE: raised brows and PURSED lips as she RAISES her hands up. FUCK !! She wasn’t supposed to have FOUND out -- she was just -- a LITTLE curious; and MAYBE just a little DRAWN to the jingle of her PURSE !! 
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“I -- didn’t do NOTHING !!” She SQUEAKS, her hands WITHDRAWING to her chest, “I wasn’t -- DIPPING my FINGERS into your purse -- I was -- uh -- TAKING the whole bag, if you want to be specific -- but NO, I was NOT STEALING from you !!”
She CURSES under her breath, and when Vex DRINKS, she takes a SWIG from her flask, too. “You -- you are -- a VERY keen lady, I must SAY !! Nothing EVER gets past you, huh ??”
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everlightblessing · 5 years
Her role as a Baroness really does complicate matters. Always busy, never enough time for her own life. Vex feels fortunate enough to run into Elaina as she was leaving. Purposely blocking the way, she's given the chance to embrace her. There's a smile on Vex's face as her hands reach out to gently cusp Elaina's cheeks. "Stay safe out there, dear. I love you." With a kiss to her forehead, she pulls back to let her through the door. "If I don't see you for dinner, I'll see you in the morning?"
            Sneaking comes as a second nature to Elaina. She doesn’t know if it’s practice, if it’s part of her blood– if growing up running through the halls of such a big castle and roaming through forests with served a bigger purpose than just playing around like any other kid, or if perhaps it was a part of her all along. So, rushing past her father’s workshop is easy nowadays, Pelor bless his soul, it’s her mother that she doesn’t see coming. 
She never does.
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“Mother!” She gasps, jumping in her place as her arms wrap around her, eyes wide in panic. Does she know? She wasn’t supposed to know. How does she always know everything? The Gods wouldn’t possibly be gossiping with her about the kind of stuff the eldest De Rolo child does behind her parents backs. Would they? “I’m– I just– Of course, always do. I’m going to visit some shops, see if anyone in town needs our help. That is all,” her lips curl up in a charming smile, polite, hoping it hides the nervousness behind. “Is Trinket going to be with you, mother?” Maybe Trinket told her. “I was thinking, if he wants to come with me, he can. He might want a break.” No. No, he wouldn’t have. It’s not like she’s under any risk by just trying to make a weapon and meet some new friends. Even if those friends are in towns she’s never visited before. Cities no one but her favorite sibling know she’s visiting. At least not that she knows of. “Father’s in his workshop, if you want to see him.”
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irresurrection · 5 years
anything and anyone you write is pure gold, zoe. i love your take on nott and caleb so much
how’s my portrayal? / @greyhunted​
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i love u
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storiesheard · 5 years
10, for vax!
50 reasons to touch someone | always accepting
10. …in joy.
VAX'ILDAN STUMBLES BACK AS VEX TACKLES HIM IN A HUG. he laughs, his arms sliding easily around his twin's shoulders. " easy, stubby. use your words. " regardless, he giggles. vox machina is celebrating a successful mission by getting more than a little bit drunk. " how much have you had? you're not always this huggy. "
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Finally finished this simple pack of the goodest boys.
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semanticsreally · 5 years
greyhunted replied to your post: happy birthday meeee
happy birthday! ��
thank you!!! <3
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lavendervcined · 5 years
✖✖✖✖✖ !!
@greyhunted || send an ✖ if you like my portrayal! || ACCEPTING
softly: holy shit
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