#griezmann barcelona
footicons · 1 year
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antoine griezmann icons
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pedripics · 1 year
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Pedri González & Antoine Griezmann FC Barcelona vs. Atlético Madrid - April 23, 2023
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swaggypsyduck · 1 year
footballers as text memes pt.13
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pt.12 , pt.14
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lovemomhatepolice · 1 month
soccer masterlist
navigation taglist requests
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jude bellingham
marc guiu
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A/N: in the future i will add more players to the list! for now I publish only for these two, because, without hiding, I focus on something else, and I do not want to do something “just to do”
please do not copy and translate my works! in case of any issues related to this - I invite you to discuss privately :)
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bellcza · 3 months
the mental block atleti has when it comes to barça is unreal
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gadriezmannsgirl · 10 months
GadriezmannsGirl Masterlist!
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Hi guys! I go by M; I'm latina 🇻🇪. and I mostly write for my guys Gavi, Pedri and Antoine, my requests are Closed (at the moment) and I can also write for:
Frenkie de Jong
Fermín López
Ferran Torres
Joao Félix
However, there are a few things I'd like to clarify:
Like I said before my requests are closed for now, however feel free to talk or rant to me about anything you want with due respect.
I don't do smut (Only Fluff and Angst). I won't do any kind of vi**ence, r**e, s**cid*l or any dark themes.
I use she/her pronouns in all my works.
If I'm not comfortable with writing something or for someone, don't keep asking for it!
This is a safe space for everyone, I do not accept any kind of hate towards anyone in here.
Respect is at the top of my list in here
You can talk to me by pressing the I'm here, talk to me✨ button just to chat about anything or to request something
Don't copy my work! It's very rude!
Feedback is highly appreciated!
With all of this being said, enjoy all of my works!😌
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Pablo Gavi Masterlist
Pedri González Masterlist
Antoine Griezmann Masterlist
Other Players Masterlist
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Last Updated: August 24th, 2023
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mattycashyx · 1 year
Antoine Griezmann - making him feel better
words: 1296
(Got this gif from Pinterest so credits to that person!)
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A few month ago Antoine made a transfer from Atlético Madrid to fc Barcalona. You went with him, it was a hard decision for you because you lived your whole life in Madrid. Madrid was your city, your whole family lived their and you saw them weekly. But you loved Antoine too much and you couldn't live without him so you decided to go with him.
You had met him in 2016 at a match. Your brother is an Atlético fan so you went to a match with him, it was his birthday gift from you. You two were sitting in the front, your brother had made a poster with 'Antoine Griezmann can i have you shirt'. Your brother was a fan of antoine since 2014 when he joined Atletico madrid. So after the game Antoine saw the poster of your brother and walked in your direction. He jumped over the fence and took his shirt of to give it to you brother, who took it gladly.
Damn, he has a good body you thought. "thank you so much!" said your brother with the biggist smile on his face "no problem bro" said Antoine while smiling back at your brother. "it means so much to him, I don't know how to thank you" you said while looking at Antoine with a small smile "I do know something" he said looking at you with a smirk "what?" you said being confused "go on a date with me" he said while making you blush. And ofcourse you said yes and now you've been together for 3 years.
You finally began to feel more at home in Barcelona and slowly started to like it. You weren't the only one that was struggling. Antoine had a rough start at Barcelona, the fans from Atletico where scolding him out for traitor on social media and the Barcelona fans where saying that he wasn't good enough. He always got hate but never so much at ones and he took it hard on himself. He trained every day really hard to be better but it didn't pay off.
He didn’t tell you how he felt, every time you asked how it was going he said fine. He didn’t want to bother you with his problems because you were already struggling with your own problems. You didn’t noticed it at first but Antoine seemed less happy, he was smiling less, he didn’t made funny jokes and he didn’t did his little dances anymore. Ones you started to noticed his lack of enjoying life you started to get worried. Something was wrong but you didn’t knew what it was. So how where you supposed to help him.
That was until you were watching tv and there was some football show on it talking about Antoine. But they didn’t talk good about him they were making fun of him and saying hurtful things about how bad he was playing and that he wasn’t good enough for Barcelona. You immediately turned of the tv and when to look on Instagram what people where saying and they where saying the exact the same thing. You blamed yourself for not seeing this sooner. You where so coughed up with you own life, you where constantly thinking about work that you didn’t saw how miserable your boyfriend was.
So you decided that you two should have a little date night at home. You knew that if Antoine came home from training that he would be tired and that he just wants to stay at home with you. You quickly took a shower. After the shower you went to the kitchen to make his favorite dish, you hopped it would make him feel better. You set the table and put some candles on the table, it gave a romantic atmosphere. You got dressed in Antoine’s favorite dress of yours. It was a long beautiful red dress that suited you body perfectly. You did the last finishing touches so that it would be perfect.
When Antoine came home it was completely dark in the house and he was confused, he thought you where home. But that’s when he walked in the dinner room, the table was set romantically with candles and his favorite food. His beautiful girlfriend was sitting at the table looking beautiful and in the dress that he liked so much on her. He couldn’t get a better dinner than this. He couldn’t keep his eyes of you witch made you blush. “Are you gonna keep staring at me or you gonna eat dinner with me” you said smiling at him he didn’t say anything and sat down across from you.
“You look incredibly beautiful” he said looking at you lovely “thank you” you said happily. You two begin to eat dinner witch he really enjoyed. He had told you a hundred time how delicious the food was. He forgot everything for a while and was just having a fun time with his girlfriend whom he loved very much. You on the other hand was also having a great time it was a while ago since you and your boyfriend had a fun dinner date, you had missed this.
You had ended the night with laying on the couch. Antoine was laying with his head in your lap and you where going with your hand through his curls. He loved it when you were going with your hands through his hair it made him relax, he closed his eyes and almost fell asleep. “mi vida (my life) please tell me what's going on, I have noticed that your not as happy as you used to be" you whispered to him.
He looked at you with sad eyes "I don't want to bother you with my problems" he said getting up and not looking at you. "please mi vida I can't bear to see you like this, please tell me" you said looking at him with pleading eyes. He still didn't look at you so you took his head in your hands and made him look at you. A tear was spilling from his eyes and you whiped it away with your thumb.
"I'm just getting so much hate from every one, and they are right I play bad. I'm not good enough for fc Barcelona" he said believing what the people where saying about him. You were starting to cry it made you so said that he thought so low of himself. "don't ever say that again, it hurts me so bad that you feel that way about yourself. You're Antoine Griezmann, you're a really telanted footballplayer. There is a reason why fc Barcelona bought you, they see potential in you, they know that you're a verry good footballer. You're gonna show al the people that have something to say about you what you're capable of. Don't ever let people talk you down like that. I believe in you and I love you" you said to him at the time you finished more tears had spilled on his face.
"Thank you for always making me feel better. I love you so much I can't even express how much I love you" he said smiling at you trough the tairs. You gave him a hug and felt him relax under your touch. You gave him a kiss on the lips and smiled at him. He looked at you confused "I'm just really happy with you" you said to him "me too, I don't deserve you" he said
You still couldn't believe that this is your life. If you told me 4 years ago that I would be in Barcelona in love with a footballer I would've have laughed in your face. you thought.
My first Antoine Griezmann imagine, what do you think? I'm so happy that he gets more recognition he deserves it!<3
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leclercloml · 6 months
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sports-on-sundays · 2 months
football in the rain / Antoine Griezmann
Summary: Antoine x female!Spanish!reader - You met a celebrity before he became a celebrity.
Warnings: running away from home, angst I suppose, missing home, sad ending, melancholy vibes, bit of Spanish (sorry if it's not correct), slight parasocial relationship?
Author's Note: I'M BEGGING YOU. PLEASE READ THIS! I wrote this because I'm a huge fan of his, okay, but listen, I know a lot of you couldn't care less about this but it was an idea I had that I needed to write down. It's not even romantic at all, so you don't have to worry about that! I'm just super proud of this and it would make me so happy to know someone read and enjoyed it. Please, if you don't enjoy it as a fic, then enjoy it simply as a story! Anyway of course I know after this mega long author's note I'm going to get 0 notes anyway.
Requested: Be real.
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The year was 2006. The rain beat on your head, soaking through your clothes, as you walked, carrying nothing but a backpack on your back, in the middle of the night.
You stared down at your shoes as you walked, watching as water squished out of them with every step. You let out a deep sigh.
But suddenly, a football gently ran into your foot.
You looked up just in time to see a soaking wet teenage boy, running towards you, saying quickly, "¡Lo siento!"
His wet hair was plastered to his forehead, and his clothes were also soaking, hanging from his body. He had no shoes on, which you found strange.
You picked up his ball and held it, saying, "Who are you?" A part of you assumed he was just some homeless guy who had come across a ball and decided to start playing with himself.
"Mi nombre es Antoine," he said, and it became clear Spanish wasn't his first language. He eyed the ball, waiting for you to hand it back to him.
"Are you French?" you asked.
He nodded, looking at you with his big eyes. "Can I have my ball back?"
You frowned, and, being merely a teenager, asked bluntly, "Are you homeless or something?"
The boy blinked in surprise. "No! I play for Real Sociedad." He gestured, and you were surprised to see you were right by the academy, and you hadn't even noticed.
"Really?" you had asked, sweeping a wet strand of hair out of your face.
He nodded.
"How come you're out practicing in the middle of a rainy night, then?"
You watched as his jaw tightened a bit, but he responded back simply, "I want to improve. I practice whenever I can."
You laughed a bit at that as you asked incredulously, "Don't you get any sleep?"
He shrugged. "Of course I do."
You nodded, and stood there. You glanced at his ball, before rolling it back to him. He stopped it with his foot, which compelled you to ask, "Why aren't you wearing any shoes?"
He shrugged. "They got too wet on the grass. It's easier without."
"Won't you slip?"
He shrugged for about the one hundredth time.
"Well, it makes you look homeless."
"I don't care."
You nodded, shifting your backpack strap on your shoulder, as he said, "But what are you doing, walking in the middle of the night, like you are?"
You shrugged. "I'm running away from home."
The boy blinked in shock as he began kicking the ball back near the field. You followed, somewhat intrigued by this guy, Antoine, with his bright eyes, as he asked, "Why would you do that?"
"I don't know. I'm sick of my home," you said, shrugging off your backpack.
"Want to play?" Antoine offered.
You nodded, slipping off your coat, too. You started playing, just going easy on each other, before Antoine said, eyeing the jersey you were wearing, "Atlético? Are you from Madrid?"
You stood a little straighter, proud of your club. "No, but my uncle is. He's who I'm running away to. I'm sick of my parents."
"You said that," Antoine said as he intercepted your dribble.
"You're really good," you complimented.
"I'm going to go professional, soon enough," the boy smiled proudly.
You nodded. The two of you kept playing, until the score was 3-2, Antoine winning, and you flopped down on the grass next to your backpack, both covered in not only water, now, but also sweat.
"Fernando Torres?" Antoine asked, glancing at the back of your jersey. "Is he your favorite player?"
You grinned, nodding. "He's the best."
He nodded back, and you sat silently in the grey night together for some minutes, before Antoine asked softer, "Why do you want to run away from home?"
You frowned. "I don't know. I want something new. My parents expect me to do so much, and then they never even care about me. They're so controlling. I mean, I'm fifteen! They treat me like a little kid."
"Oh..." Antoine nodded again, trailing off. "Do you think they love you?"
You blinked in surprise at that question. "Of course they do!"
He nodded, and said simply, kind of suddenly, "I'm from France."
"You said."
"My parents are still back there, and my siblings. In France. I hardly ever have gotten to see them... Since... I moved here, for football."
"Well, why didn't you join a club closer to your home, then?" you asked. It seemed fairly obvious to you.
"No clubs would take me."
"What? Why?! You're good!"
But Antoine shrugged, a sad tinge to his voice, so much so, that for just a moment, you thought he might cry. "Apparently, not good enough... What's your name, anyway?"
You told him your name, and he nodded. "Mucho gusto."
You sat there for a while, together, silently. The rain subsided a bit, and finally, you stood up, grabbing your backpack. Antoine stood up with you as you said, "Well, I better get going."
Antoine nodded and said, "Bye. It was really nice, to..." he trailed off, because neither of you really knew what had just happened.
"Yeah," you smiled, understanding. "You too. Antoine."
He grinned back a bit as you turned on your heel to get walking.
But suddenly, he grabbed your wrist. You turned to face him again, your eyebrows scrunching together. "Wait," he said.
You stared.
He let out a shaky breath, before saying, "If your parents love you... I don't think you should run away... I know it's hard, but I don't think you'll regret it in the end."
You saw the glimpse of all the sadness in his eyes. The loneliness.
He knew how it would feel.
His heart was aching for his family.
You assumed it was just a stray raindrop that slowly rolled down his cheek.
You swallowed, and slipped your hand down to squeeze his. "Thanks, Antoine. I'll think about it."
"I don't think I'll ever forget you," he said suddenly, softer.
You blinked in surprise. "W- Why?"
He grinned suddenly. Those sparkling sad blue eyes shining. "I've had a nice time with you, practicing."
You nodded, smiling a little back. "Yeah I had fun, too. Well... bye, Antoine."
He let your hand slip out of his as he called, "Thank you!"
At that time, you didn't have any idea what he was thanking you for as you walked away.
Sometimes, today, you think about it. Now you figure he was just lonely. A boy in the world striving for success, but couldn't see the bright path ahead of him, at the time. Someone who kept going simply because he was a dreamer. He never let go of hope.
That night, you didn't walk to the station and get on a train to Madrid. You went home, took a warm shower, and went to bed.
And after that, things got better for you, slowly but surely.
And you thanked Antoine for that, partially.
And you hoped things would get better for him, too.
Well, you saw that with your own eyes. You saw him get older, and get a place on the first team.
And though perhaps you didn't realize it at the time like Antoine did, the same went for you.
That night, a strange connection you would never forget was formed.
There was no way you could ever forget that lonely night with Antoine, playing football in the rain.
You stand in line, holding two jerseys in your hand. All around you, you, people gushed and huffed and jabbered and pushed in mostly excitement.
Ahead of all the people, somewhere, was Antoine Griezmann, sitting at a table, signing fans' items.
Antoine, who years ago, you played football with in the rain.
You're sure the fame, the money- it changed him. You assume that's something that happens with everyone. But there were so many moments when your heart pounded, and all you could think was, Once upon a time, I stood in the rain and talked to that boy. In that moment, on that one night, we were connected.
Now, eighteen years later, you're determined to let your paths cross again.
He's a famous footballer, with everything anyone could ever ask for. Practically all the money in the world, and a beautiful wife and children.
You're just you, a woman in her thirties who has had a generally alright life, but remain middle class and alone in the world.
But there's a connection you don't want to let go of.
There were moments.
When your uncle phoned you to tell of the news of the young Real Sociedad hotshot who was signing for Atlético Madrid.
When you watched him walk off the pitch crying, after a loss to Germany in the 2014 World Cup.
When you stood up from your sofa and screamed for joy when he scored his first goal for your club, Atlético de Madrid.
When he won the World Cup for France in 2018, and you watched him smiling in the rain with the glimmering golden trophy in his hand.
When you watched him go off to Barcelona, and still stayed his supporter through that mess.
And then you saw him come back to his club. Your club.
And become it's top goalscorer.
And now you're determined to see him face-to-face again.
It seems to happen so slow, and so quick, and the same time. You're not sure if it's tedious or sudden, but either way, at some point, you step up to the table with a lump in your throat.
He looks up and meet your eyes.
He won't recognize me, will he?
"Could you sign two things for me? Antoine?"
He nods, "Of course," and you lay down your jersey of his, with the number seven on the back of it. His Spanish is a lot better now, but you know that. You watch as he scribbles his signature on the shirt and hands it back to you with a smile.
You swallow down the lump in your throat as you lay down the second jersey.
"Fernando Tor-" his voice falters, "Torres," he finishes.
He glances back up at you.
A hint of uncertainty.
Does he really recognize this old jersey?
Is it really ringing a bell, or am I just imagining things?
You breathe deeply.
Come on, Y/n. Say something. This is your chance. This is your one moment, your mind screams as he signs the second, ragged, quite older jersey.
He hands it back to you, but his eyes linger on you longer.
You blurt, "Mi nombre es Y/n."
His bright blue eyes become slightly wider as he opens his mouth to speak.
But suddenly a fan pushes your back in annoyance, and a security guard says, "Miss, we've got a lot of people to get through, and Griezmann doesn't have a lot of time."
And just like that, you're swept away by the crowd. The moment is lost, and you stare at your shoes, clutching your jerseys. You stare at all the other shoes around you, your brain drowning out all the noise.
Your heart pounds.
He remembered me. He did.
Your head aches. All you needed was another moment. All you needed was-
What did you need? Did you really expect anything? Could you even have expected anything?
You feel dizzy, as your stomach drops, and the whole world seems to spin.
You should just be happy you got your jerseys signed, by a star like him.
But to you, he feels like more than just a distant star.
You walk out, swallowing the newest lump forming in your throat, not even taking a moment to look back and see the blue eyes still glancing up and burning into your back.
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peligrosapop · 9 months
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FDJ and Griezzo : Season 20-21 vs Season 21-22
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jkznnedy · 1 year
chicago - michael jackson
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★̶̲ 。 ࣪⊹ 🦷🏟️ ❟ ⠀𝘀𝗈𝗰𝖼𝗲𝗋 𝗽𝗅𝗮𝗒𝗲𝗋𝘀 ⠀❤︎ 。
𓂋 . . . ⟬ 𖥻 ! ℓ𝗂𝗄ᴥᩚ 𐐫𝗿 ꢯ𝗲𝖻𝗅𝗼ᦋ ᶻ 𝘇 𐰁 ノꔛ
▞▞ ꗃ ━─ 𝗰𝗿e𝗱!𝘁᥍ ꭑᦸᩚ ‧ֺ。‧ֺ․۬‧∘🌀𖠵★ꠦ𓍊𓋼
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f1tfballetc · 3 months
Happy birthday to Antoine Griezmann, Ronaldinho and Jordi Alba! Football is a game of high dose of entertainment, and you are all amazing. May your birthday be filled with celebrations and surrounded by the people you love. 🎉🥳🎂
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lilirari · 6 months
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mountinez · 1 year
Hey just wanted to ask what happened between Messi and Griezman. There were rumours about problems between them. Also love your blog so much!!
hmmm, hi anon bestie! just saw your ask and i feel like i need to answer it real quick. idk, i just felt like doing it now. so come with me!
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grizi is one of the loml, ngl. i know he didn't fit in barca but it was hardly his fault. who is to blame? neymar, ofc! (or whoever is behind his departure).
july or august, 2019. it was another life. leo was at barca and everything was fine, but it was there that messi's beautiful love story with barcelona began to sour. until then, he was always a perfect angel who never complained about anything.
however, around that time, there was a negotiation, which ended up going nowhere, about ney's possible return to barcelona. it didn't work out and messi got really pissed off.
in 2019, messi spoke about against barcelona for the first time: "I don't know if they did everything possible" or something like that, was what he said. i mean, that was the angry leo messi and the statement shocked everyone.
let's remember that back in 2017, when neymar left barca, ​​it was complicated because he, along with messi and suarez, where the trident of dreams, the infamous msn. after ney left, there were several attempts to recreate this magic, but it didn't work out very well.
coutinho, although a beautiful, hardworking and pure little angel, didn't make it.
so there was no way. neither neymar would return, nor anyone could take his place. and in that, griezmann arrived to bury any chance of flaquito returning to barcelona. this also displeased messi (quite a lot), which made him even treat griezman badly (it is what they say). the poor guy had nothing to do with it. but i feel like leo was still mourning neymar and was trying hard to make a connection just like that.
impossible! we all know! in the end, from the moment it was established that neymar would not return and that his replacement would be griezmann, messi became more vocal about anything at the club that caused him discontent.
it is worth saying that messi's dissatisfaction came not only from not having his opinion taken into account, basically, but because he saw (and anyone could see) that barcelona no longer worked as much as a team as it was. and that barcelona's victories were increasingly solely his responsibility.
meanwhile, the barca world collapsed. in early 2020, valverde (barcelona's iconic coach and very respected by messi), is fired. some time later, messi goes to instagram to say to be careful when complaining about barcelona players, saying that it was not to put everyone in the same “group”. whatever was messi's group, it is thought that several were forming at the club, indicating a rift in the team after the change of coach.
other issues at the beginning of 2020, when in march, with the start of the pandemic, messi got involved in all that crap about reducing player salaries. he asked not to pressure the squad. (ok, but he was so wrong here, tho. no one was pushing the squad, everyone was nervous. calm down, husband!).
july 2020, after another inevitable defeat, messi was emphatic, saying that barcelona had been very weak in the season. at that point, messi's dissatisfaction was already clear. either because of the lack of voice, or because of the arbitrary decisions of the leaders. and then august arrived, and the last straw happened.
koeman, the new coach calls suarez to fire him in less than a minute. suarez is not only messi's best friend. he is also the third highest scorer in barcelona's history. luchito's entire trajectory was thrown into the bin with the phone call, which is a shame and a shame on any level you look at it.
leo is a bit cold when you first meet him. i'm not the one talking here. rodri de paul literally said it in an interview in 2021. what i think? griezmann actually was a victim of all this mess. leo wanted neymar back and when it didn't happen his behavior changed complelety at the club. he didn't trust anyone and he was seeing his role in the club was not what he thought it was.
i'm sorry, i can be delusional but i won't take it back. when neymar an suarez are involved leo messi is another person. he will always have their back, no matter what.
idk i ended up making an ask about griezmann being about msn. sorry anon 😭
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gadriezmannsgirl · 1 year
Dating Antoine Griezmann Would Include...
Griziiiii!!!🇨🇵😍 This man deserves some good loving and attention
P.S: You already know what's this one about.
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I feel like dating this man should be one of the best things ever
Like, he'll be head over heels for you.
Wouldn't have eyes for another girl. You're literally the only girl in his world.
You met each other thanks to one of the Atlético matches. A little incident happened.
You were being pushed by some fans of the rival and they picked on you. Of course, you had your friends helping you out but they still messed with you. And your group was out-numebered. So you tried your best to stop them, quietly
Obviously, Antoine saw this and he told some guards who helped you and your friends out. After the match ended, he came straight over to you and your group of friends asking you if you guys were okay.
That question, turned into a full conversation with him
And in the end, he asked your name. And soon, you saw a IG notification
@antogiezmann has requested to follow you
You liked the man, so of course, you accepted.
And your friendships started that way
After several months of friendship, you were the one who asked him out
Seeing that he was still a bit unsure of dating, now that he was fully divorced with kids and stuff. He wasn't sure if you'd like him in that way.
He thought you prefered someone else. Someone who you could start your life brand-new.
But you didn't
And he fell in love with you when you told him that
Talking about his kids.
You were nervous meeting them. It's obvious they are Antoine's whole life. And you wanted to make a good impression on them
His heart melted when you started playing princesses with Mía and Alba.
And Football with Amaro
You got along with Erika
Not like best friends, but did keep a healthy relationship between the two of you. She was the mother of his kids and you knew it. And you also knew they would be always connected to each other thanks to those three beauties.
He fell more in love with you when you told him you knew that.
He is really close to his family and mostly with his younger brother, Theo
He was extremely happy when he saw Theo's and yours friendship
Anto often says his older sister, Maud, tries to kidnap you from him
"I try my best to do so, Anto. Be careful" "No. I wouldn't let you"
"No. I love being with him" You'd say making his soul leave and come back to his body several times
Joining him in his goofy style
Lots of laughter in your house
You never go out unless it's grocery shooping
And some important event, oc
You are best friends with Koke
And with the rest of the Altético de Madrid players
They loved the fact you made Antoine happy
Talking about happiness
Your happiness it's his
So he would always do his everything to see your smile
Would give you gifts at random times at days
"And those flowers?" "They're yours, chérie. Hope you like them" "Love them" You kissed his cheek "But why?" He shrugs his shoulders "Just because"
Dating Antoine Griezmann means never getting used to his hairstyles
"Will I ever see you with the same hair style for more than four months?" "I don't think so, chérie"
Loves it when you try and speak French with him
"Wait, what?" And he'd just laugh at your attempt
Bit of dirty talking in French
You totally go crazy for it
Even if he's cursing at your relatives, you'd be all over him
Cuddles are the best
But not everything is pink
You'll be sad whenever he has to leave for some match
Lots of "Miss you"s and lots of Facetime calls
He would send you pics or videos of him, where he is, what's he doing, what's he eating, everything
He would also bring you a little gift from whenever he was, a necklace, a handmade card, anything
When he comes back home, he won't be leaving your side
You guys don't fight a lot
And when you do, you never go to sleep mad at each other.
He absolutely hates it
And he loves you, respects you and cares for you.
Basically, you're a freaking lucky girl if you're dating this man
Because you guys were not only each other's lovers, you were friends, you were partners, you were each others rock, you were each other supports and no one could ever bring you guys down.
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bziklife · 2 years
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