#grit haid
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Austrian film actress Grit Haid on a vintage postcard
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I want to live Ch1
Baldur's Gate 3 canon divergent - loosely following the game story but add a little spice Tav (Wren - she/her) x let's find out. Super self indulgent
Wren had escaped Avernus shortly before the rest of the Elturel Tieflings. She had recovered and thought she was finally able to start a new life - until she was taken by the illithids during their passage over Waterdeep and she once again found herself escaping Avernus. Now back in the material plane, with one of the parasitic tadpoles in her head, she and her newfound companions have to find a cure but what else will she find?
Wren walked the dirt road, listening to Laezel and Shadowheart bicker, occasionally interposed with stirring quips from Astarion. Part of her wondered if she would have been better off sending them to set up camp with Gale but the wizard had insisted they would be better off with her. She wondered now if he had predicted this from the get go. Sure, they were all newly acquainted and with these parasites in their haid she needed all the allies she could get, but after the events of the nautiloid, the ensuing battles and a rather perplexing meeting of the lich who only rattled off some confusing prophecy bullshit her tethers were beginning to fray.
The sound of shouting up ahead pulls her companions out of their interpersonal discontent and to attention as they all move more carefully, preparing their weapons. As they crest an outcropping the scene below comes to view, three mercenaries arguing at the gate of some form of settlement. She assumed this was the Druid grove they had been told about earlier. Her eyes squint and then widen. She knew some of the tieflings perched at the top, and when a tall red skinned tiefling joins she feels her breath catch. Zevlor. He and the lead of the mercenaries continue arguing loudly at the gate as another tiefling Wren recognised… Kanon? Looked between the two anxiously, waiting for instruction. Just as Zevlor finally gives the order to open the gate, the sickening wet sound of an arrow through flesh and bone echoes across the area, fired from a goblin bow. Kanon slumps and Zevlor is yelling. Without thinking, Wren is breaking her cover, bow raised and muttering the incantation for hunter’s mark on the Worg barreling toward one of the mercenaries, following immediately with an arrow that lands deeply in the beast’s side. Her companions also jump to action, Astarion knocks an arrow and fires from beside her, Shadowheart and Laezel moving to take care of the goblins moving on their position.
The battle is bloody, exhausting but thankfully quick. Wren was running low on arrows and had taken more than a few close shaves with returned ranged attacks.
She hear’s Zevlor yell at everyone to get in the gate and is all too ready to oblige, those tethers of patience well and truly snapped. Moving down the ledge, Shadowheart makes to say something but is shouldered past, watching a moment before looking at the others and following after wren. Above them, Wren hears Kanon’s sister, Arka mourning the fallen tiefling and her teeth grit, storming to where she can see Zevlor and the Mercenary leader arguing loudly. The human looked ready to knock the tiefling flat but Wren shoved herself in, doing the job herself as her closed fist collided with the red tiefling’s jaw, sending him sprawling.
“What the fuck Zevlor?!”
“By the hells-” The red tiefling groans, leaning up and looking before freezing as his flaming eyes find recognition. “Wren?”
The human makes a smart ass comment that Laezel fields, ushering the man off as Wren continues.
“You had ample time to open the gate, let them in and have your idiotic bickering, inside and safe but you stalled! You put the three at the gate in danger and Kanon killed! I thought you would have learnt after Elturel!” She saw the pain in his flaming pupils, and knew she had hit a low blow but right now she didn't care. Taking a deep breath, she turns, looking at her companions. “Go find the druid and supplies, I need to help bury a friend.”
The trio didn't say a word, letting her go.
How long had it been since she had last seen some of these people? 4-5 months? Their time within Avernus had been abysmal, a fight to survive. So many had been lost and she herself had barely made it out, stowing away back to the material plane only a month or so before the other Elturel tieflings escaped.
She helps the others bury Kanon, watching as Arka grabs a crossbow, storming further into the druid camp before taking some time to sit by the grave.
Her companions had returned a while later, Reporting the druid they were hoping to find had been caught by the goblins and held at their camp - located somewhere further into the wildlands. Shadowheart had prevented a child from being killed by a snake belonging to the grove’s fill-in leader Kahga, Laezel had interrogated one of the tieflings about the location of some githyanki forces to the north-west and Astarion had found more food for camp and a new dagger, though by honest means or theft Wren really wasn’t sure. The four of them had returned to the camp Gale set up and Wren spent the evening getting cleaned up only to realise that she hadn’t spoken to Nettie, the druid Halsin’s apprentice.
“I mean, we could always send Gale. After all, he missed all the fun earlier”
Gale frowns at the pale elf. “Ah yes, send the wizard in to fix the tumultuous attitudes after our tiefling companion suckerpunched the leader of the tiefling forces. A wise choice.” The sarcasm hits it’s mark and Astarion moves over to Wren, draping an arm across her shoulders.
“Well darling, it seems you are on your own for this one.”
She sighs.
“Fine. Don’t wait up.”
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thedabara · 2 years
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Pauline Frederick at 55 from asthma 
Florence Lawrence at 52 from suicide
Grit Haid at 38 from plane crash
Myrtle Stedman at 52 from heart attack
Pearl White at 49 from liver failure
Lyda Roberti at 31 from heart attack
Thelma Hill at 31 from brain hemorrhage
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1-800-nymph · 6 years
Offerings & Devotions | Persephone 🌺🦇
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Offerings | 🌰
Any kind of flowers/plants
Pomegranates or related items/foods
Bones, bones, bones! (Note: remember to honor the animal that once carried them)
Tarot cards/decks you associate with her
Nuts & seeds! I love giving her hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds, and pumpkin seeds. (Note: do not eat food you offer to her!)
It can be as simple as offering Persephone small fruits like plums, peaches, guayabas, cherries, strawberries, and quenepas.
Anything to do with grains! Bread, pasta, oatmeal, breakfast cereals, tortillas, and grits.
Anything mint related like food, a mint plant, or perfume or gum!
Jewelry! I plan on offering her a tiara/crown
Honey in general is a popular offering for her (any deity tbh)
Lemon-y foods
Candles that smell of flowers or fruits
Herbs, dried flowers/plants, fruit seeds/pits
Crystals that makes you think of her! Angel aura quartz, rose quartz, agate, & opalite screams her name to me!
Drink wise (pour the drink down the sink/outside once you’ve offered), honey & milk, coffee, hot chocolate, water.
Bat, ram, and deer related items/imagery
Devotions | 🍄
Raise some plants! Take care of plants! Sing to plants! Give all your love to plants!!!! Name them too. (‘: (grow some mint maybe!)
Sing her songs that you associate with her! Or hum the songs! I usually hum “Charon’s Crossing” by Beats Antique because it reminds me of her and I love the idea of Persephone and Kharon being buds.
Muse about your past lives with her (if you believe in the concept)! She is the goddess of reincarnation, so no doubt she’s seen you as many different humans/creatures and loves you all the same.
Celebrate Ostara and Imbolc wth her!
Also honor Persephone during Samhain as she returns to the underworld and Haides.
Walk barefoot in forests/fields (be careful tho of glass and stuff)
Contact some Nymphs and begin working with them since Persephone surrounded herself with them a lot! A UPG of mines is that Persephone is the matron of the elven & fae folk as well hehe
Preform bath rituals in her name. Add some flower petals for a nice touch and as an offering to her!
Ask if she wants to cast a spell with you! You both can work together to cast the spell and hang out. Don’t forget to thank her!
Visit a graveyard and clean up, maybe offer the dead some food like nuts, small cakes, fruits, etc. place out some coins too!
Contact her through bone divination! Or take some flowers and do the “they love me/they loves me not” form of divination with a yes/no question.
Read some poetry about her! There’s so many poetries written about her omehaidkeks so read them aloud to her. Also make one for her!
Make a playlist for her!
Set up a bird feeder outside during spring and summer!
Even simply studying her myths and who she is as a goddess is an act of devotion. So don’t overthink it! Do what feels right in regards of devotional acts towards her!
How to get closer | 🌱
Meditate upon her; channel your godphone and let her voice, touch, and thoughts embrace you. Listen to her & talk to her.
celebrate her associated sabbats with her in her honor. Pamper her and spoil her with lovely offerings (it doesn’t have to be expensive offerings! Give what you can, she will be happy no matter what it may be 🥰)
A lot of people who worship chthonic deities such as Persephone, practice spirit work as well. You don’t have to do this, but I see it as a form of becoming closer with her and understanding her more. I personally have not done this yet and probably won’t for awhile, but I think it would benefit the relationship.
If you are romantic with her (even if you aren’t romantic with her, these are very nice gestures), write love letters, bake her sweet treats with the intent of love and forming a stronger bond, leave a space open for her before you go to bed in case she would like to sleep beside you, ask her to accompany you every other day, muse about her.
Open yourself up to her. Show her your joy, sorrow, frustration, anger, etc. don’t hide them and do not be afraid to ask her for help. Tell her about your good or bad days, vent to her, ask for advice, show her every aspect of who you are. You do not have to be happy and serious all the time with her or any deity you devote to, darling.
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Austrian film actress Grit Haid on a vintage postcard
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Austrian film actress Grit Haid on a vintage postcard
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Grit Haid on a German vintage postcard
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thedabara · 4 years
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Elissa Landi
Nora Gregor
Grit Haid
Marietta Millner
Gerda Maurus
La Jana
Ellen Richter
Sybille Binder
Betty Bird
Ressel Orla
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