#grogu being found as an egg by a padawan in a dumpster is so lol to me
padawansuggest · 1 year
Force Ghost Cody: Why are we looking for Initiate Grogu in a cave full of armored idiots?
Force Ghost Obi-Wan: Luke said he gave the baby back to his Buir, who promptly wandered off to find them in a cave. I think the armorer is force sensitive enough to see us so we could ask her to talk to Din about continuing his meditation training.
FG Cody: Yes, because an initiate without meditation might end up just as bad as Anakin.
FG Obi-Wan: Calm down, you know you love my idiot too.
FG Cody: Shut your whore mouth, General.
Armorer: 0.0??? Oh hello, are you two searching for the light sword??
FG Obi-Wan: Actually, we’re looking for initiate Grogu-
Armorer: Foundling Grogu.
FG Obi-Wan: …foundling Grogu-
Armorer: My bu’ad. Whom you cannot have.
FG Obi-Wan: …
FG Cody: *giggling*
FG Obi-Wan: Sorry, you misunderstand. My nephew, Luke Skywalker, did him a great disservice by letting him leave without promise of mental health help. I get that’s a big part of what you do for your covert, but the issue is, for his peace of mind, he needs regular meditation and reassurance in the force.
Armorer: And you are here to give that?
FG Obi-Wan: Sure. Little Grogu was always one of my favorite kiddos in the temple, from the moment I found his egg in that dumpster when I was thirteen.
FG Cody: I’m sorry you found that baby troll’s egg in a dumpster? What did it call to you in the force?
FG Obi-Wan: Well. I mean. I got tossed in the dumpster and then I saw the egg and grabbed it and felt a life force in it-
FG Cody: You we’re gonna eat the egg before you realized it was fertilized, weren’t you?
FG Obi-Wan: Obviously. I was a bit feral at that age and alone on a mission. It was massive!
Armorer: Hmmm. I like you two. You will join me and foundling Grogu in the mornings for meditation.
FG Obi-Wan: Awesome. Sorry for just intruding on your forge like this and all-
Armorer: No, it is an acceptable reason, to honor the foundlings.
FG Cody: I like you, you’re a bit more stable than the shiny silver one that doesn’t have much thought behind his eyes.
Armorer: Thank you. I have suffered to get him to think for most of his life now. I think this is as good as that will get.
FG Cody: God that’s such a mood. I could tell you stories about getting Ben and the 212th to do what they need to for basic survival. It’s wild.
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padawansuggest · 1 year
Anakin: I’m sorry, why am I the litterbox baby and why is Grogu the dumpster baby?
Obi-Wan: *points at Anakin* dessert-
Anakin: okay, fair.
Obi-Wan: *points at Grogu* found his egg in a dumpster.
Anakin: …excuse me?
Grogu: Patu! ‘Whateth the fucketh.’
Cody: *doesn’t have enough caff for this*
Rex: *doesn’t want to deal with it*
Ahsoka: *excited for storytime*
Obi-Wan: Yeah, some guy threw me in a dumpster, I found this huge ass egg in there, force said take this, I said Lunch! Force said No A Baby, I said :/ ew but I took him and here he is.
Grogu: Patu! ‘Wow’
Anakin: Wow. He literally is a dumpster baby. I thought you were gonna say he digs through trash cans or something.
Grogu: Patu! ‘I do not!’
Obi-Wan: He does. He goes sorta feral if he thinks you’re hiding something tasty, but I’m sure you already knew that much, considering you do too.
Ahsoka: One time, Grogu bit over a piece of raw nerf steak.
Obi-Wan: Give Anakin a few weeks. He’ll start fighting you for raw meat too.
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