sininensalo-a · 5 years
grottenschlechtt replied to your post: (( I feel like Jaska forced to small talk would...
let him talk to Ludwig PLS
(( oh my god YES ))
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damnprussia · 6 years
grottenschlechtt replied to your post “"Damn motherfucking shit bitch fuck-!" Here is the Younger Brother,...”
Ludwig's multitude of swears were cut off by the sudden affection, and he made a small noise in the back of his throat. "Ach- you don't have to kiss me! They're just cookies." A little awkward, he pats Gilbert on the back, half returning the hug. "You're welcome, though."
“I did, you shouldn’t ever shy away from your big brother’s affection!” More kisses all over his face. He didn’t do too much though, or he was sure the poor boy would probably self-combust.
“I appreciate it. We should go out, take the dogs for a walk. I’ll eat these cookies and give them out along the way.”
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konigsberggg · 7 years
@grottenschlechtt ; starter Lord, did Gilbert loved the look on the Austrian's face as he approached, holding the little boy in his arms. He felt powerful, invincible, and proud as once again he had beat Austria and here he was to claim his prize- the little boy in question seemed serious, Gilbert thought, with his blonde hair falling in front of his face. A haircut would be needed as soon as they were back in Berlin. Bismarck stood next to him, and the two were both eager, Bismarck just as excited as Gilbert himself as all their plans were falling in place- all that was left was to beat France and finally would Germany be unified. But the boy was to be his, and Gilbert would unify his country for him. "Thank you, Austria," Gilbert said with his Northern German, his tone almost snide as he held his arms out to receive the boy. The Austrian did not look happy. The boy, Gilbert could barely read his expression. "You named him Ludwig, no? Pity, I was hoping for Frederick." Gilbert held the child in his arms, holding him out in front of himself, inspecting. "I'm Prussia, but you can call me big brother or Gilbert." He grinned toothily at Ludwig, and looked over to Bismarck. "And this guy is Otto-" and then, the child slid from his grip and tumbled to the floor, and Gilbert simply stared down in shock. "Oh fuck, sorry little man, haha-" but his apologies were cut short as Bismarck turned to yell at Gilbert for dropping Germany not only a minute after first getting him, and Austria looked worried for the boy's life.
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blcemetjes-blog · 7 years
Send me ⊙ and my muse will bold all that applies to yours
I think you are:
| Admirable | Attractive | Absentminded | Amusing | Abrasive | Aloof | Arrogant | Brilliant | Bizarre | Bland | Caring | Charming | Clever | Confident | Courageous | Creative | Cute | Careless | Childish | Clumsy | Cowardly | Cruel | Dignified | Dramatic | Desperate | Devious | Disrespectful | Elegant | Energetic | Emotional | Excitable | Faithful | Forgiving | Friendly | Flamboyant | Foolish | Frightening | Generous | Gloomy | Greedy | Gullible | Helpful | Honest | Hateful | Intelligent | Ignorant | Impulsive | Insensitive | Irresponsible | Lovable | Lazy | Mature | Malicious | Misguided | Monstrous | Narrow-minded | Optimistic | Obnoxious | Peaceful | Persuasive | Protective | Power-hungry | Quirky | Reliable | Romantic | Ridiculous | Sexy | Sophisticated | Selfish | Trusting | Treacherous | Understanding | Unpredictable | Unstable | Vulnerable | Witty | Weak |
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green-hollow-blog1 · 7 years
“this didn’t work out as well as i thought it would.”
buzzfeed unsolved ask meme
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“Naw definitely no… good laugh but?”
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bloodycrumpets · 7 years
grottenschlechtt replied to your post “I'm super excited for this tattoo project. I think it's going to look...”
Do you need medical attention?
Do I look like I’m dying?
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sininensalo-a · 7 years
grottenschlechtt replied to your post: (( someone: wow your fc doesn’t fit all of your...
lmao i deleted the ask and the gifset in question but honestly,,,, this is why i didn’t use a fc for ludwig for like 2 years - no one was /perfect/ and people always talk shit and ignore any criticisms you have yourself
(( yeah that’s why I could see it on one dash but not the other this explains a lot but like I wanted to address this issue with “perfect faceclaims” sometimes they do happen (re: Mogens, Feliks, Sigurd) but sometimes it’s just like. the Best and Closest you can get so. you just cherish the fact the person has relatively similar face to your muse. #tfwOCs
my Iceland literally has 3 faceclaims who are models and I can’t decide on one (don’t get me started on how they have like. up to 2 shoots and that’s it) + I go with those nameless models from idk, say, pinterest, because this one guy in this one pic looks 9/10 like Gunnar let’s use him for one icon/sidebar/bio reference ))
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damnprussia · 6 years
"Damn motherfucking shit bitch fuck-!" Here is the Younger Brother, swearing outside Gilbert's door. Why? Well. He had arrived with spare cookies that he had baked that morning, only to stumble and drop the box onto the floor. Are they crumbled? He has no idea. But he's swearing.
Gilbert stared in surprise at the other as he heard the stream of curses coming out of his mouth and looked down at the cookies now on the floor. He slowly bent down to pick up the box and looked at Ludwig. Despite Ludwig’s foul expression, Gilbert smiled as he leaned forward and hugged his brother tightly around the neck, kissing his cheek. "You’re too good to me,” he said. Cookies be damned.
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zoetbelgiearchive · 7 years
Send 💬 For My Muse’s True Thoughts of Yours (Still accepting!)
“He’s gruff and standoffish. I’m not sure if I like the way he stares. He’s impossible to start a conversation with and loves looking over my shoulder to correct me when we have to work together.
Not a fan.”
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grottenschlechtt replied to your post: “Don’t underestimate how much food i can eat...
Oops, too late; it’s already in his mouth. “Npff.” He frowns, shaking his head, mid bite. “No.”
He doesn’t look at all impressed, but he’s not about to try and stop him again. Ludwig’s already started eating it after all; and it’s not like he could physically take it away from him. “If you eat any more of those you’ll get fat. I thought you had higher standards when it came to sausages?”
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green-hollow-blog1 · 7 years
grottenschlechtt replied to your post ““this didn’t work out as well as i thought it would.””
"... No. I nearly broke my leg."
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“But, in the end, did you? Naw. So we may as well just look back on it and laugh.”
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bacieciambelline · 7 years
Who that? StoINKY. Ludwig,,,,,, sti STINKY,,,, GO EAT AN BUGGER
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bloodycrumpets · 7 years
grottenschlechtt replied to your post: [lies down on my muse] when u want ur boy to...
let’s put our muses in a pot to stew in their own emotional ineptitude
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waddistjom · 7 years
grottenschlechtt heeft gereageerd op je bericht: smash or pass Ludwig
wtf the fuck
baby needs diaper change owo?
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sininensalo-a · 7 years
grottenschlechtt replied to your post: So … in the light of the recent events happening...
Welcome to the club.
There is a club?
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napuleh · 6 years
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[his heart swells for a moment but a real bitch knows to NEVER LET HIS GUARD DOWN] [he smiles to himself anyways and pets lud’s face]
Shhh. [pet pet] I fed your phone to the dogs.
They’re handling your job quite well, actually, so you don’t need to do that. You can just lay here and rest. Like you’re supposed to. Dumbass.
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