#gruffi gummi
sollen-bar45 · 17 days
Танец Грега и Розы в исполнении Ворчуна и Густо
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ricka-m · 7 months
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+ after sobering up
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demico-art · 8 months
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Fantober Day 18 - "Book" Zummi fell asleep on his book again
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askthelovenest · 6 months
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I had to draw this after mine and @valenships conversation from yesterday!
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dangelqueentmnt16 · 8 months
working on a disney's gummi bears fanfic! So here are some doodles that will be apart if it! Hope u like it!!
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yes I'm still working on haunted mansion stuff, but gummi bears is also a very important part of my life! You see I grew up in a religious house and i wasn't allowed to watch modern cartoons. And though I was born in the early 2000s I was raised on 80s & 90s cartoons! Like Eek the cat, gummi bears, darkwing duck, tail spin, ect! This made it really hard to bond with other kids my whole life! Cuz kids of this age wasn't watching shows that played in the time of there parents much! But as sad as it sounds these bears where my only friends along with other characters, for the longest time! Call it mental illness, but I'd also agree with u im very mentally I'll! Lol anyway this is Rubi gummi yes she has my name and a bit of my features, but she not me! She has her own life & story! So stick around for more I hope you'll enjoy the adventure!!! 🤙🤩💕✨️
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mouseonacloud · 5 months
They're siblings I say
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fizzlefroth · 2 years
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Still learning how to properly use this shading technique here, but I love how Igthorn turned out.
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daily-plush · 4 months
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1985 Fisher Price Gruffi Bear Gummi Bears Plush
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inconspicouslurker · 6 months
Gummi Bears
So, I know this isn't Owl House related but I been watching my favorite childhood show, Gummi Bears. I havent watched it since I was a kid.
I love Gruffi. He such a mood and have the best facial expressions out of all of them. I particularly felt this one.
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He is the hardest working/laborist working one out of them by far. Not to mention he the unspoken leader of them which is just added stress. In this still, it was mentioned earlier in the episode that he finished chopping and storing wood as well cleared the drainage ditches. Everything was done before the fall farewell. The one day the Gummis celebrate by relaxing after preparing for winter. Gruffi moments before this expression was taken, just said "Nothing is getting me out of this chair" after he signed and melted into the armchair. Clearly looking forward to his deserved rest.
Then Sunni, one of the youngest bears came back from inviting the princess to their holiday, excited exclaim the human princess is coming and how excited the princess is to see all the decoration they (never have) put up. Half the bears, Gruffi being the most vocal, were reluctant of doing more work when they wanted to lazy for a holiday meant for them to relax. But found out, it was traditional to decorate and dress up etc etc and the Gummis just gotten lazy about it and just sort of forgotten it.
With the Grammi and Sunni rubbing in with the newfound information that the decoration IS traditional to Gruffi, the biggest traditionalist of them all BY FAR. Adding that Sunni is nearly pleading with him, and Gruffi has a big softie for the young bears. He reluctantly agreed. But that picture above is a face of a man who just wanted to relax and earned it, only to have it be ripped away by doing more work in the name of tradition and keeping a preteen happy. Just such a mood that felt to my core. He just so irked he canT be lazy for once. hahaha.
I should just start another blog to share my whims of interest that isn't Owl House headcanons.
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sollen-bar45 · 9 months
"Я пытался изобразить старших гамми моложе, но возможно просто перерисовал их одежду."
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ricka-m · 1 year
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askthelovenest · 6 months
⚰️ : what’s a song that reminds you of your f/o ?
I--actually don't have a song that reminds me of Gruffi.
🕷️ : three words to describe your f/o!
Smart, strong, and careful!
💌 : are you possessive of your f/o?
No, not really.
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dangelqueentmnt16 · 7 months
The red knight gummi, chapter 2 is now out!! :)
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emuartworks · 8 days
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The gummies during their first year alone at Gummi Glenn
Who else grew up with this show?
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onionrimgs · 7 months
gruffi dear. stfu
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nei-ning · 9 months
62 please
62. seven characters you relate to? - Now this is bad, ahah! :D I don't know do I have 7 characters but I will list those who I have.
Gan Ning from Dynasty Warriors. He is very fair, loyal, he is very free spirited and he likes his freedom. He doesn't want to be controlled, told what he is supposed to do. Same with me. I value my freedom and don't like it when others like to control me.
Raphael from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. He has temper but he, like Gan Ning, is loyal and does everything to protect his family. He is not all that good at expressing his feelings (warmest ones) but he shows them with actions. I have temper and it boils over in a second if I go too far with it. I try my best to be loyal (depending how people treat me back) and I am there for those who needs protection (shoulder to cry on, ear to listen etc.). I also struggle to express my warm feelings with words. I rather show them with actions (hugs, giving gifts mainly). I also have to mention Raphael's old version from TMNT Adventures. He is mellow and gentle turtle who doesn't hesitate to even kill in order to protect his loved ones.
Kazuya Mishima from Tekken. He is cold and very distant, minding only his own business, doing things in his own way and not letting anything or anyone stop him. I try to keep my distance as well, at times I guess I appear as cold too(?). I try to focus on my life and myself, going for my goals without letting anything or anyone stop me but I'm still practicing all of this :'D
Grimmjow from Bleach. Once again a character who is "cold", does things his way, not liking to be bossed or controlled. Tho, I'm certain he has a good heart deep inside. If he didn't, I'm sure he wouldn't had saved Orihime from those two other Arrangars (if I remember correctly) who were beating her.
Gruffi Gummy. I had to do some googling but he likes to do things in his own way, in the old fashioned way (gummy way). I saw him first time as a little girl in 90's, not seeing him since, but I remember he was my favorite. I too prefer to do things in "the old fashioned way". Like... "Thing X has always been done this way!"
Rei from Breath of Fire 3. Care free, takes care of younger and smaller ones, has a good heart, is kind but also funny (at times). Likes to say; "Doesn't this just beat all?". I try my best not to worry about anything in life but it's hard at times. I try my best to do good if my finances allow it. I try to heal my heart and become better. I try to be kind and funny (don't want to be boring or lame :'D).
William from Nioh. Now, he is a bit tricky. He is more like a husband material to me than a character who I can relate to. However, I really like his story and adventures in ancient Japan. I like old Japanese houses and shrines so... When I play as William and can go to shrine and see temples etc. I feel I'm visiting them personally.
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