#guess its time to change the twitter profile
kaciidubs · 8 months
🫧 unrelated to anything ever, but I just realized my twitter username for my stan acct makes it look like I'm not an ot8 for the boys, because I never added the little "8" after the little "7" representing BTS 💀
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jbcatboyedits · 25 days
Haven't had the time to update the assets because the launcher hates my PC but here's a summary of the last month or so of content.
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(and a bonus silly one for discord emote purposes)
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thisisthiago · 1 year
WeHeartIt is dead.
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It died in 2023, during a sunny June, though the process started taking place way before that date. It’s unclear, though, the reason why it started to happen. And, since I’m not a journalist, I might focus on why it meant so much to me for so long.
WeHeartIt, famous for embracing thousands of people around the idea of creating personal galleries and sharing them with friends, was born in 2008 from a Brazilian developer. He came up with the idea of creating a platform where people could save, share and, most importantly, heart images.
And didn't that work out? At its peak, the social network had 25 million monthly users and partnered with brands such as Teen Vogue to promote content and increase that reach. Of course, there was always Pinterest, but this wasn’t it. WeHeartIt was a hot mess of posting and hearting and expressing ourselves through the images we saved or the postcards we sent or even the collections we built. Of course, you could open Pinterest and organize your ideas, wishes, and... crochet templates, I guess? But at WeHeartIt, what looked like a mess would then become a gallery with layers of meanings and feelings, resembling the rings of trees. Our profiles, as rings of trees can tell us about a harsh winter or a particularly hot summer, would have layers composed of travel dreams, romantic ideas, or heartbreaking moments. It was safe and, as a 2018 article from Women’s Forum would point out, it was a mood booster.
Can you imagine such a lovely mess? "Dancing On My Own" was at the top of the parades (at least for hipsters worldwide), Tumblr was the next most favorite network, and Facebook wasn’t as cringe as it is now. In the middle of all that, WeHeartIt was thriving. Saving us from the boredom and helping us all to create a gallery where we could go back to see (and feel) all that was there to remember.
But then, things started to go somewhere out of the road, and we learned that good and new features don’t necessarily mean improvement. The app didn't have to try and be anything else. Of course, a design refreshment is always welcome, but some of the updates were simply needless or had no sense at all. All of that led to what we encounter today when we go into the platform website.
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I won’t refer to all of the annoying-but-still-not-changing-the-core-of-the-app updates and features. I’m talking about ads, postcards, articles and yes, podcasts. Though all of these were meaningless and even annoying, they never interfered in my possibility of using the core functions of the app: managing my profile, visiting other people’s profiles, and hearting images.
Then, all of a sudden, WeHeartIt starts rolling out a message saying that the app will now focus on other features and so, they would do part with profiles and hearting. Yes, you read that correctly. The owners of the app decided that the main functions of the website should no longer be available, in order to redirect the main focus of the app to photo editing.
As I said in a rather harsh review of the latest version of the app in Apple’s App Store:
The so-called "photo editing" capabilities are laughable, barely a patch on dedicated apps in that domain. It's utterly disheartening that even a relic like the 1967 app surpasses WeHeartIt as a creative tool at this point. There appears to be an overwhelming lack of satisfaction with this so-called "upgrade."
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Though scattered around the web, many of the platform users have shown their discomfort with the current state of the app. A quick search on Twitter, Reddit, App Store Reviews, and even Tumblr shows us. Even though some users still try to make some of the old features of the service work, it’s only a matter of time until the database is updated and we no longer have access to any image at all.
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It’s sad that WeHeartIt is dying. The idea was great, and the execution worked for a while, but now it just looks as if the owners of the platform are looking for an excuse to shut it down permanently. We might as well just end up with a page like the former ffffound.
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chronocrump · 5 months
Hello Chronocrump, I recently stumbled upon your art the other day, and I couldn't stop staring at your gallery.. It makes me realize there is so much thats lacking from my art that I really want to improve on. I felt desperate to contact you, but wasn't sure if it would be rude. I wanted to try to ask you, how do you approach drawing? Do you structure it first, or start with a gesture drawing? Focus on the form or perspective first? Etc My other question might seem strange, but I wanted to ask how do you hold your pencil? Ive learned that different pencil grips can drastically change the quality of someone's art. Thank you for your time. I'm sorry if my message is to long, or you don't want to respond back. I wanted to atleast try, but also let you know that your work has been very inspiring for me to keep trying.
I'm glad to answer your questions, it's seriously no problem. I wanna start by telling you how amazed I was when I checked your profile to see your work. I know you have a huge lack of confidence in it, but your art is genuinely beautiful, and frankly, looking at it, I found it hard to believe that you would be asking me for advice...from my perspective, you're way ahead of me. You're certainly better with color; you might notice I really only post sketches lol. I really don't want to dismiss or downplay your feelings about it, but I have to let you know how I felt looking at it. To me it seems like your brain is telling you your art isn't good enough when it very, very much is.
Anyway, enough gushing from me lol. On to your questions.
Usually when starting a drawing, I very loosely and lightly sketch the overall form of the pose I wanna do. Very rough basic shapes/forms to get everything in its right place before I start really drawing it with confident lines. Even then, all the lines are subject to change; nothing is sacred. To be honest tho, I usually mess up the proportions and have to fix them a bit lol. I try to sketch cleanly and concisely, meaning I try not to draw a lot of lines in a spot that could really be done with just one or two. I'm not super strict on that tho, at the end of the day while I try to draw efficiently, I also want to draw comfortably. So with something like a big circle for example, I'll draw that pretty sketchy. In terms of perspective, I'm trying to get better at it, but when considering how I want to use it in a drawing, it's part of the initial image or idea I have in my head, so I lay it out from the beginning. I do also draw structure lines on the face, just a simple cross to plan where the center of the face will be. Lately I've also tried taking more pictures of myself for pose reference and it works well.
Most of my practice comes from studying my favorite artists and trying to emulate the specific ways they structure their drawings. I should actually be doing dedicated practice sessions with that, but I digress. Recently I've been trying to practice from photos first thing in the morning, tho I'm finding it hard to commit to doing it daily. I just go on pinterest and find cool poses, then draw them, trying to get down the basic shapes and prominent features more than focusing on minute details. I've posted some of these practice sketches on here but there's a few more on my twitter if you wanna see what I'm talking about.
In terms of my pencil grip, I'm not sure...since I was little, I've always had an unusual grip. Looking it up, I guess it's like the "dynamic quadrupod" grip, but with my forefinger farther back. Really the most I try to do is draw less with my wrist and more with my forearm. Some say you should "draw from the shoulder", and that sounds right...I guess it's all about avoiding straining your wrist and getting carpal tunnel lol.
Anyway, I'm flattered that you would ask me for advice. To be honest, it makes me feel like I should have more confidence in my own art. And you should too! I can say that, objectively, your art is very good. I hope my advice was actually helpful and not generic stuff you've heard before lol. Good luck in your art journey.
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📢🔊🎤🎶 LOVE IS IN THE AIR... 🎙🎷🎺🎸🎹and 5 takeaways from the past months
Oh my Gosh! What an afternoon of excitement!
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Apparently Jimin changed for nanoseconds(?) his profile picture and posted one of JK 
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Too bad the account didn't record a video..... If there is only one person as a testimonial, let me be a bit skeptical. 🤨
But who knows... maybe Jimin was playing with Jk, as this latter did on April 28th.
Also emerging on twitter are the constant cacophonies heard in Jimin's last vlive....LOL
I take these things with a grain of salt, because they always happen... there’s always someone in tiktok who hear voices in Jimin's and JK's vlives 🤣 
I do think they were together the night of Like Crazy's BB100, because all the k-army accounts (I follow) perfectly hear, at the beginning of the vlive, a "go quickly" with a busanese accent. That can't be a coincidence, nor a general delulu mode! 
In any case, I'm here to celebrate Jikook's love fest of this past month.
📢🔉🔊🎤🎶🎵 LOVE IS IN THE AIR... 🎙🎷🎺🎸🎻🎹
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I have to admit that there was a time when I didn't understand why the hell we didn't know anything about Jikook.😫
Those who wait are in despair. And if I'm the one who waits (while quitting smoking), it's even worse, because I'm (above all) IMPATIENT! hahaha. I missed jikook a lot and I was in a total skeptical phase.
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Don't scold me, I am not insecure, I like to be objective and critical. And there were things from these months that just made me wonder if everything was okay... I'm not going to go into them, because there’s no need. But I am going to share with you some of my lessons or takeaways from these months of CHAPTER 2 and that now, with more perspective, I can share, in case it helps anyone for next months.
1. The members who interact the most are the ones who are promoting at the time. 
I don't expect to see others in official content, unless they have something to promote. I guess it's marketing strategy. Just compare how Suga has reacted to other albums on socmed, with how he has been more involved in Jimin's, because he came next. 
The only exception is Hobi who is constant. Our dear sunshine..💜
But as I could see, if we want to see the rest, it's up to them.
2. This brings me to the next point: JIKOOK has chosen to show us that they are still there as usual, but without the exposure. 
Let's cry in chorus! 😭😭❤❤
JK wanted to support Jimin and for us to see him. And he wanted it to be something special, dammit! And so it has been!
I melt with him and everything he has done so far: from saying how great the Set me free Pt2 MV was going to be, to playing the chords of Letter, and the vlive reaction to Suchita and Jimin's best moments unbothered.
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Plus the next morning reacting to Jimin’s live LOL
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And Jimin has always been active in JK's vlives, whenever he could, with some very memorable lines 
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3. What we don't see is almost EVERYTHING. And what we can see depends on many external factors. 
Thanks to the editors we could see JK visiting Jimin. It looks like they were together for only 5 seconds, but we know that was not the case.
if they even said goodbye in two different positions LOL
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On the other hand, Letter was not recorded remotely, nor did JK teach himself to play it on guitar on youtube, like he learned to make sushi on ITS. 
This would be a point for non-jikookers who believe that jikook has not seen e/o for months.... but, I write it as a reminder for everyone, but especially for ME. 
What we see in recorded content is Hybe's choice. The rest is either shown to us by them or we have to assume it by applying common sense.
On the other hand, does anyone expect jikook to plug in a vlive when they're at home together watching The Notebook for the umpteenth time? I don't... Which brings me to the next point...
4. Army is always a support to Jungkook
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I really believe that when he has been feeling very bored, alone or melancholic, we have been a help to him. Maybe he needed a rest, but at some point the inactivity has taken its toll on him, given that he didn't have his precious people around him.
In particular, I am happy to see him in his new role as CK ambassador and to see him travelling and active, at least until he enters the more intense work phase of his future projects.
So when I've seen Tae at his home, or with him at concerts, far from worrying about the cults's reaction (Who cares!!), I've been glad he was getting him out of the Mikrokosmos cave, because JK is an introvert and his comfort zone isn't exactly socialising.
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[How I feel about Tae and his vlives and name dropping at certain times is another matter. But I have no doubt that Tae loves him and has made it a point to take him out bowling or to concerts]
5. Perhaps most controversial, but most obvious.....JIKOOK don't officially live together and that's what we're going to see from here until they leave for military service. So it's best not to give too much thought to the issue of houses.
But there is a very big obviousness to this issue. JK lives in a house rented by Hybe, with furniture from the dorms and barely decorated (althoug full of underwear 😁), as if he can't rent a house while his mansion in Itaewoon is being built...LOL! It's a joke! (and by this I mean that perhaps he spends part of his time elsewhere 😏).
If jikook is an established couple, as many of us think, we will always have to bear in mind is that they cant fulfil everything we would see in a long-term couple, like living together in one house 24/7/365, for obvious reasons, but basically because they are hidden couple and they’re also chased (especially Jungkook, who has a lot of sasaengs behind him).
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And this is basically my main takeaways.... I'm sure I have more lessons learnt.... but I don't remember them now.... or I'm tired of writing.... maybe it's the latter ;)
I purple you 💜
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wewebaggit · 1 year
SAG AFTRA issued a statement in favor of supporting Israel and twitter was going batshit condemning writers and also actors, suddenly the whole support for the strike became empty in ppl's eyes due to the state of politics.
I am unaware of this. As a general rule I'm not a fan of people airing out their opinions or even being expected to air out their opinions about everything under the sun but especially highly sensitive issues such as these for nothing but posturing. That's all. I saw some dumfuck post about history asking you what you did to stop the genocide. Keep your answers ready or whatever. And I'm like. Tell me what you did apart from a stupid Tumblr post abt your (not really) bleeding heart.
Mine may be an unpopular opinion but I do judge people who make it so that expressing their opinion on each and every sensitive issue of the day in public is their whole personality and making it a metric of judging people but most importantly propping themselves up.
If you're not out there doing shit then you aren't doing shit. Period. Please don't delude yourself into thinking that a name.txt post is you contributing towards the cause. Get off the high unicorn.
If SAG-AFTRA has done this, it's yet another incident of sticking it in the wrong place. Not everyone has the bandwidth of understanding everything. In fact, no one has that. And sometimes shutting the fuck up is good and recommended.
There's no need to add to the cacophony. As could be seen earlier more was made of what a celeb says instead of idk devoting that time to asking themselves what they did to stop the genocide for their history test or whatever.
My anger has and always will be for people wearing causes like designer bags. In this season, out the next. You're cool if you're wearing it and fuck off if you're not on it yet. How dare you.
That's what's happening. That is the long and short of it. I too have been a part of this posturing crowd in my youth but it was stupid then and it's stupid now. (I talk about myself preemptively answering any ask that may try to counter me on this daftest of points.)
The changing of the profile picture, the hashtags, they do nothing. If you're not converging with black armbands on the road, it's not a protest. If your work was done as you lay on the bed holding in or letting out a fart it's not work. Activism involves activity. And therefore, idgaf abt the discount slacktivists who tweet or tumble in the way one lies about speaking French on their CV.
Celebrities, non-celebrities, organisations not in the service of serving the cause, etc. can all go fuck off. An opinion is an opinion and it may be right or wrong. But it cannot take precedence over reality. You hate someone's opinion - then you want to hate them - but no you want them to first learn and apologise - and yet you want to hate them - or maybe you don't - and that will be your personality for a while. And guess what the issue was never what one fucker thought about something. The issue was always that *something*. And that something wasn't glamorous enough a 100 years ago and it isn't now.
We'd much rather engage in debating a reaction to a thing than understand that in the grand scheme of things a right and a wrong opinion both hold the same weight of a grand total of nothing. Because none of us is DOING anything. Poseurs the whole lot of us.
SAG-AFTRA put out a statement. Did it take a vote of its members to see if they agreed? If they took a vote was the vote split published? Why does an opinion on a geopolitical conflict have any bearing on the demand for better working conditions of members in an entirely different geographical location and vice versa?
Right now. At this moment. I could be pro either party or neutral or whatever and it would do nothing for nobody. Zilch. Anyone feeling otherwise about their own opinion is STUPID.
The witchhunting never stopped. We have more candidates that qualify for being witches and even more witchhunters now. And that's the main sport. That's the cause. Everything else is in assistance of. At least on twitter. N I guess even Tumblr now.
Before any asshole chimes in, I'm not talking about people doing the work. I'm talking about people who think they'd be deemed mute if they don't speak for once.
So I don't care for the opinions of anyone who's not a man on the ground. I just don't. Neither should anybody tbh.
I hope this also answers that other ask someone sent. I'm not attaching it here. But ya.
Also to my anons: ma'am this is an ST blog. Please.
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majaloveschris · 2 years
Something that I find interesting is that nobody has the video, that I haven't talked to or seen anybody who actually saw the video in real time, or that she posted something. // yeah that’s strange, does anybody know who was the first to post the pics? This whole thing today is weird and if she didn’t post it where did the pics come from? Based on the fact that no one has said they saw the video or received notification it makes me think she didn’t post it but someone else got a hold of the video and and leaked those photos. If that’s the case it must be someone close to her or the person that received that video. I also think that it might be possible that this was done to make the Chris fandom look bad considering that all the alba fan pages I see are saying she deactivated her account just because of the hate she is getting from them, nothing about the nude pics(not even in the comments).
Another anon: Something that I find interesting is that nobody has the video, that I haven't talked to or seen anybody who actually saw the video in real time, or that she posted something. /// [feel free to block out what you see fit of course] There is an account that I think has the video: j. The twitter account m posted that they had asked this user for proof and they posted a screen shot of that conversation. You can see in what m posted that c blocked out that user's insta profile photo and name in red when they posted to their stories earlier in the day today, but you can see enough to see that it is that pfp of that ig account. So it looks like there were at least two separate ig accounts that had either photos and/or video: the account m was talking to and the account that messaged c . Now are those accounts that sent the proof run by the same person - that is a different question. But I do think the ig account joca_concha did a screen record of the video.
A few IG accounts got screenshots from the video, from the same account, and one of them posted on Twitter; I guess this is how it started.
So I checked that account, but I haven't found one with that username. If I understood well, every account got the photos from the same one, which keeps changing its name.
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onlinecompanynews · 15 days
Some Promising News About ‘Dark Winds’ Season 3 On Netflix - Notice Global Internet https://www.merchant-business.com/some-promising-news-about-dark-winds-season-3-on-netflix/?feed_id=194554&_unique_id=66df805ad3d36 Dark WindsAMCI have been extremely ... BLOGGER - #GLOBAL Dark WindsAMCI have been extremely impressed with the performance of Dark Winds on Netflix, where the AMC show was added to the service on August 19, and three weeks later, it has remained inside the top 10, currently at #8 as we speak. While many AMC shows have done well there, this has outperformed all the other ones that were just added, including Anne Rice’s collection of witches and vampires.Dark Winds has run for two seasons and no doubt fans are wondering if it’s going to be back for more. Well, there’s promising news on that front in that yes, it’s supposed to return for season 3.This was announced a full year ago, though if you missed this message with the show’s pretty low profile at the time, I wouldn’t blame you, and nothing has changed as of yet, it seems. Here’s the official announcement: “We started this journey with very high hopes for this series, given the remarkable source material and extraordinary creative team behind it, and it has delivered on every level,” said Dan McDermott, president of entertainment and AMC Studios for AMC Networks. “From the beloved novels, to an incredibly collaborative producing team that includes Robert Redford, George R. R. Martin, showrunner John Wirth and star Zahn McClarnon, to the entire cast and crew, there is so much storytelling yet to come in this universe. Thanks to the fans for embracing this series and the critics for celebrating and shining a light on it.”Dark WindsAMCThe show has been excellently received, currently with a 100% perfect score among critics across both of its seasons, one of the only such new series on TV right now with those high marks. The only bad news in this situation is that the third season will be spaced a lot further out than the first two were. The current target release dates is in early 2025, where season 1 premiered in June 2022 and season 2 was in July 2023, just a year later. Heading into 2025, that will be closer to two years this time around, and I’m not quite sure what the delay is. It might be star Zahn McClarnon who has appeared in loads of shows and movies as of late, from Marvel’s Echo to Jennifer Lawrence’s No Hard Feelings. And his run on the stellar Reservation Dogs just ended.One problem, however, is that we do not know how long it might take for the show to air on AMC compared to when it gets transferred to Netflix. Again, that took about a full year after it aired, so is it really going to be three years between seasons if you’re watching on Netflix compared to when season 2 ended? That wouldn’t be great.There is further good news in the sense that if AMC wants, Dark Winds can effectively run forever. The series is based on a series of detective novels by Tony Hillerman (who died in 2008), and there are 18 books. Actually, there are 27 books, because the series was continued by his daughter after his death. Endless content to adapt, in other words. I don’t know how many seasons this will run, but as a low budget, highly scored, Netflix licensing success, my guess is a lot. I just hope it doesn’t take forever to get here.Follow me on Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram.Pick up my sci-fi novels the Herokiller series and The Earthborn Trilogy.“By Paul Tassi Senior Contributor News and opinion about video games, television, movies and the internet. Following Sep 08, 2024, 12:01pm EDT Save Article Comment Dark Winds AMC I have…”Source Link: https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2024/09/08/some-promising-news-about-dark-winds-season-3-on-netflix #GLOBAL - BLOGGER Dark Winds AMC I have been extremely impressed with the performance of Dark Winds on Netflix, where the
AMC show was added to the service on August 19, and three weeks later, it has remained inside the top 10, currently at #8 as we speak. While many AMC shows have done well there, this has … Read More
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soulfullionbunny · 3 months
Profiling Man or Woman based on their post and interactions.
You know how guys always get shit on by girls bcs they don’t validate girls emotional rant. For example, girls talking about their problem and guys instead of riding the conversation and emotional wave, just downright solve the problems. Yeah a lot of people talking about this and the point mainly is guys is logical creature that is tasked to solve problems in the world, while girls are emotional creature that is tasked to feel the world. And based on what I see. This is a reliable male and female split. Some sources online try to change this split by making the logical (male typically) to be more emotionally aware when their partner (female typically) bidding for emotional connection. Now that you mention it, x de lak aku nmpk orng suruh the emotional to be logical. Memanjang kena layan emosi susah ah. Anyway, my point is this logical emotional split is kinda reliable to determine the gender of someone. Of course it’s a rough guess and not a sure hit every time because behaviors not only determined by the environment, but also their social interaction growing up.
So now I have established the traits, now I want to explain how I use it. Im one of those logical people yg a provider or solution rather than lamenting on the problem itself. Due to that I got shit on by my ex. So I learn how to differentiate a bid for emotional connection and a request for solution. With this ability it is useful on a different platform, which is… the internet comment section. Im active on Reddit, a place where shitpost is easy to get. Of course, Reddit is popular for annoying people to gather, especially when they spend most of their time on it. They are of course what you call them chronically online people where a touch of grass could kill them. They infested most of the forum. No forum is safe whether arts, STEM, News, or memes. They are everywhere. Diorng ni annoying sbb 1) they always complaining and 2) they never contribute anything useful.
So what is the connection between logic-emotion thinking with reddit? Well recently I found out that I can profile someone whether they are guy or girl based on their writing style. I have guessed 13 post/rant, and correct 10/13. I would say this is reliable so far but do need further testing. Women selalunya ranting about stuff, and they get mad when the comment section provides the solution instead of melayan hahah. Men however would post about their opinion about a problem and solution but then get mad when people question the morality and/or the ethics or their “solution”. Basically they want people to approve their take on a subject even though it lack the humanity behind it. Not necessarily evil, just out of touch and too pragmatic. So if this happened enough time for it to be a reliable pattern, shouldn't it make sense that this split is not only a mere intentional social construct but actually has a proper basis through years of social interactions and observations for its existence? Further research is required. Maybe if honed, i can determine their age and rough background. Who knows?
Side note: This also not only applied in reddit je, dia also viable kat anywhere yg ada orang commenting or typing. Twitter contohnya. The weakness of this technique however is the need of a long post and the interaction of the poster with their commentors for the patterns to emerge.
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lovefrombegonia · 7 months
Personal Rambling on BL fandoms and what not (unserious nature)
Watching Seungho stans and Jaekyung Stans on twitter fight each other over who is "better" is INSANELY HILARIOUS 😭😭😭 LIKE WHAT YOU MEEEEEAAANNNNN?!!!!?!!?? We are all going to hell, brothers and sisters and cousins. We already in hell. We roasting in hellfire. We partying with demons 😭😭😭 What do you mean yours or mine is less demonic and therefore more angelic LMAO
Now...I get it tho. I get it. I do hate it when fans compare Seungho to Sangwoo but that's coz I do not like Sangwoo. I couldn't finish KS, so, DO NOT take my dislike as proof of badly written character. My personal preferences don't reflect on the quality of stories. That's not what I am saying. But I am also NOT gonna say Seungho is better option than Sangwoo. Seungho-nim fucking killed a dude on the first chapter over a MINUTE MISUNDERSTANDING. Still, it doesn't change the fact that I find his unhinged-ness interesting so WHAT DO I KNOW. I gues I shouldn't judge those stans for fighting eo too. I might become one of them defending Seungho's demonic ass on my bad day.
NB: I know that KS is not considered BL or atleast that's what I hear the author herself said. I don't have a source of where she says that, so, take that with a grain of salt. I am just saying what I hear others say. I, personally, don't mind calling it BL tho coz BL is more like an umbrella term TO ME, that consists of various genres, be it romance, comedy, sci-fi, horror, or psychological. But if the author really said KS is not BL then it's not BL.
I just find it funny to see the SH and JK stans arguing like that. It shows how we get blinded by our own biases. I definitely do that too sometimes.
I am only recently getting into BL manhwa fandom. I have read POTN (ofc look at my profile pic, I am smitten), Ghost's Nocturne (the art style...MAJESTIC, and the horror elements??? OMG GIVE ME MORE), and Blood Bank (🔥♥️🔥♥️🔥♥️). I like all of them! Still need to get myself updated with Define The Relationship and Wet Sand. Usually, atleast, in twitter danmei fandom sphere, bl manhwa don't have a...I guess the closest terms would be "good image". It is said they only have fucking and sucking. In fact, I only read POTN because of a meme I saw making fun of it and Jinx compared to danmei novels. And my monkey brain went: is it THAT bad?? Hmm... let's verify this claim. Queue, me getting obsessed with Seungkyum 🤡🤡 I think BL manhwas, just like JPN BL mangas, have their charm. You can say one is better if you want I guess but TO ME, it all depends on what I want to read. And my conclusion is: I WANT ALL OF THESE TO EXIST. I want the deep pining and suffering. I want the vivid stories and drama. I want the soft and caring lovers. I want the insanity and problematic favourites. I want the purity. I want the fucking and sucking. I want the "god honoring way" content and the "OMG somebody hose this with holy water" content. Really, I do think it's all dependent on my mood whether I would like this type of content on this day and time. You know, I am slowly discovering that...I might just like TRASH sometimes... Like, now if someone says "you got trash taste", I just go: huh...yeah that tracks. I can now proudly say that one should not take my liking of a piece of media as the proof of its high quality.
Everyday...I get more and more unserious.
PS: I would love some recommendations of your fav BL manhwas tho 🥹👉🏻👈🏻
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contentwritings-posts · 8 months
Best Social Media Marketing Services for Brand Success
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Given the state of the internet today, social media marketing services act as superheroes for businesses that want to be well-known online. These valuable products help businesses in stating their story, showcase products, and foster connections on popular social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter Etc. 
Defining Social Media Marketing Services
Think of these services as the architects of your online identity. They are experts in creating and managing content that appeals to your audience. From captivating posts to visually appealing images and videos, they have the expertise to make your brand stand out in the bustling realm of social media.
Importance of Social Media Marketing Services for Businesses
Consider a scenario where a party is going on, but no one is aware of it. This is Together to a business without a social media presence. Social media marketing services ensure that your business becomes the talk of the town, not just at the party. They facilitate reaching a wider audience, enhancing relationships with customers, and building a community around your brand.
fostering customer relationships
These services go beyond simply posting content; They're about starting conversations. Whether responding to comments, answering questions or dealing with concerns, they engage in friendly conversations with your customers, making them feel heard and valued.
Presenting your brand at its best
First impressions matter, especially in the online sphere. Social media marketing services help you present your brand at its best. They create your profile, design attractive visuals, and ensure that your brand exudes professionalism and charm – an online storefront that attracts visitors.
Guidance through the social media landscape
Social media can be a vast jungle, and these services act as your guide. Skilled in the nuances of each platform, understanding optimal posting times, effective content types, and attention-grabbing trends, they navigate the social media jungle, ensuring you don't get lost in the vastness of the internet.
Measuring success and continuous improvement
Have you ever wondered if your social media efforts are delivering results? Social media marketing services don't leave you guessing; They provide valuable insight. Tracking metrics, and analyzing data, they guide you to what is working and what needs improvement – a compass that leads you to success.
Adapting to the evolving digital world
The digital world is rapidly evolving, and strategies that worked yesterday may not be effective tomorrow. Social media marketing services stay at the forefront by staying abreast of the latest trends and changes. They ensure that your strategies remain fresh and aligned with the ever-changing digital landscape.
in conclusion
In short, social media marketing services act as your digital storyteller, community builder, and online navigator. Their expertise not only helps your business survive but also thrives in the wide and dynamic world of social media. If you view your business as the life of the online party, these services serve as your indispensable guides.
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loverofpaperwork · 10 months
Elon Musk tries yet again to sue for Defamation and contract interference re:Media Matters
Repeating History
To refresh my memory if not others, In July 2023 Elon Musk's Twitter Corp sued the London, England based Inc or Ltd, The Center for Countering Digital Hate. It has the classic tropes of a lawsuit designed to waste courts time. A defendant the court shouldn't really have standing over, wild claims that cannot prove either defamation or any interference of contracts, and hurt pride. That complaint Attorney representing Twitter from White and Case, Johnathon Hawk, claimed that the CCDH Injured Twitter by "scraping" data, and intimidate clients. Well in all honesty John Hawk claimed that the CCDH targeted specific users to remove off of Twitter. The piece de resistance of this whole travesty of law was the part where Twitter pledged to enjoin 50 john doe defendants that were apart of a "Large Dark Money group" that subverts American politics and promotes Covid-19 Vaccines.
History at this point will note that this case can be entirely dismissed from court or continue shortly. Perhaps in light of this fact twitter didn't even try to bring in Media Matters into this whole dark money group thing that was undermining Twitters efforts to "promote free speech"
in fact apart of the CCDH's answer was:
“At its core, X Corp.’s grievance is not that the CCDH Defendants gathered public data in violation of obscure (and largely imagined) contract terms, but that they criticized X Corp. (forcefully) to the public,” -cnn (Online hate watchdog moves to dismiss lawsuit from Elon Musk’s X | CNN Business)
*it costs a decent chunk of money to get lawsuit forms, they don't have the pdf available yet, I ain't paying for it.)
While I hesitant to take anything at face value in a lawsuit, the core of the CCDH complaint and the Media Matters complaint is Elon Musk's injured Ego. One for suggesting his company promotes hate, and the other for straight up calling his company anti-semetic.
Dark Money
at this juncture I wish to move into the subject of Dark Money. The Dark money trope, because it is a conspiracy theory, is that elections are controlled by large sums of invisible money. It can't be traced, reported, or even noticed; except by those who have the will to see. It is an easy way of calling out a political opponent or group that is more popular and has more resources.
It is also slightly based in fact, like all good conspiracies. People just don't realize how expensive it is to run an election. That increasing price is seen as corruptiong, and not the nearly constant electioneering parties do. They really do win a seat of office, and immediately start running their reelection campaign.
The fact that Twitter has of yet to name any groups must show that Hawk's theory of a large group of parties trying to undermine twitter is false. Or he got fired, lemme bing that real quick. No he still works for McDermott, White, and Case. I guess Elon isn't footing the bill, OR MAYBE THE DARK MONEY GROUPS GOT TO HIM.
Hate on Twitter
Twitter has been known for years to bring out the worst in people. They have a profile pic, random name, and something in them wants to Seig Heil. I can't explain it. Its like it is designed to remove your filter when you post, which is why I never did. I quit the site months ago. So I don't know how bad it is know, but right after Elon took over, the entire thing was crypto porn bots it felt like.
Hate has always been a problem online, so it shouldn't be embarrassing for Elong to have to deal with it. All he needs to do is actually make small changes and announce they are apart of a larger plan. and boom. No longer anti-semetic. at least in the public perception.
Elon's weirdness
Elon likes fringe United States Politics. Stuff that isn't popular, but garners a lot of internet traffic. Think Reddit and 4chan hate politics. Spend enough time with Nazi's and you start to sound like one. That happened to him. Unironically his tweets out of context sound really bad. Like on a scale of 1 to hitler, like a 6 or 7.
I think he doesn't understand how bad his statements come off. I am choosing not to repeat what he reposts, or amplifies, or the posts he makes for two reasons. One, it always sounds worse to leave it vague, and two, I don't want to share such vile things.
Media Matters lawsuit
well now to real reason I write this. Yet another group is under the crosshairs of the self-proclaimed free speech absolutist. I don't really like what they do. I find their pithy messages, pithy. Often without context and they draw wide conclusions.
On the other hand this lawsuit alleges a general tort, or civil injury, but is unable to list any damages in the complaint. And protip, all the pontification in the world is useless before a judge if the other party did in fact not be the proximal cause of your injury. Twitter, in its own argument, is the inflictor of its own grievous wound. They put ads next to bad tweets, not Media Matters. No user has that authority or contract with the advertiser.
Oh and for good measure Elon wants the article removed entitled Musk endorses antisemtic pro nazi conspiracy theory, X has been placing ads for apple, et al, next to pro nazi conent from its web. (link As Musk endorses antisemitic conspiracy theory, X has been placing ads for Apple, Bravo, IBM, Oracle, and Xfinity next to pro-Nazi content | Media Matters for America) and not the other 19 articles the lawsuit mentions that harm Twitter and are all lies... etc. Again they can't cite one instance of lies in the complaint, when no proof is necessary but recommended.
You see they claim that they caused a business relationship to fall apart, but can't prove that. Even if it was true, Media Matters has to cite any of the thousands if not billions of reasons that Musk is a bad social media brand manager. Poof, the central concept and damage of the lawsuit becomes null. The entire lawsuit hinges on Musk proving that business relationships were irreparably and unfairly damaged by Media Matters, and good luck, it ain't happening.
all of this being said Media Matters did not:
pervert the truth to say what they want (paraphasing)
Manufacture a fake user experience
Threaten Twitter in any way
Manipulate algorithms (they cant, twitter controls those
the clueless lawyers for X instead of giving Elon a Xanax and ketamine decided to file this suit. They claim that Media Matters manipulated the platform by creating a newish account and following some bad actors in the space. Bad actors amplified by musk, followed musk, and unbanned by musk btw. This is not manipulation; this is an authentic user experience. People post bad things and then you see them. These posts are promoted by the algorithm randomly anyway because they attract a lot of views and engagement. Twitter tries to claim it is fake, but Media Matters as a matter of fact cannot and couldnot invent a fake twitter enviroment. Media matters did not make Seig heil posts. they merely refreshed the Seig heil posts until advertisers appeared next to it, thereby honestly simulating the twitter experience for the average user. these nazi kind of accounts just appear in my experience, doesn't matter if you are looking at cats, or a Snoop Dog post.
Media Matters simply showed screenshots of these companies advertising next to salacious materials. What threat did they make. DId they call for people to "cancel" IBM because they advertised on Twitter. I cannot recall of any. And even if they did call for people to cancel a company, did anyone listen? was any damage done? well good luck proving it.
Perverting the truth and distorting it isn't a real cause of action or defamation. Media Matters may have helped things along, but they didn't knowingly make a material misrepensentation of the facts as they understood them. I find it difficult for Musk, his attorneys, or anyone to really prove they knowingly lied.
The fact is that Twitter, under Musk's leadership, has continued to advertise next to posts that praise Hitler, among all sorts of things. Trying to claim users can curate them away is a false answer to the claim that advertisers are advertising to things they would rather not be associated with. Imagine a Vacation Bible School being put up next to hardcore porn. I am sure it happened. If users can curate the experience to hide bad posts, then bad posts exist, and have ads next to them.
TURNS OUT THIS IS WHY TWITTER "SHADOWBANNED" PEOPLE. TO STOP ADVERTISERS FROM LEAVING BECAUSE SOMEONE WAS 420EPICYOLOHITLERDIDNOTHINGWRONG cat emoji, eggplant emoji picture of a horse pooping, picture of a lady getting beheaded in an anime. Troll face. advertisers for the most part don't want to be next to that.
Turns out Musk firing the people that handle this kind of thing really really bit him in the ass. Who Knew?
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regionaltoday · 1 year
Threads App: Find Your Twitter Friends Like a Champ!
Picture this: You're like this big shot with a billion followers on Twitter. Now Meta, the bigwig company, has come up with a hot new app called Threads.
And guess what? It's blowing up, my friend! Mark Zuckerberg himself, the big cheese at Meta, says they've already got a mind-boggling 70 million sign-ups in just a few days. Can you believe it?
Excitement and Skepticism
Now, Threads might not be everyone's cup of tea. Some folks think it's too in-your-face with all that branding and Facebook stuff. But hey, let's not judge too soon. 
We're talking about a shiny new social media platform here, and joining it alongside millions of other users can be pretty darn exciting.
But hold your horses! Will Threads actually knock Twitter off its throne? Well, guess what? They're both just apps, not living beings. So, nobody's getting "killed" here. Plus, Threads comes from the same folks who are all gung-ho about the metaverse. 
So, who knows what the future holds? Let's wait and see how it all pans out. But hey, tons of folks are already jumping on the Threads bandwagon, sharing funny memes and hustling to get more followers.
Related News: Threads by Meta: 10 Million Users Join in Hours!
Tips for Rebuilding Your Social Media Following on Threads
Now, if you're up for reconnecting with your old Twitter buddies and maybe even showing off a bit, here are some tips to help you get back in the social media game on Threads. 
You can grab the app on both Android and Apple platforms, by the way.
Cross-Post Multiple Times
First off, don't be afraid to shout it out loud. Yeah, it might seem a little desperate, but trust me, it works!
Fire off a couple of tweets to let your Twitter peeps know you're on Threads and share your new handle, especially if it's different from your Twitter username. 
Go ahead and throw in some memes, humor, or even straight-up requests to catch their attention. Get creative!
Link Your Instagram
Now here's a cool move: link up your Instagram account with Threads. Picture this: you might have a different crowd on Instagram, but guess what? 
Lots of early Threads adopters, especially the big shots with huge followings and verified badges on Instagram, are shifting their community over from that platform.
So, when you sign up for Threads and follow your Instagram buddies, you'll have the option to automatically follow all your Instagram friends who also have Threads accounts. Sweet, right? 
And even if they haven't joined Threads yet, you can still follow them later if they decide to jump in on the fun.
But here's the deal: once your accounts are linked, you can't fully delete your Threads account without wiping out your Instagram account too.
It's a bit of a bummer, but that's how things are for now. Who knows? Maybe they'll change it up down the line.
Keep Your Account Public
Now, let's talk about privacy. If you're more into keeping a low profile, you can make your Threads account private. 
Just head to your profile, tap those two lines in the top right corner, go to Privacy, and toggle the Private profile switch to the right. 
But hey, keep in mind that if you want your posts to show up in the algorithmic feed and reach a wider audience, you gotta keep your account public.
Reuse Your Best Bits
Oh, and speaking of accounts, Meta collects personal info when you use Threads. So, take a sec to check out their data collection practices. 
It might be worth comparing them to Twitter and other alternatives, so you know what you're getting yourself into.
Reuse Your Best Content
Now here's a pro tip: don't be afraid to reuse your greatest hits!
Whether your account is public or private, it's totally cool to recycle some of your old photos, jokes, and topics of discussion.
Just put a fresh spin on 'em, you know? It's all about finding what works and connects with your desired following.
Consistent Posting
Consistency is key, my friend. If you're having a blast on Threads and you wanna attract more followers, keep those posts coming! Engage with content that makes you laugh or share insightful stuff. 
Since the platform is still in its early stages, people might be open to new connections and eager to grow their own following. So seize the opportunity!
Manage Screen Time
Now let's tackle the elephant in the room: screen time. We all know how addictive social media can be, right? Well, Threads has got your back. 
If you're worried about spending way too much time on the app, head to your profile, tap those two lines in the top right corner, and go to Account.
From there, you can select "Take a break." Threads will remind you to take breaks from the app after 10, 20, or 30 minutes of consecutive usage.
It's all about finding that sweet balance, my friend.
So, there you have it! Some killer tips to help you navigate the Threads app and build up your social media following. Now go out there, make some noise, and have a blast connecting with new peeps.
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productsreviewings · 1 year
Google's plans for the remainder of this 12 months and past are going to return into sharp focus The corporate has set a date for its annual Google I/O developer convention, the place we count on to see a preview of the subsequent model of Android, together with a number of potential hardware bulletins.All of it begins with Wednesday, Could 10 Google CEO Sundar Pichai introduced the date through Twitter (opens in new tab)After Google's annual on-line puzzle (opens in new tab) Google gave folks an opportunity to seek out out after I/O 2023 is going on forward of the official announcement.Excited to stream this 12 months's #GoogleIO on Could 10, dwell from the Shoreline Amphitheater in Mountain View and dwell on-line at pic.twitter.com/QtNXE6wjl5March 7, 2023see extraThis 12 months, Google I/O will likely be a single-day affair, a change from earlier years after I/O spanned a number of days It sounds just like the occasion will at all times begin with a keynote, and that is the place we'll hear about Google's newest product information and bulletins, together with software program and hardware.Here is extra details about Google I/O 2023, together with occasion particulars in addition to what we'll hear from Pichai and different Google executives throughout the opening keynote.Google I/O 2023: Dates and AreasGoogle I/O 2023 will likely be held on Wednesday, Could 10. That is when Google often holds its developer conferences — final 12 months's version, for instance, was held on Could 11 and Could 12.There will likely be a personal occasion on the Shoreline Amphitheater in Mountain View, California, a venue simply down the road from Google headquarters. Most individuals will attend just about, although, since Google streams its developer conferences.Google I/O 2023 web site (opens in new tab) An agenda has but to be added, which is able to tell us when the opening keynote is going down. Nevertheless, Tom's Information has acquired an invite to attend Google I/O 2023 in individual — sure, we'll attend — noting that the occasion begins on Could 10 at 1 pm ET/ 10 am PT/ 6 pm BST.As soon as it is posted, the Google I/O 2023 agenda ought to give us a fairly good concept of ​​what to anticipate from this 12 months's occasion. Nevertheless, taking a look at Google's previous bulletins and rumors concerning the firm's present plans, we will already make some educated guesses about what's on faucet.Google I/O 2023: Android 14The most recent model of Android virtually at all times will get a showcase throughout Google I/O, and we won't think about 2023 being any totally different. For this 12 months's present, the main focus will likely be on Android 14, the subsequent model of Google's cellular working system arriving in late summer time.(Picture credit score: Google)The primary developer preview of Android 14 was launched in February, and primarily based on Google's revealed Android 14 timeline, we must always have already got a beta launch by the point Google I/O 2023 rolls round. Nonetheless, the I/O keynote serves as a wonderful platform for alerting folks to an Android new characteristic and enhancement replace.Primarily based on the Android 14 developer preview, we already know that the software program replace provides options like app cloning, which helps you to use an app with totally different sign-in credentials and a visitor profile to make use of telephone apps. Android 14 apparently provides a predictive again gesture that exhibits a preview of the web page you are going again to whenever you swipe and maintain. Google can also be engaged on a extra sturdy photograph picker, a brand new Well being Join app, and expanded recreation controller assist.We'll possible hear about extra Android 14 options from the subsequent developer preview and beta. Google I/O 2023 will likely be our first alternative to place a few of these options to work.Google I/O 2023: Hardware bulletinsWhereas software program is the main focus at Google I/O, Google hasn't been shy about its hardware plans, particularly lately.
It is attainable that it will proceed at Google I/O 2023 if solely to take care of a number of the lingering gadgets previewed final 12 months.Google Pixel Pill: Google truly previewed this Android pill on the 2023 version of Google I/O that it'll ship someday in 2023. We're three months into the brand new 12 months, and there is nonetheless no signal of a pill or any indication of how a lot it would price. The Pixel pill may come full circle by releasing effectively in time for Google I/O 2023, assuming the pill is not in line for a later-year launch.(Picture credit score: Google through YouTube)At any time when it seems, the Pixel pill seems set to supply a ten.95-inch show with a Tensor chipset powering the engine. There may be additionally some discuss of a stylus delivery with the Pixel pill.Pixel 7a: The unique Pixel 3a debuted at Google I/O final 12 months, and Google teased the summer time launch of the Pixel 6a final 12 months on the 2023 developer convention. With the Pixel 7a anticipated to return out across the identical time-frame because the 6a, a Google I/O 2023 preview is not out of the query.The spotlight of the Pixel 7a may be a show with a 90Hz refresh price, although we're unsure if Google will wish to save that functionality for its common Pixel flagship. Talking of which, the Pixel 7 received a sneak peak throughout Google I/O 2023, so some Google I/O 2023 would not be misplaced for the Pixel 8 to launch earlier than the autumn.Pixel Fold: Google has had precedents for showcasing different hardware that we have talked about to this point. A foldable telephone could be unprecedented as a result of it is one thing Google has by no means revealed. Nevertheless, many rumor mongers declare that Google goes to do exactly that — whereas not even spreading rumors that the Pixel Fold has been delayed and even canceled.(Picture credit score: OnLeaks/Howtoisolve)To this point, although, the Pixel Fold is claimed to be a go. It will likely be a telephone that opens to disclose a bigger display just like the Galaxy Z Fold 4 At the least one Google watcher thinks the gadget will get a preview at Google I/O this spring earlier than launching later within the 12 months. It will definitely give builders an opportunity to check out Google's foldable telephone and maybe encourage them to develop apps that benefit from the additional display actual property.Google I/O 2023 OutlookSince we solely received a date for Google I/O 2023, we count on extra particulars concerning the convention to return within the coming weeks. The convention agenda will go a good distance towards serving to set expectations for what Google might need in retailer for us Keep tuned.
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mephiles-plush · 2 years
Why do you need it tagged anyway? It sounds stupid that you want people to tag it.
jesus christ what the fuck . ok i guess i need to explain jules lore now 🙁
major tw for grooming, self harm, eating disorders, & cyberstalking below
speaking about this has me very paranoid because i have a feeling that this is him but then again i have no idea. anyways
when i was 12 i was groomed by an 18 year old over instagram. at the time a friend and i were really into p/rsona and i would follow a lot of accounts based around the game. also i had previous ties with the j/ba fandom since i watched it in the past.
fast forward to the summer when i was 12 and it was literal hell. i had an already bad self harm addiction but it became worse when he entered the picture, saying that if i didnt stop he would start harming himself too. it didnt help with the fact he wanted me to be a certain weight and would force me to starve myself, and i had dealt with binge eating as a child & bulimia because of extreme bullying at a previous school. i dont even want to get into the fact he would make me send explicit pictures of myself.
this isnt even half the stuff hes done to me, but i wont disclose because of my own safety.
well how does this tie into p/rsona & j/ba? well we met BECAUSE of those fandoms. he was in a group of people who had their accounts themed for the characters of the p*****m t*****s and s******t c*******s. that group chat we were all in knew i was 12. they knew he was 18. they knew we were dating. they let it slide because he was their friend. they had no idea what he was making me do behind the scenes at all. i broke up with him that september.
in october, i completely changed my aesthetic to not be found. i changed my name. i did everything i fucking could so he wouldnt ever find me again. i was even using an obscure site to post on. he somehow fucking found me. i didnt know it was him at first. he was under a completely different alias. i opened a discord server around this time, and had a link on my profile so my friends and mutuals could join. bad idea. he joined the server and AGAIN i didnt know it was him. he would talk to me in dms and i was never concerned that it was him. things never escalated either.
anyways months go by and im still talking to him without knowing and im thinking of making him a mod. i tell a friend who had been with me the entire time during that whole shitshow during the summer and she says to me "didnt you know thats [his name] lol" i get fucking HYSTERICAL. why tell me now? why tell me now even if you know what happened? i was so paranoid that i banned that friend and him from the server and became scared of everything. i was scared to go online. i was deeply afraid of men, too.
at the time a lot of my social media accounts were connected (including my previous blogs) and i whilst going through my accounts on social media, i notice that hes following me EVERYWHERE. i block him multiple times but alts always came through. the most recent was actually a month ago. i made a joke on twitter about him going to be banned because he had a linktree in his bio and within 5 minutes of that post being up i checked his old account and it was GONE.
i know hes still around under a new alias that he makes music under but i dont know if he knows im here. sorry if you read all this i know its a lot but i felt like i needed an explanation and sorry if its disjointed im not in the right headspace rn
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kavaflame · 2 years
Why You’d Want To Live There
(continued from Twitter) This is my TLBAR (Too Long But Actually Read) migration post. For the New Year I’m moving my primary social media engagement to Tumblr, but maintaining a self curated version of Twitter Lite. No, this is not to protest Evil Rich People doing Evil Rich People Things, because rich idiots own most everything we patronize / engage with in society. Props to people who think they often have something greater than learned helplessness to counter that reality. I also found the “Twitter is going to die tonight / tomorrow / surely the next day!” hysteria kind of reactive and premature. At the most the website is going to slowly fizzle out under mismanagement (years time), but more likely it’s going to see a dip in engagement and then stabilize. How mediocre of a stabilization? Guess we’ll see. But more fundamentally for me, and I want to be clear about it. I’ve never really liked Twitter very much by design. I’m on this planet to create and absorb art and to increase my education wherever possible. Tumblr was always a slow and meditative campground for me. In the website’s Golden Age, this was a place to engage with others about books, music, art, and nature. Twitter is conversely angry, loud, preachy, and time consuming. The volume of junk I have to constantly wade through to see everyone’s artistic output there is not good. This is legitimately my only serious motivation for curtailing my retweets (mostly to off) and changing primary camps. Fully admit that Tumblr is a dead, or arguably undead website, but at least I can think straight here. I’ve put a single link to my Tumblr in my Twitter profile. No flashing neon signs. What of Mastodon etc.? Not for me, momentarily. I like the premise of federated platforms well enough. But the search engine performance and discovery algorithms are pretty weak in their current state. I think the reputation of search algorithms has been sullied because people associate them with rich scum invading privacy and mining pockets. But I shouldn’t have to say it, the misuse of technology should not forbid its ethically balanced application. Algorithms have been important tools for indie creators to get their content seen and supported. Large, viral excitement around the correct causes is not a bad thing, it’s a useful thing. “Similar Artist” functions on Twitter and Tumblr have introduced me to countless indie creators and projects over the years. I’m supporting people and ideas I would have never heard of otherwise. There’s no equivalent of this past word of mouth / communities overlapping through the networks they happen to overlap on through federated websites, from what I’ve seen. Blessings on those frontiers anyway, because the lack of corporate meddling is appealing. Might your 2023 be adventurous and satisfying to your spirit. XOXOXO
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