#guess who snapped and made him a high priest in his main file
leowifefang · 2 years
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good lird
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verrottweil · 6 years
as snow to fire
intro to this wip multi-chap thing i’m writing. this piece in particular is gen.
inspired by and dedicated to the amazing artworks here. please check them out, you won’t regret it!
can also be read here
main characters: spearman & goblin slayer
They made it back to the Guild just in time. The storm's finally caught up; the rain rattles against the building, and the wind is a madman's howl through the streets. It's hard to tell whether it'll be over in a few minutes or will last the whole damn night. Spearman wipes the sweat and grime off his face with the back of his hand, wincing when he catches the gash on his cheek.The blue-dyed leather of his glove comes back blood-stained. Shit. Must've peeled the scab off. Witch tuts disapprovingly and rummages around in her pouch, then hands him a perfumed handkerchief. Her lips curl into a lazy smile. Indulgent.
During the trek back to town Spearman daydreamed about how he’d report back to Guild Girl and how cool he’d look, now he has to stand there at the counter with a hankie pressed to his cheek. Unless...
Turning to his companion with puppy dog eyes, Spearman wheedles, “You have one spell left. Can't you work some magic on me, for a job well done?”
Witch raises a brow and while pretending to mull over his request, she daintily crosses one leg over the other. The candlelight flickers over her features, her generous cleavage. With a tilt of the head, she regards him and answers unhurriedly, “If I were to. You would lose your mark of heroism. No?”
Catching Guild Girl shuffle through a stack of papers from his peripheral, Spearman deflates a little. Witch rolls her eyes and lights her pipe. Maybe Guild Girl would fuss over him for a change? He pokes his tongue to the inside of his cheek, pressing his palm harder to the cut. She always bends over backwards for Goblin Slayer when he gets back from a quest. Resentment rears its ugly head at the thought. Spearman doesn't have the energy to pretend he never noticed how badly she crushes on Goblin Slayer. The fight with those bandits took a lot more than he anticipated.
It would be nice to have Guild Girl smile at him like she means it though.
The massive wooden door opens with a shuddery creak. Spearman groans when he sees Goblin Slayer in the open doorway-- after five years, he recognizes the silhouette of that dirt cheap helmet immediately. A spray of rain gets blown into the hall. Goblin Slayer and his party file inside, striking a more pitiful sight than usual, soaked to the bone and stupid tired from their adventure. Speak of the devil. They shuffle over to the front desk, their shadows crooked on the floorboards.
With a huff, Spearman watches how Guild Girl perks up considerably. “I don't get it,” he whines, clenching his hands into fists. “What's so special about him?”
It was strictly rhetorical. So he certainly didn't expect his companion to reply: “You could try to find out… maybe? He is perhaps more, than he seems. At first glance.” When she notices she has his attention, Witch takes a puff of her pipe-- thin wisps of faint purple smoke float to the ceiling. She adds coyly, “Now is a good time, as any. Don't you agree?”
“Wanna bet there are just more goblins at second glance?” Spearman mutters derisively, shifting his weapon from shoulder. No response. He glances at the front desk.
Still, there's gotta be something worthwhile about the guy.
Guild Girl's dropped everything now Goblin Slayer's in front of her. Her hands are flat on the countertop as she listens captively to Goblin Slayer's report, no doubt standing on the tips of her toes to catch every word. Humming to himself, Spearman concedes Witch has a point. After all, for the entirety of Spearman's adventuring career Goblin Slayer has been this 'goblin-obsessed weirdo’ on the backdrop, and he never really bothered to get to know him better. Witch tips her head back and regards him with narrowed eyes. A long shadow falls over the slope of her throat.
Handing the bloodied handkerchief back, Spearman makes a face and says aloud, “Okay, okay, I guess you're right... Hey, you up for a drink?”
The corners of Witch's mouth curl into a smile. She rises languidly from her seat, with the grace of a cat stretching under the midday sun. Together they head over to the front desk. Goblin Slayer's party doesn't require much convincing; the prospect of drink, food and the tavern’s grand fireplace easily tides them over. Only Goblin Slayer himself remains hesitant. Spearman figures the guy had probably planned to get back to that farm right away.
“Gah you can't be serious, Orcbolg!” High Elf Archer exclaims loudly, hands on her hips and eyebrows furrowed.
Before she can berate him in earnest, Dwarf Shaman pitches in, “Come now, Beard-cutter. You've walked through the same storm as us. It's better to sit this one out. And you might as well fill your stomach while you're at it.”
Even Guild Girl nods in agreement at the dwarf's words. Cornered, Goblin Slayer tenses up, making this soft, confused sound that Spearman would've never heard if he hadn't been standing so close to him. The heavy rainfall drowns out most noise.
“I see,” Goblin Slayer murmurs. Water drips down the expanse of his chest piece, and the fur of his collar's wet, weighed down. Dried blood on the buckler around his arm. His leather boots caked with mud. Other adventurers always turn up their nose when they see him in his gear, but he's downright sorry-looking now.
Spearman snaps his gaze back to the visor of that cheap helmet when Goblin Slayer slowly says, “Alright.”
The tavern's awash with warmth. The padfoot waitress flits between tables on nimble feet, the skirt of her uniform bellowing around her legs. Rookie and veteran adventurers are clustered in groups of four or five. Chattering excitedly or raising their tankards in a festive toast. Spearman greets those he knows and leads the exhausted party to the table closest by the hearth. The firewood crackles pleasantly. Soot papering the stone foundation. Lizard Priest takes the head of the table. His hulking form cuts an impressive figure; the priestly garments he wears are wet-stuck to his scales, like a second skin. Dwarf Shaman and High Elf Archer settle down on each side.
“--And I'm telling you that it doesn't count, you stubborn dwarf!” She shrieks, shrill, while the dwarf bursts out laughing. Spearman wasn't really following their argument, about the merits of dwarven crossbows or something; most of his attention had been focused on Goblin Slayer and Priestess. It's oddly endearing, watching this girl hover around the guy like a tiny mother hen.
Her sounding staff gleams with raindrops, firelit. She holds onto it tightly when she chastises him. “You shouldn't have flooded the outpost.”
“The river was close by,” Goblin Slayer replies, carefully unbuckling the worn leather clasp of his shield.
Priestess puffs out her cheeks. Some strands of honey blond hair are plastered to her face. “Can't you be a bit more considerate? You know she doesn't like it when you use fire, water or poison in fights… What if-- what if you altered the river's course?”
“Not by much,” he murmurs in response, placing the scabbard of his sword down in front of the fireplace. The glow of the flames washes over his back like an orange wave. “Give me your cloak,” he then says, holding out his hand.
“Ah, right!” Priestess exclaims, quickly shrugging off the oversized, coarse cloak. Goblin Slayer spreads it out to dry on the floorboards.
Spearman watches the exchange with a smile. He places his spear against the wall and turns to the table, intending to take the seat next to Witch. Their eyes meet, and she smirks, her eyes half-hooded. The tip of her pointy hat droops sideways when she props her elbow on the tabletop and rests her chin on her knuckles. Her gaze falls on Priestess, who blushes under its intensity. Huh, cute.
Witch addresses her directly. “Won't you come sit.” Here she pats the spot next to her. “I would like to hear. About your adventure. Would that be… alright? I am sure, you must have much to tell.” She remarks gently, her voice lilting like a lullaby.
“Yes!” Priestess stutters around the y, grabbing the skirts of her robes with two fistfuls. “I mean of course, that wouldn't be a problem at all.” The skin peeking above her thigh highs a bright red from the cold.
With a sigh, Spearman settles down onto the bench, leaving space for Goblin Slayer. The wood groans under his added weight.
They order soup with full wheat bread on the side, roast for supper with pears and wild cranberries, a platter of grilled winter vegetables for High Elf Archer, and an assortment of cheese for Lizard Priest. The padfoot waitress serves them tankards of rich grape wine. Spearman listens attentively to Dwarf Shaman’s and Priestess’ retelling of their adventure, interspersed by High Elf Archer’s indignant squawks whenever the dwarf makes a joke at her expense and by Goblin Slayer’s remarks. He hasn’t bothered removing his helmet. The torn red ribbon sticks flatly to the metal.
“So what did you guys do?!” High Elf Archer asks, pounding her tankard onto the tabletop -- Lizard Priest gingerly picks up his plate and shoots her a look. Always excited to hear about “real” adventures that one. Her cheeks flushed already.
Spearman takes a big gulp from his drink, wipes his chin and answers, “Cleared a bandit camp. On the mountain pass way up north.”
From the corner of his eye he gauges Goblin Slayer for a reaction. The guy remains impassive, giving no indication he’s heard him speak up in the first place, spooning mouthfuls of food through the slits of his faceguard.
Turning back to High Elf Archer, Spearman continues, “There must’ve been a dozen of ‘em, right. Burly. Tough. Armed to the teeth.”
“Tell us what happened!” She eggs him on loudly, grinning wide. Her companions nod in agreement; all eyes suddenly trained on him.
Basking in the attention, Spearman recounts the events of the day. How they trekked through the tall grass, the frozen ground like rock under their heels, and cautiously made their way to the encampment on the bluff overlooking the mountain pass. They smoked out the bandits. Set the wooden fortification ablaze with a simple fire spell. When he gets to the fight, Spearman becomes animated, gesturing wildly to emphasize certain parts, sometimes bumping into Goblin Slayer next to him. He took on ten bandits at the same time. Only one got to him, socked him in the face with a gauntleted fist.
Lizard Priest folds his paws together, eyes squinted half-shut, and offers, “I could heal that cut for you if you so pleased, milord Spearman.”
Spearman’s caught of guard for a moment. Witch flashes him a knowing look, and he declines casually, “Nah… Wouldn’t want to lose my battlescar.” He turns to Goblin Slayer and asks with a wink, “How else would people know I’m an adventurer, right?”
“You look like one,” Goblin Slayer deadpans in response. To Spearman’s surprise, the other members of the party start laughing, as if the guy just cracked a joke.
Unsure of how to react, Spearman tips back the rest of his wine. A bit too fast, because it clogs at the well of his throat, the taste sticking to his palate like honey. He swallows, curt. Tries not to acknowledge that Goblin Slayer is still watching him. His head angled to the side, the fire’s glow lining the back of his helmet with a streak of gold. Did he offend him or something? The tavern turns rowdy when two adventurers start an armwrestling competition at the bar. Spearman peers at the gathering crowd past Goblin Slayer.
High Elf Archer slams her tankard down on the table in cheer and hops off the bench. “Let's go watch!” She commands, half-drunk. Dwarf Shaman strokes his beard and slips out of his seat as well, keeping his cup of fire-wine in hand. Satisfied, the elf turns to Goblin Slayer and says, “Orcbolg, you too!”
“It stopped raining,” he says matter-of-fact.
Lizard Priest casts a glance over his shoulder, at the lead-stained window behind him and hums in acknowledgement. “Indeed it has, milord Goblin Slayer.” His paws are pressed together again, eyes scrunched shut, like a cat's when petted. “I believe you would prefer to take your leave then?”
It dawns on Spearman that Goblin Slayer had been looking past him, not at him. His lips press into a thin line.
“Oh,” Priestess exhales, almost inaudible over the pleasant crackling of the firewood and the shouting match near the counter. Her hair's dried, frazzled around the cheeks. In need of a good brush. She regards him intently when saying, “Please be careful on your way home.”
“I will,” Goblin Slayer promises, getting up from the bench under a barrage of complaints from High Elf Archer. Her voice crowding out the drunken struggle at the bar.
He drops a leather bag of coin onto the table and fetches his weapons.
Spearman crosses his arms in front of his chest, bouncing his leg impatiently. His expression pinches up when Witch bumps her foot against his ankle and levels him a look. Her eyes gleam under the brim of her hat, the smile on her face duplicitous. After years of fighting back to back, they learned to communicate by body language alone. With a tilt of the head Witch nudges him onwards. He heaves a sigh, surrenders. And then slams his fist onto the table, getting up.
High Elf Archer startles at the unexpected sound. Her lecture brought to an abrupt ending. Dwarf Shaman takes a gulp of fire-wine, peering up at him from underneath thick bristly eyebrows when he stands at full height.
Spearman sheepishly scratches his nose and announces, “I figured I'd come with... All this wine is getting to my head y'know, and I need some fresh air.” He jerks his head in Goblin Slayer's direction and asks, “You don't mind, do ya?”
Goblin Slayer bows his head, caught in the firelight, and mutters, “Do as you wish.”
The hollowed-out sound of his voice would scotch any attempt at accompanying him, but Spearman just grins. He then looks over at Witch and catches Priestess shaking her head helplessly next to her. When she notices him staring, she gives him a self-effacing smile, as if to say you get used to it. It serves to boost his confidence even further.
Taking his spear in hand, Spearman says brightly, “Right! Lead on, then.”
Thawed-out and wet, the muddy underground sucks at their boots; the wind whips mercilessly against his bare cheeks. The cut on his cheek throbs from the cold. Spearman wipes at his watery eyes and follows Goblin Slayer's shadowy form down the dirt road, both moons looming behind a slumber of clouds. In the first month of the new year, the weather always fluctuates between bitter frost, and cool and rainy. The candlelight from the lanterns around their hips sloshes unsteadily with every step. It spills over the mud like oil.
Spearman licks his dry-cracked lips. They haven't exchanged a single word since leaving the tavern, and the silence rings between his ears heavier than the wind around them. He'd wanted to breach the subject conversationally. Why goblins? Don't you care about anything else?
But the cold leaves him wrung-out, with the sound of his voice dying stillborn past his teeth.
After another few minutes of walking, Spearman wagers a gamble. He's the frontier's strongest, gods be damned, and he's faced worse than a talk with a fellow adventurer. Balling his hands into fists -- closed tighter than a padlock, he strides up to Goblin Slayer. His squelching footsteps echoing bravely in the dark.
“So,” Spearman begins, his breath a wet fog. “What's your deal, anyway? With goblins, I mean. You never wanna move on to bigger game?”
Goblin Slayer looks at him from over his shoulder, a courtesy for him, and replies curtly, “No.”
“Well why not?” Spearman presses on, courageous. “You could if you wanted to, y'know. Remember when we handled that sorcerer in his big white tower? Lil’ bit more practice and you'd be a great scout.”
“Not interested,” Goblin Slayer answers, pulling the threadbare cloak up to his chin, drawn tight over the span of his back.
The few trees near the road rustle their branches -- aspen, birches, a dried-out oak. A harrowing sound.
Spearman combs a gloved hand through his hair, exhales through his nose, loud like a bull. He makes another ditch effort. “You've got two cute girls in your party. Aren't you even a little bit interested in one of them? And with Guild Girl smiling at you like…” He trails off, swallows. Sounding too sour for his own ears. “And what about that farm girl? You went out on a limb for her farm, and okay, there were goblins too, but don't try and--”
“Not every farm gets saved.”
He snaps his head up, gives Goblin Slayer a surprised stare. The wind like a whiplash against his skin. Goblin Slayer's lantern lights up his belly, his chest, but leaves his helmet to the dark. Just a glint of metal.
This guy, Spearman thinks, why would he say something like that all of a sudden. Inarticulate, he manages, “What?”
“Not every farm, not every village gets saved,” Goblin Slayer says slowly. “Mine didn't.”
They stop walking. The hemline of that threadbare cloak bellows in the wind; Spearman can hardly differentiate the outline against the dark. He shifts his spear from shoulder. The weight of his weapon a comfort. He tries to peer between the grates of Goblin Slayer's visor, trying to glimpse his eyes. They were reddish, weren't they?--he remembers from that celebration at the Guild, when he took his helmet off and…
“We’re already far from town,” Goblin Slayer turns towards the frontier town, towards the lights in the distance. You should head back remains unsaid.
The dismissal stings, worse than his cheek does, but his curiosity grows voracious, threatening to pull the tell me out into the open. Spearman falters. Wants to do something outrageous like reach out to him, grab him by the shoulders and rattle him a little, shake the whole confession out of him. He blinks, owlish.
“Right,” he mutters lamely, forcing a grin. “Guess I should get going then… See ya!”
Goblin Slayer remains unmoved, holding onto the rusted handle of the lantern tied around his waist. The candle wobbles on its iron perch. “Yes,” Goblin Slayer says then, simply assessing him. "I will probably see you at the Guild."
Spearman rubs the back of his neck, takes a step backwards. Another one. His foot sinking into the mud. He awkwardly balances his spear against his shoulder, not wanting to dirty the weapon, and turns to the opposite direction. The red moon peeks through wisps of clouds overhead. He takes a steadying breath and treks homewards, feeling the wind beat against his back like children's fists. His stomach in knots.
For the first time, he's looking forward to seeing Goblin Slayer again.
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dcmissionaries · 6 years
Close Encounters of the Absurd Kind
The new year had finally passed and Angels were ushered to go back to work as soon as festivities were done. Mostly because Sir Strappon didn't want anymore bottles and cans littered around the garden area. Honestly, who does that? Oh yeah. Either way, things have been going smoothly for Angels and the Abbey hasn't had a collapse somewhere in the past few weeks. Things started getting a little strange on some night Strappon stayed up on an ungodly hour to watch some soaps. They were showing a rerun of the finale with the one he keeps up with, can you blame him? He reported this incident to both Ampallang and Shades.
"So what exactly happened to your TV? Did it just die on you or...?" Shades' question trailed off as he tried to find a reasonable answer. Probably a circuit problem or a defective TV. "It didn't exactly die on me. Static just started playing all of a sudden. I thought a cable disconnected, but everything was intact," said Strappon, "I couldn't figure our what to do, and after a while of messing around with cables there was this voice. It couldn't have been the TV." He huffed, crossing his arms. He knew what his soap sounded like, and it surely wasn't that. So much for Shades' initial theory of TV mishaps. "You did stay up pretty late, you were more than likely tired," Ampallang said in a flat tone. Nobody told this pink haired priest to stay up at 3:30 AM. That was the end of that topic and would remain that way for about another week. One of the resident Angels came running into the church area where Strappon was accompanied by both Shades and Ampallang again. All three turned their attention to the Angel who was panting. After they caught their breath, the simply dragged Strappon out of the building and into the main yard. "You don't have to drag me, you know! I have ears!" he said. He managed to get out of the Angel's grip once they came to a stop and walked a few paces while still looking at them before bumping into something. "Oh, I'm terribly sorry. I should have-" Strappon stopped mid sentence as he looked up. Way up to the point his neck started cramping. Ampallang and Shades quickly caught up, both having surprised expressions.
There were a few tall humanoids. They were pale... Well that's an understatement, they were printer paper white. They didn't appear to have irises or pupils which did freak out Shades if you ask him. But what was peculiar about that was that they had Soul Threads anomalies in their hair. Or so it seemed that way.   One of these humanoids reached out to Strappon, patting his head, "It's quite alright, no harm was done." They looked around for a bit before speaking, "We're wondering if you have seen Inquisitor activity these past few days."
KR-O:  The tall humanoid reached down to Strappon, patting him on the head  saying there was no harm done from that tiny bump. There were more  pressing matters to attend to here. "We've picked up a distress  signal. Not from here or in relation to us, but something that  interests Inquisitors. We suspect that they've found something here on  Earth if they came running all the way back here."
 In the meantime, Shades went to gather the Angels back in the Abbey by  announcing their presence outside via the P.A, system. Apparently  there was something cool to look at.
HITAGASHI:  With the TV crackling away came some interference to the PA system as  well.  Thankfully it occurred after the announcement by the person  using it.  From a perch on high, something watched the angels  gathering and also staring at the supposed 'leader' of this group of  humanoids.  The figure shifted, no attention brought to itself, and  settled in for a spiel of epic proportions.
BRIT:  Strappon blinked.
BRIT:  "A distress signal?" He asked, "That's... Strange. It wasn't sent from  us, but maybe... The demons have something to do with this."
 Jacket walked into the front garden where everyone was standing around  and gawked up at the tall figures. IT WAS ALIENS. HIS DREAM CAME TRUE.  He stood there, mouth agape, staring... Like a dumbass.
SAIYAN:  "This better be good" Undershirt said as he walked outside with  Wristband right behind him. He did not want to be interrupted during  his practicing. He stared at the group of "Aliens" before him.
 "Guess he wasn't lying after all" he said crossing his arms.
 "So wait there really are Aliens here?!" Wristband said as she whipped  her head around to look at every one of them.
EMI:  Ampallang, always a late riser it seemed, was just coming out of the  kitchen when he saw the taller being next to his human sidekick -- and  promply dropped the teacup he was holding. His expression was of  absolute shock and awe.
BUMBLERBEE:  It had been nice to look around the Abbey. She was new, and it was all  a rather exciting experience. Bright blonde hair frizzled as the PA  system crackled and there... was something about 'something really  cool?' She had no clue, but knew where to go. Quickly she walked  thorugh the halls and open airways.
 "Hm...?" Dirndl turned her head, seeing the small group forming. She  almost glided toward them, coming to stand-- and stare, at the alien  figures.
 "_Gott im Himmel..._" she whispered, fingers touching her soft pink  lips in wonder.
BRIT:  "What she said." Jacket agreed, "Whatever it was."
OSCARK9:  Gloves heard the P.A system from Shades voice. He mention on the PA  system that there was something cool to looked at. "Something really  cool? This I got to see." So went outside to see what's going on. When  he did. He saw aliens figures right outside of the Abby.
GAMER-GODDESS:  Running outside to see what all the commotion was about, Thigh High  ran outside as fast as her chubby legs could carry her. Who doesn't  want to see something cool- oMG WHAT?! Arriving at the group of angels  she skidded to a stop, Thigh couldn't believe her eyes. Staring  intently at the mysterious being the young angel was awestruck,  frequently opening her mouth to say something but closing it just as  quick.
KR-O:  Shades skidded to a halt as he ran outside with Massie in tow who then  stood there with mouth agape. "What the fuck..."
 "Demons?" The Throne tilted his head. "Demons...." His sentence  trailed off, in deep thought as if he's trying to remember what that  word meant. He tapped his chin, looking up with a confused expression,  "....Demons?"
 Shades was preoccupied trying to play the X-Files theme but was being  prevented by Massie who was smacking him on the head telling him to  not be rude.
OSCARK9:  "Oh my god! We got aliens"?! He said with a surprising tone.
BUMBLERBEE:  Dirndl turned to the angel close to her, who had spoken after she had.  "Does... does this happen often?" she asked quietly, hands daintily  folded onto her chest.
BRIT:  "This is very new." Jacket managed to say, "IT'S ALIENS."  The teen ran up to the Throne and grabbed his face  "YOU'RE REAL, TOO." He sobbed.
 "Demons. Fallen angels. The opposite of Angels, to be exact." Strappon  stated. He wasn't sure how else to put this...
EMI:  The murmur around the Abbey snapped him out of the terrible trance he  was in. All he could hear is the word "aliens" repeated in the many  different tones and voices of his fallen brethren. He cleared his  throat and approached the tall figure, pulling Jacket off of him like  a starfish.
 "Heavens, it's been eons since I've seen one of you..." He muttered,  both to himself and the foreign figure.
BRIT:  "BUT THEY ARE REAL. No one has ever believed me, but they exist! I'M  SO GLAD." Jacket sobbed into Ampallang's chest.
HITAGASHI:  Aliens, demons, fallen angels?  What odd terminology.  The being input  this into the little thing in their hand.  The being searched up the  information, compiled it, and sent it across to the being in front of  the pink man with a flick of the finger.
BUMBLERBEE:  Bright eyes turned to look at the handsome Angel, the brunet who  seemed fairly calm. "You know who these beings are?" Dirndl asked  curiously, looking back up to these ethereal entities.
SAIYAN:  "Hey, didn't know the circus was in town" Undershirt said as walked  forward, projecting the most dominant and intimidating vibes possible.  He was still pretty pissed at the fact that they interrupted his  drumming.
 "If you're looking for a fight you've come to the right place. I'm the  leader of these asshats" he bragged. of course that was a lie. But  it's all about first impressions.
KR-O:  The Throne was surprised by the gesture but let it happen. Although he  may have bitten his cheek in the process and it hurt quite a bit.  "Yes, I am real?" Why would you question Throne existence?  He still looked confused while looking at Strappon, "...Fallen  Angels?" Gosh, these are odd terms. He sort of ignored the fact that  the Angel hanging on to him was ripped off and stared a bit at  Ampallang. "Your voice is..... Ampallang." The Thrones face lit up,  "My, you look so different."
BRIT:  Strappon turned his head to look at Undershirt with an unamused  expression.  "Who died and made you leader? I'm sure that the leader has always  been Ampallang." He said.
HITAGASHI:  As if summoning a beast from the depths of the ocean, a loud rumbling  came from within the abbey before a wall practically crumbled under  the force of a strike.  A raging cry rang out and before anyone could  blink, out came Abbey and crashed hard into Undershirt, thighs locked  around the angel's throat and sending him crashing to the ground.  "DUMPSTER TIME."
KR-O:  Shades held out a white piece of cardboard with a crudely drawn 10 on  it.
GAMER-GODDESS:  "What is even happening right now?" Thigh High inquired. Crossing her  arms over her chest, she tilted her head to the side "Are we being  punk'd?" The angel said as she frowned at the display in front of her.
BRIT:  Strappon stared in awe at the feat of strength. He was sure Abbey just  killed a man with her thighs.  Jacket held up another piece of cardboard with a 10.
SAIYAN:  "Your mother!" Undershirt yelled to Amp before getting strangled by  powerful thighs.
 "Oh now you've done it" Wristband face palmed. "THAT'S NOT HOW YOU GET  ON PEOPLES GOOD SIDES! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO ASK FOR SEX FIRST!" she  yelled at him. "Speaking of...I've never had Alien sex before..." she  thought
KR-O:  "THAT'S NOW HOW FIRST IMPRESSIONS FIRST." Shades yelled to Wristband.  "You ask them what their favorite video game is, DUH."
KR-O:  ***** "THAT'S NOT HOW FIRST IMPRESSIONS WORKS." Shades yelled to  Wristband. "You ask them what their favorite video game is, DUH."
EMI:  "Ah, yes. It's been too long, brethren." The Seraph replied, simply  ignoring the chaos behind him. Honestly, he didn't want to look.  "I'm sure it was a long travel from Homeland, so what was it that  brought you here?"
BRIT:  Jacket shuffled away from Ampallang, back over to a confused Drindl.  "Yeah, this doesn't usually happen, but man this is hella eventful."  He said.He just stared again at the Thrones.  "I can't believe there's aliens." He whispered.
KR-O:  "It's been, what? A couple thousand to nearly a billion years? Give or  take." The Throne tried to do math in his head, but that wasn't  important. He shook his head a little, getting back on track, "Like I  told the other, we picked up a frequency. It was a distress signal  meant for Inquisitors to come back to Earth. We fear the ones left  behind may have found something for them."
KR-O:  "Lord, give me the Strength." Massie muttered. She rolled her eyes at  the shenanigans taking place before noticing Drindl. Oh, they were  supposed to meet!  She walked up to the pair of Angels, looking at the blonde, "Drindl,  yes?"
SAIYAN:  Wristband turned to Shades. "What do you mean? Of course that's how  first impressions work. Maybe that's why you have no friends" she said  with her hands behind her head.
KR-O:  "Excuse you, I have plenty!" Shades huffed, crossing his arms.  "Granted, some of who I wish I didn't have.."  Happens when you have a Ross O'Donovan as a friend.
BRIT:  "Why is everyone so mean to each other all of a sudden?" Jacket asked  with a pout. "Whatevs. But yeah, we got real aliens!"  He gave a huge grin to Thigh High.
EMI:  Ampallang frowned and looked at Strappon.  "Oh. Well, I'm assuming we now have a common enemy, and that now our  enemies have received some very powerful support. What a way to ruin a  weekend..."
BUMBLERBEE:  Dirndl turned to Jacket, a bit shaken by the sudden action! "I see..."  she murmured, swallowing. "Though I don't believe these are aliens,  begging your pardon."
BRIT:  "Way to ruin a year." Strappon said simply. "If they've recieved  support from another form of demon, this isn't good news... Unless  these Thrones are our allies?"  He looked at the Thrones almost hopefully.
 "What do you mean they aren't aliens! Look at 'em!" Jacket said,  gesturing to the Thrones. "They're WHITE AS PAPER."
GAMER-GODDESS:  Turning to Jacket with look of shock "Wowie!" Thigh High said in  hushed tone. "They look very human though also, shouldn't they be  green and insectoid?" Looks like someone has been watching to many  Hollywood films.
KR-O:  Massie giggled at Thigh High, "Oh please, at least they're not  Xenomorphs."
 "If you oppose the left behind Inquisitors, then yes. We are allies.  Inquisitors want to find something meant to be locked away, working  together is a good idea."
 Shades walked over to the Seraph and the Templar. "Something locked  away, huh," he said, scratching his head.
OSCARK9:  When Gloves overheard what Jacket. He walk to him and patted his right  hand on his left shoulder. "Yeah. But theirs got to be a reason to be  whit as a paper. Like they say; "Don't jude a book by its cover". He  said to him in his happy tone.
SAIYAN:  "That's racist!" Undershirt choked out to Jacket. "And would you get  off of me!" he yelled to Abbie.
BRIT:  "They're from OUTER SPACE." Jacket shouted, "They are so clearly  aliens. ALSO, SHUT UP, RACIST."
 "Whatever is was, it seems pressing." Strappon said.
HITAGASHI:  Abbie did, in fact, get off of Undershirt.  She also lifted him above  her head and threw him with as much power as she could at the nearest  trash can.  "Repent for your RACIST HYPOCRISY, YO!"  So saying, she  plopped right down where she was and began playing a game.
 A crawling came across the figure's skin, fingers stilling on the  object in their fingers.  Said object went straight into their robe as  the alien jumped from his location and crashed bodily into the leader  of them and proceeded to climb onto his shoulders while seemingly  hissing loudly.
BUMBLERBEE:  Dirndl's face contorted as others began to pop up like wild onions.  "..." she didn't make a move to speak, only trying to pay attention to  these magnificent, elegant beings. Surely, they were here for good  reason.
OSCARK9:  Gloves chuckled quietly from what Jacket said to Undershirt.
KR-O:  "It's more than pressing, we can assure you. We will discuss this  later. There isn't Inquisitor activity that our ship can pick up." The  Throne placed a hand on his chest, "Oh, how rude of me to just barge  into your home without introductions to the rest."
 "HEY GUYS I THINK YOU WANT TO HEAR WHAT THE ALIEN'S GOT TO SAY."  Massie's head snapped to the Throne, attentive and eager to listen.
 "I am Ovr'kot," he began, "We are the Thrones, the first creatures to  be-BWAH!"  Ovr'kot nearly fell over as something climbed up him. "What's wrong?  Did something happen?"
SAIYAN:  Undershirt landed in the trash can, with stars in his eyes.
 Meanwhile Wristband just was face palming. "He never learns" she  thought. She then looked at the creature upon the aliens shoulder and  felt her entire body shudder. "What the fuck is that thing?!" she  yelled.
GAMER-GODDESS:  "I don't even want to think about Xenomorphs, those things were so  disgusting!" Thigh High shuddered at Massie's comment "I'm getting  goosebumps just thinking about them..." she said rubbing her arms
BRIT:  Jacket perked up at the mention of the Aliens and the entering of a  very fast one.  "COOL THERE'S A SMALL ONE."
 "Oh. Well, then. Maybe it sensed danger?" Strappon suggested warily.
HITAGASHI:  The figured on the newly introduced Ovr'kot seemed to wrap themselves  around the taller figure and made a warbled whining noise.  If  translated, the figure would have been thought to have whined out the  words 'they have xenomorphs' in the weird language they seemed to  speak.  With the droning whine done, they wrapped themselves further  around their leader.
KR-O:  Shades arched a brow at the small figure, "What? No, we don't have  those. If we did, there would have been mass hysteria."
OSCARK9:  When Gloves saw Undershirt landed in the trash can. He walked towards  and and ask him a question. " Need a hand?" He ask him.
NAIVESPACEMAN:  Suddenly a light turned on, The bright light shone from behind a  figure, standing in a pose. "Fear no longer!" The figure jumped from  where they stood nearby and flipped once in the air. "TOH!" The figure  landed in less harsh lighting to reveal it was Buckle! The divine  superhero! "Buckle has arrived to defeat the evil, invading aliens!"
BRIT:  "Aliens AND SUPERHEROES? MAN, I WISH TRENCH WAS HERE TO SEE THIS."  Jacket cried out in awe. "BUT WAIT, these aliens aren't bad."
KR-O:  Caplet was more than 15 minutes late, but they had a starbucks.  Buckle's intro made them question where these evil aliens were and.  Oh. They froze in place, staring at the Thrones with pursed lips.  "O-Oh. Oh no. Something's going to happened.." they muttered to  themselves.
 Ovr'kot  was amused by the person with the theatrical intro. Very  nice, very graceful. "Evil aliens? The skies are clear, though." Aside  from their ship, but otherwise they were clear.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt shook his head. "N..no I'm fine" he said shakily getting  up. "But...thanks." He was too embarrassed to accept any help after  what had happened to him. Breaking him out of his trance was a voice.  Wristband heard it too and they both say Buckle appearing.
 "Oh look, it's our friendly neighborhood super hero" Undershirt said  in a sarcastic tone.
 Wristband simply groaned at Buckles appearance. This day just couldn't  get weirder.
NAIVESPACEMAN:  "What?" Buckle folded one arm over her chest whilst her other hand  gripped her chin in thought. "Not bad aliens? But in all the superhero  shows 90% of the bad guys are always aliens. And they only ever land  here to invade."
BRIT:  "But these are good aliens! They can to help us against the bad ones!"  Jacket chirped, "Superman's a good alien! There's lots of good aliens!  LIKE NEOSPACIANS."  There he goes again.
 "Those evil ones are likely your counterparts." Strappon stated.
KR-O:  "Inquisitors are fiendish creatures. Also spoiled, sore losers."  Ovr'kot said in an annoyed tone.
HITAGASHI:  Uncurling from around Ovr'kot's shoulders, the throne settled properly  on their leaders shoulders while nodding along.  They seemed to say  something, garbled speech ending in a clap of his hands.  "Aqyldmo  dryd!"
OSCARK9:  "Alright". He replied to Undershirt. When Gloves heard a voice, he  turned around to looked at Buckle and heard what she had to say. "Not  all aliens are bad guys". He said to himself, while putting his right  hand on his head.
NAIVESPACEMAN:  "So there ARE bad aliens?!" Buckle got excited again thanks to Jacket  and started looking around to see if she could see any herself. "Where  are they? I'll make sure they face the hard foot of JUSTICE!"
BUMBLERBEE:  Dirndl had gasped out as the creatures appeared on the Throne's  shoulders, putting her hands up in absolute shock. Was... was she  going to survive here? She wondered this now, the little Bavarian maid  swallowing nervously.
HITAGASHI:  Head whipping over to the enthusiastic person, one could almost sense  the worry and confusion rolling off of the diminutive figure.  He  seemed ready to question these things more thoroughly than he might  have liked before he just... blurt out some more garble.
 "Oui'na y ped ouihk du tu dryd, ynah'd oui?"  Of course, it wasn't  like the thing could understand him.
GAMER-GODDESS:  Attempting to direct her attention away from the so-called alien,  "Speaking of Xenomorphs, have you seen any good movies lately?" Thigh  High asked as she turned towards Massie.
KR-O:  "They don't really think about that, m'dude," responded Shades to the  small on perched on Ovr'kot.
BRIT:  "You gonna be okay, chicky?" Jacket asked Drindl. She seemed awfully  nervous.
SAIYAN:  "Cool your tits sparky" Wristband said to Buckle. "I think they'll get  to that part soon enough."
 Undershirt had managed to stumble his way back over to the rest of the  group. He would keep his mouth shut for now. At least until he could  see straight again.
OSCARK9:  When Gloves saw Dirndl nervous, he walk towards her to see if she's  alright. "Say, are you alright?" He question her in a nice tone.
KR-O:  "Movies? Hmm." Massie held her chin while her free arm was crossed,  hanging on the other arm. "Only recent ones. Father made me watch Mad  Max.... That's about it." Or she just doesn't remember.
BUMBLERBEE:  The blonde looked at both young men. First Jacket, then Gloves.  "O-oh... I," she looked down. "I don't know. This is all very  overvhelming." her accented thickened slightly, those lightly  sunkissed cheeks going pink.
BRIT:  Jacket tilted his head, but then smiled at her and pat her shoulder.  "Hey, it's okay. This is all new to us. You're a new fall, right? I'm  Jacket!"
OSCARK9:  "Yeah" Agreeing with Jacket. "And I'm Gloves"
KR-O:  Caplet patted Drindl's shoulders, "Like he said. This is much of a  shock to us as it is to you. Don't worry about it too much, they are  allies."
BUMBLERBEE:  The physical touches of the tw-
 Oh. Captlet.
 -- Of all three Fallen made her feel a tiny bit better. "_Schön, sie  zu treffen._" she spoke to all three, those little lips turning up  into a smile. "I am Dirndl."
BRIT:  "Whatever that means." Jacket laughed.
GAMER-GODDESS:  Thigh High's eyes widened at Massie's response, she actually answered  this time, don't blow it! "I haven't seen the newest Mad Max yet, is  it any good?" she shifted her feet "Wait, which one did you watch?"
BUMBLERBEE:  Dirndl laughed, face turning pink again. "Pardon me. I said it vass  nice to meet you all."
OSCARK9:  "Nice to meet you." He said to her and gave her a smile.
KR-O:  "It's finally nice to meet you in person, my lady." Caplet responded.
 "Newest Mad Max, yes. It was really good. Certainly not for everybody  because of its contents."
BUMBLERBEE:  The young lady blushed darker, putting hands to her cheeks. "A-ah...  um..." she chuckled softly, feeling a good bit better with some  support.
KR-O:  "Anyways, continuing before my fellow Throne became alarmed," Ovr'kot  began, "We are Thrones, the first creatures to exist when God  initiated Creation. We came to Earth, being interlocked in a battle  with Inquisitors. When we left Earth, we also left remnants, one of  them including Ampallang."  Ovr'kot placed his hand on Ampallan's shoulder.
 Shades did his standard anime shoulders up pose. "So...What you're  saying is that we're all technically distant descendants of Thrones,  right?"
 "In simple terms, yes," Ovr'kot agreed.
HITAGASHI:  "Oui'na ymm y pihlr uv pypeac."  The small Throne seemed displeased as  he said this, arms folded as he rested them on Ovr'kot's head.  He  seemed more calm, even if his sleeves were draping over his leaders  head.  At least the guy could still see.
KR-O:  "These guys make me feel like an egg." Shades said. Still, he feels  old as hell.
 Massie was flabbergasted by the fact she was distantly related to  aliens. That's. Really cool!
SAIYAN:  "Wait...You're related to me?!" Undershirt said in shock. That was  something he did not expect. How could he be related to something so  ugly?
 Wristband was stunned too. She really didn't see this one coming. This  day really did get weirder.
OSCARK9:  When Gloves turned to Ovr'ket and heard what he has to say. He can't  believe what he heard from. "Say whaaaat. You're related to me!?  What's so weird, but awesome at the same time." He said in his  surprising tone.
EMI:  "Think of them like, uh... Great Great Grandfathers. Not all Seraphs  were as blessed as I was. We simply evolved differently."  Ampallang turned to the other Angels. "However, I would have never  expected to see an Ein’djel back here on Earth, of all places...  This must be serious..."  He hid a nervous smile and turned back to the Ovr'kot. "Brothers! We  welcome you with open arms! I'll do everything I can to make your  stay... manageable." Unfortunately, he feared he couldn't promise  much. He didn't have high hopes.
HITAGASHI:  "Fa'na hud namydat du silr uv yhouha.  E's hud yd maycd."  The garbles  actually sounded offended at the implication that Thrones were  directly related to anyone.  He sniffed from his location before  switching his attention straight to Ampallang.  "Ouin juela ec yc vih  yc E nasaspan druikr!"
BUMBLERBEE:  Dirndl lifted her head, surprised to hear what Ovr'kot had said--  related? She could believe it. These creatures were absolutely  beautiful.
KR-O:  "It is a surprising development. Some of you still seem to have Soul  Stones!" Ovr'kot pointed to Undershirt and Wristband's stones. "It's  almost fascinating, really."  Get back on track, son. "But yes. Dim’ens rushed back to Earth.  What's even more concerning is the fact that their trace disappeared  here on the planet.We don't know where to look."
 "They're probably in Hell if you lost their signal on the Surface  World, " Shades put it simply.
 "Hell??" Stop throwing these weird terms around, dang.
HITAGASHI:  From his perch, the smaller Throne just pulled out his little orb  object and pulled up the relevant information.  It seemed things had  changed much more than even he had known.  And he'd only been back  with the rest of his kind for about a century.
 "Ed'c drec, caa?"  It was very confusing.  Why did they have all these  terms anyway?
GAMER-GODDESS:  Looking at the Thrones and back to herself, Thigh High shot them a  look of disbelief "Today is getting crazier by the minute, I can't  believe I'm related to them. These aren't the kinda people you'd miss  at a family reunion..." She said as she rubbed her chin.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt looked at his right palm and Wristband looked at her chest.
 "My...Stone?" he said. "How..How do you know about this?" he said as  he stuck his palm out to show them.
 "Yeah, what the hell are these?!" Wristband asked.
KR-O:  Ovr'kot looked rather scared about the results the smaller Throne  popped up. Gosh, what the hell did Inquisitors do to this planet.
 Soul Stone talk piqued Shades' interests, "Oh! Hey, wait. Don't you  have a stone yourself Massie?"  "Gee, I wonder what gave you that idea." Look at her face. Look at her  forehead. _Look at it. _
KR-O:  "Anyways," Ovr'kot handed back the search device to the perched  Throne. "But yes, Soul Stones! We know about them because we used to  have them ourselves. They're self explanatory, somewhat. They're your  essense, where your soul is. It gives you unique powers that those  with _Threads_ have no access to anymore."
 Caplet chimed in, "Those being Fusion and Primal Henshin, correct?  I've read texts about them and they sound like interesting processes."
 "Yes, correct! They were neat features. Sadly we have no use for them  anymore." Ovr'kot finished.
SAIYAN:  "What...Fusion?!" Undershirt asked. "So you mean that Wristband and I  can fuse?"
 "Whoa..." Wristband said. This was really cool if it was true!
KR-O:  "As long as you have a stone, you can fuse. You cannot fuse with those  with Threads, however. They're incompatible." said Ovr'kot.
OSCARK9:  "Whoa! I didn't even know that we all can do fusion!" He said in  surprising tone. "It's like my favorite show; "Steven Universe".  "Sweet!" he said in his happy tone.
HITAGASHI:  "Drao fuimt ryja paah rambvim ykyehcd cusa drehkc druikr."  He pulled  up some pictures of the way people on Earth viewed their Creator.  He  was very confused why he seemed to have a fleshy form and a lot of  hair.  Also why they were a He at all.  It didn't matter much to the  Throne though.  He heard the comment of incompatibility and snorted.  "Mega ic yht dras."
BUMBLERBEE:  "Excuse me." Dirndl spoke out, seeming a bit confused by all the  terms. "Vhat is "fusion"?" she asked seriously, hands facing palm up,  searching for an answer to be given.
KR-O:  "Mahsk, that's rude," Ovr'kot said, somewhat chastising the smaller  Throne. "But no, we cannot all fuse. We Thrones cannot fuse with you  because of our Threads. But the both of you," he walked behind both  Undershirt and Wristband, "Perhaps you can serve a demonstration.  Granted this isn't a proper way to fuse." Ovr'kot pushed the two  siblings together, causing them to fuse. "They fused this easily  because Soul Stone energy can easily be manipulated. Which is why we  got rid of them from our genes."
OSCARK9:  "Ahh. I see." he said to Ovr'kot.
GAMER-GODDESS:  Thigh-High blinked.
HITAGASHI:  "Drao vicat aycemo palyica uha ryc y pnyeh yht dra udran tuach'd."  He  gave the fused pair a look, though no one could see it.  Mahsk's  attention returned to the other angels, wondering if anyone else had a  Stone.  Maybe demons did?  That would be interesting.  There weren't a  large amount with Soul Threads around either.  It was... more than a  little distressing.  "Ymcu palyica drao'na suhgaoc."
KR-O:  "And the Lord said, let there be Fusion! Just don't freak out, it  could hurt the both of you." Ovr'kot patted the fusion.
 Shades had to remove his namesake and wear glasses. "Dude.."
OSCARK9:  "Whoa." he said in his surprising tone.
SAIYAN:  "WHOA HEY!" Undershirt yelled as he and Wristband were pushed together  and consumed by a bright light. The light slowly faded away and  revealed the fusion. He had spiky blonde hair, one blue eye and one  brown eye. His leather jacket turned from black to red that covered  his orange undershirt and his jeans turned from blue to black. His  boots turned from black to red. He had a Wristband on his right wrist  and a chain that goes into his pocket. "Whoa it worked!" He said.  "What do you call a Wrisband and an Undershirt. Underband works I  guess" he said as he continued to look himself over.
EMI:  Ampallang's eyes sparkled in awe. He had forgotten so much about the  true powers of Soul Stones and Threads, he couldn't even believe his  eyes.
KR-O:  "Well, they took it better than expected." Massie circled Underband in  awe, "So, how does it feel?"
 Caplet took notice of the Seraph's expression. "My, that's a rare  occurrence!" And they snapped a quick photo of Ampallang.
BUMBLERBEE:  "My Lord...!" Dirndl watched as the two Fallen were pushed together,  and melded into one being! It was something she never thought she'd  see with her own eyes, looking to Capulet, then back at Underband.
SAIYAN:  "It...feels weird" Underband said punching his left fist into his  right hand. "It feels like my strength has been doubled... and I have  the strong urge to have sex with people. I can't believe that no one  ever told me about any of this before."
OSCARK9:  "Again, whoa! That's awesome!" He said happily. "This is my first time  seeing a fusion in action. This is also reminded me of another  favorite show; Dragon Ball Z that they fuse also. That show is awesome  as well."
KR-O:  "Oh dear." The sinning is real. "Well, demonstrations for Fusions are  over!" Grabbing Underband by both arms, Ovr'kot 'ripped' the fusion  apart, dropping both Undershit and Wristband on the ground.  They stared for a few seconds at Gloves, arching their...well what  would be their eyebrow, "What's a Dragon Ball Z?" Does that have to do  with the cultural differences between Thrones and Angels?
HITAGASHI:  "Ed cuihtc mega y tecayca.  [Darayghen Baul Zhe]?  Tecayca."  He  nodded to himself, almost sure of his answer.  Most of the things they  mentioned sounded like diseases, to be honest.  There could almost be  a hint of worry in his voice if you listened carefully.  But Mahsk  didn't emote much, aside from a shrug.
SAIYAN:  "Hey! I was having fun!" Undershirt said with a pout as he folded his  arms. "You give me a new power and then take it away."
 "Whoa, that was a trip and a half!" Wristband said in a daze.
HITAGASHI:  "Of course they took it away, yer a piece of shit, yo!"  Abbie then  proceeded to throw a rock at Undershirt's head... gently.  For Abbie.
OSCARK9:  Gloves was stared for a few seconds and made him a little embarrass  form what he said. "(Chuckle nervously) Let just say, that's my  favorite show that involve fusions." He said in his normal tone.
SAIYAN:  "OW! What the hell was that for?!" Undershirt said as he rubbed the  spot where the rock hit.
(( OOC: This is just an FYI, as we forgot about this but mentioned it in Skype, Mahsk is meant to be incomprehensible.  Thrones, the oldest angels/demons, Inquisitors, and those obsessed with Immortal history would be able to understand.  Thank you for your patience. ))
KR-O:  Gloves' response still left the Throne very confused, "What's a show?"
 "Uuuuh, something you will be exposed to later on, don't worry about  it," said Shades, "Anyways. I think it would be a good idea to explain  Heaven and Hell to them because if they don't know about Hell, chances  are they don't know about Heaven either."
OSCARK9:  "Good point." He agree with Shades.
HITAGASHI:  Jerking up, the perpetually angry woman curled her lip up in disgust  for the guy in front of her.  To Abbie, it would be pretty great to  punch him in the face.  "For bein' a shit."
SAIYAN:  "WHAT'S THAT?!! YOU WANT TO FUCKING GO?!" He yelled getting into some  kind of martial arts stance. There was no way he was gonna take any  shit from a girl.
KR-O:  "Children, please! Desist!' Ovr'kot pleaded. "There are other children  present."
HITAGASHI:  "Aighty, shitsack, ya wanna go?  Here we go."  So saying, Abbie  crashed forward and tackled the idiot to the ground.
KR-O:  "FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!" Shades, no. Don't encourage. You're supposed to  be helping Fallens.
OSCARK9:  "Ah, shit. Not again." He said to himself, while putting his right  hand on his forehead.
HINA-STAR:  Sweater peeked through from the doors then stepped out. A little  surprised at how things got a little wild here. He's a little amused  to see this though.
SAIYAN:  "OOFF" Undershirt said as he got the wind knocked out of him and was  knocked to the ground.
 "You won't win! NOT THIS TIME! HAAA!" he yelled as he punched her in  the face, the force knocking her off of Undershirt.
HITAGASHI:  Abbie snarled, stopping herself from punching him in the face right  back and instead shoving her fist into the ground.  "Bitch, don't ya  start!"  And, okay, her fist was kinda... in the ground.  By like  three inches.
KR-O:  "I BET $50 ON ABBIE!" Shades yelled, pulling out a 50 USD bill.  "FATHER NO!" Massie ran straight to Shades, trying to take out the  money from Shades' hand.
KR-O:  Caplet looked on in concern. This didn't look like it will actually  end well. They felt a presence behind them. "Oh! Hello there dear.  Don't, uh. mind this." They smiled at Sweater in a sheepish manner at  the spectacle Undershirt and Abbie were making.
EMI:  Ampallang blinked the stars out of his eyes and cleared his throat.  "Yes, right. We obviously have a lot to benefit from you all coming  here, partially since it seems a fair amount of this information  has... Slipped my mind over the years." He gave a nervous laugh.  "We'll be more than happy to assist you in discovering this threat,  and ridding the Earth of it as well."
HINA-STAR:  Sweater a little startled at the sudden angel talking but nodded, He  looked on. Still amused. Though, he looks around and noticed two odd  beings. The thrones. Not sure what to say much about them.
KR-O:  "I believe you're new here, correct? I haven't exactly seen you around  here, that's for sure." Caplet continued.
 Ovr'kot went over to the tussling Angels and separated them, holding  them above the ground. "Don't make me fuse the both of you as  punishment." Oh shit, he's showing anger.
 Massie successfully ripped away the bill from Shades' hand and put it  away after he stopped waving it around when the Throne broke up the  fight. LAAAAAME.
HINA-STAR:  Sweater looks back at the angel and flushed. "Uh...yeah" a little  embarrassed "well I have been here for a little while but I haven't  exactly showed much of my face so....I guess I understand that" He  shrugged "I've been out to places so there's that"
HITAGASHI:  There was a pause before Abbie just snarled at the Throne.  Really?  That's the threat?  Of all the threats around?  How ridiculous.
 "Ya think that fuckin' scares me none, yo?  I wouldn't stick to this  shit if ya paid me."  But still, she wriggled out of his hold,  settling right back on the ground and pulling out her game again.  Besides, that guy hit like a sissy.
 "Cu oui'ja kuddah umt, pycelymmo?"  The warble took on an amused tone,  having jumped off of Ovr'kot's shoulders when he'd moved to separate  the two angels.  He was very, very short, it seemed.  "Pid dryhg oui  vun ouin ramb.  Fa ybbnaleyda ed."  Mahsk's hand pat Ampallang on the  stomach as if to comfort him.
HINA-STAR:  Sweater scratched his head "So what's going on here?? It's  really,,,lively" oh but look at that, the fighting stopped.
KR-O:  "It's fine. It has been eons since we've thought about Earth's  existence ourselves.." Ovr'kot responded to Ampallang. "But the added  help is appreciated greatly."
SAIYAN:  Undershirt stood up and spit at the ground. "Fine. I guess we'll have  to settle this another time, won't we?" He said with a smile.
KR-O:  "You guys won't be settling this any time soon." Shades said as he  passed by Undershirt and Abbie.  "YOU BET ON THEM, YOU SINNER." Massie yelled.
KR-O:  "Uh. Yes. Seems we have company aside from Humans and Demons." Caplet  responded. At least the fighting ceased. "By the way, I'm Caplet!"
OSCARK9:  Gloves saw the whole fight, but thank Ovr'kot for stopping those two  from fighting. "Man, if it wasn't for Ovr'kot to stop the fight. This  fight will not end well for either of them." He said to himself, while  he sigh in relief.
HINA-STAR:  Sweater nodded "I'm Aleron "Sweater"....but just call me whatever you  like I guess" he shrugged off.
KR-O:  "For the sake of courtesy I will refer to you as sweater, good sir."  At least Caplet isn't calling you m'lord.
HINA-STAR:  "Okay" he nodded and noticed the angel's hair being very long and  tilted his head "Won't...won't that get stepped on by accident?" he  points at it. "It seems kinda dangerous," He also noticed how pretty  this one looked though he can't say it. That'll be too weird.
KR-O:  "What, my hair? Don't worry about it. If it happens, it happens.  Otherwise I can do this!" Caplet raised their from the ground, moving  it as if it were a limb. No big deal. "Honestly, doing this is much  more dangerous considering I can use it as a weapon."
KR-O:  ****Raised their hair
(( OOC: We will be continuing the roleplay at some other time. We will update the journal saying what time we can continue. ))
HINA-STAR:  "Ooooh that's cool I guess" Sweater nodded again but then realized how  things got quiet and looks around. Oh no what happened. Sweater rubbed  his eyes and shook his head. Damn insomnia.
(( OOC: LAST TIME ON DCM: Suddenly aliens. Creatures that name themselves Thrones have arrived on Earth as their counterparts have received a distress signal. Having picked this up in their frequencies, both Originals went back to Earth. Once on Earth, they reconnect with their distant descendants, the Angels. Thrones are more than surprised to see how evolution treated Angels and proceeded to teach Angels lost arts regarding Soul Stones. Now that everybody's well acquainted, it should be appropriate to tell Angels of their urgent business. ))
GAMER-GODDESS:  Thigh High could do nothing but gawk at the sight before her. "Whoa!"  she gasped, how did they get their hair so long? "OI, Caplet how do  you keep your hair in such nice condition?!" Thigh High hollered while  jogging towards the angel.
BRIT:  Jacket watched the hair before grabbing onto it.  "It's like shaking your hand, right?" He asked, shaking it a little.
HITAGASHI:  Humming softly under his breath, Mahsk looked over at the supposed  leaders of the angels.  The one angel he remembered fondly, the other  human was... very pink.  Like an Inquisitor.  But likely not if  Ampallang worked with them willingly.  Maybe he could explain it to  this person through Ovr'kot?
KR-O:  "Hm?" Caplet turned around to the Angel approaching them. Blushing,  they grabbed their braid, petting it as if it was a pet of sorts.  "Well, it's nothing too hard- Hey!" Caplet tugged their hair back in  response, "Well yes! NO! Please ask before grabbing anything!"
BUMBLERBEE:  Dirndl looked about; an all out brawl? Goodness... She looked to  Jacket, who was shaking Caplet's-- their hair? She smiled briefly,  hands folded before her. "Goodness me, you do have a lot of hair,  Caplet." she remarked.
BRIT:  "Oh, sorry." Jacket said, rubbing the back of his head, "But man, if I  knew long hair could be sentient, I'd have told Jeans to keep theirs  cut."
KR-O:  "Y-Yes. It's a lot of hair. Only took a few decades to grow out." Now  look what you done, they're flustered.
BRIT:  Strappon noticed Mahsk staring at him and quirked a brow. Was there  something on his face?
BUMBLERBEE:  "Are... _you_ alright now?" asked Dirndl, smiling a bit. Carefully,  she reached out to touch their bicep in comfort.
OSCARK9:  Gloves was with the other angle and complementing on Caplet hair. "My,  your hair is long. Probably longer then Ovr'kot hair". He said to  Caplet.
GAMER-GODDESS:  "It took you that long to grow your hair?" Thigh High was shocked to  say the least. "Gosh, I remember when my hair was used to be long...  Not as long as yours though." She said as she slicked back her own  hair.
HITAGASHI:  "Oui'na eh lrynka, nekrd?"  Well, in a sense anyway.  He seemed to be.   Pulling out the orb he'd been using to research out once more,  pulling up important points to go over.  It was difficult to explain  things to people who couldn't understand him.  Like everyone but that  one blond man.
KR-O:  "It's fine. I don't exactly like people touching my hair, is all,"  Caplet let go of their hair and patted Drindl's hand. "Well,  'sentient' hair is more of a thing if you have dense Soul Threads."  They sighed at Thigh High's response, "Well I've been growing it out  since birth. It's been fifty years now. I'm not allowed to cut it out  which is something I really want to do..."
SAIYAN:  "Look, I know he's ugly but it's not that shocking" Wristband shouted  to Mahsk.
 Undershirt continued to stare Abbie down. "Stupid, Ovr'koht getting in  the way!" he thought.
BUMBLERBEE:  Dirndl would slowly pull her hand away with a nod. "Well, it is very  beautiful." she commented, briefly stroking at her own blonde bangs.  She really had no clue how long her own hair was, since she kept it up  regularly.
BRIT:  "Uh... I don't quite understand you." Strappon said, shifting a  little.
HITAGASHI:  "Ikmo?  Hu.  Ra zicd muugc mega yh Ehxiecedun."  The words seemed bit  out towards Wristband as if offended by her very existence.  The  Throne then proceeded to be annoyed at the fact that the human...  thing didn't understand him.  Rude.
 Abbie looked up at the guy again, eyebrow raised.  Because seriously?  Seriously?  You're gonna block her light, bro?  Lips pursing, she  stood up... again.  She would like it to be known that this has  already happened before and that when gaming you don't start things  with her.
 "Ya got a stick up yer ass or somethin', yo?  Quit starin' and  blockin' my light, shithead."
BRIT:  Strappon sighed and shook his head. He still couldn't understand, but  he could tell they were offended. It was an unfortunate situation.
 "So you beat people up with your hair?" Jacket asked enthusiastically,  "That's really fuckin cool!"
OSCARK9:  "Yeah." Agreeing with Jackets.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt narrowed his eyes. "Tch, you really are testing my  patience" he growled before stepping aside and turning his attention  back to the aliens. "Why are they even here?" he thought.
KR-O:  "Why, thank you my good lady." Caplet held their hand by their chest.  "And yes, technically." They said responding to Jacket.
 Shades laughed a little at Strappon, "They think you're the  counterpart to Thrones because of your hair."  Ovr'kot nodded, "Yes, please excuse my cbuica. He's just afraid of  Inquisitors."
HITAGASHI:  Nodding along, Mahsk seemed a little less annoyed for all of a split  second before Ovr'kot.  Afraid?  Of those BRATS?  Ugh!  He stomped his  foot, hands curling into fists, and were he in some cartoon, steam  would be bursting up around him.
 "E's hud yvnyet uv dras!  Drao'na teckicdehk!"
GAMER-GODDESS:  "Damn, that must be kinda awful. But, on the plus side you've always  got a weapon" Thigh High attempted to reassure Caplet "Also it makes  you look super pretty!" She added with a slight blush, large grin and  a double thumbs up.
OSCARK9:  Gloves looked at Ovr'kot for a few seconed and ask him a question.  "Mind me asking, Ovr'kot. But, I was wondering if you have any device  or anything that we can understand your friend here?" He ask him and  pointed at Mahsk.
BRIT:  "O-oh... Well, I don't see why I'd be affiliated with them." Strappon  said, "My hair has been pink since birth... So."  He cleared his throat.  "Thank you for the translation, by the way."
 "Yeah, they are pretty." Jacket said, leaning his head into his hand,  "And even better, you can just -POW- knock someone out without 'em  expecting it!"
KR-O:  The Throne shook his head at Gloves, "No, there's no such thing.  Especially since we're so far removed from that language ourselves. We  understand it since it's our mother language. Your friend here,"  Ovr'kot pointed to Shades, "seems to not have trouble understanding  him. I'm sure it's the same for your Seraph."
 Caplet jabbed Jacket without warning, "You mean like that?"
KR-O:  ***Jabbed Jacket with their hair without warning
KR-O:  Ovr'kot gave the most gentle boop to Mahsk's forehead, "It's fine,  they will not think less of you, dear."
OSCARK9:  "Aww, man." He looked down for a second. "But, yeah. Both of them are  okay." He gave a thumbs up at Shades. "Thanks for the understanding,  Ovr'kot" He said to him, with a smile.
HITAGASHI:  "E femm vekrd ymm dra Ehxiecedunc ev E ryja du bnuja E's hud yvnyet uv  dras."  Though the shorter Throne seemed relaxed, he still seemed a  little annoyed.  Huffing, Mahsk turned his attention over to Strappon  again, pulling up some pictures he felt would help the explanation  coming soon and showing them to Ovr'kot for approval.
GAMER-GODDESS:  "That was just as cool as I imagined it would be!" she stated, turning  her attention to the angel on the ground. Upon seeing him, Thigh High  erupted with laughter "You okay, Jacket?" Thigh High asked as she  attempted to cover her amusement with her left hand while reaching her  right out towards him.
BRIT:  Jacket was knocked off his feet. When he sat up, he was laughing.  "That was awesome!!" He laughed, taking Thigh-High's hand. "Yeah, I'm  great! I've been shot before, so that was fine. They pack one hell of  a punch!"
 Strappon tilted his head. What was he about to be shown?
KR-O:  "Of course, any time," Ovr'kot said to Gloves. Suddenly there were  pictures to his face. He nodded to Mahsk, "Go ahead, dear."
KR-O:  "That doesn't sound like something to confess with such enthusiasm."  Caplet was a little concerned for Jacket.
BUMBLERBEE:  Dirndl gasped, one hand to her cheek daintily. "Goodness!" he'd been  shot before?! What crazy Angels... She thought, looking up to Caplet  in concern and agreement.
HITAGASHI:  He turned his attention back to Strappon, tilting his head and  gesturing around to get his point across.  "Kydran ajanouha, bmayca.  E tuh'd fyhd du ku ujan drec suna dryh uhla."
KR-O:  Shades nodded at the smaller Throne, "Alright m'dude, you got it."  Then Shades reached in between Strappon's back and cape and pulled out  a pink megaphone. Specifically a pink megaphone. Turning it on, he let  the feedback play before speaking into it.  "Hey, we're gonna get explanations for things. You might want to be  present for this."
BRIT:  Strappon had made sure to block his ears when the megaphone was taken  out. Thanks, Shades.
 "Nah, it's cool. The guy's a good dude, he needs to keep us in line  sometimes, I guess." Jacket said with a shrug, "It hurts, yeah, but  I'm an Angel so I heal quick."
SAIYAN:  "Fucking finally!" Undershirt said. This is exactly what he'd been  waiting for. He had been hoping they'd get to the how and why  eventually. He walked over to the rest of the group and waited to hear  what they had to say.
 Wristband walked over to her brother. She too wanted some explanations  on things as well, like how they know about soul stones and fusions.
OSCARK9:  Gloves walk over to the rest of the group and waiting to hear what he  had to say.
OSCARK9:  *** To hear what they have to say.
BUMBLERBEE:  Dirndl looked up at the rather loud sound, wincing a bit. She came  over, closer to the two Thrones with bright eyes. Finally, a good,  solid explanation to all this.
KR-O:  Ovr'kot covered his ears with a pained expressions. Wow these Angels  sure do have ways to communicated with others.
GAMER-GODDESS:  Thigh High turned her attention to the horrid noices projected by  Shades and an apparantly infernal megaphone. Quickly covering she  muttered "A warning would have fantastic."
BRIT:  "Okay, so what's the reason you're here, then?" Jacket asked,  scratching his head, aparently unaffected by the megaphone.
HITAGASHI:  There was a deep breath from the diminutive Throne, an image  displaying from his device.  It showed an almost elegant woman, pink  hair and black skin being the most outstanding feature.  His next  words were sharp and to the point, as if not willing to waste time  speaking more than necessary.
 "Drec, meddma suhgaoc, ec dra Ehxiecedun maytan K'uih."  He pressed a  button on the ball and it began cycling through actual footage of the  Inquisitor in the projection.  "Cra'c y jano jeleuic luhxianun yht  femm cdub yd hudrehk du vummuf drnuikr fedr ran kuymc."
KR-O:  Ovr'kot nudged Mahsk slightly, "Don't call them that, dear. That's  rude!"
 Seeing as the Throne wasn't going to translate, Shades inhaled and  sighed, "So. The lady here is apparently an Inquisitor. She's a leader  and a fearsome conqueror who will stop at nothing until she gets what  she wants," Shades paused for a bit.  Caplet drew in closer to the group, "Then if they think they're here  on Earth..." their sentence trailed off.  "Then... What are they looking for here on Earth?" Shades finished  Caplet's question.
BRIT:  "That doesn't sound like they're here for tea." Strappon said  seriously.
 "Who the fuck goes anywhere for tea?" Jacket asked, "She's clearly  here to fuck shit up."
BUMBLERBEE:  Dirndl listened, looking at this feminine figure with long pink locks  and that coal black skin. She pouted with worry, looking about.  "Whatever she is looking for cannot be good for this world." she said.  "Or any other world, for that matter."
OSCARK9:  "I agree, Dirndl." He said to her.
HITAGASHI:  "Xied ycgehk xiacdeuhc, E'mm kad du dryd."  Mahsk snapped, though he  seemed to slump for a moment before standing straight again.  Next  flashed over to another Inquisitor, though she never seemed to be in  an image or video without G'oun.  "Yhofyo, drec ec ran caluht eh  lussyht vun Ayndr, Facgir'd."
 The footage switched over to very shaky footage of the pair of  Originals in what seemed to be combat with something.  This was  accompanied by a rude scoff as if this footage was an insult to his  existence.
 "Cra'c suna knaato dryh jeumahd pid caaehk yc E'ja caah ran ayd cusa  xiacdeuhypma drehkc, E fuimth'd dno du vekrd aedran uv dras.  Famm,  ihmacc oui'na cdnuhk ahuikr."  Turning to look at Ovr'kot, he frowned,  as if wondering if this actually happened here.  Aside from Ampallang,  he wasn't sure if anyone could actually beat one of these Originals.
KR-O:  "Let's see. He says he'll get to the answers in a bit. And this is  another Inquisitor. I can't exactly translate the namesake. Sounds  like...Waistcoat?" He looked at the Thrones for approval.
 Ovr'kot nodded, and Shades continued, "I'm just going to rephrase  here, but she's this girl's less imposing than the other one because  she's a greedy fuck, but otherwise it's like. We're not strong enough  to take them on."
BRIT:  "I'll take 'em on!" Jacket said, putting his dukes up. "No demon can  defeat a true hero!"
 "If only we had one." Strappon said, looking at his nails for a  second, "So, what you're saying is they need to get stronger. That I  can understand."
KR-O:  "No, we just need to git gud." Shades said flatly.
BRIT:  "Basically." Strappon agreed.
 Jacket glared at the two with a pout.  "Wow."
KR-O:  "HA. Salt has already been spilt." Shades, you have no right to say  who's salty, you aren't even doing your job.
SAIYAN:  "Heh, I'm the strongest one here. Step aside little man" Undershirt  said with a smile. Of course he wasn't completely wrong. He is one of  the strongest here.
 "He is so full of himself" Wristband thought with sigh. "He's just  going to get himself killed."
BRIT:  "Who the fuck says?" Jacket said, going toe-to-toe with Undershirt. He  had a grin on his face, "YOU WANNA GO, BRO? I'd love to take you on!"
HITAGASHI:  "I volunteer myself for throwing both these trash babies into the  fuckin' dumpster."  Abbie raised a hand, grimacing and annoyed.
GAMER-GODDESS:  "All in favor say, Aye!" Thigh High said raising her hand high into  the air as well.
OSCARK9:  "Hey! Who cares who's stronger then who. We need a plaen". He shouted  at Jacket and Undershirt to deceased the fight.
KR-O:  After being gone for God knows how long, Massie magically came into  the scene and automatically picked up Jacket. This kid didn't seem to  weigh like anything to her, what a fucking scrub.
OSCARK9:  ***We need a plane.
BUMBLERBEE:  Dirndl felt her eye twitch a bit. Not this __AGAIN__...
BRIT:  Jacket struggled. Who just picked him up?? HE'S FIGHT THEM, TOO-- Oh  it was a lady.  "Heyy!!" He whined.
HITAGASHI:  Annoyed at being interrupted, Mahsk stomped over to the one who was  starting shit _again_ as if they hadn't already been through this.  Before Undershirt could say something else or start another fight, the  small Throne slammed his foot directly into the man's crotch.
KR-O:  Shades winced a little for Undershirt, bending his knees in response.  That's gotta hurt. He crossed himself and prayed for Undershirt.
 Massie set Jacket down a few yards away from Undershirt. "I swear,  most of you fallen need impulse control training."
SAIYAN:  Before he could react he felt a huge pain in his groin. The force of  the kick launched him several feet in the air before landing face  first onto the ground. Both hands grabbing the affected area with a  feeling of intense nausea. "My dick!" he squeaked out. It appeared  that he would be out of commission for a while.
 "Yep I fucking called it!" Wristband said as he looked at her brother.  Of course he would end up doing something stupid like this. "No more  interruptions guys. I think they're running out of patience."
OSCARK9:  "Ouch! That's gotta hurt." He said to himself.
KR-O:  Except the taller of the two Thrones wasn't fazed by this. It was  expected. He's already used to these Angels, unfortunately.
BRIT:  "Holy shit, fiiiine." Jacket sighed, "Wow, guy got the boot to the  nuts though. Nice."
 "You may continue." Strappon said, shaking his head.
HITAGASHI:  Huffing, Mahsk wandered right back to Ovr'kot, annoyed at the fact  that he had been interrupted again.  A deep, calming breath and then  he began to explain again.
 "Nekrd, rana, mad'c ku du dra creb.  Crebc yna kuut.  Drec ec draen  creb."  The holograms he'd been showing revealed a large and sleek  ship.  He seemed grudgingly impressed with it and actually forced the  projection out further and larger so they could see the details.  "Ed'c mynka yht tyhkanuic yht jano megamo hud kuehk du pa esbundyhd du  ghuf ypuid.  Pid ed'c bnaddo"
KR-O:  Staring blankly at Mahsk, Shades wasn't sure if he wanted to translate  this. This wasn't relevant information. "So, this is their ship. It's  shit."
HITAGASHI:  "E femm kid oui cu pytmo ouin taclahtyhdc femm caa dras vun  kahanydeuhc."  A hissing noise came from Mahsk, once more angry.  How  dare he insult this beautiful ship.  It might be run by awful people  but it was a work of art.  "Draen creb ec payidevim yht ev oui fuimt  muug yd so __bnuzaldeuh__ oui fuimt caa dra vyld dryd fryd oui haat du  ghuf ec _nekrd drana_."
KR-O:  "It's a weak ass ship. Anyways, if you pay attention to this  projection, you'll see what I'm trying to show you." This was amusing  to Shades, but at the same time he was crying internally. This ship  was cool and he felt bad for insulting it.
KR-O:  Massie raised a brow in confusion. She wasn't sure what they were  supposed to look at exactly. "Okay. So it's the ship. We're seeing  bigger details....And?"
GAMER-GODDESS:  "It's just a ship, right...? What the heck are even supposed to focus  on anyways?" Thigh High questioned as she both threw her eyebrows up  while pointing at the projection.
GAMER-GODDESS:  *** threw both
BRIT:  "BAD. ASSSSSS." Jacket shouted to the sky as he looked up.
 "I assume you have artillery on that ship that will assist us?"  Strappon asked, glancing up then down at Mahsk.
HITAGASHI:  "Drec ec draen yndemmano.  Ed'c jano bnaddo.  Ymcu jeumahd."  The  projection seemed to shift, showing off a large amount of weaponry.  He still thought it was beautiful, it was just deadlier looking now.  "Ev drao cruud oui, oui femm tecehdaknyda."
SAIYAN:  "So that's the enemy ship? If you guys know where it is, why don't you  just blow it up?" Wristband.
KR-O:  "Yeah, that's the enemy ship," Shades confirmed, "He's just saying how  dangerous Inquisitor artillery is and we should be careful."
KR-O:  Meanwhile, there was something hiding in the shadows. It... It isn't  something that's exactly intimidating. In fact, whatever was in the  shadows was quite small and simply skittering around the joint. The  commotion in the court yard caught its attention, especially the  hologram. Holy shit, who knew Earth was this advanced now. Wanting to  see the projection up close, it skittered on to Mahsk's head.  Ovr'kot, who was silent for the most part, glanced at Mahsk for a bit  and looked back. He did a double take with an alarmed expression.  What. What _is_ that thing on his spouse's head. "D-Dear...?" His  finger was shaking as he pointed to the small creature.
 Shades look up at the now frightened Throne and laughed. "Oh hey, so  they do hang around the Abbey occasionally. At least it's not an  infestation."
HITAGASHI:  The skittering feeling on his head alerted him that something was  wrong.  Without much thought, the Throne took whatever it was away  from its location and stared at it.  Whatever it was, it was very  small and seemed very curious about him.  Ignoring the shit talking  from the _disgusting vermin_ that had implied she wanted to sleep with  his spouse, he tilted his head and trilled softly.
 "Fryd ec _drec_?"  He couldn't smell much through his namesake,  however, and thus Mahsk took it off, shaking his head to make his hood  fall as well.  He pulled the thing closer and took a sniff, confused  at the way it smelled.  Well... it couldn't be helped.  This in mind,  he actually licked whatever the little thing was.  Almost instantly  his face scrunched up.  "Ed dycdac mega __ceh__.  _Ikr_."
SAIYAN:  "HAHAHA! Look at the big bad aliens getting scared by a tiny little  ghost!" Wristband laughed. For all of their advancements, it was very  humorous that they would be scared of something that they deal on a  daily basis.
 Meanwhile, Undershirt struggled to his feet. Let's see he was  strangled by legs, thrown into a trash can and kicked in the nuts.  This was just not his day! He did notice that there was a ghost that  seemed to be freaking out the Aliens. That made his day a little  better.
 "Not so high and mighty now, are we?" he laughed.
KR-O:  "W-What _is_ that thing?" Ovr'kot wasn't having none of it and smacked  it out of Mahsk's hand when he licked it, "Don't do that, you don't  know where it's been!"
 Caplet picked up the small creature, dusting it off. "You don't know  what a ghost is?"
 "What's...a ghost?" Ovr'kot was almost too afraid to know.
BUMBLERBEE:  Dirndl had to keep laughter in, having been listening... up until now,  anyway. She would come closer to Caplet, looking at the Ghost. "It's  very small." she commented.
BRIT:  "A ghost..." Strappon said. How does he explain it? "They're souls of  the dead who haven't yet passed on, usually being held to the mortal  plane by lingering regrets. They died tragically or by accident."  "That's one way to put it." Jacket said, "Where did this thing come  from??"
MONSPURR:  "Deeeeestrooooy it!" Out popped Bunny Ears, her childish hammer  already taken out as she had pounced after the ghost. However, seeing  everyone, she skidded to a halt. Why were they just standing there  looking at the ghost? And who were those weird pale people?  Attentionless as ever, she simmered down a bit, letting her weapon  turn back into her ears, resting on top of her head.
SAIYAN:  "Who knows and who cares! I say we beat the shit out of that thing!"  Undershirt yelled in response to Jacket. "What do you say?"
 Wristband nodded her head in agreement. This would could be fun.
OSCARK9:  Gloves walk towards to the ghost to get a better look at it. "Should  we repent it?" he ask.
KR-O:  "That sounds fake, but ok." Ovr'kot replied to Strappon. It just seems  so unnatural, what the fuck happened on Earth while they were gone?
 The ghost didn't quite appreciate the fact that it was being called  small. How dare these Angels, don't they know who they're messing  with? The ghost became so enraged that it expanded into a large  balloon of sorts, swallowing both Dirndl and Caplet whole.
 "Of course." Massie said with a snort. She wasn't sure if she should  engage the ghost. There were aliens here. And two still conscious  angels inside of it.
OSCARK9:  "Okay. I got myself the answer." He said and walk back to the others.
BRIT:  "Yeah, let's beat the fuck out of--" Holy shit it ate people. Jacket's  expression went from excited to absolute horror. "WHAT THE FUCK."
GAMER-GODDESS:  "It has hostages though, are we sure we should attack blindly?" Thigh  High asked, she may not have known the angels swallowed to well but,  just going in guns blazing seems like a bad idea regardless.
BUMBLERBEE:  Before Dirndl could respond to Glove, she cried out in horror at being  devored by the inflated Ghost! "AAAA-MMFFF!"before silence
SAIYAN:  "Ah shit! Not again!" Undershirt said as he watched the ghost devour  the two angels.
 Wristband simply stood mouth agape. She couldn't believe this!
HITAGASHI:  Okay that?  That was rude.  First of all it tasted nasty.  And now it  eats people.  Head tilted, his eyes narrowed at the thing.  Mahsk pat  his spouse on the arm, walking forward calmly towards the thing.  Examining it, he figured he might as well get them out.  Now... let's  see where to cut.
 "Drana??"  So saying, his mask shifted, light circling until  solidifying into a sword-like shape.  The fact that it looked like a  lightsaber probably helped explain the fact that it was very hot  around it.  A hum, and he pressed it forward slowly, amused.  "Oac...  drana."
OSCARK9:  Gloves looked at the horror that he saw and it made him mad. "Dirndl!  Caplet! You ghost devouring bitch!" He said to the ghost.
KR-O:  Shades blinked.
MONSPURR:  Ah, that didn't last long at all. Before Bunny could even ask all the  curious questions building up in her mind, the ghost was already  eating up the Angels. That wasn't good! But she had already put away  her weapon... and that was so much work. There were plenty of Angels  and these weirdo's to do the job, right? As much as she wanted to  annihilate the Angel, she kind of wanted to see what the weirdo's  would do. Deciding to stand back, she watched, smiling as they drew  their weapons. This was going to be cool! Luckily, no one had seen or  noticed her. She couldn't be viewed as lazy right? Still, she chimed  out, as if completely forgetting about that. "Like, go destroy him!"
BRIT:  "This isn't right. Someone get rid of it...?" Strappon looked around  at the angels, "GET RID OF IT."
KR-O:  "Strap, you do realize this isn't Caplet's first time getting devoured  right?" Then a single tear shed from Shades' only eye. The day at the  aquarium still haunts him.
OSCARK9:  Gloves looked at Strappon for a few sec and hear what he had to say.  "No problem." He said to him and he summon his gauntlet gloves in  battle.
BUMBLERBEE:  As Strappon spoke, incoherent nose came from the belly of the beast--  quite literally! The imprint of feet had begun to kick the inky black  creature, and even a soft glow grew!
HITAGASHI:  Frowning at the spot that glowed, Mahsk merely blinked and shifted his  weapon to cut further into the 'ghost' which... they had a very odd  phenomenon didn't they?  Whatever, he just wanted to get this taste  out of his mouth and go back to studying this planet.  This was  already boring him.  As he thought this, the Throne noticed his sword  had opened a small hole in the thing.  Well... that worked.
KR-O:  The ghost began being torn apart by what looked like to be Soul  Threads. Caplet was fucking pissed and this ghost ruined their hair.  They took hours cleaning that, man! "TO THINK I TRUSTED YOU," They  shouted from the small gap they made.
BRIT:  "I... What?" Strappon started before turning to Shades. Did he really  just say that?
 Jacket whipped off his namesake and turned it into Duel Pride.  "We're here for backup!" He yelled, "CUT IT OPEN."
KR-O:  "Weren't you with us at the aquarium?" Shades looked down at Strappon  with a concerned expression about him. "Oh. Uh. Forget I said anything  then."  He began fiddling his fingers, nearly breaking into a sweat. He didn't  exactly report the damages to the aquarium to Strappon the day it  happened.
SAIYAN:  "Well that happened" Undershirt said as he dropped his guard.
 Undershirt turned to Wristband. "Wristband, when this is over, I have  so many things I have to tell you" he said.
BUMBLERBEE:  "___VERSCHWINDE!___" came a slightly muffled near growl, the glow  subsiding from inside the ghost. Slightly above Mahsk's incision,  thinkfully clearing the Throne's head was a lightly glowing blade,  half sticking out. It struggled to slide up, the blade dragging!
KR-O:  Oh wow, those were terrible stomach aches. The ghost then ejected  Dirndl and Caplet from its body, not taking holy power too well.
 Caplet picked themselves up, shaking from all this ooze covering them.  "N-Not again...."
OSCARK9:  Gloves run towards Caplet and Dirndl to see if they're alright. "Hey.  Are you two alright?" He ask them.
HITAGASHI:  Staring down, Mahsk considered the thing.  It was pathetic.  If it had  just remained curious he wouldn't have to cut through it like the mess  of trash it was.  A shake of the head was the only warning he gave  before cutting mercilessly into the thing, sheering away the thing  from the sheer holy heat of his lightsaber.
BUMBLERBEE:  Dirndl was on her hands and knees, her seax falling into the ground  she was ejected. Covered in goo and wearing her white slip, she was  gasping for air, hair half down from its braided perch.
GAMER-GODDESS:  Running towards the two angels, Thigh High stopped in front of them"Oh  gross, are you guys alright?" Hesitating slightly at the goop before  sticking her hand out towards Dirndl.
KR-O:  The ghost immediately exploded into pieces, not having last words  before parting with the world.
 "Personally I am not fine, this is the second darn diddly time this  has happened and I'm honestly so disgusted with myself-" Caplet went  off saying incomprehensible mutterings as they walked away from the  scene, swiping off ghost residue.
 Ovr'kot simply stared. Why did it blow up? Why do they even exist? He  is Afraid.
SAIYAN:  "Maybe they should learn not to get eaten if they're that upset about  it" Undershirt mumbled as they walked by.
 "I take it this kind of stuff happens often?" Wristband said to no one  in particular.
BUMBLERBEE:  Dirndl looked up, eyes dark and a bit angry. With Thigh High's  asisstance, she stood on shaky legs, hand to her chest. "Vielen Dank."  she murmured, one eye covered with blonde hair.
OSCARK9:  When Caplet walk away from the scene and muttering at the same time.  Gloves was thinking of what he said that made him a little confuse.  "What. The second time?" He said to himself.
GAMER-GODDESS:  "No problem!" she stated, "Are you okay to walk on your own?" Thigh  High asked with a concerned smile still holding onto Dirndl's hand.
KR-O:  "Och ärligt De kan alla gå __SKRUV SIG__ !"  Caplet then attempted to calm themselves down. Don't curse in a  language considered sacred Caplet, it's not worth it. Wiping off  residue from their hair, they turned to Gloves, "Things tend to  happen."  That's pretty much all you're gonna get out of them regarding the  topic.
HITAGASHI:  The sound of the lightsaber deactivating was followed by a whooshing  noise as it turned back into his namesake.  Mahsk slid it into his  robes and made his way calmly back to his spouse, jumping up and  wrapping himself around Ovr'kot's front as if he always did this.  Which he probably did.  He smiled wide and pressed his nose to the  taller Throne, not really wanting to kiss him considering what he'd  just licked.
OSCARK9:  "Gottha." he said to them.
OSCARK9:  *** "Gotcha." he said to them.
KR-O:  Ah yes, the warm embrace of his spouse made Ovr'kot feel better.  Somewhat. "Guess you always were my hero, huh?"
BUMBLERBEE:  "I don't know..." She said softly, slowly calming down from the  ordeal. "My sword, where did it fall?" she asked no one in particular,  her sword having fell not too far away.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt blinked
GAMER-GODDESS:  "Ummmm..." Glancing around for the weapon, she spotted it on ground a  few feet away, Thigh High beamed impressed with herself. "I believe  that's it over there." She said towards Dirndl before dragging her  towards the sword.
HITAGASHI:  Mahsk seemed to find this amusing, humming in agreement and holding  himself to Ovr'kot tighter.  He pressed his face to his spouse's neck,  flushing happily at the comment.
KR-O:  Ovr'kot stroked his spouse's hair before firmly gripping it, "Wash yo  mouth," he said as if it were a threat.
BRIT:  "So, what exactly were you going to explain?" Strappon asked now that  the commotion was overwith.
SAIYAN:  "Yes please tell us, oh wise one!" Undershirt said. He was really  getting pissed off at the fact that the aliens had been here for so  long and they had been told literally nothing.
HITAGASHI:  With a resolutely annoyed face, Mahsk glared at his spouse.  He then,  in an act of absolute maturity, pulled his hood right back over his  head and stuck his face back where he'd had it.  He wasn't explaining  jack shit anymore.  He kept getting interrupted.
BUMBLERBEE:  Dirndl gasped, leaning over to grab her weapon from the ground, gently  dusting. "Thank you." she told Thigh High, flashing a brief smile. Hm?  She turned to Mahsk, who seemed unwilling to explain any more of the  situation.
Fox looked around in utter confusion , mentally asking herself why she was there. She removed her stole from around her neck and placed a hand on her hip , her eyebrow now raised, "Uh, anyone here care to explain what the hell just went down?" She exhaled and toyed with her collar.
(( OOC: Ughhhhhh faaacccck sorry)) ))
BRIT:  "Weeeelll, there was a ghost that ate people, but the cute little  alien dude took care of it. And there's aliens!" Jacket explained,  "And now they're actually going to explain stuff. Yeah!"
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  She blinked and closed her mouth, "You've gotta be jokin.." Fox said  in utter disbelief. "Thanks for the..er..explanation.."  she muttered.
KR-O:  Ovr'kot furrowed his brows, "Come now, don't be like that. Fine. I'll  take over."  He set the spouse down next to him and stood up, straightening his  namesake. "Now then, before anymore interruptions occur. We are here  because we believe the Inquisitors are looking for the source of the  distress signal. But this distress signal isn't exactly what it sounds  like. It was this...massive burst of energy that came from this  specific area of Earth. With energy like that, I'm sure Inquisitors  want to take harness whatever it is."  Ovr'kot paused for a bit before continuing, "Inquisitors were looking  for that here on Earth originally, that's why any of you exist. But  since they found nothing, we all left. The question is...what even  happened here?"
BRIT:  "That's... Pressing." Strappon stated. "A massive burst of energy...  I'm not sure at all what would have caused that."
HITAGASHI:  "They're probably referring to the Hell's Monkey.  From before the  mess before."  From seemingly nowhere came Bifocals, having finally  arrived in time for something, at least.  "Or, you know, the massive  amount of fallen."
BRIT:  "That huge cockmonster was nasty as hell." Jacket said with a yawn,  "Everyone in Heaven was worried about it."
KR-O:  "The smell was something....that wasn't as desired, honestly." Shades  shivered in disgust just remembering the smell.
KR-O:  ___The S M E L L___
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  "Soooooo.. no one noticed that person magically arrive like a rabbit  outta some magicians ass?" Fox said with her hands behind her head, "  Is it just me??"
KR-O:  "A bunny girl is normal considered what happens around here," Massie  replied, fixing her messy bun. It was being a hassle and you know  what, fuck it. Time to let her hair loose. "Again, a giant penis ghost  did burst out of the ground."
BRIT:  "Eugh.I couldn't imagine." Jacket coughed, "Anyway, people pop in and  out of here all the time."
 "It was... Terrible, to say the least. You may be right." Strappon  agreed with Bifocals.
HITAGASHI:  "Well, considering the fact that I had to do reconstruction, I'm sure  I'm right."  She looked down at the man before her attention was  brought back to the Thrones.  It had been a long time since she'd seen  these things.  "I'm pretty sure it was Hell's Monkey.  A gateway was  opened to Hell and unleashed an extremely powerful ghost.  It was very  unpleasant."
KR-O:  Ovr'kot looked mortified. Wow, these kids certainly did deal with  something. And they thought fighting Yautja was out of the norm.  "We don't know half of what you're speaking about, but I'm sure it was  catastrophic."
BRIT:  "Abso-fucking-lutely." Jacket snorted.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  "Oh, sooo I'm not the only weasel popping in , good to know." The  poacher mumbled to herself . "You aren't the only one dude." She  huffed.
HITAGASHI:  Bifocals snorted and watched Mahsk seem to consider the new arrivals  with amusement.  As if they were something fun.
 "Catastrophic is putting it nicely," she said, annoyed at the memory  itself.  "Hell's Monkey is the ghost that was unleashed.  It was...  very phallic.  I was in the middle of work when it happened, however."
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  "That explains why those chicks ran out of that Victoria's Secret..."  she blinks and shrugs, "A dicks a dick."
KR-O:  "Don't kinkshame them," retorted Shades at Fox Stole. "But yeah,  that's really the only event that would warrant a lot of energy to be  shot out of the planet. I don't think I read something else like this  happening way back when."
 Ovr'kot tapped his chin, pensive.  "Hm. Is there any possible way to enter this 'Hell'? The sooner we can  drive Inquisitors out of here, the better."
 Shades simply held up his finger as if he was going to say something  but all that came out was "Uuuh..."
GAMER-GODDESS:  "Yea, that may be but, that was WAY too much dick..." Thigh High  replied while stretching her arms above her head.
SAIYAN:  "I heard the stories" Undershirt said. "It sounded...pretty bad."  Those stories were some of the worst things he ever heard about in his  life.
BRIT:  "I was there, once, but I also had been dragged there." Strappon said,  "Ampallang and I were unconscious. They then proceeded to torture us.  It wasn't a good memory."
KR-O:  Caplet raised up there hand, "I got called to repent a ghost for them  because they were locked in their own headquarters."
KR-O:  *their
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  She put her hands up in surrender and opened her mouth to say  something but she lost her train of thought,  "motherfluffer...uh...well if we're adding stuff my ex is down there."  She yawned. "Fuckin horse ass." Fox mumbled.
OSCARK9:  "Man, that's bad to hear, Strappon." he said to him, while he stretch  his both arms in the air. "But, yeah how can we enter hell?" He  question.
KR-O:  "Well, it's not so much just adding on. I know how to enter Hell. I'm  not sure if the Templar and Seraph do considering they were  unconscious." Caplet responded.
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  "Soooo, should I break out the chloroform..?" She raised an eyebrow.
KR-O:  "Oh yeah, you told me that little venture of yours. That was pretty  pathetic on their part," Shades confessed, "No. No chloroform."
 "Take the elevator." That's a way to put it simply Caplet.
HITAGASHI:  "Basically, entering Hell is difficult and not worth the effort nine  times out of ten."  Staring down at her nails, Bifocals considered it.   "Though I can't remember how exactly to get there anymore."
SAIYAN:  Wristband blinked
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  With a huff she crosses her arms and pouts like a two year old. "What  about cheesy disguises...? Those oddly seem to fuckin work..."
(( OOC: Alright folks, we're wrapping up. Go ahead and make your last posts! ))
OSCARK9:  Gloves blinked
HITAGASHI:  Tugging on Ovr'kot's sleeve, Mahsk pointed up to the sky, indicating  it was time to go.  There were things to do, information to compile,  and snuggles to be had after he washed his mouth out.  A lot of  snuggles.  It was very important.  He gave a small wave to the people  he'd actually interacted well with.  A grin and the mask was back in  place.
 Time to go.
BRIT:  "Disguises? Like mustaches and stuff? Nah, they don't seem to fall for  those." Jacket said with a sigh.  "I assume you're leaving us, then." Strappon said, "Are you going to  keep in touch?
OFFICERCOFFINCAT:  Fox nods and makes a gun with her hands , "Pewwww there goes that  idea..."  she turns to strappon, "You seem like a fun group.. soo I  don't see why not."
KR-O:  "Yes. Our time is up for now, but we will return soon. Perhaps set up  base here if you do not mind, that way it's easier for us to keep in  contact," said Ovr'kot. "But for now, live long and prosper." And then  Scotty beamed them up, they were gone.
 Shades now wondered how they would respond to them about setting up  base in the Abbey. I mean, that's more taxes and more unwanted  attention.
And so with the meeting of new friends came new worries. What were these Ancient Ancestors planning? Why were they here? How the hell are they even supposed to respond to this? Who knows, but it was the start of a whole new set of problems, and far more adventure than they could imagine.
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