kark-trooper-echo · 2 months
You go radio silent for a few hours...
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im not done BUTOH MY GOD ????
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funnyrobot · 5 months
its written right here in my autism contract that if i say something stupid about my Thing That I Like Too Much or Enjoy That Silly Guy a bit Too Hard, that i have to kill myself with knives. i don.t make the rules i just follow them . soi guessthis is goodby
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black-rose-writings · 2 years
Fate Season 2, Episode 7
It’s finally over I guess
This is what we call, big yikes.
He has mind powers. He can fucking check for himself.
Bloom is having some more visions.
Do we finally get Daphne?
Nick is an idiot.
And so is Dane.
The fuck is Flora doing.
Okay, I’ve been having this though for a while, but is Bloom’s hair changing constantly or is that just me?
Realm of Darkness sounds like discount Realix, ngl.
Two sisters. So full Trix coming in season 3, I assume?
I do love me some actual alright homosexual rep.
So Bloom is an artist now? Never really got brought up until now, but sure.
Bloom was born a thousand years ago.
So, most of that is a lie, I assume.
Also like. are Blood Witches inherently evil or is it just something you’re born with and people hate because “ew”?
Again, this is not how you do gray morality. This isn’t gray, it’s just confusing and meant for shock value.
Is Sky permadead? Bea certainly is.
Transformation time.
And the day is won.
Or maybe discount Valtor was not lying.
First transformation drains a person the fuck out, got it.
Bloom, don’t do anything dumb. Sleep on this shit.
Why make this a fucking relationship drama moment?
So, is a cockblock monster gonna come or?
Okay, she just did that.
Evil dimension looks surprisingly peaceful.
Yup, definitelly Icy and Darcy.
And evil entity just materialized in the graveyard.
And Bloom meets her mom, cliffhanger for the next season.
Okay. Sure.
Why not.
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paper-is-paper · 2 years
Masterpost time I guess
This is my main that I talk and post about whatever on here.
Writing blog: @potato-fields-forever
Persona side blog: @compote-sur-pancakes
As you can tell I hardly ever write.
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nonstopaa1 · 4 years
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The clues were obvious, and so is the silhouette, but the audience can't tell the color of the silhouette. Good luck trying. #guess #guessinggame #guesstheitem #guessthis #guessthecolor #mystery #mysteryitem #mysteryitemoftheday #itemoftheday #mysterybox #mysterycolor #coloroftheday #shadow #silhouette #shadows #silhouettes #shadowwork #shadowphotography #shadowart #shadowplay #silhouettephotography #silhouetteart #therewasanattempt #attempt #attempted #itried #notaseasyasitlooks #harderthanitlooks #quack #duck https://www.instagram.com/p/CE1Am86jbLP/?igshid=n1t0h10vg7ie
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musicpuzzlefun · 4 years
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I can hear like "Figaro" with #Pavarotti voice . . . . . . . #catmemes #musicmemes #madeyousmile #catmusic #cats #musiciansofinstagram #guessthesong #guessthis #music #songmemes #musicalmemes #memesdemusica #memesdegatos #meow #musicstudent #pavarotti #figaro #catslover https://www.instagram.com/p/CBCEhipAZbf/?igshid=iwo6f25igbfw
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villagecenterarts · 5 years
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Can you name where this is from? She's not done yet but I had to post this. I thin we have some "strange" artist here today!!💡 #run #strangerthings #artisahugforyourbrain #artofinstagram #movie #guessthis #nonprofit #demogorgon #series #netflix #dancohen #sciencefiction #willbyers #winonaryder 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️🏃 https://www.instagram.com/p/B4X925Ygu4r/?igshid=ymdt4iek6scj
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apparxtioniisms · 5 years
Koyuki closed her eyes. This place was much different than the city she had lived in before. 
That’s right, long before she came to live in a forest, she had lived in a city. It was much bigger than this one, the buildings towered upwards for what felt like miles. In Striaton, the nights were calm and relaxing, back there the night was crowded and loud, filled with flashy lights and even flashier people. She resided above it all on the top floor of a lavish prison. 
The house empty. It was decked in expensive furniture, gorgeous clothing and all kinds of gaudy decoration, but it was empty. 
Koyuki opened her eyes and turned to the cafe where Cress was currently cleaning up after their last customer. She supposed she should help him, huh. Walking inside she quickly got to picking up the cutlery. 
This home was much fuller compared to that place. That’s why she loved it. 
He made it fuller too. 
Cress didn’t yell at her. He never made her feel bad or stupid. He smiled at her kindly and never made her do anything she didn’t want to. Best of all, he always took care of all her wounds. Kindly and patiently, no matter how many she had, he’d heal every single one of them without fail. Even the one’s he couldn’t see. 
That’s why she loved him. 
Her hand curled around the knife in her hand. 
That’s why she’d do whatever it took to protect him. 
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mothblogsim · 2 years
i guessthis is tumblr
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atheistcartoons · 3 years
Blog Wars!
My name is Barry Purcell. I write and edit Atheist Cartoons. I blog and tweet personally as solo1y. None of this is a secret, but it’s going to be relevant for this.
Recent stupidity committed by Atheists Alliance International (an umbrella organisation for numerous national atheist organisations who make submissions to the UN etc.) has forced me to get personal (because they did) on here, which is something I’ve assiduously tried to avoid on this blog ever since it started.
Why Should Anyone Care What Barry Purcell Thinks? 
This is a very good point. You shouldn’t. And if you don’t, you should definitely stop reading now and go about your business with my sincere apologies for wasting the 20 seconds of your life it took to read this far.
For everyone else: 
I’m a published writer internationally on matters of religion, society and culture. here is an article I wrote in 2017 about abortion in Ireland and here is an article I wrote in 2018 about antisemitism online.  
I’m a Regional Coordinator for Atheist Ireland.
I’ve maintained this blog, which has close to 20,000 followers, since January 2012. This was my first post.
I’ve been directly involved in campaigns to separate church and state in Ireland and in the United States (where I lived for six years). This includes the legalisation of gay marriage and the repeal of the Eight Amendment, both campaigns of which were ultimately successful. 
I am a regular guest on The Free Thought Prophet (FTP) podcast and most recently told the delightful tale of how one man’s religious delusions killed 40 million people in China. 
None of this should force you to care and it makes me feel icky typing it but this is not the first time AAI has made me feel icky. It might at least contribute to the opinion that I’m not just some guy bashing a keyboard in his parents’ basement. Although they also serve who stand and wait, I am an activist. 
Er... Are You In Some Kind Of Trouble? 
What? No! I’m fine. Everything’s fine. I’m not looking for money or anything. This is all just information. 
OK. I Don’t Have A Lot Of Money Right Now...
I’m not looking for money! Don’t worry about it. Anyway, none of us has a lot of money right now. The entire planet shut down for a whole year. It was rough, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. We’re all doing really well and we just need to hang in there a little longer. 
This post is just about some strange things that happened with AAI and how I came to be personally attacked in their latest blog.
Fine “How Did It All Get Started?” I Guess
This particular round of the AAI shit circus started when a breakaway group (confusingly called the International Association of Atheists or IAA) used an AAI subscriber list to ask for contributions to their new organisation. AAI accused them of theft and demanded restitution in threatening tones. IAA responded denying the charges. The AAI then responded again with more bluster and you can see things got more personal. 
This Is Already Really Boring
I know, right? Now imagine how fucking boring it is to be in the middle of this horseshit. I am hoping to communicate just a tiny fraction of how petty and stupid and completely unnecessary this whole thing is. Any time during this when you think, “surely it couldn’t be this stupid”, you are wrong. It is precisely that stupid.
I became interested when I saw this podcast on the FTP. The substance of the allegation, which itself has nothing to do with alleged theft of data mentioned above, is that the entire AAI board is illegitimate due to some “creative bureaucracy” surrounding an outside-the-box AGM some years ago. 
I felt at the time that Seamus and John were being a bit dramatic, so I asked a few questions on Twitter and they invited me onto the following epsiode, along with Andy Hall, to talk about what they had at this stage called “the clown car” of AAI actions and statements. During this conversation, and I think you can almost see this happening in real time, I moved my position from doing the best I could to see the viewpoint of AAI to a sense of mystery that they could have the utter lack of shame required to continue in their bullshit and lies. 
Barry! This Has Become Even More Boring!
I know, right? It gets worse, though. So take a break and have a cup of tea before continuing. Maybe watch My Octopus Teacher on Netflix. It’s lovely. Get eight hours of sleep. Then come back.
I’m Back! I Am Full of Coffee! Go Go Go! 
On March 14 last, the FTP hosted a live podcast with the vice president of AAI, Bill Flavell and later on its president, Howard Burman. During this podcast, it became clear (and please watch the podcast for yourself if you think I’m exaggerating here) that Bill Flavell has no idea what’s going on. His attitude throughout appeared to oscillate between confused and uninformed. 
Later on, when Howard Burman was added to the conversation, little changed. There were vague admissions that “mistakes were made” by unknown agents and that unspecified measures would be taken, also by unknown agents, to rectify the situation. All in all, exactly the opposite of what you need to hear from an organisation accused of a lack of transparency at committee level. 
The day after, the FTP posted this outlining the accusations again and the evidence for those accusations, with additional stuff about how the contributions of Flavell and Burman were unconvincing. A few days later, they posted “the receipts”, documentary evidence that representatives of AAI knowingly lied about a number of issues.
I don’t want to go into the details because holy hell this thing is way too long already, but they are all on the linked sites if you want to do your own research. 
What Does This Have To Do With You? 
On March 30, four days ago, one of the AAI people, who tweets as Diogenes of Mayberry (sic) was in one of these delightful discussions with John Hamill when I pointed out the irony of defending against an accusation of a lack of transparency by claiming that unknown people were doing unknown things “behind the scenes” and that talking about it was unhelpful. I used the word omerta to communicate this irony, which appears to have hit some sort of berserk button with Diogenes, who spent a bunch of tweets talking about my “snide comments” and “hints of distrust” and “implications” and so on. 
His defence was that “behind the scenes” was just a phrase and he meant, I guess, something else? I don’t know. I challenge any of you to determine what the hell he’s trying to say in any of those tweets. There’s no information, but there is a tone throughout of panic and fear. I don’t know what he’s afraid of, but maybe the panic comes from the feeling that he’s running around trying to put out a bunch of fires? Again, I don’t know. 
Yesterday, April 2, it kicked off again when I reblogged that conversation on my Twitter. His judgment this time that my tweet was “spurious insinuations from the peanut gallery” and he has at this stage devolved to the level of posting GIFs. Keep in mind that my “spurious insinuations” are nothing more than what’s already been substantively admitted by the two AAI officers and demonstrated with evidence provided on the FTP site. 
In possibly the worst insult of all, he went on to call me a “journalist” and made a reference to “fish and chips” that I still don’t understand. Does he think I’m English? Does he think I work in a chip shop? Again, I have no idea. I asked him but he refused to answer. That’s uncharitable. Maybe he has to check with some people to find out what he meant by “fish and chips” and he’ll come back in four days with the facts.
You Should Have Opened With The “Fish And Chips” Thing
Yes. I see that now. Sorry. 
After Diogenes of Mayberry (whose real name is Jason Sylvester) got a good-natured kicking from the FTP boys and myself, he posted a blog about the whole thing naming me as a “cohost” of the FTP and making several other mistakes en route. He’s patched up most of them by now but disingenuously refused to acknowledge that the post ever contained any mistakes. (We are at war with Oceania. We have always been at war with Oceania.) Basic ethics would require any correction to include the original mistake, like this. If you sat through the FTP podcast with the AAI officers linked above, you may remember that one of the claims of these people is that they are highly ethical. 
Update 4/4/21: He has even more disingenuously only posted corrections he could somehow editorialise and continues to pretend that we have always been at war with Oceania for the remainder. Editorialising corrections is worse than an ethical breach. It’s a deliberate attempt to mislead. Print all your corrections with the original mistake with no editorialising. If you need guidance on how to do this, please consult any mainstream publication.
It will surprise none of you that according to Jason’s post, he’s the real hero and we’re all wrong. Unlike the FTP though, Jason provides no evidence at all for any of his assertions, except the fact that John Hamill told him to go fuck himself. John Hamill told Jason to go fuck himself on a number of occasions. I’m not sure what that counts as evidence for or against? 
The FTP immediately responded with its own rebuttal of everything in the AAI blog and provided a separate list of demonstrable lies in that post. And that’s it up to today.
What Happens Now? 
I have no idea but we both (I assume) are hoping that I don’t have to write another one of these. Holy hell. Back to the cartoons tomorrow.  
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Merry Christmas to all those who celebrate! 🌲❤️ Any guesses what I am working on? 🤔 . . . #hennafyme #manasisart #merrrychristmas #guessthis #whatamidoing #hennadesigns #dots #redandsilver #festivecolors #ptcartist #PeachtreeCityArtist #Christmasgiftideas (at *Manasi's Art* Hennafy me)
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chrisdudaxd · 7 years
Painting a mythological classic, any guesses?! #like4like #follow4follow #art #chrisduda #mythological #wings #painting #guessthis #timelapse #process #detail #instagram #instagood #acrylicpainting #blue
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alicedrawslesmis · 6 years
personal and non-cohesive (uncohesive? incohesive?) thoughts about Brazilian politics and history: it turned out to be about the experience of existing in the western periphery I guess
this ended up incredibly long and way too personal, maybe a tad corny
do not proceed unless you want to take a peak at how my brain works, it may distress you
well... obviously there is a chance we'll have an authoritarian contradictory ultra-far-right poverty-hating confused scum-of-the-earth literal-garbage-can-mouth pro-gun against-abortion-and-women's-rights against-life ultra-liberal ultra-evangelical misogynistic falsely-meritocratic racist-ass proudly-ignorant president elected this year. When that happens we can kiss goodbye to all the certainties brought on by this our young democracy that was at least trying! to bring about equality! a little!
~this sounds awfully pessimistic - only because I'm angry-typing and I am PMSing on top of it all - but bare with me a little, give me a little break
Actually scratch that first statement. Bozo will win. Because that's what kind of a country this is. That's not to say this is a bad country or a backwards country or anything like that (I don't even believe there are such things as backwards countries anyway, since that implies history is a steady climb towards a better version of the world, and that's bullshit. Sorry my man Enjolras, I still love you tho). There are moments, of tension and distension, where crises lead to loss and anger, which leads to the dark side, which lead to pointing blame, which leaves space for opportunists to rise to power and then comes euphoria, then regret and finally grief. Until things calm down and allow room for negotiations and for that little while things seem easy and we can breathe before the next wave. That's what history is, waves. You can't really say a wave goes up or down, only the swimmer.
We are a portuguese colony that never had an emancipation, and has always lived in the periphery of great powers.
On the one hand: american culture was systematically silenced in favor of an imitation of "civilised" culture (including all the so-called forward-thinking individuals) (again, 'forward'. As if the people who think the way I do are the Right and everyone else is 'backwards' and ignorant. See what I mean?). We read from Proust to Harry Potter, we have access to all sorts of diversity of culture from within the - let's call it 'western canon', that does not include us nor was it made with us in mind as readers and comes from a totally different point of view. I remember some sj discourses about inclusion and race that are repeated exactly the same way by our movements whether or not they make sense on our conditions. We repeat discourse that doesn't apply because that is what came out of this whole colonial experiment.
To be less vague and generalising, our elite is mainly made up of white people. These rich white elites have never entirely belonged here. They (we! actually it's me too) are colonisers or immigrants. We see Brasil as an intermediate state between birth and, if we work hard and pray enough, our ascension to Europe or Miami. Specifically Miami for some reason. Idk why. I don't even like Miami but there we are. I myself am Italian/Portuguese/that brazilian mix of ethnicities that I can't quite pinpoint, and I spent most of my childish days looking outwards to what we apparently lack, instead of what we are creating right here, right now. As did most, if not all, of my colleagues.
My first teacher to question that dynamic to us (Luis Carlos, bless you my friend) ironically taught me portuguese lit when I was 15. Coincidentally he was my first black teacher. Ever. I live in Brasil, and he was the first black person I had a long-lasting relationship with who wasn't a maid, or a nanny, or a driver. Luis opened my eyes to a lot of things. He was aggressive, sometimes even abusive. He didn't seem to enjoy being the literature teacher to a bunch of private-school white teenagers which is understandable. But mainly he made me see the sheer percentage of books in any given bookstore here that are foreign in origin. And the vast majority of those that are brazilian are imitating european/US american books. And most of the books left are about trying to walk the fine line of who we are as a nation and as a culture, american, african and european. The rest are cookbooks (just kidding).
But I mean I get it! In come the white portuguese with their books and their values, and they settle here, right (read invade, but that's another topic of discussion) They establish a government here, still get their european education and so on. Soon the find their values don't apply here, just because it's not the same as Europe. Warmth is bad, there are only two seasons, rainy and dry, the sun is your enemy. Sexuality and the nuclear husband-wife family are wildly out of place. Natives know the land, they work with nature and not against it, they live in a sort of ecological balance with their surroundings. Worse even. They don't think they need to dominate nature. The very basis for western ideology means nothing to them. Science and math and medicine and all the traditional western knowledge is useless, "superstition" runs rampant (what they usually call superstition is mostly just the lack of separation between nature and humanity as concepts but anyway), the plants are lush, the animals docile, insects are big and colourful and the land is "unexplored" (read, there is no human occupation of the land as they know it).
Slowly they make the land theirs. They build a version of their home here. They clean off the insects, (and yes they bring in western aesthetics to the mix). They build giant monoculture farms. It still doesn't fit, but they are keen on it fitting, so the rich isolate themselves from the other populations on a miniature imitation of Europe, with walls around them, and they allow for some other people to come in and help keep their micro-civilisation up. The poor white population that can't afford isolation blame their surroundings because what they consider right and wrong doesn't fit. They indoctrinate the people they dominate to believe nature is something exterior that needs to be tamed, and that any other way is primitive, 'outdated' (the future is dominating your surroundings). The people of mixed origin hate their ancestry and their non-white peoples don't take them in.
In come the slaves. They take foreigners as slaves because they don't know the land or the social organisation, they mix different ethnicities and languages so the slaves can't communicate with each other and keep from rebelling. Slavery of african peoples brings mountains of profit to Portugal so there really is no downside for them as far as african slavery goes. The people from Africa that they kidnap are also indoctrinated in christian values because it brings a sort of hope that suffering has a purpose in a way that keeps them from rebelling. Also Christianity is everywhere, and they are exposed to it constantly - as the only form of organised religion allowed. Like, rituals of african origin are permitted as long as they are performed in christian holidays, to christian saints, and things like that.
Some people fight back, but it's mostly localised and isolated. Some of them do organize and build communities outside of portuguese reach. A lot of people brought in as slaves were more well read and intellectualised then their kidnapers, but they were shut up by force. Muslims united in their religion and they had a stronger bond to fight back. All of this to keep that sort of illusion of a micro-Europe being built in a completely different situation then in the european peninsula (yes I call Europe a peninsula of Asia because that's what it is boohoo).
Centuries go by, generations mix a little more. Then in comes the turning point of it all. Spanish colonies were different. They had little foreigners (read: they used the americans themselves as slaves, to their own downfall) and they repressed with a lot more violence. Colonials united themselves against Spain. They managed to form nations of their own despite spanish rule. Portugal had a different, a lot more effective, approach. Mix ethnicities, confuse people, and present christianity as a unifying force, which justified colonisation as a necessary evil. Because of that, Brazil was never really a nation. 
And then came the Man. That one. The one who shifted the game completely. The one who was later branded by republicans as a coward even tho he was anything but. I don't like glorifying individuals as historical game-changers but I have to admit he really was one of those. D. João VI, regent prince of Portugal, (also his court and his allies in the english court).
Afraid of the napoleonic threat, and afraid of losing his head in a guillotine (because for them Napoleon = french revolution) he made a move that had never been done before and changed everything: moved the capital of Portugal to Rio de Janeiro. Whaaaaaat. They physically took the whole court to Brasil. In boats. Libraries, scientists, artists, historians, priests, nobles, the whole shindig. They opened the ports to allied nations (read England). They elevated Brasil to United Kingdom. Suddenly we were faced with the notion that we were in fact a one single nation. "What? Does that mean that a jewish fisherman in Recife, a muslim merchant in the south, a black mãe-de-santo from Bahia, a freed man who now owns his own slaves, the portuguese barons, those mixed-race farmers from the countryside and that french-speaking homosexual piano teacher of my daughter's are all one people???? Fuck off..."
The next centuries are exactly that. Our people confused about who we are. Try as we might, we do not know what we are. Rich white elites deny our native american roots. Rich white elites whitewash our blackness. They go to Miami. We created an imitation of western civilisation that never once fit. The elites that own the means to disseminate knowledge are all european descendants, and the knowledge and culture of groups-turned-minority are now lost of trapped (RIP the Curt Nimuendajú archives :'( and the National Museum)
Where was I going with all this? I had a point... oh yeah
Back to the original point of this gigantic historical rant, Bolsonaro is using the unifying power of christianity (the only common point between most of our identity confusion) and an impulse to violence and frustration to unite a people in a time of crisis against a made-up enemy. Saying that the party that tries to turn their eyes toward what our people can be instead of what they don't have are infiltrated enemies. Turning minorities into outsiders, even though they were already there when the notion of "nation" started to be built. History is NOT a steady climb towards civilisation, that is just something we made up because we refused to think maybe nature and humanity are one thing. Maybe our way is not the right way. Insects are dirt are not Bad Things that need to be eliminated. Poor people don't need to become rich to be respected. They don't need to want to be rich either. I know I don't. And the fact that I don't want to grow indefinitely economically makes me somehow a threat to civilisation.
That's what I'm talking about. I don't think JB is the End Of Times, just another phenomenon in a long-line of phenomena attempting to turn an entire people into civilised although western civilisation itself cannot be sustained if the entire world is civilised. It dies. Not just from wasting natural resources, but people themselves. To sustain a civilised way of life you need a multitude of people living in sub-standard conditions. That cannot hold on forever. Humanity will kill itself if it tries to go on 'taming' nature forever. Fuck off with your hubris, Western Man.
That's my final thoughts on the topic. Fuck off with your hubris. Good conclusion to a confusing text.
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wonderskin-india · 4 years
Hey guys! Welcome back to #SundayFunday. Which Accoje Cream will reach to the girl !!
A. Accoje Whitening capsule cream (White)
B. Accoje Reviving Gel cream(Green)
C. Accoje Hydrating Aqua gel cream (Blue)
Tell us in the comments
#wonderskin #cleanskincare #skincare #madeinjeju #naturalingredients #sundayfunday #sundayvibes
#Trendingformat #chemicalfree #selfcare #naturalskincare #toxinfree #crueltyfree #naturalproducts #healthyskin #Accoje #guessthis #koreaskincareproduct #Skinvestment #koreanskincareroutine #instaskin #aloeveraskincare #Skincarecommunity
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starbuzzindia · 4 years
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This "Trendy" Kid Playing In A Pool Is A Star Wife Now. Make A Shaandaar GuessThis Kid Playing In A Pool Is A Star Wife Now. Make A Shaandaar Guess #bollywood #news #mumbai #dailyupdates #dailynews #presssangharsh #mumbaikar #viralnews #viral #press #hollywood #headline #starbuzz #story #livenews #entertainment #webseries #youtube Visit www.presssangharsh.com or www.starbuzz.in https://ift.tt/2yAUEGp
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