#guest photographer
paranatellonta · 1 year
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- written by Minerva Cerridwen; photo by Ava Kelly
For ten years the humans had schemed, constructed, and carefully coaxed, and now they’d achieved their goal. Under the guise of a furniture-building company, they were finally invited in the realm of the gods to deliver the new cabinet they had designed: fit to hold divine ideas and otherworldly suggestions in a neat system of transparent folders. What was much more important, at least to the humans behind this great plan, were the loads of cameras, microphones, and wiretap installations integrated everywhere in, on, and around the cabinet.
They had spent so much time praying for a sign. If the gods weren’t going to send any clear answers on what the Right Way was for them to live, the humans would simply force them to reveal their secrets.
The employees who made the delivery didn’t get to spend much time in the godly realm, as the filing cabinet had been meticulously prepared and was easy to assemble—but that didn’t matter, because they would soon learn much more about that mysterious place anyway. The recording came through, clear and uninterrupted, and at first it was just a series of exclamations from the gods about how beautiful the cabinet was, how much easier the new filing system would make their work.
But then one of the gods introduced the first suggestion that would be placed into the folders: “You know how humans think we can constantly see everything they are doing? Maybe it’d be a good idea to actually start spying on them, if they’re coming up with such wonderful inventions. I’m sure we could learn a lot!”
[Image description: On a background of slightly wrinkled white sheets of paper, there is a smattering of long, silvery steel nails and very-dark-red glass spheres; white light falls onto the objects in such a way that bright red shadows from the spheres contrast with the black shadows of the nails and paper wrinkles.]
Links to the artists’ websites and social media: [x]
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Waiting.... Watching.....
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asiaphotostudio · 6 months
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India, 1990 Puri, Odisha, India. インド オリッサ州 プリー サンタナロッジ Photography by Michitaka Kurata
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williammarksommer · 5 months
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Guest at The Derby
Route 66 series
Hasselblad 500c/m
Kodak Gold 200iso
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notjustbees · 26 days
"And now, for something completely different."🍄
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fatchance · 1 year
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Feeder views: White-eared hummingbird / zafiro orejas blancas (Basilinna leucotis) at Beatty’s Guest Ranch, Cochise County, Arizona.
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inga-don-studio · 1 year
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Carbonation angel
AKA the first thing you see after nearly drowning while being attacked by an entire room of evil killer grampa clones
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adiluv-moved · 11 months
trick or treat w joseph 👻
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"And what do we have here?"
There's an almost teasing lilt within Joseph's voice as the words leave his mouth, pools of baby blue trailing up and down your form as he moves to lean against the doorframe. A ghost costume, stereotypical, common, and ꒰in his honest opinion꒱ rather effortless—making it popular with children starved for ideas. Or, in your case, individuals who didn't have enough time to create anything with a bit more detail.
... Then again, he supposed that he wasn't in much of a position to criticize your stylistic choices—if his disheveled clothing and loose hair were anything to go by.
You don't grace him with an answer to your question, instead reiterating your declaration, hinting at your intentions if he were to choose the former option, and he doesn't fail to notice the way that your eyes are focused on the rapier leaning against his camera. Truthfully, it doesn't intimidate him in the slightest. The over-exaggerated look of shock on his face does nothing to suggest otherwise.
"Well, mon ange, why not come inside? It'd be so rude to leave you standing in the hallway." And you accept, of course, and he makes a dramatic show of searching through all the ornate furniture within his room, purposefully ignoring the one drawer where he stows away any sweets, asking you about your day—telling you about all the latest gossip among the hunters.
You leave over an hour later with handfuls of assorted French candy, head reeling with new information.
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weepingfoxfury · 6 months
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The man on the radio is talking with the chef on the radio about Coq au Vin and Tagine. There is mention of lashings of ginger and cayenne pepper. Once the mouth watering recipes are done, the man on the radio plays Marrakesh Express and Road to Morocco.
The dandelions continue to delight here. I'm spoilt for choice.
Last night a mouse made the choice to get into bed with me. I don't know who was more surprised!?! Me as I reached to scratch the tickle on my back, only to find my hand grabbing something small and squeaky ... or the teeny tiny mouse that performed parkour on my wall as it was simultaneously released and the duvet was whipped back.
It's Saturday ... there's coffee and sunshine ... and no doubt more dandelions to capture ...
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abitofboth · 1 year
I love the weird loophole you get in social anxiety when it’s one of your loved ones that you gotta speak up for. like move out the way motherfuckers suddenly I’m the most outspoken person in the world
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sitting-on-me-bum · 1 year
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“Disconnection Event” Location: Tivoli Southern Sky Guest Farm, Khomas, Namibia, 25 December 2021 “Comet Leonard was discovered by G.J. Leonard on 3 January 2021. It made its closest pass on 12 December 2021 and, having left the Solar System, won’t be seen from Earth again. On 25 December 2021, a dramatic tail disconnection event happened. A piece of Comet Leonard’s tail was pinched off and carried away by the solar wind.”
by Gerald Rhemann
Astronomy Photographer of the Year
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Guest on the Hammock - Kate Delaine (2023)
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goldeneyedgirl · 11 months
I hope this question isn't too specific, but since the last snippet you posted of the babyfic, I've been wondering if Alice and Jasper are the kind of parents who throw birthday parties for their kid with a bunch of little children in their house or if Alice would be the kind of mom who goes to bake sales or whatever in the pre-school, or if this all would be too much of a risk for them. It's funny and curious to think about how they'd deal with all the needs and wants of a tiny person who actually grows up (and I assumed Alice, just like Jasper, doesn't age in this universe). Also I just think is funny to imagine Jasper going to pick up his son at school and all the other kids are scared of him because he's all murderer-like and then out of a sudden he's all soft because his kid is running towards him with a big smile :)))
Hi Anon!
So, when it comes to public-facing things, Alice and Jasper can only be Ollie's parents until he's in first grade. Alice's genetics are fucky, and she does stop aging when she hits 21 (though, spoiler alert, she is not immortal), so at a certain point she looks too young to be Ollie's mom. So they are a lot more involved before Ollie starts first grade.
By second grade, they've moved with the Cullens and Ollie has a bunch of different cover stories (Jasper's half-brother from foster care; Esme and Carlisle's biological son; cousin etc - Ollie looks way too much like a mini-Jasper for him to convincingly pose as only being biologically related to Alice, which is bittersweet for her.)
So when Ollie's in pre-school and kindergarten, Alice is juggling college, a part-time job, and her family. She definitely attends all his open days and school plays etc, but Esme and Alice's stepfather Simon are definitely more likely to be the ones that volunteer in Ollie's classroom, and contribute to bake sales. Honestly, Alice's cooking and baking is pretty hit or miss most days, so she wouldn't inflict her baking on innocent school children.
Jasper attempts a box-cake mix once for a bake sale and it's an event remembered with horror by all the Cullens. No one is sure what he did wrong, but that cake was not fit for consumption.
Jasper tends to keep his distance from the school for obvious reasons, but he has absolutely done school-pick ups, and he's always in the back of the auditorium during Ollie's school plays, filming everything.
Unfortunately, he's not serial-killer-looking enough when he does collect Ollie from school because a couple of the teachers have a bit of a soft spot for him, and how he and Ollie light up when they see each other. (There's definitely more than one mom at pick-up, waiting to see if its Alice or Jasper that picks Ollie up because they all think it's so unfair how good looking and happy the Brandon-Hales are. "I'm not sure if I want to be them, or be their bff, or do them, or what," - more than one bewildered, dazzled onlooker.)
Ollie socializes a lot with kids on the Res because Alice's stepfather lived there as a kid, the Pack obviously knows about Ollie's genetics, and Alice can be acknowledged as his mom at all times there. There is a single birthday party when Ollie is three held at La Push, where Jasper is allowed by the Elders to attend for sixty minutes with the Pack guarding him. None of the other Cullens are allowed to attend. It's a very precious memory, and one that Jasper knows the Pack did not make without long consideration and a lot of concerns. It's something he can never repay them for, and he treasures getting to be there to watch Ollie body surf and roll around on the beach.
There is also a singular entire-class birthday party for Ollie when he's in kindergarten that is held at the Brandon home. Jasper lasts for about half of it before he needs some space. Alice has more than one glass of adults-only punch because the only kid she likes is her own. Rosalie and Emmett have the best time ever.
After that, birthdays tend to be a family-only affair.
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havithreatendub4 · 4 months
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In #December 2018 Johnny arrived in #China for the #Hainan International Film Festival - He was guest #speaker at a #master class - The #closing ceremony was with #Juliette Binoche his costar in the film #Chocolat - #Black & white photography - #December 15 & 16 #2018 #guitar - He met, for the 1st time, the #artist #Amoy #art
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notjustbees · 4 days
"And now, for something completely different."🍄
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fatchance · 1 year
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Drinking deeply.
Female broad-billed hummingbird / colibrí pico ancho (Cynanthus latirostris), at a Beatty’s Guest Ranch feeder. Cochise County, Arizona.
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