#by the time jasper returns to the party all the guests have left
goldeneyedgirl · 11 months
I hope this question isn't too specific, but since the last snippet you posted of the babyfic, I've been wondering if Alice and Jasper are the kind of parents who throw birthday parties for their kid with a bunch of little children in their house or if Alice would be the kind of mom who goes to bake sales or whatever in the pre-school, or if this all would be too much of a risk for them. It's funny and curious to think about how they'd deal with all the needs and wants of a tiny person who actually grows up (and I assumed Alice, just like Jasper, doesn't age in this universe). Also I just think is funny to imagine Jasper going to pick up his son at school and all the other kids are scared of him because he's all murderer-like and then out of a sudden he's all soft because his kid is running towards him with a big smile :)))
Hi Anon!
So, when it comes to public-facing things, Alice and Jasper can only be Ollie's parents until he's in first grade. Alice's genetics are fucky, and she does stop aging when she hits 21 (though, spoiler alert, she is not immortal), so at a certain point she looks too young to be Ollie's mom. So they are a lot more involved before Ollie starts first grade.
By second grade, they've moved with the Cullens and Ollie has a bunch of different cover stories (Jasper's half-brother from foster care; Esme and Carlisle's biological son; cousin etc - Ollie looks way too much like a mini-Jasper for him to convincingly pose as only being biologically related to Alice, which is bittersweet for her.)
So when Ollie's in pre-school and kindergarten, Alice is juggling college, a part-time job, and her family. She definitely attends all his open days and school plays etc, but Esme and Alice's stepfather Simon are definitely more likely to be the ones that volunteer in Ollie's classroom, and contribute to bake sales. Honestly, Alice's cooking and baking is pretty hit or miss most days, so she wouldn't inflict her baking on innocent school children.
Jasper attempts a box-cake mix once for a bake sale and it's an event remembered with horror by all the Cullens. No one is sure what he did wrong, but that cake was not fit for consumption.
Jasper tends to keep his distance from the school for obvious reasons, but he has absolutely done school-pick ups, and he's always in the back of the auditorium during Ollie's school plays, filming everything.
Unfortunately, he's not serial-killer-looking enough when he does collect Ollie from school because a couple of the teachers have a bit of a soft spot for him, and how he and Ollie light up when they see each other. (There's definitely more than one mom at pick-up, waiting to see if its Alice or Jasper that picks Ollie up because they all think it's so unfair how good looking and happy the Brandon-Hales are. "I'm not sure if I want to be them, or be their bff, or do them, or what," - more than one bewildered, dazzled onlooker.)
Ollie socializes a lot with kids on the Res because Alice's stepfather lived there as a kid, the Pack obviously knows about Ollie's genetics, and Alice can be acknowledged as his mom at all times there. There is a single birthday party when Ollie is three held at La Push, where Jasper is allowed by the Elders to attend for sixty minutes with the Pack guarding him. None of the other Cullens are allowed to attend. It's a very precious memory, and one that Jasper knows the Pack did not make without long consideration and a lot of concerns. It's something he can never repay them for, and he treasures getting to be there to watch Ollie body surf and roll around on the beach.
There is also a singular entire-class birthday party for Ollie when he's in kindergarten that is held at the Brandon home. Jasper lasts for about half of it before he needs some space. Alice has more than one glass of adults-only punch because the only kid she likes is her own. Rosalie and Emmett have the best time ever.
After that, birthdays tend to be a family-only affair.
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Porcelain Jekyll au
This is gonna be long so heres a tldr
TLDR: Jekyll gets taken to a sort of real nightmare party full of dolls, if he misbehaves they'll kill him and if he's a perfect gentleman he'll turn into a doll. There's a branch where he's rescued and two where he turns into a doll
•The au starts with Jekyll going to sleep, timeline honestly doesn't matter as long as Frankenstein, Jasper, and Jekyll are all around. Could start where tgs currently is? But Jasper doesn't accidentally wake Jekyll up in his panic
•"The Party of Dolls" is basically a supernatural nightmare? I haven't found a better explanation but basically it's a nightmare that's real and happening, while still "just" being a nightmare. It takes you to like a different dimension while you sleep basically? (The party of dolls isn't the only one but that's not relevant)
•The dolls invite specific people, they invite people who want to be perfect. People who dont want anyone to hate them or find a flaw. Jekyll fits this perfectly
•Jekyll is taken to the party. He tries to be polite despite being unnerved. There's another human at the party, he doesn't learn the man's name before the man gets ripped apart by the dolls for shouting
The dolls target specific people, but they can still take "fodder", people they know will immediately break the rules. So that their actual guests can learn what happens if they are impolite. The dolls also surround guest on all sides, and have them in the exact middle, so that the guest cannot just run out
•Jekyll is terrified, now knowing he'll die if he does something wrong, he tries his best to be perfect
•Unknown to Jekyll, if he's "perfect" he'll start turning into a doll. Ultimately it's a die or die situation
•Jekyll does start to notice the porcelain creeping up him, its be hard not to. He is very much (silently) panicking. But,, the more porcelain on him the more calm he becomes, the more he acts as if this is a simple party and nothing is wrong
•Eventually he reaches a point where he'd actively resist being taken away from the party, but still not fully covered by porcelain
A quick note, Hyde can't do anything about the situation. He wasn't invited and the dolls are suppressing him so much he can hardly even tell what's happening, or leave the mindscape. He's absolutely terrified about this because he can Feel something is wrong and everything is just becoming more and more suffocating
Now onto the branches! There are 2 and a half branches for this au!
Branch 1: Jekyll gets rescued
(Assuming this takes place at Chapter 11 Page 8)
•Jekyll is asleep on the couch, Jasper rushes in the room like his panic on the page except this time Jekyll does not wake up at Jasper's sudden entry. Jasper, noticing Jekyll is asleep, silently contemplates on if this problem is really worth waking Jekyll. Because on the one hand he's probably overreacting in his mind, but on the other Jekyll is really the only person he can panic to?
•He decides not to wake Jekyll, and wait until it's properly morning or noon?, now that the panic is a bit subdued he probably still has stuff to ask Jekyll
•He goes up to find Jekyll is still asleep, and Zosi frantically pawing at Jekyll's chest, occasionally nibbling him, and seemingly really wants to wake Jekyll up. Jasper tries to wake him up but it seems no matter how hard he tries Jekyll stays asleep
•Seeing how Lanyon probably isn't in the Society at the moment (and besides Jasper is pretty sure Robert dislikes him) and he's currently avoiding Rachel. Jasper cant ask Jekyll's friends if this is normal behavior. Why doesn't he ask the lodgers? Maybe a combination of they all seem busy and still being a bit intimidated by them? So he goes to his last best bet, Frankenstein. She's, kinda a doctor and has traveled quite a bit, so she may know whats up with Jekyll and why Zosi is panicking
Note: This whole decision happens in like a few seconds while Jasper is panicking
•Frankenstein does not ease Jasper's worries
•Ah, I guess there has to be some sort of tell, something that makes it clear someone is in one of these "supernatural nightmares" and that Jekyll is specifically in the party of dolls. Idk yet what that tell would be. But Frankenstein knows and thats all that matters
•They take Jekyll back to the attic, lock the entry, and make preparations for a rescue mission
•Frankenstein will be going in to try and distract the dolls while Jasper will be looking for Jekyll. Creature is there as plan B in case the dolls get hostile towards them (as Creature is fully capable of lifting them all up and running out of there. And the dolls are very likely to get hostile towards them)
•They get in, how? I have no clue. But they do. Probably a potion?
•Jasper quickly finds Jekyll and tries to convince him to leave. Much to Jasper's concern, Jekyll doesn't want to leave, and keeps brushing the danger off
Frankenstein and Jasper dont know much about the nightmare. Its likely all they know is that its filled with dolls and people who are "invited" are never seen again/found dead
•Frankenstein's distraction consists of pointing out flaws in how the dolls act. The dolls keep finding excuses, but eventually become agitated with her
•Japser notices the porcelain on Jekyll and loudly panics, attracting the already agitated dolls attention
•Creature picks them all up and runs towards the doors. Jekyll is greatly struggling against this rescue attempt, but once they get out of the building and onto the stretch of yard before the exit Jekyll calms down significantly
Jekyll did not actually calm down, but rather Hyde managed to weasel control after they left the building. Hyde absolutely does not want to be at this party, and Jekyll's struggling could've jeopardized the rescue
•They get back! Whatever porcelain was on Jekyll falls off him with ease. He's angry for maybe half a day or more. But when the doll's control completely leaves him, he's nothing but relieved
Sidenote: It seems reasonable that this whole experience would leave Jekyll with a fear of going to sleep. Perhaps give him something that can deter these types of nightmares? A desire for the comfort of another person, at least in the room, while he's asleep?
Branch 2: Jekyll fully turns into a doll
•Well either Jekyll went to sleep at his own home or some place where no one would think to look for him, as if he was right in the society they'd certainly take notice that something is wrong
•Jekyll fully turns to porcelain. Once he's a full doll they give him new clothes (the sand/beige colored suit I tend to draw porcelain Jekyll in)
Previously, Jekyll had been wearing the suit he wears at any formal party, like the ball in An Army Of Nightmares
•Porcelain Jekyll gets back to the real world. This is not entirely out of the ordinary for the dolls to do. If a guest was reasonably young or famous they'll be returned once a doll, to make themselves more known or respectable before they "die" and go back to the party full time
•Zosi notices something is Wrong while Jekyll is asleep and tries to wake him up to no avail, Zosi can't bark for attention and he's scared of leaving Jekyll alone, the few times he does go out to find someone he's largely ignored or avoided, or they misinterpret what the zombie pup wants. When Jekyll does wake up, Zosi immediately notices that it's not Jekyll, at least not anymore. Zosi knows he's supposed to get rid of any evil creatures, but this was once Jekyll. So the pup runs away and avoids him instead
•ooo I dont want to describe this whole branch? This has already taken way longer for me to write then I want XD, just check out this reblog chain about it bsksndks
Branch 2 ½: Jekyll dies
•Jekyll fully turns into a doll, however instead of entering the real world his real body simply dies. He's found rotting in bed. "Jekyll" however, is still in the party. (Fun fact, this was the original plan for the au)
Extra notes:
▪All the dolls in the party were once people, except for maybe one or two? A handful? But it has long since been lost who's who. And it never mattered
▪Lanyon would not have ever been invited to the party. He doesn't seem to want to be a gentleman, and he knows too much about etiquette to be fodder either
▪Jasper is a proper candidate to be invited, and in branch 2 "Jekyll" is giving him alot more lessons on how to be a proper gentleman, planning to invite Jasper to the party at some point
▪The party always has a host that they cycle though, the host talks to guests a bit more than everyone else
▪Porcelain Jekyll gets to keep his new clothes when returning to the real world
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thatesqcrush · 4 years
The Nanny, Part 2
Bryan Kneef x Reader. Follow-up to part one here. Warnings: NSFW - smut, oral (male/female receiving), squirting, daddy kink), language. WC 5.3K.
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It was early in the morning when you woke up. You stretched, arching your back and elongating your limbs, enjoying the way the expensive sheets felt against your naked body. You winced as you did so, realizing you were sore in the best way. You looked over and realized Bryan was not next to you. You knew he was up early most days as he had to deal with legal business overseas. 
You quickly redressed and made way back to the joined apartment, where after your shower, you admired the bruises and marks that decorated your body. As your fingers traced over the love bite on your breast, your mind went back to the events of the night prior. A feeling of nervousness developed in the pit of your belly - you wondered how you would get through the day - would Bryan have regretted it? Would you still have a job? Looking at the time, you realized you didn’t have much time to ponder the what-ifs. Sandrine and Jasper would be up soon and you had to get them ready for the day.
The hustle and bustle of the morning did keep your mind otherwise preoccupied. “Turn around, let me see.” You told Sandrine as you finished doing her hair. Sandrine did so and looked up at you a toothy smile. You gave her a smile in return as you brushed her bangs from out of her eyes. 
“Ms. Y/N, did you have a fun Valentine’s Day?” Sandrine asked.
“Ummm, something like that.” You murmured as you leaned to grab a hair bow to clip to her hair. You slid the purple bow and then gave her a once-over. “All set - let's go have some breakfast.”
“Did you kiss any boys?” Sandrine continued to inquire as she followed you into the kitchen. You opened your mouth to reply when you halted in your steps seeing Bryan ahead, pouring coffee.
“Morning sweetheart.” Bryan greeted, his gaze turning toward Sandrine. You tried to move discreetly past the six-year old when Bryan turned to you. 
“Morning Y/N.” Bryan winked as he sipped his coffee. He was shirtless once more, and your mind flashed to how you gripped his strong, defined arms as he came inside of you not even 24 hours before.
“Hi Bryan.” You murmured, barely meeting his gaze as you walked over to where he was. Bryan watched you as he leaned against the sink, his arms crossed. You stood on your tip-toes to reach into the cabinet to get a coffee mug. 
“Let me get that for you.” Bryan offered, stepping behind you as he placed his own mug down beside you. The feel of Bryan being pressed against you and the scent of his soap caused a shot of arousal to course through you. As a result, your pussy clenched involuntarily around nothing. Bryan’s breath was hot on your neck and you felt your skin prickle. Bryan reached around for his mug once more and leaned against the counter.
“Y/N, after you get back from drop-off, you and I need to talk.” Bryan announced quietly. 
You felt your heart drop into your stomach and your cheeks burned. “Um… sure.” You replied, hoping Bryan would not hear the shake in your voice. “No work today?” You asked. “I thought you had to go into the office?”
“Took my calls earlier and two of my cases have continuances. I have the entire day ahead of me.”
Jasper happened to catch the tail-end of the conversation as he placed his empty cereal bowl into the sink. 
“Dad, you have the day off? Can we have a movie day?” Jasper asked. Sandrine let out a squeal, hearing her brother. 
“Please, daddy, please!” Sandrine begged. “With popcorn and everything!”
Bryan smiled as he leaned over to ruffle Jasper’s hair. “Of course we can - that’s if Y/N would care to join us?”
Your brows furrowed. ‘Maybe I am not getting canned after all.’ you thought to yourself.
“Please Ms. Y/N, please!” Both children pleaded in unison. 
You shook yourself out of your thoughts and smiled brightly. “Of course I can! Now, if you’re done, brush teeth and put on shoes - we have to leave in ten minutes.” 
As the children ran off, you turned your attention back to Bryan, who was looking at you once more. His face was unreadable and you awkwardly gave him a small wave before following the children to help them finish getting ready.
You rapped on the door quietly, with your knuckles. “Bryan? You wanted to talk with me?” You called out.
You heard Bryan beckon you in and when you opened the door, you found him sitting at his desk. He looked up at you from his laptop and gave you a smile. “Please sit.” He extended his arm to the chair in front of his desk. 
Your pulse quickened and your mouth suddenly went dry. You swallowed hard and wiped your now sweaty palms on the tops of your thighs. “So you wanted to talk?”
Bryan nodded. “About last night. It - you - I…” The normally loquacious litigator found himself at a loss for words. He cleared his throat and let out a deep exhalation. “Last night was a lot of fun, but--”
“Oh that’s never a good sign.” You interjected, nervously laughing. Bryan responded with holding a sole finger up and you instantly quieted.
“We cannot let last night happen again.” Bryan continued. “I would be remiss to say I didn’t find you attractive - and really, I should be trying to find someone to replace you as we crossed an inappropriate line. That said, you are really integral to Jasper and Sandrine’s happiness, so I will keep you on unless you want to tender your resignation - which of course, would be understandable.”
You felt your cheeks burn once more and your eyes well up. What were you expecting? A proclamation of love? That he would fall for the nanny? 'This isn’t a Harlequin romance novel.’ you chastised yourself. 
You put on a brave smile. “I totally understand. I would be happy to stay on. There is no reason why we cannot go back to a strictly professional relationship.”
Bryan tapped his desk with the top of his hand. “Great. I am so relieved that we are on the same page.”
You nodded and you waited for him to continue. After a beat, Bryan gave you a pointed look and you took the hint to leave. You shut the door behind you as you left and allowed the tears to freely fall. Unbeknownst to you, Bryan had just dropped his head into his hands, defeated.
Time moved forward and the seasons changed. The freezing temperatures of winter in Chicago gave way to the blistering heat of summer. The twins birthday had arrived and turning seven was apparently a much bigger deal than when you turned seven. No expense was spared. Bryan’s home was bustling with children, caterers and party professionals. 
The spectacular event (held inside a makeshift circus tent, of course) included a “trapeze” photo op, circus-themed treats like popcorn and candy, an outdoor swing, tons of colorful balloons, a “TICKETS” booth and more. Circus performers were preparing to liven up the party. Topping everything off was a truly lavish multi-tiered birthday cake with miniature versions of the children as acrobats in front of a circus tent.
Bryan had gone to pour himself a glass of water when he caught sight of you through the kitchen window. He swallowed hard as he watched you busy yourself with the children. You had dressed up for the occasion, cosplaying as Anne Wheeler. You wore a lilac sleeveless leotard with a matching short length lilac cape. White shorts were molded to your ass and thighs. Your hair was sprayed bubblegum pink. 
Bryan swallowed his drink, desperately hoping the iced cold water would help cool him from the sudden warmth he was feeling. He decided to go outside and distract himself with some of the guests. The sun was beaming bright and hot, nary a cloud in the sky. The sounds of children giggling and shrieking filled the yard space. Bryan couldn’t help but keep you in his line of sight. You had taken off your cape and was now in just the leotard and shorts. As you danced with one of the kids, Bryan couldn’t help but watch your tits bounce. His mind was suddenly brought back to Valentine’s Day and how he got an up close shot of those tits bouncing as he fucked you. 
A hand clasped Bryan on the shoulder and he turned, seeing it was the dad of one of Sandrine’s and Jasper’s friends. Another joined, a colleague, with beers in hand. “This is one hell of a party Kneef.” The blond in a teal polo replied - Bryan vaguely recalled his name was Bryce and was opposing counsel on an old case.
“Agreed.” The other man, Derek, replied. His gaze steered to you and he let out a low whistle as you bent over to talk to one of the kids. 
“Damn Kneef, your nanny sure is something.” Derek continued. “Tell me, are you fucking her?”
“No!” Bryan denied, a bit more loudly than he intended. Derek looked at him with brows arched. Bryan shook his head. “I - I - I wouldn’t jeopardize her relationship with the twins. They really love her.” Bryan replied. “Good help is hard to come by.”
Bryce snorted before taking a swig of his beer. “If I wasn’t married, I’d be taking her home right now.”
“Hell I’m married, and I am considering taking her home.” Derek chuckled. “Lily’s away on business.”
Bryan stiffened, doing his best to swallow the urge to clock both men. He was filled with a surge of jealousy at the idea of you going off with one of them, who in his mind were just a bunch of douchebags. “Really?” he sneered, turning his attention to Derek. “You’d do that?”
“Oh fuck off Bryan. You’re one to talk. If you didn’t have the kids, this would be something you’d absolutely be doing - hell, you have done it!” Derek replied, rolling his eyes. “How many times have you been caught with your pants down and some bimbo paralegal over your desk?”
Bryan chose to not respond, as the answer was too many times to count. He was the office playboy for a number of years. The only reason he was even kept around as long as he was, was because he brought in a lot of business for the firm. 
“Neither one of you are going home with my nanny.” Bryan gritted, taking another swig of his beer. “She’s…a person, not just a piece of ass.”
Both men didn’t reply, instead just looking away. Bryan let out an audible sigh before walking over to another group of friends and colleagues. “Come on, the game should be on and I have some Cubans that need to be smoked.”
At one point the adults and kids changed and it became a pool party. You sipped on a lemonade and watched as Bryan climbed out of the pool. His body was soaking and was more toned than from even the last time you saw him naked. ‘What is he doing? Pull-ups on the scaffolding?’ You wondered as he wrapped a large towel around Sandrine and Jasper. 
Your pussy clenched, remembering how you clawed his back desperately as you came all over him repeatedly, with his cock, mouth, and hands. Arousal coursed through you and you let out an irritated sigh, knowing you’d need to rely on your battery operated boyfriend some more if you were going to survive this job.
Hours later, the festivities were over. You and Bryan each carried an exhausted twin and set them in their room, each likely down for the night. You followed Bryan out and shut the door behind you with a gentle click before making way to the kitchen. You found an empty tiered cupcake carrier and began to pack away some of the leftover cupcakes. 
“You don’t need to clean up.” Bryan commented as he opened another beer. “I hired a clean up crew for that reason.”
“I don’t mind.” You shrugged, turning to him. Bryan’s gaze fell to your breasts again, and it was apparent you weren’t wearing any bra as he could see the outline of your hardened nipples.
“Idle hands are the devil's workshop.” you continued. Some frosting got on your fingers and you sucked your finger clean, while meeting Bryan’s eyes, which were blown with lust.
“I can find something to do with your hands.” Bryan retorted, stepping towards you and closing the gap. One arm wrapped around your waist while the other brushed some hair out of your face. You gazed at Bryan’s lips, pink, soft and plush and you licked your own lips in anticipation. His mouth began to drop to yours when the sound of a voice clearing caused the two of you to jump back in response. 
It was mommy dearest herself, lips pursed in a thin line, arms crossed. “Am I interrupting?” 
“Constance.” Bryan greeted coolly, turning away from you. “What are you doing here? Party finished two hours ago.”
“I was hoping that I could be with the kids on their birthdays and give them a present.” Constance replied, her eyes still locked on you. You dropped your head and choked out an ‘excuse me’ before dashing off to your apartment. Bryan watched as your form disappeared before turning back to his ex-wife.
“Connie - we have a custody arrangement in place for a reason. You cannot just show up unannounced.” Bryan gritted as he took the gift bags from her and placed them on the breakfast bar. 
“I know, I know.” Constance stated. As she walked towards Bryan, the echoing sound of her heels against the marbled tile filled the room. She clasped her hands together, her bracelets jangling together. “I was just hoping we could make an exception for today, after all I am their mother.”
“You left us. You were never part of their lives. You may be Sandrine’s and Jasper’s mother on paper, but that’s all you are. You are lucky I was considerate enough to entertain the amount of visitation you have in place right now.” Bryan spat.
“Bryan, don’t be like that. I was young, I had a burgeoning model career that got derailed when two pink lines showed up on the test. I have more than made up for it.” Constance argued. 
Bryan pinched the bridge of his nose and blew out a deep breath in exasperation, wanting nothing more than for his ex-wife to leave. “Connie, the kids are asleep. Please just go - you have the kids next weekend. I’ll make sure they get your gifts.”
“Fine.” Constance looked at Bryan, her brow arched perfectly in judgment. “Before I go, just tell me since when did you start fucking the help?”
Bryan spat out his beer. “What you saw--”
“Please, I am not an idiot. Just wait til I let my lawyer know.” Connie threatened. 
Bryan’s blood pressure shot through the roof. A fresh swell of rage rose inside. He clenched his fists, his guts churning in turmoil. 
 “Don’t you fucking threaten me. Get the fuck out.” Bryan growled. And when Constance didn’t move, he burst in anger. “Now! Go home Connie!”
You watched from your window as Constance climbed into her Mercedes and drove off. You climbed into your bed and stared at the ceiling as you contemplated everything from the last few months. ‘What were you doing? Sleeping with your boss - then the near kiss! You are such an idiot! How did you think that was going to end?’ 
‘But there is something more’ the voice in your head said. 'Isn’t there?’ that same voice continued. ‘Or were you both just so good at pretending it was real?’ 
There was a knock on your door and you shuffled your way to the door. The knocking continued followed by the sound of Bryan’s voice. 
When you opened the door, the sight of Bryan standing there, kicked your libido up fifteen or so notches. His form was stiff, with set shoulders. 
“Hey.” You greeted, stepping aside. “Come in.” There was already an awkward tension and the two of you hadn’t even spoken yet. You took a deep breath as you shut the door and followed him into the living room. 
“Can I get you anything?” You asked nervously. “I can make some co--”
“Why’d you run out?” Bryan asked, interrupting you. His expression had hardened.
Looking away, you sighed before sitting down. Your shoulders sagged and you rubbed your face, smearing some of the glitter on your face. “It was awkward! We said we weren’t going to do anything… and then it felt like we were. And then of all people to show up, it was your ex-wife! What else was I supposed to do?”
“Not run out.” Bryan gritted. “We could have talked about this.”
“Well isn’t that what we’re doing now?” You asked, crossing your arms. You hadn’t changed and you were still in cosplay. Your breasts were pushed up under your arms and Bryan felt his cock twitch in his pants. Bryan looked around your apartment for something to distract him and his eyes settled on a picture of you and the twins at the park. He let out his own deep breath.
“You don’t need to worry about Constance. She’s just bitter - she is the type of person who shouldn’t have become a parent.” Bryan replied, taking a seat next to you. He cocked his head. “Admittedly, I was that type too.” 
You turned to Bryan. “What do you mean?”
“I won’t sugarcoat it; I had more than my fair share of partners. I met Constance at a rough time in my life and she helped settle me down. We did the whole wedding thing and she got pregnant. After the kids were born, she just had a hard time giving up her old life - it was probably some kind of post-partum thing but I was too busy prioritizing my work otherwise to notice the signs. One day she was just gone. Left me a ‘dear John’ letter and that was that.” Bryan explained. 
“But the kids see her. How did that happen?” You inquired. 
“She showed up around when they were older. Showed interest. Wanted to make amends. For the sake of the kids, we negotiated visitation. I have primary custody and there’s a schedule. She wasn’t supposed to come today.” 
Bryan continued, now pacing the length of the room. “I was cut off guard when I saw her. With her, I always feel like another shoe is about to drop.”
You walked in front of him, pausing him in mid-stride. “Oh Bryan.” You wrapped your arms around his neck and looked up at him. Bryan watched as you licked your lips and as he saw the pink of your tongue dart out, he had made his decision. He leaned down to kiss you and you met him the rest of the way. You sighed into the kiss, molding into the heat of his embrace. You felt him harden against your belly and you dropped your hand to rub him gently through his pants. 
“I thought we wouldn’t do this again. The rules.” You panted in between kisses.
Bryan broke the kiss. “Fuck the rules. Let me make sure the cleaning crew is done and then we’ll pick up where we left off.” His voice was gravelly, the tone lustful.
“Sounds like a plan.” You agreed; a shiver went up your spine and your heart quickened in anticipation of what was to come. “I’ll freshen up and meet you there.”
You let out a moan as Bryan’s lips found purchase on your neck. His hands cupped your tits from behind, squeezing your flesh. You pushed your hair to the side to allow him greater access. A hand slipped down in front of the leotard you wearing. “No bra? Naughty girl.” He murmured as his thumb and forefinger tugged and rolled your nipple, until it was at attention. You turned around and cupped his face, tugging on his beard as you drew him in for another kiss. His tongue pressed at the seam of your lips, requesting access and you opened your mouth in response. His tongue slid into your mouth, exploring and rolling against yours. Bryan’s hands cupped your ass, squeezing them through your shorts.
Bryan broke the kiss. “You in those tiny shorts - all I wanted to do was haul you off and fuck you.” 
“You should have.” You purred as you took his arms and led him to the bed. “And then you could have told the guys that you had filled me up and that my panties were dripping with your load.” You nipped his ear, causing Bryan to growl.
“You knew we were talking about you?” His green eyes were blown with lust and searched yours. 
“Of course, I did. I have eyes you know.” You rolled your eyes. “I saw how you were all staring.” 
“But now we can make up for lost time.” Bryan remarked, kissing you once more. You smiled against his kiss as you dropped his hands and walked a few steps ahead. You made a big show of removing your clothes. “See, no panties either.” You shimmied the leotard down your hips and thighs letting the material pool around your feet.
Bryan’s eyes darkened with lust as he watched you and made his own removal of his clothes. His cock sprang to attention as he pulled down his boxers and without a word exchanged, you dropped to your knees. You took the hair elastic that was around your wrist and you scooped your still-very pink hair into a ponytail. 
Bryan’s cock was painfully hard and aching, with a bead of pre-cum weeping from the head. Bryan chuckled darkly and gripped his cock, pumping it a few times before dragging it back and forth along your lips. “You want this?” He asked, as he now tapped it on your face.
You looked up at Bryan and opened your mouth wide, extending your tongue over your bottom lip. Bryan let out another chuckle as he fed you his cock. “That’s it, take daddy’s cock.” 
You relaxed your throat as Bryan continued to press his cock into your mouth. Once he had hit the back of your throat, he holds you in place, causing you to gag, and spit to start dripping from your mouth. He released himself and before you could get another deep inhalation of air, he slammed his cock into your mouth all the way again. He again held you in place and your eyes began to water as you gagged; more saliva dripped over your chin and onto the floor. Bryan withdrew again and this time you used your hand to pump him. You gathered some saliva and spit on his cock for lubrication. You gave him a few more pumps and then you took his length into your mouth once more. 
Bryan threw his head back as you closed your mouth around him, using your tongue to go over every ridge and vein. The weight of his thick cock against your tongue caused your pussy to ache with need. Bryan focused his gaze back on you, watching as his length disappeared in and out of your mouth. 
Bryan grunted and groaned, moaning your name in encouragement as you worshipped his cock. You flattened your tongue and ran it along his length before sucking on the sensitive crown, flicking your tongue against the tip. Bryan reached for your ponytail and wrapped your hair in his grip, guiding you along again. You let him set the pace and soon he was fucking your throat, the only sounds in the room being wet, slurping sounds and the obscene moans you were making from around his cock. 
“Fucking love your mouth but I love coming in that pussy more.” Bryan grunted. You let out a whine and Bryan removed himself from your mouth. With your hair still gripped in his hand, he tilted your head up. “Is that what my girl wants?”
You nodded, desperately. “Yes daddy, come in my pussy! Please.” 
Bryan helped you rise to your feet. He gripped your chin, and took in the sight of you. Chin messy with saliva, streaks of mascara down your cheeks. His cock twitched once more - you never looked more beautiful. “Bed - now. I want to feast on that pussy.”
You turned to climb onto the bed and Bryan gave you a smack on your ass, causing you to squeal. You flopped onto your back and spread your legs wide. Reaching down with your hand, you spread your folds apart, giving Bryan an ample look at your arousal.
“Have I told you that you have such a pretty pussy?” Bryan murmured against your skin. He used his fingers to spread your lips more, revealing your flesh. He stroked your pussy teasingly, gathering your arousal on his fingertips but never sinking them into where you wanted it most. As he continued to stroke your lips, he pressed kisses along your inner thighs. You reveled in the feel of his wiry beard along your skin. You recalled how Bryan liked a bare pussy and you were happy to endure repeated Brazilians in hopes of anything would come about in the future... and now it had. 
His breath was hot on your aching cunt. You cried out as he wrecked your pussy with his tongue, burying his face inside of you, sucking and licking and devouring your slick folds.. To Bryan you were like a juicy peach, with your arousal dripping into his mouth. You were delicious and he couldn’t get enough of you. He licked you with big, broad strokes, before targeting your swollen, sensitive clit, taking it between his lips, trapping it so he could torment it with his tongue, scraping just slightly with his teeth. He reached up to grab at your tits, his large hand gripping one tightly. You cried out from the sensation of how his tongue massaged your clit furiously before dipping inside you, mimicking what was to come.
You ground against his mouth, riding against his face, as pleasure coursed through you. Bryan lifted his mouth from you and you whined at the loss. It was short lived, as he sucked two of his fingers and then slid them into your tight cunt, knuckles deep. As he massaged your walls with his fingers, he used his free hand to rub your clit. 
“Gonna come for me Y/N? Gonna make a mess for daddy?” Bryan rasped as he curled his fingers, pumping them into you faster.
“Yes, fuck, yes!” You cried out, throwing your head back. Your thighs began to shake and Bryan began to rub your clitoris roughly and haphazardly. You shouted Bryan’s name as you clenched around his fingers, squirting and soaking him in the process. You began to push away from him, overstimulated but Bryan threw his large arm over you, keeping you in place.
“Oh no, no.” Bryan darkly commanded. “Daddy wants more.” He slipped his fingers back into, this time, adding one more into your fluttering cunt and began jackhammering them. He rubbed your clitoris roughly again, the squelching wet sounds filled up the room. You cried out again, feeling the pressure inside you burst, as you squirted again. Bryan lapped you, cleaning you with his tongue, enjoying your flavor. 
You barely had a chance to recover, as Bryan slid his body over yours and slid his cock easily into you. You groaned as he filled you, the slight burn sensation mixing with pleasure as you accommodated his girth. He gripped your wrists and placed your arms overhead. 
“Hold onto the rails sweetheart.” You looked back and gripped the wrought iron rails, which elongated the length of your body.  Bryan covered your mouth with his as he  began to drive into you with long, deep strokes. He pounded into you, and you could feel his balls slap against your pussy. 
“Yes, oh fuck, yes, yes, fuck me!” You cried out. Bryan leaned up, so he was sitting on his haunches and took both your legs and hooked them over his shoulder. Bryan continued to thrust into you and you let out a wrecked moan as the angle changed, causing his cock to hit your sensitive spot. A sheen of sweat coated both of your bodies as you fucked each other. You released your grips on the rails and began to play to play with your tits, pushing them together and tugging on your nipples. 
“Yes…” Bryan grunted. “Play with those titties.” 
You moaned, and continued to do so, encouraged by his words. Bryan slowed his thrusting, rotating his hips, teasing you. You let out a choked sob as he did so, and he reached down to rub your clit. “Come for me.” Your legs trembled as you felt yet another orgasm begin to build. 
“Oh fuck daddy, oh yes!” You cried out, squeezing your eyes shut as you began to tighten around his cock. Bryan paused his movements and withdrew, tapping his cock against your clit furiously. A gush of your come squirted out, covering him and soaking the bed below. You had barely caught your breath when Bryan pulled you up and flopped you onto your stomach. You looked up at him, meeting his eyes as you took his length into your mouth again, bobbing on him enthusiastically. You could taste yourself on his cock.
“My dirty slut.” Bryan cooed, as he stroked your now sweaty hair. He wrapped some of it in his fist, guiding you along. You squealed as he reached over and began to lay spanks on your ass. 
You released him from your mouth, gasping more. “Yes, daddy, spank me. I have been such a bad girl.”
“Bad girls get punished.” Bryan growled. You looked up at him and nodded eagerly. 
“Mmmm, punish me daddy!” 
He pulled you up roughly and crushed his mouth against yours - the kiss was all teeth and tongue. He broke the kiss and lightly smacked you on the face and then gripped your chin.
“Is that what daddy's girl wants? To be punished for being such a dirty fucking slut?”
You nodded again. “Yes. Please.” You begged desperately. Bryan repeated the slap and then reached down to grab your tits before also slapping them.  You let out a whimper, as the pain mixed with pleasure. You wrapped your arms around him and pulled him back down onto the bed. He rolled so you were on top. You leaned forward, rising slightly and reached down for his cock, lining it up along with your entrance.
You both groaned at the sensation. Bryan’s grip on your hips were tight and you were certain there would be marks on your hips in the morning. The room smelled of sex and sweat and the only sound were moans and groans as well as the sound of skin slapping on skin. 
You wanted one more - just one more to lessen the ache that only Bryan seemed to create. You reached down and rubbed your clit, closing your eyes as you let this final orgasm crash over you. You slumped forward, dropping your head by his ear as Bryan planted his feet up onto the bed and hammered into you, now chasing his own release. You mewled and whimpered in his ear, begging sweetly for his cum. Bryan stifferned, gripping your hips tightly as he let out an animalistic groan as he spilled his release into you. His release dripped out of you, pooling where you were connected.
You both stayed there for awhile, catching your breaths. Bryan stroked your back as you nuzzled against him. Finally, you rolled off of Bryan and curled into him, stroking his chest hair.
“You certainly know how to keep me young.” Bryan murmured, causing you to laugh. Bryan rolled onto his side, turning to face you. He pushed back the hair from your face. He observed a pink strand. “I like it - you should keep it.”
You smiled. “We’ll see.” Bryan hummed and pulled you to him, where you both fell asleep from the little party you had with one another.
Tags: @mgarner1227   @madpanda75  @tropes-and-tales @dreamlover31 @beardedmccoy @youreverycolor @neely1177 @witches-unruly-heart @mrsrafaelbarba @skittle479 @ottosuricato @sass-and-suspenders @mommakat32 @dreila03  @beccabarba @garturbo @lovebennycolonmiguelgalindo @imjustreallynosy @sweetsummertime99 @whyissvuruiningmylovelife @annabelleb49 @scarletsoldierrr @cesarofangirl78 @redlipstickandplaid @redlipstickandblacktea @zoeykaytesmom @differentshadesofgray @misssirenlove @esparza-army @bananas-pajamas @mishaissocoolike @thefanficfaerie @theenchantedgalleryofstories @catnip987 @isvvc-pvscvl @choppedgalaxynerd @pieceofshittytitty @ktiz90 @evee87 @itsjustmyfantasyroom @detective-giggles @rampantmuses @jazzyjoi @i-justreally-like-cats-okay @rachelxwayne @prurientpuddlejumper @lv7867 @permanentlydizzy​ @bisexual-dreamer02​ @madamsnape921​ @averyhotchner​ @teamsladsandgents​ @qvid-pro-qvo​ @alwaysachorusgirl​ @amelia-song-pond​ @wanniiieeee​  @tintinxtintin @law-nerd105​
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raindancer2004 · 4 years
Vacation on Isle Esme
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Word Count: 6,926 Demetri x OC Part 6. Warning: Fluff, Angst, NSFW Choking kink. Please listen to the music clips.
The following morning Demetri took Renee to Marcus’ private study having tracked him there “Morning master I have Renee with me, she’d like to talk to you” Demetri greeted him “Morning Demetri, please show her in” Marcus replies. Renee entered the study and thanks Demetri for escorting her there. “Good morning amore. Did you sleep well?” Marcus asked and Renee nodded “Come, sit with me” He held out his hand to Renee; she placed her warm hand in his cold one and let him lead her to the sofa. “Have you thought about what we spoke about last night?” He asked still holding her hand in his “I have thought about it. I even spoke to Ally and Demetri about it as they are in the same situation as us” Marcus nodded but said nothing “After weighing up what I would be giving up versus what I would be gaining…I want you to know that I do accept you as my mate and I will spend an eternity by your side. However, I do wish to remain human a little longer, get used to living here before you turn me” Renee says taking Marcus’ other hand in hers “Renee mi amore, I am so pleased that you accept me as I accept you. I happily grant your request to remain human a little longer” He bought her hands to his lips “Ally will be pleased as it means you’ll have each other for eternity too” He replies smiling and takes Renee into his arms, pleased to have someone to love again and someone to love him in return.
Demetri, Ally and Jane are in Demetri and Ally’s room talking about the wedding when Alec and Felix arrive “Hey Jane I’ve been reading up on wedding customs ahead of the wedding and did you know it’s tradition for the Best Man to hook up with a Bridesmaid?” Felix asks smirking; Alec shakes his head laughing “Not going to happen” “Really Felix?” Janes asks eyebrow raised “Don’t believe me ask Ally” He replies; all eyes now on Ally “Technically yes it’s true. I mean the Best Man tends to try and hook up with one of the Bridal party during / after the wedding” “Well Shit Ally! Thanks” Jane replies “Sorry I was just being honest. You don’t have to get with him” Ally says “No she does! Its tradition” Felix adds smiling; Jane shakes her head “Desperate” Demetri coughs; Alec laughs “I’m so looking forward to your wedding, just to see if Felix fails or not” “It would be funny if he fails” Demetri says laughing “Really D?” Felix replies.
Esme and Carlisle come out to Volterra for the wedding, the others refusing to come. They arrive a week before the wedding and use the trip as a romantic city break. “It’s nice to visit Italy again Carlisle” Esme says smiling “Yes it is, but it’s been a long time since I’ve been in the castle though” He replied as they got settled in one of the guest rooms. “Hi. Only us” Alice says entering Carlisle and Esme’s room “Hello Alice, Jasper” Carlisle and Esme greet their children. “How’s the planning coming along?” Esme asks “Great, obviously” Alice replies smiling “I put it down to the fact Demetri isn’t even trying to rein her in” Jasper adds; Carlisle laughs as Alice pokes her tongue out at Jasper “As far as he’s concerned it’s only the best for his girl and Alice’s vision is to be followed without question” He finishes “I know someone else who indulges Alice” Esme smiles at Jasper “I know, but I do try and rein her in now and again” He replies looking at Alice lovingly.
Carlisle, Esme, Alice and Jasper met Demetri and Ally in the south facing garden “Here this is an early wedding present” Esme said handing Ally an envelope, who gasps upon removing the contents “Tickets to Rio? Keys to…” “You’ll be honeymooning on Isle Esme” Esme interrupted “It’s seems only fitting as it’s where you met” Ally throws her arms around Esme “Thank you so much. Its-it’s perfect” “Thank you Carlisle it’s very generous of you” Demetri says shaking Carlisle’s hand. “You’re welcome” Carlisle replies.
That night Aro calls everyone into the throne room “Thank you all for coming, Firstly I want to welcome our guests who have come out to celebrate the wedding of our dear Demetri and Ally. Secondly, Marcus has an announcement to make. Brother” Aro says stepping aside. Marcus stands and walks towards the edge of the steps “Yes, thank you for coming; I do indeed have some happy news to share. I have been very lucky recently I had the pleasure of meeting a beautiful lady; this lady is in fact my second chance at love, at a happy ending. I would like to introduce you all to my mate Renee; Ally’s mom” He turns slightly holding out his hand to her; Renee steps forward placing her hand in his “Renee is human like Ally and will remain so a little longer whilst she gets used to her new home. She is to be treated with the upmost respect” Marcus adds looking down at his mate lovingly. “Yes” Ally says low hugging Demetri “Someone’s happy then” He smiles. “Of course. They both deserve a happy ending and I’m glad they have each other” She replies.
December 3rd – Demetri and Ally’s wedding day
Demetri got ready in Felix’s room with Alec and Jasper, all four wearing black suits, with white shirts, a black waistcoat with a royal blue paisley pattern and matching tie and black shoes. “How are you feeling Demetri?” Jasper asks “I’m ok, a little nervous to be honest” Demetri replies “Why are you nervous? You worried she’ll leave you at the alter” Felix jokes; Demetri growls at him “I’m nervous Fe because I’m getting married in a few hours and that marks the start of a new chapter in my life. I’m over 1000 years old; I’ve done and seen many things over the years but this is something I never thought I’d do” Jasper, Felix and Alec just nod; Demetri sits down on the sofa “I’m also nervous because I don’t know how to be a husband...” “You’ll be a great husband to Ally. I mean you figured out how to be her mate/boyfriend and the two of you are also friends as you built that foundation first. Ally and you will work this marriage thing out together” Alec says placing a hand on Demetri’s shoulder “Ally loves you more than anything, remember that D” Felix adds. “I know that and I love her too but it doesn’t stop me being nervous” “Imagine how I felt Demetri, Alice had seen us meeting, us being with the Cullens and our wedding all before I met her. That was a lot to live up to, so you can imagine how nervous I was” Jasper said sitting down beside Demetri “You’ll be fine. I promise. We’re here for you” He added.
Meanwhile Ally woke up in her room beside Jane as she had come to light the fire early as it was snowing outside and decided to stay and keep Ally company “Morning sweetie” “Morning Jane” Ally replies sleepily “I’m going to run you a bath so you can relax before all the chaos starts” “Sounds like a plan, thank you” Once Ally was finished in the bathroom she sat on her bed in a robe waiting for Alice and Gianna to join her and Jane.  The Bridesmaids were dressed in royal blue dresses with a silver diamanté belt; the top half of the dress had royal blue embroidery on it, paired with silver high heeled sandals. Chelsea came by and braided fish plaits into the Bridesmaid’s hair. Chelsea also curled Ally’s hair and secured her tiara in place. “I’ll see you all soon” Chelsea smiled and made her way to the ballroom.
The Ballroom was divided into two; one half was set up for the ceremony, the other for the reception. There was a cream carpet laid on the floor to create an aisle with rows of chairs either side; each chair was covered in a cream cover with a royal blue bow tied around each one.
In the reception part of the ballroom the tables were decorated with white table cloths with fish bowl centrepieces filled with clear pebbles, blue and white Roses, silver Lillies and fake silver Butterflies.
There were two long tables at the side of the room; the wedding cake and guest book were on display along with cards and gifts for the couple. There were jugs of blood for the vampires and a three course meal prepared for Ally, Renee and Gianna.
Demetri was waiting at the alter with Felix by his side; Alec and Jasper standing slightly behind them, Aro was waiting at the alter smiling looking around the room “Not long now my dear boy” He said low to Demetri. Marcus, Caius and the wives were in the front row on the “Groom’s” side with Esme and Renee in the front row on the “Bride’s” side. The other guards and guests spread out over both sides of the aisle.
The Ballroom doors opened; everyone stood up and saw Gianna waiting for her cue; Aro nodded and Gianna walked down the aisle first followed by Jane then Alice. “Deep breath Ally. I’ve got you” Carlisle said taking her arm “Thank you Carlisle” Alyssa came into view with Carlisle by her side; Demetri was speechless the moment he saw her. She took his undead breath away; the biggest smile adorned his face as Demetri’s eyes stayed on Ally as she made her way down the aisle. Ally wore a white dress with a sweetheart neck line; the full applique lace bodice was complimented by the white applique lace cascading down the layered skirt, a silver tiara in her hair decorated with pearls and diamond shaped flowers. Her white shoes covered by her dress. Once they reached Demetri, Carlisle placed Ally’s right hand in Demetri’s left hand and took a seat beside Esme; Ally handed Alice her blue and white bouquet. “You look so beautiful amore” Demetri said low and placed a kiss to her temple; she blushed “You look very handsome Demi”
“Welcome dear ones” Aro began “We are here today to witness the union between this vampire and this human” Caius rolled his eyes “Really?” He mouthed to Aro; who ignored him. “With the exchange of rings and their own personal vows two souls are being joined as one. Demetri if you will, please turn and face Alyssa and read her your vows”
“I Demetri Volturi take you Alyssa Swan to be my best friend, my mate, my lover and my wife forever. I promise to support and encourage you in achieving your dreams. All I have in this world I give to you; I promise to comfort and protect you, love you and honour you for all of eternity.” He raised her hand to his lips placing a kiss to the backs of her fingers. “I love you”
“Alyssa, your turn my dear” Ally could feel tears building behind her eyes.
“I Alyssa Swan take you Demetri Volturi to be my best friend, my mate, my lover and my husband forever. I promise to encourage and inspire you, to laugh with you, and comfort you in times of sorrow and struggle. I promise to love you in good times and in bad. I promise to honour and cherish you, and keep you safe always. I love you”
“Now the giving and receiving of rings” Aro says motioning to Felix to pass the rings to Demetri and Ally.
“Ally I give you this ring as a token of my never-ending love for you” He places her wedding ring onto her finger.
“Demi I give you this ring as a token of my never-ending love for you” She places his wedding ring onto his finger.
“I now pronounce you Husband and Wife. You may kiss your beautiful Bride Demetri”
Demetri takes her into his arms and kisses her; pulling away and resting his forehead to hers “I love you Ally” “I love you too Demi”
“It gives great pleasure to introduce you all to Mr and Mrs Demetri Volturi” Aro announces and everyone stands up; clapping and multiple “Congratulations” can be heard.
Demetri takes Ally’s hand in his and they walk up the aisle; him leading her out to the south facing garden that was covered in snow for wedding photos.
“Photos really?” She asks excitedly “Yes, Ally. This is Matthew; he was a photographer in his human life and we crossed paths a few years back about a year after his transformation. I called and asked him to take photos of today” Demetri answered “I’m going to put together an album for you too. May I offer you my congratulations” Matthew said shaking Demetri’s hand “Thank you Matthew” Ally says smiling “You really are the best Dem” She gives him a lingering kiss to his cheek; they hear the click of the camera “I’m sorry but that was a soft candid moment that needed to be captured” Matthew told them. Matthew took photos of Demetri and Ally alone; Demetri and Ally with the Bridal party, Demetri and Ally with Marcus and Renee. He also took a photo of Demetri and Ally with the three kings and their three mates at Aro’s request. Matthew took photos of the other guests too throughout the afternoon; ensuring to capture Demetri and Ally’s first dance and the cutting of the wedding cake.  
Demetri stood and clinked his glass getting the room’s attention “Firstly, I want to thank you all for coming and sharing today with Ally and I. Secondly I want to thank Renee and Charlie, though sadly he couldn’t be here today, for bringing such an amazing and beautiful person into the world. I promise to love and protect her forever” He looked down at Ally smiling before continuing “Lastly, thank you to Carlisle and Esme for introducing us. I had been on my own for a very long time and had almost given up on finding my mate, my other half until Ally walked into my life and into my heart. I remember the first time I saw you; the first time I looked into those gorgeous chocolate brown eyes of yours and everything changed for me. I started imaging the possibilities; imagining a future with you by my side and it took me only a week to realise that I couldn’t live without you; I didn’t want to live without you. You accepted me not only for who I am but for what I am and I’m eternally thankful for that and I cannot begin to tell you how happy I was when you agreed to be mine and asked me to be yours in return. You were born to be with me as I was created to be with you and you have made me more human, a better man even and I cannot thank you enough for that. I love you more than I ever thought possible and I’m looking forward to spending an eternity with you mi amore. Please raise your glasses in a toast to my stunning Bride. Ally” “Ally” The room cheers raising their glasses.
Demetri led Ally onto the dance floor for their first dance holding her in his arms singing quietly in her ear
“Look into my eyes You will see What you mean to me Search your heart Search your soul And when you find me there You'll search no more
Don't tell me it's not worth tryin' for You can't tell me it's not worth dyin' for You know it's true Everything I do I do it for you
Look into your heart You will find There's nothin' there to hide Take me as I am Take my life I would give it all I would sacrifice
Don't tell me it's not worth fightin' for I can't help it, there's nothin' I want more You know it's true Everything I do I do it for you”
Once Demetri and Ally had their first dance everybody joined them on the dance floor Jane approached Felix “Would you like to dance?” “Really? Sure you can reach?” “Don’t make me regret asking you” She replied taking his hand in hers and making their way to the dance floor. Ally noticed them dancing and whispered in Demetri’s ear “See Demi, I told you there’s something between them” He cast a glance in their direction and couldn’t help smiling at the sight “We’ll see Ally, we’ll see.”
Caius, Aro and Marcus each took a turn in dancing with Ally; Demetri dancing with their mates in return. Carlisle having given Ally away danced the father/daughter dance with her; Renee feeling a little angry that Charlie didn’t step up for Ally when she needed him, especially as she won’t get to see him again. “It’s his loss Renee, Ally is a great girl, a real credit to you” Marcus whispered into her ear holding her in his arms watching Carlisle and Ally dance. 
Alec had asked Gianna to accompany him to the wedding as they were both in the bridal party and he knew that it would make her happy. He may or may not have noticed how her heartbeat speeds up a little when he’s near her. Holding her close during the slow songs he found it amusing how her heartbeat would spike slightly. He decided to have a little fun with her at the end of the last dance; smiling to himself as he dipped her low, holding her leg to his side as he did so “Ah Alec” She breathed surprised by his actions. He raised her back up and placed a kiss to her cheek “Good night Gianna” Gianna blushed “Good night Alec” “That was…nice of you Alec” Demetri said as Alec passed him and Ally on the dance floor.
Felix walks Jane back to her room at the end of the night hand in hand stopping when they reach Jane’s door. Felix leans down and kisses her gently; after a few seconds he pulls away slightly “That wasn’t…entirely unpleasant” She says quietly; he leans back down and kisses her again one hand resting on her cheek, the other on the small of her back holding her to him “There are other things we can do that aren’t entirely unpleasant” He says low in her ear as his hand moves from her back to hold her hand in his; she opens her door stepping backwards inside taking him with her “Show me” She purrs; he smiles closing and locking the door behind him.
He pulls her into his arms and lifts her up; her legs wrapping around his waist as she kisses him. He lays her down on her bed breaking the kiss “I can make you feel good little one” He purrs into the ear before placing a kiss below it working his way down her neck and back up again “Mmm…” He sits up on his knees bringing her with him; he unzips her dress before his hands work their way upwards taking her dress with them, leaving her in her lace bra and panties. He laid her down and removed his jacket, shirt and trousers; before leaning down and placing open mouthed kisses along her neck working his way down her body; sucking gently on her lace covered clit “Ahh” Jane’s breath catching in her throat; Felix looked up her “May I?” She nodded and he removed her panties; parting her legs slightly he settled himself between them licking upwards from her centre to her clit before gently sucking on the bud of nerves, flicking it with his tongue. Jane’s breathless moans let him know she was enjoying herself; he parted her lips and slipped his tongue inside her hitting her sweet spot; a breathless sigh escaping her lips, he withdrew his tongue slipping a finger in whilst sucking hard on her clit “Oh…Felix…Yes” She cries out hands grabbing the sheets, she feels his low growl vibrate against her core. He continues to lick and suck her clit adding a second finger; curling them inside her bringing her closer to her release, he feels her small fingers card through his hair, before settling at the back of his head holding him where she needs him most. His fingers continuing to move in and out her; tongue swirling around her sensitive nub “I’m so…cl-close” “Cum for me little one” His pace speeding up and becoming a bit rough as he pulls her over the edge; “Oh Felix!” She cries as she comes undone beneath him, tumbling into a blissful darkness, her toes curling and hands gripping her bedsheets “You did so well little one” He purrs in her ear before capturing her lips in a passionate kiss.
“My turn” She purrs in his ear; he rolls onto his back taking her with him. Jane takes his lower lip between her teeth and he growls hands grabbing her ass. She pulls away kissing her way down his cold hard abs admiring the god like view beneath her. She rips his boxers away freeing him and is amazed at the sight before her for Felix’s cold hard dick is long and thick “See something you like?” He asks smirking; nodding in response she wraps her lips around him taking him all the way until she feels him in the back of her throat. She heard him growl and looked up to see his eyes were closed, lips slightly parted, ‘Pain’ she thought and Felix felt a slight pain course through him as she hollowed her cheeks and sucked him hard “Ahh…Jane” He cried out then feeling the pain disappear as she smiled around him licking him from base to tip her tongue circling his tip; she hollowed her cheeks again taking in all of him “Oh...God…” His eyes open black and full of lust catching her looking up at him; her red eyes dark and doe like, she gives him a wink and grazes her teeth over his entire length before deep throating him “Oh…little one…just…like…that” He purrs fingers grabbing a fistful of hair and tugging gently. She pulls away looking up at him and whispers “Pain” He shudders at the mixture of pleasure and pain as her lips close back around him; her sucking him as though he was the best thing she’s ever tasted; she feels him empty himself down the back of her throat and she swallows everything he gives her. “Seems like you’re not the little terror everyone says you are” He says breathlessly and smiles at her “Shut up” She replies softly taking her bottom lip between her teeth, looking up at him through her lashes “Let me hold you” He says bringing her up into his arms “Thank you little one” He places a kiss to her temple “Thank you Felix” She snuggles into him enjoying the feeling of being in his arms.
Meanwhile Santiago drove Demetri and Ally to the private air strip near the castle and carried out the pre-flight checks as he was also their pilot for the flight. Demetri carried his and Ally’s cases onto the plane and took a seat next to her; holding her close “You look lovely tonight cara” Ally had changed into a light blue fitted knee length dress for the flight; Demetri changed into blue jeans and a grey shirt. Once she fell asleep he gently lifted her into his lap and held her whilst she slept. “How’s Ally doing?” Santiago asked coming to check on the newly-weds “Good. She’s asleep, which I’m pleased about as it’s a night flight” Demetri replied low Santiago nodded in response.
It was the first day of their honeymoon and Ally and Demetri play hide and seek to test out Ally’s ability to drop her shield. “Let’s test out that shield dropping ability of yours, shall we…Mrs Volturi?” He leans down kissing her. “Ok Mr Volturi, but don’t be upset if this doesn’t work first time round. Dropping my shield is something I’ve only been able to do recently. I was curious to see if it was possible so I’ve been practicing” She explains to Demetri “I understand. Just be careful. I love you” He rests his forehead to hers “I will. I love you too” She replied; she gave him a kiss then ran off to hide “I’ll give you 10 minutes” He called after her. Once she found her hiding place Ally closed her eyes concentrating and thinking about Demetri and how she needs him to find her. Demetri took a deep breath closing his eyes and reached out trying to pick up Ally’s tenor; nothing, he couldn’t sense her and was beginning to get a little frustrated when all of a sudden something changed. He could sense someone’s tenor, faint as it was but it was there “Ally” He breathed out relaxing a little; he concentrated ensuring to commit her tenor, her essence to memory. Smiling he took off finding her with ease “Found you mi amore” He smiled down at her “I was worried it didn’t work” She replied getting up “It didn’t at first but when your shield finally dropped I was able to pick up your tenor, your essence, which allowed me to find you and that is what matters. I have committed your essence to my memory too” He kissed her holding her close “We’ve got forever to develop this part of your gift. Although, I don’t want you dropping your shield for anyone but me Ally. I like knowing that you can protect yourself from psychic gifts understand?” “I understand Demi, you only want me to drop my shield when I need or want you to find me” She smiled looking up at him through her lashes “Exactly” He replied smiling.
After spending a day together on the beach Demetri and Ally decide to take a shower together; he starts washing her, massaging her breasts letting one hand move lower thumb circling her clit as he places open mouthed kisses on her neck. Her head falls back on his shoulder her eyes closed as she feels him slip a finger inside her; he moves his finger in and out of her a few times before adding a second “Make love to me Demi, please” Demetri nodded removing his fingers from her and shutting the shower off. He lifted Ally into his arms wrapping her legs around his waist and carried her to the bed laying her down gently. He looked into her eyes “Are you sure cara?” “Yes. I want you, I need you” She unwrapped her legs from around him; sliding her hand down between them and stroking his hard penis her thumb brushing over the tip; his eyes closing at her warm touch, he adjusts himself between her legs and taking his erection in his hand gently guides himself inside her. He stilled allowing her to adjust to his size when he heard an almost inaudible gasp before continuing to slide in until he was fully inside her, stilling again for a moment placing a kiss to her forehead. “You’re so tight baby” He kissed her nipping at her bottom lip asking for entrance; which she happily gave him, their tongues moving against each other in sync.
Ally felt him pull out slightly before slowly re-entering her; filling her deeply “Ahh” She breathed out eyes closing; her hands moving up his back, nails gently scratching his skin and leaving kisses on his shoulders working her way up his neck to leave a kiss below his ear before gently biting his earlobe. He growled and thrusted back inside her hard; one hand moving up her leg to hold it in place at his side, this new position allowing him to get deeper inside her with every thrust. His dipped his head down and took a nipple into his mouth sucking gently, flicking it with his tongue. His cold breath against her warm flesh sent sparks coursing through her and she could feel a knot forming in her abdomen. His other hand moved up her side to take hold of her other breast, rolling the nipple between his thumb and forefinger; he felt her wrap her legs around him “Demi” She cried out. He quickened his pace feeling his orgasm building and sensing hers was close too, filling her deeper with each and every thrust “Ally” He growled low, lifting his head to kiss her slipping his tongue inside her mouth; Ally sighed into the kiss. He dipped his head back down kissing her breast; his teeth grazing over the sensitive bud. Ally felt the knot break, pleasure washing over her like a tidal wave, her back arching off the bed; snaking his arm underneath her he held her close, his thrusts slowing as he rode out his own orgasm with her “I love you Demi” “I love you too Ally” He rested his forehead against hers.
He continued to hold her in his arms as her breathing returned to normal, “That was amazing” She whispered before kissing him, love and devotion clear in her eyes, “You were amazing” He replied kissing her. Still inside her he sat up on his knees bringing her with him; holding her to his chest, legs still wrapped around him he placed open mouthed kisses to her neck “Don’t let go” He felt her nod as he got off the bed carrying her into the shower and turned it on. He climbed inside the shower and set her down in front of him, gently cleaning them both. She turned in his arms and wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down for a passionate kiss “I love you” “I love you too Ally”
The following morning Ally had a shower and went to put on her shorts and a top when she noticed a few bruises forming on her body, Demetri came up behind her wrapping his arms around her waist and placed a kiss on her neck “I’m sorry about those, it seems I wasn’t as gentle as I thought” He sounded upset “No, Dem you were gentle, very gentle in fact. My first time was better than I ever thought it would be and that’s because it was with you” She said smiling as she turned in his arms and kissed him. “I’m happy I was your first cara and that I will be your last as you will be mine” He left a chaste kiss to her lips; she wrapped her arms around his waist her head against his chest.
A few days later Ally was sunbathing whilst Demetri went hunting; when he got back he laid down beside her in just his boxers “Hey baby” He kisses her “Hey Sparkles” She smiles and kisses him back; he leans over her stroking hair “Be nice cara” He smiles as his fingers trail up and down her side lightly tickling her. “I have a surprise for you” Ally said getting up; Demetri nodded “I’ll be here waiting for you” A few minutes later Ally walked back out on the beach wearing the sexy French Maid outfit she bought on a shopping trip with Alice. She sat on Demetri’s lap so she was straddling him. He opened his eyes and whistled “Damn! You so hot in that baby” He smiled; blushing, she took her bottom lip between her teeth “Thank you I’m glad you like it” “I like it very much” He ran his hands up her thighs and licked his lips; sitting up and wrapping his arms around her he whispered “I want you amore” He kissed her hair whilst inhaling her scent. He lifts himself up slightly and with one hand starts to shimmy out of his boxers; Ally swings her leg to the side so she’s sitting beside him and removes her lace panties; then swings her leg back over to straddle him again. Demetri’s hands trail up her body under the dress, taking both breasts into his hands massaging them gently; thumbs brushing her nipples lightly, a sigh falls from Ally’s lips involuntarily, head falling back as Demetri kisses the front of her neck, sucking her neck slightly before his teeth graze over her pulse point.
Ally rises up onto her knees; hands on Demetri’s shoulders and gently lowers herself onto his erect cock, his hands move to her hips as he begins to lift her off of him before lowering her back down over his hard length “I love you” She whispers; his hands trail up her sides taking the dress with them and throwing it aside he places his hands on her back holding her against him. He leans her back slightly; his head dipping down to kiss her breasts and taking a nipple into his mouth. Her breath catches in her throat “Oh…god” He switches breasts taking her nipple between his teeth; whilst he rolls her other nipple between his thumb and forefinger. She lifts herself off him almost completely before sinking back down on him hard “Fuck baby” He growls moving his hands to her hips stilling her for a moment and pulls out of her only to thrust up into her hard “Fuck Dem” She cries out as he hits a new spot inside her, a knot forming in her abdomen. As he pulls out and thrusts up into her she grinds down against him, her being filled deeply with every thrust, him hitting that new spot inside her over and over. He crashes his lips to hers; she bites his lower lip and he opens his mouth allowing her to deepen the kiss, tongues moving against each other. He’s chasing his own release as he can tell she’s getting close to hers “Bite me…please” She begged grinding against him; he lifted his head and gently moved hers to the side placing a kiss against her neck, before biting her and taking a few gulps of her blood before licking the wound shut with his venom. Ally felt the knot break the moment he bit her “Oh. Dem. Yes” She said between breaths, her head falling onto his shoulder. His release followed “Fuck Ally” She could feel him still moving inside her filling her with his seed. “Don’t stop baby” She whispered; she felt him nod then kiss her neck where he bit her just moments ago.
Still inside her he picked her up and carried her inside and over to the bed, lying her down resting his forehead to hers “You my darling are amazing” He kissed her lips “So are you babe.” He pulled out of her lifting one of her legs over his shoulder and slid back inside her with ease “Ahh, that feels so..” Another slow deep thrust “Good” She finished, he smiled into the next kiss. Demetri slowed his rhythm taking his time to make love to her despite her pleas for him to go faster. He wanted to take his time with her; to show her how much he loved her, how he worshipped her. Ally had one hand on his shoulder the other in his hair; tugging slightly “I’m so…close…please Demi” One of his hands reached down between them and he began flicking and pinching her clit “Oh, ahh…Dem” He loved hearing her reaction knowing he was the only one who could please her this way. She grinded down on his hand kissing his neck “Mine” He growled low in her ear, Ally’s orgasm washed over her; her toes curling, hands gripping the sheets as she came hard “Always” She replied breathlessly; her walls clamping down around him bringing him to his climax, he removed her leg from his shoulder and continued to move within her riding out their orgasms together. “Will it always be this good?” She asked once her breathing evened out. “Once you’re immortal, it’ll be better. I won’t need to be so gentle…not that I’d ever hurt you, it’s just …you’ll be less fragile” He replied “Less fragile but still yours” She said “Yes mi amore, you’ll always be mine as I’ll always be yours” He responded “Mine” She said smiling against his neck “Always Ally, always”
The following morning Ally woke up alone but could smell pancakes; walking to the kitchen she saw Demetri in his boxers cooking, she wrapped her arms him kissing his shoulder one hand moving lower slipping inside his boxers “Morning to you too mi amore” He smiled and removed the pan from the heat. She removed her hand from his boxers and stepped back allowing him to turn and face her; his red eyes looking her up and down taking in the sight of her wearing his shirt. He stalked towards her like she was prey; her stepping back towards the table and when close enough he pulled her into him; her hands resting on his chest, his hand ran up her thigh under the shirt “No panties” He purred “Figured it would save time this morning” She winked at him and went to walk away “No” He growled “I want you here, now” He turned her around and bent her over the table one hand closing gently around her neck “Remember tell me if you want me to stop” He said applying a little pressure; she nodded and with his other hand he guided himself inside her stilling for a moment before pulling out and re-entering her. Their moans filling the air; he applied a little more pressure to her neck as he thrusts sped up chasing his release sensing hers was near, he moved his other hand downwards to play with her clit. Her walls clenched around him and she let out another breathless moan, her eyes squeezing tightly shut, as the brightest lights flitted behind her eyelids. Demetri’s name fell like a sworn oath from her slightly parted lips, the sound of it urging him on further. Demetri let out a soft hiss of pleasure as his mate’s tight, warm heat embraced him, further proof that she was indeed made for him, and only for him. Any tension he might have felt in that moment simply disappeared like clouds in the wind. He let his head fall forward, burying his face in Ally’s shoulder, her name coming out in a muffled cry of ecstasy, as he gave her everything he had, every intimate little part of himself. In all his years of immortality, not once has a single fragile human made him feel as alive as he did in that moment, not like Ally did.
When Demetri and Ally weren’t making love; they spent their time playing chess and other games; reading aloud to one another and silently to themselves. Demetri would join Ally on the beach whenever she wanted to sunbathe making the most of the warm weather. They also went swimming by the waterfall as they did the first time they were on Isle Esme together.
Demetri was a little sceptical whenever Ally won a game especially a card game, wondering if she ‘cheating’ “Ally, mi amore, you’re not looking through my eyes to see what cards I have, are you?” He asked eyebrow raised; Ally placed a hand to her heart feigning offense “Would I ever do that?” “You have in the past with our friends” He gently reminded her “I’d never do that to you babe” She replies looking up at him through her lashes “You promise?” He asked as he began to slowly crawl towards her; his eyes darkening as he did so “I-I…” He licked his lips growling low “Behave” She began to move back a little; he growled again “Behave…Sparkles…” That was it, he pounced pinning her beneath him; teeth grazing her neck, fingers lightly tickling her sides her soft laughter filling the room. He loved the sound and continued his actions as she squirmed beneath him “You’ve been a naughty girl….” “Y-you c-can’t p-prove it” She replied still giggling “Oh, I think I can” He growled low in her ear as grinded against her “Dem” She breathed out just before she felt him gently bite her, swallowing a few mouthfuls of her blood before licking the wound shut “It should be a sin for you to taste so good mi amore” He whispered “Enjoy it whilst you can my love because once you change me my sinfully good blood will be no more” She whispered kissing his neck “Mmm…maybe I should keep you human a little longer then” He rolled his hips against her again capturing her lips in a kiss “I love you” “I love you too Dem”
Demetri arrives back at the house after hunting to find Ally passed out on the bathroom floor; he runs to her placing a hand on her shoulder “Ally” She doesn’t move; hand still in place he gently shakes her trying to wake her “Ally, cara, please wake up” His eyes filling with venom “Please wake up baby, please” He begs her softly; taking her into his arms holding her close. Just then his phone rings; Carlisle’s name flashing on the screen. “Demetri…Is Ally ok?” He asks “I-I don’t know. I-I can’t wake her”
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tintind · 4 years
One night in 2018
Esme wasn't used to feeling like a guest: although it was rare for her to have a party of her own, she was usually the hostess. Last Sunday, she met Sally who was the head of their school's parent Council at the store while they were both shopping for a week for the whole family. Her husband's birthday fell on Christmas day, and Sally made it a tradition for the whole city -- at least for a fairly large circle of her acquaintances, and every year they had a party. Mrs. Cullen couldn't refuse the invitation.
They were already a little settled in their new place, and Esme didn't like their habit of not getting close to people at all: their unsociability gave rise to a lot of suspicions.
So tonight they surprised the guests by showing up on the doorstep of the house where they were invited, with a box of sweets and flowers. Fortunately for them, they were a drop in the bucket of guests flooding the house, so after a while the Cullens stopped attracting attention. Sally made sure they had a drink in hand, knew where the bathroom was, and felt completely comfortable. They kept their distance from the crowd, holding hands, Carlisle whispering in Esme's ear, and she smiled as she looked at the people. In the end, her husband told her he was leaving her to her own, kissed her on the top of the head, and swam off somewhere in the direction of his friends from the hospital. Esme was left standing alone at the high kitchen table. After making her solemn rounds, the hostess returned to Mrs. Cullen.
“How do you like the party?”
“Everything's fine, thank you”. Esme smiled as she cheered up the glass of golden, sizzling liquid. Of course, she didn't try it.
“I'm glad you enjoy it. And I'm glad Peggy lost me a ten. We had a bet on whether you would come at all.”
“Happy to contribute to your well-being.”
“No offense, it's just that you're so rare in the city that sometimes you look like a cult.”
“I see,” Esme said. “Carlisle works hard, we try to devote all the time to each other and the children. It's great to know that someone else believes in our ability to socialize.”
Sally laughed, wrinkling her pretty nose.
“You’re welcome!”
They talked about family and everyday life, and Esme was lucky that Sally was happy to take the lead. This made it possible to avoid situations where Esme didn't know what to say to sound believable. The vampire was lost in her own thoughts, searching the crowd for Carlisle's blue sweater. Somehow, as if he sensed her concern, he turned to her and waved his hand. She held up hers. They exchanged smiles.
"So, Carlisle...” Sally said pointedly.
Esme nodded, still watching her husband. He returned to his conversation and openly laughed at some joke, and, throwing up his head, patted the other on the elbow.
"How did you manage to snatch such a handsome man? How long have you been married?” Sally was also staring at the young doctor.
"Fourteen years," Esme lied very confidently.
"It’s impossible!" Sally really didn't seem to believe it. “It turns out that you were-”
She wasn't good at arithmetic, and few people remembered the exact age of the Cullens.
"Not enough," Esme said. "We met when Carlisle was a sixteen-year-old child Prodigy and I was a slightly clueless eighteen-year-old schoolgirl.
"That sounds very intriguing," Sally said, and cast another glance in Carlisle's direction, as if to confirm his existence.
After a few moments of silence, Esme realized that Sally was waiting for a story. Well, it will be a story for her...
"We met in high school, went to biology class together in our senior year. He already knew that he would devote himself to medicine, and I just liked to draw our skeleton and stuffed animals in the closet at the end of the class. I think the skeleton's name was Heinrich. The teacher decorated it for Christmas instead of a Christmas tree, you know, hung it with a garland and put a cap on the skull.”
"Sixteen years! Unbelievable!” Sally exclaimed, not even trying to hide her gossip side. Then she caught herself, touching Esme's arm: "Sorry, go on."
Esme chuckled. People are curious. She changed the hand that held the glass.
"We sat next to each other for a semester, trying in vain not to talk, so as not to distract each other, and I was probably the first and only person he thought of inviting to the new year's dance. I agreed, and then I found myself kissing him at the prom in the darkest corner. We’ve finished school, I was thinking of taking a year off, he was looking for a College ready to take such a young student, and suddenly... You know how hasty and stupid things are with teenagers.
Esme noticed that Sally made an almost physical effort to keep the tactless question from escaping her mouth.
"I got pregnant after he had asked me to marry him and I had refused. Or rather, I didn't mind, but our parents wanted us to wait.
Esme set the champagne aside, knowing that Sally still had questions, and wanting to prolong the theatrical pause.
“He reacted strangely. I mean- Everyone knows that such stories don't end well. And his first words when he found out were, " If you want to keep him, I'll find a job to provide for us. If not, marry me anyway, so you can always change your mind." He was almost a child himself, but with him I thought I was ready. Maybe I was, I don't know. He said "we" and "us" in such a way that it was impossible to resist. I was head over heels in love and young, and my future didn't seem like a sacrifice. His father gave in to our persuasions, and by the end of my eighteen years, I was a happy wife and future mother...”
Mrs. Cullen sighed.
"I'm sorry if my question hurt you," Sally said quietly, realizing how far Esme's story had gone. "I didn't mean to.”
"You're interested in the end, aren't you?" she asked, deliberately calm.
"Sure, but if you’re-”
"I'll tell you.
I don't remember exactly, I think it was Tuesday. Carlisle went to night school, and I went to pick him up in dad's old car. The weather was terrible, you know, a typical Northern autumn evening. Dank and foggy. So I could barely drive. And then some idiot tried to pass me, and I tried to gave way in my turn and slid into a ditch. When I woke up in the hospital, he was there. He was there all the time I was under anesthesia after the operation. He kissed my forehead, stroked my hair, and cried. Such a child! When he told me what the doctors had to tell me, we cried together, and he held my head in his hands, because it was impossible to hug me, all in plaster and tubes. We lost our boy. I lost the possibility to have children. But, contrary to all the assumptions of others, we did not lose our family. Sometimes the loss breaks, but sometimes it binds. Our case was the second one. In the end, everything worked out the way it should: I graduated from College, Carlisle -- from medical school, and a few of years ago we started thinking about children again.
It might not be healthy, but I couldn't imagine us adopting a baby. It’s still hurt. Besides, it's not just babies who need love. There are so many children in the system who can't find a family because they are too old or because they don't want to be separated from siblings. Our first two, Jasper and Rosalie, are a little older than the baby Carlisle and I would have been. This comforts me.
Esme was so engrossed in her story that she didn't notice Sally fumbling in her pockets for a napkin to wipe away her unwanted tears.
“I wish everyone had such a strong family...”
As the party drew to a close, Carlisle finally found a good moment to slip away through the garden with Esme.
They walked down the street, breathing in the winter chill. The sky cleared, and the transparent air made the brilliant stars brighter. After all these people's gatherings, it was so nice to be quiet for a while.
Carlisle suddenly chuckled: “Biology class?”
Esme snorted: “So everything else in the story suits you?”
"It sounds very touching and romantic, just my type," the doctor explained. He raised a pale brow skeptically: “But the biology class?”
Esme stopped and looked at her husband for a long, long time, as if annoyed  she had to explain everything to him:
"They’ve stolen our island, Carlisle.”
The doctor laughed loudly:
"So this is the revenge.”
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allicekitty13 · 4 years
Glitter On The Floor
Feeling guilty about not getting Alice anything for Christmas, Jasper comprises a plan to make it up to his girlfriend. (Part 4 of the Jalice through the holidays series.)
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They'd been at the mall for two hours when Jasper, Emmett, and Rosalie walked into yet another store. Jasper was beginning to tire from the walking and seemingly endless number of shops targeted toward teenage girls. He honestly wondered just how many variations of the same concept needed to be produced and just why his sister seemed to need so damn many. However, the teen did keep his mouth shut, very much aware of the hypocrisy of his thoughts. If Jasper had taken this trip with Alice he wouldn't have taken a single issue in watching as the girl skipped throughout the shopping center delighting in the wide variety of clothing, makeup, and accessories available to customers. Rosalie knew this was the case, and he preferred not to have that fact audibly pointed out by his twin. 
Rosalie had been planning the trip for a few days now, being the type of girl who changed interests weekly their parents had long ago decided it was better for all parties to gift her cash as Christmas and birthday gifts. Her brother's inclusion, however, had been a last-minute decision. While Jasper very much enjoyed his new video games, three days straight of playing was a little much even for him. 
Most of his friends were otherwise occupied that day. Peter and Riley working as their respective places of employment were taking advantage of the winter break. Edward had whisked Bella away for what he surely believed was a romantic outing- only time would tell if his long-suffering girlfriend would agree. Alice, who was sharing regular updates on the group Snapchat, was spending a few days in Seattle with her father and step-mother.
Apparently, after their run-in with Edgar on Black Friday, the man had started treating his daughter much better... at least, in public. Alice, however, felt the attention was insincere and hollow. More for show than anything else. The majority of her messages consisted of the girl lamenting about how she couldn't wait to return to Forks at the end of the week. 
So, with no other options available and desperately needing to socialize, Jasper had agreed to accompany Emmett and Rosalie on their trip to blow through the latter's Christmas cash. 
Currently, the trio were in Rue 21. Emmett was modeling an array of hats strutting up and down the aisle like a runway, likely providing some much-needed amusement to the unfortunate retail worker's suffering through a shift in the busy weeks post Christmas. Rosalie was pretending to find the antics bothersome, making an off-handed comment about her boyfriend's maturity level. Yet, even from across the shop, Jasper could see the smile she was trying to hide. 
As he turned away from his friend's shenanigans, a thin silver headband with faux gems adorning the surface caught Jasper's eye. The jewels glittered lightly under the harsh fluorescent lighting as he approached, almost as if in a trance. The hair accessory was the epitome of Alice, almost like it had been made exclusively for the girl. Jasper knew, nearly instinctually, that she needed to own this. So, he plucked the item from its place and eagerly made his way to the checkout counter. 
While he knew, logically, Alice had been sincere when she'd told him it was okay that he hadn't gotten her a physical gift for Christmas. That his willingness to partake in an activity she loved despite it being something that bored him had been gift enough. Logic, however, hadn't stopped him from feeling guilty for the past week. Jasper genuinely cared for the girl. He wasn't quite there yet, but he did know he was falling in love with her fast. Someone as special to him as Alice deserved better than a boyfriend who couldn't even get her a Christmas present. That being said, at this point, wrapping the headband and just handing it over to her didn't feel like enough. He needed a bigger gesture.
As the three friends left the store, Rosalie parted ways with the boys. She'd made an appointment at the mall salon to do something about her hair. The girl's locks were still stained silver from a dye mishap on Halloween. She'd gone along with the look for a while, leaning hard into the aesthetic. Her roots were beginning to grow out though, and the girl had made it clear she was ready to do something about it. Her brother was curious about her plans, and the way she dodged his questions had him mildly concerned. Rosalie loved theatrics. That being said, he wasn't invested enough in the saga of Rosalie's hair to put much effort into the mystery, accepting that her plans would be made clear in due time. So he and Emmett headed down to the food court to get some lunch while they waited for the girl.
"So," Emmett asked through a mouthful of fries as they sat down with their respective orders at one of the few empty tables in the food court. "What's in the bag?"
"I finally found a Christmas present for Alice," Jasper replied as he set down the soda he'd been sipping on the table in between the two friends. He handed the shopping bag to Emmett, who pulled out the slips of paper sprayed with perfume the cashier had placed inside the plastic sack. The boy sniffed them before making a comment about how they weren't really Jasper's scent as he tossed them into a nearby trash can. 
Finally, Emmett pulled the headband out of the bag; he turned it over in his hands examining it closely before placing it on his head, careful not to stretch it out. He leaned forward on one hand as he blinked at his friend in a flirty manner. "Whatcha' think, Jas? Does it match my eyes?" 
Jasper rolled his eyes in response as both boys laughed. "In all seriousness though," Emmet spoke, taking off the accessory and handing it back to his friend. "It's perfect for Alice. She's going to love it."
"I really hope your right..."
"Dude, I'm always right." The other boy laughed and threw a french fry at this friend. "So, when are you going to give it to her?"
One of the things Jasper liked about having Emmett as a friend was just how observant the guy was. Most of their classmates never really looked past the surface of his fun-loving, class clown persona. But the teen was also smart, caring, and a genuinely good friend to have on your side. So, as Jasper told the boy about his worries, guilt, and half-formed plans for a grand gesture, Emmett was more than happy to join in on the brainstorming. After all, even though his idea for Halloween hadn't gone quite as planned, it had still worked out in Jasper's favor. By the time Rosalie returned, they'd formed what Jasper thought was a pretty solid plan.
Rosalie had a yearly tradition of throwing a New Year's Eve party. What had started as a sleepover back when the twins were in middle school was now a huge bash the students of Forks High looked forward to every winter. Currently, the girl was standing in the foyer greeting her guests and basking in their compliments on her hair freshly dyed a light denim shade of blue. In the living room, Bella and Emmett were chatting with an overly tense Jasper. He sat on the new setee his parents bought during Black Friday, jumping slightly every time the doorbell rang in anticipation of his girlfriend's arrival.
When the doorbell chimed, indicating yet another guest had arrived, Jasper startled once again prompting Emmett to chide him good-naturedly. His heart began to race as Alice's voice carried into the room from the foyer. He could hear her excitedly awing over Rosalie's hair, rapidly detailing all the outfits that would compliment the look. As she excused herself by telling the blue-haired teen that they just had to go shopping soon, but she needed to find Jasper, the man in question figured he must have looked as though he'd seen a ghost judging by the way Bella looked at him in sympathy as she reassured that it was going to be Okay.
"Hey, you guys," Alice beamed as she entered the room. The teen gracefully took a seat next to Jasper on the couch, lifting one of his arms to drape around her shoulders. "Sorry I'm so late. Mom got called into the hospital last minute again. I actually wasn't going to come, but Esme insisted on watching Cynthia so I could be here."
"Well, we're sure glad you could make it," Emmett smirked, turning to look at his very pale friend. "Aren't we, Jasper." Afraid that were he to speak, he may throw up, the teen simply nodded in response as he gently squeezed his girlfriend's shoulder.
Alice looked between the two with a raised eyebrow, clearly suspicious of the pair. The hardest part of surprising the girl was just how intuitive she was, seeming to know everything before it happened. Jasper could practically see the gears turning in her head as Alice glanced back and forth between the boys. She had eventually either given up or settled on a conclusion as she settled into Jasper's side and picked up a conversation with Bella about She-Ra on Netflix.
Jasper tried to focus on his conversation with Emmett and now Peter, who joined their group in the living room. With Alice snuggled into his side, however, it was difficult to focus. His eyes kept drifting over to the old clock hanging on the wall watching as the hands moved slowly but surely, ticking closer and closer to midnight. A weight settled in his stomach as he began to overthink his plan. What if Alice thought it was too much. What if she didn't feel the same way about him? It was entirely possible his profound feelings weren't reciprocated.
By the time Charlotte peeked her head into the room, giving all the gathered teenagers a ten-minute warning that it was nearly time for the countdown, Jasper was absolutely second-guessing himself. Frozen in place, staring at the clock still ticking closer to the new year, he was vaguely aware of his friends standing up and heading over to the other side of the room where the TV where they gathered around the screen in anticipation. Emmett, on his way over to join the crowd, nudged him in the shoulder causing Jasper to look up. His friend gave him an expressive reassuring look, communicating that everything was going to be alright. 
With a deep breath, Jasper rose from his seat holding out a hand to Alice in feigned confidence as he asked the girl if she would care to join him on the patio. The concerned look she'd been giving him quickly morphed into one of curiosity as she gladly intertwined her fingers with his allowing him to lead her outside. 
 The patio had been decorated with fairy lights, and sitting on a white iron outdoor table sat the headband wrapped neatly in a slightly shimmery deep blue paper that sparkled subtly in the moonlight. The package had been decorated with a ribbon of the same shade tied into a bow. Jasper silently thanked his sister for her handiwork in wrapping the gift, fully aware he wouldn't have been able to make it look anywhere near as perfect. 
Jasper strode over to the table picking up the package and handing it to Alice as he spoke. "So, I uh... I saw this the other day when I was shopping with Rose. And, I thought of you and how much you'd love it. And you know... I feel like an asshole for not getting you anything for Christmas and..."
"Jas," She cut off his rambling speech, "Stop beating yourself up. I mean what I said on Christmas Eve."
"Just open it, Alice."
The girl shook her head as she proceeded to slide the bow off the package, placing it neatly onto the table next to her, doing the same with the paper. When she pulled the lid off of the cardboard box Rosalie had placed the accessory in, Alice gasped as she gazed down at the headband. "It's beautiful." She commented, prying her eyes away from the gift to stare at her boyfriend.
Jasper, feeling reassured by her reaction, stepped into her space, taking the accessory from her hands, and placed it gently on her head. "A queen deserves to wear a crown."
"How do I look?" She asked, staring up at him.
"Perfect." He looked back down at the girl, not backing away as he gazed into her blue eyes, trying to wordlessly communicate just how much he truly cared for the girl standing before him. 
From inside the house, the couple could hear their friends shouting as they began to count down from ten to one. Jasper had timed this out perfectly as everything was lining up according to plan. The count down reached five and he leaned down, asking her if this was okay. The action elicited a nervous smile from Alice, something he'd rarely ever seen on the confident girl. At two, she responded with a clear yes, and as their friends cheered out the number one from the living room, their lips met for the first time. 
Inside, their friends were excitedly ringing in the new year, but for the two outside time seemed to stop stuck in that split second between one year ending and another beginning. 
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neshabeingchildish · 4 years
Poly Wanna 16
This is one of the shortest chapters, simply because I had a couple of portions of it and it would have been longer than I wanted. I’m not yet sure if we have two or one more chapter, but we are definitely at the end of the story, with me just wrapping some things up. @adorkable-blackgirl @chenoahchantel @bitchmilsky
A Phoenix
Henry needed to settle things/make stuff right with everyone else for his own emotional balance and mental wellness. This included Chloe, Bianca, a number of pornstars he dated, only a couple of strippers, one unfortunate potential patient, rejected on fuckability basis, and of course the spa lady… There’s also a few villains, but we won’t discuss that! 
“HELLO???” Charlotte said, frustrated and now pushing his cheek with her big toe. 
“What?” He asked, and playfully bit her foot. 
“For the last filming thing, did you want to try to make it an event, or what? I like the thought of a party or something. Like, I would’ve wanted it to be the meeting with our parents, but that didn’t feel like where things should end. What do you think, as the showrunner?” 
“What does Jasper think?” Henry asked.
“He’s asleep.”
“Yeah, but I know you already ran it by him. You always talk to him about stuff first.”
“I do not! And, I didn’t. This is your baby. I’d talk to Jasper first if it wasn’t directly something about you and your brainchild.”
He sat up and she followed, both of them letting Jasper sleep as the shifted to the foot of the bed to discuss. “I want to make things right with all the others, and finally put it behind me, but I don’t know how to do that without it affecting our peace, right here right now. But, I also don’t know how not to do it and have it not affect my personal peace, right here, right now.”
She thought for a moment and he watched her wheels spinning as she looked at her toes and moved them to a beat playing in her head. “Hmmm… What about a big event where they are all invited and you can get everything settled at it?”
“Like a party?” 
“Hell and heavens no. Like a… roast.”
“Like, a dinner where I serve roast, because I do make a mean roast…”
“Like they all get to come in, eat and drink and drag your ass to hell and back!” She whispered loudly.
“OHHHHHHHHHH! A roast!” He laughed at himself. “I think that’s… doable.”
“We can make a big event of it. Invite everybody that you know has issues with you to be on the panel and invite everybody else that you know to be in the audience, and that way, they get to say everything that they want to say and they get to know that everybody knows that they feel like that. But, also, it’s a roast, so it might sting a little less.”
“It won’t, probably.”
“Okay, but do you have a better idea?”
“No… Can you and Jasper maybe… plan it for me? Like, I can give you a list of guests and…”
“I can say yes for me, but you’ll have to ask Jasper whenever he’s awake.”
“Thanks. Love you, Baby,” he said. She tilted her head to the side as he planted a small, fast kiss on her lips. “What?”
“You just casually said ‘Love you’ and kinda… I wasn’t expecting it,” she said.
He sat there, thinking that surely he had been saying this, but maybe he hadn’t. He couldn’t remember. So, he just shrugged his shoulders and said, “It’s true.” 
She smiled and crawled over to his side of the bed. Henry was getting cuddles tonight. “Love you too.”
So, while Henry was doing his work around Swellview, Jasper doing his thing at the lounge, and Charlotte was getting her findings together to petition for a grant for further research, the three of them began making the lists. The list of who would have the honors of roasting Henry, the guest list, the list of those that were either tentative or needed to try to speak with on a more personal level, because things just went entirely too wrong. Also, Charlotte was working on just completely cancelling Mr. Feelgood. “It’s the end of an era, my friend,” she said.
“But… It’s not though. I’ve built a lot with him.”
“And, I’m sure that it has been appreciated… But, you’ve also had a lot of masked rendezvous as him and if Henry is cutting that off, Mr. Feelgood needs a cut off too. Since we can’t just have him go and apologize for it all, we should just nix him and replace him. I recommend that it doesn’t happen close to the Roast of Henry Hart…”
“Dr. Henry Hart,” Henry said. She made a note on her tablet, “Are you… Are you jotting that down to roast me later?”
“Yep!” She cheered, with a smile. 
Jasper came off of the elevator, kissed Charlotte on the temple, kissed Henry on the neck and asked, “Where are we right now?”
“Henry’s giving me some material for his roast,” Charlotte said. Henry groaned. “Oh, and the cancellation and death of Mr. Feelgood. Thoughts?”
“That he make an announcement that says, “I never should have done this. I regret it, this is the new me and blows a bubble and turns into… whomever he will be next.”
“See, Henry? Jasper has an idea.”
“I don’t hate it,” Henry said, making his way to the auto snacker. “I don’t know what to call myself, though. Whenever I became Feelgood, that was what I needed, who I needed. Someone who would help me to feel better about myself, because I hated who I had become. My human life and my hero life blend together. There’s always so much overlap that I have no idea where one ends and one begins.”
“Which is why he needs to die so that your phoenix... can rise... from the… ashes..” Charlotte said and started trailing off.
“What are you thinking about?” Henry wondered, returning to the couch with three bowls of popcorn. 
“I’m thinking what if you were to become the Phoenix?” She asked.
He furrowed his eyebrows and Jasper said, “I’ve BEEN to Phoenix, nothing to write home about. I didn’t even grow a mustache. Why would he want to name himself THAT?”
They both stared at him and Henry admitted, “I can’t tell if he’s serious or not.”
“Oh, he’s serious,” She said. “So, ignore him.” She pushed her tablet to Henry and activated the hologram mode of the software that she put into it. “Attention back to me. What if you became the Phoenix and all subsequent heroes of Swellview took on that mantle in the future? Instead of passing down Captain Man… which is both a very stupid name and a mantle that will be held probably for as long as you are alive. Ray is not even aging, as far as I can see. You’ll be nearing retirement by the time he’s ready to hang his mask.”
“But with the Phoenix, whenever one bursts into flames, a new one is born!” Henry said.
Charlotte began to draw on her tablet and the costume in the hologram changed a little, “I can maybe add some flames to your outfit, as relish, oooh, to your accessories and stuff.”
“Can you make flames come out of the car?” Henry asked. She made a deep sigh and pulled up the car, to start designing the changes she would need for something like that. Rocket boosters…
“Hey, Henry, do you think that maybe I could be your sidekick?” Jasper asked.
“No,” both Henry and Charlotte said. He looked sad. They each explained, “I won’t be able to concentrate on missions knowing that you’re in danger a few feet away from me.”
“I definitely will have trouble leading tactical ops with BOTH of you out there.”
Jasper sighed, “What if I took some fighting lessons or something? Come on, I know that I can do better than 13 year old Henry with those bird arms and legs did!” 
“Feel like a big man, Dude? That you can probably fight better than a kid on the doorstep of puberty?” Henry teased. Charlotte suppressed laughter. “You don’t need to take any fighting lessons, unless you just want to. If something happens out there, I don’t like the thought of both of us leaving Char alone.”
“I don’t like the thought of something happening and, and you’re out there all on your own,” Jasper said. “Then, both of us are left to have to think about how maybe it might not have happened if I was out there to have your back.”
Henry placed both hands flat on the table and looked at Jasper, “And I don’t like, the more likely event, that we’ll be out there and something happens, you figure out a way to sacrifice yourself for me, then ME and Charlotte are left here, without the best part of our life here.”
“So, what are you saying? That my life is more important than yours?” Jasper asked, fuming.
“Yeah! Yeah, I am saying that!”
Charlotte cut in with, “I think a better way to put it is… Henry has been doing this for a while. There’s a certain level of stress within the relationship relating to what he does. Adding you to the field will add stress into our home. The odds of a worst case scenario with him are something that we’ve had time to accept and be used to, but he has enough experience that the odds are low. Whenever he adds a sidekick to the mix, those odds WILL increase again, and we don’t need those odds AND our stress to increase at the same time. Both of your lives are important, neither more than the other, but I think that rationally, it’s just wiser to only have Henry in the field.”
Jasper flopped back, into a leaning position in his seat, slumped slightly, “It feels like you two don’t trust me to be able to learn and be beneficial to the hero team. I could be perfect to have Henry’s back and make sure that we both come home to you, but you two won’t even entertain the idea of it.”
“For the reasons that I just explained,” Charlotte said. “What about whenever we begin raising children? You would have me… possibly be alone with them and grieving you both? If I wanted to join Henry on the field, would YOU be on board with it?”
“That’s ridiculous. You’re tiny and…”
“That’s ridiculous! I’m glad that you said that, because that’s exactly how I feel about you, a 30 year old man, trying to suddenly train to be a sidekick. Had you started a few years ago, maybe. Your joints will be getting ready to betray you by the time you get the routines down!” She fussed. 
Jasper’s eyes welled up with tears and Henry said, more gently, “This relationship can afford to lose me, but not either of you.”
“We ALL feel that way!” Jasper said, wiping a tear with the back of his hand.
“Not Charlotte. Charlotte knows that if she has to give up one, it should be me,” Henry said.
“That’s not exactly..” Charlotte started, but she was getting a headache and Jasper’s sniffles were breaking her heart. She got up and went to wrap her arms around him. He leaned onto her and let himself cry a little harder and Henry slid closer and wrapped his arms around his belly and laid his head on his back. “I don’t want to lose either of you, but I’ve had the chance to be prepared to possibly lose one of you. I’m selfish, Jasper. I’m taking what I can get, and if I can keep one of you here, that’s what I’ll do.” He squeezed her and she shifted to sit on his lap. He sat up a little, to give her room. Henry leaned back, but kept his arms around Jasper. “Do you understand that?” He nodded and she thumbed away his remaining tears and kissed him on the forehead. “How about you’re watching his back, nearby and ready to swoop in with a vehicle and a weapon if it’s too much?”
“Like… a rescue squad, but of one?”
“Yep,” she said. 
“Okay,” he said and nodded his head. Henry was giving her a look, like that, too, was too dangerous for his comfort, but she would simply have to make sure that the vehicle and the weapons were on point, so that it would be surefire success. She blew Henry a kiss and he melted a little bit, gathering more of Jasper into his embrace. “Can I set the order of the roasters?” Jasper asked.
“YES!” Charlotte and Henry both exclaimed, glad to not have to do it themselves, and to be able to say “yes” to him after letting him down so hard only moments before.Jasper reached for Charlotte’s tablet and opened the folder for the roast. Henry and Charlotte gave each other silent glances, but neither of them let him go as he started working on it.
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sidhewrites · 5 years
Tumblr media
CHAPTER 9A. Previous Installment found here, summary page here. Approx. 1,900 words. As always, feel free to send Asks or Messages about what’s written or anything you’re curious about. 
Jasper filled the silence all on his own, commenting on the design of the Running Well. “Not to say that its uniqueness is bad, of course, only that I haven’t seen it before. The paintings look like they were done by friends -- some of them children, if it’s not too insulting -- which makes it feel like people love it here. If I’m honest, I think I like it best. It has a homemade feeling to it -- like it was made with love instead of carpenter’s tools. If I ever decide to settle down, you know, I always thought I’d want a little house by a big lake that reflected the night sky -- but now I’m thinking …” And so on. 
The interior of the Running Well was no less colorful than the exterior, and Coriander had to wonder if there was any unity in the design of the place, or if the philosophy had simply been this looks pretty here. The floors were mostly even and worn smooth, but it was all too clear when one extension of the inn ended and another began. 
Three stairwells of varying height and structural integrity later, Prue stopped at a red door with a star above the handle. They cut Jasper off mid-sentence to announce that, “This one is for you.”
Jasper, finally silenced and slightly taken aback, looked to the door, then to Prue and the key they were pulling from their pocket, and leaned over to Coriander. “They seem to be immune to my infectious charms.”
Somehow, Coriander thought, Prue seemed to be immune to everyone’s charms, infectious or no.
“I have the only other key. Please share it politely. If you would like a bath, please come down and let someone know.” They handed it over to Waites, and continued on down the hall without waiting for him to so much as unlock his door.
“This one is yours.” Prue’s voice seemed to soften just enough for Coriander to notice it, though not enough for her to be sure what it meant. They had stopped at the very end, just before a large window overlooking a bridge on the river, at an arched green door. It had a rather fairy tale feeling to it. Prue handed the key over with a question rather than a request: “Would you like a bath?”
She hesitated, unsure of what to say. Prue had told Waites and Jasper to come down and ask for it, after all. It seemed rude to just accept the offer before she’d even settled in. “I-I, ehm...s-should I come downstairs and ask for it?”
“Only if you don’t want it now.”
“Oh…” She shrank under Prue’s unwavering gaze. “O-oh, ehm…” Admittedly, a bath sounded nice. She felt dusty after the journey, and a bit sweaty, but it seemed unfair to get one now while the men had to go downstairs themselves to get it. She shook her head. “T-thank you, but ah...n-no. Thank you.”
Prue stood there a moment longer, silent. “Please come downstairs before or after dinner if you would like one. It will be ready in approximately one hour.” They nodded, and headed back down the hallway without another word. 
Coriander stood there uncertainly. With a deep breath, she turned the key into her own borrowed room -- just as fairy tale as the door despite its small size. A handmade quilt covered the simple bed, with floral patterns painted on the small trunk and water stand with its matching pitcher. Even the mirror had little copper flowers on its frame, simple but pretty in the evening dim. A small table sat below the window, with a tinderbox and candle as well.
It smelled like herbs and flowers -- like someone had burnt perfumed fire in the nonexistent hearth. A wave of homesickness washed over her as she looked around, a pain that constricted her throat. Was her mother doing well? Had there been any problems? Coriander could imagine a hundred things going wrong just that day, wondering if she ought to have even left for Mowry in the first place. Guilty for the quiet voice inside her that was thrilled to have come so far.
She exhaled a shaking breath, and fell more so than sat onto the little bed, fighting back the lump in her throat. She was barely a day’s ride from home and yet it felt worlds away. This place was so different -- so large, and so loud. Everything was loud -- the people, the colors, even the smells that floated up from what must have been the kitchen. Without thinking,
She wanted a bath. She wanted her mother. She wanted to go home. She wanted to -- impossibly, and ridiculously -- start walking and never come back.
Before she knew it, Coriander had drifted off, and woke with a start to a knocking on the door. At some point she must have laid down, though she didn’t have any memory of doing so.
“Miss Tippit?” Waites called out.
“Miss Tippit, are you coming to dinner?” Jasper’s voice echoed in as well.
Coriander sat up with a start -- then leaned forward as the blood rushed from her head. She hadn’t even taken off her coat, much less washed her face and hands. Her hair needed brushing, and she looked a mess. Coriander smoothed her skirts out, blinking the sleep from her eyes as quickly as she could. “I-I’ll, ah...I-I’ll be down i-in a minute,” she called back.
“Do you know how to get back downstairs?” There was no teasing in Waites’ voice. He had no confusion about how mad the layout of the Running Well could get.
“Is there a way back down?” Jasper asked with a laugh. “I could barely find my way out the door.”
“Ah -- yes. I-I’m sure I can manage. Please, go and enjoy your meal. I’ll-- I’ll be down soon.”
“Don’t be too long now,” Waites said. “Don’t want your dinner getting cold.”
“I’ll save some desserts for you if you’re late, though. Promise.” Jasper knocked again, and then his and Waites’s footsteps faded down the hall.
Coriander fumbled, looking down at the dust and dirt clinging to her shoes and skirt. It was a proper working sort, falling only halfway down her shins, but it -- and no doubt her petticoats -- needed a proper wash before she’d be anything resembling presentable for dinner. Her mother’s voice echoed in the back of her head -- careless girl, you can’t even remember to wash up before dozing off, can you? -- and she rushed to the water stand and splashed her face, all too aware of how quickly the water browned with dirt from the road.
She was careless, dripping water down her front and in her hair as well, and half panicked at the realization. Sloppy, thoughtless, she scolded herself, and tried to pat it dry as best she could. Shrugging her coat off, Coriander tied a kerchief around her shoulders, trying to cover up the worst of the damp spots, and only just barely remembered to slip the key into a pocket before leaving the room.
Of course, her stomach dropped as soon as the door latched behind her. It was easy enough to figure out which way to go in this hallway, with a window off to one side, but beyond that, she couldn’t figure out which of the two staircases leading downwards would take her where she needed to go.
Her feet were leaden, sticking her to the floor in her nervousness, and she half considered simply going back inside and skipping dinner altogether. 
But then they’d wonder where she was. She liked the idea of someone worrying about her as much as she hated it, seeing as they’d asked if she was coming ahead of time. Was she keeping them from their meals? Keeping them waiting and letting the food get cold?
With a bracing sigh, Coriander made her way down the hall, and took the nearest staircase. Made a turn at a landing, and followed another hallway to a second set of stairs. As it was, she remembered the way by heart far better than expected, and after only one wrong turn that almost took her to the cellar, Coriander made her way to the main room once more, where a small crowd had returned for an evening meal.
Maybe twelve or fifteen guests sat at various tables, scattered conversations and warm laughter echoing around the room. At the far end sat a wide, round table where the rest of her party sat. Prue exited the kitchen with two pints of a sparkling ale in hand and set them down carefully before Jasper and Randallin. They looked up when Coriander arrived, and nodded, beckoning her over silently. There were three empty chairs at the table -- one presumably for Prue, as it had a half-filled plate in front of it, and one most likely for her, seeing as the gentlemen called her over as well with warm smiles. But she couldn’t figure out who the last space was for.
Coriander approached, wondering if she ought to have dried her hair more before stepping out of the room, highly aware of the damp spots growing on her shirt because of it.
But it was too late now. She sat down with a sheepish smile as Randallin gestured at her with a grin. “There’s our lovely lass,” he said, raising his cup for a drink before continuing. “I see you’ve got a proper face under that dirt, don’t you? Must be nice to have cleaned off some.”
“Oh, uh…y-yes, I suppose.” Her ears burned at the attention, though she couldn’t say he was wrong. It wasn’t too much dirt after only a day of easy travel, but it did feel nice to clean up afterwards.
Jasper grinned at her, his own hair still wet and dripping just enough to make her feel slightly better. He emitted a faint floral smell, and Coriander wondered if he’d been given scented soap. It was a marked improvement over the way he’d smelled the first time she’d met him, though she’d hardly say so out loud. He leaned an elbow on the table, gesturing as he spoke. “She’s one of the loveliest girls I’ve ever known, I must say. One of the only ones who’s stuck with me for more than a week, too.” His smile seemed unusually wide, and he glanced around, as if not quite able to believe he was dining with other people. Company was a new experience for them both, and Coriander was glad one of the open seats was beside him.
Prue took the seat opposite her, leaving just the one besides Randallin unfilled.
“Should we wait?” Waites asked, looking hungrily at his meal. 
“Wait?” Jasper asked. “For who?”
Randallin held up a finger. “For whom, young Jasper. For whom.”
Jasper’s cheeks colored. “Of course. For, uh. For whom?” He mimicked Randallin’s accent as best he could, earning him a hearty laugh from the older men, and a subtle, one-sided smirk from Prue.
Their curiosity, however, did not have to last for long. The front door burst open, and in walked Satish Runwell with a colorful, almost glittering flourish -- a leading man taking his rightful place on stage.
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cooldragon96 · 6 years
An Ogre Love Affair
Here it is! The Shrek/Twilight crossover that absolutely no one asked for! I added in a bunch of bullshit so it would make sense that shrek and edward existed in the same universe. Heavily inspired by all of the twilight fanfiction I read at 14 years old xoxo
Genre: fluff
Wordcount: ~1800
Shrek was at another of the Cullen’s infamous parties – the perks of being a non-human creature. Bodies sway in front of him in a variety of clothing – short dresses and bright shirts. The Cullens had just come back from another battle against the newly evil Volturi and were celebrating their victory. Shrek had been part of the mission, in the safety of his own home in Far, Far, Away. The Cullens would often write him to ask about battle strategy, never asking him to actually join the fight. The Volturi had learned of Far, Far, Away, and believed the creatures that lived there would expose the magical realm to humans. Their plan was to eradicate all magic beings other than vampires and werewolves, as they believed the others were too wild to be controlled. The Cullen family fought tirelessly for a little more than a year to protect a land they had never visited, had hardly heard of before the Volturi planned their execution. 
Shrek stopped dancing with his friends and walked over to the bar for another drink. Leaning on the bar was the amazing Edward Cullen, a glass of whisky in his hand. His eyes have been Shrek all night yet he still hadn’t said anything. It wasn’t a secret that the relatively young vampire was anxious to date again after his divorce with Bella. She broke his heart, but years had passed and he knew he deserved love again. 
The bartender hands Shrek another glass of coke – more than one glass of alcohol was not a good idea, especially around Alice Cullen who had been trying to play match maker for him for nearly a year now. Shrek tended to become aggressively flirty when drunk, and really wanted to sleep around less. He was newly divorced, just like the Cullen vampire, and was trying to get out of his phase where he slept with anything that would give him a second glance. Shrek wanted to move on, to have a stable and healthy relationship with another creature. Edward just so happened to catch his eye.
Shrek gives the vampire a smile. “You gonna stand there staring at me all night, or are you actually going to ask me to dance?”
Edwards cheeks flush red, which should have been impossible considering he was dead and has no blood. “Ummm…” Edward struggled to answer him. He had been intently watching Shrek the entire night, because Shrek was the one person other than Bella whose mind was completely closed off to him. He had to rely on conversation and body language to determine what the ogre was feeling, which was a challenge for him. 
“Caught red-handed staring I’m afraid, Cullen,” Shrek laughs, taking a sip of his drink.
“I’m sorry,” Edward murmurs in that frustrating way he does, moving away from Shrek and towards the rest of the party guests. Shrek sighs, staring into his coke. With his large ogre head and inability to talk sweetly to shy vampires, he figured he’d be alone for a long while. 
“Damn, what did you do this time Shrek?” None other than Shrek’s best friend Donkey stands on his hind legs in the place of the bartender, a furry eyebrow raised. How a creature with hooves was supposed to make drinks no one knew, but would not risk the wrath of his fire-breathing wife by asking questions.
“I asked him if he was going to ask me to dance.” Shrek don’t take his eyes of off Edward who was now standing next to his siblings Alice and Jasper across the room. They were whispering furiously, in the way that vampires do. “I must have scared him off, the alcohol must have made me too cocky.”
“You didn’t scare him, you ogre,” Another voice had joined the conversation. Shrek turned and saw Emmet, another vampire of the Cullen clan. Emmet was actually closest to Shrek of the vampires. His large stature and friendly nature reminded him of an oversized Donkey that also wanted to suck his rare, Ogre blood.  
“Every time we would write to you in Far, Far, Away he would anxiously wait by the window for your returning carrier pigeon. Whenever we throw an event like this, he pesters Carlisle about whether or not you’ve RSVP’d, or if your invitation has even made it to you. He likes you, he just didn’t expect someone like you to like him back.” Emmet and Donkey laugh, seeing that Shrek still hasn’t stopped looking at Edward.
“Like him back?!” Shrek’s ogre voice feels all too loud over the music as he spins to look at Donkey and Emmet. His glass clinks back aggressively onto the bar surface, often times Shrek forgets his own strength.
 “Of course I like him back! Why wouldn’t I? He’s gorgeous and funny and loyal and has beautiful golden eyes and sparkling skin and-”
“Maybe you should tell him that yourself, you dumb ogre,” Donkey laughs, gesturing behind the ogre with a hoof.
Shrek’s stomach drops. His cow-sized heart began to beat faster, his hands perspiring, and if his skin wasn’t green it would be reddening rapidly. He turns on his heel, seeing golden eyes that appear lit from within. 
‘Words. Say something to him!’ Shrek’s inner monologue screams. But he can’t, he’s uncharacteristically speechless.
Edward smiles, the action lighting up his vampire face. “You gonna stand there staring at me all night, or actually talk to me, Ogre?”
Shrek take a deep breath, shaking his head. “I believe that was my line, Cullen.”
 From the corner of his eye he can see Donkey and Emmet walking away, giving the two some privacy but staying close enough to hear their conversation. 
“Edward, call me Edward.” The vampire holds out his hand for the ogre to take as slow song bleeds from the speakers. His smile is now a full-fledged vampire smirk. 
Shrek nods, letting himself be lead to the dancefloor by the taller creature. He wanted to pull away, to run out the front door all the way back to Far, Far, Away. The last time Shrek had slow danced was at his wedding with Fiona, and even that had been a trainwreck. To slowly dance with his crush in front of all of his friends and allies? A nightmare. 
Edward watched the emotions run across the ogre’s face. 
“Do you know how to waltz?” The vampire murmured. Shrek shook his head and looked down at his large ogre feet, embarrassed. 
“I guess I’ll have to teach you, then,” the old vampire responded, a smirk on his pale face. 
“Right, you're gonna want to place both of your hands just above my waist.” 
Edward instructed the adjacent ogre. “Not that low.” He smirked, pulling up the hands Shrek had wrapped around Edward’s buttocks. The fire beneath Shrek’s cheeks raged as he cursed his uncoordinated hands for groping the vampire in the middle of the dance floor.
“Now we're just gonna slowly step back and forth within rhythm to the song, okay? Nothing too tricky, you’ve got this,” The ogre simply nodded with the same blood rushed cheeks as Edward placed his arms around Shrek’s thick green neck. They swayed together for about two songs before Edward laid his head on Shrek’s shoulder.
“I’m sorry I walked away earlier,” Edward murmurs in the ogre’s ear, gently tightening his hold on him as they continued to waltz. 
Shrek felt a chill down his fleshy back. He’d imagined being this close to the vampire before, but he had never thought it would actually happen. “Walked? You ran, Cullen, with full vampire speed. Fled the scene like a criminal.”
“I was asking Carlisle to put on a slow song for us.” Edward lifted his head, staring down at Shrek with his smirk. “Besides, I was a criminal really, after what I heard from Emmet and Donkey it sounds like I’ve stolen your heart.”
“Oh…” Shrek struggle to maintain coherent thoughts as Edward led him around the dancefloor. Shrek struggled to think of a clever response, his previous playboy attitude seemed to have disintegrated once the vampire’s arms pulled him close. 
“Not so cocky now, Ogre?” Edward murmurs again, spinning the couple around with the grace only a vampire could have.
“Whoop! Get in there, Shrek!” Donkey calls from the other side of the dancefloor with his dragon wife. “Careful, Ogre, he’s still a vampire.” Donkey, as per usual, burst the romantic bubble that surrounded the two creatures. 
Shrek takes Edward’s hand, leading him onto the balcony. “Let’s leave that ass in here.” “Be safe!” Donkey yells after them both.
Shrek shakes his head, laughing and leaning on the balcony rail. “You should have told me you liked me sooner, Cullen.” 
“Well…” Edward runs a hand through his red-brown hair. His muscles ripple through the thin fabric of his shirt. “I didn’t think you’d like me back, Shrek. You’re amazing.”
Shrek laughs in disbelief, taking Edward’s hands in his own and staring him deep into his vampire eyes. “Edward Anthon Masen Cullen, I’ve liked you since I first saw you all those years ago.”
“You first saw me when I was in battle,” Edward sighs. “Killing other vampires.”
“Killing the enemy, Cullen.” Shrek takes a step towards Edward, his confidence slowly returning. 
“It was still killing a living creature, Shrek. No matter how many people my actions save, I still mourn the deaths of those I must kill,” Edward shakes his head, eyes clouding over. Shrek knows he’s thinking of the lives he’s ended protecting Bella, the woman who broke his heart and left him. 
“Don’t forget, vampire, you also saved Far, Far, Away, therefore you saved me,”
 Shrek whispers, taking another step towards the vampire and squeezing his hands gently. “I wouldn’t be here without you. Do you remember when the Volturi said that all storybook characters were a threat to their way of life? And that all of Far Far Away should be burned in order to keep us from being known by humans? You didn’t have to risk your life to battle ancient vampires for a bunch of strangers, but you did. And I tried my hardest to stop myself falling for you afterwards, but it didn’t work. So here we are.”
Edward doesn’t say anything, holding the ogre’s gaze. Shrek’s gaze falls to the vampire’s lips just as his falls to the ogre’s.
Shrek chortles in his ogre way, a smirk forming on his green lips. “You gonna stand there staring at me all night, or are you actually going to kiss me, Cullen?”
Edward laughs quietly, as a vampire does, dipping Shrek to the side with his vampire strength. His gold eyes sparkle as he winks. “I thought you’d never ask, Ogre.” Edward places his death cold lips against Shrek’s, the sound of applause sounding from inside Cullen mansion.
fin x
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kimmyiewrites · 6 years
Moving On ~ Chpt 5
Things were going well, surprisingly well. Bex had yet to meet the sister but she had met quite a few new faces that added to their tree. She had made herself an asset and the Capello’s couldn’t risk letting her loose. With the help of Nolan Cooper, Owen Collins and William Phillips; pack mules working for the Capello’s turned criminal informants for Bex and Declan, Bex was able to bring in two more agents with her for the pack mule job. Agents Miles Stewart and Gabriel Parker helped Bex fill in the rest of the photos for the Capello soldier role.
There was Piero Damiani, Samuele Capello and Jasper King. With each of these men revealed more pieces to the puzzle were uncovered. They uncovered that a few of the Damiani’s were involved. The Damiani’s were Luka’s mother’s family. Piero was the younger brother to Michele, who was placed as a Capo for the Capello family. Samuele was a nephew to Giovanni and the younger brother to Nicolas, who is another capo and the eldest son to Alessandro, the younger brother to Giovanni and the consigliere to the family. A capo is like a captain leading soldiers. A consigliere is the counselor or advisor to the boss.
Not everything can be smooth sailing however. Bex was touching up her make up when Lua stormed into the bathroom. She was staying at his apartment for the weekend since the Capello’s were throwing a benefit dinner for Senator Julian Roberts. The sound of the door slamming against the wall startled her, causing her to poke herself in the eye with her mascara wand.
“Do you think I’m an idiot?!” Luka yelled as Bex blinked constantly until the burning sensation stopped.
“No, I think I’m the idiot for stabbing myself in the eye with my mascara!” She replied.
“Now is not the time for your wit, Rebecca.” He hissed as he pulled her to face him. “Declan told me he knew you when he worked for the feds. Are you using me? Did you think you would get away with it?”
Bex froze, her eye was still burning like mad but she needed to focus in order to get out of this. “Babe -”
“Don’t babe me. Tell me the truth, Rebecca.”
“Fine, Luka, you want to know the truth? You got played but not by me. Declan’s just jealous of us and wanted us to split. I am no way working with the feds. I avoid them. They take all you worked for away from you. Why would I want to work for them?”
“You swear on your life that you are not working for them?”
Bex nodded. “I swear on my life that I’m not working for the feds.”
Luka breathed a sigh of relief. He had been more heartbroken than anything when Declan had told him that. Bex had made working for the family fun and he didn’t mind it so much anymore. If their relationship had been a whole lie he would have gone mad. He wiped a mascara tainted tear away and kissed her forehead. “I’m sorry that I didn’t trust you and that I made you poke your eye with your mascara. How about I make it up to you by treating you to a good time tonight?”
Bex smiled, glad that this seemed to have blown over. She vowed to herself though that she would have a few choice words with Declan tonight. “Sounds like a plan to me. Just need to get my shoes on and I’m ready to go.”
They arrived shortly to the Library of Congress. The main lobby before reaching the many rows of books was being used as the ballroom of sorts where all of the guests could mix and mingle. Bex always loved coming to the library. She could get lost in it for hours taking in the architecture or reading one of the many books they had and have done so on multiple occasions.
When the two arrived, Declan met Bex’s gaze with a shocked one. He had hoped that his plan would have worked. He knew that Bex was close, knew how good Bex was and he couldn’t have her ruin what he had going for him. He knew that as soon as the Capello’s came down, he would be out of a job and out of a life of freedom.
Luka kissed Bex’s cheek, smiling apologetically as he is beckoned away to do some work related things. Bex replies with a reassuring smile before giving him a sweet kiss. As Luka left, a waiter with a tray of champagne walked by and Bex plucked a flute off before making her way to where Declan was standing. She stood next to him, looking out at the party goers and sipping on her drink. “Well, you certainly get an A plus for effort.” Bex finally said.
Declan chuckled uncomfortably, maybe he could talk her out of this, maybe he could even talk her into joining the Capello’s like he did. “You’re getting awfully close, Bex but it seems like you’re really enjoying Luka’s company. Are you sure you really want to take down the Capello’s?”
Bex snorted. “Yeah, I should get an Oscar after this case. Luka’s alright, not my cup of tea though. So why exactly did you try to get me killed? Don’t you want this case to be over? You can finally go home and not have to watch your back.”
He popped one of the horderves in his mouth, thoroughly chewing it before answering. “You don’t get it Bex. I don’t want this to end. I won’t be able to have my life back if it does.”
Then it clicked and Bex nearly dropped her drink. She turned to finally face Declan with wide eyes and she swore her jaw was on the floor. The look on his face confirmed what she had pieced together. He was no longer working for the FBI, he was working for the Capello’s. She slowly began to back away. “I’m not going to stop, not until you and this whole operation is stopped.”
Bex had to leave. She couldn’t breathe. It felt like she had been hit in the stomach. All that she believed about her fellow agents had been ripped out from under her. She needed to leave. She needed to figure this out, wrap her head around it. She needed Mike.
“Whoa, you don’t look so good.” A voice said before an arm was wrapped around her shoulders.
Bex looked over and there was the person she was hoping to meet tonight. “Yeah, it must have been something I ate. You’re Izzy, right? Your brother talks a lot about you.” She smiled.
The other woman returned the smile. “Yeah, that would be me. Luka speaks a lot about you as well, Bex. How about we sneak away and take a seat until whatever has you down passes?”
Bex nodded. “That sounds lovely.”
The two walk further into the library and stop to sit when the music can no longer be heard. “I’ll have to make sure to tell Luka to yell at the cook for making you not feel well.”
Bex laughed. “He would do it too but that’s not necessary. Thank you though.”
“You know, I didn’t really want to even come to this thing? Everyone in that room either knows what my family does or is completely clueless that the senator is on our payroll.”
“Senator Roberts is on your payroll?” Bex asked, oh this night was just getting better.
“Yeah, you didn’t know? He’s the one leading the whole keep our second amendment rights battle so it’ll be easier for dad to transport his weapons and ammo.” Izzy rolled her eyes, clearly not agreeing with her father’s practices.
“Huh, I honestly had no clue. I’m just the money girl.” Bex laughed.
“Oh, trust me, to Luka you are much more than the money girl.”
The two shared a smile before Izzy stood. “I guess I better get back out there before father sends the search party. Take all the time you need. I’ll let Luka know you aren’t feeling well.”
“Thanks, Izzy but I think I’m just gonna sneak out the side and head home. I’m not going to be much company right now anyways.”
Izzy nodded. “I wish I could do the same thing. You feel better then. It was good to finally meet you Bex.”
“You as well, Izzy and thanks.” The two women gave each other a hug before going their separate ways.
Bex pulled out her phone and gave Mike a call as she made her way out of the library. When he didn’t answer the first time, she began to worry and called him once again, thankfully he answered the second time.
“Hey, sorry I didn’t answer at first. Was finishing up some stuff at the bank and didn’t want to lose count.” He apologized.
“I’m just glad you’re okay. Are you still there?” Bex asked as she stood on the street trying to flag down a taxi.
“Yeah, what’s wrong? Aren’t you supposed to be at the gala thing tonight?”
“Yeah but I’ve got some info that just can’t wait. Meet you at the bank or should I go somewhere else?”
“No, the bank’s good. I’ll see you in a few then?”
Bex finally got one to stop as she answered. “Yeah, just got a cab. See you soon.” As she got into the back of the car, they hung up. Bex told the address to the driver and the rest of the ride was quiet as she contemplated what she had to do next. This case just got so much bigger than what she was anticipating.
Mike met her outside, offering her his coat when he noticed her shiver a bit at the cool breeze. She took it gratefully and followed him inside. “You look beautiful, by the way. I’m sure he forgot to tell you that.”
“Mike Warren, are you jealous?” She teased.
“What? No.” He emphasized with a shake of his head causing Bex to giggle.
She wrapped her arms around his and leaned her head on his shoulder. “Thanks, Mike.”
He smiled and patted her hands with his. “Now what is this urgent information or did you just say that cause you missed me?” He teased her once they settled into his makeshift office.
Bex giggled. “You got me. It’s really only because I missed you.”
“Really?” Mike asked, shocked that his teasing was actually right.
Bex smiled. “No, that’s not it really but I have missed you. We’ll have to have a jelly crescent eating party when this is all over.” She laughed causing Mike to join in with her.
“Well, that certainly sounds like a plan to me. So what did you find out tonight?”
Bex took a deep breath to prepare herself for what she was about to say next. “Declan has been burned. He is now on the payroll and who knows how long that’s been going on. Oh, and Senator Roberts is also linked with the Capello’s. He’s leading their little make sure gun laws are still wide open as possible so it doesn’t hurt their business.”
Mike couldn’t respond right away. He was processing through what Bex had just told him. He was afraid something like this could be happening. This was why he was nervous to take this case so close after all that happened at Graceland. He too took a deep breath before speaking, after all he had Bex and this wasn’t Graceland and everything was going to work out, right? “Well, then it looks like we need to factor these two in our takedown plan.”
Bex nodded. “Looks like it, indeed.”
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tanyaodebra · 5 years
You 2.2: “Just the Tip” – Of the Iceberg
“Just the Tip” opens on a fish market, because so many things about both Joe and Love are very fucking fishy. Catfish, anyone? (The penis-y title paired with a vaginal allusion has not gone unnoticed, btw.) Our resident cool girl saunters from table to table loudly demonstrating her seafood savvy, so I’m holding strong to the idea that she might be baiting our antihero to serve him on a platter. Unable to stay in reality for two consecutive minutes, Joe takes a stroll down memory lane to the moment he believes his Love story began – one whole week ago with his arrival at LAX. There he spots a celeb to whom he immediately and favorably compares himself by employing the ultimate backdoor brag, praising himself for being so humble. Must be tough to be perfect.
The next stop on Joe’s journey to Love brings us to the inception of his new identity, where the real Will Bettelheim shows just how much he deserves everything that’s coming to him by daring to bitch about GMOs and the state of animal farming in Joe’s presence. Joe has hired Will to scrub his identity, but that’s not good enough for our Joe. As usual, he wants what he can’t, or shouldn’t, have; in this case, it’s Will’s identity. In a moment of cosmic irony, Will blurts out the whole conceit for You, that no one ever suspects white guys. He quickly feels the consequences of his own miscalculation as Joe cracks his skull with a cement brick. The timeline jumps ahead close to where we left off at the end of the last episode, when Joe is trying to figure out who Jasper is and why he came looking for Will. Shocker, the guy Joe hired off Craigslist and who had to scrub his own identity is into some shady shit. Looks like Will owes Dark Web Jasper three large for services never rendered. This is no sweat for a professional book counterfeiter like Joe, especially since LA is full of dumb-dumbs who will buy anything. Something about this feels a little too easy.
Back to the fishmonger’s ball where Love, who is serving major Liv Tyler in Empire Records vibes, demonstrates that she has absolutely zero healthy boundaries by kissing Joe for the first time completely out of the blue. A sucker for “romance,” Joe takes his own slapshot in this game of tonsil hockey and gets nothing but net with the catch of the day. Uh-oh, look out. Is that… Beck lurking in the shadows? Ex-girlfriends, amirite? They just don’t know when to stay dead and buried. Lucky for Joe, she’s vanished as swiftly as she appeared. In the meantime, Joe the daydreamer has missed Love’s proposition: lunch with her friends. If memory serves, Joe wasn’t too fond of his old girlfriend’s pals. In fact, he even murdered one (RIP Peach Salinger). That Love is pressing Joe to meet her buddies so soon might be another hint that she is fucking with him. Or maybe she’s a big old roll of cling-wrap attempting to cover the world’s deepest black hole, and now he’s going for a walk on the stalk-ee side of the street. Either way, it’s pretty karmic.
Out at the dumpster behind Anavrin, an affable fellow calls out to Joe, or rather, to Will. Jasper (Steven W. Bailey) isn’t nearly as scary as we may have imagined, and it seems Joe will be able to pay up and be done with the whole messy business – that is, until Joe discovers Will owes fifty grand, not three. And here’s where the joke in the title of the episode pays off. Jasper cuts off the tip of Joe’s pinky finger, throws it on ice and keeps it as collateral for the balance of the debt, all with a smile on his face. Looks like Joe should have listened to his mentor, Ellie, when she called the guy a creep. When Joe circles back to the plexiglass prison where he’s storing the real Will, he finds a sniveling mess in dire need of his meds. Even though Will can barely function, he’s somehow able to recall a fifty thousand-dollar IOU Joe can claim. In order to hunt those ducats, Joe must cancel his lunch date with Love and her squad. Upon receiving the news, Love, who knows no bounds, returns a text with a fucking phone call. Like, I don’t believe in The Rules, but come on. Show a modicum of chill. Of course, Lonely Boy doesn’t have any boundaries either, so he finds this adorable. He comes up with an alibi blaming Forty, which Love does not seem to buy, and decides to go to the lunch anyway in the capacity of a cap-wearing creep peeping from behind a plant. To Joe’s surprise, the group decides they like the sound of him, and he reciprocates with his own stamp of approval. It seems Beck’s ghost does not approve of Joe’s happiness, because here she is again, cockblocking from the other side.
Remember Joe has a severed finger? He finally does, too. Joe must endure a noontime LA party to find Will’s debtor, Rufus, endearingly named in a nod to Penn Badgley’s Gossip Girl father. Guests at the party just will not believe that Joe is not John Mayer, and they honestly might be right. Dude looks EXACTLY like John Mayer, a true fact that I hadn’t noticed before. As he traipses around the party, he spots the celeb from the airport –  a comedian named Hendy (Chris D’Elia). Guess who else is at this party? Delilah the landlady. Small world made smaller by the fact that she knows Rufus, and also Hendy. When he notice’s Joe’s hand, Hendy recommends the same microsurgeon as Jake, which shores up Joe’s good opinion of Hendy earlier earned in a brief Google search. Delilah vehemently disagrees, storming out of the party. We learn later that Hendy raped her when she was seventeen. Delilah points to this experience as the reason she sees right through Joe’s bullshit – she knows he’s bad news and she warns him to stay away from her and Ellie. Back at the party, Joe finds Rufus who hands over a huge bag, not of money but of pills – Will’s meds.
Joe doubles back to his (or Will’s) place to tend to his wound, and of course Love turns up uninvited, and she is displeased. You guys, I fucking love soap operas. Guess who Forty is to her? Her fucking TWIN BROTHER! I live for this shit. According to common knowledge, twins share everything, so now Love knows Joe lied about his reason for bailing on her friends. While Joe spins some wild yarn in his head about doing all this crazy shit so they can be together, she whips out the dead husband card in order to emotionally strongarm Joe into being her boyfriend. And since this is exactly the type of shit Joe lives for, everybody’s favorite ghost steals the scene again, which makes Joe flip his lid. It’s like, can’t a guy do a few little murders and then live in blissful peace? Love draws the line at yelling (boy is she in for a surprise if she gets to see his true colors) and hightails it out of there. Perfect, because Joe really needs to see to that finger.
Joe meets Jasper at the storage unit. Seeing that he’s never going to raise his dough from the whimpering puddle otherwise known as Will, Jasper lunges at Joe. But Joe is a seasoned killer and he takes Jasper out lickety-split, butchering him Sweeney Todd-style and ditching trash bags filled with his ground-up body in a dumpster. Right alongside this scene, Love hacks away at a rack of lamb with a large butcher knife. As she prepares the rest of her dinner, she cracks a couple of eggs with one hand. Vivisected balls much? Joe shows up at Love’s door – even that psychopath knows to text first – and he bravely drops the knowledge he learned from Beck’s ghost; it’s not that he’s afraid of getting hurt, it’s that he’s afraid of hurting her. Love does all the heavy lifting for him and warps this loud siren into whatever she wants to hear, which is that they need to be in a relationship. Let me remind you once again that it has only been ONE WEEK. Love pulls the classic high school move of claiming friendship when her motives of partnering are so, so transparent. Both are playing this game, though, so Joe is delighted by her willingness to wait for him. Aw! Gross!
And just like that, old Joe is right back in his comfort zone – panty-snatchin’ and trophy-hidin’. This is a pretty high bar to set for episode two; Joe’s only been in LA for one week and he’s already got a body count. Can’t wait for episode three! See You then!
0 notes
Foreigner and Fascist: Malaparte in Paris
Diary of a Foreigner in Paris, Curzio Malaparte, NYRB Classics, May 2020, 288 pages
In a century when so many intellectuals made the leap from communism to the Right, Curzio Malaparte was one of the few who traveled in the opposite direction. Born in 1898, he was a wunderkind of Italian fascism in his twenties, haunting the cafes of Florence with Filippo Marinetti and the Futurists and taking part in Mussolini’s March on Rome at the age of 24. His career as a fascist intellectual peaked in the early 1930s as he tried to push Mussolini in a more populist direction from the editor’s chair of various periodicals, including the daily La Stampa. World War II put a seal on a decade of gradual disillusionment, and by the time of his death in 1957, Malaparte had become such an enthusiastic Maoist that he left his house in Capri to the Chinese people for use as an artists’ colony.
The last place someone with Malaparte’s past would want to be, one would think, was Paris in 1947. The Épuration was in full swing. Robert Brasillach had recently been tried and executed and Charles Maurras sentenced to life in prison, proving that even writers could be punished for crimes of collaboration. Yet Malaparte was drawn to the city despite the risks, and in his two years there he managed to produce two plays for the Paris stage, write at least one book, and meet such luminaries as Jean-Paul Sartre, Jean Cocteau, and André Malraux.
Unsurprisingly, the luminaries greeted him coldly. Diary of a Foreigner in Paris, published this month by NYRB Classics, records a scathing dinner party encounter with Albert Camus, who fixes Malaparte with a death stare from the moment he walks in. Another guest asks Malaparte to give his opinion of one of Mussolini’s former cabinet ministers. “Camus, without looking at me, replied that all these men, assassins, etc., should be shot.” Malaparte shrugs off the insult as a young man trying “to give himself the air of a Saint-Just,” but can’t resist describing for the reader an elaborate fantasy scene where Camus points a rifle at his blindfolded head in a one-man firing squad—and misses.
The left-wing intellectuals’ contempt for Malaparte was amply returned. “I wonder what the hell Camus ever did to have the right to shoot others,” Malaparte scoffs. He dismisses Sartre as a man of postures rather than ideas, and not even good postures at that. “It seems to me excessive to trouble Kierkegaard, Jaspers, and Heidegger, the concepts of angst and existence, to justify an entire generation of misfits who are not pederasts but pretend to be, who are not poor but pretend to be, who are not bohemian but pretend to be,” he sneers.
The Parisians seemed to him like creatures of fashion, and Malaparte was the opposite of fashionable. He was a true contrarian. All of his ideological gyrations, otherwise so baffling and self-contradictory, can be explained by that. How else to make sense of spending an entire career as an anti-communist only to turn into a Soviet sympathizer in the 1950s, of all decades? Malaparte admits his willful perversity in the Diary. “I believe in noble sentiments only before they become rhetoric,” he writes. 
If it seemed to me right to fight the Germans and the Fascists when they were powerful, today I cannot bear the rhetoric that has been made of the struggle against the Fascists and the Germans. Above all I disdain those who have turned their participation in that struggle into a profitable occupation, and the sole reason for their existence.
This claim to have struggled against fascism, which he repeats often in his Paris diary for obvious reasons, is not quite the whole truth. True, Mussolini exiled Malaparte to Capri for sedition in 1933, but that was more of a factional squabble than genuine rebellion. True, the Gestapo kicked him out of the Ukraine in 1941 for writing about German atrocities in the Corriere della Serra, but Mussolini quickly rescued him and reassigned him to cover the war in Finland. Malaparte would not have been welcomed in 1942 as an honored guest at the diplomatic court of Hans Frank, Nazi governor-general of Poland, if he had not been a fascist in good standing.
Malaparte was a chronic embellisher, and not only when political self-interest demanded it. His two best works, Kaputt and The Skin, are thinly fictionalized versions of his war experiences in Nazi-occupied Europe and Allied-occupied Naples, respectively. The books’ power to mesmerize lies in their surrealistic flourishes: a lake in Finland where half-submerged horses lay trapped in grotesque attitudes after a flash freeze; the dictator of Croatia offering Malaparte a basket of human eyeballs, calling them “Dalmatian oysters”; an American officers’ dinner in Naples where guests feast on the choicest fruits de mer from the local aquarium, including manatee.
But Malaparte should not be dismissed as a mere fabulist. For one thing, his varied career did take him to all the places he wrote about. He really was in Jassy the night of the 1941 pogrom, as he describes in Kaputt. He did not invent stories from whole cloth. For another thing, wartime Europe was a more surreal place than the modern reader may appreciate. American officers really did eat the tropical fish out of the Naples aquarium; fresh fish were unavailable because the harbor was mined and boats weren’t allowed out.
When the Germans invaded Budapest in 1944, an Italian fascist diplomat named Giorgio Perlasco pretended to be “Jorge” the Spanish consul and, with the help of stolen embassy stamps and the passable Spanish he had picked up fighting for Franco in the 1930s, manufactured exit visas for thousands of escaping Jews. Malaparte’s war experience was less unique than one might think, both in its bizarre spectacles and in his willingness to resist the Nazis despite being a fascist himself.
Diary of a Foreigner in Paris is neither as surreal nor as satisfying as Kaputt and The Skin. It is disappointing in much the same way as Ernst Jünger’s Paris diaries, also recently translated into English after decades out of print. When A German Officer in Occupied Paris: The War Journals 1941–1945 was published last year, American readers searched it eagerly for insights into Jünger, that most intellectual of fascists, whose aristocratic dignity always stood in such contrast to Hitler’s rabble. Alas, there was none to be found.
Jünger, like Malaparte, met with the cream of Parisian artists and intellectuals, from Pablo Picasso to Sacha Guitry, and like Malaparte he was the rare fascist intelligent enough to converse with them as an equal. But a wall of suspicion remained. Even with all the incentives of occupation urging the French to make Jünger feel welcome, they gave him little beyond superficial chit chat. Whatever maelstrom of emotion these Frenchmen were feeling, they were not about to reveal to a German. This barrier of reserve remained after the war, and Malaparte, for all his social butterflying, never managed to break through it.
At one point in the Diary, Malaparte is introduced to Henriette Caillaux, the notorious murderess who shot the editor of Le Figaro in 1914 over the paper’s repeated slanders of her husband, finance minister Joseph Caillaux. The now aged Madame Caillaux does not extend her hand when they meet, and Malaparte deduces that it is because “assassins are always afraid that people will refuse to shake a hand that has killed.” He is so convinced that his own hands are clean that he never quite grasps that Frenchmen, too, might be particular about the hands they shake.  
Helen Andrews is a senior editor at The American Conservative.
The post Foreigner and Fascist: Malaparte in Paris appeared first on The American Conservative.
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mrmichaelchadler · 6 years
Dear Roger: I Can't Believe Our Film Festival is Twenty Years Old!
Dear Roger,
I find it hard to believe that our film festival is 20 years old! In the beginning there was Cyberfest and the birthday party for Hal 9000, the computer from Stanley Kubrick’s movie “2001: A Space Odyssey.” And then Dean Kim Rotzoll and Nancy Casey in the College of Media at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign asked you to hold a film festival for one year that would reflect what you would find satisfying. You brought in gems of independent movies, and all manner of genres from silent black-and-white films to 70 mm masterpieces. Of course once you had done it for one year, you considered it a tradition, and so there we were planning for the next year on our ride back home. And here we are twenty years later. 
When you took your "Leave of Presence" on April 4th, 2013, I had a very difficult decision to make about whether to continue the festival. Actually, the decision the first year wasn't too difficult because by then we had the festival organized and we were making plans for you to attend. But once we learned you wouldn't be there with us, Nate and I took a look at the somewhat unusual line-up you insisted upon, with a choir of singers onstage for Orson Welles' "Chimes at Midnight" followed by a melancholy short video by Grace Wang about a woman mourning her dead lover, and then segueing into "The Ballad of Narayama" about the villagers who took its old people up the mountain to meet the gods when they were 70 years old (you were 70 years old). We had Paul Cox's elegiac "The Life and Death of Vincent Van Gogh" and your beloved Tilda Swinton with "Julia." And with each screening, we realized that you knew you wouldn't be there. It was so sad that it left us all in tears, including me and Tilda sobbing in each others' arms, as she had recently lost her mother. We concocted a plan to cheer things up and Tilda, Goddess that she is, led the whole auditorium into a dance-a-thon. We pranced and swirled and clapped our hands and danced around so joyfully that it changed the mood to one of a celebration in a great Temple of Cinema. 
This film festival production definitely takes a village. I am so grateful to Nate Kohn, the festival director who has been with us from the beginning, and for the unwavering support from your alma mater, the University of Illinois, including Interim dean Wojtek Chodzko-Zajko, President Timothy Killeen and his wife Dr. Roberta M. Johnson, and Chancellor Robert J. Jones. Huge thanks to the beautiful movie palace, the Virginia Theater and the Champaign County Park District. We have some amazing supportive donors and sponsors both old and new including Betsy Hendrick of Hendrick House, the Robeson Family, Marsha Woodbury, Champaign County Alliance for Inclusion and Respect, Shatterglass Studios, Lynda Weinman and Bruce Heavin, The Hollywood Foreign Press Association, Brand Fortner, Steak N' Shake, the African-American Film Critics Association, Carlton Bruett, Roger and Joanne Plummer, Glenn Poor's Audio Video, Laurel Leone and Steve Bellamy, LA Gourmet Catering, SAG-Indie, Fandor, The Welch Family Foundation, Brenda Robinson and Greenberg Glusker, Busey Bank, Jeanene & Rick Stephens, Fandor, Chipman Design Architecture, the Daily Illini and the News-Gazette and many more too numerous to name here. We couldn't have existed for twenty years without our loyal audience and of course our special guests of filmmakers and film critics and scholars who all have contributed to making this one of the most satisfying of film festivals. And last, but certainly not least, eternal gratitude to our illustrious Volunteer-troop. I am so proud of this festival. 
We collaborated and experimented with various types of films and guests, and stage cues, and indeed we have had to change some things over the years, but the goal has remained the same, to bring together a community of film lovers to celebrate cinema under some of the best conditions possible, in the hope that we would emerge from the theater slightly better than when we entered it. The enthusiasm of festivalgoers each year—both return customers and new faces—has exceeded our wildest expectations.  And I daresay you would be thrilled at this year’s line-up. 
But before I tell you about the films, I want to honor four people who passed away recently who were important to us at the festival. First, Mary Frances Fagan, whom you dubbed our “Guardian Angel,” because as a spokeswoman for American Airlines, she helped to bring in guests from all over the world at a crucial time in the festival’s development. She passed away in February surrounded by many friends and family who loved her. Her Memorial Service took place April 14th in Chicago at the Museum of Broadcast Communications. We are also saddened at the deaths of Leonard Doyle and Sharen (Sherry) Slade who greeted us so cheerfully over the years. They were among some of the best and most devoted Volunteers at the Virginia Theater, and were both pillars of the community. We will bestow prizes in their names at the festival this year to keep them close in our memories.
And just this past Friday, one of your oldest and dearest friends from the University of Illinois, the revered sports writer William (Bill) Nack, left us. You were close pals during your time at the Daily Illini when you were editor and you remained life-long buddies. Bill was one of the finest writers around, not just about sports, but about everything. He loved quoting the last chapter of The Great Gatsby, in fact he did so at our wedding. And he did it on the stage of the Virginia Theater in your honor after you left us. He loved Ebertfest and he will be missed.
Roger, a seismic change has taken place in Hollywood starting with the reckoning over sexual misconduct by powerful men like studio head Harvey Weinstein. It evolved into the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements, which we hope will contribute to the dignity of human interaction, and will also lead to more transformative and equal opportunities for women and people of color. In a nod to those movements, we are spotlighting the work of extraordinary female directors and performers this year. Six out of twelve of our movie selections were directed by women.
We are proud to present a trio of filmmakers I’ve dubbed the Three Queens of Cinema: Ava DuVernay, Julie Dash and Amma Asante. They will be joined at Ebertfest by three more exceptional female directors: Martha Coolidge, Shari Springer Berman and Catherine Bainbridge. For the full line-up of our scheduled guests, make sure to check out our two-part list (click here for Part One and here for Part Two). We will also be highlighting great performances from women such as Laura Dern, Diane Ladd, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Haley Lu Richardson and the 25th anniversary of Jennifer Lopez’s star-making role as “Selena,” not to mention an avant garde actress in a silent classic. I’ll tell you a bit more about each of those later…
Opening our festival this year is one of the greatest cinematic love letters to the city of Chicago ever crafted, Andrew Davis’ 1993 edge-of-your-seat thriller, “The Fugitive.” Adapting the hit 1960s series for the big screen, Davis cast Harrison Ford as Dr. Richard Kimble, a man wrongly accused of his wife’s murder who must prove his innocence, all the while being pursued by the dogged Deputy Gerard (played by Tommy Lee Jones in an Oscar-winning performance). In your four-star review, you praised Davis for transcending genre and showing “an ability to marry action and artistry that deserves comparison with Hitchcock, yes, and also with David Lean and Carol Reed.”
We are welcoming back director Gregory Nava to Ebertfest with his film, “Selena,” the biopic of the Texas-born Tejano singer who rose to the top of the Latin music charts before being murdered by the president of her fan club at age 23. This is the film that made Jennifer Lopez a star, and her riveting portrayal never ceases to move and inspire audiences. You wrote in your three-and-a-half star review, “‘Selena’ succeeds, through Lopez’s performance, in evoking the magic of a sweet and talented young woman. And, like Nava's ‘My Family,’ it's insightful in portraying Mexican-American culture as a rich resource with its own flavor and character.”
Roger, you would be happy to know that Jeff Dowd, who inspired the iconic character of Jeff “The Dude” Lebowski, played by Jeff Bridges in the Coen Brothers’ cult sensation, “The Big Lebowski,” will be with us. You once wrote of him, “I have long known Jeff Dowd. I can easily see how he might have inspired the Dude. He is as tall, as shaggy and sometimes as mood-altered as Jeff Lebowski, although much more motivated. He remembers names better than a politician, is crafty in his strategies, and burns with a fiery zeal on behalf of those films he consents to represent.” 
Once again, the Alloy Orchestra, our friends Terry Donahue, Roger Miller and Ken Winokur, are planning to wow us with a rarely seen silent landmark, this time from Japan. Teinosuke Kinugasa’s 1926 picture, “A Page of Madness” is a drama with a surrealistic dash of horror, following a man’s attempts to free his suicidal wife from an asylum. Kinugasa was part of an avant grade group of Japanese artists dubbed the “Shinkankakuha” (a.k.a. “School of the New Perceptions”), and the original story was credited to future Nobel Prize-winner, Yasunari Kawabata. Lost for 45 years, it was rediscovered by the director in a storehouse, and will be presented at the Virginia Theatre in a pristine print with an all-new live score courtesy of the Alloy Orchestra. (Click here to read Jasper Sharp's article about the film at Midnight Eye.)
One of the most thrilling big screen events at this year’s Ebertfest promises to be the 70 mm print of Christopher Nolan’s Oscar-winning 2014 epic, “Interstellar.” Matthew McConaughey plays an astronaut who volunteers to travel through a wormhole to ensure the survival of his family—and humanity itself. To me, this film illustrates not only empathy for other human beings but empathy for the planet. In fact, the Ebert Center will present an inaugural symposium on Empathy and the Universe in October of 2018, at the University of Illinois. 
Nominated for three major prizes at this year’s Film Independent Spirit Awards, including Best First Feature, writer/director Kogonada’s “Columbus” charts the budding relationship between Jin (John Cho), the Korean-born son of an architect, and Casey (Haley Lu Richardson), a young woman resolved to being a caregiver for her mother. RogerEbert.com critic Sheila O’Malley marveled at how Kogonada and cinematographer Elisha Christian “blend the background into the foreground and vice versa, so that you see things through the eyes of the two architecture-obsessed main characters. Watching the film is almost like feeling the muscles in your eyes shift, as you look up from reading a book to stare out at the ocean. From the very first shot, it's clear that the buildings will be essential. They are a part of the lives unfolding in their shadows. Sometimes it almost seems like they are listening.” 
The first of our six women directors, Ava DuVernay, first met you outside of the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion during rehearsals for the Academy Awards when she was 8 years old. Currently, she has become the first African-American female filmmaker to direct a $100,000,000 movie, “A Wrinkle in Time,” which is a love letter to girls everywhere.
In 2011, she released her first feature, the documentary “I Will Follow,” which you praised as “an invitation to empathy.” Two years after the success of her 2014 Best Picture nominee, “Selma,” DuVernay returned to the nonfiction realm with “13th”, a scathing exploration of injustice in the U.S. justice system. Awarding the film four stars, our critic, Odie Henderson, wrote, “Director Ava DuVernay takes an unflinching, well-informed and thoroughly researched look at the American system of incarceration, specifically how the prison industrial complex affects people of color. Her analysis could not be more timely nor more infuriating. The film builds its case piece by shattering piece, inspiring levels of shock and outrage that stun the viewer, leaving one shaken and disturbed before closing out on a visual note of hope designed to keep us on the hook as advocates for change.” 
Julie Dash’s 1991 classic, “Daughters of the Dust,” is a work of pure cinematic artistry that explores how African mores flourished on the sea islands off the coat of South Carolina and Georgia, where the Gullah culture remained preserved in the 20th century. Since its release, the film has gained a reputation for being one of the greatest independent films ever made, and also loosely inspired Beyoncé’s “Lemonade.” Julie Dash led the way for other woman directors. 
When Amma Asante’s “Belle” premiered at the 2013 Toronto International Film Festival, it was clear that a star had been born both in front of and behind the lens. This was only the second directorial effort of Asante’s career and it affirmed her status as a major talent, while providing a stellar showcase for its leading lady, Gugu Mbatha-Raw. She plays the illegitimate mixed race daughter of a Royal Navy Admiral in 18th century England who is raised by her aristocratic great uncle (Tom Wilkinson). Though her social standing is high, her skin color prevents her from being fully accepted. As she fights to end the scourge of slavery, she falls for an idealistic young man (Sam Reid) who just might be her match. Bilge Ebiri of The Playlist wrote that the film is as much about “being a woman as it is about being black.” Amma Asante did what no one thought was possible, bringing a Jane Austen sensibility to topics of race and slavery. 
Hail Martha Coolidge and her 1991 film, “Rambling Rose”, which succeeds in making history with Diane Ladd and Laura Dern becoming the first mother-daughter duo to earn Academy Award nominations for the same film. You hailed their performances as two of the year’s best, saying, “Laura Dern finds all of the right notes in a performance that could have been filled with wrong ones. Diane Ladd is able to suggest an eccentric yet reasonable Southern belle who knows what is really important.” You also noted that the film likely benefited from being directed by a woman. “Men, I think, are sometimes too single-minded about sex,” you wrote. “Bring up the subject, and it's all they can think about. Coolidge takes this essentially lurid story and frames it with humor and compassion, putting sexuality in context, understanding who Rose really is, and what stuff the family is really made of.”
The so-strange-it-must-be-true life of file clerk Harvey Pekar served as fodder for his comic book alter ego in “American Splendor,” a rigorously unsentimental self-portrait. The 2003 film adaptation of the same name, directed by Shari Springer Berman and her husband, Robert Pulcini, made the inspired choice of juxtaposing the real Pekar with an actor portraying him. That actor turned out to be Paul Giamatti, and the role proved to cement the actor’s status as one of American cinema’s most cherished performers. In your four-star review, you wrote that this “magnificently audacious movie” allows “fact and fiction to coexist in the same frame.” 
Continuing our musical Sundays at Ebertfest, we are happy to present Catherine Bainbridge and Alfonso Maiorana's documentary, “Rumble: The Indians Who Rocked the World”, which earned major prizes at festivals such as Sundance and Hot Docs. It’s an exploration of the crucial and under-appreciated role Native American artists have played in the music industry. Our critic Glenn Kenny writes, “the music of the Shawnee, the Choctaw, the Mohawk, the Apache, and so many other tribes, is in a very real sense the first American music. Race-mixing between African-Americans and Indians resulted in a cultural consciousness that enabled a melding of African music and Indian.” He also believed Link Wray's 1957 guitar instrumental, “Rumble,” is “to modern rock music what the monolith was to those primates in the ‘Dawn of Man’ section of ‘2001: A Space Odyssey.’”
In your honor, for the twentieth anniversary, we are hosting a panel on the future of film criticism and inviting a critical mass of your fellow film critics such as Claudia Puig, the first Latina film critic to head the Los Angeles Film Critics Association; your partner, Richard Roeper, Leonard Maltin, Michael Phillips, Carrie Rickey, Rebecca Theodore-Vachon, Monica Castillo, Matt Zoller Seitz, Brian Tallerico, Matt Fagerholm, Nick Allen, Peter Sobczynski, Sheila O’Malley, Susan Wloszczyna, Nell Minow, Angelica Jade Bastién, Scott Mantz, Sam Fragoso, and Chuck Koplinski. 
In addition to the Critics Panel, we will present other stimulating academic panels such as the one about destigmatizing mental illness through the arts led by Professor Eric Pierson and the Alliance for the Promotion of Acceptance, Inclusion and Respect; and Leveling the Playing Field in the Age of #MeToo, and Dr. Richard Neupert’s Cinema History. You would have no doubt been eager to participate in each of these. 
And finally, on your behalf, Roger, I want to thank Donna and Scott Anderson, and the artist Rick Harney, for the magnificent sculpture of you outside the Virginia Theatre. I thank them and the festival-goers for honoring your memory and keeping your legacy alive. In your spirit of inclusiveness, I encourage everyone to gather around the sculpture to greet each other Friday night when we have the big Street Party with a band and cake and ice cream on the plaza to celebrate this auspicious anniversary. I know, somehow, that you will be there. 
from All Content https://ift.tt/2Hu4CMw
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beyondforks · 7 years
Release Day! Sweet Little Thing by Abbi Glines
Sweet Little Thing (Sweet #1) by Abbi Glines Genre: New Adult (Contemporary Romance) Date Published: September 14, 2017 Publisher: Abbi Glines Publishing LLC Coordinated by: The Next Step PR, LLC
The day her mother passed away, Beulah was only given a name. That was it. No other explanation.
Portia Van Allan was not someone Beulah could believe her mother ever knew. Wealthy, self-absorbed and other than the fact Portia was supplying special care for Beulah’s sister, Portia was cruel.
The day Portia’s son returns home for the summer, Beulah discovers that Portia isn’t in charge. This isn’t her home at all. Her late husband left her with nothing. It all belongs to their son who doesn’t seem to like his mother at all.
Jasper Van Allan doesn’t know why his mother has hired a young gorgeous blonde to take care of the house and almost lets her go before he finds out the truth.
Realizing there’s more to Beulah than a stunning face, he keeps finding reasons to be near her all the time. It’s all falling into place, it all begins to make sense . . . until the real lies, the dark secrets, and the skeletons come tumbling out of the Van Allan closet. Twisted truths that will send Beulah running . . .
iBooks: http://apple.co/2vIgmC5
I was given one day off every week to visit Heidi. The place that Portia paid for her to stay had family day on Sunday, and I visited rain or shine. We ate picnics I had prepared outside under the oak trees at the home. We played kickball, and I pushed Heidi on one of the many swings in the large backyard there. The facility was always full of families and visitors. Heidi had one friend, however, that didn’t ever have family visit. She also had Down syndrome. Her name was May. It bothered Heidi when May was left alone, so we made her a part of our family. I gave her the same special cookie treats I gave Heidi, and she played with us every Sunday. It was what I looked forward to every week. It was all I looked forward to. But today, I wouldn’t be able to see my sister. Today, I would miss my visit. When I called Heidi to explain, she was sad. She didn’t say so, but her voice was quieter. It hurt my heart so much. I hated this. I also hated the people outside at the pool keeping me from visiting my sister. They were all spoiled, wealthy, rude, and full of themselves. All of them. To add to the mayhem, the four boys had multiplied. As the music had gotten louder, the pool area and pool house got busier. The back of the house was alive and overrun with the guests Jasper had over. I had been running in and out of the main house, keeping ice buckets filled with fresh ice, making sure beer was available, and that the bar was stocked with supplies for mixed drinks. When some blonde who looked like she could use a cheeseburger asked me to fetch her a glass of sparkling water and make sure the bubbles were tiny, I almost shoved her into the pool. How was one supposed to make bubbles tiny? Did I blow on it a specific way? Or possibly spit in it? Because I liked the idea of spitting in it. Hurrying back inside, I almost ran into Portia who once again had a glass of whiskey in her hand. It was just after two o’clock in the afternoon. I wasn’t judging, but I wondered if this visit was going to drive her to alcoholism. “You can go tomorrow. Not all day of course. But for a few hours,” Portia said to me apologetically. I paused. Then I looked at her and nodded my understanding. “Thank you.” She knew I was upset and she knew why. Another reason I felt Portia wasn’t all bad. She grimaced. “Don’t. I’m just saying you can go for a few hours. They’ll call if you don’t visit. I would rather not deal with the drama.” With a flounce of her skirt, she walked away. The way her blonde hair floated as she moved reminded me of my mother. I missed my mother. She was nothing like Portia, but that one movement made me remember a happier time. Even if it was Portia that reminded me. The ache in my chest eased knowing I would see Heidi tomorrow. I could take cupcakes—she loved them. That wouldn’t make up for today, but at least it would make her happy and she’d feel special and loved. I never wanted her to feel forgotten. Momma had never made her feel any different than other kids. I knew the home she lived in made her feel different now. But there was no other choice. Portia didn’t want her at her house. “Do you know the difference in sparkling waters?” a deep voice asked me. Startled, I turned to see Winston standing there shirtless. He was wearing a pair of shorts that hung on his hips showing off a muscular build that was hard not to stare at. But I disliked him enough to ignore it. “Why?” I asked him as I walked away. He didn’t respond and I kept walking. He wasn’t my boss. He was the rude friend. I didn’t feel the need to listen to him make fun of my lack of sparkling water knowledge. I could feel him following behind me. I wished he wouldn’t, but other than turning to tell him to go the hell away I was stuck with him. And Jasper didn’t care for me. At least, that was my guess. He wanted Ms. Charlotte and I wasn’t her. Making his friends angry wouldn’t help me keep this job. I needed to make this guy like me or at least approve of me. Opening the fridge that contained ridiculous amounts of different waters—sparkling, mineral, and spring—I reached for the Perrier because differentiating bubble size made no sense. “La Croix, not the Perrier,” Winston said from where he was watching behind me. “Smaller bubbles. It’s a fresher taste. Not that I think Isla knows the difference.” I wanted to ignore him, but I didn’t want to deal with this Isla if I got her the wrong water, so I put the Perrier back and grabbed the La Croix. “Thanks,” I said begrudgingly, and then turned to head back outside.
This is one of my favorite authors! Please check out my reviews of some of her other books!
Abbi Glines is a #1 New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of the Rosemary Beach, Sea Breeze, Vincent Boys, Field Party and Existence series. She never cooks unless baking during the Christmas holiday counts. She believes in ghosts and has a habit of asking people if their house is haunted before she goes in it. She drinks afternoon tea because she wants to be British but alas she was born in Alabama. When asked how many books she has written she has to stop and count on her fingers. When she’s not locked away writing, she is reading, shopping (major shoe and purse addiction), sneaking off to the movies alone, and listening to the drama in her teenagers lives while making mental notes on the good stuff to use later. Don’t judge. You can connect with Abbi online in several different ways. She uses social media to procrastinate.
To learn more about Abbi Glines and her books, visit her website.You can also find her on Goodreads, Facebook, and Twitter.
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garrettkalb399-blog · 7 years
All Aboard For Supper Train.
Therefore, how perform you pull everything with each other on those evenings when one kid has scouts, one possesses sessions or an activity, you possess a conference, and everyone needs to eat - definitely easy? I do like Yorkshire Pudding however our company rarely possess a complete roast supper nowadays such is actually the style, our experts made use of to have this with gravy boat which I presumed was the norm just about everywhere up until I met a gal coming from Birmingham a lot of years earlier. Ozark Cafe, showcasing the greatest Hamburgers as well as Trembles in Jasper Arkansas, Our company provide lunch time, breakfast and dinner 7 days a support you to find greatest places to Dining establishment Jasper Arkansas, Food Places Near Jasper Arkansas Located on the Jasper Square. This might reside in the type from a markdown approximately a specific per-cent for keeps or totally free boarding for children or even possibly a complimentary lunch time or dinner during the course of your keep. The typical area environment has the forks on the left side and also knives (sharp edge experiencing inward towards your layer) as well as spoons on the correct edge from the dinner plate. If you're searching for an example when that pertains to artists' eating practices, look up to Picasso, that knew and recognized the importance from supplying your mind properly. When everybody is informal ad settled, either you could select to provide the presents straight out or even after the supper. I performed this certainly not truly considering that I must get back in to shape, I simply click the following post did this considering that I figured it was good for me. I thought that would certainly assist me keep in health also as I began growing older. He takes availables off Superstar Property for the really good little ones and also scolds any kids that acted up during the course of the year. Ideally, consistently browse through the menu in advance so you can keep your selections according to your plans properly ahead of your appearance to the dining establishment as well as an excellent way to keep from being sidetracked through various other food selection meals that will definitely carry out a great job from train wrecking your diet routine. Positively nothing at all wrong along with possessing the leftovers off dinner the night prior to. In today's video recording, I am actually heading to permit you look into my shoulder as I bring in supper in my very own residence. Many of our exterior dinner parties are had at night, so our company must possess sufficient illuminations for our guests to become capable to see.
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