#(the other being my other sister who can get overwhelmed pretty easily)
abitofboth · 1 year
I love the weird loophole you get in social anxiety when it’s one of your loved ones that you gotta speak up for. like move out the way motherfuckers suddenly I’m the most outspoken person in the world
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alexa-fika · 8 months
Revenge and Teasings ( Asl x sister!reader)
A/N: Yall, I COOKED; we got some of that ASL action up in here 🫦. Will this make you guys forgive me for leaving you unfed for two days? We got those polled jobs; I think we all agreed on these guys’ jobs. I didn’t ask about Luffy cause he has a canonically modern au job given by Oda 👀 . Guys, I researched Law and firefighting for a few hours for this. Im a teacher, so thankfully, I didn't have to research that one. Also, beware, this does address abusive relationships, but dw, I also included a lot of wholesomeness at the end cause; hello?
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Dividers by @/saradika
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The three Brothers find themselves in the living room, Ace and Luffy roughhousing while Sabo sighs, trying to separate them.
Their usual antics were halted as the door to the house slammed open and closed, their little sister standing at the door, tears going down her face.
“O-Oh hey, you guys are all here earlier!” She exclaims hastily, wiping her face
The fighting paused as all three paused and stared, Sabo nodding.
"Yeah… I only had a short meeting with a client today; Ace just had a PD day, and Luffy didn’t have a shift today… are you okay, Reader?”
He asked her, glancing at her; her eyes were puffed up, her hair was everywhere, and her clothes were covered with dirt
“Yeah! Yeah! Just had a little stumble outside; it was so embarrassing since everyone saw it and got overwhelmed,” she replies quickly, trying to fix the mess in her hair
The brothers all glanced at each other and then back to Reader, who clearly was lying.
Ace narrowed his eyes at her.
"You’re lying."
Luffy nodded also.
“Yeah, you’re really bad at lying when you’re upset. What’s wrong?”
“You caught me.”
She laughs
“The administration called me out today; one of my co-workers complained about how I ran the classroom; I was so upset I lost balance on my bike and fell,” she winced, rubbing her nose.
“To make matters worse, now I have a bunch of paperwork to do, thanks to her, so I have to get started on that,” she groans, walking up the stairs
“I’ll be downstairs for dinner!” she calls as she enters her room, closing the door behind her
“Since when does she call the other teachers ‘co-workers’? She always calls them by name when telling us about them, doesn’t she?” Sabo questions
“It’s absolute bullshit that anyone would complain about her classroom, I’ve seen her lesson plans, and they are one of a kind; there's no way anyone could complain about them,” Ace adds
“And why was she so worked up over paperwork…? She always loves doing it; she was one of those weirdos who loved having something to do…., especially for her kids.”
“She definitely lying again….” Sabo concludes, getting up.
“Let me talk to her!” Luffy exclaims, shooting up
“I think it’s best we all go together; if we go alone, she will easily be able to brush us off or lie again; it’s harder to do that with three people onto you.”
“Okay then, let’s go,” Ace said, getting up as well and climbing up the stairs
“Reader? Can you open up for a minute?”
“Y-Yeah! Just give me a minute!” She screamed, sounds of her scrambling being heard
“Hey, I thought I told you guys I had paperwork to do?” she nervously smiled as she opened the door
“ We know you are l-“ Luffy starts but is cut off as Ace quickly wraps his arms around him, covering his mouth
“We know you’re having a crappy day, but we thought that since we were all here, we would spend some time together,” Sabo cuts in with a gentle smile on his face
“O-oh, well…yeah, come in then!” She said, opening the door wider with a smile
After some whispering between Ace and Luffy, the brothers pile in; Ace sits in her desk chair while Luffy throws himself on her bed next to her, and Sabo takes a seat on the bed, glancing at her
"Hey, what’s this reader?” Luffy said, raising his sister’s sleeve to reveal a dark bruise on her wrist.
“Oh, that! Well, like I said, I had a pretty bad tumble on the bike.”
“You have another one forming on your face. Luffy points out.”
“Yeah… I must have been really unlucky; I fell on my face when I fell.”
Sabo narrowed his eyes at her; after so many cases and long days at the court, he had grown excellent at deciphering body language; it became second nature for him to spot mannerisms that hinted towards the person’s insincerity or anxiousness.
Mannerism, such as constantly shifting their eyes between different people in the room, the way they begin to scratch at their nose more often than usual, playing with their hair to try to ease the anxiety or the slight tilt they did towards the door, an escape route if they were discovered; all of these he could easily spot in his sister.
Luffy glanced at the bruises, experience of running in and out of burning buildings, and helping people in hazardous and unfortunate situations; he had seen all types of injuries and had become used to them, become used to identifying their origin
Scrapes and open skin from high-speed accidents, abrasions on the skin from hazardous materials being misused or leaked, and even bruises and injuries from civil unrest situations. He had enough experience to be able to tell injuries from a bike stumble to man-made injuries.
Ace glanced at her sister; because of his job, he was obligated to be certified in specific areas, mandatory reporting being one of them.
Because he spent all day with the children, he had to be able to spot any abusive indicators, inconsistencies in their stories, malnutrition, the children’s reaction to their parents, and weird marks on their bodies. Although he had been trained on how to apply this with his first-grade students, the same principle could be applied to any person of any age that presented these indicators, indicators that he could clear as day see on his sister
The brothers glance at each other, and ever the one to take the lead, Luffy is the first one to speak up
“Shishi, really? Do you need any help bandaging the scrapes?” he offers
“Scrapes? I don’t have any scrapes, Luffy”
“Hah? That’s weird; when people fall off their bikes they usually have lots of scapes; you don’t have any, just some pretty bad bruises,” he points out
“W-Well I-
“People who have been in biking accidents, or just falling in general, usually have lots of injuries in their hands, seeing as it is our instinct to protect our face and to slow our fall., you however, have none of those weird..” Continued Sabo
"W-Well, I have no self-preser-
“It’s weird despite having so much paperwork to do and being outed by one of your co-workers, these lesson plans are all completed, and there are footnotes all around from your co-workers seems they really liked your ideas and need you to help them implement them on their own classroom, wonder what kind of person would ask advice from someone they think is doing their job wrong” Ace comments picking up the various papers littered on her desk
“H-Hey don’t tou-
“You aren’t going to lie again, right?” Ace cuts in
“Because I mean, you really suck at it,” Luffy adds
“Do we wanna try another round of you telling a convincing story?” Ace adds, glancing at her
“I -I…” she tries to find the right words but hangs her head after failing to do so
“That’s unfair; you guys are teaming up and using your jobs against me.”
“It’s not fair? Not fair for who?” Sabo raises a brow.
“We are just calling you out on your bullshit, which is pretty nice of us,” Ace comments in a deadpan voice
“Usually, with everyone in the law, we would tear you to shreds until you said the truth. You should be thankful for being so lucky that we’re your brothers,” Sabo adds
“Can I do anything to make you guys drop this?”
“Nope,” Luffy said without hesitation
She groans, throwing herself in her pillow head-first
Ace sighed, joining his siblings on the bed and easily picking his sister up, sitting in her place, placing her on his lap, and hugging her
“Please let us help you; we promise we will deal with anything you may be going through.”
“Nothing wrong,” she says quietly
“N-nothing’s wrong,” she repeats, a slight crack in her voice as tears start pooling in her eyes
“Nothing…Nothing is wrong,” she says as she begins sobbing, gripping his brother's clothes tightly as she cried into him, the same way she did when they were children
The brothers all stayed still; Ace stroked her hair comfortingly and patted her back as she broke down in tears. Despite them all being grown up and having seen their share of violence and trauma, this still made the brothers' hearts bleed, seeing their youngest sibling hurt.
Luffy pulled her into a hug, his rubber arms embracing her tightly, letting her sob into his arms while Sabo patted her back in support.
"Hey now, it's okay; you can tell us the truth now; we aren't gonna be mad."
“I can’t; I can’t. “
"You can, we promise, we are all adults; we aren’t gonna lash out at you for telling us the truth," Sabo said firmly
"No matter what you say, or what has happened, we will always be here for you" Ace reassures her
“No, He said he would hurt you,” she cries
The brothers all freeze at her words; their smiles falter, and their faces all drop, their hearts all break.
Luffy pushes out slightly from their embrace, grabbing her hands and looking her in the eyes
“Reader. Tell us who did this, no matter who it is, we’ll kick his ass! We won’t be done in by some idiot; you’re always there for us, so let us carry your burden this time!” Luffy exclaims
“I don’t want you guys to get hurt; I couldn’t live with myself if my brothers got hurt because of me,”
“Don’t be an idiot!” luffy screams at her, shaking her, ignoring his brothers' protests
“We’re already hurt from seeing you get hurt and not being able to do anything! It hurts more seeing you get hurt!”
Her eyes widen at his words as her sobs become more frantic
Ace quickly pulls his little sister from Luffy before pulling her into a big bear hug and kissing her forehead affectionately
“We’ll be fine, just please tell us who it was; we promise we’ll handle this; as your big brothers, it’s our responsibility to protect you, and to do that, we have to know who did this to you,” his voice was tender and kind. All the fire that was in him earlier has dimmed and was taken over by nothing but brotherly concern.
“E-E-Enel,” she sobs out
Ace is the first to react, turning his sister toward him
“Enel? The asshole who kept harassing you back at the host club? I thought we left him behind when we left that job?”
“After we got our jobs in Newgate School, he managed to find my contact,” she cries
“He said if I stopped seeing him, he would go after you guys. He said he would destroy your careers and your lives, and then he would go after my kids.”
Ace sighs, flickering her forehead
“You’re an idiot.”
She squeaks, holding her forehead in pain
Ace chuckles softly
“I’m calling you an idiot, did you forget? Sabo is the best attorney in GrandLine, Luffy is a firefighter with friends in all the offices, including the police, and you know our principal, Edward, is a family man, but he is powerful; he would not stand still if he heard this, especially not to one of his employees being under threat and definitely not when the kids are under threat.”
Luffy nods in agreement.
“We are pretty much the worst people a guy could try to mess with; you do realize that, right?”
“I know that, I know the chances were slim, but I wasn’t going to take any chances, not with you guys on the line.”
“So, instead, you decided to put yourself on the line?” Luffy asks
“Is your health not worth even a chance to protect us? Was that your reasoning sister? I thought you’d trust us more,” Ace adds
“You are aware of how idiotic that is, right?” Sabo chimes in
“We have dealt with worse; you weren’t just playing with our lives, but with your own as well; you really think letting some dickwad play you with would be better than taking a chance of us handling him??” The freckled man exclaims
“Also, did you think for a second we wouldn’t find out? And that we wouldn’t get worried?” Ace adds
“I was hoping I would be good at hiding it…
“You know damn well you have always been lousy at hiding stuff,” Sabo comments sharply, but then his tone softens a bit
“But you should have just told us the truth, no matter how dangerous you thought it would be.”
Luffy nods.
“You didn’t need to carry this burden alone; we could have helped you.”
“I’m sorry “
“Just don’t do it again, okay?” Sabo replies as he pulls her into a big hug; Ace and Luffy join him in the hug, the three brothers letting their sister hug them for long, not letting go of their sister, Ace kissing her forehead
“We’re just worried about you; we don’t care if it’s dangerous; we love you,” Ace reassures her
“Now let me see it,” he said, gesturing for her hand
She hesitates for a moment, not wanting to give her hand to Ace; she turns towards the other brothers with pleading eyes, but they all nod for her to show the bruise, so she finally does, holding her sleeve back, and puts her hand over Ace’s, the bruise covered a large part of her arm up to just below the elbow with some bruises and marks on various parts of her arm, some older, others fresh
Ace glances up
“Sabo, how good of an attorney are you?” he says, a dangerous undertone in his words
“Ace! You are not killing him!” Reader hisses
Ace doesn’t react to her words; instead he speaks calmly and cooly
“No one said anything about killing; I was thinking more of a severe beating” he chuckles before grinning wickedly
“Let’s kick his ass” agrees Luffy
“Sabo, you’re an attorney; please talk some sense into them before they get into trouble with the law.”
Sabo looks from his brothers to her; he doesn’t seem particularly against the idea of hurting Enel; in fact, his eyes are glinting with delight at the idea
“We’re not breaking any laws; after all, it was self-defense. We saw him attacking you, and we stepped in using reasonable force to protect you and ourselves.”
“Isn’t that right, guys? we only had to use force after he came at us.”
“Sabo! You are not lying in court!” She pleads
“Who said anything about lying? All three of us are witnesses; it’s not lying if it’s the truth!” Ace says not breaking eye contact with his sister
“It’s not lying; we all reported the same story and told nothing but the truth.” Sabo nods excitedly
“Yeah!!” Luffy agrees with a nod; they all seemed to be one and the same when it came to taking care of someone who hurts someone as important as their sister
“Guys, please, think about this,” she says, turning to look at all of them
“Sabo, come on, there’s no way a judge would buy three brothers having to all launch at a guy just for self-defense!”
“Oh, but there was even an officer at the scene who witnessed it; he had to help us get the guy off you; the guy was just ruthless; we had no option but to all step in,” Sabo exclaimed, continuing his made-up scenario
“Zoro would be more than happy to join if he hears what the guy did” Luffy grins
She sighs, looking at her brothers, tears welling in her eyes
“You guys are unbelievable,” a teary laugh leaving her
“No one is getting away with hurting our family; come here!” Ace says, grinning and pulling her in for a noogie, his smile widening at her small shriek,
“You ass! What happened to protecting your little sister? That hurts!”
"You use that language in your classroom?! It's just a noogie!" he said with a grin, glad that even for just a few minutes, she could just relax with them, forgetting about Enel and the damage he had caused.
"it does not hurt!"
"Besides, you deserved it for not being honest with us; you're not getting away with keeping things from us," Sabo laughs
“You treat your kids this way?!” She retaliates
“No, I treat my students with kindness and patience, but you’re my lil sis, so I have to mess with you a little,” he teases
“And you totally deserve what you’re getting.”
She scoffs
“Patience and kindness”
“You heard me, only kindness and patience, but you’re not a first grader like they are, so you get a little extra care since you’re older and know more than they do,” he said, his movement getting faster
“Not to mention, we can’t put little Tama in a headlock as a form of discipline,” he adds
“I’m telling Tama his beloved teacher will give her a noogie!
“You wouldn’t!” Ace laughs
“Tama would never believe it! She loves me!”
“Im also telling your squad you let innocent civilians be tormented, Luffy!” She said escaping from the headlock and running out of her room
“Oh, don’t even think about it, Shishishi!” Luffy grabs her hand, stopping her on her tracks
“You guys keep using your jobs against me! Unreasonable force, I say!”
Luffy simply laughs
“You should have joined me when I called you to train with my squad!”
“You wanna talk about unreasonable force? Well, you would know all about that, wouldn’t you, sis?” Ace replies, grabbing her as Luffy tosses her back in the bed and wraps her in another headlock
Sabo shrugs as he watches, not even going to attempt to break this particular situation up
“Not my fault! I need to use more force; otherwise, it won't get through your numbskulls!” She screams, laughing joyously, the pain and suffering from her situation forgotten momentarily
“And Sabo! How could you! A man on law watching these two brutes commit battery!”
“Hey, a little headlock is hardly anything; we’ve done far worse.” Sabo chuckles
“A man of the law would know all the technicalities of self-defense,” he points out,
“And you’d be surprised by how much I can witness without being called to court; a few weeks ago, I was watching a student in a bar brawl, and he didn’t even get arrested, just a fine, so don’t be too worried about me, I won’t tell.”
She gasps mockingly
Luffy and Ace both chuckle
“We should have expected you’d put up the least fight, Shishi” Luffy chuckles
“You’ve always been the least physical of the three; you are so easy to tease,” Ace adds
Sabo chuckles, though he didn’t join their ganging up on their little sister
After finally being free from their teasing, she smiled at them
“Thank you”
The brothers all smile back at her
Ace squeezes her hand
“We’re just relieved that you’ll let us help you now.”
Luffy nods
“Don’t worry, we will kick Enel’s ass!”
“You didn't think I would let it slide, did you, little sister? The way I see it is that Enel picked a fight with you, which in turn means he picked a fight with all of us; I won’t let someone threaten my family without paying the consequences.”
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I was honestly worried that this would just keep a grim tone all throughout it, but I managed to clutch at the end because the brothers wouldn’t just let her sister stay upset before they dealt with this asshole, and honestly, neither would I. I really struggle with Luffy being OC here, but I look back at all his speeches and serious moments and I think this is pretty spot on, if anything mellowed out
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asunflowerana · 1 month
𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐭, 𝐡𝐢𝐦?
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summary: their sister got a new boyfriend, and unfortunately for them, they already know the guy.
with: teiko team and Kagami.
n: remastered prompt, with a brother x boyfriend model (which i thought was really fun to do it haha). Let me know if you guys liked it, hope you all enjoy it!
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⊛ akashi seijuro x midorima shintaro
Seijuro’s actually pleased by the surprise. He knows his former teammate pretty well, so he won't have problems trusting him to take care of you and treat you well, as you deserve.
Not only he found it pleasing, but also amusing. It's not every day that your sister decides to date such a confident, stubborn guy, which makes things a bit more interesting for him as the big brother.
“Midorima-kun. What a nice surprise.” The red-haired cordially extends his hand to the new family's addition, wearing a subtle smirk while gazing at him with his piercing, red pupils. Midorima isn't a fool to trust these eyes. “I have a feeling we’ll have a good time together, won't we?
⊛ aomine daiki x kagami taiga
“You've got to be kidding...” It’s the first thing that comes out of Daiki's mouth, looking at your new, moron boyfriend. As if it isn't good enough to deal with him at the championships, now in his personal life too? With his sister? Alright, where're the cameras? 'Cause he's having no fun with this prank.
let's face it, Aomine will make Taiga's life very difficult from now on: expect a lot of bickering and growling at each other every time they're together. However, if he's being honest, Daiki’s actually relieved that your new boyfriend is someone as upstanding and honorable as Taiga; he wouldn’t want you to date someone who doesn't treat you well. So, even though he’s an imbecile (which, yes, he is, and a lot), he's also kinda... trusty. He won't ever say that out loud, though.
“Okay, fine... I can accept this." He points at you both, discontent but not wanting you sad for not having his support. "but you better leave me out of the sappy romance of yours. Too much to sleep at night."
⊛ midorima shintaro x kise ryota
Midorima's already someone difficult to win, especially to a guy who wants to date his sister. So regardless of their past, with Kise it won't be any different; in fact, it'll be worse, due to Kise’s cocky and overly charming personality, unpleasant to the green-haired boy.
Kise isn’t so bad as a person, thoug. Smug, overwhelming, sometimes futile? yes. But he can't deny he also has a good heart. For your happiness, he'll make an effort. The blonde better be prepared for what comes for him, though.
“You really have a bad taste in men.” He bluntly tells you, quickly getting on Kise's nerves, to his delight. Before any of you can protest, he continues. “But he’s not as dumb as the others, so I can deal with him. For now.”
⊛ kise ryota x murasakibara atsushi
“You're kidding, right?” Kise can't help but cackle, bewildered by the news. Not even in his wildest dream did he see something like that happening. You, his baby sister, dating this giant child? It's too much to actually be real. “Murasakibara-chi, you spend all your money on candy, how will you treat my sister that way?”
He honestly doesn’t get what you saw in Murasaki. The lad is lazy, whine at everything, gets easily bored, and probably has more cavities in his teeth than fingers. How can that be attractive?
It'll take a while, but Kise'll eventually notice Atsushi's qualities as a boyfriend. Definitely, he isn't the ideal guy he was planning for you, but you're his world, and that's what matters in the end for Kise.
⊛ murasakibara atsushi x akashi seijuro
Atsushi's fine with the news. He actually noticed the way you and Akashi slowly grew close to each other. He has a lot of respect for him, confident that he’s the best person to take care of his sister and give her a good future. If it were up to him, you might even marry sooner than planned.
“Seijuro-kun, you're _____'s new boyfriend?” He rewinds, asking no one in specific. Akashi offers him a nod, with a small smile on his face while holding your hand. The purple-haired boy scratches his chin, unfazed but internally pleased. “Well, I think this is good news.”
⊛ kagami taiga x aomine daiki
“Please tell me this is a joke.” Kagami practically begs you, hating the teasing smirk Daiki wears on his face, bothering his future brother-in-law. You shake your head, and Kagami loses his freaking mind. “Of so many people in the world, why him? Like, there's our neighbor Koshi that helps you with groceries when I'm out, or that nice barista that gives you heart eyes everytime we're there. Heck, you could even date a mobster, for good's sake, just not him! What is so attractive about him? No, actually, I don’t want to know. I need to keep the rest of my sanity intact.”
As you can notice, Kagami was quite affected by your new relationship. And with Aomine nagging him constantly, it got even harder for him not to just jump in Daiki's throat. But with time, the two will learn how to deal with each other, especially since Aomine’s clearly making you happy. He can be a moron, but at least he’s doing his job right.
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reblogs and comments are deeply appreciated. 💕
© asunflowerana 2024 — all rights reserved.
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thequietkid-moonie · 2 years
Sora Naegino, Sunny, Kaori Miyazono, Tamaki Suoh, Monika, Asuma Mutsumi as they are when they are jealous.
Jealousy Headcanons
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[ Sora, Sunny, Kaori, Tamaki, Monika, Mutsumi ]
[ Kaleido Star ] [ Omori ] [ Your lie in April ] [ Ouran High School Host Club ] [ Doki Doki Literature Club ] [ Kiss him not me ]
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My dear, half of the characters you chose aren't even jealous how im supouse to work with that? 😂 Anyways, I hope you enjoy it
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Sora Naegino
Sora is always so cheerful, she is totally the type to see the bright side of the things, it doesn't matter what problem she encounter she always try to find a solution with determination
However being in a relationship with you make her flustered and make her a little shy at first, but as more time you two pass together the more comfortable she gets and she doesn't get shy anymore
Sora isn't easy to get jealous, again if there is a problem she doesn't let herself get overwhelmed or exceeded for it, she has a lot of determination and that is why even if she start feeling jealous or nervous about you being with others she is quickly to reasure herself that is nothing to worry about
Although is more probably that she gets jealous over you at the start of the relasionship or even before that, when you two were just friends but she already liked you, is back then when she gets jealous whenever you were close or even touchy with someone, she felt jealous and a little bit of envy but she didn't really realice what she was feeling or why, so she tries to brush it off and just focus on her training, although it didn't always work because the image the you being affectionate with someone else doesn't leave her mind
As well, something that used to make her jealous is seeing you having fun with others, although this doesn't troubled her much because she goes to you and tries to enter in the conversation, not for being possessive nor intrusive, genuinely wanting to share it with all of you, and since Sora is really cheerful and little by little she were winning the care of everyone it won't be too much trouble for her
The main reason of why she got jealous is because she wanted to be the one you were sharing those moments, being the one you were affectionate to but at that moment she didn't realice it yet, she can have troubles understanding some things or can be oblivous sometimes so that is why it take her a while to comprehend her feelings (probably at the end were thanks to her friends' help that she finally understand), and after she realice that that is what she wants she doesn't really get jealous again because is so easy to go and ask for it (not directly, specially if you are shy, but she will find a way to express herself)
Also, once you two are on a relasionship is less probable that she gets jealous because being in a relationship give her that sense of security that if she want to spend time with you she just has to ask for it
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Sunny is someone who doesn't express much, just to those that are really close to him (mainly Basil and Mari), so even when you two are on a relasionship he still doesn't say much, he express himself by other ways that he let you know little by little, also once you win his fully trust he becomes pretty clingy to you
Sunny isn't someone who gets jealous, or at least no easily, however he has a little bit of bad self-steem since his sister is everything he isn't (and his perfeccionism doesn't help). He doesn't get jealous over other people trying to make a move on you, that just bother him and make him uncomfortable, as well when others get affectionate with you doesn't bother him either, he is used to his friends being that way from time to time (specially Kel and Hero), although if is someone outside of the group it could make him uncomfortable
What could make him jealous is if you talk about some else a lot or a little too excited, he tries to endure it but the more you talk the more he feels jealous, Sunny doesn't think much of himself and he can't help but compare himself to others from time to time, so you talking a lot of someone else it makes him feel bad. Even when it bothers him he doesn't want to interrupt you, but his body language talks for him with an annoyed expresion on his face and looking like his is trying to hide himself, even avoiding looking directly at you (depending in how jealous and uncomfortable he is)
Also, he won't admin it out loud but he is jealous of his sister, it isn't like he wants to be like her or that he is envious of her but he feels jealous when you pay a lot of attention to her, Mari is so charming and she naturaly drag attention to her, besides everyone likes her, he likes her too she is always so kind to him and is always supporting him but he can't help to feel jealous when you focus on her, is just that his sister is the complete opposite of him and it troubles him, he knows you loves him nonetheless but still. Whenever you are paying too much attention to Mari or she is too close to you he becomes a little possesive, like steping closer to you, holding your hand or even cuddle you if he can (depending in how jealous he is or on what your where doing and how much attention you put on her). Although, even when Sunny tries to don't show his jealousy Mari is smart and she knows her brother really well so she will understand and try to leave the two of you alone
The jealousy make Sunny feel frustrate but he will never take it against you, he tries to handle it by his own but still search for some comfort, he tries to spend some time with Basil or Mari (depending on what made him jealous), and he will crave your comfort too, again he won't say much but you can tell that he is feeling down, he wants to have your attention again and be in your arms so a big and tight hug can help, and if you decide to cuddle him it would be much better
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Kaori Miyazono
Kaori is always so carefree and cheerful, is difficult to see her being troubled by things like this, however Kaori knows herself pretty well so most of the time she know what she feels and why, is just that she doesn't like to show it to others too much
It would be more probable her past herself to get jealous since she used to be pretty introvert and didn't drag attention to herself, but now that she just let herself be free she doesn't have much problem with it
She isn't easy to get jealous, or at least not seriously because she could bring it in a joking manner, like tell your friends that she will get jealous if they continue taking your attention from her, but normally doesn't goes far from that
She doesn't really mind you going out with other people or if you are affectionate with others, she trust you and she knows you won't do something to betray her, however if you cross the line and get a little too affectionate with someone else she will force you to make it up for her
When she actually gets jealous is either when you had been apart from each other for a while because one of you were too busy or when she is feeling specially bad, either mentally or physical, and what could make her jealous is that you are paying a lot of attention to someone else, it make her jealous but gets a little troubled about taking your attention
She handles her jealousy in a peculiar way, first of all she gets a little mad and acts pretty childish while complaining about everything (not just about what made her jealous) and doesn't have to be directly towards you, she does it with her friends (mainly Kousei) and with you just if you directly talk to her, just before getting a little sad and more quiet about the whole thing, and is until then when she seriously confront you about it
She tries to cover up her jealous and make it seem like is something else, but once she calms down she talk to you more directly, she has problems to express herself but she still tries her best to do it
After she gets jealous she will crave for your company and comfort so being just the two of you and cuddling for a while will help her get back to her cheerful self again
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Tamaki Suoh
Tamaki is really open and loud with his love for you, he doesn't see why he will have to hide it and as long as you are okay with it or doesn't bother you he won't stop, so it will be difficult to anyone to don't notice that the two or you are together (or at least that he is interested in you)
Tamaki is really clingy, always wanting to be by your side and he gets really sad when you ask him to calm down or for time alone
Tamaki is pretty easy to get jealous, and even so he could be pretty oblivous of his own feelings too, he knows it upset him and he knows that the other person who is trying something with you (or that is what he thinks) is bothering him but if someone ask him he won't say that is jealousy
Since he is pretty clingy he likes to have your attention most of the time, so is when you are directly ignoring him and putting more attention to someone else, even if you didn't mean to ignore him or you are talking about something important he gets jealous
He will try to take back your attention to him by getting affectioned or saying that he has something to show you, sometimes even try to enter in the convesation or show that he can do whatever the other person is doing too, he will stop if you ask him to but will be really sad for a long time (until you talk to him and reasure him that you aren't mad)
Also, something that make him super jealous is when others are getting close and/or affectionate with you, he can totally understand if they are your family but when it comes to friend it bothers him a little, just because he wants to be the one reciving your love and not them but he tries to keep at minimun his comments because he doesn't want to make you upset (specially if you already had scold him for it) although he can't help but make a disgusted face. However if is someone he doesn't know or someone of the club (the twins probably) he will step in to directly confronting them while separate you from them
However, when it comes to someone flirting with you more than jealousy it bothers him and waste no time to going to your side and put his arm in your shoulders/waist and ask you who is the person you were talking with, acting just like he does it in the club
Also, he doesn't handle his jealousy too well since he handle it in a pretty childish way, complaining about whatever is making him jealous with Haruhi and Kyoya (because they are the only willing to hear him rant about it) and with you he will act like a kicked puppy and look at you with teary eyes and he won't stop until you comfort him
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Monika has problems interacting with others from time to time, being nervous of making a misstep specially for how perfeccionist she can get from time to time, but being in a relationship with you and knowing that you love her make har feel a lot better
Monika is not easy to get jealous and since you to are officialy together give her a sense of security, besides she thinks that if she gets jealous is like she were doubting you or that you will see it that way and she doesn't want to give that impression
It isn't probably that she will get jealous over the others girls of the club, after spending so much time all of them had shared a lot of themselfs so she is confident that they will respect her relasionship with you (although Sayori could be pretty clingy and affectionate so she is more probably to make Monika a little jealous)
Most of the time if she start to feel nervous about you being with other people she herself tries to reasure her that if you are spending time with other peolple doesn't mean that you will leave her, but when she is already nervous for something else it will be more difficult for her to calm down
She feels jealousy when you are spending a lot of time with others or talk much about someone else while being with her, she understand that you have your own friends or things to do, she sometimes can't be with you for the club too but when you spend more time paying attention to someone else it bother her, specially if is someone you admire
She can't help but curse under her breath whoever is taking your attention from her, she tries to endure it hoping that you will forget about that other person soon but if you don't stop at some point she will snap and demand your attention, she could be pretty intimidating or aggresive while doing it but she will apologize for it (she may or may not don't really mean that apology)
As well, if you tend to be affectionate with other people she will endure it to some extent, she isn't really shy and doesn't mind pda (physical affection even comfort her) but seeing you being affectionate with someone else it upset her a little, she doesn't mind if is with you family and with your closest friends she will learn to endure it, but aside from that it make her pretty jealous, she can take you giving small touches but not a hug, she won't like it and will confront you about it, making you make it up for her by giving her the doble of affection (she doesn't want to be mean with you, that is way she doesn't pry more)
Although, If is someone else is the culprit of her jealousy, like someone intensionally taking your attention or insisting on being affectionate with you she will not just get jealous but also mad, she still tries to endure it politely try to solve the problem but if that person end her patience Monika will be more agressive, she is really smart and knows how to take advantage of others weakness
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Asuma Mutsumi
Asuma is a rather calm person as well as really caring and loving, it took him a long time to understand his feeling for you but once he does he is really open with his love, he doesn't see why he should hide it (unless it make you uncomfortable)
Between being pretty oblivious most of the time and looking after your happines and well being he isn't easy to get jealous, he just doesn't really doubt you or your relasionship, besides knowing that you love him too is enough reasurance for him
Asuma isn't someone who gets jealous easily and if it happens it happen rarely, still he handle it pretty well and he doesn't really get carry away for his feelings
He doesn't get jealous over your friends, he will even get along with your friends pretty well, and if you are getting affectionate with others it doesn't affect him neither since he already knows about this affectionate part of you (he isn't really shy to physical affection or pda, and is always gently and sweetly)
If you, for some reason pay more attention to someone else he won't think much of it at first but if this persist it will start to affect him, first feeling a little lonely without you to pass to the jealousy, he doesn't want to confront you but at some point he will (still he will be pretty shy while doing it)
He doesn't want to make a big deal of it so he prefer to sit down and talk to you about it, he has a little problem with expressing himself for not wanting to say something that will upset you or make it a big problem, and he doesn't want to take away from you the opportunity to express yourself neither
At the end he wants your comfort, just give him your attention again for a while and he feel a lot better, passing more quality time with you it would help a lot
Although, Asuma could get pretty jealous of his brother since he could be pretty flirty and touchy with others as well as stubborn when it comes to get what he wants, besides Asuma is used to give what he had to his brother in order for him to be happy, but once he accepted his feelings and started relasionship with you he understand that his you is something he isn't willing to give up so easily
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good-yonji-au · 1 year
So I discovered this AU about 5 hours ago and it has me in a chokehold. Your Yonji is a precious bean and he must be protected at all times, and Sanji being a big brother is everything I didn't even know I wanted. <3 I hope you don't mind the influx of questions I have after going through the whole tag.
So speaking of Sanji being a big brother, have he and Yonji ever hugged? If so, what prompted it? Is Yonji more touchy-feely than Sanji in general, or are they both pretty touch-averse?
How does Yonji fight? Did he develop his own style of fighting after leaving Germa 66, much like Sanji did, or does he still fight the way he did when working under Judge? Is he still really good at fighting, or does he easily become a nonfunctional, overwhelmed mess, bombarded on all sides with everyone's heightened and fraught emotions?
Does Yonji's prosthetic arm have attachments and hidden weapons? How does he upkeep it? Does he know how it works decently enough do to it himself, or does he have a mechanic that he goes to for tuneups?
Who taught Yonji tailoring and fashion? Sanji had Zeff to help him become a master chef, so did someone take Yonji under their wing in a similar fashion? Or is he entirely self-taught?
Does Yonji ever feel bad for leaving his brothers and sister behind? Unlike Sanji, who had normal human emotions from the get-go, Yonji's been on both sides of the fence, and he knows what it's like to be the sociopathic killing machine their father turned them into. Does he wish there was some way to trigger what happened to him in them as well? Do he and Sanji ever talk about their family? We know Sanji was the only one to regularly go and visit their mother, but do you think Yonji has any memories of her as well? Does he beg Sanji for stories about her?
Where does Yonji live? Does Sanji swing by to visit him every so often, or do they keep in touch by air mail, does Yonji join the Strawhats or just travel with them?
Does Sanji ever have a "O shit, I think I might actually love him" moment when it comes to Yonji? It could be something domestic like laughing together in Sanji's kitchen they work together to prepare a meal, or something like seeing Yonji about to be injured or even killed in the middle of a fight and going "This is the only little brother I've got, not on my watch, dammit!"
Lastly, do you have any songs in mind for you AU, aside from the ones you've used for your animatics? Some that came to mind for Yonji are:
"Stray Italian Greyhound" by Vienna Teng
"To Be Human" by Sia
"Zephyrus" by The Oh Hellos
"Stigma" by V
And I think "Soap" by The Oh Hellos maybe fits Sanji's feelings toward having his brother back in his life and being willing to extend a second chance to him after seeing how he's changed.
Holy shit that's a long ask! Lemme see...
So speaking of Sanji being a big brother, have he and Yonji ever hugged? If so, what prompted it? Is Yonji more touchy-feely than Sanji in general, or are they both pretty touch-averse?
They've hugged, mostly at WCI arc. But for the most part they're touch adverse (despite being touch starved). Yonji enjoys instigating physical affection to anyone but he's not great at taking it.
How does Yonji fight? Did he develop his own style of fighting after leaving Germa 66, much like Sanji did, or does he still fight the way he did when working under Judge? Is he still really good at fighting, or does he easily become a nonfunctional, overwhelmed mess, bombarded on all sides with everyone's heightened and fraught emotions?
Yonji very rarely fights anymore. He usually quickly gets overwhelmed and becomes a mess, yes, due to all of the emotions. Whenever he gets into a fight he loses control of his Haki and it's a bad time. However, if he has a goal, (protecting someone, getting something etc.) he can power through it. His fighting style is still mostly brute force punching because he hasn't learned any other way. However, when he joins the Revs, he gets taught to be more smart about it.
Does Yonji's prosthetic arm have attachments and hidden weapons? How does he upkeep it? Does he know how it works decently enough do to it himself, or does he have a mechanic that he goes to for tuneups?
It used to! He broke a lot of them/refuses to use them. He knew how it worked enough to keep it functional up until he meets the Strawhats and upon finding the frankly horrendous state of the prosthetic, Franky helps make Yonji a new one, specialized for tailoring! He rarely gets issues with the new are but if he does he can usually troubleshoot himself or attempt to contact Franky.
Who taught Yonji tailoring and fashion? Sanji had Zeff to help him become a master chef, so did someone take Yonji under their wing in a similar fashion? Or is he entirely self-taught?
For the most part, he's self-taught! Maybe I'll give him a mentor but I'm usually pretty adverse to making OCs for my AUs. Hmmmmm. He definitely had a training arc under some big name shops at one point though.
Does Yonji ever feel bad for leaving his brothers and sister behind? Unlike Sanji, who had normal human emotions from the get-go, Yonji's been on both sides of the fence, and he knows what it's like to be the sociopathic killing machine their father turned them into. Does he wish there was some way to trigger what happened to him in them as well? Do he and Sanji ever talk about their family? We know Sanji was the only one to regularly go and visit their mother, but do you think Yonji has any memories of her as well? Does he beg Sanji for stories about her?
*smacks yonji on the head* This good boy can fit so much guilt complex in him! He's guilty about everything all the time! Yes, he does want to help Ichiji and Niji, which comes into play post WCI. While Sanji and Yonji tend to avoid talking about Judge or their siblings, Sora has been brought up before. I know I haven't mentioned it on tumblr yet, but I sometimes draw Yonji with a necklace, which is supposed to be a trinket of Sora's that Reiju gave to him when Yonji ran away. Yonji's memories of Sora is hazy and he pretty torn up about it. Yeah, he asks Sanji for stories about her. <3
Where does Yonji live? Does Sanji swing by to visit him every so often, or do they keep in touch by air mail, does Yonji join the Strawhats or just travel with them?
He lives on this random island along the Grandline! Something kinda like Saboady or Hand Island. The Straw Hats (specifically) Sanji has visited few times post the initial meeting but Yonji does not actively travle with them. He might had, like, one adventure with them but otherwise he's not part of the crew or anything. He does get the SH's den den mushi number and keeps in touch that way. Occasionally he'll send packages- usually at the behest of Sanji at the behest of Nami, lol. Later, Yonji ends up getting roped into joining the Revs and he splits his time between being at his shop and at Baltigo.
Does Sanji ever have a "O shit, I think I might actually love him" moment when it comes to Yonji? It could be something domestic like laughing together in Sanji's kitchen they work together to prepare a meal, or something like seeing Yonji about to be injured or even killed in the middle of a fight and going "This is the only little brother I've got, not on my watch, dammit!"
YES! Specifically Yonji crying and gushing about how good Sanji's cooking is. Yonji is a little foodie and while he can't cook to save his life, he does happen to know a good bit about how food gets made and really learned to appreciate the effort that goes into cooking. Sanji is not normal over this fact. He has the "Don't touch my brother!" moment at WCI screaming at Judge. Which sends Yonji into a blubbering mess. (A lot of things happen WCI lmfao.)
Lastly, do you have any songs in mind for you AU, aside from the ones you've used for your animatics?
My ass doesn't actively listen to a whole bunch of music but I have made a playlist for this AU! The vibe mostly is like upbeat songs with sad lyrics lol.
Forgive my terrible terrible taste in music:
Thank you for the songs! Gonna snag 'em and add 'em to the playlist hehe.
Also, thank you for the ask!!!! <3 <3
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of-dragonss · 2 years
i could really use some comfort from dew rn so, if you're comfortable with it, could you write dew x f!reader who is dealing with a pretty bad depressive episode? just, all the comfort and fluff because i desperately need it from my fav ghoul <3 thank u!
of course lovely! sorry for the wait, i hope you’ve been feeling better! 🖤
☽ ༚  ༵ ۰ ✧ ۰  ༵ ༚ ༵ ۰ ✧ ۰  ༵ 
— dewdrop x reader (i keep accidentally writing readers with no specific gender i apologize 😭)
summary: dewdrop stays with you during a depressive episode. just a lot of fluff 🖤
I’ll get through it with you next to me.
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Dewdrop knew you were dealing with a bad depressive episode. Sister Imperator has let you have time by yourself for once. Not ordering you around to help around the Abbey. He also knew the weather changing has triggered your seasonal depression. Which in turn, caused you to feel very unlike yourself these past few days.
Locked up in your dorm, the Ghoulettes bringing you food when needed. Making sure you were at least keeping yourself fed with enough water to drink. Otherwise everyone left you alone.
Until tonight when Dewdrop passed by your dorm and the faint sound of sobbing can be heard from underneath your door. He was uncertain at first of what to do, but in the end decided to knock to make his presence known before silently and slowly opening your door.
“Y/n? Do you need anything?” He asked quietly, closing the door behind him as he entered with slow movements, making his way towards your bed where you laid under the covers, sobs turned to hiccups and loud sniffles as you tried to calm down your crying.
“I’m here for you, I hope you know. Whatever you need, just ask.” He sat himself at the edge of your bed, waiting for you to calm yourself down as he reached out to where he made out your shoulder as you laid on your side, facing the wall, slowly rubbing his hand up and down in calm bing motions.
“Stay the night?” Came your shaky reply after a long few minutes of silence, and the occasional sniffling coming from you. “Please.”
In a flash, Dewdrop got up from the bed and ran around your room in search of your laptop you two would watch movies and tv shows on during both of your free time in the Abbey when there was an opportunity for.
He was usually talkative but he knew you weren’t in the mood for talking. But he knew a movie and a cuddle would cheer you up even slightly. So, grabbing your laptop from your desk, he went back to the bed where he quickly pulled the covers away from you, moving inhumanly fast as he easily lifted you up and laid down on the bed in your spot, you half on top of him, head on his chest, cuddled up to his side.
“Figured we could watch a movie, until we fall asleep. How does that sound, love?” He kissed the top of you hand as he set up your laptop where you both can easily see the screen perfectly.
Nodding into his chest and wrapping your arms under him to hold yourself impossibly closer to Dewdrop he pick a random movie you both frequently watch during the colder months, Hocus Pocus. Dewdrop resting his cheek on top of your head as the movie began to play.
The two of you happy and content with each other’s presence, safe in his arms. “I can get through this rut with you next to me. Stay until I wake up?” You asked quietly, fatigue evident in you hoarse voice.
“Of course. Anything for you.” He smiled, pushing your hair out of your face to kiss your forehead. And as the movie played on, the two of you drifted to sleep cuddled up to each other.
As the sun started rising again into the sky, you woke up in a panic. Bolting up in bed, struggling to breath. Dewdrop immediately woke up the second he smelled the overwhelming scent of your fear. Tears streamed down your face from the nightmare you had thanks to your current mental state.
Dew held your face in his hands gently, resting his forehead in yours. “It’s okay. It’s okay, i’m here.” He whispered over and over again as you slowly started being more aware of your surroundings. Moving to wrap your arms around his slim frame, clinging onto Dewdrop like your life depended on it.
“Breath with me.” He instructed softly, taking deep intakes of breaths and long exhales. You two did this several more times until you calmed down, only hiccuping here and there. “Let’s go back to sleep, yeah?” He gently pushed you back to lay down on the bed.
“You have to leave. I don’t want you to get in trouble.” You spoke softly, frowning.
“Doesn’t matter. What does though is you. I’m staying with you for as long as you’ll have me.” He kissed your forehead, bringing you in close to him once again.
“Okay.” You sighed, giving in easily at his touch, already feeling drowsy. And in each others arms, once again, the two of you fell asleep. Safe and protected.
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greensimp · 1 year
First off, I want to say I’m glad I found a fellow asexual in the fanfic community! Considering the majority of it is smut/sexual related, it’s nice to see works being done that don’t correlate to that 😅 I didn’t realize you were one until reading your guidelines when submitting requests, so it was a nice surprise!
Second, I enjoy reading your Gyutaro fics, he became an instant favorite of mine after watching Demon Slayer. If at all possible if requests are open, would you be interested in doing a forgetful reader x Gyutaro? It’s a struggle of mine (ADHD is a factor in my case) and it can get frustrating considering people treat me like I do it on purpose and don’t pay attention, especially if it’s in a scenario where I’m overwhelmed. If not, I look forward to continue seeing your other works regardless!!
Oh my god I get so frustrated with myself when I forget things all the time. I’ve never been diagnosed with ADHD or anything, but I suspect I may have something similar. Especially since I’ve already been diagnosed with Tourette’s and ADHD/ADD often coincides with that. I can relate with you on a spiritual level tbh lol.
Also yes, I do mostly identify with the asexual community! My writings are definitely mostly catered toward fellow asexual people and I agree that there is an oversaturation of smutty content in fanfiction (not a jab at those who enjoy smut, I know it’s the majority of fanfiction consumers that do, but I also think that pretty much everyone can enjoy a story without smut as well. It’s inclusive to asexual people and the average reader.)
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Gyutaro x Forgetful!Reader Headcannons(ish)
A/N: AFAB reader (Ace coded in honor of the requestor).
-In the canon setting, I don’t think your forgetfulness would effect your relationship much. Its your personal and internal frustrations about it that would get in the way of anything.
-You’d live in a small room above a clothing store near the Kyogoku house as the owner’s assistant.
-Your boss’s main customer? The Kyogoku house, of course! Gyutaro met you when you had tagged along with your boss to get his sister’s measurements one day.
-From the beginning, he got the impression that you were a little air-headed, often misplacing small objects and frantically searching for them once your boss asked for them. How could someone lose things so easily?
-The first time he would “visit” you (sneak into your room to play with his food), he’d taunt your behavior, only for you to be more concerned about whether you had met him before and had forgotten, absolutely mortified at your own perceived rudeness. Like, his appearance was the least of importance, a rarity in Yoshiwara.
-Once the initial “honeymoon” phase of your relationship wore off, your true worries would begin to affect your relationship (at least, you would believe that to be so).
-Gyutaro caught on from the start that you weren’t normal. Your brain didn’t work like other peoples’. If he was being honest, your common fits of panic when you couldn’t find an important piece of jewelry or document was one of your most endearing qualities. You cared so much about little things in such a drastically different way than other people. You spent so much energy on being the perfect little maid servant to your boss (and him sometimes) and you strove to be kind to others.
-However… the longer you tried to keep him and the people you interact with on a daily basis happy at your expense, the more apparent it was becoming that a breakdown was eminent. Months of masking your abnormal behavior and constantly taking great steps (often repeating a single task in your mind hours on end so you wouldn’t forget) to remember things would come to a head.
-You’d be in your room, frantically searching for an important document with the measurements for a very high profile client. It wasn’t that big of a deal, as the client would be stopping by later that day and could just be measured again. It would only take a few extra minutes at the beginning of the appointment. That didn’t matter to you though. You hated the thought that anyone would be inconvenienced because your brain can’t work right.
-Your brain is just defective. Worthless. Why were you cursed with such an incompetent memory? Why were you so weird?
-Gyutaro would emerge from your window to find you sitting on your knees and looking down.
-At this point, you and him had been in a relationship for almost 6 months. He’d gotten comfortable just appearing in your room whenever. At the moment, it was very early in the morning, the sun not even peeking over the horizon yet.
-“Hey baby, whatcha stressin’ about this time?”
-He could tell you were tense, but when you didn’t turn to face him with those adorably panicked eyes like you usually do, his big toothy grin fell, eyes softening.
-Then he’d notice the tremble in your hands as they gripped the fabric of your kimono.
-Now concerned, he’d furrow in brows in confusion, crouching down to try and get a look at your face.
-only to be met with a thousand-yard stare
-“Why am I so stupid?”
-The question would take him aback. You’d never acted like this before, so  what had happened to you?
-“I try to do everything right. I try and try and try. So why can’t I just remember? Why can’t I just be normal?”
-Something about the tone in your words would resonate with his memories long since locked away by Muzan’s influence. Merely a reflexive reaction at this point.
-“Hey, snap out of it, you’re actin’ like it’s the end of the world or somethin’-“
-Your head whipped around and you gave him the most horrified stare he’d ever seen from you. Your eyes were wide with terror and your teeth were chattering. Internally, you felt like your world was ending. An unexplainable sense of doom was gripping your chest without mercy, causing your breathing to pick up rapidly.
-“What if I forget things about you next?! What if I forget our memories?!! What’s HAPPENING to me, Gyutaro?!”
-A panic attack. Gyutaro knew about it all too well. Even as a demon, he would probably still experience those.
-As if on instinct, he would jump to envelop you into an embrace, trying everything in his power to ground you. Guilt would quickly overcome him, now realizing how much you had been bottling up for his sake. You didn’t want to inconvenience him with your problems.
-When you would finally calm down, he’d grab your face and kiss you softly, not caring if your salty tears touched his lips.
-“Even if you do forget about us, I’ll spend every waking moment reminding you. You don’t have to worry, sweetheart.”
-He'd make sure you don't have to burden your insecurities alone ever again.
-And yes, he did help you find those measurements.
AAAAAGH I'm so sorry this took forever to answer I've in the process of moving for weeks and my job is exhausting *sigh*. I really wanna update this blog more regularly from this point onward tho!
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fancyfeathers · 2 months
@zainiscompletelydone333 asked a question
ok so aside from the general "kids running away" story line i wanna make some extra headcanons if you don't mind author <3 Marguerite grows up loving outdoors. horseback riding, shooting, archery. mostly manly things. she has this weird FOMO and general desire to hate conformity that either comes from her aunt or father. she wears rather manly clothes and the people at gatherings are scandalised. albert doesn't care, he's proud his daughter can piss off the people he despises <3. although he draws the line at things that damage her health, like smoking. she was 7 when she tried to sneak in her father's room to try the open bottle of wine he left for a moment. Louis was more mortified than albert lol. tries to follow moran and james around, begs jack to teach her his ways, and occasionally meets herder to fix her guns. hyacinth used to have a crush on fred growing up, it largely had to do with the flowers he put in her hair. to hyacinth, everything in the world is too fast and quick and she feels like her fatigue makes her left behind. she grows to like fred becuase his nature is proof that being out of the loop or disconnected from society, or even people, isn't necessarily bad. it means you can appreicate little details and things. you can stop and ponder the intiricacies of things....leading her to take a liking to things like craftsmanship and fashion design. i think she has an artistic eye when it comes to her garbs, and believes her clothes and elegant get up will compensate for her rather, quieter nature. she wants to be flashy like her mother, but her personality doesn't allow it, so she constantly remains in this "i am better becuase i take time to appreicate little thins but i am not interesting enough like my mom or sister so i try on pretty dresses with an artistic expression so people will notice". despite her low energy, she has a temper and can shout, or resort to drastic measures easily like her father when overwhelmed due to keeping most of her feelings hidden. but she's very calm and witty, and knows how to make everyone laugh, even her 🩰 aunt and fred! even william or louis can't help but break out a chuckle when she makes fun of some rotten noble in a witty way though i don't know which of the twins will be more atached to their mother and which will be more to their father
Father Like Daughter (Yandere William James Moriarty and his darling having a genius daughter)
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Oh my goodness yes!! Like I imagine that that the two are still insanely close despite their differences, like taking walks together, horseback riding, sneaking into their father’s study and stealing a bottle of wine (but only on evenings when Albert is not home and one of them will distract Louis while the other one snags it). I imagine that even in their teenage years that they share a room together and many nights Albert or someone else in the house would have to tell them to be quiet because it is nearing the early house of the morning and they need to sleep as well, and normally this is Marguerite keeping Hyacinth awake and her father is very cross by this because it is bad for Hyacinth’s health (then god forbid if their Uncle Louis is the one who caught them awake).
Then Marguerite, I imagine her being quite similar to her aunt, Albert’s darling’s sister who is married off to Mycroft Holmes, having a very brash personality and having opinions and doing this that put her on the outskirts of society. She is very similar Eloise from Bridgerton except her father very much approves of her personality and will probably teach her many things himself, though I imagine that he would leave shooting lessons for someone who is much more capable like Moran but will probably chaperone since it is Moran. I also have a very funny picture in my head of Jack teaching her self defense or something along those lines but she can never beat him in a fight, and one day when she lost she just hears clapping and in the doorway is her twin sister with the smallest of smirks on her face.
“Very gracefully done, sister.”
“Oh fuck you-“
“Marguerite Francesca Moriarty! Mind your language!”
“Oh he used your full name, you are in trouble.”
Her father was in the hallway, Albert cannot stand his children swearing.
Meanwhile I imagine Hyacinth and Andrei are rather close as well, imagining they both have an interest in the arts, taking her to go see plays and view galleries. She has horrible social anxiety and watches while her mother and sister can talk to people but when a stranger approaches her she gets horrible anxiety and runs off to hide behind someone like her father. She is extremely insecure about her condition and will often withdraw herself so it will never get in the way, she wants to be apart of things but can never push herself to do so. I imagine a lot of the time where the family goes out to attend social events that she forces herself to be awake and active for much of it as to keep up with her brother and sister, ignoring the pain in her joints and muscles, but eventually her father will notice…
“Louis, can take Hyacinth home? I think she is getting quite exhausted.
“Father, I am fine-“
“And you are a horrible liar, you get that from your mother.”
I think her enjoyment for fashion comes from the times she would stay home from events because of her lack of energy, I imagine her sitting in the garden while Fred is working and looking through old photographs from when her mother was in the marriage market before she married father and she would wear beautiful dresses that her grandmother, the twins’ great grandmother, who lived in Paris would make for her and send out to their granddaughter for her to wear. Then when her mother and father would return home from their outing she would ask her other about them and in that moment there was a light in her mother’s eyes before she took her daughter’s hand and les her up to her and Albert’s shared room and took out a trunk from the back of the closet and opened it and inside where all the dresses and jewelry she used to wear that her grandmother made her. So she finds a new hobby in repairing these dresses while her family is on outings she cannot go on, I imagine they end up looking like dresses from Bridgerton. So when she goes out to high society events she can handle, all eyes are on her, because while the dresses are dated for the time they are absolutely beautiful, intricate and detailed, catching the eye of many young men her age, after all it is considered quite attractive to have a wife with such an eye for detail. Though while Albert his daughter is finding herself through such expression, he is not so happy of the attention it brings.
(I made a Pinterest board for Hyacinth (link))
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plasmasimagination · 9 months
Um, hi! I hope you're doing well! I saw your match up event and I'd like to request a Genshin and HSR match up (if you still can ofc, I don't wanna force it owo). I don't really wanna be paired with any of the female characters (as much as I love em, I perceive them more as best friends or sisters than possible lovers, if that makes sense—).
1. My pronouns are she/her. My MBTI is ENFP.
2. I hope you don't mind if I give you more than my big 3 in Astrology, since the planets up until Saturn (especially Venus, since it's in conjunction with my Sun, and Saturn, since it's in conjunction with my Rising) are pretty prominent for me. My Sun is in Aries ♈️, my Moon is in Leo ♌️, and my Rising is in Cancer ♋️. My Mercury is in Aries ♈️ as well (natal retrograde), my Venus is in Pisces ♓️, my Mars is in Aquarius ♒️, my Jupiter is in Libra ♎️ (natal retrograde), and my Saturn is in Cancer ♋️ and a few degrees away from my Rising.
3. As for my appearance, I have a height of 147cm (idk what it is in inches and feet, but it's pretty short, I know, it runs in our family), and I'm on chubby side when it comes to my body, but I sure as hell don't have an hourglass body shape. I have wavy-ish black hair (currently experiencing some form of hair loss tho) that reaches just above my chest. I also wear glasses and my fingernails are often short because I bite them.
4. A lot of who I am is influenced by the fact that I have ADHD (mostly hyperactive/impulsive presentation), so I tend to be restless and hyperactive, energetic and talk excessively, sensitive and emotional (emotional dysregulation go brr haha). I have pretty strong opinions about a lot of things (mostly politics and social issues), but I'd be open to discussion that could possibly change my mind unless I consider the view to be morally or wholly wrong with regards to other people.
I consider myself to be intuitive and able to sense even the slightest change of emotion or energies within someone or in a room, wanting to be the one to support, comfort, and advise someone when they need it. Idk, I like feeling needed and wanted by others. I'm pretty expressive with my emotions and can become easily vulnerable and share/be open about them to others. I do know that I often don't like being told what to do or how to feel, in addition to becoming defensive, closed-off, and silent after being given certain criticism/comments.
5. As for what my friends think about me, they probably find me a bit too overwhelming, especially when I become too restless and overthink and about tasks, but I'm also kind of the mom friend in my friend groups, trying to be a lil level-headed and making sure everyone doesn't get into too much trouble. I'm also pretty affectionate with them, saying how much I appreciate and love them often, confiding to them about how I feel and vice versa. I enjoy showing and giving love to the people I care about, and sometimes I get scared that I'm too annoying or that I'm overwhelming.
6. Other info about me is that I love playing games, designing, and learning in general. My love languages are words of affirmation and quality time. Because of my diagnosis and my experiences in life, I'd like someone who'll make me feel at ease, someone who won't judge or limit me, but instead support and be patient with me, especially when I (inevitably) fuck up. I like being reassured and having healthy communication okay—
I hope this isn't too much— Thank you so so much in advance, and please take care, wherever you currently are! Sending lots of energy and appreciation your way! 🥹🫶
Heyy sweetheart
Albedo is calm and analytical, he's a non judgemental being and always open to learn more about his sweetheart
Similar to you, he enjoys learning and designing, he's very open to any new knowledge, so there could be mutual conversations about different topicd
Albedos calm nature can provide you with reassurance, his patient and quiet attitude can provide you with a comfortable feeling without feeling overwhelming
He's willing to support and encourage your interests.
When combining this with his love for words of affirmations, it creates a comfortable environment all around.
As an alchemist, he appreciates you sharing your thoughts and feelings, opening an environment of healthy communication.
Jing yuan, the perfect man
He's incredibly good at communication and reading people
He's the type of person that you could tell everything that bothers you without feeling like he's gonna judge you or disregard your feelings
He's a general, meaning he's dealt with a lot of new people at the job, he's got more than enough patience and rarely gets frustrated or mad
His love languages are mostly words of affirmations and physical touch
His sweet words and soothing voice could make anyone fall to their knees
Jing yuan is someone you can love for an eternity and he'll never get enough of it, his heart is always open and he'll definitely rainprocrate your love and offer you the same if not more back
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slickfordain · 2 years
Can i haveee jack of hearts with a reader ( not s/o ) bc lets say they met at the game and she have pinkcore aesthetic? And is like reakistic scared and lazy af the only thing she does is eating the cookies that chichi requested at the people bc she wouldnt choose aka suck at choosing things💔
Over the moon right nowww— Pinkcore reader? This made me so fucking happy right now I wanna cry at this request
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━━━━━━━ Platonic friendship, Chishiya and others adoring you, fluff fluff fluff— Reader being bad at communicating
• Okay, let’s just say, the reason you’re here is because you’re stupid to get yourself into a coma.
You stood there with a bag of popcorn you got from the last game and saved until now, standing next to Chishiya who had helped you getting inside. Of course, not the kind of help you’d think… He was thinking that he could use you.
Yet, he didn’t come to think that he’d also get a little attached to you. You’re quite the use— It’s honestly hilarious how you survive so easily by just lazily sleeping… He followed your lead and somehow survived too. Is it because he and you both looked like as if, you were both dead?
“So big…” You said in awe, chewing onto your popcorn before lending some to Chishiya, who slowly chewed onto it before ruffling your hair. You’ve been obedient enough, why not use you more? “What do you think this game will be, [N]?” Chishiya asked you, eyeing the strange silent people. “Hmm.. Looking at the items…” You trailed off lazily, tilting your head to the side as your stockings were more revealing to the light.
“It looks like a food competition. You think we need to buy something?” You asked, only for Chishiya to chuckle again and ruffled your hair once more. “You’re quite the observant… Cute.” He simply complimented you, which you just snorted at and kept silent.
As for the others, especially Yaba and Banda, they kept their eyes on you the entire time. Mistaking you for a little kid wearing pink. Deciding to, perhaps be more interested of how you survive, perhaps kids are more useful than adults.
You’re actually twenty, but pop off I guess.
And so the game started… Everyone immediately hurdled into a group, while Ippei— the scaredy cat- was close to you and Chishiya. It made you super uncomfortable and shoved yourself to the side, much to Chishiya’s notice. He furrowed his eyebrows a little, getting a little worried. “Ne… You okay?” Chishiya questions you, before you just gave a small nod, eating your popcorn continuously. “Yeah… Just, wanted some space.”
Everyone pretty much heard that. It didn’t take long for you and Chishiya to also trust each other- after all, he planned to use you for the entire game didn’t he? Just the two of you. He won’t sacrifice you- at least… Not how he planned, from the start.
“Ohayo! Excuse me!~” A girl chirped out suddenly which made you, Chishiya and Ippei turn, to see the Lolita styled girl with a lollipop. It made you hungry for one now. “We’re forming into groups, and we were wondering if you’d like to join us~” The girl smirked widely, licking her lollipop whilst you ate your popcorn. The girl noticed, and suddenly coo’ed at you— startling you by linking arms together. “Oh my oh my!~ Aren’t you just a cutie?~ Hey kid! Wanna be my little sister/brother/sibling?~” She asks genuinely curiously, alerting Chishiya to immediately drag you away from her, with force.
You and the girl blinked a few times— You being overwhelmed while the girl seemed to be ticked off by the moment as she saw how protective Chishiya was of you. Like an older brother isolating his little sister. “We never got your name, stranger.” Chishiya grinned. “Care to tell us before we agree?”
Normally, he would say: “Yeah sure okay”, but… He can’t afford to letting you playing with bunch of liars. But that’s okay, he will always tell you the truth.
“Oh~ How rude of me…” The girl faked her enthusiasm, before stopping from licking her lollipop, an eager smile plastered onto her doll-like face. “I’m Urumi~! And you guys?” Ippei felt rather left out. They didn’t even acknowledge him!
“Boring, right?”
Ippei yelped, wincing at the sudden voice of yours as he looked to the side— seeing you staring at Chishiya and Urumi having rather some sort of a death stare competition. “O-Oh— Y… Yeah… But scary…” Ippei awkwardly laughs it off, before gazing at the woman with Yaba. He furrows his eyebrows, while you looked at where he was staring.
Yaba waved at you.
“…” You stared disgusted. “Ew… Isn’t that the man who had sex with that woman?-” You whispered towards Ippei who felt his face warming up from such naughty words. Who taught you that?! “Ehhh?! Wh-Who the hell taught you that?!” “What do you mean?” You chewed onto your popcorn, retorting back to Ippei who seemed panicked. “You’re a kid right?! No kid should say such things!”
“… Sure, I’m uh, eight.” You lied out loudly, chewing silently onto your popcorn as everyone heard that. All hell broke lose. You just wanted to see the reaction of th— “Eight?!?” Everyone except for Chishiya, Yaba, Banda, and Urumi yelled. I guess you could say pretty much everyone babied you…
During the game, everyone told you the truth about the symbol you had. Nobody ever lied. Nobody dared to.
Banda was trying to also have an alliance with you, because, he did want to kill you at first— But he felt like you were hiding something that he really wanted to know.
Lmao it was your age that you were hiding.
Chishiya was honestly getting impatient. Seeing everyone babying you… Especially that pathetic woman with Yaba— who treated you like their own daughter/son/child. Why must everyone suddenly treat you like a baby? But he had to admit, it was hilarious that you could also possibly manipulate them… Even if you’re dumb, this was an opportunity…
Of course however, many will die. Nobody will survive that easily, not when he can easily lie and getting away with it because he’s your “brother figure”.
Urumi was even declared to be your older sister, but sadly passed away. How unfortunate, but funny. Because Chishiya told you to lie to her. He was supposed to use you anyway, not them. If you ever get sad? Don’t worry honey~ He can just share some cookies that he advertised on YouTube 😻/j
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cosmic-ships · 6 months
Deciding that my TIWILY S/I is actually really good friends with Phillips sister, Wendy (She's my favourite aside from the obv)
She often remarks a lot "You remind me of someone-" That isn't her being coy, she literally is trying to place it but she can't. When her and her family get called back home Wendy is surprised to find that Kaden grew up in the same small town. Wendy offered if they wanted to take the trip down and give Kaden time to see their family. "I don't have much of a family but I wouldn't mind checking out everything. I can stay at a hotel." To of course Wendy insists that they stay with her and her family, that there would be room, she had already told her mother in advance. Kaden agrees and is actually pretty overwhelmed by how big Wendy's family is. "You didn't tell me you had three brothers!" The brothers introduce themselves to Kaden and almost instantly Phillip and Kaden hit it off to the point where you could probably see the cogs turning in Wendy's head. Then it clicks. "Oh shit...THAT'S who Kaden reminds me of! SHIT! I got to get those two away from each other and fast!" (She was scared about Phillip and Kaden getting together because she knew how her brother was(sort of a whore ngl lol) and she knew how Kaden was.(Got easily attached) Wendy thought it would spell disaster. There's a moment when Kaden is grinning at their phone and Wendy is like "Why are you so smiley?" Which Kaden replies "Nothing." Wendy SMACKS the phone out of their hands. "Stay away from my Brother, I don't mean that in a possessive sister way I just mean... he'll probably end up hurting you...emotionally." Wendy tries her hardest to keep the two separate but alas it fails horribly- lol Wendy soon finds out she is dead wrong about her brother, he is actually behaving, doing things and saying things that someone who was actually falling in love would say and do. As mean as it was she tested her brother by inviting over an ex of his and he turned her away. Yeah he might fuck up sometimes still but not like the other times with other people, he never did anything that would actually hurt Kaden in anyway. Wendy soon found out just how good Kaden was for him.
hey if you don't self-ship please dni! <3
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writerfae · 10 months
I'm finally getting around to describing Endre!
The real reason they were a good couple with Odette is that they are both DISASTERS. (Just Endre got better and Odette got worse)
As you already know like Odette, Endre (19) is also a future triarhist(with powers and all).
He is attentive, caring, protective and always ready to help.
He is also really extroverted and makes friends really easily. He can blend into a group whitout losing his personality.
He loves the outdoors and hates sitting in one place. He always wants to move around/ goof off.
He is a bit of a hothead, more likely to listen to feelings than logic.
Now I want you to take this person I just described, make them 5 years old. Now put unimaginable amunts of pressure on them.
Future rulers heve to study way more and way harder than anyone else. They are also expected to attend meetings and such from an early age to see how they work. Not to mention the fact that they're kinda seen as gods, but not really.
Endre hates this. He can't sit in one place quietly, it's boring and he always feels like he's being judged. There's also no way to get out of it. This will be his wole life.
His only solace is Odette, who is in the same boat as him. Yet (even if she's better at everything than he is) she never judged him. She always helped.
But Endre was unhappy and when his day ended every time he saw Adél and Ákos just playing around. It was not fair. They were also dad's kids, how come they didn't have to do anything? They wouldn't have to lift a finger in their whole life and they'd be fine! So he becomes jealous and starts taking his frustration out on them (not in an extreme way, he doesn't hit them or anything).
He shouts at them or makes fun of them. His logic is this: "If the worst thing that happens to them is me being harsh from time to time they should be grateful"
Of course, this logic isn't good and Endre realizes this as he gets older, but he is so overwhelmed he doesn't have time to unpack it so he keeps doing it.
Now, I made my boy sound pretty terrible so I want to stress two really important things.
1 With everyone else he is that helpful, friendly guy I described at the start. Best example is with Bendegúz. Endre sees him as a younger brother, but he is aware of his struggles and... god he's just the best big brother to him. He's attentive, but not overbearing. He's playful but takes things seriously.
2 He isn't terrible all the time. There's a reason Ákos think he's cool, even if he hurts his feelings a lot.
Endre loves his siblings.
Keeping in mind the fact that they have just normal moments where no drama is happening and they're just playing around.
Endre is only mean if his logic of "If the worst thing that happens to them is me being harsh from time to time they should be grateful" is applicable. If something's actually wrong with Adél or Ákos his jealousy dissappeares and he starts acting like he does with Bendegúz. He becomes caring.
Also, from his perspective Adél and Ákos can be annoying (even if Endre's way too critical). Like imagine you are dead tired, you had three meetings that day and you still have to study. Meanwhile your sister's freaking out over nothing like always, and your brother won't shut up, and he keeps sticking his nose into other people's business!
And one day you're sitting in one of those meetings you hate when your beautiful, wonderful girlfriend bursts through the door face sicky with tears and she tells you that your annoying little brother, the one who sticks his nose into everything, who never shuts up... is dead.
Jealousy gets replaced with guilt.
In his grief filled mind Endre can only cunjure up memories where he shouted at Ákos ( he thinks he was always horrible to him all the time which is a huge exaggeration). But he starts being nicer to Adél.
He starts trying to see things from her pov. Granted he is overdoing it a little but they're all struggling right now.
Then Adél starts going on abut how Ákos is alive...
See, Adél took Ákos's death really badly. She kept forgetting he wasn't there and when reminded she burst into tears. This happened AT LEAST once a day for a month. Then she says he is alive. Noone belives her! (Except Bendegúz as she later realized)
Endre is like "okay, i get it, you miss him. I also miss him, but there's no way he survived"
Then Adél and Bendegúz run away.
Endre breaks. He knows where they went, but he has no proof, and no soldier is being sent down into the Black swamp without proof.
Endre tries going after them himself but is dragged back every time because he is needed. He is a future triarhist. (Definitely not because your parents don't want to lose the only child left! Nooo!)
On top of everything else Odette is acting really weird and she wont tell him why!
A week later Adél Bendegúz and Ákos all come back alive.
But even before they have a chance to tell him Endre realizes what happened. What Odette did.
And from that moment on there is no jealousy, no guilt... just the Endre who I described at the start. And he is livid.
So, this is Endre for you! I hope I described him well enough. He's pretty complicated.
I know he might have surprised you couse I love siblings taking care of each other, but to me this is still that just with extra steps.
They can have club of guilty big brothers with Henry:
Henry sobbig: And i left him! He was so small and I just left him!
Endre also sobbing: At least he knew you loved him!
And in tha background is just their siblings like:
Aiden: Yeah... but you didn't really have any good option back then, sooo...
Adél and Ákos: We knew you loved us?! The heck?!
But I am insanely curious what Henry would have done to pre character development Endre!XD
Also Endre would try becoming friends with Talon. This could end one of two ways:
To the suprise of everyone they become friends really easily.
To the surprise of noone Talon doesn't want new friends, but Endre does and he keeps chasing Talon aroud with friendship like he's in my little pony.
Once again, thank you for letting me talk about my babies!
You know, I already was a fan of Endre before. And I am still a fan of him.
Because look, I can fully understand his behavior. There’s a lot of pressure on kids like this (Callan and Talon can confirm) and it’s always such a shame cause their childhood gets stolen.
Especially when you have younger siblings that can just well, exist and be kids while you can’t, I get why he was jealous.
Of course being mean to your siblings isn’t a good way to react. But I think he realizes that too in the end and that’s good. I like it when characters realize their wrongs.
And besides he sounds like a really likable person. I feel so sorry for him tbh. Especially about the whole mess regarding Ákos and Odette.
I can understand that leaves him a little shaken up, but it seems in the end it was pretty much a wake up call. And now he can be the good big brother he was always meant to be ^^
Maybe him and Henry need to get group therapy about the late effects of having to be the responsible one from a young age on and the guilt of letting down your siblings. They could cry about it together. I think it would do them good.
Their siblings might call them extra tho because hey, they have long forgiven them. This calls for group hugs
I think Endre could bond with Talon over the responsibility of an heir, even when Endre has it a bit tougher (regarding the weight of his responsibility). So maybe he could manage to befriend Talon, it just takes time.
Thanks for telling me about Endre! I always enjoy learning about your ocs ^^
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morbid-dreamzz · 8 months
I need to know everything about Mel and her tall daughter and their relationship with X btw :3c
OK First of all I would like to apologize for taking so long to answer (as usual) '^_^ I haven't written any of this before so it's messy yada yada y'know the drill.
I have a bunch of ideas, but I haven't organized them. There's a lot of "holes" to fill here and there!! There's so SO much to digest here
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It's long ASF so you're probably gonna get bored soon. You've been warned...
The timeline where Xenia comes from is split into **2-3 endings (?) (I can't make up my mind) her personality varies depending on whatever happens in each one of them. I will try to describe what I have thought on the main one aha--
Let me make clear one thing first, she has 3 sisters 🌜
-Celeste (Celes for short)
But in most, she starts off as a calm yet insecure girl who aspires to improve herself (much like her mother, she has trouble socializing). She had pretty much a normal life along with her 3, no maverick bullshit or anything!! Everything was going pretty well.
Oh, but remember when I said that things would still go wrong?
At some point the 4 little shits get tracked down by some sort of illegal reploid laboratory (which is controlled by yet another character I haven't mentioned, Enyo) who was interested on them due to having X's DNA and get captured shortly after, except for Xion who managed to scape (not without getting badly injured in the process and losing part of her memory, but that's technically ANOTHER story???)
Back to the other 3, they were locked inside a lab along with a bunch of other reploids to be experimented on and/or thoroughly investigated.
After being locked in for several weeks they get out together. They have no fucking idea where they are and they have no one to ask for help.
The story is basically about the three girls trying to survive in the streets of a shady town and unintentionally getting in trouble.
Xenia is pretty much the leader of the group, she legit was forced to grow up (? Celes is the intelligent one and Ianthe provides moral support (she's the youngest! She's just a little girl, she's trying her best)
I know this ask ain't about her lemme tell ya, she's an absolute sunshine compared to everyone (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠) Uh... More like, she was. She got shot until she died the same guys who captured them earlier, like I said they are from an ILLEGAL organization so they tried to kill them all in order to avoid getting shut, but only Ianthe was successfully murdered.
**In all endings, the 2 remaining girls get to reunite with their parents- as for Xion... Like I said, that's another story 😭 I can make a post about her sometime, but she's alive. For now.
Once they were old enough to stand up for themselves, each one took different paths; Celes works as a navigator and Xenia, still consumed by an overwhelming feeling of guilt over not being able to save her other 2 sisters, decided to work as a... (Un)profesional hunter. She would have chosen something more legal, but the truth is that she doesn't consider the law and its punishments effective enough. Overall, she's calm but when it comes to crime and its perpetrators she won't show any mercy.
Now for the relationships part;;
All of them had a pretty good bond!! The girls weren't really troublesome, X and Mel have always been worried about them (maybe they're a little bit overprotective but ssshhh) UNTIL they got older. Celes was able to recover a little bit more easily and maintain contact with her parents (she's more composed and mature, despite being younger than her sis) Xenia is still going through that process, but she tries really REALLY hard to hide it; even though she really loves them she kind of ended up isolating herself in GENERAL and unintentionally became slightly more distant.
But as I said, that doesn't mean she doesn't like her family any less! If you hurt them, you're literally gonna get your ass beat in mere seconds
X and Mel still have an immense fondness for her but I'd be lying if I said they weren't slightly disappointed in her somewhat violent methods to resolve things.
Btw, I saw your reblog and the tags you added, Xenia herself took the decision to upgrade herself to be absurdly taller!!! She did it because it makes her look cooler makes her slightly more intimidating.
...Unconsciously, she has associated tallness with fear, since her captor (Enyo) was characterized for being tall as well (around 190-205cm, I don't remember lmao)
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
I’m gonna put in one more request before your 1k celebration is over. Which you definitely deserve!! You are absolutely amazing! But can I also get number 9 pretty please.
Ok! I’m American specifically from the south. I’m gender-fluid and most days dress either like a stereotypical professor or I look like I just crawled outta bed. I come off as a grump because I get uncomfortable easy and shut down. I’m currently working towards a dual degree in history and art. I play video games, collect comics and action figures. I like to build model tanks and things. I get extremely emotionally attached to my things and hate when people touch them. I like to read but only physical books. I really like tea and don’t care for coffee. I’ll eat and or try just about anything any thing I won’t eat usually comes down to texture. I am extremely excitable, and often have a hard time controlling my volume in most situations. Once you brake through my grumpy mask I’m a goofball. I like to learn about others interests. I heavily dislike being in public and usually wear my headphones so I don’t get overwhelmed. I’m always down to do anything with my friends. I get frustrated easily, especially when I know I can do better. I will stand up for anyone and everyone but myself. I swing very heavily between states of hyperfocus and dissociation. I have anxiety and depression along with adhd. I’m the oldest of three siblings and I’m very close with both my brother and sister. I’m a very touchy person with most people I’m comfortable with. Touchy to an absurd degree actually. Once I like you I have no concept of personal space. I also make people 10x mean to me in my head. I love animals and have a single fur baby. A cat named catness. A chronic migraine haver.
I’m so sorry this is so long. And nothing is in order. My brain just ran with it. But keep up the amazing work finnie!! I appreciate you so so much my friend!! 💚💚
🎀 No.9: Ever Fallen In Love With Someone 🎀
tell me a little bit about yourself and i'll give you a rogue pairing a/n: ok yep giving it to the cutest little obssessive bean (and i'm so sorry there are so few images of her ;-;) 1k milestone info! 🔞minors dni🔞 • kofi • tag: finnie1k
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right first of all fluidity and adaptability? super key to this harley. like i don't know she seems ready to flip her whole self up on a whim and be who she wants to be on that specific day
she might seem a tad grumpy too, or maybe rage-filled, but it's just because she's so determined and outgoing so you're like opposites attract in that sense, which would be good for grounding each other!
cutesie nerd couple vibes honestly, i think she'd be a comic book nerd and i can see you both layign on your stomachs kicking your legs and giggling at dumb superheroes together
this harley is super patient, like she'll wait for something and/or work out how to get it exactly and i know from experience this is key when it comes to model building cos those fuckers require a steady hand and the patience of a saint
hello hammer, hello joker, hello you. harley knows a thing or two about being emotional attachment
trying new things is everythign to her, how else are you going to stumble upon brand new favourites or a new arch-nemesis??? so she'd be down to go to different restaurants with you and do that disgustingly romantic, cutesie thing of ordering four dishes and sharing them all while you feed each other with linked arms
harley is the most exciteable little thing to ever walk the planet, and i think the two of you would both be volume control-less wonders together because she can go from 0 to 60 on the volume scale for literally no other reason than she saw something that she wanted to squish with love
same with the grumpy mask hiding a goofball. yeah she might seem terrifyign and quick to rage, but she's just a little clown, just a little harlequin, just looking for a good and fun and silly time
ok so don't worry about standing up for yourself, because harley is 100% there for you on that front, and that includes in public when you're overwhelmed and you need someone to barge through the crowd and make a path for you to safety
literally you're almost the same person here, the touchy thing? very physical attention focused. will squish cheeks, pat heads, grab butts, smoosh tummies, hold hands constantly and go out of her way to not have to let go, she's touching you in some way at most times if you're one of her people
she's definitely an animal lover, anything cutesie that she can hold and pet (you included) are top tier in her world
and hey she might not be the healthiest person in terms of her mind, but she'll try her damndest to make sure you feel supported and at your happiest when you're ready to feel that emotion, otherwise, she'll wallow right there with you until you feel like getting up again
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aajjks · 1 year
s/o to the person who said they love my tc!dad asks🩷 & s/o to alina for answering them!!
as per usual, y/n is sitting in the washroom. a place she often retires to when she feels overwhelmed, the other option being the garden. whilst sitting in there, she thinks about her oldest child, jinseoul. her sweet 12 year old boy who has an eye for art like his father. y/n reflects back to when jinseoul was born. so small and chubby, pretty does eyes, and bunny teeth like his father. one would have thought jungkook carried him for nine months.
in the beginning, he was a very easy child and still is as a tween. but, if you think ae-cha is the feisty one, well, jinseoul was the first. he was a mother’s boy by heart so anything he did was easily forgiven by his beloved mother. he actively stole his mother’s attention away from jungkook a lot too.
one night, jungkook and y/n were cuddled up in bed together with jungkook planting soft kissing along y/n’s neck. jinseoul was 3 years old and their daughter areum only a year old. jungkook had requested the miriam to keep their children because he wanted “privacy” with y/n that night. all was going well, everything felt so good until jinseoul comes barging into his parents room without a care, and hopping onto his mom with “tears” in his eyes.
“mama! mama! mama!”
“jinseoul? how did you get in here? where’s miriam?”
“i had a nightmare, mama. can i sleep with you? please?”
“aww, my baby had a nightmare? of course you can sleep with mommy. c’mere my wittle muffin~” coos y/n, completely disregarding jungkook who is completely against jinseoul sleeping with them.
“hun, he’s scared. he had a nightmare. he can sleep with us. quit being like that and scoot over so he can lay down” scolds y/n
“yeah papa, move over” says jinseoul whilst sticking out his tongue at his aggravated father without y/n’s knowledge.
y/n laughs. there son really was a character…
As you finally leave the washroom after spending hours in it the first thing you see in your chamber are your children yet Their father is nowhere to be seen.
Your oldest daughter immediately spots and hops towards you, a huge smile on her face as she looks at you, areum is quick to follow behind her older sister well, the two of your boys sit on your bed, watching you with affection, jawon is sitting in jinseouls lap, cooing.
“Mama mama mama!!!” Ae-cha hugs your waist with her tiny hands, areum cries as her view is blocked by her sisters back but she is quick enough to cling onto your left leg.
“What’s wrong?” You ask your children as you ruffle your daughter’s hair. “ nothing Mother we were just really bored and I just came back from my training, after freshing up, ae-cha requested that we see you. So we are here.” Your oldest son bows.
“Mama!!!! Daddy is so busy these days… and you have been busy too.. and I have a question in my mind that I wanna ask you. Right guys?” Ae-cha tilts her head and wiggles her eyebrows
Her brother just scoffs.
“mama, you never told us about your love story with daddy.. WE WANT TO KNOW. TELL US PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.”
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imperatorium · 2 years
Thoughts on nihil being a tiny pathetic little catboy and distracting her while she does work until she lets him sit on her lap and cuddles him
Nihil as a catboy is like that post that I'm going to poorly paraphrase regarding how everyone wants a catboyfriend/girlfriend until it's like 3AM and they have the zoomies. It's like, this sounds great on paper, I'll just set a cat bed next to my work desk and he can just sleep and hang out, but in practice my husband is a tiny menace who keeps putting more of his body on my arm while I trying to write and has kneaded little claw marks into all the notes I'm taking for his sermons.
I think he tries to be mostly person-shaped most days and just sits on the floor next to Sister's chair, leaning on her leg. She can tolerate that without much effort. She likes it, usually, having the weight against her and and his chin resting on her thigh so she doesn't have to go out of her way to reach over and scritch him behind the ears. Sometimes she'll have a pausing point to devote more direct attention to scritches, play with his hair, hold his face in her hands and kiss him on the nose if he's being particularly good. Sometimes he gets overwhelmed by this and sometimes she has to stop working for longer than previously planned. :}
Other days are harder and he is just A Cat. Sister is understanding and tries to be patient, but it's VERY HARD when he's rolling over and spreading out over a stack of contracts she needs to focus on. When he's slapping at the tip of her pen. When he's timed jumping into her lap to curl up down to the exact second before she was ready to get up to go do something else. Not to mention, maybe controversial opinion, but I actually imagine him being a pretty big, light-coloured flonffy cat. And Sister likes to wear dark colours and nice fabrics. So, you know, it's just like...it can be a lot.
But then he'll sit on the edge of her desk and stretch up on his hind legs to not so much nuzzle her face as slam his whole snoot against her cheek and he's purring so hard it's making his breathing sound funny and a moment later, he's a person again (still purring) and kissing all over her face (which she does to him, also, in both shapes) and no matter how much he wriggles around and knocks things off her desk with his tail (by accident, never on purpose if he can help it), she's smiling and it's definitely not the worst part of her day.
My secondary note on the subject is that, actually, while I can pretty easily imagine all of the boys as full animals, I more imagine Nihil as little caprine demon/cryptid when I think of him being critterly. But I would be completely lying if I said that catboy/cat Nihil was not something deeply and intensely personal and important to me for very real reasons.
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