#guest: Akaba Himika
the-evolving-falcon · 7 years
hostageshipping for the ship meme ask
Send in two (or more) names and I’ll fill all this out about the ship!
Rate the Ship -  Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - Till death do them part.
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - Rather quickly once they’ve developed a mutual understanding and realized how alike they truly are, with Reiji evolving past his huge misconceptions of Shun and completely owning up to his unjustified shitty behavior towards him and Yuuto by apologizing and putting an actual effort into making amends. Shun would follow suit after a period of mistrust, change his own attitude towards Reiji, and by the moment they are having deep and meaningful discussions, they are already way past the point of no return :D
How was their first kiss? - Electrifying. Tbh, there are various options for first Hostage kisses, all of which make sense equally. I may or may not talk about these in a separate post as I only really bring them up in private convos, but… yeah, pleasurable, warm, electrifying is what they all have in common.And please, people, neither of these two are too stupid and OMGOMGOMG awkward to kiss without messing up in a disgustingly embarrassing fashion. It’s disgraceful to portray them in such fashion.
Who proposed? - Either Reiji proposes to Shun or they are just having this very casual conversation of “We should get married.” - “…Yeah, we should.” at the dinner table lol
Who is the best man/men? - If he’s alive in the verse in question - Yuuto;  otherwise, it’d be Tsukikage or both lol
Who is the bridesmaid(s)? - Ruri - potentially the rest of the bracelet girls.
Who did the most planning? - Reiji
Who stressed the most? - Nakajima Neither is the type to stress over such matters
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.The former is how they’d prefer to marry; the latter is how they’d probably end up marrying due to Reiji’s responsibilities as the CEO of Leo Corp. They would, however, definitely hold a very small celebration separate from the official one, with only those they genuinely care about or at least to to some extent value - aka less than 10 people - being invited, and that’d be what they’d consider their true wedding in their memories. 
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - Those they’d specifically not invite are people they’ve already killed at that point tbh lol
Who is on top? - They take turns, meaning the two of them are equals in every aspect of their relationship.
Who is the one to instigate things? - At the beginning of their relationship, it is Shun, given how he is better at adapting to new circumstances than Reiji, who is kinda prudish on top of it. As their relationship progresses, however, they are pretty much equal in regard to instigating ‘quality time’
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 7.5 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right nowI do believe these two’d have intercourse quite regularly, though it is important to mention that they are very much capable of going without too, with no negative impact on their relationship whatsoever, as they are attracted to one another’s minds, not bodies. And no, no intercourse in public or other ‘risky’ places either; Shun and Reiji are not neanderthals, please and thank you.
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s headNo toys, but… Reiji’d definitely want to experiment a little, with Shun acquiring a taste for trying out new things as well after some time has passed. But…yeah *cough* tying one another up with Reiji’s scarf *cough* a mild kink involving Reiji making Shun say ‘please’ *cough* a very mild and harmless foot kink because ankles without it being dirty or grossly sexual *cough*
How long do they normally last? - It depends on how much time they have at hand before they need to sleep - and on whether they want to just quickly blow off steam or explore every inch of one another’s body.
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - Always.
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.Again, anything from 2-5 could happen depending on the exact circumstances and intentions.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.Contrary to popular belief, I see these two as an incredibly physically affectionate couple. PDA would be very tame and limited (mostly, they just hold hands), but… yeah, these two, in particular, are very affection-starved for multiple reasons- they’d of course make use of the fact that they’ve finally found someone they adore and genuinely do want to exchange such displays of affection with.
Children and either character do not work - period.
How many children will they have naturally? -
How many children will they adopt? -
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? -
Who is the stricter parent? -
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? -
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? -
Who is the more loved parent? -
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings?
Who cried the most at graduation? -
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? -
Who does the most cooking? - Shun. While they usually eat the meals prepared for them by the kitchen staff, there are days Reiji is craving Shun’s homemade food in particular, and as Shun himself is holding Leo and Himika in contempt for having deprived Reiji of any kinds of small meaningful gestures showing that he is being valued as a person, he’ll happily oblige him whenever it doesn’t interfere with his duties - despite how he couldn’t care any less about what he himself is eating.
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - Reiji. But then again, with Shun as his competition, that really doesn’t say all that much lol
Who does the grocery shopping? - Neither. Preparing food and buying groceries is the task of the Akabas’ kitchen staff, and since the fridge is always well-stocked, Shun can just take the ingredients he needs from there. That being said, if there’s a special kind of ingredient Shun needs for his meal that is either seasonal or has to be super fresh, it can definitely occur that they just go and buy it together as some sort of mini-date.
How often do they bake desserts? - I cannot picture them doing any such thing prior to Ruri being freed - and even then, it’d take a lot of asking nicely and gentle bullying for them to join Ruri in the kitchen.
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - The kitchen staff’s meals are well-balanced and healthy, meaning far more veggies as ingredients than meat.
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - As Shun doesn’t really cook anything fancy, just… simply, homemade dishes that are remarkably tasty and Reiji’d just suggest going out, neither really qualifies for this. Ruri’d definitely cook something for the nerds, though, should she be back and aware of the exact date of the start of their relationship.
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Reiji. He’s a bad workaholic, but even he doesn’t come close to Shun’s mustn’t-spend-a-single-second-away-from-war-duties mentality.
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidentally while cooking? - Reiji. Boy has never stepped a single foot in a kitchen before and he doesn’t really have any intention to change such habits if it isn’t for the sake of watching Shun cook.
Who cleans the room? - The Akabas’ cleaning staff.
Who is really against chores? - Again, the Akabas have people hired for practically everything, so the question is kinda redundant.
Who cleans up after the pets? - No pets for these two.
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - Reiji by exclusion principle.as Shun just doesn’t care about trivial matters such as cleaning and maintaining appearances in front of others That being said, this’d only occur in the case of an ‘emergency’ as otherwise, Reiji’d simply notify the cleaning staff-
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - I wouldn’t call it ‘stressing’, but… yeaaah, Reiji’d definitely give more fucks than Shun - who gives zero lol However, what kinds of guests would these two even have other than business contacts or politicians contributing to Standard’s war effort? - because no, the Lancer children certainly don’t qualify for that.
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - Probably Shun lol
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - Reiji. When he gets Shun to join him, however, then enter and leave at the same time.
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - Again, no pets for these two.
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - Again something that’d only work with Ruri being there to nudge them into celebrating a holiday with her.
What are their goals for the relationship? -  Defeating Academia, killing Leo, and saving Ruri aside, it’d be: Bringing out the best in themselves and in one another; gaining a deeper understanding of themselves, one another, and their surroundings; nurturing something truly genuine and meaningful completely void of false appearances and pretenses.
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - Neither. Shun’s a light sleeper and Reiji’s too responsible, though… should Shun manage to collapse in his lack of talent at resting and taking proper care of himself, it could happen to him - and gosh, would this poor boy be shocked upon seeing the time ^^’ Same applies to Reiji in the case of him getting sick.
Who plays the most pranks? - Neither of them is the type for that, though if we’re talking about romantic trolling…. in that case, Reiji is the one, though Shun most definitely knows to fight back when he actually cares to.
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whiteclericmaris · 7 years
Reiji sat on his desk completing the tasks handed to him for the day. Most of it involved signing contracts which he could do at his desk. He had grown accustomed to sitting on the desk that sometimes he would eat his meals al desko. While usually unadvised Reiji would make sure to clean after himself. If not Nakajima would make a maid come to clean the area on his desk. "That won't be necessary today." Reiji informed Nakajima. "Understood." Nakajima reacted. It was his job to acquire anything his employer wanted as his assistant. He presumed the reason for today was because of their new guest that Himika had brought into the Akaba household. The child that would stare at everything without mentioning something. As they entered the waiting room they saw the light blue jacket the child would wear as he sat still in the chair, waiting or longing, not reacting to the two men approaching him. Once they arrived closer did the young boy move his head to take a look at them. "Reira." Reiji called the boy's attention as he approached his new adoptive brother. Reira just stared at Reiji's eyes. Reiji noted the boy's eyes and felt as if he was staring into a void. There was no 'Hi Reiji.' Or greeting from the other nor was there a 'Reiji' to address that he had heard him. Just the movement of his head that registered that he had heard his name called. "We are going to have lunch together." Reiji informed the other. As the young boy lacked a sense of self Reiji remembered how asking 'What do you want to eat?' went yesterday. The boy would not answer but would eat whatever was handed to him. Reira gave the tilt of a nod as he slid from his chair to prepare for their trek. Reiji wrapped his right arm around Reira's left as he would lead the other to their lunch meal for the day.
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darkfromday · 7 years
missed kiss from:
It took me four and a half days but I wrote more Arc-V for the fandom.
(I still don’t know what the title is because titling is suddenly hard. Gah.)
of course it’s pendulumshipping what the fuck do you think I breathe for
(ahem anyway it’s under the cut.)
The first time Yuuya's boyfriend kissed him, he was asleep and missed out on half of it.
(To this day he still pouted a bit about it, because they weren't a very affectionate couple in general, and before that morning they'd only ever held hands. And for all his abilities--riding a D-Wheel, growing  plants, charming spectators and wrecking dimensions--he couldn't turn back time to relive that kiss, damn it. So why'd it have to be then that his partner got mushy?
Reiji just chuckled and shrugged whenever it came up, enjoying the usual satisfaction of having his boyfriend's thoughts in knots.)
Yuuya had been looking after Reira with Tsukikage the evening before it happened; the Akaba matriarch was away for business yet again, and Reiji had kidnapped Shun to go and stock up on groceries. This wasn't the first time Yuuya had ended up kid-sitting Reiji's brother since they'd kept dueling, stopped arguing, started talking, and then started dating, so it was no trouble at all for them to get along.
It was only the second time that Tsukikage had also been called to look after Reira at the same time, though, which gave the two older former Lancers more time to truly get to know one another outside the desperation of a dimensional war. So while Reira drew and watched the nature channel, Yuuya chatted with Tsukikage about the well-being of his brother, Hikage, about how their duel schools were doing, and even about dealing with wartime injuries.
"The muscles are no bother," the young ninja had said, waving an arm. "The exercises I do in the mornings before classes dull those pains well enough. The problem is--"
"--the joints," Yuuya had finished for him, currently massaging his elbow. "Aa, it's the same. Every wall I slammed into or street I fell onto--it's like they're still with me. Nothing heals entirely."
He'd been wondering if he was mad to feel the way he did, but Tsukikage's understanding nod and grimace were a better balm than the ones he'd been testing on himself.
They'd shared coping strategies quietly so Reira couldn't quite hear, then invited him over for a friendly traditional table duel. 'No holograms or Solid Vision' was a Serious Rule in the Akaba household, period. Akaba Leo had found that out the hard way when he crossed his ex-wife and got kicked out of the LDS tower--again.
The Akaba family believed in skill gained with substance, no flashy displays or audience necessary. It was how they dueled and how they did business. Anything other than a cold, calculated victory was indecent. Such was Akaba Himika's will that in her house, her tower, only Reiji's distant fascination with Entertainment Dueling was tolerated--and only because of the blood they shared, along with Reiji's proficiency in all other required duties.
Reira was allowed no such weakness--and after his prior transgressions, nor was Leo.
On that windy summer evening, Tsukikage had won the table duel, and the one following, so they'd switched to chess to utilize the sad, dusty set the Akaba brothers seldom used anymore.
("Our mother used chess to teach us, to mold us into perfect duelists," Reiji told him once. "And warriors. The best soldiers are fearless. They think so far ahead as to simulate omniscience in the eyes of their peers. So this is what we were made into--myself, and then Reira."
Yuuya had been dumbfounded. "You claimed the Youth Championship because you were good at chess?"
"No. I claimed victory in every Championship because I was, and am, the best at chess."
"That's... that's just..."
"--Ah, you're right, I misspoke. I was the best, but Reira has long since surpassed me now.")
Reira had beaten both older boys easily at chess. Less than a score of moves each time. For him, getting out of practice in any skill or pasttime was an impossible concept.
"Ah geez," Yuuya'd said at last, "is there any game you and Tsukikage would let me win, just for my pride? I used to win a lot, you know."
The Fuuma ninja chuckled; Reira barely cracked a smile. Yuuya took the latter occurrence for the uncommon gift that it was.
After that they'd watched an animated movie or three. Reira's life before becoming the most junior Lancer hadn't been filled with anything silly or lighthearted, making his first attempts to find common ground with peers stilted and awkward; he was a weapon, polished and readied to be used once and (if absolutely necessary) shelved. It was safe to say that none of the Akabas thought he would survive that long.
Even so, Yuuya had felt warm looking at him just then, giggling at The Emperor's New Groove. The maladjusted young boy who'd whispered plaintively for his older brother, suffered constant panic attacks at the possibility of conflict and suffered incomplete sleeps dominated by night terrors was now a quiet, courageous kid who handily beat his comrades at chess and chatted about casual duels with Tatsuya, Ayu and Futoshi. This Akaba Reira stopped by You Show to practice Entertainment Dueling, leaping from Action Field to Action Field; this Reira did better in school and smiled when talking to people (not just the one person) he cared about. After so long sleepwalking through life, this Reira was awake, aware, and so alive.
After the films, they'd turned back to regular programming and found a channel with college kids doing stupid stunts to pay for university. Tsukikage had looked on impassively, but Reira made a noise like a snort and of course it caught Yuuya's attention.
"Hey now, what was that? What was that for?"
"N-Nothing, just... that looks like some of the stuff you do in your duels."
"Whaaaaaa? Reira, I'm a professional Entertainer and I learned it all from my dad who practically invented what those guys are badly imitating right now-!"
He'd paused for breath before whining a bit more, but took too long to get started again; Reira had begun laughing in earnest.
The sound was so unusual that Nakajima and several guards had come running to see what the matter was or who needed help, and were stunned to find it was just their youngest master enjoying some gentle needling. Tsukikage had to coax them away.
Naturally after they disappeared (around the next corner), Yuuya had insisted on rebuilding his reputation by doing every pose and stunt the college kids did, but flashier and with less flaws. Reira and Tsukikage teamed together, throwing him one ball, then two, then three, until he was juggling the rainbow in his hands, twisting and twirling into impossible poses. First he was a pretzel, then a rapidly-beating heart, then a ballet dancer, all with multicolored planets still swirling around him.
He had then tossed the balls neatly into a laundry bin across the living room and leapt onto the couch, scaring his audience off in order to mimic the gymnasts he used to watch on TV as a boy. With these stunts and more, he'd easily regained Reira's awe and Tsukikage's full attention, while also scaring the shit out of the guards around the next corner who prayed that Reiji's young rival wouldn't break any of the tables, chairs or picture frames.
And after all of this, despite Reira's growing comfort with staying up late and spending hours of leisure time with friends, the youngest boy had called it a night shortly after he finished laughing and clapping at Yuuya and trading Pendulum Cards on the sly with Tsukikage. He was still taking it day by day, a flower unfurling slowly for its day in the sun. Neither Tsukikage nor Yuuya were the type to begrudge him the wait.
Later Tsukikage had said, "You are different."
"Uh... thank you?"
The ninja had given him a small smile worthy of Akaba Reira, now sound asleep ten floors up. "It's a compliment."
"It is?"
"I noticed earlier--when you entertain, you don't wait for the smiles anymore. Before, you hoped that they would feel what you projected, not see how you felt. Now you are happy, and you already know you are sharing your joy."
Yuuya had smiled with a little more strength, because that made a strange kind of sense to him. "Yeah. I guess... before... I wanted them to smile so I could feel brave. Feel good. Reflect off of them. And now it's not like that."
"No. Now it's not."
There was more they could have said, yet it had felt just as natural to remain quiet about it.
(Yuuya had always sensed that Fuuma Tsukikage had someone, somewhere out in Standard, who was to him what Reiji was to Yuuya: a balancing force, a confidant, a comfort. Someone special. There had been things he talked about with this mature young man that he couldn't even scratch at the surface of with the other Lancers, even Gongenzaka, Shun or Serena. Tsukikage knew more about Yuuya's innermost demons and most tangled-up, mushy feelings than anyone else besides his mother and Yuzu. Even Reiji did not know all of the doubts and delights that his former second-in-command had heard and gleaned in the past year.
Instead of polluting the quiet with words, Yuuya had thought ahead to the tomorrows to come, plenty of time for questions and confidences, and simply said, "Good night, Tsukikage."
And in return, the young ninja had clasped his shoulder, briefly but firmly. "Sleep well, Yuuya."
They had both ignored guest bedrooms (still too comfortable after wartime) and  picked couches on opposite sides of the elevator door, protecting access to Reira even in sleep. The usual plan was to trade off sleeping shifts until Reiji and Shun finally made it back from whatever grocery store had rice milk in stock in Maiami.
Yuuya swore from the next day to the present one that Tsukikage was meant to wake him up that night after his four hour shift, but never did. Tsukikage, of course, stoically denied such a thing and suggested that Yuuya had simply been half-asleep during his watch and simply drifted off again close to morning.
But he couldn't keep away a smile every time he stuck to that story.
Fact: Akaba Reiji and Kurosaki Shun got back to the LDS skyscraper at approximately four in the morning, overloaded with short tempers and enough groceries to outlast two more of Akaba Himika's overseas trips.
Fact: Shun remembered his old room and immediately suggested they pass out and check on the others later in the morning, since if there was a problem Nakajima would have reported it immediately.
Fact: Reiji shot this plan down before it could form wings.
Fact: The two young men then spotted the grocery list they'd accidentally left behind at the receptionist's desk when they set out, and Reiji reacted with dismay upon realizing they'd forgotten to get more instant ramen for his at-home board meetings.
Fact: He insisted they go back out for it, at approximately four in the morning, in full view of his dumbfounded driver and guards.
Conjecture: Already a murderer, Kurosaki Shun took several moments to talk himself down from swiftly and simply ending a boy genius.
Fact: After a long pause caught by LEO Corp security cameras, Shun quietly but unwaveringly suggested that they go to bed now and Reiji go back out with his boyfriend that afternoon instead.
Conjecture: Mentioning Sakaki Yuuya reminded Reiji that his boyfriend was in fact upstairs, probably drooling into a bed somewhere, and seeing him now sounded like an excellent idea.
Fact: Barely loud enough to be picked up by the cameras, Reiji mumbled an agreement that they were done with the outside world for now. But only because of the lateness of the hour and the exhausting nature of consistently being around dark-cloud Shun, not because he'd asked Yuuya to help look after Reira during their mad grocery adventures and he was likely still up there now.
Conjecture: Neither of them believed that paper-thin deflection for a moment.
Fact: The guards ended up putting the groceries away, and Reiji and Shun went their separate ways to find what sleep they could.
(Conjecture: It was perhaps during this time, away from human and mechanical eyes, that Reiji found his boyfriend sleeping soundly, looking as beautiful as a fey creature, and decided it was finally time to share something more affectionate than hand-holding.)
And then later that very morning, someone was kissing Yuuya.
He had been dreaming of going to Six Flags in America with Yuzu, shrieking as the rollercoaster twisted and flipped him faster than Solid Vision Duel Monsters ever could, wondering if he could incorporate this stomach-flipping feeling into his next duel somehow anyway. The dream had started blurring at the edges when the kiss reached through dreamland to retrieve him, but Yuuya didn't understand what was happening at first. It took a minute or two or five before he got it.
Oh. Someone's kissing me. That's... that's nice.
His cheek had been kissed next, barely a skim before his tormentor traveled back to his lips, and whoops, there he went, Yuuya had gotten a boner. (Damn my sensitivity!)
That went a long way toward waking him up.
"Good morning, Yuuya," Akaba Reiji said casually, as though he hadn't just given his boyfriend their first kiss in fairytale fashion.
"R...Reiji? You're ba-haah... wha?"
He had been caught in a half-yawn, a groggy state of confusion that whispered to him hey, maybe you have dreamed all this, this is your desperate wet dream, and Reiji isn't back from the store yet.
"Thank you for looking after Reira with Tsukikage. Kurosaki and I got back a little later than planned. My fault."
Okay, Yuuya had thought, shifting the thin blanket to cover his lower half while starting a smile on his lips, maybe I am not dreaming.
"S’okay, as long as everythin' went fine...?"
Reiji had flushed and looked shy. Sleepy and shy. "Perfectly well. Except, ah, I may need to go back to the store later today with you."
"No problem...!" He had been a little giddy, conscious of the kiss but otherwise perhaps three-quarters asleep, which probably explained why he kissed Reiji in return right then, morning breath and all. The older boy didn't seem to mind. "Is Tsukikage gone?"
"With the dawn, as always."
"And Shun...?"
"Passed out, downstairs. He's a little upset with me."
"Heh, what else is new? --What about Reira, did he sleep in again?"
"You know we Akabas don't allow ourselves that kind of luxury," Reiji had teased, then relented when he saw horror overtake sleepy complacency on his partner's face. "Yes, Yuuya, he is still sound asleep."
"Okay... good..." He hadn't been able to think of anything else to say. Until he had.
"Did we just have our first kiss? Did I dream that...?"
There was an amused glint behind the red glasses. "You did not dream that."
"Oh, okay......" Another yawn. "...Can we t-talk about it after I've had m-more sleep?
The middle Akaba child had chuckled, touching their foreheads together for a short infinity.
"If you still remember it, we can. Good morning, Yuuya."
"Good night, Reiji."
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