#guide posts of dubious guidance
cathsith · 1 year
Hi, reddit people. I hope you're encountering more friendly people than douchey people.
There's a shit ton of useful and thorough guides that provide instructions on how to use the site. This is more of a "shit that's good to know, in no particular order" type of guide
Random thoughts:
💠 Profile: put whatever you want, as long as you put something. It's up to you what you want to share. Just practice common sense internet safety.
💠 People have some really, um, interesting names here, many NSFW. Personally, I think it's hilarious to reblog deep social commentary from someone with a porny name, but if you're concerned about having that on your blog, maybe make sure to check.
💠 I'm sure some of you are old enough that maybe you were on livejournal and are still mourning its loss. I miss it too, especially for fandom. Your best bet at recreating some of that experience is to find creators you like (many fic writers include their Tumblr on their ao3 profile or fics) and following and interacting with them here.
💠 You can either comment on or reblog posts if you want. Some people seem to have *opinions* as to whether it's better to comment or reblog but it sort of seems like a generational divide. I decide which one to do based on how much I want to add and if it's particularly interesting, well thought out, and/or funny.
💠 A lot of people talk about how likes are useless, but I personally think it's a YMMV type of thing. For a while I tried to keep my likes limited to things I wanted to save, since you can't save posts here unless you bookmark it on your browser. But I also tend to like personal posts or reblogs from mutuals as a mark of support. Yes, you should reblog art to boost the artist's exposure. And no one does what they should do every time and I'm sure artists still like getting likes even if they'd prefer reblogs.
💠 Some people have started putting DNI (do not interact) in their info on their blogs and may get mad if you reblog from them. Sometimes people reblog stuff that you like and then you find out that you strongly disagree with their politics/beliefs etc. No one sensible expects you to vet every single person you reblog and if anyone puts up a fuss, you can probably safely ignore them unless they report you for abuse. I've never heard of that happening.
💠 You can contact people two ways: asks and messages. Asks have a word limit and if you go past it, will broken up and may be sent in reverse order. Asks also allow you to be anonymous. People can reply publicly or privately. If you want it to stay private, you should probably state that. If you are anonymous, obviously the response can only come publicly. Messages are essentially chats. A lot of people are cool with getting messages, but I personally am too awkward to use them except with mutuals. (But I'm totally cool with getting them, if you are so inclined)
💠 Mutuals: some people follow others back everytime, some never do. But there's a funny thing where we (tumblr people) get deeply attached to mutuals even if we've never had an actual conversation beyond a comment or two. It's a thing, but a nice thing.
💠 There are a couple famous people hanging around. They're great and surprisingly good at tumblr. Be cool.
💠 Blaze posts are relatively new. You can pay like $10 to have your post shown to people like an ad. Some people use it to advertise their etsy or personal store site, but plenty of people also post pictures of their pets or reminders to drink water or hopes that you have a good day. I usually enjoy them but they're fairly unobtrusive if you don't.
💠 Because there isn't much of an algorithm here, ads can be really random and really strange. You can get rid of ads entirely with a paid account. I think that includes blaze posts but I'm not positive.
💠 Tags here are weird. They fall into a few categories:
🔹 Subject tags: fandoms, music, sports, current events, medical or psychological conditions, history, science, etc
🔹 Warning tags: they're obviously not required, but they're not hard to add and are really important for a lot of people. Sometimes they're posted as "cw: warning" or "tw: warning" but sometimes it's just the warning itself. Just do your best. If you see something tagged "unreality" it means that what you're reading isn't real, but may be presented as if it is. This is (to the best of my knowledge) a warning for people with delusional disorders. It's also generally acceptable to request that someone add a content warning.
🔹 Personal tags: people come up with tags they use on their own blogs for categorization. Some of them are pretty clever. If something is just tagged "personal" then it's considered rude to reblog unless the poster says it's okay.
🔹 Conversation tags: I've been here for ages, but I still don't know the origin of "talking in the tags." Whatever the reason, we do it a lot here. Sometimes it's a quick reference or quip, sometimes it's a dissertation. The longer the tags, the more entertaining they tend to be. If you see a screenshot of tags, that means that they have undergone "peer review"and deemed important or funny enough to be moved into the post itself. It's a high honor.
💠 Tumblr holidays - I think this list has most of them
💠 There is some AMAZING original fiction and artwork here, some of which has been deemed Tumblr Folklore. Check out this list
💠 Okay I'm gonna stop now because I keep adding shit and I've had this draft going for almost 24 hours now and I would like my tumbr app back now
Hope somebody finds this helpful! Feel free to say hi if you want
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divinationrose · 2 months
Okay so here goes.. Writing this down as I want to write down everything. I don't want to post it because it sounds absolutely crazy even typed out!
But I'm posting my journey with all this and want to document everything that happens, so here we are..
I believe we are all energy and that we do have souls.
I believe in spirit guides, though I didn't fully if I'm honest until today.
My sister talked about this last year I wasn't fully convinced yet wss open. Then loads of stuff started happening in my actual life, to the point I couldn't deny my abilities anymore, and then the things happening around me.
My nature is to be open, but still a little I can't think of a word you know what I mean. Dubious?
Anyways, I always call upon my spirit guides for guidance regardless when using tarot/seeing etc, 80% believing in them, 20% still dubious, I can't lie.
Today I decided to do a guided meditation to meet my spirt guides. In this meditation, within a minute or two baring in mind I'm in a dark room with just the light from the blinds that are closed, this bright intense light appears despite my eyes being closed, like someone has shone a massive light at me with my eyes closed and the darkness illuminates. My vision with my eyes closed? I can't explain then jumps rapidly right multiple times, like a flashing, rapid moving sensation I cant describe eugh.
I was asked to invite in the most loving spirit guide I have, a bunch of other stuff then I end up sat in my mind I guess? with my spirit guide, surrounded by greenery. I'm asked by the guide, to then ask my spirit guide a question, I'm stuck, so I go with what's my purpose here? The response? - to bring peace, to love and protect. I'm then asked to receive a crystal from her, imagine the colours etcetera, she hands me a green jade crystal, but a citrine crystal keeps appearing to me too. It comes to the end of the meditation and at this point im thinking am I making this up myself what I'm seeing right?
This is where I was very alarmed after, I had forgot to ask her the most important question, her name.
Baring in mind I don't know much about spirit guides at all. Other than they can apparently be passed loved ones, gods, goddesses, animals, etcetera.. That's it. I don't know any gods or godesses names whatsoever. My sister is more into that side of things I hadn't a clue really, even then shes only ever mentioned one who isnt this one.
There she was sat there with a smile, her hair in braids at the top of her head. Not a beaming smile, not an evil smile, but a small content, sincere, serene, loving smile.
Laetitia - her name!!!
I then came out of the meditation with a deep pressure in the front of my head, and a weird feeling in my body.
I googled it immediately to confirm if anything came up, and there she is, Laetitia the roman goddesses of Joy and happiness. She's usually depicted with greenery (we where sat surrounding greenery and she handed me a green jade crystal)
But even then after this happend I still being the type of person I am couldn't accept it fully. I called to my spirit guides and asked if what I had seen was really one of my spirit guides am I just imaging it?
I asked that if it where true a wands card or the lovers card (lovers card very rarely jumps out) jump out of the deck for confirmation. Low and behold a wand card flew out of the deck. I asked again for clarity and confirmation, could a wand card jump out of the deck.
A wand card jumps straight out across the floor in front of me.
But that's not it,
I sat there for a few minutes contemplating it all, scepticism in me trying to be like no this can't be true, even though I do believe it right? Maybe It's my stubborn nature, anyways and then,
I got a chill through my entire body.
I dont mean ooh light cool breeze chill, I'm talking a chill I've never experienced in my entire fucking life. It felt like it was lashing through me it was so intense and strong!
And it happend again, again and again like imagine someone dropping a bucket of freezing cold water over you with ice in multuple times!!
I was just sat there gobsmacked and looked at my arms both had goosebumps, hairs all stood up. Like to physically feel that so strongly was insane.
I honestly was that shaken up, and freaked out by it all I called my sister!
She's like now do you fully believe? Im like YES! There is no doubt whatsoever at all anymore.
(what's even more weird now as some time has passed since it happened and I'm weirdly calm about what happened?) this is a good spirit guide and I'm thankful.
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ambalambs · 9 months
I've been thinking about my little scion trio ocs a lot lately and thought y'know what I might as well post a little snippet of fic for them. Cuz why not and then I can say I've posted at least one snippet for all my xiv ocs (except kaien but we dont talk about that lol). I did this one while trying to get a feel for how their personalities would feel on paper and in a more mundane situation. Nothing special lol
"You're gonna love Grams. She's the best!" Saya told Dailoux as they pushed the door to the manor open.
Dailoux gave her a small, nervous nod but froze on the spot as they were immediately greeted by the strong aroma of freshly baked cookies. Saya and Fawkes didn't appear phased by such a greeting but Dailoux couldn't recall a moment where he had smelled something so sweet.
"Grams! We're back!" Saya called out as she set about placing their bags on the nearby hooks. Dailoux had to quickly step to the side to avoid Fawkes' carbuncle as it skittered past them all into the house.
"Oh! Saya darling!" the voice of a kindly elderly woman called back. "Has that boy of mine proposed to you yet?"
Immediately Saya could feel the heat rising up her face as she took a quick glance at Fawkes. He was busying himself with removing his boots and was already making his way further into the room completely dubious to his grandmother's questioning. Saya took a quick glance back at Dailoux who looked at her equal parts amused and sympathetic.
Saya quickly cleared her throat, "No, Grams. We've brought a friend." It was not uncommon for Grams to tease them but of all the times why did it have to be now in front of Dai. Saya groaned inwardly as she removed her shoes. She waited patiently a moment as Dailoux jolted at the realization of the household's no shoe etiquette and stumbled as he tried to rush to follow their example.
The moment he was free Saya grasped his wrist and began dragging him along guiding him to the kitchen. He couldn't help but take notice that Fawkes had left them behind and had snagged a handful of cookies as he hopped up to take a seat on a countertop. A cookie already stuffed in his mouth as he lazily watched the pair of them enter. Grams however shuffled over to them as she removed her oven mitts.
"Oh there she is!" Grams beamed as she leaned in to give Saya a tight hug. She was a portly woman that immediately gave off a warm and loving presence. It was such a contrasting experience from the broody and quiet grandson of hers. Dailoux couldn't help smiling softly as he stood stooped in the entryway. Grams pulled back from Saya, giving her a small pat on the cheek as the young woman grinned back. "And who might this friend be? Is this the one Fawkes mentioned in his letter?" Her gaze turned towards him and he suddenly found himself growing nervous.
"The very one," Saya grinned. She tugged Dai further into the kitchen to stand beside her. "This is Dailoux. Dai, this is Grams!"
Dailoux nervously tipped his head in a bow. What was common Sharlayan courtesy? Was he supposed to shake her hand? Bow more? He suddenly felt like he was burning up. He glanced past Grams to Fawkes on the counter across the room for guidance but he just watched him calmly as he munched on another cookie.
"Oh my well let me take a look at you," Grams carried on looking up at him with a stern look and adjusting her glasses. Dailoux froze under her scrutinizing gaze. For the first time since he had awakened and Fawkes and Saya had found him he hadn't felt so insecure about his elezen height. He was towering over this woman as she analyzed him. Was this a moment of judgement? What would happen to him if she found him unworthy company? Oh how he wished he could be as small as he felt in this moment. Maybe he'd be able to hide behind Saya if he were. Unconsciously he scooted a little behind her. Saya must've noticed because he felt her give his wrist a small squeeze.
Dai jumped as Grams suddenly leaned back and clapped a hand against the oven mitts in her grasp and smiled brightly at him. "My my this one is a keeper! Dailoux was it? Well, dear, if my boy is calling you a friend then you are more than welcome to a helping of Bellveil cookies!" She turned on her heels but Fawkes' gluttony mustve caught her eye. "Tut tut!" she snapped as she smacked his shoulder with a mitt. Fawkes shied away from her beating with a smirk and stuffed another cookie into his mouth. "The least you could do is offer your guests some first! This boy i swear."
Saya giggled as she reached over to grab one for herself. "Actually, Grams, we have a bit of a favor to ask of you. I'm sure Fawkes already explained why we have to keep Dai a bit of a secret." She paused a moment as if unsure how to approach the question. "And we can't keep depending on the generosity of the Students of Baldesion letting him stay at the annex. So could he stay here with Fawkes? Just until we sort things out, of course!"
Dailoux could feel himself beginning to grow nervous again. He new Saya and Fawkes were already risking themselves even bringing him back to Sharlayan. Fawkes had warned him to keep quiet about where they'd found him and his unusual circumstances. But how much had they told his grandmother? He was beginning to worry what their next option would be should she refuse him. Would Fawkes ignore her wishes regardless? Would he be shuffled off to take their chances at Saya's home? But what if her parents refused as well? Where was he supposed to go? He suddenly imagined them turning him back to the docks to sail him away and be left to stagger his way through this unknown land. Alone. Again alone.
His throat was beginning to dry when Grams finally spoke up tearing him from his rapid thoughts. "Of course he can, dear. It's not as if this manor is lacking space. And besides," she leaned in cupping a hand to the side of her mouth hiding it from Fawkes' view. "This house could use some more lively company than this troublesome bookworm."
Fawkes gave her an annoyed look and glanced between her and Saya as the two women shared a laugh. As an act of defiance he reached out and dropped one if his hoarded cookies to the ground where his carbuncle leapt to devour it. Grams tsked at him again and shook her head.
"Well, Dailoux, dear tell me, how do you like Sharlayan since you've arrived?" Grams suddenly asked, turning her attention to him.
Dailoux straightened up and cleared his throat. "It's-it's been...comfortable. Cold," his voice drifted a bit when he realized he didn't know what to say. He sadly didn't have any memory of another place to compare it to. "It's very nice. What I've seen of it." Which hadnt been much to tell the truth. As soon as they got off the ship they rushed him straight to the annex before anyone could ask any questions.
Grams hummed with amusement. "And you'll have to see more, no doubt. We'll have to take you to the market and find you a nice scarf tomorrow. What do you say?"
Saya perked up at that but Fawkes jumped in before she could speak. "It's too dangerous," he frowned.
"Oh hush nobody will bother asking questions if we merely take him shopping," Grams waved him off. Fawkes glared at her as he went back to munching. "Now why don't you make yourself useful and show this boy to his room." She gave him another quick smack to his shoulder causing Fawkes to roll his eyes and hop off the counter. Saya gave Dai a little nudge and he made his way to follow reluctantly behind Fawkes as he tossed one of the cookies still cupped in his hand his way. Dailoux fumbled as he caught it nearly dropping the pastry in the process.
Grams chuckled lightly as she watched the boys leave the room. She turned back to Saya and smiled softly as she watched the girl kneel down and give the carbuncle a soft scratch behind the ear. It always seemed to gravitate towards her when Fawkes was absent. But as she watched the girl her mood suddenly became grave.
"There was actually something I wanted to speak with you about, Saya." The girl looked up at Grams a bit surprised and quickly stood. She watched as Grams turned and rummaged through a drawer a moment. Once she found what she was searching for, she paused and stared at the item for a beat before collecting herself and turning back to face Saya. She then held out a sealed envelope and Saya felt herself swallow thickly. It was a simple letter addressed to Fawkes but her stomach dropped as she focused on the wax seal. The seal from the scions of the seventh dawn.
"This arrived for him not three days ago," Grams explained, her voice hushed and grave. "Now I know he's kept correspondence with them for some time but...something about this one..." Saya finally tore her gaze from the letter to meet Grams' eyes when she paused. "Something in my gut tells me this one is different. This is the one that's going to take him away."
Saya found herself swallowing again and finding it suddenly difficult. It had been some time since the scions had sent him a letter, it was true. Truth be told she new very little about what it was that group did beyond helping those in Eorzea. From time to time they'd send for aid from Fawkes for his intelligence on primals and his echo. He was a perfect source to dig into Sharlayan's library for them but she knew deep down it'd only be a matter of time before they called him to follow their crusade by their side. Out in the field.
"I've never trusted the work Louisoix's little pupils seem to dig up," Gramms continued, "and I won't have them dragging my boy off to his doom. To follow in that man's footsteps. And now this talk of cloaked shadow people." Grams huffed in frustration. "I was just hoping, whatever nonsense is in this letter, you could talk some sense into him. He always seems to listen to you."
Not about this, Saya thought to herself. She remembered him mentioning these cloaked figures to her before. Ascians he said the scions called them. When he spoke of them she remembered how his eyes lit up with intrigue. If the scions were calling upon him now to help with these villains of course he'd agree without question. If they were as bad as they say then they were a threat to not just Eorzea but everything. There was no way Saya would let him rush in to face that alone. Whatever he decided to do she'd help too. It was the right thing to do. At least she hoped it was.
Her only fear was the danger. They were no strangers to combat of course. They'd faced plenty of beasts and minor voidkin during their expeditions into some ruin or another. Not to mention the others they came across when they found Dai. The others like him but unfinished and wrong. Fawkes alone was a force to be reckoned with and Saya wasn't too bad with a spell and sword. But whatever these ascians were, they were worse. Something in her kept telling her they wouldn't stand a chance against them.
Saya reached out and took the letter from Grams and clutched it to her chest. "Don't worry I'll talk to him." She gave the older woman a reassuring smile and it seemed as if a sudden weight had lifted off the woman. Grams patted her cheek, thanking her, and turned her attention back to her baking just as the boys made their way back into the kitchen. Grams' previous grave demeanor was immediately gone and she was beckoning for Dailoux to give her a hand with the oven. The boy rushed over and Grams was going on joyously about something but Saya couldn't find it in herself to listen. Instead she stood there, letter clutched to her chest feeling like a heavy weight was suddenly crushing her lungs. She looked across the way to Fawkes who had already taken notice of her current state, concern furrowing his brow. She could feel his carbuncle bumping its head against her ankles.
"What's wrong?" Fawkes asked her, taking a step in her direction. But as she quickly shook her head with a reassuring smile his eyes fell onto the letter in her grasp. She brushed her thumb over the seal, trying in vain to cover it but it was too late. He'd seen it. His eyes suddenly lit up in the way they always did that worried her. It was that one look that she recognized. The one she learned to fear in him. That hunger. That fire. That desire for more, whatever it was she didn't know. But she did know that in that moment nothing she could say would stop him from leaving.
Quickly she signed his name. The gesture pulling his focus off the letter and back onto her. She gave him a nervous smile, searching in his eyes for that hunger again but it was gone as quickly as it had come. He smiled softly back at her. Such a rare thing, his smile. And that was all Saya needed to know that whatever happened next, whatever crazy journey they were about to be swept up in, they'd be alright. She'd hold onto that hope.
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scrawnytreedemon · 3 years
Zelink for the ship bingo? :0 any game!
OH GOD, THIS IS?? Gonna be a doozy. Buckle in.
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WW-PH: Link/Tetra:
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Spirit Tracks(in theory! I haven't seen the game yet, can't speak personally):
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Nearly all other instances:
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RIGHT! getting onto individual analysis,
1, SkSw: By far my favourite of the bunch, and a longtime delight. Whether you construe their relationship as romantic or not, doesn't matter-- They've got such a wonderful arc of trust and unbreakable love. Zelda starts off incredibly worried for Link, constantly fretting and deeply unsure of his abilities. She steps in to defend him, willing to go up against Big Boys like Groose to do so. As the game progresses, however, and Link grows, in strength and in character, Zelda, and everyone else for the matter, put more trust in him-- By the end of the game, they're on equal footing, and, oh god, oh man, I'm gonna crybhfgjfhdgkjdjd--
2, WW-PH: Nothing to say except, tough girl, sweet boy? Phuck yeah!
Jokes aside, Link and Tetra's arc is also one of trust and vulnerability, but from a different angle. Tetra's a hard-as-nails, independent, morally dubious young girl who's landed herself as captain of a ship full of Big Boys, and sees Link as little more than a useful, if rather weak coincidence she can use to her advantage. However, as the pair grow,(really as Link grows and Tetra is thrown out onto the sidelines as her royal heritage is revealed and she's forced to take on a 'princess' role, one that notably feminises her and lightens her skin), again there's that theme of growth of trust! They take down Ganondorf together, build a new Hyrule together, and isn't that just what dreams are made of?
3, Spirit Tracks: Nothing much to say, other than the dynamic looks super sweet, and there's an interesting play with gender and presentation on Zelda's end? Love it to bits, 12/10.
Now... Onto the potatoes of this, I think. Get your gravy.
This... There's going to be more objective analysis and criticism, obviously, but alot of this is also going to be deeply coloured by my own personal experiences of heteronormativity and alienation. This isn't a commentary on anyone else's enjoyment of the dynamic-- I hope I've made that clear --But, just... I guess I should get to it.
Link and Zelda,
As one anon put it, the vanilla icecream of shipping.
Mild, sweet,
And incredibly heteronormative.
The Golden Relationship; the one toted by fans and Nintendo alike as "the ship".
Everything else, anyone else, is a deviation. It slots neatly into the expected hero-damsel dynamic that we've had, since, well, the beginning of time, almost. It's almost as dust of the earth as it gets. The issue for me being... They don't spend time much, really. Link is barely characterised half the time as little more than a slightly lackadaisical vessel for the player, and Zelda is a sort of guiding light; a dignified keeper of the plot, Righteous Guardian of Hyrule--
The culmination of all Hyrule presents itself as: wise, smart, beautiful, dainty but compitent, ready to lead a charge should need be... but rarely unruly. Rarely ever. Always right.
Obviously, it goes without saying how Breath of the Wild's iteration of this duo changes it up immensely. Zelda is a far more flawed, and in her attempt to put on a strong face, a far more emotionally vulnerable character than any of her gentle predecessors could ever hope to be. While this pairing and her character fail to hit that particular sweet spot in me, it's deeply intriguing, and I hope, perhaps vainly, that they'll develop her and her relationship with Link even more in the sequel-- Honestly, when it comes to this? An equality between her and Link is, I think, what would be best. A mutual understanding; vulnerability.
I think that's what puts me off from Zelink, on the whole. Link is bound to her, by destiny, by guidance, ever-performing his knightly duties, and Zelda is bound to him for strength, for protection. There's little emotional substance, half the time, save for small, precious moments, many with another face, because it's a dynamic inherently dependent on the war-- On danger.
It's all impartial, situational. There's nothing personal here.
And if that were it, if this were truly explored from that angle(as it is, to an extent, in BotW), then I think I'd like that-- Especially if it weren't romantic, I feel.
But that's not the vibe we're told to get: not from the fans... not from Nintendo.
Nintendo tends to be largely neutral on certain matters, such as pairings-- Honest to god, for the best, in my opinion-- But Zelink is that one blind spot where that ethos falls away. Here, Nintendo expects us to see it as some grand, destiny-bound romance, I feel,
And the pre-Skyward Sword manga, from what I know, cements this best.
It's why, quite frankly, I don't care for the idea of it being canon. Genuinely.
It undermines what little weight Ganondorf via Demise had on all of this, this horrific cycle of blood, pain and despair, always bracing for the next wave, of the sisyphian climb of this civilisation, and turns it all into a grand goddess' love for a boy bound to her by fate and destiny manifest.
I hate that.
For something like this, something where no one has any choice, where greatness is thrusted upon them, this endless state of being used that Skyward Sword even condemned, to be seen as good.
To get onto personal experience, before this blog, and this "persona," as it were, I used to have an art account where I largely posted TLoZ, frequented by my family. My very Christian, somewhat socially-conservative family. I would perform straightness, in the form of either pushing aside or pursuing M/F romance, because I was extremely uneasy about the types of conversations anything otherwise would arouse.
This was at a time where I wasn't even sure if I was bisexual, let alone divergent in my gender, so I felt a constant pressure to tamp it down and keep it out of the spotlight, relegating my explorations via art to DMs with the friends I'd make.
Here, on Tumblr, where peppy-queerness is the status quo, there's this tendency to gloss over unpleasant things and make them soft; sweet.
I think I've talked enough at length why that alienates me.
So, yeah... I guess, Zelink on a wider scale kinda just, sums up my unease about the often hegemonic status-quo of shipping, and on the whole I'm just kinda eh about it all.
Again, I think it should be very clear that this is not a reflection on my opinions of people who create Zelink content, who are attached to these characters. That sort of weirdly-tribalistic thinking is awful, and only brings about needless conflict-- Early 2000s-2010s kinda shit, y'feel me?
I hope this all made sense, kinda. I've just got... alot of feelings.
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bored-storyteller · 3 years
Re-posted, because everyone hates Ruven, even tumblr
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Hi Anon! Thank you so much for asking about Ruven! I love him so much you know!
I tell you, this is the basic information that I wrote, usually I never say too much more (for example the whole question about his "disease") because I prefer that he is slowly known in roleplays or stories. If anyone wants to interact with him (roleplay or not) or if you want me to publish some stories about him let me know, I'd be happy. Very few people really know him.
Original Character Profile
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(when I have time I will make a full graphics card, I promise)
General information
Name: Ruven Nightclock
Age: 27 years old
Height: 1.83 m
Birthday: October 12th
Profession: Doctor
Favorite food: Custard tart and milk tea
Ruven is a distinguished man, a perfect gentleman we would say. Classy, well-mannered and full of culture to offer.
His deep voice is quiet and delicate, he never really needs to raise it, he perfectly knows how to manage his words to express his emotions.
He will always greet you with a gentle smile and a slight nod, and he will never fail to respect you as long as you don't give him a reason.
Sure, he might seem perfect, but people aren't always comfortable with him. Whenever he meets someone new, that someone might get the feeling that Ruven wants something from them, that he is trying to find something, that he is suspicious and probing. In truth he has no interest other than to satiate his curiosity, and if it is pointed out to him he will have no problem admitting it.
He is not a sneaky man and despite this merit or defect, he will know how to stay within his limits when it comes to the intimacy of others. Well, but if you want to make him a confidence you will see the same light that you will see in the pure eyes of a wagging puppy come in his one clear eye .
He might also be scary, especially if he talks about medicine. He doesn’t have many problems in describing even rather bloody scenes without realizing that these could offend the sensitivity of others. From time to time he might even propose to try some new "experimental medicine", but don't worry, he is not a sadist, he would never do anything that would jeopardize someone's health.
However, his knowledge goes well beyond the medical field, and if by chance you happen to visit his office, you will be able to see what great culture those sturdy dark wood bookcases, that shiny desk of his and practically every corner of the room contain. if you make him love you enough, he could also show you his collection of maps and globes.
Ruven belongs to a world different from ours, but which basically reminds us of past eras that some remember with fear, others with nostalgia.
If in our world technology has taken hold, there it was not necessary, and mechanics governs the technique supported by what we could generically define magic, or rather some kind of alchemy always and in any case studied under a scientific criterion.
Ruven was born in a small provincial village in the state of Lyroran, but after the premature death of his parents, which occurred before he could have a clear memory of them, he grew up in the capital, Ceneraria, under the affectionate gaze of his wealthy paternal grandfather who for first he guides his beloved nephew on the path of knowledge.
His strong curiosity manifests itself from the earliest years of his life, and this passion of him leads him once he grows up to have a brilliant academic career in medicine that will result in his beloved profession as a doctor in the populous city.
He is currently a very respected and in demand doctor, he is esteemed for his great skills and in-depth knowledge that go beyond the scientific field.
You must know that there are several worlds. It is a difficult concept to explain and perhaps even Ruven would not know how to do it well, but know that they exist, each developed in a different way and with different characteristics, but basically all with a beating heart similar to the others.
Now, some worlds are perfectly aware of other realities, and are aware that if you want they are perfectly achievable, but the price to pay is said to be extremely dangerous, although no one has ever really found out what it really is. Crossing the threshold between worlds is an arduous undertaking and absolutely forbidden in the world of Ruven.
Yet, how can someone as hungry for knowledge as our doctor not attempt at least once to cross a new world? If it had only been once ... instead he became more and more refined in details and technique, and one day - good or bad - taking a step in his studio, he suddenly found himself in a golden light, and his feet a moment afterwards they rested on the fresh dew-soaked grass of an unknown land.
And since that day, Ruven has become able to travel between worlds, coming and going as he pleases. Of course, at first it was difficult, it was funny to see the dear doctor so awkward, but now, oh, who can stop his curiosity?
Still, the price has been paid. Something strange happened to his body. His right eye was completely disfigured; there is no longer an iris or pupil, and the skin all around him has taken on unhealthy gray and yellowish shades. But the most worrying thing is that this dubious disease has not had the slightest consequence, beyond appearance. No pain, no visual impairment despite the fact that there is no longer any pupil in which light can pass. I mean, it's hard to worry when you don't feel any pain, right? Or maybe Ruven is just sinning negligence, pretending not to see so as not to lose the treasure he found.
Yet, he is gradually realizing it, of how every now and then he misses his memory, of how he finds himself in places where he does not remember well how he got there, or of how, sometimes, he wakes up with a strange bloody metallic taste on the tongue. But that's the only thing his curiosity is afraid to investigate.
Biri: is a very small golden dragon and basically Ruven's pet. He is barely larger than a hand and he often and willingly perches on his master's shoulder or under his long raven hair. Biri's left wing is a mechanical wing, it was made by Ruven when he saved the little one from a storm.
Biri is an affectionate and cuddly pet, even if at first it might be a bit suspicious.
Celesia: Celesia is Ruven's providential young assistant. She looks at him with deep admiration, and although there are only six years between the two of them, the girl sees the doctor as an extremely more mature man than she is.
According to Ruven, she is a very intelligent and competent girl, he trusts her and leaves her to run the studio when he is away. Celesia will become an excellent doctor herself.
Zaafir (another main Oc of mine): Zaafir is a vampire who lives in our world and has existed since the time of ancient Egypt. He is friends with Ruven and they both share a deep love of knowledge, albeit for different reasons. There is an outstanding pact between them.
Family members: The death of his paternal grandfather was for Ruven the greatest pain in his life. Despite this, he is grateful to have been able to enjoy his presence and his guidance until adulthood.
He has practically no memory of his parents even if he respects their memory and loves them with the sweetness of which a child is capable. His very profession is a legacy he learned from his father.
Ruven's family is still alive with his maternal grandmother who, according to her grandson, is still in great shape despite her venerable age. She lives in a provincial town outside Ceneraria where she lives in her little house among her perfumed flowers and her cats, her nephew does not fail to visit her every time he has a break from his commitments.
Another mention perhaps a little more important than the others should be made to his aunt Nadja, his father's younger sister who was only ten years old when Ruven was born. The tragic death of her older brother in a tragic accident had left her tremendously shaken especially because she had already lost her mother, so she became very attached to her grandson who basically grew up with her as if he were a younger brother.
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profoundnet · 6 years
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Header by @pantydean and is available on merch from her redbubble store. You can use all those fancy emojis(and more!) on our Discord Server!
The Masterpost is open for all creations by ProfoundBond members which are posted in entirety during that month.
Masterpost below the cut.
Adaille - @adaille - adaille
Seven Year Ache
Summary: Seven years ago, Dean and Castiel became roommates. Three years ago, they brought sex into their friendship, and Dean stopped looking for anything outside their arrangement. But now, Charlie’s teasing made Dean realize people view Cas as more than his friend, and he starts back looking for that special someone to spend the rest of his life with.
He didn’t have to look as hard as he thought.
(For the 2018 Destiel Smut Bingo)
Tags: Top Castiel, Bottom Dean Winchester, Friends to Lovers, Friends With Benefits, Accidental Relationship, Charlie Ships It, Sam Ships It, everyone ships it, Public Sex, Misunderstandings, Angst, Dean Being an Idiot
Adaille - @adaille - adaille
By the Light of The Moon 
Summary: Cas is a witch, and is irritated that his hot neighbor keeps stumbling through his garden on his way home whenever he strikes out at the local bar. When a drunken Dean urinates on one of Castiel’s plants, Cas has reached his limit - but Dean’s limit is nowhere near where Cas expected it to be.
Tags: Top Castiel/Bottom Dean Winchester, Dom/sub Undertones, Plant sex, Tentacle Sex, sort of, Vintacles, Smut, Witch Castiel, Dubious Consent, From Sex to Love, Sex to Friends, Friends to Lovers, Angst, Misunderstandings, Art, NSFW Art
exceptcas - @exceptcas - exceptcas
Made in Heaven
Summary: Castiel Novak is a matchmaker. Dean Winchester is looking to have a match made.
When Dean and Sam Winchester decide that their dad, Bobby, is in need of a little romance in his life, they seek help the old-fashioned way: a matchmaking service. Castiel Novak is a rebellious matchmaker who is willing to bend the rules to help out the Winchesters. The catch: Bobby can’t know about it and they can’t legally sign him up without his consent. Enter in Dean Winchester, fresh off a broken heart and being forced to pose as the matchmaking client with Castiel as his pretty boy Cupid.
Tags: Matchmaker AU, Slow Burn, Miscommunication, Minor Homophobia, past Dean/Benny, mentions of Dean/Lisa, this is pretty much a chick flick
See accompanying art by DeadlyKittenKay
fangirlingtodeath513 - @fangirling to death513 - fangirlingtodeath513
Queer Eye
Summary: Sam drunkenly nominates his older brother, Dean, when he finds out Queer Eye is looking for "heroes". To everyone's amazement, Dean gets picked and finds himself with 5 queer people standing in his classroom. Can Dean survive the week with his secrets intact? More importantly, how will Dean fare around the dark-haired, blue-eyed, Michelin Star chef Castiel Novak?
Tags: Homophobic Language, teacher!Dean, chef!Castiel, past Lisa Braeden/Dean Winchester
firefly124 -  @firefly124 - firefly124
Status Post-Michael
Summary: fic created for Profound!Bot challenge: Dean is working as intended. Cas is on a food run. Sam might be possessed.
no archive warnings apply
hungry-cas - @hungrycas - hungrycas
Summary: Destiel graphite sketch for spnhiatuscreations week 8.
Tags: spnhiatuscreations destiel deancas dean winchester castiel supernatural spn
hungry-cas - @hungrycas - hungrycas
Quiet Moment
Summary: Destiel digital piece created for spnhiatuscreations week 8.
Tags: spnhiatuscreations destiel deancas dean winchester castiel supernatural spn
hungry-cas - @hungrycas - hungrycas
You Make it Alright
Summary: Dean had a nasty encounter with a spell, and he's not quite firing on all thrusters. Cas is there to help.
For the ProfoundBotStat 7-9-18 challenge.
Dean is singing in the shower
Cas witnessed someone hurting his Dean.
Sam is at the library.
Tags: Established Relationship, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Also sort of fluff I suppose, Profoundbots, PBotPrompt, profoundnet
hungry-cas - @hungrycas - hungrycas
Human Inclinations
Summary: A somewhat newly human Cas and a grieving Dean go out on a food run together. Dean seems to be feeling better when he has something to focus on, but Cas is struggling to deal with his worsening anxiety.
For the ProfoundBotStat 7-23-18 challenge.
Dean is working as intended.
Cas is on a food run.
Sam might be possessed.
Tags: Alternate Universe - Croatoan/Endverse, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Anxiety, Established Relationship, Profoundbots, PBotPrompt, profoundnet
NadiaHart - @HartlessFiction - NadiaHart
Summary: Castiel has left a life of sin behind him. Turning towards the promise of structure, routine, and stability, Castiel hopes to find some kind of peace by dedicating his wayward life to God. He tends to his flock, offers guidance, or absolution to those who've lost their way like he had. And for the most part, it works. He's not had a dark urge in many years, and though he sometimes feels hollow inside, Castiel believes he is content. That is... until Dean Winchester gets reassigned to Castiel's little slice of heaven and brings his darkest desires rushing back to the surface.
Tags: Priest Castiel, Priest Dean Winchester, Blasphemy, Church Sex, Dom/sub, Dom Castiel, Sub Dean Winchester, Spanking, Team Dean’s Red Ass, Belts used for Restraints and spanking, Prayer, Aftercare, Religious Imagery & Symbolism, Hand Jobs, Masturbation, Light Bondage, Bondage and Discipline
NadiaHart - @HartlessFiction - NadiaHart
The Art of Nesting: By Dean Winchester
Summary: There are certain important times in an individuals life that really stand out, vivid, among the vast seas of memory. For Omega, Dean Winchester, those moments just happen to be all the times he's built a nest. By now, he's good enough at it to write his own how-to guide.
Or, all the times Dean's felt the urge to build a nest and how it affects the people around him, mostly Castiel. A work of feel good fluff and smut.
Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Omega, Scent Marking, Scenting, Nesting, Nesting Dean Winchester, Good Parents John Winchester & Mary Winchester, Good Parent John Winchester, Happy John Winchester, Omega Dean, Alpha Castiel (Supernatural), Growing Up
perfackles - @perfackles
So Close, Yet So Far
Summary: Destiel silhouette against a starry night sky.
Tags: destiel
perfackles - @perfackles
Chuck's Rough Draft
Summary: Chuck’s original rough draft for Dean and Castiel’s story.
When he plots a slow burn, he really means it.
Tags: Destiel, Chuck Ships It
saltnhalo - @saltnhalo
The Cafe
Summary: There's a cute guy at Dean's regular coffee haunt, and Dean is determined to make a move.
Tags: fluff, college student dean, coffee shop AU
supernatural9917 - @supernatural9917​ & delicious-irony - @delicious-irony
The Rise and Fall(-Front) of Dean and Castiel's Breeches
Summary: Dean and Castiel's erotic adventures in Regency costume
A Whisper Its Name timestamp
supernatural9917 - @supernatural9917​ & delicious-irony - @delicious-irony
Hectax and Fairtor and Destiel, Oh My!
Summary: Dean and Castiel's erotic adventures with Whisper Its Name fanfiction
A Whisper Its Name timestamp
supernatural9917 - @supernatural9917​
Camp Crush
Summary: Dean Winchester has been going to Camp Chitaqua every summer for most of his life, first as a camper, and for the last three years, as a counsellor. He’s disappointed when his co-counsellor Benny has to cancel after an accident, but his replacement turns out to be anything but a disappointment. Castiel Novak is smart, strong, bendy, super hot, and for some reason really into Dean. Dean’s summer romances have never ended particularly well, but Cas seems determined to be more than just another camp crush.
See accompanying art by @Pantydean
supernatural9917 - @supernatural9917​
The Pizza Man and The Babysitter
Summary: Casa Erotica Presents: The Classics Series starring Castiel Novak ("Angel") and Dean Winchester ("Impala")
Episode 3: The Pizza Man and The Babysitter
Babysitter Eric (Dean Winchester) orders a pizza, but when Bret (Castiel Novak) arrives, Eric realises he doesn't have any money. However will he pay for the special delivery?
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joybrayden · 4 years
Newsjacking: A Free Template and Practical Guide
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Newsjacking, the way toward including your musings, informing and assessments into breaking reports, is perhaps the most ideal approaches to get yourself took note. In any case, when it must be done in record time, and you have a bustling schedule and insufficient time to sit gazing at BBC News throughout the day, how would you do it?  Newsjacking is an extraordinary chance to get your image's name out there for some individuals to see. For PR reasons for existing, it's getting harder than any time in recent memory to get columnists to cover your story. Furthermore, in case you're in social, it's inexorably hard to get your voice heard over the group.  Simply, newsjacking is tied in with piggybacking on a major report. It's everything about rapidly referencing newsy or in vogue points to produce commitment or raise your image mindfulness or get press inclusion.  For instance, when the new iPhone6 in addition to was discharged, there was quickly a commotion since individuals thought they were bowing in their pockets. KitKat immediately reacted with a delightful, clever, on-brand newsjack that produced monstrous commitment:  The magnificence of newsjacking is that you yield a definitive force that the predominant press have, and exploit it to get more eyes on your image. Progressed nicely, it can occur over the course of about 60 minutes!
What is newsjacking?
As a previous growing writer, newsjacking is my undisputed top choice activity in PR.  Newsjacking is the way toward exploiting the life of a report that is now out there, so as to get your image's voice heard. You bounce on the report with your words, your amusingness, your supposition, and your kin. Regardless of whether you offer a bit of guidance to press on the most proficient method to manage remote filling in as coronavirus raises, you offer your conclusion on a dubious advert, or you rapidly turnaround a flippant advert after a big name separate, there's no lack of news out there to bounce on the rear of.
Newsjacking should be opportune, and pertinent, and convincing.  For instance, Norweigan Air were Johnny on the spot with this crusade for trips to Los Angeles following the separation of Brad and Angelina:  It gets you heard in light of the fact that individuals are as of now discussing it. They're keen on what you can add to the discussion.  Be that as it may, the life of a report is regularly infinitesimal. In the present Digital Marketing Companies in Columbus consideration economy, it's harder than any time in recent memory for a report to catch the open's consideration for longer than a day. Newsjacking is an instance of getting your receptive informing out there, rapidly. There's little point giving a remark on an iPhone-related story if individuals quit discussing it five days back.  David Meerman Scott made the idea of newsjacking, and it was shortlisted by the Oxford Dictionaries as the expression of the year in 2017.
Also, he delivered a helpful visual clarifying the lifecycle of when newsjacking works:
Newsjacking Mediums
Newsjacking can come in various structures:
Newsjacking is frequently taken a gander at as a PR strategy, which it's not constrained to, yet it has extraordinary advantages. Giving remarks, arranging media briefings, reporting your own conclusion as a media discharge, rapidly dissecting information to discover new stories. The idea of PR is to make stories, and when the story is as of now made and we should simply locate our own turn on it – it's an ideal chance.
Internet based life
Less mediums are more quick than internet based life. Numerous brands have posted on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook in the wake of breaking news. It's an extraordinary method to get your message promptly out there, yet the difficult work comes in getting their first, or making your interpretation of it the freshest or generally fascinating.  Internet based life newsjacking is well known when news occurs in mainstream society. Recall the Rebekah Vardy and Colleen Rooney dramatization? Inside 60 minutes, the beneath occurred, with worldwide brands like Innocent Smoothies and Netflix getting their voice in the blend. It probably won't immediaty affect deals, yet it's bound to stick in somebody's psyche, particularly if it's connected to mainstream society.
Web optimization
This isn't as generally spoken about, however newsjacking has numerous SEO benefits. In the event that a significant story begins, look traffic for catchphrases which are connected to that story can detonate. Google will highlight articles and online journals identified with that story, and it could have a domino impact, being shared on outer sites (producing backlinks) and via web-based networking media.
Read Also:-   What are the ways to maintain brand’s authenticity?
What timescales would i be able to anticipate?
While newsjacking for PR: When a story breaks, writers need to cover it at the earliest opportunity – they're all under massive tension by their editors to get something out rapidly. Accordingly, they regularly need legitimate remark on the story ASAP, to add legitimacy to it. At the point when they're scrambling around for a remark, you can plan one as quickly as time permits, and in case you're got in there first, they're unmistakably bound to pick you.  You frequently won't have the option to set up your own substance, however in the event that you realize a particular date is coming up, you should design your journal well early so you have limit booked in to Digital Marketing Companies in Charlotte take a gander at reports, screen hashtags, and pay special mind to watchword changes. On the off chance that you can, stretch out beyond the pattern on the off chance that you can get ready for something like the Budget declaration or the turn out of new enactment.  This, obviously, isn't constantly possible. Numerous newsjacking openings originate from impromptu declarations, so preferably you should book out thirty minutes every day to audit pertinent news to your business. This is particularly important when creating joking social reactions.  You have to act rapidly, and you may not generally have the opportunity – or you may see the story once every other person has just had their state and the second has just passed. This is anything but a terrible thing or something to harp on. News is day in and day out, and its idea implies there is continually going to be more open doors later on.
What themes would it be a good idea for me to pay special mind to?
Each business is unique, however you should pay special mind to any report which is in any capacity connected to your image. You may be shocked by what number of various stories you can remark on.  For instance, in case you're a vegetarian style organization, you need to watch out for subjects and declarations encompassing:
0 notes
veliseraptor · 7 years
Top 5 character parallels?
Initially I was staring at this one like “holy fuck fun!!!” and then I couldn’t think of any character parallels at all. But with a little brainstorming help from @ameliarating​ I promptly game up with way more than five, so I’m doing all of them. Because why not. 
(Yeah, I know this is late, whatever.)
1. Loki and Steve. See this post that goes over the parallels in a fair amount of detail, but while it may sound crazy - I actually would argue that Loki has a certain amount of parallels with every Avenger, but with Steve the ways in which they’re sort of…inverted is really interesting to me. (A lot of these parallels are kind of “inverted parallel arcs” because that’s a thing I am super into.) In brief, though - Loki and Steve are both characters who come from a position of weakness or second-place, who acquire power - but of course, the ends to which they put that power vary dramatically. Like that post argues: 
Someone who has been treated badly, someone who has been beaten down, someone who has been humiliated and disrespected and hurt, either becomes very, very bitter or very, very compassionate.
Loki takes the former path, and Steve takes the latter.
2. Laura Kinney and Gabby. This one is pretty obvious - Gabby is a literal clone of Laura, and part of Laura’s quest to save Gabby (and all the clones) is rooted in her desire to save them from what she suffered. And the parallels are made absolutely explicit in multiple issues - between Laura being left behind by Logan and Laura leaving Gabby behind, between Logan’s “you’re the best you are at what you do, but that doesn’t mean you have to do it” and Laura’s “you’re the worst there is at what they wanted you to do”. And it’s a beautiful parallel that brings Laura full circle, from a character who doesn’t believe she deserves to be saved - believes she needs to be killed - to a character who sees a younger version of herself and makes her her sister.
3. Felix Harrowgate and Mildmay the Fox(e). Ah, the brothers too traumatized to function. Mildmay’s relationship to his Keeper and Felix’s relationship to Malkar are a prime example - both of them overpowering mentors who tried to mold them into useful tools, who nurtured insecurity, and both Felix and Mildmay broke away from them (but not really - their memories continue to haunt them both, or in Malkar’s face, their physical presence). They are both physically and mentally scarred, both struggle with emotional connection and communication, both have the bone-deep certainty of their own monstrosity. They express their damage in very different ways, but a lot of the ways they are damaged are, deep down, very similar. Mildmay I think even explicitly compares his work as an assassin to Felix’s as a prostitute, asking if there’s really a difference. 
4. Natasha and Wanda (MCU). Both women with compromised pasts feeling the need to make up for their history, both viewed as dangerous and of dubious status, both of them the only Avengers of non-American origin. Both of them have issues with being seen as/seeing themselves as monstrous, and both of them have in a lot of ways made the Avengers their family. It’s one of the reasons I’m really invested in seeing more of the relationship between them, though I think it’s pretty unlikely we ever will, because relationships between women in the MCU, what are those.
5. Rand al’Thor and Egwene al’Vere. This is one I still struggle to articulate, but feels like it’s very much there. Both of them move from their relationship being to each other to climbing to different peaks - both of their arcs culminate in self-sacrifice (though Rand gets to survive and Egwene doesn’t, sigh). Both struggle to forge their own way in situations where people are trying to guide and pressure them into a certain path, but where Rand has to learn to accept a certain amount of guidance and the inevitability of his own fate, Egwene finds her strength by claiming agency for herself. Both of them are immensely proud and immensely stubborn, and both of them are trying to steer the world toward their respective visions. Egwene is shaping the White Tower and the Aes Sedai into a new kind of institution, and Rand founds the Black Tower (however much he mismanages it). 
I feel like there are more things to be dissected about the ways these two mirror each other, but I don’t feel articulate enough right now.
6. Feanor and Lucifer. I mean, given the parallels between Morgoth and Lucifer, one could really say Feanor > Morgoth > Lucifer but both of these are there in slightly different ways. I’m going to focus on Feanor and Lucifer, though, because I feel like Morgoth - Lucifer is the connection that gets focused on more. 
The idea of the favored/skilled/beautiful son is very much present in the Lucifer story of the fall - and of course, there’s the matter of pride, and Feanor is prideful. He never quite fits, but for a time he is able to - up until his desires and goals run counter to the greater power (God, the Valar; God creating man, the Valar asking for the Silmarils). Then he rebels, and is cast out (along with a third of all the angels/the Noldorin host). He’s deeply charismatic, powerful, and retains his beauty like the Miltonic Lucifer. This also feeds into how Feanor and Morgoth are a dyad, both parallel and opposing - each Luciferian but aligned in opposing directions.
This perfectly fits my argument, too, that the Silmarillion is both the story of a macrocosmic Fall beginning with the discord written into the very fabric of Arda and continuing into subsequent falls, of individuals and civilizations. Thus, Morgoth’s Fall leading to Feanor’s, leading to the Noldor’s, leading to…and you see how it goes. NARRATIVES OF DECLINE.
7. Anders and Fenris. This is a reverse parallel - Fenris is healing and Anders is in a downward spiral, Anders’ views get more intense and extreme over the course of his arc, and Fenris starts to move away from his extremity (e.g. toward Bethany or a mage!Hawke). But their parallels - their intensity and conviction toward their respective beliefs - is part of what leads them to clash so hard. Neither of them is good at compromise, or believes there is any way to compromise (at least initially). Fenris doesn’t trust mages at all, period, and is infuriated by Anders comparing the Circles to slavery. Anders doesn’t really understand Fenris’s experience as a slave (I would argue) and more than once expresses some attraction toward Tevinter. But if Fenris moves more toward acceptance, Anders grows ever less willing to accept any compromise at all. 
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weedrobo · 7 years
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New Blog Post - http://wp.me/p8YJil-1d
How to Get Huge Frosty Nugs with Organic Marijuana Bud Booster Nutrients
  Growing marijuana is not for the weak at heart because it’s a practice that can often lead you to pull your hair out in frustration. Of course, it doesn’t ever get that bad, but if you have experienced lower than expected yields, unhealthy plants, or loose, airy buds, then you know what we’re talking about. You never want to put so much work into a project and then get a small return on your investment, but that’s often the nature of marijuana growing. Over the years, many growers have claimed to perfect the science of marijuana growing, but those claims are dubious at best.
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Additionally, many products that purport to provide a surefire way to grow marijuana and grow it well often leave people scratching their heads. So, it would certainly be no surprise to us if you thought the new Marijuana Booster fertilizer program was another in a long line of ineffective options. Fortunately, that couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, most of Marijuana Booster’s claims have panned out particularly well for many users. The program says that it can do all of the following:
(function($) $(document).ready(function() ); )(jQuery); (function ($) var bsaProContainer = $('.bsaProContainer-1'); var number_show_ads = "0"; var number_hide_ads = "0"; if ( number_show_ads > 0 ) setTimeout(function () bsaProContainer.fadeIn(); , number_show_ads * 1000); if ( number_hide_ads > 0 ) setTimeout(function () bsaProContainer.fadeOut(); , number_hide_ads * 1000); )(jQuery);
Provide proper nutrient concentrations
Produce healthier plants
Increase plant size
Double yields
Create tight, hard buds
Increase THC production
  (function($) $(document).ready(function() ); )(jQuery); (function ($) var bsaProContainer = $('.bsaProContainer-4'); var number_show_ads = "0"; var number_hide_ads = "0"; if ( number_show_ads > 0 ) setTimeout(function () bsaProContainer.fadeIn(); , number_show_ads * 1000); if ( number_hide_ads > 0 ) setTimeout(function () bsaProContainer.fadeOut(); , number_hide_ads * 1000); )(jQuery);
(function($) $(document).ready(function() ); )(jQuery); (function ($) var bsaProContainer = $('.bsaProContainer-2'); var number_show_ads = "0"; var number_hide_ads = "0"; if ( number_show_ads > 0 ) setTimeout(function () bsaProContainer.fadeIn(); , number_show_ads * 1000); if ( number_hide_ads > 0 ) setTimeout(function () bsaProContainer.fadeOut(); , number_hide_ads * 1000); )(jQuery);
Of course, this might sound like it’s too good to be true, but Marijuana Booster provides all this with a very scientifically sound process. They provide you with a Grow Booster that improves the nutrient content in the soil and in the plant itself. You always need to maintain the right balance of nutrients and Marijuana Booster gives you the perfect balance between all major and minor nutrients. The program also gives you all of the following:
Free grow guide
 Free watering schedule
 Free feeding schedule
Even with a good fertilizer and nutrient solution, you still might have trouble growing the plants without proper guidance. That’s why Marijuana Booster gives you this all of these things for free. But most people will still be skeptical of the promise of double yields, increased THC, and bigger, tighter buds. Here are a few testimonials that might help change your mind:
(function($) $(document).ready(function() ); )(jQuery); (function ($) var bsaProContainer = $('.bsaProContainer-1'); var number_show_ads = "0"; var number_hide_ads = "0"; if ( number_show_ads > 0 ) setTimeout(function () bsaProContainer.fadeIn(); , number_show_ads * 1000); if ( number_hide_ads > 0 ) setTimeout(function () bsaProContainer.fadeOut(); , number_hide_ads * 1000); )(jQuery);
 “Since I use Marijuana Booster my harvest doubled. I advise all my clients to use it and get nothing but positive comments. Thanks for this great product.” – Jason Creek, owner of Creek Seeds
(function($) $(document).ready(function() ); )(jQuery); (function ($) var bsaProContainer = $('.bsaProContainer-2'); var number_show_ads = "0"; var number_hide_ads = "0"; if ( number_show_ads > 0 ) setTimeout(function () bsaProContainer.fadeIn(); , number_show_ads * 1000); if ( number_hide_ads > 0 ) setTimeout(function () bsaProContainer.fadeOut(); , number_hide_ads * 1000); )(jQuery);
I’m on welfare and always sell a little marijuana for some extra money. Thanks to Marijuana Booster® I just booked my first holiday in 10 years. It’s more than worth the investment!” – Jack, California
“4 pounds from 10 plants – rock solid buds – best harvest ever!”
If these testimonials are any indication, then it’s clear that Marijuana Booster has exactly what it takes to make a huge difference in your marijuana crop. If you’re looking for something to increase your yields, improve your plants, and create big THC-laden buds, then you can’t go wrong with Marijuana Booster.
(function($) $(document).ready(function() ); )(jQuery); (function ($) var bsaProContainer = $('.bsaProContainer-3'); var number_show_ads = "0"; var number_hide_ads = "0"; if ( number_show_ads > 0 ) setTimeout(function () bsaProContainer.fadeIn(); , number_show_ads * 1000); if ( number_hide_ads > 0 ) setTimeout(function () bsaProContainer.fadeOut(); , number_hide_ads * 1000); )(jQuery);
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whichwitchami · 7 years
Spirit board journal 5/10/17
okay, so I am gonna go ahead and do this whole journaling thing. For anyone who cares, I’ll title them just like above (except with the proper date of course). I’ll tag them ‘spirit board journal’ in case anyone wants to blacklist the tag AND fair warning, there will be major UPG’s in pretty much every journal. Also, I’ll put the actual journal part under a cut cos I have no idea how long these posts will get. So here goes
Today was a freaking doozy. I’m exhausted for one, and I have no idea half of what went down...
Some background, since this is the first post I’m making. I used to be terrified of spirit boards. I believed that whole ‘they set themselves on fire’ shit that mainstream media was passing around. And while I have a healthy respect for the fact that they CAN be unsafe, I now understand that its really not that bad. Because of my past beliefs, I’ve only been using the spirit board for a few months. (and I still don’t really like calling it an ouija board. I like spirit board better. I’m not totally sure why) At first I couldn’t even get it to work ever, and if I was gonna get it to work I had to work with somebody at my fave shop who has been doing this for over 12 years. Now I’m getting pretty good at it, and a lot more relaxed. 
When I approach the board I’m usually pretty chill. I don’t have much of a ritual. I usually have candle going for an energy source, and I take a few deep breaths before really getting started. Other than that I don’t do anything. From there I just kinda  keep asking who is around/ who wants to talk until everybody who wants to responds.
Tonight was no different. Máni immediately jumped on the board to say hi and check in. He’s usually the first one around. We got through the whole “hi how are you?” cos I do that at the beginning of each conversation, and then he brought up something that literally everyone has been bringing up. There’s this person that I really like, but I don’t see anything happening between us. At least, I tell myself that there might not be anything because I have to keep a level head about this. So Máni brought them up then immediately was like “oh but I can’t tell you anything about what might happen between you. Just...keep talking to them.” okay...I can do that. I understand why he won’t tell me anything but its really frustrating because I’m just a big bundle of confusion when it comes to this person and what to do, and I would like some guidance. Máni likes to let me do my own thing though. Free will and all....
When Máni said goodbye, Apollo almost immediately jumped on. Now, Apollo rarely comes to the board, so I was a little wary. First of all, I asked how he was and he said “god” I asked if he meant good and he said no, I’m a god. Then said he was doing good. He told me to keep practicing, then spelled out the name of the person I like. I work with Apollo to keep me motivated in my craft, so I thought that’s what he was talking about originally. But then he mentioned the person and spelled out ‘trust’ which is a word that came up a lot the last time I had a session on the board, also in tandem with this person. (I’m intentionally being really vague about them sorry) Apollo didn’t say much after that. 
Persephone came on after that. This is maybe the second time I’ve spoken to her on the board. Now, I wanna mention, my sister and I had a conversation two days ago maybe about how it was one thing for Mani to be like YES, TALK TO THIS PERSON because he’s my personal cheerleader, but if Persephone or Aphrodite were to show up and talk about them, that would be a little more of a big deal. So persephone shows up, and after the ‘hi how are you’s’ goes straight into spelling out their name and love. 
This is where I started to break down a little. I took a pause because at this point, I wasn’t really sure if I was talking to a Deity or if the board was channeling my inner subconscious. How weird is it that right after a conversation with my sister, Persephone shows up and says something, when Mani wouldn’t give me anything. So I took a moment to remind everyone that I would really like some reality checks with this. I don’t want to get my hopes up if nothing is going to happen between me and the person I like. I don’t want them to blindly tell me ‘yes they like you back’ because thats’ what they think I want to hear. Even after saying that persephone very blatantly said “they love you.” I’m still a little dubious on that. Tonights session really brought on a lot of self doubt. She insisted she was telling me the truth and again spelled out ‘trust’ That’s been a huge theme, I just have to keep doing what I’m doing and trust that things will turn out the way they are supposed to. 
So I got through that, then Dionysus showed up. This was the first time I’d spoken to him on the board (at this point the only greek deity I worship that hasn’t shown up is Poseidon.) Wait no, Hades hadn’t shown up yet either, but he will. I just kinda look at the board and tentatively say “what do you wanna talk about” the response I get is ‘oh, you already know’ so we talk about this person for a moment and then Dionysus leaves. He didn’t say anything different than had already been said, and again I’m doubting myself because I’ve never spoken to him on the spirit board before. It’s random AF that he would show up for a 30 second conversation about a person I don’t want them giving me false hope about. 
After that things shifted gears, like complete 180. HOly fuck. Hades jumps on the board, and that’s not unusual. I talk to him maybe 90% of the time I communicate with spirits, no matter how I’m communicating. When asked, he says he’s not here to talk about the guy I like. He’s here to talk about my uncle who passed away in March. Cue the fucking waterworks. Hades and I originally started working together because I really don’t handle death well at all. I have abandonment issues. So I’m bawling while Hades is telling me my uncle is okay, and then all of a sudden I’m talking to my uncle, whose telling me he’s okay, he’s with his mom, he’s happy. I’m fucking bawling, then getting concerned that maybe this is a trickster spirit feeding off of the emotion. The response I got to that was “it’s okay, I’m okay, I’m safe, You’re safe” For a while we just sat together, because I had no idea what to say. I was not prepared for him to come to the board at all. After a bit he told me they all (both grandparents and uncle) were looking after my dad and everything was okay. 
I had to take another pause after they left because I was crying so hard. When I got it together I asked Poseidon if he wanted to come to the board. The answer was no (he wants me to worship him but never really communicates with me... that’s a problem for another time.) 
So I take a deep breath and ask if anyone from the Norse Pantheon wants to talk, since I worship a bunch from that too. Mani jumps right back on to ask if I’m okay and tell me he loves me (such a wonderful father figure to me) Once he knows I’m fine he leaves and Loki jumps on. Now, I don’t actually work with Loki. In fact, he wouldn’t let me near him for the longest time because I was obsessed with Tom Hiddleston and he knew I wouldn’t be able to differentiate. When I started worshipping the Norse more than the Greek he was kinda like ‘eh, you can talk to me now but you’re gullible as hell and I’m gonna take advantage of that, so maybe we don’t actually work together.’ Cool. I can respect that. Except every time I get on the spirit board, Loki is there. He mostly just spells his name over and over until I tell him to stop. He just wants to fuck around and I let him for a bit before asking him to go, and he listens. 
That’s not what happened today. He spelled his name a few times and I asked him to stop, and instead of saying goodbye like he normally does, instead the planchette just kinda hung out on a blank space on the board, which for me usually means they’re thinking or waiting for me to say something. So I asked loki if he had a message. “When are you going to admit I can help you?” 
Oh...okay....I wasn’t expecting that. I thought we agreed not to work together. So I asked what he could help me with, and he didn’t say anything. I asked if it was kinda like Poseidon where I can’t be told, but have to figure it out. Yes, okay...I still have no idea what, but I’ll do some research and look into that and figure it out I guesss...(I’ve been working with Poseidon since February 2016 and still have no idea what he’s planning on helping me with. I just know he’s important. I don’t usually worship a Deity unless there’s something we both get out of it, like some kind of growth or strength for me) I then asked if Loki even wanted to work together and he said yes...so welcome to the club Loki. 
After Loki got off the board no one else was jumping on. sometimes my spirit guide or spirit companion will jump on but they didn’t wanna talk today. A random spirit jumped on to say hi before the board went completely silent. 
there’s so much to process from tonights session. I still don’t completely trust that I was speaking to actual spirits or manifestations of my deepest inner hopes. Thats’ part of the reason I’m starting to journal, so I can track conversations and potential patterns. Hopefully it’ll help my confidences as well. Like I never doubt that I’m talking to Mani when he appears in tarot or using the pendulum. With the board though, I get nervous that I’m pushing the planchette, or I’ll know exactly what its going to spell out before they even start. I don’t know if that’s because I’m really good at hearing my deities when they speak or if its because the board is saying what i want it to. That’s where a lot of the lack of confidence came in today. I predicted a lot of the responses, plus heard a lot of what I wanted to hear “they love you” for example. Even after I asked them to be realistic and not give me hope because I really want to stay grounded in this situation. 
this got super long and rambly, and my computer is kinda lagging as I type, so I’m gonna stop and post it. If you read this far, congrats, I don’t know why you would deal with my ramblings for this long...
Also if you feel so inclined, you’re welcome to comment. I may not respond or give any more details, but I’m not opposed to discourse based on my experiences either. 
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funkzpiel · 8 years
And The Tag Read Simply: ‘Pretty’ - Ch6
Words of comfort and affirmation bubbled to his tongue – He’s caught, we have him. Don’t worry. He’s at MACUSA, he’ll never hurt you again. But one look, and Newt realized that the context of Graves’ question was not ‘please say he’s not here.’ It was ‘please say he’s coming home soon.’
“He’s… away,” Newt said lamely, eyes flickering to glance at Graves now that the man felt confident enough to speak with him. Graves was leaning far enough forward now that his shoulders were visible, pale and naked. Newt felt his cheeks begin to burn at the implication, and even more so when he caught sight of the thick leather collar that hung snuggly around Graves’ throat – Grindelwald’s symbol hanging delicately next to a small gold tag that read simply: ‘Pretty’.
FANTASTIC BEASTS KINK MEME FILL Grindelwald is captured, they track down Graves, but instead of finding a locked up and tortured Graves they find Graves naked and in a collar, napping on a soft bed without a hint of recognition in his eyes. Turns out Grindelwald messed with Graves’ mind, removed all his memories and made him believe that he’s Grindelwald’s pet.
Includes: Gellert Grindelwald x Graves, Newt x Graves, Non-Con, Rape, Stockholm Syndrome, Pet Play, Forced Pet Play, Collars, Non-Con Body Modification, Animal Ears, Animal Behaviors/Qualities, Mind!Fuck, Memory Loss/Alteration, Master/Pet, Dubious Consent, Angst, Literally Graves Believes He’s A Dog, I AM TRASH
Poor, poor child – the water’s up to your neck now,
And it’s so wild that it still hasn’t pulled you right down, right down.
You’re not here, you’re not here.
There was a burning growing low in Newt’s gut, small at first but slowly rising and spreading until it woke him with a soft flutter of lashes and utter confusion. Newt clutched the sheets, the feeling not ebbing, and tossed his head to the side where Graves should have been.
He was gone.
“Mr. G-Graves?!” Newt shot up to his elbows, eyes wide. There, between his legs, was a familiar mess of hair and soft black ears – warm, brown eyes staring up at him through dark lashes as Graves sucked Newt down from the tip of his head all the way down to the root. Newt moaned and trembled, and wondered if he clutched any harder if he’d rip the bed sheets. He could feel Graves’ nose pressing against his skin, breathing softly. The gentlest whisper of teeth against his skin.
“Graves, s-stop,” he whimpered, but the eyes staring at him just kept staring, and instead of listening, Graves just hummed and swallowed around him. Newt tossed his head back and let loose a helpless cry, his very bones screaming for more. But oh, how his heart pumped a furious and familiar crescendo through his veins; self hatred. He couldn’t use Graves like this. He couldn’t let him do this, even if – even if –
Graves pulled free with an obscene pop that Newt couldn’t see from behind the forearm he had pressed to his eyes in denial. But he heard it, and it made him shiver all the same. He felt sick.
“Am I a good boy, Master?” Graves asked, cheeks flushed and ears perked. Newt squeezed his eyes shut – torn on praising or scolding – when a sudden knee to his gut tore him from his dream. Newt opened his eyes with a soft huff of lost air and quickly leaned away from the source of his sudden pain.
It took him a minute to catch his bearings between the confusion of his arousal and the pain of his gut before he finally was able to recognize what was happening. Graves had accidently kneed him in his sleep – which Newt thanked any god that could hear him for it only being a dream – and if the man’s tossing and turning and gentle whimpering was anything to go by, it wasn’t a good dream. There was sweat beaded on his forehead, eyes scrunched and thick brows drawn.
“M-Mr. Graves,” Newt murmured softly, reaching out to grab Graves’ shoulder. “Mr. Graves, it’s alright, it’s just a dream. Percival.”
Sharp brown eyes shot open, the whites around them visible in Graves’ panic as he focused on Newt’s face. He was breathing harshly, great gusts of air whistling through flared nostrils, and for the first time, those brown eyes almost looked sentient. Newt felt something like hope flutter in his chest, but just as quickly as the look was there, it was quickly fading away. Like fine sand through thin fingers.
And Graves seemed to know it, too.
“Mr. Graves?” Newt asked again, jerking back when Graves only flinched violently at his touch.
“No,” Graves whimpered, a hand darting to his collar and tugging. “N-no,” he moaned, and the sheer amount of distress in the sound made Newt’s stomach clench. If Newt wasn’t fully awake before, he was now. He sat up, hands raised as if to touch, but too afraid to. His eyes scanned Graves, searching for anything he could do to help – but that sharp look was already gone, replaced by soft, simple eyes.
Newt let out a soft huff of disappointment, but quickly washed the expression away when that gentle gaze caught his disappointment and whimpered. Graves’ ears fell flat and his gaze shied away.
“It’s okay, Mr. Graves,” he said soothingly, stroking the man’s hair, “You’re okay.”
“It’s gone again,” he said, voice meek.
“What’s gone?” Newt asked, dipping his gaze to catch the other man’s eyes. “What’s gone, Percival?”
Beneath his hands, Graves began to tremble.
“I don’t know,” he whispered. “But it’s gone.”
“Oh Percy,” Newt said, the pet name falling from his lips suddenly and without a thought as he reached forward to gather Graves to him. He did so slowly, afraid Graves would flinch away again – but whatever Graves had been beside him a moment ago was gone, replaced by need and want and fear. Graves followed his gentle guidance eagerly until his head was tucked beneath Newt’s chin, body trembling fiercely beneath his hands. But Graves didn’t make a sound.
Newt ran his hands through the Auror’s hair and down the slender length of his knobby spine over and over until the trembling lessoned – always sure to avoid the collar with every stroke. Eventually, sleep took Graves once more, but it did not come back for Newt. Which was good, Newt figured. His erection had long since died, but the dream still haunted him. Suddenly, he feared sleep. He feared himself. So he stayed awake, nose buried into the soft feel of Graves’ hair, and waited.
Between them, Grindelwald’s tag glimmered innocently in the low light.
Daybreak came slowly, but Newt found himself loathe to disentangle himself from the man in his arms. It was with no small amount of willpower that he finally forced himself to do so – gentle so as not to wake the poor man. The moment he finally escaped the bed, he stood completely still and waited, wanting to be sure the Auror didn’t wake. Graves didn’t. Instead, he merely followed Newt’s warmth until he filled the spot Newt had vacated, nesting further into the bed with a small sigh.
‘Don’t get attached, Newt,’ he thought to himself whilst taking in the way that Graves’ loose shirt had slid down one arm in his sleep, exposing an exquisite sliver of skin. ‘He isn’t a creature, he can’t stay here. He has a life to return to. Tina and the others will find a way to help him and he’ll be back to normal before you know it. So don’t get attached. This is temporary.’
At least he hoped it was temporary for Graves’ sake. He had seen the man behind the curtain, if but for a moment. He was in there, somewhere. It was his eyes – dark and deep and fathomless – that held Newt’s attention whilst he quietly went about his morning rituals. Normally he’d be making his rounds throughout the enclosures by now, but he was too afraid to leave Graves alone to wake on his own.
Even so, Newt felt a pang of guilt echo in his gut, knowing that some of his creatures were no doubt waiting for him. It was that feeling that drew him to the doorway of his little cabin, a mug of tea warming the calluses of his palms as he looked out over the expanse of his case only to see a familiar shape hovering around his enclosures. With a blink, he realized it was Dougal, Pickett perched on his shoulder. Even over the distance, he could see Dougal’s large eyes sudden move to focus on him – and with a slow and knowing nod, Dougal returned to attending to what creatures he safely could. Newt felt something fierce bloom in his chest, awestruck and so in love with the family he had cultivated with his merry, if chaotic, little case.
“Thank you, my friend,” Newt said over the distance before turning around to return to his post. Dougal had bought him a precious hour or two to let Graves sleep a little longer. He’d need to attend to the remaining creatures soon, but for now, Newt could focus on his guest and how best to help him that day. It was with that thought that he sat at his work table.
“What can I do?” He asked himself beneath his breath, eying the sleeping figure in his bed. His own words echoed back to him – He won’t be here forever. And he wouldn’t. So what better thing to do than to start cataloguing notes for, say, the specialists that would no doubt eventually try and crack Grindelwald’s spellwork or whoever might help Graves after him. A guide to taking care of Mr. Graves, as it were. Newt smiled, familiar with this sort of approach to helping, and turned to his parchment and his quill.
Where to start…
“Let’s begin with what we know,” Newt decided. And so it was with that thought that Newt made a list of observations.
A Collection of Observations on One Percival Graves:
And so Newt wrote about every detail, small and large alike, that he could think of from his experience over the past 48 hours. He mentioned that Graves suffered from a loss of fine motor skills, such as buttoning his own buttons or grasping a pail, although he appeared to be improving. He wrote about the fact that Graves was picking up on more complex language ever day and stammered for intricate words less and less the more he interacted with Newt. He noted that Graves needed to be touched casually often throughout the day lest his fever begin and mentioned further more that Graves often sought contact as a form of self-assurance and support. He wrote about how Graves still knew how to use the restroom – thank Merlin – and that Grindelwald had no doubt kept that ability in Graves’ mind since taking a naked wizard to the park to poo would no doubt draw attention. Or at least, that was Newt’s theory.
He talked about what rules he knew Grindelwald had imposed upon Graves and which ones the man did and did not feel comfortable breaking. He discussed that Graves was making progress on standing on his own two feet again, rather than four, and that if not reminded to eat, he wouldn’t ask – so please do be mindful to feed him regularly. He noted that Graves’ ears were incredibly expressive and that much of his behavioral patterns closely resided with those of the canine creature that Grindelwald had in fact modeled him after.
Graves needed human interaction, he said, and would not settle well in any room alone. After a long moment of internal conflict, he finally mentioned that Graves had been sexually abused and suffered from Stockholm Syndrome, and was taught that sexual favors were the way one showed gratitude.
He wrote that Grindelwald had stripped Graves of any recollection of his own name – and although Graves had been trained to respond to Pretty, he was slowly getting familiar with other names in its stead. While he did not recognize Graves to be his original name, he did not often correct Newt about it.
He was just about to dip his quill back into its ink jar and take a break when there was a sound of a crack at the top of the stairs leading out of his case, closely followed by the unsnapping of his locks before the case opened up altogether. It was a simple matter to call his wand to him, and in seconds, he had it drawn and aimed when the image of Tina Goldstein appeared at the top of his steps.
With a relieved sigh, Newt let out the breath he hadn’t realized he had been holding and quickly averted his gaze with a soft smile.
“Tina,” he said, his eyes on her cheekbone, “You startled me, I—“
He stopped. There was something wrong. Her cheek was wet. Slowly, his gaze fluttered to her eyes, then back again. She had been crying recently, although didn’t appear to be anymore. Her eyes were red and puffy. Her nose, too. Newt rose slowly, as though afraid to startle her, and gently set down his wand.
She came down the stairs slowly and closed the case behind her with a small flick of her wand before stopping at the bottom of his stairs, chin tucked and eyes down. Newt stopped a few feet from her.
“What’s wrong?”
At her sides, Tina’s hands clenched into fists and in one hand, her wand trembled.
“Madam Picquery sent me home,” she said, her voice harsh and resentful like sandpaper, but frail just beneath. Maybe grateful, if you really listened for it. Newt blinked.
“What? Why?”
Something flashed across Tina’s face and she shook her head, her short locks flopping weakly around her face. She hadn’t been taking care of herself. She had no doubt not rested since the raid of Graves’ apartment. It showed in the dull limp texture of her hair and the dark circles beneath her eyes. And if her gauntness was anything to go by, Newt was willing to bet she hadn’t eaten, either.
“O-okay,” Newt said, hands extended as if in surrender, and he nodded. “Alright. Would you… would you like tea? Biscuits? I’m afraid I don’t have any coffee.”
“Tea would be lovely,” she whispered, and Newt saw her gaze slowly travel to the bed. He stiffened. So did she. “How is he doing?”
Newt watched her for a small moment, unsure of what to say, before finally turning to preoccupy himself with making tea the Muggle way.
“I was actually just writing a report about that,” Newt said softly, filling his little copper kettle and tipping his chin to point out his notes. “He’s doing…remarkable well, all things considered.”
Something in Tina brightened at that, her stance suddenly a little peppier, and Newt was quick to hold out a hand and say, “Small progress, mind you. But progress all the same.”
“The fact that there’s any progress is remarkable,” Tina said in a telling tone, and Newt gave her an odd look, suddenly aware that she knew things he didn’t. But he didn’t press, instead lighting the fire beneath the kettle and turning to face her – or at least, the corner of her jaw. He saw it clench, awaiting questions. He left her be. He knew enough, for now.
“He’s talking more. I managed to coax him into walking around on two feet instead of all fours yesterday – although that appears to be hit or miss. He’s…improving. He even,” he started, then trailed off – the image of Graves, the real Graves’, panicked brown eyes still vivid in his memory. Newt swallowed.
“He even, what?” Tina pressed.
“He… He was back, for a moment,” Newt said softly, his own gaze sliding to Graves. “Seconds, really, but… he’s in there. Somewhere.”
And when he looked back to Tina, it was to the sight of wet eyes. Tina’s lip trembled.
“He’s in there?” She asked, her words distorted by a little distressed gasp.
“Yes,” Newt said with a very small smile, “I think so.”
Tina’s shoulders drew up around her neck, tense from where she fought the habit, and she trembled very softly. Her eyes slid back to the bed.
“I watched him disappear, Newt,” Tina finally gasped, wringing her hands. “We were able to pierce Grindelwald’s mind, and we thought he was fighting us, and he made it look like they were forcing his hand but the memories… he was willingly showing us whatever he wanted. The last memory he showed, it was… one of Graves last good days. He was just about to tell him the way to cure his condition – to, to rub it in that Graves would forget and it didn’t matter if he told him – when the memory just stopped. Grindelwald stopped it. Threw up mental barriers so fierce, one of our Legilimens collapsed. And now all he shows us is… horrible.”
She babbled until she was out of breath.
Newt rushed forward and gently ushered her to a chair at the table, unsure of what to do. Quickly, he waved the hot water into a mug – his favorite mug – and slipped a bit of magic into the air to set in the tea bag, a dollop of honey, and a splash of cream while he sat down in the chair beside Tina and grasped one of her hands.
“We can’t control it and we’re running out of time before the Ministry arrives,” she finally choked, wet eyes on Newt. She trailed off. Tears hit the table, loud in the silence. Newt clenched her hand a little tighter and he knew. He knew why Picquery had sent her away. He thought of his dream and he knew.
“He’s safe now,” he said softly. The only silver lining. “He’s safe, thanks to you. You and your team found him. And even if we don’t locate the memories we need, I’m sure there are other ways. Longer ways, maybe, but ways all the same. It won’t do us any good to give up now, not when Graves’ is still with us and trying.”
Gently, he floated the cup of tea in front of her, unaware that she had looked away until suddenly she stiffened in her seat and clenched his hand hard. Newt followed her gaze, then softened.
Somehow during all the commotion, Graves had managed to wake without their notice and nearly cross the room. He was almost to Newt, crouched low to the floor on all fours, wary of Tina but too desperate for contact from the only person he recognized to stay away. When it was obvious that Tina wasn’t going to move, Graves made it across the last stretch between them – eyes on Tina the whole time – before finally settling on the floor beside Newt. Newt had thought he’d sit on his other side, keeping Newt’s body and chair between himself and Tina – but he didn’t. And Newt couldn’t help but feel immensely grateful for that small mercy. If he had so obviously rejected Tina like that, he knew how much it would crush her. The fact that she alone had not been able to coax Graves out two days ago still haunted her.
But hells bells, what horrible timing.
Newt flinched, eyes on the tea between them even as he felt the familiar pressure of Graves’ jaw line pressing into his thigh. Tina’s hand began to tremble in his.
“Tina,” Newt tried, only to be interrupted by a soft keen from the man beside him. With a sigh, Newt used his free hand to wind into Graves’ soft locks and looked down to address him. He was warm to the touch, warmer than he should be. “Good morning, Mr. Graves.”
Graves said nothing, eyes wary and focused on Tina. Although inaudible for now, Newt could feel the soft rumbling of a cautious growl rumbling from Graves’ ribs pressed so fiercely against his leg.
Newt frowned and brushed Graves’ hair from his eyes, “This is Tina. You’ve met her, remember?”
“Tina,” he repeated, just like he had when they found him. Tina shivered.
“Yes. Tina. She’s a friend,” Newt explained. “She came to visit you.”
Graves quirked his head, ears akimbo. Newt tried desperately to ignore how adorable the expression looked on the man. Tina, however, only swallowed thickly and tried to put on a brave smile. Newt could tell that to her, the expression wasn’t cute.
To her, it was another reminder of how Graves’ team had failed him.
“Hello, sir,” Tina said gentle, her voice only warbling just a little. “How are you feeling?”
Graves blinked at her, then turned to look at Newt – obviously perplexed by the question.
Newt smiled at him encouragingly and said, “Why don’t you tell her what we did yesterday?”
Graves seemed uncomfortable, having so much attention on him, but he obeyed. Eyes still on Newt and pressing ever so slightly closer, he said, “We fed the other animals. I helped,” and then a flash of something bright as he remembered, “I ran.”
“You did,” Newt replied, fingers scratching gently behind one ear – praising. Trying to ignore the way Graves had said ‘other animals’, hoping desperately Tina had not caught it, too.
Above Graves’ head, Newt could see how hard Tina was trying to stop from trembling.
“T-that’s great,” Tina said, back stiff as a rod in her chair. Newt wished he could tell her to relax her body language. That Graves would pick up on her unease and reflect it. But Graves was also perceptive. He would know that he wasn’t behaving how Newt wanted him to and he’d react to that and hells bells, Newt didn’t know how to manage this situation.
The air was fragile between them.
He needed to feed Graves, although the man would never admit that he was hungry. But he knew where that would lead. To Tina watching Graves eat on the floor like a dog. To Newt fighting with him yet again that, no, you don’t have to lick up your mess. And he couldn’t let her see that. Not in her state of mind.
Tina needed to rest. She needed to eat, to sleep, to take a stiff shower and in general take care of herself, because she could hardly help anyone if she herself was about to collapse. He tried to think of the best way to tell her so, but every line he thought of sounded like another dismissal – just as Picquery had done. Tina wasn’t weak, but that’s the way she’d take it. But Picquery knew what Newt knew – that Tina wasn’t weak, but she also had a job to do. A job she couldn’t do if her mind was caught on this. Distracted by what she couldn’t change.
So it’d need to be something that she’d understand.
Newt’s fingers glided absentmindedly through Graves hair and down until he felt the familiar rasp of something short and burning against his skin – stubble. All at once, several things clicked into place. He thought of the dirt still on Graves’ cheek and knew what to do.
“It was lovely of you to visit, Tina,” Newt said. He licked his thumb and began to rub at Graves’ dirty cheek, ignoring the way the man shied away at the strange display since it achieved the goal that Newt had intended – drawing Tina’s attention to the fact that Graves needed a bath. “We need to get the day started. I’d use magic, but I don’t know if it’ll have an adverse reaction to Grindelwald’s…gift. While I’ve performed magic in front of Mr. Graves, I’ve yet to perform actual magic upon Graves himself, you see.”
“O-oh!” Tina said, rushing up to her feet suddenly, startling Graves. There was a telltale blush rising on her cheeks although she tried her best not to show it, and quickly went about tightening the little belt around her coat. “Of course, yes, right – I’ll just… be going. I’ll…check in again, later?”
“That’d be lovely, don’t you think, Mr. Graves?” Newt said, brushing his finger’s against Graves’ shoulder, drawing his attention.
Graves blinked, then looked at Tina strangely. For a long moment, he was afraid the man would acknowledge Tina at all. And he could see that fear in Tina’s eyes, too, but finally something clicked in Graves’ head. What it was, Newt couldn’t say, but Graves smiled and said, “Goodbye, Tina.”
And while it wasn’t much, it was enough to make Tina smile.
She took a step forward for a moment, as though to stroke his hair, but hesitated. Instead, she nodded her hair fiercely and said, “I’ll see you soon,” and quickly disappeared up the stairs again.
With the wave of one hand, Newt draw his wand to himself and charmed his quill to write out a quick message to Queenie – Make sure that your sister sleeps and eats before going back to MACUSA. –N – then sent the little note scampering off before turning to look at Graves.
The man was looking up at him eagerly, their prior visitor obviously forgotten, and said, “Bath?”
“Food first,” Newt said warmly. “Then bath.”
“Okay,” Graves beamed.
Godspeed Tina Goldstein.
So BLESS YOU PEOPLE who constantly keep commenting on these chapters with such lush, insightful comments and praise and MY HEART CAN'T TAKE IT THANK YOU SO MUCH.
And I promise, Graves and Tina will be bros again soon. For now, forcing their relationship when both would be so wary and uncomfortable just felt rushed. But soon. SOON.
As always, I am trash. Thank you guys for reading my trash. This piece of trash loves you all so dearly.
(send suggestions/prompts if you'd like! I guarantee nothing, but you never know!)
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myallywynn · 4 years
Just In Time arrival in maritime industry
No, this article is not about the well-known concept of Just In Time in manufacturing..
But for interest, Toyota Motors created the Just In Time principle for their manufacturing plants based on which, they produce “only what is needed, when it is needed, and in the amount needed” eliminating waste, inconsistencies which results in improved productivity..
This JIT concept has been widely accepted and used by many other industries and has become synonymous with many supply chain processes of automotive, retail and fashion industries..
While not exactly the same, it seems this could also be applied in the maritime field especially in terms of the arrival of ships..
How..?? A bit of a background first..
  Maritime Industry and GHG Emissions
The International Maritime Organization (IMO) which is the regulatory authority for international shipping, has been working to reduce the harmful impacts of shipping on the environment since the 1960s..
In April 2018, member states of the IMO adopted an initial strategy setting out a vision (with follow up action by 2023) to reduce GHG emissions from international shipping as soon as possible within this century..
This strategy identified various levels of ambition allowing time for the international shipping sector to adopt required technological innovation and also for the global introduction of alternative fuels and/or energy sources as these are integral to achieve the objective..
The various levels of ambition were
reduce the carbon intensity of the ship through the implementation of further phases of the energy efficiency design index (EEDI) for new ships;
reduce CO2 emissions per transport work, as an average across international shipping, by at least 40% by 2030, pursuing efforts towards 70% by 2050, compared to 2008; and
reduce total annual GHG emissions by at least 50% by 2050 compared to 2008 while aiming for full decarbonisation
As part of IMO’s efforts to also reduce air pollution from shipping, on January 1st 2020 IMO’s MARPOL Annex VI (colloquially known as IMO2020) regulated to lower the current global limit of sulphur content in marine fuels from 3.50% to 0.50% was implemented..
  Mandatory regulation of ship speeds
An open letter to the IMO Member States by NGOs stated that after the 2008 economic crash, reduction in the global fleet’s operational speed led to dramatic reductions in GHG emissions which then demonstrated the effectiveness of this method in helping to achieve emission reduction targets..
But studies have shown that ships are speeding up again as global demand recovers and if this trend continues, any GHG gains from slow steaming achieved over the recent years will disappear..
    The letter stated
The signatories to this letter unite in stressing the urgent need for shipping to make its appropriate contribution to addressing climate change.
As the initial step, we express our strong support for the IMO implementing mandatory regulation of global ship speeds differentiated across ship type and size categories.
Our preference would be to set maximum annual average speeds for container ships, and maximum absolute speeds for the remaining ship types, which take account of minimum speed requirements.
Such regulation should be implemented as soon as possible and the obligation for compliance should be placed both on shipowners and operators, including charterers.
and called on all parties at the forthcoming MEPC74 to support this move..
Although no agreement was reached at the MEPC74, during discussions many comments relating to the regulation of ship speeds were made, prominent among which was this below comment
proposals for mandatory reduction in ship speed were dubious as the claim that speed reduction would reduce GHG emissions had not be demonstrated, and could not be applied to all ships including those carrying seasonal cargoes or those required to have a cruising speed; a uniform coefficient of energy efficiency could not be applied to all categories of ships and would depend on the operational regime; mandatory application of EEDI to existing ships would lead to significant costs for the shipowner to calculate and it should be the shipowners who decided independently for each ship what measures to take;
But what has happened since then, is that a Just In Time Arrival Guide which aims to provide both port and shipping sectors with practical guidance on how to facilitate Just In Time Arrivals has been developed and released..
In a press statement, the IMO revealed further details relating to the Just In Time Arrival Guide as below..
The Guide has been developed by the Global Industry Alliance to support low carbon shipping (Low Carbon GIA), based on research and discussion amongst its membership, and the Guide documents the findings of a series of industry roundtables which brought together nearly 50 companies and organizations who are key stakeholders in the port call process.
Widely recognized as a means of increasing port efficiency and port call optimization, the successful implementation of JIT Arrivals can have a significant environmental impact through reduced GHG emissions from optimizing the ships speed to arrive just in time.
The concept is based on the ship maintaining an optimal operating speed, to arrive at the Pilot Boarding Place when the availability is assured of: 1. berth; 2. fairway; and 3. nautical services (pilots, tugs, linesmen).
JIT Arrivals also contributes to reduced time at anchorage and therefore reduced congestion in the port area. It is estimated that ships spend up to 9% of their time waiting at anchorage, which could be reduced through the implementation of JIT Arrivals.
The Guide provides a holistic approach to Just In Time Arrivals, considering contractual aspects to its implementation as well as operational. The Guide is envisaged as a useful toolkit for many stakeholders including shipowners, ship operators, charterers, ship agents, shipbrokers, port authorities, terminals, nautical and vessel service providers.
All these actors ultimately play a key role in implementing the necessary changes and facilitating the exchange of communication required to realize JIT Arrivals.
The Guide provides guidance for all shipping segments. However, it suggests that JIT Arrivals could be implemented for the container segment first, as there are fewer contractual barriers and containerships often run on more predictable schedules with shorter port to port distances.
The Guide then provides next steps on how efforts can be scaled-up, replicated and adapted, with a view to implementing JIT Arrivals across other sectors.
The Guide considers in detail the port call business process, and how the exchange of key information and data that is required for JIT Arrivals can be improved.
It highlights the need for harmonized standards, acceptable to the IMO, and their implementation by all stakeholders involved in the port call process.
The work is aligned with recent developments achieved by IMO’s Expert Group of Data Harmonization (EGDH), which agreed to include new operational data elements in the IMO Reference Data Model which relate to the concept of Just In Time Arrival.
The additional dataset is expected to be approved by IMO’s Facilitation Committee. This is seen as an important step towards facilitating the implementation of the JIT concept and will allow for digital exchange of data between the port and ship.
Such exchange is in line with resolution MEPC.323(74), which invites Member States to encourage cooperation between the shipping and port sectors to contribute to reducing GHG emissions.
Global Industry Alliance to support low carbon shipping (Low Carbon GIA)
The Low Carbon GIA is a public–private partnership with the aim to identify and develop innovative solutions to address common barriers to the uptake and implementation of energy efficiency technologies and operational measures.
The Low Carbon GIA was originally established under the framework of the GEF-UNDP-IMO Global Maritime Energy Efficiency Partnerships Project (GloMEEP Project), and since the conclusion of the GloMEEP Project at the end of 2019, the Low Carbon GIA has been operating under the framework of the IMO-Norway GreenVoyage2050 Project.
The post Just In Time arrival in maritime industry appeared first on Shipping and Freight Resource.
from Moving https://www.shippingandfreightresource.com/just-in-time-arrival-in-maritime-industry/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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glenmenlow · 4 years
Questioning The Business Case For Purpose
Corporate purpose is the buzzword of the day. Last August, the US Business Roundtable radically redefined its statement of the “purpose of a corporation” to include stakeholders, rather than just shareholders. Larry Fink, who leads the world’s largest asset management firm BlackRock, wrote in a 2018 letter to corporate CEOs: “Without a sense of purpose, no company, either public or private, can achieve its full potential.”
But is there actually evidence to back up this claim? It’s been widely quoted to highlight the urgency of adopting a purpose – but the statement itself never cited any evidence, yet has been accepted uncritically. This is an example of confirmation bias – the temptation to accept evidence that it confirms what we want to be true, which I explored in a TED talk, What to Trust in a Post-Truth World. We’d love it to be the case that purposeful companies succeed, for at least two reasons. First, we’d like to live in a world in which companies that do good also do well, and selfish companies get their comeuppance. Second, the idea that purpose drives success is empowering, because any company can come up with a purpose. So it suggests that a leader merely needs to follow a three-point purpose plan and then she’s on the road to riches. Indeed, I’ve just written a book on purpose, entitled Grow the Pie: How Great Companies Deliver Both Purpose and Profit, on the importance of purpose, and so might have a vested interest in arguing that the business case for purpose is unambiguous.
But it’s not. Let’s take one of the most influential books on purpose, “Start With Why” by Simon Sinek. (I very much like Sinek’s TED talks and agree with the importance of purpose; these remarks are merely an assessment of the scientific evidence).  He claims that purpose has driven Apple’s success, since Apple was founded on the “why” statement “Everything we do, we believe in challenging the status quo.” Apple has indeed been extremely successful.  But there could be a ton of reasons behind its success – perhaps Steve Jobs’ novel ideas or his network of relationships. However, the narrative that success was due to Apple’s “why” is particularly appealing as anyone can adopt a “why” – whereas not everyone can suddenly think of a novel idea or has a network of relationships. Moreover, Apple never actually said “everything we do, we believe in challenging the status quo”, nor anything similar, but people took this for granted and indeed you can find 23,000 articles on Google quoting this phrase because they accepted it uncritically.
In addition, Apple is a single hand-picked example. You can almost always find an anecdote to support anything you’d like to support. To show that purpose drives success, we’d need to look at hundreds of “purposeful” companies and see whether they outperformed non-purposeful ones.  Indeed a recent book does so, but as highlighted in an excellent Branding Strategy Insider article by Richard Shotton, the evidence is extremely weak. It shows that purposeful brands performed better, but the “purposeful brands” were selected as those that ended up being successful, so the argument is circular. Moreover, interpreting “successful companies have a purpose” as “purposeful companies are successful” is a major logical error – just as “all successful CEOs have two legs” doesn’t imply that “all CEOs with two legs are successful.” To make the claim that “purposeful companies are successful”, you’d have to look at all purposeful companies, not just those that ended up being successful, and compare them to non-purposeful ones.
The Evidence Behind The Concept Of Purpose
So how strong is the evidence for purpose, really?  That’s what my book aims to gather.  Rather than starting from a pre-conceived notion that purpose must matter and then hand-picking studies that support it, I aim to let the data speak and scrutinize the evidence critically. By doing so, any evidence that survives the scrutiny should speak not only to the converted – people who already believe in purpose – but also to hard-headed business leaders who previously thought that purpose is a luxury or an optional extra.
The first thing to acknowledge is that it’s almost impossible to measure “purpose”. We could indeed look at purpose statements, but companies can always come up with statements even if they don’t actually put them into practice. Moreover, the impossibility of measuring purpose gives researchers substantial freedom to cook the data. They can find companies that ended up being successful, and then categorize all these companies as “purposeful”.  Since purpose can only be assessed subjectively, no-one can objectively falsify their definition. Indeed, luxury brands such as Moët & Chandon and Mercedes-Benz were classified as “purposeful” – but purpose involves serving wider society rather than just the 1%, so these classifications are dubious.
Rather than aiming to measure “purpose”, a more rigorous approach is to measure outcomes – whether a company actually delivers value to society. One of my own studies looks at the list of the “100 Best Companies to Work For in America”, which is a measure of employee well-being.  It’s compiled independently by the Great Place to Work Institute, so I didn’t have the freedom to pick and choose which companies I counted as “employee-friendly.”  This list is particularly thorough – it randomly selects 250 employees and surveys them on 57 questions of employee well-being spanning credibility, respect, fairness, pride, and camaraderie. As a result, it’s widely respected and thus has been around since 1984 and since expanded to 45 countries.
But simply showing that the Best Companies outperform their peers isn’t enough. For example, Google is perennially on the list, and has performed well. That could be nothing to do with employee satisfaction. Perhaps it’s because Google is in the tech industry, and the tech industry happens to have performed well. So, to isolate the effect of employee satisfaction, I stripped out the impact of a company industry, and many other factors that could have driven returns such as its size and recent performance. And I addressed the problem that it could be firm performance that causes employee satisfaction, rather than the other way round.  After all that blood, sweat, and tears, I found that the Best Companies outperformed their peers by 2.3-3.8% per year over a 28-year period, which is 89-184% compounded.
This study ended up being published in a top peer-reviewed academic journal, the Journal of Financial Economics. To do so, it has to be rigorously scrutinized by world-leading scholars, who tried to take apart my arguments. Does being on the Best Companies list causes socially responsible funds to buy these companies, and that’s what drives up the stock price? Are companies that treat their employees well also well-governed, and it’s good governance, rather than employee well-being, that cause the outperformance? Did the market think that employee-friendly companies were “tree-huggy” and thus priced them too cheaply, and that’s what caused them to do well going forwards? I needed to answer all of these questions to satisfy the peer reviewers and get the paper published. But many studies claiming that “purpose pays” are released without having to undergo such scrutiny.
What about other dimensions of stakeholder value beyond employees?  A study published in The Accounting Review, a top accounting journal, uses MSCI ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) scores, which are again produced by a third-party (MSCI) rather than being subject to the researchers’ discretion. These scores cover a company’s performance on multiple societal dimensions, such as employees, customers, the environment, and communities. Contrary to common folklore, companies with high scores across the board do not beat the market. Instead, only companies that do well on the stakeholder dimensions material to their industry, and actually do badly on immaterial dimensions, beat the market.  For a bank, this might mean focusing on fair marketing and data security rather than climate change, even though the latter might be the order of the day.
What this all means is that there is no evidence that a “purpose” that tries to be all things to all people will outperform. A purpose that aims “to serve customers, colleagues, suppliers, the environment, and communities while generating returns to investors” sounds inspiring. But it ignores the reality of trade-offs – for example, shutting down a coal-fired power station helps the environment but hurts workers.  So while the above purpose statement sounds great, it can’t be put into practice, and offers no guidance on how to navigate trade-offs.
Purpose Defined
Indeed, the word “purpose” is often misunderstood.  “Purposeful” is often seen as a synonym for “altruistic”, e.g. a “purposeful company” is an altruistic one. But, semantically, this isn’t what “purposeful” means – it means targeted and focused. A purposeful meeting is one that has a clear agenda; if I do something “on purpose”, I do it deliberately. A purposeful company recognizes that it needs to serve wider society – but also recognizes that it will need to take tough decisions when trade-offs arise. Purpose involves understanding who are the “first among equals” to guide such trade-offs – it’s about knowing what not to do as well as what to do.  Purpose is the answer to the question “How is the world a better place by your company being here?”  The response has to be focused, just as a citizen’s purpose would never to be a doctor, teacher, lawyer, and entrepreneur.
And this more nuanced view of purpose is actually freeing, rather than constraining.  Some companies may think that being purposeful is a daunting task, since they need to “serve customers, colleagues, suppliers, the environment, and communities while generating returns to investors”.  They may thus not even try, and instead default to maximizing short-term profit.  As a result, sweeping claims on the criticality of purpose may hinder, rather than help, the move towards a more enlightened view of capitalism.  Instead, the evidence on the importance of materiality gives leaders reassurance that they don’t need to be purposeful.  By being grounded on evidence rather than wishful thinking, leaders can better put into practice what purpose actually means – and by doing so serve both shareholders and wider society.
Contributed to Branding Strategy Insider by: Alex Edmans, Professor of Finance at London Business School and author of Grow the Pie, How Great Companies Deliver Both Purpose and Profit.
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Branding Strategy Insider is a service of The Blake Project: A strategic brand consultancy specializing in Brand Research, Brand Strategy, Brand Growth and Brand Education
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from WordPress https://glenmenlow.wordpress.com/2020/05/26/questioning-the-business-case-for-purpose/ via IFTTT
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joejstrickl · 4 years
Questioning The Business Case For Purpose
Corporate purpose is the buzzword of the day. Last August, the US Business Roundtable radically redefined its statement of the “purpose of a corporation” to include stakeholders, rather than just shareholders. Larry Fink, who leads the world’s largest asset management firm BlackRock, wrote in a 2018 letter to corporate CEOs: “Without a sense of purpose, no company, either public or private, can achieve its full potential.”
But is there actually evidence to back up this claim? It’s been widely quoted to highlight the urgency of adopting a purpose – but the statement itself never cited any evidence, yet has been accepted uncritically. This is an example of confirmation bias – the temptation to accept evidence that it confirms what we want to be true, which I explored in a TED talk, What to Trust in a Post-Truth World. We’d love it to be the case that purposeful companies succeed, for at least two reasons. First, we’d like to live in a world in which companies that do good also do well, and selfish companies get their comeuppance. Second, the idea that purpose drives success is empowering, because any company can come up with a purpose. So it suggests that a leader merely needs to follow a three-point purpose plan and then she’s on the road to riches. Indeed, I’ve just written a book on purpose, entitled Grow the Pie: How Great Companies Deliver Both Purpose and Profit, on the importance of purpose, and so might have a vested interest in arguing that the business case for purpose is unambiguous.
But it’s not. Let’s take one of the most influential books on purpose, “Start With Why” by Simon Sinek. (I very much like Sinek’s TED talks and agree with the importance of purpose; these remarks are merely an assessment of the scientific evidence).  He claims that purpose has driven Apple’s success, since Apple was founded on the “why” statement “Everything we do, we believe in challenging the status quo.” Apple has indeed been extremely successful.  But there could be a ton of reasons behind its success – perhaps Steve Jobs’ novel ideas or his network of relationships. However, the narrative that success was due to Apple’s “why” is particularly appealing as anyone can adopt a “why” – whereas not everyone can suddenly think of a novel idea or has a network of relationships. Moreover, Apple never actually said “everything we do, we believe in challenging the status quo”, nor anything similar, but people took this for granted and indeed you can find 23,000 articles on Google quoting this phrase because they accepted it uncritically.
In addition, Apple is a single hand-picked example. You can almost always find an anecdote to support anything you’d like to support. To show that purpose drives success, we’d need to look at hundreds of “purposeful” companies and see whether they outperformed non-purposeful ones.  Indeed a recent book does so, but as highlighted in an excellent Branding Strategy Insider article by Richard Shotton, the evidence is extremely weak. It shows that purposeful brands performed better, but the “purposeful brands” were selected as those that ended up being successful, so the argument is circular. Moreover, interpreting “successful companies have a purpose” as “purposeful companies are successful” is a major logical error – just as “all successful CEOs have two legs” doesn’t imply that “all CEOs with two legs are successful.” To make the claim that “purposeful companies are successful”, you’d have to look at all purposeful companies, not just those that ended up being successful, and compare them to non-purposeful ones.
The Evidence Behind The Concept Of Purpose
So how strong is the evidence for purpose, really?  That’s what my book aims to gather.  Rather than starting from a pre-conceived notion that purpose must matter and then hand-picking studies that support it, I aim to let the data speak and scrutinize the evidence critically. By doing so, any evidence that survives the scrutiny should speak not only to the converted – people who already believe in purpose – but also to hard-headed business leaders who previously thought that purpose is a luxury or an optional extra.
The first thing to acknowledge is that it’s almost impossible to measure “purpose”. We could indeed look at purpose statements, but companies can always come up with statements even if they don’t actually put them into practice. Moreover, the impossibility of measuring purpose gives researchers substantial freedom to cook the data. They can find companies that ended up being successful, and then categorize all these companies as “purposeful”.  Since purpose can only be assessed subjectively, no-one can objectively falsify their definition. Indeed, luxury brands such as Moët & Chandon and Mercedes-Benz were classified as “purposeful” – but purpose involves serving wider society rather than just the 1%, so these classifications are dubious.
Rather than aiming to measure “purpose”, a more rigorous approach is to measure outcomes – whether a company actually delivers value to society. One of my own studies looks at the list of the “100 Best Companies to Work For in America”, which is a measure of employee well-being.  It’s compiled independently by the Great Place to Work Institute, so I didn’t have the freedom to pick and choose which companies I counted as “employee-friendly.”  This list is particularly thorough – it randomly selects 250 employees and surveys them on 57 questions of employee well-being spanning credibility, respect, fairness, pride, and camaraderie. As a result, it’s widely respected and thus has been around since 1984 and since expanded to 45 countries.
But simply showing that the Best Companies outperform their peers isn’t enough. For example, Google is perennially on the list, and has performed well. That could be nothing to do with employee satisfaction. Perhaps it’s because Google is in the tech industry, and the tech industry happens to have performed well. So, to isolate the effect of employee satisfaction, I stripped out the impact of a company industry, and many other factors that could have driven returns such as its size and recent performance. And I addressed the problem that it could be firm performance that causes employee satisfaction, rather than the other way round.  After all that blood, sweat, and tears, I found that the Best Companies outperformed their peers by 2.3-3.8% per year over a 28-year period, which is 89-184% compounded.
This study ended up being published in a top peer-reviewed academic journal, the Journal of Financial Economics. To do so, it has to be rigorously scrutinized by world-leading scholars, who tried to take apart my arguments. Does being on the Best Companies list causes socially responsible funds to buy these companies, and that’s what drives up the stock price? Are companies that treat their employees well also well-governed, and it’s good governance, rather than employee well-being, that cause the outperformance? Did the market think that employee-friendly companies were “tree-huggy” and thus priced them too cheaply, and that’s what caused them to do well going forwards? I needed to answer all of these questions to satisfy the peer reviewers and get the paper published. But many studies claiming that “purpose pays” are released without having to undergo such scrutiny.
What about other dimensions of stakeholder value beyond employees?  A study published in The Accounting Review, a top accounting journal, uses MSCI ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) scores, which are again produced by a third-party (MSCI) rather than being subject to the researchers’ discretion. These scores cover a company’s performance on multiple societal dimensions, such as employees, customers, the environment, and communities. Contrary to common folklore, companies with high scores across the board do not beat the market. Instead, only companies that do well on the stakeholder dimensions material to their industry, and actually do badly on immaterial dimensions, beat the market.  For a bank, this might mean focusing on fair marketing and data security rather than climate change, even though the latter might be the order of the day.
What this all means is that there is no evidence that a “purpose” that tries to be all things to all people will outperform. A purpose that aims “to serve customers, colleagues, suppliers, the environment, and communities while generating returns to investors” sounds inspiring. But it ignores the reality of trade-offs – for example, shutting down a coal-fired power station helps the environment but hurts workers.  So while the above purpose statement sounds great, it can’t be put into practice, and offers no guidance on how to navigate trade-offs.
Purpose Defined
Indeed, the word “purpose” is often misunderstood.  “Purposeful” is often seen as a synonym for “altruistic”, e.g. a “purposeful company” is an altruistic one. But, semantically, this isn’t what “purposeful” means – it means targeted and focused. A purposeful meeting is one that has a clear agenda; if I do something “on purpose”, I do it deliberately. A purposeful company recognizes that it needs to serve wider society – but also recognizes that it will need to take tough decisions when trade-offs arise. Purpose involves understanding who are the “first among equals” to guide such trade-offs – it’s about knowing what not to do as well as what to do.  Purpose is the answer to the question “How is the world a better place by your company being here?”  The response has to be focused, just as a citizen’s purpose would never to be a doctor, teacher, lawyer, and entrepreneur.
And this more nuanced view of purpose is actually freeing, rather than constraining.  Some companies may think that being purposeful is a daunting task, since they need to “serve customers, colleagues, suppliers, the environment, and communities while generating returns to investors”.  They may thus not even try, and instead default to maximizing short-term profit.  As a result, sweeping claims on the criticality of purpose may hinder, rather than help, the move towards a more enlightened view of capitalism.  Instead, the evidence on the importance of materiality gives leaders reassurance that they don’t need to be purposeful.  By being grounded on evidence rather than wishful thinking, leaders can better put into practice what purpose actually means – and by doing so serve both shareholders and wider society.
Contributed to Branding Strategy Insider by: Alex Edmans, Professor of Finance at London Business School and author of Grow the Pie, How Great Companies Deliver Both Purpose and Profit.
The Blake Project Can Help: Meet the new requirements of competitive advantage in the Branding 4.0 Business 4.0 Workshop NOW ONLINE
Branding Strategy Insider is a service of The Blake Project: A strategic brand consultancy specializing in Brand Research, Brand Strategy, Brand Growth and Brand Education
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thecoroutfitters · 5 years
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mikemortgage · 6 years
Food guide changes likely to influence public, private food providers
Canadians have no shortage of options when it comes to nutrition and dietary advice. On magazine covers, Instagram feeds, gyms and office break rooms, consumers face a daily bombardment of the latest diet trends and “superfood” fads.
But that information overload is precisely the reason the country needs an authoritative source on healthy eating, some experts say.
The “dubious guidance” often found online relies less on science and more on an obsession with diet and weight loss to the neglect of overall health, says Jess Haines, associate professor of applied nutrition at the University of Guelph.
“The guide is an important document to counter those sources that are less evidence-based,” she said.
The food guide informs food policies at publicly funded institutions such schools, hospitals, daycare centres and long-term care facilities, affecting how millions of Canadians eat, said Haines, whom the government consulted on the guide.
The new food guide carries more authority than the previous iteration from 2007, which bore the marks of decades of lobbying from the dairy, grain and meat industries, she said.
Her colleague Mike von Massow, a food economist at the University of Guelph, sees limits to the overhauled guidelines, which endorse plant-based diets over meat, dairy and processed foods.
“I don’t expect there to be a sea change in how we feed people either institutionally or at home,” he said
“In a hospital or many institutional settings there are already dietitians involved in that process and thinking about what is in the best health interests of this student or that patient.”
Industry analyst Olivia Ross of IbisWorld predicts a swift response, however.
“Because the industry is highly competitive, food service contractors may quickly implement the new guidelines by offering more plant-based menu options to gain a competitive advantage,” she said in an email.
Ross qualified that delays could arise due to “logistical challenges” for massive providers such as Aramark Corp., which occupies one-third of Canada’s $5.4-billion food service market, according to IbisWorld.
Even if their menus aren’t re-written overnight, public institutions will help reroute purchase patterns by driving whole foods and veggies onto trays and food trolleys, says Joshna Maharaj, a chef and food activist.
“The biggest impact that I see is in hospitals and potentially prisons, which are two places where there’s the least amount of choice given to the end user. Part of the mandate that we have provincially is that if choice is not offered to patients, the institution has to offer the whole breadth of what the food guide says we should eat,” said Maharaj, former executive chef at Ryerson University in Toronto.
Federal departments such as the Canadian Armed Forces and Correctional Service Canada refer to food guide recommendations when serving meals, Health Canada said in an email.
Meanwhile about 40 per cent of Canadians use the guide to make healthy choices and plan meals, according to a Statistics Canada survey from 2015.
David Speight, executive chef at the University of British Columbia, plans to use the fresh guidelines in an education campaign on healthy beverages, complete with pop-up stations at residences.
“It’s been like Christmas morning for me and my dietitian on campus,” he said.
For both Speight and Maharaj, the guide is just one piece of the plate puzzle.
“This can’t exist in isolation,” said Maharaj. “Can folks on social assistance afford to pay for this? The answer is largely no.”
“The next step is to start investigating how this way of eating can be possible for all 38 million of us.”
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