spinstersimmer · 4 years
Check out my interview w/ @guiltysims13 on Beauty Reform School Podcast!
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cinamun · 3 years
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@nova-siims @eribrown3355 @diamondt81 @astoldbychae @ladytee918 @guiltysims13​ 
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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eslanes · 3 years
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Another commission for @guiltysims13, thank you :)
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novapark · 3 years
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Start vs End tag
Rules - Post your first edit, cc piece, build, anything of 2020 and your most recent or last next to each other
I was tagged by @trumpets0ng, @honeykiwis, and @sixamsims. Thank you all so much! <3
No surprise that the year started with Bash, he finally became an old man this year. After something like four years as my main sim. 
And of course the last thing I edited manually were shots of the current loves of my life Sunshine and Ollie. @boolproppin.
I tag @guiltysims13, @eslanes, @katsujiilove, and @storiesbyjes2g. Sorry if any of you have already done it and I missed it. 
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bklynsimmie · 3 years
Simblr community challenge by
I feel as if everyone has their own story about why they got involved with the Simblr community and I’ve always been curious about that so I decided to throw this together because I feel like it’d be a great way for people to get to know one another and maybe find new blogs they’d like to follow and support <3
Rules: tag some people, and let the community bonding commence!Thank you:
@devontesimz for tagging me.
How long have you been playing the sims? Years! AOL dial-up years haha
How long you’ve been a simblr, and why did you become one? I’ve been a simblr since last summer. Quarantine and my bf reignited my love for this game
What type of simblr are you? Def mostly edits, but I want to get into gameplay shots so bad.
Which generation of Sims do you generally play?  TS4. I’m an aesthetics junkie, and the older games just don’t cut it for me tbh.
Bonding tags: @simsdead @guiltysims13 @ladybugsimblr
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superstupendoussims · 4 years
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@guiltysims13 tried challenge you tagged me in....pretty dress...
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novapark · 4 years
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Essence of a Sim Challenge by @trumpets0ng
Thanks for tagging me @honeykiwis and @boolproppin!
I really don’t think I did all that well at this. In fact I think I got worse at it the further down the list I got, lmao. Anyway, I chose the Eclectic Arts household from Strangerville for it since I hadn’t gotten around to doing them yet. 
I tag @meekraincloud, @99simproblems, @guiltysims13, and @coliemoon4sims4. Sorry if you all have already done this or just don’t wanna. 
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boolproppin · 3 years
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Start vs End Tag
Rules: Post your first edit, cc piece, build, anything of 2020 and your most recent or last next to each other.
First post was a concept reality tv show I was going to do with the Pancakes. 
Most recent post my Sunny girl having one of her self-talks.
Thank you for the tag: @trumpets0ng, @honeykiwis, @novapark, @mamabearssims!
I tag: @guiltysims13, @aniraklova, @ladykendalsims, @ladybugsimblr, @wittynome, @madeofcc
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boolproppin · 4 years
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Thank you for tagging me for @trumpets0ng‘s Essence of a Sim Challenge @honeykiwis! 
Decided to give Dustin Broke some love. Honestly this was a hard challenge for me :< I tag @budgie2budgie, @novapark, @guiltysims13, @hula-zombie, @sugar-llama
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the “without fail” writing tag | by gilded-ghosts
rules: List five things that you, WITHOUT FAIL, weave into or explore in your stories, whether it be specific themes or  tropes, character archetypes, allusions to other literary works, what have you! It really can be anything that you consistently include in your narratives for whatever reason. Then invite others to share theirs by tagging them!
I was tagged by @ladybugsimblr - wow! I’m so honored!
1. My main characters are diverse people who live on the fringes, usually LGBTQIA++ and their allies
2. Although I love a love story, I like to explore the struggles in love. I also like to look into non-conventional arrangements, such as open relationships, promiscuously, and the examination of what relationships are in general
3. I like to normalize otherness; I like to create a world where it’s no longer necessary to announce everything because it’s already normal. Writing my story helps me explore what that would look like.
4. I am obsessed with smart asses. I love a character with a sharp tongue and a soft heart.
5. And I think my last favorite thing is, even though they all live different lives, they are somehow intermingled; either knowingly or unknowingly. Because we’re all connected, even if we don’t realize it.
Hey! This was fun. I’m going to tag a few of you, but if you already have done this or don’t want to, cool.
I hereby tag @madeofcc @99simproblems & @guiltysims13
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Playlist shuffle
Rule: Put your playlist on shuffle and tell us the first 10 songs. Then tag 10 people.
Thanks for tagging me @guiltysims13
Take Me with U (Prince)
Hey (We are KING)
Romantic (Goapele feat.Soulive)
Ginger Me Slowly (Somi)
Le Code (Myth Syzer)
Flowers (Willow)
Birds of a Feather (Vulfpeck)
Mean to me (Alice Russell)
Pynk (Janelle Monae feat Grimes)
The Future is female (Madame Gandhi)
I’m feeling a little social anxiety right now (which makes it hard to reach out) so if you want to play along, consider yourself tagged! 🖤🤘🏾
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Sure, why not?
tagged by @dudlbob- thank you! ♥
last song - Take me with you (Prince & The Revolution)
last movie - not a move, but the Nightstalker doc
currently watching - I’m a big YouTube watcher too, but I watch a crapload of news nowadays, because... well, you know.
currently craving - beef and broccoli stir fry
Tagging: @guiltysims13 @madeofcc @cyberth0t @cherryfizz-sims @xldkx
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