#guizhong layouts
dilfiesz · 1 year
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it hits me, in the car.
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cujohcaps · 1 year
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when the one attuned to my soul is no longer here, who else could hope to understand this tune?
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tsubii · 1 year
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>like or reblog if u save
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dherblay · 1 year
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echoes of the heart
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ownedbythescribe · 1 year
Zhongli | In Beloved Stars
ıllı Synopsis: Longevity is a burden to carry for immortals. But one should not wallow in self-pity. We make mistakes as mortals do, but we all have the chance to repent and do something better. Our lives outlive those of humans, but we saw how they thrive to have a fulfilling life. Why can’t we be better in the future too?
ıllı Genre: Romance
ıllı Notes: Zhongli x Female Reader, Description of Archon War and Cataclysm
ıllı Part 1: Zhongli - In Beloved Memories
ıllı A/N: The sequel is out! I’m really surprised I got this one out. I’m not sure if I’m satisfied, but this felt nearer to the ideal sequel I had in mind. I hope you will enjoy it!
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“Planning on playing house with the Geo Archon, (Y/N)?” The uncordial voice from behind asked, watching your solemn figure stare at the festivities that engulfed Liyue Harbor. The luminescent lights were too bright for your eyes, so you opted to observe from afar, away from humans and deities alike. Yet, this person would always know where you are.
“So, humor has not fully left you, I see. Does the Abyss Order need anything from the simple old me?” You sneered, disdain flashing in your eyes. The figure scoffed, materializing a set of scrolls familiar to those who encountered you.
“We made the necessary set-ups in Enkanomiya. The mechanism prior to Dainsleif’s interference was recovered. The next step relies on you.” Aether replied. It might not be overtly said, but his words were orders to get the next part of the job done immediately. There was no time to be wasted, not even on simple self-indulgence. You simply sighed, utilizing your power to transport the two of you back to your workshop.
It had nearly been five centuries since you met the Abyss Prince, and your encounter was not in any good circumstances. In fact, it was the time when civilizations crumbled, and Teyvat bathed in corruption. The amount of bloodshed and divine residues left in the desert were instilled in your mind. Bodies were strewn across Sumeru, tainting the sands and its waters dark red. The plants withered, and the forest creatures scampered away from the battlefield for safety. You were on the side that fought the Abyss until Aether came to you.
‘Your heart tells you that siding with Celestia brought nothing but pain, so why do you force yourself? Why still follow a destiny that will once again cycle to bring disaster?’ He whispered back then. Unconsciously, you touched the scar on your left arm. It was a reminder of that day, that you betrayed your friends and aided the Abyss.
The past cannot be changed, but there is still the present and the future that you could take reign of. Hence, you did not dare involve yourself further in their plan, at least not with the majority of it. Revenge could take a toll on anyone’s body and mind, even with satisfying results. Aether noticed your internal struggles throughout the years. He disliked your reluctance, but he could not let go of your potential that rivaled those of Khaenri’ah’s engineers. Not yet.
“Let me see the current status of that mechanism. I would also like for you to see this sealed crystal from before. It had been exuding an ominous aura that tampered with leylines and elements. I haven’t pried much, but I hope this would be of help. I’ll give you my thoughts in a few.” You voiced, focusing on the scrolls laid on your table. Aether sat down on another chair to read the research you made on the said crystal. It detailed the effects and sealing as well as how to reverse it. He would have to keep an eye on that until then.
You, on the other hand, saw the damage on the core. It would need immediate smoldering of the same material and elemental pressure to keep it stable. By adding a few touches to the layout, you finished your work. You rolled them away before glancing at the desk where metals and rocks were laying about. This would have been something you could enjoy centuries ago with Guizhong and Deshret, but they were swept away by the consequences of the bloodstained fate.
“Aether, how could you go strong against the tides of time? You never seemed to waver in the face of death. I’m no fool, you must have noticed already that my mind and body grew tired of such pursuit, yet yours strived through the pain.” You muttered enough for him to hear.
“I have a person to come home to. We promised to see each other again at the end of this journey.” He simply answered.
“I see.” The slight movement of your sleeves showed the bracelet the God of Dust had long worn. You gazed at it for a moment.
Home was a foreign thought to you who was constantly on the move. Aether did not mean a house or any structure at that, but more of a person. That individual became his reason to move forward, to gain freedom against what trapped them here.
‘Maybe it’s time that I should be honest too.’ You thought.
“I’m done. You can give tell the lectors and heralds to investigate this. Enjou should know where to get these materials. Also, I fear that I will not be able to join you in this fight anymore. I’ve grown weary, but I wish to see you succeed. Teyvat became an unwanted prison because of the deity’s fear of outside corruption. This world was supposedly a paradise, yet the wars and death made it feel like a colosseum where only the strongest ones survive.” You sadly mused. Aether took the scrolls out of your hands, sending it back using his power. His golden eyes stared at yours intently before he traced the scar on your left arm. It made you shudder.
“You never swore loyalty to me nor the Abyss, yet you were a companion who fought with me through time. I do not wish to let you go just yet, so, do one more job for me. Enjou will be your partner, and I will announce later your ‘withdrawal’ from the organization. Just know that from here on out, the Abyss Order will treat you like an enemy.” He firmly warned. You smiled and nodded, taking his hand away from you. Whatever relationship you had before was now coming to an end.
The Abyss Prince left your workshop shortly after, leaving specks of abyssal energy in your wake. Possibly, the last memory you will see of him was his broader back that seemed stronger than before. You wished things could have been different, but the current you wished to simply see life as it was truly meant to.
“Let’s take a short stroll by the Guili Plains, then. It might clear my mind up a little.”
Stepping out of your workshop, you inhaled the fresh scent of mountain winds. The crisp chill in the air made your arms shiver lightly, yet it brought vigor to your exhausted body. Walking towards your destination, you met a few elderlies who welcomed you, unaware that a divine being mingled with them. It reminded you of the past when you would pull your friends to join you and enjoy the festivities the humans hold every now and then.
Upon reaching Guili Plains, you stopped in your tracks to watch the view ahead. What was once a lively province bustling with humans was now a deserted ruin occasionally visited by elders and the Millelith. It might have been in a barren state now, but the tranquility over the area was welcoming. You sat by the meadow and let the wind caress your figure.
“I didn’t expect to meet you here, dear friend.” The familiar baritone echoed across your ears, causing you to whip your head in its direction. Gentle joy and relief were evident on his face while yours reflected surprise and longing. Standing up, you slowly reached a hand to his face.
“Morax, it is you. I am not dreaming.” You muttered while he nuzzled further into your hands.
“I am now called Zhongli, a simple mortal living a mundane life as a consultant. However, I am delighted to finally see you back in Liyue.” He said, taking your hand to sit again by the grass.
It was difficult to hide the joy that you felt at the moment. His presence alone chased the thoughts that threatened to occupy your mind and fester with negativity. Words easily escaped your lips as you asked questions about Liyue’s current status, including the reason why he chose to give up his gnosis. He remained tight-lipped about his dealings with the Cryo Archon, and you understood the secrecy. In return, you told him stories of your own journey, dodging the memories you spent in the Abyss Order. It was not yet the time for honesty, or maybe there will never be a time for one. This might become a secret you will carry to the grave.
Zhongli, who intently listened to your stories, found mirth in one of your quests in Sumeru with the Forest Rangers and musings in Mondstadt with a certain bard. He was happy to see you fulfill your dreams of exploring Teyvat to learn more about mechanics and engineering. He loved how the passion that silently burned before now blaze with iridescent colors.
Suddenly recalling the time of the day, he asked if you had seen the entirety of Liyue Harbor. You told him no, and it gave him the chance to invite you to explore the harbor and familiarize yourself with the place. Truth be told, you had only been there once with Ping’s help to find him and see how he was doing. Zhongli could see the hesitation in your eyes and was about to take it back when you turned to him with a small smile.
“I… It… would be lovely to see the harbor with you.” You hesitated, actions not unnoticed by the God of Contracts. He attributed it to your shy nature, but he had a gut feeling that it might have stemmed from something deeper. He trusted that you would tell him in time, but for now, he wished to show you the lives of the humans you loved.
The God of Contracts escorted you to the harbor, introducing you to vendors that littered the port. One merchant called you out and gave you free candies sunsettia to welcome you to the region. Warmth blossomed in your chest as you tasted the delicacy, enjoying its sweetness. You shared it with the god beside you, him opting to eat it from your hand, making you flustered. He simply smiled and led you to the center of the docks where a music battle was ongoing. The melody they created was unique and creative, and you were sure that Ping appreciated their creations more than anything.
Going up and passing over the bridge, he led you to a restaurant called Third Knockout. Celebratory food was sold, and the storyteller was enthusiastically retelling stories from old times. He led you to an empty table away from the crowd after sensing your discomfort. You appreciated his acts of service, but it also brought emotions you thought were long gone.
‘I still love him even after all these years. It seems like I really can’t let go that easily.’ You thought as you take a shrimp ball from the plate, the umami bursting in your mouth. Noticing the lack of seafood on the table, you could not help but tease the male.
“You still dislike seafood even after all these years. Hahaha! I’m glad that didn’t change.” You voiced. Zhongli coughed out his embarrassment.
“You know why I don’t like seafood. The slimy texture and the scent that won’t wash off remind me of bygone days when I had to exterminate them from the sea and shore. I could still recall how exhausting it was to visit houses door to door to seal those foul creatures for good, and yet, their descendants seemed to have survived and thrived as… seafood delicacy ingredients of today.” He groaned. You could not help but laugh at his misery. It was not often that the Geo Archon articulates his distaste for them, but when he did, the faces he made were a memory to keep.
After eating and paying for the food, you two went to Heyu Tea House to relax. The black tea they served immediately became your favorite. Zhongli recommended trying their osmanthus tea the next time you two visit. You nodded then watched the orchestra play below.
“Will you be settling in Liyue now?” He asked.
“Mm. Maybe I’ll reside in Wangshu Inn for the time being while I finish my new abode. I hope Xiao won’t mind.” You replied.
“Will it be all right if I visit you from time to time?” There was confusion evident on your face as to why he would need your permission to see you, but you gave him a positive answer instead. He smiled and continued sipping his tea.
It did not take long for you to know why he asked that question. Three days after you settled near Wangshu Inn, the funeral consultant would come to your house to bring gifts or simply enjoy tea or wine with you. He would even join you in your workshop when you worked on new mechanisms. It was hard not to let him know about your past with the abyss, and it felt like a sin trying to hide it from him. The guilt ate you from the inside, but you urged yourself to think that it was for the best. Aether possessed a twisted radical mind, and he was aware of the sacrifices to be made. You wished to believe that, or delusion, in this case, it was hard to tell.
On one clear day, Zhongli decided to visit you with a gift in hand. A bouquet of plum blossoms would be good decor for your new home. He also had a jade bracelet designed in your motif. It was supposedly a day to share with you two alone, but Childe and the Traveler (whom he dragged after their battle) let their curiosities get the best of them. Sighing, he hoped that you would not mind guests in your abode.
Zhongli knocked on your door, but there was no reply. He tried again until Childe went to the back and saw your figure by the waters. The sway in the wind and chimes that accompanied your movements mesmerized him, and he thought you were a fairy, like those in popular fables in Snezhnaya.
“You did not tell us that we will be meeting a fairy, Xiansheng. Can I take her back to Snezhnaya?” He joked, but it was shut down by the dark look on the Geo Archon’s face that faded the moment the music faded. The 11th Harbinger was stunned, and the Traveler had to nudge him back to reality.
“L-Lumine, he did not just glare at me, right!? You saw that look right!?” Childe fussed. Lumine pinched his left ear down.
“You should really know when to time your jokes. Come on, I think we startled her enough.” She pulled the ginger to where you and Zhongli were talking. He glanced back at them and introduced them to you. The familiar blond hair and eyes startled you. Lumine was much more beautiful than Aether described her to be.
“My name is (Y/N). It’s nice to meet you Lumine, Childe. Zhongli talked about you two a lot, and I’m glad that he had good companions to help him out, especially when handling Mora. I do apologize on his behalf if he spent more than he let on. He’s learning, I promise.” You gave them a wry smile. Zhongli wrinkled his forehead in confusion. Childe was willing to pay for him, so he just took advantage of it, and the products that he bought were truly valuable to be bought in bulk.
“I know what you’re thinking, and no, it’s crucial to live economically if you wish to have a debt-free life. Now, stop with the wrinkles. It doesn’t suit your beautiful face.” You soothed his forehead, unaware of how intimate your actions had been. Zhongli was perplexed while the other two whistled at the public display of affection.
You turned to them to ask if they wished to have lunch with you, only to see their teasing faces. It made you stop in your tracks and immediately get flustered.
“Umm, p-please don’t mind that. I-I’ll prepare a quick lunch right away. Please sit by the stone table over there.” You uttered, a little loud to your liking.
They watched you dash to your home. Childe could not help himself at how adorable it would be to tease you. Lumine, too, had a similar feeling. They turned to the Geo Archon who was already on his way to the table. They wished to ask how he was feeling, but the red tint on his ears was enough to say how he, too, was embarrassed by the skinship.
“Say, Xiansheng, are you courting this lady? You brought gifts, and I haven’t noticed you that much in Liyue Harbor anymore. Could it be that you’ve been coming here to visit her?” Childe prodded. Lumine sat down beside the ginger and also commented on how he seemed to become more animated around you.
“Your eyes light up more whenever she talks, and you looked darkly at Childe earlier after that comment. He’s bound to have nightmares later.” Lumine jested. Childe pouted and was about to complain, but she shut him up with a pinch to his thigh. Zhongli could feel a sigh escape his lips. He wished he could easily deny their words, but it would be like denying his love for you. The concept was not new to him, but experiencing it with you felt like a dream.
“Childe seemed to love saying unnecessary things nowadays. He should have learned by now how to read social cues.” He replied, sipping the tea (which materialized out of nowhere, not that you would know). The two gave him incredulous looks.
‘Look who’s calling the kettle black. He’s down bad, isn’t he?’ Before they could usher more information about you, the smell of food immediately wafted through the air. The sound of clinking plates caught Zhongli’s ears, and he stood up to help you out. You gave him a sheepish smile.
“Thank you. I only got to prepare your favorites because I thought you were coming alone. I hope your guests wouldn’t mind the lack of variety for lunch.” You voiced, unsure of your decisions for lunch. Zhongli smiled and placed a featherlight kiss on your head as assurance.
“They love any food, but we might have to prepare another cutlery for Childe. He’s not… adept with chopsticks even after I taught him several times already.” He teased. Your eyes widened at his badmouthing, opting to keep the laugh that threatened to escape you. Zhongli watched you try to hide your laugh, and he found it adorable.
The day was full of banter between Childe and Zhongli, mostly the ginger being bullied. Lumine, on the other hand, told you stories of her adventures particularly her quest in Inazuma. The news of the region’s borders closing was no secret to you. It was talked about a lot by travelers and adventurers that the place was branded a danger for a while by the majority. The lockdown and the Vision Hunt Decree instilled fear in the Electro Archon’s people. You could not even imagine how it was to fight an army to free the country. The blond traveler assured you that the Raiden Shogun had realized her wrongdoings and was now on the road to redemption. It will be difficult from here on out, you surmised.
“I assume the next place will be Sumeru? You will have to pass through the Chasm and meet with the Forest Rangers. They will guide you to Sumeru City. The Land of Wisdom might just be the place to get clues with regards to your journey.” You uttered, gazing at the waters before you. Lumine noticed the cryptic tone in your voice, and although she wanted to pry, she could feel that you wished for her to discover it on her own.
Lumine stood up and held your hand, thanking you for your hospitality. She informed Childe that they should return to the harbor now or Paimon will throw a tantrum. He groaned, not really wanting to walk a mile. It made you laugh, but out of consideration, you materialized a container that held refreshments.
“Take this and drink it along the way. Liyue Harbor is a bit far, and I truly appreciate the visit. Come by again if you wish to enjoy tea, will you?” You urged. The two nodded, then looked at Zhongli who turned to you. He held your hand and gave it a tender kiss.
‘T-This man! How scandalous can he get!?’ You flushed.
“Enjoy the rest of your day, (Y/N). We will be going now.” His eyes were twinkling with mirth as he saw the red tint coat on your cheeks. Only a flustered nod was his reply, but he was satisfied.
Once they were out of sight, you sat down exhausted. The Geo Archon’s affection suddenly confused you. Morax rarely showed affection to anyone publicly. The Anemo Archon even pointed out how expressionless and a blockhead he could be at times. Love was not a foreign concept to you, but its fullness was. You wished Zhongli would say how he truly felt about you. Was it all right to love him? To be with him?
‘Or am I just trying to hurt myself again by hoping?’
Days later, you received a letter from Zhongli when you were out with Ping and Cloud Retainer, who were kind enough to accompany you to trek up the mountains. When they noticed who it was from, they let out teasing looks and comments. You were flustered, denying that it was just an invitation to visit Nantianmen where Azdhaha slumbered.
Suddenly, Guizhong crossed your thoughts. You were once again filled with anxiety and fear to express affection to your friend’s lover, even when she had already passed. Ping noticed it and held your hand.
“She will be happy that you two are moving on. She’s not the type to harbor ill feelings, and— Aya, I wish I could tell you more, but Morax should be the one to say it. Trust in him, (Y/N), and we all want what’s best for you two.” You smiled at her words. Ping knew how to assure you every time, and you appreciate her for that.
You sent your reply, and two days later, here you were in Nantianmen. The vibrant color of the tree’s leaves was an astonishing sight, and the crisp smell of the wind calmed your senses. However, that tranquility was destroyed the moment you felt a dimension rift not far from you. Standing there was an electro abyss herald who was seething with rage.
“You insolent insect! His Highness was kind enough to let you serve the Order, and you dare give up for the sake of a peaceful life!? Have you forgotten the bloodshed, (Y/N)?” It sneered. You could feel the intense concentration of electro waiting to hit you.
“Aether knew my value, and he was no fool to see how exhausted I had been. My promise was kept, and this will be taken to my grave. He did warn me that not all of you will be in favor of such decision. I have never once forgotten the bloodshed, but I was also a part of those that caused blood to taint this land. I’ve come to repent here in silence.” You answered.
The abyss lector growled and pointed its hand towards you, firing bolts of electro. You dodged them successfully and rushed to attack him. Using the Dendro element, you forced the plants to restrain it in place and hit its jaw. The lector stumbled before imploding the electro field around him. It grazed your neck and left arm, making it bleed. You took out your weapon and hit its stomach, the lector growled and swiped at you. You docked down then rallied consecutive attacks on it.
“Insolent fool! The abyssal light will shine the truth on you!” It roared. The ridiculous phrase they utter started to irritate you. Suddenly, three bolts of electro chased after you. It scorched the land, wilting the flowers around. You tried to break down its shield, but dendro could only do so much.
“Shit.” One bolt curled around you and electrified your veins. A chilling scream escaped your lips, unable to conceal the pain. Feeling your knees weaken, your body buckled.
“You should have known better than to wish peace for this life, not when the Order has yet to gain their revenge. You were an utter fool, (Y/N).” It whispered. Suddenly, a stone spear hit the lector. It staggered away from you, and the electro bindings disappeared. Burnt marks were visible around you, and your heavy breathes signaled Zhongli of the damage you sustained.
“You are not welcome in this land. Get lost.” He ordered. The lector merely laughed and tried to attack him, but Zhongli had already prepared his shield to protect you. The sharp spears rained down on the enemy, hitting the vital parts. It groaned in pain, reduced to its knees.
The lector looked at you in warning. It voiced its anger at you for leaving the Order and wishing you no peace. There was a rift in the dimension, and the enemy was gone. Zhongli dematerialized his weapon and turned to you who was holding your wound. The Dendro energy was healing it slowly, but it was eating at your stamina.
“I do not wish to force you to be honest with me, (Y/N). Your judgment alone knows whether your actions are for Liyue’s safety or not.” He voiced, turning his back to you. The inkling he had back then finally clicked in his mind.
Your thoughts fumbled inside you, unsure of what you should say. You could feel your hands tremble in fear, and the way he turned his back intensified that emotion.
‘No… Please don’t go. Don’t leave just yet. I—‘
“Don’t go. Please.” You whimpered, unable to look at him anymore.
The Geo Archon stopped in his tracks, eyes widening at your pleas. The sound of your pitiful cry made him crouch down and wipe your tears. It was difficult to stop yourself from breaking down. You knew that it was because you did not want him to go and leave you alone for something you wanted to repent for.
“I… I can’t tell you everything, but I want you to know what really happened to me. Why I chose that road.” You explained your journey throughout the years, and how decapitating the memories of losing loved ones was to you. Zhongli held you closer to him, listening intently as you clutched his coat.
Once you were done, you looked at him for his reaction. You saw the disappointment in his eyes, and you felt perturbed. However, it was not because of you, but of himself. He let you go back then to your own devices, afraid that you will push him away. And now, you also carried innocent blood in your hands.
“Longevity is truly a burden to carry for immortals. But one should not wallow in self-pity. We make mistakes as mortals do, but we all have the chance to repent and do something better. Our lives outlive those of humans, but we saw how they thrive to have a fulfilling life. Why can’t we be better in the future too? You are not alone, (Y/N), no matter how much it feels that way. The people who cherish you, and who hold deep affection for you are here. I am here.” Zhongli said, wiping the tears from your eyes. He patted your head, comforting you in his own way. Your eyes watered at his sincere words.
“How do you always know the right words to say? You see right through everything I put up.” Zhongli smiled at your words, placing his forehead on you. His warmth calmed you down as you listened to his next words.
“I cherish you more than you know, Dear. I vie for your love even from before. So please, let me stand by your side this time. Let me protect you against the past that continues to hunt you. Be the stronghold that you can rely on to stand again and face the future bravely.” He pleaded. You moved away from his warmth and asked.
“How about Guizhong? Wasn’t she your lover?” Zhongli saw the unease in your figure, so he held your hand, intertwined it with his, and looked at you directly in the eyes.
“Of the past, yes. But we realized that love can be familial too. We both felt true love in our own time, not one that we realized sooner. Her with another, and mine with you. You became a special existence in my life. So this time, will you accept this sincerity of mine?” He asked. You nodded, whispering your answer to him. Zhongli’s lips curled up before leaving a featherlight kiss on your lips. It made you smile, heart finally at ease.
“I love you, now, tomorrow, and for thousands more to come.”
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Tags: @no-regrets-just-confusion
Please do not copy or repost my stories, but notes and reblogs are always appreciated!
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orchideae · 6 months
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When I approach Yelan (or anyone else I've written), I don't just look directly at her character, but I also look at her surroundings. Both the ones that she knows by some semblance of necessity, but also those that she chooses. Like here, I talked about the Chasm, and what being 'okay' with existing down there needs to mean for a character, because it's not normal. Someone's surroundings, room, or home say a lot bout who they are and what their mindset, or specifically, their perspective is of the world. And sometimes, I think it says more about people than even the characters realize.
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This brings me to the topic of the city of Fontaine. Now, I personally think it's rather obvious that a lot of the nation takes from historical France, and so when looking at it, I think it really adds to remember its monarchy, the view that the 'common folk' had of it, and its inevitable demise to non-existence today in terms of importance as a result. So my first question is, who constructed or decided on its layout? Was it Furina, Neuvillette, Egeria? Whoever it was, there's a lot that can be said about their view of the world and their placement in it when you look at locations of buildings. Look at where Palais Mermonia, its governing body, is located within the city; it sits at a rather astounding elevation in comparison to, well, everything and everyone else in the city. This frequently represents the concept of 'distance' between groups in one way or another, and seeing the consistency in other nations, this is something that is rather intriguing to me, especially keeping Fontaine's characters in mind (and considering this is the nation of 'justice'). Mondstadt has everything almost entirely uniform, with arguably the church on the highest level (but it isn't greatly elevated in comparison to all else), but it's joined with the plaza and statue which are a common gathering site for all people in the city. Liyue had the gods and adepti visibly living among the humans back in the days of the Guili Assembly for reasons of 'integration' (my apologies to numerous from our dear Guizhong!) The fact that numerous adepti now live far outside of the harbor is a different matter entirely, and the one who seems to function within a semblance of separation of sorts is Ningguang with the Jade Chamber (but I'm not one to speak on behalf of her character as I don't bear the knowledge). Inazuma also has the Tenshukaku at a higher elevation in comparison to the rest of Inazuma City. Sumeru is interesting, but ultimately Nahida was kept at the very peak of the city, far out of reach of humanity— but that's exactly the common denominator that has my interest, the distance between the 'governing body' and humanity for one reason or another.
But Fontaine really takes separation to a different level in my opinion (and again, think of this when you think of the person having designed the whole city), not only because of the above which I'll elaborate more on in a moment, but also its separation from the outside world. Now, this is interesting to think about if you keep in mind that it was perhaps done in eventual protection of the city's inhabitants in terms of the prophecy (which means that this would have been constructed anywhere during or after Egeria's reign), but then why is only Palais Mermonia far above the water's reach? If the walls surrounding the city were ever breached during said prophecy, all its inhabitants are pretty much immediately caught in the flood and would drown, which tells me nothing positive of the city's 'architect' or whoever signed off on the designs. But if not done for the prophecy, then why? Stand in the middle of the Court of Fontaine and really look around you, the only sights you really have of the outside world are the sky, and it's obstructed by a fair bit of the waterways and gardens that hang overhead, which you can only properly enjoy when you take the ages long elevator to the upper level where the palace is located (which, credit due, seems freely accessible to everyone in present-time). But if you don't venture up, how much of the outside world do you get to see? It feels very secluded, very much under lock and key. On some level (and this is one of the many reasons why I think that the Meropide is so excessively important in Fontaine and it's likely why we spent so much time there; it's all to show the ever, ever important contrast and nuance between this 'autonomous nation within Fontaine' and, well, 'Fontaine'), it almost feels like a prison, regardless of how pretty it may look or come across (and despite not 'lacking rights'). And considering how people in the Meropide speak of not always wanting to return back to the 'overworld' following their sentence, I think that there's definitely quite a bit of truth in that. But again, stand there and look around for yourself.
Now to return to the original topic, but keeping the last one in mind as well, look at one other thing that I'm unsure how many have really kept an eye on: the massive effect Palais Mermonia's level has on the rest of the area (inside and outside of its walls). Have you ever walked through the city of Fontaine at any given time of day or night, north to south, east to west, clockwise or counter-clockwise circling through it; have you ever seen how it overshadows an immense part of the streets below it either entirely on its own (which to me signifies a very domineering presence), or together with those outer walls that surround the city? I know how I've spoken thoroughly with people before about how much I enjoy Fontaine and how dark it is in its storytelling, but despite how gorgeous this region with its water- and landscapes are; its city bears quite a heavy weight to me. I don't know who designed it, or ordered it to be constructed in this way, but nothing about the city itself truly, rationally, shows a healthy perspective versus its citizens.
Me: /continues on to ramble in tags because I'm me and I'm a nuisance with always more to say than I know how to coherently put into these posts.
#[ meta. ] the chances are if i open this door; there can be no witnesses left alive. is that a sufficient reason for you?#[ i love how i'm writing a liyue-based character and here i am rambling about fontaine. ]#[ listen my little french heart just ached at this. i've been sitting on it for so long and have been wanting to talk about it. ]#[ but every time i hear 'fontaine is so pretty' -- i agree. i truly do. and the city has become my new 'hub' away from liyue harbor... ]#[ which says a ton in itself. ]#[ so trust me when i say i enjoy it and find it gorgeous. but i don't have any real kind words to spare on who designed it. ]#[ and i don't mean that in an insulting/bad kind of way but more so in the sense of-- whichever god likely designed this-- ]#[ how much worth was placed where; you know? ]#[ this is why i find the gods and all of their differing views so inherently interesting. ]#[ but then i also sit here longer and think more of the meropide. ]#[ and how THAT is supposed to be the prison. hmmmm. and yet /that/ is the place many seem to not want to leave anymore. ]#[ the place that is run and made better by the person whose tragic case was entirely missed and neglected by the authorities. ]#[ ah yes; the meropide. aka meropis-- the retelling (was it a parody? i believe so) of plato's story of atlantis. ]#[ which was sunk by the gods as punishment to its people for leading lives they deigned morally unjust and petty and /greedy/. ]#[ ah yes. the references never end. ]#[ granted we know how the meropide came to be-- so if egeria was in charge of that. chances are she likely was for fontaine as well. ]#[ well-- ]#[ well. ]#[ yep. i have more to say but i'm struggling to find my words-- so here we are for now! ]
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