#gungrave x reader
bunji-enthusiast · 7 months
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— Bunji Kugashira Icons
He makes my heart hurt so badly
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mothwingwritings · 9 months
It is my birthday, and as such, I would like you all (if you are so inclined) to indulge me in this little ask-game-thing I have had on my mind for a while.
Slide into my asks and tell me your most UNDERATED on LESSER KNOWN fictional husband/wife/lover/all three. The key is that they must be underrated/lesser known (not like, Mikey Sano or Baki Hanma, though those are both good choices B)), I only want to see truly underappreciated little morsels. Supply them to me, I need the sustenance. I desire to see them and learn of all the wonderful, hidden babes that exist in this world.  ლ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°ლ)
They can be from anything. Anime/manga, video games, books, movies, tv, a beloved OC-anything. Just make sure you tell me what media they are from and a little blurb about why you like them/what attracted you to them, and if you have any cutesy headcanons for them or the two of you together. <3 A picture is optional!
You don’t have to do this by any means if you don’t wanna, I just thought it might be a fun little thing to do and I am interested in seeing people’s underdog fictional love interests. They deserve a time to shine, and this is your moment to give it to them. ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶
Husband wise, Bunji Kugashira from Gungrave.
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Look at this man. He’s an asshole, crusty, grumpy, and rude, but dammit do I love him. (˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥  )づ♡  He’s a cold blooded killer for the mafia, but he has a very strong sense of loyalty. For those with the privilege of being close to him he’s like a protective brother figure (which is my weakness, honestly) and will stick by you through thick and thin, offering his support and protection even if it’s just you and him versus the world. He has had me in a chokehold for literal years and as a bonus fun fact, one of my first ever reader insert fics was a reader x Bunji fic that sadly got lost to the times after my old computer died and the one fanfic site I uploaded it on bit the dust too. RIP. :’)
I was thinking maybe, possibly, by some cosmic luck there would be a small resurgence in Gungrave popularity recently, but no such luck. ^^; It started out as a video game and a new game was released not too long ago, AND it’s from the same creator as Trigun and Trigun Stampede has become quite popular sooo I had my hopes. But it’s all good, I love you Bunji, whether you are well known or not, I am in your court. 😤
WIFE-Leo from SHWD
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Honestly all you should have to see is the above image to sell you on the series and the woman herself.  (>/////< " ) Leo is a kindly, buff, affectionate special force operative that fights horrific monsters that alter people’s minds. She’s cool, she’s strong, she’s compassionate, she’s flirty, and she’s an actual milf. I want her to scope me in her arms, dote on me, and smother me with her affections. She’s just… the whole package. She may be a little bit suffocating, maybe even a smidge condescending, but that only makes her more appealing in my book tbh. (´∀`;) I love her and she’s beautiful and I would let her destroy me, heal me, and then destroy me again indefinitely.
SHWD is also such a cool yuri series and I wish it would get more traction. It has an interesting story, cool monsters, and the entire main cast is all lovable and cool (they are all hot as hell too so that helps).  I personally think it would make an incredible anime (and I am not just saying that because I want to see my various wife’s in action, but that is a part of it loool) and I really hope the series continues, thrives, and gets plenty of support. <3
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bunji-enthusiast · 2 months
Anyone want to request something? I’m downnn!
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bunji-enthusiast · 3 months
Sugar how'd you get so fly?
WC || 712
note || random thoughts, but something for the man. This man <3
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“What’re doin?” His voice came stout and short, carried by a tone of warmth that was directly reserved in the lonesome of your presence. For a moment, you thought you almost heard the private man laugh.
“Hmm..” You patted the lapels of his jacket, straightening the crinkles in the brighter areas that you were able to see.
You look up at him, as if you could see his eyes within the bare nakedness, terrible that he was wearing those glasses that had protectively shielded those colorful eyes of his (though it was rather perfect to the charm he exhibits). “Can’t a person just admire another wonderful one?” You shot back, your nose close in proximity to his pointed one. 
Public displays of affection isn’t something he was big on, yet; this was quiet, silent and just plain adorable in his eyes. Bunji was readily used to being on the defense, in all of his time he had left within being alive – he was damn glad he was given something, someone. 
Too bad he was just a dead man walking, literally.
“Nah,” He paused for a moment, lips pressed into a small smile as he had returned your stare. “Didn't take you to be someone so touchy though.” Your brow raised at his suggestion, cheek gnawed as you thought for a brief period of time.
“Right, as if we all don’t hide a side of ourselves we don’t want anyone else seeing.” You grin at him, tilting your head with a new knowing look overtaking your previous one – eyes filled with sorts of amused crossed with a bemused emotion. “Kugashira.” 
Tersely he had felt a chuckle on the verge of spilling from his lips, yet he had remained quiet and calm. Nothing else was necessarily needed to be said.
Bunji’s shoulders deflated from the usual tenseness they had displayed, nobody was a guardian of anyone right now. That was something discernible to the man nicknamed ‘The Wolf’ and it simply drove him utterly to a sense of confusion, how even then how folks had taken to calling him such villainous nicknames. Madman was another, that was quite a time period in his life.
People sought goals, sought for love and for loyalty. He was one of the bunch in a faction of loyalty, bad enough it had become part of his downfall. If there really is a god, he had a wicked sense of humor for giving Bunji another chance at life. But, he had met you, and the silver headed girl. Mika was it?
She was traveling with the big guy, Grave was the name. Seemed pretty damn ironic, had a whole name change and a completely different personality after his death fifteen years in passing. He wanted closure, redemption, he finally thought he was given peace as he laid there against the stone cold wall. The marrying pleasures of death nipping at his warmth and sapping it away.
Then he had opened his eyes again, again to another ungrateful chance of living. He had been revived and hired to work for the Corsione Family, and was viewed as a great gunsman, someone to be put to great use. The adoptive son of the family had an agenda he never understood.
Yet in some way, he felt for the victims of the Corsione Family, he had been on both ends of these transactions. The bloody mass murders and the experiments.
Bunji, after having been revived the first time – was killed the second time now. He wondered if that was the end of everything for him, but it simply was a twist. One he didn’t want to go through again, he wondered if this was his punishment for being a man.
Admiration was something else, Bunji could understand observing even the smallest of things. But he just simply didn’t expect how you can go as far as to admire the smallest of things in question, that alone had him very curious. The extent of your love, whether it can expand platonically or romantically was something that he could appreciate in a way. 
Though, he didn’t want to bring up the subject. As it was somewhat stingy to a man like Bunji, so for now, he was gonna remain at a distance about it.
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bunji-enthusiast · 5 months
Can we please get at continuance of the beyond the grave post? Maybe where the reader finally faces Brandon?
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Two Bones To Pick — Beyond The Grave
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• Sypnosis || coming to terms with it all.
• CW || hurt/comfort, fluff, reader is late 30’s to 40’s (fyi), Grave is chronologically 43, lots of terrible writing. Short— my bad.
• pairing || Grave/GN!Reader
• Note || Oh my GODDDD, i am so sorry for making you wait. Mf life got in the way 💀. > Previous part
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It was now past midnight, the moon rising and making way for dawn.
You couldn’t understand it, how he was so willful and ignorant at the same time. Grave was so beautiful, yet so strange all the time. As he ever was.
He always was a strange man, you could never really comprehend him fully. The way he does kind acts in complete darkness, the way he smiles so silently in spite of whatever pain he was experiencing. You could never really understand.
In a way, you felt lucky, to be able to meet Brandon Heat all those years ago. Getting to know him as a person, it almost felt off that he had ever joined the mafia. He had too much of a kind heart, yet he always pulled through.
To know Brandon was to know sadness, Grave was a different mystery entirely you weren’t sure how to face.
“Ompf!” You crashed into another person, rubbing your temple as you calmed the ceaseless throbbing that had went on in your head. With a calmer gait, you looked up and began to apologise, “I’m sorry, I wasn-“
It was Grave, Beyond The Grave. Suddenly a deep churning rumbled your stomach, anxiety mostly just from having to look at him. At once, he notices your forlorn expression and lays a hand on your shoulder.
Worry knits his brow, creases unnoticeable to the naked eye. Grave nodded curtly, as he unfortunately was left without the ability to speak properly — rarely had he been lucky to do so for few circumstances. He was trying to convey something, as if he was asking, ‘are you alright?’
At first, it seemed so silly and simple; but you knew otherwise. Your shoulders slumped, feeling a little defeated and at a loss for words. In spite of Grave’s few limitations, he still can care even if he holds a very cold stature.
To put it simply.
You weren’t sure.
Why? So many emotions and so many troubles, all swirling down to one thing. Because of Grave, because of Brandon Heat. You couldn’t find his reasons palpable for ever wanting to come back in the first place, and now, he was working hard to eliminate SEED.
But why? Why him? He shouldn’t need to. Grave was just so… indifferent, it felt like the usual shining coin you could see on the side walk just turned to a rotten emissary, floating away on a gutter.
Yet even better then ever, he came back strong. Your own heart simply just wanted you to get away from Grave, from Brandon Heat. You simply just couldn’t cope with the very fact, his extension.
Oh, his extension?… that sounded so heartless. At that very moment, Grave held your face, at most simply shaking you a little to snap out of whatever trance you were in. He was asking you, ‘You okay?’ So silently, without thought or grievance you couldn’t help the tears that flowed.
Grave, was beginning to understand. To understand who you were, why he had so randomly get flashes of you from his previous life - his previous identity. At an extent, the cold-shelled deadman felt warm.
You felt your head laying on his chest almost immediately, entirely as your legs to which Grave had noticed were about to buckle.
Brandon Heat was a kind man, kind man. A kind man who drove in the dark and took care of people in the shadows. Always lurking but never attacking, always putting others before himself. Never deeming it a necessary thing to kill those deemed innocent, even if it was to blantantly murder the happiness and innocent charms right before their very eyes.
So how charming had he remained, to be quiet and thoughtful even becoming Beyond The Grave?
That was a question for another time, to remain unanswered. He simply just held you as the weight of it all came crashing down finally.
Simply, without struggle. There would be no strength.
Even the death himself knew that.
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bunji-enthusiast · 6 months
Would it be alright to submit a request? If you are not taking any right now, than feel free to ignore! I wanted to ask if you could write more from Brandon Heat and or Beyond the grave. Maybe both? Where the reader knows Beyond the grave as Brandon before he dies and now meets Grave? Maybe where Grave gets flash backs of the reader from his past life, however, the reader keeps their distance as they try to deal with their emotions?
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Bones — Beyond The Grave
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• Sypnosis || A man-made enigma whom once was a human you could so easily befriend.
• pairing || Grave/GN!Reader
• warnings || some divergent, slightly inaccurate medical information displayed, sloppy writing
• Note || of course! I’m happy to take a request to fulfill my bland life… lol. You didn’t specify what kind of piece you wanted, so I went with headcanons + a drabble :)
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You had truly loved him, a precious and dear friend that you had cherised all your memories with. In spite of his position as a top sweeper in Millenion, Brandon Heat still found it in himself to be kind—to bring a silent kindness to be found later on.
So just how?… How did he just die so unexpectedly? There is no way that Brandon had betrayed the Code of Iron. Brandon was too kind! Too hurt to be brought pain that had already been embroiderd into his heart.
There was no way in hell this was possible, you thought you were dreaming. This whole thing must’ve been a nightmare all along, it simply had too be! Brandon would never betray Harry, they were the bestest of friends, not even yourself had come close to them.
To say you had a very broken heart for years upon years was an understatement, to be faced with his new identity after all this time was a shock.
You never expected this development, to be crashed down with his supposed death. And he was here? After all this time!
He didn’t remember you, only mere flashes from his previous life had given him some semblance of who you are. Instinctual as it is, for it had went the same with Mika, the daughter of his now deceased boss.
This wasn’t something you wanted to deal with, to see the face of a man you thought was dead for so many years—Grave who came from beyond the grave, and killed his own best friend. Karma you supposed.
You weren’t sure how you were gonna be able to fathom Grave’s existence, one of the strongest deadman you knew. The only deadman you know, and he was a shell of your former friend, Brandon Heat.
With a careful eye, you looked over to where Grave had sat, blood flowing into his veins from every tube. He seemed so unreal.
How he was truly here and existing… damn straight you didn’t even get how he can fight with the way he is.
“To protect.”
You had heard him murmuring that phrase once many times. Oh how can he do this to himself, once you had learned of how Dr. Tokioka had taken it upon his skills to renanimate Brandon Heat—now Beyond The Grave. You just still couldn’t wrap your head around it.
Now, you just wanted to keep yourself at a distance. Seriously given the thought, you could actually see him, touch him—made you shudder. A strange hand, whom you acquainted with very familiarity, laid on your shoulder as a means of reassurance.
“[Name], you are sure you want to be here? I understand his presence is strange.” Mika vocalized, assuming your worries from her viewpoint. As it would be, she was naturally attuned to one’s emotions once she had gotten to know someone as a friend or merely an acquaintance.
You nodded, “It’s no big deal, he can’t control the situation.” Waving her off, yet you still were disturbed. Mika’s brows knitted, lined forlorn to her noticeable look of concern coloring her tone.
“Still, say something. You don’t need to make yourself uncomfortable.” As always, she was a stubborn one. You could’ve thought she would’ve gotten it from Big Daddy, but it reminded you immediately of Brandon. How he could have a type of stubborn-passion, to be concerned for those he cares about.
Honestly it had brought a sense of peace to your mind, the way that Grave had taken Mika in and raised her himself —in a sense of course. It had reminded you that in a way, Brandon was still there.
A creaking groan interrupted the thoughts of those thinking, Grave seemed to be in considerable trouble as the monitors alerted the distress he has. “Oh no!” Immediately, Mika had went to work.
Mika zipped to the monitors, inspecting what the problem had been. It was the blood, there was congested blood cells that had made its way into his blood stream. Grave couldn’t handle diseased cells when he was in slumber.
You were a little shaken to say the least by the new developments, simply just standing there as you felt panicked, and a sense of hopelessness creeping its way into your body. You couldn’t do anything to help, you wouldn’t know what to do anyhow.
Mika had went to even further work, now ounce of hesitation in her stride as she had made steps to remove the diseased cells with a little help from a syringe she had kept in a nearby room, alongside her medical tools kept specially for Grave. She had injected a kinetic fluid to help remove the cells, you had just watched it all happen.
“Are.. you okay?” You asked aloud, walking up to Mika. She nodded with a slight smile, a little bead of sweat had dripped down her face. “No worries, he is fine.”
At her own words, she had paused and recognized your concern. “I’m fine too!” She smiled wiser. You nodded, brows furrowed as you looked at Grave.
He was still asleep.
Right, he was asleep still! Good, you didn’t think you could’ve handle him being awake at the moment. To be this close to his face.
His scarred increment, his lost eye.. Grave seemed impossibly so attractive. Even in the confines of his slumber.
Oh hell no, you weren’t about to catch feelings for him. Not again. You had thought, inching away from the seat Grave had resided in. You weren’t about to linger any longer.
Mika spoke out to you, “[Name]?” You looked at her wearily. She too had a weary look about her eyes, as she had looked your appearance in the eye, top to bottom. “You should get some rest at least.”
As ever, she quipped the earlier conversation. But now, you were considering it. “Ah, yeah. Sorry, you get rest too!”
Mika had a spark of surprise at your statement, “Yes.. guess you’re right too.” You nodded with a smarmy smile, laying a hand on your chest as you took a dramatic pose.
“Miss Mika, respect your elders!” You chuckled, she too nodded with a laugh. She was still so young, you were just aging, you almost felt jealous she had her youth.
“Yes [Name], I will not forget that.” Mika muttered, a forbearance of sarcasm in her tone as she matched your energy.
With a wave, you began making your turn to walk out and retreating to your makeshift room. “Alright, then. See you later.”
Mika nodded and waved you off, leaving you too your thoughts. You stifled a sigh, lingering about as you had made your way to your temporary home, your room. You weren’t too sure were too go with these new circumstances.
How to face him.
Grave, Brandon Heat? You were so sorry.
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bunji-enthusiast · 6 months
“What’re you being so touchy for?” His deep voice rumbled, sending shivers of warmth down your spine.
“Just wanted to feel you.” You replied with a curt nod, a small smile taking over your face. He hummed a sigh of content as he leaned into your touch.
“I see.”
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bunji-enthusiast · 7 months
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Atta Girl
Uhh fluffy and angst? I dunno how tags work so be surprised
You groaned, giving a light swat on the chamber of the gun you held briskly in hand.
This was truly getting annoying, having to fight off so many members of an opposing gang. Just merely being alone for a few minutes and now you were overwhelmed so completely.
How many more could you handle alone? You just wanted to be with someone familiar again, you heaved a heavy sigh and reloaded the bullets into the chamber.
Your gun was a finicky one, but it had to work well enough all the same.
Instinctively you had ducked down behind cover, still grasping the handle of your gun as blood rung in your ears. Adrenaline, it was always the adrenaline that had fueled you to push forward.
Not always you were prepared, which had forced you to coerce your survival instincts to simply just go for the kill. Cause time and time again… it was either you, or them.
“Huh?” Letting yourself breathe for a few moments, you noticed the shooting had stopped. Did they not see where you are?
Looking from the safety of the cover, you noticed that the ashy fumes emanating from within the beaten hallway had gone dark — areas that had gone lights out.
Staying alert once more, you held up your gun and inhaled, exhaling. It was a lengthy but short process that had allowed your firearm to stay in target, so as long you weren’t being a complete idiot.
Your feet shuffled down to a quiet stop, hearing a very low noise, the groaning creaks of the metal hanging overhead were pliant — but it covered your tracks that would’ve been heard otherwise.
“Have you found the girl yet?” It was a member of the Raven Clan. Another spoke out in a low tone, you couldn’t tell all the same.
“No, [First Name] got the drop on us.” So they know your name too? How much more weirder can this get?
You ducked down, crouching slightly on the weight of your knees as you stay guarded with gun in hand.
Looking around the corner, you could barely see through the flickers of darkness and light. But there was the two who had spoken mere seconds ago.
You narrowed your eyes in an attempt to see them better, yet it was an unfortunate failure. You turned back around and out of sight before the clan member could see you. You didn’t want them to get the drop on you, you preferred being the one capable of that alone.
Yet you needed a plan.
Plans were not your brightest brigades of thoughts, having struggled with similar things back in school when you had been younger.
“Right, how should I go about this?” You murmur, looking down at the firearm in your hand. “Maybe their weak points?”
You shudder as you felt a warm hand lay on your shoulder, oh no.. no oh no no.
“Hey, hey hey..” The stranger chuckled in a low warm rumble, he had a strangely warm and comforting presence. “You didn’t miss me, did’ja?”
Wait a minute, there was no way it was this asshole.
“Bunji?!” You yelped and hissed as white hot pain had shot through your body, (did you forget you got injured?)
“Easy.” He spoke softly, letting his large hands wonder down to your waist to keep you still. “Don’t need you openin’ those wounds again baby.”
You let out a sigh, you jolt as you felt your knees buckle — causing Bunji to tighten his hold on your waist.
“Little wobbly aint’cha?” The wolfish man cracks a smarmy grin. You whimper as you let your hand trail upward toward his arm and held a grip onto his bicep, struggling to keep yourself upright and moving.
“Aha.. shaddup.” You croak, you felt yourself being so okay and fine earlier. At his touch.. you just fell apart.
Bunji shifted his grip from your waist to your legs and shoulders, flipping you horizontally till he had held you bridal-style. You could see that his left eye had flickered a fatal blood red for a momentary second.
“What did they do to you?”
Your cheeks flustered when his gaze ghosted over your body, looking for any other injuries he wasn’t aware of.
His eyes looked so soft, vulnerable. Reminiscent of a kicked puppy that was betrayed by the very world it had put its trust in.
In the lowest and softest whisper you never would’ve expected to hear out of him, not one day in your life would you thought he’d looked so guilty, a short burst of confidence and ineffable sadness had betrayed the gait he had so strongly built.
“Atta girl.”
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bunji-enthusiast · 7 months
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Mmmm- bewbs.
“What the hell you doin?”
Bunji chuckled as he thumbed the intricate laces between the strands of your hair, currently as of right now?
You faceplanted into his chest, and he can’t exactly tell if it was on purpose or on accident. “Your warm.”
It was definitely the latter.
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bunji-enthusiast · 1 day
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Ok, idea idea idea… cause I’m always thinking back to him.
One way or another, it is death that belies him the thought of comfort. Those scrambled memories of his walking past in soulful silence, desperate to find relief in you again — so once more.
Even if it could tear away the warmth his voice once carried, even if it tore away his sight. He could always find himself in those memories. It was the moment that brought him comfort, even if it felt so cold now.
Even if it wasn’t his fondest thought, it was his most comforting one. That was for you, his partner, his love.
He could find himself with no more scars.
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bunji-enthusiast · 2 months
Have you SEEN how soft this poor man can be?
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Within every argument and vice, he feels contempt. Angry, but toward whom? Maybe only himself, maybe it was toward the god who had earned his will to command the passage of his life.
Brandon was no more, he couldn’t stay soft. He had to harden his heart and merely delay the inevitable.
He was still human, nothing stickler however.
Brandon was still inevitably soft in your heart.
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bunji-enthusiast · 6 months
What an enigma of a man… good character. <33
What i listened to while writing this: øfdream - Thelema
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That’s what he can all hear, silence. To be tender and wrought with kindness he had been unequivocally eyeing the hands that had treated the burning wounds that had seared onto his flesh, laid bare. A dog malnourished and near broken to be laid at deaths door step.
His prominent healing factor as a deadman was a swift one, yet gifts never came without consequences. It’s something more preferable to say he’d call it his punishment, to be allowed to heal the way he can.
You never brought a hand full of intent, that much he could tell.
“Hey partner’…” For a moment, The Wolf Bunji had forgotten whom he was. A man, he was just a man. Straggling to live, yet a dead man walking was the truest statement he had ever struggled to fathom.
He thought himself just someone at the lowest ends of the food chain, he wasn’t a man.
Why had you been treating him as such? always so carefully testing every wound with care, adjusting his position to ensure his sore muscles didn’t ebb into his bones. Admiring the scarred musculature he had felt that shouldn’t seemed to be so loved.
“I can be allowed to love you, don’t I?” You nodded curtly as you ask him, turning about his strewn muscle that had scarred and battered flesh, bruised within each tear, gummy to the touch that would make you repulse. You continued to dress with careful attention, cleaning the wound and proceeding to close it up with a line of lead and a needle pin.
You were medically attentive, through the lack of proper supplies however you had found use in what you could make to achieve proper outcomes. The silence was a usual one, common of the man.
He hadn’t responded, that too was common. Yet it was fine, your presence, which had went the same way for the undead assassin, brought one and the other comfort.
To look and to hold was a concept foreign to him, flesh burning with a sensation he had not often experienced. The Wolf was cold, calculating and alone, he had much preferred for people to take him at face value. At the time it was easier that way, he didn’t want to get close to anyone, at the risk of losing them.
Just how did you get so close to him, so close to break through the stone? So far he had been before, yet here you are so simply touching him. Dressing his wounds, you were worried of course. He is a man not easily killed, having already been through death twice. Betwixted with a new change was so different, yet so familiar.
Silence was all that could be heard.
Yet the silence had brought him, yourself comfort.
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bunji-enthusiast · 6 months
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[a place where one feels safe or at home.]
• sypnosis || being in your home as lead him to personal realizations, and new simple experiences.
• Warnings || none, just fluff.
• Note || just a small blurbo! I love this man lots and I’m trying to show that one step at a time lolol. Wrote this while listening to øfdream: thelema~
He simply could not stop thinking about you alone, the personification of the very subconscious fighting against his own thoughts.
Domineering over the edge until they really couldn’t stop, but for some — it wasn’t something to be bothered with.
Hey hell, if the man ever had to pay the price; loyalties, trust and love. You laid at the center of it all.
Such as a dog aching to tame its hunger, no matter how much the silver collar bruised and ebbed into the very flesh of its neck—there was no stopping it.
Bunji had always found himself at your door, to find himself lapping at every inch of your essence. Feeling whole, whole that his senses were only you.
You were an ache in his heart he could never ignore, simply put.
The age-old creaking he was so used to hearing, wasn’t there anymore. Perhaps you had gotten your door fixed?
Most likely, that was the case.
Bunji peered around at the fixed environment, shirts and articles of clothing framing evidently somewhat misplaced furniture here and there. The decoration had remained unamused and unfaltered.
The smell. Oh how he loved the smell, that truly can pull something all together he’ll admit that much.
Nearby had laid bare the windows, the isolation framing them well and working as it should, yet it had seem that pores of dust and mold leaked in. Yet to where you could see the outside had allowed you to really feel the weather, which had been blue, cold and wet for quite some time now.
Bunji could see you hadn’t really paid too much attention to your own environment, straying just enough to keep it in pieces. Being a person busied with things, it would no doubt take a toll.
Even especially on someone as sweet as yourself… taking that to mind Bunji had made it a personal priority to take care of financial problems burdening you without your awareness.
Sometimes he had forgotten how his steps limbered beyond the barefoot threads of your floorboards, there was carpet laid everywhere. It seemed he had forgotten about this particular fact. Being so narrowed in focus with anything else.
Bunji lifted his large hand to focus, closing it into a fist and releasing it again once more. Surveying his surroundings and felt himself reeling with your scent was, expected.
He felt so out of place, feeding into the idea he might just taint your home with his touch. With just another step, it wasn’t a dream. It was real.
Dreams weren’t born, or planned into mind. Bunji’s own mind had already nearly died, he could not dream.
You were a dream, a very physical dream. Bunji would define you as such, if he could ever see one for the first time in a long time. That it what he wanted to understand it as.
Bunji let out a long sigh, hoping to mitigate that ministration by focusing on something else. To not be enthralled with his own thoughts, to not be left alone with them.
Maybe he could cook up something for you, he was exceptional aptitude for cooking and baking alike. Having down it for his brother back then when he had been young and dumb, freshly scarred by a world that never should treat children the way they do.
“Hope ya don’t mind.” He murmured, crossing a look at his surroundings making his way to your small kitchen area. Bunji took off his leather brown jacket, which still had a very smoky stench. He was going to have to do something about that smell.
Letting out an even longer sigh, he waved off the fumes leaving his maw. A naturally recurring statement reminding him of his status as a Deadman.
Bunji looked around at your kitchen, which luckily wasn’t a mess. He still probably would’ve cleaned it up for you anyhow, every once in a while a person needs help. Even needing company.. he was a lonely man. That is one hell of a hurtful thought, loneliness.
Loneliness can kill a man.
That being said, he wasn’t looking for friends. Looking for family to call his own. Bunji had been stripped of any honorable hope for that very thing, rightfully so.
Yet, he just can’t help but wonder if there was any reason that there were people who wanted him to be in their life. You?…
Bunji wasn’t sure.
But one thing he could understand, you can never go wrong with a bout of regaining honor to protect, protecting the life you live.
He so silently hopes you won’t turn him away.
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bunji-enthusiast · 6 months
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Grave just bending down so you can just head pat him, he is confused on why you ask him to do so — but he obliges all the same. Now he understands when you headpat him a few times, literally just gets feelings of nostalgia that he can’t pinpoint. Yet he appreciates the notion and hopes to be able to continue being able to be friends, or acquaintances.
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bunji-enthusiast · 6 months
Who needs real life when you have fanfiction? Sniffles
Bunji brought up his other large hand to shield the lighter from the onslaught of blowing winds, daring to crawl through his skin. Quite literally he was a heater when he wanted to be, being cold was out of the question.
“Hey sweetheart.” He called out, noting how your hands had snuck its way around his neck—trapping him in a half bear nuzzle.
In a half-hearted attempt to sound furious, you scoffed. “How do you always know I’m there?” At that, Bunji paused for a moment, as if he was seriously considering your question.
“Just a good hunch I guess?” He chuckled, a low baritone rasp.
“Right and I’m the idiot.” You retorted, a content hum leaving your lungs in an eventful effort as your burrowed your face into the warm crevices of his neck—it felt as if it were permeating into your own skin.
“Ah 𝙝𝙤𝙣’𝙚𝙮.” He drawled, taking a long drag and exhaling the fumes of the smoke directly opposite of your direction. “Now when’d I ever say that?”
You laughed, angling your head to look at him properly. “Never.”
Bunji raised a brow at your auspicious answer, hooking his hand over yours and pulling you into closer contact—lips ghost over one another.
His hand held your jaw, properly balanced as to not accidentally give it sore spots.
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bunji-enthusiast · 6 months
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He catches you crying after you took a drive [headcanons]
Characters: Grave, Billy (very implied fem-reader), and Jyuji
We need more Gungrave fanfiction, cause *cracks my knuckles* I’ll just do it myself if I have to. Might be some self-indulgence lol
— gets really concerned and doesn’t exactly know what to do, you just get really good at hiding your tears and emotional sadness. From a lot of the group apparently.
— now he just knows cause he had happened to catch you off guard is all.
— Grave really does get worried about you, but his intelligence on the perceptive thinking of emotional intellect hadn’t exactly come back to him fully.
— He was so glad Mika offered some tips on how he could help, he genuinely was a little stuck sometimes. Albeit stunned too.
— when he had noticed you were sitting by yourself in the metal van, (or truck? Idk what it is.) he had simply turned to sit by you and engulf you in a very warm and large hug.
— obviously you were surprised and caught off guard by this sudden display of affection that Grave was showing for you, causing you to stop in your tracks of crying - but upon realizing what he was trying to do for you, you couldn’t help but appreciate his efforts.
— eventually you had fallen asleep upon his chest, he didn’t mind though, Grave may be an old deadman but even he still knew that people needed rest. Especially every kinds of rest.
Rocketbilly Redcadillac
— this ghost man knows. Billy is exceptionally perceptive and in tune to people’s needs and emotional states; ladies like you in particular.
— a very firm believer in treating all women with respect, regardless of which age you are, and it’s the job of a real man to supply that kindness.
— albeit, he was simply a ghost unfortunately. Billy couldn’t embrace you, hold you and tell you it was gonna be all okay - alright.
— Billy just hated himself for that, having to go about other methods of cheering you up within proper reasoning to be able to support you in your difficult situation.
— His go-to option was playing some music Billy had thought you were familiar with, as he was taking a shot in the dark; he was extremely glad, very much so once he saw that you began to perk up and the tears had stopped streaming down your beautiful face.
— “You alright there miss?” He would offer you a gentle smile, taking a deep pause in his playing to look you over. You couldn’t help but laugh, thinking of his actions to be cheesy.
— “Billy what the hell are you doing?”
— “Trying to cheer you up, one cheesy thing at a time.” He grinned, closing his eyes once he knew he heard your laugh. “Is it working?”
— You nodded, trying to stifle your giggles and laughs. “Yes, thank you Billy.” Letting yourself feel a new wave of calm, you smiled properly toward the very sincere ghost-man.
— a chilling wave swam through your cheek, causing a warm heat to bloom to your cheeks. You realized what he was doing, you knew he was trying to caress your face. You had stopped him, he let you.
— Billy still felt angry for himself not being able to properly soothe you like an actual man. But he managed to bring a smile to your face, even if it was through rather… cheesy means.
— “That’s good, I’d rather be damned to limbo if that meant I could see such a pretty smile on your face beyond words miss.”
Jyuji Kabane
— an extreme sense of smell, it wasn’t limited to things ordinarily such as organic smells; smoke, water and the occasional poison. He could quite literally smell the lethargy of sadness that had irradiated and wore down your body for quite some time now.
— He didn’t know how to take an approach to comforting you, as he is like Grave - emotionally constipated. Which would make for some difficulty in dealing with people who are more empathetic then he is.
— definitely hates it, not knowing how to do this for you. How to comfort you properly, like a ‘friend’ should. Though he isn’t completely sure if what he feels towards you are platonic feelings, like the dumbass he is, he suppresses them.
— Billy decided to nudge him with a helping hand and offer up some advice to the (very disgruntled) half-seed, half-deadman.
— Jyuji decided to opt for getting you your favorite snack and just offer a hug or two. Something of which was completely a little out of character for the hot-headed bundle of a man to do.
— “How’d you remember this? I only mentioned this to you two days ago!” Jyuji looked away when you had looked at him with very surprised eyes, you noticed the pink blush dusting his cheeks to the shells of his ears.
— Jyuji was never gonna admit it, but at least he managed to crack a smile on your face. To which he was thankful to be able to distract you from all the stress, however long he could for a while.
— He huffed, “Yeah, well we deadman also happen to have extremely good memory.”
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