pictuajjx · 5 months
Did people forget that the dinosaur gummies are brothers?? already??? why are yall shipping them and calling them boyfriend material 😭
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emojiburst · 4 months
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I finally used some varnish to make Gummigoo.. gummy (it's still wet) and started painting my tiny Kenny gun from High On Life.
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toonsforkicks22 · 5 months
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Made Gummigoo sticker.
He’s NOT dead. Ragatha may sugarcoat a lot but I KNOW she’s not BS-ing that Caine can re-use him.
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sqiggle · 5 months
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clemblog · 5 months
Caine’s Lesson - Part 6
Pomni had got a lengthy explanation from Ma about the deal with Croco Ranch. Gunmigoo, Max and Chad went out to get resources and find lost citizens who’d managed to escape the Fudge Monster. In the meantime, Ma worked on her own back at the ranch, getting people settled, assigning jobs and slowly building up a civilisation, a home which wasn’t centred around the eye of Caine.
Which was why she was currently getting settled in a little back room at the main barn on the ranch. It was where all the citizens, including Lou herself, were being housed for the time being.
Nobody really wanted to start construction on new buildings until they had a bigger numbers in residents.
There was a few rows of bunk beds, all with little knotted curtains which if Pomni had to guess, Ma had most likely made them so everyone could have some privacy if they needed it! They where pretty cute-
Pomni’s little section had curtains patterned with what looked to be waffles. Her pillow was white put soft, probably made from some kind of marshmallow based material in the world. The knitted blanket sat on the bed was in red and blue, perfectly sized for her.
She would readily admit that this place was so much more comfortable and welcoming than the circus could ever be.
She’d tuck herself into bed as the light in the barn dimmed, the sun setting alongside it. She went to sleep feeling safe, secure and with a small smile on her face. It was the best sleep she’d had in a long time.
It was a few hours later that she’d stir awake. She opened her eyes to hear the barn door be shut quietly and see Gummigoo step inside.
“Oh, sorry Poms. Did we wake ya?”
“No- Y-You didn’t. Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, just swapping out with Chad on night watch.”
“O-Oh. I didn’t even realise you guys where doing that-“
“Figured it was the smart choice considering the fudge is still around.”
“Y-Yeah, it is smart-“
“I’m glad you think so, Ma said it’s one of my better ideas!”
“…Do you want company?”
“Only if you feel like you’ve got enough rest, Poms.”
“I-I don’t mind-
“Come join me on the beams then, Pommy~”
“Caine? Caineeeeee? Are you here? I wish to talk to you-“
“What is it Kinger?”
“Aaaaagh-! There you are. I wanted to talk to you about Ragatha-“
“Mm, what about her?”
“She.. isn’t doing well with the whole Pomni being gone thing-“
“…I was hoping as our… helpful AI host, you might be able to help her-“
“Why would I want to do that? If Ragatha is struggling so much, Pomni will feel obligated to come back to us.”
“Well- Yes- But aren’t you worried about Ragatha you know-“
“If so, she’ll go to the pit with everyone else.”
“And someone else will help me make Pomni come back.”
“..You’re not the guy I once knew Caine-“
“…Oh. Well. People change Kinger.”
“…You’re not a person. You’re an AI and you where my best friend-“
“…The only reason I’m keeping my sanity, is for Ragatha. I hope you know that.”
“If I she goes, I go. And that’s your fault.”
Ragatha was sat on the floor of her room, sniffling. All the worry and sadness was so overwhelming and she couldn’t figure out how to cope in the slightest- It was odd- She used to be so good at coping with her emotions- She could bottle it up for weeks at a type- But now nothing- She couldn’t stop herself from crying for an hour at most! Anytime she did, her thoughts just filled with worry of Pomni and what might’ve happened to her. And then she couldn’t help but sob.
The door to her room slowly pushed open, and the shuffle of a familiar figure stepped into the room. A pair of white gloved hands pulled her into his chest in a comforting manner.
“It’ll be okay Ragatha, I’m here.” Spoke Kinger, patting her back. “There, there.”
She sniffled at this, clinging onto his embrace like a life line. She already felt better. She felt safe and happier in the hold of her Da- Her friend. Her friend.
“I’m sure Pomni will be back soon, there there.”
“T-Thanks Kinger.”
“It is no problem! How about we go and see Zooble and Gangle?”
The pair got up and began the walk to the main area of the circus.
“…What are we doing-“
Ragatha giggled.
“We’re going to see Zooble and Gangle.”
“Ah okay!”
“So, any clue what you’re thinking for breakfast in a few hours?” Hummed Gummigoo, wanting to make conversation.
“Oh- I’ll wait to see what everyone else eats before I do-“ Began Pomni.
“Hey.” Spoke Gummigoo, softly, taking her hand. “You don’t have to worry about us having enough food. We’re farmers, if there ain’t enough we’ll make enough.”
Pomni faulted at this with a shy snicker.
“U-Uh no- That’s not why-“ She mused, sheepishly. “Caine uh made it so I don’t need to eat- As the saviour- I can eat- Just it’s more for fun-“
Gummigoo hummed at this gently, watching her speak. “I see. Interesting~ I’ll still be making you a plate regardless. You shouldn’t be deprived one of the joys of life, just because you don’t need it to survive. Crikey, good food is heavenly Pommy, particularly Ma’s pie. I’ll have to see if she’ll make it anytime soon-“
“O-Oh alright.” Chuckled Pomni, Gummigoo was so silly and friendly- And she kinda adored that about him. She didn’t have to doubt for a second that he cared.
“Anywho, another thing.” He continued happily. “Me and lads saw your skills with Lou and wanted to ask if you wanted to head out with us tomorrow.”
“Oh- What for?”
“Just general hunting for supplies and citizens. We’ll try and avoid the fudge, but if we run into it, it ain’t gonna do no harm if we shoot some more bullets into it.”
“I-I can come! I just- don’t really know how to use a gun-“
“Oh alright, how about I teach you after breakie?”
“Y-You’d do that?”
“Course! We don’t want our saviour being unable to defend themselves.”
“A-alright then!”
“It’s a plan, Poms~”
Pomni knew she could be happy here.
Part 7
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skiplo-wave · 5 months
Gunmigoo returns back to his home but he forgets who Pomni is
Why would you tell me that
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soda-pawz · 2 months
You guys probably know me for the drista au but I have a different thing I've worked on for 3 years where I turn random characters into warrior cats and put them in this little word so far the mind clans we have are:
nature clan: the main one with flowerstar (oc) as the leader and a character or oc as deputy idrk
And 3 med cats I won't get into all of them but one of them is Wednesday and her warrior cats name is windpaw that's all you need to know there's a lot of warriors and apps but one of the note able ones is sandedfur he's sans- that's about it- also like half of nature clan is kittypets and loners flowerstar used to be a kittypet and joined the clan as a app- kinda like firestar from the books but really not she still has her coller- and is different from firestar (kinda)
And then circus clan: the 2nd main one with the tadc characters and like two murder drones characters with a few ocs uh there's a lot going on with circusclan because star clan (cat god and dead cats) Hates cainestar right now and told the med cat jaxwing to get all of the founders (+ gunmigoo and sun) to kill Cainestar so that's happening- also ragatha is going to become leader after that so that's pretty cool- also ragatha and pomni is a thing in this universe- anyway uh gunmigoo is also a med cat
Bone clan: the evil ones. That's about it
Anyway feel free to ask questions bye-
I'll make more but for now yeah
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clemblog · 4 months
Caine’s Lesson - Part 20
Gummigoo and Pomni found themselves in bodies which weren’t quite their own in this next adventure.
Pomni found herself a raccoon dressed in her same old jester hat. She had dark grey and black fur, the only resemblance of her humanity being the fact she stood on her hind legs and having her same old big red and blue eyes.
Gummigoo found himself now in the form of a human. A man. A guy. He had tan skin with blonde and green hair. He still had his cow boy hat, but now had a candy themed cowboy outfit to go with it. On his jacket was a little gator brooch. The only resemblance of his former self being his white eyes.
“Uh- Pommy?” Frowned Gummigoo, looking down at the familiar raccoon beside him.
“Y-Yeah- Gummigoo, what the heck happened-“ Chirped Pomni.
“Well- You’re some kind of cute fluffy little creature- If I had to guess some variant of a candycoon- And I’m a big buff guy- Instead of a big buff gator-“
“Yeah- I uh- figured- So… How do you think we fix this? Cause I don’t really appreciate this fur-“
As soon as she asked the question a puff of smoke engulfed the pair.
The two fell into a coughing fit, a maniacal laugh cutting through the air as the smoke aired out.
“Oh devious adventurers~ I see my curse has finally activated!” Giggled a beautiful cat lady with purple fur. She wore an obvious witch costume, so the two had to guess that she was a witch-
“If you want to fix yourselves~ You’ll need this whimsical necklace of mine~” She purred smugly, holding out a necklace which had appeared in her hand, swaying it just out of reach of the two. She was very tall.
“Great.” Grumbled Gunmigoo. “And I got a hunch you ain’t gonna give it to us, right?”
“You’d be correct, Gator Boy~”
He huffed at this, rolling his eyes.
“What. Do. You. Want. Then.”
“Mmmm, I’ll be nice~ Get me fifty gold and you can have this.”
She disappeared in another puff of smoke.
“Fifty gold?!” Eeked Pomni, pulling on tufts of her fur. “How the heck are we supposed to get fifty gold nuggets?! Is there some kind of mine shaft in this adventure or something-“
“Darlin’, I think the currency in this universe if called gold, like how we use peppermints. We need to try and have people give us money.”
“Oh- Right- Let’s go do that then-“
The two continued on the path they’d arrived at and found themselves headed towards a busy looking town.
“Ugh, I can’t pickpocket in this new weird body-“ Grumbled Gummigoo, surveying the bustling road full of humans and animals alike.
“Why don’t we just ask? We can explain what’s up.” Hummed Pomni, gently.
“…Alright Poms, we’ll give it a try.” Sighed Gummigoo fondly.
The two watched over the crowd for a few more moments, eventually deciding to approach a posh looking macaw fella in a top hat and suit.
“H-Hello? Excuse me- Me and my friend here need to make fifty gold- We got cursed by this witch lady-“
“Yeah, not falling for that one again lady-“ Scoffed the man, storming off.
“Oh-“ Pouted Pomni, turning to look at Gummigoo. “Any ideas on what we can do right now?”
Gummigoo thought this over, looking down at Pomni. She looked absolutely adorable right now with her fluffy little face. With her pouty face and sweet eyes, he couldn’t help but smile softly at the site of her. He’d do anything for her any day, but in this new look she could convince him of anything in a matter of seconds. …Bingo.
“Hey Pommy~?”
“How long do ya think you can keep up that cute little face you’ve got going on?”
“…Uhm- A little bit, why?”
“You’ll see.”
“Step right up! Come see my adorable comrade! She has the rarest, most beautiful eyes you’ll ever see on a raccoon~ For only two gold, you can get a picture!”
Pomni was definitely a little flustered at hearing him describe her so gently. She wondered if he thought this about her all the time- Where her eyes really that pretty? She doubted it-
“Oh how beautiful my dear! Your eyes must be a gift given to you by god!”
“Oh- Thank you-“
“Mama! Mama! Look at the pretty raccoon lady!”
“I see her baby.”
“Oh Miss, my daughter has eyes just like yours! She’ll have to meet you one day, so you can show her how you care for yours so wonderfully!”
“Oh- Uh- Alright-!”
“Hey, you’re one cute little lady Miss~”
“Back. Off. Buddy.”
“I’m going-“
“Thanks Gummi.”
“No problem darlin’.”
“Honey, honey, you should stop by my shop sometime, your eyes are beautiful, they’ve got to have some kind of spiritual meaning~ Free of charge, I’ll get ya an examination!”
It took a long few hours of the two being out on the street, talking to people and casually mentioning their need for gold. Some people gave it. Some people where just their for a nice chat. Either way, they slowly scrapped the fifty gold together and walked back to where the witch had initially appeared.
“Ah! Well done my little gold gathering girl and gator~” She purred, watching with a giggle as Gummigoo caught the necklace with a bit of thumbling. The bag of gold was now in her hand and she was very happy with that, insisting that she needed to keep the extra the two had made as well.
In any other situation, Gummigoo would have argued with this, but they weren’t going to be staying long so she may as well have it-
She disappeared once more in a puff of smoke.
The two now spent the next twenty minutes figuring out how to use the necklace, the witch never bothering to inform them of how it worked. It took a lot of trial and error but with the necklace around both their necks and Gummigoo holding Pomni, they poofed back into their normal forms.
“There’s my darlin~”
“There’s my gator!”
The two were then whisked off to their next adventure, having completed their task for this one.
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