#gustavo bebianno
Erstwhile Bolsonaro allies had their tax records scrutinized, says report
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A former head of intelligence at Brazil’s federal tax authority used his position to illegally access confidential information about ex-allies of former President Jair Bolsonaro, newspaper Folha de S.Paulo has reported.
Ricardo Pereira Feitosa, who served as coordinator-general of research and investigation at the Receita Federal tax authority between May and September 2019, reportedly pulled up income tax records on businessman Paulo Marinho, Gustavo Bebianno (a member of Mr. Bolsonaro’s original cabinet), and former prosecutor Eduardo Gussem on three dates in July 2019, during the first year of the Bolsonaro government.
Mssrs. Marinho and Bebianno had supported Mr. Bolsonaro’s election bid in 2018 but broke with the former president early into his term. Mr. Bebianno briefly served as Mr. Bolsonaro’s secretary-general to the presidency, before being the first cabinet member to be axed in February 2019. He died of a heart attack aged 56 in March 2020.
Mr. Gussem, meanwhile, served as lead prosecutor for the state of Rio de Janeiro between 2017 and 2021, when the state prosecution service began investigating suspicious transactions in the accounts of Senator Flávio Bolsonaro, the former president’s eldest son, leading to an investigation into an illegal kickback scheme allegedly carried out when Flávio was a Rio state lawmaker.
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radiorealnews · 2 years
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blogdonascimento · 2 years
Janones: Rei das FakeNews insinua ter acesso ao conteúdo do celular de Bebianno
Esse conteúdo estaria em seu aparelho celular, porém a viúva Renata Bebianno, afirmou em depoimento à Polícia Federal e ao MPF (Ministério Público Federal) que destruiu o celular do marido, um iPhone 10 #ReiDasFakeNews #Danones #Janores #Lulista #PT
O deputado federal André Janones (Avante-MG) publicou em seu perfil no Twitter que tem acesso ao conteúdo de Gustavo Bebianno, que foi ministro-chefe da Secretaria-Geral da Presidência. Mortos não falam, mas os celulares deles sim! Lembra desse dia Carlinha? Lembra o que foi falado aqui? @Zambelli2210 Isso aqui é só o frame de um vídeo, e de onde saiu esse tem muito mais! Apenas aguarde! HAVERÁ…
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recortesdejornal21 · 4 years
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quidosantana · 5 years
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brasilsa · 5 years
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alcinosantos · 6 years
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blogdorivalassis · 6 years
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vanessadefdias · 3 years
As laranjas de Bebianno e os atritos das alas do governo Bolsonaro
Ao sair da internação Jair Bolsonaro acreditou que aterrissaria em terras minimamente estáveis para seguir os planos após ficar 17 dias afastado do centro político do país, mas o que encontrou foi mais uma tempestade que afasta qualquer sinal de calmaria de seu governo nesses 46 dias. Desta vez, a tempestade é aberta por denúncia divulgada pela Folha, que aponta destino de verbas milionárias do fundo partidário para candidatas laranjas do PSL nas eleições do ano passado, por parte do então presidente do partido, Gustavo Bebianno, que atualmente ocupa o cargo de ministro da Secretaria Geral da República concedido pelos "favores prestados" nas eleições.
Vanessa Dias
Sexta-feira 15 de fevereiro de 2019.
Bebianno, homem de confiança pessoal de Bolsonaro, chegou ao cargo da presidência do PSL durante as eleições como parte das negociações com o partido, presidido por Luciano Bivar na época, para a confirmação de sua candidatura pela sigla. Após isso Bebianno que também é advogado coordenou toda a campanha, que foi bem sucedida mas agora terá seu carreirismo manchado, dentro ou fora do governo, com as inesperadas denúncias da Folha sobre o uso de candidatas laranjas. Deixou no ar durante alguns momentos se pediria demissão ou não do governo, mas foi aconselhado por aliados a manter a cautela e se resguardar, esperar decisão de Bolsonaro.
Crise no PSL ou crise no governo?
O que num primeiro momento aparece como uma crise envolvendo apenas o partido, torna-se uma crise no núcleo do governo, de proporções ainda abertas. Destemperado na forma, que fez atrair os holofotes para a crise, o filho presidencial possivelmente enxergou nas denúncias da Folha uma oportunidade para aumentar a influência do clã bolsonarista dentro do PSL, que hoje, mesmo após a enorme transformação da qual passou o partido desde as eleições (passando de um partido qualquer para a segunda maior bancada da Câmara), ainda é controlado por Gustavo Bebianno e por Luciano Bivar. Mas o tiro pode ter saído pela culatra e, ao tentar aumentar a proeminência do clã dentro do partido, abriu brecha para uma enorme crise de conjunto do governo. Outra possibilidade é de que o clã, ao ter contato com as denúncias da Folha, precisou repentina e bruscamente se separar do ex-presidente do PSL e assim desvincular à sua imagem mais um caso envolvendo laranjas.
Dessa forma, toda a situação abre espaço para muitas incertezas entre os aliados de Bolsonaro. Maia, que possui importante relação com Bebianno - que também é articulador político - vazou sua insatisfação e desconfiança, uma vez que o clã aponta que pode estar disposto a passar por cima de acordos e rifar aliados para sobrepor seus interesses em detrimento dos interesses do governo e dos aliados.
Os atritos também preocupam aos militares do governo
Uma das mais fortes marcas deste episódio é que mais uma vez a atitude de um dos filhos provoca a ira das alas militares ligadas ao governo. Não digerem as interferências da família e consideram “inadmissível” que o presidente lide com o escândalo de forma a aparentemente rifar um aliado de grande peso político como o atual ministro da secretaria geral. A ala fardada atua para apagar o fogo do escândalo pois sabe que, aos olhos das massas, não há uma separação clara entre o clã e os militares do governo, e que portanto ferir ao candidato eleito do PSL, o partido das laranjas, seria ferir também as figuras importantes como o vice general Mourão, Augusto Heleno, Carlos Alberto Cruz, Fernando Azevedo e Silva. Eis então o que explica a declaração de Mourão: "ele [Bebianno] sempre foi muito respeitoso comigo, gosto dele. Vamos com calma".
Se sai deste cenário muito debilitado, Bebianno afetaria também aos militares não somente pelo efeito dominó da crise, mas inclusive por sua relação direta com Maynard St Rosa e Floriano Peixoto (quem liderou as tropas brasileiras que assassinavam no Haiti), que são vistos como generais garantidores do funcionamento da secretaria da qual preside.
Bolsonaros abrem mais espaço para “ala Lava Jato” no Executivo
A prontidão e a firmeza com que Bolsonaro respondeu à crise, rapidamente pedindo para o superministro Moro e a Polícia Federal investigarem o caso, contrasta com a forma com que lidou com o caso envolvendo seu outro filho, Flávio Bolsonaro. O fato é que, precocemente desgastado pelos escândalos envolvendo sua esposa e seu filho em movimentações bancárias suspeitas do assessor Queiroz - que inclusive chegou ao ponto de revelar associações do gabinete do atual senador com milícias envolvidas no caso Marielle -, o presidente necessita sinalizar ao seu eleitorado que ainda existe o “inabalável comprometimento com o combate à corrupção” e entrega o ministro às investigações chefiadas por Sérgio Moro. Dessa forma, também cede terreno à ala Lava Jato dentro do próprio governo, que por sua vez aproxima a “espada de Dâmocles” das cabeças do clã e dos ministros do Executivo, restringindo suas margens de atuação e debilitando ainda mais sua influência. Esse controle, por parte da ala Lava Jato, disciplina Bolsonaro e o Executivo para que não desviem do foco: ou a garotada se aquieta e garante logo a reforma da previdência para acalmar o coração do mercado financeiro ou guerra será declarada.
E, em meio a essa lama, Moro, que vinha tendo atuação mais resguardada até então no governo, se esquivando e sem saber se delimitar dos escândalos de corrupção, volta a ter protagonismo, primeiro com o anúncio de seu pacote anticrime - que trouxe uma série de alterações autoritárias com vistas ao endurecimento do regime, dando licença para os policiais matarem -, e agora sendo nomeado para “resolver” a nova crise e apaziguar os ânimos. A reputação de Moro após este episódio é a de quem passa a confiança de que garantirá um “Brasil sem corrupção”, não necessariamente rifando Bebianno, mas atuando para manter a confiança do eleitorado, o qual também é um dos importantes atores para medir a aceitação e a possibilidade da aprovação da reforma da previdência.
No extremo oposto do objetivo de acabar com a corrupção - que, como apontamos, é inerente ao capitalismo e às suas estruturas políticas, e inclusive é típica de setores aliados à própria Lava Jato - a entrada de Moro significa a mais descarada blindagem do governo de mais um escandaloso caso de corrupção que envolve o clã, e agora também envolve o PSL, um setor dos militares e no limite o conjunto do governo.
No imediato, a ala ideológica do clã se enfraquece
Até o momento, quem sai mais arranhado dessa batalha de grandes é, mais uma vez, a ala ideológica, que tem sofrido a maioria dos revezes nesses primeiros dias do governo.
O saldo imediato debilita o clã bolsonarista em detrimento da ala representada pelos fatores reais de poder (militares e Lava Jato), que assumem ainda mais o papel de estabilizadores ou de “bombeiros” de toda a situação política no país. PSL, o partido dos laranjas, também sai enfraquecido, inclusive pela predominância interna da ala ideológica.
A blindagem à corrupção oferecida por Moro e a “moderação” dos militares incluindo Mourão ajudam a amenizar os impactos de mais esse escândalo do governo precoce, e resguarda o objetivo central de todos eles, que é a implementação dos ataques, mais precisamente da “mãe de todas as reformas”, a reforma da previdência. E, nesse sentido, mesmo com todos esses episódios que vêm à tona e se acumulam com o risco de destapar um mar de esgoto, apesar do enfraquecimento da ala ideológica a relação das massas com o governo de conjunto ainda é de “lua de mel”, que abraçam Bolsonaro sem que isso signifique abraçar o programa do ultra neoliberal Paulo Guedes.
As divisões do governo expressam profundas debilidades.
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fatehbaz · 5 years
Leaked government presentation from February 2019 about the bridge over the River Amazon at Obidos, the Baron Rio Branco project, the deliberate targeting and subversion of Indigenous autonomy and Afrodescendant communities, and the grand plan for a military-led occupation and colonization in Indigenous territory of Calha Norte’s rainforest:
Leaked documents show Brazil’s Bolsonaro has grave plans for Amazon rainforest [...]. [D]emocraciaAbierta has seen a PowerPoint presentation that shows that Bolsonaro’s government intends to use hate speech to isolate minorities of the Amazon [...]. “[I]t is necessary to build the Trombetas River hydroelectric plant, the Óbidos bridge over the Amazon River, and the implementation of the BR-163 highway to the border with Suriname," one of slides read. [...] Part of the government’s strategy [...] is to depreciate the relevance and voices of minorities that live in the region [Amazonia], transforming them into enemies. One of the tactics cited in the document is to redefine the paradigms of indigenism, quilombolism and environmentalism through the lenses of liberalism and conservatism, based on realist theories. Those are, according to a slide, "the new hopes for the Homeland: Brazil above everything!"’ [From: Manuella Libardi, democraciaAbierta, 21 August 2019.]
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Slides from the early 2019 meeting of Bolsonaro administration ministers, obtained by democraciaAbierta.
Something I previously posted, trying to summarize the Baron Rio Branco project: “Three-quarters of Pará’s North Zone consists of protected areas and indigenous reserves.” In November 2019, Bolsonaro’s military finished asphalting/paving the final stretchs of the BR-163 highway as the “Baron Rio Branco” project nears completion. Proposed in the 1950s but revived by Bolsonaro, the project, according to leaked presentation slides from Bolsonaro administration meetings in 2019, is designed for and anticipated to allow commercialization in, military access to, occupation, and colonization of the heavily-forested Calha Norte region. The same leaked slides refer to the Baron Rio Branco project in Amazonia as critical for the state, explicitly claiming that the subversion of Indigenous, quilombola, and Afrodescendant communities are “the new hopes for the Homeland: Brazil above everything!” Now, as of early 2020, a bridge will be built over the River Amazon at Obidos to complete the “project of death.” Speaking in Belem in April 2019, former leading project developer, the recently-resigned military general Maynard Santa Rosa, who called this Indigenous peoples-managed forest region “still a desert,” claimed military access to the region will protect Brazilian state/corporate interests from invasion of Chinese immigrants from Suriname.
From an article by Tatiana Dias, for The Intercept Brasil, September 2019:
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From Dom Phillips, for The Guardian, 10 March 2020:
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From Manuella Libardi, democraciaAbierta, 21 August 2019:
In February, ministers Gustavo Bebianno (Secretary-General of the Presidency), Ricardo Salles (Environment) and Damares Alves (Women, Family and Human Rights) had planned travel to Tiriós (Pará) to speak with local leaders about the construction of a bridge over the Amazon River in the city of Óbidos, a hydroelectric plant in Oriximiná, and the expansion of the BR-163 highway to the Suriname border. But this meeting was canceled. A second meeting among government officials, also in February, used a PowerPoint presentation that details the projects announced by the Bolsonaro government for the region. The presentation, which was leaked to democraciaAbierta, argues that a strong government presence in the Amazon region is important to prevent any conservation projects from taking roots.
The PowerPoint slides, which democraciaAbierta has seen, also reveal plans to implement predatory projects that could have a devastating environmental impact. The Bolsonaro government has as one of its priorities to strategically occupy the Amazon region to prevent the implementation of multilateral conservation projects for the rainforest, specifically the so-called “Triple A” project. "Development projects must be implemented on the Amazon basin to integrate it into the rest of the national territory in order to fight off international pressure for the implementation of the so-called 'Triple A' project. To do this, it is necessary to build the Trombetas River hydroelectric plant, the Óbidos bridge over the Amazon River, and the implementation of the BR-163 highway to the border with Suriname," one of slides read.
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democraciaAbierta’s original report on the leak: Manuella Libardi, “Leaked documents show Brazil’s Bolsonaro has grave plans for Amazon rainforest.” 21 August 2019.
The leaked presentation slides are available here: The Intercept. “Plano de Desenvolvimento da Amazonia.” 12 September 2019.
A report on recent developments with the bridge over the Amazon at Obidos: Dom Phillips. “‘Project of death’: alarm at Bolsonaro’s plan for Amazon-spanning bridge.” The Guardian. 10 March 2020.
A longer/thorough report on the Baron Rio Branco project, local resistance, and Bolsoanro’s plans for Calha Norte: Tatiana Dias. “Movido a Paranoia: Documentos e audios ineditos mostram plano de Bolsonaro para povoar Amazonia contra chineses, ONGs e Igreja Catolica.” The Intercept Brasil. 19 September 2019.
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antoine-roquentin · 5 years
The permanent background music to those larger events are several corruption investigations and scandals involving figures close to the president. The investigations involving bank transfers by employees of Flavio Bolsonaro, a son of the president, to a middleman who was Flavio’s chauffeur, are lingering on. The former president of Bolsonaro’s Social Liberal Party (PSL) Gustavo Bebianno, an important figure, had to step down due to the high amount of public election monies that went to an unimportant candidate two days before the election. Similar investigations against the Minister of Tourism continue, and the education minister Damares faced accusations due to her adoption of a girl from an indigenous community years ago that was never officialized, and that was called kidnapping by relatives of the girl. For a supposed anti-corruption government this track record in just three months is remarkable.
What was more damaging was the scandal around the corruption investigation itself. State oil company Petrobras which is at the center of the Lava Jato scandal has also faced investigations in the USA. The indemnization that Petrobras had to pay to U.S. authorities was lowered to $853-million (all sums in U.S. dollars) in September 2018. At the time, it was reported that 20 per cent of the sum remained with U.S. authorities, and that 80 per cent, some $682-million would go to the Ministerio Público in Brazil (that led the investigations) for unspecified social and educational programs. In addition, in order to settle a class-action lawsuit it was agreed that Petrobras pay $3-billion to shareholders who bought company stocks on the NY stock exchange between 2010 and 2014. Hence, Petrobras paid almost $4-billion while, in the end a higher amount of between $5 and $10-billion had been expected by market observers.
Only in March 2019 was it revealed that the basis of this reduction was a deal between Petrobras and the U.S. authorities, signed on 26 September 2018 by representatives of Petrobras, the U.S. Department of Justice and the respective U.S. state attorneys. The deal states the sum of $682-million will go to a private NGO run by the prosecutors in the Ministerio Público of Brazil, and that Petrobras keep the U.S. Department of Justice informed about its investments and business plans.
The agreement has caused a huge uproar and led to the cancelation of plans for the NGO in question. Raquel Dodge, the supreme state attorney blocked the deal after determining it violates the Brazilian constitution, so the sum of $682-million will remain with Petrobras. Most importantly, the deal discredited the image of the investigations among the public since the suspicion was confirmed that the investigations have as one of its goals the control of Petrobras by U.S. interests, and include the direct intervention of U.S. authorities in the political life of Brazil.
The arrest of former president Michel Temer, a week after the scandal, was interpreted as a move to regain legitimacy for the corruption investigations, even if Temer had to be released after seven days. But the arrest of Temer, and other politicians, was also seen as a sign of indirect blackmail of established politicians in Congress that were about to discuss the first draft of the law for pension reform. The signal was interpreted as: ‘if you don’t organize agreement on the reform, we will also arrest you for corruption.’
While Temer was not able to pass the reform, Bolsonaro has radicalized it. Poor pensioners who today have the right to receive a pension in the value of the minimum wage from the age of 60 onward (1000 Reals, about 250 Euros), shall now receive only 400 Reals from the age of 70 onward. At the same time, the generous pensions for military personnel – who receive full salaries as pensioners and which represent the larger part of the overall budget deficit – will be largely spared.
Pension Reforms
The conflict that unfolded in the second half of March over pension reform was over Bolsonaro’s refusal to rally the deputies of Congress to support the reform draft. This is usually a game of exchanging favours, deputies negotiating in favour of their clientele, and then being rewarded with posts, money or other political favours. Bolsonaro announced that he will not distribute any favours, the practice of which he designated as the “old politics.”
Nonetheless some engagement with deputies is necessary to get the pension reform approved, and this will require several changes to the constitution if Bolsonaro sticks to the plans. It was then that the president of Congress, Rodrigo Maia from the Democratic Party, a right-wing outlet with roots in the dictatorship, began to provoke Bolsonaro in a series of tweets demanding that he “start governing” and get off of Twitter. Bolsonaro responded angrily on Twitter. Maia’s aim was to exhibit the incompetency of Bolsonaro and to bring himself into play as an important negotiator.
It was a little after this exchange of insults between Maia and Bolsonaro – Maia wrote Bolsonaro should stop “kidding around” and start working, Bolsonaro said “Maia is stressed about family issues,” alluding to the arrest of Maia’s father-in-law together with Temer – that Bolsonaro came up with his dictatorship commemoration plans, only to be topped by his Minister of Exterior, Araujo, who declared that German Nazism was a left-wing project. Bolsonaro repeated this phrase on his visit to Israel a week later, maybe the worst choice of location for it.
This incredible mess and ideological madness led to a considerable drop in the popularity of the government and Bolsonaro himself, registering the lowest poll-ratings after the first three months for any first mandate since the first elected official, Fernando Collor de Melo – even Collor who was impeached quickly, had higher approval rates. Only Cardoso and Rousseff scored worse than Bolsonaro after three months, but this was in their second mandates respectively.
The Brazilian business elite which effectively decides who stays in power once elected is getting nervous. The amateurism of Bolsonaro and his government (it would be wrong to call it a team) is seen as a danger for the pension reform and bets are now that it will be considerably watered down. Pressure groups in Congress are already calling for exceptions for firefighters, teachers and the military police. While a cut in pensions for the poor will be most disastrous, it is the middle class and reasonably paid workers in the public sector that have the most to lose with the pension cuts.
Unemployment is up to around 12 per cent, the same level as a year ago, and there is no visible economic agenda of the government. The head of the mighty agrobusiness caucus recently had cause to vent his anger against Bolsonaro. Backing away from moving the Brazilian embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, the president instead announced the opening of a commercial office in the city, while one of Bolsonaro’s sons – who regularly intervenes on political issues without coordinating with anyone – tweeted “Hamas should detonate itself” after Hamas had criticized the opening of the office in Jerusalem. A considerable amount of meat exported by Brazilian agrobusiness goes to Arab countries and is specifically produced as Halal meat in the presence of Muslim religious representatives. Other producers from India and Turkey are waiting to take over this chunk of business. Despite all the ideological regression that emanates from the Brazilian business elite, it becomes very pragmatic when its commercial interests are at stake.
It is hard to say what can be expected from the next 100 days. It is obvious that the conflict between the military faction in the government and the ideological hardliners has hardened. Moro and Guedes as the neoliberal third-pole have not shown much political leadership and independent initiative in this scenario. The hard-core making the crucial decisions are until now Augusto Heleno in the important post of national internal security leader and vice-president Mourão who demonstratively met with the Palestinian ambassador to Brazil in January – business is treating Mourão already as a president in waiting for a lack of alternatives. But the lack of coordination on the economic front is set to worsen the economic situation of the country, and it will probably be a joint protest by workers and business, albeit for different reasons, that can cause serious trouble for Bolsonaro’s motley crew. •
things have actually gotten worse since this was published. bolsonaro’s main advisor, astrologist olavo de carvalho who’s sort of a brazilian cleon skousen or francis parker yockey (check out some of his hilarious theories), gave a speech in which he trashed the military as not doing enough to protect brazil from communism. bolsonaro’s son posted it on his father’s twitter, in what was seen as an attack on his vice president, but his father ended up deleting it and changed his password so his son carlos couldn’t get on. so the son went to sulk at a firing range while complaining on his own social media about how the brazilian military are cowards
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Brazilians on Bolsonaro's first year: 'If you disagree, you're seen as a traitor'
Six prominent voices from the arts, media, diplomacy and the Amazon give their views on the far-right president’s opening 12 months
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Djamila Ribeiro, feminist philosopher, publisher and activist
“It has been such a tough year – above all when it comes to public security. We feel really afraid of the intensifying repression of the black population and the increasing militarisation of the favelas. The number of black people being murdered in poor communities has increased, as has the number of indigenous leaders being killed.
“If there’s a positive side to this government, it’s that issues of race and gender have never been talked about so much. This is now a mainstream debate in a country like Brazil – a country founded on the myth of racial democracy that denied the existence of racism for so long. This debate already existed. But now people are discussing and speaking out about these issues like never before.
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Patrícia Campos Mello – award-winning journalist from Brazil’s Folha de São Paulo newspaper
There hadn’t been any kind of censorship since the end of the military dictatorship [in 1985] – and now we’ve started to see a gradual erosion of freedom of expression. The other day I was talking to Nicaraguan and Venezuelan colleagues and they told me: ‘Four years ago, we were going through exactly what you’re going through. This is how it begins.’
“The aggressive messages and the fake news never stop. This is our new normal – especially for female journalists. I’ve become used to being called a whore. Each time I’m about to publish an article that’s critical of the government, I prepare myself because I know the next day will be hell.”
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Celso Amorim – former foreign minister, 2003-10
“Terrible things happened back then in Brazil. But our diplomacy was more skilful, more cautious and sought dialogue whenever possible. Now it has embarked upon an all-out ideological war against everything that is not western or Christian – according to their conception.
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Gustavo Bebianno – former Bolsonaro ally
“He started to see himself as a some sort of mythological entity, blessed by God. He became extremely arrogant and wouldn’t listen to anyone.
“You can agree with him about 99 things. But if you disagree on one and argue or try to offer another point of view, you are seen as a traitor. His administration became a sect of fanatics – and I’m not a fanatic.
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Davi Kopenawa Yanomami – indigenous intellectual, shaman and author
“Indigenous people in Brazil feel a lot more fear under this president. This year, many illegal miners have entered our land. They pollute our rivers and kill our fish. Our people are starting to get malaria again.
“Bolsonaro is a garimpeiro [illegal miner]. He wants more land and fewer Indians. After he took power in January, he attacked us and said he no longer wants to recognise indigenous reserves. He calls us lazy and says we produce nothing. That’s exactly the argument the illegal miners use."
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Karine Teles – actor
“For Brazilian cinema, 2019 represented a gigantic pause. Nothing advanced. Everything was suspended. This is a massive loss for an industry that employed more than 300,000 people. It’s not just a cultural loss, it’s an economic loss too. So many families no longer have a way of supporting themselves.
“The new government admits it wants to filter the content being produced with public money. I think it’s an attempt to restrict the content of films. But our country is still a democracy where things work in a certain way. No leader – a mayor, a governor, or president – has the right to impose their personal tastes on the entire population.
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maconsprobrasil · 5 years
Bolsonaro conforme Bebianno: Armação, sequestro e ameaças
[su_heading size=”25″ align=”left” margin=”30″]Gustavo Bebianno disse em dezembro ao programa 3 em 1, da Jovem Pan, que um aliado de Bolsonaro tentou sequestrar o colunista Lauro Jardim, do Globo, além de ameaçar uma jornalista da revista Época. O caso foi levado à cúpula da emissora e ao departamento jurídico[/su_heading] Em entrevista concedida em dezembro do ano passado, o ex-ministro Gustavo…
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chicoterra · 6 years
Em vídeo, Bolsonaro diz por que exonerou Bebianno
Em vídeo, Bolsonaro diz por que exonerou Bebianno
O presidente Jair Bolsonaro gravou um vídeo em que explica as razões pelas quais exonerou Gustavo Bebianno da Secretaria-Geral da Presidência da República. No vídeo, encaminhado à imprensa pela assessoria da Presidência da República, no começo da noite de hoje (18), Bolsonaro afirmou que “diferentes pontos de vista sobre questões relevantes trouxeram a necessidade de uma reavaliação”.
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recortesdejornal21 · 5 years
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crisbenevides · 6 years
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