lxgatus ยท 3 years
I make my own death asks: how did Wahi react to Sliske's "death" in Endgame? Did he figure it was inevitable or even deserved despite their relationship to one another? :(
ASDFGHJK I got tag-teamed by both you and @devilscharity so I'm gonna combine your two asks since they're both in the same vein.
SLISKE'S death hit Wahi REALLY hard. He had a feeling it wouldn't end well, that Sliske had crossed a line, but he hoped and prayed the hardest he had in years that there would be mercy; that there would be some sort of intervention and stop before things went south. Unfortunately, it didn't. Sliske deserved an ass-kicking, there was no doubt about that, but death was too far. He didn't deserve to die.
HE got ANGRY. He yelled, he cursed Sliske. He called him an idiot 'for someone who is so intelligent why are you such a MORON. YOU ABSOLUTE DUMBASS' He didn't know the details about Jas, he didn't know that the puppetmaster was the one being controlled. Then came the denial. This was just a nightmare. Sliske can't be dead, this isn't happening. He's going to shadow walk right into Wahi's house and scare him. It was all an elaborate joke, he's always been a trickster. But y'know, it wasn't.
THE anger came back, but so did tears. Wahi isn't one to cry, most Mahjarrat aren't criers. But the realization hit him that the last of his family is gone and he's alone now. His table is now in pieces, there's a hole in the wall, its not pretty.
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THEIR relationship is definitely a strange one by Mahjarrat standards. The pack mentality hit Wahi hard and his familial instinct is much higher than normal. He's protective of his baby brother, and seeing him get hurt kicks him into overdrive. They trust each other to be in each other's presence when injured and Wahi takes advantage of this. He will be there whether Sliske wants it or not, and Wahi WILL look after him and tend to his injuries. Scold him too, of course. Sliske takes too many risks for Wahi's comfort, only HE is allowed to kick Slinky's ass.
IF Sliske died, however. Wahi would break. See above, anger and denial. He's lost everyone he's cared about at some point, and he just can't deal with it. He's not a Mahjarrat that's fueled by vengeance, but he'd definitely have conflicting thoughts about it. He doesn't handle loss well at all.
DEATH ASKS || @guthixblessed / @devilscharity || Accepting
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shadowtongued ยท 3 years
the entirety of draynor market watching a 8ft ominous shape jam its face into the top of @guthixblessed / eleisiaโ€™s head of hair repetitively, 18 ft away from the seed stall with no shame like:
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bcwblade ยท 4 years
ย @guthixblessedโ€‹
The air is drier in Varrock.ย  With the temple knights, it seemed like the locations that demanded their time were always humid or dank. Ardougne, Morytania, even Burthope enjoyed a bit of a sea breeze from the neighboring Catherby. Simon never spent enough time in Varrock to really breathe in its air, never had the opportunity listen to the wind and have it spill all theย  secrets of the town. He caught whispers, sure. An incredible find at the digsite, a foiled demonic ritual, a museum curator rejoicing over a long lost artefact. Not much in all honest but truth be told, Simon only cared for Varrock insofar to the aid it could provide for the poor souls stuck on the wrong side of the river.ย  Which, admittedly, was not much considering the Edicts in place.ย  Itโ€™s said investigation into the Varrock-Morytania issue that brings him here, actually. Combing over case files and dossiers led to him discovering the same name over and over. An Elesiaย who traveled on behalf of the king to Paterdomus... A Siaย who was escorting individuals through the Mort Myre swamp.... another Siaย found loitering in Burgh de Rott. Imagine his surprise when he found her to be a temple knight on top of all that. Prying only proved that her achievements ran even further and that his resources working privately were rather lacking than with an official organization.ย  And itโ€™s that fact that brings him to the selectively appreciated art of stalking. Even with the unfamiliarity of the city, heโ€™s attentive the alleys that allow him to keep out of line of sight while keeping the target firmly in his own. A fairly tall woman with bleached hair that contrasted with her tanned skin. An eye-catching sight for sure, he was able to find her after spending just a few days in this town while playing the role of a common vagabond. His clothes were modest, not torn enough to be excluded by the common folk and just dirty enough to justify his asking forย โ€˜alms.โ€™ He was inconspicuous enough to not draw the attention of the guards and enough old friends in the Secret Guard that his loitering was not being investigated. How awkward would it be tailing her only to find he picked up one of his own?ย  He wonders if sheโ€™s preparing for a venture out to Morytania. It would make his life easier then: to play the role of a missionary, strike up conversation by happenstance and try to enlist her aid for a modest sum. Her heroics aside, much of this โ€˜Siaโ€™sโ€™ work was always initiated with the promise of a reward. Enough eavesdropping and perhaps he could even sweeten the deal with something that was of particular interest to her. With this in mind, Simon unfolds his copy of theย Varrockย Heraldย and leans against the outside wall of the blacksmith as Sia walks in...ย  And coughs. Damn this air.ย 
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monstriiss ยท 4 years
@guthixblessedโ€‹ liked for a starterย decades agoย 
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โ€œ You do know that it is rude to stare, donโ€™t you? โ€ Drathenia chided, yet there was a touch of amusement to her otherwise stern tone. Who could blame her for staring at a creature such as she, after all none were quite like her. The monster then smoothly rose to her feet and straightened to her enormous height, even at a distance she towered over the warrior and cast her deep in her shadow. While she was not hostile outright, there was something undeniably raptorial about her movements as she drew closer. Footsteps too soft, attention too focused.ย 
โ€œ Prolonged eye contact could be interpreted as a challenge, my dear. โ€
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paramliv ยท 4 years
@guthixblessedย  โค๏ธ๏ธ โ€˜d for a starterย 
Months had passed since Palmerโ€™s initial time entering the Fifth Age. It gave them time to explore and really take in the new and different parts of Gielinor that they never had reason to travel to. Now, it was a damn near daily thing for them to either get attacked by feral vyres, beating up highway men, or be on a personal quest for romance. Everything before Ali the Wise broke them out of the ice are foggy and scattered.ย 
Some fragments come in while they do quests. Recently, theyโ€™ve found out their name was Paramliv, among other small details like age, their faith, and that seemed to be about it. It wasnโ€™t all bad! At least, they had someone they related to about these sorts of things. Like, Koschei the Deathless for one. Who is actually having trouble with HIS memories and they have no clue how to handle it because theyโ€™re having the same trouble with THEIR memories.ย 
This was bad for many reasons that Palmer does not and will not go into. So, the next best thing theyโ€™re going to do? Find someone who can actually help them solve this issue. They hastily climbed up the ladder to leave the little building that their dear friend Koschei lived under. Exiting the door and out to the little pathways of Rellekka. They looked high and low around the village for someone of interest or who they could pinpoint has another adventurer.ย 
When all hope was almost lost. Palmer spotted her, a white haired woman coming through the main entry way. They did not waste time and hurried over to her.ย 
โ€œHello! Hi! Are you by chance an adventurer?โ€ They asked, internally telling themself that this HAS to be it.ย 
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pontifex-maximus-of-zaros ยท 4 years
"Screw your 'disappointment'. I'm trying my best over here."
The laugh was faint, laced only with traces of real humour, hidden behind a mask of detachment. Azzanadra admired the World Guardianโ€™s spirit, and her defiance in the face of overwhelming resistance... but she could have been so much more.
If only she had taken to Zarosโ€™ philosophy, if only she had seen the incredible benefits of the doctrine the Pontifex Maximus would give his life to defend...
Instead, she was a wild card. An unknown. And Azzanadra did not like what he couldnโ€™t actively control.
โ€œBe that as it may,โ€ he finally spoke, picking his words delicately, like he was finding the scare ripe apples in a predominantly dead orchard.ย โ€œKeep on as you are, and our paths may yet meet at an unfortunate crossroad.โ€
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thekavseklabs ยท 3 years
Starter for @guthixblessed
The subject known as WC-003-A had never piloted a ship before. This was alright, because they didn't have to. Normally. Now was an exception, but it was a little late to learn, because they were crashing. The only reason they were aware was stasis pod malfunction due to whatever had knocked them off course- there was nothing they could do. Despite the terror pounding in their chest, their thoughts were rather frank, and their grin didn't fade even as the ship hit the earth and they slammed into the glass before them. Rather, it stretched wider to bare more teeth in fear.
They woke what must be a few minutes later, head swimming. Shattered glass covered the floor. 3 stumbled out of the broken stasis pod, shaking their head and leaning on the wall, then made their way to the exit, grabbing coat and gloves on the way. The unconvential method of leaving their stasis pod had damaged the ports in their back, and further ruined the pod as well- at least the odd substance that filled the pod had cushioned them and held them mostly still in the crash, they only felt strain in their back, shoulders, chest and neck, and they'd only hit their head (though one of their horns was damaged, that certainly hurt). They had the gloves on and were shrugging on the coat when they realized they didn't recognize the planet at all (of course they didn't), and more importantly someone was approaching. They ducked behind the remains of the ship, not bothering to button up their lab coat- the form fitting, semi-armoured undersuit would have to do for modesty. Oh, how they prayed they weren't too visibly different from the native species. Gods, the person was drawing closer.
If nothing else they were glad they didn't have shoes. Their toepads might not thank them if they came across anything too unpleasant, but they ran faster when they could dig in their claws. And if they were caught... Again, claws were good. If they weren't scared it would take too long, they'd take off their gloves. But instead, they merely prepared to bolt, listening to the footsteps and the pounding of their own heart.
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lxgatus ยท 4 years
@guthixblessed liked for an alien encounter
ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  THERE WAS always going to be risks, going to the Ritual site with humans in tow. But he had hoped his glamour would have held out a little longer, or at least the others keep their mouths shut. But, what was done was done. The ritual came to an end...and now came the discomfort.ย 
ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  โ I DID not lie to you with malicious intent, please understand that. I had to know if I could trust you, if I had revealed myself to you and you shared sympathies with the Zamorakians... โž He paused, ears visibly drooping.ย โ But I hope you understand now, WHY I had to hide myself from you. Iโ€™m sorry. โž
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shadowtongued ยท 3 years
Here's a good one for you: what do you call a very funny snake? HISS-terical!
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ย  ย  ย  ย  ย ๐Ž๐‡, ๐€ ๐๐”๐. ๐’๐‹๐ˆ๐’๐Š๐„'๐’ ๐„๐˜๐„๐’ ๐†๐„๐“ ๐ƒ๐ˆ๐๐๐„๐‘ ๐๐‹๐€๐“๐„ ๐–๐ˆ๐ƒ๐„ ๐€๐๐ƒ ๐†๐‹๐€๐’๐’๐˜, ๐„๐—๐‚๐ˆ๐“๐„๐ƒ ๐…๐Ž๐‘ ๐€ ๐…๐‹๐„๐„๐“๐ˆ๐๐† ๐Œ๐Ž๐Œ๐„๐๐“ before he collets himself. "That's an easy one though, Eleisia! But, alas, I appreciate your choice in motif," he smirks with a sly quirk of a slim brow-stripe.
ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  "What kind of rock is a really good friend?" If he had a tail it would wag, but he doesn't. Instead, his large, notched ears twitch and FLICK up emotively. "An oPAL."
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bcwblade ยท 3 years
โ€œDrezel offered to let me practice my sniping on the bats around Paterdomus. Apparently theyโ€™ve taken to roosting in the temple lately and antagonizing the priests. I don't suppose you'd care to join me? I'd hate to think of the damage they could do to the place." (She's totally not just wanting him to show off. Of course not ;))
MISSING SCENES | @guthixblessed
He's really only just had the moment to make himself comfortable. It was easy for one to forget the natural beauty of river Salve when one considered the grim events that had recently taken place in the surrounding areaโ€” but it truly was an act from the Gods that even he could find peace resting his elbows on the marble parapet of the bridge. The sunlight glimmering off the surface was something to behold, to value when one ventured into the land of endless clouds. When Sia says her piece, Simon actually takes the time to curl a finger around a layer of his bandaged eyes to pull it down and reveal half of the incredulous look he was aiming her way. Already loosened, him raising his eyebrow caused even more of his covered face to unravel; something to turn the smirk on her face into a grin, he was sure. "What do you have in store for me, I wonder?"
It was undeniably an attempt on her part to make an otherwise banal task a slight more interesting. In that, Simon should probably be flattered. Of course, it did mean spending his own free time to help her: precious moments that were not guaranteed considering the demanding nature of his personal crusade. But of course... she had to know that.
"Heh- very well. I'll keep one eyes covered in fear that your raw talent leaves me completely blind." Upon agreeing, he detected the eager lilt to her voice. She wanted to prove herself to him? There were many who would kill, who would pay an obscene amount of gold to share a private moment with the World Guardian. It would be prudent for him to take advantage of such a casual stint of pest control to observe her at her most genuine. Nothing like the spirit of boasting to get a sense of an adventurer's character. He wondered if her pride would last once he proved himself apt enough to land the same number of shots as she did with half the effort.
"I expect to see great things, lass. You're dragging me away from what is truly a beautiful sight-"
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bcwblade ยท 3 years
๐Ÿ’• (bc I'm curious :>)
Do you like me? Check yes or no. | @guthixblessed
Have we discussed shipping before?: yes (more like a general relationship than a completely romantic one i believe!) || no
My interest level overall: Iโ€™ve wanted this for so long || canโ€™t wait || I think itโ€™ll be fun || kinda feeling it! || maybe with a lot of plotting || I need to think about it || not interested, sorry
How we should do this: jump right in || slow burn || pre-established || build up to it in a thread || anything goes
Dynamics I want to try out with our ship: friends to lovers || rivals to lovers || enemies to lovers || mutual pining || battle couple || childhood friends || high school sweethearts || star crossed lovers (Aris Maye told Sia she was going to fall for Simon and she laughed in the old lady's face, thinking she was playing a trick on her. Whoops! ) || long time lovers || old married couple || newlyweds || sickeningly sweet couple || secret lovers || fake dating/marriage || best friends hiding their feelings || arranged marriage || soulmates || other (Simon genuinely just wanting to be by her side to help her be the best hero she can and both of them catching feelings along the way)
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shadowtongued ยท 4 years
12 or 46 for kisses? ( ห˜ ยณห˜)/ <3
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50 ๐šƒ๐šˆ๐™ฟ๐™ด๐š‚ ๐™พ๐™ต ๐™บ๐™ธ๐š‚๐š‚๐™ด๐š‚ ย // got a few so really selectively open.
ย  ย ๐’๐‡๐„ ๐’๐‡๐Ž๐”๐‹๐ƒ ๐‡๐€๐•๐„ ๐Š๐๐Ž๐–๐ ๐€๐“ ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐‚๐‹๐€๐–๐’ ๐€๐‹๐Ž๐๐† ๐‡๐„๐‘ ๐๐€๐‚๐Š๐’๐ˆ๐ƒ๐„ ๐–๐‡๐€๐“ ๐‚๐€๐Œ๐„ ๐๐„๐—๐“ ๐–๐‡๐„๐ ๐“๐–๐Ž ๐Ž๐… ๐“๐‡๐„๐Œ ๐’๐‹๐Ž๐“๐“๐„๐ƒ ๐ˆ๐๐“๐Ž the leather straps of the armor with a tough tug. Insistent prick. In a temple of his old following, with no lack of shame. It was easier when he just STAYED home or at least pretended to before running back to her place ten minutes before the door opened. The twist of air and bleeding of monochrome tells Sia heโ€™s already dragged her through the veil with a rough, SMUG chuckle. Sliskeโ€™s half incorporeal form flitters with burning eyes the only identifiable feature on that ink stain silhouette. Heโ€™ll come out of it in a minute of showing off when the pressure of his hands rests on her shoulders correctly.
ย  ย  โ€œWait, I forget I have to โ€” get,โ€ he starts before her exasperation at the interruption grows, remembering everyone is but a mere doll height to him as Sliske suffers greatly, settling on his knees before her. โ€œDonโ€™t scowl,โ€ a warm but accusatory phrase they both hear often, added with his unusual greeting of making sure Eleisia is dragged again within range of him for the Mahjarrat to croon his pointed chin over her shoulder and lean into her cheek. He has to keep her REPUTATION clean for any of this to work out. Anything outside the square footage of her home or his lair is risk assessment neither wants to do. A low hum draws out from his slate lips as Sliske unhooks his chin spikes from her and draws lips against the corner of his once, maybe still PRETEND, enemyโ€™s mouth. Itโ€™s something they pair is still getting used to. Funny that. Once at each otherโ€™s throats, now too close and doomed in many ways. In many more paths that fate wonโ€™t list yet.
ย  ย  Heโ€™ll stay there until she decides to turn into it, when she doesnโ€™t - he gets irritable and aims properly this time; no tease, a little too chaste. โ€œWhatโ€™s the occasion?โ€ Sia would ask and he would continue to ignore her and focus on her hair instead, platinum running over ONYX black claws in silence before words finally find him unable to hold out any longer, โ€œThree days is a long time.โ€ โ€Youโ€™re that lonely?โ€ โ€Perhaps.โ€ โ€Youโ€™re all mushy inside after three days.โ€ A pause before he rocks back and forth on his knees, most likely sullying his robes, โ€œPerhaps.โ€ โ€Enough to interrupt me where your old work lingers?โ€ He falls silent again, those LURID sulfur orbs of light looking down at her feet, reaching down to fuss over a scuff on her boot. โ€œPerhaps, yes,โ€ much, much quieter this time, like a child caught in the act of stealing sweets off the counter. What a treat to see him so demure and not the wide-mouthed, MENACING grin of horrifying intents.
ย  ย  โ€œWell, youโ€™d better TOUGHEN up. Iโ€™m going to be gone much longer.โ€ Itโ€™s not the response he wanted to get from him cozying up to her and Sliske sucks his teeth loud enough that they both look up; a little worried that someone might hear from the shallow layers they are in. Sliske continues his tantrum with words, โ€œThe nerve, having to play chess by MYSELF,โ€ a petulant snarl as he tugs gently on her hair, harmlessly baring those wicked, serrated teeth at her. โ€œFine! You have my way of communications if you hit a snag.โ€ Siaโ€™s eyes probably could have rolled a little more at his faux aggressive tone if the eight-foot terror on her level didnโ€™t use both of those dinnerplate sized hands to smoosh her face and lose the distance between them in a less than CHASTE way this time. Snatching the World Guardian against his scented silks in a rather starved and a touch needy way; ending with a rough scrape of teeth across the bottom lip. Heโ€™s gone but thoughtfully leaving Eleisia a way out of the darkness. Heโ€™ll get over it.
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lxgatus ยท 4 years
ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  MAHJARRAT WERE not gentle creatures. Even Wahisietel, his claws were made to rend and maim. But there was no bloodshed, instead, his dexterous hands were healing, helping another life that wasnโ€™t his own. He didnโ€™t mind, of course, he had grown accustomed to tending instead of destroying. One could even say he ENJOYED it, he was quite content with what he had become, even if his kin looked down on him for it.
ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  โ CLEARLY SOMEONE has to, โž Ali replied with a deep chuckle, withdrawing a roll of bandages from a box on a nearby shelf,ย โ pardon me, but you donโ€™t seem like the type to sit still and let this heal with time. I canโ€™t trust that you wonโ€™t get yourself into trouble. โž
ย  ย  ย NOTICING the flinch, he offered a quiet apology. He would never say it outright, but he was surprised she even had movement in the limb still, it had been a while since he had seen such a messy wound.ย ย โ Iโ€™ll make something to prevent you falling ill, but PLEASE take it easy for a while. Wound care means nothing if you donโ€™t let it HEAL.ย  โž
@guthixblessed continued
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bcwblade ยท 4 years
"So, tell me, do you consider it better of one to beg forgiveness or to ask permission?"
@guthixblessed | SIA.
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โ€œIn a perfect world, the laws and customs of man are things that work in accordance with the good deeds that are required of this world. As it is, most of them act as a barricade. I do not presume to know better than most, but I do believe that itโ€™s less than practical to live your life completely subservient to others. Some acts demand an immediate response and asking permission only hinders you... perhaps even risk the lives of those youโ€™re trying to save. In that case, wouldnโ€™t you end up asking permission andย begging forgiveness for the results of your delayed action?โ€ย ย  a wry smile spreads on his face, one that doesnโ€™t reach his eyes but that was the whole point of the blindfold. โ€œBetter to just beg forgiveness after the case, my dear colleague. I think most would trust your judgement on account of being a World Guardian anyway.โ€ย 
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bcwblade ยท 4 years
How does your muse approach someone they want to sleep with? What are the requirements for your muse to sleep with someone?
@guthixblessed |ย secrets are secrets for a reason. (accepting!)
How does your muse approach someone they want to sleep with? What are the requirements for your muse to sleep with someone? Tbh it would be easier for everyone else if someone approached him instead of the other way around because the way Simon generally operates is by putting out the vibe, saying a few choice words and seeing if someone takes a bite. But maybe we could say that him testing the waters by asking questions of the more risque nature ISย his way of โ€˜approaching them?โ€™ Curiosity does represent an interest after all and itโ€™s just Simonโ€™s weird way of showing his potential partner of where he wants things to go. I do see him doing this sort of thing while heโ€™s on a date with someone and while anyone else would see that the ACTย of taking someone on a date is probably a sign that you maybe like someone... perhaps to the point of sleeping with them, Simon feels like thatโ€™s way too simple to be true. Because of course he does.ย  Requirements 1. You find his roundabout way of communication charming 2. You understand that heโ€™s not really a homeless person 3. Or blind ( failure with 2 & 3 means that Simon doesnโ€™t trust you)ย  4. Willingness to have outdoor sex
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lxgatus ยท 4 years
She relies on him to tell her what others might not. He has been kind to her and opened his home though she may never fully understand the history and secrets that he keeps buried in his shelves. For now he remains a comfort in a barren desert. Someone she considers a friend rather than simply an "ally"
ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  WAHI DEFINITELY would admit that heโ€™s gotten attached Sia over the past few months. Being around humans has a tendency to trigger his deeply buried instinct to watch over, like he did with his kids back in the day. Hearing the dangers they face and seeing the physical injuries makes him get really protective and yes I know its annoying to have him hover around and nag about resting, but itโ€™s one of the few ways he knows how to express that he cares. He can get even more obnoxious, donโ€™t test him.ย 
ย  ย  ย HEโ€™S an overprotective booze-uncle that says things a little tooย โ€˜as they areโ€™, but he just wants his human friend to be safe and healthy so he can enjoy her company and share their stories back and forth.ย 
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