ingolds · 2 years
@devilscharity. —  “ one day ,  it won’t come back . ”
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     “ would that be so horrible? ”
     it’s unclear whether he means humanity, or memory, or something privy only to him, locked out of theo’s reach. he is perhaps less human than them, perhaps far more ancient, as old as the canyons formed by blistering winds and the crawl of glaciers long melted. he must have access to a well of knowledge theo doesn’t; what other authority would grant him the wherewithal to impart a warning upon them? they study him openly, wolf’s eyes gleaming, and tip their head until the moon spills silver down their jaw, highlighting a reflective pupil.
     they prepare a sufficiently mysterious response, testing the water, hands curled in their pockets. he’s trying to get at something; theo wants to know what.
     “ the return can be more painful than the departure. i’m curious what lends you to believe it won’t come back. ”
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monologue at 3am / accepting
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the27percent · 2 years
There are moments where Atieno isn’t sure what to make of their own being, their own sentience. They’re not sure if there’s a way to really talk about it with most that they know. And they don’t really know if they want to share with Sliske, why would they assume that he would be willing to listen to them.
And yet, there’s an impulse there that drives them to want to try anyway.
It’s a strange feeling that they are sitting with.
“Do you mind if I ask you a question? There’s something I’ve been mulling over more often lately. Or.. at least it’s been coming up again. And I wonder if you’ve ended up thinking through things like this every so often.“
Is it oddly confessional? Maybe. They’re not sure, which is probably why they feel a little.. nervous, cautious  about the whole thing.
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kxllerblond · 2 years
@devilscharity​ /   one-liner call    
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❝ What’s the most outlandish or cliché you’ve heard another immortal say? I kid you not, dear, I heard a vampire well into his 2000s spout that ‘A lion does not listen to the opinions of sheep’ line. He was absolutely serious, not a lick of irony. It was dreadfully hard not to laugh. ❞
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kaengeru · 2 years
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only cause u asked so nicely
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apexulansis · 2 years
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“ You know, I could choose you as a target one day... And not even know it. ” An ivory mask covered head balanced upon laced fingers, Talon’s gaze bearing amusement, not threat. “ I can’t imagine you as the type to only have one name. One alias. Tell me — should that day come to pass... Which of us do you think would win in a fight? And how long would you lead me on? ”
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sharptones · 2 years
Karda's hands and forearms were stained dark, a low hum following the music playing in the background of his back office. A body was on the metal table, steadily and carefully being stripped of it's implants, prosthetics, and a few organs. The scarred body itself wouldn't fetch much, but selling everything being set on the side table would cover the failed operation at least twofold.
He'd just pried an optical prosthetic out of the reptilian's skull when something… felt off. The fin pressed to his back by his clothes prickled and alarmed stripes of color flickered on his face. Any friends he might have had would have called him paranoid, but he didn't live this long by being lax in his precautions.
The prosthetic had barely touched the table as he looked around, scanning the doorway when sulfur-yellow eyes lit up from the darkest corner across the room. Karda scrambled back, bloody fingers grasping for whatever sharp tool was in reach as his hands tingled with panicked electricity.
"How did you get in here?!" He snarled, facial marks now fully lit up.
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ebonyforged · 2 years
She’s being followed.
The feeling of it clings to the back of her neck, like a cold sweat that won’t wash off, fading and swelling and constantly calling for her attention once more. The presence of other entities in Limbo is a given, but the sheer magnitude of this one has unnerved her since the moment she first felt it. It’s grander, more powerful than even Lillith or Mundus. She’d come only to make her commute easier, but ended up changing course for the Sanctuary instead, hoping to leave the feeling behind. But it stuck to her, and does still, even in this place where few Demons set foot. She feels like prey.
She stills on the grass and listens. Water breaks on the fountain’s edge, visions of doves scatter at her intrusion, but no footsteps. A survey reveals nothing, just the doves retreating over the horizon and greenery unmoved by wind. But the feeling persists.
Ebony makes her best guess at what direction the presence is coming from, and faces it. She spreads her arms, inviting, as though she’s not deeply unnerved.
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“If you could come out, so I can decide whether to shoot or slap you, that’d be great.”
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He’s been staring at her long enough that she actually asks herself if his kind even knew what jokes were.
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“If.. if you like the joke, then you’re suppose to laugh. Or, in your case, cackle I guess?”
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blatantvirucide-a · 3 years
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@devilscharity​ sent: 🧱 🌎 😱 💛 🤷‍♀️ & 🧸 ! (meme.)
i have to separate them, but thank you for sending so many! this first one is a long one, so buckle up
🧱 how would you describe your muses’ morality? what are their core values?
main verse alex is lawful neutral aligned. that is, they are someone who is driven by their principles, but are neither benevolent nor malevolent enough to tip into the scales of good or evil. does a fair mix of both, arguably — past and present.
it's fair to say alex has seen the worst of the worst. moreso, their circumstances forced them to learn violence. it runs natural to them anyway given their viral nature; they're a lethal bioweapon, top of the food chain. but, there was never any choice for them except means of survival, or death. blackwatch gave alex no other options. there was no bargaining, no surrender. choosing flight never worked out, the choice had to be fight, every time. so assuming it's on the table, alex will nearly always choose violence to solve a problem. it's proven effective, and they have no regrets over slaughtering gentek personnel for their hand in events.
this gets tempered only somewhat when alex learns patience, and gets a little change in perspective. at their base, alex is incredibly black and white — judgemental really, but that's because most of their views were shaped by the mistakes of theirs and others. it's a cluttered perspective. reactionary, almost. alex's stint in containment cleared some thoughts, and muddied others; half a year is time enough for both introspection and overthinking.
in my canon-divergent verse for alex, my main verse, they make the decision that dana is better off without them. because they think they failed her, and are furthermore just a virus wearing her brother's skin. (shout out to this thread i have going with my buddy sketch where their dana is confronting alex.)
though arguably a poor decision, alex loves her — it hurt them to make that decision, but it's genuinely what they thought was best. dana mercer is alex’s anchor; in every sense pivotal to their growth and future choices. she is what it is to have family and to sacrifice, to fight for others. an alex without dana’s influence would be irrevocably different. (like my mass effect verse alex.)
alex shoulders burdens and failures heavily. this means they're quick to admit fault, which enables them to learn from their mistakes, but they haven't reached a balance. alex's experience denotes that people die when they make a mistake, so failure can't be a process of exploration and learning like it is for someone with a more mundane life.
and all their mistakes are theirs alone to live with. sometime back i did this ( WHAT ARE YOU THE GOD OF? ) just for fun, and what alex got was the patron of amends. which i love, it's so perfect. i’m going to highlight some snippets from it.
alex certainly doesn’t believe everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt, a second chance — but they do believe in the process of righting one’s own wrongdoing. they’re not someone who strives to be good or compassionate, but there are things that they view as inherently wrong, and they'll fight to correct them. arguably alex spends the latter half of the videogame doing that. then, the nuke at the end that they didn’t know they’d come back from; walking through fire.
CORE VALUES: & justice — harsh principles, retribution, and combating the malign.   & redemption — not as absolution, but to fight to correct one's own wrongs, thankless.   & survival — inherently neutral; that done for the sake of survival is not punishable.   & family — love, sacrifice and unity; to be solid ground when those you care about need steadiness.   & change — growth, adaptation and anything in between; mutability for the sake of it.   & freedom — in the most literal sense, simple autonomy.   & tenacity — to grit your teeth and fight, even when standing alone.   & strength — authoritative, resolute and merciless; responsibility to the hard decisions. all-carrying.
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crimedealt-a · 3 years
@devilscharity​ ❤’d
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❛  mirage said to keep an eye on you.  ❜  calculated steps, she’s careful to avoid scattered bodies on the ground, souls reaped, all they were missing were to be six—feet under. but that was the job of others. law—abiders. no job for people like them.  ❛  but that seems kinda boring — i thought i’d join in on the fun but you seem done. i didn’t take you for the brutal type.  ❜
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natterghast · 2 years
@devilscharity STARTER ; (for sliske)
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happenstance being what it was, there were  stranger things  than being cordially invited to tea by someone claiming to know your parentage. more than anything he wanted to see what this stranger had to tell. time attested new growth, but the cut branch never really heals. he was something else now but his parents were  forever  the blood to his  soil.
as for how he was  found . . .  devisee was nothing if not the spitting image of both his parents. he didn't remember much anymore, but he knew  that.
devisee ruminates on his thoughts and the choice of tea before steering the conversation in the direction he wanted. he gingerly puts his cup down, cushions it from making any disruptive sounds.  seemed polite.
“so you knew vasek. what of my mother  ? ” devisee folds his hands together on the table. “if this is about her empty rule, I have little interest in it —-- for  whichever  manner that concerns you.  really. ”
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aevyternal · 2 years
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    Reaches up to urge him to bend down just a little bit so that she can give him a kiss  ♡ ~
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the27percent · 2 years
what’s your intake? your reason for living?
Such questions often left Atieno feeling peculiar. A reason for living? How do they have a reason for living when they were going be.. no matter their 'choice' in the matter?
Of course, they could differentiate between existing and choosing to live in some way. That, that might be where they go with this.
"See - for a little context, I have been present in some form or fashion for a very, very.. ridiculously long time. And my emergence is really just a function of how ..." they gesture to the vastness beyond, "tends to operate."
"So I mean many beings, forces, whatever come into existence without 'choice' in the matter. I already am aware of how I'm more or less having to exist, there's functions I partake in over the years that I have long been used to as it is just a matter of my existence."
A small sigh.
"Sorry if I'm a little.. getting around the point. But it's hard for me to answer this. My reason for living? I don't know if I have one specifically. I guess I am interested a little bit in the process of how live expresses itself in so many ways. Maybe curiosity in a way could be a reason for living. But when I'm going to be present .. one or another, it seems very arbitrary what reason for living I could possibly have. "
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kxllerblond · 3 years
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❝ My...if I’d known company like yours awaited me for the foreseeable length of my ever lasting life perhaps I’d have stayed in the grave. ❞ harsh to the outside listener but anyone familiar with Clark knew this was simple banter. This was friendly small-talk.
If the cambion truly didn’t like someone-—TRULY detested being around them-— he simply didn’t give them the time of day. Lobbing catty insults and remarks at least meant he wanted to be around them in some capacity.  ❝ Any notable haunting spots you’ve found since we last met over coffee? I’ve hadn’t the time to get out and look. The holidays, you know? Desperate, greedy elites scrambling for record-breaking Q4′s through any means necessary. ❞
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kaengeru · 3 years
oooooo D! 👁
+drawing your characters as a funky roo day!
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cozy c: mostly still playing around w colors! - updated w better colors; pseudo -cape sorta idea, and attempted to add some of sliske’s markings! subtly.................
onyx would of been closer in color, but gold fits better for origins, and they can end up fairly dark in color too. comfortable and confident!
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smokescholar · 2 years
@devilscharity​ [X]
          “The difference between you and I, is that I know when I’m in over my head and I know when to quit. Fight me if you wish, but that is your weakness. You think you can handle more than you are capable of and with these schemes of yours...” 
     He wouldn’t mention it by name, but he knew Sliske would know he was talking about the Stone. That whole debacle had caused the shorter Mahjarrat immense amounts of stress. It had been a rough situation, and if he had just KNOWN about it...      He shook the thought from his mind, instead, reaching to refill a glass of whiskey and bring it to his brother as a peace offering. 
          “I miss those days...when we had nothing to hide from each other; when we didn’t feel like strangers to one another. This is a new world, can we start from the beginning? Enough of this secretive rubbish from both of us.”
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