#guys I ain’t a poet okay? xD
lazorbeanz · 7 months
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“When the end of the day draws nigh
I raise my eyes up towards the sky
The ombré of colours; orange and blue
But all I see is none other, than those two” 🧡💙
Got inspired by the sunsets I see every day 🌄
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neon-junkie · 4 years
okay who in the VDL gang would like a goth/punk gf? or like what would their reactions be to one?? idk how to word this just feeling insecure about my style in the club rn tbh need some cowboy validation 👀
oh my god, yessss!!! I also dress similar, and ngl I’ve been hoping for an ask like this xD
Headcanons include: Arthur, John, Dutch, Micah, Javier, Bill, and Sean.
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Arthur is such a laid back guy. He supports everything you do, everything you wear, every style you do your hair in, every look you do for your makeup, etcetc.
He doesn't exactly 'get' why people choose to dress 'darker', but he does understand the attraction.
He won't deny that his heart is often pounding in his chest whenever he looks at you, knowing that you're all his.
Arthur is supportive no matter what, and if you were to change your style, he'd shrug and go "okay then, whatever makes you happy."
He's not one to brag about you, he doesn't brag about anything, but when he's drunk, you'll sometimes overhear him saying "yeah, well my girl dresses better than yours, so!!"
Do you want John to start dressing similar to you? because that's what's going to happen.
RDR2 John is a stroppy baby, and he may begin to 'channel his emotions' through dressing in that style, even if that's not exactly why you choose to dress like this.
He's awful at fashion, the man can't pull an outfit together, but every so often, he'll suggest something out of the blue, and it'll look fantastic on you.
John loves watching you do your makeup, but won't admit he's watching. "I ain't watching, I was just... staring into the distance... yeah..."
Drunk John 'borrowed' one of your studded bracelets and now wears it all the time, "makes me feel cool," is the only explanation he'll give you to why he wears it.
Dutch finds the classic gothic style 'mysteriously romantic'; think Morticia Addams, and Vampira - tight silhouettes, basic yet bold outfits, elegant and classy.
Oh, and Dutch will be such a Gomez Addams if you dress like that. He is suddenly a poet, a proud lover, an admirer, and you're the only source of light in his life (his words.)
His dress style doesn't change, but he gains a few trinkets in his tent; dark romance books, fresh roses, silk bedding, etc. If you question him about it, he'll admit that you've 'inspired' him to redecorate his zone.
Dutch loves having you joint to his hip, especially when you're in town. His arm is permanently around your waist, or linked in yours.
Dutch NEEDS to show you off, even if you don't dress that way, but he likes to gloat about you, a bit of a 'look at how stunning and unique my partner is!'
Micah isn't fussy when it comes to his lover; if you're loyal and supportive to him, then that's good enough, and you'll receive the same in return.
Sure, everybody has a type, but Micah doesn't realize how attractive he finds your style until he meets you.
Honestly, the fishnets and black lipstick makes his mind so clouded; he's like one of those cartoon wolves where the get heart-eyes and begin wolf whistling whenever they see you.
Of course, if you dress like that, Micah assumes you're into "the kinky shit," as he calls it. If you are, he'll propose on the spot, and if you're not, he'll shrug it off and reassure you that he's happy with how you are.
Micah's style doesn't change at first, but he slowly begins to wear that almost-all-black outfit a lot more, the one with the black shirt, pants, and knee high boots. He says he just likes to match you, but he's secretly jealous of all the admiring looks you receive from strangers.
Javier, like Arthur, is supportive of everything you do. He didn't really 'get it' at first, but it makes you happy, and that's all he's fussed about.
Within time, Javier really warms up to your style and often impulse-buys things that he thinks would suit you, and sometimes robs some jewellery, but he'll never admit that he robbed it.
He loves wearing matching styled outfits, such as he'll wear a vest that matches the colour of your dress, and ensures his jewellery is the same metal as yours.
Javier also likes to watch you do your hair and makeup, and eventually asks if you can show him how it's done, just because he wants to try and give you a hand when you're getting ready.
He fails so miserably, and his respect for you instantly becomes tenfold, because he now realizes how dedicated you are to this look, and how much practise you've put into it.
Your style makes Bill blush, well, everything makes Bill blush...
He doesn't get it, and he probably never will, but it makes you happy, and that's all he cares about.
Bill buys a present for you, yes buys, not steals! It's a dark plaid shirt. "It's similar to what I wear, but it reminded me of you... maybe you could wear it t'bed or something?"
He loses his mind when you wear it out the next day, he's a real sucker for wearing matching/similar outfits, as cheesy as they can be.
Bill loves to show you off, he's in awe that somebody actually loves him, but even more in awe that you have your own style that you wear with confidence. He's always happy to admit that he's punching.
Sean finds it "soooo sexy," and those are his actual words. "You've got a real unique style, good stuff, you ain't no sheep."
He suggests outfits/looks every so often, and his advice is perfect, spot on, and grins smugly when you decide to wear 'his' outfits.
Sean LOVES hyping you up, he's your personal cheerleader, your hype-man; he'll whistle every morning when he sees you, and begins his long list of compliments. It's his morning routine.
He also loves gloating about you, showing you off; if he could pick you up and physically show you off to the world, like in The Lion King, then he would.
Sean is especially a sap for the classy yet sexy style, such as Elviras; if your outfits show a bit of skin and sass, then he's all over you. He loves being able to look at you and know that you're all his!!
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cooliocoulson · 8 years
I was tagged by @theworstanon my literal fave so thanks-- I tag @pyxyltheamoeba, @theone7142, and anyone else who lays eyes on this. 
1) Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi
2) Disney or Dreamworks? Dreamworks
3) Coffee or Tea? ummmmm chai 
4) Books or movies? Books
5) Windows or mac? Mac because I’m hella dumb
6) D.C. or Marvel? Marvel baby
7) Xbox or PlayStation? Wii? hello? But I guess Xbox
8) Dragon age or mass effect? ...I’m sorry are these videogames or...?
9) Night owl or early riser? Night owl
10) Cards or chess? Chess even though I suck
11) Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate
12) Vans or converse? Only worn the ones that look like converse that are hella cheap from Old Navy XD
13) Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar? I’m sorry guys what is this who are these people I guess I like them all??? I’m dumb and uncultured. 
14) Fluff or angst? HAHAHAHA BOTH FOOLS
15) Beach or forest? Oh yikes both both both
16) Dogs or cats? dooooOOOOOOGGGGSSSSS
17) Clear skies or rain? Rain especially heavy thunderstorms they’re so soothing
18) Cooking or eating out? Eating out ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) <--- so that was @theworstanon‘s response but I’m sticking with it because yes XD
19) Spicy or mild food? Mild, but gimme spicy Pho (and hot cheetos. YEah, I live on the edge). 
20) Halloween/Samhain or solstice/yule/Christmas? The Christmas option
21) Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot? Probably a little too hot since that already explains my body lllmmmaaAOOOOO ;;;;;;;;;;;;;)
22) If you could have a superpower what would it be? Telepath. It’d be awesome. 
23) Animation or live action? Animation
25) Bath or shower? Shower
26) Team Cap or team Ironman? Oh goooood I knew my life would come down to this question so Team Gay^TM 
27) Fantasy or sci-fi? Sci-fi because that stuff will be the future at some point
28) Do you have 3 or 4 favourite quotes if so what are they? To quote the great Spongebob, “doOOO I??”
“Carpe Diem..what will your verse be?....literally the entire movie kthx,” Dead Poets Society 
“The best revenge is massive success,” -Frank Sinatra
“This morning I drank an entire bottle of ketchup?”
29) YouTube or Netflix? Netflix
30) Harry Potter or Percy Jackson? Harry Potter
31) When do you feel accomplished? I’m sorry I don’t understand that question either. 
32) Star Wars or Star Trek? BOTH BOTH BOOOOTH 
33) Paperback books or hardcover books? I ain’t got no type
34) Fantastic beasts or Cursed child? Haven’t read/seen either of them(I know I know)
35) Rock or pop music? neither soooorrrryyyy
36) What is the most important thing in your life? My puppies. 
37) Mountains or sea/ocean? Definitely both. I LOOOVE hiking but boogie boarding is also fun as well as diving for shells sooo?
38) How do you express yourself? Through my fine, tasteful tumblr account
39) What’s the first book/film that really counted to you? Harry Potter
40) What’s your element (air, water, etc.)? Definitely water 
41) If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? Probably just deep sea diving lmao 
42) If you had any job in the world, what would it be? I wanna help kiddos and be doctory 
43) If you were granted three wishes, what would they be? I wish everyone would eat quietly I wish that everyone would chew gum quietly I wish that Calculus was easy and did not cause me as many tears as it has
 44) If you had to eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? French Baguettes (with butter obvs) 
45) What’s currently the most pressing issue on your mind, and what’s stopping you from fixing it? ANXIETY----ANXIETY hecking man I just wanna graduate 
46) What is your dream companion animal? Um I already have two puppies thx
47) Raptors or songbirds? Songbirds bc I’m gay for music 
48) If you could only see the world in different shades of one colour, what colour would it be? Probably orange or blue 
49) What’s your favorite sound? The sound of rain and hail and thunder just putting the world under this heavy blanket of calm
50.) My question- Favorite smell? 
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