#i really wanted to draw them having a side hug but the tail is covering it T~T
lazorbeanz · 7 months
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“When the end of the day draws nigh
I raise my eyes up towards the sky
The ombré of colours; orange and blue
But all I see is none other, than those two” 🧡💙
Got inspired by the sunsets I see every day 🌄
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moonspirit · 5 months
Hi Moon!
What do you think about aruani having pets?? What pets would they have, what would they name them, what would their dynamic as pet parents be, etc??
Hellooo Ally!!
As a mom of dog babies and cat babies myself, I LOVE the idea of Aruani having pets! Not only is it very cute to picture, but also the impact of having pets itself cannot be ignored. If we take their canon-trauma into account, then learning to care for animals and looking after them can be a deeply healing experience. Now if also say that the animals in question are abandoned/strays, and Aruani take them in, then it's a win-win situation for both sides. Watching a traumatized voiceless creature opening up, learning to trust, and wholeheartedly falling in love with Aruani, eventually growing strong and brave and absolutely mischievous and boisterous and carefree - can you just imagine what a beautiful thing thing that will be? In this journey, Aruani can also learn a lot about themselves, and overcome their issues, slowly.
Now for the rest!
I headcanon that they have a minimum of one dog and a cat. Annie would be the cat-mom, Armin would be the dog-dad. It would mirror their personalities pretty well too, lmao xD A kitty with a resting bitch face, and a loyal puppy with a perenially-wagging tail - that pretty much sums up their whole relationship.
For what they'd name them... probably something very silly. Considering these fluffballs will basically be their first children, it would be hilarious if they named them something absolutely unserious. Annie's love for sweets and cake probably makes itself apparent when she names her chonk of a kitty something random like Big Cheese. Armin, on the other hand, draws inspiration from his enriching reading experiences, and fixes their pup with an intelligent yet stupid name like Bark Twain (Bobo for short).
As for their parent dynamics! Annie would absolutely let their fluff babies do as they please. Does their cat want to smack every guest (Reiner, really, it's just Reiner. The cat doesn't like giant, pathetic losers) in the face when they come over for dinner? Cool. Does their dog want to steal the biscuit tin from the highest shelf in the kitchen pantry by leaping up on the counter? Cool. Do your thing, kids. Commit crimes.
Armin is a bit more disciplined. He makes sure they don't poop inside the house and scratch the sofa covers. That's not to say his heart doesn't melt into oblivion whenever they stare at him with their big, bright 'I'm-about-to-get-naughty' eyes. He loves to roll around on the floor with them, and lets them sleep underneath the sheets on the bed between himself and Annie.
He does get a bit lonely tho, when Annie tends to ignore him and hug them more in her sleep *sigh*
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Cloti Fanfic - Diamonds in the Sky
I'm really getting hyped for FFVII Rebirth, Ever Crisis, and more cloti content. I have some new fics I'm working on, but I thought in the meantime, I'd start sharing some of my old work here since I haven't gotten much use out of this tumblr. You can read them here or at the Ao3 Links that I share.
Today I am sharing one that I had a lot of fun writing a couple of years ago. Enjoy!
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Title: Diamonds in the Sky
Rating: E
Pairing: Cloud Strife/Tifa Lockhart
Summary: Under the cover of stars, Tifa shares intimate moments with Cloud throughout their journey, unearthing her deepest feelings for the boy she's loved ever since he committed himself to her atop a water tower, long ago.
Diamonds In The Sky
They never talk about it.
It’s a weight between them, but Tifa doesn’t want to acknowledge it.  She can’t, even though every time she wakes up, the words and the questions hover over her tongue, thicker and heavier when she glances over at him and finds his eyes on her face or her body but quickly averting away.  Their stares meet briefly, and then they fall apart, and he rises and that is the end of it.
They never speak of it, not throughout the days’ travels and trials, not whenever they catch one another’s glances throughout the day, not when they fall in step beside each other, and not when they find themselves by each other’s side again the very next night.
They’ve been sleeping together.
They never talk about it, but ever since that first night, miles outside of Kalm, it becomes a habit that they both fall into wordlessly and that neither of them can avoid.  And it always happens beneath the cover of the sky, never at inns or under the safety of a roof.  
Always under the stars.
Tifa knows that something changed between them during that moment in the garden.  She felt it in his embrace, in the tightness of his hold on her when he drew her in, in the strength hidden in his arms as he held her.  Even though she had been fracturing from the pain of their losses, from the destruction of the only home she had left, and from the deaths of more innocents that she somehow knew she was at least partially responsible for, she had felt it.  There was more behind his hug than comfort; there was a yearning and a passion that simmered dangerously beneath the surface of both their skin, hearts thundering and bodies trembling, Tifa crushed to him to the point that her ribs were sore and her lungs constricted.
Ever since that moment, things had been different.  She’d seen it in his eyes when he stared back at her on the Shinra Tower’s roof, felt it in the way his hand locked around her wrist when she kept him from falling to his death.
Whatever happened between them when he folded her into his embrace, Tifa knows that it kicked up her own feelings, feelings that she’s held on to since she was a gangly limbed preteen on a water tower under a sea of blue and white glitter.
The first time it happens, it’s outside of Kalm, miles past the marshes and the mines.  Tifa still feels the heaviness of their visit to that village on her heart, the weight of Cloud’s shared memories, so many of them mismatching her own.  All day she rolls them through her thoughts, trying not to let the distraction impede her abilities on the battlefield and as a productive member of their party.  But she can’t dissuade herself from the fact that there is something wrong, that the facts don’t add up, that Cloud is worse off inside than he had been when she found him shaking and shivering in the rain at a train station in Midgar.
All it does is draw her closer to him, a magnetism erupting that keeps them from being apart for too long.
That night, they make camp in a quiet forest, the night still and the air crisp and cool enough to raise bumps on her arms. Their tents go up and their bedrolls unfurl, a campfire brought to life by the flame of Red XIII’s tail.
Cloud hovers at the edge of their camp, arms crossed over the broad firmness of his chest as cool cerulean surveys the line of trees beyond.  He’ll keep first watch, he negotiates with Barret.  He doesn’t say much beyond that.
Tifa can’t fall asleep and she can’t help the way that her mind races, even as Aerith’s soft snoring at her side reminds her of all of the exhaustion and tired aches in her body.  Her mind is consumed by him, wondering why so many pieces of the puzzle he’s presented to them don’t fit with her own memories, why he’s always so surly and detached, why the feel of her chest pressed against his is a memory she can’t let go of and one she craves the sensation of again.
The rest of the group is already fast asleep, and Tifa rises, rolling away from Aerith and brushing off her skirt as she gets to her feet.  She affords a final glance behind her before she trudges through the clearing, grass silently crushed beneath the tracks in her boots.
She finds him leaned up against the trunk of a wide tree at the edge of the cluster of maples and oaks, overlooking the expanse of an open field that leads to the roads that head west.  Their path to Junon is just beyond, Tifa knows.  In the morning, he’ll be leading them in that direction.
He knows she’s there before she even realizes what she’s doing, stopping a pace away from his side.  He’s sitting with his knees open, arms draped atop them, buster sword at his side in the grass with the rusted hilt just within reach.  
Gloved fingers twitch, and he slides the sword out of the way, moving it to the other side and making space for her.
She crashes into a sparkling oasis of blue when he looks up at her, his eyes infected by the beacons of light in the sky above.  They are placid and calm, and the fusion of green - that verdant glow that has frightened and worried her since she first found him - seeps away little by little as he drinks in her appearance.  
“Hey,” Tifa responds timidly.
Cloud lowers his right arm from his leg, gesturing lightly to the open space beside him.  “Can’t sleep?” he asks.
Tifa swallows, pulling her eyes from his face to glance down at the patch of grass next to him.  Her fingers twitch at her sides.  The last time he asked her that question, she ended up in his arms.
“Not really,” she admits.
She isn’t sure how it happens, exactly, but she’s soon crouching down to his side, hugging her knees in front of her.  She’s aware of the warmth of his body, the heat emanating from him reminding her of how close they had been to one another just a couple of nights ago.  She craves that feeling again, realizing that the yearning for it has only doubled inside of her since the moment she told him he was hurting her and he released her.
Cloud leans back, positioning his arm behind her, against the tree.  It opens up his body to her, offering her a little more space to close between them.  She eyes it, turning her head slightly towards him, and she catches his eyes on her face.
He says nothing, but Tifa can read every word in those azure depths.  There are questions and pleas there, the same fervid desperations and the same emotional need that has been locked away in her own heart these last few days.  He blinks, softness rippling across his features, unspoken understanding blooming in the bright sparkle of blue and green between pale yellow lashes.
She leans in.
His arm that’s behind her raises and falls around her shoulders, crushing her to him.  Tifa wonders if Cloud is aware of his own strength.  His management of it is always so fluid and seamless on the battlefield, his body twisting through every hack and slash with the grace of a ballet dancer.  But in moments like this, he is graceless.  He is clumsy and awkward and too strong, his arm vicing her against a chest that feels like steel.
Tifa doesn’t complain this time, though.  She welcomes the heaviness of his grip, enjoys the way the chills of the night air are chased away by the heat of his body.  He becomes a fortress of protection around her, shielding her from the demons and ghosts that have been following them both from their pasts.  And even though she’s still worried, even though she still questions his recollections of events, she discards the pain that’s become a stamp on her heart, tosses it to the side, and leaves it to be examined when the stars she loves are gone and the sun returns with truth and reality riding its rays.
He smells good, Tifa realizes.  She never thought about it before - the last time she had been this close to him, the only thing she could smell was cinder and ash, the burned, wooden remnants of her home.  But this time, she can smell the faint scent of his sweat that’s blended with clean, un-fragranced soap and that crisp, earthy note that comes from the mako in his blood.  It wraps around her like a pleasant fog, enveloping her in safety and care, and her head falls to his shoulder, her eyes closing to the world around them and the miseries and concerns that she’s been carrying.  He holds her through the night, and Tifa doesn’t know if he ever finds sleep or not.
All she knows is that he’s there.
The next time it happens, they’re above the open sea.  Tifa’s stuffed into the tight confines of an infantry uniform, knee pads and shoulder guards uncomfortably restricting, her chest compacted under heavy straps and her waist cinched by leather belts.  It makes her feel sorry for all of the poor teenagers she remembers seeing in the slums who were tucked into this same hallmark of tyranny.
Wearing this uniform reminds her of how this all began, of how she found herself crossing the ocean to the other side of the world.  She remembers them coming to her village and following her into the mountains, remembers them guarding the reactor, remembers dragging one away from the snarls of a dragon’s claws after he tried to save her life.  She remembers them patrolling the slums, remembers the one who she watched bleed out from his throat right in front of her very eyes, a casualty of the war they were embroiled in even though he thought he’d chosen the right side.
She tries to tear it from her mind, but it’s been bothering her ever since she stood between Aerith and Yuffie in the locker room as they pulled on these disguises.  The collapse of the Sector Seven plate had only been one shard of her guilt, but she knew that the glass had already been shattered all around her, and every bit of distance they traveled further away from Midgar fills her with the reminder of what their passion for revenge has wrought.
She’s spent most of her time above deck, Aerith at her side, listening as she shared little bits of her life with her.  They’ve grown close over the last few days, both of them using their time traveling together to unearth one another’s pasts. It’s small comfort, being able to open up to someone a little bit, even if there are some things that Tifa knows she’ll never divulge.
Now, though, the sun has gone down and they are still hours from the opposite shore, nothing but gentle waves of endless blue surrounding them.  They’ve managed to get this far undetected on the Shinra vessel, and Tifa relaxes a little as night falls, some of the tension slipping from her shoulders. Aerith ventures below deck with Yuffie to nap, and Tifa declines to join them, needing air and needing him.
She knows Cloud is still up here, seeing him head past the bridge towards the ship’s stern just a little while ago.  She ventures in that direction, keeping her wits about her as she passes a couple of grunts in similar uniforms, the enemy always afoot.
She finds him leaning over the railing, looking out at the sea below as it races away from them, Junon and its canon now fully disappeared from their rearview.  She only knows it’s him from his gait and the lean lines of his body, and as her heart pumps a little faster, Tifa realizes that she would know his physique anywhere, no matter what he’s wearing.
Even though she pads in his direction quietly, he turns, already aware of her presence.  She slows a pace, stopping a few feet in front of him, and he drops his arms from where they’re crossed over his chest, opening himself up to her.  He’s not wearing his helmet, and the breeze is ruffling his hair, leaving it to shine like platinum under the moonlight above.  His eyes narrow, watching her carefully, and they scan her from head to toe in an effort to identify her.
Tifa stops, chancing a careful glance around before she reaches up and pulls her own helmet away.  She clutches it at her side, and she watches as Cloud’s entire countenance visibly relaxes, the green pulse around his pupils dimming.
“Tifa,” he says, his voice low and light and carrying over the splash of the ocean against the ship’s starboard.
She doesn’t respond - for some reason, every time he calls her name like that, it sets loose a sense of incoherence inside of her.  She feels her cheeks warm, and even the sting of the cool ocean breeze can’t dull the excitement that his attention unleashes inside of her.
Slowly, Tifa saunters up to him, finding a place at his side.  His eyes follow her the entire way, his body turning to face her until she is right beside him.  She can feel the burn of those mako blues on her face and on her body that is cramped into this uncomfortable uniform.  It doesn’t help the way that she’s already blushing like mad, and she hopes that he can’t see it with the darkness around them.
Despite the embarrassment that her feelings are sending in a tumble inside of her, Tifa can’t bear to be away from him.  They haven’t spoken all day, and the day was long.  She’s tired, and she misses him.
“The others have gone below deck to sleep,” she says after a beat passes between them and all she can hear is the crash of the sea.  
“Most of the crew has already taken it down for the night,” Cloud states observantly.  “There’s just a couple on the other side of the bridge who are on night watch.”
Tifa nods, placing the helmet at her feet.  For whatever reason, her heart is almost as loud as the sea, and it would be easy for her to say goodnight and find a quiet place to rest.
But she can’t be away from him.
“Everything okay?” he asks when the silence stretches on for too long.
“Yeah,” Tifa responds, turning to face him.  In the darkness, his eyes seem to glow, but the mako in them has receded.  It’s the blue that she remembers from her most cherished memories that’s piercing her now, and its color draws her near until she’s leaning against him.
Cloud notices her closeness and immediately draws her in with an arm around her shoulders, and Tifa completes the hold with an arm around his waist.  Her right breast squishes against his chest, and even with these claustrophobic uniforms that they’re both wearing, the contact sends a spark throughout her body that crashes between her thighs.
Cloud is looking down at her.  “Funny,” he comments, a teasing edge in his voice that has her quirking an eyebrow.  “You make this shitty uniform look better than anyone.”
She’s blushing again, instantly turning away from his smirk and schooling her gaze on the navy blue depths below.  She can’t bite back the smile that stretches her lips, though.  Cloud’s propensity to flirt so casually catches her off guard every time. She doesn’t know what’s changed in the years that faded between them, and she wonders what kinds of experiences he’s had while he’s been away.  The Cloud she remembers was too shy to even look her in the eye when he asked her to meet him on the water tower, but this Cloud has no problem letting those cobalt beacons pin her to the ground when he compliments her with such effortlessness.
She brushes past his praise, even though it has lit up parts of her body that she’d rather not acknowledge. “Think we’ll be in Costa Del Sol soon?” she asks, hoping to thwart the emergence of her feelings for this boy for a little while longer.
Cloud turns to face her fully now, letting both arms pull her in.  She wonders when they crossed the boundary into a space where this closeness happens with such unspoken ease.  But she doesn’t fight it, and she leans in, accepting him with her arms around his narrow waist.
“Early morning is my guess,” Cloud answers.  “The climate is already starting to shift.  You should get some rest.  Head down with the others, Tifa.  I’ll keep watch here.”
“I want to stay with you,” she blurts.
One of Cloud’s eyebrows quirks, but otherwise, he wears an unreadable mask.  Tifa can’t help but stare up at him, feeling the cyclone in her belly escalate until it is in her chest and her heart is racing and loud.  She hates it, because she’s pressed right up against him and she knows he can feel it, can probably hear it, too.
He doesn’t say anything as he studies her face for a long moment, and Tifa realizes he’s reading her.  He knows her better than anyone, she knows, and he gleans it all from his senses, from his eyes on her face and his hands on her body, from the sound of every breath she releases.
She wishes she could say the same.
He nods, and wordlessly, he begins to crouch, pulling her with him.  Tifa falls pliant, dropping to her knees at his side.  She’s content to lean against him again the way that she did nights ago, the last time she remembers getting a night of restful sleep.
But he’s pulling on her arms, trying to arrange her into a different position.  She doesn’t resist, despite the way that curiosity bubbles up inside of her.  He’s pulling her into his lap, she realizes, her cheeks bright and burning like the sun.  He spreads his knees and centers her between them, and his arms wrap around the front of her body, holding her tight and holding her close.
Tifa can’t help the shiver that runs like an electrical current through her body, her back flush against the solid wall of his torso.  He responds by giving her a little squeeze, but once again, he underestimates his strength.  She hears her bones crack, but she doesn’t complain because he’s nuzzling the side of her throat with his nose. Tifa doesn’t care how many boundaries they’ve crossed.  All she wants is to feel like this forever.
“You sure you’re okay, Teef?” he asks her, and his breath is so hot against her skin that her pulse quickens.  His voice has taken on that gentleness that she never hears unless they are alone, and she knows that it’s only for her.  It makes her feel special, and the sound rides a slow vibration across her body, stiffening her nipples and raising the hair on her arms, pulsing between her thighs. His hands have dropped to her wrists, and he’s running them up and down her forearms, inspiring warmth and inspiring her fantasies, ones she’s been forced to face over the course of the last couple of weeks.  Tifa folds her legs under her and curls into his hold, wishing away the layers of this stupid uniform that keep them from being skin to skin.
“I’m okay,” is all she can manage, her voice so tiny she can barely hear it over the waves below.
Cloud does something then.  He presses his lips to her cheek, leaving her with a kiss that burns.  It shocks her, and as he drags the softness of his pretty mouth across her flesh, leaving her with a final peck against her earring where it dangles from her lobe, Tifa feels a wave of pleasure wash over her entire body.  She feels herself staining her underwear, and her cheeks are tinged by the sudden blood rush that is hitting her.  If he has any idea of what he’s doing to her, he doesn’t let on.
“I’m here,” he whispers in her ear.  “Get some sleep, Tifa.”
There’s a lustful possession in the way he says her name, and feeling the stiffness of his crotch behind her, Tifa realizes she’s affecting him the same way he affects her.  Kissing her face is the farthest he’ll allow it to go, but Tifa knows doubtlessly that something’s changed.
Irrevocably, she hopes.
She settles and lets herself lean into it. Cloud is hers, in ways she can’t say out loud, but he’s still here, the way he said he would be and the way he promised.  The stars sparkle in a sky that’s as purple as it is black, and it spills glitter all across the sea.  They are the last things that Tifa sees before she closes her eyes, inhaling the fresh scent of saltwater as she melts into Cloud’s hold.
She sleeps.
After that, they steal moments when they can - she leans against him in front of the flames of the Cosmo Candle, even holds his hand when they pass through the gates of Nibelheim, uncovering a pristine village that they both know should be ash. He meets her atop the water tower where he made his promise to her, and he reaffirms it with his arms around her and his lips on her forehead, letting her weep through the misery of memories that bleed and remind them both of what could have been and what will never be.
But they’ve had the luxury of inns and taverns throughout their journey, and Tifa always rooms with the girls.  They don’t share a bed, not daring to arouse the suspicions of their friends any more than they are stirred as it is.  They don’t have another opportunity to sleep together until days later, after they’ve passed through Mt. Nibel and they face another hundred miles to hike before they make it to Rocket Town.
Their party has grown by that point, and so they set up a real camp, a full fire blazing in its center.  Tifa cooks a meal from the rations they’ve collected, and they share rum from a canteen that Barret passes around while he and Aerith and Yuffie keep the conversation alive.  Vincent abandons them by the time the sky is black, and the girls are giggling and tipsy.  Tifa wants to join in on their camaraderie, but she’s still wearing the burden of their visit to Nibelheim, still can’t climb through the fog of sadness that has infected her heart. 
Cloud sits at her side, quiet the entire time. When their group is finally spent, the girls passing out in their sleeping bags inside their tents, Barret snoring at the farthest edge of their encampment and Red curled up in a ball in front of the fire, he turns to her.
“Ready for bed?”
The softness is in his voice again, and it’s carried by a suggestiveness that makes Tifa press her knees together.  She turns to him, her heart starting to pick up speed, and it careens out of beat when their eyes meet.  He’s looking at her expectantly, and she nods in response to his query.
Cloud pushes up to his feet, extending a hand to her.  She accepts it, and she rises, following him when he leads her towards his tent and leaving hers abandoned where it sits in a cluster with the girls on the opposite side of the fire.
They duck inside, and Tifa can’t slow the pace of her heart, can’t stop the way that her palms begin to sweat.  It’s even darker inside the tent, but she can see the bounce of starlight through its fabric. Cloud has already laid out his bedroll, and the blankets are strewn to one side.
He crouches and sits, unzipping his boots.  He removes his pauldron and harness, shoving all of it to one side.  Tifa sits across from him, and unsure of what else to do, unlaces her boots and dismantles her own armor.
Cloud is pulling away his gloves when their eyes meet in the darkness.  His left wrist is wrapped to the elbow in thick white gauze, and having never seen him without his gloves and armor, the sight catches Tifa’s attention.  Sliding her compression sleeves off to the side, she folds her legs under her and looks up at him as he rubs his wrist, almost as if in pain.
“Why is your arm bandaged like that?” she can’t help but ask.
Cloud is looking down at the offending arm, and he clenches his hand, flexing the muscles of his entire forearm.  Tifa studies his hands, and she realizes that they are beautiful.  His fingers are long and his skin looks soft, even though she can see the callouses under his palms.
His eyes narrow, a pinched expression crossing his face.  He refuses to meet eyes with her.
“I…” he starts, and Tifa watches his brows furrow further.  “Just an injury.  I usually let it breathe at night.”
He stops there, and Tifa feels the anxiety of his words unspool, thickening the air in this tiny tent that they are sharing.  It’s a little bit suffocating, and Tifa realizes that she’s become as in tune with his feelings as he is with hers.
All she wants to do is make him feel better.
She reaches forward, taking his wrist in her hand.  His are so much larger than hers are, and she realizes it truly when she sees them side by side like this, both of them finally gloveless.  Tifa scoots closer to him, and in the confines of this tiny tent, she’s nearly on top of him.  His breath hitches, but he doesn’t move, and Tifa is instantly comforted by his warmth that she can feel as she draws near.
“Let me help,” she says softly.
Cloud doesn’t protest, just relaxes his arm and lets it fall in her lap.  She knows that he’s watching her face when she brings her fingers to the strip of bandaging, knows he’s watching her intently as she unwraps it.
She works slowly, because her hands are trembling and her heart is racing.  She’s close to Cloud again in a way she’s been dreaming about since the night on the boat, and there’s something uniquely intimate about this act that she’s performing, stripping away this thin barrier that has shielded a vulnerability of his from her and everyone else. That he’s letting her in this close warms her soul, and Tifa feels the firefight of excitement dance throughout her body, realizing that almost all of the walls that Cloud had erected when they first reunited have melted away.
He’s always there for her, Tifa thinks.  Let her be there for him, too.
She unravels the bandaging and drops it off to the side with his gloves. Cloud’s no longer watching her face, instead has dropped his gaze and is looking away.  But Tifa is staring at his arm, unable to resist the impulse to reach out and run her fingers gently across his flesh.
The skin there is broken, puckered in places as if he had been stabbed and clawed at, maybe even prodded at with needles.  She can see the remnants of a faded blue and yellow bruise beneath the scabs, and Cloud flexes his hand again, bubbling his vein against his skin, his muscles straining.  
“What happened?” she asks him.
Cloud shrugs and his eyes lift again to meet hers.  There’s a pain living there that stabs at her, and Tifa realizes the hurt is far deeper than the surface of those wounds.  It comes from something deep inside of him, connected to his inability to recall certain memories, attached to hopelessness and a sense of loss and darkness he’s been muddled in since she discovered him in the rain.
It breaks Tifa’s heart.
She wants to take that pain away.  Without thinking, Tifa bends down, dropping her lips to his forearm.  She kisses all along the scars and the damage, every press gentle and soft.  She hears Cloud emit a tiny, surprised sound that is almost a sigh, but she doesn’t stop.  His skin is impossibly warm under her mouth, and Tifa suddenly wants to devour him.
Moments pass with her adoring him with affection this way before Cloud stops her, his free hand coming to her chin.  He pulls her gently, and Tifa sits back up, letting her eyes meet his.  Their faces are only inches apart at this point, and she can feel the heat of his breath when his lips part.
“Thank you,” he whispers to her before he kisses her.
Tifa doesn’t realize what’s coming until it happens - he leans in quickly, and then, his lips are on hers.  She feels the gentle press of his mouth on hers, and his lips are so impossibly soft that it feels like a dream, as if it isn’t real.  They are warm and so is Cloud, his arms falling around her body and pulling her into the heat of his embrace.
It’s Tifa’s first kiss, and it’s with Cloud, the boy she’s wanted to kiss since she was thirteen.  This thought flutters through her mind and she wonders idly if it’s his too, if he’s wanted to kiss her as long as she has wanted to share this simple act of affection with him.  Her thoughts spin, thousands of possibilities bubbling up her insecurities, but they are scattered when his too-strong arms squeeze and crush her against him, her ribcage feeling the brunt of it.
He doesn’t demand too much, even though Tifa can feel the tightly wound tension in his body that tells her he is eager for more.  Cloud is always so gentle with her, and even now, he doesn’t part his mouth too much or invade hers with his tongue, as badly as she wants to feel it.  All she feels is the heat of his lips and the hot line of wetness between them, and her core clenches, because she wants more more more.
She’s always wanted more with Cloud, and now their relationship is truly teetering beyond a border where, maybe, just maybe, despite the trauma and the tragedies that they share, she might be able to find it.
They break apart after a moment, and Cloud offers her the slightest hint of a smirk.  It’s warm, but Tifa sees the smugness behind it, and she knows he’s feeling a sense of triumph at stealing that first kiss from her.  It’s okay, because she feels the same.
His eyes pass over her body where she’s crouched in front of him, and Tifa doesn’t miss how they’ve shadowed into a midnight blue, the fervency of quiet lust embedded within.  It sets off the throb between her thighs, and she realizes that her nipples have hardened, and she’s eternally grateful that it’s too dark in here for him to notice such a detail.
She hopes.
“We should try to get some sleep,” he says tacitly, carefully pulling on her arms to guide her to lay down.
They settle next to each other on the bedroll, Tifa’s heart crashing like the hooves of horses against pavement inside her chest.  She rolls to her side, facing the flaps of the tent, which are slightly parted and let in a leak of starlight.  She curls into herself protectively, her body still alight from Cloud’s lips on hers.  She’s trying to tamp down her excitement, but there’s no denying the way that Cloud works her up.  She’s wet and pulsing between her thighs, her breasts are aching, and her heart hurts.
She wants him.
Cloud settles behind her, and she feels the firm wall of him and all of the heat he brings with him.  It doesn’t help the way that she is throbbing, but it’s worsened when he presses the front of his body to the back of hers and wraps one arm around her.  The other falls above her head, caging her against him, and Tifa is flooded by a blend of feelings, of safety and comfort and desire that threads through it all.
“Goodnight, Tifa,” he whispers into her ear, his breath skirting over her skin.  She can’t avoid the impulse to sigh in response, and she leans back, wanting to feel all of him.
And all of him is hard.
His chest, his abs, his bicep that is curled around her, his hand splaying over the exposed flesh of her belly - all of it is like a block of iron.  But it’s the hardest part of him that has Tifa’s attention, the stiffness of his erection pressing into her bottom and setting her bones on fire.  She bites into her bottom lip, feeling dizzy as the implications hit her.  She can’t stop herself from rolling her hips a little, feeling it jerk against her.  Cloud lets out a groan, dark and low and deep in his throat.
He pulls the covers over them and holds her closer.  His lips are suddenly on the back of her neck, trailing their way up and down, adoring her with soft kisses.  Tifa melts, squirming against him as she feels her clit throb every time he christens her with another blissful press of affection. She rubs her thighs together, but its no relief.  She’s wearing too many layers, and the parts of him that she wants so badly are nowhere near the parts of her she needs him the most.
“Go to sleep, Tifa,” he scolds her gently when she grinds back into him again.  He’s hooked his fingers under her tank and bra, and they brush against the underside of one breast as he whispers over her shoulder.  The combination of his words and his touch is enough to turn her into putty, and she bites even deeper into her lip to keep a moan from escaping.  This is embarrassing enough as it is, and her cheeks are on fire as she realizes that he knows exactly how she is feeling at this moment.  Knowing how perceptive Cloud is, she wonders if he knows how deep her desire for him runs, leaving her to ruin another pair of panties as she lays with fire running through her veins.
The only consolation, Tifa thinks, is that she knows he wants her too, every muscle in her belly snapping taut when he idly passes his thumb over her nipple.
But that’s the end of it.  He lets his hand rest just below her breast, but he doesn’t continue to touch her anymore suggestively after that.  He just holds her tight, his body a firm fortress behind her as he spoons her, his knees bent against hers.  He leaves his final kiss against her hair.
Tifa lets out a slow sigh, hoping some of the heated need that he’s wrought out of her will disappear so she can sleep.  Cloud is breathing quietly, letting himself fall into a light doze.  Tifa glances out of the gap in the tent’s flaps again, her eyes hooking onto the swath of galaxies that burn above.
She doesn’t just have a deep-seated crush on Cloud that started in the throes of girlhood.  She doesn’t just find him mind-blowingly attractive, doesn’t just appreciate his pretty face and infectious aquamarine eyes and that lean, chiseled body.  She doesn’t just care about him and worry about the way that he has changed.
She is in love with him.
It’s days later when Tifa gets to sleep next to Cloud again.
This time, they are both flushed when they stop running together, bright lights and loud music a cacophony around them.  Tifa’s head is swimming, she’s had too many cocktails and her cheeks are bright.  She’s giggling, and the sound is so foreign to her, but then, so is the happiness she feels as she squeezes his hand tight.
They’re at the Gold Saucer, and they are on their date.  The date that Tifa had shyly tried to set up for them back in Sector Seven that never materialized because Shinra and all of its madness got in their way.  But they had a reprieve during their second visit to the Gold Saucer, and while every part of her was brimmed over with diffidence at the prospect, she was burning from the inside out with desire for Cloud.
So she gently brought it up again - shyly asking him if he wanted to spend the night finally celebrating their reunion the way that they had agreed just a few short weeks ago.  She hadn’t been prepared for the way that Cloud smiled and nodded eagerly, and without a moment’s hesitation, she was pulling him by the wrist and he was following her with his eyes trained on the back of her body.
They dance and they drink, and they hold hands as they make their way through the squares.  They’d both shed their gloves and armor before they went out, and Tifa is comforted by the firm warmth of his hand clasped around hers.  They play games at Wonder Square and Cloud is terrible at everything except motorcycling and snowboarding.  Tifa laughs when he fouls at basketball, and when it’s her turn, she wins a stuffed chocobo and gives it to him, his face as bright and red as a honeycrisp apple.
It’s late when they finally return to the hotel, and Tifa is so tipsy and full of unbridled joy that she isn’t even perturbed by the ghosts this time.  Cloud’s no longer holding her hand but holding her waist, keeping her close to him.  She likes the way it feels, subtle notes of possession beneath his gloveless fingertips that dig into the soft curve of flesh under her ribs.  People notice them as they walk by together, and Tifa catches their smiles.  They must think that they are a couple, and she wishes that they were.
She wonders.
Cloud walks her to her room.  She’s sharing with Aerith and Yuffie, and she hesitates by the door.  He lowers his hand from her waist and scratches the back of his head, and Tifa realizes that his cheeks are stained pink when he finally looks at her.
“I, uh, had fun tonight,” he manages, the highlights on his cheeks brightening and causing Tifa to flush in tandem.
“Me too,” she blurts, and suddenly, Tifa doesn’t want this night to end.  She doesn’t want to go in her room, doesn’t want to deal with Aerith and Yuffie’s line of questions, who both insisted they were going to stay up and wait for her so they could hear all about it.  She just wants to stay with him, to feel his lips again and to kiss him the way that they’d kissed a few nights ago outside of Nibelheim, the place where their pasts and futures had burned.
The Cosmo Canyons she’d sipped all night must be getting to her because she can’t stop herself from acting on impulse.  She rises up on her toes, clumsily reaching for his shoulders, and she kisses him.
Cloud is surprised - she hears it in the little gasp he makes - but after that, his hands are now both on her waist, holding her and keeping her from tumbling or falling over as she leans into him.  This time, their kiss starts as a soft press but quickly deteriorates into something messy and hot and swift as Tifa darts her tongue out.  Cloud doesn’t shy away from her advances, and he gaps his lips, letting her in.  Their tongues meet, and the instant the tip of his touches hers, Tifa feels the familiar, white-hot spark hit the most sensitive parts of her body - a sizzle and a zap across her tits and along the seam of her pussy.  She presses her body against his, aching for him.
They’re embroiled in a wet twist of passion like that for a moment longer, and finally needing air, Tifa breaks away.  Cloud’s eyes are hooded when he opens them again, and the swirl of colors in his irises is bright.  Tifa blinks, thinking she can see the stars there, like diamonds in the sky.
He glances at the door to her room, then back to her face.  Tifa knows what he is thinking, because she’s thinking the same.
She nods.
Cloud lowers his hands from her waist and takes her hand, and he turns away, leading her down the carpeted hall.  She ignores the spooky music that drawls from the overhead speakers and the flicker of candlelight from the torches burrowed into the walls.  Tifa ignores everything around her, except for the boy in front of her, the boy that she has loved for so, so long, who makes her body sing, who makes her feel alive, and who makes her forget how broken and damaged she is inside.
Cloud takes her to his room at the end of the hall.  He hates bunking with the other guys. Barret snores too loudly, Nanaki is always underfoot, Cid fills the air with smoke and Vincent just disappears anyway.  So he has his own room, and Tifa is suddenly more grateful for this than anything in recent memory.
He pulls her inside and locks the door behind them.  The room is small, but it’s furnished like all the others, blood-red carpets and dim candlelight, the bed outfitted in black iron that matches the grates on the windows.  The curtains are thrown open, inviting the multitude of colors that shine in from beyond, the Gold Saucer a place that never sleeps.
It makes her a little sad, because with all the light pollution here, she can’t see the stars.
Cloud seems to know what she’s thinking, because he closes the curtains, shadowing the room and keeping the kaleidoscope of rainbow colors at bay.  He turns to face her, and Tifa can see that his lips are still wet from their kiss.
His voice is so low, and it reawakens the ache that she felt stirred moments ago in the hallway.  He steps closer to her, and her head swims as she tries to remember how many drinks she actually had tonight.  She’s not sure if it’s the alcohol or the way that she’s so crazy about this boy that’s making her dizzy, but either way, she doesn’t complain or fight it when his hands come up to her face and he’s kissing her again.
This time, there’s a wildness in their connection.  That Cloud initiates this kiss colors the encounter differently, and his possession and dominance contribute to the sudden frenzy they find themselves in. Tifa moans into his mouth, relenting when his tongue finds hers, dancing against it, its firm point sliding against the softest part of hers.  She’s getting wet again, and her clit is throbbing and she’s pulsing from the inside out for him, finding herself desperate for relief from a tenseness that’s been building for weeks.
He knows, because he breaks their kiss and picks her up with his hands under her ass and drops her on the center of the bed.  She bounces lightly against the mattress, and already she misses the soft heat of his mouth.  But he’s crawling over her, his body a cage that shields her from the rest of the world, and all she can see is him, his beautiful porcelain face and ultramarine eyes and soft blond hair.
Her knees fall open.
Cloud isn’t one to rush, even though his breathing has quickened to the point that he’s nearly panting.  He pauses as he hovers, the tops of his cheeks pink, and Tifa blushes too as she realizes that his eyes are roving her.  He’s drinking her in, appreciating everything she has to offer as she lays so wantonly below him.  She feels unmasked by him, as if all her secrets and the sins of her desires have been laid bare.
“You’re beautiful,” he professes in a whisper.
It’s not the first time he’s told her this, but she’s blushing even harder nonetheless.  The last time he shared this sentiment with her, he’d been smirking and smug.  But this time, he’s sincere and soft, and the look in his eyes betrays something like reverence.
It melts her, only makes the electricity that’s sparking every nerve ending burn harder, because she realizes that he doesn’t only want her, but he needs her.
Maybe he even loves her.
Tifa doesn’t have time to ruminate on that too much, because Cloud is kissing her again.  It’s just as desperate as it had been moments ago, but he’s working even more purposefully now.  Every curl and twist of his tongue works with the aim to please, and his hand is on her breast, giving it a careful squeeze.
Somehow, Tifa is coming out of her clothes.  Her top and bra are discarded, both pulled over her head and tossed aside.  She tries to cover herself - she’s never let anyone see her naked before, and she doesn’t want him to see the nasty scar that Sephiroth left her with.  But Cloud kisses her again and whispers in her ear.
“Every part of you is beautiful,” he tells her, pulling her arms away and dashing away her insecurities with a kiss to her scar.
He thumbs a nipple while his lips reconnect with hers, and Tifa rolls her hips up towards his, feeling the stiff ridge of his erection trapped at the front of his pants.  The movement causes him to groan, and Cloud pinches her nipple, dropping his lips to her neck.  Tifa gasps and curves her head to one side, freeing up the expanse of her throat so that he can suck and kiss and nip at the column of it.  She arches her back, feeling her clit throb desperately while her panties grow damp. 
Cloud moves lower.  The tips of his fingers draw circles over both nipples, and his mouth is now at her clavicle.  His touch is so listless and soft that it drives Tifa wild, her body writhing in time with every strum of his rough hands against her sensitive peaks.  She’s leaking and she wants to feel more, an ache below that she’s familiar with and has only ever tried to satisfy with her own hesitant touch.
But now she has him, the boy who has always inspired these feelings in her, and she needs him to satisfy it. Badly.
He must know because he’s moving further south.  His mouth finds her nipples, sucking each one into firm peaks until she’s forced to moan, unable to stop the way fire screams along her limbs from the sensation.  Tifa never paid much attention to her breasts before, but being with Cloud these last few weeks made her painfully aware of the way he could make them ache, and his kisses and sucks and nips have her pussy so wet and the pleasure so bright inside her tummy that she wants to cry.
Cloud’s hands find her waist, working at the buckles of her skirt.  He’s a little bit clumsy and uncoordinated, but he isn’t discouraged by this fact.  In fact, he only grows more demanding any time he meets the resistance of leather or fabric, and by the time he gets to her panties, he’s tearing them.
Tifa shivers when she is fully naked and exposed under him.  He hooks his fingers into her stockings, toying with the fabric as he lowers himself between her thighs.  He glances up at her, his eyes glowing bright with the viridian blaze of mako, and she feels her cheeks burn when their gazes connect.  He smirks and she bites her lips, and then he drops his lines of sight to her spread core.
Tifa isn’t sure how to react.  She’s never been like this with anyone before, in fact, she can count the number of times she’s indulged her own impulses on one hand, every time connected with thoughts about him.  But she’s let it get to this point - naked and trembling under him - and she realizes that there is no turning back and despite her fear, she wants this, no, she needs it, so, so badly.
“Beautiful,” he praises her for the third time that night.
Tifa can’t handle it.  She blushes so brightly that she has to cover her face with her hands, unable to stare down at him and his smirk any longer.  Cloud just kisses her hip bone in response, though, and the next thing she knows, he’s touching her.
He starts by petting her folds, his touch gentle and careful as if he’s afraid to hurt her.  The tentative awkwardness of his movements tells Tifa that he’s just as inexperienced as she is, and though she finds this difficult to believe, she has to admit that she is comforted by it.  She wants to be his one and only, because she already knows he’s the only one she’ll ever have.
Cloud grows a little more curious, experimenting with the touch of his fingers on her.  Tifa closes her eyes and waits, hoping desperately that he’ll find her aching button, and soon.  He dips a little inside of her, just enough to drag out a thick stream of her wetness so he can roll it up and over her slit.  
Just a little higher, she screams in her mind.
Cloud kisses the inside of her thigh, and Tifa can’t help the heavy sigh that falls from her lips.  Everything about Cloud is so soft, even his kisses so close to an intimate part of her are handled with a gentleness that makes her dissolve.  But when his finger raises and finally finds her clit, she rewards him with a bright moan.
“Cloud,” she calls, lifting her head from the pillow, her nub filled with blood and engorged by now.  “Right there, please…”
Tifa’s voice breaks off into a whine, and her body is as tight as a bowstring as she waits.  Cloud offers her a hint of a smile, holding her eyes as two firm fingers stroke the side of her clit.  He draws circles over it, and Tifa tosses her head back again, closing her eyes and letting out a dark, needy whimper.
Cloud takes great joy in playing with her clit, Tifa realizes, and the more sounds she makes, the bolder he gets.  He wets the pads of his fingers inside of her, Tifa arching her back as he presages a taste of the fullness another part of him can provide her. He runs his fingers in a downward line over her sore, aching spot.  He swipes his fingers across it in back and forth movements, and Tifa tosses her head from side to side, feeling a puddle of lava surge deep in her belly.  He rubs the tip of her clit where it peeks out at him from beneath its hood, and Tifa is whining again, chewing her lip in an attempt to keep from crying out too loudly. 
Cloud stops, staring up at her, and Tifa feels her core clench and her clit pulse in anticipation.  She opens her eyes again and stares down at him through her lashes, her chest rising and falling with every quick, heavy breath that she takes.  Cloud’s eyes meet hers with a sparkle, and he kisses her inner thigh just once before he leans in and presses his lips to her clit.
Tifa rolls her hips and lets out another loud moan, and Cloud shushes her, his breath and the vibrations of his voice attacking her hot, swollen nub.  It makes everything worse, and Tifa raises her arm to her face, biting into the flesh above her wrist to stifle her noise.  Cloud is only encouraged by her responsive display, because he holds her thighs down and open with both hands before his tongue goes to work on her clit.
It’s impossible for Tifa to silence her sounds.  Even muffled by her arm, her keens and whimpers escape, his name floating from her lips in huffed intervals.  Cloud is lapping at her clit, massaging it up and down with the flat of his tongue, flicking it back and forth with the firm tip of it.  The coil in her belly tightens, and Tifa plunges into the feeling, letting the release she’s wanted to share with him for weeks now build in every muscle.  She strains to reach for it as she feels the wires of electricity expand inside of her nerves, tears pooling the corners of her eyes as it draws close.  Her whines of his name become unintelligible, and Cloud notices, because he looks up at her and smirks before he begins to suck on her clit.
That is all it takes.  The crescendo quickly builds, and Tifa feels herself on the edge of the cliff, ready to fall.  The sensation of his lips wrapped so tightly around that tiny, sensitive part of her, working so feverishly to please her, only helps the euphoria peak that much more quickly.  She’s wanted this so bad for so long that now that she has it, her mind has whited out with disbelief that blends with the pleasure he spoils her with.  Cloud hums against her, and Tifa breaks, crying his name in a burst as her fingers surge into his hair and she holds him there while she rides every wave.
At some point, it ends.  Tifa is spent, her breathing ragged and thin.  Cloud pulls his lips away from her skin with a small pop, and it leaves her trembling.  He crawls up beside her, taking her into his arms as he kisses her forehead and she tries to remember who and where she is.
“You okay?” he asks her, and she realizes these are her two favorite words in the world.
“Mhm,” is all she musters.  She leans closer to him, and when their bodies collide, she realizes he is still as hard as a rock against her hip.  It brings her back to reality a little bit, and she looks up at him, finding his eyes still wild with desire even though he hasn’t made another move yet.
It’s her turn to smirk.  Tifa offers him the most playful look she can garner, her inhibitions blunted by the remnants of alcohol in her blood and the afterglow of her orgasm that has her still trembling.  She leans in to kiss him, his lips slick and tasting like her.  She crawls over him, forcing him to lie back, her hands dropping to drag his sweater out of his pants so she can pull it over his head.  Cloud moves in tandem with her, letting her take control.
Tifa tosses the sweater aside and doesn’t shy away from admiring Cloud’s sculpted torso.  Plenty of times she’d been pressed close enough to him to feel every smooth line of muscle here, and she’d be lying if she said she never observed the way his pectorals were defined against the tight fabric of his sweater.  But this is her first time seeing the carved perfection of his body- sinew and muscle smooth and almost architectural in its design, beautiful pale skin puckered with scars that make her own pale in comparison.  She can’t resist the urge to touch, her fingers following the story that his body tells, tracing the slash above his heart.
Cloud’s breathing has grown heavy by now, and Tifa knows that he is eager for her to please him the way he pleased her.  And she intends to, in fact, just the thought of it has her growing warm and wet again despite how sated she is.  She wants to please this man so badly, wants to show him just how much she wants and needs him, how he is everything to her, and how she will do anything to make sure he knows it.
She goes to unbuckle his pants, pulling down his zipper.  Her nerves kick in then, and Cloud senses her hesitation.  His hand comes up to the side of her face, stroking her cheek gently, his fingers catching into the threads of her hair. It calms her, and Tifa exhales, reaching into his boxers and finding his cock.
She blushes as soon as she pulls it out, finding it long and thick and leaking at the tip.  It’s strained from lack of stimulation, its head bright red.  Cloud groans as soon as she touches him, closing his eyes.
Tifa’s never seen anything like this before, has never come close to doing anything like this.  But Cloud’s reactions are enough of a guide for her, and she strokes him with one hand, her heart beating faster and faster the more he moans and lifts his hips from the bed.
It thrills her to know that she is the one to reduce him to a writhing, whining puddle like this.
Wanting to repay his affection, she leans over and takes the head of his cock into her mouth.  She licks away the salty liquid, sliding her tongue between his split.  Cloud moans, and his fingers tighten in her hair.  She lowers her mouth and starts to suck, unsure of what she’s doing but making her best attempt anyway.
Moments pass with Cloud moaning and grunting, and suddenly, he’s pulling her back by her hair and angling his hips away from her.  Confused at first, Tifa leans up and wrinkles her nose, wondering what she’s done wrong.  But then she watches as Cloud empties on the mattress, a thick stream spurting out of him as he quietly moans her name.  Tifa blushes, but she feels like a queen inside.  
Some time passes while he collects himself, and once his breathing has calmed, Cloud reaches for the tissues on the bedside table to clean up his mess.  He rights his pants, then immediately slides closer to Tifa, pulling her close to him.  She’s still naked except for her thigh-highs, and when her breasts press against the warmth of his chest, all she can do is coo and sigh contently.
“You’re amazing, Tifa,” he whispers into her hair as he pulls the sheets around them.
Tifa laughs happily in response.  There are so many things she wants to say, but she’s afraid of every word.  The feelings he’s unearthed in her run deeper than anything she could have imagined before he returned to her in Midgar.  There was no separating herself from Cloud, and she loves him more purely and desperately than she ever thought possible.
She closes her eyes, inhaling his scent, her brain flooded with endorphins.  Now isn’t the time, she thinks.  She’ll tell him soon.
It’s the last time she sleeps with him.
The next time Tifa sleeps with Cloud, she’s weeping.
She’s weeping because he doesn’t respond to her.  He doesn’t look at her, and when his eyes are open, they are dead, the bright lights behind that crash of blue and green extinguished.  He doesn’t smile or smirk, doesn’t quip at her or roll his head to one side or call her name with that gentle softness that sends loose butterflies in her tummy.  He doesn’t cross his arms over his chest or tap his foot in frustration.  And he doesn’t hold her or kiss or touch her, the way that she had come to rely on and crave.
Things had gone downhill after they ventured to the Temple of the Ancients, and the lingering instability that Tifa had detected in Cloud weeks ago careened out of control.  It was followed by a succession of destruction and tragedy, and soon, they lost him.
She’s found him again - in the village of Mideel, locked in a sanitarium. While their friends worry about the world, Tifa makes the decision to worry about him.
He’s the only thing that matters.
She curls up at his side on his gurney, feeling his body tremble beside her.  She’s reminded of the way she laid beside him that first night in the slums, after she found him at the train station, his brain as mako-adled as it is now.  That night, she’d laid him atop her bed, watching his brow crease as he shook with confusion, and she’d laid beside him, praying he would wake out of it.
Now, she lays beside him, thinking about all of the nights that they spent together - the nights they never spoke of once the sun had come up and the stars faded away.  Over the course of that time, Tifa’s feelings bloomed and burst, until she was hopelessly in love with him and wished that she knew how deeply he returned her feelings.  But they both stayed silent, sharing their feelings with touch and never with words.
It had been a mistake, she realizes.
Tifa wraps her arms around Cloud, holding him tight in her arms.  He moans something nonsensical, and tears run in hot trails down her cheeks. Yet she clutches him even harder, refusing to ever let him go, even if he never speaks to her again.
He’s all that matters, and she holds on to the memories of the intimate moments that they’ve shared, all the times they slept at each other’s sides and held one another tight, when their lips were sealed together and their mutual touch brought fire out of their skin.
She wishes they had talked about it.
(Ao3 Link Below)
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steam-powered-chaos · 3 months
Chapter 12 (Frozen Storm)
Orion sighed, turning his back to M’eudail, slipping his sword into its holster, attaching it to his belt, pulling out a flintlock pistol and a dagger, pausing to stroke his thumb gently against the red gem in the handle, before pushing them both into his belt and turning back to M’eudail, his eyes shadowed from the rising of the blue moon. He pulled his coat onto his shoulders, tensing when M'eudail touched his arm with a soft expression in his eyes, filled with pity and pain. "Orion... I'm sorry." Orion looked at him, kneeling down and cupping his face in his hands gently, fingers drifting over the smooth, cold scales of the mer's cheeks, before hugging him, shaking his head. "You have nothing to be sorry about M'eudail... Come on, we're going to save your husband." The captain scooped M'eudail up, shivering as the mer's cold tentacles flailed and gripped around his waist for support, carrying him out onto the deck where the cool night air hit them both. The crew milled around, teeming with anticipation at the thought of a good bit of violence, and Orion looked up when his shoulder was tapped, eyes softening at the sight of his first mate. "Captain, I'll take care of the crew whilst you're gone... take care, please." He nodded, calling out his goodbyes to the crew, fully aware he may not make it out alive, before his eyes met familiar black ones. "Sunny Bashra." He shook her hand firmly, and the two shared unspoken words, before the captain lowered M'eudail into the water as the three set off, the mer drifting silently through the water, the human walking in the side-streets and alleys, and Orion, high above, walking across the roof, as they moved to the procession.
Helio was at the head, beside a stranger Orion didn't recognise, from the hood covering his face, and some of the crew, the ones that still supported the corrupted captain, carrying Skygg in a water tank, who lay curled up at the bottom, silent except for the occasional, mournful and tragic wail to the sky, and Orion noticed the way in which M'eudail tensed at the sound, looking ready to spring at the man harming his lover. The three continued to follow silently, as the oil lamps were turned on, as the festival began, and the captain hesitated. Could he really go back here? To the place which had only held suffering for him, to the place where his life had ended? But then again, he thought to himself, this was also the place where he became who he really was... A pirate, through and through. He shook his thoughts away, realising he had almost lost the trail in his pondering, skipping across a few roofs to catch up again. Confused crowds parted in the streets to let the group through, gawking curiously at Skygg as he hid his face behind his tail, and the stranger and Helio made their way to the main stage, right in the town square. The stranger said something to Helio that none of the group could quite catch, although it quickly became clear when Helio shoed the mayor off the stage, staring blankly into the shocked crowds, swaying on his feet slightly. Orion's eyes flicked towards M'eudail, where he had dove into a barrel to watch, shaking with anger, and then to Sunny, who had concealed herself in an alleyway, slowly drawing her sword. The stranger tapped the microphone, chuckling. "Is this thing on? Very good.. Now, everyone, you see this man before you! Once a proud, loyal pirate, turned corrupted by this merman's song! This alone, shows the danger magic has upon our society." The crowd muttered to each other, though Orion noticed with dismay some nods in agreement. He went to step forward, but paused himself, not wanting to ruin the plan now that they had come so far.
"However, my people, I know the cure to this man's ailment! The blood of this mer will cure him, and blood I shall give him, with this knife!" The stranger drew the blade, the ruby in the hull glinting in the moonlight, as a shadow passed over the rising moon. As he laughed, there were... cheers from the crowd, but not only that, but booing too, some having noticed the clouds slowly covering the moon, taking it as a warning from the goddess they were supposed to be celebrating. The stranger drew his pistol, shooting those who voiced their displeasure the loudest, pocketing it once again, as the cheers rose from the increasing fear. He grinned, and Helio silently reached into the tank, lifting Skygg by the tail and holding him up as he struggled to breath without the water's comfort around him. Then Orion gave the signal, lunging down from the roof and yelling a battle cry. M'eudail grabbed the nearest men, throwing them into the surrounding ocean, while Sunny kicked and slashed at anyone who tried to hold her down, and the captain made his way to the stage. He drew his gun silently, pointing it at the stranger, then at Helio, before he stopped. Helio's eyes, despite being tinted with a greenish sheen, still had that sad, desperate look to them, looking so familiar to the man who Orion used to- no- continued to love, and he began to lower his gun, sharing a silent look with the terrified merman at the front. "Kill him." He froze at the sound of the order from the stranger, and didn't have time to move before Helio jumped on him, holding him down and pressing his thumb deep into the still healing wound on his throat, as Orion struggled to push him off. He hit him with the back of the gun, and the two men stayed locked in the other's embrace, lips barely inches apart, before Orion let out a sob, his resistance faltering from the pain in his neck. Helio grinned, lifting the knife, and the captain realised that it was his anniversary gift, kept despite the pain the two had caused each other. As the corrupted captain stared down at his former husband, ready to drive the killing blow, he stopped, a tear slipping down his cheek and onto Orion's, mingling their tears together.
He shook his head, dropping the knife, before he was shoved aside by the stranger, kicking him in the chest and going to stab Orion in the heart, and Orion realised his hood had fallen. Thomas Stormturner stared at Orion with disgust, malice, and pure joy, and the two brothers could only stare at each other for a moment, one fearful, the other prepared to kill. Orion finally got an answer to his question, the answer he never got from his mother. His brother hated him, and now he was going to kill him. He squeezed his eyes shut, gasping in pain as his brother forced them open again, hissing lowly. "Eyes open, dearest brother," He spat, "I want to see the full fear on your face when I kill you, and I want to see the light drain from those pretty eyes of yours.." He was torn away from Orion, as Helio grabbed Thomas, holding him down by the shoulders as he struggled and kicked. Skygg was laying on the stage, trying to crawl back into the tank. His throat has been cut slightly, in the confusion, and Orion noticed the blade driving into Helio's heart. He barely noticed the ragged scream of grief escaping his throat, as he could only watch in horror as Helio slumped, being pushed onto his back as his heart was cut out, ruby red and still pumping, lifted high by Thomas while he fled with Helio's heart in his hand, and Orion continued, to scream, not having noticed the blood slowly gushing from his leg where he had been slashed.
Orion Stormturner fell unconscious, leaving the battered, confused, but relieved to see that Skygg was now safe, three to carry him back to his ship in a hurry, leaving Helio's empty body behind to be collected after.
Thomas retreated onto his own ship, holding the burning hot heart in his hands, feeling how it continued to pump without its body, before he pushed it into a jar, chuckling, as he sailed away. He was victorious, and had gained a power far stronger than anything a mer's death could have given him.
After all, the heart of a god was not something to be trifled with.
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file-unknown24 · 1 year
my narrator(s)
ok, so, my narrator is a bit of a shapeshifter, he has many forms though the original "form" is him as a voice it's kind of like the sander sides where they are all him but are their own person too basically they have some traits that are emphasized
there's the more caring one (almost like a father)
the workaholic
the meaner one
and the one who's a bit like a child
(this is how i think of him please don't try to fight me)
and then there's the lovebug
now, i have drawn them but i can't really show you them because they're on paper so i'll describe them (and if you want to name them i think i'll try to do a poll if we get a lot of different names and people) so, for now i'll be calling them
father nar
work nar
rude nar
kid nar
and lovebug until they have real names
so, father nar has a bit of a drawing i've done on tumblr but i've changed it a bit (you can find the post by clicking on my profile)
but anyways, he's got wings that have the adventure line as the... i don't know the name of it so, the actual wing part and then it has normal feathers he wears a sweater vest over a button up and shorts he also has medium length hair with one blond strand in the front, a bowtie and rectangle glasses
(so basically the same just not all spacey and doesn't have the demon wings and all of them have the adventure line in their design as well as yellow glasses that are rectangles and their eyes look kind of robotic with no white part that's all black and yellow eyes that have a light glow)
and for work nar he has a blazer over a turtle neck on the turtleneck there's the adventure line wrapping around it and he has dress pants and shoes and his hair is mostly to one side and goes right about to his chin in length (also basically the same just now has the adventure line)
now the ones that don't have a drawing online of
rude nar has shaved sides and his hair in a bun he has pointed ears horns and demon wings he wears a button up with a tie and long dress pants that partly cover his feet and his tail is the adventure line
kid nar isn't really a kid of course they just act like a kid sometimes he is more of the narrator's "bad traits" more like how he's lonely and he has insecurities and how he has abandonment issues so he's clingy and the part that really makes him like a child is how he doesn't know things and is oblivious but for appearance he's very simple, he looks like one of dream's blobs but he changes his face showing emotion and has arrow glasses that show his mood like when he's upset the arrows point down and when he's confused one goes up and the other goes down funny that out of all of them so far the one that's very simple took the most
for the lovebug they are like @blackkatdraws narrator is kind of how i picture them though i drew them like a taller version of work nar they have longer hair that goes to their shoulders heart glasses butterfly wings with hearts and the adventure line as a rim (i feel they're like shignold from don't hug me i'm scared (dhmis) i feel that just really fits the lovebug's whole thing) they have antenna that are the adventure line and they have two extra arms coming from their torso they are wearing a sleave-less crop top turtleneck with a heart on it leggings and knee high boots and they have bracelets on each wrist and pink eyes instead of the yellow ones
also the narrator for his original "form" can make hands and eyes the hands just float and he usually puts an eye on the hand he can make eyes anywhere but knows that them just floating or on the walls is creepy so he sticks to them being on his hand and on the hand is a ring on his pointer that's the adventure line
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neopuppy · 3 years
Dive Into You: Part 4.(M)
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Preview: “What brings you into confession today?”
Pastor Lee’s voice sounds through the small wooden booth around you. Uncomfortably shifting in your seat when the reality of confessing your sins to the one who brought them into this world settles.
“Pastor… what does the bible say about pre-marital sex with two brothers?”
“At the same time?!” Pastor Lee spits out abruptly, gagging on his words.
“Separately Pastor!”
Pairing: brothers Jeno/Haechan x female reader
Word Count: 4k
Genre: pwp, church boys AU, smut, love triangle, brothers nohyuck, a little angsty
Warning: sacrilegious themes, explicit language, master manipulator Haechan, innocent Jeno, corruption, cheating, religious innuendos
Smut Warning: dry humping, fingering, in public setting
Part 1–>
Part 2–>
Part 3–>
“Oh my gosh goodness, that woman is old enough to be his mother!” Your mother gasps, hand over her chest. Haechan strutting into mass with, quite frankly a woman old enough to be his mother. Scantily clad in a tight skimpy hardly there dress. Arm securely draped around her waist. Your jaw falls open following where he leads her into a pew. Both Mark and Jeno sharing looks, back and forth between you and Haechan. Mumbling whispers erupting throughout the crowd of church-goer’s gathered.
“Isn’t that woman just a bit too mature for Pastor Lee’s son?” A voice behind you whispers. Conversations sparking around faster. Pastor Lee awestruck at the podium, slack jawed similar to you and others questioning what Haechan is doing. Your mother scoffing eavesdropping in on everyone muffling their words.
“That is just disappointing. Such a promising young man, wasting his time with an old whore like that.” She lets out a sound in dismay. Never noticing how you hide your face behind the scripture for today's mass. If you muted everyone's speaking enough, sure enough, you’d be able to hear your heartbreaking this very moment. Blinking away hot tears threatening to pass over the rims of your eyes.
Your mother may have not noticed, but that didn’t mean the altar boys missed the way you sunk into your seat. Sadness taking over your features as Haechan relaxed in the pew across from you. Arm around this woman’s shoulders, large smirk displayed. Jeno and Mark gave you many warnings, too many. Your stubborn fault for not listening…always insisting to do things your way. Maybe this was how life worked? How could you have expected a guy like Haechan to want you for more than sex?
Your eyes lift to the ominous cross hung above the altar where you let Haechan commit sin with your body. This church becoming more like a place to drag your mind through hell than anything. Ah, but what was really the point in letting yourself get upset over this? He used you, like some brainless naive idiot you danced along to the pied pipers fiddle.
With a few rapid blinks you return to stare at the floor until this dragging mass ends. Catching Jeno’s gaze before you land on the dirty brown itchy carpet. His lips part open, surprised when your eyes lock on each other. The question passing through his mind all too obvious in his stare. A silent ‘are you ok?’ that you didn’t even deserve from him.. Forcing a smile, your eyes end on the floor, defeated. What if Jeno was the angel on your shoulder that you turned a muted ear to? Turning the volume up for the devil on your other side. Consequences, that’s what the bible was all about wasn’t it? Learning your lesson and living with the aftermath.
Eve bit into the apple of temptation, you were no different.
“Father Lee insisted we provide fruit along with baked goods. Health is wealth!” Your mother slaps an apple in your palm. Turning to greet approaching bodies with a shining bright small. Like a wire hanger was propped in her mouth.
“Watermelon! My favorite!” Mark’s brows wiggle, picking up a plate of vibrant fruit. “The fruit of salvation. You know fruit represents, pleasures.. overindulgence, temptation.”
Mark holds up a slice of bright red watermelon. Pale light in the bible room dimming it’s flavorful beauty. Admiring it as if it’s the best thing in the world. He takes a large bite, avoiding seeds. Juice spilling down his chin, speaking between chews- “Can’t always agree with the bible I guess.”
“That’s shocking coming from you..” you look at the apple in hand. Thumb rubbing over a bruise developed on the red yellow coating.
“Nothings perfect right? Only God is perfect. Look at that apple, bruised but still serves a purpose. Sort of like us, we have our flaws but we’re doing our best.” Mark shrugs, devouring the rest of his watermelon.
“You’re pretty logical when you’re not quoting Samael 6:66 all the time.” You smile, earning the jaw drop from Mark as expected.
“Now that is just blasphemous, you little harlot!” Mark scoffs. Damn finger waving about in front of your nose. “Jesus said..”
“Save the quote, I’m not seeing the gates of heaven anytime soon.” You quietly interrupt Mark. Setting down the apple with the other fruits. Some more pristine then others, none perfect. How could perfection be defined anyway..
“I’m pretty sure my invitation to the sky above got revoked years ago.” Perfection spoke up. Jeno standing by, catching the tail end of your conversation. Hands shoved into the pockets of his tight black jeans. Form hugging black t-shirt tucked in. Defined trimmed waist leading down to sculpted long legs. Physique of a God if you’d ever seen one.
“Gods for sure not the only perfect being..” you mumble under your breath. Mark and Jeno’s eyes both lifting to you curiously. Smiling, shrugging off a response. “Well I’m sure you redeemed yourself with all that bible camp stuff. God loves shit like that.”
“Does he now?” Jeno’s arms cross over his chest. Forehead wrinkling in surprise. Mark muttering into another bite of fruit how you needed to stop cursing all the time.
“He doesn’t communicate with me, but I’d imagi-…” Haechan’s loud laughter cuts your speech off. Entering the room with that woman old enough to be his mother. Pulling them closer to the table filled with coffee, pastries, fruits. Shifting side to side anxiously as they near, stomach bubbling in.. embarrassment? Was it because Mark and Jeno knew?..or could at least assume very well.
“Aw nono, you already changed out of your cute little altar boy get up? Wanted to introduce my girl to my cute innocent little brother. Now you just look like hot topic threw up on you or something.” Haechan pokes at Jeno. Smirk plastered across his face. Jeno’s ‘fuck off’ reply coming in like garbled words.
My girl?! My girl? All of a fucking sudden? Hag. Haechan wasn’t even sparing you a glance. If he was trying to make it clear there was nothing between the two of you- he didn’t need to try much harder. Accepting the situation the best to your abilities or not wasn’t going to stop the rush of tears attempting to streak down your face. A quick spin had you racing out of the church, Jeno’s neck snapping catching sight of your back exiting.
“You’re such a dick Haechan.” Shoving past his older brother, Jeno pushes past a few bodies. Running out of church behind you.
“I didn’t watch the porn because there was a watermelon in it…BUT there was a watermelon in it…” Mark’s eyes lift expecting to see you and Jeno. Too engrossed in his favorite snack. Haechan staring at him dumb founded.
“This is exactly why I don’t believe in God.” Haechan’s head shakes, teeth clicking. Nudging the woman at his side to agree with him. “He’s my distant cousin. Emphasis on distant.”
“Hey! Wait up!” Jeno catches up to you easily. Long legs sprinting out faster than you were moving. Hand wrapping around your arm, revealing your wet tear stained face with a turn. His face instantly falling, chest moving up and down returning to a regular breathing pace.
“It’s ok..” hands lift covering your face. You should be accustomed to this sensation of embarrassment by now. Hunching in, sobbing harder the more it settles in. Humiliating deeper because it wasn’t some secret you could live with. Jeno knew exactly how easily you walked into his brothers trap.
His hands shook, staying still in the air near your head. Internally resisting the immediate urge to comfort you. Arms dropping, hands flopping down by his sides. Lips pursing annoyed he couldn’t bring himself to even touch you. The fact was- you weren’t interested in him. You were another broken girl, crying at his feet over Haechan. Ignoring the stinging pain in his chest, from watching you break down. From knowing why you were in such pain. Who knew either way, Jeno wasn’t going to admit it.
“I can.. take you home..”
His delicate rasp reaches your ears past muffled cries. Pouting, rubbing your palms across wet heated cheeks. Reminding yourself in the back of your mind how you probably looked like shit. The last way you’d prefer for Jeno to see you, not that it mattered.
“Don’t wanna go home..” you sigh into your hands, shoulders shaking trying to control yourself. “Dad’s home..”
Jeno looks around, eyes falling on his bike under a large tree. Shaded from the bright daytime sun. Mouth lifting to one side, he could take you to the diner? The book shop was closed on Sundays to prioritize mass.. or maybe..
“I got a place..” Jeno pulls your wrist. Sad face reveal causing another type of tight clench in his chest. “Come with me.”
Gently leading you toward his bike, unclasping the helmets attached along the back. The memory of riding attached to his back still drawing impure thoughts to your mind. No idea who you even were anymore. Riding around on the back of an attractive boys motorcycle. Losing your virginity in church of all places.
Arms circling around his flat stomach. Jeno smelled nice, clean and fresh. Nothing too strong, your nose tempted to dive in with a deep inhale. Opting to rest your chin on his broad upper back where it dipped down the middle. Not bothering to question where he was going to take you, grateful he even cared.
He cared.
“What is this place?” You cautiously stepped forward. Looking down the ledge of the cliff Jeno had brought you to. Setting the helmets back on the bar attached at the end of his bike.
“I guess I come here to get away.” He shrugs, moving to stand by your side. “Small town, not many places to go. It’s hard when you’ve lived here all your life, everyone thinks they know you..”
“Yea..” guilt gnaws away at your gut. You were no different from everyone else. Like your mother looking at Jeno with preconceived notions, judgement. “It’s hard when you’re the town pastor’s son, I can only imagine..”
“Pft.. cause he’s so innocent. Somehow brain washed everyone into forgetting he cheated, knocked up my mom while still married to Haechan’s..”
“Oh…” scuffing your boots nervously against dirt. Sparing glances Jeno’s way. Chiseled jaw having you ready to swoon like some sad teenager passing her crush in the hallway. Mind so far away distracted, screaming at yourself that Jeno’s trying to have a deep conversation with you. “I didn’t uh…know that about your dad.”
“He just lucked out my mom didn’t tell anyone about the church intern fresh out of high school that she filed divorce papers over..” Jeno says, removing his jacket. Holding it open for you with a questioning look. Your eyes widen, immediately caving in a moment of weakness. Allowing him to drape the material around your shoulders. Fresh scent engulfing your sense of smell.
“You’re really.. nice Jeno. Considering everything, I have to admit I expected you to be more like Haechan..” you express, pulling the jacket around yourself tighter.
“We aren’t that different, growing up together will do that. Someone has to be the scapegoat, unfortunately it’s always me. Typical younger sibling syndrome right?” Jeno rubs his exposed arm, muscle tank revealing bits of tattoo. You nod to his words, unable to picture Jeno and Haechan getting along like two loving brothers.
“Your tattoo… your dad doesn’t know about it right?” You inquire, returning to topic back to Jeno. Ready to forget his brothers existence, at least for the time being.
“Oh yea..he’d probably ship me off to Jerusalem, peace core or some shit.” Jeno laughs, pushing the loose cut off sleeve up. Further exposing the evil creature blaring into your vision.
“Why a demon?”
“Why not right? I lost my faith in religion when my dad kept coming up with new excuses for why his sins were forgiven. God isn’t real anyway.” Jeno finishes. Eyes narrowing, expecting a reaction from you.
“I think you’re right actually..” you nod, softly smiling. Awestruck eyes staring into yours, satisfied. “..I should probably get home. Didn’t even tell my mom I was leaving. She’s gonna be so pissed..”
“Ah yea..can’t have that. She’s pretty intense huh?” Jeno scratches his throat anxiously. The voice in the back of his mind yelling at him to do something now. “..I’ll take you home.”
You take languid drawn out steps together. Tension surging between your bodies like electric shocks. Jeno reaching for his helmet. Fingers hesitating to open the clasp.
“Can I ask you something?” he looks away, teeth digging at his bottom lip. Was that nerves?
“Of course” you promptly respond, bouncing on your toes.
“If Haechan..hadn’t.. I don’t know, gotten to you first..” Jeno cringes. Focusing his eyes on the ground. Ending his curiosity there, struggling with his hope that you’d ever like him.
“What do you mean?” Your brows furrow, moving in, closing the space between your bodies. Jeno’s eyes meet yours, giving away the intent behind his question. “..you..why are you asking? You don’t..”
“It’s nothing, forget it.” Jeno’s head shakes, realization hitting you. Guys like Jeno never gave you the time of day..
“Would you have?” Boldly your hand lands on his, pulling fingers away from the helmet. Still wearing his jacket, could you be more oblivious?
“I wanted to..” those words are all it takes. Pushing up on your toes, lips smashing on his. Fever like heat raising your confidence to go for it. Jeno’s been good to you- the cold demeanor a cover up for how painfully shy you make him.
Hands find your hips, pressing you against the seat of his bike. Ass digging into the warm leather, jacket falling from your shoulders. Jeno kissing you back needy, full of desperation, loud breaths passing through his nose. Finger nails scraping the material of your dress, gathering the fabric up. Skin rubbing on the sun kissed bike under you. He presses in, tongue flicking out, asking for permission to enter. Fisting the cotton shirt on his chest in a wrinkled mess. Mouth parting so fast, too fast. Wet tongues eagerly meeting, rolling against the roof of your mouth.
Jeno’s groans are hot, raspy and deep. Affecting you quickly, sinking back on the bike when his hips roll between your thighs. Hard on tenting angrily in tight jeans. Grinding against your soaking core.
“God I..” Jeno mumbles on your lips, lapping spit across your mouth. His own pouting out cutely, blood tinted lips shining in outdoor light. “I really…whoa..fuck..”
“Jeno..” your arms lift, wrapping around his neck. Bringing your bodies together impossibly close. Pained moan trapped in his throat, thrusting in anguish. Craving to bend you over on his bike, slap your ass and fuck you until you can’t even remember his brothers name.
Jeno’s thumb shoves between your wet mouth, tongue swirling around. Groaning louder with another crushing thrust. Cock screaming for release, working up a faster speed. Demanding movements bouncing you on the bike. Eyes falling shut sucking at his thumb, picturing the length prodding at your walls sitting heavy in your mouth instead. Both of you growing needier with each dry hump against each other. Calves finding Jeno’s hips, lifting yourself up writhing against the hard fabric of his worn jeans.
“You feel so good..fuck..” Jeno captures your upper lip, sucking harshly. Hips growing furious, thigh muscles flexing tightly. Dragging sweet panted moans out of you, thumb opening your mouth. Saliva drooling past both of your lips messily, chins coated in each other.
“Please..” you whimper, pleading. Unsure what you could be begging for. Jeno nods reassuringly, gripping the back of your neck. Hand falling from your mouth, finding space between your legs. Drenched underwear shoved aside, sliding long fingers up and down. Catching your wetness, palm covered, landing loudly on your mound. Jeno finding your clit, pressing down hard. Surprised scream releasing from your chest. Tongue covering your exposed neck, nipping at dips.
“Can I?” Jeno’s fingers prod your opening up entrance. Head nodding rapidly, eyes wide. Gliding past your convulsing walls. Groaned curses repeating from his lips, finding way deep inside of you. Slender pretty hands working you to a heightened pleasure. Jeno continuously licking around your jaw, catching parted lips in bites. Hard enough to leave you a swelling pained mess, lips pursing out asking for more.
He lets your neck go, face dropping, forehead hitting his shoulder. Tattoo coming to life so close up, licking the expanse inked skin. Jeno grits his teeth, whimpering with squeezed eyes. Hand squeezing your hip, fingers jabbing in and out. Thumb circling your clit with expertise, nothing innocent in his touches.
He squirms on your thigh, member begging to fuck you open. Resisting to need for himself, fully focused on getting you off. Enjoying the way your eyes roll, tongue hung out letting your mind succumb to his touches.
Your hips jump up, wriggling into the thrusts of his fingers. Reaching far deep within, hitting every delicious spot. Lips landing together in a bruising sloppy kiss, muffling strained moans. Jeno’s thumb pressing down just right on your clit, precise fingers hitting where you need him in repeated motions. Trembling around him, walls gripping tightly. Jeno’s motions slowing down, letting the climax high wash over you. Softly tracing kisses atop your burning cheeks, staggering down to your neck. Soft nips turning into hard bites, leaving marks of himself behind.
“I..” Jeno’s forehead rolls over yours, skin dragging against his. Nose nudging gently at you, nerves still clouding his sense. Hard breaths landing on your face, eyes finding yours, mind returning back to you. “I want.. I like you.. I need…..I want..to take you out, like…date out...”
You nod a bit too excited, nose hitting his. Jeno’s stressed words making you clench up around his fingers yet again. Another pained groan blended into a sigh sounding around you. “I want that so bad Jeno.. I really want you.”
“What brings you in to confession today?”
Pastor Lee’s voice sounds through the small wooden booth around you. Uncomfortably shifting in your seat when the reality of confessing your sins to the one who brought them into this world settles.
“Pastor… what does the bible say about pre-marital sex with two brothers?”
“At the same time?!” Pastor Lee spits out abruptly, gagging on his spit.
“Separately Pastor!” You shriek out. Fingers stopping your lips, wondering if Pastor would recognize your voice. It’s not as if you spent time speaking to each other much..
“Well..” Pastor Lee’s throat clears, adjusting the collar tightening around his neck. “That’s..good to hear. Are you planning to wed one of these men?”
“Wed?! Like marry?” Your forehead creases, thinking it over. It was way too early to even consider such a thing. “I’m not pregnant pastor!”
“That’s…that’s good news my child.” Pastor audibly swallows. Sweat gathering at his hairline. “You..wish to know what the bible has to say about this?
“Am I going to hell if I choose to…have intercourse with both of them? I’ve only slept with one..”
“Only?” The pastor sounds flabbergasted. Gulping down another loud breath of air. “You won’t go to..hell over this. You need to repent for your mistakes none the less. God is good, and forgiving.”
“So, I’m not going to hell right?” Your frazzled tone sounds around the booth. Growing frustrated the longer he skirts around your questions.
“Yes my child, of course God does, but!-…”
“….God forgives all right? Like…God will love and forgive me even if I do happen to…somehow…you know..fornicate with uhm..” you chew on your thumb nail, catching yourself ready to say- ‘your sons’. “..siblings?”
Pastor Lee becomes frantic on the other side of the confessional booth. Fingers quickly turning through thin pages of his bible. Murmuring sounds of ‘uhm’ between, buying extra time to find an explainable excuse for why you absolutely should not do such a thing.
“Now my child.. yes God loves you, of course. I cannot say he would approve of you doing this! What about the brothers bond you could end up destroying?? That would be greed and lust! Those are sins child, sins!” Pastor Lee exasperates. Patting a handkerchief along his sweating forehead. Small towns hardly ever brought him confessions this extreme.
“Pastor, did you not have sex out of wedlock once too?.. more than once! With two different women! Does God approve of that?” You sit up straight. Hand slapping over your mouth after speedily replying. Shit, God probably didn’t care much for this conversation, that’s for damn sure..
“Child of God! now..” the pastor continues, avoiding your accusations. “Are you going to go through with this regardless of what excerpt from the bible I give you?”
“Yes father…I believe so..I really like this guy..” you timidly say. The thought that the pastor could have you in mind making your stomach turn.
“Well then..” with a heavy dissatisfied sigh, Pastor Lee continues. “Twenty hail Marys and Fifty our fathers should do it.”
“Fifty?!” your mouth falls open, disbelief stricken by the idea of sitting here for the next three hours repeating prayers.
“Make that seventy child. Ten for each seven deadly sin.”
You pause for a moment, hand on the door knob ready to exit. Mouth gaped considering asking what the bible says about losing your virginity in church. A minute of contemplation later, you decide it’s best to add another fifty hail Mary’s.
“Thank you so much Pastor Lee!”
It felt a little scary, but fun, getting ready for your date with Jeno. Of course you still wanted to leave an impression, even with his confession.
Repeating it in your mind over and over again: A. Date. With. Jeno.
Holy fucking shit. What alternative universe had you stumbled into moving to live here. Maybe the best way to get over someone really was by getting under someone else…younger brother and all. God had to be real if this was how your love life was playing out.
Walking up to Jeno, he was a complete vision. Black messy hair pointing different directions, as if he just ruffled it and said ‘good enough’. Leather jacket all too tight over his defined rippling biceps, like a second skin. Silver chain necklaces shining under the sunset across the orange red sky behind him. Hoops adorning his ears making the sparkle in his eyes come to life. The large steel ball chain necklace catching your eye against his pale thick neck. Imagining him on top of you coated in a sheen of sweat. Cold chains dangling down on your skin..
“Isn’t this… your brothers car?!?” Your eyes nearly bulge out of sockets asking the question. Drawn out of the quick fantasy you’d almost drifted into. The cherry black trans am practically glowing behind Jeno.
“It is, isn’t it..” Jeno’s smile lifts into his eyes. Fingers waving around a set of keys mid-air. “Who do you think Haechan learned how to pick pocket from? Still no match to the king.”
Jeno unlocks the car, opening up the passenger door for you. Surprising you first with his tattoos.. now this. Maybe he wasn’t the innocent cute younger brother you’d perceived him as all this time.
The engine sounded alive, Jeno pulling out of your driveway. Better looking than any heart throb you’d see on some terrible basic cable teen drama. Arm reaching around the space between your bodies. Other stretched in front of him. Long fingers attached to pretty veins flexing around the spinning steering wheel. All he had to do was grab your thigh to set you bursting up in flames. Stealing subtle looks at him picturing the tattoo adorning his perfectly sculpted shoulder.
“Haechan doesn’t know you borrowed his car I’m guessing? Won’t he be mad?” You wonder out loud. Jeno’s smile spreading into his cheeks. Eyes squinting under the low sun coming through the windshield. Relaxed in the drivers seat making way down the empty road. Arm closest to you splaying out, fingers wrapping around your exposed leg. Shivers shooting up your heat from where his large palm covers the majority of your visible mid-thigh.
“That’s the plan.”
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taglist: @seuomo @unknown5tar @sunoosi @nabi-nono @ahsshilee-me @safariria @nctlover94 @underjeno @nanascupid @jenorenle @scruffiejelly @mel-yjh @winwiniee @count-your-shadows @sunflowerhae @johnjaespeach @nctflix @notsooperfect @skrtbeepbeep @lanadreamie @nctstrawberrycow @meonlightuniverxse @sunshinedhyuck @haechanswhore @n0hyuck @kpopmultiifandomm @d1nne @neobanguniverse @pewpewpwe00 @abitofafan @haechansworld @born5sos @bockhyun @jen0zen @xuyiyangstan @alexameliamg @negincho @na-na-nakita @jeon-jungkook-is-actually-god @xwanna127x @heyitsbreeeeee @melaninjhs @cacaubs @multifandombtvh @kyngaji @whlplazh @eleanorfreakingchan @classic-antifood @sheytanni @player23 @wavetease @nahyuckk @doyoungssouthernbabygirl
795 notes · View notes
dokifluffs · 4 years
Sleepy Time With His Babies | Iwaizumi, Sakusa
Pairings: Iwaizumi X Reader (female), Sakusa X Reader (female) 
Genre: domestic fluffy sleepiness 
Author’s Note: Another one
Sleepy Time With Their Babies | Atsumu, Osamu // Sleepy Time With Their Babies | Kita, Kuroo // Sleepy Time With Their Babies | Ennoshita, Akaashi // Sleepy Time With Their Babies | Kenma, Bokuto
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gif from @rivaillerose 💛
He was physically crushing you
Did you care? Not at all
This was Hajime, a soon to be athletic trainer, someone who seemed intimidating with his muscles and overall beefiness
But here he was
Here was your hajime that melted anytime you called him cute or any other cutesy, mushy gushy nickname
He was a puddle in your arms and he didn’t care what he looked like - as long as no one else besides you or the dog saw
Even your guys’ dog was the same as him — an intimidating Rottweiler, muscular, growl so low that would make those that didn’t sit right with him, scurry far far away
His name was Zilla, short for Godzilla named by Hajime yet he was such a puppy whenever you were around, his tail wagging like crazy as he nuzzled his snout against your legs, whining whenever you went away for even just a few minutes, waiting by the door until you returned home from wherever
Yep, they were two peas in a pod
And as Hajime laid on you, Zilla laid beside you on the bedroom floor, the two of them fast asleep
Your legs tangled beneath the sheets on the gloomy day outside as rain trickled down from the clouds, tapping the windows and rooftops all throughout the city
You brushed your fingers through his hair, slowly scratching the base of his scalp as he snored lightly into your shoulder, his cheek squished against you, making his lips all pouty
No matter what angle you saw him in whenever he slept on you, you could never bring yourself to make the smile on your face falter
For someone who looked so beefy, you never knew they could look so soft at the same time yet here he was
Whenever you moved just the slightest bit, readjusting the blankets or pillows, he woke just the slightest, lifting his head off of you until you were ready and patted his head down against your body again
You held him closer, squishing him into your arms even if it didn’t feel like much to him 
a slight, sleepy smile spread on his lips, his face showing he was in true bliss while he slept on you
The fire crackled in the fireplace behind the iron gate while you sat on the couch on the ground beside the coffee table and Zilla at your feet, fast asleep while your fingers rapidly typing away at your laptop, finding the recipe you needed so you could make some agedashi tofu, a favorite of Hajime’s  
Your little girl crawled about around the couches, staring out the windows seeing the tufts of snowflakes fall onto the snow covered ground, already a couple inches high
She was so small yet she saw so much of the world, it felt like she could fit the world and the universe in those eyes
You made sure to keep her away from the fireplace, not letting her get too close, steering her away, giving her one of her favorite toys, or to even hold her in your lap while you watched numerous videos of others making the tofu
though after about an hour or so, as the snowflakes only got bigger, she no longer had any interest for the things floating silently to the ground as she crawled down the hall, the baby gates keeping her from falling down the stairs or bumping into the taller dining room table 
“D/N?” you looked up, finding your little girl’s legs disappearing into the room where Hajime slept soundly, his snores kind of echoing louder into the hall now that the door was cracked wider 
she let out such a pure sounding giggle as her wide eyes fell upon her sleeping father as he laid flat on the futon fast asleep 
she crawled faster, her little hands making little thumping noises against the plush covers he slept under as she crawled and climbed onto his sleeping body 
until she finally did it 
she had successfully made her way to the top of his chest, laid right on him, a smile of wonder spreading over her chubby cheeks as she slowly rose and fell as Hajime breathed 
Hajime was still undisturbed as he slept, catching up on the hours of sleep he had missed, practically unbothered by the slightly extra weight added onto him by his little girl 
that was until she made her way toward her sleepy father, reaching her little hand to his chin, doing her best to grab him, though it would be quite some time before she could properly hold his face 
she continuously patted his chin until he woke 
it took a moment as his eyed adjusted to the sight of his baby girl, a chuckle escaping his chest as he smiled, his eyes drawing into lines 
“Hi, mochi,” his voice raspy from sleep as she cooed, her smile contagious, cheeks so chubby, Hajime just wanted to bite them
like mochi 
she adorable tilted her head side to side, shying away from the loving eyes of her papa as he tickled her, poking her puffy cheeks with his finger, getting her to easily fill the room with her giggles every time he did it 
“Wanna sleep with papa?” he hummed as he sleepily looked to her, a yawn escaping him as he reached his head up to peck a kiss to her face before he turned to his side, laying his little girl beside him, beneath the warm covers of his futon 
“nap time, moch,” he chuckled to himself as the two of them stared at each other before he gently blew a raspberry into her cheek 
her cheeks were just too irresistible to him 
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gif from @rivaillerose​ 💛
His footsteps sounded through the bathroom as you stood, brushing your teeth, your hair still damp from your shower, the mirrors steamy
Kiyoomi stood behind you, his figure towering through the foggy mirror
His movements faltered before he gave in, snaking his hands from behind you, around you, letting his chest melt to your back
“You smell good,” he said but subtly sounded bubbly as he buried his face into your shoulder, bending his back to a “C” shape so he could match your height
You only smiled through the mirror as he began to sway side to side slowly while you brushed your teeth, finishing
“I did just shower, Omi,” you smiled up to your curly haired husband
The two of you paused in place as you looked up to him, adoring his features as he did the same to you, something neither of you could never get over - the fact that you two had each other
“Mmhm,” he cuddled himself even closer like a kitten when you were fresh out the shower
Your skin and body was so warm, so fresh and clean and he could hold you without letting any of his fears interfering
He stood beside you, just standing awkwardly with you in the bathroom before he followed you out to the bedroom
The two of you got into bed but before you could really settle, you were suddenly pulled into his embrace, his arms wrapping around you, his body curving to match against yours
“Aren’t you cuddly tonight,” you murmured as you turned your head back to the best of your abilities turning so you could face him
“I’m tired,” he matched your volume in the darkness
“Sleepsies,” you brushed your fingers through his hair, getting a relaxing sigh from him as he hummed in agreement
“Sleepsies,” his voice barely audible
“Goodnight,” you smiled into his chest
He held you close to him, a scenario your high school self could have imagined with the Sakusa Kiyoomi
Omg was always distant, known to be quite handsome yet no one ever had a chance with him
So many others thought he would never be with him, that no one would be good enough for him but he was a great volleyball player
And now you were a Sakusa too
The sun kept him warm as he laid beneath the open blinded windows as the summer rays cast down into the living room, right onto Omi as he laid on his back, his arm draped over his eyes now that he got to relax
The house had been cleaned through his monthly sanitization day
The past few days were making his skin itch but now - it was all okay
Birds chirped in the neighborhood, outside in the distance, it was a beautiful day
The house was oddly silent as he laid on the couch, his chest slowly rising and falling
But before he could fall asleep, let his energy recharge, just before he drifted off, the smallest sounding steps approached the couch and then stopped right beside him
Omi slowly lifted his arm, turning his head to take a peek at what could be happening but he had an inkling of who it could be
And he was right
He saw his little girl, her teddy in hand as she stood beside the couch, her chin just able to reach the couch cushion
Her beady eyes looked up to him, cheeks round, her lips almost in a pout as she stood looking up to him to the best that she could, the sun shining into her eyes
“What is it, pum?” He lifted his hand, blocking the sun from hurting her eyes 
His little girl was observant, kept to herself, speaking up when asked or when she didn’t like something or if something didn’t go her way
She was just like him
She blinked looking up to him before she raised her arms, her teddy in her hand waiting patently to be lifted
“You wanna nap with me?” a smile cracked onto his lips 
and all she did was nod
“Mmhm,” he complied as he sat himself up, scooping his little girl, pushing out a yawn as he laid back down as D/N made herself comfortable on top of him before cuddling close into his side in between him and the couch 
she hugged her teddy close in her arms while Sakusa laid sort of on his side, turned toward her at a slight angle 
from the perspective of anyone else if they entered the living room, they would only see Kiyoomi’s back, and only stepping closer would they see his little girl cuddled close, the two of them fast asleep together in the summer sun as it shined in through the window
~~~~~ Thanks for reading! Masterlist for more! Please do not repost anywhere else!
Tags (let me know if you wanna be tagged or removed for all my haikyuu posts): @makeusfreefromthisfandom @yams046  @mazey-chan  @sunboikyo00  @kara-grayson04  @fortheloveofbakugo @tsumtsumsemi @1-800-wholesome @yamagucci @realityisoftendisapointing @plantisnotplant @pink-panda-pancakes @differentballooncollection @osamusamusamu@therainroguefanfiction @euphorihan @turquoiselace @macaronnv  @oxmaddy @mrkoala4prsdnt @curiouslilbeast @plantisnotplant@therestless101 @abcdaichi @oyasenpai @kaaidalupita @lovinnoya @wisepandaslimeland @killuaking @kattykurr @bbymilkbread @tsumtsumland @suunikimchi @woah-there-cowboy-or-cowgirl @amandahh626 @nabisonyeo94 @wntrmn @dai-tsukki-desu @peteunderoos @ohyoumakemelive @aka-a-shii @shinhiromi @wompwomphq @lollypop-lam @isentsworld @blue-melody @u-wakatoshii @moondriplets @lovinnoya @yuueisteria @humanitysbiggestsimp @cjphoenix135 @inarizaki-captain @closetfurrytsukishima @chibichab @kageyama-i-want-tobiors @kuroosbixh @lavearchives @sweet-sour-devil-ish @daichis-kitty @creepyproxies @itsmarziapei @skyh20 @yehetstudies @that-chick212 @proherotheflamehashira @celestair @katiea03 @omg-haikyuu @chesirekittycat @ilovecheese08 @amy-yurima @realityisabitch-blr @suga-tofu @ushislittlewife @nabisonyeo94  @aaprilshowers @emotional-ayato @to-move-on-means-to-grow @kellesvt @haikyuu-galaxy​ @8-eight-8 @  
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byuntrash101 · 3 years
Incubus: Coming of Age (Part 2)
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Pairing: Incubus!Baekhyun x You
Genre: fantasy, smut 🖤
Tags: plot (typical me), demon boy (incubus), monstrous cock (like ya ain't ready), breeding kink, oral (f & m), overstimulation, breath play, dirrrty talk and more~
Raiting: 18+ (21+ it's even steamier than the 1st one 🙈)
Word count: 5.7k (the bock got me inspired haha)
Summary: Baekhyun left an indelible mark on you that one night. But the thing is it was a year ago! and that damn demon never came back... Maybe you should just forget about him... Well only maybe of course ;)
Part 1
General Masterlist
Hey guys this is the final part of this very steamy two shot ^^ I hope you guys will also like it. Please tell me what you think ^^
Tag list @lovebuginlove @ohh-baekhyun @bobohumyonlyboo @smolbeanmika @making-me-blush @wooya1224 @yixing-jaehyun @baekklove @lalalala-lav @deligxt @xofanfics @byunsugar @dixnysustae @to-all-the-stories-i-love @artisticcgroove
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...To a Man
How am I supposed to go back to a normal life after that?
Well in fact... you didn't. It was over a year later and Baekhyun never came back. Every night you were hoping that somehow, he would come visit you again. But every night you laid in your bed disappointed, actually, even worse: frustrated.
Because after that fateful night you never touched yourself to your handsome boss Doctor Park Chanyeol again. Actually, you completely lost interest in him. Sure, he was still very handsome and gentlemanly but you just... didn't care anymore.
To be completely exact you didn't touch yourself to Chanyeol, but you still did have intimate sessions with yourself... Well, you tried at least. Because nothing, NOTHING... came close to what you felt when Baekhyun took care of you that night. Actually, you knew no human being, no simple mortal could possibly fuck you that way. It's not something a being of flesh and blood can do... It's something only an unholy creature could do, something only a demon could make you feel.
So, every time you succumbed to the urge of relieving yourself by letting your fingers play with your folds it ended in either, a complete failure where you couldn't even drive yourself to your peak or a lukewarm, disappointing and frustrating orgasm...
A whole year...
A whole year spent fantasizing about a teenage demon that only used you to pass a stupid exam then vanished from your reality without failing to completely shatter your whole world...
So yeah... it sucked...
You sighed to yourself, staring at the same old ceiling of your room. It was one of those nights where the tension was just too much, but you didn't feel like going through the hassle of actually pleasuring yourself knowing damn well it was going to be temporary and frankly dissatisfying.
You turned to your side, determined to chase off the frustration by getting some good sleep. Exhausted you drifted pretty quickly into a deep slumber.
But the sleep was anything but good... You found yourself covered in sweat, wrestling in your sheets, engrossed in a fever dream. Not much of it made sense but you felt like hands were roaming your body, like an usually warm embrace was enveloping your form, you felt like rugged flesh was lapping at your ear. You heard like jerky breaths, lowly grunts, like an unnaturally deep voice talking to you...
Missed me... Kitten?
"Baekhyun?!" you shouted as you sat up in your bed, eyes snapping open.
You looked around in a slight panic, your night gown clamped to your sweaty skin and your chest heaving up and down.
"Fuck" you cursed yourself under your breath, disappointed when you realized your mind played tricks on you again... You're just here alone in your room, soaked in frustration... and arousal.
"God damn it" your curse again as you slip your night gown over your head and kick the covers off your heated skin. You are left naked on top of your bed. Immediately the cold air sends goosebumps on your humid skin, hardening your nipples.
You let you fingers slip to the crux of the problem. You know there's only one way to finally be able to chase away the memory of Baekhyun, even if it's only for tonight.
The cold fingers on your drenched heat draw a sharp breath off your lips. You're so excited about this stupid fever dream, so excited about him that only a few rubs already have you with your toes curled up in pleasure. You fist your sheets tightly.
"Aaaah... Baekhyun" you softly moan his name. With eyes closed shut, you try to recall the way he felt inside you, the way his eyes glowed red, the way his low voice sent shivers down your spine...
Oh... Kittennn~...
It was like you could hear him... you gave no rest to your sensitive and throbbing nub...
"Baekhyun I'm gonna cum" you whisper to yourself. Pleasure slowly taking over your entire body. You slip a finger inside your drenched heat to aid yourself to your peak a little quicker. Then another one. You aim directly for your sensitive spot and you feel yourself tightly clenching around your fingers. You're so close... so soclose.
"Aren't you going to wait for me?"
This time...There's no doubt.
Your eyes snap open again as you stop what you were doing and you are met with Baekhyun staring you down at the foot of the bed, licking his lips, eyes already wavering with a tint of red.
But for a second you doubt. Is it really him? You can't help but to ask yourself. He looks so different. Sure, the spare shaped black tail still loosely dangles behind him but other than that his whole aura changed. The boyish features are completely gone. Instead, he looks broader, like more muscular. His plain black tee is tightly hugging his fit and toned body, making it easy for you to see abs peaking from underneath the constrictive fabric, abs you can't recall from the previous visit. His matching jeans let you see through their rips his smooth silky skin and generous thighs... But the most noticeable change is definitely his horns. The cute 10 cm (4in) tall skin-colored horns were replaced by huge 30cm (1ft) long ones. They were directly sprouting in a spiral from his forehead and stood proud on top of his head. Their base was black but as they went up it faded to a dark and deep blood red.
Overall, he looks so much more mature...
He isn't a boy anymore... he's a man.
"Baekhyun?" you start hesitantly as the demon already slips beside you in bed. "Is that really you?" you can't help but to ask.
"Yes... Kitten... It's me" he whispers in the low voice you missed so much. Bringing his lips close to your ear and you feel his rough tongue lap at your sweet spot, the familiar sensation draws a shaky breath out of you. For a minute you don't say anything you're just there, under his spell as he plays with you. In the midst of all this you didn't even notice you were stark naked, or maybe you just didn't care. You don't want to protest quite frankly, you let him do, you let him gently nibble at your bare collarbones and plant gentle kisses on your neck. You let him because... that's what you've been waiting for... For a whole fuckingyear.
But then you shake your head, snapping out of it... You leave his side taking the sheets to wrap around your naked body and get up, knowing that his soft kisses keep you from thinking rationally.
"Baekhyun..." you turned your eyes back to him "you changed so much". He chuckled and the red glow faded to slowly disappear as he gets up.
"Yes... I know, a lot can change in 12 years..." he casually says while stepping closer to you.
Wait... What?!?!
"What 12 years? No, it was just last year" you correct him, and he takes your hands in his slender black stained fingers.
"Maybe to you... but not to me" You suddenly recall the demonic blood moon years... Maybe that's what he meant... "I'll be turning 30 this May."
Your jaw drops... how was that even possible?! But then again, here you are questioning the passing of time for an.... Incubus... so what's crazier really?
"You remember what I told you about breeding?" Baekhyun's voice pulls you out of your thoughts.
"Yes... that it is an incubus sole purpose, right?" you say absent mindedly, still dazed at the situation. But you're brought back to the present moment when Baekhyun squeezes your hands tightly and dives in your gaze with his piercing dark brown orbs.
"Yes, I came back for that..." he leans in and you instinctively lean your head back giving him unconditional access to your neck. Baekhyun's voice goes down an octave again, lips only millimeters away from your ear. "I came back for you..." he whispers before he licks around your sweet spot, making your heart loudly thump in your chest and your toes curls on the cold wooden floor of your bedroom. You bite your lip trying to restrain your voice.
"I'm going to breed you" his voice is hypnotizing, "You will bare my children and bring them into the world" You can't even wrap your mind around what he's saying, "I chose you, y/n. I only want you" His voice his putting a spell on you. "I can fuck any women I want but..." his hand is now wrapped around your nape, and the other one gently pulls on the sheets that you let fall to the ground without resistance.
"Baekhyun what do you mean?" you ask in a jerky whisper, only focusing on his hot breath on your ear. He ignores your question.
"I need your approval to breed you, y/n..." His blunt nails grazed against the naked skin of your lower back, you start to softly moan, you're completely wrapped around his fingers. "So, say yes, y/n... Say yes Kitten" he says before his large palms grope your butt cheeks closing in the last centimeters that were left between his clothed body and your naked one, sending radiating heat from your core to your entire body.
What are you supposed to reply? Are you supposed to say no? How could you do such a thing after waiting for him for a whole year, everyday growing a little more desperate, a little more frustrated... How could you possibly say no, when his hands were roam your body like they have always known you. When he whispers with that voice in your ear. When minutes ago, you would have given anything to have another night with him...
You... just...
"Okay..." you whispered ever so quietly, barely audible even for your own ears.
You feel Baekhyun's cheek lift against yours as he smiles. When he pulls back, you can see his pointy teeth glistening under the full moon, like they did a year ago, he's wearing the same evil smirk that you know so well, or maybe this time he's even more devious...
Right there something snaps, something changes. When Baekhyun looks back the red glow in his eyes is more intense than ever, his expression is wicked. Lust dancing in his dark orbs as he licks his lips with appetite.
You don't even notice the red glow around your naked form before you feel your feet being lifted from the ground. Baekhyun smirks at the confusion plastered on your face. His magic makes you levitate and harshly throws you on the bed, almost smashing your heard on the headboard. You should be stunned but the scene taking place right before your eyes keeps you conscious and focused.
The red glow now circles Baekhyun and in a fraction of second his clothes are gone. Not dropped to the floor, just gone. They completely vanished. And he stands right before you in all his glory. You can't help but to let your eyes trail his body.
His sharp jawline, long narrow neck, his collarbones. The muscles of his pecs and arms moving and mesmerizing you. The dangling black tail. The toned abs already lightly sparkling with sweat.
Then your eyes finally go below the waist band.
You do remember the enormous… thingBaekhyun fucked you with last time. How could you forget? You could never. That's why you know for a fact that this thing right there in front of you, rock hard, lightly twitching and oozing precum at the slit, is actually bigger.
Your jaw drops to the floor. The veiny and pulsing monstrous cock is as lengthy as your thigh and as thick as a soda can. When you look closely it seems like the sides are beaded. Your heart jumps in your chest. Because you know that huge ass cock is made for pleasure. Tingles start to bubble in the pit of your stomach, and you unconsciously press your thighs together.
Baekhyun can't help but to smirk when he notices fear and anticipation swim in your confused eyes.
He steps closer to you.
"Oh Kitten" he starts as he crawls in bed to you. The wicked smirk still dancing on his lips, red glowing eyes fixed on you. "We're going to have so much fun."
Then with the familiar flick of his wrist your legs fly open at his will. You gasp in surprise. And Baekhyun's smirk goes wider when he notices how your folds glisten with juices.
"Kitten look at you..." He says gesturing his chin towards your most private part. "You're always so wet for me" his low voice send shivers down your spine as embarrassment rush to your cheeks. But the spell maintains your legs nice and spread out for him.
Baekhyun leans in closer to your drenched heat teeth and tongue out.
You gasp loudly arching your back when you feel his rugged tongue aiming directly for your clit. Still very sensitive from almost cumming a few minutes ago.
"Mmmmh... Kitten you taste even better than last time" he purrs, lips pressed to your core, the vibrations sending electricity in your body.
Baekhyun takes his sweet time gently lapping at and around your nub to tease you, while cascades of juices flow out of your impatient center. You can't endure the teasing anymore, not after all this time, not after a whole year. You unconsciously buck your hips up, grinding your pussy on his tongue while a tiny pleading whimper escapes your lips.
Baekhyun stops in his track. You're taken aback when glowing red eyes look back up at you and he shakes his head fainting disappointment. But the smirk is quick to comeback.
"Baby" his warm breath fans your delicate parts. "Don't be so fucking greedy" he says before sinking his pointy white teeth in the sensitive little bud. The sting pulls a scream out of you while you grip the sheets. Immediately after Baekhyun's tongue plunges inside your hungry little hole, reaching the deepest part right away. At an alluring speed, his long tongue comes in and out of you, each time poking your sweet spot. Your loud moans echo through the empty night, the familiar knot, quick to tighten again after this much teasing.
"Baekhyun don't stop" you plead, feeling your release coming. Baekhyun's red orbs sill fixed in yours while his tail lazily dangles behind him.
The incessant stimulation of your g-spot got you clenching around his long and rugged tongue while you finally cum, letting go of the knot. You scream in absolute bliss.
That's it... this feeling... The sensation you've been craving.
"Fuckkkk" You cry out.
Baekhyun parts himself from your throbbing center for a moment, allowing you to ride out your high at your own pace. Your chest is heaving up and down, sweat is pearling between your breasts.
"Baby, don't think it's over just yet" he says smirking again. "I have so much more in store for you..."
Right then, you still haven't fully recovered and Baekhyun dives down to your soaked folds again, but this time his hot and wet tongue only focusses on you swollen nub. You scream out in surprise and pleasure. Immediately your back arches again.
His tongue somehow feels like vibrations, the feeling is intense and suffocating, and you know you won't be slow be thrown into another strong orgasm again. Your hand instinctively flies to Baekhyun's hair, resting in between his two horns, fingers harshly pulling at his luscious raven black locks.
"Is Kitten cumming again?" he says with a mouthful.
You can't even process an answer as the crushing orgasm washes over you again, excessive amounts of your arousal coating your tights and linking your center to the sheets. You moan out with no restrain, making no effort whatsoever to keep your voice down.
When he's done Baekhyun sits back up on the bed. You don't even notice how he strokes his huge monstrous pole in his fist.
"Kitten, I hope you're not tired yet..." you jumped when you felt is unnaturally hot tip glide against your folds. "Because it’s my turn now"
He shimmied his way to your parted thighs. Like last time he rested his cock on your stomach to measure it up to you. Now there's no doubt the thing is much much bigger than last time. A year ago, it reached to your midriff, now the red tip is comfortably placed between your boobs. In a sort of trance, you wrap your hands around it, the both of them can barely circle the girth of his dick. It's huge... Abnormally long and terrifyingly thick... but you can't wait to feel the thing inside you.
Baekhyun smirks when he notices you eyeing his member with burning desire. He pulls his hips back and aligns himself at your entrance. His tip teases you as you bite your lip, gathering your wetness for a smooth crossing.
"Look at me Kitten" your eyes shoot back to Baekhyun's glowing orbs. "Look at me while I make you take my cock" You let a tiny whimper out when you feel him pushing himself inside you. The tip gently and slowly parting you. Baekhyun grunts in your ear.
"Fuck Kitten, you're so tight for me baby" he breaths out in his low voice.
With every centimeter it gets better and better, you feel no pain at all only divine pleasure. You feel each one of the beads along his shaft, each one more pleasing than the last. Last time just that one slow stroke made you cum. And you know, history won't fail to repeat itself.
"I'm gonna cum" you whisper in a strangled breath, your eyes still locked with Baekhyun's. His smirk goes wider at your frowned brows and trembling lip. But he keeps on steadily pushing his cock inside you, spreading you further and further.
"I know" he whispers before violently pushing the last few centimeters in. The unexpected and overwhelming pleasure washes over you as you sink your head back in the pillows, a long string of moan falling of your lips while your cunt twitches uncontrollably around Baekhyun, a satisfied grin playing on his lips.
"Kitten" he says while pulling back slowly as you are still high from your climax. "I don't think you're ready for me" You difficulty open one eye to look at him and nod to contradict him. Baekhyun chuckles. "You think?" he asks popping his dick out of you while your walls desperately clench around nothing.
"Yes" you whisper, squirming, craving for him to fill you up again. "Yes, I missed you so much" the words roll of your tongue before you even realize it. Baekhyun lifts an eyebrow.
"Really Kitten? You missed me?" you nod again. "Well... you only waited for a year" you gasp as his hot tip circles your aching little nub before going back to your entrance. "I waited for 12 years" he says in an unnaturally low grunt.
He slams his hips into yours in one powerful and shattering thrust which sends you right back to screaming again. His movements are fast and precise each time he sends his big cock smashing against your g-spot. The pleasurable feeling is unbearable.
"Baekhyun... Aaaahh..." you moan his name, as you get dangerously close to the edge again.
"Yes, moan for me Kitten" he says through greeted teeth. "Aren't I a lot better than last time?" he pants out.
You can't believe it but it's true. You didn't think it was possible but yes. He got incredibly better at fucking you to the point that you're ready to pledge your pussy to him for eternity. For him only. You'd do anything to be fucked like this every day until your body eventually gives out from exhaustion.
"Yesss.... Aaaaah... fuck" You shout closing your eyes under the pleasure. Your loud and unrestrained moans make Baekhyun smirk.
"You're mine" he growls continuing to fuck you deep and hard. "Fucking look at me I told you" He plants his nails at the side of your face, making you wince and also open your eyes. The red glow is brighter than ever. "Say that you're mine" he commands.
"I'm yours" you whine locking eyes with him as the clenching of your cunt warns Baekhyun of how close you are.
"Kitten, are you gonna cum again?" he chuckles eyes locked into yours, furiously pumping his abnormally large cock inside your now shapeless hole.
"I'm gonna make you mine Kitten. I'm gonna pump you full of cum. Do you want that Kitten?"
"Yes please" You beg in a short breath, your release getting dangerously close.
"Good girl" He grunts getting close to your ear, his rugged tongued licking the shell of it. "Now cum. Cum around my big cock while I fill you up to the brink with hot cum."
The low whispers are enough to rocket you over the edge. You scream in absolute bliss, twitching around his huge cock as you feel the hot sticky liquid rushing into you and overflowing out. Just like last time the quantity is insane, testifying of Baekhyun’s demonic nature.
When Baekhyun finally slips out of you, you feel your heat meekly clench around nothing, already missing Baekhyun's monstrous cock.
You are left completely dazed, lying on the bed, eyes still rolled back in your head, focusing on the fading sensation of your peak.
You don't even notice when Baekhyun stands by the bed and you also don't notice how, contrary to last time, cumming has not calm him down. The "thing" is still alive and lively. In other words... he's far from done with you.
"Kitten I'm gonna fuck your face now"
You don't have time to process the meaning of those words that you are pulled by your arm. Your body is lying across the bed while your head is resting upside down on the edge of the mattress.
"Open wide Kitten" Baekhyun's hot and wet tip brushes against your lips. Almost out of instinct you open your mouth.
Baekhyun presses himself inside your narrow mouth. The stretch is excruciating, the thing is too big. Way too big for your tiny mouth and you barely manage to take the head of his dick inside your crowded mouth. Baekhyun grunts loudly, indulging in the feeling of stretching your cute little mouth to his convenience.
"Fuckkkk... y/n"
When he reaches the back of your throat he starts to slowly pull out, taking his cock completely out. You cease the opportunity to take a deep breath. Good call! Because the next second, Baekhyun goes back inside you but with much less care. He places both of his hands on your cheeks gripping your face tightly to facilitate the penetration.
He has no mercy for your poor sore throat, his powerful thrust silencing you except for the wet and sloppy sounds that your mouth makes.
"How does your cum and mine taste Kitten?" he grunts again.
His voice sends shivers across your skin, your eyes roll back as your pained pried open jaw gradually goes numb. You want to scream yes but you can't. You want more, more of this intoxicating taste taking over your mouth and clouding your mind.
"Fuckkkk... Kitten... You're gonna make me cum" He whispers, his voice conveys the feeling of his high getting closer. "I'm gonna cum in your mouth baby. You want that Kitten?" You only produce a gargled moan but Baekhyun knows how eager you are to taste more of him.
He fucks your face a little more before whispering
"Such a good girl for me"
Only instants after you feel the stream shoot to the back of your throat, instantly filling your mouth. So many squirts crash on the inside of your cheeks and on your tongue, some even go through your nose. The bitter taste invades you and your entire body, making your head dizzy.
When Baekhyun pulls out you hurriedly swallow a big mouthful of thick and hot cum before drawing a sharp -and much needed- breath.
Baekhyun gently strokes your cheeks.
"You're such a good girl for me Kitten" he says before laying back on the bed. His back is settled against the headboard. And your eyes go wide with stupor when you notice that...Still... The monster has not... calmed down.
You feel exhausted and drained out by all the orgasms you failed to count. You can't even move a muscle... even if you tried.
But you don't have to because once again your body is enveloped by a red glowing light. With that you are lifted in the air. Baekhyun's magic spread your legs into an impressive split, suspended above him while he patiently waits for you with his hands behind his head.
Beads of sweat formed on his chest and rolled down his toned abs. Sweat also sticking his bangs to his forehead and his horns. He's absolutely gorgeous, he has the kind of looks that nobody would ever be able to turn down... and especially not you.
But he looks everything but tired.
Slowly his magic lowers you down. You gasp when his hot tip brushes against your drenched folds.
"I just need more of you Kitten. Can you handle me?"
You want to respond but already the steady descent as you stretched out around his girthy cock. Making you whimper as a response. Slowly but surely Baekhyun makes you go down, cunt perfectly angled with his huge dick. Each centimeter, each bead going inside you, feeling like agonizing pleasure.
When you are halfway through the red light around your body goes off and he drops you to take the rest of him in one go. And it’s too much for you. The way his cock smashes into your sensitive sweet spot while Baekhyun has his glowing red orbs fixed on the place your bodies meet sends you into the abyss again. This time the pleasure is so intense that not only your needy cunt absolutely crushes Baekhyun's cock with uncontrollable spams but also gushes of your juices come out of you in powerful streams, drenching Baekhyun's muscular torso. Baekhyun smirks as he clicks his tongue and shake his head.
"Kitten... You came again with the very first stroke" he says fainting disappointment, taking pleasure in seeing you struggling, shaking uncontrollably, eyes rolled back, jaw hanging open and toes curled up.
Then you feel yourself getting lifted again the red glow comes back around your figure. You whimper as you feel Baekhyun slide out of you. But right before the tip pops out, he smashes you back onto him. You arch your back as a delighted long string of moans escape your lips.
"Damn Kitten you're so tight" Baekhyun says through greeted teeth.
You can't even reply anything as he's already lifting you up with his magic. Each time he increases the pace until he has you jumping up and down his girthy length. The familiar knot tightens again.
"How good does my cock feel baby?" Baekhyun asks his red eyes fixed on you as he makes your boobs bounce.
"It's the best.... Baekhyun it's the best thing ever. I wanna be fucked like this every day" you answer in a delighted scream. It's visibly what Baekhyun wanted to hear as the evil twinkle in his eye intensifies.
"Yeah Kitten? You want that?" he grunts in the low voice you love so much, sending swarms of butterflies fly in your stomach. He goes faster again. The wet sounds of skin clashing bounce off the walls punctually interrupted by Baekhyun's grunts and your moans.
"I'm gonna c-" You want to announce but Baekhyun interrupts you.
"Not yet Kitten, this time you'll cum with me and when I tell you to" He makes you hover over his dick. Still, just above him. You squirm only wanting to be filled again.
"Say what you want Kitten"
"I want your cock Baekhyun" he raises in eyebrow. "Please" your pleads make Baekhyun smirk again.
"Yeah baby? Is that what you want?" he says as he slips the tip inside, the beaded shaft make you scream in bliss as Baekhyun slowly lowers you on his cock, legs spread wide, offering him the best view on your swollen and twitching cunt.
"Yes!!!" you scream while tears well up in the corner of your eyes.
But then Baekhyun's spade shaped tail swiftly wraps around your neck, the slick scales gliding on your skin send goosebumps in the nape of your neck. When the tail has made a full circle around your neck, Baekhyun suddenly tightens the grip.
"Then fucking take it" he smashes you onto his huge cock.
You open your mouth to scream but not a sound comes out. You are completely silenced. Only the wet and lewd sounds of your pussy can be heard as Baekhyun's tip touches the deepest part of you, forming a visible bulge inside your stomach. Tears of pure joy roll down your heated cheeks.
Baekhyun then goes back to his insane rhythm. Every time angling you just right to smash your sensitive spot. Gradually your mind goes blank as he fucks you furiously, your jaw hangs open and your eyes rolls back into their orbit.
"Look at me" Baekhyun whispers in his demonic low voice. Your eyes snap to him. "I'm gonna cum inside you" he continuous to whisper. You nod vigorously, cause you know it means he'll finally let you cum too. "With this one I'll make you mine. I'll impregnate you. I'll make your belly swell with my children" You nod again, streams of tears wetting your cheeks. The restriction of blood to your brain makes you see stars as the pleasure rises again to an unbearable level.
"Now cum. Cum for me Kitten" Baekhyun grunts.
You feel his cum flow into you, this last thing sends you over the edge into the most intense orgasm you ever felt, that's including the ones Baekhyun gave you in the past. This one is different. This one is too much. His big fat cock smashing into you, his drenched chest glistening, the dirty talk, the pet name, the commanding tone, the demonic voice, the tail around your neck, the thick and hot cum filling you up.
Your spread-out legs shake uncontrollably as Baekhyun leads you to completion. Just as you are on the verge of losing consciousness due to the air restriction but also the heavenly stimulation of your orgasm, Baekhyun loosens his tail around your narrow neck. A strangled scream escapes free of your sore throat as you are finally able to vocally express the immense pleasure you feel.
"Yes, that's it baby" Baekhyun purrs as he keeps you going up and down his length.
You cry out a long moan as your head is thrown back and your tongue hangs lose out of your mouth. Baekhyun slowly decreases the pace until it comes to a stop. He lifts you out one last time, as soon as his big member pops out of you, gallons of his cum flow out of you. Baekhyun lays you down gently next to him. Before linking his lips with yours and shoving his long and rugged tongue inside your mouth and you don't even notice the red glow marking you in the lower stomach region.
You lay there for you don't know how long, trying to gather your thoughts. You are completely drained, fucked beyond repair...
After a while Baekhyun stands back up.
"In three weeks, the children will be born" you difficulty open your eyes back to look at him. "I'll be back to take them... and you."
"Wait... me? Also babies??? Plural?" so many questions shoot through your mind.
"Yes" Baekhyun says as he wipes himself with a piece of cloth he found. "I marked you as mine" It's only now that you notice the small drawing Baekhyun tattooed on you with his demonic magic. It's a language you can't comprehend.
"What is this?" you asked pointing to the tattoo.
"It means you are to be my wife". Your eyes nearly bulge out of their sockets.
"WHAT?" You yell, flabbergasted.
"Yes, you know what a succubus is right, female incubus? " you nod unable to speak one more word.
"Well, no succubus are born. Succubus are only made. They are human women chosen by incubus to become their wife and bring their heirs to the world."
You want to say something, but you only stutter nonsense.
"Over the next three weeks you will kiss your humanity goodbye. Horns will sprout out your forehead and you will grow a tail. Your magic energy will increase, and you will slowly be able to use different magic spells. In three weeks, I'll bring you to the magic realm where you will live with me. And serve me with your body..." Baekhyun marks a silence "and heart."
"But... you... I-" Baekhyun sits next to you on the bed and cups your cheeks to make your troubled eyes meet his.
"Wasn't that what you asked for?" He asked in the most honey toned voice, his darks orbs fixed into your unsure gaze. He brushes his thumb over your bottom lip "Right Kitten?"
"Yes..." you whisper, hypnotized by his intense stare.
"Over the past year, your feelings for me bloomed, didn't they?" You felt blood rushing to your cheeks as Baekhyun's eyes were unwavering.
You didn't answer anything, but you didn't have to... Baekhyun knew exactly how to read you. Maybe because he felt the same way...
He got back up and with magic popped his clothes back on. Red smoke started to appear at his feet, gradually growing around him.
"I'll be back in three weeks... Wait for me Kitten, okay?" He said with that adorable boyish smile you haven't seen in a year, he winked at you before disappearing in the red smoke.
You rubbed your belly, where life had taken its domain. This time, you wouldn't have to try to go back to a normal life.
It was impossible anyway... and frankly you didn't want to.
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janetbrown711 · 3 years
“Why are you so nice to me” wakko or yakko max
To Wakko's delight, his brother kept good on his promise. Weeks passed and his brother devoted several days to restoring their bond just as it once was (the other days Yakko spent with Dot or with the both of them).
Heck, Wakko was so secure in his brother not abandoning him when Yakko asked if he could start up writing to Max again (at a much slower pace than before, he promised), Wakko said yes (barely) without hesitation. He knew that Max made him happy... and that he kinda owed it to Yakko to let him hang out with him again, as their little "not exactly falling out" was his fault (to him, anyway).
Everything was starting to seem... good- perfect, even.
However, Dot's birthday was rapidly approaching and Yakko was starting to get ideas.
"You know what we should do?" He said, lounging on the couch in the sunroom. "We should throw a ball for your birthday, Dot."
Dot perked up from her book. "What? Why? We never held balls for our birthdays before."
Yakko rolled his eyes. "That's because Grandma ruins everything. In this book I'm reading it says it was tradition for the royal family to hold big celebrations on their birthdays. I think it'd be fun- plus a great opportunity for you two to start making some friends."
This again.
Wakko tried to laugh it off. "You'd have to get mum and dad to agree, and they've been pretty busy with the flooding in the west."
"Bah, that's mostly dealt with at this point. I'm sure they could use the break too," Yakko countered.
"B-but mom's coronation wasn't even that long ago," Wakko argued.
"It was over three months ago," Dot rolled her eyes. "I think a party would be fun," she looked to Yakko.
"Didn't you have fun at mom's coronation?" Yakko asked his middle sibling.
"Well I- I suppose I did..." Wakko thought back to the massive chalk drawing he had covered the floor with. It was pretty fun, and it made a lot of people happy.
"See? I'm sure a party in Dot's honor would be fun all the same- plus, making friends is great, I'm sure you'll love it," Yakko said with a reassuring smile on his face, though Wakko still wasn't quite convinced. However, he could see how much both of his siblings wanted this (even though the idea was only seconds old) and who was he to say no?
"Alright, I guess we can do that," He said, which made Dot clap in excitement as she began to detail everything she'd want for a party in her honor.
Wakko had a feeling this was going to be interesting.
As expected, their parents were ecstatic at the idea, and they spared no expense in attempts to create what they believed a much-needed celebration for the people of Warnerstock and their allies.
And to say it truly was Dot's creative vision would not be false. There were a lot of pinks- a lot, a lot of pinks. Though mostly tasteful, if you saw it it was hard to look away from.
But still, Wakko was happy for her, she was having the time of her life planning it all out with their dad, who was equally happy to spoil his little girl.
However, he knew deep down that despite what Yakko had sworn, her party was probably going to be very different from the coronation. He hoped it would be fun, but the more he watched decorations being put into place and talks about the guests and feasts the more he was beginning to worry.
He didn't say anything though, as the rest of his family seemed far too happy for him to want to bother them with his plight. They deserved this break, he was probably just being dramatic anyways. He'd be fine- and maybe make a friend just like Yakko said he would.
Wakko did his best to remain optimistic, despite the knots forming deep within.
It wasn't too long before the grand day arrived. Wakko had thought they had pulled out all the stops just for decorating but the day itself was insane too. Dot was showered in presents and even was taken out to town with William to go shopping for anything her heart desired, meanwhile Yakko, Wakko, and Lena stayed behind and supervised the final touches on the decorations.
Okay- really only Lena supervised, but Yakko and Wakko were technically there too. They didn't stay with her long, as she gave them a list of things to check up on so she could talk to some people which they were fine with.
Together, the brothers walked through the massive dining hall, checking curtains, flowers, vases, tapestries, etc. to make sure they were in the exact right places (not that the list really said where they were supposed to be) and checked them all off.
"So... are you looking forward to tonight?" Yakko asked, checking off 'left-most curtains'.
"Oh- uh- Yeah! I am... are you?" Wakko quickly said.
"Oh yeah, totally, it'll be great to see Max. It's been a while... you're still cool with that, right?" Yakko glanced down at him before checking another thing off.
Wakko nodded. "I won't try to prank or drive him away this time, I swear."
Yakko snorted. "I know you know better, I'm just asking if you're okay with me hanging out with him for tonight instead of you."
"Yeah, I am. You did say I should make friends after all," Wakko said, fiddling with gloves. Yakko looked away from the checklist and gave his little brother a side hug.
"I'm proud of you, you know that?" Yakko asked.
"Yeah, yeah," It was Wakko's turn to laugh.
"I'm serious-" Yakko let go and punched Wakko's arm lightly. "You're doing great. You should be proud of yourself too, you've come a long way."
Wakko smiled a little. "Maybe."
Yakko chuckled. "Well, it looks like we're just about done with this list. Wanna go turn it in to mom and go get changed into uncomfortable suits and greet guests for hours on end, or do you wanna just double and triple check the list until the last second?"
"Definitely check the list," Wakko laughed too.
And so the brothers did, until Lena caught wind of their shenanigans and forced them to start getting ready for the party (though they did cut a lot of time so technically they still regarded it as a win). At least those outfits weren't the worst they've ever worn (they were pretty confident nothing would ever top how itchy and miserable their funeral outfits were). Still, standing around and greeting people was a dreadfully boring job, not to mention awkward until their father and Dot eventually came to join them and actually do their job properly.
They knew their mom was busy, but leaving the two of them in charge was a little questionable.
Plus, after all that interaction, Wakko was starting to feel weird. Tired, but also not-? It was complicated. All he knew was that he wanted to be alone and maybe pace for a while, that'd be nice.
However, the party was to start in not too long, so he really didn't have time for that. He followed Yakko around for a while to the main party room where the people they had greeted before were all chatting amongst themselves. It wasn't too loud yet, but Wakko's tail twitched nervously as he weaved between people and conversations.
He hadn't been this nervous at the coronation- Wakko really wished he could figure out why he was feeling this way. Alas, he was unable.
He did feel a little better as Yakko and he found a spot of their own to chill in for a while, away from all the people.
"A lot of people came to this shindig, huh?" Yakko joked, "though probably no more than those who attended mom's coronation."
"Yeah..." Wakko said, trying to compare them mentally.
"More kids though, which is really good for you and Dot to make friends," Yakko said.
"Yep, yep," Wakko feigned enthusiasm.
"Are you okay..?" Yakko asked, causing Wakko to straighten out his act instantly and nod.
"Of course," he said. Yakko frowned.
"You don't have to lie you know," He remarked. Wakko bit his lip.
"M'just a little tired," he shrugged, figuring it was close enough to the truth.
"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Yakko asked worriedly.
Wakko nodded again. "I'll be fine, I'm probably just hungry."
Yakko laughed a little. "Alright, but you'll tell me if anything is wrong, right?"
The brothers stood in a bored silence for a while, before the rest of their family walked in and the festivities officially began.
It started with the feast, which was pretty harmless, as Wakko enjoyed talking with his family and the food was "quite excellent". The hall was filled with good cheer and hearty laughter, which he could appreciate.
However, after that, things began to blur.
It seemed only moments ago he was eating when suddenly everything was taken away and it turned into social hour. and Dot and their parents disappeared once more. He recalled Yakko asking if it was okay for him to go to Max, to which Wakko nodded and even pushed him away some. Oh god- he hoped that wasn't too aggressive.
Now he was alone. People were talking, walking, dancing, all sorts of activities. Wakko tried to take it all in, but all of the colors and sounds were starting to burn his eyes.
Friends. He was told he had to make friends.
He tried looking around for kids his age, but just turning his head made him dizzy.
Still, he was determined to function as a normal child would so he began weaving through the rapidly shifting crowd as he had earlier, just with a much louder and more busy crowd.
Suddenly his suit was starting to feel a lot more uncomfortable than before. God- if he could just find someone-
He bumped right into a lady in a bright purple dress. He quickly stuttered an apology before scurrying away as fast as he could, not even waiting for a response.
Seriously- was his suit trying to choke him? He pulled on it desperately, but if anything it just made the pull tighter. Wakko growled to himself as he walked further and further away from whoever that lady was, until he hit the wall.
At least the marble was cool, it was starting to feel like it was a million degrees in here.
Still, it wasn't enough. he still felt hot, and stuffy- was he even breathing anymore?
...Yes, yes he was. Rather fast though- oh dear, was that his heart? oh god- what was happening? Why was the music so loud? Why was his collar so tight? When was the last time he blinked? Where were these "kids" Wakko was supposed to make friends with?
Wait- no, he could see those. A group of them- shit, they were looking at him. Wakko noticed his nail was twitching nervously- he grabbed it and forced it to stop, but the kids laughed.
Wakko ran away again, covering his ears, his face turning red and the knot in his stomach transporting itself to his throat.
"No, no, no, no. Please, not now..." He pleaded with himself, but he didn't listen, and tears started to form. Wakko looked desperately for a quick way out, but still couldn't find any- curse the size of this place.
However, as his eyes darted around anxiously, he spotted something- a table covered in a white cloth that went to the ground. Without hesitation, Wakko went to it, making sure no one saw him before crawling underneath.
Wakko stayed there, covering his ears and rocking back and forth awhile, cursing his stupid brain for making these stupid tears that wouldn't end. He also cursed the stupid music for being too loud and the guests for being so many.
He wanted Mom.
He wanted mom to come and find him and scoop him up and take him to the playroom and sit in the rocking chair and rock him to sleep.
However, she didn't come.
No one did.
He was alone, and these tears weren't making him any calmer. Everything still felt so loud- it wasn't this loud before- he loved mom's coronation. Why was his brain so stupid?!
The young prince continued like that for a while, before someone came and lifted the tablecloth. He tried to make a run for it, but the someone grabbed his arm before he could- Wakko turned to look at their face and-
It was Max.
"S-sorry, I probably shouldn't... grab you," He let go, and Wakko scooted back, though he didn't leave. Max saw this as an invitation and joined him under the table.
"A-are- uh... Are you okay?" Max asked. Wakko looked away and shrugged.
"Right... not much of a talker..." Max recalled. Wakko nodded once, though he instantly regretted it, as it made his head feel weird.
Max tapped his fingers on his knee as he tried to figure something out. Wakko avoided any looks the Disney Prince gave him.
"Do you want some water? I can go get you some water," Max offered. Wakko sniffled and thought about it, before nodding once more (and regretting it once more).
with that, he disappeared, though not for too long.
Wakko noticed he stopped crying.
"Here, take this," Max handed him the glass. Wakko accepted the offering, taking a long drink.
Well, that felt at least a little bit better.
He glanced at Max.
"A-aren't you supposed to be with Yakko?" he asked.
"Dot was practically begging Yakko for a dance and I let him, it's her day after all," Max chuckled.
That made sense.
Wakko looked down at the glass, tapping his finger against it and looking at the water ripple.
"Do you need to step out of the party for a sec?" Max asked.
Wakko shrugged, taking a sip.
"Here- I'll help you find an exit," Max said, getting up and holding the cloth open for Wakko.
He hesitated.
He didn't deserve this- such kindness from the guy he locked in the tower mere weeks ago- it didn't make sense.
Then again, he'd give anything to get out of here.
Wakko listening to his senses and got out.
Carefully he followed Max through the gigantic room until they eventually reached a door, through which both of them slipped out of and into a calm and dark hallway.
Instantly, Wakko felt calmed, taking a deep breath.
"Wanna sit down?" Max asked, gesturing to the couches nearby. Wakko nodded. However, instead of sitting on the couch, he chose to lay on the cool floor, even taking off his gloves so he could feel the marble with his fingers.
Max didn't say anything for a while, not seeming to mind the silence. Which was good- because Wakko didn't feel like breaking it.
After a while though, a thought nagged at his brain.
Why on earth would Max help him? After everything he did? After everything he jeopardized? It didn't make sense.
Wakko sat up. Max looked at him but didn't say anything.
Wakko sighed.
"Why-?" He paused.
"Why... are you being so nice to me?"
"You were in trouble, I couldn't ignore that," Max shrugged. Wakko frowned, putting his gloves back on.
"I-i... Aren't you mad? At least a little?" He asked.
"It wasn't my first time being locked in a room for hours on end," Max snorted.
"Y-yeah, but I tried to hurt you. And Yakko..." Wakko looked at the ground. "I know how much you mean to him."
Max blinked.
"I- uh... well-" Max struggled with his words a moment.
"I don't... blame you, I guess. It's as new to you as it is to me and with a past and family tree like yours, I guess I don't blame you for lashing out? I dunno," Max shrugged, looking away.
"Still... you didn't have to do this."
"I wanted to. Trust me, I would've helped any kid I found under there, but I'm glad it was you," Max said.
Wakko looked at him, deciding whether or not he believed that. Ultimately, he did.
"You know... Yakko talks a lot about you," Max said, piquing Wakko's interest.
"He worries a lot, but he says you're a really sweet kid, and I believe that," Max smiled a little. "You should be easier on yourself, you're still growing up you know?"
Wakko thought about that.
"I guess," He said. Max snorted.
"You know... you do seem like a pretty cool kid. I'm sorry if you ever felt I was ignoring you, I promise I'll try to make up for it too," He said.
Wakko thought about that too.
"Thanks," He said.
"I really do hope we can grow to like each other. Yakko means a lot to me and you mean a lot to him... you know?" Max blushed a little, scratching the back of his neck.
Wakko nodded, grinning a little.
"So... are we... cool?" Max asked.
Wakko thought about that as well.
"Yeah, we're cool," He said with his signature smile.
"Cool," Max grinned back. "Because I'm pretty sure Yakko might lose it if his dance with Dot ended and he can't find me."
Wakko laughed.
"Will you be alright?" Max asked, standing. Wakko nodded, getting up as well.
"I'm feeling a lot better... though I think I'll look for mum and dad," He said.
"Fair enough," Max nodded once. "Well- uh... see you around, I guess."
"See you around," Wakko laughed at his awkwardness before going back through the doors and back to the party.
Max followed soon thereafter, hoping Yakko wouldn't be too mad or worried at him for his sudden disappearance.
Yakko couldn't believe that a year ago today he thought his parents were dead. It baffled him honestly- he could turn his head and his parents were right there. They were never really dead- it shocked him to remember sometimes.
He also couldn't believe that only a year ago the most celebration they could share for Dot's birthday was a mini cake they had to sneak late at night.
And now look where he was- dancing in the middle of the ballroom with his little sister having the time of his life- despite the fact Dot couldn't stop giggling and he almost dropped her that one time.
However, he had to draw the line after three songs, which Dot understood, and he gave her back to their parents, hoping Max wouldn't be too mad about Dot taking up so much of his time.
"Ah, Max, there you are- sorry for dancing so long, I have a hard time saying no to her," Yakko laughed between pants, scratching the back of his neck.
"You just got done?" Max teased.
"Yeah, she really liked dancing," Yakko shrugged, putting his hands in his pockets.
"You look like you could use a breather," Max raised an eyebrow at him.
"Who, me? Whatever would give that idea?" He played back, wiping the sweat from his forehead.
"C'mon- let's go to the balcony," Max said, taking his hand.
When they got to the door Yakko paused as he looked back at his family, unsure. However, his parents looked at him, and after giving a fair look of warning, they both gave him a thumbs up and nod of approval, and Yakko went off with his prince.
However, they didn't pick a random one, they went all the way through the halls to the usual one they'd go to when Max visited Warnerstock (the kid had a thing for balconies).
"Ahh, fresh air," Yakko embraced the cool night.
"Yep," Max embraced it too, immediately going and leaning on the rails.
"Are you liking the party?" Yakko asked.
"It's pretty good- though a little crowded, but I always know how to find some space," Max answered.
"I feel that- when my birthday rolls around, I'll make it a lot less crowded. I don't know what Dot had against having it outside, but what are you gonna do?" Yakko shrugged.
"I think Wakko would appreciate a smaller shindig," Max said, looking at the garden.
"What makes you say that?" Yakko decided to take his place next to Max also leaning against the railing.
"Ran into him- he wasn't having the best time so I helped ground him again," Max said like it was no big deal.
It was.
"Grounded him? You- managed to calm him down? Is he okay? What happened?" Yakko asked quickly.
"Woah, woah, it's okay. He's totally fine, just... overwhelmed." Max said.
"Oh... well... I'm glad he's okay," Yakko took a deep breath. "And I'm even more glad you were able to help him- that's huge... really."
He looked at him when he said that last part. Max blushed.
"I would've helped anyone, seriously," He looked away.
"Mhm, sure," Yakko teased.
"I am serious though- it probably means a lot to Wakko- he doesn't accept help easily and to allow you... it means he's starting to like you," Yakko said in all seriousness.
"That's good," Max nodded. "I really do want your family to like me- I just... don't have the best ways of showing it, I suppose."
"Hey, you're doing great so far," Yakko held his hand.
There was a moment before Yakko realized what he was doing and both boys broke the gesture.
"Haha... yeahhhh," Max looked at the wall away from Yakko.
There was a stretch of silence between the two, neither knowing what to do. Sure they knew what they wanted but... things are never as easy as just doing what you want.
"My dad and uncles like you too- if you care about that," Max decided to say.
"That's good," Yakko smiled a little, rubbing his thumb on the railing.
Another pause.
"You know- It's funny to me how when we met you thought I might too cool for you," Max remarked.
"When did I ever say that?" Yakko said.
"You called me cool at least fifty times upon first meeting me," Max play punched his arm.
"As I recall, you called me cool, so who's the real cool one here?" Yakko punched him back and the princes laughed.
"Alright, alright, you got me," Max chuckled. "I was just trying to say you were totally wrong, I don't have a cool bone in my body."
"God- you're so cool you don't even know how cool you are. Typical," Yakko sighed teasingly.
"Hey, didn't I just say you're pretty cool too?" Max accused playfully.
"Oh please, you're way cooler. No trauma and with fluffy, luxurious hair like that? Please," Yakko rolled his eyes.
"Oh puh-lease yourself. Trauma is just a cool backstory and you're home is a lot more fun and a lot less crowded and your family is a lot more cool too," Max pointed his finger at Yakko.
"You're exaggerating," Yakko pointed back.
"Nope- not at all. You're one of my first true friends and that automatically makes you very cool," Max crossed his arms.
"Oh yeah? W-well-" Yakko paused, looking at Max carefully.
A pause.
Max's dark brown eyes shined back at Yakko, reflecting the stars that surrounded them wonderfully. His fluffy and luxurious hair framed his face with perfect ease. His signature smile slowly turned into that of curiosity.
Yakko felt his heart flutter.
"I'm not as cool as you think," Yakko stepped down, looking at the ground.
Another pause.
"Well maybe you are right- maybe I am cooler than you."
Before Yakko could finish the sentence, Max grabbed his shoulder and pulled him into a kiss.
"S-see?" Max was internally "fjdkaf;sfj"-ing in his brain. "You've won- I'm a lot cooler."
"Y-yeah," Yakko could barely speak his face was as red as Wakko's hat. "You're... yeah," his face melted into a goofy grin.
"Oh god- I'm sorry- d-did you not mean that..?" Max panicked, quickly becoming embarrassed.
"N-no!" Yakko snapped to life. "I-i... I- uh..."
"I liked it," He managed to say. Max smiled.
"W-... Wanna do it again?" Yakko proposed, and Max nodded, and they shared another kiss.
Yakko knew it was corny to think, but it truly felt just like fireworks in his chest.
He liked Max- Max liked him. A part of himself was realized- and he felt alive. A good kind of alive- not the kind of alive that came from life or death situations.
"So... I guess that makes us even," Max joked. Yakko laughed.
"I guess so," He couldn't get himself to stop smiling- neither could Max. They looked at each other before bursting into laughter again.
"Man, we really should return to the party," Max said.
"Yeah, you're right," Yakko's face was starting to hurt from the smiling.
"Do- uh... do you think your parents will be cool... orrrr...?" Max asked.
"Psh, I'm sure they'll be fine," He said without hesitation.
"Cool," Max said, opening the door out of the balcony.
Yakko looked at him for a moment, trying to absorb the moment as best he could.
"You okay?" Max asked.
"Yep," Yakko said, taking a deep breath as he implanted it in his memory in his brain forever.
"C'mon, let's go before they think we've done something stupid," Yakko said, quickly joining Max and grabbing his hand before running back to join his family.
however, right before entering the party room once more, Yakko paused.
"Does this mean our friendship is basically ruined?" He asked.
Max thought about it.
"I wouldn't think of it as a ruining per se... maybe think of it as an upgrade of sorts," Max winked.
God, he was so much cooler.
"Cool," Yakko grinned, squeezing Max's hand.
"Well... uh- shall we?" Max let go and offered Yakko his arm.
Yakko thought about it.
Taking it would mean no taking it back- it would mean the whole party would basically know that they kissed (holy shit- they kissed! that was a thing that happened!). His parents, his siblings, practically the whole kingdom, and their allies.
Yakko couldn't imagine any other way to walk back in.
He took his arm.
"We shall."
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 The End
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chipper-smol · 3 years
Hollow Knight Telephone Round Two: Babysitter SL
Prompt: Shade (lord) is in the midst of final exams and they’re more stressed and tired than usual while babysitting. They accidentally fall asleep in the middle of a calm spell and the god babies become worried. The next time Shade comes over, all of the god babies present a gift they all made together!
By @minnesotamidian-blog​
Shade barely noticed their surroundings as they entered the nursery playroom. Plastic clattered and they sighed as Radiance yelled at the top of her lungs. At least she wasn't screaming. Yet. The scene was set: Unn was still in a crib and chewing on a bar, Root was climbing slowly onto a chair. Radiance was knocking over plastic blocks as Grimm cackled away. For once, Wyrm was playing peacefully with a kick toy, batting at it with his tail. Root got onto the chair and squealed, raising her arms. "Big Root now!" The little blue-eyed godling squeaked out.
Shade picked her up, hugged her to their chest before holding her out. "Now you're a flying Root."
She screamed laughter as Shade tiredly walked her around the room before setting her down near some of her favorite toys. They made sure nobody else had claimed the chair and took a seat, bending over to pick up the fussy moth. "Ancient enemy!" Of course she bit their hand.
Shade winced and just ran a hand over her fluff. "Are you hungry for something that isn't void?" They spoke tiredly.
"Oranges!" She yelled out.
The teen sighed as he went to the mini-fridge with snacks and found some miracle of miracles! pre-peeled oranges. Shade pulled them out and put her in a high chair with one at a time so she wouldn't be tempted to throw the extras at them.
Finals were here and they were really taking it out of the gangly god. Why did they have to know stuff about inorganic chemistry? Why did they have to know about history nobody cared about? There were some fun subjects, but the finals seemed to even suck the fun out of those classes, going over notes and studying everything just in case. They'd been pulling long nights and the night before had been an all-night cram session-and they still had to come to work, they couldn't afford not to. They'd underlined all the stuff the teacher had said was important to remember and had written down stuff from the last finals about each teacher's usual tests.
It made narrowing down what to study from impossible to I'm totally toast. They groaned as they set down a calmer Radiance the opposite side of the room from Wyrm. She found toys that interested her, at least. Root wandered over to Wyrm, who was really into knocking at the kick toy and purring. Root settled nearby and burbled as she hugged and gnawed a plushie.
The teen couldn't help it. The kids were calm for once; their head started to tilt forward, eyes heavy. They were exhausted. Shade's eyes closed and their breathing deepened. At first, their toys were too interesting to notice their babysitter's state; but it didn't take long for Grimm to get bored enough to fly over and notice. "...Shade? Shade's eyes are closed." They landed and the four children not in a crib headed for the batlike godling.
"Is Shade dead?" Wyrm sounded worried.
"Don't be stupid, they're having a nap!" Radiance huffed.
Root looked up and swayed before patting Shade's leg. "Grown-ups don't have nap times." She was tearing up.
"Nuh-uh, they're having bad dreams and it's tasty!" Grimm clamored onto their lap.
The others joined, Radiance grabbing Unn to join them on the sleeping teen. Grimm rested between Shade's horns, Unn was on one shoulder, Radiance on the other, with Root and Wyrm curled up together on Shade's lap, Wyrm purring for once.
When Shade woke up, they were surprised by the weight on their body and forced themself to look down and around before moving. "Uh oh, I fell asleep… sheesh, I'm glad this place isn't a fiery disaster." They picked the godlings up. "You're not dead!" Wyrm exclaimed.
Root burst into tears and even Grimm joined in on the crying spat. Shade sighed and spent the rest of the time comforting them until meal time and settled them down. Time to go home for them all!
But the worry didn't leave the heads of the little godlings. "We should make something for Shade. If they're having nightmares, they might be sad." Radiance sighed. "But that doesn't mean I feel bad for my ancient enemy!" "What do we make?" Root twirled around, slowly turning in place until she fell onto pillows in her dizziness.
"Something of clay! I can burn it dry!" Grimm hopped around.
"But there's no clay." Unn spoke slowly, thoughtfully. "But there's crayons and paper."
"Oooh. We can make a pretty picture for Shade!" Wyrm waved his head happily. The group went for papers and each started to draw on the paper. "You're taking up too much paper!" Wyrm whined.
Radiance complained in turn, pointing at the color he was using. "I want that color!"
Wyrm growled and argued back. "I had it first!"
They started rolling around over their drawings, biting and clawing. Grimm gave a solid scream that startled the two. "You ruined Shade's pretty pictures!" He yelled.
The two looked at each other and hung their heads. "...sorry." Radiance muttered.
"-'m sorry." Wyrm looked away from the moth, skulking. "Start again? You can have the crayon, Radiance…"
Radiance took the crayon and they all picked up the last piece of paper. "I think this is better." Root spoke cheerfully.
It was three days later, once Shade had a solid night's sleep and finals completed that they'd returned to work. A large construction sheet of paper in grey covered in scribbles and rough names and messages was waiting for them.
Feel better soon Shade
Love you
Best babysitter
Tastiest nightmare!
Not the worst anciant ancient enemy.Shade could only feel warmth and laugh, hugging the drawing to themself. There were some days the job felt like the best thing in the world.  ------------------------------- By @tomatotimes
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By @loud-whistling-yes
The kids protested louder. Shade lifted the TV remote higher up, now above their head.
"Screentime's over, I said no."
Wyrm attempted to crawl up their leg in what was a rather pathetic attempt at stealing the remote, but was promptly shaken off. Grimm tried next, flying overhead to snatch the controller. Shade ducked and grabbed him by the tail before he could send himself flying straight towards the ceiling fan for the third time that day.
"Find something else to do," Shade said as they stuffed the remote deep into their pocket, much to everyone else's dismay. "Look, as much as I'd love to shut you guys up for the whole day, you've all been staring at the TV for hours now and I don't want to get in trouble with your parents."
Louder complaints.
"No, no, no. I am not cracking this time." Shade announced as they pulled Radi, who was hissing like an angry cat, off their jeans and pulled their phone out. "You guys got me last week, never again. No more TV for you, we're doing something else before I lose my money for tonight. Google almighty, what is your suggestion."
activities to do with children
fun activities to do with children
activities to do with toddlers
what can I do with kids that isn't a major headache to deal with goddamnit
Go to the park? Shade took about half a second to consider the thought before wondering why they even thought it was possible anyways. Five kids from the deepest depths of hell, outdoors? No. No park.
Finger painting? A pain to clean up, but better than outdoors. Then they looked up from their phone and considered the idea with greater thought. Grimm's wings, Radi's legs, Unn and Wyrm's… er…. Body?.... Nevermind.
Play pretend? …. If they hear the name Hallownest one more time they might just go insane.
Hide and seek? No. No no no no no. No more hide and seek. Shade was utterly sick of hide and seek. If they had to spend another second stuffed inside the closet or trying to get Radi off the roof they'll probably quit the job right there and then.
… That might work. Sure, cleaning up is gonna be absolute hell but it's the only thing Google suggested that they haven't tried yet without horrible results.
Shade stuffed their phone back into their pocket and made a getaway to the kitchen, everyone else following, probably still trying to get the remote back. Butter, eggs, flour, sugar, oh, even some chocolate chips…
"Well then," They declared, pulling every ingredient out of the cabinet and fridge. "We're making cookies! And no, no one is allowed to touch the oven when it's hot. If you guys behave we'll have cookies in like, an hour or something like that."
The kids watched in confusion as Shade ran around the kitchen, pulling out bowls and spoons and a bunch of other utensils while typing furiously on their phone.
Cookies recipe
Cookies recipe easy
Cookies recipe for beginners
Cookies recipe for kids
"What do you guys think about chocolate chip cookies?"
Multiple chitters of approval. "Chocolate chip cookies it is then."
Step one: sieve the flour. Oh wyrm, first step and it's already gonna go to shit.
"Okay, you guys can watch this but for the love of the holy wyrm, do not touch it." Shade measured the correct amount of flour before scooping Wrym and Unn off the floor onto the table so they could see while Radi pulled herself onto the chair. The Lady had already clinged herself onto their sweater and Grimm was doing just fine flying nearby.
“You guys get one chocolate chip each if you guys behave and don’t get flour everywhere.” Shade added. “Now, Lady, hold still and don’t move, I gotta keep my hands steady for this…”
"Okay, chocolate chip time." Shade popped open the jar of chocolate as the kids cheered. "Actually, we’re not supposed to be eating this plain, cause it's going into the cookies. But no one actually does that so you guys get five chips each for not setting the kitchen on fire so far."
"The recipe says a cup of chocolate chips but we all know that's a lie." They added while shoving their phone back in their pocket and grabbing a handful of chips before mixing the batter together. "I'm probably not someone you should take life lessons from, but here's one thing I can guarantee you should take to heart: never follow the recipe when it comes to chocolate chips, you count that with your soul."
Final step: oven time. The oven was preheated earlier, and the only thing left was to get the cookies into the tray and into the oven. "Now, who wants to make heart-shaped cookies?"
Three deformed stars, five mutated trees, two malformed cats, several irregular hearts, a couple handfuls of chocolate eaten straight from the jar, and one (1) perfectly round cookie later, the cookies were on the tray, in the oven, and in a surprising turn of events, no one burned themselves… yet. Shade grabbed everyone and made sure no one was in a five-meter radius within the oven before picking up all the dirty bowls and utensils. “Cookies will have to sit in there for about 15 minutes, we’ll be cleaning up in the meantime.”
“Don’t look at me like that, and no whining, if you want cookies you gotta deal with the mess afterwards. That's the payoff, unless you're a wizard who has a passion for baking. Then that's fair, I guess." They dumped all the used utensils they could find and turned on the sink. The sief, three bowls, tablespoons and teaspoons.. Oh wait.
"Radi, the big wooden spoon, please?" Shade called, sponge in their hand and bowls being thoroughly rinsed.
Radi, of course, was not willing to help, because she's basically a feral house cat that just so happened to grow more legs than the average feline. Shade sighed and moved on to finding the next helper they could find.
"Grimm, I know you're touching the oven, stop it. I'm pretty sure you're immune to fire but not everyone else and you're setting a bad example for them. Get me the spoon please."
“Lady, here’s a cloth, help me dry the bowls up. Wyrm, … i have no idea how you can help, no limbs and all but uh, could you go get Unn? I have no idea where she went. Thanks.” The last sentence was to Grimm, who flew over with the mixing spoon and dropped it into the sink while Wyrm scurried away to find Unn, wherever she’s napping at.
"Radi? Radi, I know you're right behind me, stop pretending that you can't hear me. Lady has an extra cloth with her, you're on table wiping duty."
“See? That wasn't so bad,” Shade sent the last of the bowls back into the cupboards and closed it shut. “And the cookies are pretty much done.”
“Also, no. You may not eat the cookies the moment I pull them out of the oven. These rules also apply to Grimm because it's unfair to everyone else.. Don’t look at me like that Grimm, I know you’ll eat them all before they cool and leave us nothing.”
The cookies smelt delicious, and were left on the dining table to cool. “Now that it's cooling down, it's naptime.”
A chorus of groans and wailing.
“It’ll be ready when you guys get up. Up up up, sleep time.”
If you’ve been anywhere near toddlers before, you’d know that getting them to nap in their bedrooms is a near-impossible situation. And Shade was not a person who deals with near-impossible situations well. So following the months old custom, Shade turned on the tv, remote miraculously not pickpocketed, collapsed onto the couch, and waited for everyone piling on them to fall asleep before moving them into their bedroom and pretending they managed to wrangle them all into bed.
And it all goes to plan, the Lady and Wyrm were sound asleep on their lap, Radi and Unn were dozing off on their shoulders, and they're pretty sure the snoring from the top of their head was coming from Grmm. Now, step 2: get everyone off them and onto the beds.
… Or maybe later. It's been a long day, and the couch is pretty comfy. Yeah, just five more minutes, nothing wrong with that…
And if the parents came home to see a cleaner-than-expected kitchen, a tray of chocolate chip cookies, and five kids snoring on top of their babysitter, also sound asleep, then that’s nobody’s business.
And if the originally completely full jar of chocolate chips was pretty much empty, then that’s no one’s business as well.
By @astronomicartz​
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By @hollow-kin​
Shade lord wanted to take a nap. They are sooo tired, but they are babysitting 5 baby gods for 5$/H. Grimm is a brat, Radiance his sister is also a brat. Unn was ether eating or seeping, same with grub1. Lady was, well sweet and cuddly. they needed to find a distraction for the kids, what would work?
Would tv work, would cartoons work? They had dinner already. Tv had to work or grub and radiance would destroy the house. They needed to take a nap. Now what to watch was a different question, they would have to ask the kids. “so, what do guys want to watch? “Movie!” well they were all in agreement, what was good. “What kind of movie do you guys want to watch?” “Fire!” “dath” “animal” “tree” “ok. No, we are NOT watching fire.” “awww” “i do not know what dath means so no. So nature show it is then.” they go over to the tv and turn it on, then select the world around us. Lady was quick to fall asleep, on their lap. Shade lord slowly fell asleep, and grub nested between grub and shade lord. Grimm climed up to shade lord's head. 
By @hawaiianbabidoll
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By @neoliberalsatan
A gentle darkness surrounded the shade lord. He finally felt at ease. "finally", he thought, "rest." it didn't take long after that before the darkness started to take shape and a whole new world created out of shadows sheathed him.
But the happiness of the shadows didn't last long. A new and a new sound drowned out their world and all the animals and plants took to hiding back in his head. The shade lord felt the distressed creations stir inside his mind and woke up to the sound of his phone ringing. He rubbed his lowest eyes and accepted the call
"Hello, with shade lord. How can i help you?" "Oh sorry dear, i know it's terribly late but we got an unexpected call and need to leave. Since you've babysat Unn multiple times we assumed she would like to stay with you. Is it okay for you? Can we bring her to your place?" The shade lord thought for a moment and decided he could use the money. "Yea it's fine, she's always such a pleasure to babysit." The voice on the other side sounded relieved. "Thank you. You're a life saver. We will make sure you're compensated accordingly."
Feeling a bit more awake after the phone call he started to prepare for having baby Unn over. After a while her parents arrived and after some greetings he was home alone with the baby. He walked with her in his arms towards the living room and placed her gently inside the crib. She opened her eyes for a moment after losing the feeling of someone holding her, but then closed them again and fell back asleep.
The shade lord decided he couldn't sleep anymore and made some popcorn and decided to put on a movie. It didn't even take 20 minutes before he got called again.
"Hello, with shade lord. How can i help you?" "Oh yes finally someone who answers. Sorry but you're our last hope. We were going somewhere tonight but our babysitter called off. Do you think you could babysit our lovely Radiance? She's very good behaved and won't cause you trouble." "yea, no problem. You'll just need to bring her to my place if it's no trouble"
Not even 5 minutes later the parents showed up and dropped of their larva. Shade lord looked at it a bit confused but didn't get the time to say anything because the parents left as soon as they handed her over. He closed his front door and gave the larva a good look. She was white and had a fluffy appearance. She had 5 pairs of legs and yellow-orange eyes. She started to writhe a little bit and shade lord made sure to hurry to the living room. He took a pillow and placed it on the couch and softly laid her on it. She seemed at ease and rested on the pillow all stretched out
Shade lord continued his movie, which was finally starting to get interesting, but as usual the commercial break hit. He was in the kitchen making more popcorn when he got another call.
"Hello, with shade lord. How can i help you?" "Hello, is this the babysitter?" "Yes, that's the one you're speaking with." "Great, a family member had an accident and i need to be there for them so do you think you could babysit for me?" "Yep, totally." "Thank you, can we bring him to you?" "Oh yea, no problem."
A few minutes later his doorbell rang and he hurried towards it. The father carried his toddler in what could only be described as wing-esque appendages. The shade lord extended his arms for the man to put his toddler in and felt a gentle brush of the leathery membrane. He shivered lightly before feeling a sudden warmth light up in his face, like someone has started a fire. When he looked back up the man was gone and he closed the door. The creature he was holding in his arms was unlike anything he had ever seen. 2 horns sprouted from its black head. The face was as bleak as white linen on a summer day. It seems she likes make-up because she had already 2 black lines running from her cheeks towards her eyes, eventually fading into the darkness of her head. She had the same membranes as her father and no limbs besides it.
He wasn’t even in the living room before he heard his front door being was under siege. He put the weird creature down and opened the front door. Immediately he was assaulted by Hollow, a very energetic child. He was wearing a green cloak today and it finally seemed he was starting to grow bigger than a hand. His horns has also branched into the inside. Immediately after Hollow jumped on his he could hear Pale complain about his unprofessional work attitude. Although he was bigger than most it seems he wouldn’t grow much anymore. His tiny stature didn’t discourage him from being bossy. Finally White entered. By far the biggest of the bunch, she was also the most introverted. Her roots slid elegantly over towards him and even managed to stop Pale from talking for a moment.
He took them inside the living room only to find that somehow the larva and the winged creature had somehow gotten into a fight and now both were in hiding in opposite sides of the room. Normally he wouldn’t make such a big deal out of this if somehow his couch wasn’t full of tiny needles and a chair was on fire. He rushed to the tap to fill a bowl of water to extinguish the little fire. With the attention being diverted Hollow managed to slip from the watch of Pale and could now be found in the corner Radiance was hiding. The larva figured out quickly he liked to play games and had soon enough set up a plan to make him betray Pale.
In the meantime White had climbed the couch and started pulling out the needles while Shade lord had figured out what the membrane between the appendages from the weird creature were for. Namely, for flight. And now she was attacking his horns and he couldn’t reach her. As if her flying was not good enough alone, whenever he raised his arms she would back off and launch a little fireball  All this commotion woke up baby Unn who slowly started to slither away from her crib to find food.
The shade lord finally had enough of the little fire hazard and rushed towards the pantry to get a kettle. Once he had found it he peeked around the corner only to find that fire hazard eating his popcorn! All caution was thrown aside and he grabbed her by the guts and put her inside the kettle. She tried to heat it but he added some water to it. While it evaporated quickly it was apparently enough to bring over the message. Now he could focus his attention back on the larva again, only she could’ve produced those needles, which White was making great progress with removing them as a quick glance told him.
Now back to Pale and Radiance who were apparently having a fight (Darkness, that larva really has a talent to provoke others). They were arguing near the coffee table, because apparently they wanted a fight so bad they just ran to each other and met in the middle. Hollow was climbing one of the legs of the table, but wasn’t noticed by the shade lord because he was too occupied with the other 2. He tried to separate the arguing pair but they were at each other’s throats. They even had summoned a needle and a tiny dagger to fight each other. The shade lord obviously didn’t count on this tiny factor and had soon enough one in each hand. He screamed, trying not to curse, barely not failing miserably, and Pale managed to escape. In any other situation this wouldn’t pose a problem, but Hollow, after eating some popcorn, found himself at the right edge of the coffee table and pulled out his tiny wooden sword he got from Pale. The larva, Darkness curse her, used this to her advantage and made the sign to Hollow to betray Pale. The act of betraying Pale involved jumping off of the coffee table and hitting Pale as hard on the head as possible. Naturally, all of this went according to plan and even brought some extra spectacle. After Hollow had hit Pale on the head he wasn’t prepared for the recoil of the wood and ended up hitting himself in the face.
All of this lead to 3 crying children (1 of them from laughing, the others from pain) and 1 very angry young adult. He put the larva on the couch and took care of the others while White held a close eye on the damned 10 legged thing. After Pale and Hollow weren’t crying anymore he took the little fire hazard out of the kettle and continued his movie, which was getting to an end.
After the film ended a documentary started and had all the kids hooked. He went to check on Unn only to find an empty crib. He could however see a slimy trail lead up his wall and onto the ceiling. It went through the door into the pantry where he kept his food and toys for the toddlers. He looked up on the ceiling only to find a sleepy Unn with a letter block in her mouth. Suddenly Unn started to make a very weird noise and fell from the ceiling onto his face. He swiped her off of his face onto his shoulder and then washed it.
He returned back to the tv to watch the documentary that was still playing and plopped down on the couch. Not long after he was asleep with White on his left shoulder, Unn on his right shoulder, the little fire hazard on the same arm and Pale curled up in his lap. Radiance and hollow were still awake but occupied with the documentary instead of causing trouble. After the documentary ended they crawled up against his sides and fell asleep.
By @constantlost 
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By @bugbeee
Exhaustion seeped into Shadelord’s body, limbs weighed down by a heaviness they hadn’t experienced in a while. The smatter of godlings that lay around them on the couch, or on them in Radi’s case, was enough to convince them that they had died and that this was the Eternal Void that was created to punish them for cheating on that test in the 8th grade. In their defence, it had been on rock sedimentation.
Wyrm continued his grumbling from the corner of the couch, still infuriated by the attack on his person only moments before. Root, the aggressor, looked remarkably pleased with herself. Shade knew they should probably punish her further in some way but... well, to be perfectly honest, they simply were not paid enough to do so.
They really should have charged more. Fifteen dollars at least per tiny demon they had to look after rather than the whole bunch. Fifteen dollars was not enough to encourage discipline. It was enough for them to make sure none of the godlings killed the other. And they had thought they had come up with an ingenious plan to secure some peace and quiet.
After much wrangling, they had finally managed to set up two separate playpens, each far enough away that the godlings wouldn’t start screaming if one of them saw their rival. Wyrm and Root in one pen, Grimm, Radi and Unn in another. It was a gamble, but one that thankfully seemed to have paid off. Radi was still exhausted from the tussle she had just had with Wyrm, and Grimm seemed content to chew off the heads of the plastic Garbies they had found. Unn continued to watch, and occasionally helped Grimm execute a Garbie in a spectacular manner. It was both reassuring, and beyond disturbing. Root and Wyrm meanwhile were cheerfully ignoring each other as they both played with their own toys.
It should have been foolproof.
Unfortunately for Shade however, they were dealing with infants instead of fools.
For some damned reason, Root had decided that now was the perfect time to act up, instead of being the sweet little darling she had been so far. Her target, much to their dismay, had been Wyrm. In all fairness, the godling had probably deserved it in some way; most likely he had tried to worm too close in order to steal some of the grubpaste and mushroom sticks Shade had left out as a snack. Root had seen this theft as a cardinal sin, and had subsequently decided that Wyrm deserved nothing less than absolute annihilation.
The momentary doze Shade had managed to fall into was abruptly interrupted by loud shrieking and wailing, resulting in them vaulting over the couch to hurriedly find out which one of the godlings was being tortured.
The scene that greeted them was... well, it wasn’t any less ridiculous than some of the other stuff the little goblins had pulled before.
Using her flexible tendrils, Root had seen fit to wrap them around Wyrm, and aggressively dunk him into the bowl of grubpaste he had attempted to steal from. His shrieks and hisses had woken up Radi and drawn the attention of the other children, who were now cheering on Root’s attack on Wyrm’s person.
“Enough,” Shade declared, shooting a glare behind them, “Root, let him go.” Root looked up innocently.
No, she seemed to say with her eyes, justice must prevail.
“Justice won’t get me my fifteen dollars,” they hissed out in return, and they could have sworn that Root shrugged, turning away from them to dunk Wyrm into the bowl yet again.
“No!” they cried out, quickly whipping down to grab the poor child before he could be further humiliated. After finally being saved from his vicious tormentor, Wyrm decided it was time to go into hysterics, lashing out with a sharp tail to fully show his displeasure. Root simply watched impassively as the rest of the children cheered.
Shade wondered if fifteen dollars was even worth it at this point.
“Alright, alright, enough! Root, you go in time out. We do not waterboard our fellow godlings in grubpaste. Wyrm, calm down, it’s just grubpaste- Settle down!” they yelped out, flinching as something heavy settled onto their head. The soft fluff revealed that Radi had decided to fly out of her pen and taunt Wyrm in person. Shade wanted to sob with frustration.
The door cracked open, and Ghost peered in, head tilted curiously.
Need help? they signed, and Shade wanted to collapse in relief.
“Please,” they begged, and their sibling nodded grimly, even as amusement danced in their eyes. Shucking off their school backpack, they quickly headed over to the other pen and signed to them, bobbing their head up and down in a soothing motion. Grimm and Unn were entranced. Radi less so. She remained seated on their head, but at least seemed to have finally stopped provoking Wyrm.
“I’m just going to clean him up,” Shade explained uselessly, watching as Ghost simply nodded and waved them off. 
With a tired gait, Shade wandered into the kitchen and turned on the tap, listening as Wyrm’s panicked yelps grew louder at the realisation of what was going to happen next. Radi snickered softly, before leaping off and gliding back into the living room.
Bath time, according to the godlings, was a fate worse than death, and something to be avoided at all cost.
Unfortunately for both Wyrm and Shade, it was a necessary evil. Wyrm disagreed. Loudly. And with claws.
He howled furiously as Shade slowly lowered him into the warm water, softly scrubbing at the now-dried grubpaste sticking to his skin. Despite his attempts, Wyrm failed to prevent them from continuing his bath. He turned to pathetic pleading instead, making soft mewling sounds as though he was nothing more than a poor innocent child who had done nothing wrong, ever.
Shade, who remembered the little bastard knocking a glass ornament onto their head, was not convinced. Ultimately there was no escape, and Wyrm reluctantly gave in to the soft scrubbing, though he made sure his rumbling complaints were known.
“Yes, yes,” Shade said quietly, “I truly am the worst. Close your eyes so I can rinse you.”
Wyrm, in a dumb act of defiance, did not close his eyes. The hysterics started again, and Shade contemplated drowning themself in the half-filled sink. Fifteen dollars, they repeated. Fifteen dollars.
Grabbing a tea towel, they quickly dried the godling off, carefully teasing out water droplets from soft scales. He child gnawed on their fingers in revenge. “I’m done,” they announced, wandering back into the living room with a now clean, and furious, Wyrm.
Ghost looked up from their position on the floor, back leaning against the couch as they played with Grimm. Radi immediately perked up at the sound of Shade’s voice, and quickly flew over, making herself at home on top of their head. Unn seemed to have decided to undertake the momentous task of scaling up the back of the couch, leaving a thick trail of slime behind. Root, still stuck in her pen as punishment, let out a wail, demanding to be let out.
Shade was all out of energy to fight back or deal with a tantrum.
“Alright, alright, out you go,” they muttered, depositing Wyrm on the couch before reaching down to lift out the petulant child from her terrible prison. She clung to them desperately until they finally collapsed on the sofa. She quickly wriggled out of their hold and instead plonked down beside them. Wyrm had hissed at the sight of her, and slunk to the other side of the couch to sulk.
Grimm let out a raspy cackle at the sight, before diving down to nip at Ghost’s fingers.
Unn finally made her way to the top of the couch and waved her eyestalks victoriously. All Shade could do was give her a tired pat.
They sank into the couch, the exhaustion creeping back in. It should have been foolproof.
Fifteen dollars.
By @arandoskeleartist​
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randomrosewrites · 3 years
The aftermath of the tempest
Pairing: Kaedehara Kazuha x GN reader Summary: Many, many years after Kaedehara Kazuha fled from Inazuma, a lot of things have changed, but his past burdens remain. Or, Kazuha has settled into his new life in Liyue, but still desires his home across the ocean. Words: ~2.7K Tags: Fluff, established relationship, Kaz and reader have a kid, gn pronouns for reader, kaz gets emotional at some point, implied beigguang as well
a/n: What's this? Rose is actually writing??!!
Read it on ao3!
The young girl furrows her brows, front teeth catching her lip as she stares at the board. She's in deep concentration, barely paying any mind to the sweets or the apple cider (poured within a much too expensive cup) beside her.
Her opponent, on the other hand, is the opposite, holding a cup of tea within her palms, white steam drifting from the cup the same colour as her hair. A mystical smile on the woman’s face gives nothing away.
The young girl places a hand on a chip. Then hesitates, thinking a moment more before making a move.
The woman sets her cup down, ruby eyes scanning over the board before she lifts a jewelled hand, moving chips across the board in great succession.
"And with that, I believe I win," Ningguang says. "You did very well this time."
The young girl pouts, trying to hold back the tears in her eyes.
"Oh, don't tear up. It's alright," Ningguang produces a handkerchief and holds it out.
The girl takes it gratefully, hiding her face in the cloth. "Uh- huh."
Ningguang exhales. Children are so delicate, like the petals of glaze lilies. "How about you go to the other room? I'll clean up here."
The girl nods, and slides off her chair. "Can I take my juice?"
"Of course, you may. But remember to hold it carefully."
She nods.Holding the cup carefully with two hands, she slides open the silk screen and enters the next room.
Your head turns at the sound, looking up from your spot by the window: perched upon a lounge chair, feet up. You smile and gesture for the girl to sit beside you. She sets her cup down and crawls next to you, burying her face in your chest.
"How did your game go, Haruko?" You ask, combing her hair free of tangles.
Haruko shakes her head and a sniffle escapes her. "I lost."
You hum sympathetically, “I'm sorry. There's always next time. You and Lady Ningguang were playing for a really long time! Good job."
Harukao's grip loosens a smidge. "Thank you."
The screen door slides open again and Ningguang steps through. The material of her gold dress drags behind her as she walks, the movement smooth as water. She has a familiar treat nestled in the palm of her hands, a famous Liyue sweet candy.
You nudge Harkuo gently. She lifts her head, crimson eyes widening when she sees the candy. She scrambles out of your lap.
Seeing them side by side, Haruko looks more like Ningguang’s daughter than yours. Their eye colour and hair are almost identical. But Ningguang has high cheekbones and a sharp jaw, whereas Haruko has round, filled in cheeks, like her father.
"For you," Ningguang offers it to Haruko. "As thanks for an excellent game of checkers."
Haruko takes the candy with an excited beam on her face. "Thank you, Aunt Ningguang!"
“You are most welcome.”
With the candy, Haruko’s sadness about losing the match is all but forgotten. She rummages through one of the cabinets by the wall, pulling out a colouring book (A collection of cartoon-like Rex Lapis drawings in his dragon form) and the crayons that are specifically kept there.
Many years had passed since the first golden house went crashing into the ocean after the battle with the Ancient God Osial. But the loss only pushed Ningguang to rebuild the new one, bigger, more elegant, and efficient than the last.
Currently, it was parked atop Mount Tianheng, overlooking the harbour. It was fancy, the walls a rich cream and the floors polished dark brown. Some things had to be kid-proofed (especially when Haruko was younger and Beidou insisted on bringing her to visit.) But now, she’s old enough, and familiar enough with the building, that you’re not worried. Not even by the koi pond that circles the living room.
Ningguang plants herself across from you on the couch as Haruko begins to colour in Rex Lapis’ tail. “She’s growing bigger and bigger every day.”
You nod in agreement. “I swear, she’ll be taller than her father soon enough.”
Ningguang laughs. “Sooner or later.”
Haruko’s finished two drawings and is on the third when you look outside the window to the Port of Liyue harbour, glimmering with the midday sun. The familiar outline of the Alcor’s sail and ship dots the horizon. You stand up.
"Are you finished with your juice, Haruko? We're going to get ready soon."
She perks up. "Is dad here?"
You smile at her. "Yes. Almost. You want to be the first to greet him, don't you?"
She nods adamantly, hurrying to put away her things in their proper places.
"There are some ingredients in the kitchen if you'd like to prepare a lunch before you depart," Ningguang suggests.
“Thank you,” you say to her, before turning to your daughter. “What would you like to make?”
She thinks for a moment. “What do you think dad would like?”
“Hm. Anything that isn’t fish,” you make your way to the kitchen, Haruko following closely behind. “After a month at sea, I think he’s sick of fish.”
Lunch made and packaged, you and Haruko begin the long walk down to the Port. Steps of green plaustrite appear as you walk. They used to frighten Haruko terribly. Now, though, she loves the way they appear under her feet and disappear when she steps off.
“Watch your steps,” you remind her. Though you trust Ningguang’s architects, you want her to be careful.
“Uh-huh,” Haruko says, half-listening. She’s always distractible on these types of days.
Kazuha isn’t a frequent member onboard the Alcor anymore, but occasionally Beidou will plead with him to accompany her. She says his anemo vision makes cutting through enemies so much easier.
Kazuha will go on month-long voyages with the Crux, maybe two months if he feels like it, but refuses anything more. He doesn’t want to spend time away from you or your daughter.
By the time you arrive at the docks, you’re sweating and the Alcor is pulling into the harbour. Haruko hops up on a dock anchor, waving to the ship.
A deafening honk sounds from the ship, making Haruko laugh. Then again. Then once more. Honk honk honk honk-
Jeez, Ningguang can probably hear the boat from Mount Tianheng.
Haruko stands back just enough so that the sailors can tie the boat off and lower the gangplank, then she’s rushing onboard the ship. A woman hops down from the wheel, holding out her arms as Haruko leaps into them.
“Auntie Beidou!”
“Hiya Haru!” Beidou grins, swinging your daughter around in a bear hug, long brown hair flying everywhere. “How have you been? Jeez, you’re getting tall!”
“Good! Aunt Ningguang said she misses you.”
Beidou’s grin widens. “Has she, now?”
“Beidou,” you greet sweetly. (Walking on board with much more restraint.) “It’s good to see you’re well.”
Her eye softens. Haruko slowly slides out of her arms. “The same to you. I thought you guys were coming to meet us tomorrow?”
Your house, the one you and Kazuha have, is right on the border between Mondstadt and Liyue. It’s far from the port but it’s quiet, nestled by the beaches of Yaoguang Shoal.
“Well, Ningguang offered us to stay last night, so we did. Haruko wanted to see her dad as soon as possible.”
“Ahh, I see. Well, good to see you again.” Beidou turns to Haruko, mischievous smile on her face. “Your dad’s gonna be thrilled, watch this.”
She cups her hands around her mouth and shouts, “Kaz!”
High up on the mast, a tuft of white hair pops out from the crow’s nest. You smile and give a wave. The tuft disappears, and quick as the wind, the man reappears, hastily scaling down the mast.
He jumps the rest of the way and rolls to his feet, brushing white hair from his eyes, and is promptly tackled by Haruko, nearly losing his balance.
“Daddy!” she squeals.
“Haruko,” Kazuha grins, hoisting her up to rest against his side. “It’s been so long. How are you?”
“Good, dad. How was your trip? What did you do? Did you see any scary monsters?”
“Scary monsters, hm, I may have encountered a few.”
“You gotta tell me over lunch – can we eat it in the bird's nest? We made lunch for you!”
“Crow’s nest,” Kazuha corrects gently. “And really? Wow. Did you help make it?”
“Uh-huh! But I’m not telling you what it is; it’s a surprise! You’ll have to open it like a present.”
“That sounds lovely, Haruko. Thank you.”
You walk up to them and press a kiss to Kazuha’s cheek. “Hi, Kaz.”
“Hello, love,” Kazuha purrs, leaning into your touch. “You look stunning.”
Beidou guaffs, Haruko’s nose wrinkles. “Ew.”
(She used to scream at Kazuha to stop whenever he’d recite sappy love poems to you, covering his mouth with both hands so he’d stop talking. It always made you laugh.)
You pull away from Kazuha and save your daughter and Beidou from your ‘gross’ affections. “The journey to Inazuma ok?”
His eyes briefly harden. He smiles tightly. “It was alright.”
There’s a hidden we’ll talk about this later in his voice, unnoticed by Haruko. She wriggles and Kazuha sets her down.
“Can we climb the mast now?”
Kazuha takes her hand, “Ask the captain.”
“Auntie – Captian Beidou, can we climb the mast please?”
Beidou ruffles her head. “Of course you can, kid. Keep an eye out for me on there, yeah?” Then to Kazuha. “I gotta run some errands on land. If I’m not back by the time you’re gone, thanks for everything.”
Kazuha raises a brow. “Might those ‘errands’ have anything to do with that golden brocade you bought?”
Beidou just waves and grins, trotting off the gangplank and jogging towards the Jade Chamber.
The crow’s nest is really only meant for one person standing up, much less three adults and one child, but you make it work. Haruko is obviously given the best seat, you’re squashed beside her, and Kazuha balances on the edge of the nest, legs dangling over the air.
“Why can’t I do that?” Haruko asks as you unpack lunch.
“Because it’s dangerous. Your dad’s very experienced and can catch himself if he falls.”
You’ve seen it happen many times before. Kazuha losing his footing or grip, that split second when he fell and your heart stopped. Then the gust of air that followed, propelling himself back up to safety.
“Once you’re bigger, you can do this,” Kazuha says.
Haruko huffs. “You always say that…”
He chuckles and pats her head. “We just want you safe, is all.”
You pass out bowls and chopsticks around. Kazuha helps affix a chopstick holder to Haruko’s (she’s getting better, but it’s still a challenge to her.) Haruko insists Kazuha close his eyes as you pour out lunch.
“Ok, you can open them!” she says once things are all set.
Kazuha opens his eyes. A steaming bowl of Jueyun Guoba rests in his hands. Juicy cuts of ham, crisp Jueyun chilis, and the rich aroma enough to make your mouth water.
“Ta-dah! What do you think?”
“Oh, Haruko, it looks divine. You made this?”
“Yep! Hurry and taste it!”
Kazuha takes a bite, closing his eyes. “Delicious. So tasty. Captain Beidou should hire you as a chef, or better yet, wanmin restaurant should hire you.”
Haruko grins ear to ear, “Hehe, thank you.”
As you all eat, Kazuha tells you all about the adventures from his trips. How he saw the most beautiful of flowers, or how he fought a translucent glowing eel, Captian Beidou cooked it up and ate it, how she was sick for three straight days afterwards.
Haruko listens to him intently, staring at Kazuha with such a light in her eyes that makes your stomach flutter with pride.
You snuggle closer to Haruko, wrapping an arm around her. The three of you like actual crows, tucked high away, safe from the clutches of the outside world.
Haruko wears Kazuha out that day.
She seems to want to do everything Kazuha missed for the past month in a single day. You told her she needn’t rush – Kazuha wasn’t going away any time soon - but that didn’t deter her in the slightest.
You soak your feet in the icy ocean and search for seashells in the sand. You catch crystal flies in the old ruins, delighting in the way Haruko’s face lights up when the yellow wings fade, leaving just the core. You scale one of the many stone cliffs just to enjoy the view as Kazuha plays a tune from a passing leaf.
On your way home, you get some mora meat from a vendor and share the remaining candies from Ningguang as the sun dips below the horizon. When Haruko’s eyes begin to droop, Kazuha carries her on his back the rest of the way home.
Kazuha brushes the hair from her face, kissing her forehead delicately. “Good night, my starlight. May your dreams be as sweet as shooting stars.”
“Poetic,” you murmur, barely containing a laugh.
Kazuha’s eyes gleam as the two of you tuck the covers tight around Haruko, kiss her once more for good measure, then gently close the door on her bedroom.
Finally, alone, Kazuha wastes no time in wrapping his arms around your waist, resting his head against your shoulder and sighing.
“Tired, pretty boy?” you ask, a lilt of mirth in your voice.
Kazuha hums in agreement, releasing you to intertwine your fingers. He gazes at you, eyes-half lidded, and presses a smattering of kisses to your hand.
“Shall we go on a walk?”
You glance at Haruko’s bedroom.
“Don’t worry,” Kazuha reassures you. “The wind will watch over her.”
You’re tired, but you’ve also missed Kazuha enough to fight off your slumber. You both wrap up, then make the walk down to the sandy pools of Yougung. The full moon is high in the sky, the breeze cool against your skin.
“Things are still bad over in Inazuma,” Kazuha begins, softly. The wind almost carries his voice away. “It’s gotten better. The vision hunt decree is struck down. Some visions have been returned to the people, but things are still very tense over there…It’s not a place where I want to bring our daughter…”
You squeeze his fingers tightly. It’s felt like ages since you first met Kazuha, when he was just a spry young man onboard the crux. His hair was shorter, he still wore bandages over his arm to hide his injuries from escaping Inazuma.
Now, he lets his hair loose. He wears more Liyue-style clothing. His right hand – the one in your grasp, has healed. Though the physical pain has left, the scars remain.
“I miss my homeland,” Kazuha croaks. “I love what I have with you – I love our home. But a part of me feels forever trapped in Inazuma. Longing for it. I-” He shakes his head, speckles of crystal tears forming in his eyes. Your heart aches at the sight.
“It’s alright, Kazuha,” you wrap your arms around him, rubbing his back. “I can’t begin to understand what that feels like…but I can be here to help you.”
“I just fear-“ he chokes, gripping your shirt. “I fear I’ll never be able to see it again. I’ll never get to bring Haruko to see the cherry blossoms that bloom in spring, or let her feed the cats that roam the islands like wanderers.”
Though you want to, though every part of you wants to assure him he’ll see it, you can’t promise him that. He knows it as well.
You comb your fingers through his hair as his tears stain your shirt. “If that’s the case - If things never get better in our lifetime - then we will make the most of it. Nothing lasts forever. Inazuma will one day change.”
You pull his head from your shoulder to meet his eyes. They’re red and puffy. You rub your thumbs over his cheeks, wiping away tear tracks.
“But no matter what, we’ll see it through together.”
Kazuha covers your hand with his, leaning into your touch. “Thank you, love. I am forever grateful that I get to spend my life with you.”
You rest your forehead against his, pressing forward just enough so your lips touch.
“Forever,” you murmur. “And then beyond where the wind lies.”
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lonely-lost-soul · 3 years
Under the Floorboards Part XI:
(Technoblade x reader) First Part / Previous Part
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Shimmering lights sparkled above you, your dress was a deep scarlet that billowed around your feet like a halo. The corset around your waist felt tight as you leaned backward spreading your arms wide like you were asking for a hug from the universe itself. The ballroom was vast and empty, only soft music could be heard behind you, soft violins, and harps. You took in the warm lights above you, your diamond wedding ring shone brilliantly off the candles as you began to hum. Blood covered your masquerade mask, neck, and hands, a bloody sword laid by your feet, long since falling out of your hands. Hands traced the curvature of your figure and soft lips landed on the juncture of where your neck met your shoulder blade. A smile came across your lips as you breathed lightly, “Billiam.” His hands traced soft circles on your hips, the butler watched from afar, his brown hair covering his glowing red eyes. Karl watched in mild terror as Sir. Billiam whispered something in his wife’s ear, your grin only served to widen till your cheeks hurt, you brought your hand up to cup his cheek. Your eyes met with Karl’s and he took a few steps back, he couldn’t believe that all this time it was the mild-mannered wife, in the ballroom with the sword who killed the party. Sir. Billiam kicked the sword up and caught it in his hands, you leaned against your lover's chest as he held the sword against your throat, red rubies trailed down your neck in droplets. The violins picked up in a loud roaring crescendo, “Praise be the egg,” you whispered as he sliced your neck wide open swallowing your mouth in a kiss.
“Praise be the egg, my dear.”
You woke up in a cold sweat, it clung to you like a second skin as you sat up. Your hands came to cover your neck where it had been cut in your dream...nightmare? You couldn’t quite place a name on it, Aether and Technoblade both stirred beside you. Technoblade sat up on his forearms and turned his head to face you, you were breathing heavily. He watched as you brought your wrist up to your line of sight, three tally marks were etched into the skin, your jaw dropped onto the floor.
Technoblade reached over Aether to snatch your wrist and get a good look at the marks, three cannon lives. You had three, he gaped at you
You were intertwined in the twisted workings of the Smp, DreamXD had smiled upon you and your household.
“Is it supposed to be itchy?” You asked while you carried Aether upstairs trying to ignore the buzzing underneath your skin, Technoblade frowned at his wife, a mixed feeling churning in his gut. On one hand, he was relieved you had more than just one life, but on another hand now that you’ve caught the eye of DreamXD...you’d never be free to live a peaceful life. “Cause it’s really itchy,” You whined while sitting Aether down on top of Steve so you could scratch at your wrist.
“I don’t remember. I think mine was,” Technoblade gently removed your nails from your skin. “Don’t scratch at it, all you’ll do is irritate the skin, I’ll grab some ointment.”
“Thanks, Tech,” You kissed the corner of his lips and he smiled weakly at you, for that was all he could do in his current state of turmoil. He opened up the first aid kit and came back over to your place in the kitchen. Aether was sitting on the countertop lightly nibbling on a muffin. Technoblade stood beside you as he picked up your hand, he pressed a feather-light kiss to your new lifeline before he gently rubbed the hydrocortisone on your irritated wrists.
“Much,” You sighed in relief gazing at the lines with mild interest. Technoblade wanted to draw you away from whatever you were thinking,
“I got a letter from BadBoyHalo.” Technoblade piped up grabbing a pot of coffee, “He wants to meet up with the both of us, I have a feeling it has something to do with the egg.”
“You’ll see.” He groaned, “I have a feeling he’s going to show up sometime today. I’ll bring Steve as a backup just in case,” Technoblade sighed watching you glance over at Aether, eyebrows furrowing together. You looked back over at him,
“We can’t let him know about Aether.”
“He won’t.” You let out a breath of relief and kissed the top of Aether’s head, he smiled up at you and made a happy sound. “We’ll keep him safe under the floorboards if he can keep quiet he’ll be okay.” Technoblade ruffled the top of Aether’s head with his hand, “You’re a good kid right?” Aether nodded his head rapidly not wanting to let Technoblade down, “Thanks, kid.” Technoblade caught your fond smile and flushed a light pink, “what?”
“You’re attached.” You hummed wrapping your arms around his waist, he grumbled under his breath and pushed you off, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” He sighed as knocking sounded on your cabin door. “Go hide Aether, I’ll distract BadBoyHalo.” You nodded picking Aether up into your arms and kissing the top of his head, Technoblade opened the door an eyebrow cocked. “New outfit?”
BadBoyHalo smiled a wide smile at the blade, his new black and white robes billowed from behind him as he stepped into Technoblade’s abode. “Yes! You noticed, do you like it?” He chirped fondly stepping back a little as Steve bared his teeth. “Is that a polar bear?”
“He’s Steve. It’s (Y/n)’s and I’s emotional support polar bear, he’s a good boy. He’s very good at following commands, he’s a great attack bear.” Technoblade tossed a fish Steve’s way and he caught it in his mouth tearing it to shreds in a matter of moments. BadBoyHalo’s nose scrunched up in distaste,
“That’s...um nice.” He cleared his throat before clapping his hands together, “where is your lovely wife?” He tilted his head to the side smiling a tight-lipped smile.
“She’s finishing up getting dressed. She’ll be back here in a second, slept in,” Technoblade waved the demon man off. Steve’s nub of a tail began to wag as you climbed back up the ladder, “Here she is now.”
“Hello! I’m Bad it’s very nice to formally meet you, Mrs. Blade!” Bad grinned reaching out to shake your hand, you took with a smile.
“Pleasure, and (Y/n)’s just fine. I’m more than just Technoblade’s eye candy.” You winked teasingly at the tall man who looked shocked,
“I never meant to assume-”
“You’re fine.” You reassured, “I was only teasing it’s no problem.” You smiled warmly as Steve nudged your elbow, “Hi big guy!” You cooed kissing all over the bear’s fur, he rumbled deep in his chest. Bad looked shocked at the bear’s complete compliance to your affections, “So! Where are we off to today?” You hummed as Technoblade pulled you close to his side, eyeing Bad suspiciously.
“I just have someone I want to introduce you to is all.” Bad hummed fondly, “I want to see what you think of it, I think all of you will get along great.” He praised his close friend fondly, and you smiled,
“We’d love to meet them, we can bring Steve right?” You looked up at Technoblade innocently,
“I’m not sure if that’s-”
“Obviously.” Technoblade scoffed called Steve over to him, he walked over with a gruff huff as Technoblade placed a lead on him. “Okay, we’re all ready when you are,” Technoblade nodded as BadBoyHalo blinked in mild shock,
“Um...okay!” He cleared his throat, “follow me then I suppose!” He headed outside the home and as you all left Technoblade caught sight of Ranboo. The halfling was holding a grass block in his hands and Techno motioned for him to follow. As the group of you made your way into the hole that was once L’manburg, Bad talked and talked about how wondrous his friend was, and how excited they were to meet the both of them. The entire way there Technoblade would destroy these red vines while urging you not to touch them, you were confused but listened without argument.
Even though you listened without argument, you couldn’t help but be drawn to touch them, they seemed to be whispering to you softly, wanting you near. You pushed the thoughts to the side, trying to block out those whispers, however, it was much more difficult than you anticipated. Your mind drifted wondering if this is how Technoblade felt daily, you understood him a little bit better at that moment. The raspy voices called Sir. Billiam’s name, the name meant nothing to you but made your head pound and your heart hurt painfully. You jolted feeling a hand grasp your shoulder, you were met with the concerned face of Technoblade. Unbeknownst to you, you all arrived at Bad’s friend’s hideaway, “You alright?” Technoblade whispered into your ear,
“I...Yes.” You responded as Technoblade squeezed your shoulder once again, he wished he could’ve brought Steve in with him to comfort you. “I’m alright Tech, we shouldn’t keep Bad waiting.” You entered the red room with your husband following close behind you, your eyes widened in horror seeing the entire room coated in thick red vines. There in the far right corner sat a giant pulsating egg, the voices grew louder urging you to reach out and simply touch the vines.
“Don’t touch them,” Technoblade told you almost like he could read your thoughts, the demon scoffed at Technoblade’s protectiveness. Bad crossed his arms in front of his chest but didn’t argue. The Blade picked you up in his arms just to be extra safe and carried you over to the egg, before gently resting you on the solid cobblestone floor. Your stomach churned with anxiety as Bad smiled brightly motioning to the egg, introducing you and Technonlade to his so-called friend. You were barely paying attention to what BadBoyHalo was saying, a voice entered your mind, it poked at the sides of your brain, trying to find any available crevice to slip into.
‘Lady (Y/n) I haven’t seen you in decades.’ It purred in your mind stealing your breath away, ‘You’re just as beautiful as I remember you being, and still married to a descendent of Sir. Billiam I see. Not even death could keep the two of you apart.’
‘I don’t understand.’ You thought pupils shrinking, ‘Who’s Billiam? Who are you?’
‘I go by many names the one most familiar to me is The Egg. I can grant and honor your deepest desires, my dear, I see all. I know all. I can help you get what you want most in the entire world.’
‘Oh do you?’ You mentally scoffed, ‘Jokes on you I don’t even know my own desires.’
‘Don’t you wish for Tommy to come back to you? For everyone on the SMP to be at peace. For the children not to suffer, to raise Aether in a safe environment free from government and its posion? Have other children with your husband, raise them well?’ You felt your cheeks turn bright red at the thought,
‘How did you-’
‘I know all my child.’
“Princess?” Technoblade grumbled beside you, pulling you against his side, “Keep your focus on me alright.” His eyes narrowed at an innocent-looking Bad, “What are you trying to do to her?”
“Absolutely nothing.” Bad hummed drumming his fingers gently against the egg, “She’s talking to the egg! It’s offering her the world just like it’s going to do for you! It only wants to help.”
“We don’t need anything else, especially not from some overgrown chicken egg. We’re fine.” Technoblade snarled at the demon and the egg the voices were demanding blood and the egg’s promises were drowned out by the voices. He was getting a migraine as his patience ran thin, Bad looked a little nervous at the way Technoblade’s teeth grit against one another.
“Techno…” You whispered quietly leaning against his side, You tried to reassure him but the way the voices urged for blood didn’t sit well with him, especially now that Bad had caught sight of Ranboo as well. Technoblade didn’t want to be forced to choose between Ranboo or you, he’d avoid that scenario at all costs.
“Just stay by me and don’t touch the egg or anything.”
“But-” Technoblade shot you a stern look, worry flickering across his face, he didn’t like that but, not at all. “It’s not all bad…”
“WHAT!” All four of them shouted, wait four? When did Captain Puffy get here? The only one overjoyed was Bad as he clasped your hands within his own.
“I’m so excited to hear that!” He exclaimed pulling you away from Techno who bared his teeth at the demon. “Come closer, you just have to touch it!”
“Oh fuck that!” Puffy snapped shooting an arrow right in between you and Bad, distracting you just enough so that Technoblade could snatch you back in his arm. “Bad you can’t just use the egg to manipulate people to join your side! Especially not (Y/n)!”
“Language!” Bad scolded the pirate his eyes narrowing, “I’m- We’re-” He motioned to the egg, “Aren’t manipulating anyone! The egg showed her something she desired, something she needs, and that it can help her get!”
Technoblade’s brow furrowed as he looked at you, red seeping into the corners of your eyes. He couldn’t imagine what you might want enough that he couldn’t give to you. A selfish part of him was hurt that he couldn’t provide enough, couldn’t make you happy enough so that’d you’d listen to an omlette. Still, he wasn’t just going to hand you over, he gripped you tighter,
“Look just, just give me one more chance to convince both of you!” Bad gushed, “All of you, follow me. You too little spy.” Bad pointed a claw-like finger at Ranboo who shrunk in on himself. He stepped over the vines motioning for all of you to follow, reluctantly you all did so, Puffy put a hand on your shoulder while Technoblade hovered close.
“You alright girly?” Puffy whispered to you, the red was still swimming in the corners of your eyes. “You can get through this okay?”
“I’m alright Puffy. I just have a killer headache.” You spoke with a strained smile, “Everythings just all muddled, I keep seeing flashes of...someone who looks like me in a striking red gown. I just…” You groaned rubbing your eyes causing Technoblade to turn to look over at you, you sent him a weak smile back. He growled under his breath, not mad at you just mad at Bad, he knew that you were hearing voices. He knew how difficult that was from personal experience you just needed to hang on a little bit longer, then you both could sleep the day away with Steve and Aether. When Bad brought all of you to the other egg-like structure he wanted to run his sword through Bad’s chest, fuck not bringing Steve along.
Bad tried to argue against the bear coming into the meeting area, he simply vetoed that by simply ignoring the demon man’s protests. Ranboo was silently hovering around you, everyone seemed to be on high alert as their nerves increased. Even in your delirious state, your hand interlocked with Ranboo’s claws giving it a reassuring squeeze,
“It’ll be alright Ranboo,” You reassured as Bad smiled at the both of you, “Trust me. If anything goes wrong Techno will protect us.” From behind you Technoblade’s shoulders relaxed considerably, he knew he would protect you, for now, that was enough for him. Bad went on and on about the egg, sliding in a few casual threats about Ranboo and even (Y/n). Technoblade was desperately trying to keep it together, the voices roared for blood after all no one threatens (Y/n) and one of his only friends. He watched as Bad gripped both the shoulders of his wife and Ranboo, a sinister smile on his face.
“After all Techno, it would be a crying shame if something happened to Ranboo and (Y/n) wouldn’t it?”
Technoblade’s pupils turned into slits as steam exited his nose, he grit his teeth. “Don’t touch them,” He hissed viciously even Puffy who was beside The Blade pulled out her sword. Technoblade decided to follow her lead and just as Technoblade pulled out his sword, the floor below you and Ranboo gave out. You let out a startled yelp as you grabbed onto Ranboo, as you fell, you held him to your chest you wouldn’t let him get hurt. As your head make contact with the stone ground you were out like a light.
An elegant figure stepped out of the large master bedroom, her hair pulled back, her slippered feet padding against the hardwood floors. Moonlight shone in through the large windows illuminating your features, you stepped out onto the balcony where your husband stood. A glass of whiskey in his hand, he twirled it absentmindedly, his loose pajama pants sat low on his hips. Your arms wrapped around his waist and rested your chin on his shoulder, he tensed only briefly before relaxing in your arms.
“Beautiful night Billiam.” You responded casually pressing a kiss to the side of his neck,
“Can’t sleep my dear one?” He asked, voice rich much like the taste of honey, as Billiam reached up and brushed his thumb against his wife’s cheek.
“I could say the same thing to you,” You shot back with a sad smile as he clicked his tongue in dissatisfaction. “Are you at all worried about the masquerade tomorrow?” You asked softly as he turned around to face you, he grabbed your hands brushing his thumbs across your knuckles.
“Are you?” Billiam asked tenderly as you looked away in shame, “It’s alright if you are. You don’t do this often, but the egg is pleased that you want to take part.” Billiam’s eyes flashed a deep scarlet, but the love in his eyes was still the same.
“I know and I’m honored.” You exclaimed passionately, holding your hands to your heart, your own eyes were a deep red color. “I want to help the egg grow and thrive!” Billiam smiled fondly and kissed your lips softly,
“I know you do. So relax, the masquerade will go off without a hitch. All you need to do is follow the butler’s and my lead.” You nodded obediently a tired smile on your lips, “Let’s get you back to bed.”
“Come with me?”
“Of course,” Billiam gave an elegant bow, taking your hand within your own and pressing a gentlemanly kiss to your knuckles. You giggled sweetly before placing a hand on your lower back leading you back to the bedroom. The both of you slipped into the satin bedsheets and fell asleep side by side. As the morning rolled around, Ranbutler woke the both of you up and requested you both got ready earlier than expected. Billiam waved him off as the both of you getting ready for the masquerade ball he was throwing that evening. You slipped on your deep red dress, there was a slit up the leg and a low cut neckline. You had diamonds adorning your ears and a neck, your high heels were also littered in silver sparkles that almost made you the same height as your husband. A crow-like mask was chosen as your main accessory for the ball, “You look gorgeous.” Billiam spoke from behind you, his fingers trailing down the slope of your neck you smiled shyly, “almost ethereal.”
“Thank you, my love.” You turned to face him, you couldn’t deny he looked pretty dapper in a suit himself. “You clean up rather nicely too,” You giggled flattening out his lapel and pulling him close to press a kiss to his lips. He hummed against them before pulling away,
“I have to check on the preparations for tonight, wait for me?”
“Always.” Your husband walked out of the room whispering something to his loyal butler who nodded, Ranbutler looked over to you and you sent him a small smile. He gave you a little bow and you shushed him softly allowing him to rise to his feet. “Checking on the egg I presume?” You smiled as the butler gave a stern nod, both your eyes flashed a deep scarlet, a loud knock was heard on the front door of the mansion. “Someone’s early,” You pursed your lips heading out of the room, heels clicking against the floor, the butler following behind you. As you stood at the top of the steps, you saw your husband talking to what you assumed was an early guest to your masquerade. He was handsome, brown hair curling all over the place, odd goggles adorned the top of his head. Your husband immediately called him poor and you had to hide your laugh behind your hand. You stepped down the steps hand gently touching the golden railing,
“Billiam, my love, don’t be rude.” He turned to face you just as the guest’s eyes widened,
“Oh? Have we met?” You titled your head to the side with a fond smile,
“No. You just...you look like an old friend.” He cleared his throat holding out his hand, “My name is Karl.”
“Pleasure to meet you,” You took his hand as he pressed a soft kiss to your knuckles, Billiam let out a soft grumble of displeasure.
“He’s a youtube streamer.”
“No way!” You gasp in awe taking Karl’s hands, “That’s wonderful you have to tell us all about it!” You gushed fondly as Billiam placed a gentle hand on your back, his mouth moved in the shape of your name but you heard nothing in your ears. Your brow furrowed as you saw your name again, suddenly you felt like you were drowning, people shouting your name. Your eyes snapped open as you took a deep breath in, you were being pulled from the water. Hair stuck to your forehead as you coughed, water dripping down your head. You recognized a shape wrap you up in a tight hug, they were saying something but everything was muddled.
“Billiam?” You croaked out and the figure pulled away raising an eyebrow, they cupped your cheek tenderly,
“Heh? Who? Princess, it’s Techno.”
‘Techno? Who was Techno? Your husband!’ You sat up taking in a gulping breath, your eyes turning back to their normal (e/c) color and not the sudden scarlet. You looked around, Ranboo was shuffling in the corner holding a grass block, Puffy was beside him a gentle hand on his back. You looked around and you seemed to be in some sort of stark white church, a bell was in the corner and purple stained glass windows littered the walls.
“Where are we? What happened?”
Techno ran his fingers through your wet hair detangling it, “You were briefly corrupted by the egg. But Puffy knew how to snap you out of it.”
“You didn’t kill Bad did you?”
Technoblade grumbled under his breath, “I wanted to.”
“I wouldn’t let him.” Ranboo murmured, “You’d be upset.”
“I would’ve been,” You licked your lips nervously as you heard Technoblade grumble behind you.
“He would’ve deserved it,” You hit him lightly as he rested his chin on top of your head, “What? He would’ve, the Egg hurt you and that Egg is his best friend. Therefore you getting hurt is his fault so I will spill his blood.” Technoblade hissed, “And we’ll make an omelette out of that fucking egg.” He snarled looked up at Puffy who sent him a nod and a smile,
“I’m glad to know you’re on our side in this Techno,” Puffy smiled kneeling to sit beside you, “You too (Y/n).”
“Obviously.” You said swiftly, trying to cover up any hesitance that slipped into your tone, while the egg’s corruption was washed from your mind, his promises still held tight. “Sorry...I just have a killer migraine.”
“That’s completely normal, make sure she gets some bed rest,” Puffy told your husband handing him a little bottle of the holy water. “If she’s starting to slip, this will help,” She reassured and you smiled at her gratefully. “You’ll be back to normal in no time cutie,” Puffy beamed kissing the top of your head fondly.
“Thanks, Captian.” You praised and she hummed,
“Anything for you,” Puffy hummed standing back up to her feet, “I know first hand how scary the egg and its power can be. Living far away will help, try not to bring her back here for a while.”
“I won’t.” Technoblade nodded picking you up in his arms, you nuzzled against his neck and closed your eyes tightly. He squeezed you tightly, “don’t scare me like Jesus you’re a liability.”
“I’m sorry, trouble just seems to follow me around.” You spoke softly, sneaking a little peek at the lives on your wrist. You still had all three,
Good. You weren’t going to let some egg take one of them, not again.
The woman in red appeared once more in your mind and the man who looked suspiciously like your husband, beside her. He spun her around and dipped her, before pressing a passionate kiss to her lips. As they stood up they both disappeared into an array of golden sparkles, you opened your eyes and Technoblade was staring down at you. He looked concerned, his sharp red eyes peering into your soul. Technoblade led Ranboo and Steve back to your shared property, you were halfway asleep by the time all of you stepped into the gates.
“We need to talk about what happened.” He murmured to you as Ranboo and Steve hovered around nervously. “Alone preferably!” Technoblade cleared his throat, Ranboo jumped up smacking his head on the doorframe, and nodded,
"I'm glad you're okay (Y/n). Genuinely,"
He said smiling sadly before slipping out of the house. Steve huffed out a snort and made his way down to Aether, to entertain him while the adults talked. You rubbed your eyes and sat down on the couch by the fireplace, trying to warm yourself up. Technoblade slipped off his cape and wrapped it around your shoulders to keep you warm while you talked. “What did the egg promise you?”
You looked ashamed, ears turning pink, lying was something you and Technoblade never did. There was a mutual trust earned and respected and you weren’t going to betray that trust, “That it could end all the pain everyone’s been experiencing. That it could help the children finally be at peace and get the freedom they deserved, that we wouldn’t have to worry about people hunting us down. That we could raise Aether and be a family together without worry.” Your voice was soft, refusing to meet Technoblade’s eyes.
“Do you think I can’t protect you both? Is that really what you think?”
“That’s not fair Techno! That’s not what I mean!” You looked up at him and he didn’t look happy, “I just want everyone to be at peace here! Kids shouldn’t be suffering or put on pedestals! I know you’re perfectly capable of protecting us. What if we have more kids? Will Dream eventually get to them too?”
“I’d never let anyone touch them, you know that.” He hissed eyes narrowing, “You need an omlette to promise you protection? Don’t argue, because you slipped under its control, you did. So some part of you agreed.” Your mouth snapped shut at Technoblade’s words, your eyes narrowed and you refused to look at him. “Why am I incapable of keeping you safe?” His true feelings bubbled to the surface, you heard the slight crack in his voice. You looked back up at him, his hands were balled into fists, your furrowed brow unraveled. You reached out and took his fist in your hand, you gently rubbed the fist as it slowly relaxed in your hand. “I love you, and I’m failing you.”
“You’re not failing me,” You said softly “Not once have you failed me. You saved me from Dream, you saved me from the egg today, hell you saved me in general. I’m your wife and I’ll always love you.” He gave your hand a tight squeeze, “I just wish everyone would feel as protected as I do with you.” You admitted quietly, “even though Tommy betrayed us...He’s still a kid you know? I can’t help but feel guilty, I could’ve done better.”
“You couldn’t have. You’re not his mother.” Technoblade scoffed, “I’ll be the first to remind you about how stubborn he is, stubborn and loyal. If there’s anyone he’s always going to stick to it's Tubbo, even if we showed him kindness.” He watched you nod his head before he leaned forward to plant a kiss on your forehead. He watched your brow furrow as Steve lumbered back into the room holding Aether by the back of his overalls. You smiled over at the sight as Steve dumped your son in your lap, he made a happy squeal and buried his head in your chest.
“I missed you too Aether, did you have fun today?” He gave a happy nod reaching into his front pocket to pull out a little drawing. It was a stick figure drawing of you and Techno both holding his hands, on top of Aether’s head in the drawing was a scribbled on crown. They were both labeled something in Piglin, Technblade made an embarrassing sound as Aether squealed happily. “What? What does it say?”
“Mom and Dad,” He spoke weakly pinching the bridge of his nose and he watched your entire face light up.
“Yes! Exactly! Good job Aether!” You praised pressing kisses all over his face, “I’m your mom, and Techno’s your reluctant father!” Techno clicked his tongue in distaste at the situation, but he couldn’t lie looking at your happy expression, and Aether’s pure joy it melted his facade.
“Yeah, good job kid. Go hang it on the fridge,” Technoblade urged shooing him away and he ran into the kitchen excitedly.
“You didn’t deny it.~” You teased biting your lip fondly, “You Aether’s dad now?”
“That depends does that make you a MILF?” Technoblade questioned with such a casual deadpan it made you burst into hysterical laughter. You nodded your head rapidly as he pressed a fond kiss to your lips. “Remind me never to say that again, if I ever do please run the nearest sword through my body.”
“Will do, you absolute idiot.”
You turned to look over your shoulder at Aether who was sticking his drawing on the fridge eagerly. Technoblade took in your features, watching you look so calm even with your still-damp hair. He adored you, every single inch of you, from your wondrous brain to your beautiful body. He watched as you snuggle into his cape before turning back towards him,
“We have to protect him with our life. If anyone ever lays a hand on him they won’t live to see the next sunrise. I’ll make sure they burn and water the land with their blood.” You hummed fondly closing your eyes, that shouldn’t have turned Technoblade on as much as it did. He cleared his throat trying to calm himself and the voices down. They wanted to pin her into the couch and devour her, he cleared his throat once again, now was not the time nor place. Especially not with his supposed son in the next room, he swallowed thickly. He couldn’t believe that he was beginning to consider the zombie piglin in the other room his son. He couldn’t believe the voices were considering Aether his son. The urge to protect the child and keep that smile on your face was strong, and he couldn’t help but bend to its pull. That’s when a thought occurred to him, a smile spread across his features, there needed to be people willing to fight the tyranny you were concerned about, something to make sure anarchy always remained supreme.
They needed a syndicate.
A wide smile spread across his face as he kissed you passionately, you let out a small surprised sound.
“What was that about?”
“I have an idea.”
Sic semper tyrannis. ~~~
Tag List: @iamsuchasimp, @victory-is-here, @pastelmoonwitche, @ignat1usaquar1us, @boiled-onionrings, @Natalie-is-a-wall@alovestruck-fool, @mack4676
378 notes · View notes
cosmo-rider · 3 years
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OC-tober 2021
#1 - Journey
I saw a cool challenge for OC-tober by @oc-growth-and-development (link to the prompts at the bottom because I’m still new to tumblr and can’t figure out how to add it subtly :’) ) and I wanted to try and use it to get me writing more often! Since most of my focus is on Drawtober this month, this is going to be a very casual series. I’ll most likely be working on these past October since I also wanted to make illustrations for these, so this is mainly just to get me comfortable sharing my writing again. So in short, there will be a delay in sharing these shorts due to my stubborn insistence on making an illustration for each.
“And the fair queen bestowed upon the company many gifts worth ten-times more than the dragon head they returned to her,” Opal concluded at last in her low, soothing voice. “Yet despite her many gifts and her request for them to stay in her kingdom, the company decided to move on to the next quest. The kingdom sent them off in glory, and gave them a very fond farewell.”
The half-orc smiled down at the young tiefling boy curled up by her side, hugging his dragonish tail tightly as he listened to his sister’s tale. Moxie’s overgrown mane of black hair partially covered his face, but his one unmasked eye was still visible and watching her with wonder.
“C-could you do another one?” Moxie stammered at last, drawing closer to his older sister with a pleading look. “Just one more? I’m not tired.”
Opalescent chuckled as she drew her younger brother’s blanket up and over him. “Maybe you’re not, but I certainly am. We have lessons tomorrow, so it’s best if we leave it at that for tonight.”
Moxie’s long impish ears drooped slightly as Opal extinguished the lantern set next to the futon they shared. He had been given a small futon of his own since his first arrival into the “sisterhood”, but it never went well once night came. Every dark corner of the shared chamber seemed to hold either an unknown horror or a glaring set of eyes from one of the older sisters. They didn’t hide their distaste of him very well. He found he slept much better in Opal’s reassuring presence within this unfamiliar place. At least she seemed to be the only person in this strange world to have any patience with him.
“Opal,” Moxie whispered once the young half-orc laid back down beside him after adjusting their many pillows. “Do you think dragons are real?”
“I imagine so,” she answered patiently. “They must live above ground. Never seen one myself, but maybe the others have. Up Grounders slay them every day from what I hear.”
“Really? Do they really kill them for gold?”
“Dragon hoards are full of treasures. Parties will go out and slay them, and not only do they get the hoard, but the prize of killing one as well. But the prize is so high because few actually come back alive, so remember that before going and trying to slay one.”
The idea of going out and slaying a dragon was such a wondrous thought. He couldn’t imagine anyone— not even his older sisters —daring to go head to head with a mighty, fire-breathing beast. Yet the imagery of the glory and wealth made his heart beat at a quicker pace.
“What if we went together?” Moxie asked in a hush, his eyes wide with excitement. “May… maybe when we’re grown-ups we can go and defeat one together! You’re so strong already, surely we could do it together. We could get all that treasure for ourselves.”
“We’d have to find a dragon first,” she reasoned, her small smile faltering a tad. “It’d be quite the journey. We’d need a little more help, too— just in case. Maybe the others wouldn’t mind tagging along.”
Moxie shrank a little at the suggestion, but Opal wrapped her arms around her little brother and pulled him inti her embrace.
“I don’t know if we’re ever going to go and make the trip,” she admitted quietly in his ear. “But if the time is right and we’re both ready, I’ll be willing to fight alongside you. You’ll split the riches, right?”
Moxie nodded hurriedly, to which she chuckled, “That’s all I need to know. Now try and get some sleep, little man. We have a long day tomorrow.”
Opal placed a small kiss on the tiefling’s forehead, signifying for him to settle down. Yet after only a few minutes of silence, there was a chorus of angry voices outside their door. He could recognize those dreadful voices anywhere.
“You had one job!” One of the sisters— possibly Ursula judging by the depth of her voice— bellowed at the rest. “One fucking job— and you blew it! We have nothing to show for our struggle! The High Priestess will have our heads!”
“Maybe if you actually made an attempt to listen to me, we wouldn’t be in this mess!” came Portia’s shrill exclamation. “It’s never you who’s the problem, it’s always someone else! Well I’m sick of your whining and the blame games, let me tell YOU—“
Moxie stiffened as the raised voices turned into all out screaming. At least they weren’t in the room itself, but they could’ve at least taken their usual squabbles elsewhere. Of course, the presence of the young children never deterred them before.
He lifted his hands to cover his ears and curled closer to Opal. Upon glancing at her face, he realized the half-orc’s eyes were still open, and her expression had sunken from calm and motherly, to tired and defeated. Wordlessly, she raised the blanket over both of their heads. They were thrown into more darkness, but the voices outside became mercifully muffled.
“Don’t worry about them,” she assured him in a whisper. “We’re not involved. It’s not our fault. You just need to go to sleep. Try… try to think about the adventure we’ll have someday, hunting for dragons.
Moxie struggled to move his attention away from the shouting outside their door. His heart was pounding against his chest, and he could feel stressful tears pricking at his eyes. He prayed that Plumeria or some instructor would come and tell them to shut up.
Moxie clung to the visual Opal had given him best he could— he and Opal, running far away from their overbearing superiors, terrifying priestesses, and the reach of Lowl. Instead there would be a whole vast world, unexplored, and much treasure to conquer.
It was this out of reach fantasy that eventually lulled him to sleep.
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cheri-translates · 3 years
Headcanon - When you’re angry and say “Don’t touch me”
Original title: 当你生气地说 “你别碰我”
Original writer: 池离子 (chi li zi)
You’re seated on the sofa, staring at the hour hand of the clock as it points to “1″, trembling with anger. 
Victor! He promised that no matter how busy he was, he’d return by 11pm. Yet, even now, he hasn’t even called to give you an explanation. His phone is turned off, you couldn’t find him at the office, and all the employees had already knocked off.
Feeling upset, you think about heading to bed, but your immense worry causes your hands and feet to turn cold, and the blanket is unable to keep you warm. As such, you have no choice but to send message after message to Victor. 
Since you once made a promise with him not to head out at night, you wait for him to return home obediently. With this thought in mind, you climb into bed, covering yourself up before breaking into tears.
Although separated by the bedroom door, you can still hear the sound of the main door opening gently, followed by the soft sound of leather shoes stepping on the wooden floor. You know that he has finally returned, but you have no intention of forgiving him for breaking his promise and not returning your calls.
You hear the rustling of clothes being removed, followed closely after by the sound of the bedroom door opening gently, the familiar footsteps nearing you quietly. The space beside you on the bed dips slightly, and you can feel Victor pulling the blanket from your face.
"Dummy... why are you covering yourself up? It’s so stuffy.”
He speaks softly.
When Victor's hand is about to touch your face, you suddenly grab the blanket and turn over, your back facing him. He’s clearly stunned, and then realises that you weren't asleep, and are even a little angry with him. So he shakes your shoulder and says a soft “I'm sorry”.
"Don't touch me!" You shrug his hand away roughly. Curling yourself up, you begin to sob again.
Victor wants to pull you up, but you avoid him with equal determination, before dropping a cold “don't touch me.”
Victor sighs, then explains himself in a fatigued voice. “Sorry. I returned very late, and it’s my fault. When I drove past the park after work, I saw someone selling the taiyaki that you like, so I bought one. I didn’t have a firm grip on my phone and it fell into the water, so I couldn't turn it on.”
"I was going to buy a new phone along the way, but Goldman suddenly rushed over, saying that E Company requested to terminate our partnership due to contractual issues. Because we were pressed for time, I drove to E City with Goldman to hold a meeting, and only managed to rush back at this time... I’m sorry."
After listening to these simple words, you can’t help but feel an ache in your heart. You sit up with guilt. Despite how tired Victor was, he still had to deal with you being angry when he returned home. This... is really sad.
You turn over to look at him. Realising that your eyes are red, he reaches forward to hug you gently, leaning against your ear to say another “sorry”.
There’s a paper bag sitting at the corner of the bed, and you’re able to see half of a cold taiyaki.
"I'm so tired... let me hug you for a while..."
He embraces you tightly, and you reach out to pat his hair, as if touching a helpless child. 
"Sis-in-law, he really doesn’t take advice. I already told him not to rush ahead, but he did it anyway. Now, he doesn’t even dare to step into the house, and it’s really difficult for us...”
You’re listening to the voice message sent by Eli. Gavin was injured during a mission, and was caught red-handed by you. Eli is the spy you’ve arranged to be by Gavin’s side.
“Eli, tell Gavin that I’ve fallen sick, and that I haven’t told him about it because I don’t know what illness it is yet.”
"Sis-in-law... is this... a good idea?"
"Trust me. I can give your team a brilliant tomorrow.”
"Thank you, Sis-in-law!”
Turning your phone off, you lie down quietly. Thirty minutes later, you hear Gavin opening the door while shouting your name. You listen as his footsteps draw nearer, finally pausing at your bedside.
“Wake up, are you okay? What happened? Are you okay?” Gavin reaches out, wanting to pull you over to himself. Enraged, you slap his hands away and yell at him. “Don't touch me!”
Sure enough, he stops, and you hear him sitting down. What follows after is a protracted silence.
Your thoughts: I’m doomed. Does he find me annoying?
Gavin’s thoughts: Something’s wrong. I definitely did something wrong. What did I do wrong? Anyway, I should admit my mistake first.
"Sorry... I was wrong..."
You hear him saying this softly.
"Why were you in the wrong?”
Gavin is dumbfounded.
"I don’t know...”
Despite your anger, your heart aches. As you sit upright, you hear him asking with concern, “Are you sick? How are you feeling now?”
"I'm not sick. I asked Eli to call you home. He said that you were badly hurt and was afraid to see me. Am I that fierce?"
Gavin shakes his head.
"I'm not afraid of you being fierce. You can scold me however you like, but I'm afraid that you’d get tired after scolding me, and feel sad when you see my injuries, so I didn’t dare to return."
Pearl-like droplets of tears fall again, and he hurries forward urgently, wiping them away.
"Don't cry..."
"Where did you get hurt this time... don't be afraid to let me see. What I’m most afraid of is not knowing anything. Don’t refuse to come home..." You’re held in his arms, sobbing as you finish your sentence in bits and pieces.
He coaxes you while rubbing circles on your back.
“Okay, okay... next time, I’ll come straight home. I promise."
[ A few days later ]
"Sis-in-law, didn’t you say there wouldn’t be a problem? Us poor kids had to carry weights on our backs while climbing up a mountain...”
You dislike that bunch of female students! You! Really! Dislike! Them!
Under the pretext of the lecture, they’d look for Lucien. Once Lucien finishes his class, they would surround him, and Lucien would be in the middle, explaining the questions to them patiently.
It annoys you to death!
You’re nestled in the sofa watching a show. Having finished his shower, Lucien steps out of the bathroom, wiping his hair dry while walking towards you.
“MC, the bathroom is already warm and I've filled the tub with water. You can take a bath now.”
As if you couldn’t get angrier, you notice that the tone of voice he uses with you and the female students is obviously the same! So you purse your lips, ignoring him.
Thinking that your lack of response was because you couldn’t hear him over the sound of the TV, he sits beside you on the sofa, leaning in closer.
"Little Butterfly?”
You turn your head away, unwilling to give him any attention.
Assuming that you’re feeling shy, he reaches out to hug you, but is pushed away. He even hears this:
"Don't touch me!"
Lucien's hand stops in the air. For a long time, neither of you speak.
Just when you decide that you’re causing unnecessary trouble and turn to glance back at him, it’s as though you see the ears of a large canine drooping, its tail swinging slightly.
Why does he look wronged? Also, he's a fox, not a dog!
"MC... do you no longer like me?”
You watch as his handsome brows furrow. His movement of leaning over causes his bathrobe to reveal his neckline, and you’re cornered by him on the sofa.
"Don't touch..."
Before you manage to finish speaking, Lucien buries his face into the crook of your neck, his damp hair rubbing against your shoulder and earlobe gently. His hand reaches out to hug you tightly, and you can hear his muffled voice from the side. 
"Are you leaving me? Don't leave me..."
Huh? You heart aches instantly, and you pat his back. 
“Okay, okay... I’m not leaving you. I was just angry because those female students like you so much! I’m sorry for just now...”
"Next time... I’ll pay more attention... So MC, shall we take a bath together?”
Today has once again been part of Lucien’s plan.
[ KIRO ]
As you stare at the black circles underneath Kiro’s eyes, a certain thought drifts to your mind. 
He must have accepted too many job offers, then failed to get proper rest! 
You’ve already told him several times to reject work if he’s able to. After all, he should give himself a break. The last time, he was so tired that he fell asleep on the sofa in the makeup room and was caught red-handed by you. Now, the situation is not only worse, but he spends his free time accompanying you.
This is outrageous!
"Miss Chips! Let's watch a movie tonight! I starred in it! You’ve seen the trailer and poster, right?" Kiro picks up the cap which he uses as a disguise, then hops around you excitedly. But you just can’t ignore the blackish hue underneath his eyes.
Seeing that you’re ignoring him, he grins and steps forward, tugging on your hand. Fuming, you slap his hand away.
"Don’t touch me!”
Kiro’s hand pauses in mid-air. In just a few seconds, you hear the sound of sobbing. 
"Miss Chips..."
Turning your head to look at him, you see that tears are flowing down his cheeks. His eyes are red, and he’s wiping his teardrops with the back of his hand.
Is this the prowess of an actor? Being able to summon tears at will?
His sobbing turn even more aggrieved, and he carefully reaches out to tug on your hand again. Your heart aches, and you don’t fling it away this time.
"Miss Chips... do you hate me? Don't hate me... I work hard because I want you to lead a life which is worry-free, at least in terms of money... I love you so much..."
Ah! Stop talking! I’m a sinner!
You quickly give him a hug, patting him on the back.
“That will never happen! I like Kiro the most, but I’m very worried about your health. You’re still so young, but you’re this tired every day, so of course I’m distressed and angry. I don't hate you...”
He nods, planting his chin on your shoulder.
"I’m already very happy! I haven’t had to worry about money at all. You’ve worked so hard that I’ve got a surplus of wealth now! I want you to turn down a few projects and stay at home with me for a while, okay?”
You feel some movements on your shoulder. He’s nodding.
"Miss Chips... I like you so much..."
"I like you too!"
"Then you should kiss me now!"
He says with a grin.
(Did he follow Lucien’s study plan?)
[ SHAW ]
“Spring Thunder! Spring Thunder! You! Spit it out right now! Give it back to me!”
[Regarding the nickname] The CN version of MC’s “Mary Sue” alias is 刘春梅 - Liu Chun Mei (“Spring Plum”). Meanwhile, the CN community likes calling Shaw 刘春雷 - Liu Chun Lei (“Spring Thunder”)
Amid your blood-curdling screeches, Shaw dolidges your flailing hands and successfully chomps down your final strawberry cake.
With no intention of speaking to him anymore, you stagger a few steps, collapsing onto the sofa.
Shaw opens a bottle of Cola and a bottle of Pepsi in the kitchen, mixing his favourite, unique drink happily.
When Shaw returns with a large cup of mixed Cola and sees your current condition, he calls out to you twice. However, you have no intention of paying any attention to him considering your enraged and depressed state.
He sits beside you, patting your head. 
Your eyes are sharp, and you slap his hand away, saying the cruel words:
"Don’t touch me!”
In Shaw’s heart, he knows that something bad is about to happen. You didn’t call him “Stinky Brother” this time, which meant that you’re genuinely angry.
“No way, what’s up with you? You have such a reaction just because I ate your cake?”
You’re in no mood to argue with him. Your favourite strawberry cake no longer exists. Without it, you will crumble. 
"Spring Plum?”
He sets down the Cola, attempting to wrap an arm around your waist. But he’s slapped away once again.
"Don’t touch me!”
You watch as Shaw retracts his hand, gets up, grabs the keys, opens the door, then leaves. All in one swift movement.
Stinky Brother! He was obviously in the wrong, so why is he the one throwing a tantrum!
You close your eyes, missing that sweet and wonderful strawberry cake. Your mind has no room to think about Shaw.
After some time, you hear the sound of the door opening, followed by Shaw’s footsteps, then something being placed on the table. He sits beside you quietly.
Opening your eyes, you see that Shaw is seated, giving you a piteous look.
The scene before you resembles a world famous painting.
"Sister... I'm sorry... I went to buy a new cake..."
On the surface, you seem engrossed in your thoughts. However, your heart has long since been doing flips.
"Forgive me, okay...? Don’t give up on me just because of the cake...”
As though you’ve just survived a huge bloodbath, you sit up with a “hmph”, then pull the cake box over. Sure enough, there’s an entire cake, decorated with strawberries. 
Placated, you wrap Shaw in a hug and give him a kiss.
"What are you talking about, my beloved Shaw? Why would I not want you! I want you more than cake!”
Shaw's eyes darken.
"In that case... let me see just how much you want me..."
More translated and original works: here
[ Permission to translate ]
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池离子: OK! Just state that the source is LOFTER池离子. Also, if you’ve posted it, could you also take a screenshot for me? No need for the whole thing - just a little will do!
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travellingarmy · 3 years
║Zhongli║Family Outing
Requested from Wattpad.
Female reader as requested.
Word count: 2.3k
Even when it was just the two of you, you were expected to bring mora, so why would that change when there is an added person into the family?
"Mommy, Mommy! Look here, I finally tie it on my own!" A little rascal came running to your room with booming footsteps echoing down the hall, where you were still getting ready, showing you their poorly tied tie. You look over at the door and let a little chuckle before walking towards the smaller male who was quite the unique set of eyes and kneeling down to his level. "Wow, it looks good!" you praised, fixing the bowtie for him, earning a cute, little laugh from him.
The little rascal whose bowtie you were trying to fix was none other than your child, Qian. Qian was a unique child as he had features that normal humans don't have.
A second set of footsteps came echoing down the halls and stopped at your door. You look up and see your dearest husband, leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed and an unshakeable smile on his lips as he stares at the two most precious beings in the world. "Not going to mention how I helped you, I see." The older male chuckles. Qian turns his head to look up at his father before looking back at you again. "Oh yeah! Daddy taught me how to tie it, hehe," the adorable, little boy adds.
You laugh at the added statement and stood up. "Alright, should we go now?" you ask to which both of the males nodded- one with excitement. "Oh, right, Qian, make sure you hide your horns." You look at the two sets of horns that rested on top of the little boy's head.
As said before, the reason why Qian is unique is that he was a mix of a mortal and god-- yours and Zhongli's.
"Oopsies! I didn't know." He quickly retracted his horns so that they were no longer visible. His eyes, however, remained the same glowing amber eyes just like his father's; a truly unique set of eyes that makes him differ from everyone else along with his hair, and also the fact that he had the same immortality as his father.
You walked over to the door where Zhongli wrapped an arm around your waist and gave you a quick kiss on the lips. "Ew, that's gross!" Qian covers his eyes with his hands as he said so, making both you and Zhongli laugh at the little action. "Can we go now? I want toys and books!"
"Alright, we can go now. Come, grab mommy's hand," you said and offer him a hand for him to hold onto. He uncovers his eyes and reaches for your hand, feeling the warmth from his tiny hands and fingers trying to cover most of it. Zhongli went to the other side of him and held his other hand and left the house.
"Mommy, mommy! Look at the doggies!" Qian points at the two dogs that watch the inner part of the bridge, giggling as the dogs wag their tails and walking closer to the young boy. He let go both of his hands from either of yours and Zhongli's grasp and went over to the dogs, ruffling their furs. You smiled before turning to your husband, "Can you watch over Qian while I buy a few things?" Not wanting to take Qian away from the dogs, you relied on Zhongli.
He nods and places a kiss on your head. "Of course," Zhongli says. On every outing, you would take this as a chance for grocery shopping. It was hard to keep the fridge at home full especially when you had a little tyke that sneaks into the kitchen for snacks.
Not wanting to overfill the fridge, you bought only the necessary things that you have fully noted down on a paper along with snacks for Qian. He- although has the same mindset as his father's and a bit of his knowledge- could be quite the handful when he doesn't get his snacks-- throwing tantrums when he wants things. But that was just how kids were and there is nothing else you could do to appease them.
"Mommy, where did you go?" Qian asks when you returned with a bag, still playing with the dogs. "Just went to buy food," you answered, smiling as Zhongli offers to take the bag from your hands. A gentleman, he was.
"What about snacks?" He leapt up excitedly, walking away from the dogs to clung onto your dress. "I wouldn't dare forget them," you replied, seeing his eyes light up happily, then hugging your legs. "You're the best, Mommy!" You rolled your eyes. "So, I'm the best when I buy you your snacks, huh?" you ask, feigning offence and pick him up to meet your eyes. He shakes his head frivolously and re-worded his words, "Mommy is the best even when she doesn't buy Qian snack!" He kisses your cheeks and you giggled.
"What about me?" Zhongli speaks up, pointing at himself as he waits in expectance. Giggling, Qian reaches out for his father who happily engulfed him in a warm hug. The little boy then places a kiss on Zhongli's cheek and smiled. "There! Daddy gets a kiss too, so don't be sulky anymore." Zhongli chuckles and places a kiss on his son's cheeks as well.
"Where would you like to go, Qian?" Zhongli asks, carrying him with one hand as he holds the bag with the other. "Toys!" he exclaims, eyes glimmering with stars. Chuckling, the three of you made your way to a toy shop where Zhongli put Qian down to roam the store, excitedly picking a lot of toys. "Qian, you can only pick two things, okay? You already have a lot back home," you reminded, sweat dropping.
"B, but Qian really likes them..!" He pouts, giving you his doll-like eyes as he pleads. It was something that he always does and was very effective. You felt an imaginary punch to your stomach, picturing your soon-to-be empty wallet, but you just didn't know how to say no to such a face. You cranked your head to your side, looking at your husband who stood idly by cluelessly, hinting him to help.
He notices your graved face and immediately understood and clears his throat. "Qian, mora, you see, may just be a materialistic thing that one can obtain, but obtaining it is much harder than you realize, so mortals always make note of things called prices that requires mora. By doing so, they can save extra mora for other needed things," he lectures, though it doesn't seem that Qian understood what his father told him.
"Mommy can go get more, right?" he asks, clearly not understanding what Zhongli had said. "Money shouldn't be thrown around carelessly, sweetie," you spoke, kneeling to his level and placing a hand on his shoulder, his bright eyes reflecting off of yours. "Okay.. But we can come back to buy them, right?" Qian asks, to which you nodded. "Then, Qian will pick these two! Mr. Cyclops is cool!"
You look at the toy in his hand, knowing that it was a very popular toy from Snezhnaya. The toy maker was also very popular amongst children, so it was understandable seeing Qian choosing the toy. You stood up and ruffled his head before turning to place a kiss on Zhongli's cheeks. "It wasn't the best explanation, but it did make him choose two," you say and walked off to pay for the toys.
"Mommy, mommy, I'm hungry!" Qian tugs on your hands after so much walking. "Well, it is the afternoon.. Where does Qian want to go?" you ask. "I want to eat where that fire-breathing teddy bear is!" he says almost immediately, showing his enthusiasm. "Ah, Wanmin Restaurant it is." You chuckled, knowing he meant Guoba.
"Hello, welcome to Wanmin Restaurant! Please, sit wherever you like!" Xiangling greets. Qian's smile grew wider when his eyes landed on the girl and ran up to her as you and Zhongli walked to an empty table. "Miss, can I see Mr. Fire-breathing Bear?" he asks, tugging her clothes. "Oh, of course, Qian!" the female giggles and takes Guoba out. On every outing, Wanmin Restaurant was one of the places Qian loves to go and that's because of Xiangling's Guoba. He would never go to another restaurant even when suggested.
Xiangling sat her bear on the extra seat around your table- right beside Qian- and look towards you and Zhongli. "Please, take your time to look over the menu! Oh, I've also added new dishes that children might like," Xiangling says enthusiastically before leaving the table to tend to other customers.
After choosing lunch, Xiangling makes off to the kitchen and leave the three of you plus Guoba to chat for a while. "Mr. Fire-breathing Bear is cute!" Qian states, touching the bear. "Mommy, can Qian have one too?" He turns to look at you.
"Ah.. Of course!" you say, giving him a close-eyed smile. It was a good thing that Guoba was behaving on order or else it could hurt someone.
"Here are your orders!" Xiangling returns as quickly as she went, the order in her hands and places it on the table. "And a little snack for little Qian!" she says. Qian giggles and thanked her before she excused herself once more, bringing her Guoba along.
After that, you just strolled around the city until sunset and eyed interesting things, making sure that neither Qian nor Zhongli went off on their own for things they've found an interest in. It was indeed fun, but it almost felt like you had to babysit Zhongli as well who almost always wanders around to buy things without preparing money with him.
"Mommy, how come Daddy isn't allowed to bring money with him?" Qian asks, running along the edge of the docks, pretending that his Mr. Cyclops can fly. Zhongli was certainly caught by surprise and a tint of pink was seen on his face as he forcefully coughs onto his fist-- most likely embarrassed for the reason. You snickered, eyeing the man from the side of your eyes before looking over to the little boy. "He is bad at managing money, so that is why mommy has them. And also because daddy always forgets to bring his money," you answered. "When he was courting me, I had to pay for most things to which he will pay by taking me out for dinner." It was only times that Zhongli can date onto a calendar, that he will remember to bring money. Other than that? Expect to bring your wallet.
"How did daddy manage to marry mommy like that?" he asks, surprised and draws his full attention to the two of you. "Well, daddy has other charms to look at. He's especially good in b--" Zhongli immediately covers your mouth, knowing full well of what you were about to say. "I would take whatever means necessary to marry your mother-- mora aside, of course," Zhongli states, hearing you laugh from beside him, though having a mouth over you.
You remove his hand to add on but was then cut off by putting a hand over your mouth. He laced his arm around your waist and draws you close before removing the hand and placing a kiss on your cheek. "I'm just kidding. You know I will never say that," you say, giggling at his attempt to shut you up.
"Ew, daddy is kissing mommy!" Qian spoke, drawing your attention to the young boy. "It was just a kiss on the cheek.." you say. "That is still kissing!" Qian defends.
You chuckled. "Alright, come here, Qian. It's time to go home and make dinner," you say, outstretching a hand for him to hold. He excitedly runs towards you and grabs hold of your free hand, your other being held by Zhongli.
After dinner, you all sat in the living room for some more family bonding time, Qian now presenting his horns as he plays with his new toys along with his old ones. But it didn't take long for the hours to pass before looking at the clock and decided that it was time for Qian to go to sleep.
"Alright, Qian, time to go to sleep," you say. "But I still want to play with Mr. Cyclops.." He pouts. "You can play with Mr. Cyclops tomorrow, okay? He won't leave," you assured. He was a bit reluctant, but soon allowed you to pick him up to bring him to his bedroom, Zhongli trailing behind.
You helped him change into sleepwear and tuck him nicely under the blanket, then turning on the lamp on his bedside table and turning off the light before returning to sit on the edge of his bed. "Good night, Qian. Let mommy and daddy see you in your dreams," you say softly and kiss his forehead. "Good night.. Mommy.." With that, his eyelids fell heavy, drifting him off to dream land.
You stood up and turn to look at the door, seeing Zhongli's eyes glowing much brighter in the dark room. One more look at Qian before you made your way to Zhongli who waited outside the hall, leaving the door slightly open as usual.
"I'm tired." You yawned, wiping a tired tear from the corner of one of your eyes. Zhongli chuckles lowly and caught you by surprise by picking you up, bridal style. "Then, it must be time for my dear to sleep as well," Zhongli says, smiling down at you as he walks to yours and his bedroom where he lies you down and crawling to the other side of the bed, getting underneath the blanket with you.
You muzzled into his chest, letting him wrap his strong arms around you closely and engulfing you in his warmth. "Good night, my dear." He kisses your forehead. You hummed, tired, and said, "Good night, my love."
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1plus1kiyoomi · 4 years
Chapter 7: Boyfriend Recommendation
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It has been 2 months since you moved to Hyogo. In those 2 months, it’s safe to say that you and Kita have gotten pretty close. You didn’t develop a romantic dynamic, but it certainly isn’t platonic either, considering how vocal you are about liking him.
Kita allows you to tease him and do pretty much anything you want as long as you don’t cross the line he never mentioned, but you know is there. It’s all fun and jokes between the two of you, or at least you’re enjoying. You’re not really sure about Kita’s feelings. He never reacts or reciprocates to your actions.
On Kita’s side, he’s not really sure about you. There are times he feels like he likes you, but then the contrast of your personalities make him question your compatibility as a couple, if ever you become one. He just can’t imagine dating someones like you: extravagant, outgoing, impulsive, sometimes childish. His heart is telling him to go for it, but his mind is just so hesitant.
The only thing you have in common is Rice. That’s it. You both own Rice. But even how you raise the dog is conflicting.
He wants Rice to sleep in the living room? You want Rice to sleep in your room.
He wants Rice to eat less food because the dog’s getting fat? You feed him more and give unnecessary snacks.
For the meantime, your relationship label is: Rice’s parents.
“Rice, come here,” you call the dog, patting the space in between your legs. “Wanna join me in today’s live?” Rice barks as a response and excitedly goes between your legs. He doesn’t understand what you’re saying, but the way you’re patting the mat is making his tail wag.
You go to your Instagram and start a live. A few seconds later, you see people coming in so you greet them. “Hello everyone! Did you have a nice day? Ohh... Some of you are still at cram school. Then why are you watching my live? Shouldn’t you be studying?”
You continue to go on live, showing your viewers what Rice has learned in the span of two months. Sit, down, roll, play dead, paw, other paw, nose: those are all you’ve taught him. Kita taught him the more practical tricks. Like, get your bowl, go to your bed, stay, wait, don’t go out. Sometimes, when you go to school, Rice goes to the fields with Kita and help him carry his towel.
“Can you do the my boyfriend does my makeup challenge?” You read, making you laugh. “I love the video recommendation but can you also recommend a boyfriend?”
You see names pop up in the replies but you don’t actually mind them. You look for questions but you just see names, so you decide to end the video like that. “I have to go now. I will consider your recommendation hahaha. Bye!”
Turning the live off, you hear the door open. Rice hears it, too, so he excitedly runs to your door, waiting for you to open it. “Dad’s here? Are you excited?” Rice barks so you rise from your bed and open the door for him. He runs to the front door and you wait for Kita at the living room.
“Hi,” you greet him with your usual smile. He ignores you and heads to the kitchen, holding Rice in his arms. “Why does he look mad?” You mutter to yourself. You follow him in the kitchen, linking your arms with his. “Bad day?”
He humms then shakes you off. You pout. You hug him from behind this time and he lets you stay like that, knowing you won’t give up on your tactics. “I watched your live,” he speaks up after a long moment of silence.
“All of it?” You ask him, burying your face on his back. You take in his scent and sigh in satisfaction. He smells really fresh despite staying under the sun the whole day. He smells like home. “Did you enjoy it?”
“Let’s do the makeup challenge your fans suggested,” he suddenly tells you, ignoring your question. You let go of him and pinch his side, but he still doesn’t give you a reaction.
You cross your arms, leaning on the counter top behind you. “No.” You reject his offer and he faces you with his stone ace.
“Is it because I’m not your boyfriend?” He raises an eyebrow.
You shake your head. “You don’t even like being in front of the camera. Why would you film a video with me?”
He dodges your question again. “I can hide my face from the frame.”
“You are acting suspicious right now,” you furrowed your eyebrows, eyes squiented. “What’s the catch?”
“Nothing. You just get new content,” Kita answers which Rice barks at. “See? Even Rice agrees.”
“Are you sure you’re okay about filming? What even went in your mind that you’re suddenly on board about this makeup challenge?” You chuckle, not believing what’s happening. Kita hates being filmed. He doesn’t even want his pictures to be taken. He’s private like that.
“The boyfriend recommendations,” he mumbles quickly as he turns so you don’t hear him. “Nothing. Just felt like it.”
After a lot of thinking you finally say yes to him. You set up the camera in your room, the screen hidden from you. The mirror is also covered with a piece of cloth so Kita can surprise you with the look he’s going to do on you. He finally enters your room in his matching cotton maroon pajama pants and sweats.
“I have a nightgown that matches yours! I wanna wear it, too!” You excitedly tell him, shoving him out of the room so you can change.
After changing into a plain silk slip on dress in the same shade, you call him to come back in. He stops at the doorway as he sees you. The way you look so simple yet so attractive causes blood to rush on his face and somewhere else in his lower body. He won’t admit the latter, but he can feel it.
“Want to start filming?” You ask him, not noticing his red ears. He nods at you and stands at the side, waiting for a signal for him to come in the frame.
You do your usual introduction then finally explain what’s going to happen in the video. “So for today’s video, I will do a challenge that has been requested a lot and for a very long time now. Today I will be doing the ‘boyfriend does my makeup’ challenge. But the man in this film is not my boyfriend. I want to clarify that before you jump to conclusions. He’s...” you take a glance at him and he’s looking at you nonchalantly so you feel shy. “Umm... he’s the other parent of Rice. We are co-parenting Rice. I guess you can say that we are good friends.”
Kita finally enters the frame, but only his shoulder to hip can be seen in the camera. “What do I call you?” You ask him and he just shrugs. You smile, an idea popping into you’re mind. “I’ll call you baby.”
“No,” he firmly says, but you just stick your tongue out to him. He looks down at you, then gulps. The sexual tension between the two of you is growing, and you’re aware. You have fun teasing Kita because you know he won’t do anything about it, which is something that made you fall deeper for him.
“Whatever, baby,” you giggle. He pinches your cheek in irritation so you whine jokingly. You go back to recording and leave the fate of your face on the man beside you. “So we will now start the challenge. Baby, go on.”
Kita does a sarcastic gagging face at the nickname before he goes through your makeup box. He picks up a random sponge and foundation. “Is this right?” He asks you but you don’t answer him. “Wait, you really don’t help me even just a bit?”
“No, baby,” you tell him. The nickname coming out of your mouth sounds so natural. He likes it, but he won’t tell you that, but he won’t stop you from calling him that either.
“If you turn out ugly after this, it’s your face’s fault,” he says in a serious tone so you jokingly punch his side. He puts an amount of liquid foundation on your forehead, and you feel it drip down the nose of your bridge. “I don’t think I’m doing this right.”
After doing your foundation, he grabs an eyeliner. “Already?” You chuckle and he puts it back on the table. He takes a contour palette and confidently grabs an eyeshadow brush. He does random strokes on your eyelids, lowkey scaring you.
He stares at you intensely before looking away with a disappointed look on your face. “Baby, what did you do?”
“Wait, I think this will fix it.” Kita takes the eyeliner again so you close your eyes, allowing him to draw on your lids. “It doesn’t look that bad with your eyes closed.”
“Should I just close my eyes the whole time?” You snort. You hear him say open, so you look up to him, your eyes meeting his. He takes his lower lip in between his lips, concentrating on your lids. ‘May all the gods help me not do anything to this man.’
He continued doing your makeup in silence, while you do almost all of the talking, asking him the most random questions which he answers calmly despite how weird the question may get.
“Baby, if a cockroach lands on a soap, will the cockroach be cleaned or will the soap be dirty?”
“You know what (Y/N), this is by far the most stupid question you’ve asked, not just in this video but ever since we’ve met.”
Kita is putting mascara on you when you suddenly open your eyes, causing him to poke the stick in your eye. You groan in pain so he drops the mascara on the table and attends to you.
“Baby, are you okay? Let me see.” He grabs both of your cheeks, and checks your reddening eye. The pain has subsided due to him calling you baby. He blows on your eyes, his face getting closer to you.
“Baby, huh?” You mock and he rolls his eyes at you. He continues to do your makeup, being extra careful this time.
“I think we’re done,” he says after putting wand of the lipgloss back on. He takes a look at you and chuckles.
“How bad is it?” You ask him in worry.
“Don’t you trust me?” He pouts and you shake your head. He puts his hand on top of your head, and shakes it gently, making you laugh. “You’re so annoying.”
“You like me like that!”
‘I do.’
Kita finally removes the cloth from the mirror so you see yourself. You gasp, not expecting Kita to do a good job. It’s not the best, but it’s something you can wear out. It’s simple but somehow looks so elegant. Just like Kita.
“You did a really good job.” You smile at him. You start filming for the outro of your video after that.
After doing the outro, Kita just stands there and looks at you. “What?” You chuckle, looking his way.
“Nothing. You look good,” he replies, making you a flustered mess.
“Stop saying that. I won’t be able to resist and kiss you,” you threaten him with a pout.
He shrugs. “Go for it.”
Heat spreads across your face from his words. You scream in frustration and he just chuckles. Kita walks closer to you while you hide your blushing face in the palm of your hands. “Don’t move any closer. I swear I will do it.”
“I told you already, go for it.” He bends down to your sitting height, but you look away. “This is the only time I will allow you to do it.”
You remove your hands away from your face, then you see that Kita’s face is close to yours. “What is with you today?” You groan, turning your back on him.
Kita spins your chair to make you face him again. “I don’t know. The jealousy and your nightgown I guess.”
“What?” You stutter, not comprehending his words.
Before you can even ask what he means, Kita’s lips are already on top of yours. Your eyes widen in shock, not processing anything. A few moments later, you give in to his lips. And at that same time, he pulls away, leaving you disappointed.
“Good night, baby.”
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Note: Just a short update because school and work are taking so much of my time skskksksks hopefully I get to go back to my daily updates after hell week :|
Taglist: @vicassa  @ptv-hades  @steggy4ever  @booklover240  @toripersonalacc @mkazuyuh  @smoltiddygf  @adrasteiaxandromedaa @leinnah  @a-applepi @kellesvt @xxlightsaberxx  @youpieceofwasabi @bandolls @wheelzzzies @apollochjld @sakusa-simp @neomuxuxi @aquzairus @ynjimenez @sempiternal-amour  @tnu-ree @mindofess @alittlebitofrain @agaashesmilktea​ @aquzairus @ynjimenez @sempiternal-amour @diyosku @dinablossom @atomicpie1115 @lililiynx @onlyshinji @melodiamore @bunnybitesthedust @angrylittleriri @rogueofbullshit @8zmingi @aam1na @yuueisteria @4kaashl
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