#guys i’m so crazy over thsi
aethslove · 3 months
omega being a ranged shooter like crosshair is so special to me. if you even care.
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chao-chachaslide · 2 years
I’m a week late with this but Sonic 2 reactions!
This is not organised at all sorry
• Tails is everything I love him best character FR. Colleen hit this out the park
• This is peak Knux characterisation Idris Elba popped off. HE'S SO GOOD IN THIS FILM WHAT
• what is olive garden?
• The maid costume on robotnik’s wardrobe previews AKSJSJWIWBWN
• Wade is really good I hope we see more of him next time round. I love how he kept on mentioning the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man like yes mate that is totally something I would do
• Okay I saw the scene where he goes Super on youtube a couple days ago rip but this scene still went so hard. I nearly cried.
• the chaos emeralds are so small; they looked a bit bigger in the flashbacks
• My main issue which causes me to give this a 9/10 was the whole wedding scene. It was funny and Rachel is great, but it was over very quickly and not addressed again. The pacing was weird. The bar scene as well but at least it added to Tails’ character development
• also there was no crazy Carl or TGT reference rip
• other than that I LOVED this film
• who were those humans (?) Who came through the portal before Knuckles? I was hoping it would be explained but Eggman just killed them and they weren't mentioned again
• okay on the second watch I noticed their armour is owl themed - obvs a nod at the owls vs echidnas thing revealed later on. But THEY'RE HUMAN. WHAT. PARAMOUNT EXPLAIN!!!
• Okay so it looks as though they might be setting up Stone to take centre stage as antagonist. We see him for one shot in the post credit scene listening to commander and an agent talk about Project Shadow. I wonder if it's gonna be him who finds it as an attempt to find Eggman? Eggman is reported missing after the events of the film.
• Carey is retiring as well and they ended this film in a way that he can be either written out completely or have a very minor role in the next film. There wasn’t really any reason to focus on Stone listening to the agents or even the fact that he was there if they didn’t have plans for him.
• If Jet showed up in the movieverse would he look like longclaw?
• we might not have Amy next movie - Fowler said characters are not being introduced in the main canon order - so that means Shadow's character arc will change slightly if she ain’t there
• Maybe they'll just replace Amy with Sonic or Tom or someone
• or no-one
• my friend suggested Tails because of his childish innocence and general nice person personality
• I will say I don't want Shadow to fully switch sides like Knux did. Like sure join in the final battle or smth but don't stay on the team permanent
• I don't think we'll be getting Rouge next movie I just needed to get that out before I forget (this was written after I first watched the movie)
• okay me and my friend actually discussed Rouge being in the Knuckles show after I saw this the second time. Then they could stick her in the movie yknow. Also this would be peak knuxouge. Movie Knux the world and Rouge would just be there to piss him off it would be so funny
• Okay Knux show is actually interesting. This could be so SA1. TIKAL. CHAOS.
• Okay it's a risk but I would like them to introduce Rouge or Amy. Mm. Yeah. Like you have to rely on people watching the show, which I guess Marvel has kinda made a thing. It depends on how reliable they think their audience is (Sonic fans are wild they would get any streaming service to watch something with Sonic, this is about so-called “normal people” who aren’t sonic fans and whether they can be trusted)
• i already talked about how Amy could appear in an older post of mine
• Also like the fact he may be related to Tikal now
• One thing tho. Since the movies are actually willing to address that the characters are still children/teens despite everything going on I think it would be really interesting to bring that up in Shadow's case. Esp if it was Sonic trying to reason with him like a "we're not so different, you and I" kinda thing. They both lost their family
• assuming they make Shadow the same age as Sonic (~14 as of the second film) this would be a good plot point. Like hey, this guy has had a seriously fucked up life and is extremely traumatised by it
• The draft version of this post had an essay on Shadow’s mental health here
• Good god I am excited for his character arc
• ANYWAY I think they should kill Maria
• flashback at the start of the film showing the ARK raid WOULD BE AWESOME (in a cinematic way, like this would be pretty good in terms of pacing. Rip Maria 4ever in our hearts). Also if more details were released in random flashbacks like how they are in SA2
• Okay so as much as I don’t want them to kill Shadow and my friend says they won’t cos he’s a major character, it would have a significant impact in terms of Sonic’s character development. Hit him with the “haha fuck you, you can’t save everyone”. The lasting impact it will have even if they bring him back later. This worked in game it can work again. Bonus points if Shadow sacrificed himself that shit’s great thank you twitter takeover 5 for my life
• One last thing. When Eggman’s chasing Sonic in the Death Egg Robot, he mentions he’ll conquer Earth, the Universe, and the multiverse. You can see where this is heading
• I didn’t spot this the first time round but when I went with my friends, me and my other kind-of-interested-in-StH friend both said Blaze in sync. They’re a Blaze enthusiast so this was a big topic of conversation after the film.
• okay so 1. There was literally no need to mention the multiverse at all unless they planned to do something with it. 2. I know there’s Scourge but we’re legally not allowed to talk about him and anything from Archie is not coming back.
• obviously it’s a jab at Blaze, who we know is essentially a flipped version of Sonic minus the colour palette. However this is a one-off mention and will probably not have anything come of it for a while
• however on the 0.00001% this is about Sonic Prime I will shit myself
• one thing my friend suggested was a Silver/Blaze spinoff show rather than a movie, since, as they described the duo, they come as a package deal. Which is true they generally do seem to show up in the same places at the same time. We both agreed that time travel probably won’t happen in the SCU, so chucking Silver in an AU could be an option. Or you could do an 06 and have Blaze go to Silver’s planet (yes planet since we ruled out time travel for now). Anyway this idea is genius paramount take notes.
• i lied about that being the last thing I wanna talk about the Chaos Emerald theory rq. Okay so we can get rid of the part about them being living chaos emeralds but notice how in the flashbacks they showed seven echidnas, like a council, each with one emerald. Exactly. If chaos emerald theory real and true I reckon they’ll go with assigning each emerald to a character. I don’t remember which set of emerald colours they used in the movie (I think it was the current selection but it might have been the S2 one. If someone knows please tell me).
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margoshansons · 5 years
Desperate Measures: 6/?
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Bellamy Blake x Reader
Summary: An unexpected disappearance brings Bellamy and Y/N closer while one of their friends suffers from an awful injury.
Warnings: Violence, swearing, 
Notes: From here until episode eleven is probs my favorite arc to write and I can’t wait for you guys to read it! Thanks for the love! Based on 1x06 “His Sister’s Keeper.”
As the flap of her tent opened she was viewing sleep as more of a luxury than a necessity down on the earth. Bellamy’s voice rang through, “Have you seen Octavia?” It was urgent. 
Y/N flipped another page of her grandmother’s book. “I’m sure she’s off chasing butterflies or something. It’s Octavia” she shrugged, not moving from her sprawled position. She really wasn’t in the mood to talk to Bellamy right now, especially after the events of yesterday.
Bellamy bit his lip and cast a worried look over his shoulder, “I haven’t seen her since this morning.” He hesitated before continuing, “I’m really worried.”
His tone caused her to scramble up from her leisurely position, worry twisting in her stomach at the thought of the young girl captured by grounders.
“Hey,” She softened her voice, moving forward to place her hand on his shoulder, “It’ll be okay, I’ll help you find her” 
Bellamy nodded, vulnerable look on his face disappearing as the two exited the tent. Despite the events of the day, Y/N couldn’t stay mad at Bellamy, not when she needed his cooperation to help this camp survive. Even if he annoyed her. 
“I’ll check around the tents,” She informed him, pulling herself further away from the older brother, frantically searching for any sign of Octavia, “See if anyone has seen her.”
Bellamy nodded before ducking into the dropship, her job thankless as the moved from tent to tent searching for the pretty brunette. 
“Octavia? Are you here?” She ducked into Finn’s tent, where Raven stood shearing the remains of his prison haircut away. 
“What’s up?” Raven asked.
Y/N sent a look between the two, practically tasting the tension between the couple. “Octavia’s missing,” She turned toward Finn, “We could use a tracker.”
Finn nodded, “You got one.” He pushed himself off the forest floor, wiping any spare hair from his jacket as they got ready to leave.
“Finn! You coming?” Bellamy called. Y/N and Finn rolled their eyes in annoyance as the two ducked out. 
“Alright, we’re here,” Finn called, irritated and dragging Y/N with him.
“You know you should tell her.” She brought up as they walked forward. He didn’t need a mind reader to know what she was referring to.
Finn refused to look at her, “I will when the time is right.”
“We’re on the ground,” Y/N responded, “There is no right time Finn.”
A crowd began to gather around the fire as awes erupted from the camp, fingers pointing upward. Y/N lifted her gaze, mouth dropping in horror as she watched hundreds of bodies plummet to the ground in a beautiful meteor shower.
“It didn’t work” She heard Clarke whisper beside her, “They didn’t get our message.”
“A meteor shower tells you that?” Bellamy asked skeptically.
“That’s not a meteor shower” Y/N announced, grief scattered in her voice, “It’s a funeral. Hundreds of bodies being returned to the earth from the Ark. This is what it looks like from the other side.”
Raven lunged at Bellamy, “This is all because of you!”
“I got you your radio didn’t I?”
“Yeah after you jacked it from my pod and trashed it!”
“He knows” Clarke stopped the girl from lunging further, “And now he has to live with it.”
The group set out in tense silence, torches lighting the way when flashlights refused to work. It wasn't long until someone stumbled upon a torn piece sleeve down by a ravine. 
“Is that Octavia’s?” Jones asked. 
Bellamy set his jaw, “Rope!” He called, tying it to the rock before climbing down. Y/N followed immediately after him, her feet scraping down the dirt. Jasper and Finn followed soon after.
“The tracks are deeper going that way.” He responded, “Looks like he was carrying her.”
“Like they did to Jasper.” Y/N murmured. 
They set off in the direction, Finn leading the way as Y/N stuck close to Jasper, hand held on one of her sharpened knives. The heat of a flame burned against her face as a familiar voice called to her, “I didn’t mean to do it.” Bellamy murmured. 
Y/N didn’t need to read his mind to know what he was talking about. “I know,” She responded with a tight inhale, “You were just trying to protect your sister.”
Bellamy nodded, his eyes trained on the road before him, “She’s all I have.” He confessed, “My mother--my mother made me promise to take care of her, and instead I got her sent down here.”
Silence hung between the two leaders as the torch continued to burn beside them.
“I highly doubt that.” Y/N responded, bobbing her head to gaze around the trees.
A regretful look passed over Bellamy’s face as he drew within himself, caught up in his thoughts. “I wanted her to see the Ark. I wanted her to know something other than the four walls surrounding us.” He confessed, his tracks slowing, “So I brought her to the Unity Day dance, I thought I could keep her safe, but instead I got her sent to the sky box.”
Y/N’s stomach twisted as she trained her eyes on the freckled face beside her, the torchlight illuminating the somber look in his eyes. 
“You’re wrong” She swallowed, the words almost getting caught in her throat. “Octavia had a choice too, we all do.” She moved her hand to rest atop his shoulders, the physical touch sending pleasant shivers running down her back. “And she’s not all you have.”
His brow furrowed. 
“You have me.” Y/N sent him a tight-lipped smile. Around him her walls crumbled, and she was starting to like that. Bellamy sent her a grateful look.
The followed the tracks until they reached another clearing in the woods. Y/N drew her breath in, unable to comprehend what had led the grounders to decorate their boundaries with the skeletons of their kills. 
“I don’t speak grounder, but I'm pretty sure that means keep out,” Finn warned. 
Instead Bellamy grit his teeth and set his jaw before whispering, “My sister, my repsonsibility.”
Y/N looked back in warning at the other seven delinquents before whispering, “Be careful, and keep your hand on your weapon.”
She scooted forward, carefully watching the ground for any traps the grounders had laid down. The pace was agonizing, but she knew they had to watch where they stepped unless they wanted to join the skeletons on the wall. 
Bellamy had fallen into step with her again, arm ready to stop her at any point. “Careful,” Y/N warned.
His trademark smirk returned, “So Sparky does have a heart huh?”
A chuckle escaped her as they continued to walk, “Yeah, I know, surprising huh?” She repsonded tiredly, recalling the last time someone had said that to her. 
Bellamy smiled, “So I’m guessing all that Love is Weakness stuff is just bullshit to hide the fact that you’re like the rest of us huh?”
Y/N twirled the knife in her hand, a sad smirk tugging on her lips, “No, that was bullshit I learned from my mother.” She sent him a playful gaze, “But it helps when dealing with people like you.”
Thsi time his smile escalated to a laugh and she felt pride flow through her. “You know in another life I think we would’ve been really good friends.” Bellamy piped up, a half-smile on his face, “But instead, here we are.”
Y/N smiled, thankful the darkness hid the blood rushing to her cheeks. “Tragic.” 
She pushed forward, joining Finn and Jasper, leaving Bellamy biting his lip to restrain the involuntary laughter as he watched her leave with a smile plastered on his face.
The hours they had spent trekking through the forest felt wasted as they seemed to be getting nowhere close to where Octavia was.
“The tracks end here.” Finn responded, double-checking the trees.
Bellamy moved forward, “Then we keep moving,” The overprotective brother was back and Y/N made sure to keep a close eye on the deliquents that still remained. People were tired, they were ready to give up.
“Look,” She approached Bellamy, “I want to find Octavia just as much as you, but wandering around aimlessly isn’t the way to do it.” She urged, watching the conflict rage behind Bellamy’s now cold eyes. His response was cut off with an inquiry from Roma. 
“Hey” She asked fearfully, “Where’s John?”
As if on cue, Mbege’s body fell from the sky, his throat slit, eyes unblinking. Fear surged through her as Finn whispered the terrible truth. “They’re in the trees!”
“Come on” Bellamy called, brandishing his spear as he grasped Y/N’s wrist, pulling her forward with him. Leaves crunched underneath their feet as they picked up speed, her side splitting in pain. But they couldn’t slow down, not even for a second. They stopped when they heard the screams. 
“Roma” he whispered, jetting off in the direction of the other delinquent. They passed Diggs’ impaled body, only to watch as a spear pinned Roma against a tree, blood spurting from her mouth as her screams grew silent. 
“She only came because of me.” Bellamy spoke, voice thick with emotion as he reached up to close her eyes. 
“They led us here.” Y/N breathed heavily, realization crossing her face, “They wanted us to come this way, toward the traps.”
“They think killing us is a game” Finn pointed out. 
Jasper gripped the spear in his hands as crazy began to swirl in his eyes, the bold delinquent gritting his teeth before shouting into the abyss, “Then they should GET IT OVER WITH!”
“Jasper shut up!” Y/N urged, grasping both knives in her hands as she swiveled around herself, the trees rustling. The remaining delinquents turned, cathcing several grounders headed their direction. She twirled her knife before kissing the blade, hoping her aim was good enough to hit a moving target. 
Her arm launched the weapon toward the closest grounder, the blade spinning in the air before landing in the chest of the grounder, his strangled scream ringing through the forest as he fell.
She stared blankly into space, breathing growing shallow as she clenched her hand back and forth, hoping it would make the numbness disappear.
Instead, a bellowing sound pulled her back to reality, eyes widening as they locked with Bellamy’s.
“Acid fog” He replied, scrambling for the pack on his back.
Y/N helped Finn and Bellamy set up the tent as she called to Jasper and Monroe, “We need to take cover now.” The two delinquents were pulled out of their temporary safety as they huddled together under the tent, praying that the fog would pass quickly.
Bellamy’s body was pressed against her, his arm holding up part of the tent as she lay sprawled underneath him, his hot breath against her neck. He was practically on top of her.
Her insides squirmed, nerves rushing to her throat. It was too close. 
They were too close. 
She really hoped that fog would hurry up.
“This is ridiculous,” Bellamy muttered, ripping open the flap to reveal that the fog hadn’t even existed in the first place. Y/n stood up, confusion ripping through her as she breathed the acidless air. 
“They’re coming back” Bellamy readied his spear at the figure in the distance until Finn stopped him. 
“I think he’s alone” The longer haired kid spoke. 
Bellamy clenched his jaw, moving forward, “We’re going after him” He pressed.
“To kill him?” Jasper asked, fear present in his face.
“No” Y/N spoke up, pulling her other knife from her boot, “We catch him, get him to tell us where Octavia is,” Bellamy nodded, thankful for the support. Y/N stepped beside him, pressing forward as she gave her last order, “then kill him.”
They reached the cave by nightfall, following the unnamed grounder deep into the system. Y/N swallowed, twirling the knife in her hand as the four of them shuffled forward, hoping this worked.
She stepped into the cave alongside Bellamy, the knife falling back to her side as she watched the scene before her. Octavia stood chained to a wall, rock in hand as she stood above the unconscious grounder. 
“Bellamy?” She exhaled, a smile crossing her face as she urged him to free her. The two siblings moved over and Y/N embraced the missing girl, comfort washing over her. She was here. She was safe. A clanging broke the two out of the embrace as Bellamy readied a spear. 
“Wait” Octavia called, ready to protect her captor, “Bell, stop, he helped us, we need to leave.”
Rage inhabited Bellamy’s face, disbelief written across his features as he stared at his freed sister. “How can you defend this monster? He locked you up!”
“He saved my life!” Octavia protested.
Y/N knelt down, studying the unconscious grounder with a curious eye. Finn joined her, tilting his head as he lifted the carved piece hanging from the grounder’s pants. A foghorn. 
“He blew the horn” Y/N whispered locking eyes with the other delinquent. “Bellamy, she’s right we need to leave now.”
Bellamy froze, pondering the suggestion as he met her gaze, breathing heavy. Unfortunately, this gave the grounder enough time to leap toward Finn. “No!” Y/N called, grasping his hand in the hopes of subduing him.
Instead, it led to the grounder drawing his knife on her, slicing her arm, drawing the black blood from her cells before lodging it in Finn. 
His brown eyes widened at the sight of the blood pouring from her wound, one word reverently escaping him. “Natblida.”
Sky person met grounder in a locked gaze, Y/N’s wide eyes staring deep into the grounder’s painted ones as he shuffled backward.
Bellamy moved to attack, his roar pulling the grounder out of his reverence, tripping the delinquent before forcing him on his back, the spear from earlier held in the grounder’s grasp. 
“No stop!” Octavia yelled in desperation, “he’s my brother!”
A loud bang rang through the cave, the grounder falling to his side as Jasper stood above the now out grounder, metal pipe in hand. He smiled, moving to Y/N’s side to tie a torn piece of his shirt around her wound. 
“Are you guys okay?” He asked eyes flitting toward Octavia.
Bellamy stared at Y/N before shifting to Finn’s frozen body. “We need to get him to Clarke” He spoke, carrying the kid out of the cave.
Jasper’s voice rang through camp as the two of them limped forward. “Clarke! Where’s Clarke?” Despite what he may have shown in that cave, he was still scared. He was still human. 
Clarke ran forward, confusion hitting her until she saw the limp body of Finn in Bellamy’s arms. “Finn?” Concern laced her voice as she and Raven moved forward. 
“Oh my god,” Raven whispered, eyes glassing over. “Clarke you have to do something, tell me you can save him!” She pleaded desperately. 
Clarke closed her eyes in an effort to think. “I can’t, not without my Mom.” She admitted. “Raven, I need you to fix that radio. Now.”
Y/N pushed the two into the dropship, promising to offer her help with the radio. Jasper lowered Finn onto the other workbench as the three women got to work. Clarke caught her before she got to work, eyes trained on the fresh arm wound. 
“I’m fine” Y/N promised, gaze moving toward Finn. “Save Finn first, then worry about me.”
Clarke nodded, turning back to her hurt lover. She swallowed the remaining pain. Despite the fact that her arm felt like it was on fire, she refused to let anyone else tend to her until Finn was better. 
He came first. They all came first. 
She turned toward Raven, “What do you need me to do?”
Ahhhhhh I’m so excited to be posting these parts. I loved writing these and we finally get some flirting and vulnerability from our two stubborn protagonists.
Please like, comment, and reblog! It makes my day!
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There is Always a Little truth in the Myth’s ! 
A Guy Get's up in a Cave in the Age of fire and Scream's to the other in the Cave ! BROTEHER'S AND SISTER'S !!! 
... Mean wile ! random person ( Pissst, he's Crazy ! right ) other random person   ( Yah, there no way to send your voice accorss the world !, in a fraction of a Second ! - i Mean Light Screan's that displayed word's, play music and was able to show you a Stram of Imagen's  Synced with Sound ! - wtf, thsi got is insane ! We human's/entoman's Never where able to save any more data then a few 100 book's ? ) 
some random person in the back, - dude, like wtf ! what this is ... are these light Window's he's talking about ) random guy in the front, - Don't Pay any attation to him, he probley ate the wrong mushroom's ! and went insane, there was was and or ever will be a device that can hold mass amont's of data can have a Mechinal Eye, where other can see you can talk to you threw this ... light box ??? wtf ??? and then take a image of your face and ... what did he say ??? log it aka a wood log .... ??? i'm confuse !!! ) ( old guy, Person in far left, and in thhe back, ) - i think he might be talling the truth, there might be a de vince soem call it the com-muter ! i thing it's, not wai, comniy-puter ??? 
Wait, wait i think i got thsi, commy put er ??? i don't kno, but i Do Kno, that thay had a thing call a Board thay used ot make the "word's"on the Ligth box, thay Pressed these soft thing's, on the Board and it make letter's on the light box and thay did a thing called ??? no wait i thin it was called sending, or a post ) guy in the right - ( you mean a Out post ) old guy - ( No ) guy on Left - ( No Compost ) old guy - ( No either, it was a a Board with key's ..... i .. i don't kno but i do not the baord had a green board under it and that's, Where all the Magci Happned ! * People around him * -  ( How ! did it work ! ) guy on the stage - I SWEAR TO YOU ALL I AM NOT INSANE I SWEAR THSI WAS A REALITY IN THE LONG, LONG TIME AGO IN OUR WORLD !!! BEFORE IT WAS  A WORLD OF FIRE !!! THE WORLD WAS GREEN AND COLD !!! BUT THE WORLD WAS GREEN AND FULL OF MANY GERM'S THAT WOULD EASELY KILL US TODAY !!! 
Random person - (Dude, soem one shut him up het's on a rant not abotu a Green world, dude, the world was never fucking Green, it we was alwasy hot and red, the earth was never green and the Sea was alwasy gray-ish becuz of all the ash ! - this guy is not i'm sure in mentally ill )   Old guy - ( no, no he's right at one time the earth had alot of Green Plant's on it ! ) * Crowd Around the old guy * - ( FUCK YOU OLD MAN !!! AND YOUR SO CALLED DATA ON THE GREEN BORD MAKE THE LIGHT BOX WORK ! FUCK YOU !!! KICK THEM BOTH OUT FO THE CAVE !!! PIECE'S OF FUCKING SHIT'S !!! )
old guy and the guy on stage ! - ??? - ( what just Happne ) old Guy - ( thay rejected our Infomaion ) and then a ufo fly's over making the Loud Wooshing sound ! and it rock and shake the entier cave, people run out to see the gray's fly on by on a computer ship ! as it doc's into the mother ship ! my Point to this short story ! is that, people are fucking stupid ! and i only hope the next model doesn't fail and if it dose, Maybe A Certain event need ot happen to wipe out both the gray's nd all of there "model's " an all of the life left on the earth . . . becuz fuck this Planet !
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juminsmysticmc · 5 years
RFA+Minor Trio meeting MC's badass and overprotective Mother (a Mafia Boss) and Father (Yakuza Boss) along with her also overprotective assassin brothers?
RFA + Minor Trio meeting MC’s badass and overprotective Mother & Father  along with her also overprotective assassin brothers
LOL here you are sweetie! I never thought about something like that but I kind liked the idea! Enjyo!! BTW,  I’m sorry that the HC didn’t turn out how you expected it….
,,Jumin…“ you mumbled as he was dressing himself. 
Today the two of you would go to meet your parents, you were really excited. 
,,Yes?“ he answered and looked at you with lovely eyes which made your heart melt in an instant. 
,,The thing is that my parents and my two brothers are special.“ you began. 
Jumin Han looked at you and smiled. 
,,I will do my best.“ he promised. No, he really didn’t understand….
,,My mom is the…Mafia Boss and my Dad is…the Yakuza Boss while my brothers were raised as killers….“ you mumbled. 
,,Oh is that so? I can learn a lot from them then.“ he told you with a firm nod, leaving you surprised. 
You told him that you went away from home since you didn’t want to live like that. 
Jumin understood and promised you a good life. 
When the two of you came to your parents house and Jumin saw the whole bodyguards, he called his own bodyguards. 
,,Stay around my future wife!“ he commanded, leaving the bodyguards in a surprised stage. 
When your parents saw him, you saw in their eyes that they were going to tease him but then Jumin did something incredible. 
,,Don’t worry Sir.“ Jumin said as his eyes got darker.
 He rolled up his sleeves and sat down and looked at his future family. 
,,If something should happen to my future wife, I will take care of her myself. I will crush everyone with my money. By the way, I‘m Jumin Han, the CEO in line of the most well known industry.“ he chuckled and bowed his head making your whole family bow in an instant and you chuckle. 
,,You took yourself a good man, Mc“ you dad praised you and he looked at the man in front of you. 
,,Yeah, I agree with your dad. Nice.“ you mom nodded as she looked at the bodyguards behind him and all the people serving him. 
You sat on his lap and smiled while he hugged your body. 
,,He‘s the one who took me…“ you mumbled with lovely eyes. 
Jumin was amazed by your families strength and your beauty. 
Yes, he was going to protect you forever. 
He meant that. 
Zenny began to choke when he heard that you were the only girl from seven children.
But it wasn’t the fact that you had so many brothers what made him shiver but the fact that they were actually killers, raised by a Yakuza dad and a Mafia mother. 
He didn’t believe you….
,,The Japanese Mafia….omg“ he whined. 
You chuckled at his reaction. 
,,Don’t worry. I‘m the boss there.“ you told him what made him even more concerned. 
And really, when you entered the big mansion everyone bowed in front of you.  
,,Zenny, these are my brothers“ you told him as you told him their names. 
,,Boys, dare to do anything to him and your little sister will be devastated.“ you warned them. 
They all reacted to your words. And Zen knew, there was a part he didn’t know. 
When the two of you meet your parents finally, the first thing they did was hugging you and asking about your well being. 
,,I‘m really well! I came because I wanted to introduce you my fiancé.  Dad, Mom, that’s Zen. Please be nice to him.“ you told them, letting them nod. 
,,Which group are you in?“ your mom asked him, glaring at him and trying to check him. 
She looked really like a queen.
Zen didn’t know what to answer. 
,,I was in a motorcycle gang. And now I‘m in the RFA.“ he told them with a trembling voice. 
,,I understand….Mc, go with your mother and look at the rooms. I would like to talk with Zen.“ your dad requested. 
,,Yes okay but remember that I love him.“ you told him which sounded more like a warning. 
He nodded, you kissed Zen and went out. 
In the next moment your brothers entered the room and kneed in front of him. 
Zen was perplexed at their action. 
,,Please take care of our sister!“ they all requested. 
Zen didn’t understand. 
,,In the past our Mc had a really good friend, but we had to kill her and her family when we found out that she was an enemy.  
To protect her heart we told her that we killed her because we wanted to…. Since then we do everything to make her happy…’’ 
Zen was sad to hear about this but thanks to this story he promised himself that he would give his best to make you happy. 
Because he knew that if he would dare to make you cry, he would be a dead man…
You didn’t warn him because you knew, if you would have told him, he would have died out of fear. 
You didn’t want him to become nervous either and so you decided to shut up about the truth. 
Well, but you were a bit concerned about him, you were afraid that your brothers could hurt him, your mother do something mean and your dad…..
You began to shiver when you thought about it. 
,,Yoosung.’’ you began. 
,,Mh?’’ he asked you happily. 
,,Well’’ you began. 
,,Please stay by my side while we go over there.’’ you requested. 
Yoosung smiled at you and asked you if you were afraid. 
You didn’t answer but yes you were afraid for him. 
When you finally arrived, Yoosung didn’t say anything. 
You wondered if he already noticed that you were the daughter of two mafia bosses. 
,,MC!’’ one of your brother called you and hugged you. 
,,Hiii how are you?’’ you asked him and hugged him back. 
,,I missed you so much, my sweet sister…awee you look even prettier than last time!’’ he told you and cupped your cheeks. 
Yoosung didn’t say anything and watched you guys, he thought that the two of you should enjoy the time. 
But then two more boys came, hugged you and kissed your cheeks. 
,,Who’s that?’’ one of them said, probably the older one and looked at him with angry eyes. 
,,Huh?’’ the second one said and hid you behind his body. 
Out of the blue the three boys looked at Yoosung with angry eyes, ready to fight him. 
,,Oi….’’ you mumbled. 
,,Don’t worry, sweetie, we will kill him right now.’’ they laughed and - 
,,OI!’’ you screamed. 
,,That’s my future husband!’’ you told them. 
They all looked at you, their eyes totally surprised. 
,,Are you sure?’’ they asked you. 
You just rolled your eyes and took Yoosung’s hand. 
But you still noticed that your brothers were glaring at Yoosung. 
While the two of you entered the house, you noticed that your dad called even more mens. 
The mens with the colorful tattoos bowed in front of you. 
,,Mc…’’ Yoosung whispered as he hold your hand even stronger. 
,,I think…..I saw this in the TV….they look like the Yakuza….’’ 
,,I know.’’ you answered and smiled at him. 
,,I’m sorry….could you bear with it a little bit?’’ you asked him. 
,,Mc, my daughter!’’ a woman stepped down the stairs with and Italian accent.
,,Mom!’’ you laughed and hugged her. 
,,Please, behave, he’s my future husband!’’ you whispered in her ear while she cuddled you. 
,,Va bene….(Okay in Italian)’’ 
,,Hi, you must be Yoosung. I’m Alessia Castellano.’’ you mother gave him her hand. 
Yoosung stayed stunned. 
But when your dad stepped down…..his face got pale in an instand. 
,,Are you sure that you want to marry this baby?’’
Yoosung heard a voice when he opened his eyes. 
He was laying on something soft. 
,,Shut up, Giuse. I love him and he loves me….he saved once.’’
Yoosung smiled ,,Don’t worry, even through I’m not strong I will protect her with all I’ve got. Me and my friends…We will take care of her.’’ 
Something in his voice made your dad approve him because two seconds after his words your dad welcomed him as son in law. 
,,What? Are you kidding me?’’ she asked you when you told her that your brothers weren’t just overprotective but also killers. 
,,And your parents….?’’ she asked you. 
,,Well….my mom is the daughter of the most powerful Italian Mafia Boss and took over his work and my dad is the Yakuza boss….’’ you mumbled
,,Wow…’’ she moaned. 
,,This will be hard.’’ she nodded and took your hand. 
,,But surely not impossible.’’ she gave you hope. 
When you two arrived, everything was so silent…. 
,,Mc!’’ the four boys approached you. 
,,Hello!’’ you greeted them 
,,Woah, you brought a beauty chick here….’’ the casanova boy smiled. 
,,Nice to meet you, I’m her girlfriend.’’ Jaehee told them and bowed in front of them. 
For a few moments the boy didn’t dare to say anything. 
Jaehee knew that they were overprotective but she didn’t care because she loved you too, she would fight for you i it was necessary 
,,Fight me. I need to see if you’re worth of her.’’ the elder boy said. 
And then he attacked. 
Jaehee thought he would attack her but he attacked his own sister. 
But still, Jaehee reacted quickly enough to save you. 
,,You’re good.’’ another man clapped his hands as he stepped down with a woman. 
,,Daddy!’’ you giggled. 
Jaehee looked at you, this was your dad? She didn’t believe it…. 
,,Nice to meet you.’’ your mother greeted her. 
You were happy that your parents weren’t against it and truly hoped that your brothers could change their minds too. 
After all Jaehee was the woman you loved the most. 
,,LOLOL’’ he giggled as you told him. 
,,I went through a lot more hardship. Your badass mother and dad won’t hurt me.’’ he laughed. 
You glared at him. 
,,Woah, now I understand why your glare makes me shiver sometimes!’’ he laughed and kissed you. 
,,My overprotective killer brothers are there too.’’ you told him. 
,,Yes yes….’’ he nodded and prepared everything. 
,,What are you doing?’’ you groaned when you saw him with the toys. 
,,Going to defeat your family.’’ he responded. 
,,Idiot…’’ you mumbled. 
He drove over to your families place with the latest car, of course way too quickly. 
That’s why when you arrived, everyone, really everyone of your family ran out. 
,,HOLY SHIT ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY TO DRIVE SO QUICKLY WITH MY SISTER IN THSI FUCKING CAR?!’’ your older brother yelled at Saeyoung who laughed. 
,,What the hell is wrong with this ass?!’’ your second brother asked you. 
,,Amore, perhaps we should give him a lesson…’’ your mother laughed. 
Your dad stayed quiet. 
,,You guys….know what?’’ Saeyoung laughed and looked at them. 
,,My dad is the prime minister who’s a really bad ass….you won’t slow me down.’’ he laughed.
,,Dad, which pistol should we take?’’ your brother asked while your mother chuckled. 
,,Guys-please!’’ you begged. 
,,Saeyoung!’’ you snapped trying to figure out your dad’s face who was still silent. 
,,You all know that I always wanted your sister to stay away from this life. Treat this idiot well, he will keep her save.’’ he said. and while he hugged Saeyoung, he whispered 
,,Don’t dare to drive like that once again….my people will follow you, if you do something wrong, I won’t hesitate to let them kill you…’’ but except Saeyoung none heard. 
,,Of course, Dad!’’ he laughed, accepting the challenge. 
You loved him the way he was-sweet and innocent but also aggressive when he had to. 
And that was one of your worry too…You knew that if he would feel offended, he would surely attack your family and your family would attack back… 
You wanted to prevent this situation and so you tried to tell him. 
,,You know, Saeran….I was missing for a long time when you-‚‘’ 
,,when I kidnapped you?’’ 
,,Yeah….’’ you responded and tried to tell him more ,,My family didn’t really like the-‚‘’ 
,,Situation? I know. That’s why I took you. Your mom is a mafia boss, your dad a yakuza boss, your two brothers killers. I took you because they couldn’t go to the police. And I also know that they are pretty angry.’’ He told you before you could even breath. 
,,Oh…’’ you mumbled and stayed silent. 
Saeran smiled at you and took your hand and walked towards your house. 
Two young boys in a suit were waiting, both of them smoking. When they saw you, they got rid of their cigarette and approached you. 
,,You fat ass were the one who put her into danger?!’’ one screamed and took out a knife. 
,,Oi! We said we would do it inside!’’ the other one yelled back. 
,,Are you crazy?! That’s the welcome we get?!’’ you asked them. 
But they ignored you. 
Instead they were ready to fight Saeran. 
,,Boys! Come on! Let me see him first!’’ your mother called. 
And so you entered the mansion. Your dad glared at Saeran, his people behind him while your mother smiled with her cigarette. 
,,That’s my boyfriend…’’ you mumbled, knowing that they were aware of the situation. 
,,Now, you. Tell me, how could you-‚‘’ 
,,Mr, before you say anything to me, I would like to ask you, how come that I could take your daughter like that? How come that you couldn’t find her? Isn’t that a sign for you that you aren’t that great? Isn’t that a reason for you to stay nice to me? Just think about the fact that someone else could come to your daughter and take her, imagine he’s as skilled as me, I don’t think that the person will be as nice as me.’’ Saeran told them, making them all surprised. 
Your mom’s cigarette even fell. 
You hugged Saeran’s arm ,,I love him, daddy! Be nice to him!’’ you beggged. 
,,Okay….’’ he mumbled and began to talk to him, trying to stay normal.  
,,Do your parents know it?“ he asked you out of the blue while you were driving. 
,,Know what?“ you asked him. 
,,Well, that you were in danger because of me and that I disappeared for a long time….“ he asked you. 
You stopped the car at a secure spot and looked at him. 
,,To be honest Jihyun, my parents aren’t that ordinary. 
They are something like….well….they are the Yakuza Boss and the Mafia Boss…“ you told him. 
He looked at you. 
,,How do your brothers feel about it?“ he asked you. 
,,Well….“ and so you told him that they were actually professional killer. 
,,Ugh…Luciel told me that they haunted him once…“ he confessed making you chuckle. 
,,I wonder if that’s true since they really don’t give up.“ you told him. 
Without wanting it you made him gulp. 
When the two of you arrived he tried to act strong but it was really hard. 
Your brothers glared at him, trying to take him away from you. 
,,That’s my boyfriend, let him be.“ you told them. 
,,Amore di Mamma!“ you mother shouted as soon as she saw you. You took your mothers beauty, that was for sure. 
Jihyun was about to say hello when she took out a pistol and held it at his head. 
,,I heard that you let her wait for a few years.“ she said. 
,,Let him be.“ a man said from behind and approached you and your mother. 
,,Dad! That’s my boyfriend!“ you told him happily. 
The defense he took a moment ago fell apart immediately. 
,,You…?“ he asked him. 
,,Mhm…“ Jihyun nodded and hoped to stay alive. 
But luckily you could protect him for a long time and everything ended well. 
Well, in the evening he had heard a lot of threats but he could bear with it. 
,,I don’t give it a fuck.“ 
That was your boyfriend‘s reaction. 
You looked at him, surprised and scared. 
What would happen if he would talk like that to your family? 
They would surely kill him! 
But he still didn’t pay attention to you. 
The worst thing was that he didn’t even try to look well in front of your family! 
,,Oi, clumsy idiot! You’re dirtying everything!’’ he yelled at you in front of your oldest brother and dad while you were eating a cookie. 
,,Don’t, you will get fat and beside, you won’t have space in there for the food later on!’’ he snapped again now that your mom was listening too. 
,,Vandy! I want to enjoy this cookie! You don’t let me eat at home (stuff like that)-‚‘’ 
,,WHAT?! YOU DON’T LET HER EAT?!’’ your brother yelled at him while your mother glared at him. 
,,Mc! Come here, you will get bloody!’’ your mother yelled at you, ready to tell your brother to kill the love of your life. 
,,What? No, Vanderwood is a nice person!’’ you tried to explain. 
,,Mc, how come that you love this man?’’ your dad asked, who already had his pistol. 
,,Dad…Dad, please! PLEASE DON’T!’’ you cried. 
,,No, I don’t like him.’’ your dad said and pointed at his chest. 
Vanderwood chuckled, sure about his ability to avoid the bullet. 
But he couldn’t react that quickly and in the next moment you laid in his arms, ready to shield him. 
,,FAT ASS GO AWAY FROM HERE YOU DIRTY-‚‘’ Vanderwood yelled at your and tried to shield you. 
And so he ended at getting hit at his arms for shielding your body. 
,,AMORE MA CHE CA-‚‘’ your mother cursed (Dear, what the f- are you doing) as she saw you. 
,,Vandy….’’ you sobbed. 
,,Are you stupid?! I won’t be able to use my arm for a long time! That means you will have to tidy up the place! We both know that you can’t!’’ he yelled at you. 
,,I just realized! Please get better! I don’t want to scrub the bath!’’ you cried. 
,,Wait-you’re not the one who does the house chore?!’’ your brother asked you surprised…
21.01.’19// 20:48 MEST
@foreversunshine-love @giulia2372 @milkyxstrawberry 
@widya345 @remiliadacalde @sailormoonrocks666 
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Theory about Hidan
 So this theory got put forward to me and at first I thought it was just another one of those random theories, like the ones where Hidan is still alive where people try to claim Hidan is still alive but theres never any canon proof.
Anyway this ones about why Hidan turned to the cult Jashin and it actually makes a fair bit of sense.
Through out all the episodes that Hidan is involved in, he never once makes any hand signs, rather only religious/prayer signs. I suspect this was only to back up his zealot and dedication towards Jashin.
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Then we come up about Chakra. Hidan never once seems to show any use of Chakra, like he has no special abilities like any other team mates. He just has his ‘curse’ to which he has to use a drawn up symbol on the ground, in his own blood, to be able to complete such a thing.
On top of that Hidan only can do his ‘special’ abilities of killing hi opponent while self inflicting damage on himself when he ingests their blood.
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The only way Hidan manages to obtain this is all through the use of his scythe. Literally his scythe is the only thing that he can use and probably used well before he even joined the way of Jashin.
To which let me just say it out loud.
There I said it. Hidan joined the cult because he had no real skill besides the use of bukijutsu which literally is just a shinobi skilled in the use of a particular type of weapon style. That is ALL Hidan had until he joined Jashin and managed to become immortal. To which its very likely that due to the fact Hidan is one of only two known Jashinists that he killed the whole entire cult out of pure pleasure because he finally had a skill that nobody else had. It also probably made Hidan go over the top insane as well because he probably went through all of his life being told he has to be a ‘true’ shinobi and yet he probably could never make any real hand signs or control his chakra.
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The only thing I suspect he uses his chakra on is the cable attached to his scythe as it seems to just go crazy and move almost on its own but only when Hidan has a grip of it . So you tell me, does this theory seem possible? Because it would be really cool is Headcanon wise Hidan did become immortal all for the sake of out besting other shinobis and being able to do something he couldn’t as a child. Especially if Hidan had been bullied. It would make soooo much better depth to his character.
So tell me, what do you guys actually think about thsi theory? Cause I think it would be pretty cool and add much more to the “ I’m a psycho killer that can do some weird voodoo shit “
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bobbellybloat · 5 years
The Fitness destructor
James was a nutricionist focused on fitness nutrition, he had being focusing on fitness almost 5 years now , he was lean and muscular he had mid-long hair and his face was dreamy but he had a secret, he liked big bellied guys.
One day he welcomed a bodybuilder, with huge arms and lean muscular body bigger than his , after 4 appoitnments he came back mad, he yelled at him at thell him that his dieat was trash that he lost weight and by his fault he lost the competition. James was crazy mad that he offended his work he built resentment and he decided he was going to destroy the body of the cocky body builder his name was Ryan Berry and he was famous, Olympia winner for two straight years, was about to marry his girlfriend but he was vane and mean , James is going to change his life.
James texted Ryan that please come back that he had anothe rideas, Ryan acceded and he was there the next year, he prepared an extra caloric diet for the bodybuilder, and a protein pouder made by him with super fatteting things in it every shake is going to be a massive amount of colorie sthat he will not even going to burn with exrecise, but he had to stop ryan for exercising in some way so he will blew up his hot bod.
He payed a guy to injure him on peopruse at the gym so he wont be able to exercise at all , while he was doing his ab routine he will “by accident” drop a weight in his leg destroying his knee. Ryan was training pretty strong and he decided to put his body on the floor so he could follow his abs routine , he lay on the floor at started, the guy came to have a talk with Ryan , with a weight in his arm , having a chat he pretended to be distracted and he dropped the weight, Ryan screamed , started crying , the damge was done , Ryan went to the doctor , he told him that he could put pressure in his knee for a year . He was going have to resign to the competion , he couldnt stop criying his future and his knee. He thought that he could follow the path of becoming an instructor while his knee was recovering.
Ryan came sad to James , he couldnt stop crying, he saw the big muscular man crying while he put his hands on his eyes , his biceps pop he was big and he was going to be bigger. Ryan told him that the best way to keep his size is with eating and just some arm exercise, and with his new proetein he wouldn’t be able to worry about his weight.
Ryan was thankful, he grab the big bottle of protein and went out , James couldn’t stop imaiging the big cocky guy blowing up. 
Day one, Ryan woke up as usual, and went to the kitchen he cooked a ton of food and his protein shake and he eat everything, he ended bloated , the next meal,he ate another protein shake with a proetin bar, he ended a little bloated agin , ryan tough was normal because he always eated and went to gym. the next meals where the same thing and he went one lke this for a month, At the end of this first month he erased his abs, his pecs were still defined but starten to soften up he thought it was normal it was like a bulk but he wasnt exercising.
Ryan came to the appointment , James was excited he came in with a lycra shirt tight as fuck, yoga pants and a cap, he could see the belly developing but it was nit enough he added meals to the diet month two he was going to change Ryans life.
Diet was crazy he had to eat almost every hour and alsmot 5 shakes a day he ended bloated , and the end of the day he couldnt move he was starting to get worry, until the first week finished he watch himself in the mirror and couldnt belive what he saw the belly was hanguing on his underarmor undies, the pecs were saggy arms lost definition, jawline was gone, he freak out and took a photo and send it to james. James got the text and started laughing but at the same time he felt his cock rising. James wrote “i’m freaking out plase come”
James came , and Ryan was shirtless he alsmot grab his gut but resisted.He told him, Oh man its normal you are not exercising but your calorie intake has to keep going when you start to exercise again you will get ripped again fast, James was getting horny from looking at ryan and him notice.
OMG wtf are horny? Man i’m straight, Please go.
James was ashamed but now more decided to crash the bodybuilder’s body, fiance was in a trip from business when she got back he saw ryan he was diferent. She was disgusted, OMG! WTF? you were so handsome what are you doign,? look at you ! You know what this makes me look? im a bodybuilder too i cat be married to a fattie, i’m sorry thsi is over, she grab his stuff and went out, ryan was shattered again, he had no friends, he just focused all time in the gym so he called james again, He came within seconds, Ryan was sitting on the couch binging ice cream shirtless.
OMG Ryan what happened? “Rina broke up with me” “My life it’s over!” “I can’t belive it” he sitted next to him and hug him he could filled his body all soft now, and told him the best way to erase the morires is eating so eat until you feel well, Ryan eated and eated and eated he could’nt stop he popped his pants, he finally finished, and James couldnt belive how ryan look all bloated and big but he saw something Ryan was horny.
“OMG ryan why are you horny?2 Oh no i’m just thinking about chicks”, He said
“No, this binging made you horny admit it”said James
“OMG, maybe”
“Well tell me why it makes you horny?”
well i always enjoyed food but i had rare fanatsies since i was little of me getting big but i focused on fitness and i was satisfied but i think i like thsi too” and maybe i like you too”
James was shocked he turn the cocky guy into a fat fuck and turn him gay also.
He came close and kiss him on the lips, Ryan’s cock raised again , he grab him and started to mansturbate ryan. all his bud sagged  and he came hard
Ryan told him , “Feed me” im hungry
It was music to james ears, he took a package of dounts and started to feed 
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blacktithe7 · 7 years
Fanfiction Writer Appreciate Day!
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Writing is hard work. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. It is something that is often undervalued, especially in the fanfiction community. So I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you for all that you do. Thank you for the sleepless nights, the constant worry that nobody will like it, and the dealing with the hateful anons who demand more without offering anything in return.
Below are just a few of the talented authors and stories that made me laugh and smile over the last year. I decided to keep it at 10 writers and only do series, no oneshots. If I did a full list we’d be here all day. Hope you will give them all a read. And to the authors, thank you for all that you do.
1. Strawberry Wine  @thing-you-do-with-that-thing Kari is my editor and largest supporter. She is one of the reasons I’m still writing weither she knows it or not. Her stories are always amazing. This one is no exception. I love a good AU, and this one is just perfect
No Regrets @thing-you-do-with-that-thing Helping plot and beta some of this was some of the most fun I’ve had all year. This story actually made me start thinking differently about my won writing. It’s a rare author that can do that.
Killzone @thing-you-do-with-that-thing Last one for Kari. I promise. I just couldn’t highlight my faves for the year without throwing this ongoing masterpiece. I am going to be one of the first in line to buy this book when she gets it converted. There is so much tension. I have been on the edge of my seat from page one. It has gripped me and wont’ let go.
2. Crack Under Pressure @mysupernaturalfics I love Rach like a little sister. She managed to combine two of my favorite things , college football and Jensen Ackles. There is some serious emotion in this, and it was fun being a sports consultant for it. Won’t lie.
3. Summer Fling @supernatural-jackles This story is like a freaking master’s class in character development. Seriously. The characters are so real, and so detailed that you can feel them growing and changing throughout the course of the story. And it’s a fantastic story! I for one am looking forward to the twists, turns, and heartbreak this story can bring.
4. I Know Your Wife (She Wouldn’t Mind) @teamfreewill-imagine I started this series expecting some seriously hot smut. Which I got. What I wasn’t expecting was the epic story exploring love, family, and relationships. It can actually make you reevaluate what you think about these topics. Such a wonderful story.
5. Love Triumphs @katymacsupernatural Age gap stories aren’t usually my thing. I hardly ever read them, but this author’s other work convinced me to give this one a chance. I’m glad I did. It focuses on real relationship issues. It handles them in a way that makes me forget why I typically don’t read these in the first place. That’s just how good it is.
Undeniable Heat @katymacsupernatural I can’t mention Katy and not bring this series up. Y’all, I am dying for a new chapter the second I finish reading the previous one. You feel for the characters. You root for them You hate the bad guy. OMG do you hate the bad guy. It is everything you want in a series. It’s freaking life!
6. Friends After All @angelkurenai If I ever develope half the writing skill this girl has, I’ll be happy. This story is so much more than the usual “friends becoming lovers” story. It takes that concept and dials it up to 11. You are all it it with your main pairing and then WHAM! Someone has to screw it up and we end up with a love triangle, no square, no triangle. NO. I don’t know! This story grabs you by the feels and refuses to let go.
Picture Perfect @angelkurenai All hail the queen of the love triangle. I went into this ongoing story knowing It was going to hurt, and I did it anyway. I am salavating for more. Craving it. Needing it to survive. I can’t choose who I want. As soon as I am sure I want Dean, something happens that makes me think “but... Sammy”. It is beyond good. It’s absolutely wonderful.
7. Political Animals @winchesterprincessbride A/B/O is one of my guilty pleasures, and this is one of my favorite series that I have read so far. There are so many layers to this story. The only way I know to label it is a political thriller, and that doesn’t even begin to cut it.
Poor Little Rich Girl @winchesterprincessbride I don’t know why this particular AU has me so entranced, but it does. Sam is a freaking dream in thsi on. AND THAT’S COMING FROM A DEAN GIRL! It’s like The Godfather with kink. Got to love it.
8. Tic Tac Toe @percywinchester27 Ana is my girl. She does not get nearly the level of love she deserves. Anyone who can take such a simple idea as playing a game of tic tac toe with a stranger and turning it into an amazing love story with hidden identities and crazy drama is a master of a storyteller.
Stroke of Luck @percywinchester27 This ongoing story is a must read. I find myself cheering and gasping in equal turns every time I read it.The amount of planning alone this story takes... bravo!
9. I’m Falling Apart @winchesters-favorite-girl This series is so spot on that I was actually worried about Katie for a while. She captures the headspace to a tee. As someone who has spent a far amount of time in it, this series actually helped me deal with parts of it and pulled me back from an edge that I was working my way towards. Not many can do that with just the written word.
10. The Arrangement @ravengirl94 This AU is on my top ten fav fics of all time. I actually have the link saved in a doc so I can go back and read it whenever I want, and I do. The emotional journey and character growth in this is something I can only ever dream of writing. Everyone has to read this. I’m not even joking. Do it.
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RFA+SV - MC getting laid off
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...I hope you're okay...!
"Babe...babe, what's wrong?"
he can be ur hero, bb
he can kiss away the pain #terriblesongs (#terriblyGOODsongs)
Would want to cuddle MC and let her cry everything out.
Doesn't like to see her sad.
Will insist that she never needed to work for such stupid people, anyway.
"You're so much better off without them!"
Is the guy who would come home with 50 job applications to random places.
"Zen, I'm not even qualified for this position..."
"You're good at every position!!"
"...Wrong kind of position, darling."
"Oh.  ...sorry, I was thinking about something else."
Would be very supportive during the jobhunt.  Would constantly ask his friends if they had heard of any good openings.
"...Sweetie, we aren't even married."
"I will still provide for you."
Would want to reassure MC that she can always lean on him if things get difficult.
"Can I offer you an egg in this troubling time?!"
What little he has, is MC's.
Thinks whoever laid her off is crazy.
"That makes me like big companies even less..."
Knows how to survive on a student’s budget, so he’d be willing to help MC figure out how to make ends meet inbetween jobs.
Will fix MC a warm beverage so that they can talk this out.
Thoroughly sympathetic; technically, she was fired, too
Would listen to MC's complaints.
Would insist that MC's former boss could go to hell.
"Come work with me in the cafe!"
Would support MC in the job hunt, after.
Secretly okay with it, because he didn't want MC working to begin with.
But he will be nothing but empathy to MC, especially when he sees how upset she is.
"Should I call your boss?  I may have some influence, there.  Maybe I can get your job back."
Might offer to give MC a position as one of his assistants, if she were interested.
Would be so good at helping MC find a job with a better position and better pay in a different location.
O noe, MC's former employer's computer system crashed...how did that happen?
Would try to cheer MC up with jokes and games.
When that doesn't work, he'll sit still and let her cry it out/express herself.
"Do you wanna work with me?  I could use a...salesperson?  Can you do accounting?"  Would offer MC a job in his toyshop, or help her find something online.
Quiet anger.  Who would dare fire his MC?  She's honest and hardworking; how could this happen?
Would be a wonderful listening ear.
Would be all too willing to support her in the awkward downtime between losing her job and finding a new one.
Any social connections that he has are at MC's full disposal.
“If there’s anything I can do to help, just say the word.”
"Should I run them over with a car?  I can do that.  We can use one of Saeyoung's cars; it'll be untraceable, and if they catch me on camera, they'll think I'm him."
Would be quite willing to avenge MC.
A little miffed that all she wants to do is cry on his shoulder, but he can do that, too...so long as she doesn't expect him to say anything.
"...they really were stupid to let you go.  Nobody's better than you."
Would have printouts of new job postings in her field every day.
MC can stay at his and Saeyoung's place if she needs to save on rent money.
216 notes · View notes
ragingtony · 6 years
Wow it has been a MINUTE but hi I needed a place to express my emotions and feel like they were being shared, but sadly most of my friends aren’t capable of emotionally supporting me right now and I blame them and I also don’t because the pain I’ve felt these past few months have required a typhoon of attention and care that I thought they would be able to give me, but sadly haven’t. Leaving me to feel vacant inside and like I have infected wounds left to fester which is!!! Dramatic but honestly true?? I have a lot of physical pain in my body and I’ve been having LITERAL heart palpitations this week and it’s a chronic experience that I thought would have improved by now, you know? I thought I’d still be sad but I’d have some hope, but mmmm no I’m a black hole of a mess. All the love in my life seems to have teeth. None of it is giving me back what I need, and it isn’t their fault really. I haven’t been around, they haven’t been around. But something seems less helpful and cathartic about your friends helping and listening to you only AFTER you told them to. That doesn’t feel like real loving friendship at all!
And I love them? Right? But the last thing I want to do is watch my two friends, who are dating, be in love and gross in front of me, in my house while I literally feel abandon by everyone including them. Plus I don’t wanna be a bummer for them, but I feel like I’m a place holder for my one friend. Just to be there to make it more fun for her, so she can see me while she also has her boyfriend and I, again, am left to my own festering mind.
I’ve lost so much this year and today I lost two more friends and god, it just hurts. I’ve never been so sensitive in my life, I feel like drying concrete people keep painting in. My two friends said something nice about me the other day and I didn’t realize until then how low and awful I felt about myself. I forgot I was anything at all, and again going back to before, I’m so desperate for attention. A hand, a friend, a place. But I’m a consistent basis while I’m healing. And everyone is too busy and too distracted and I see their selfishness and am only reminded of my own in the first place. I haven’t had the chance to talk to anybody about how I’m feeling, and I’ve told lots of my friends directly I needed someone right now and they’ve consistently faded in and out. And I guess empathy and compassion are more complex and difficult than you’d think. It seems an obvious and easy emotion to tap into when you’re exposed, but when life is going well for you nothing is more contenting then turning away I feel.
And I’ve been criticized by my friends lately when I asked them for compassion that I don’t show my pain enough so they don’t think I need checking in on? And I get that, but they’re aware I’m in pain? And one was in my immediate space for a month and never asked me how I was or if I needed to talk. I’m again, unsure if she’s selfish or if I’m asking too much of her. And it’s probably both. But I can’t stand not being communicated with, especially now when I have so much I want to say and share all the time but no one wants to hear and receive it. I’m not sure what to do when I see her next, today she hit me deep again and made me want to scream all over again. She reminds me of a man, the way she gives so little of her emotions. How little she thinks of how her actions will affect others. She reminds me of me hoenstly and it’s probably why it’s so sickening.
And I feel like I just keep getting met with unkindness in my most tender moments and i become an ugly mess to the world and then people think I’m nothing when really I just need a fricken hug and a pep talk, but like twice a day
My two closest friends are in relationships that hurt me to see and I hate being that friend. But I don’t really believe in either of their relationships and especially think one of them is wasting her time with a guy she doesn’t make sense with. And she’s said out loud she knows it doesn’t make sense, but like me, she’sld rather stay in a relationship that satisfies the senses rather than go through pain of letting go and finding a better one. But god she hurt me in choosing him all the time and not even wondering how I might feel. We’re new friends as well, but I’m aware of her, is it wrong to expect her to be as aware of me? When living in the same house?
Like I’m not talking about just crying and feeling bad. I mean I’ve dropped to the ground sobbing on a public bathroom floor holding my chest so tightly because I felt so much. I’ve sobbed on trains and sidewalks and parks. Homeless people have come up to me and asked what’s wrong, my parents are like afraid of me because they think I’m a depression volcano. I write and think and write and think and it’s not helping. It’s an exhaustion I can’t sleep off, I can’t run from it, it’s like a fucking phantom. And the lonliness feels like a shadow that creeps up behind me and taps me on the shoulder when I walk home from the movies alone and go back to an empty apartment, or when I have food left on my plate and no one to share it with or when i want a second opinion or a new idea and WOW I get why people are driven to hurting themselves. The pain is so deep and so chronic and no one am reach you and no one tries and they mistake you’re sadness as being tired and it’s just a well of cold nothing forever and ever.
I think my last love ruined my life, in its current state anyways. The sadness I feel has infected every part of my life and made me someone no one wants to be around, because again, I’m dying for attention. I’m even writing thsi for attention! This is literally last resort material guys, tumblr. Like is it 2013? Come on. But I’m 100% in love with last boi, and he hasn’t spoken to me in months. I reached out to him last with a really vulnerable letter and he never responded. And he’s not a garbage boi ok, he’s wonderful and gentle and kind and forgiving and so fucking smart and a wonderful feminist and was so loving and um! I literally have never met anyone worth so much. Yesterday at Christmas my uncles who met him asked where he was and then said how impressed they were with him and I was like ! I know! He put the fucking sun in the sky! And he literally just called me one day and was like hey I don’t wanna days anymore bye. And I don’t think he was sad at all, not like I was. I take everyone in my life so SERIOUSLY like I’m so fucking intense all the time and it’s killing me now. Like he probably cried once and then went and played guitar and never thought of me again except to be like “lol hope she’s good tho”
And I know you’re thinking “um he doesn’t sound like he put the sun in the sky” but no no, he did. His only fault is that he doesn’t know how to communicate.
It’s crazy how you’re subconscious knows a relationship is failing before you know. I used to cry all the time and feel so lonely because I know he didn’t love me as much anymore. I felt him pull away and get bored of me and I got bored of me too and I got so stuck. I get it, I try to make one person my whole world and happiness and that’s toxic and I gotta work on that. I knowwww what went wrong and Part of me has days where i wannnnt him to be happy but! He LITERALLY hasn’t responded to me? After a whole year of being in love? And it wasn’t like oh we dated cool, nono, we were each other’s everything. Like we couldn’t get enough and he was the absolute best boyfriend ever and did everything he could for me and we were best friends and had so much fun. And we TRIED to be friends after this but I felt like he had no idea how much this destroyed me? So I tried to tell him and he said nothing. What do I do with that? He was the essence of light and life and now all I have is people around me who can’t be bothered.
When people go through a huge break up they deserve to lay on their friends bed and tell them about it and cry and feel comforted. And have their friends just be there, but! I feel like I’ve spent two months in a freezer.
I also lost my best friend of 4 year this year, and my boyfriend abandoned me like a week after and I’ve lost my two most intimate relationships at once and thought I had good friends to back me up?? So I’ve literally spoke to no one the amount I’ve needed and had them give me perspective and love and so YEAH I feel 1000 abandon and YES if you were WONDERING I already had abandonment issues form my parents so this is a cute common familiar thing that I feel like will take 16 years of therapy to get out of but it’s fine bc I’ll never find love like I had before again ok so I guess 2017 was the Golden year I have to go die now
Also astrology ruined my life? I think confirmation bias is so real and I looked for all the flaws in people and had them validated instead of seeing them as whole people and i made them people they weren’t. I also boxed myself in and limited my own abilities to forgive and grown bc the FUCKING INTERNET SAID Taurus’s weren’t like that, and honestly in the two weeks I’ve tried to break that mentality and have told myself I CAN be energetic and forgiving in my own way has made me feel 1000 times better because before I just accepted that it wasn’t possible. And I made my last love believe we couldn’t be compatible and I just kept everything about astrology in the back of my head and let it be true instead of actually LISTENING to people, like??? I met ppl while traveling and got anxious bc I was like omg what if they’re a sag and then I’m like, I’m enjoying them right now why does it matter? It’s ruinnnned me.
Anyways everything just keep going wrong. Don’t even get me started on my job situation, I haven’t even thought about it. I have no idea what to do. I don’t want to do anything. I’m cold and hate winter and darkness and god my roommate can be so abrasive and cold and it makes it all feel lonely and impossible. I haven’t believed a good thing about myself in so long I feel like the ugliest person literally ever? And I TELL my friends I’m sad and they don’t even acknowledge my words? And obviously they don’t see the gravity bc they aren’t with me but AH I NEED ATTENTION TO FEEL VALIDATED right now, like people deserve those things right? And YES I do have a therepist if you’re wondering but she got married and the thanksgiving and then I traveled Europe forever and now it’s Christmas and ????
Im also sitting in an airport writing all this and I sobbed in the bathroom for a hot sec and my brother made fun of me and I’ve put a lot of energy into my friends ok? I got one a REALLY nice Christmas gift and i took another one to Iceland and I don’t hold those against them they don’t owe me in that sense. But I thought of them so much and all I want is for them to be aware of me and help me ???? Like idk, FRIENDS DO. And
Don’t think I can just get new friends. Like no way. Impossible. Adults can’t just MAKE FRIENDS
I also don’t wanna get married and have kids I think and idk if I mean that but wow I just want to sit down with my last love and scream cry until we feel better aka until he loves me again. Like I loooovvvvvve him, I’d never loved anyone I dated before. I was so proud of him and adored him and loved how he treated everyone he met and how interesting he is and how we could discuss anything and say anything and !!!!! I learned so much from him and uh hi I wasn’t DONE so if anyone knows him let him know I’m dying kk
Thanks 4 coming to my podcast!
0 notes
fossadeileonixv · 6 years
Tuesday Milan Musings
Some random thoughts from the last game and around the Milano-verse.
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- The substitution patterns of Sunday’s game continue to drive me crazy. A semi-quick breakdown:
SUB #1 Calabria plays good for the majority of the game. His runs are well timed and he compliments Suso very well.  He makes one bad play in the back and Abate begins warming up. Initial reaction in the comments on our match thread:
Teen Rockett
2 days ago
why was abate just on my fucking screen?
Mlisi39   Teen Rockett • 2 days ago
(He’s) Coming on for Calabria.... so he can give up a 91st minute backdoor winner
Rigoni eventually scores in the 91st minute to tie the game at 2. I’m no Nostradamus but I’ve been watching this team for quite a while kids. It didn’t take a genius to see that coming.
SUB #2 Jack plays great all game. He’s on the end of chance after chance. He scores and he also puts one off the woodwork. With a little luck he could have been the hat trick hero of the day. He makes one bonehead play in the midfield, granted it led to a goal,  before giving the lead back to us a few minutes later. It wasn’t enough as in Rino’s mind the damage was done and he was subbed off for Bakayoko.
Right after Jack scored TR called for getting Hakan off the field. Subbing him off for Bakayoko would have made sense. Jack was on fire while Hakan was booty. Yet somehow Rino saw it differently. How? I have no idea.
SUB #3 Hakan meanwhile is asleep at the wheel all game long. He does virtually nothing. Somehow he survives til the last sub and is taken out for Castillejo.
Granted Hakan was tiring fast, but up 2-1 in the game you either save that sub as long as possible OR you use it to shore up the defense. If you’re lucky you don’t use it at all. Bringing on an energy guy is great but not one that plays up top. Bring in Mauri to bolster the midfield defense. Play him in front of or even alongside Biglia and defend the castle.  Instead for the third time in the game Rino makes a reactionary move and it dooms us.
WHAT SHOULD RINO HAVE DONE?  Bring in Bakayoko for Hakan. Move Jack up to LW. Put Abate on a bus to Siberia. This leaves you 2 subs to bolster the squad to hopefully make a 2-1 lead stand up.
SUMMARY: Rino needs an assistant coach. He needs someone over on that sideline that he can run in game decisions past. He needs someone over there that he trusts who is willing to question his ideas on the spot. I don’t see that guy over there. If there’s one thing right now that Leo and Maldini can do to help this team is to work with Rino to identify a solid assistant and get him on the sidelines as soon as possible.
This routine of yanking guys on emotion alone without any kind of plan is not working. And if we can see that so can his players. It’s backbreaking for morale to keep making these subs and watching these subs result in lost points. A few more of these late game swoons are gonna really start wearing on thsi team. 
-MILAN STAT OF THE DAY: With our starting XI on the field Milan have outscored their opponents 6-4. Once Rino starts subbing we have been outscored 3-1.
- It was noted on this thread just 7 days ago that Suso needs to shoot less and put in more service into the box to Higuain. On Sunday he only took 1 shot, albeit a good one, but launched dangerous cross after dangerous cross into the box for Higuain, Jack and Hakan. Whoscored credited him with 5 key passes which turned into 2 assists. He earned every bit of his MOTM badge.
- I’m still pissed that last goal wasn’t offsides. If Jack was offsides then so was Rigoni an conversely if Rigoni was onside so was Jack. Dammit.
- Boy do we need Cutrone healthy fast. Higuain can’t play striker every single night. If Higuain needs a night off and Cutrone is still out, what the hell are we gonna do?
(A giggling AviA enters the room)
AviA: We could always start Borini!
Me: I hate you.
-Lost in all this was a fantastic goal line clearance from Rodriguez. At the time it appeared that play saved the game.
- I think we’ve all noticed how much pressure playing out of the back has put on Donnarumma and how it’s wearing on him. I do think he’s playing quite well though. What’s been missed is how much extra duty and responsibility it is putting on the CBs. I think it’s time we gave up this tactic and we keep things simpler. It’s no surprise to me that this tactic has also mirrored our inability to keep a clean sheet and contributed to our propensity to run out of gas late in games. 
-How about we start Caldara against his old team? Think he might have been motivated? How many times in the past have we seen this tactic work? Think anyone might have bet on him scoring against his old team?
-MILAN STAT OF THE DAY PART 2: It’s been 11 games and 163 days since we kept a clean sheet in the league. I’m guessing that’s some kind of record.
-Current +/- of the squad after the last game:
Donarumma E
Calabria +1
Musacchio E, Romagnoli E, Laxalt E
Rodriguez -1, Abate -1
Biglia +2 
Bonaventura E, Kessie E
Bakayoko -3
Cutrone +1 Calhanoglu +1
Suso E, Higuian E, Borini E, Castillejo E
*Note: these are for Serie A games only
- Last thing: Juve is gonna win the league by a MILE this year. I’m guessing at least 15 points. Mark that down. 
That’s all I have for now folks. See you all Thursday afternoon for a midweek trip to Empoli. Let’s 
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"Kansas City Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 64110
Kansas City Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 64110
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much is car insurance a month?
I am a female 21 yrs old that lives in Buffalo,ny. I wanna know how much per month will I have to pay for car insurance and if anyone suggests any car insurance companies for me.""
I give my dad my whole paycheck but he hasn't been paying my car insurance?
I am 22 yrs old and live at home with crazy, controlling parents. I work part time and go to school full time. I have no credit, etc etc so they make me live at home and go to school nearby. My job (which is with my mother) recently cut my hours down to part time, but I was lucky because they laid off many people. I get paid around $450 every 2 weeks. My parents are constantly crying about money and I closed out my bank account so as to give them my full check with the understanding that they would help pay my student loans and car insurance. I got into a car crash where I was rear ended and I was the driver, so I received no fault. One month later, I was rear ended AGAIN and again, no fault because I was not at fault for either accident. It came out that I HAVE NO CAR INSURANCE and that my dad was not paying for any insurance because I am not even listed as a driver! I also have no health or dental insurance! (He is a psychiatrist, a doctor, and makes decent money. My mother is a social worker) So now since I have been in 2 accidents and no insurance, my dad won't let me drive and either he or my mother drives me to both work and school. However, they pay for my brother to go away to college and his health insurance, phone bill, and car insurance without question. When I ask why they won't put the car in my name and give me insurance, they say it would be $4,000 a month, which I know is very far from the truth. They also say they are working on getting me car insurance, but the accident occurred over a month ago. How long does it take to get car insurance so I can drive myself places?? What is my best course of action in this psychotic situation?""
Car Insurance query (involved in accident)?
Yesterday I was involved in an accident, I was stopped on the motorway when a car was going too fast crashed right into the back of me, pushing me into the van in front, the recovery guy who picked my vehicle up said it prob will be written off due to its age. My questions are: a - I am an additional named driver on the policy with direct line, the policy holder in my mum, we didn't select for courtsey car, and my friend seems to think that the person who crashed into me, his insurance company should provide me with one? And if so how do I go about this? b - I think I may have whiplash, my neck is extremley sore and I can't look to right and left without turining my whole body, I am going to doctor's tomorrow, do I get compensation for this as it said online you can claim loss of earnings but at the moment I am unemployed. I spoke to Direct Line who advised providing the man admits it was his fault (I can't see him not as it clearly was) then my mum won't loose her no claims. Thanks""
What happens when a person dies with no life insurance?
80 year old male with no life insurance
Motorcycle insurance for a 20 yr old?
i just got a 2004 ninja zx10r, any one know of a place that has motorcycle insurance for cheap??""
Help i need cheap auto insurance.?
i have a 2001 pontiac grand prix gt and i am 19 years old and i live at zip code 48726 i need cheap car insurance can you help please
Why should someone who is say 40 get cheaper car insurance than a 17 year old?
If for instance they passed on the same day, why should a 17 year be categorised as less responsible than a 40 year old in terms of driving ability? Particularly when chances are due to the insurance gaps and most probably the earnings of these two hypothetical people the 40 year old would be able to afford a more powerful car...""
Is there a grace period for insurance in california on a new vehicle?
How long can you go without insurance after purchase of a new vehicle? I know it should be done immediately but I have other things going on right now and dont have time to get quotes currently. If there is no grace period I just wont drive until I get insurance.
How much is the cost one day car insurance?
How much is the cost one day car insurance?
""Im wanting car insurance, what would be the best one for me?""
I am buying my first car, and getting a 1996 BMW 318i , im 18 years old, have a restricted licence, havnt had any driving convinctions or crashes and I live in NZ, Im just wanting to know what insurance would be best for me either Full or 3rd party etc, and how much that would roughly cost""
Cheap car insurance for 17 year old? ?
I've just passed my driving test and was looking to get insured on my mums 1.6l Audi 80. So I went onto some comparison web sites and put my mum as main driver and me as the named driver and I was getting quotes of around 1900 (Fully comp). So I thought I would see what it would cost if my mum got the likes of a corsa or a fiesta or something. I changed the car details on the website and the quotes came out at 3000 + (Fully comp). I just don't understand how an Audi can be considerably cheaper than a corsa's and fiestas etc. Any explaination on why this is would be much appreciated. Also my mum really is the main driver as she will be using it for work and shopping. I will only be driving at weekends really.
Would you let your teenager daughter drive a classic car?
An old catalina convertible to be exact. She is very responsible, however, do you think it is too dangerous of a car? Also, how much would insurance be on a classic car with a student driver?""
Gap insurance on new auto?
what is the cost for gap insurance for honda acord 4 door sedan 06 year
What would be the possible price of car insurance?
My mother and I have been looking at cars since I will be 16 in a year so we wanted to get a head start on what car we would try to get for me. I believe I found the perfect car for me. It fit all the qualifications my mom had set. The only problem that she has with it is that it's a coupe (although she didn't seem to have a problem with getting me a coupe a few months ago since she almost bought me on but I said no to it). She said the insurance would be a lot since it's a coupe but I figured as long as I handle my money the correct way, I could handle it. The car that I've fallen in love with is a Toyota Celica( 2001-04). The car for sale is slightly under 5k, gets 25mpg city and 32mpg highway, and it has less than 80,000 miles on it (not to mention, it has the sporty look to it that I can tune over the years). Does anyone know how much car insurance would be around/could start at with this car? The help is greatly appreciated!""
Does Car insurance in Canada discriminate on the basis of sex?
Does Canadian car insurance discriminate based on gender like they do in most U.S. States?
Can I still own a car but without insurance?
I'm moving out, my car insurance is at 361.00$ a month now and I wont be able to afford rent and that. Is there anyway to either not have any insurance at all or just some sort of just minimal coverage?""
Got a speeding ticket in friends newly bought car and he didnt have proof of insurance?
so my friend recently bought a car from someone and i drove it and got a speeding ticket in it. do i have to show HIS insurance for the car or that I am insured? and if i do have to show his, then how do i get proof the insurance on the car was being transfered over to his? he already had insurance on his other cars that are his parents.""
How much to insure a car?
im a 16 year old girl that is trying to save up for a car. im hoping to get a car at 2500 max. is there an amount that the registration and insurance would cost. I need to know how much i have to save. thank you :D ps. in utah
What would happen to the insures if a private insurance company withdraw business from india or got bankrupt?
recently i have insured myself under private life insurance co for 35 years. at present i am 32 years. i want to know that supposed after 20/25 years the company got bankrupt or withdraw their business from india. will i get protection for my rest of life.
How much is my car insurance?
Im 17 i want a vw golf mk4 tdi, it will cost me for the car 800-1600, i wanna no how much is the car insurance""
How can I get affordable health insurance with a preexisting condition?
My fiance has Hep C and is actually in very good health otherwise.... Kaiser will not take us with his pre existing condition, and some of the prices I have seen are through the ...show more""
What happens if you lie to a new car insurance provider?
I was cancelled for reasons out of my hands, apparently the insurance person didn't record I had spoken to them during a conversation. So my broker cancelled my insurance. Now everywhere I go they want to charge me a lot more for thsi cancellation and I can't get through to my company to try to have the cancellation revoked. What happens if I apply to another car insurance company and say i wasn't cancelled. I pay ontime there's nothing wrong, are they going to find out about the previous company somehow?""
Suing a car insurance?
3 weeks ago, my car got hit while i was asleep in the middle of the night. the person left his insurance and phone number.so he knew he was at fault 100%. i called the insurance and they agreed to fix my car. since the person hit my wheel and bumper at the same time my car was not drivable at all, so they got a towing truck to take it to the shop. i received a call 2 day later from the insurance telling me that they could only fix my bumper because it the accident had nothing to do with a broken part from the other side of where the car got hit. now my car was working perfectly fine the day before the accident. and the insurance doesnt want to fix the part that broke because they said it was impossible for the part to brake and because the part was rusted. Can i sue the insurance company?""
Cheap car insurance for a new 17 year old driver in philadelphia?
I have a 2000 ford taurus and pay 240 every month for insurance.. is there any cheaper insurance i can use?
How much money will you be saving by going to driver's ed?
I'm 16 and have my learner's permit in CT and I've heard that by going to driver's you save a bunch of money on your car insurance...I know that its ture but how much money can you really save?
Kansas City Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 64110
Kansas City Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 64110
Anyone know a good Renters Insurance Company ?
Live in an Apartment and I would like to purchase some Renters insurance to cover any damages that may happen. I want to make sure it's a good legit company and not some rinky dinky place. Thanks ahead of time for all your answers.
Who insures the insurance companies?
Just out of curiosity who insures the insurance companies? Do they insure themselves? If so, due to all the bureaucratic BS do they have to pay a deductible to themselves? Or are they insured by other companies? Is it just one big circle? For example: Company X's building gets destroyed by a tornado, do they pay for everything or are they insured by Company Y.""
WHere casn i get cheap insurance in toronto canada?
Hi guys i need help, where can iu get real cheap insurance for my car thanks""
Car Insurance Question No 2?
Prior to my last question regarding car insurance, I wonder if someone could answer me this please. If a person gets rid of their car but wants to keep driving, say a friend/s car or hire car etc, can they still take out car insurance without owning a car and if so what do you ask for when contacting an insurance company. Thanks""
Car Insurance Question..?
I don't have car insurance, but I have a driver's license. I am 16 years old living in Arkansas and I don't drive much. My parents have insurance and when they added me to the policy (of 2 cars), it went from $150 a month to $350, which we can't afford. We cancelled that insurance (with geico) and now have esurance, where my parents pay $135 monthly (with the same coverage), without me added. Should I be added on the policy, even though I don't drive much? If I'm driving and get in an accident, can I say that I was just burrowing my dad's car? Will I be covered under him then? (since i don't have my own car) I am confused. How does this work? thanks""
How long does it take for car insurers to reset rates to reflect changes in car values?
SUV prices have plummeted in the last year. Will comprehensive and collision insurance rates go down this year as a reflection of less risk to the insurer?
One day car insurance?
Does anyone know were a 20 year old girl can get one day/week car insurance or is it pointless looking? Can't seem to find any for under 21's and i don't have time to go to family insurance companies tomorrow. its urgent!!
Looking for some cheap full coverage car insurance.?
Looking for some cheap full coverage car insurance.?
What is a good affordable health plan to get?
I am a single 25 year old healthy male. Are there any truly affordable health plans out there for me? And don't say that $300 a month is affordable, because its not. I don't need any major medical coverage. I haven't had insurance for 6 years and haven't been to the doctor in those six years. However, my eyesight isn't great, so vision coverage would be good. I also want dental coverage as well. Any suggestions?""
I am 18 and i got disqualified for 3 months and i was wondering if anyone knows cheap car insurance for me?
ive tried things like confused and the comparing sites but i didn't know if anyone knew of smaller or more independent companies which are good at these types of quotes.
Car insurance for a 15 soon to be 16 year old?
so i am looking at getting my first car and so i need to be thinking about car insurance and my grade point average is like 2 something. i have american family. any ideas what their rates would be.??
I totaled my car. Car insurance question?
I got a new car that was worth about $19,000 last year. Ive only had the car for a year and 2 months. I had an accident and my car was totalled. I have full coverage insurance. I havent paid off the car, so I still owe quite a bit of money on it. Does the insurance pay off the rest of my car, or will I keep having to make payments on it and pay off the loan? Im so confused. Someone please explain this to me. Thanks in advance!""
""Classic mini, lessons and insurance for 2.5k?
Classic 998cc mini insurance driving lessons and test all for 2.5k - possible?
""I only pay car insurance, what should my credit score be?""
I have car insurance in my name (I haven't been late on a payment yet), this is the first and only thing I make payments on. What should my credit score be? Also what are small things I can do to bring it up?""
Anyone have an idea about Car Insurance Rates?
Anyone have an idea of car insurance rates in Texas on a camaro for a 16 year old female beginner driver??
Can anyone supply me with a link to get a FREE driving record report...without a hidden cost?
Needing to get insurance but need a report of driving record...every link I click on it ends up costing something....
Annuity insurance in colorado?
what is my coverage for an annuity under Colorado law?
What are the monthly insurance rates for a 2007 GT Eclipse and 2007 GT Tiburon?
I am trying to compare which would be a better/more affordable car to have. I am 19. I know age has alot to do with it, so even if you are older just tell me your payments plz, and if you can estimate how much it would be for me, that would be great. Thanks.""
Is bike insurance cheaper then car insurance?
Is bike insurance cheaper then car insurance?
How much would insurance be for a 1999 Ford ZX2 Escort?
I'm 17, a boy, and I live in maryland just 5 miles from DC. Im getting my first car next saturday and its gonna be a Black 1999 Ford ZX2 Escort. How much can I expect to pay for insurance? I have a clean driving record. Also, my parents dont have car insurance so they have to start a separate account for me. Thanks!""
Can I suspend my car insurance?
I am 18 years old, male, clean driving record, good student, going to college. I will only be going home for occasional weekends, and vacations, and I would like to be insured so I can drive my car (saturn 2000 sl) around. I want to have coverage when I need it, but don't want to pay for a whole year of car insurance. I do not know a lot about car insurance but, Is it possible to just call up my car insurance company (MetLife) whenever I want and suspend or unsuspend my car insurance? This way I don't have to pay for a whole year of car insurance when i am only using it for weekends, week breaks, or winter and summer vacations (probably 5 months per year). Is this a normal practice? Thanks!!""
Auto Insurance??
I was just wondering what people thought is a good price to pay monthly for auto insurance? I went to Progressive.com and saw they have different plans available...I went with one that looked like it had a bunch of things and was around 94ish dollars a month...couple of questions though What is the average you think I should pay? (No traffic violations in the last x amt of years, not since 98, fyi) Also, do you think its worth it for more fuller coverage if I'm going to actually own the car outright and not make payments? Is it worth it to select the rental insurance as one of the options? I don't know anything about what I should get, any help is appareciated!""
In ALABAMA do i need full coverage?
I want a new car...and I was gonna go to a buy here pay here lot, but I was wondering if I need to have full coverage on the vehicle...""
Where do I find good health insurance for my parents?
I've tried ehealthinsurance.com and some other websites. I'm paying $500/ month for just basic health coverage for hospital emergency only. They're 56 and 61 years old and finding anything with good coverage and affordable is impossible. Anyone know what I can do to find better coverage?
Why do Liberals want to be force to pay Health care Insurance?
why can't some people work harder and pay for their own health care insurance? There are some people who are driving without car insurance.... So I don't think there is such thing as affordable health insurance
Kansas City Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 64110
Kansas City Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 64110
Do you believe everyone has a right to medical insurance?
What are the pros and cons of giving everyone access to medical care?
""I am 16 and want a 2003 BMW m5, how much would that cost to insure?""
I live in San Diego, California and have not gotten any tickets.""
How much will my insurance go up from a provisional licence to a UK full licence?
I have recently started to learn to drive in my car with my dad. However my insurance is on a provisional licence how much will it go up by when I pass my test? My insurance company is Admiral and i'm 17 years old.
""In Texas, if you sign to buy a life insurance but change your mind, can you get your money in full amount?""
Last night insurance agents are able to pressure us into buying equity index universal life insurance, this morning we realize that it is too expensive and we'd rather have term life, what can we do? It is from World Financial Group agent.""
Can the government require us to buy insurance?
If the government requires us to buy insurance, cant they force us to buy anything they want? Couldnt they also forbid us to buy something they dont want us to buy? What happens if the insurance cost a million dollars and we don't want to buy it? We can no longer refuse to buy it. We are required to buy through the government. How does that empower the consumer?""
Young drivers (17-18) - What is your insurance?
Hey! Im starting driving and shocked at the cost of insurance! Can't get lower than 3000 on a 1999 1.0 Vauxhall Corsa! Must be doing something wrong. So yeah , 3 questions : 1) What is your age? 2) How much is your insurance? 3) What insurance company are you with and what car? Thanks!""
Are car insurance companies having a laugh?
Me and a friend were taking out some car insurance quotes the other day - entering his information in he got 1700 a year on an old '95 (i think) cincequento, which frankly was hilarious. Then, all we changed was the address so that he lived at my house. It pushed the insurance up to something like 2700. Now I dont get this - he lives in a pretty rough area in my town, right near where all the boy racers live and such. I however live in a small village about 2 miles away and just outside of the town. In my area, the population is about 90% seniors and it is very quiet. I thought insurance companies were supposed to weigh the risks of location against their policy? Why has mine come out a grand more?""
Where to Find Affordable Health and Life Insurance?
Hello, I'm looking for site that offer affordable health and life insurance.Please recommend me such a site.""
Is there a health insurance in PA that covers pre-existing conditions?
I just moved currently, from where my previous employer covered my insurance, now that I have moved, I need a insurance policy that covers immediately as I'm trying to figure out what is wrong. Please help.""
How can the citizens pay the the deductibles for the only health insurance policies that are affordable?
I work 2 part time jobs and neither offer health insurance, so in 2014 I will have to buy some. One comparable to the one I had when I worked a full time job would cost $600 a month but would cover prescriptions with a $20 copay for generics with a $1500 deductible and a $4500 out of pocket maximum. That is out of what I can afford. The one I can afford is only $219 a month but has a $7500 deductible which would have to be met for any benefits and there is a $12,500 out of pocket maximum. If I got very sick I would be wiped out with that one, so it seems that I am in a Catch 22. I don't make that much money ($8 and $10 for the 2 jobs where I work 24 and 18 hours a week respectively.) Now I just pay the doctor out of pocket and I paid $375 this year for office visits and $150 for medicine. That was affordable and now I am forced to pay a premium in addition to the same amounts I paid for the same service. This thing is making me nervous. Affordable to me is no insurance. Give me a cyanide pill if I get a terminal diagnosis because being in the hospital and wiped out financially is not a good quality of life.""
Why doesn't foreigners get to pay insurance?
My friend works for a rental car company and she tells me people who come from abroad don't have to pay for liability or for comprehensive (collision) insurance when they rent a car. This isn't fair for the US citizens who live, work and pay taxes!? When I make a reservation on a website, I have to pay almost $30 a day EXTRA for insurance on a car. That's like half of what the car cost me to rent! Then I gotta pay for insurance when some foreigner could be running a muck, damaging other vehicles because he has free insurance???!!! This is rediculous and I want an answer!""
Teens why is car insurance so expensive?
This morning i was looking at this 2001 ford crown vic. and the owner wanted $700.00 for it, but when I called the insurance company they told me my insurance would be $300.00 per month. why is car insurance so expensive, thats crazy AM I RIGHT?""
I have been 18 for a few months now and I'm planning on moving intomy boyfriends parents place in about two weeks. The reason i am waiting is because my grandfather wont let me take my car until i switch the car into my name with my own insurance policy. He has allstate, and i am about to start working at a new job. I will be graduating in june from high school and i live in Virginia. My grandfathers wife (step-grandmother) treats me badly and i need to move away. I have waited 6 years for this since my mom passed away in 2003. I know that none of you will know exactly how much insurance will be but could you give me some insight or a range on how much a month ill pay on insurance and the best policys. I am driving a 2002 Dodge Intrepid, 4 door. I drive everyday about 15-20 miles each day. I am a female, 18 years of age. (19 in september). I did have one traffic light accident that was MY fault but plead no contest and got away with one days worth of driving school. ..if you could please help me that would be great. And much appreciated. Im not sure if you need anymore info, but thats all i can think of right now. AND PLEASE DONT ANSWER IF YOU AE GOING TO ASK how are we supposed to know? BECAUSE I UNDERSTAND THATU DONT KNOW ME AND THAT U HAVE NO WA OF KNOWING. I JUST WANT TO KNOW A PRICE RANGE PER MONTH AND HE BEST POLICYS?? thank you, amber.""
How would a Universal health care public option put private health insurance out of business ?
How would a Universal health care public option put private health insurance out of business ?
""Can I register a car in Florida with ny license, insured by someone with fl license?""
I have a ny license, wife has a fl license, we live in ny, can we register the car in Florida? Her name is not on the ownership title, would it help of it was? The car will be insured by her with me as a driver""
Insurance and tottalling cars.?
well my husband totaled our car and we havent done anything with the insurance people yet and im wondering are they going to cover losing our car if we have the lowest insurance on a car that we are still paying payments on??
Husband won't get life insurance?
We just married a few months ago. He bought a house a month before we married through VA loan. We are almost 40, and I believe we need life insurance on each other to cover house, cars, debts, ect.... I have enough on me to cover for my part and some. My husband told me that my name if not on the house so I have not financial bearing. If he dies, I can simply walk out the house and downgrade to a trailer, apartment, rent home, cheper home, whatever.... or I can sell his things to help pay the note... OUr house isn't new and very simple!! regardless, I think this is rude. you don't leave your widowed spouse with all that baggage. He makes plenty that he could afford a policy. I am asking him to cover most of the house, his vehicle, and personal debt... which he has a bunch from before our marriage. Am I being hard on him? He isn;t willing to share checking account or save together. He doesnt want me minding his finaces- none of my business is what he tells me pretty much.""
How Much Would It Cost to insure a Lancer Evo?
How Much Would It Cost to insure a Lancer Evo?
Home Insurance?
If your insurance runs say from 1st November 07 to 1st November 08 and if you make a claim in January 07, and then make another claim on 26th November 07. Does this mean that this is counted as 2 claims differernt years or is this claims counted the same year?""
My son is 21 and wants to get his license. We live in michigan. If i don't tell the insurance wod it go up.
If i don't tell them, would they ever find out he is geting it for job purpose. He is never going to drive me car. thanks""
How much does no claims effect your car insurance?
Ive just had my windows smashed and was wondering whether or not it would be better to just pay for the windows to be repaired rather than go through insurance. I estimate 700 for the windows. I am 19 and have 2 years no claims, any ideas what the best course of action is?""
Parents wont let me drive because im not on car insurance?!?
'm 17 now, and I'm planning on getting my license sometime this month. I was really planning on driving to school everyday after I recieved my license. But my parents flat out said NO, because I'm not covered by insurance. They say its way too expensive, and that I'm going off to college anyway next year (i dont plan on driving while im there). I'm really sick of taking the school bus! I just wanna drive to school. but insurance for teens is mad expensive. are there ways to lower the cost? and about average, how much is it anyway? i get good grades. all A's and very rarely B's. and i've taken drivers ed before too. anything else that would help? just any tips on how i can convince my parents to get my car insurance??!""
How much will a speeding ticket cost my insurance to go up?
I am 16 years old, have been licensed for two months, and recently received a speeding ticket. Assuming that I cannot get the ticket dismissed, how much will it cost my insurance to go up?""
How much does it cost for 2 door car insurance?
Getting my second car soon...found a 2006 honda civic LX...this is a 2 door car (coupe) verrryyy nice and I need to know what insurance would be monthly/yearly for this. I'm still on my parents insurance- 19. Female. No accidents; tickets. North Carolina. College Student. Please help. Thank you.
I just found out i'm pregnant with no insurance?
I just found out I'm pregnant and don't have insurance. I live in California near the Los Angeles/ Orange County line. I am trying to find out if there are any free/low cost clinics I can go to to get checked out? Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Kansas City Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 64110
Kansas City Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 64110
Car insurance while buying a car.?
I live in Washington and i plan on buying a car, $700 cash. Do i have to have insurance to drive it off the lot? or can i just go without insurance, i'm not financing or anything, paying full price.""
Will getting a car permit/License increase tax?
I wanted to get my permit and then license as soon as possible. My mom however says by driving there will be an increase on tax she has to pay. Does she mean insurance? I'm not sure what she means by that, so can anyone explain?""
When will the government provide car insurance and life insurance to the uninsured?
There are plenty of people out there that has no car and/or life insurance...do you think Obama and his Progressives need to address this problem also...Come on Where is the outrage? There are life insurance companies and car insurance companies out there making a profit...we need to do something about this...
Massachusetts car registration/insurance?
I need a bit of help here people. Most likely from someone in the Mass area. I just bought a car in RI (Private deal, used). I have a Mass license, so that's where it will be registered. My question is pertaining to where the car is being kept. I work and attend college in RI, so that is where my current residence is. Can I set my insurance to RI where I get my mail, and still have it registered in Ma? Or do I need to use a Mass address for my insurance as well? I called the insurance company and they did not have a clue, and I also called the RMV who just put me on hold for 40 minutes.""
How to get cheap car insurance in my region?
i m little bit worried abt the insurance...
Roughly how much would it cost to insure a 17 year old male on a renault clio 1.2?
Its silver and just a standard model (not sport or anything extra etc..) And is from 2002 (51 reg) any help appriecated thanks :)
Can i keep the insurance money and not fix my car ? can i still buy insurance in future?
I have a BMW 335i which cost around 29k (BUY LAST YEAR with CASH). I was hit by other guy ,he was at fault so their insurance ( B) absolutely must pay to fix my car .Nothing relate to my insurance ( farmer ). they estimate the cost to fix at their shop is 7k while BMW estimate for me is 13k (if there is hidden cost to fix the car, B will have to pay it too,thats the law). I do not want to drive this accident car anymore ,so can i ask them to write me a final check ,for example 15k to cover everything now and in future (for example they accept the deal). i then will sell the damaged car to somebody for cash and buy another one ? my car is still drivable (in my opinion the stucture would cost like 2 k to get it work perfectly,yet if we do not care the look, the cosmetic it will be a super good car to drive) In case i do not sell the car and fix the structure to drive,keep the money , i heard somewhere from yahoo answer that no insurance company will sell you insurance ??? like i can no longer buy farmers insurance if i do not fix my car ??? IS THIS FOR REAL ? ( because i did not make any claim on my insurance FARMER ) Is there any problem with an accident car ( Car title ,etc....) Is it legal in texas to drive a damaged car ? Will they report it to carfax ( i got police report) ..... So that is my case,with your experience Please give me anything that you know about my case, is there any problem with it, does anything will happen in the future Thanks all so much , please help!""
What's this 50 cash back with a car insurance quote all about?
I was quoted 370, clicked on 'buy now' and it said 420.....you get the 50 cash back, in a cheque, through the post after 120 days""
Why is my car insurance so high?
I'm 17 years old and hoping to pass my driving test ASAP. My parents own a ford fiesta 2009 Zetec and both have been driving for over 20 years with clean licenses and no claims. I've been on comparison sites to see what insurance will be like on their car when I've got my full license. But the cheapest I can find is 10,000 Surely I'm doing something wrong because I thought it would be maximum 5,000! I will only do around 1,000 miles and just use it to go McDonald's ;) Seriously though does anyone know any cheap insurance companies or explain to me why it's so high? Thank you!""
""What comes first, insurance or the car?""
When buying my first car, what comes first? Obtaining car insurance, or buying the car? I know you kinda can't have one without the other, so how does it work?""
Will my car insurance premium go up?
I just recently hit a deer and the only car damaged was mine. I am covered under my policy b/cause I had comprehensive. Here's my question: Will my insurance premuims go up if I use the dealership's auto body shop and not the insurance company's auto body shop? This is the first claim I have had with this company and I have been with them for over 7 years.
How do I get Certificate of Insurance for photographers?
Which insurance company should I go to for a policy for photographer. A million dollar coverage in NYC. How much does something like this cost for a year coverage.
Car insurance for a young person?
I've calculated my monthly payment from being a young internet marketer, Which is $3000 a month. How much will money would I Really get if I have car insurance? Is there any other thing I need to know as well?""
A good individual dental insurance plan?
I don't have dental insurance, and my employer doesn't offer any. I seriously need to see a dentist, I haven't been to one since I last had insurance 4 years ago. But I can't afford much right now either. I need a plan that will cover preventive treatment, doesn't have much of a waiting period, and will cover at least some of any major work, because i think I might need some. By the way, I live in central PA.""
Finding the cheapest Medicare Supplemental Insurance?
I'm looking for a good resource to find Medicare Supplemental Insurance, including quotes. Can anyone help?""
Car insurance for open deed of sale?
i was in a car accident, a truck driver bump my car. i bought this car with an open deed of sale. now how will i handle this? the insurance of the car is named after the first owner. will i still have to contact her (the first owner)? will i still have to call the insurance company to let them know? again, this wasn't my fault, the truck bump my car.""
Can i pay gor someone elses car insurance?
Right so my mum bought a car and I love my mummy so I offered to pay for her car insurance but she said I won't be able to do that for some reason so (I'm her son btw) what I'm asking is if I put all the details in her name but put me down as an additional driver can I pay for the car insurance ?, it's cheaper that way too (for me) lol""
Why is a five door car cheaper to insure than a 3 door car?
My father got a quote for a 5 door 1995 ford fiesta yesterday for 240. The previous car was also a fiesta of the same year and same engine but was a 3 door which cost 340 per year. We have had a 5 door ford fiesta before but that cost 340 per year as well, but the engine was the same and it was the same year. Why the difference in insurance cost between 3 and 5 doors?""
""According to the Hillary healthcare proposal, Individuals will be required to get and keep insurance in a
system where insurance is affordable and accesible. Is this a good idea? Why or why not?
How much does a filling cost with insurance? like an estimate?
I'm 19 and clueless, and well i decided to get Metlife insurance, (safeguard) anyways , i know it depends where i go and etc, but i want an idea... just typically speaking
Do adding aftermarket parts to car increase the price of insurance (uk)?
if i add new alloys and add window tints and change the exhaust would it increase the price of insurance and how much and do check the car if it has these parts
How much does car insurance cost?
if you can't give me an exact amount or something that's fine, just give me some kind of ball park.""
Wat insurance should i use?
I'm 19 years old and I have a part time job. Wat is the cheapest insurance I can get? And a good one
Which is the best website to find cheaper car insurance?
I havent found a quote on-line before, and am not keen on supplying all me personal informtion. Is this standard procedure when requestin a quote? Please recommend the best website to find the best deal. Thanks!""
""Going to LA for week, how much does it cost to rent a car?""
I don't want anything too fancy but nothing crap if you know what I mean....just a decent car that will do me for a week. I know insurance will be a killer especially as I am under 25, but my boyfriend is 27 so if we put it in his name will it make it any cheaper? Oh and if anyone knows a good company to rent from, please let me know.....will it be best to go straight to the rental place that's in the airport? Thanks!""
Kansas City Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 64110
Kansas City Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 64110
0 notes
He was a senior when I was a freshman. He was captain of the football team, lacrosse team, and student body president, he was arguably the most popular guy in his grade. It is safe to say his high school experience was a little different than mine, considering I spend my time primarily with Graci, my only friend. Sure I have other friends at school but those are school friends, I never talk to them outside of school. Now that I've painted the picture of who he is and who I am you can understand why he never noticed me. Why he had no idea I even went to his high school. Why it is now my junior year and I happened to see the senior that I had a huge school girl crush on for the past two years. It’s not like I've thought about him every day for the past two years, but here and there I look at his IG or think about what “Thad” is doing. I’ve heard his reputation. He had the reputation of the drug-y dropout. But I always had a different image of him, I remember his senior power point slide, he wanted to go to law school and had ambitions. He was this idea I had. I had a dream that some years down the road we would meet up at law school. (yes somehow we would both end up at the same law school, ignore the improbability of it all I know how stupid it was) We would fall in love and we would both talk and find out we’re both from Pittsburgh only to continue and find out we went to the same high school, and we would talk about how close we were then and how we just missed each other and it was fate that brought us together. That was my freshman fantasy. About him. He always had a small place in my heart. That is why when I found him on tinder, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to swipe right, whats the harm right? If you know tinder you know how many matches you get. How very rarely does it turn into anything. Of course, I still thought of that fantasy I had and what are the odds of seeing him on here? After each pivotal point, I always think to myself “It couldn't go any further its not going to, he's a nice dream but that's its”. I honestly thought finding him on tinder and matching with him would be the highlight of my day, I mean matching with Thad, what more could I ask for?? well he texts me... but I get texts from almost every guy so its NBD... but then we start snapping.. and although I snap fewer guys there's still a bunch... again NBD right? then we start talking about hanging out. But how many people do you talk about hanging with.. sooo many so again NBD.. then we actually make plans. but people cancel plans all the time I mean what are the odds he actually shows up? Like I’ve had a crush on this guy (who previously didn't know i existed) since freshman year, and now we’re talking about hanging out??? At this point, he still has no idea that I'm not 19 (which I said I was in my profile) and the fact that we went to school together and mostly know ALL the same people. Talking about hanging out and actually hanging out are two different things. Until he shows up. (side note: nothing this lucky has ever happened to me, It has been many years since a guy of his place in the world has noticed me, I have been ditched and ignored by guys of lesser social standing than him. He was like a superstar at our high school, untouchable and this immense presence. it was a shock that he even paid enough attention to me to snap chat me, having him show up at my house was like a dream. It almost wasn't real). I didn't think he would come until I saw him with my own eyes, even then I think I was in shock. He wasn't just any senior, he was THE SENIOR I pined over, and thought about and made future plans that never in a million years could happen but here they are happening. If I died at this moment that would be okay. I feel so dramatic but to a person like me, in my social place at school, this is the best thing that will happen in the 4 years of high school. (This whole situation is so cliche just like a bad teen movie, but this was happenign to me in real life, tbh I still cant get over it) Boys don't talk to me at school. They don't notice me. and Thad isn't just another boy he is the Thad. That night we first slept together was amazing, (i don't remember a lot of it because another thing I did that night was drink more than I ever have before, which I highly regretted in the morning) I wasn't Ian amazing but it was close enough. I was prepared for it to end there. I mean its tinder, you hook up and never talk again. its what you do. but at this point, I had to stop being shocked because every moment from the time we matched became a shock and this was no different. after that night we not only talked (a lot) we saw each other again. I was starting school Friday and we saw each other Wednesday. It was the last hooray of summer. We slept together again (this time I can actually remember it all) Since Graci’s parents were home (last time they weren't) we had to find somewhere else to go. The only place we could find... the woods. But before we even were in the car for 5 min (Graci Thad and I) It gets brought up in conversation, how Graci and I know each other, (considering she lives in fox chapel and I live in Butler, side note: from this point before Thad assumed I went to Butler) I straight up tell him we both go to NC.... I figured it would get brought up in convo but I didn't expect it 1) so soon 2) With Graci in the car. Graci and I already knew to act like we had no idea he went there, so that's what we did. He was in shock and I pretended to be ( I guess I was still in shock I was with him at all) I knew he had family at the school but I guess the reality didn't really hit me until we talked about it. So the first thing we did was get that conversation out of the way, it was difficult but good. So we go to this park half a mile from Gracis house and there used to be a nice trail and a place to sit with a nice view, little did I know that wasn't there anymore, so we had very few options to choose from and we ended up on a hill in the middle of tall grass. At first, our chemistry is totally off. it's not like it was the other night, i remember thinking “ This is exactly what I was afraid of, it's not fun if I'm not drunk, and he’s boring and this is going so bad why didn't i leave it on a good note” It was just a bad start. Fast forward 30 minutes, we stop achieving nothing. but this failure leads to us talking. It was actually a really good talk, we sat and talked and laid together and weren't anyone but ourselves and it was such a pure form of intimacy. I was glad, we not only connected physically but spiritually I liked him. He was fun to talk to and easy and I just enjoyed it. and I think he enjoyed it too. After we talked for about an hour we did actually do it, we completed the psychical side of things, our chemistry may have been off at first but after getting to know each other more it was 100% back on. The sex was good, and I know it was for him too because he begged me to stay when we had to go. It was getting dark and we needed to go home, if we weren't on a time limit i would have stayed. After thsi day we continued to talk but starting school made me realize how crazy our relationship was, or how crazy I was to think we could be more than fuck buddies. I am still in highschool and he is a sophmore in college. Maybe one day is what we said to each other when I ended things. He agreed that it was a bad time (becuase fo the age difference) and he understood the secrets were hard for me (going to school and seeing his brother, who is practically his twin made it worse). I still have that hope of one day. Before I go off to college Im going to get in contact  with him, although I promised myself I would be a good person and not sleep around or party anymore. So thats what im going to do. (at least until I graduate) I want to see him again, but I will just have to wait. Although I did not feel for him what I did for Ian, he is still that senior boy freshamn me had a giant crush on. I cannot just forget that. It was an innocent fanatsy turned reality (which wasnt so innocent). summer 2017 changed everything for me. I dont feel the same after Ian and after Thad i see the world a little different. He will be my presious secret that i cherish forever. 
0 notes
After you See the Light ... 🛸
The Gray’s are Going to Try to Convert as Many Soul’s as thay Harvest into fae
Even People from the Government .... if it is in your Essence, NOT D.n.a, thay Can Change you ...   
Many Are Going to Go Crazy before the Last Day’s and try to Fight it ... Many are Going to Try to Vastly Resist Change ... 
This is Futile, even More futile is fighting them ... In less your the Hive 
The Only Weakness of the Gray’s is the Hive - aka Hive vs Hive ! 
That is there True Weakness, aka it take’s One to Beat One ! 
Thay Fear a Hive’el Rebellion ! 
and if Earth is Peaceful there is a High Chance where going to Attack some other time, i No Doubt the rest of my Hidden Kin, there soul’s  are torn, there Light is beyond Rough, The World is Awful .... and there Hiding ! 
Living in Misery and Woe ! - Waiting for the Chaos to Save them and free them 
in the End the Gray’s Showed Me, Humanity, after Many Long trial and error’s becoming fae and the Earth has a Shit ton of Fairy’s ! 
Even People from the Government will be Fairy’s after the Light Take’s them ! 
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Fairy = Insectoid. 
No Matter Who thay are, there Power Rank in the world, there Status, there Wealth ... the Reptilian's might Get out of it and all Animal’s but for the Rest, it’s fairy and for them ... for the Rest of Eternality, AND THERE IS NOT A RABBIT WITH A FUCKING CLOCK SAYING I’ M LATE I’M LATE !!! 
But there is a Holy Glowing Highly Enchanted Gaia, becuz she was able to heal her self and So her Power Came Back, and the World Become's “Enchanted” 
And No if you, End up as a Elf you don’t get a Pair of Pointy Ear’s ...  
And this Post is Not a Joke, i’m Fucking Serious, HAY !!! Want a Pointer aka A Example of Human’s Already Converted over .... 
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Here, Let Me Drill this into your Skull ... 
THIS ! IS ! A ! FAIRY !!! 
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BUG !!! GIRL !!!! 
Ok, Part 2 
FAIRY’S !!!! 
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More fairy’s !!! 
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And Yes this is a fairy .... Aka Black Eyed Children, and many time’s there Eye’s are Black and there Skin is Gray ! 
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These are Not Real B.e.c’s but thsi is What you’d See ... if you found one Keep in Mind a Women ...  Our Women are the Alpha’s, Our Women Are Predator's, aka Alpha Female’s and yet thay Eat People. HOW IN THE FUCK Thay Got Away with it aka from the cop’s, i Have no Idea ! but i Can say this ... 
I’m Giving you all a Tip off. 
of your Fate, i Know you think you can Get Away, and you'd be Wrong i thought.
i !!! thought i Could Get Away .... and that’s why, i’m here on a Device talking to you on the Event’s That are Playing out and come to Play ... 
Ever see a Little Thing Called Vore, and Giantessism ... i Know you Wanna Call it a fetish but it was Done be these guy’s 
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After thay “Experiment on you “ after an Abduction Vore is all of a Sudden is sexy to you 
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The Women Don’t give a fuck Who thay Eat, thay all Serve Law of the Jungle ... 
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And when it Come’s to Mate’s ... the Women Compete for Mate’s ... I'll get More into this Later .... 
My Point is Your Going to End up as a fairy After the Gray’s Abduct your soul and take you to there Lab’s ... you’ll be Returned to Earth after the shit hit the fan and humanity is dead and you’ll be Born into Entomanity - 
Entomo = Latin = Insect or Relating to insect aka Bug’s 
Anity - taken from HU Manity - the Word Anity = to Belong to, of, is, is Part of. 
So, Thus and there of Entomanity and Yes you can take an “O” off and still have the word, trust Me i Fucked with the word and in Latin, it still work’s ... 
and the Reason Giantess is Fairy is Becuz of Femdom ... aka the Alpha female just as in Humanity Male-dom is sexy on the female. a Big Tough Male, right by her side, Well in Entomanity, it’s a Big Tough Female, that Love’ s to Show off her Power and Dominance over the Male, not Just Scream in there fact like  Retarder feminist ...  
and Some fairy female DO ! GET ! BIG ! 
Real big but only a Mini Giantess aka 23 Feet but that’s Still Huge and it Most Likely will end up as a Queen of the Hive ! 
and the Women Love to Step on you for we Are Bug’s after all and Kill who ever thay Please ... Get Used to the Re-birth Cycle, over n over .... n over again 
the Women are Pure Evil and yet to a degree thay Love to Protect the male till that get too attached to the male and Eat the male and absorb us and Shit us out and Smile ... 
Thus Vore and Giantess ... 
A Real giantess Would be Retarded + the Gravity would kill her, and she would die of Heat Stroke for her body would not be able to Get off the  Burn she is Creating just by Walking or running and if she fall’s she is dead .... the amount of food she would need ... is a Planet Killer ... and her Waste would take up a lot of Space and HOW IN THE FUCK is she going to have a baby ... you see, a Giantess is fucking retarded and i know at one time thay existed but Look there all dead for a reason ... Gaia Was not Built for a race of Giant’s an thus thay did not live long 
ANY WAY !!! not my Point ! 
I’m out, Later 
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