#guzma x me
teamskulladventures · 2 months
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Team Skull x Injured Reader
Opening up isn't easy, but is suffering in silence any better?
Pokemon: Dewpider
*AUGHH* FUCK! *sharp inhale* ohhh . . ohhhh . .fuck . . . *sharp inhale* yep . . nope . .definitely not good . . *ack* . .
Welp, that's one sure fire way to twist your ankle and possibly break your ass in the process. What the fuck ended up happening? Well maybe, just maybe training in the pouring Po Town rain, not a smart idea. Training in the Rain on some slippery ass block of concrete also not good. Having your own Pokemon be a water type that knows Bubble Beam and, has yet to perfect it causing stray suds to fly everywhere, ccombined with the previous and you've got a recipe that'll lead you broken ass first to the Pokemon center.
Oh your Dewpider, your sweet precious Dewpider. As much as you loved having them as a partner they weren't exactly the most graceful little bug around. Ironic for the water type to easily go sliding at the slightest limb touching a puddle. Her bubble beam although powerful tends to go everywhichway except for the target infront of it. Which is why you were out here today. Which is why you're also hugging your left ankle praying to Arceus that you didn't break anything. Feeling around the wounded area despite rain chilling you to your core, your ankle was on fire and already starting to swell.
How this baby bug managed to shed tears under that ball of water was beyond you. Though, with a heavy sigh and small pat on her head you couldn't get mad at her. The only thing that worried you was how you were going to keep this hidden from the team. The last thing you needed was for them to go on making fun of you for doing something so stupid. With the best of your ability you managed to rise from your seat with your now muddy shorts. Pain shot through you like a jolt from a pikachu as you bit on your cheek to muffle your cries. Painfully, slowly and painfully, you hobbled back to the steps of the shady house, praying that no one would notice your wobbly walking pattern.
The Grunts:
• Okay listen. . .
•None of them actually knew that you were injured into you sarcastically pointed it out and then they all collectively went "ohhhhhhh okay"
•I mean . . . the KINDA knew that somethin' was a little bit off . . . but only kinda.
•Since the Grunts live by a no judgment principle, for the most part, they tend to not want to point out anything in case it might hurt someones feelings.
•Like yeah . . . in theory that seems nice but that means everyone just silently observes your clearly struggling form and just hope that this is a choice and not an accident.
•Yeah, sure you didn't want to get anyone else involved with your carelessness but come onnnnn seriously?!?
•You loved them, but in this moment if you had to keep going around doing all your normal tasks on a swollen ankle you were going to kill someone!
•Well luckily after you pointed it out to them everyone was quick to drop what they were doing to try and help you out.
•Albeit, a few of them did still poke fun of you for getting injured to some bubbles but hey at least they were trying.
•Emphasis on the TRYING. . . yeah unless you got 10₽ and you were a Pokemon they could heal you just fine. So makeshift remedies were going to be your saving grace until your ankle magically healed itself or, you were forced to be rushed to the nearest Pokecenter and hope they didn't need to cut it off.
•Well with as many grunts that fill these halls someone was bound to come up with something to make you feel better.
•And so the grunts would each take turns trying makeshift remedies and watching random Poketube videos that might help your ankle. Each idea leading nowhere and causing you to form an additional headache!
•Your body mangled on the living room floor as grunts tried elevating your foot with different objects, such as but not limited to, pillows, comic books, an old bucket, a pile of loose tiles, and someones grimer who felt more inclined to eat the sock right off your foot than actually trying to hold it up.
•In the kitchen grunts were working away grabbing random foods and concocting remedies that "worked so well for them when they got sick". Though failing to realize that you weren't sick just injured and no matter what they shove in your mouth, if it isn't pain killer, your ankle is staying twisted.
•Still though, as you lay on the floor watching as your fellow teammates aee actually going out their way to try an make you feel better, was indeed making you feel better.
• ". . . thanks guys."
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•Well Guzma wasn't the happiest person to receive this news.
•He wasn't angry! Just a teeny tiny bit a little frustrated . . .to say the least.
•"So . . . What the fuck happened?"
•Hahaha oh boy.
•After explaining to him your not so graceful training session with Dewpider, the boss was really trying his best to keep up the "grumpy upset look" while holding back stiffled laughter.
•However that doesn't stop him from pulling the "ya stupid!?" Comment on you while he lifts your body and carries it off to one of the many beds that litter this house.
•You could feel a rush of embarrassment cross your face as some of the grunts giggled to themselves at the scene playing out before them.
•Being carried like a child in the bosses arms no less was not something you wished for others to see.
•Grumbling to yourself you let put a small "This is so stupid!"
•But Guzma was quick to clap back, big smirk and all.
•"Play stupid games and win stupid prizes sweetcheeks."
•Opening the door and flopping you down on the bed, despite his tough guy exterior he was genuinely concerned about you. Why else did Guzma choose the room with a bed closest to his?
•"Now I ain't a doctor or somethin' but stay here and don't move a whole lot. Here *he hands over a few pillows* try elevating it to get the red down. *He stands up to start leaving* Ya got that?! Now I don't want to see you move? Got it!?"
•You nod back.
•"Got it?!?"
•You sigh. "Yes."
•Before he leaves for good he turns back to tell you "Hey . . . if you need anything, just holler. . I'll try to help as best as I can. ."
•He finally leaves you, a blushing mess, on the bed.
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•Surprisingly, a lot more vocal about her frustration in this situation.
•"Arceus Fuck! . . Gahhh . uhh . . Damn, when did this happen?! What happened?! Why did this happen!?"
•Behind that wall of frustration was the hint of genuine concern, even if her showing it was through means of bombarding questions.
•Trying your best to explain the whole situation Plumeria was doing her best to shoo off the grunts so that you had room to breath.
•"Oh so you felt like acting stupid by yourself no less, on one of the rainiest days?"
•"Um . . yeeesss??"
•"Where was your phone you could have at least phoned me up so I could have idk, helped you?!"
•"Ughhh . . let me guess you didn't even have your phone on you?! Where is your phone, give me your phone!"
•Snatching the phone out of your hand, she puts her number into your contacts and staring it as a favorite.
•"Cool. . . now when you feel the need to act stupid again, call me and I'll smack you."
•Sitting in your spot like a deerling caught in the headlights, your body is hoisted off the ground as she helps you to stand. She tries her best to drag you along, to her room of all places.
•"I don't want you climbing up those stairs and twisting something else. Just don't touch anything got it?!"
•Shoving the door open, her room was actually very inviting. Her bed laced with stuffed PokePlushes. A small vanity was seen across from it. A desk lay next to the bed, and next to that was a small bookshelf. Honestly it was the only non-neat thing in that room. Her makeup was everywhere, and the little trinkets that call the self home were spaced out sparatickly.
•"Sit! And don't move. . . and don't touch anything either!"
•Sitting on her bed you made damn sure not to move an inch. Plumeria eventually came back into the room holding a glass of water and some medicine.
•Shoving it in your face she barked out "Drink!"
•Again you obeyed.
•"Now lay down!"
•Feeling the softness of her bed engulf you, it almost made the pain in your ankle disappear, you hadn't even noticed Plumeria was laying down next to you.
•She moved her laptop off her desk and between the two of you.
•"The meds might take a bit for them to kick in." And off she went to pull up a movie, "The Angry Pidgeys" and that was that.
•Not another word was spoken between the two of you, but she didn't need to say anything. The way she put the extra blanket around you instead of her, how she used one of her plushes as an elevation for your foot. How she brought out the good snacks from her stash. She just wanted you to feel comfortable, all in her own Big Sis way.
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Uhh looks like there's enough room for him
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ya-bug-boy · 4 months
someone needs to make a subbottom or powerbottom Guzma x Male Reader since they always write him as a top, when He's obviously now nothing but a whiny loser. So, can I request hate sex with Guzma?
Bottom Guzma x Top Male Reader: Hate sex then fluff
One of Guzma's most trademark and notable traits about him is his immense ego and pride. Sometime going from bar to bar, acting like he's a big shot who owns the place, looking for some hot tourist who wants to fuck with an Alolan native. He's got a big dick, it's a waste not to fucking use it!
There's a new bar that opened up in Melemele Island. He's gonna hit the scene, looking for the right kind of trouble.
Turns out it's a LGBT bar. Alright, nothing wrong with that. Maybe there's a bi or pan girl he can find.
Until he fucking runs into you. You're right up his alley, flaunting your exposed chest in a loose buttoned up shirt. Usually it's Guzma buying a drink, dropping the hints, but he wasn't expecting to hear it from another dude! At first, he thinks it's cute that someone is into him like this so hard and heavy right off the bat but it gets annoying when you're the only person in the place talking to him!
At first Guzma brushes you off, thinks you're a bit too on the spot to be asking for sex like this but you bluntly point out that he's the same! You've seen him in other bars doing the same thing you're doing to him. You even make fun of him for the time he drank too much and had to be escorted out right before barfing everywhere. That pisses him off, he can't believe someone remembered that. He gets snappy with you, telling you to beat it.
You just grin and give him one last offer, saying it'd be the best dick of his life if he gave it a try. Before he can get a word in, intense music starts playing as drag queens come from a back room. People start cheering and you join the crowd. Turns out it was some kind of performance night.
Guzma tries to ignore you. Fine. Whatever! He can swindle his way into a girl's pants no problem.
Until he doesn't. The girls at the scene were already partnered up with somebody else. He doesn't remember there being this many lesbians but maybe he just never really noticed until now.
Damn it. Fine. Whatever. I'll just go get another drink, he thinks to himself.
He turns around to walk over to the bar, where he sees you smiling from a distance, sipping on an exaggerated silly straw. You've just been WATCHING HIM FUMBLE THIS WHOLE TIME?
Now he's pissed. Stomps over to you. Asks you what your deal is.
Plain and simple, you want to dick him down. You offer him a night at your place.
At this point, Guzma ain't too sure about he even likes anymore. Yeah he might fuck a guy in the ass every now and then but not the other way around!
But it was getting late and he hasn't made a score yet. It ain't like going back to his Hala's place smelling like booze is gonna win points with the old man.
He reluctantly agrees but demands that HE'S the one in control. You give him that much. So now you go home.
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Guzma pretty much knows how to make people melt in his hands. But he's stiff as a board when you start giving him that kind of attention back.
You start by kissing him, to make him relax. You're back at your place, turns out you moved in here recently.
Clothes are removed eventually, Guzma didn't expect much but he wasn't expecting your dick to be as big as his. He always did kind of wonder in the back of his head what it'd feel like receiving it but he wouldn't necessarily say that out loud to anyone.
You stimulate him first, with a lubed up middle finger as you lazily trace circles on his asshole. His breath hitches and he glares at you when he sees you smile. Tells you to shut up but you haven't even said anything yet. You continue playing with his ass, gradually working your way up to push farther.
He makes a few groans and whines but nothing openly loud just yet. You work your way up to having three fingers in there, thinking that he's had enough.
You lube your dick and line it up to his hole, tapping your member twice on him. Guzma opens his mouth to protest but before he could, you slip inside. The head slips in with relative ease, you take in your time to push far enough to bottom out.
Guzma lets out a shaky breath, having held it, before finally letting out a loud, "FUCK-" when you piston your hips.
You go at a slow pace, this being Guzma's first time, you didn't want to ruin the experience. You're praising him, cooing at how well he's taking you, taunting that he likes this before he just yells at you to just SHUT UP and fuck him. So you give him exactly what he wants.
Slamming your hips against his, you watch Guzma's strained face as he clenches the bed sheets beneath him. He watches you with a hazy glare as his own dick bounces with the way you fuck him.
His own cock is just throbbing hot, it wants attention too, you tease. So you smother your hand with lube too, jacking him off as you fuck him. At this point, Guzma's changing his mind about the ordeal, not that he'd admit to you right now though. But to be fair, there's not a lot of thoughts going on right now when all he can think about is cumming.
When he cums, you don't relent, you drag him by the hips to the edge of the bed, fucking him hard. He finally moans, submitting his body to you until you finish too, pulling your dick out right before it shoots cum all over him.
With Guzma dicked down so nicely, you clean both of your bodies with a clean warm rag. He figures it's after care sex when you offer him a water bottle.
With the two of you laying down next to each other, you tease him if you're allowed to talk now. With a smirk, he says maybe, if there's something good to eat. Because he ain't gonna move outta this bed for the next couple of hours. In a joking tone, you tell his majesty that you'll order a pizza.
Yeah, okay, you were decent. You were alright in his books. But you're gonna get what's coming to ya, with you begging for his dick next time. You ask him if he wanted seconds immediately.
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charcadett · 2 years
Fluff alphabet, G for Guzma!! Give me the content munch munch munch
YESSSSSS GUZMA TIME HEHEH. this is my first time doing ANYTHING for him so like. 🐻 with me
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Guzma can be thick in the head. You do things around the house, like make the bed or do the dishes and his first instinct is to think a ghost has been through the place. I don’t think anybody in Po Town cleaned. Of course, if it crossed his mind that it was you doing those things, he’d think it was nice. Otherwise, he’d wonder what happened to his old cereal bowl. It wasn’t that dirty and it was only from yesterday, he could use it again for salsa or something. One thing he is openly grateful for is your affection. He sops that shit up like a dry sponge. Having someone who he trusts nearby to throw the odd idea at or scoop into his arms during a movie is something he’d never take for granted. He acts grumpy about it, but he secretly loves when you wake him up to tell him some silly late night thought of yours. “I just read that most of the stars you see at night are already dead. Isn’t that nuts?” “Really fuckin’ nuts.”
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viridian-artist · 6 months
Fellas, I'm thinking about my silly little self insert for Pokémon Ultra Sun. They're just there for a vacation and to possibly start their life over and end up "adopting" these two kids (Hau and Lillie) as their siblings and end up falling for Guzma like a dumbass.
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anoradraws · 2 years
The Jacket
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A Guzma x Reader Short Story
Summary: You travel to the large mansion of Po Town to challenge the boss of Team Skull, Guzma, but after every grunt battles, puzzles, and other obstacles you finally arrive at his throne room at the top floor of the Shady Mansion; but once you entered, he’s not there... except for his jacket sitting on his makeshift throne.
Editor’s Note: This is kinda silly, stupid, and weird even for me, yet I wanted to write this anyway, but hey let me know what you think about it.
⚠️WARNING:⚠️Sexual preferences, explicit language, nudity; read at your own caution!
Po Town was considered one of the most dreary and miserable areas in Ula’Ula Island of Alola; nearly run down to ruins by a band of misfits known as Team Skull, who took over the town many moons ago, with the help of two leaders-- the second in command known as ‘Big Sis’ named Plumeria, and the Boss and founder of Team Skull named Guzma, who is said to be the most dangerous and threatening of the organization.
You traveled there for one purpose though: to challenge Guzma to a battle!
With help from the local police officer, and Ula’Ula Island Kahuna, Nanu, you enter through the walled gates into the decrepit town and begin your pathway to the large mansion located near the edge of the small borough, known as the Shady House, where you were told at some point during your journey is Guzma’s lair. You encounter several grunts along the way as they tried to slow you down, but you pressed onward with you head high as a Sirfetch’d ready for combat.
Finally, you arrive at the mansion; and once you stepped inside you see that it was far more dilapidated than even the town itself. With broken windows and ripped curtains, spray painted and slashed paintings hung on the walls, and several boxes stacked as walls in almost every corner of the main lobby. You didn’t hesitate as you start searching through every available room for clues as well as battled more grunts until you make your way up to the stairway to the second floor, careful to avoid the fallen chandelier as it blocked the second set of stairs of the main staircase.
You repeat the same process as the main lobby, and afterwards you manage to find an alternative route to the balcony outside. It was nearly a more dangerous tread to the other side of the building as the floor and rooftop soaked with the never-ending rain that continued to pour over the town, but carefully you were able to pass through without a scratch or otherwise.
You enter through a large window on the other side of the house after being outside for a steady but short while, and you walk through the large hallway until you finally approach a doorway at the end. In the pit of your stomach you feel this must be where Guzma is hiding; this is it, no turning back now, you take a deep breath and slowly but confidently opened the door and entered the room.
Once inside, you oddly find... no one is here, not even Guzma.
“Huh, that’s weird. Where’s Guzma?” You asked to yourself. “Usually he’d go all ‘big bad whatever’ to see me.”
It is strange; you expected a feeling of a Boss fight cutscene from a video game, but it turns out he’s not even in his room; then, out of curiosity you decide to snoop around for a while before concluding to leave and perhaps try again at a later time.
First, you noticed a large chest of lime green colored crystals called Buginium Z, an object usually given to trainers by Kahunas or Totem Pokémon after completing a trial as part of an Alolan tradition called the Island Challenge; then you rummage through the closet full of Ariados webbings and tattered clothing that looked like suits and dresses that belonged to possibly the previous owners of the mansion before it was taken over by Team Skull. You noticed the King Sized bed across the room, a large cabinet behind it filled with half empty and full bottles of liquor that seemed to be hardly touched, two safes that held the cabinet atop, and you finally spot the makeshift throne which made you roll your eyes in annoyance by how it’s set up. A large worn purple colored lay-z-boy sits atop two large flat platforms with a hallway rug underneath the furniture, two table stands sit on each corner of the platform with one of them having a laptop, and sitting on the chair sits a lone black clothing in which you suddenly took a strange interest in.
You approach the “throne” and slowly reach down to touch the cloth, but a foreboding vibe chills through your spine as a side of your mind is trying to warn you not to touch the fabric; but you ignore the ominous hints and, like a cursed artifact from a sacred temple, with delicate ease you finally pick up the apparel.
You study the clothing and realize it was a black hoodie, but not just any hoodie, it’s Guzma’s signature short sleeve hoodie with the large Team Skull logo on the back and black zig zag patterns with white backdrop on the sleeves and the sides. Whatever possessed you to hold and touch the leader’s coat is even beyond your self-conscience, yet here you are.
You hold onto the hoodie a little longer, feeling the recent warmth that lingers even within the sleeves, and at that moment-- only for that moment-- you felt a forbidden passion about the hoodie, like a warm summer breeze blowing through your hair during an outing, but you instantly shrug off the feeling and finally throw the hoodie back on the chair.
“Okay, I dunno what that was about, but I’m leaving!” you said with a final stomp toward the door to exit the room.
For some reason you stop; just as you reach up to grab the handle of the door, you oddly look back at the jacket, and then back at the door again. Rationally, you want to leave, but a more mischievous side of you is weirdly calling for that hoodie as a playful idea slowly starts to form in that messed up head of yours.
“Hmm...” You pondered and then give a devious grin. “I guess it wouldn’t really hurt to try on the jacket-- just for a little bit, at least.”
So, you unhook your backpack and set it next to the chest of Buginium Z-Crystals, and then you pick up the hoodie once more and easily slip it on, feeling the lingering warmth once again but this time it’s now shrouded around your upper body.
It was larger than you expected, understandably because Guzma himself is quite a very tall man (maybe even taller than your family member you know well of), and while you start to take a liking in wearing the jacket, another idea comes to your mind-- and now you start to mimic Guzma while standing in front of the purple colored chair.
“Oooh, lookit me, ‘I’m da Big Bad Boss who beats ya down and beats ya down and beats ya down blah blah BLAH blah BLAAAH’!” You mocked with a hearty laugh and tuned into a croaking voice to mimic Guzma’s. “’YEAH, big bad GUZMA is here‘!”
You start to run around like a preschooler, imitating Guzma’s slouching, walking, and almost every other gimmick he does to make himself look intimidating to the public’s eyes. “’I use Bug-Types because everything else SUCKS’! ‘Ya boy’s a big bad stinky rotten no good asshat with nothing else better to do than steal people’s Pokemon and knock out bus stop signs because they also SUCK’!”
You laugh and giggle, trot around and stomp around, as you continue to mimic Guzma for only a couple more minutes until you finally settle yourself on the large lay-z-boy to take a break from poking fun of the Team Skull leader. You can’t help but laugh at your jokes, but then that laughter slowly turns silent as you look around the room once more. At that point you start to feel a little lonely, well not quite Cubone lonely so to speak, but nonetheless you feel a bit empty inside.
You study the room for a few more minutes pondering to yourself of how Guzma really does feel when he’s not always ‘Big and Bad’ as he always claims. You shook your head at first as you logically feel the man’s a total menace, a danger to everyone in Alola, and yet... there was something more about him than even you don’t know about. For a moment, you actually felt sorry for him; why it is, you don’t know, and as you try to shake off the feeling it wouldn’t go away. 
The way you taunt him earlier starts to slightly haunt you, almost feeling bad for even poking fun of him, and that’s when you look down at the jacket once more. The hoodie feels so warm around you, with his scent still lingering in the fabric; musty with some hints of a mild cologne brand, and some cocoa. It was a very odd smell, but you seemed to take a liking to it, making you flush a pretty shade of rose on your face.
Admittedly, when you first met Guzma back at Malie Gardens, you thought him as a very terrifying man with the way he talks smack and scares the living daylights out of everyone around him, but over time you weirdly wanted to know him more, as you secretly developed a slight crush on him, that is until one day when the grunts kidnapped a little girl’s Yungoos from the Aether House and you had to go through Hell and back to retrieve the poor thing and take it back to the child. This is actually your second trip to Po Town to be honest, as you felt enough is enough of Team Skull’s harassment among Alola, and wanted to battle Guzma to force him and his gang to pack up and leave.
That was the original plan at first...
However, as of tonight, Guzma’s not at the mansion, and as far as the grunts you battled earlier, are still hanging out at the house but they’re actually not even noticing you’re in Guzma’s room, wearing his jacket and sitting on his throne.
After taking some time to look back on your thoughts, you start to sit back more on the throne to take a little comfort to yourself. You start to feel a slight breeze in the room, probably coming from the cracks of the main doorway, and you feel cold until you pull Guzma’s jacket closer and tighter to you. Then you feel the passion from earlier come back to you, now more alleviating than before, and for some reason you feel like his presence is slowly wrapped around you, keeping you warm, soothing, and loving.
You cuddle within the hoodie a little more, smelling his scent ever so tenderly to your warmth, and that’s when you start to feel a heat inside you, a wanting feeling, even with Guzma’s hoodie dressed on you.
Without thinking, but at the same time you wanted to, you take off your regular clothes and set them next to your backpack against the chest of Buginium Z-Crystals, leaving nothing but your panties on.
You wrap Guzma’s hoodie ever so tightly yet comfortably around your upper body, ignoring the breeze flowing through your bare legs; the lingering smell of Guzma still wafts against your face, and the fabric shrouds you ever so tenderly like he was really hugging you. Then, as you keep stroking the hoodie with gentility, you slowly reach your hand into your panties, imagining it’s Guzma’s as you start to rub against your clit, pleasuring yourself to the thoughts of Guzma all around you while you wear the hoodie like it were hypnotizing you.
After a few minutes, you hardly hear the door of the throne room creak open as you were starting to feel a climax coming soon, and at that moment, that’s when you hear his voice.
“Wow, this is a new one!”
You finally snap out of your masturbating trance after hearing that deep but familiar voice, accidentally scratching your clit with one of your fingernails; you whimper by the graze, despite not being as painful, as you quickly turn around with your legs both feeling a little like jelly and keeping your nether regions covered despite wearing the panties; you also wrap the hoodie very tightly to hide your bare breasts, and finally you see him in the flesh, straight and tall, with a befuddled look about his face-- Guzma!
“OH ARCEUS!!!” You panicked at Guzma’s unexpected arrival. “G-Guzma, I-I did-- I-It’s not what it looks like, I mean-- I didn’t mean-- I-I can explain--”
You feel so mortified by this moment as you feel your whole body flush red, getting caught by the one person you were starting to develop feelings for, and even worst of it all is you’re still wearing his hoodie.
Guzma continues to stare you down with a deep stupefied look on his face after catching you masturbating in the middle of the room with his coat on; at the same time however, in all the months he’s come to know you since your first encounter back at Malie Gardens, he’s definitely surprised to see a daring and freaky side of you, especially in this current predicament.
“I go down to help a couple of the grunts move a sleeping Snorlax from the swimming pool for a couple hours,” He cries with an annoyed tone. “and now I find (Y/N) here, rubbing one out in the middle of MY room, wearing MY jacket like the horny slut she is! This is definitely something I’d never expect from a goody-two-shoes teacher’s pet like you, that’s for sure!”
At this point you just want to get out of this house, go back to your home, and hide beneath thirty blankets on your bed for the rest of your life after what you had just done. You couldn’t help it, somehow you were in the mood, and you didn’t want the moment to stop. Very weird and wrong, especially for you but face it, deep down you actually want Guzma, you never felt anything like this for him or anyone beforehand; now, you just don’t know what to think of anymore or make any excuse to get yourself out of this moment, and perhaps not even Guzma would want to see you the same way again.
“I... I-I’m so sorry...” You apologized as your whole body is still blushed in embarrassment. “I’ll go ahead and leave now, I’m sorry this happened.”
However, as you turned your back to head to the chest of Z-Crystals to get your belongings, Guzma grabs you by the arm and pulls you a little close to him. He looks over you like a leaning tower, studying you and quite frankly admiring you in your current state. 
He chuckles slightly and gives you a sinister grin on his face. “Don’t get me wrong, now I know you couldn’t have just come here to mess with my stuff, but since you’re here anyway and.. I hate to admit... you look pretty cute in my hoodie.”
Your face blushes even redder as Guzma confessed his interest in you; then you smirked nervously and you feel a warming comfort through your skin.
Then, Guzma’s smile widens as he spoke once more. “But... there is one thing that doesn’t go with that jacket.”
“What’s that?” You asked.
Guzma leans closer to your ear and whispered. “Your panties... Take them off.”
Your eyes widen as you thought he must’ve seen your underwear while you try to hide the rest of your body with his coat, but after a moment with your thoughts, you surrender to Guzma’s command and easily take off your panties and push them aside, now fully nude but with Guzma’s jacket still clinging around your upper body.
Guzma gives a lustful look in his eyes as he reaches out to you once more. “Now, c’mere!” 
Guzma pulls you in and finally locks his lips against yours, slipping his tongue inside between the wet and slobbery smooches you both take in. You and Guzma make out for the next few minutes until Guzma picks you up in a bridal fashion and takes you over to the bed, laying you flat on your back and once you hit the mattress the jacket you’re still wearing bounces open to reveal your full nude body for Guzma to gaze in awe as he climbs over you.
“Damn, you’re hotter than I imagined,” Guzma compliments as he dives to your neck and starts nibbling at the base of your skin.
You and Guzma make out a little more until he starts feeling up your breasts, pinching and twisting the nipples, and suckling them while you grasp a hand between the locks of Guzma’s soft, messy, white hair, and breathing out a few gasps and moans in between. Shortly, Guzma makes his way down slowly and tenderly across your stomach, kissing every part until he reaches your thighs; he sits up and takes off his white shirt and throws it to the floor, and then he takes your thighs and spreads them apart, revealing your already wet, shaved nether regions.
Licking his lips, Guzma takes another dive and goes straight to your clitoris, drubbing and engulfing the sensitive area, making you mewl in ways you’ve never experienced before, which at one point made Guzma look up at you to see your squirming in ecstasy, making his eyes glint in delight. In between laps, Guzma reaches a finger into your entrance, thrusting and touching all your more delicate expanse, making you all the more wetter for him, and more eager for his performance.
“Think you can take on my cock now, baby?” Guzma teased as he wipes his face with the back of his hand. 
Hesitantly, you nodded with your eyes bleary in lust, and you whole body already in motion to take anything the Big, Bad Boss will give you at this point.
“Good.” He grins; eyes glowing with desire and his smile as wide as a mischievous Gengar.
Guzma strips of the remaining clothing he had on, slipping out his already hardened cock, which is far larger than even you had imagined, and in a moment he finally yet gently slips inside your entrance. Slowly, he gets you used to the feeling of him inside you while thrusting back and forth, making you groan in delight of this moment; shortly, he begins to take you a little faster and teasing you with more kisses and bites to your upper body.
Both Guzma and you touch your foreheads for a minute as Guzma grinds faster into your pussy, stretching you and filling you with every inch of his cock; you yell his name in the air, begging for more, and he teases you once again while cupping your breasts to rub them in between each pound he takes to you.
“Ahh fuck... fuck, you’re so good! I’m gonna... almost...” Guzma pants as he nears his climax, while at the same time you also reach for yours while holding onto his upper body with your arms, clinging for dear life while Guzma fucks you to oblivion.
You yell out his name once more, and he yells for yours, and finally the both of you cum, both your heads throttle back in the wake of your climax as Guzma fills you with his seed and your juices squirm out alongside his slick dick. Both you and Guzma shortly collapse atop each other on the mattress, taking in each other’s bodies closer in an afterglow cuddle and gazing into each others’ eyes. You and Guzma make out slowly and tenderly once more, taking in another moment to yourselves until Guzma pulls out of you and relaxes himself to take another breather for himself as he lies next to you.
You also relax from the exhilaration of the lustrous intercourse you and Guzma had gone through, not even realizing the jacket your still wearing, but you also gladly didn’t take it off through the whole event. In a while afterwards, you roll yourself atop Guzma’s chest, laying your head about to hear his soothing heartbeat as you rest while Guzma wraps and arm around your shoulder in comfort. Both you and Guzma ease yourselves in a pleasant cuddle, until Guzma breaks the ice once more.
“So... What was that earlier about knocking out bus stop signs because they suck?”
At that moment, your eyes widen in shock; you had forgotten about your mocking Guzma earlier, while pretending to be him as you wear his hoodie. You look up at him and gave him a nervous chuckle, along with a very timid crooked smirk, realizing that Guzma had possibly overheard your previous insults about him before all the sexual pleasures you and Guzma endured.
Something tells you this was going to be a long night.
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blusboarart · 1 year
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Girlfriend privilege
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silbaria · 1 year
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Two fellas in love for @flock-keeper 🐦 💀
Commission info ✨ || Ko-fi ☕️
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jils-things · 6 months
2 + 10 for Mangaverse Jaide and 7 + 15 for gameverse Jaide from the s/i lore asks!! :>
~ anemoflower
2. when in canon does your self insert come in? do you have a scene in mind for your entrance?
i previously answered this question and mentioned jaide's inclusion with gold but in here i can absolutely see her being relevant to the ruby/sapphire AND oras story :3 i cant say for r/s yet because i have to reread it AKSLDLKKSS BUT FOR ORAS (its still so fresh in my mind) she's definitely important to the story because zinnia is present. zinnia has done super risky things to both ruby and steven and i can totally imagine jaide having to step up and confront zinnia for bothering her family... she's a usually passive person but she crosses the line if it puts her husband and son in danger.
10. how do the other characters feel about your self insert and f/o’s relationship?
i realized i didn't mention josep.h stone when i answered this previously but i think he's quite happy to see his son finally finding a nice lady. i feel that joseph couldn't see steven as the perfect heir to his business not until he has been partnered with someone because it's like, he's fully understood and matured. and he has a son too. though i feel that joseph would want ruby to follow next in line for the de.von corp stuff but steven respects his son's hobbies and aspirations and would probably not force him to be like. the family stones yk ... if that makes sense! josep.h is polite to jaide, maybe spoils her a bit and recalls embarrassing baby steven memories AKSLFKDJKDD
7. would any other characters (besides your f/o) have a crush on your self insert?
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SHE WENT TO ALO.LA. I THINK SHE WOULD LOVE TEAM SK.ULL AND THEIR DUMB SHENANIGANS 😭😭😭😭😭 WOULD LOVE HIS GOLI.SOPOD TOO 😭😭😭 they're both kinda stoopid (affectionately) in their own right and they have the token friend to apologize for their behavior (plumer.ia and blue 😭😭😭) ITS IDIOT4IDIOT I THINK ITS CUTE 🔥🔥 i dont think jaide sees much danger in these guys even if gu.zma tries to intimidate her
15. how does your self insert play a role in the plot of the story? do they help directly defeat the villain, support the heroes, etc.?
when they were kids, she supported red and blue's journey to the indigo league! she wasn't entirely present in their journey but red and blue would always make trips back home to palle.t town to share their progress with her (they kinda feast on her compliments they get ego boosted fr) i don't think? she's that aware of tea.m rocket's deeds up until the gen 2 story? since ethan is associated with team ro.cket too and she actually became a trainer from there so she's willing to help!
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teamskulladventures · 5 months
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Current Pokemon team:
Sylveon, Gothitelle, Ribombee.
Female pronouns.
•Okay listen. . . When he first met you he really didn't know what to think, let alone say anything about you.
•That is not to say he wasn't curious about you.
•He's never met someone like you before, that's for sure, but for some reason he couldn't help but convince himself that you and him were complete opposites.
•He was also more concerned with beating you down then about what clothes you wore but thats besides the point.
•You and your poofy dress, with enough ribbons on it that you could probably tie a bow around the world and still have enough to complete your outfit. You didn't exactly look like a local.
•He had to laugh at the idea of you doing all these trials in this atire and here he thought he was bad for wearing a jacket in the Alolan heat.
•Well he shut up pretty fast when you almost destroyed his team with only three Pokemon to your belt.
•Emphasis on the almost.
•Yeah not the most well rounded team you still put up a decent fight with just your Sylveon, Gothitelle, and Ribombee.
•And here the "big bad boss of destruction" thought he was going to sweep the floor with you, but your ability to take him on and stand your ground brought something out in him.
•Guzma: *Tsk* I'll admit it you had me worried there for a bit. Your teams strong for being a bunch of "princess types", but not strong enough. If I see you around I might humor you for another battle kid.
•(Y/N): and what makes you so sure that I'm just a kid?
•Guzma: *Turning back around to face you*: Is that a serious question?! Have looked in the mirror today? Your doll costume isn't helping your case here dollface.
•As the grunts around him start snickering you couldn't help but bite back. You might dress in lolita fashion but mark your words you were not a doormat.
•(Y/N): . . . Oh . .oh I'm sorry. *you playful pull your hair back to hold your hand against your ear* Do I hear circus music?! Whats with the clown trying to lecture me on fashion or do I need to remind you that if it weren't for your MASSIVE ARMORED THING my beautiful Pokemon would have kicked your ass into next week!
•Guzma: Oh Ho HO! So the gal has some spunk in her? Listen princess your Pokemon would have never stood a chance no matter how much glitter you would have thrown at us. . *He leans in almost inches fron your face* so unless you're capable of showing what you bark out I suggest you's keep that pretty mouth shut. . . Although *he begins to walk past you* I will admit that it was an interesting fight for someone who dresses like a doll.
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•Over the following weeks you had gone back to Ula' Ula' Meadows to try and fight Guzma.
•Some days you were able to run into him but most of the time you resorted to fighting the grunts.
•They were no trouble considering a decent amount used dark types and sometimes their defeats would cause them to run back to their boss. If you waited and hour or two the boss man himself would appear to challenge you once again.
•Though the outcome was always the same given that a three on five Pokemon battle was hardly a fair fight.
•Guzma: Whats the deal huh? *Teasing* You got a crush on me or something?
•(Y/N): *Stern* Can it! You know why I'm here.
•Guzma: *Flustered* Well. . Shit Ha! I didn't except you to be the sensitive type.
•(Y/N): *Gritting teeth* I'm not sensitive. *sigh* I'm just trying to show you I'm not a doormat.
•Guzma: Never said you were.
•(Y/N): Well. .uh . hmmm. Do you want to keep fighting me or not? I mean if this is such a chore for you why do you bother humoring me? Don't you have a gang to run?
•Guzma: Woah woah woah! Easy this ain't an interview! Yeah I got my gang to run but getting the chance to beat you down does wonders on my image. Besides don't you have a trial to finish? Not that I'm encouraging that bullshit or anything.
•(Y/N): Whats it to you?
•Guzma: Tck. Fine don't answer.
•(Y/N): *dusting off some particles on your dress you tell him in a whisper* I quit alright.
•Guzma: *Whipping his head back to face you: Wait seriously?
•(Y/N): Whats the big deal? Isn't your crew of misfits made of nothing but quitters?
•Guzma: *playfully he holds a hand to his heart* Ouch! Thats low! And No! We ain't just quitters. . well. Ehh. Just whateve! We're quitters with a goal! A goal to take down that stupid Alola League and show everyone that these pansy traditions are nothing compared to pure strength. Whats your excuse?
•That wasn't easy to talk about. You barley knew the guy beyond battling and taunting. You weren't about to spill the beans on exactly why you quit.
•Guzma: Well?
•(Y/N): I . uh. Well. . shit. Um.  Look just not enough hard trainers is all.
•Not a complete lie. Most of the trainers were a cake walk especially that Kahunas kid and any of his friends he brought along the way.
•Guzma could tell you were holding something back but decided not to push his luck.
•Guzma: Mkay well *He nods his head as he walks closer to you*. I'm flattered that you felt the need to quit for me seeing as you must think I'm pretty tough to keep running back to.
•(Y/N): Ack!? *blushing as you punch his arm* don't phrase it like that!
•Guzma: Hahaha . . sure doll. Still Don't you have any friends? Like a group or a gal or someone to chat with besides whatever we have going on.
•The area got quiet as you took longer than usual to respond. Guzma sensed he struck an insecurity of yours.
•Guzma: . . Shit really. . . Shit REALLY?!?!
•You look up to glare at him while Guzma fumbles on his words.
•Guzma: No kidding? I mean why? It's not like your ugly or anything?
•(Y/N): *shocked you glare at him one last time as you try to walk away* Wow! WOW! Unreal. . *you shake your head*
•Guzma: Ahgh! Fuck wait shit. No I. . I didn't mean it like that!!
•(Y/N): Listen sorry for wasting your time. I won't be bothering you anymore.
•Guzma: No waitwaitwait! You listen. . you uh. Look! I didn't mean to hurt you like that let me make it up to you! Uh. Tapu Cocoa! Can't say no to that!
•(Y/N): Tapu Cocoa?
•Guzma: Yeah!
•(Y/N): Tapu Cocoa?!
•Guzma: ye yeah got a problem with it? Look you can get something else, but I ain't paying for it! I only offered the Tapu Cocoa!
•(Y/N): *whisper* Arceus. . . ughh you either have the worst pickup game or I am easy to please.
Guzma: Hmm, soooo is that a yes?
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•What are you doing here? I mean it's not like people staring at you was a new phenomenon but this. . yeah this was a new level of peeping.
•Guzma: Whats the matter sweetcheecks? Afraid to be seen with me?
•Oh great! Sweetcheecks! Add that to the list of colorful nicknames.
•(Y/N): I have a name! It doesn't hurt to ask for it.
•You sink in your booth trying to avoid the onlookers as you silently sip on your Tapu Cocoa.
•Guzma: Alright! Alright! Whats your name princess.
•(Y/N): (Y/N). It's (Y/N).
•Guzma: Cool cool cool. (Y/N). . Yeah. I like it!
•(Y/N): Hm yeah cool. Anyways you mind telling me why I'm here?
•Guzma: *exacerbated gasp* Oh well excuse me princess!
•(Y/N): *you glare at him*
•Guzma: Right! My bad! Anyways. Yeah! Weren't you the one in desperate need for some friends?
•(Y/N): Oh I see what this is. *sarcastically* Thank you my savior! I'm so glad you came down to offer support. Look I appreciate the gesture but I'm better off alone.
•Guzma: You sure? You seem to come to me too often for that to be true.
•Well there was no denying that. Even if you wanted to battle him for the challenge you did grow fond of his eccentric personality. Still though, you wouldn't put it past him to forget you in due time if you had stopped showing up. Though what were you supposed to do then? Go home? No. Not again. That's the last thing you felt like doing, unless you wanted to prove the family right. You just couldn't. It's already bad enough you bailed on this whole trial thing. Oh Arceus word probably got back to thrm right? Right?!! You weren't sure but the thought was making your stomach turn and their stupid smirks were forming in your mind. It was making you sick! Food. You needed food. The lone drink wasn't filling you up so you decide to get up and order something.
•Standing up you weren't expecting a tug on your arm as a worried look formed on Guzmas face.
•You didn't think he was expecting it either as he quickly let go while he tried to covering the blush forming on his face.
•(Y/N): . . . damn . and here I thought I was insecure.
•Your comment was enough to shake of his embarrassment as he started yelling from the booth.
•Guzma: Shut. sSHUT UP! . . I . ack. . man. .
•(Y/N): *you giggled lightly* Calm down. I ain't leaving you. If that was what you were thinking.
•Guzma turned away to face the wall as he messed with his hair.
•(Y/N): *You playfully pat his side* I'm just getting something to eat. . figured you want something too.
•Guzma started tapping on the table as he stared off into the distance, grumbling under his breath about how the food here was never good.
•(Y/N): Alright! Don't eat then. Just wanted to treat you since you treated me.
•Before you walked off you heard him ask you to get him a sandwich. . . with no mayo though, and that you better make sure there was no mayo because they always "fuck it up" when he asks.
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•Cashier: Alright! Your total today is ₽780.
•(Y/N): Uh yeah sure. Thanks! Oh! And you're sure there's no mayo on this sandwich right?
•Cashier: *she looked a bit flustered* There shouldn't be?
•You take the time to double check just in case. The lady looking a bit confused. You had to wonder if any of the other "normal" customers had any trouble with their food or if it only applied to gang leaders and their members.
•Feeling as if you checked every nook and cranny of this sandwich, even between the pickles you closed the bag and headed back to your seat, that was until you ran into a past problem and his annoying girlfriend.
•A males voice rang throughout the cafe: Well well well. If it isn't the princess of the Alola trials! We haven't seen your mug around in a while. *He steps closer to you as he starts to mockingly wave his hands at you with his girlfriend following suit* Oh I'm sorrrryy did I forget! We weren't supposed to stare! Gives you issues or whatever!
•You grip onto the bag of food like your life depended on it as your words come out harsh through gritted teeth.
•(Y/N): Its NOT the staring thats the issue. It's when I find out photos have been posted online without my permission is when I have ISSUES.
•The male trainer and his girlfriend were just one of many trainers that would stare, gossip, or overall judge while on your trial and was one of the many reasons why you felt the need to quit. This mans issue was when his girlfriend clearly took a photo of you and decided to post it to her socials that you felt the need to confront them and politely ask to delete which they gave you shit for.
•Male trainer: Holy ARCEUS! You're still bothered by that crap? Didn't your parents teach you that if you don't want attention then don't dress to attract it? My baby girl didn't do anything wrong so stop acting like a bitch already!
•Oh you really wanted to kick his ass again. You don't even know why he bothered picking a fight considering he lost horribly last time! Though the tense air and stares from onlookers were enough to keep your cool. The last thing you wanted was to start a fight within the cafe.
•(Y/N): Look I really have no interest fighting you at the moment. I'm just trying to enjoy my meal so leave me alone.
•Trying to walk past him he blocked your way.
•Male trainer: Yeah right, not until you apologize for making my girl feel bad for doing nothing.
•The nerve of this guy! Feeling backed into a corner your pokeball started shaking.
•No! No. No. No.
•You try settling down sylveon. She was always the feistiest of the bunch, but your efforts were in vain when she popped out ready to claw at this guy.
•Male trainer: Oh ho ho! Is soneone trying to pick a fight in public like this? Really? Where did your manners go?
•His smug mug started to crack when your sylveon started to lunge at him. Guess he was still frightened from the last beat down you gave him. All talk and no game! Of course this asshole would try to rial you up in public. The lady at the counter started to freak out as she threatened to kick you out had you not settled your sylveon.
•Trying, and failing, the guy and his girlfriend only watched with amusement as your embarrassing display was worrying the other patrons.
•Male trainer: Hahah oh man! What a performance! Arceus I wish I had a camera. Oh wait I do!
•Just as he began recording, the rest of the patrons around him go dead silent as his phone is promptly snatched from his hands. His girl lets out a yelp as she latches onto him causing the trainer to stumble.
•Male trainer: Aye yo what the fuck!? *turns to his girlfriend* get the hell off me! *he looks back as his face goes pale*
•Guzma: Sup? I think. . *he snaps the phone in half* someone's askin for a beat down wouldn't you agree (Y/N)?
•Guzma shoves the guy aside as he makes his way to help you back off the floor.
•Before he could say anything else the cashier yells at you both to get out. Apparently Guzmas presence was enough of a sign for this women to get the impression that a fight was going to break out.
•(Y/N): But we haven't done anything? He's just trying to help me!
•Cashier: I . I don't want to hear anymore! Leave!
•(Y/N): But.
•Chasier: GO!
•Guzma: Tsk. . always the same with you people. *He grabs your shoulders and guides you out the door, half yelling out to the staff* Your lucky the place serves the least shitiest tapu Cocoa! I'll be back next week. He said that last part a bit quieter not really giving a shit anymore about making a statement. He was more concerned about you, who seemed to be a mix of rage and sadness at the moment.
•Guzma: *sighing* alright. Walk with me.
•(Y/N): To where?
•Guzma: . . the beach.
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•Stumbling onto the beach you had ditched your frilly heels as your pink sparkly tights became dirtied by sand. You were unsure how to approach your feelings at the moment. Normally you'd huff off and scream out to the world but being accompanied by Guzma you didn't want him to be subjected to that. Instead you found some comfort in kicking up the sand while crumpling up different parts of your skirt and blouse. Occasionally fidgeting with your hair the more you thought about what happened at the cafe the harder you began to grip onto various parts of your outfit.
•Guzma had been observing you the whole time and having one too many outbursts himself he could tell you were on the verge of exploding. Walking towards you he tried to think back to what Plumeria would do for him when he got upset.
•Guzma: He.. Hey don't be doing none of that now. . Uh your gonna mess yyour dress If.f.f you keep that up.
•Fuck he was so shit at comforting others. How Plumeria was able to talk sense into him and calm him down was beyond him. Still, he did actually care about your feelings. He was probably the only person who was able to understand exactly what you were going through.
•Looking up at him, although terrible Guzma may be at encouraging people, you found it sweet that he was willing to try for you.
•Feeling a bit more relaxed you started to think about the right words to say to him. Luckily you didn't have to think long as you began to absentmindedly speak about your experiences with dressing alternatively.
•(Y/N): *sigh* shit. . it's like. . i don't know. . look. .uh okay so . uh. mmm this is gonna sound whiny . or okay so maybe not whiny but more just dumb if you don't get into this whole fashion thing. . like so. *sigh*
•Guzma: . its cool . . take your time
•(Y/N): *you smile lightly* thanks. . anyways back to what I was trying to say. . When I was younger, and I had discovered the Internet for the first time, I managed to stumble upon a world full of pastel pinks and blues. Frilly skirts and bloomers. Goth styled dolls. Dresses and cute school girl type outfits. Not only that, I had found a community of beautiful people wearing beautiful clothes that I so desperately wanted to be a part of. For hours on end I would spend my free time just scrolling through forums and posts all about this style of fashion. All without my parents really knowing... not that I was trying to hide it or anything! I just wasn't sure if they would even like that sort of stuff.
•Guzma was listening to every word you were saying as if it was the most important conversation in his life.
•(Y/N): Well when I had gotten older, and could make my own money, I began buying and creating outfits of my own and man I had never been happier! Even still it wasn't enough, especially when my parents got involved. Well, I was right about them not being happy about the fashion. My mom kept calling me childish for wearing "girl doll clothes". She began freaking out about me "finding a real job and partner" some day. As if me wearing fashion in my free time effects my work performance or ability to find love! My dad took it the worst. . Arceus, it makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about his opinion. . . for some fucked up reason, and I don't know how he got it in his head, but for some reason he was adamant on believing that this was all . .some sort of . . kink thing.
•Guzmas eyes grew a wide at the thought of your father speaking to you like that. Damn, guess this worlds full of shitty dads after all.
•(Y/N): *Looking at Guzma you took his expression as a response* I know right! It's fucking gross that he'd assume that frilly girly clothes on a woman means fetish! I tried explaining over and over again that this is nothing more than Kantonian street fashion but he kept brushing it off. At that point there was no convincing them . . or so I had thought. *sighing* I don't know what compelled me to do this but I had convinced myself in my own right too, thinking that if I joined the trials while wearing this stuff and I became someone special. . someone important, than I could prove my parents wrong.
•Standing in silence for what felt like forever you began to speak again. Only this time you couldn't stop the tears from forming.
•Guzma was now completely by your side, hushed and focused on your every expression and word, not wanting to butt in and fuck up the moment. Though, he couldn't help but silently hold your hand and stroke your fingers hoping it would stop you from crying.
•(Y/N): *sniffing* welp as you can fucking see it didn't turn out so well. . *hick* fucking stupid. . so fucking stupid. *sniff* it's like .. why the fuck did I even bother. .. heh guess they were right. . yeah?. *hick* guess they were right. . because here I am crying on the beach currently not participating in the stupid challenges because I couldn't actually handle people looking at me weird. . so yeah. . how stupid of me to believe I could change their opinion . . they probably already know. .wouldn't put it past them to find out. . fuckers always find out. . I can see their dumb smug faces laughing already. . should have never been so invested in this stupid style. .
•Guzma: Its not STUPID!
•Looking up at him you weren't expecting him to shout.
•Guzma: It's not stupid okay!? And you shouldn't have to change for no one.
•Feeling his hand on yours he pulled you into a gentle embrace. Your face smushed up against his chest as he began softly and slowly petting your back.
•Guzma: Look or . .okay listen.. Yeah listen. . I don't exactly get this whole "style thing" either. Trust me you wouldn't even begin to understand how long it took for me to process what I was starting at when I first saw you . . but it for sure wasn't me thinking about it as some . . fucking kink thing?
•He said that last part with such disgust you could almost taste the bitterness of his words.
•Guzma: Alright . . I admit. . this thing may not be my thing but I for sure ain't gonna make you change for me okay! And no one should make you feel as if you should. . fuck your parents, and fuck that asshole and his side chick for making you feel like shit for the some clothes. . because your right 'bout that (Y/N). . dollface. . *he lifts your face up so that your gazing into his eyes* . . all it is is clothes.. and they don't look bad on you at all.
•You could tell he wasn't expecting to say that last part as he quickly tried to push your face back into his chest, trying to stop you from seeing his beat red face.
•Pulling yourself off of him, Guzma was still trying to look into the opposite direction, but he still hadn't let go of you entirely. His arm was still wrapped around your side as his hand snaked its way to the top of your head to ruffle with your hair for a bit.
•Guzma: *fake coughing* So . . tsk. Uh. I'm still hungry . . and uh if you want .
•He got cut off by the sound of you rummaging through the crumbled bag of cafe food. The sandwich you had ordered for him was beyond smushed and your mini sliders had fallen apart.
•Guzma huffed as he snatched the bag out from your grasp and threw the damn thing into the ocean.
•(Y/N): AUcK! GUZMA! *hmph*
•Guzma: What? Told you that cafe only serves shit food.
•(Y/N): Well it WAS better looking when it was fresh and that's besides the point! You . . you . ugghhh!!
•Guzma began to laugh at your little outburst.
•*You playfully punch his side* He could have at least taken the contents out of the bag before littering all over the beach! Now you had to get the paper bag back to make sure those poor slowpokes don't mistake it for food.
•Stomping off to get the bag, mad at the idea that your socks were going to get soaked too, Guzma was watching you the whole time.
•Guzma: Hehe . . cute. . . wait.
•Shaking any thoughts from his head the sound of his stomach growling grew louder as called you over.
•Guzma: Look I know your hungry too and if you want. . uh.. you can come over to my place. . I'm not gonna lie I make a mean grilled cheese!
•(Y/N): You mean the old dilapidated mansion?
•Guzma: *monotone* yes that one. . and man screw you *he said so playfully* that "old mansion* keeps us dry and has a lot of charm to it.
•Walking up to him, Guzma was the one to playfully punch your arm this time.
•(Y/N): *Blushing* Hahaha alright. . alright! You care about the shack. I get it. . and about that grilled cheese.
•Guzma: tsk . you gonna make fun of that too girly?
•(Y/N): No no. It actually sounds nice. . I'd love it actually.
•And so the two of you walk in tandem back to Po Town talking about new things and interests, knowing that you had found the one individual that made you feel like a person for once made your heart beat ever so harder. Little did you know that the bug boss himself had been feeling the same way. Eating that grilled cheese with him on his worn bed in that old spray painted house was one of the best moments in your life. A moment you'd remember forever.
✿ ⁺ 🎀‧₊˚🩹⋆ ✩ ✿ ⁺ 🎀‧₊˚🩹⋆ ✩ ✿ ⁺ 🎀‧₊˚🩹
The two of you laying on his bed
•(Y/N): Wow. This is actually really good grilled cheese.
•Guzma: Oh! Uh thanks? . yeah I think if I had to choose one food to eat it would be grilled cheese. I could eat it for every meal. Or just constantly without stopping.
•(Y/N): *giggling* but then you'd get fat.
•Guzma: No, why would I get fat?
•(Y/N): because bread makes you fat.
•Guzma: Bread makes you fat!?
sorry i had too. :3
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Is that?
Is that my bug boss man?
Whom I love so dearly?
Is it anime Guzma?
Yes. Yes it is!
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xephemerall · 2 years
Hi!! I'm a bit too anxious to txt you directly but i wanted to ask if there was a place were I could read your old GuzmaxReader fanfic? I read it years ago but always wanted to reread it again, It keeps popping into my head randomly ;3; It was such a lovely fic, I loved it sm!!!! I'd luv to draw fanart 4 uuu! I have trouble finding it again tho (sorry to bother u with this! Hope you have a nice day!! N thank youuu)
Hello!! That’s totally ok my anxiety rules my entire life so I get it :) it’s on AO3! I’ll add the link below- Still unfinished I’m so sorry - which is funny you mentioned it because I still have a google doc of the next chapter but I remember I was so stuck on it and frustrated I took a break and here we are ╥﹏╥ But I’m so happy you enjoyed it that much that you still think of it once in a while you literally made my whole day!!
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ya-bug-boy · 11 months
Guzma topping a taller reader?
GUZMA Topping Tall Reader NSFW!
Okay so Guzma wasn't expecting to get his ass kicked by a trainer as tall as a fucking Exeggcutor but he's more than happy to find himself in the situation he was in now.
You make a joke about him needing a ladder if he really wanted that kiss from you. He smiles back at you that he bet you'd be on your knees if he won this next 1v1. Well...
Guzma is definitely appreciating your pretty face when it's sucking his fat cock. He's got a firm grip on your hair, using you like a fuck toy.
He only lets you breathe every so often, asking with that devious smug look in his eye if you've learned your lesson yet. He relents so you can answer, but you retort back with "Maybe I haven't, you gonna teach me?"
His next move? Teaching you that lesson. You don't talk back to big bad Guzma. He handcuffs you, but only teases you.
You try to not break but he wants you to. He wants you to get close, so deliciously close to cumming before he slaps a cock ring on your dick. Now you can't cum unless he gets what he wants first.
He's at least gentle with preparing your ass, making sure you're adequately prepared. But when you're ready, be expected to not move for a while.
He may be shorter than you but he's not gonna let you walk away feeling like the bigger man. He fucks you hard in a mating press, so he can watch your pretty handsome face as he bottoms out.
Only when you start begging for Guzma to let you cum, he'll take the cock ring off. But that'll be your only mercy because he won't stop fucking you until he cums, even if you've already orgasmed, leaving you sensitive and overstimulated.
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pokenerd98 · 2 years
A little bit about me... LarryLass!
Hi! I'm Nikki. 25 F, with She/Her pronouns and am from the UK 🇬🇧
I'm super excited to be starting my very first blog page! Thank you for following me on this journey!
I'm fairly new to Tumblr, and writing in general, BUT from what I have come across in this lovely community, I have a preference for HeadCannons and Character x Reader fics. I'm also not opposed to NSFW spicy stuff, but bare with me, as I don't have a whole lot of experience with it.
Most of the things I reblog and intend to write will be NSFW, so if you're not 18+ or have zero indication on your profile of your age, I will block you, without any hesitation. Something to keep in mind BEFORE making a request, also.
See below for my personal writing dos and don'ts. I may add to this at a later date, but you'll be informed in a separate post if this happens!
Things I will write:
I am a huge fan of ScarVio, so am hyper focusing on that for the time being. That being said, I will make an exception for Leon from SWSH or Guzma from SNMN.
Gym leaders (With the exception of Iono), The Elite Four (Minus Poppy), Professor Turo and Sada, Jacq and Saguaro.
I'm kinda on the fence about Arven at the moment, but I may change my mind once I connect with his character a little more.
Focusing on x Reader content for the time being. I've never really been a huge fan of shipping cannon characters together anyway, but general headcannons for canon characters I would certainly give a try!
Unless otherwise specified/requested, I will write the reader as gender neutral.
Romantic and platonic scenarios considered in all their entirety.
NSFW scenarios will be considered, but please bare in mind, I have literally ZERO experience writing that sort of thing, so please bare with me, while I get to grips with it! 😭
I'll also consider writing scenarios that contain more heavier topics, such as mental health and health in general, but only if I feel I can do the topics justice. I have some experience when it comes to mental health, so I will use that to aid my writing.
Things I will NOT write:
Characters whos ages have not been confirmed yet. I know some Tumblr users headcannon characters as a certain age, but for me, I don't feel comfortable doing so.
Anything pregnancy related. This is a personal decision from experience.
Male reader
Hybrids. Just not something I feel I can write about affectively.
I reserve the right to decline a request if it makes me feel uncomfortable, even if the requested subject isn't contained within the "I will not write" section.
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gnzma · 2 years
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yandollies · 7 months
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Hello, pretty things <3 My name is Naaji and I'm a hypersexual writer, writing to get some of my thoughts and feelings out instead of letting them sit. My pronouns are he/him and I'm a gay trans man, so most of my writings will either be male reader or gn reader. That being said, anybody regardless of gender or sexual orientation is welcome to interact :3
I don't take requests, but you're free to leave thirsts / brainrots anytime! If I find the concept interesting I might write a little drabble or some hcs about it ^_^
WARNING : This account will contain smut and possibly disturbing topics written by a minor. I don't care who interacts with me, but if you're uncomfortable with this please leave for your own sake <3
Moving on to more of what I'll write...
I will be writing smut and dark content such as: yanderes, underage sex (between two minors), large age gaps (18 & late 30s / 40s ?), threesomes, character x reader, character x character
(PS: I might also add some of my own hcs to the writing just because I love my hcs and I want everyone to know)
However, I will also write fluff or familial relationships (platonic) every once and a while! (And maybe angst if I'm feeling it)
Some fandoms that I'm into and may write about are: Bungou Stray Dogs, Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail, Reverse 1999, Final Fantasy, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Heaven Official's Blessing, Pokemon, Omori, The Legend Of Zelda, Devilman Crybaby, Fairy Tail, The Summer Hikaru Died, Project Sekai, and Alien Stage
Some of my favorite characters to write for are: Kaedehara Kazuha, Shikanoin Heizou, Scaramouche / Wanderer, Freminet, Neuvillette, Wriothesley - Fukuzawa Fukichi, Oda Sakunosuke, Nakahara Chuuya, Atsushi Nakajima, Akutagawa Ryuunosuke, Osamu Dazai, Edgar Allan Poe - Blade, Dan Heng, Aventurine, Gepard - Pavia, Зима, Shamane, Horropedia, Forget Me Not - Adaman, Volo, Bede, Gladion, N, Kieran, Guzma - Till, Ivan (The boyfriends..,.,..) - alot more I can't list all of them
Some of my favorite ships: Kawoshin, Ivantill, Soukoku (specifically 15!skk), Kazuhei, Wriolette, Kazuxiao, Suntan, Sunflower, Cactiflower, Sunturine, Sunhill, Akiryo
I will also likely write about some ocs of mine or just unnamed character concepts.
Some things that I will NOT be writing: minor x adult, smut containing young children (1 - 12 yrs old), r-pe, SA, noncon, stepcest / incest, kinks containing bodily fluids or anything like that (piss, scat, vomit, sweat, etc. Sorry.. just not into that)
Masterlist coming soon !!!!
Reminder that I am a minor and I do have school and other things going on in my life, so posts might not be that frequent .. Sorry lovelies </3 Goodbye for now !! ^_< ♡
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