#guzma x y/n
teamskulladventures · 5 months
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Current Pokemon team:
Sylveon, Gothitelle, Ribombee.
Female pronouns.
•Okay listen. . . When he first met you he really didn't know what to think, let alone say anything about you.
•That is not to say he wasn't curious about you.
•He's never met someone like you before, that's for sure, but for some reason he couldn't help but convince himself that you and him were complete opposites.
•He was also more concerned with beating you down then about what clothes you wore but thats besides the point.
•You and your poofy dress, with enough ribbons on it that you could probably tie a bow around the world and still have enough to complete your outfit. You didn't exactly look like a local.
•He had to laugh at the idea of you doing all these trials in this atire and here he thought he was bad for wearing a jacket in the Alolan heat.
•Well he shut up pretty fast when you almost destroyed his team with only three Pokemon to your belt.
•Emphasis on the almost.
•Yeah not the most well rounded team you still put up a decent fight with just your Sylveon, Gothitelle, and Ribombee.
•And here the "big bad boss of destruction" thought he was going to sweep the floor with you, but your ability to take him on and stand your ground brought something out in him.
•Guzma: *Tsk* I'll admit it you had me worried there for a bit. Your teams strong for being a bunch of "princess types", but not strong enough. If I see you around I might humor you for another battle kid.
•(Y/N): and what makes you so sure that I'm just a kid?
•Guzma: *Turning back around to face you*: Is that a serious question?! Have looked in the mirror today? Your doll costume isn't helping your case here dollface.
•As the grunts around him start snickering you couldn't help but bite back. You might dress in lolita fashion but mark your words you were not a doormat.
•(Y/N): . . . Oh . .oh I'm sorry. *you playful pull your hair back to hold your hand against your ear* Do I hear circus music?! Whats with the clown trying to lecture me on fashion or do I need to remind you that if it weren't for your MASSIVE ARMORED THING my beautiful Pokemon would have kicked your ass into next week!
•Guzma: Oh Ho HO! So the gal has some spunk in her? Listen princess your Pokemon would have never stood a chance no matter how much glitter you would have thrown at us. . *He leans in almost inches fron your face* so unless you're capable of showing what you bark out I suggest you's keep that pretty mouth shut. . . Although *he begins to walk past you* I will admit that it was an interesting fight for someone who dresses like a doll.
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•Over the following weeks you had gone back to Ula' Ula' Meadows to try and fight Guzma.
•Some days you were able to run into him but most of the time you resorted to fighting the grunts.
•They were no trouble considering a decent amount used dark types and sometimes their defeats would cause them to run back to their boss. If you waited and hour or two the boss man himself would appear to challenge you once again.
•Though the outcome was always the same given that a three on five Pokemon battle was hardly a fair fight.
•Guzma: Whats the deal huh? *Teasing* You got a crush on me or something?
•(Y/N): *Stern* Can it! You know why I'm here.
•Guzma: *Flustered* Well. . Shit Ha! I didn't except you to be the sensitive type.
•(Y/N): *Gritting teeth* I'm not sensitive. *sigh* I'm just trying to show you I'm not a doormat.
•Guzma: Never said you were.
•(Y/N): Well. .uh . hmmm. Do you want to keep fighting me or not? I mean if this is such a chore for you why do you bother humoring me? Don't you have a gang to run?
•Guzma: Woah woah woah! Easy this ain't an interview! Yeah I got my gang to run but getting the chance to beat you down does wonders on my image. Besides don't you have a trial to finish? Not that I'm encouraging that bullshit or anything.
•(Y/N): Whats it to you?
•Guzma: Tck. Fine don't answer.
•(Y/N): *dusting off some particles on your dress you tell him in a whisper* I quit alright.
•Guzma: *Whipping his head back to face you: Wait seriously?
•(Y/N): Whats the big deal? Isn't your crew of misfits made of nothing but quitters?
•Guzma: *playfully he holds a hand to his heart* Ouch! Thats low! And No! We ain't just quitters. . well. Ehh. Just whateve! We're quitters with a goal! A goal to take down that stupid Alola League and show everyone that these pansy traditions are nothing compared to pure strength. Whats your excuse?
•That wasn't easy to talk about. You barley knew the guy beyond battling and taunting. You weren't about to spill the beans on exactly why you quit.
•Guzma: Well?
•(Y/N): I . uh. Well. . shit. Um.  Look just not enough hard trainers is all.
•Not a complete lie. Most of the trainers were a cake walk especially that Kahunas kid and any of his friends he brought along the way.
•Guzma could tell you were holding something back but decided not to push his luck.
•Guzma: Mkay well *He nods his head as he walks closer to you*. I'm flattered that you felt the need to quit for me seeing as you must think I'm pretty tough to keep running back to.
•(Y/N): Ack!? *blushing as you punch his arm* don't phrase it like that!
•Guzma: Hahaha . . sure doll. Still Don't you have any friends? Like a group or a gal or someone to chat with besides whatever we have going on.
•The area got quiet as you took longer than usual to respond. Guzma sensed he struck an insecurity of yours.
•Guzma: . . Shit really. . . Shit REALLY?!?!
•You look up to glare at him while Guzma fumbles on his words.
•Guzma: No kidding? I mean why? It's not like your ugly or anything?
•(Y/N): *shocked you glare at him one last time as you try to walk away* Wow! WOW! Unreal. . *you shake your head*
•Guzma: Ahgh! Fuck wait shit. No I. . I didn't mean it like that!!
•(Y/N): Listen sorry for wasting your time. I won't be bothering you anymore.
•Guzma: No waitwaitwait! You listen. . you uh. Look! I didn't mean to hurt you like that let me make it up to you! Uh. Tapu Cocoa! Can't say no to that!
•(Y/N): Tapu Cocoa?
•Guzma: Yeah!
•(Y/N): Tapu Cocoa?!
•Guzma: ye yeah got a problem with it? Look you can get something else, but I ain't paying for it! I only offered the Tapu Cocoa!
•(Y/N): *whisper* Arceus. . . ughh you either have the worst pickup game or I am easy to please.
Guzma: Hmm, soooo is that a yes?
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•What are you doing here? I mean it's not like people staring at you was a new phenomenon but this. . yeah this was a new level of peeping.
•Guzma: Whats the matter sweetcheecks? Afraid to be seen with me?
•Oh great! Sweetcheecks! Add that to the list of colorful nicknames.
•(Y/N): I have a name! It doesn't hurt to ask for it.
•You sink in your booth trying to avoid the onlookers as you silently sip on your Tapu Cocoa.
•Guzma: Alright! Alright! Whats your name princess.
•(Y/N): (Y/N). It's (Y/N).
•Guzma: Cool cool cool. (Y/N). . Yeah. I like it!
•(Y/N): Hm yeah cool. Anyways you mind telling me why I'm here?
•Guzma: *exacerbated gasp* Oh well excuse me princess!
•(Y/N): *you glare at him*
•Guzma: Right! My bad! Anyways. Yeah! Weren't you the one in desperate need for some friends?
•(Y/N): Oh I see what this is. *sarcastically* Thank you my savior! I'm so glad you came down to offer support. Look I appreciate the gesture but I'm better off alone.
•Guzma: You sure? You seem to come to me too often for that to be true.
•Well there was no denying that. Even if you wanted to battle him for the challenge you did grow fond of his eccentric personality. Still though, you wouldn't put it past him to forget you in due time if you had stopped showing up. Though what were you supposed to do then? Go home? No. Not again. That's the last thing you felt like doing, unless you wanted to prove the family right. You just couldn't. It's already bad enough you bailed on this whole trial thing. Oh Arceus word probably got back to thrm right? Right?!! You weren't sure but the thought was making your stomach turn and their stupid smirks were forming in your mind. It was making you sick! Food. You needed food. The lone drink wasn't filling you up so you decide to get up and order something.
•Standing up you weren't expecting a tug on your arm as a worried look formed on Guzmas face.
•You didn't think he was expecting it either as he quickly let go while he tried to covering the blush forming on his face.
•(Y/N): . . . damn . and here I thought I was insecure.
•Your comment was enough to shake of his embarrassment as he started yelling from the booth.
•Guzma: Shut. sSHUT UP! . . I . ack. . man. .
•(Y/N): *you giggled lightly* Calm down. I ain't leaving you. If that was what you were thinking.
•Guzma turned away to face the wall as he messed with his hair.
•(Y/N): *You playfully pat his side* I'm just getting something to eat. . figured you want something too.
•Guzma started tapping on the table as he stared off into the distance, grumbling under his breath about how the food here was never good.
•(Y/N): Alright! Don't eat then. Just wanted to treat you since you treated me.
•Before you walked off you heard him ask you to get him a sandwich. . . with no mayo though, and that you better make sure there was no mayo because they always "fuck it up" when he asks.
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•Cashier: Alright! Your total today is ₽780.
•(Y/N): Uh yeah sure. Thanks! Oh! And you're sure there's no mayo on this sandwich right?
•Cashier: *she looked a bit flustered* There shouldn't be?
•You take the time to double check just in case. The lady looking a bit confused. You had to wonder if any of the other "normal" customers had any trouble with their food or if it only applied to gang leaders and their members.
•Feeling as if you checked every nook and cranny of this sandwich, even between the pickles you closed the bag and headed back to your seat, that was until you ran into a past problem and his annoying girlfriend.
•A males voice rang throughout the cafe: Well well well. If it isn't the princess of the Alola trials! We haven't seen your mug around in a while. *He steps closer to you as he starts to mockingly wave his hands at you with his girlfriend following suit* Oh I'm sorrrryy did I forget! We weren't supposed to stare! Gives you issues or whatever!
•You grip onto the bag of food like your life depended on it as your words come out harsh through gritted teeth.
•(Y/N): Its NOT the staring thats the issue. It's when I find out photos have been posted online without my permission is when I have ISSUES.
•The male trainer and his girlfriend were just one of many trainers that would stare, gossip, or overall judge while on your trial and was one of the many reasons why you felt the need to quit. This mans issue was when his girlfriend clearly took a photo of you and decided to post it to her socials that you felt the need to confront them and politely ask to delete which they gave you shit for.
•Male trainer: Holy ARCEUS! You're still bothered by that crap? Didn't your parents teach you that if you don't want attention then don't dress to attract it? My baby girl didn't do anything wrong so stop acting like a bitch already!
•Oh you really wanted to kick his ass again. You don't even know why he bothered picking a fight considering he lost horribly last time! Though the tense air and stares from onlookers were enough to keep your cool. The last thing you wanted was to start a fight within the cafe.
•(Y/N): Look I really have no interest fighting you at the moment. I'm just trying to enjoy my meal so leave me alone.
•Trying to walk past him he blocked your way.
•Male trainer: Yeah right, not until you apologize for making my girl feel bad for doing nothing.
•The nerve of this guy! Feeling backed into a corner your pokeball started shaking.
•No! No. No. No.
��You try settling down sylveon. She was always the feistiest of the bunch, but your efforts were in vain when she popped out ready to claw at this guy.
•Male trainer: Oh ho ho! Is soneone trying to pick a fight in public like this? Really? Where did your manners go?
•His smug mug started to crack when your sylveon started to lunge at him. Guess he was still frightened from the last beat down you gave him. All talk and no game! Of course this asshole would try to rial you up in public. The lady at the counter started to freak out as she threatened to kick you out had you not settled your sylveon.
•Trying, and failing, the guy and his girlfriend only watched with amusement as your embarrassing display was worrying the other patrons.
•Male trainer: Hahah oh man! What a performance! Arceus I wish I had a camera. Oh wait I do!
•Just as he began recording, the rest of the patrons around him go dead silent as his phone is promptly snatched from his hands. His girl lets out a yelp as she latches onto him causing the trainer to stumble.
•Male trainer: Aye yo what the fuck!? *turns to his girlfriend* get the hell off me! *he looks back as his face goes pale*
•Guzma: Sup? I think. . *he snaps the phone in half* someone's askin for a beat down wouldn't you agree (Y/N)?
•Guzma shoves the guy aside as he makes his way to help you back off the floor.
•Before he could say anything else the cashier yells at you both to get out. Apparently Guzmas presence was enough of a sign for this women to get the impression that a fight was going to break out.
•(Y/N): But we haven't done anything? He's just trying to help me!
•Cashier: I . I don't want to hear anymore! Leave!
•(Y/N): But.
•Chasier: GO!
•Guzma: Tsk. . always the same with you people. *He grabs your shoulders and guides you out the door, half yelling out to the staff* Your lucky the place serves the least shitiest tapu Cocoa! I'll be back next week. He said that last part a bit quieter not really giving a shit anymore about making a statement. He was more concerned about you, who seemed to be a mix of rage and sadness at the moment.
•Guzma: *sighing* alright. Walk with me.
•(Y/N): To where?
•Guzma: . . the beach.
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•Stumbling onto the beach you had ditched your frilly heels as your pink sparkly tights became dirtied by sand. You were unsure how to approach your feelings at the moment. Normally you'd huff off and scream out to the world but being accompanied by Guzma you didn't want him to be subjected to that. Instead you found some comfort in kicking up the sand while crumpling up different parts of your skirt and blouse. Occasionally fidgeting with your hair the more you thought about what happened at the cafe the harder you began to grip onto various parts of your outfit.
•Guzma had been observing you the whole time and having one too many outbursts himself he could tell you were on the verge of exploding. Walking towards you he tried to think back to what Plumeria would do for him when he got upset.
•Guzma: He.. Hey don't be doing none of that now. . Uh your gonna mess yyour dress If.f.f you keep that up.
•Fuck he was so shit at comforting others. How Plumeria was able to talk sense into him and calm him down was beyond him. Still, he did actually care about your feelings. He was probably the only person who was able to understand exactly what you were going through.
•Looking up at him, although terrible Guzma may be at encouraging people, you found it sweet that he was willing to try for you.
•Feeling a bit more relaxed you started to think about the right words to say to him. Luckily you didn't have to think long as you began to absentmindedly speak about your experiences with dressing alternatively.
•(Y/N): *sigh* shit. . it's like. . i don't know. . look. .uh okay so . uh. mmm this is gonna sound whiny . or okay so maybe not whiny but more just dumb if you don't get into this whole fashion thing. . like so. *sigh*
•Guzma: . its cool . . take your time
•(Y/N): *you smile lightly* thanks. . anyways back to what I was trying to say. . When I was younger, and I had discovered the Internet for the first time, I managed to stumble upon a world full of pastel pinks and blues. Frilly skirts and bloomers. Goth styled dolls. Dresses and cute school girl type outfits. Not only that, I had found a community of beautiful people wearing beautiful clothes that I so desperately wanted to be a part of. For hours on end I would spend my free time just scrolling through forums and posts all about this style of fashion. All without my parents really knowing... not that I was trying to hide it or anything! I just wasn't sure if they would even like that sort of stuff.
•Guzma was listening to every word you were saying as if it was the most important conversation in his life.
•(Y/N): Well when I had gotten older, and could make my own money, I began buying and creating outfits of my own and man I had never been happier! Even still it wasn't enough, especially when my parents got involved. Well, I was right about them not being happy about the fashion. My mom kept calling me childish for wearing "girl doll clothes". She began freaking out about me "finding a real job and partner" some day. As if me wearing fashion in my free time effects my work performance or ability to find love! My dad took it the worst. . Arceus, it makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about his opinion. . . for some fucked up reason, and I don't know how he got it in his head, but for some reason he was adamant on believing that this was all . .some sort of . . kink thing.
•Guzmas eyes grew a wide at the thought of your father speaking to you like that. Damn, guess this worlds full of shitty dads after all.
•(Y/N): *Looking at Guzma you took his expression as a response* I know right! It's fucking gross that he'd assume that frilly girly clothes on a woman means fetish! I tried explaining over and over again that this is nothing more than Kantonian street fashion but he kept brushing it off. At that point there was no convincing them . . or so I had thought. *sighing* I don't know what compelled me to do this but I had convinced myself in my own right too, thinking that if I joined the trials while wearing this stuff and I became someone special. . someone important, than I could prove my parents wrong.
•Standing in silence for what felt like forever you began to speak again. Only this time you couldn't stop the tears from forming.
•Guzma was now completely by your side, hushed and focused on your every expression and word, not wanting to butt in and fuck up the moment. Though, he couldn't help but silently hold your hand and stroke your fingers hoping it would stop you from crying.
•(Y/N): *sniffing* welp as you can fucking see it didn't turn out so well. . *hick* fucking stupid. . so fucking stupid. *sniff* it's like .. why the fuck did I even bother. .. heh guess they were right. . yeah?. *hick* guess they were right. . because here I am crying on the beach currently not participating in the stupid challenges because I couldn't actually handle people looking at me weird. . so yeah. . how stupid of me to believe I could change their opinion . . they probably already know. .wouldn't put it past them to find out. . fuckers always find out. . I can see their dumb smug faces laughing already. . should have never been so invested in this stupid style. .
•Guzma: Its not STUPID!
•Looking up at him you weren't expecting him to shout.
•Guzma: It's not stupid okay!? And you shouldn't have to change for no one.
•Feeling his hand on yours he pulled you into a gentle embrace. Your face smushed up against his chest as he began softly and slowly petting your back.
•Guzma: Look or . .okay listen.. Yeah listen. . I don't exactly get this whole "style thing" either. Trust me you wouldn't even begin to understand how long it took for me to process what I was starting at when I first saw you . . but it for sure wasn't me thinking about it as some . . fucking kink thing?
•He said that last part with such disgust you could almost taste the bitterness of his words.
•Guzma: Alright . . I admit. . this thing may not be my thing but I for sure ain't gonna make you change for me okay! And no one should make you feel as if you should. . fuck your parents, and fuck that asshole and his side chick for making you feel like shit for the some clothes. . because your right 'bout that (Y/N). . dollface. . *he lifts your face up so that your gazing into his eyes* . . all it is is clothes.. and they don't look bad on you at all.
•You could tell he wasn't expecting to say that last part as he quickly tried to push your face back into his chest, trying to stop you from seeing his beat red face.
•Pulling yourself off of him, Guzma was still trying to look into the opposite direction, but he still hadn't let go of you entirely. His arm was still wrapped around your side as his hand snaked its way to the top of your head to ruffle with your hair for a bit.
•Guzma: *fake coughing* So . . tsk. Uh. I'm still hungry . . and uh if you want .
•He got cut off by the sound of you rummaging through the crumbled bag of cafe food. The sandwich you had ordered for him was beyond smushed and your mini sliders had fallen apart.
•Guzma huffed as he snatched the bag out from your grasp and threw the damn thing into the ocean.
•(Y/N): AUcK! GUZMA! *hmph*
•Guzma: What? Told you that cafe only serves shit food.
•(Y/N): Well it WAS better looking when it was fresh and that's besides the point! You . . you . ugghhh!!
•Guzma began to laugh at your little outburst.
•*You playfully punch his side* He could have at least taken the contents out of the bag before littering all over the beach! Now you had to get the paper bag back to make sure those poor slowpokes don't mistake it for food.
•Stomping off to get the bag, mad at the idea that your socks were going to get soaked too, Guzma was watching you the whole time.
•Guzma: Hehe . . cute. . . wait.
•Shaking any thoughts from his head the sound of his stomach growling grew louder as called you over.
•Guzma: Look I know your hungry too and if you want. . uh.. you can come over to my place. . I'm not gonna lie I make a mean grilled cheese!
•(Y/N): You mean the old dilapidated mansion?
•Guzma: *monotone* yes that one. . and man screw you *he said so playfully* that "old mansion* keeps us dry and has a lot of charm to it.
•Walking up to him, Guzma was the one to playfully punch your arm this time.
•(Y/N): *Blushing* Hahaha alright. . alright! You care about the shack. I get it. . and about that grilled cheese.
•Guzma: tsk . you gonna make fun of that too girly?
•(Y/N): No no. It actually sounds nice. . I'd love it actually.
•And so the two of you walk in tandem back to Po Town talking about new things and interests, knowing that you had found the one individual that made you feel like a person for once made your heart beat ever so harder. Little did you know that the bug boss himself had been feeling the same way. Eating that grilled cheese with him on his worn bed in that old spray painted house was one of the best moments in your life. A moment you'd remember forever.
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The two of you laying on his bed
•(Y/N): Wow. This is actually really good grilled cheese.
•Guzma: Oh! Uh thanks? . yeah I think if I had to choose one food to eat it would be grilled cheese. I could eat it for every meal. Or just constantly without stopping.
•(Y/N): *giggling* but then you'd get fat.
•Guzma: No, why would I get fat?
•(Y/N): because bread makes you fat.
•Guzma: Bread makes you fat!?
sorry i had too. :3
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baphosimps · 11 months
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Thinking of some fluff ideas for another GuzmaxReader, these ones would be center around ambiguous/gender neutral y/n. I’ll just have to finally find time to sit down and actually do them 🫠
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velnias1 · 2 years
Men (characters) who own my soul In no particular order, a list:
1) Kent Fisher
2) Xavier Thorpe
3) Xavier Thorpe again
4) Ron Weasley
5) Guzma
6) Regulus Black
7) Harry Hook
8) Xavier Thorpe once more
9) Draco Malfoy
10) Blaise Zabini
11) George Weasley
12) Poe Dameron
13) Bucky Barnes
14) Dean Winchester
15) Jack Kline
16) Rodrick Heffley
17) Eddie Munson
18) Steve Harrington
19) Johnathan Byers
20) Xavier Thorpe 🖤
…what even is my type please tell me lol
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
Can I request Guzma with a stoic CisMale S/O with a Centiskortch? I love your stuff and your writing style :)
Guzma x male reader
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Hope your okay with me making the reader a team, I just really like making them ^^
I made reader a fire and bug type user :) He’s also at least the same height and build as Guzma or bigger, cuz I think the reader hovering over his shoulder is cool.
Heres the team I made, I used a card maker and just inserted a character as a placeholder ^^
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It was raining across Po town as always, the water pelting down across the rooftop of the large mansion Team Skull used as a base. It had been extra gloomy that day, and everyone on the team seemed in a lower mood than usual. None of the teams’ plans had gone as planned, many grunts had been beaten in battle and some had even had to flee as their families came for them.
It was no secret that a lot of team skulls members were people who weren’t accepted by their families, outsiders, the black mareep of the family. The same thing could be said about Team Skulls boss Guzma, the outsider of outsiders of his generation.
He sat upon his throne, chin his hand as Golisopod wandered out the room, chittering and making other bug like noises as it wandered around. Vikavolt and Masquerain were sitting on the bedframe of the large bed in the room, making noises at one another as they spoke.
Bug pokemon were the one thing that had helped a young lonesome Guzma many years ago, back when everyone avoided him and his fathers expectations became too heavy. After meeting Wimpod Guzma was still as much of an outsider as ever, but at least he had a friend. He was still bullied and looked down upon, but when Golisopod finally evolved, the bullies didn’t dare come near him as long as the large armored pokemon watched over him.
Guzma had accepted he would be alone forever, or as long as he was stuck on Alola. But then he had met Plumeria and a couple of the first grunts that would later make up Team Skull. They had all not fit into what society wanted them to be, and they found a friendship with one another.
They were stilled targeted by less than kind people, but they always stuck together as best as they could so no one was left alone. This was when Guzma met who would later become his boyfriend. One of the grunts had been alone, a bug using grunt on top of that. Their Cutiefly had posed by challenge to the bullies pokemon.
As the bullies had started to close in on the grunt, a loud hissed noise was heard before a long glowing body dragged itself between the bullies and their target. The large body twisted, and flames blasted from its face as it turned its angered eyes on the bullies. It hissed again as the bullies stood frozen, and it only seemed to somewhat relax as its owner approached.
The bullies turned as the pokemon they had never seemed hissed in the new persons direction, though this sound was much less threatening. There stood a tall man, with a calm or almost bored expression, his eyes tracking over the situation. The Grunt on the floor with a face wet from tears, being protected by his Centiskortch who had jumped from its pokeball, and the group of bullies.
(Y/N)s eyes turned cold as he stared down at the bullies, a displeased tone in his voice as he demanded an answer to what they thought they were doing. The bullies tried to come up with an excuse, and when that didn’t seem to have any effect on the man, they tried to explain how the grunt deserved to be bullied, and how pathetic the grunt was for using bug types.
The man had no facial reaction as he stepped in front of the grunt as he pulled a quickball from his belt, tossing it into the air and releasing a pokemon. It was clear it was a bug type, the new pokemon placing itself between the man and the bullies, releasing growls and chitters at them and their pokemon.  Centiskortch had quickly pushed itself to the front as well, its flames large and enraged.
The bullies didn’t back down though, their pride too powerful as they made their pokemon attack. That was when Guzma and Plumeria arrived, their eyes wide as they watched the man’s two pokemon completely wipe the floor with the bullies teams. The bullies had cursed him out when they lost, but the stoic expression on his face and in his voice had them running away.
(Y/N) had turned and crouched down to the grunt and helped them to their feet, he also offered to heal their pokemon for them. The two fire-bug types had stayed outside of their pokeballs, both ready if the bullies should return. That’s when the two leaders of Team Skull stepped in, and one thing led to another and (Y/N) decided to join the team, at least somewhat.
Guzma learned that the man was a traveler, had had traveled across many countries, had met and battled many people, and that Alola was his last stop. They had bonded over their love for bug types, and Guzma had been so excited to meet pokemon from outside of Alola. The leader of Team Skull hadn’t planned on developing feelings but it just happened, and one thing led to another and he ended up confessing on accident, and right when he was scared (Y/N) was gonna reject him, the usually stoic man had smiled a very tiny and careful smile as he confessed he felt the same way.
As if summoned by the thoughts, (Y/N) stepped in through the doors of Guzmas room, his Scizor following close behind him, his Alolan Marowak not far behind, both carrying large sacks with them. (Y/N) was carrying another large sack over his shoulder as well. He stopped in front of Guzma, his expression as stoic as always, but there was a faint glint in his eyes that meant he was excited about something.
“Whats up babe?” Guzma asked, still leaning on his hand, trying to ignore Vikavolt who had flown over to his chair and was nudging against his hand for pets. That’s when the tiny barely noticeable smile pulled onto (Y/N)s lips and he plopped the sack down at his feet, the fabric pulling open and z-crystals pouring out. Bug z-crystals.
Guzmas jaw dropped as the two pokemon following the man dropped their sacks as well, exposing even more crystals. It had to be all the crystals on the island there were so many, the Team Skull boss didn’t know how to react as his felt a grin grow on his face. Of course his handsome and strong boyfriend would be able to do something like this, why was he even surprised.
Guzma chuckled softly as he got to his feet, stepping over the many crystals as he leant in a kissed (Y/N), the other mans hands coming up to rest on Guzmas hips as he pulled him closer. They both ignored the sound of (Y/N)s pokeballs snapping open and releasing all his pokemon, the room becoming slightly cramped at all the pokemon in it alongside the two men.
That’s when they felt something coil around their bodies, the warm length of the body and the hissy noises it made as if laughing immediately let them know it was (Y/N)s first pokemon and trusted friend, Centiskortch. The bug-fire pokemon seemed to snicker at them as Guzma squaked at the action, but (Y/N) just rolled his eyes and leant down to kiss Guzma again.
Centiskortch got itself into a comfortable position around its trainer and its trainer’s partner, holding the two humans close as the pokemon decided to take a short nap. Guzma rested his head against (Y/N)s shoulder and released a sigh he didn’t know he was holding, maybe it wasn’t so bad as long as the stoic man was with him, he was sure tomorrow would be better.
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year2000electronics · 1 month
You there! Pokeverse creator! explain the general plot of Pokemon Iridium and the major differences in a simplified way!
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well sure! truth be told iridium is kinda just me going “here’s how i would change the plots of pokémon stories if i had creative control!” and being very self indulgent with it, so it’s not like it’s one big overarching story, but i’d say one of the major themes is definitely legendary pokémon and how they interact with the world! i treat them more like gods than really powerful pokémon (you know, how green myths will have stories of the gods screwing around and messing with mortals all the time) because i think legendary pokémon are so cool and i like them :]
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i crammed all the protagonists together on this canvas so there they all are but i’ll try to summarize the different arcs as best as i can
RED AND BLUE (gen 1): team rocket has taken over kanto and johto and fused them into The Rocket Empire. giovanni has captured the legendary birds and keeps them as pets. red tries and fails to stop giovanni from using mewtwo to unlock travel to alternate dimensions. he gets so sad about this he goes to live alone on a mountain
GOLD AND GREEN (gen 2): green, red’s kid friend, wants to get red down from the mountain. gold, the heir to team rocket (he’s basically like if gold and silver fused) tries to stop her from messing with the rockets. archer, a former rocket leader who defected, befriends green because they both wanna take down the rockets. red comes down from mt silver at the end, revealing the legendary beasts were protecting him up there
EMERALD (gen 3): may and her family (norman and zinnia) are the last of the draconids. archie and maxie are trying to expand the land/expand the sea. near the end of their evil plans they get possessed by groudon and kyogre who are mad that nobody worships them anymore (because they’re jerks). may and rayquaza work together to beat them. maxie dies during a cave in at the cave of origin so archie puts on a magical suit of armour and hunts down jirachi at the battle frontier to try and get three wishes to revive him, with the help of frontier brain lucy who wants to retire in a big mansion full of hunky boys because she’s sick of being a frontier brain
DIAMOND AND PEARL (gen 4): dawn and lucas are the human disguises of dialga and palkia who get sent down to earth every time giratina gets incarnated into another human vessel that’s about to cause trouble (it’s a banishment thing). in the past they were sent to defeat volo (legends arceus) but now they’re sent to defeat cyrus. cyrus ends up breaking the cycle by going into the distortion world and living there happily
BLACK AND WHITE (gen 5): rosa is a plasma researcher and sees colress as a father figure. her and n take a journey across a slowly-freezing-over unova. ghetsis and colress are secretly behind it using kyurem’s ice powers, but they’re using panic and fearmongering about the great freeze to get people to release their pokémon. rosa has a crisis of faith about her mentor
X AND Y (gen 6): zeena (daughter of looker and anabel) is about to become a real interpol agent, she just needs to solve the mystery of team flare in kalos. it’s a bunch of rich kids who believe beauty is the only important thing and that the beautiful should be the judge, jury, and executioner since they’re the worthy ones. in a dramatic twist it’s revealed that professor sycamore was the leader of team flare all along. when he tries to use yveltal to construct the ultimate weapon, yveltal and xerneas get so mad at him that they curse him to be stuck in between life and death
SUN AND MOON (gen 7): moon is a rocket empire refugee that moved to alola. her and lillie have to stop an emotionally unstable guzma from teaming up with the great magician lusamine and basically hunting the ultra beasts for sport. alola’s tradition hangs in the balance as both outsiders and frustrated insiders attack it. poni island gets burnt down. episode rainbow rocket happens where giovanni finally returns from his multiversal travels, revealing successful versions of every team leader so far (and some guy named raihan) that he’s poisoned with nihilego toxins to get them to work for him. moon and a defector (named twozma) kick their butts so hard that giovanni retires and kanto and johto get to be individual regions again
SWORD AND SHIELD (gen 8): leon is of royal blood, having descended from leonidas, the first king of galar. through a series of events, eternatus (a lovecraftian cosmic horror) possesses leon to use as his vessel in his ultimate quest to take over galar and absorb all the power on the planet. raihan has daddy issues.
SCARLET AND VIOLET (gen 9): thanks to sada and turo, paldea gets shattered across dimensions, so now there exists two versions of it: one stuck in the past and one stuck in the future. the ai counterparts of sada and turo have to help two kids, marisol and pedro, fix it and turn paldea back to normal. champions are evil. blueberry academy is evil. kieran turns his enemies into cursed masks
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vewyscawywriting · 1 year
Lovin' Ya Boy
Fandom: Pokémon
Pairing: Guzma x F!Reader
Tags: Throne sex, creampie, cowgirl, dry humping, cockwarming
Wordcount: 1308
Summary:  You meet up with Guzma in the Shady House and you have fun with him on his "throne".
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Making your way through the Shady House in Po town, you silently enjoyed the way the grunts stayed far away from you, casting scared glances around corners and from dark hallways your way. You had beaten them enough for them to have a begrudging respect for you... or maybe it was more like you scared the shit out of them. You chuckled to yourself. Good. 
The fact that you were often found in the Shady House was also a thing that seemed to disturb the grunts. You were usually found around Po town, beating some thugs and pestering their big boss. The fact that you weren't afraid of him, and the fact that he didn't seem to do anything to you made more fear and respect grow in them.
Little did they know that the reason big bad Guzma didn't do anything to you was because you had developed quite the relationship with the man.
The door to his room was in front of you, and you knocked twice, yelling at Guzma that you were coming in either way, and you swung the door open, revealing his dark room.
Guzma was sat on his "throne" in all his glory and you grinned at him.
"Hey Guz, how's life?"
The boss looked up, frowning face actually lightening a bit when he saw you. You closed the door behind you as you struck a silly pose. 
"Y/N!" he said, and by god did it make you feel good to hear the way he said it. 
You skipped over to his throne, wasting no time to push his computer to the side and planting yourself on his lap. Both legs on either side of his hips as you made yourself comfortable on his thighs. 
"I missed you," you murmured to him as you put your arms around his neck. The man that commanded the entirety of Team Skull, the man whose name struck fear into the hearts of the citizens of Alola, that man was yours. And he was like putty in your hands as you slowly brought your lips over to his'. 
Of course you were his' as much as he was yours as well, but he didn't need to know that.
"I missed you too," he said back as you removed your lips from his', his eyes glued to yours as you smiled at him below you.
"Oh yeah? How much?"
He grabbed your hips, pushing your core against his already hard erection.
"That much."
You groaned at the rough contact, and honestly you had missed him just as much. You couldn't wait to feel his length inside of you, hearing his hissed curses in your ear. "Oh my, is that a pokéflute in your pocket?" you joked, nipping his lips and moving further down his chin, biting his adams apple with a little more force than he expected as you went down to nibble on his neck. He winced and groaned as he bucket up to you, grinding himself against your clothed pussy as his large hands groped your ass, kneading the cheeks roughly as he pushed you down on him needily. 
"Always so rough with your boy," he hissed, but you knew he liked it when you were a little rough with him, and honestly he was rough with you too, and he didn't hear you complaining about it. 
You moved off his lap, slapping his hands away as you shimmied out of your pants and panties, getting back up on his lap without giving him time to remove his sweats. His dick was straining against the fabric, and as you started grinding your wet pussy on his erection you saw a dark spot appear on it from both his precum and your juices leaking on him.
"Guz," you moaned against his neck as you kept biting and sucking on a spot that you knew drove him crazy. His entire body lay limp on the throne as the only thing he moved were his hips, rutting up against you as you grinded down on him with a snappy rhythm. He groaned your name, warning you of his quickly approaching release with urgency. You just grinned down at him, continuing your grinding even faster, running your hands under his shirt to pinch his nipples as his hips started to stutter, his hands caught in your shirt as he grasped almost desperately at you and the fabric. 
"Shit y/n," he groaned, higher pitched than his normal sounds, and you looked at him with a lovestruck expression. 
"Come for me, Guz," you said, and shivered as you felt his hands push you down on him tightly and the dark spot on his pants expanded rapidly as he came with a needy groan of your name. 
He needed a second to come down from his high, but you were already pulling his now sticky sweats off impatiently, licking your lips at his half hard cock. He wasn't extremely big, but he was thick, and you loved the look of it. At your hungry look he started hardening again, a prominent vein bulging and throbbing as his length called to you. You'd given him blowjob after blowjob while he was seated on his throne, but today was not the day. He'd already come once, and you had not, and that needed to change, quickly. 
"Ready for me, Guz?" you whispered to him as you moved your dripping core over his throbbing erection and he kissed you deeply as a reply, his rough hands pushing at your ass to take what you needed from him only if you were snappy about it. And so you did, lining yourself up and falling down on his length with a gasp at the stretch. It hurt, but in such a good way, and you wasted no time to start bouncing on his lap, knees on either side of his legs and hands on the handles of his chair. 
The rhythm was messy and uneven, alternating between bouncing enthusiastically on his cock to slow grinding. His head was thrown back, and you went back to sucking the dark hickey you had made earlier. He'd complain about it later, but he'd never cover it up, and you loved to stake your claim on him. 
"Guz," you whimpered, getting closer and closer to your release, legs shivering, but not letting up just yet. 
"Y/n," he groaned back, eyes half lidded and mouth open as he panted and rutted up into you. "Fuck, you're beautiful," he hissed through gritted teeth, as his hands held you tightly to him. 
He throbbed inside of you harder than earlier and you knew he was close, but so were you and you toppled over the edge with a cry of his name as his hand found your clit, applying rough pressure.
He followed you straight after, coming inside of you and dripping down your legs on his seat. "Shiit, Guzma-" you gasped as you came down from your height, and he kissed you deeply, almost desperately, hands gripping you tightly as if he was afraid you were gonna vanish. 
"I still can't believe the grunts have no idea about our relationship," you giggled as you felt him soften inside of you, but not getting up just yet, enjoying the warm feeling of both his cum and his dick inside of you. 
"They're not very smart," Guzma replied, running his hands through your sweaty hair as he shivered when you laid down on top of him, his dick still inside. 
You hummed in reply, just basking in the warmth that was him, slowly drifting off as he kissed your forehead gently, staying inside of you as you fell asleep. He wouldn't trade this for the world, even if he was the leader of the enemy group and you were the Alolan champion.
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kaibutsushidousha · 7 months
How would you rank the Pokemon champions and villain bosses?
1) N: The most written character in all of Pokémon.
2) Guzma: Nothing in Pokémon made me feel things as much as first visiting Po Town did. That plus his background tidbits form a very sympathetic loser I care for a lot.
3) Lusamine: The tragedy of her family is delightful on all of its members, but Lusamine is certainly the weakest link to it due to being more of a perpetrator than a victim. I also love both of her designs, with her Nihilego form being easily the second-best-looking Pokémon woman, behind on Valerie.
4) Maxie and Archie: Accidental comedy duo. Their goals are stupid in the most endearing and memeable ways, and their reactions to the consequences of their actions somehow still manage to be a resonating moment. Ranking them separately is silly, but if I had to, Maxie is the best for his general pretentiousness, inside jokes, and being the Jouji voice in Master Sex.
5) Blue: The rival becoming the Champion for 5 minutes is a perfect endpoint of a rival arc and every one of Blue's successors, even the ones that are better characters than him, suffer from not being the one who pulled this off. Raticate-based content is also often good.
6) Alder: A cool design can carry you a long way. Seriously, he nails the wandering monk aesthetic so neatly. Volcarona, Reuniclus, and Chandelure are also sublime picks. And I love how his contributions to the plot are meaningful advice rather than the more distant and professional company that Wallace and Cynthia offer.
7) Rose: Funny anxiety man, arguably cuter and more memeable than the Hoenn villains, only lower than them because of how messily the Galar finale is delivered. Immense bonus points for his part as an accessory to Bede's character.
8) Wallace: Like with Alder, a cool design can carry you a long way. Milotic as an ace is also an immense plus. I suppose Emerald also makes him useful, but if that was a major factor, Cynthia would have been a lot higher.
10) Lance: Having the second-to-last boss become a sequel final boss always has a big feeling of downgrade, but that's offset well enough by making him cool in the Red Gyarados arc and his relationship with Clair.
11) Cynthia: Infodump character for Sinnoh mythology, which is not nearly as interesting as it should have been. Gets some points for the generally great choices of Pokémon and for actually feeling powerful in gameplay.
12) Kukui: Funny professor with a lot of presence but none very memorable. Being the Champion fight, and a surprisingly challenging one, is a big shock, but nothing really amazing on further thought.
13) Archer: Pathetic underling, therefore immediately more interesting than his nothingburger boss.
14) Leon: Dude that game insistently tries to sell as cool but never actually gets to be cool. Only above Steven because he's the one who gets to make the poignant commentaries on Sword/Shield's themes and because he's genuinely good as an accessory to Hop's arc.
15) Steven: Generic champion that never gets to be interesting, but gets points for only having cool Pokémon in his team.
16) Cyrus: Gets points for being memeable but not enough to compensate for how unfun his actual character is. Being soulless by design doesn't make it meaningful when the Sinnoh games are not saying anything about emotion.
17) Ghetsis: Plot device to make N innocent. Only above Giovanni because I like some Pokémon in his team.
18) Giovanni: Just a yakuza boss without any fun projects. The Gym Leader twist was a wow thing on the first run but never amounts to anything, like with Kukui being the Champion fight. Did he ever interact with Silver? Not in anything I played, I think.
19) Diantha: Has the bare minimum story presence and doesn't even use it well.
20) Lysandre: Has one of the stupidest villain plans, made even more ridiculous by the version differences between X and Y, but his aesthetic and delivery are so bad that it manages to make it not funny.
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crazygemini-world · 2 years
Here's a guzma x older male reader
Guzma = in his 20's/reader= 30
So I'm a sucker for appreciation/comfort and sibling figure in anime and for me Guzma would feel like a burden if he'd talk about his worries to the team(he feels like he needs to be strong for them) so what better but a older brother who knows him like the back of his hands ?
Mentions:theres a theory that Guzma was abuse by his father so warning because it will mention it (and no I don't glorify abuse but I think it's a possibility that what happen to him because of the clues in the game)
Guzma always act as if everythings alright or at least try,there's somedays he'd lock himself away in his room and would not come out for days.But this time was different and Plum's worried cause's it's been five days,Guzma still didn't come out,not even to eat.
Seeing the way things are going she decides to go and look for someone who she knows would be able to understand and talk to Guzma,his brother.She knows very little about him she heard once while going to talk to Guzma that he was living not to far from Po town so Plum started to search and After hours without success she stumble upon a man with a Beautifly and a Ribombee.He was crafting something ? like a scarf with matching colors with the Beautifly.
She then noticed the similarities of features he had in common with Guzma,the eyes the nose,the jaw .It was without any doubt the one she was searching for.Plum slowly came up behind the older man but before being able to speak a Meowth alart him of her presence.
He turn around with surprise, he's three pokemons on the ready to fight.
"I ain't here to fight ya man !I actually need ya help..."
"My help ?Wait,are you Plumeria ?"
"Yeah that's me"
"Excuse me for that *shows pokemons*I've been provocked in a fight by surprise and dis not like it"
"That's alright but ya are Guzma brother's right ?"
"I am,he told you about me ?"
"Na I learnt about while interupting one of your calls"
"Oh alright,so what do you need help for ?"
"Guzma been locked up in his room for days and we can't get him to get out even to eat"
"How long ?"
"five days"
"Lead the way"
Without any information he got up and,followed by his pokemons,followed Plumeria to Po Town. Once arrived he doesn't bother to introduce himself,he just go straight to Guzma room with the indecations Plum told him the way .
Once arrived to his destination he slowly knocks on the door.
"Guzma ?"
He hear a sudden shuffling of fabrics then the door unlock in a seconde .Now in front of him was a tired Guzma looking more like a mess then usual,puffy eyes,in baggy clothes which looks more bigger on him than they should,he overall looked fragile.
"hey...is it alright if...I come in ?"
Guzma nods slightly and stand out the ways to let his brother enter his room.Y/n pokemons stayed guarding the door to prevent any curious to heavedrop on them.
The room was a mess but less than he expected.Guzma didn't bother to try to do the tough guy,he went for a hug and started crying.Y/n knew what it could be related to,but did not know what trigger it.While hugging him back he slowly bring them to the floor.He didn't want Guzma to fall because of his state.
"Now breathe,you're safe,you're with me.Please tell me what happened."
Guzma now calmer stayed silent a little moment then proceed to explain.
"I saw Kukui and he told me that I wasn't going to acheive anything and then he moved his arm and...it...it made me go back and...."
Y/n thighten his hug knowing what he was going to say all too well
"I was so scared,I won't stop getting nightmares and...and...what if he comes back or..."
Not letting him finish,he push him away enough that Guzma look at him in his eyes.
"What happen with dad is over.I handled it.He will NEVER hurt you again and don't forget that you have your friends and me to protect you !"
"...really ?"
"Have I ever lied to you ?"
"If ya did ,I never found out"
While finally smiling the brothers stay a little more alone talking about all and nothing.Y/n even managed to make Guzma laugh.After sometime Guzma changed clothes,took a shower (he needed it) and finally goes out his room tightly holding Y/n hand's.
"Ya got him to finally go out ?"
"Yes,he's alright now"
"I'm right here ya now"
Then all of the grunts started to ask if he was okay,if he needed anything,telling that they're happy to see him.That's when he realise that in a corner his brother was smiling.He smiled back he was happy.
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yuurivoice · 2 years
Just wanted to say that I admire you and your work, it’s all very astounding! I still find myself listening to your old Guzma audios cuz that’s how I first discovered your channel. I remember when I first listened to the Galar series I was so upset about the break up and like pissed at Guzma and then I had to be like “Girl stfu he ain’t real💀🤣” But you do an amazing job at really bringing the characters to life. I know the Guzma audios are basically kinda over with which is okay because you have such amazing other stories and I understand this is stressful but maybe some day Y/n from the Guzma Galar arc will meet again and hopefully try to get back together? I hope all is well with you and things get better! Also sorry about the rant I have my first college midterms so I’m nervous af💀 Remember your needs come first and it’s okay to prioritize yourself before others. Take care! ❤️
"I know the Guzma audios are basically kinda over with..."
Dunno about that, I just wrote the next installment of the Guzma x Professor series, which has hinted at being something resembling closure for the Galar Guzma series! Guzma is still very much a thing, my schedule has just been a hot mess.
Old listener from that series won't be making some sorta comeback, but there might be some references, loose ends tied up, and lots of Guzma goodness in this series.
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teamskulladventures · 2 months
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Guzma x Burnt Out Reader
When Burn Out Strikes, Take a Stroll Why Dontcha?
The loud disgruntled moans soon followed by the antsy shaking of your body indicated one thing. You were bored out of your ass. On days you had missions being a Team Skull Grunt was loads of fun. Well if you consider beating up the locals and running from the law as a means of a good time. However, on any other given day, sitting in your shared room, as the rain continues to pour outside as it always did, boredom would come back to haunt you.
Plenty of other grunts would share the feeling and thus over time the grunts would eventually come up with their own "boredom busters" to help pass the time. "Sleeping" and "eating" were the first ideas to be tact onto this unwritten list. A true testament to the sheer creativity that oozes out of these teens and young adults alike. When those ideas came and went, to no ones surprise, more "adventurous" ideas entered the scene.
Laying on your bed your roommates would soon notice your fidgeting body. And so ideas would be thrown around left and right to try and help you overcome todays trial of restlessness.
A young pink haired female grunt would chime in "You could always spray the far left side of the left wall. There should be enough room for SOME piece if you don't mind gettin' a bit soaked."
It wasn't a bad idea per say. Spraying half of Alola in Team Skull parfaneilia was the only other thing you grunts did but a smack to the back of the pink grunts head would say otherwise.
The grunt who dished out the smack was a much older grunt with green spiked hair "No you dolt! That spot is already claimed by me!"
The pink haired grunt would bite back "Well I don't see your name on it!"
The green haired male would answer back annoyed "That would defeat the point of it being an empty spot! If I put my name on it then there's no room for anything else!"
"Not my problem" the pink haired grunt mumbled back
Well that idea was thrown out the window as the two grunts started to argue. Trying to drown out their pointless bickering some of the other grunts would try to pitch in their own ideas. Each one worse than the last.
Freestyle rapping, freestyle dancing, trying to beat up trainers for fun, stealing, stealing nanu's shit, tagging nanu's building, backfliping off the side of the building, attempted parkor.
No. No! NO!
You appreciated the efforts. You did! You truly did, but was there anything that you could do that didn't either land you in the PokeCenter or the Slammers?
Feeling your frustration boil over you made the decision to throw in the towel and realize that todays boredom had conquered you. Tossing your blankets aside and hoisting yourself off the rickety mattress your footsteps pounded throughout the mansion. Some of the grunts even mistook you for the boss with the sheer force your feet were hitting the floor and quickly got out of the way.
Making your way down the stairs and out the door, light rain washed over your body as you plant your behind on the mansion steps.
Your Partner Pokemon shakes in your pocket before bursting out to try and comfort it's trainer. Your lovely little mareep, a cutie but a fighter as well. She lays across your lap, she was the runt of the litter and was told she would never make it. You hated how little your family saw in her, so much so that she's partially the reason why your currently soaking out in Po Towns rain. Still her floofy warm fur was a nice comfort when days seemed grey and dull and today was no different. Brushing her floof and staring up into the bleak rainy sky the boredom never truly left. Was it always going to be like this? Lagging days after lagging days? Missions being your only means of dopamine that fade in an instant the minute you step back into these empty walls?
Okay . . . so maybe you're being a bit overdramatic.
Okay maybe a LOT overdramtic.
Boredom doesn't mean the end of the world  but . . . auuughhhhhh!!
With mareep in your lap and the cool concrete engulfing your back you hadn't even noticed the hulking figure hovering above you.
"So ya gonna keep sulking like a kid on time out or are ya gonna get off your ass and do something?"
Fixating your gaze you look upon the figure and saw none other than your Boss and Leader, Guzma.
If your eyes could roll to the back of your head. "What's it to ya? Is boredam a crime here?"
Shaking off your blatant attitude Guzma steps down and into the rain, he tries to get a cigarette going with minimal success.
"Tsk . . fine keep pouting like that and looking all miserable and see how far that takes you."
Sitting upright you look at the man currently trying to offer you some "guidance" if you'd call it that. His smoking wasn't something you were going to start picking up to try and pass the time. But sitting in silence to internally curse out the world wasn't all that helpful either.
"You doin' good?"
"You're lookin' tired there, and I know for damn sure it isn't just about bein' bored."
Well he wasn't entirely off. You are consideried to be one of the better grunts. Always trying to do what your told and stand out from the rest. Maybe it's because a part of you believed that you'd receive some sort of grace instead finding out that your reward was days of boredom if you weren't out there disturbing Alola's peace. Day by day you overworked yourself to the bone and for what? Well old habits die hard. You wished you could feel relaxed knowing you've done the bare minimum. Though, if you weren't working till you burned out then we're working hard enough? Maybe that's why you were so hard on yourself when boredom struck. Sitting on your ass when you could be doing something, anything, was enough to get your heart a racin'!
"*under his breath* ah for fuck's sake. *Outloud* Aight' come walk with me." Guzma's voice broke through, causing you to jump a bit in your spot.
"Huh? Why?"
"That wasn't a question. Now move it or stay soaked."
Following behind the two of you pass through Po Towns walls and into the outside world. The rain leaving itself behind while the sun peaked behind grey clouds. You had no idea where he was taking you until your eyes spotted a familiar red meadow. Your gaze looked upon the sea of flowers and, besides two trainers battling in the distance, Ula'Ula Meadows was practically empty.
The whole scene seemed sureal. You didn't take Guzma as the type to want to stroll around a garden for relaxation.
"Okay Grandpa I see you. I see you. Damn whats next on the list. Bingo with Grandma Plums?"
Feeling the smack of his hand on your neck you still notice the small smile through that tough guy demeanor.
"Knock it off. . I just come here sometimes when I run out of shit to throw at my wall. And what's with the grandma comment. You know imma tell her you said that and let's see how well that turns out for you." Looking at you with a smirk running across his face Guzma starts to sit down onto the wooden walkway as the sunsets in the distance.
You follow suit and allow for your mareep to run free through the folliage. Still in the back of your mind this whole thing felt so . . . so . relaxing, not at all what you were used to back in the shady house.
"Look . . I get it. Sometimes a couple drinks or pounding fists at the wall doesn't give you that instant release you're searching for. . so if you want you can always come out here to cool off."
"Seriously?" You look up at him curiously.
"*Blushing* Well yeah? . .*He rubs the back of his head* . . . not like being a part of this team means your my damn prisoner. *Tsk* but don't take this as an opportunity to ditch out on any of your duties here got that!"
You giggle softly. That's the Guzma you know and look up to. Relaxing a bit in your seat you watch as your Mareep frolics happily with a few wild Oricorio. Everything felt a peace for once.
"Sorry for making fun if you for this. . . It's really nice actually. Thank you."
Guzma turns his attention away. Your kind words can't stop him from blushing harder. Some would tease him for this. This place apparently isn't the only thing that makes Guzma feel comfortable. Guzma only pats your head in return as the two of you watch light of the sun fade into the deep blue in the distance as the moon rises to take it's place as the watcher of the night.
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pandaemoanium · 2 years
(for the pokemon ask thingy)
1 through 5, 13, 16, 17, 26, 39 and 40!
oh man thats a lot at once lmao, answers under the cut
1 - What’s your favorite Pokémon? - i love arcanine, mareep and tyranitar!
2 - What’s your least favorite Pokémon? - castform
3 - Which games did you play first? - red, i still have the same game cartridge that i got as a xmas gift when i was 4yo
4 - Which games are your favorite? - g/s/c! gen 2 had the best ost and aesthetic hands down
5 - Which games are your least favorite? - probably x/y, i havent played b/w or anything after s/m so i cant rly say anything abt those
13 - Which evil team is your favorite? - im gonna be basic and say team rocket, imo they were the most fleshed out baddies (to be fair they did have over 2 generations worth of lore and screen time) but i also really like team skull for their goofiness, guzma my beloved
16 - What are your favorite battle themes? - Crystal - Legendary Beast - ORAS - Zinnia - BW - N Final Battle - SM - Guzma
17 - What are your favorite location/city themes? - GSC - National Park - RSE - Littleroot Town - GSC - Ecruteak City
26 - If you could make a region based off of anywhere in the world, where would you choose? - it would be cool to maybe see some kinda mediterranean inspired region???? alternatively we could go for full on depressing european brutalism for the upcoming rated E for Edgy spinoff
39 - If you were a gym leader, what type would you be? - fire or dark
40 - Would you rather live in a world where Pokémon are real? - in a perfect scenario yeah, but im pretty sure the bigwigs and authorities would immediately start exploiting the poor things and they dont deserve that so im gonna pass
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regiqoa · 4 years
Guys, The Shape Of Bugs is one kudos away from reaching a hundred kudos! Please consider giving it a read and thus the hundredth kudos, PLEASE! I worked my entire ASS off on that 4th chapter! (Comments are just as appreciated)
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lemonclemontadmin · 5 years
One Week Left!! Masters please give me these guys 🥺😍
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skull-grunt-judi · 7 years
Continued from X
Flinching when the door swung open she took a step back lowering her head as she mumbles a soft apology under her breath, glimpsing up at Guzma her eyed darted to the tattoos. She leaned a bit looking then over briefly, she had always had a fascination with tattoos. And she wasn't going to lie to herself, Guzma’s were incredible. 
When he spoke she flinched returning her gaze back towards the ground nodding softly in response, she looked to Kaleo as he spoke up from the spot on the carpet.
Thinking back to the bodies she chewed on her bottom lip, her face flushing in embarrassment when he told Guzma about her throwing up. Her eyes going wide as she heard the compliment. 
“How many times do people usually throw up?... If y-you dont mind me asking...” She stood up a little straighter as she begun to talk only to slowly sink back down once more. She wasn't as small as she made herself appear to be, she purposely tried to hide herself it seemed.
“Mmm?!” She glanced at Kaleo before back up to Guzma, her thoughts scrabbling. “I dont have anything t-to say... I w-was just told t-that r-reporting to y-you would be g-good.” She breathed in deeply before nervously chewing on her nail for a moment eyes darting around as she thought. 
“I... I mean I’ve got to l-learn eventually r-right? I’ll go...” She took some initiative, she had something good rolling right now. He was impressed with her right now. She could keep this up, keep impressing him, showing him she wasn't a mess like she displayed herself to be. 
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wattpadscapcons · 3 years
Say Guzma has a female S/O who has been abused in the past by her ex, who controlled her every movement and thought he owned her. How does Guzma comfort her and makes her feel safe and happy around himself?
Oh jeez, this is rather some dark subject matter.... Also welcome to my blog! Always nice to have another Pokémon fan stop by. Guzma going through his own level of trauma, it's just a bad situation, but I'm sure he'd do his best.
All Because Of Them (Guzma x Reader)
Let's be honest, Guzma isn't the best at comforting others. He's even had trouble keeping his own Pokémon from getting upset. It's all stemmed from how he was raised, but he's been getting better because of you.
Lately though, you've been having some issues of your own, and he's been having trouble getting you to calm down. Nightmares mostly, about them, again and again you suffer from their torment. You can't even seem to escape them if you aren't awake and curled up against your boyfriend. He was less than happy to know that the dreams have been becoming more frequent.
He knows exactly what happened with your ex, mostly because he was the one who ended it for you before they took your soul entirely. You two were friends previously to your relationship with your ex. When your ex told you to start cutting people out of your life, Guzma put his foot down.
"You're just going to let them control you Y/N? Where are they right now? I have a few things I'd like to say myself."
"I had to sneak out, they're still at "home", probably asleep."
"Well they'll be waking up real soon whether they want to or not."
Guzma had thought about killing them at some point, most of those thoughts rushing in when you wake up gasping for air.
"Y/N, hey you're ok..."
"But! I-"
"It was just a dream. Look around you for a second."
".....I'm sorry for waking you up again."
"Don't be. I don't sleep much in general anyways."
You didn't want to tell him everything they did, and he probably couldn't handle it if you did. He's suffered some levels of abuse himself, but it's very different for you. It was all because of them that you flinch so much when people go in for a hug, or to show some form of affection. He just does his best to keep you happy around him, which isn't exactly hard since you view him as a sort of savior. The only time that issues arise is when he gets angry, but because of you, he's learning to curve that anger of his.
It sometimes keeps him up at night. 'What did they do to you Y/N?' He'd never have the guts to ask, at least, not yet. Maybe one day, but until either of you are ready, you'll continue to lean on each other for support. God knows just how much you need each other right now.
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biostris · 3 years
Please any and eberythign for Guzma with a nonbinary reader who is going to cut their hair short? I know I am gonna do it in an it a week and I know I am finally gonna look more like ME but I also know that lots of the people at the place I work at are gonna be like " But you were so PRETTY with your long hair ):" and it's hard to not feel a bit self conscious
A/N: I whole heartedly feel your pain, when I wanted to cut my hair short my mom did everything she could to stop it but I got it anyways and have had my hair short for some time now!! You’ll look wonderful im sure of it!!
Again no gif because tumblr hates me.
:Guzma X NB! Reader HC’s- Haircut:
You had finally made the decision to bite the bullet and cut your hair, you were sick of the feeling that your long hair gave you, not only was the up keep stupid and expensive but also you didn’t think it really fit you
You didn’t mention it to the gang due to the poor responses you had gotten at work, most of which sadly brought up your assigned birth and made things even more bleh-
Even though the squad would never, and they would beat those peoples asses!! But in your mind it was better safe than sorry :(
The day the appointment was made came and you had told Guzma and plumes you were going out to get some groceries and do other things with your pokemon too
Guzma tried to come a long, being the subtly cling man he is but plumes held him back for you as you skedaddled out the door and off to get your hair whacked!
The appointment wasn’t too long and at the end of it you felt fresh, happy and finally you felt like you!! It was such a euphoric feeling as you stepped into the Alolan sun and felt the cool breeze tickle the back of your neck
You came home and immediately the crew was showering you with compliments, both directly and indirectly
“Woah they look so cool!!”
“Way to rock the new do (y/n)!”
It brought a big happy goofy grin to your face to hear so many compliments but you felt nervous about Guzmas reaction. After all some folks didn’t have the best reactions to decisions such as this
When you stepped into his throne room he was of course initially shocked but he jumped up to his feet to greet you asap
He gave you a little kiss on your nose and began to run his fingers through your shorter locks with wonder “I like it! It looks good on you lightning bug!”
Hearing his approval and support made you so happy, especially as he played with your hair, “now if we can only convince you to dye it!! I think you’d look cool in purple.” He jested earning a soft punch from you on his pudge
The whole day Guzma and the crew complimented you and treated you like a monarch. Guzma also helps you do at home cuts for when moneys tight or you just don’t want to get out of the house and even sometimes for the fun of it styles it like his
At the end of the day, long hair, short hair or even no hair he loves you all the same
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