#gw2 jormag
bug-abortion · 5 months
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Concept art for Jormag's wyrm form in my Guild Wars 2/Hollow Knight crossover au, based off their canon design, their canon concept art, and concept art done by @sevilai ! Their work below:
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starlightsuncrow · 1 year
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Why...            won’t you....                                R̨̛̗̬̥̓ͫ̒́e̵̤͗́ś̴́ͅt̛̩̽ ...
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skritt-shinies · 2 years
Are you a gw2 fan artist? Are you in desperate need of references for the Elder Dragons?
Fear not! I am here!
I’ve compiled an exhaustive google drive chock full of references of our wonderful elder dragons! MAJOR SPOILER WARNING! If you open this drive, you will be viewing spoilers for the ENTIRETY of GW2, INCLUDING END OF DRAGONS!!!
Here is the drive! Enjoy!
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frolicinq · 1 year
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A scene from my Hollow Knight/Guild Wars 2 crossover au where Jormag tries to take over Hallownest. In this scene, Jormag uses their abilities to both read Hollow's mind and speak to them telepathetically.
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milkratz · 1 year
tw: violence, gore, death
Lourdelle recounts the story of when she was forced to leave her Homestead and flee the Far North.
“There’s a glade,” They began calmly, their hands for once free of the clawed gauntlets. Like the rest of her, their hands were not free from scars and burns. “It’s near the remnants of my old homestead. There’s a hotspot beneath it, keeps the snow and frost off it. Even in the depths of winter, when the sun won’t rise for months, the ground stays warm. The water stays clear. The flowers don’t die.” 
They paused. With their eyes hidden behind their mask, there was little to determine about their expression. Their body remained still, but their hands fidgeted in their lap. 
“The glade was the one place I was allowed to go outside the homestead without my mother. The wards were carved in trees and rocks, so there wasn’t fear about things getting in there. I didn’t do much, there, really. I’d lay, soak in the warmth, wash my hands and face in the water. It was safe. It was supposed to be safe.”
Her voice became hard. A sudden drop in tone that sent a feeling like steel clanging against steel, a full-body ache, down your spine. 
“I knew something was wrong when my mother left that night. It was so early in the evening, and winter was almost over. The sun had been just breaching the horizon for a while now, and everyone was excited for spring. But my mother- She seemed... on edge. She gathered her bow and blade, told me to stay. She said stay. And I didn’t listen. I waited for a while. I thought she’d be back perhaps, especially when I saw other warriors join her. “
In her hands, she clutched something small and silver. It glinted when it caught light from the fire, which illuminated the hard-set face of it’s carrier. 
“But it got later. And later. And yet, she still did not return. And I... I thought, perhaps, she’d forgotten about me.” Her voice broke a little, a tinge of uncertainty. “She had only seen me hours before, how could she have forgotten about me? And yet, that feeling didn’t leave. So I dressed, and I left.”
“My mother always had a certain scent; Like the smell in the air when you sit at a shrine, a burning smell, like herbs catching fire. It lingered, the snow catching it, turning it cold. But I could still follow it, and I did. For some reason, you could no longer see the sun. It had begun to snow, clogging the ground, covering any tracks that might’ve been left. The sky was black.”
Her head lilted to the side, a distressed sound leaving her lips. “I followed her to the glade. The glade, it was supposed to be warm. And yet- And yet, it was cold. No, not cold; Freezing. It turned my fingers blue just approaching it. There was no grass, it was covered in snow. It felt like the Earth itself had dipped into a frozen river. And... there she was.”
There was a sniffle, and her hands dropped the locket on the floor. They looked up, at the ceiling, the hard wooden planks crossed over one another. “She was overwhelmed. She was fighting this... this thing. An icebrood, but not... not a normal one. It was huge. It grabbed my mother in it’s claw like she was a doll. I could hear her bones crush. Icebrood and Svanir surrounded her, laughed as she died. I could see the blood drip around its grip. And t hen, it lifted her to it’s maw and-.”
Her voice broke off, and a small, terrible giggle fell. Tears were soaking the fabric wrapped around their eyes, leaking down her face, the streaks illuminated by the firelight. 
“Y’know what they say? That a decapitated head is still active for a little after it’s been chopped off? I watched her head fall. I heard it hit the ground. I saw it roll until her eyes rose to meet mine. And I screamed.” 
Almost as though whatever force was keeping her sitting still and straight had suddenly vanished, she collapsed forward. Her body hunched in on herself as she shook. “They all saw me. They saw me and I ran. I’ve never run so fast in my damn life, couldn’t, up till that point. Too sick, too weak, too frail. Like a damn fawn trying to stand for the first time. I ran for hours. I didn’t stop til I couldn’t hear them after me. The snow had picked up and it made it hard to see, but it also meant it was hard to see for them too. Covered my tracks too. It was the first time I ever invoked a spirit, to keep me going.” 
“It was like that for days. I ran, until I would collapse, and then I’d wake up and do it again. I fled South, till I found some caravans for other refugees; Kodan, Norn, Quaggan, all people who’d been forced from their homes by Jormag. They went South, and I stuck with them till they took me to Hoelbrak. I could barely speak Common, just picked some up from the travels, and got some other refugees who had been there longer to teach me some more.”
She fully laid on the ground, rolling over till she lied on her back. “I thought I’d be the one to kill Jormag. I swore it too - But, life got in the way. Seems like I killed every Dragon but the one I wanted to.” Her hands flexed by her sides, clenching and relaxing. 
“I want to go home now.”
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ilona-art · 3 months
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The Elder Dragons of Tyria Series Sponsored by ArenaNet Support me on Patreon <3
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legendaryskyscale · 2 months
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Figure I post these here, lost my drive to finish the rest lol
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thornethenorn · 4 months
Reddit tried to burn me at the stake for this meme for some reason but
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thepinkywarband · 5 days
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Just in time for Dragon Bash - mix n match hands Jormag and a build your own Primordus! these will be available as stickers soon so keep an eye out 🔥❄
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jollycryptid · 23 days
Lone commander AU, where Kittra is chosen as Jormag's Champion instead of Ryland.
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Even while falling for the dragon's manipulation, she absolutely talks back.
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Honestly, she'd be swayed by the promises of finally having some goddamned stability and preservation of things instead of everything almost collapsing every couple of months. Although it'd be a "the road to hell is paved with good intentions" type slow spiral towards villainy for Kittra.
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clemmykins · 6 months
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finally got a good pic of drakkar hot damn
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icebrooding · 4 months
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And as a bonus to my other Valentines post, the silly lizards
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squidaped-oyt · 7 months
Sylvari commanders watching everyone succumb to Jormag's influence at the start of the Icebrood Saga:
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starlightsuncrow · 2 months
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working on giving Muirin, Shen and Himesh finally a design
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orrianreaper · 2 months
GW2 people - Pitch me YOUR idea for an Expansion!
What's the theme, where are we going, what lore threads are we picking up on, what's the story premise, what mechanics do you think it could have.
I love spitballing ideas when I'm talking with friends so I'm posing the question To Everyone because I know everyone has some pet concepts floating around. As self-indulgent as you'd like, as unrealistic as you like, just throw ideas around, I wanna hear them!
The One I think I have the most rounded ideas for would be an Underwater Expansion. Picking up on the threat of whatever is terrorising the deep oceans, having some exploration of the Largos and bringing back in the Quaggan and the Krait maybe!
I love the sort of depths we get in maps like Frostgorge sound, and underwater combat has badly needed a rework and a tune up - there's loads of skills which straight up don't work and break entire builds underwater, and this would be a perfect excuse to try bring it up to speed. Maybe even make the underwater weapon sets function on land, to satisfy those who're after more weapons. You could make the maps a mix of true underwater and perhaps giant air bubble caves so you still had some land exploration even in maps otherwise set deep under the ocean. A map meta split with land phases and water phases. Additionally as personal bias wish, I'd love map event/meta design more like HoT. A map-wide Story with a few chains with specifically Build into the actual true Meta. I also simply love the idea of having a bunch of enemy designs based of the ocean and the abyss, there's so much incredible inspiration and interesting marine life. and biomes too! Give me a hydrothermal vent section in one of the maps, hell underwater 'water' in the form of brine pool 'quicksand'.
The Turtle might get some more use out of it's underwater, and skimmer would absolutely get spotlight as a skyscale isn't going to get you too far here - hell maybe even some speedy new underwater mount could be a fun addition to the roster.
I can see a plot being around trying to work with the Largos, The 'Terror of the Deep' being a danger and learning from them about how to survive the hostile environment and also convince them work with you to Hunt the 'Terror'. Maybe you come to the area of the ocean with the Quaggans and it's convincing the Largos to take them seriously as allies against whatever you're fighting? A quaggan companion character would be really fun, and you could easily bring back Sayeh al' Rajihd from the personal story given Largos involvement. I think not only would it be something very different in terms of the maps, which granted quite a few people might not like (thalassophobia reasons, or general Dislike of Water Gameplay reasons), but I think a rework of the underwater mechanics would benefit a bunch of places and it's something that really doesn't get touched outside of base game and maybe like, the Leviathans in EoD. There's so much neat creature design inspiriation swimming around out there, and I know so many people love the largos and even if not playable getting to see more of them could be neat! Also - it'd finally make all those legendary full people happy. A Legendary Aquabreather :P.
And a new suite of legendary underwater weapons since the G1 set. (and not themed pretty please make them all Unique.)
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wilsons-journey · 11 months
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